#havent talked about everything i want to but point is. im young dont come near me with incest
Rich Girl, Poor Boy (Jungkook x You x Taehyung) (ONESHOT)
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A/N:This is a rare occurance where I write a non-idol AU 😂 and also, its not edited, so expect to find lots of grammatical error and typo errors
Jungkook sighed as he looks up at the stars lining the clear dark skies and stands up to make his way inside the huge ballroom of his family mansion, which is often dark and gloomy but tonight is filled with bright lights and people's laughter. Tower of wine and champagne dotted the table, the food, extravagant, the girls, beautiful, the music, exquisite, his parents would have hire Beethoven himself if he were still alive, anything in the name to show everyone, both enemies and allies, how powerful the Jeon family is.
This is just another normal parties for them, for their "crowd". Jungkook is raised within other big families, wealthy families with empires of their own, all only soughting for one thing; more power. But between all the money talks and business opportunities, Jungkook found one friend he knew he could trust and count on, Kim Taehyung, the one and only heir of the Kim family, his childhood friend, and next door neighbour. Taehyung and Jungkook share no similarities. Whist Taehyung prefer to enjoy the more beautiful parts in life, visiting galleries and taking photos of sceneries he foumd mesmerizing, Jungkook prefer to spend his days partying, drunk till the daylight shines and waking up with girls he wont remember the name of the next day. While Taehyung tries to hide away from his family name and fortune, Jungkook basked in every single cent of it. But still, they are the best of friends, always having each other backs againts their parents,  the judgemental society, the world.
"Hey, where have you gone?" Taehyung smile the moment he saw Jungkook came in front the massive garden door, a drink in his hand.
"Just getting a breather from all..." Jungkook looks around the grand ballromm, bright with expensive decorations and chandeliers, "this,"
Taehyung laughed.
"Why? Dont you like parties? Girls? Champagne? A place to show off your the next Jeon heir? This parties have everything you like roll into one Kookie,"
"Yah, I'm not that bad!" Jungkook glares. "You know I only embraced it because theres no way I can run from it. Or hide. You are just lucky your parents gets you Tae," he smile and pat Taehyung's back.
"And you are lucky you got me," Taehyung winked. Jungkook lets out a laugh. True. He dont think he can hold on to his sanity without Taehyung always anchoring him back. Parties, booze, girls, money, its all fun but what Jungkook really wants is to do music. Write it, sing it, performed it, play it. All of it. But music for the sole Jeon heir? Hah, no way in hell his parents is going to let him. And they are not shy in hiding it either. His parents have been telling him about his responsibility as the family heir every since he could understand what money is. Every chance and opportunity he ever had to play music, his parents destroy without hesitation. He dont have a chance to even explain how music makes him feel.
So he buried all of it deep in the grounds. And if his parents wants him to embrace his life as a Jeon heir, then a Jeon heir hes going to be. Thus, money, parties, booze and girls.
"Maybe I do Tae," he laughs. "Old people alert," Jungkook points to an old couple, a family friend, waltzing their way to the two young men, a young girl in tow, ready to be inteoduced to the duo. Most probably their daughter, niece, granddaughter, Jungkook doesnt care, its all the same. They are all gorgeous, shallow, vain, dumb and absolutely boring.
"They never give up do they? Even when you and Adora are al-"
"Gotta go now," Jungkook quickly move away, hiding himself behind the huge, thick curtains his mother spent a fortune on. Sensing the line is clear, he makes his way swiftly to behind the buffet line, ducking every few second, trying to make it out of the room. Busy looking around for possible old people prospect he hits a wall.
A wall that talks.
"Oww! Watch where you are going you idiot!"
Jungkook immediately looks down to the girl sprawled on the floor. Not only the wall is a girl. A rude girl. And.. a beautiful one.
Jungkook smiles.
Y/N looks up to the man who bumped into her. Hes now just looking at her, not saying anything. She take this opportunity to size him up. Hes all dressed up in a suit, an expensive suit at that, so he must be a guest. Shit, shes so dead. Lets just hope hes not an important guest. He is also very, beey handsome. Y/N was mesmerized for a second before she gets a grip and blinked.
"Oww! Watch where you are going you idiot!"
The man didnt say anythin, just smiling at her.
"Helloo? Are you deaf? You are blind and now you cant talk too?" She huffed and stands up on her own, holding tightly the huge coat covering her torn dress. She needs to het to the bathroom quickly, but this idiot havent moved.
"Excuse me? May I pass?"
"Oh, yeah right," the man smile and move aside a bit. When shes just about to pass him, he suddenly spoke. "How come I have never seen you before?"
Y/N was surprised at the question. In a ballroom as big as this, does this man assume he knows everyone?
"Because you hit your head and I'm just your imagination," Y/N roll her eyes. Isnt that the worse pick up line or what? The man chuckle.
"Hmm witty. I like it. But seriously. Who are you? May I know your name?"
"No. And I'm in a rush to mend my torn dress, so if you will excuse me," Y/N sighed and try to make her way again. The man stops her by pulling her hand, startling her.
"I think I can help with that" he winks and drag her outside the huge ballroom.
"Wait, where are you taking me?! Stop or I'll scream!"
"You can scream but I think you will be the one in trouble. And trust me. Do you think a criminal would wear a suit this good?" He laughs and continue to drag her along. Y/N contemplates on what he said, confused as to what he meant. But it didnt take long when he stops in front of a giant door and push it open.
Inside the room are walls and walls of clothes. Dresses, pantsuits, skirts any piece of clothing one could ever imagined.
"W-what is all this?"
"Take your pick,"
"B-but whose are all this?" Y/N walks and touched all the expensive material with the tip of her fingers. She turns back and look at him."Who are you? How can you know about this?"
Jungkook was taken by surprise.
"U-uh..." he realizes that the girl dont know who he is, and its so refreshing to meet someone who for once doesnt know who he is, and he really wants to keep it that way. "I work here. I manage the performances? These are all costume. So you can borrow one,"
"Really?" Y/N raised an eyebrow. "All these expensive materials are costumes?"
"Hey, the Jeons ask for the best, and I delivered," he shrugs, feigning ignorance. Y/N ponders for a while. If its the Jeons, what he say could be true. Everybody know they live life basking in luxury "Just pick one okay? As a payback for bumping into you,"
"Well.. if you put it that way..." she grins and start to go through all the beautiful dresses she could only have ever imagine of being this close to.
Jungkook leans by the door and look at the mystery girl rummaging through his mother old clothes, a smile unexpectedly creeping up his face.
"By the way, I'm Y/N," she peeked theough the clothes and smile. "Whats yours?"
"Me? I'm uh... J-Jungkook," Y/N immediately turns to face him and raised her eyebrows at the mentioned of the name and Jungkook immediately realizes she knows who "Jungkook" is. "Kim Jungkook," he quickly corrected. "I am Kim Jungkook," he laugh awkwardly, hoping she wont notice anything.
"Jungkook? Thats your name? The same name as the heir to this household?" Y/N asks, curious.
"Uh... yeah. You know him?" Jungkook asks cautiously, crossing his fingers for her answer to be no.
"Not personally, of course," she laughs. "I dont know what he looks like but I do hear that name being mentioned once in a while," she shrugs. "And you work here? Isnt that confusing?" She giggles.
"Uh no. I dont really work in close proximity with him. Hes always out and about. Doing uh... stuff," Jungkook answers nervously. "And we also look totally different,"
"Yeah? Well, if he is as handsome as people say he is, maybe you guys have a lot of similarities," Y/N laughs and went back to dive inside the closet
"Maybe..," Jungkook smiles. "Maybe we do," Oh Y/N, you have no idea.
"You keep texting and smiling these days Y/N. Is someone having a new boyfriend?" Adora giggle and peek her hewd to the phone screen that Y/N is holding, which she quickly hide with a blush on her face.
"N-no. Not a boyfriend...."
"But.. it is a boy?" Adora's eyes turned wide, her grin; bigger. "Oh my god, why didnt you tell me?! Im so excited! Who is he? Where did yoi two meet? Show me a picture!"
Y/N laughed.
"Well.. I uh didnt think you would be interested in my love life, since you know.. you are my-"
"Friend?" Adora glares at her. "That better be the end of your sentence L/N Y/N!" She crosses her arms across her chest and frowns. Y/N smile sheepishly.
"Y-yeah. Friends," Y/N agrees, eventhough she knows they are no where near to being friends. But she knows better than to defy Adora. Her relationship with Adora is... complicated? Well, not really. Shes her personal maid. Enough said. Although Adora prefer the word "handmaiden" or "personal assistsnce" or her personal favorite, "friend". To be fair, Adora really does thinks of her as a friend, and treated her like one too. But Y/N know her place. Shes a maid. Thats all she is. She jumped from one job to another, washing peoples clothes, washing dishes, picking up trash to get by, and by luck, out of million others who applied, Adora, the only daughter of a multi millionaire pick her to be her "personal assistance". She has only been working with her for a month, but she can already tell that Adora has the heart of gold.
"So who is he? You should tell your friend this kind of things you know," she giggles. "How did you two meet?"
"Well... actually. We uh met at that party you brought me a month ago," she blushes and looks down.
"Shut up!" Adora squeals. "You have met him a month ago and this is the first time I'm hearing this?! You have been texting this guy for a month?!"
"Well... yeah?"
"Oh gosh, things must have been serious! Tell me more!" Adora gushed excitedly. "And you met him at the party? Thats means he must be some other chaebol too! Oh Y/N, we can have a double wedding!"
"What?" Y/N laughs. "Okay, first of all, I only known him for a month. And second, hes not a chaebol. He works there. Do you think some rich kid would even spare me a second glance. I was there at the party as your m-mai-" her words trailed off when Adora glares. "Uh friend. I was only there as your friend, not even in the guest list,"
"Well, anyone would be blind to not fall for you. You are beautiful, inside and out," she smiles. Y/N nods and gave her a small smile. She knows Adora is just being nice, but coming from a beauty queen that has everything like her, it does means a lot. "Okay, I have to go meet my fiance. But you are not off the hook yet! You will definitely tell me everything about this mystery guy when I came back okay?"
Y/N laughs and nods.
"Anything you need me to prepare for while you are out?"
"Hmmm, nothing," Adora ponders. "Oh right, my fiancee is coming here after the cake appointment. So maybe you can prepare some tea and cakes or something?"
"Wait," Y/N pretends to gasps. "You are telling me I finally get to meet this infamous fiancee of yours?"
Since she has only been working here for a month, she has never met Adora's fiancee. She never asked about him either. All she knows is that his family is just as rich as Adora's is and they are childhood friends. Their parents sets them up together so that the famoly money will stay close.
"I guess you finally will," she winks. "Ill see you okay? Love ya," Adora picks up her Balanciaga purse and give her a flying kiss before heading off to the car where the driver is waiting.
Well, she guess she better prepare something special for this special guest then.
"Seriously, why am I being dragged to a cake testing?" Taehyung complaint for the gazillion time as they walk passed rows and rows of expensively decorated cake.
"Because Tae, its free food. And you are my bestfriend, so you should get tortured with me," Jungkook shrugs and poke one of his fingers in one the cake and lick the cream off.
"You both can afford the best wedding planner ten times over, why even bother to taste the cake? Cant you pay someone to do it?" Taehyung poke the same cake and licks it clean too.
"Because," Jungkook roll his eyes. "As if you dont know my fiance Tae. She aims for this to be the wedding of the millenium. And shes a superb bridezilla. She wants to have a say in everything. And apparently, she wants me around while shes saying it,"
"And you follow what she says because?"
"So that I can go home and sleep peacefully at night and not have her and my parents all nagging at me to take this damn wedding seriously!"
"Damn wedding?" Taehyung raised an eyebrows. "I thought you have accepted the fact that you have always meant to marry one of our own? And shes your closest friend, other than me of course. And isnt it you who said, "If I have to marry for riches, I'm glad its Adora"?"
"Well..." Jungkook scratched his head. "That was before I met someone..." Taehyung's eyes widen. "At that party a month ago,"
"You are engaged Jeon Jungkook, what do you mean you met someone?!"
"Shut up okay! We dont want Adora to hear!" Jungkook hissed while looking around. "I just did okay. Its not like I planned it. Shes just so... refreshing. Not to mention... so undeniably beautiful," Jungkook smiles.
"What the hell Kookie? You sound as if you really like this girl. And you never like anyone!"
"I dont know Tae. Shes... different," Jungkook shrugs. "And I really think I want to try with her,"
"Oh my god," Taehyung rans his hands across his face. "So what are you going to do? The wedding is in a few months,"
"I seriously dont know Tae," Jungkook sighs.
"Well, I think, what you need to do now is..." Taehyung smile and nods to someone behind Jungkook, and Jungkook knows exactly who that is by the sound of her expensive heels and the smell of her even more luxurious perfume, "is taste the damn cake with your fiance,"
Tea... Cupcakes... Sugar... Creamers... Short breads...
Y/N arranged the centerpiece for the millionth time as she straighten the teapot again. All ready for Adora and her fiance. Y/N wants it to be perfect. After all, thats the best she can do for the nice treatment Adora has been giving her all this while. She straighten her dress and pick at a lose thread and takes a deep breath. Why is she even so nervous? Y/N chuckle to herself.
She quickly make her way to the doorway once she heard the sound of engine running at the driveway.
That must be Adora.
She opened the door to welcome a smiley Adora who linked her arms to hers while pushing a box of cakes into her other hand.
"Here. I brought some of the cakes we tasted. Tell me what you think okay?" She smiles and walked with Y/N to the tearoom. Y/N looked behind her shoulders to see if there are any guests.
"Wheres uh-"
"My fiancee?" Adora giggles. "You are really eager to meet him dont you? He will be in in a minute. Lets just go first. Hes been here a million times, he knows how to welcome himself in," she takes a seat at the neatly arranged table and Y/N quickly rushed over to served her the tea and cakes.
"You did a good job Y/N," Adora nods at the selection of tea and desserts spread in front of her.
"Thanks miss. I-"
"Dora, where do you want me to put your-" Y/N halted from pouring the tea, spilling it on the table the moment she heard the voice. very familiar voice. A voice that she heard for the first time a month ago, but it never left her mind... and heart. Her heart stops as she looks up from the spilled tea and Adora's frowns to see the face of the man that has been haunting her dreams. And by the look of how he too stop mid sentence, Y/N is pretty sure he recognizes her too.
Adora quickly turns her head up from Y/N to Jungkook to Y/N again. Confused on how the two know each other. Confused on how her maid can adress her fiancee so casually.
"Wait. How do you know his name?" Adora looks at her, a frown on her face. "Dont tell me you two know each other?"
"Well, we uh..," Y/N gulped and looks from Adora to Jungkook, not really sure what to say. Is this really Adora's fiancee? She will kill her if she knows about her and Jungkook. "We-"
Jungkook quickly recovered from his shocked and cut her off.
"No we dont. I have never seen her before in my life. Maybw you got the wrong person?" Jungkook shrugs and place Adora's thibgs on the chair.
"But babe, she knows your name?" Adora looks at him, still suspicious. He kmows Jungkook is a ladies man, but he promise he will honor their relationship, although they both know he doesnt love her.
"Baby, almost everyone know my name. But that doesnt mean I kmow them now do I?"
Y/N looks at the two conversing like she isnt even there, dumbfounded. Is Jungkook really the wrong guy? Or is he pretending not to know her? But why? But then again, the Jungkook she knows cant be Adora's fiancee right? Her fiancee is the Jeon's heir. Are they twins or something?
"Are you sure Kookie? Y/N looks like she really knows you," Adora tilted her head, confused and suspicious.
"I dont babe. Who is she anyway?" Jungkook took a step forward and look at her. Y/N stares back, taking in all his features. His brown doe eyes, his bunny teeth, the mole under his lips... yes its him. She can recognize him anywhere after the countless photos they exchanged through texts. "Your friend?"
"Y-yeah, she uh.. my friend," Adora smiles. Jungkook looks at hee and back to Y/N again after her stutter and laughs.
"Babe, why is your friend serving you tea then? Are you befriending the help again?" Jungkook laughs and take a sit. "Hey, pour me some," he motioned to Y/N. With shaky hands and beating hearts, Y/N went over and serve the man the tea she work so hard to made perfect.
Adora ignores him and ask him again, seeking confirmation. "Are you sure you dont know her Kookie?" She turns to Y/N. "Y/N? You sure?"
Y/N gulped. Should she tell the truth? But whats the point if Jungkook himself is hiding the fact that they know each other right?
"I dont babe. Just trust me already," Jungkook sighed, saving Y/N from answering. "Besides, where would I even know a..." he looks at Y/N with disgust. "A maid from? I dont even remember my own maids, why would I remember yours?"
Y/N felt her heart stop. So much for thinking hes the only guy at the party that wasnt stuck up and see people for who they are and not their status. Hes actually the worse of them all!
"She was at the party a month ago Kookie. The party at your house? Remember? I brought her along,"
His house. That explain the closet full of dresses. Gosh Y/N, how are you so stupid? Works with costume? Same name as the heir? So gullible Y/N! Serves you right.
"Nahh, doesnt ring a bell. Maybe she saw me baby," Jungkook shrugs. "I am afterall is the host,"
"Y/N?" Adora looks at her.
"I-I uh.." Y/N tried to blink back the tears and embarrasment she felt. "I was mistaken. Im very sorry Sir, Miss," she bows.
Adora sigh. "Fine, I will believe you Y/N because I know you wont lie to me. Now I need to make one phone call, Kookie, will you help Y/N carry my stuff inside?"
"Its okay! I can do it on my own!" Y/N quickly interjects. Theres no way she wants to be alone with Jungkook, sorry, Jeon Jungkook right now.
"Dont be stupid. Its a lot. And its Birkins. I dont want you to drop them," Adora giggles. "I went shopping earlier. Help her Kookie, I'll be back," she smile and went out to her call.
Y/N kept quiet and quickly gather up the bags. Jungkook immediately gran her wrist the moment Adora left the room.
"Y/N, I can ex-"
"Sir, please let go of my hand. I need to get going with Miss Adora's bags," Y/N tries to shake him off.
"No! You are not going anywhere until you let me explain!" Jungkook insisted, turning her to face him but Y/N immediately avoid eye contact. How can she look him in the eye after what he did. All her life, her friends have been embarassed by her because of what she do, she cant believe she fell for a guy who felt that way about her too.
"You dont need to ecplain anything Sir, I understand,"
"Stop fucking call me that! And just let me fucking explain!"
The harsh words struck a cord in her, making Y/N bravely look up to his face. "Explain what huh? How you lied to me about who you are? Or how you just insulted me? Or how you are sooo embarassed to actually admit that you know me?" She lets out a sarcastic laugh. "Of course you are. You are the great Jeon Jungkook right? How can you be associated with a maid? How can you even be friends with one?! And you are even engaged!"
"Y/N, please," Jungkook look defeated but still grab her hand before she can walk away. "You dont understand. My world... its different than yours. Its all about money, and status. Adora and me is not even in love with each other but we are getting married because her family status is the only one that matches mine!"
"Right Jungkook, blame it on the money, on the status. But you know what, all that doesnt determined what kind of a person you are. The disgusted look on your face when you realized that I'm your fiancee's maid? No one can fake that," she laughs. "I was wrong about you. Your kind are all the same!"
"W-wrong about me? What do you mean?" Jungkook pull her back again. "Y/N please okay? Give me time to figure things out. Its hard for me!"
"Its hard for you? Really?" Y/N laughs again. "Then I'll make it easy for you. Just forget that you ever knew me. I'm just Miss Adora's maid!" She yelled and grab all the shopping bags.
"Y/N, atleast let me-" Jungkook tries to grab some of the bags from her.
"Just dont Jungkook," she said so weakly and brokenhearted, Jungkook stop mid track. "Just dont okay? Just stay here and have tea with your fiancee. She deserves better," Y/N quickly grab everything and ran off, leaving Jungkook standing alone in the tea room.
Y/N kicked the lose stone with her foot, sighing loudly. After rearranging the Birkins in Adora's massive closet, she was dismissed, much to her relief. Although she is unsure whether her dismissal is cause by Adora suspicion about her and Jungkook or just because her help wasnt needed. Whatever it is, Y/N was grateful as she make her way to the empty garden. She needs to get whatever the hell it is that happened earlier our of her system. She needs to get Jungkook, Adora's fiancee, the Jeon's heir Jungkook, out of her system. She dont know how much longer she can work here. Once Adora and Jungkook gets married, she is pretty sure she will be seeing him even more. She decides to quit as soon as he find something else. Although working with Adora pays good money, but she values her insanity more. She has to quit. She will quit right after the wedding. When Adora dont need her help as much anymore.
"Hey, I didnt know anyone is here? I'm usually the only one who hangs around here," A male voice interrupted her thoughts as she felt his presence sitting down besides her. Y/N look up to the most handsome man she has ever seen. She almost rub her eyes, thinking shes dreaming. How can anyone who looks like that be real?
"I-I'm sorry. Im new here. The whole month I was here no one ever comes to this garden," she quickly stands up amd bows, ready to walk away. The man laughs and pull her wrist, asking her to sit down. For a monent when their skin touched, Y/N felt butterflies.
"Hey its alright. Its a big garden, we can share," he smiles and Y/N immediately feel comfortable. "And also its my fault, I havent come to visited Adora for so long. So thankyou for keeping my favorite garden bench warm,"
"Oh. Y-you are Miss Adora's friend?" Y/N immediately stands up and bows. Adora might treat her like a friend, but she is pretty sure her friends doesnt. And the way Jungkook just treated her proves that. The man furrowed his brows, confused.
"Why are you bowing? And why do you call Dora miss?"
"I'm uh her-"
"Wait, are you her personal helper?"
"Yes, yes I am," Y/N smile at the term the man use. Personal helper, instead of maid. Shes also sure that if this main is Adora's friend, means hes part of that world. The world that Jungkook said cared about status and money more than anything. He would definitely shoo her away now that he knows shes the maid. "I'm sorry to have bothered you. Miss Adora said I can use this garden if I wanted too. I didnt know someone else uses it too,"
"Where are you going?" The man pouts. "Just stay here and talk to me somemore. I'm bored. I mean, if tou dont mind?" He looks at her. Y/N blinks. He still wants to talk to her eventhough shes the help?
"B-but, maybe you didnt hear me. I'm Miss Adora's maid,"
"Uh okay?" The man looks at her confused. "Ohhh, do you have to go and do for her right now?"
"N-no. I mean... I'm a maid. Are you sure you want me to stay and talk to you?"
"Whats wrong with that? A helper is just a job, not who you are. And plus, why wouldnt I want to stay and talk to a pretty girl like you?" He winks, making Y/N blush. Y/N contemplate for a momebt, and after a bad day she had, maybe talking to this handsome stranger is what she needed.
"Okay. Maybe I can spare a few minutes," she smile and sits back down.
"Just so you know, Im not some weirdo or anything. I came here with my friend, hes Adora's fiancee. Maybe you know him?" Y/N nodded slowly. Oh.. so he knows Jungkook too, which means they are all childhood friends. "I'm Kim Taehyung by the way, whats your name?"
Y/N smile. Even his name is beautiful.
"I'm L/N Y/N. Hi Kim Taehyung, its nice to meet you,"
"Is Tae really coming Kookie?" Adora plays with her freshly manicured fingers and looks at her fiance.
"Yeah. He promised me," Jungkook answered lazily. He spent the whole day at Adora's house after the fateful meeting with Y/N earlier, hoping to catch a glimpse of her again, but nothing. Adora had dismissed her for the rest of the day. Now she suggested they went out for dinner, and to avoid the boring conversations he would have with his future wife, he ask, no, forced Taehyung to come with him, which suprisingly, he said yes easily.
"Maybe he bailed. You know he hates to third wheel us Kookie. Why do you always drag him anyway?"
"Well, because hes the best man babe. He should know stuff. And also, he said hes bringing a date tonight," Jungkook shrugs.
"A date? Taetae? Who? Do I know the girl?"
Jungkook turns to look at his fiance and smirks. "Is that jealousy I hear babe? You know I'm still your fiancee right?"
"What the hell are you even talking about? Why would I be jealous if Taetae dates someone?" She laughs awkwardly. "Its about time he does,"
Jungkook laughs and roll his eyes. "Oh please babe, anyone can see you have the hots for him since we were five. Too bad your stuck with me. Dont worry, I still support your love for him. I think you will be good for him," Jungkook laughs. Adora's face turned red.
"Shut up! And dont say anything to anyone. Remember I'm marrying you wild bunny! And what an unfortunate luck that is," she laughs.
"Girls would kill to be you babe, you know that," Jungkook smiles. "Here comes your lover boy," Jungkook motioned to the red Jaguar parked outside as Taehyung huddled out.
"Hey Tae," he smile. "Wheres your imaginary date?" Jungkook looks around and laughs. Taehyung hits his shoulder and laughs.
"Its not imaginary. But then again, shes so beautiful, you might not think shes real," Taehyung winks.
"Whatever," Jungkook roll his eyes. "Where is she?"
"Actually, I'm here to pick her up," Taehyung smile, making both Adora and Jungkook confused. "Here she is now," he motioned to Y/N whos walking through the lawn from the maid's door. "Dora, I hope you dont mind I'm taking Y/N out tonight?"
Adora's eyes widen in surprise, jealousy stir inside of her but she still feel happy for Y/N as she knows that Taehyung will take good care of her. She plastered on a smile.
"Y/N? Shes your date?" She grins. "Sure Tae. Just make sure you show her a good time,"
"You know I will," he winks and reached out his arms to Y/N. "Hey, you look beautiful," he smiles.
Jungkook who has been watching the whole thing quietly clenched his fist without realizing. When the fuck did Taehyung meet her? And she said yes to his invitation just like that?!
Y/N almost stop mid way when she saw Jungkook and Adora at the hallway. Taehyung only asks her out to dinner, he didnt say its a double date! She almost turned back but Taehyung already approached her.
"Hey, you look beautiful," he smiles.
"H-hi Tae," she blushes shyly and start fussing with her simple sundress the moment she saw both Taehyung and Jungkook in a suit and Adora in a enchantingly beautiful dress, no doubt designer. What the hell is she thinking? She accepted Kim Taehyung's invitation , one of the most sought after heir there is, yes she googled, and she thinks her sundress is good enough? "I - uh I didnt know Jungkook-ssi and Miss Adora is coming too," she leans in and whisper to him. "I think I'm under dress,"
Taehyung laughs.
"You look very beautiful Y/N," he reached out and hold her hand, making her feel hot all over. "She does right?" He beams at the other two. Adora quickly link her arms with her. "You do! It doesnt really matter what you wear Y/N!" Adora leans in closer to her. "Especially not when Kim Taehyung keeps on looking at you like that," she winks, making Y/N blush ever more.
Jungkook who heard what Adora said felt her whole face heat up. That little- urghhh.
"Come on Kookie. Lets go. Lets drive our own car and leave the lovebirds alone," Adora giggles and link arms with Jungkook. Jungkook looks up to see Y/N's reaction to what Adora said. Surely she must felt something. Just this morning they were still texting each other! But what he sees when he looks up is Taehyung staring at her, smiling shamelessly and Y/N staring back, smiling shyly.
This date night is going to be a loooong night.
Things were going well between Y/N and Taehyung. After that surprisingly comfortable and not at all awkward date night, they have gotten closer. Taehyung spend a lot of time at Adora's house now. Main excuse being he is Jungkook's best man and he have to be there, but with all the dismissal Adora kept giving her when Taehyung is around, everyone knows the real reason Taehyung is around.
Still, seeing Jungkook and Adora together still hurts her sometimes. Seeing him laugh with her, joking around. Y/N knows they dont love each other, but the comfortable level and chemistry they have with one another, after being friends since they were born, makes her jealous sometimes. She can see the real side of Jungkook whenever she came in to serve them dinner or tea, or help Adora with some of her things. She can see what a dork he really is, despite his label of being a wild, party man. She can see that hes funny, caring, competitive and he has a love for food like no other. And all this little things only makes her fall for him even more, despite Taehyung being the sweetheart he is around her.
But Jungkook is Adora's fiancee, and nothing can change that. Plus, Jungkook refuses to be associated with her, cant be associated with her, the maid. So maybe its best that she stick to her plan to leave after the wedding.
"Hey, that engagement tea party you are having with Dora, you dont mind if I bring Y/N right?" Taehyung asks as they were having drinks together. Jungkook felt his heart boiled everytime Taehyung mentioned her name. Its bad enough that he can only see her during the short minutes she came in to serve them food, but she isnt even replying to any of his texts or answer his calls anymore. He misses her, although he knows its his fault for not saying anything when they came face to face.
"Sure. But wont she need to work or something? She works for Dora you know," Jungkook tries to act nonchalant. The whole reason why he wanted to host the party at Adora's house is because he hope to see Y/N, even if its only glimpses of her. The closer he is to the wedding, the more anxious he becomes.
"I'm sure Dora would give her an exception. She seems ro be very supportive of our relationship," Taehyung smiles.
"So... what are you two now? Like boyfriend girlfriend or something?" Jungkook acts line he doesnt care about the answer although his heart is screaming for Taehyung to just answer the damn question.
"Well...no," Taehyung answer and take a sip of his drink, as Jungkook felt relieved with the answer. "But I hope that would change, real soon," he smiles. "Like real soon. Like tea party soon?"
"What do you mean?"
"I think I want to ask her to be my girlfriend, at your engagement party," Taehyung grind and took out a box from his pocket, which opens up to a beautiful ring. "Its romantic right? Asking her to go steady with me at an engagement party?"
"A ring?" Jungkook eyed the ring carefully, in his heart he knows he would buy Y/N something much better than that if hes given a chance, "dont you think thats too much just to ask her to be your girlfriend? You are not asking her to marry you. Right?" Jungkook asks nervously. Taehyung laughs.
"Of course not. But being extra is what we are all about Kookie. I know she dont care about all this material shit, and thats why I love her, but I want her to know shes special. You k-"
"Wait, love her?" Jungkook sits up from his leaning position.
"Well..." Taehyung grins sheepishly. "I know its just a month Kookie... but I think I love her. Ive never met anyone like her,"
Jungkook tries to calmed down his heart, his hand shaking from wanting to punch Taehyung right in the face. The worst part is, he knows how that feels. Because he too, admitted to himself a long time ago, that he is head over heels in love with Y/N. But he ruined everything didnt he?
I'll be right back okay?" Taehyung kisses her hands and smile before heading off to meet someone in a suit. Must be one of his business partner or something. Y/N nods and smile and stood at the most glamourous tea party she has ever attended. Well, the only tea party she ever attended. Who host tea parties nowadays anyway? But the fabulousness of the party is expected from Adora. Feeling awkward standing on her own, Y/N make her way to a more secluded part of the garden after observing that Taehyung will most probably take a long time. She sat down at the bench and closes her eyes, inhaling the fresh air, thinking about what her life have becomes. How did she managed to catch Kim Taehyung's eyes? He is not playing her is he?
"I can see that you are enjoying the lifestyle of rich and famous,"
Y/N eyes popped open to the voice and as expected, stood right in front of her, Jeon Jungkook with a cocky smile. She immediately stood up and start to walk away.
"Where are you going? Cant take the truth?" Jungkook mocked. What is he implying? That she is using Taehyung for his riches? Y/N turns around, glaring at her.
"What do you want Jungkook-ssi?"
"Jungkook-ssi?" Jungkook laughs. "Dont you think we have moved past that? Especially when my fiancee told me that you told her you met someone incredible at the party few months back. Im assuming thats me?"
Y/N rolled her eyes.
"So what? You are here to gloat? I was dumb back then. It was a mistake. You are obviously not who I thought you were. I thought you were different, but you are not," Y/N sighed. "Is that all?"
"So Taehyung is?" Jungkook look straight into her eyes, face serious.
"H-he-" his question took her by surprise.
"Is Taehyung different then Y/N? Is he everything you ever wanted then? Is he able to erase all your memories of me? Of us?" Jungkook took a step closer to her. Y/N felt her breathing starts to goes rapid and tries to calm down. Jungkook still has this effect on her.
"T-taehyung is a good man. Hes kind, handsome, nice, a gentleman, a romantic, he treats me good, he kno-"
"But do you love him?"
"W-what?" Y/N panics. How could Jungkook asks her that.
"Do you. Love. Him?" Jungkook repeated the question more seriously and took a step forward.
"I-I," she panics. "How can I answer that? Its only been a month since we met!"
"But you were in love with me within a month that we met," Jungkook closes the gap and held both her wrists, whispering close to her face.
"I was not!"
"Yeah.. you are," he smirks, face only inches from hers.
"N-no, I wasnt!"
"You are Y/N, in fact, you are still in love with me now," he smirks more.
"I am definitely not!" She tries to squirm as he gets closer.
"Yeah?" Jungkook smirks and closes the gap, his lips on her, tounge asking permission for more which Y/N immediately granted as she closes her eyes as his lips touched hers.
The kiss felt like it lasted forever when Jungkook finally pull away and look into her eyes, whispering. "I love you Y/N. As much as you love me, I love you more,"
Y/N felt tears prickled her eyes. She wanted to hear those words from him from the first day she realized her feelings. But now that she did... she knows they can never be.
"Please, choose me. Dont choose Tae. Choose me," Jungkook said softly, begging. Y/N closes her eyes, the tears she tried to blink back finally rolled out. "Please?"
"I-" she sobs. "I always have been choosing you Jungkook," she answered back, barely a whisper. "But will you... ever be able to choose me?"
Jungkook was surprised by her answer, eyes widening. Y/N lets out a half smile and released herself from his grip.
"Just... go away Jeon Jungkook. For real this time," she wipe her tears and ran off into the party before Jungkook can say anything.
"Hey, you okay? Where did you go? I was looking all over for you," Taehyung greeted her, smiling. Y/N smile back and looks at him. Such the perfect guy. "Whats wrong? Anything wrong with my face?"
Y/N smile. "No Tae," she grazed his face. "You are perfect,"
"Yeah? Well, in that case, I have something to ask you," he smile and take her to a water fountain in the park, already decorated with fairy lights, her favorite. He sat her down and kneeled in front of her, hands holding both of hers. "Y/N? I know we just met. But I want you to know that Ive never felt this happy as this one month that I am with you. And at first... I wanted to ask you to be my girlfriend today..."
Y/N's mouth gaped open, surprised.
"But..." Taehyung continues. "I realized that that wasnt enough for me. I know its too fast and we dont have to do it right away, you can take all the time you need, but Y/N please say yes. Please Y/N... will you... uh..." Taehyung looks utterly nervous as he smile and looks into her eyes."Will you do the honors of being my wife?"
Taehyung smiles and fix his best friend's bowtie. Jungkook looks emotionlessly at his reflection in the mirror.
"Its your wedding day Kookie, why do you look like a zombie?" Taehyung asks and smile. Jungkook tries to flash a small smile but failed. He chase after Y/N that day at the party. It took him a few minutes to realized that he dont care what his parents will say, he dont care what society will say, he dont care what Adora or Taehyung will think of him. He dont care about money or status. He never did. It was all what his parents put inside his head. All he cares about right now is that Y/N knows that he chooses her. And he will keeps on choosing her. He wants to be with her. He knows he will be his happiest as long as Y/N is with him. But the few minutes he took is a few minutes too late. The moment he found her, all he can see is Taehyung kneeling down in front of her, smiling, the ring box opened and presented to her.. asking Y/N to marry him.
To marry him.
Jungkook immediately turns back and ran out from the party before she can answer. He dont need to hear it. He already knows that happiness will never ever again be his.
And now its one week later, he is in his wedding suit, about to get married to his childhood bestfriend, and the man who get the girl of his dreams, his best man.
"I just want to get today over and done with Tae," he sighed.
"Kookie," Taehyung turned serious. "You know... if you dont want to marry Dora, you can just tell your parents you know? Sure, they love their money and status but they love you more. Trust me," he smiles.
"Whats the point Tae?" Jungkook gave a small smile. Whats the point when Y/N is marrying you?
"The point is for you to be happy and do what you truly want Kookie,"
"Theres nothing else that I want Tae. Happiness? Happy?" He scoff. "That was never meant for me. And I deserved it. After all the hearts I break, I deserved this fate," Jungkook sighed. "Now just stop with your pep talk and lets get me married okay?" Jungkook look at his relfection one last time and start walking side by side with Taehyung down the aisle.
"Hey Kookie?" Taehyung leans in and whisper. "Its not too late you know," he grins. Jungkook looks at him, confused.
"What are you talking about?"
"Y/N. She said no," he smiles. "She said no to my proposal,"
"Stop whatever the hell you are doing!" Jungkook yells out at Y/N who is climbing up the bus.
"J-jungkook? What are you doing here?"
Jungkook rushed over and pull her down and signal the driver to drive away after slipping him some cash. "You are just going to leave? You are just goimg to bail on Adora's wedding?!"
"Jungkook," she sighed. "Im just the maid. I didnt think I was even invited. Afterall, I really dont want to be there,"
"Fine. But I'm sorry, I cant let you leave," Jungkook grab her bag and start walking to his car thats parked nearby, hoping Y/N will follow, which she did.
"Jungkook, stop! Give me back my bag! What is wrong with you?! What else do you want from me?!" Y/N is frustrated. He made her miss the bus now she have to spend more money to buy another ticket, something she dont have a lot of.
"What else I want from you?!" Jungkook frowns and turns around, his face serious. "I want you to stay! I dont want you to leave!"
"Why?!" Y/N screamed. "Isnt this what you want? For a maid to no longer bothers you and your friends? Just give me back my bag and leave me alone!"
"You dont know what I want Y/N..." he growls.
"Fine! Then what the hell do you want?!" Y/N never cursed but shes done being nice.
"I want you to marry me,"
"See? You only care about yourself you selfish jerk! Yo- wait, what?" Y/N's eyes widen, finally realizing what he said. Jungkook grins.
"Done yelling at your future husband?" He laughs and closes the gap between them. "I love you Y/N. I made a mistake. A real stupid mistake. And I realized that a little too late. You make the richest man I could ever be, and without you, I am nothing. I am the saddest, poorest man ever lived. But Y/N, marry me and let me spend the rest of our lives making it up to you, making you the happiest woman alive, just as happy as you made me. Please?" He showed her his innocent doe eyes, making Y/N laugh through her tears.
"I-is this for real?"
"Its as real as it can get baby. You dont have to forgive me baby. But please, just marry me,"
"Oh, lets just say, she totally approved of us," Jungkook winks. "So... is that a yes?"
"Hmmm... what was the question again?"
Jungkook laughs and kneels down, taking out a box from his pocket that housed the biggest and most beautiful diamond Y/N has ever seen.
"L/N Y/N, will you marry me? Please?" Jungkook smile. And in the middle of a deserted bus stop, Y/N said the one word that will change her life forever.
Jungkook didnt even remember walking down to the end of the aisle. He didnt even remember seeing Adora walked down the aisle. After Taehyung's confession, that is all he can think about.
"Go Kookie. Y/N is leaving today. Go find her. Now," she smiles.
"But Dora... what about-"
"Us?" Adora laughs. "Kookie, we will always be bestfriends. You know that. And how do you expect to spend the rest of your life with me when we cant even agree on what to have for dinner? Afterall, our families will still be the biggest empire, married to each other or not. Go get her Kookie, I'll handle our parents,"
"H-how about you?" Jungkook's brows furrowed.
"Lets just say," she looks behind him at Taehyung whos smiling back at her and smile, "the one month I spent with Tae to plan your happy ending with Y/N might lead to my own happy ending with my dream guy too," she winks.
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chrobinrickhen · 5 years
shit that happened
tw for child abuse, beating, physical assault, minor transphobia etc ///
my parents have been abusive to me my whole life. from things starting small with my mom treating me as her spouse and talking to be about things a parent shouldnt talk about with their as young as 3 year old child during times she was in fights with my dad, to while i was younger primarily beating me for simply crying at things (mainly in public places), the total and complete gaslighting of my abusive 5th grade teacher (which was somehow far worse than them lol) etc. however, they never seriously beat me before, as in, all out beating me up with continuous punches kicks and thrashing.
my mom would frequently slap me in the face or punch me once in the back at times as of recent during my years in high school where i struggled to my near (literal) hospitalization and death from mere over exhaustion and stress (i averaged less than 4-5 hours of sleep for all 4 years and my senior year i nearly didnt sleep At All) during my senior year my dad even threatened to kill me during one of my parents outbursts against me simply trying to reason (more like beg! lol!) for them to help me drop out of school because it was destroying me and was more and more traumatizing literally every day and they thought they were justified because “i was so close!” “youve already suffered for so long may as well stick it through!” despite my therapist and psychologist doing the best they can to tyr and get me out. my parents have punched a whole in the wall, thrown and broke things, (thankfully not at me) and simply just been physically threatening with destroying things important to me and my belongings.
however, after i graduated. and after i was diagnosed with ptsd. and after they seemed to become more understanding and learning from their mistakes i thought they were genuinely open to becoming better people and challenging themselves to listen to me and others.
this incidence proved that wrong.
itd been 2 years give or take i genuinely dont even remember what year i graduated lol since he threatened to kill me. i thought they changed and genuinely had formed trust with them that was slowly growing. and then somehow or another the topic of asylum seekers, ice, and the current concentration camps came up, to which my parents responded with some of the genuinely most vile words ive ever heard people say to my face.  i dont even want to try and repeat it here bc im pretty sure you can get the idea. i calmly tried to talk to them, they started to scream, i went up stairs. they continued to shout horrible things to me, that again, im skipping over for my own wellbeing bc it isnt exactly fun to recount. something something “you havent sufferred through shit” she said to me at one point. yes, your child who has been diagnosed with social anxiety disorder, general anxiety disorder, depression, panic disorder, ptsd, ocd, eating disorder general symptoms, a survivor of school abuse spanning my whole life for not being neurotypical and cishet, and a pending diagnosis for adhd, TOTALLY has not suffered.
anyway, i wanted to die. what they said to me, was so horrific i really just, wanted to die, i kind of lied about it on twitter saying im not actually suicidal dont worry but i highkey was and i dont wanna try and cover that up again. i just didnt want anyone to worry (IM OKAY NOW AND NOT SUICIDAL DONT WORRY this if anything was a good lesson for me to learn) anyway, i told them this. i knew it was kind of shitty and guilty but all i asked of them. is that even if they cannot agree with me, if they would at least care to listen to why this is wrong and accept that they dont know everything like they are convinced they do and yet accuse me of claiming i myself am.
i texted them, that long thing, telling them how i would stay in bed and not eat or drink (for context my sleep schedule was fucked the two days prior and i barely had eaten or drinken) my memory is fucked and i would have to check with my therapist if im confusing this with another instance bc im pretty sure the beating happened the day the argument did but i also remember staying in bed for mulitple days? but anyway thats not important fhdiujng so. they came to me and started screaming shit at me. again. horrible shit. their response to their child saying “im suicidal and would rather die than you be my parents any longer if you refuse to listen to why these people deserve to not be put in cages and die” and their reaction was not concern but screaming, insults, calling me a monster, a puppetmaster (the irony) and I DID NOT. SAY. A WORD. TO THEM. I DID NOT MOVE> i was. completely. still. the entire time. i was weak. i was sick. Literally from dehydration and starvation. and because i did not answer them back they jumped ontop of me and my mom beat the shit out of me and chokeheld me, my dad then also did the same even though he did not hit me, he came close to strangling me before leaving the room. i was swollen and bruised all over including my face it was super visible for whatever reason but my body hurt like a motherfucker for over a week since that happened. i just cried when they left
then an hour later after htey beat me they came up and starting their baby uwu act of “i dont want to fight just go shower and come down and eat your dinner blablabla you know we love you rihgt?” and forcing me to apologize to them whenmy mom literally beat me, my dad screamed in my face with his nose to mine to and they helf my neck in their hands with the intent to cause physical harm to me.
proceeding this the aftershock of trying to process what hat happened was just. a lot as you can imagine. i was so paranoid and uncomfortable the week preceeding this just being aorund them hearing their voices literally everything about my house and them living in it was horrifying to me. my therapist helped me a lot and im ok now but like. they proved to me that they really just cannot be helped. theyre a lost cause. at this point to me, the only thing they are are a financial source to cover my transition and im left with no choice but to force myself to play the puppet. i tried to do a mix of both working with and against them before and it blew up in my face. it sucks but thats what it is and as long as obey their shitty asses ill be fine. i dont know where my future will go but i know and pray that it cannot and will not be with them. the moment i am away from them and my belongings are not in their possession they no longer exist to me unless they genuinely will accept the fact theyre the 2nd reason my ptsd exists.
tl;dr my parents suck and im forced to play their child puppet in order to literally survive their love of me is toxic and based on a false perception of what a child is supposed to be and i regret not calling child protective services on them whe n i had the chance
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sainadazai · 3 years
When your crush is angry all the time
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"I don't think fire's all that bad, you know"
3rd person pov
As the sun hung high in the sky the h/t haired girl stumbled around the train station in search of a restroom. Y/n had never experienced the mundane tasks a commoner would usually persue on a daily. Things like public transit, or any transit for that matter, were an enigma to her.
So while elder men stared a little too long and young children pointed at her in recognition, she spun in circles like a lost puppy.
"Its just a fucking bathroom, should there be someone here to direct people or something! Ugh and whats with the school girl fetish, these old guy are creeps..." she mumbled to herself continuing to get more and more lost on the platform.
Meanwhile, the rest of 1-A were making their way to internships as well, Midoriya scrolled into some old guys house, Kirishima bumped into his metal replica, and Bakugou held his grump posture and nonchilauntly entered the top 3 heros agency. He was expecting to at least learn something from this guy, or gain real life experience with villains. He never anticipated being scrutinized for his personality. No shit I'm scary, Im trying to kill shitty villains not make teenage girls put a picture of me on their wall.
For the first day of this new challenged everbody seemed to be having a ridiculously mundane time. Not y/n, though. No our main character was going through it, once she made it to the restroom, she got confused by how easily the toilet paper ripped in her hand and spent 20 minutes trying to get at least one whole time out of the stubborn roll. Then, when she opened up her bag to view the new hero-suot her mother helped design...she found strings¿
She ended up having to look at an example picture and read a guide on how to put what where. It took an additional hour considering the tightness of everpiece of fabric and when she stepped out of the stall to look in the mirror, she deadpanned. How could her mother hate her this much? It was already a burden being so sexy, but this? This was crazy.
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She wasnt sure weather she should take a million photos, or never leave the bathroom and cry all day. However when her phone rang, a call from Mr.Woods agency, she realized how late she already must be.
In her rush, y/n also forgot about the creeps men and was recieving many stares, that went unnoticed. Until somebody had the audacity to touch her. It was just a ghost of his finger tips on the underneath of her ass that was no doubt on full display. That would not go accepted, as a girl who had turned her past trauma into nothing but a small personality traits, she wasnt scared. Still, as a woman who absolutely idolizes herself, or so she says, no one in this train station deserved the touch of her perfect, shiny, s/c skin.
The last error that secured her terrible first day was how y/n spun around and grabbed the mans fingertips. When she took a glance at him, he was smiling as if he had acomplished something. Boy was he wrong, only coming to realized so when the y/h girl suddenly had sprouted a vine from his finger.
He watched in fear as it began to grow and wrap around him, all the while the young girl he'd never met before let out a sickening aura that couldve suffocate him then and there. The vine continued to curl up around his middle and ring finger, slowly meeting the flash of his palm.
Once the growing stopped, y/n had almost decided to let him go. A part of her new that her plan wasn't well thought through, and he could be an innocent guy that accidentally touched her.
However, aggression outwayed logic and she looked him deep in the eye.
"You like using these fingers to touch things your not supposed to?"
"Shhh, dont worry, im just gonna make sure you dont go touching things that arnt yours, okay?" She made an aggresive fist with the hand not touching him and the vine squeezed in. Anyone a foot away would be able to tell, but the both of them could hear how his two fingers snapped and bent under the pressure.
With a satisfied grin at the whispering man, y/n decided he had learned his lesson. Wow look at that, and I didnt even need some manly hero to come save me. Atta girl y/n.
Little did she know that not only did her pro-hero boss come to look for her, but je also saw the whole disaster. He was not pleased to say the least.
Y/n pov
As the tree like man sat down in his office chair across from me, all I could do was look to my feet. I didnt feel particularily had about my actions, however, I did feel bad about being late.
While it is fun to be spontanious and act like theres nothing to lose, I wasn't lying when I said I wanted to control the earth aspect of my quirk. Ill never admit it if someone asks, but sometimes the only way I can sleep at night is knowing how strong my quirk is. Knowing that they cant hurt me if I stay strong.
Still, it just seems that as I grow older, the people trying to get to be get bolder and more powerful. Some might even say...they get smarter, too. Thats a scary thought; that if I want to stay alive at all I need to be constantly improving. I am not sure if I want to stay alive or not, but Ill be damned if dying or living isnt my choice.
Feeling the need to break the silence, I began my rant on all the reasons I had come up with that justify my actions. I was planning it on the way out here.
"Look, im sorry mr.woods. I know im not very heroic and shit, but when perverts to pervert things somebody has to do something, and its not like anybody else there would have scared a glance if I didnt save myself-"
"Your wrong."
"Huh- I wasnt done. Anyways i-"
"L/n you are wrong."
"Dude im trying to-"
"There was heroes on patrol, how else did you think i found you? There were real heroes ready to protect you, if you had simply shouted people would have been alarmed of such. I dont understand kids and their need to do everything alone." He rolled his eyes behind his mask and continued to stare at me.
"Excuse me but I dont think your in a place to comment on how I react to myself being touched. He was gonna get my skin dirty and for what, two seconds of his school girl fantasy. Ew."
"Your skin....dirty?"
"Yes, he is nowhere near my standards on someone who should be allowed to touch me...not even a brush of the fingers..ugh!"
"Alright well, I cant get you in trouble because then I get in trouble...so, tell me about your quirk while we go on patrol."
His chair sqeaked against the floor as he stood up and it slid back. Then he motioned for me to follow by painting out the door.
Relieved that I didn't have to talk about all the fake reasons people aren't allowed to touch me, and that I could finally get outside so my quirk would stop suffocating me, I was quick to exit the building.
I'm not sure if its the fact that ive only been using a forth of her, but my quirks side effects have been so shitty recently. To the point that our school nurse estimsted my new rate for being inside for an extended period of time was about three hours.
I havent actually combusted in years, but I've been close and god does it hurt. My chest starts to squeeze and I can feel all the energy drain from my body, then pieces of me start to get hold and cold at the same time.
"So what really is your quirk?"
I looked up at the hero next to me as we continued on down the street of the inner City.
"How much did Aizawa tell you?"
"I-he said...she has all the right elements? And told me I'd figure it out.." He scratched the back of his head.
I smirked at that. Who knew aizawa actually listened to the words I said. I was pretty sure after the whole sulking chrollos dick thing, he would have permanently tuned me out.
"Heh, that raggedy ann bastard" I smile smugly.
"So, what does it mean?"
"Ahh, okay so, did you go to U.A?"
"Um yes kid, why?"
Then im certain je knows of my family, explaining my quirk will be easier. God, this really is my favorite part.
I reached my left hand out, knowing he was right handedly and would respond well to it and then spoke.
"Hi, nice to meet you, im y/n l/n of the elementus royal quirk family."
Once he shook my hand I did a polite curtsey, as I learned in ballet to do that instead of bowing. Its much more fun to do this at family event, where I get to wear big dresses and pretend im important...but this'll have to do.
"The-i-oh shit..." He mumbled the last part in defeat, likely just figuring out what he'd gotten himself in to.
"So, im guessing you've got ...."
"Total control, yup" I confirmed.
"And you wanna focus on earth elements, like what flowers?"
I smirk up at him allowing my aura to put an intimidating facade.
"Actually I was thing more like venus fly traps" as I said traps I let my hands clap together mimicking the plant and bit at the air with my teeth.
He stopped walking and just glanced from side to side, waiting for me to start making sense again.
Until we heard some crying in the distance.
The two of our heads shot over and were met with a strange sight. There were three young boys, looked about 8¿ and a man, hero maybe? Crouched in front of them not looking all that nice. He had spike blonde hair, red eyes, gauntlets on his wris-
"Oh my god its bakugou, look sir! Thats the hot guy I switched schools for!"
his head slowly shifted from the kids to me and it seemed to only make him more angry. Then, once again I couldn't help but bask in the pure aggression...in his eyes.
They were red, fitting for the anger thry held, but it was beautiful. It was passionate, the way he could yell for hours about god knows what because he cares. He may care about petty things, or silly things, but he always cares so much. So passionately. That I can see it in his eyes.
"Oh my, whAt is this costume deary?"best jeanist spoke from ahead of us as we approach.
"Hi sir, sorry about the skin showing, my quirk is heavily enhanced the more my pours are exposed to the natural elements, especially oxygen. If I was more covered parts of my body would begin to go completely numb. Also doesnt my body look amazing! Im a lot more in shape since you saved me last"
I blamed happily at jeanist. Though we arent neceserilly close, he is definitely a great hero and has always been someone who easily sees through my façaude. Plus his fashion sense is wonderful and I often send him pictures of my outfits. Although he doesnt respond I know he sees them and if they were bad he would be mean about it instead of ignoring it.
"Well. It definitely gives your body..access to that. And the sword?"
Ahh...the sword that I liked to carry. It was now stored in its place on my back.
"Call it a good luck charm, plus, we cant rely only on our quirks, then we are just weak people with strong powers. Rather than strong people."
I was always one to put on a show for him, as I do for lost of pro heroes. Its a lot more fun to say things like your all serious and fancy and smart sometimes. Its my little inside joke with myself, like to laugh at how easily people are awed by it.
Like how even though children were still crying bakgou was staring at me face void of emotion, completely struck at my words.
Definitely not..staring at my body that was exposed. Not eyeing the tight strap that wraps my left leg, that he doesnt know is a funcional lasso.
Noticing him, im quick to avert my attention.
"Hey bakugou~"
"Tch you really went from shitty princess to slutty princess huh?"
"You really went from telling deku you'd be number one hero, to making kids cry on the street, huh?" I challenged
I heard the crying boys laugh a little, just the age reminded me of my brother, Im sure they have nothing in common, but I havent seen any of my brothers in quite some time so I suppose a small part of me was just projecting.
I hated that they were crying, though. Ussually I dont like kids, they are stinky and gross and the main reason people have been ruining my life up til now. However, noticing these three reacting to bakugou in a way I wish emotionally available enough for, it made me feel obligated to help them. Wierd, huh.
"Hey, did that guy use his fire all scary?"
"Yeah, he was gonna kill us"
"Fires scary."
I giggled a bit, I knew fire like the back of my hand. It was the first thing I mastered as a child and the way I see bakugou use it doesnt to the element justice.
"Hm, well, I dont think so...can I show you something?"
The kid in the middle, apparently the braver of them, lifted his gaze from the concrete to meet my eyes. Just as I crouched down to my knees in front of them he nodded up at me.
I smiled at this, proud that I earned his trust for...some odd reason.
My hands formed a cup shape in front of him and I focused my ears so I could hear the blood rushing through my own brain, like waves. This was how I learned to use elements singularly: by using my internally noise to block out everything else.
I first allowed a small line of fire to dance around, now bigger than a candle wick. Then through another, and another as the boy watched carefully. Not yet impressed his face was still caustious. However I continued focusing my energy, feeling my body, the air around me, the heat of the sun, even remember the passion from bakugous crimson eyes.
I as I did so the many small flames twirled and twisted within eachother forming into a beautiful blue and orange fluctuating flower.
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The boy looked into my hands mouth now agape, tears dried, fear gone. Then, again, for some reasons unbeknownst to me... I felt a sense of pride.
He tapped his friends so they would look up and I continued making my fire into different things, birds, planes, people. The kids were entranced.
I looked back to see the two pros staring at me with a certain level of pride mixer with shock. While bakugou seemed at a loss for words. God knows why this time?
"I don't think fire is all that bad you know..."
"Pft, yeah, I know kid," with that I threw my little flames above their heads and let the sparks fall down of them like shiny glitter. Then, overwhelmed with this horrible feeling in my chest. I retreatdd to my boss for the weak. Was that..happiness? Ew.
1 note · View note
blookmallow · 5 years
some misplaced thoughts/attempted half-formed analysis on outlast 2, im not finished with it yet so im still missing half the information here but do NOT tell me about anything that happens later on dont fill in my blanks for me just yet ill find out (or ill reconsider my thoughts at the end if im wrong/if things get left unclear) 
im currently just a bit past the raft adventure, havent quite caught up my liveblogs yet bc transferring switch pics and sorting through them all takes 11 thousand years
this is. very disorganized and so many words, my thoughts are all over the place but i had to get it out somewhere lmao
ok so some key symbols ive noticed:
- obviously hanging/noose imagery
- again obviously, crucifixion/christ 
- water, most likely symbolic baptism 
- both of those last two things together in an overall “christian/catholic symbols but Horribly, Horribly Wrong” 
- the plagues!!!!!! i noticed some reference to this but recently realized i think we’re being forced through ALL of them actually 
- again the hanging imagery is an obvious one, blake is (very poorly) coping with the trauma he experienced as a kid (or high school student. i was under the impression they were middle schoolers for some reason but high school is still a young age to be dealing with something like that) surrounding his friend’s suicide, he clearly feels like he’s somehow responsible for it, possibly only because he didn’t stop it, but it doesn’t seem like he really could have done anything. this trauma is absolutely resurfacing through all he’s going through now and it feels like his past and current pain are starting to converge more and more as time goes on. honestly even if there wasn’t some weird fucked up mystery going on and it was just a symbolic representation of him reliving his trauma id still think its absolutely fascinating and really well done but it seems like there’s definitely More Going On than just that 
this is something im going to make specific notes on when i do a story mode replay, note every time hanging shows up... some ive noticed: occurrences of hanging in the temple gate/”real world” often bizarrely coincide with blake’s salvation, he’s able to get away from the scalled leader by stealing the rope off the corpse of a man who hung himself, there’s a hanged corpse right near where the raft ends up when he crashes it on the river
there’s definitely some “somebody else died so that I could live” going on there, I don’t know if that’s directly related to the incident with jessica or not yet 
and that again ties into the crucifixion, the death of Jesus brings about salvation and life for everyone else (and, while he was not hanged, there’s still “hanging” on a cross, and the cross is often referred to as a “tree”) (it doesn’t seem like jessica hung herself from a tree but the other corpses have been) 
- obvious again, the crucifixion is showing up absolutely everywhere, clear sacrifice/murder for the greater good concepts, im not catholic but i am coming at this from a christian perspective myself, and like. on the one hand it’s taking very important religious imagery and hideously distorting it into “now we got the flayed corpses of cultists stuck everywhere” but on the other I think it’s actually... really important not to forget that the cross was in fact an execution tool, the death of christ was a horrific, bloody, and cruel event that would have been absolutely revolting to witness and unfathomably painful to experience 
and the sanitized, pretty, kid-friendly image of the cross you so commonly see in churches now really disconnects from the reality of it. a mutilated corpse rotting on a splintered, bloody piece of wood is a much more realistic image, for better or worse, than a little neon plastic WWJD toy cross. i dont actually think the crucifix imagery here is sacrilegious at all. obviously the cultists are fucking monsters but im talking about specifically the use of crucifix imagery here. the parallels with the unsettlingly realistic jesus statues (and the fact that they show up both in temple gate and in the high school hallucinations especially) is like. actually pretty solid. i dont want to get into religious debate with anyone so im not gonna get too deep into that but i wanted to mention it 
- there’s also blake as an unwilling “messiah” figure (which. hes literally declared “the skalled christ” so this isn’t exactly subtle lmao) and. i dont know exactly what his religious standing is but we do know he was raised catholic, and like. it was quite an intense and harrowing experience to me, as a christian, watching the skalled crucifixion scene through his perspective, so i cannot even imagine what it would have been like for him to actually be in that position for real experiencing it himself. and we have the. jesus Knowing what was going to happen, dreading and wishing he could escape it, but resigning to it/blake absolutely wanting no fucking part in any of this and literally tearing his hands out of the nails, jesus resurrecting from the grave/blake digging his way out of his “grave” (though he wasnt actually dead), i dont really have any deeper observation to make there i just think its interesting 
- i do not know whats going on with water! something is! i wasnt paying much attention to water before so this is probably another thing ill be watching for/making notes on in my eventual story mode replay but Something Is Very Wrong About That Lake and i keep getting murdered by the Whatever THe Fuck That Thing Is in water, either from falling in the lake/the river or there’s that pool scene in the high school
seems like there’s some kind of... chemicals in the water causing weird shit but i dont know whats going on yet (dont tell me!), so there’s probably something about baptism/entering the water and leaving fundamentally changed somehow but in a Very Wrong sense, but i dont have all the information yet so im just blindly guessing. and we got piles of dead fish in the water very soon before you see piles of human corpses in the water, that as well,
and along that line:
- the plagues!! i cant believe i didnt realize we’re going through the plagues! i had noticed some reference to them but figured it was just more weird religious imagery for the aesthetic or something and didn’t quite realize we’re actually hitting all of them, they’re not necessarily happening in order but they sure are happening: 
water turning to blood: we’re surrounded in blood from the start but this was what really made me start fucking paying attention because where im at right now it is RAINING BLOOD SOME FUCKING HOW 
I have no IDEA how that’s happening in the “real world” unless it’s like. not really blood and some kind of chemical reaction with whatevers going on with the water, or if its some mass hallucination thing, or what (again dont tell me!! i want to find out!! shh!!!!) but, uh, that’s a pretty clear “water into blood” situation there, 
this one also is happening simultaneously with the high school dimension, all the water in the bathroom and the fire sprinklers all became blood, and you get fucking drenched in it, so there’s probably some amount of “baptism of blood” happening there too
plague of flies: i dont remember there being any specific moment where you get overwhelmed by flies but its possible it happened and i forgot, but either way you hear flies buzzing around constantly, it gets in your head, theres flies everywhere because of the gore piles rotting all over everywhere 
disease on livestock: there’s dead rotting cow/horse carcasses absolutely everywhere, so,
plague of boils: the skalled village, may not be Specifically boils but they’re definitely uh. very, very diseased 
plague of locusts: you get attacked by a shit ton of locusts and fall into the ravine, this one’s, uh. pretty blatant 
plague of darkness: you’re stuck in the dark for the entire everything, so
there’s also an instance in the high school dimension where everything goes black and you cannot see anything whatsoever and can’t do anything but follow jessica’s voice and hope to god you don’t run into That Thing Again
the only ones I haven’t seen yet are the plague of frogs, gnats/lice which i completely forgot was even a plague but apparently was (though again this could just be included in with the general “everything is covered in flies and god knows what” happening everywhere), hail/fire storms (though you do get attacked by flaming arrows, so that could count)(that also happens in the skalled village/shortly after you discover the skalled, so that would be in order), and... the death of the firstborn
the exact order of the other plagues isn’t necessarily all that important but that one as the final plague is very important and it definitely feels like they could be building up to that 
so it’s. likely something really, really bad is gonna happen with lynn by the end of all this
(do NOT!! tell me!!! dont!!! do not) 
also a minor thing but i did notice blake at one point goes “these are signs!! this is the apocalypse!!” and, like, maybe that’s just because he’s obviously not in his right mind right now/it wasn’t supposed to be taken that seriously but the plagues on egypt were not signs of the apocalypse, but signs displaying the power of God to the pharoah, a “let the slaves go free Or Else” demonstration, and blake as someone who grew up in catholic school would know this, but that could just be like. a minor writing error or just. biblical accuracy isnt really his first priority right now lmao 
0 notes
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What do you think? This is a quote from the following article: In addition, under the settlement, Health Net agreed to halt employee bonuses that were based in part on how many rescissions they performed. And here's the article, with other reputable links inside: http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/138914.php Anthem Blue Cross Announces Settlements With California Insurance Department Over Rescinded Health Insurance Policies; Health Net Announces Settlement""
Can I sue my auto insurance company for an at fault accident with an insured driver on my policy?
I was a passenger in my own vehicle during a near fatal accident where the driver, who is an insured driver on my policy, had road rage with another driver. The driver ended up receiving a DUI as a result of the accident. I tried to sue my auto insurance company for under/unisured motorist, but since the accident was a sole vehicle accident, the insurance company would not settle for my injuries. Due to the nature of the accident and the result of the driver being intoxicated, the auto insurance company accepted liability for the driver's negligence and tried to settle for $4,200. I ended up hiring a lawyer because I have an unpaid hospital bill in excess of the settlement amount. In addition, I have had complications from my injuries and need lifetime treatments. We have an arbitration hearing next month, but the driver is only named on the lawsuit, not my auto insurance company. This accident happened in Pennsylvania and I had full tort, stackable, 100,000/300,000. My question is...why is the insurance company not insuring the named insured driver (who by the way happens to be my husband), on my insurance policy?""
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How come my insurance is going up?
My mom just told me that the insurance company is raising my insurance by like 168$(6 month pay day) and I dont know why. I havent gotten a ticket, pulled over or anything. I mean at school I get parking infractions and stuff and it says ' your license plate has been reported to the police department' but ive gotten multiples of those and have friends that have gotten way more and nothing happens. So I want to know a reason on why the insurance would be going up. Thanks""
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got a R34 GT-r. maybe thinking about downgrading to a GT-s R33 cuz i the insurance is a little ridiculous. $640 Thats full coverage and im only 19 :P turnng 20 soon. Which would be more to insure and what you think it would cost to insure the R33? I do have 1 speeding ticket and one wreckless driving back when i was 16.
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Being denied by insurance for pizza delivery?
I applied for a driving postion at a local pizza resturant, and when i went in for the interview I was told so long as the insurance approved me i would start training in a week, and when i called today i was told the insurance did not approve me, and was not given a reason why, and i have no tickets or accidents at all on my driving record, any body in the insurance or pizza delivering bussiness know possibly why i was denied by the insurance?""
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How much would you think a 2009 mustang gt insurance would cost monthly?
For an 22 year old male??
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Who insures the insurance companies?
Just out of curiosity who insures the insurance companies? Do they insure themselves? If so, due to all the bureaucratic BS do they have to pay a deductible to themselves? Or are they insured by other companies? Is it just one big circle? For example: Company X's building gets destroyed by a tornado, do they pay for everything or are they insured by Company Y.""
Why is my car insurance expensive as the year go by?
i got the car in 2009, each year the car insurance keep rising by price.. it was 400, then 600, now its 800... but as the year go by the car is getting older, so why is an older car insurance more expensive? does this have anything to do with the fact that my car has leather seats?""
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Okay, so I've had my Chevy taho 1 year, i just canceled my insurance cause I'm about to sell it I'm living in California moving to Colorado so I'm gonna sell my car...I know in cali Seller must smog the car a 2nd time, but am i taking a risk driving it to go get it smoged? also.... i have not driven it cause I planned on selling it so it's also not renewed.... and to make matters worse I lost my tile, positive honest answers please =(""
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ok just wondering, why do you get pulled over for not haveing car insurance if all it does is help you out if you get into a crash, is it actually required to have it while driving? and why....""
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trying to find cheap sr22 insurance, i juss read that its going to be required that i have it in order to reinstate my license. Been lookin around online for quotes and I was wondering what other people in similar situations are paying monthly and by which carrier. Thanks""
New driver insurance?
im a 17 year old male, just passed my test and trying to get insured. i've been on all the comparison sites with all stupid quotes. Does anyone know any cheap insurance sites/brokers Please Help!!!!!!!!""
Health Insurance question?
Do any one know a insurance in California that cover pre-existing condition? I am eighteen year old with no insurance still living with my parent which have no health insurance. We had medical but it expired. I have heart problem the doctor said i need to get insurance that cover pre-existing condition. I have try getting quotes online. Or know any good insurance i should try giving a call to.
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Were is the best place to get a $1 Million general liability insurance policy and a $1 million Error & Omissions policy for my company?
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what kind of deducatable do you have?? how much per month? how old are you?
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insurance rates? Do they look at her driving record to determine that? If it would increase his annual premium, by about how much would it increase? THANKS""
Do I need an insurance to register my car in North Carolina?
I live in Charlotte, North Carolina. I am gonna buy a used car from a private party and I am going to DMV tomorrow to register it. The DMV website says I need car insurance for registration. Can I get an insurance when technically I don't own the car? what do insurance companies need for getting a car insurance?""
Can I get auto insurance on a car that someone owns and has insurance on?
So I am an 18 year old who lives with his girlfriends Mother. I recently just obtained my Drivers License, but I have one problem. I don't have any Auto Insurance. I do not have a car, but I drive my girlfriends Moms car when I need to. First question. Can I get in trouble without Auto Insurance driving her car with her permission? If not, can I get a different type of insurance under the same car that I pay all on my own? She has State Farm is it helps.""
How much would insurance cost for an 18 year-old college student on a used 2000 honda CBR 600?
How much would insurance cost for an 18 year-old college student on a used 2000 honda CBR 600?
Life insurance recommendation?
Hello !! Michael, I am interested in a term life insurance policy for myself and my wife. We are 50 and 51 years of age and in overall good health. We are both overweight according to Farmers insurance guidelines. Everything was fine with regards to our health except for their restrictions about the weight issue. My question: What are we supposed to do in order to be insured with a reputable company ? We would be willing to pay a higher premium if necessary. Could you Please recommend some insurance companys that provide flexibility with regard to weight. Your help is appreciated !!!!""
2006 Saleen Insurance?
I might be buying a 2006 Saleen supercharged next week. I am 22 years old and female (but I turn 23 in May). I've never been in any accidents, I've only had one speeding ticket about 3 years ago, and I have a pretty good driving record, and I've already graduated from college. Any clue how much full coverage insurance will be?? or maybe what any of you may pay for a similar car?""
Can i get my own car insurance?
I'll be driving someone else's car which is covered under their insurance policy. Can I get my own insurance with a DIFFERENT insurance carrier (and still drive the same car)?
How much is the insurance for a fiat 500 for a 17 year old?
I am getting a new car. I am oping to get the Fiat 500. But i'm not sure how much on average the insurance for it will be for a 17 year old. xcheerss lovelys x
What do you pay for your motorcycle?
I'm a 23 year old guy in FL and looking to buy a sportbike. Probably a used GSX-R 600 or a ZX-6R. My question is what are you guys paying for your bikes? I'm looking to put about $1000 down on the bike itself. So financing probably $5-7,000. I know things will vary with interest rates and all that. But what are you paying total monthly for your bike payment (amount financed/interest) plus insurance. Trying to get my budget together. Thanks.""
Moped insurance?
I'm 16 and I'm wanting to get a moped. Does the law require that you carry insurance on mopeds? Thanks.
""I'm getting my permit soon, insurance?
Okay. I'm turning 15 soon and in Florida that means getting your permit. My dad said that he won't let me get my permit because he doesn't want to pay for my and my older brothers insurance. Since I really need my permit because my dad and stepmom aren't that sober and I want to get a job and a form of transportation between marching band and my house. He doesn't get that. So What I am asking is where could I get really affordable insurance but not skimp on the coverage. I would be paying for it myself. I also need to find a job. Uhg. I have a little over 2 months until I become of age. Any help would be most appreciated. Thanks!
How Much does it cost to insure a ferrari?
How Much does it cost to insure a ferrari?
What state has cheaper car insurance?
I'm in California right now and will be moving to Florida next year. Which of the two has cheaper car insurance rates?
Car Insurance and Registered Owners?
I have recently bough a car and I am the registered owner and keeper of the car on the documents. As this is my first car and I am under 26, my insurance quote was very high, so as the car will be driven by me and my boyfriend he is the primary driver and i am the second driver on the insurance policy. Does the primary driver also have to be the registered owner for an insurance company to pay out?!""
""In California, how long does an auto insurance company have to respond to a claim?""
So i'm going on week 3 of dealing with another a car accident claim. A landscaping truck backed into my parked car a few weeks ago. I got the company's insurance info and reported it to my insurance the same day. A week later I hear back from my insurer telling me that the other persons insurance company was unable to reach the driver or the owner of the landscaping company for a statement and they could not accept liability until they receive a statement. In California, is there a limit on how much time an insurance company has to accept a claim? Luckily, the gas station where the accident happened was nice enough to give me the secularist film which makes this pretty cut and dry (should push come to shove). Thank you!""
How much would my car insurance be...???
Texas Female 18 years old good driving record 2007 Honda Civic Coupe or 2006 TC Scion Also what other information should I add if this is not enough?
How much would insurance cost?
I am 20 years old, I have taken driving school, I have been driving since I was 16, and i have my g2. im gonna need a reliable car to get me to my new job. I am looking for a used care, i need to know how much insurance would be. Can anyone suggest a car, used, 2004-2008, price, insurance for a female who is 20 and taken driving school. Something reliable like a honda or a mazda or anything else and around how much payments would be a month. i know it wont be exact , there are many factors i just am wondering like an estimate if anyone can help me.""
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Car Registration and Insurance Company?
So, here is my predicament. A person wrecked into my car (while it was parked) and her Insurance Company (State Farm) has already sent out a person to do estimates and told me it is a Total Loss, which is fine, they offered me a lot more then blue book says, BUT my issue at the moment is, they told me I need to get my registration up to date before they would deal with me anymore (Was expired by a month cause my lack of insurance). So I rode up to a Tag Agency and got a Black Tag (In Oklahoma, we have color coated Registration stickers that we put on our License Plate) A Black Tag means it is not being driven and is parked but is up to date on being registered. So they told me they would call me back when it shows in their system I have registered my tags to up-to-date, and I called them today, which was over 48 hours after getting registration and they are still telling me they haven't heard anything. So I'm curious, did I do something wrong or is the Tag Agency slow? Or Insurance Company slow? (I'm impatient cause I need a car ASAP for work.)""
How can I find my neighbors home insurance company?
My neighbors have a pit bull which is completely untrained and escapes from their yard on a regular basis. I have tried to talk to my neighbor telling him he needs to keep his dog in his fenced yard but he does not speak English very well and I don't believe he understands me. I do know that he owns his house. I am concerned that if his dog attacks someone that his home owners insurance won't cover it. My home insurance company told me that they would not cover a pit bull if I had one. How can I find out what insurance agency my neighbor is using so that I can find out if he has coverage for his dog (or blow him in for having a dog his insurance won't cover).
Health Insurance ????????????
I'm going to live in china for a year and would like to have insurance. I'm just living over there and wont have a job so i wont have health insurance. When i quit my job to move to china I wont have insurance so i need to get some for a whole year. Can someone point me in the right direction to get health insurance. Does anybody know what a basic health insurance plan for a year would cost. Any help would be appreciated. thanks
Insurance on 03 infiniti g35 for 17 year old?
How much is the insurance if they have 2 cars on the policy?
Got my 1st speeding ticket under mom's insurance. Will her insurance go up?
I got my 1st speeding ticket ever and paid it off. I am under my mom's insurance as an additional driver. Will the rates go up? If so, is it too late to take defensive driving to take it off the record since I already paid it?""
What's the insurance price for a 10 ft boat?
I would like to know how much The insurance would cost for a 10 ft fiberglass fishing boat? Anyone can give me an estimate? Thanks
Please help answer a health insurance question: group vs. individual?
I'm thinking of retiring early. I would utilize COBRA for the full 18 months. After that, I would purchase an individual plan. I'm extremely healthy, no preexisting conditions. My concern is, if I were to become ill after purchasing the individual policy, could I be dropped? I would, of course, make sure payments are always on time. I live in California. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks!""
""Which Car insurance is the best , and about how much does it cost?
how much does insurance cost for a 16 teen and which insurance is the best just asking
""I need auto insurance, I am 17?""
Ok, So I really need auto insurance, Looking to spend a good price per year for insurance, what is the cheapest insurance company??? How much do you pay per year? Thanks, I am tring to get insurance asap!!!! Thanks.. I need to drive to school and I am a senior""
What is the best way to go about auto insurance for an 18 year old purchasing a Mustang GT?
Hey, I have a job @ walmart and i make pretty decent money & next thursday when i get paid im going to e-z way auto sales which is a pay here buy here car lot for no credit car buyers to go to establish car history credit & the car that caught my eye was a black on black on black 2004 Ford Mustang GT, I have to have it and the payments wouldn't be that much, something I could afford. What about the insurance? What's the cheapest for my age? I just turned 18 last month & i don't wanna pay more than $200 for car insurance, that'll be more than my car payment. HELP ME OUT!""
Car insurance for a 1969 Camaro?
I'm 20 and was wondering about how much a 69 camaro would cost me a month under my insurance.
Do I need to have both insurance coverage?
I am in the process of starting a Virtual Assistant business. Would I need both general liability and professional liability (errors & ommission insurance) coverage? From my understanding general liability covers physical damages and professional liability is for written errors. Since I will not be doing work at client's homes and offices (probably only initial consults there), I would think I would just need professional liability. Btw, my business is in California""
Are there any schools out there that offer their teachers affordable family insurance?
My husband is a full-time teacher. I work part-time and am a grad. student. He has great insurance for himself, but I have to pay for my own separately. To add me to his plan would cost us $650.00 a month (adding 1 to 9 people is one lump sum, $650). I can barely afford what I pay on my own ($160+) and then there's the deductible... (basically my insurance doesn't end up paying for anything... it all comes out of my pocket). I guess I just always assumed that if a person had a good full-time job that family insurance would be included or affordable... It's not even an option. Seriously, who can afford $650 a month and on a teacher's salary? Is there any school out there that has a better insurance plan? We love where we are, but we can't afford to live. Is there a light at the end of the tunnel?""
Can you add you unborn child to your insurance?
well, I would like to add my baby to my boyfriend's insurance (the daddy) can he do it now or we need to wait until the baby is born?""
Would my insurance go down if i trade in an 08 liberty or an 2012 patriot?
I currently have an 08 liberty that we got screwed buying, the gentleman that works at the same dealership is going to try and reverse the loan however which is a good thing. i was wondering though if from previous experience would my insurance go up or stay the same. the liberty we have now has several features. (convertable sunroof, built in media center etc.) where as the patriot doesnt have those features.""
How much does affordable health insurance cost?
How much does affordable health insurance cost?
Have I been ripped off? Car insurance?
Need a bit of help! I recently turned 18 and passed my driving test I drive a c1 and I paid 3060 for my car insurance this is with a black box fitted! I don't know if this is bad or good?? Considering I am being monitored?? Please help
How and what is cheap auto insurance?
How and what is cheap auto insurance?
How high will my Florida Homeowner's insurance go?
How high will my Florida Homeowner's insurance go?
""Car insurance like for like, just like other insurances?""
My cheapish car was written off after someone bashed into the back of it. I am brokeish and need a car to get to work. The car cost 400 and the insurance company might give me 200 if I am lucky. Surely the Insurance company should just replace the car with the same or similar model, so I am back to where I was before the lorry crashed into the back of my car. because now I have to find money I do not have just to get to work! There is something wrong here somewhere as it is costing me and I have not actually done anything except be the victim here. Is like for like possible with car insurance?""
Cooperative young drivers insurance car modification?
Hi, I am looking forward to install a tuning box/chip tuning into my car, it is a under the hood performance modification and doesnt show anything on the exterior. Thanks!""
How much does motorcycle insurance cost?
I'm 17 and live in the Ann Arbor area in Michigan. I'm looking at buying a Kawasaki Ninja 500, and was wondering how much insurance would cost for it?""
Questions about health insurance?
I took my eye exam couple months ago, and now i need change my insurance company, so my question is can i take my eye exam again?""
""Got into a small accident with my mothers car. She has insurance I dont, what will happen?""
I was driving my mother's car, was in a small accident. I rear ended a car in front of me at a stop sign. Completely my fault. There was no damage to both cars but the driver called an ambulance due to neck pain. A police report was made. What will happen next? She has full insurance for the car with Geico. Will the insurance rate go up? Will I have to pay any fines? Will I get into trouble for driving her car with no insurance? My mother wasnt feeling well I was using her car to run errands. Thanks!""
Who really has the cheapest car insurance?
its gotta be cheap
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focus rs insurance quote
Accident with no insurance?
Hi I got in an accident in linconwood with out any insurance but the accident was his fault and there's no police report and now his car insurance company is during me b.c they said it was my fault. Can somebody please help me out here
Which of the following are proof of insurance?
i wanted to know is $35,000 cash to dmv, dmv certificate of self-insurance, insurance policy card from car insurance, or all of that is proof of insurance""
""Know any good, cheap restaurant insurance companies?""
My parents want to open up a restaurant, and so they need restaurant insurance. Would any of you happen to know any good, but cheap restaurant insurance companies? He's looking for a price around 2,600 to 2,800 dollars for the cost.""
Does car insurance cover for shattered side window?
My car got vandalized this morning and someone broke my backside window. (Not the big one but the small triangular window that does not slide down. Will my insurance company cover for the damage or do I have to pay out of my pocket? How much will it cost for that tiny window?
Can i get car insurance in Cali. if my license is from NY?
I'm currently in Sacramento now and i live in NYC. I flew here on vacation and now i want to buy a car and drive back. How will i get insurance for my car?
Why insurance agent do not market term insurance?
I am working in an IT company & agent comes to our company for marketing ULIPs. By reading various articals on ULIPs, I now understand the charges & I wonder how these agents hide the charge story partially or completely. Some of my teammates blindly sign on the policy parers & get trapped in the ULIP trap. I asked all agents for Term Insurance & most of them clearly refuse that they only sell ULIPs.I want to know that why Agents & insurance companies have a single point agenda of selling ULIPs & not market term insurance.""
""In the state of arkansas, is there any state programs to provide free or affordable health insurance?
i am a 36 yr old male returning to college full-time. i have two dependent children who recive arkids(medicaid). i have no health insurance currently and am not working currently
How much is insurance on a motorcycle?
tell me your sex, age, location and cost per month. i live in baltimore, md""
Cannot get any fr44 insurance?
every insurance company says I need to give $4500 down as a lump sum because of my driving record... any advise im in florida DUI, PIP claim, 2 speeding tickets""
What's the insurance price for a 10 ft boat?
I would like to know how much The insurance would cost for a 10 ft fiberglass fishing boat? Anyone can give me an estimate? Thanks
Where to get cheap public liability insurance?
Please help !!! need cheap public liability insurance
Should i get a policy on My Dad's car insurance?
Hi all My Dad has been with Churchill a long time and says they are brilliant. I have been looking at my own policys and they are around 2.5k-3k which is so out of my price range it is unreal.I have checked how much it would cost to have my Dad as the main driver on another Churchill Policy on my car and have me as a name driver,Protect his no claims and i am also able to build up my own for future use with Churchill. The cost of this kind of policy totals at around 750. Should i take this or could there be any problems in the future.""
Have you ever tried Kwik FIt for car insurance?
I wouldn't do this out of choice, they rang me. what a joke. One call centre takes your name and your date of renewal They pass you onto Call Connections Ltd who ask you about your age, address etc. Then they say we have xyz insurance companies who want to quote for you, sir ( note this is before they have any car details ) They then pass you to one insurance company to give you thier quote. Once that call is ended you bounce back to Call Connections who pass you to company number 2 etc etc I hung up. whoever devised that business model wants shooting. Surely no-one will put up with that ??""
Dental insurance..?
Hi, i am a student so i do not have much money. I am living in Melbourne, Australia. I would like to know if there is an affordable health insurance that cover dental needs. I need to remove my 4 wisdow teeth and also i would like to put some braces...but i can not aford it. Would an insurance be worth in this case?""
I need help with car insurance?
So I don't have a license yet, but im workin on it. I seen a car that I want now b4 its too late n sumbody buys it. My mom has a car n her n my dad r on the same insurance, he pays it tho. SO heres what i wanna do... Can I buy the car n then get insurance in my moms name or is there sumthin i can do like let the car sit til i get my license?? I would have to get the car home tho, but it wont be insured on the ride home(is there sum temp insurance)... I mean the car is steal, n i need to get it now b4 sumbody buys it!! Its in Ohio, if that matters...""
Do you have too get insurance on rentacar?
do you need insurance on car rental
Why is Obama all of a sudden denying HIS OWN WORDS health insurance made over YEARS?
in his OWN WORDS: http://www.breitbart.tv/uncovered-video-obama-explains-how-his-health-care-plan-will-eliminate-private-insurance/
What is the best and most cost efficient way to move?
We are moving from Atlanta, Georgia to Boston, Massachusetts. I was researching possibly renting a moving truck, but I'm having difficulty finding the best option. I was considering U-haul, but from other message boards, I got the impression that as the costs add up with insurance and mileage and whatnot, it appeared to not be the best option out there (or maybe it is in comparison to other companies, I am not sure). Does anyone have any suggestions or past experience with a good moving company? We are looking for the best price option, and possibly a company where we could pick up the truck in Georgia and drop it off somewhere in Mass. **the trip is roughly 950 miles""
I got a no insurance ticket so I bought insurance less then an hour after.?
The date on the ticket is the same date my insurance started. Anybody know what the outcome might be?
Motorcycle insurance?
about how much should it cost?
Does a salvage title cost more when it comes to getting insurance?
I want to buy a motorcycle. however, it has a salvage title. will the insurance be more? P.S. all i want is liability.""
Anybody ever heard of [email protected].. i received a quote for auto ins from this site .?
received a quote from lindsays general insurance agency..a really good deal.
""18, no job, need health insurance?""
I can't breath because my nose is all messed up, this has been going on for years and it just keeps getting worst and worst. I need insurance and my parents won't help me get any. So now I need a way to get it on my own. i have no job and know nothing about health insurance. I live in nyc""
Why car insurance quote from tesco is 550 whereas competitors quote over 1000 ?
i went through swinton, axa ,norwich union, high performance, churchil, and a couple others. they did not even come close...is this possible? i am a bit suspicious, if that tesco quote is reliable, but they say when i call that i can complete the whole process online and i do enter the same detail as on other websites.""
Co-op smartbox for young drivers?
I am 18 and considering going through the co-op box scheme for young drivers. Everything about it looks great (I've gone from quotes of 6000+ to 3000!) but there's one area that concerns me - I can't imagine I'll be confident enough driving any time soon to be a wreckless driver, but I intend to go on holiday around Scotland with my friends in the summer where I'll be driving for a long time. I was wondering whether this might affect my insurance premium. So for example if I drove around 5 hours a week, consistently, for a few months, and then went on a road trip and drove for 30 hours one week, would this raise my premium? I ask because on the quote page it asks for how long I'll be driving on a weekly basis. Do any current customers happen to know whether they care at all? Thank you in advance! :)""
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0 notes
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"burial insurance online quote
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BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://saleinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Is there insurance for a person that doesn't own a car and rental company doesnt provide insurance?
I want to rent a car but the rental place close to me doesn't provide insurance. They said I would have to provide my own. Is there insurance that will cover me while I rent the rental car? And if there is who will provide that for me?
How much would insurance on a motor scooter cost in the state of ohio roughly?
How much would insurance on a motor scooter cost in the state of ohio roughly?
""Has anyone ever heard of the following insurance companies: Safe Co., Travelers, and Hartford?
Are they good/reputable companies?
Why is car insurance to high in my area aged 23?
ive been passed for 4 years now - and when i first started driving i was paying 800 on a 1.6. now if i was to do a re-quote on the same car it comes out to 2800, which is stupid. now if i was to do a car insurance search say 3 miles away from my house the car insurance on a astra is only 1000 which is a big change, so why im being ripped off on car insurance.""
How much is a basic texas motorcycle insurance?? cost these days..?
I am curious to know this information.. for later to purchace a bike maybe a suzuki 250r 2011
What is the cheapest insurance company?
Ok so I'm 16 years I have an 08 Kawasaki ninja 250 and I live in rural California what should I expect to pay for liability only
Insurance on a 2008 Suzuki Hayabusa......?
Wow dont ask me how, but I lucked up and found some RIDICULOUSLY cheap insurance. I have been looking for about a day and a half. Every last MAJOR insurance company you can think of. For some reason everyone on here kept saying check out Progessive. They were one of the MOST expensive. If you have a SUPER sport bike. Meaning either the Kawaski 12 or 14 or the Suzuki 1300 Busa, everyone is quoting you between $6,000 to $8,000 for a year. Thats like $400-$500 a month. That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen in my life. But then my salesman told me to call State Farm. He said trust him, that he used to race sportsbikes and always insured through state farm. So I call them and get a quote for $767 for the year. The same Bike that EVERYONE else quoted at $1000. Honestly I could not belive the lady. I do not understand how the price is that different. My salesman said that it is because State Farm is the only comapny that doesnt run the vin number of the bike and put it in the""
Reduce motorcycle insurance?
would it be feasable to buy a moped (100ccish) & insure it for a couple of years just to get some no claim bonus!! then in a year or 2 buy a proper bike ( 650ccish) & hopefully the insurance will be cheaper. i used to have bike in my youth when i passed my test but as i havent ridden 1 for a while its difficult to get insurance ( reasonable cost any way ) thanks
""I heard that car insurance is cheaper if i include my spouse, why ?""
i would imagine car insurance would cost more then there are more people using a car, not the other way around""
Car insurance for 2 people in 2 places...?
My father is going to add me to his auto insurance. He lives in the the Bronx, NY and currently I go to school in upstate New York and is where I will be using the car and I know car insurance is cheaper upstate New York. With that being said is it possible for his part of the insurance to be filed in New York City and my part to be filed through the upstate location? While still having him receive the bill for both... Thanks in advance!""
How much does auto insurance cost for teenagers?
I'm a 16 year old hoping to get my license soon. But I have a question about how much insurance would cost for me. I'm a male, and also do they lower the cost if you have good grades, etc? I have a 4.0 GPA.""
How much will car insurance cost for me?
i am 17 years old and i have my g2. i live in oshawa ontario canada. i will be a secondary driver on my dads car, which is a 1999 yukon gmc. i have also taken driving school. and im a girl. any clue how much insurance will cost me per month?""
Where can we get car insurance for only one week?
Where can we get car insurance for one week? I'm 18, and i want to drive during spring break.""
""Young married couple, low cost health insurance with Rx?""
I'm going to get married soon (not RLY soon but i have to start thinking about some things in advance) and I have to get health insurance. I'm really confused by it but I've been doing some reading about it and some figures about the kind of finances we are going to have and all I really know at this point is that we can't afford more than 200 dollars per month and that has to include prescriptions and everything. My soon to be husband is really healthy, only real issue is near-sightedness. I'm a little more sickly, I have asthma and allergies and the same eye problems. I keep them all pretty much under control but I need my meds. What plan would be best for us so that we can keep costs low and still get me my Rx?""
Where can I find ratings for the service of various insurance companies?
Where can I find ratings for the service of various insurance companies?
Whys my insurance suddenly so high?
right ive just turned 17 and yes i know blah blah blah but what ive been doing is on gocompare just looking for possible cars on ebay then checking the insurance to find the cheapest ones. now iv managed to go from over three grand to cars which were about 1800 but then today every single car iv check was over 3k even cars yesterday quoted 1800 i also noticed that elephant and admiral used to be the cheapest by thousands but now they dont cover me and when i went to admiral direct they quoted 4k i havent changed any details any ideas why this is :)
Cost of 49cc moped insurance?
I'm 15 and looking into getting a moped. I know you have to register the moped and take a premit test to legally drive it but do you need insurance for a moped in iowa? Ive got a 4.0 and i also heard that if you get good grades it would be even lower insurance costs. How much would it cost for insurance if the moped is a 2010 and has less than 1000 miles on it?
Does Texas have a state health insurance for children?
In NY we have child health plus which is inexpensive & if your income is low it is free of charge.
I need help for cheaper auto insurance... any suggestions in my situation?
I was really stupid as a kid. When I first got my New York State drivers license within half a year I had gotten 2 speeding tickets, a DWI under the age of 21 (I blew a .16 and was reduced to a dwai luckily), seatbelt violation, talking on the phone while driving, and not fully stopping at a stopping at a stop sign. I got my license suspended for a year and I've been able to drive for over a year now. Ive matured a lot sense I was in high school and regret all of it but because of all the stupid, irresponsible, things I did when I was a teenager my insurance just to drive is putting me in debt its so high. Does anyone have any advice to get cheaper insurance in the same situation as me? And please no your a bad person you could have killed someone responses. I've learned my lesson and would like to go on with my life without paying thousands of dollars for insurance. Thank you!""
""How much is Homeowners Insurance in FL on a $150,000 home?
I'm a first time home buyer and very curious how much cash I'm going to need before closing a house.
""Car insurance, full coverage versus liability?""
I drive a 98 Chevy Suburban, because it has a lien holder (bank) it has had full coverage insurance the life of the loan. Next month when we get our tax refund we plan to pay it off, not that much owed. Due to it's age wouldn't it be logical to drop the full coverage down to liability insurance. I know with it being that old the full coverage insurance would hardly pay out anything if it was a total loss anyway.""
Insurance question?
My friend has a 1990 Mazda B-2200 Club Cab 4x2 and he's paying $140 per month for insurance. I keep telling him that if he gets a new car his insurance rate will go down because of the safety features on that car. His truck has no ABS, airbags or any other safety features besides seatbelts. He's looking to get a 2008 Volkswagen Rabbit. Now the Rabbit has standard 4-wheel ABS, front, side and curtain airbags, traction control, etc. The price of the car is around $17,000-18,000 but he's still worried that he'll pay more each month. Is that actually true or am I completely wrong?""
Cheap car insurance?
I've just decided to restart my lessons after 4 months of being away from them - last failed my test by one minor at the very end of the test was absolutely gutted. I am just about to turn 18 years old and am looking for insurance on my dads Suzuki Baleno. The cheapest I have found so far is 446.60 for fully comp per year with CIS Insurance which I know would be considered cheap, but is there any cheaper?""
What is the best website to get cheap moped insurance ?
What is the best website to get cheap moped insurance ?
""Which car insurance companies are the cheapest in New York State( queens, new york) in particular?""
I just bought a new car and am hoping to get car insurance and register it. I am curious what the cheapest companies are. I just got a quote from Esurance.com, and am curious if there are other cheaper companies. I am 22 and have a bachelors degree and a job. I want to insure a mazda protege hatchback. Please let me know what your experiences have been.""
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burial insurance online quote
Is health insurance haram?
Hey, We're supposed to write an essay on any topic of our choice and show it relates to well being and opportunity in Canada while addressing inequalities (that part is optional). I'm thinking of writing on Private Health Insurance in Canada. But first i wanna know if health insurance is haram. Also what can I focus on on in terms of health insurance. Should I focus on their good side/bad side, etc. Any suggestions?""
Where would be the cheapest place for insurance??????
ive recnetly turned 18 and i want to get a suzuki jimny soft top where is the best place
Will i lose my health insurance?
i am a full time college sudent, 17 years old. i have HIP health insurance derived from my mother. (i have it since im the child). if i change my mailing address to be different then hers, will the insurance still cover me? thanks.""
What's the average price for teenage insurance?
my parents are making me pay for my insurance over the summer, but they won't tell me how much it is until then. can someone tell me the average price or something? i drive a 2000 mazda b truck (similar to a ford ranger). i just need a rough estimate. thanks!""
I had unprotectedddd sex last night and am recently new to the united states and do not have health care insurance but i need the morning after pill!! CAN I GET IT I NEED YOUR HELP PLEASE
Mortgage company wants us to pay hazard insurance premium up front?
I am getting an FHA home loan. My mortgage company sent me a good faith estimate stating that my hazard insurance premium will be included in closing costs, but that I will also be paying a monthly hazard insurance payment, the same goes for the mortgage insurance. They are also wanting us to put $591 into hazard insurance reserves. What is this all about? Is this normal? I was pretty positive that when you got insurance you just paid your premium monthly, not up front and then monthly also? Help me understand what is going on here.""
Life Insurance?
What is the best life insurance?
What is the cheapest car insurance in queens ny?
What is the cheapest car insurance in queens ny?
Car insurance question?
I have been driving for three years and am looking to upgrade cars. I drove a Vauxhall Agila for 2 and a half years and the last six months iv had a Pegeuot 206. I am 22 and my partner is 21. I have one years no claims and she has 0. The smaller the engine the cheaper the car is there a list some where that I can look through to find the cheap insurance cars? I want a 1.6 Astra but the insurance for the two of us is like 3k and I dont want to pay more then 2 really. As well as this, she had a bump not long back. She is on my insurance and if this guy claims do I lose my annual bonus or is it just her who loses it?""
What happens if your driveing a car with no car insurance and someone hits you.?
We live in California. My seventeen year old was driving our car that was uninsured and was in a accident. The other driver admitted it was his fault and there insurance company has already claimed full responsibility. What I'm wondering is what will happen when they find out we have no insurance. I did yake my son to the doctors and they said he does have wip lash but will be fine
How much is car insurance for a range rover a month?
I'm almost 16 and I wanted to know how much is car insurance for a Range Rover HSE, since that's the car i want.""
When is the right time to buy life insurance?
My son is due on Valentine's Day. Should I already have life insurance, or should I wait until after I get married, which is happening on the 17th?""
Car insurance help please ?
I'm 18 and I am soon to be having a car, (hopefully) now everybody in the UK knows hows stupid car insurance is for new/young drivers. my dad says he will not put me on his insurance as IF i had a crash and needed to claim it would knock off his no claims, that is perfectly understanding but wile looking on Moneysupermarket i noticed the (protect no claims) if i was a named driver on my dads insurance would i get that cheaper, i know later in life i'm gonna have to start my own but thats for when im on more money at work etc, so what i am asking would this work out? and everybody becomes a winner? thank you for any help (im only looking for a Ford Fiesta mk2/3 1.0/1.1)""
Do lamborghini doors increase your insurance?
Also does a 2 door, 2 seat also increase the insurance cost?""
What is a good type of home owner insurance to get?
I may be purchasing my first home on a land contract from a person that i know that owns the house out right. the land contract would be a five year contract or sooner if i can afford to pay the house off. i have lived in the house at one time, not for sure about a few things on the house. i was wondering if anyone may know of a website or a website that may give an estimate quote on home owners insurance on the home i may be buying. i wanted to get some idea of how much it may be and what home owners insurance covers. i have looked at a few websites, but there are a lot of different things to include in insurance and different requirements that may need to be met before the house is insured. the house is a bit of a fixer upper and needs lots of tender loving care before its decent. its livable but i need insurance if i buy it. the owner who is selling isn't requiring insurance, but i want to be smart and safe and have insurance. any suggestions? i must give an answer to the owner tomorrow, because i know he has others wanting to buy. i don't want to get into something that i have no clue about before purchasing. i am looking and getting the idea, but was looking for tips or more info. thanks""
What is the cheapest car insurance you can think of?
I make $900 - $1000 a month & Im moving out in a week. my rent is $300 & Im going to have to get new car insurance next month. I got quotes from thegeneral.com & esurance.com. The general was 119.00 a month & esurance was 204.00 do you know anything cheaper? I have an 08 honda accord coup. please help if you can!
16 years old can I get insurance ?
K so I'm 16 getting a 2002 BMW m3 how much will insurance be with just the cheapest I can get how much will insurance be ??? 10 points
Young driver car insurance?
I am a nineteen year old male struggling to find cheap car insurance. any ideas.?
What is the cheapest auto insurance company for young drivers?
i'm a 19 yr old male buying a 94 ford escort. what is generally the cheapest insurance company? i got a rate of 445 for 6 months. take it?
How do i pay for car insurance?
i'm 17 years old and moving out. me and my parents do not get along. i'm buying my own car but i do not know how i'm going to pay for the insurance? i do not know much about anything. i can't get a credit card because i'm not 18 so what should i do? is there a different way?
Which company is best for a first time driver to insure with ?
I am 17 in April and will be learning to drive and was wondering if anyone could recommend the best insurers Cheapest most reliable. please help ive been going round in circles.
Where can i find cheap health insurance?
My girlfriend just recently went off of her parents health insurance and is having trouble finding a full time job. She can get it through her part time job but she doesn't think she can afford it.
Question about getting car insurance for mil!?
Long story short my mother in law lost her car insurance and can't afford to get insurance back my question is can my husband put her and her car under our insurance?!?
What company has the very cheapest car insurance for Tennessee?
I just need the bare minimum insurance. Which is the cheapest?
My insurance is running out?
I am 19 years old and my insurance is running out in two days because i have a job and are not going to school. I have a pretty bad medical history of anxiety problems and low immune system. When i was younger i was in the hospital every year for something like phneumonia or stomach virus of strep throat. I have agoraphobia pretty bad. It is very hard for me to go to wal mart and i cant travel out of town because my anxiety kicks in. Now my insurance is going out and i don't know what to do. Its driving me crazy. Any suggestions to a way of getting medical care for cheap without all the thousands of dollars in bills would be greatly appreciated.Thank everyone so much for answers:)
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burial insurance online quote
Does AARP offer affordable health insurance? What is the best medical care option for low income Americans?
I am helping someone trying to find health benefits. She saw an add for AARP on TV and asked me to check into it. From what I can see AARP is a magazine subscriiption that offers a few discounts and offers a plan to suppliment existing insurance. It does not appear to be a place you can go for affordable primary health insurance. She is 55 years old, in relatively good health, except for taking high blood pressure medicine, a legal U.S. resident and currently unemployed. He last job was a Nanny job and that is probably what she will find next, but those kind of jobs are usually with a private family and they offer nothing in way of benefits. I have tried to GOOGLE low income health insurance and the best I have found is a short term policy, with a 7500 hospital deductable that costs 256.00 a month, still out of her reach. Are there any alternatives for low income Americans? Is AARP a possible solution to get her access to affordable medical care? All input is appreciated. She is just wants to be able to get affordable medical care and I really do not have an answer for her""
""Anyone know where I can get 1 day car insurance, i'm under 21?""
I am 20 years old, and taking my car in for a service to VW whom have offered me a courtesy car as I need to get to work etc throughout the day and pick the car up in the evening. Only problem is they won't let me use their insurance policy as i'm under 21 and after calling my insurance today who clearly said to me we do not deal with temporary cover even for existing customers . I therefore asked how much it would cost to add another car to the policy and they want an initial payment of 97 and I will have to pay ATLEAST the first months payment after which i can then cancel which is a rather expensive way of doing this. Any information/help is greatly appreciated! :)""
Will my Car Insurance rates go up for 1 speeding ticket?
I just got a speeding ticket this morning (66mph in a 50). I have a really good record. Will my insurance go up? I have State Farm in Ohio. Thanks!
What are some names of some cheap 3rd party Auto Insurance companies in Texas?
Tittle say it all, best answer 5 stars""
Can a Healthnet insurance bought in California be used in the Philippines during emergency cases?
My Aunt is from California and she's vacationing in the Philippines. Due to severe allergy attack, she was rushed to the emergency room in one of the hospitals here in the Philippines. Her health insurance provider is healthnet. The hospital here said they don't accept healthnet card. What can she do ? What other options does she have? If the hospitals here can refuse to accept Healthnet cards, can she just pay the bill and have it reimbursed later by healthnet when she gets home?""
Car accident in California with no insurance. What do do now?
A friend of mine just got into a car accident in California. He was test driving a car. The guy who wants to sell the car was in the passenger seat. My friend was unfamiliar with the area and the guy who wants to sell the car told him to turn right. While doing that he crossed another lane and got hit by a car driving there. Both cars got quite damaged, but no one got injured. Police came and filed a ticket against my friend. He does not have any insurance. What advise could I give him? What should he do next? I don't live in the states so it is kind of hard for me to help him.""
Car insurance for 17year olds? ?
Please answer this question for my cousin: I'm 17 in november and I'm planning on taking my theory on my birthday and the practical 3/4 weeks later because I can already drive well but before my practical I just want to have 3weeks worth of lessons on the road with the public instead of friends cars and stuff. My mum has said she will help me buy a car but when I look at insurance quotes they are very very expensive. I wanted to put my long term boyfriend who I live with during term time on my insurance policy so he can drive it as well. He has his own car but he is thinking of getting rid of it soon. He has been driving for 3 years and is 22. Is it cheaper just to have myself on the policy or with him on it too? What cars are nice (no old fashioned ugly cars) are cheap to insure for a 17year old girl?
I was in a car wreck how much should i ask for from insurance company?
i had to go to the hospital for whiplash very painfull also missed over a week of work they are paying for the repairs top my car but what about me .........i was sitting at a red light and this chick crashed in to me from behind
How much should I expect my homeowners insurance to cover?
Last month, my car was broken into. A laptop and and navigation system were taken, all together costs about $1700 to replace. How much should I expect a check for? I'm looking for new laptops at the moment and I'm thinking of purchasing a replacement before the check comes in.""
Insurance quotes questions?
Im shopping around for car insurance but when i go online to get a quote, they always ask for a phone number and address and the reg of the car. But im only looking for estimates as I don't have a car and im only wondering how much different cars might cost to insure so how am i supposed to tell them how much the car's worth and all that. I dont want to leave my number because I dont want phone calls asking if i want their insurance or not. Any good way to handle this?""
Why is my car on Motor Insurance Database (MID) while I haven't bought insurance yet?
I've just bought a used car for my son, received the new log book; however, I haven't bought insurance yet, as I intend to keep the car off road at the moment. But when I checked my car on the Motor Insurance Database (MID), it recognized my car. Apparently it is ok to drive this car, although I haven't bought insurance for it. Do you think this is ok, or will I be stopped by the police driving this car?""
Can a health insurance company decline your request to cancel?
Here's the situation: I've had health insurance for the past few years through Nationwide, which is/was provided by my employer. The cost is taken out of my check every week. I received a letter from my employer last December stating that I did not have to change anything in regards to the Affordable Health Care Act. Two months later, I received a letter from my insurance company saying that I have inadequate coverage and need to visit healthcare.gov to find different coverage. I found new coverage through Blue Cross Blue Shield through healthcare.gov (I was planning on going BCBS anyway). I asked the woman who I spoke with when I should cancel my previous insurance benefits. She replied Wait a couple of weeks until you get all of your new information from BCBS . Here's where the issue comes in. When I contacted Nationwide (my previous insurance company) to cancel they said I had to fill out and send back a form. Basically, the form asked why I was cancelling. Go figure there was no option for them not having the correct benefits. Anyway, I sent that back and proof of my new policy (they wanted the effective date) Nationwide DENIED my request to cancel stating that I only had 30 days from the time my new coverage began to inform them. Even though their coverage doesn't meet the AHCA requirements, I cannot cancel until my company's open enrollment (December) Can they legally decline my cancellation request?""
""Car payments, insurance and registration fees?""
I want to buy a car soon, but besides the car payment I was wondering how much it costs to register the car. Also I dont know if I have to register a car if Im buying a used car (itll be a newer year, but used). Im only 18 (female) and I just received my license a little while ago. Also how do I see how much insurance will cost me? Im on a budget because Im also attending college (graduated high school) and Im paying for everything myself. I do not have people to rely on for any financial aid. Though, I may ask for a car loan if I can get one. I live in the sate of Oregon (If laws vary in different states).""
I have a health insurance question for baby?
Hey, I was wondering if there is a type of cheap health insurance me and my husband could get since we don't have any and are wanting to have a baby? We both work and have good jobs but, no insurance. Is there and insurance just to cover the baby because as long as the baby's needs are covered I could care less about us? That includes like before the baby is born but, all the doctor visits pertaining to the baby.""
How can i get cheaper insurance on my 1998 honda civic 1.5?
Every time i want to find a cheap insurance on my Honda civic 1.5 i get quotes starting from 4000, this is insanity, my car is worth not more than 600 and insurance is almost 10 times bigger. I am 20 years old.""
What's the advantage of having an intermediary company (broker) handle my car insurance?
i quoted through the intermediary company (broker) and the total payment was $331. Then i quoted directly with the insurance company and the total payment is $209......????
Is insurance cheaper when you live in a built up area or in the countryside?
Is insurance cheaper when you live in a built up area or in the countryside?
Why is it important that all Americans have health insurance?
Currently, health care in America takes care of everyone, regardless of whether or not one has health insurance. By requiring all Americans to have health insurance, will this make our health care system better than it is now?""
I am 23 years old. Questions about affordable health insurance in the state of NJ.?
Hello. Like I already mentioned, I am 23 years old and am still living at home with my parents who have been out of work for over 3 years. I have a part time job at the moment, and am wondering what my options are for affordable health insurance in the state of nj. My parents are currently on Medicaid, but since i am over the age of 21 and have no kids of my own I don't qualify. What are some of my options? I currently have no health insurance.""
I need to know which car insurance is both reliable and affordable?
I need to know which car insurance is both reliable and affordable?
Proof of Insurance (and deferral)?
Hello, I live in washington state, and have a mitigation hearing tomorrow for a speeding ticket. It's my first, so I have a few questions. In my ticket im charged with no proof of insurance, BUT I was wrong, I had my insurance I was just confused, I did not realize our AAA was our insurance as well as the aid that they're known for. Anyways, since then I have lost my wallet. So I have a temporary lisence but still no insurance card. So how do I get proof that I had insurance on that day? I have an insurance policy card I've been keeping in the dash. Will that work? Then how do I get this deferred? Do I ask the judge, or do I need to go to the courthouse today to get a form, etc. Thanks for any help.""
What is a car insurance down payment?
I see these commercials for cheap car insurance with a low down payment . I've had three car insurance companies in my life and not a single one has required a down payment. Why would anyone choose a company that did?
What exaclty are the purpose and definition of INSURANCE?
Why did people invent insurance, what was their reasoning behind it? And why did we make auto insurance mandatory...or the insurance for your home? Wasn' t it conceived to help in case of catastrophic events? Isn't the purpose of health inurance similar..to help pay for the catastrophic or complex diseases? How is making this mandatory different from making auto insurance mandatory?""
How much is car insurance for a 17 year old female ?
I am turning 17 on july 6 and i will be getting my license on that day too, my parents said they will pay for the car but i only have to pay for the insurance . how much is insurance?""
What is a cheap insurance?
I am a student and i dont want to pay a lot for car insurance i want the cheapest
burial insurance online quote
burial insurance online quote
2013 mustang v6 insurance?
I'm 16 years old my dad took me to look at a 2013 mustang v6 the other day I just want to know the avg. rates for it I live in Katy Texas 16 years old Male Don't have a driving record but I had my permit for 10 months I think I will be under their insurance Don't say I should just get a **** car and wait for a mustang.
Can you get motorcycle insurance in NY with just a learners permit?
Can you get motorcycle insurance in NY with just a learners permit?
Will the color of an automobile effect the cost of insurance?
Will the color of an automobile effect the cost of insurance?
Best Insurance Rate/Company after DUI/DWI?
I got a DUI about a year and a half ago (Yes, I know very stupid) I switched insurance companies after it happened to get a better rate. I am with Progressive now and paying about $190/month. I live in NC and drive a 10 year old Jeep Wrangler, I have an excellent driving record with no tickets or accidents, the only thing on my record is the DUI. Does anyone have any advice on which insurance company might offer the best rates or if there is anything I can do to lower my rate? Is there any way to get coverage without them checking my driving record and seeing my DUI??? Thanks""
350z insurance cost tx 16year old?
how much is insurance for a 2006 350z for a 16 year old first car in texas?
How much does it cost a month to insure a 2002 Acura RSX Type S in NJ?
if you have a rsx type s can you tell me how much you pay and how old are you. So i want to get the 2002 acura rsx type s im going to be 17 but im going to put the insurance under my dads name and ill just be a liability on average how much do you think it will cost?
Why is Obamacare called the Affordable Insurance Act if it provides health care?
Why is Obamacare called the Affordable Insurance Act if it provides health care?
Insurance Industry?
I'm trying to find out more about insurance industry...i have to make a huge project out of it for Economics...I'm specializing in IT so i don't know much about Economics...do you guys know any sites where i can find out more about Insurance Industry...or like anything you can share about it. Thank you.
I'm 17 years old- how much will it cost me to get my own car insurance?
i have a 1992 chrysler lebaron im 17 years old what the cheapest i can get car insurance
What is the best company for Maternity Health insurance?
I'm not looking to go on medicaid, I don't want to use taxpayers money if I can afford a reasonable individual health insurance plan. I am very early on in pregnancy and would like to know if anyone knows of a good plan with reasonable rates. I would appreciate it if you had details (plan names). We can afford a deductible of around $4000 or less.""
My daughter had a car wreck with my car causing my insurance to go up.?
My daughter had a car wreck with my car causing my insurance to go up. Technically I didn't cause the insurance, so if I was to switch insurances, will it still show up. It would just be me in the policy now.""
Car insurance?
I have been looking about getting a small car and i was just wondering how much younger people have paid for their insurance. Im 18 and it is really high and i was wondering if it was like this for everyone??
""Second speeding ticket in California, first one was more than 18 months ago?
I got my first speeding ticket about 2 years (24 months) ago. I paid the fine but didn't go to traffic school. I got my second one a few weeks ago. Will it add a point to my ...show more
What is the best car insurance company in North Carolina?
Hi. So I recently moved from New England to North Carolina. I have my 2002 Toyota Camry. It was my Dad's and is still under his name. However, I want to get the title in my name hopefully by early 2014. That means paying for insurance too. I figure I'm going to have to do this soon, might as well do it now and learn more responsibility. My parents are paying for my car and their cars under MetLife. (Yes, the one with the Snoopy logo). They are paying about the same plan they did in Massachusetts. I know North Carolina has more competition in pricing and I want to shop around for a decent plan that gives me what I need but for a better price. My Mom is hysterical and doesn't want me to go anywhere else because she think NC insurance is crap. I like that MetLife gives me what I need but I'm not paying more than I have to in insurance. Sorry Mom. So my question is. What is the best car insurance company in North Carolina? Any suggestions. I would like a company that offers affordable plans but also is a reliable company when I need them. Please NO cheapo discount insurance. Here are my only two liabilities in my driving history: 1. Got into a minor car accident in October of 2011. Just a paint smear with another car. Nobody was hurt and neither car got in worse performance condition. 2. Got a seatbelt violation ticket in January 2013. (It was actually for speeding but the cop went easy probably because he saw I was wearing a suit. I was on my way to a family memorial service near the South Boston area.) Any experiences? I mean, what is my Mom worried about? I never hear in the news about people dying because they have NC car insurance. I know there is cut rate (bad) insurance out there because of competition. But there's got to be something better in NC than paying a Taxachuetts MetLife plan. (Sorry BayStaters, but you know it's true) Thank you!""
Cheap cars to insure?
What are some cheap cars to insure?
I am 19 and own a 1978 camaro in Michigan what would be the cheapest insurance company?
I am 19 and own a 1978 camaro in Michigan what would be the cheapest insurance company?
Why do woman drivers get cheaper car insurance?
Why do woman drivers get cheaper car insurance?
How long does it take for a traffic ticket to show up on your driver's license and insurance?
So i got a ticket on july 17th (of this year) and the deadline to pay, contest, or do traffic school for it was september 17th, two days ago. i checked yesterday for the update because i thought i had a few more days and it said i can extend the ticket (to pay or to contest or to attend traffic school) to november 16th. i chose that and i will eventually go to traffic school but my question is, is point already on my record and will it affect my insurance rates? My friend was saying no because i extended the date and by doing so i havent plead guilty to the ticket (by paying it or attending traffic school for it) so right now because i have the date to fix the ticket extended by two months, it will not show up on my license or my insurance. What do you guys think? thanks a ton for any help :)""
Why is homeowners insurance so high?
Been paying on my house for over 20 years.Never missed a payment.Always pay my taxes on time.Always carry insurance.Raised 3 children on my own.Always worked.Didnt collect food stamps or state insurance.Payed back anything I borrowed.Could not afford higher education.Was paying to raise my children.Husband left when kids were young.Owes me over 70000 in child support.Never covered one cent of their medical bills.Their all in late 20s and early 30s now.I guess all that doesn't really matter except for the fact that because I was too proud to suck off the taxpayers I worked.I made my bed and I slept in it. .But now im being penalized again.Insurance rates based on many things like your education.So,because I am stupidier than the average driver I will probably get in more accidents.How but this?Im over 50.No accidents No tickets.Always drive older vechicles so its not possible to speed even if I wanted to.I always thought my car insurance would go down after 50.In a few years they'll be jacking it higher because im too old.When does it stop?Okay.So back to the house insurance.If they refuse me house insurance Ill lose my house.All the money in interest and principal ive payed over the years will be in vane.The banks and mortgage companies will keep all the money ive worked for and take the house too.Homeless .Wont beable to work wont beable to pay taxes.will probably freeze to death and die..All because the sharks that call themselves insurance executives need to take another vacation.I wonder if they have mothers.If you have someone living in your house who has gotten a ticket or so on,your rates go upAnother way they our breaking up the American family.Is it true our politicans have sold us out to other countries.China for one.They are buying up our food sources.They probaly don't want us to beable to grow our own foods or have our own livestock.The crops are genetically engineered so our seeds probably are too.They probably own the insurance companies tooHow do people go to florida for the winter and leave their houses vacant without paying higher rates.I was told insurance companies don't cover vacant homes.Thanks for listening.Bless you""
Need advice on car insurance excess cost?
I had a bad accident yesterday morning and I payed to bring my car home but I didn't inform my insurance company yet because I haven't got the excess fee at the moment. The car seems to be a write off according to the police and the locals who helped me while I was in shock but will there be a problem if I waited a few days until I have the excess cost ready then I'll tell the insurance company what happened? It wasnt my fault and also the traffic lights were out of order at that junction as this person came at high speed hitting my car at the left corner sending me flying towards the road to the right and onto the pavement. I've gathered pictures of everything for evidence. But the problem is at the moment I cant afford the excess fee, If i let the insurance company know will they ask me to pay right away?""
Do we qualify for medicaid?
Medicare for me & my boyfriend.? My boyfriend and I have an apartment of our own. I'm 19(next week), and he's 20(in August). I'm working at an insurance company, and I make about $1500/monthly. He's currently unemployed (he's looking for a job). I pay rent, all the bills, car insurance, and all the other little things. So i'm broke at the end of the month. He has a cyst in his chest (we're assuming). He went for a check up about a year ago, and the doc said it was a cyst. It's been getting bigger and worse, so we want to get it fixed. Since he lives with me, and I make enough for the both of us, will he qualify for medicaid? I WILL NOT be able to afford all the medical bills! Will both of us qualify? How will this be done? They will ask for paycheck stubs and rent papers and everything...right? We are also both in college, we applied for a Pell Grant this semester. If that helps any. And where do I go to apply for medicaid? Can i do it on the phone or something and avoid the 5 hr wait? Please answer ALL of my questions! Thanks!""
What is cheaper for insurance mustang or charger?
well they would both be 2007. v6 cause my insurance is already high. and what one would you choose i want a mustang but alot of people have them but a charger has a big body
Do i have to have car insurance to get my permit in portland oregon?
So im a 14 year old girl and i turn 15 in October on the 20th and i was wondering if i really need car insurance to get my permit cause my step mom told me i do and if i do i don't see why.
Baby insurance?
Okay so my fiance and I aren't married yet. I am on my moms insurance until I am 19 and they wont cover the baby. He has his own insurance through WI called Hirsps. I can't change my license yet because my moms insurance will drop me and we dont want that to happen because it will be hard to get insurance to cover hospital bills. How do we get the baby insurance? Can we put the baby on his insurance?
How much is car insurance?
For a 17 year old male in the UK, how much would car insurance be for... A Renault Mgane Convertible 2005 (I've worked it out, it's in insurance group 14) It doesn't have to be exact, I was just wondering about what price it would be""
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burial insurance online quote
0 notes
mundane-bute · 6 years
16 June '17 approx. 1am-6am
i had a conversation with with a familiar stranger on Saturday, some time in the AM's while i was trying to sober up. he told me in pretty, and almost immediately i was aware that im alone, near a pool, far from home heavily intoxicated with a stranger. he could kill me right then, he could rape me then kill me in fact.he didn't. he just talked to me about music, books and movies. then it got serious. he asked why im not in the house drinking myself into a coma. i told him a friend of mine asked me not to drink too much. and besides, i went outside cos i wanted the bottle of Jameson to myself lol. he laughed, said im funny, asked how come i havent hooked up with anyone all night. i told him that besides the fact that my brother was gonna kill me if i did, the only person i want to hook up with isnt there. he started laughing. he said i dont look like the type to fall in love, then asked who my boyfriend is. i told him no one. i told him i dont have one. he laughed harder, he said i dont look like the type to gowish because of love. i didn't like this subject, so i asked him what happened between him and his girl, i know the story from her side, now i wanna know from his. he asked me to pass the bottle of Jameson before he proceeded to tell the tale. they were in love, stupidly in love. he said it was almost their 4 month anniversary. he went to this party, and the girl he always wanted was there, she was being extra flirty and he was a bit intoxicated so he pulled. naturally his girl found out and went ham. she hooked up with almost all his friends, so he did the same to her. basically they fucked each other over, and over until it was so fucked they could never be together again. around June 2017 they saw each other for the first time in over a year, at a house party. they hooked up. they promised each other that they would obviously hook up with whoever and try keep it from each other best they could. cos it still hurt finding out, and its not like they can date again, he was now in Jhb and she is in Cp Twn. he said he still loves her, and would take her back in a heartbeat. i passed him the bottle again. he asked whats my story. i told him. he laughed. he said im going to hell anyway, i might as well go to hell the happiest muthafucka alive. I laughed. he said thats the first time he has seen me laugh i should do it more often. he said he is the ultimate fuckboy so if i need lessons on being selfish i must message him. i told him i dont wanna learn. everyone has a side of them they dont wanna explore, and thats mine. i wont know how to come back from it. it took me well over 2 years to become nice and to attempt to open my heart and i like the person i am. and he said I shouldn't like the person i am, i should love her. and if im selfish my Mr would always be there to remind me of that gentle side. he noticed the tears in my eyes. then we just kept quiet. he passed the bottle. after some time he said he is sorry, i told him its not him. he asked what it is then. i told him Mr was with someone else rn, i told him i pretend like it doesn't hurt cos im good at it but it stings. he told me he knew exactly what i meant. we laughed. it was a sad laugh. the conversation progressed. we're at the same point in life. well similar. he said he doesnt know what to do with his life, he said he knows he is doing his degree but he doesn't know if it's what he wants or what his parents want for him. he says he loves the escape to Jhb. away from Pmb where everyone knows each other, where he has a reputation and shid. my song came on round about this point. Be Your Girl by Teedra Moses (Kaytranada edition). i got lost in the song for a bit. i told him i feel the same. i told him i wanna leave Durban, leave SA even, i told him that i have no clue what i wanna do after high school. i told him I've been lost so long im starting to lose faith in ever being found. he said im too young. im so proud of myself. another version of me would've sucked his face to distract myself from everything i was feeling. im dealing with my demons. we literally sat there the remainder of the night. talked about stupid shit and funny shit. drank. laughed. and sat in silence. his girl, well ex girl came out to talk to him, they chatted a while, cuddled then she left. he didnt wanna talk about it and frankly i didnt wanna know. in the morning he helped us clean then left. im so grateful for him. he was the kinda company i needed, he chose to let our morning stay beautiful. i left Pmb Saturday morning. I could've stayed and snuck out to go clubbing at night on Sat but i chose to let my weekend stay beautiful. my cousin told me he apologised to his ex girl for the first time. he apologised for making her feel like shit, for cheating on her, calling her crazy and making her crazy. im proud of him.
0 notes
Insurance fraud?
"Insurance fraud?
someone i know received a LARGE payout from an insurance company for permanent injuries in an accident. It has been settled, and now he does everything, heavy lifting, recreational sports, etc. Since it is settled, as of march of this year, should i not be so upset that it looks like insurance fraud. i pay so much insurance costs that people like this just infuriate me. i was told by others who have the same opinion of him, that once it's settled the insurance company can't do anything. True? thanks for any help/opinions on this matter.
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Why is everyone whining about being required to buy heath insurance?
you probably don't realize it, but you practically are required to buy car insurance. if you wreck and you have no insurance, it's not very pretty, especially for your money. Same thing with heath. if you get sick and don't have insurance, it's not very good! i don't understand why people so strongly oppose requirement to buy heath insurance, but don't even stop to think about car insurance, the same principle.""
""Car insurance,if im fully?""
If im fully comp on my own insurance, could i buy another car and not pay any more premiums.""
Any insurance people out there?
Ok. I know I should have car insurance. But right now I can't afford it. I don't own a house. So what is the worse case scenario for me if I'm in an accident?
I got a ticket for jaywalking. Will it affect my insurance?
I live in California and was wondering if I should just pay it? I'm just wondering if it will affect my insurance but it wasn't a traffic ticket and I'm confused.
Car insurance? will it go up if no claim is made?
son had car accident, was on partners polcy, wrote car off, no other vehicle was involved, insurance company have found out about the accident somehow (due to one of these no win no fee companies getting his details as he had a passenger in the car who was not injured, but who had not contacted them ) son is 18, wants to get on the road again, but we are worried about how much insurance will cost him. we havent claimed for his car either, can any please advise""
First time dealing with car insurance for a 19 yr old?
I just finished drivers ed today and I want to go ahead and get my drivers license because also Lowes called me and want me to come in for orientation! Crazy day right? 2 good things in 1 day. But anyways the Lowes that I should be working at is maybe 15 minutes away and the position I have should be a night position. I'm sure my mom doesn't want to drive around at night so I told her she can just give me the car at night. Here's the thing my dad said he'd have to put me on his insurance. I would like to get my own insurance so they can save some of there money. So can anybody point me in any direction or give me some tips. Because im clueless when it comes to car insurance. Right now my mom is asking me do I have to work there. I plan on grabbing this job because I've been looking for awhile and I finally got 1. Ain't no telling when I'll get another one
I was in a car accident with no insurance.?
It was a minor accident no injuries and my insurance ran out 3 days before the accident, i have got insurance again but The person I was in an accident with is taking me to court to try and get $2800 for the damages. Now I know his vehicle is not worth more than $1000. Could that mean that I can pay the price that the car books for and then he will have to give me the title, like insurance companies do?""
How much does car insurance cost in Ontario?
What are the factors involved? What kind of car will help me get lower insurance? I'm 16 (but will be 17 when I purchase a car) I haven't done any drivers coarse because I personally think it would be a waste of time. I've been driving for many years, seems pointless to take the coarse just to be considered a three star driver... anyways, should I get a newer car? or an older one? what factors are involved in getting low insurance? now I'm only gonna be 17, so I'm guessing it's gonna be around $2000-$3000 ( a year) but how can I get it as low as possible?""
I need cheap insurance help?
i live in Dearborn Michigan insurance here full coverage starts from $2300 and up Oneway insurance is $950 i cant even afford any of that. Does anybody know any cheap insurance places or companies. I drive a 2004 hyundai Tiburon GT 120,000 miles clean title and im a college student age 20 whos never ever got a ticket or have been arrested. Iv had my drivers license since i was 16. Iv never been in any accidents im also a 3.2 GPA college student all A's and B's im asking is their any cheap insurance or no?""
What are the chances of me 'winning' this car insurance claim ?
Yesterday i was leaving work , driving along a road , when a young girl ( 17/18 ) drove straight out of the car park on the left and hit my nsf wheel so hard it pushed my car 5ft across the road. She said she didn't even look to see if a car was coming. She has large scuff marks on the corner of her bumper, my car has a dented wing , wrecked wheel (which is no longer pointing straight ) . This girl is on her parents insurance. Her boyfriend was on his motorbike and said to me , he didn't believe she just did that , he saw it all. My insurance company says it seems straight forward - she was totally at fault, My car is not drive able. Husband ( mechanic ) seems to think i may need a new steering rack, wishbone maybe strutt , wing , alloy wheels ....they may write my car off as its value for insurance is 1200. Has anyone else experienced a similar accident or got any advice ?""
Insurance question for my car?
when i turn 16, if my mom calls and just puts my car under her as driving it, and dont mention that i will be driving, if something happens would i be covered under her policy or would i not be covered since i wasnt one of the names insured. it is alot cheaper to just go under her, but if i got pulled over, or anything happened would i be covered under insurance.""
What Is GAP Insurance?
Hey there! I was just wondering if anyone knew what GAP insurance (Vehicle Insurance) is? Is it like normal vehicle insurance? Any information would be helpful, thank you. =]""
Car insurance????????????
how long before my insurance is up will i recieve my renewal quote?
Where can I find inexpensive health Insurance for an individual?
Where can I find inexpensive health Insurance for an individual?
How to rebuild credit score?
I can't get approved for a credit card because I couldn't pay my car payment or car insurance for 2 months cause I lost my job. Although my credit score is around 530, which isn't too bad. But I have a lot of inquiries on my report from trying to get a car loan a couple years ago.. Now I'm trying to get a loan for school.. So what are my options?""
What home owner insurance do I need to purchase?
If I buy an apartment and pays the HOA fee, does that cover the basic homeowner insurance?""
Do you need car insurance to get drivers license in Texas?
I'll give the BEST ANSWER award to the person who knows what they're talking about and not just guessing at things.
Health Insurance Problem?
I am a part time student and i have a part time job that i am trying to turn into a full time job in the near future however I am afraid that when i turn twenty-one at the end of this week i will be dropped from my parents Insurance and be left high and dry. Can i stay on my parent's insurance if i am only a part time student, and if not any suggestions for what to do would be greatly appreciated thank you.""
Can you stay on your parents' health insurance?
If you are under 26 and get a job that offers health and dental insurance, can you legally stay on your parents' health plan? Refusing does not jepordize that, correct?""
How can I get a license if I don't have a car to insure with SR 22 insurance?
I am not capable of driving. My husbands license was revoked between 2005 and 2006 in Illinois.To have it reinstated, he says he was told he had to have SR 22 insurance in that state. We now live in Reno, Nevada. Does that demand still apply, or is it even true? I certainly hope not because that leaves us in a very sticky situations, as we do not -own- a car to insure. As I understand it, he would need a license, so he could buy a car, so he could insure it. Essentially if he were to need SR 22 insurance to get a driverse license, he would need to follow quite a circular demand, being that to get a car, he needs a lisense, but to get a license, he needs SS 22 insurance, but to get insurance, he needs a car. So you see his predicament if that is what we need to do. If this is the case, it's impossible for him to get either a license or a car. Is there non-owner insurance? We are rather young and do not have any relatives in this state to help answer these tough questions or help us out financially.""
Why are car insurance companies trying to make me go bankrupt?
Okay, this is extremely frustrating. I'm a 19 year old student, who works part time. I have all-state insurance full coverage, and I drive a 2001 toyota tacoma, which is paid off. And guess how much Allstate charges me every 6 months? $750!!!!!!!!!!!! That is absolutely ridiculous. These son of a bitches are totally ridiculous charging me that. I've never had a ticket, never been in an accident. And I don't care if i'm 19 that price is absolutely absurd for that car. I'm almost at the point where I just wanna go illegal and drive without insurance. I'm looking sleep every night over this I mean seriously do they think a 19 year old college student is made of money. And the funny thing is it's under my parents policy and its this much!!!""
How much do you think car insurance would b for me??
I have been on my dad's insurance for a few years. I am a 22 year old female. How much do you think I would end up paying every month for car insurance? on my own?
Rough Estimate For Liability Insurance?
Roughly what would is cost monthly for a million dollar liability insurance policy for a lawn/landscape business. The owners of the business would be under the age of 25
Can you swap your bike for a hire bike with insurance?
I have a hire bike with my insurance while my bike is in repair, the hire bike is perfect and really fits my needs perfectly, is it possible they could swap mine for the hire bike even if it means paying money for it""
How does LIFE INSURANCE work?
my cousins dad dies of cancer and he had life insurance. the family got $500,000 . -did the insurance company just give them the money away. or did they make certain payments? doesnt insurance lose money? -do they go on a spending spree now or what?""
Insurance fraud?
someone i know received a LARGE payout from an insurance company for permanent injuries in an accident. It has been settled, and now he does everything, heavy lifting, recreational sports, etc. Since it is settled, as of march of this year, should i not be so upset that it looks like insurance fraud. i pay so much insurance costs that people like this just infuriate me. i was told by others who have the same opinion of him, that once it's settled the insurance company can't do anything. True? thanks for any help/opinions on this matter.
Car crash and insurance?
i had a crash today, it was not my fault (was told by the police), i had my insurance, but the other party does not, i was told i have to pay for my car full coverage because the other party does not have insurance. Is that true? please help me, thank you!""
Who is the cheapest auto insurance?
who is the cheapest auto insurance for adult male driver in southern cal. last ticket was about 7 years ago. thx
Can the auto insurance company pay me directly and not pay body repair shop?
So about 3 weeks ago some guy backed into my car and it was his fault... His insurance company said take my car to a body shop repair and they will pay the repair shop only.. I wanna take my car to different shops and get few estimates and have the insurance company pay me.. I wanna decide weather to fix the car or keep the cash (maybe sell my car and get a better one)... It's my car and I have the title for it.. Why should the damn insurance company control what to do with own my car or control how the repair process goes!!! it's a 1995 nissan 240sx... Please tell me if I can make the insurance company to write me a check. thanks!
How much would insurance cost for a USED EVO 8?
The other day my auntie said she will buy me a car. Her husband is a doctor and makes alot of money. She has helped our family out a lot with financial problems before in the past. So I was just wondering if she were to get me an 2003-2005 EVO 8 which I probably wont get, how much would the insurance cost, the car being under her name. She says all I have to do is pay for the insurance for a car so I just wanted to ask the Yahoo nation for some information on this situation. Oh yeah one more thing im only making a lousy income of about 1084 a month so yeah feel free to bash on me............""
""What car has low insurance fees, cheap parts, and is some what fast stock?""
I get a car in a little bit and I don't know what to get. I have some ideas such as a Nissan 350z, Mustang Cobra, Mitsubishi Lancer Evo or a Subaru Impreza but I don't know how much the insurance would be to cover those for a 16 year old male.""
Cheap car insurance? 17 year old UK?
So say I'm a 17/18 year old just passed driver with a cheap car, small engine etc, female, what price, in terms of car insurance, am I looking at? Thanks for any feedback. I really just want an estimation!""
Do you have to buy insurance before you get a car?
I would like to buy an used car (from a private owner). But I was told before I do that I must have a license, tag and insurance on the car. But another person told me that its best for me to get the car first and then get the other stuff... I am so confused.. which way is the best way for me to do? please help.""
Question about car insurance?
What is the average price difference between full coverage and the lowest coverage? What exactly do they cover? And are there options in between? I know it differs from company to company, but I would like to know what the average difference is. I have enough money for a car, but as soon as I find a job, Im going to buy one, but I need to know what im going to be paying for insurance, and what is right for me. Im going to be spending between $1500-$2000 for the car if it makes a difference, thank you.""
Life insurance rates in CA vs TX?
for the same coverage (i.e. $500K 30 years term life) is life insurance cheaper in CA or in TX? We are going to be moving to TX in the next couple of months, and we want to buy life insurance. I'd like to know if we are better of buying it here in CA or wait till we get to TX.""
Car auto insurance and person at fault wont pay.?
My sister was driving my car and was hit but the person at fault is refusing to pay. Filed a claim with both insurance companies . My insurance company refused to pay becuase my sister is not included in the policy and the other persons insurance company refuse to pay because they claim her insurance canceled because she moved out of state a couple of days prior to accident. Whoever was handling my claim refused to help at all since My sister was not included in the policy. What do I do? The other driver admitted it was her fault and I believe it is in the claim letter i received.
Average insurance rate for BMW 5 series and Lexus RX?
What are the average insurance rates for a BMW 530 or 5 series in general? I can understand that it may vary based on location and the driving history of the driver and maybe other factors too but still there has got to be an average? Also, how does the insurance rate compare to a Lexus RX series? Is it more or less than the 5 series?""
Where do i apply for free state insurance in the state of Georgia?
i dont have health insurance and cant afford insurance
Insurance companies trying to get money?
So, my little brother was born early and has delayed learning. He can to everything right. His speaking is a little slow but it's getting there and has come a LONG way by the help of many people that we know personally, and in physical/occupational therapy. Now, the insurance companies are saying that they will not pay even though he is fully qualified. We have many letters from his teachers. How often does this happen? It's not been the first time. :(""
What can i do if my fmla and insurance is terminated?
Today is my last day for fmla and my insurance benefits, but I can't afford any insurance. Its almost 4 months I've been out of work due to diabetes, high blood pressure, fractured c1, infections on my skull and spine, and excessive migraines. I am unable to bend over, lift heavy objects, push or pull objects, stand, sit, or walk for long periods of time and was recently denied disability benefits. I need other operations done, but I cannot afford health insurance to continue my treatments.""
Car Insurance in Northern NJ?
Hello, How much do a couple pay on an average for car insurance premiums in Northern NJ? I am insured with liberty mutual and my monthly commitment is close to $140, I have a clean driving history and no claims in the past. Culd you suggest how I cut down on my premiums? Also the best car insurance company in the tri state area.""
Is this possible with AIG car insurance?
hi i have a full coverage on my car with AIG and it says, it covers rental insurance too.. what does that mean.. generally, how does rental insurance coverage works.. is it only when my car is in unoperable condition or just for any rental that i take when am away from my home...""
About how much does insurance generally run for a commercial semi truck?
Me and my dad are going to start a small trucking company. Only one truck at first. He will be the driver and I'll be putting up the money for it and be the owner. I'll be getting a big of money when I turn 18 from inheritance (about 130,000). I already have a truck picked out, and we're going to lease on with a company. My dad has driven trucks for over 40 years now and knows a lot about the industry. I've talked to a few other owner operators, and I know permits and such can generally run around 5000 or less but the insurance rates are scaring the hell out of me. I know there's no way of giving an accurate estimate without knowing the drivers records and what you'll be hauling or the type of truck. I know it will be a van though. Also, I know the truck will be a 98' model or somewhere around that year. Anyway, I've seen numbers on up to the millions, and then I've seen rates that are only 1500 to 5000 annually. I would just like to know from any owner operators, or people that might have an idea about trucking, about how much does basic insurance cost for a semi truck and trailer? Also, any other information about permits and total costs and expenses would be greatly appreciated. Would 130,000 be enough to get one truck on the road and running with money left over? Thanks so much in advance for any advice :)""
I often drive a friend's car. What companies offer Non-car owner auto insurance?
Everywhere i look online just offer get a quote then you have to enter a type of car. I don't own a car but I need insurance to take my driver's test in North Carolina. I couldn't find this type of insurance offered on any websites.
Wantings to buy Renter's Insurance?
I want to have renters insurance. How long do I have to wait to make a claim
""Going to buy a car for my teen, does he need insurance yet?""
Hello, i know that he will eventually need insurance for his car. But i'm going to buy him a car for his birthday. He only has his permit now and will be getting his license in 3 months. I want to know when i go buy the car who's name should it be under? how is this going to work?""
Is there drivers insurance for infrequent drivers?
I'm currently in LA, and my family is here too. So, I've been an insured driver since I was 15, for the last 13 years... In August I will begin grad school in Boston, and will be without a car. But, perhaps during winter break, Thanksgivings, summer, I may return to LA to visit family and friends. I can easily borrow one of my parents' cars while I'm visiting, but I don't want to have to maintain car insurance year round for several hundred dollars just to drive a few times a year. Are there any reasonably priced options for someone in my situation? As far as I know, most car insurance terms are 6 months. Thank you!""
How much should I save up for car insurance?
right now I have 0 money. But with that said, my uncle has promised me to buy a new car such as the hyundai elentra. This is about 16-20 grand. Now he states that I should be responsible to pay for the maintenance,gas and the insurance of the car. So technically I have the car but now need to save up for the insurance. How much do you believe should I save up before cashing in the car?""
Car/insurance sixteen yo?
I'm sixteen and I'm thinking about this car: http://www.autotrader.com/fyc/vdp.jsp?ct=u&car_id=296014776&dealer_id=100012676&car_year=2002&systime=&doors=&model=&search_lang=en&start_year=1981&keywordsfyc=&keywordsrep=&scarid=296515424&highlightFirstMakeModel=&search_type=both&distance=25&min_price=&rdm=1303705998432&drive=&marketZipError=false&advanced=&fuel=&keywords_display=&lastBeginningStartYear=1981&end_year=2012&showZipError=y&make2=&certified=&engine=&page_location=findacar%3A%3Aispsearchform&body_code=0&transmission=&default_sort=priceDESC&max_mileage=&color=&address=72076&sort_type=priceDESC&max_price=&awsp=false&make=AUDI&seller_type=b&num_records=25&cardist=22&standard=false How much do you think it would cost a month for insurance? I'll have a job and my parents have offered to pay a lil each month and help me out. Sorry, I'm completely new to all this and I just need a ballpark estimate.""
How much would it cost for a 50cc scooter to insure?
I dont want l plates anymore i think its 50-100 lol , and how much would it cost to fully insure it and the test aswell. Im 19""
Cancelling Car Insurance questions any help please?
Okay, first and foremost thanks for reading. The situation with me right now is I'm thinking about cancelling my car insurance after this month. This is my first time having insurance but I can't afford the payments because I have been unsuccessful in getting a job. Not only that but the car cannot be driven again until it is fixed so it will stay in the yard. I didn't get into an accident or anything but it needs a few parts cause they've worn out. So I was just going to get it cancelled/lapsed whatever since there is no point for me to have it if I cannot drive my vehicle. I don't have the money right now to repair it either. I'm thinking about cancelling it, waiting until I get my car fixed and then getting some new insurance. But my mom told me that once your insurance runs out in NC you have to bring the tags back... Does that mean I have to pay the full registration fee again once I get another insurance policy as well? Or can I somehow just keep my tags until I get some new insurance within the next two or three months? By the way the vehicle will stay parked until I have enough money to fix it and insure it.""
Insurance fraud?
someone i know received a LARGE payout from an insurance company for permanent injuries in an accident. It has been settled, and now he does everything, heavy lifting, recreational sports, etc. Since it is settled, as of march of this year, should i not be so upset that it looks like insurance fraud. i pay so much insurance costs that people like this just infuriate me. i was told by others who have the same opinion of him, that once it's settled the insurance company can't do anything. True? thanks for any help/opinions on this matter.
Motorcycle Insurance?
I screwed up and was charged with DUI a few months ago (I was driving a car). I figured my insurance would double or triple but no, the cheapest I could fine is close to 4,000 a year! I was floored & absolutely in shock. My question is, would motorcycle insurance be cheaper being I got a DUI. I live in Fl. Do I even need insurance for a motorcycle? Everyone is telling me a different story. I need help please! Thanks! -Alex""
How much would It cost to Insure a 17 year old?
I am 17, been driving for 2 years with my permit. I have had no accidents, tickets or a bad driving record. In 2 months my permit expires and I have to get my licence. I would be driving a 1991 Toyota Pickup DLX with 162k miles. The insurance would be with State-Farm. How much would It be to Insure me? or a quote. Reason I ask Is because I tried asking State-Farm but they cant give me a 100% accurate quote because i dont have my license yet. Thanks!""
Avg auto insurance for 18 year old?
i just got in accident and i won't be on my parents policy anymore i used to pay 350 for 6 months and thats a full cover now i am 18 year old male who got in accident only one car was totalled and no other cars were involved so whats the avg 6 month full cover auto insurance will be? i got some quotes and i got prices from 1000-4000$ for 6 months one more thnig the car is 2007 pontiac G6
Adding teenager to car insurance?
I'm turning 16 in a few months and my parents said if i paid for the extra cost they would put me on their policy and i was wondering how much money it would be
Need Medical Insurance?
My husband has a great job but the sorry part is it doesn't come with insurance which sucks. He makes too much money to qualify for Medicaid or Chips. I need an affordable health insurance for our family. Insurance is so expensive, please help me.""
Why insurance agent do not market term insurance?
I am working in an IT company & agent comes to our company for marketing ULIPs. By reading various articals on ULIPs, I now understand the charges & I wonder how these agents hide the charge story partially or completely. Some of my teammates blindly sign on the policy parers & get trapped in the ULIP trap. I asked all agents for Term Insurance & most of them clearly refuse that they only sell ULIPs.I want to know that why Agents & insurance companies have a single point agenda of selling ULIPs & not market term insurance.""
Good Car Insurance Companies? For a young driver...?
I was wondering if anyone knew any cheap car insurance companies for a 17year old female? I've had a full licence since February of this year and was with Quinn-Insurance. I paid just over 2200 for a years insurance which runs out the end of next month. I know this is a good deal for a young driver but obviously I'd love cheaper lol. Any company names would be greatly appreciated for me to look into further.
How much does car insurance cost in Ontario for a new female driver?
I'm getting my G2 license in a few days, and want to start looking into buying a car. I'd probably get the first cheapest, used car I can find. I need to know how much insurance will cost, roughly. I am seventeen-years-old, I get average, or above average grades, and I am a new driver and legal citizen of Ontario, Canada.""
How can I get health insurance?
I am a college student, and I was wondering how I can get health insurance.""
Trying to come up with a slogan for new auto insurance business?
Can anybody please help me come up with a catchy slogan for a new auto insurance business I am starting
Where can I get the cheapest car insurance for 18 year olds?
I've looked on gocompare, moneysupermarket and comparethemarket. Does anyone know any insurance company/comparison websites that are good? Preferably recommend ones you have used yourself. Thanks""
I'm trying to get Heath care insurance?
I'm a type 1 diabetic I'm trying to get a job but if I do my current insurance will not pay for my diabetic supplies.My medical supplies are really expensive what are my options ?
How much will my insurance inflate?
Okay so this is my first year driving and my insurance was about $1100-1200. I was backing out and someone was in my blind spot so I hit the side of his car. My car had no damages but unfortunately I caused a slight dent in his, it wasn't that serious but it was still noticable. How much will insurance go up now that I've had my first accident that was completely my fault?""
Motorcycle and car insurance?
I want to get a motorbike but cant afford to run my car also. Put a question on here the other day about running a bike only all year round and been sort of put off by responses re winter riding. Is it possible to road tax and insure a car for half a year only and then for other half of year not road tax/insure it. During that period to insure and tax bike instead if put car on private driveway and not use it for that period? So basically run car half year in crap weather and bike other half in good? Whats the reprocussions insurance wise if thats possible? UK answers would be more usefull as thats where I live! thanks!
Is there insurance for Antique Cars?
Hi, I have a 1971 chevrolet camaro. Wanted to ask if there was insurance for antique cars? I know i could just get liability for this car but i was wondering if i could get better coverage for my vehicle? Thanks.""
""I had full coverage auto insurance, my policy lapsed for 2 days & during that time I had an accident am I cov?
The Insurance company is Coast Insurance in California. The accident happened during the 2 day lapse period. I have been with the company for approx 10yrs
How much is insurance for a single male under 25 on a DODGE CHARGER?
19yrs old car insurance?
Im 19yrs old and I got into a bad car accident when I was 15/16 yrs old. It was my fault so I went to court and they told me if I do community service and take a drivers ed class it will be cleared. As if the accident never happened. So now I want to get my own car insurance since I don't have anyone to get it for me. Will it so show that I got into a car accident ? Do I answer yes I've been in a car accident in the last 5 years? This has been the only car accident I've had so far.
Car insurance?!?!?
last week i crashd my car =( and its pretty much a write off ... just got to wait for my insurance to confirm that it is. anyway im wonderin if anyone knows on avarage how long it'll take for insurance to pay out?? cheers
""I live in So Ca am 55 years old and I don't have medical insurance, I have ongoing medical problems. Any help
Any subjections for low income doctors.
Does it cost to switch auto insurance companies?
Mine was renewed {mine renews automatically) in April, but due to a change in finances, we started to look for something lower recently. We found one that is around $40 cheaper, plus offers roadside assistance. Do I have to wait until April to change it? If it does cost, what is the average charge? I know this rate will vary, but my agent is a very rude,and always acts like I am bothering her. I just wanted to get an idea before I called her. Thanks""
What type of businesses that are good to call for all kind of insurances?
Like Health Care Insurances, Life Insurances, Employee Benefits""
Auto insurance?
which auto insurance should i get for my 2005 chrysler sebring? i have farmers but its so freaking expensive! i pay 200 dollras every month and i know theres people who pay less i wanna know which insurance would be cheaper? but i want full coverage and everything.
Car insurance question?
So I was in a car accident recently, pretty minor, but the damage to my car exceed the value of my car by A LOT Damage total $2500. Car 91 integra, not worth 2500 anymore. The damage to the front end is a lot of cosmetic, but there is also frame damage, ac compressor broken, head lamp broken, and bald spots on the tires from me breaking so fast. First question in an accident were the at party person assumes responsibility of the car and both parties decide to not go through insurance both parties have to come to an agreeable amount right? Seems right, right. Second- If the party not at fault is not happy with the agreed amount and decided to go through insurance instead, but the damage exceeds the value of the victims car, is the responsible parties insurance going to pay out the amount of the damage done, I got 4 estimates or it the insurance going to pay only the value of the car and salvage my title? Second, can the responsible party pay out the amount that is agreed upon and then expect to get the victims (my) car in return? Or is his considered extortion? Cause there is no f-in way I the person who is not responsible for the accident can find a reliable car for 1500 bucks, but could part out, or retire my car, sell my car and get more plus the 1500 she agreed upon. I am afraid that if insurance is involved they are going to total my car out thus costy me hundreds more, then it will be worth nothing and I would not be able to retire it and get money from that or even sell it. Lastly, this person has no right to ask me for my car right, she caused the accident and is responsible for paying for that damage that she cause one way or another. Please help me figure this out.""
How long until I lose my health insurance?
I left my job on August 17, 2012. I had Cigna Health Insurance. How long until I get the letter that says I don't have it anymore?""
Insurance fraud?
someone i know received a LARGE payout from an insurance company for permanent injuries in an accident. It has been settled, and now he does everything, heavy lifting, recreational sports, etc. Since it is settled, as of march of this year, should i not be so upset that it looks like insurance fraud. i pay so much insurance costs that people like this just infuriate me. i was told by others who have the same opinion of him, that once it's settled the insurance company can't do anything. True? thanks for any help/opinions on this matter.
How much for motorcycle insurance?
I am a 17 year old male and interested in getting my motorcycle license and am wondering if anyone has a rough estimate for insurance cost. I plan to get something small for my first bike, such as a honda rebel 250 or a suzuki tu250. I will use it for leisurely driving in a rural town. I have a valid NYS license and currently have not been in any accidents.""
Can I drive my sons car under my own (fully comp) insurance?
My son's car is registered to our home address, and he is currently away. His is cheaper to run so I want to use it (with his permission). He has third party only insurance but I am fully comp on my own car. My insurance states I can drive any other car with the owners permission, but does his insurance level, or the fact it is registered at my own address affect this?""
What does Term Life Insurance mean with no surrender value?
If I had a 15 year Term Life Insurance at $100,000. with no surrender value. What would it be at the end of 15 years. Can I collect the full amount on this type of insurance?""
Why is car insurance mandatory but not health insurance?
Say you have mandatory car insurance but not health insurance and you get in a car accident and get injured; your mandatory car insurance covers your car but what about you?
Would this work? (Named driver question)?
My good friend has her car and she is insured on that. She takes out another insurance policy for which I can be named driver on, but I drive the car always. We live at separate addresses. If I crash, she will only lose her ncb on the 2nd policy right? Which I will pay for just as a way to get insurance cheap. Also what if I dont crash, does she get 2 years worth of ncb in one year for having 2 policies?""
Life insurance thc test?
Does anyone know if country companies tests for thc for their life insurance policies?
Whats the best practical car or van insurance wise for a banned driver?
I was banned from driving due to a dr10 conviction and rest assured i have heartedly learned my lesson from this experience. My question is im looking to get my life back on track and so was wondering if anyone would know whats the cheapest practical car or van insurance wise for say if i wanted to start a buisness or just best overall. When i say practical i mean at least something that could pull a trailer as i e been told a 1400cc would be inadequet. Im 22 with no no claims bonus so i know its gonna be hard but any info appreiciated. Please no lectures i know what i did was a stupid incident but i truly have learned from it.
I got a ticket which doesn't put points on my license. Could it affect my insurance rates?
I was a passenger in my friend's car when he was ticketed for having an open container of alcohol in the backseat. This occurred in Illinois, and the text of the relevant law is at the bottom. He was ticketed for violating section A; I was ticketed for section B. I confirmed with the very nice lady at the DMV that no points will be placed on my license since I was the passenger, but she was unsure as to what kind of report will be sent to the Secretary of State's office to be added to my driving record. So, here's my question: since I'm not getting any points for this, is it likely to affect my insurance rates? I can see both possibilities - on the non-affect side, it's a non-moving violation, but on the yes-affect side, it involves alcohol (albeit peripherally in my specific situation). If the consensus is that it will make my rates go up, I am going to try to get court supervision. If not, I'll try to save the extra money that would cost. Sec. 11-502. Transportation or possession of alcoholic liquor in a motor vehicle. (a) Except as provided in paragraph (c), no driver may transport, carry, possess or have any alcoholic liquor within the passenger area of any motor vehicle upon a highway in this State except in the original container and with the seal unbroken. (b) Except as provided in paragraph (c), no passenger may carry, possess or have any alcoholic liquor within any passenger area of any motor vehicle upon a highway in this State except in the original container and with the seal unbroken.""
Good insurance companies for 17 year old passed my test!!?
ok ive pased my test a month on friday and i gettin a car this week and i need some insurance on the car obviiously lol, well basically whats the cheapest car insurance all you 17 year old have and who is it with, please :)""
What can I do about car insurance from another state? PLEASE HELP!?
Okay basically here's the story. I'm 19, I live with my parents in Wisconsin but I'm trying to move back to Pennsylvania with my aunt and uncle. However I'm not in school at the moment. Apparently if I moved to PA, I'd have to pay 278 dollars more a month through Geico because I'd be living in a different state. I already have a job set up there and all so they could obviously see my paycheck is not from Wisconsin so I can't just lie or something lol. I really know nothing about insurance and how I can work this out without paying that much more. Can anyone help me with other options I could have?""
What is the actual meaning of Insurance?
A explaination of Insurance?
Teen license insurance?
on average, how much does a 17 year olds car insurance cost without drivers ed?""
Can I own a car and not have insurance? ?
I just got a car and still paying on the loan for it. I just got a job offer in another country that I plan to take (I will be there about a year or two). I don't want to sell my car and be left paying the rest of the loan balance. I wanted to know if in the state of Virginia if I can cancel my insurance and park my car in the garage until I get back a year or two from now. It will not be driven. My sis says that if it is still registered in my name I will have to have insurance whether I drive it or not. Im not sure so could anyone please clarify? Thanks!
Motorcycle insurance for a teenager?
I will be 19 in November and I want to get a Ninja 250R. I guess around a 2002, a starter bike. I was wondering (guess) how much it would cost.""
How much will 2 points effect my car insurance?
I am 17 years old. I live in New Jersey, got my license 6 months ago. I was driving through Maryland and I got a speeding citation worth two points. My parents do not know about the speeding ticket, but I already paid it. How much will it effect my Geico car insurance rates? Also, I just received the advisory notice in the mail today, called the MVC and they just said it was pretty much a piece of paper saying I got a ticket....""
Why are insurance rates going up even if its not your fault?
I work in claims department of a big insurance company. And I found out that even though it is not your fault or if its a comp claim, there is still a possibility that your rates would go up. Why is that so?!?""
Insurance friendly car modifications?
Given the cost of insanely expensive car insurance, I have put off modifying my car for the forseeable future. However, I want to know if there are any modifications I can do that will not affect my insurance premium. For example, do I need to tell the insurance company if I respary my standard wheels in a different colour? Thanks.""
What is better Subaru WRX Impreza turbo or Holden Commodore V8?
I am looking for a awesome performance vehicle with my following criteria: -Fuel Costs -Highway ability after 110km/h for overtaking at high speeds, comfort and handling? -Reliability and how often to service, how cheap parts are and how long engine is going to last? -Price on tyres -Price to get a WRX Impreza or V8 commodore (in manual) -Manual or Auto? -Insurance costs -0-100km/h? (well subaru better but after 100km/h?) -What mods to do if it is cheap or to just leave standard? My purpose is to use it mainly around town and sometimes/rare highways trips. mainly on the weekend a bit of a fun car. Please share your experiences and opinions on these 2 vehicles as would like to get a general picture of what there purpose is? 5 stars if answered the best with all the questions above.""
Does my employer provide good health insurance? ?
Here's a description of the health insurance my employer provides to employees. It costs $50 per month to have, and the co-pay for each doctor visit is $40. This seems really weak to me. Am I right? Should I look around for a new job? What's the typical average going rate? Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you!""
How do I get a nice car with decent insurance as an age 17 male?
For some time now, I had been looking at subaru imprezas, of which I love. However, each insurance quote I got from my parents was something like 3400 a year under my dad, and close to 8,000 a year under my own policy, with collision, so my parents wouldnt even consider it. The quote was for an 04, so if it is that insane I dont see how some kids own 03s, 04s, even a few 07s, as my parents arent poor by any means, and I know all the other kids do not have rich parents. Even an 02 accord with 80k miles was over 3000 a year under my dad with collision. Is there any possible way I can get a nice car, something like an 02 impreza is ideal, without paying so much insurance with collision? I am perfectly aware of the fact that if I get a 95 civic with no collision, insurance wont b a problem. However, I have some hard earned money to spend on a car, and I cant see how I am constantly heading towards the single path of a bucket without collision. Please help me""
Good car insurance companies for a low cost??
Good car insurance companies for a low cost??
Can I have military health insurance and Regular Health Insurance?
1.Am I allowed to have both military and normal health insurance? 2. Can I see regular nonmilitary doctors with Military health insurance?
Affordable Life Insurance?
i need help . which Life Insurance is the best one to buy
How much does it cost to insure a child care center?
I am enrolled in a college course called Administration of Early Childhood Programs. My final project is creating my own child care center (the project covers everything and is very detailed so we can use our materials if we actually do open up a center). Anyways, I am stuck on one part of my budget. I have been researching for hours and cannot find what my estimated cost of what liability insurance would cost me per year. Because this business does not actually exist I am having difficulties obtaining a quote from insurance companies. My center is licensed for 140 children at one time. If anyone has an estimated cost or a source that would give me an average cost per child or an insurance estimate calculator or anything like that would really help. Thanks!""
I totaled my 2010 Mazda 3i how much should I expected from insurance?
I was just squished between two pickup trucks with the driver behind me at fault and having a suspended license. The body shop said the total damage is $13,700 and the insurance company just labelled it a total loss. My car is just over a year old with about 55,000km on it with no prier damage on it. How much should I expect to get back as I am financing the car and cant afford to keep paying if they don't pay it out. ( Canada, Ontario, Ottawa)""
Insurance fraud?
someone i know received a LARGE payout from an insurance company for permanent injuries in an accident. It has been settled, and now he does everything, heavy lifting, recreational sports, etc. Since it is settled, as of march of this year, should i not be so upset that it looks like insurance fraud. i pay so much insurance costs that people like this just infuriate me. i was told by others who have the same opinion of him, that once it's settled the insurance company can't do anything. True? thanks for any help/opinions on this matter.
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inequilibrium · 7 years
this is really unasked for and i hope is not a burden and if it is im truly sorry but i need to talk to someone. In addition to it, i want to maybe warn you if you don´t want to read this ask im going to talk about mental health and concerns i have.[ ------ ]----- Lately i´ve been struggling with depression an anxiety, as it is; the main reason is because i couldnt find what i wanted to do with my life, or if its even worth it. Being honest i never wanted to board that issue, not even when (1)
everything is under a cut!
(2) i had to choose a major, and rn when im about to finish it i realized i messed up, i dont know what i want to do because my drive to keep studyind that major wasnt because i wanted to do that for life not even because i enjoyed it, i did it because it was ‘the right thing to do’ ‘something i always wanted’ and it kept me busy with the idea that at least i wasnt being lazy, i was doing something, my life had a meanig and a gold, for who? who knows (2)
(3) and now that i find myself finishing it, and i have to choose again something to specialize and get my degree i started thinking about why keep doing it, i dont want to get a job according to it, i dont even like it, i dont hate it either but i truly dont see myself doing anything related to it. And it hit me, really hard and it hurt so much, the fact that i actually trew away five and a half years of my life, thinkig it was the right thing to do and being unhappy, for what (3)
(4) i was avoiding the whole thing and i dont even know why, but the moment i found myself thinkig about where i wanted to go, getting a job and why i wanted to finsih my carreer; i realized that, because i wasnt brave enough to face my problems and reallity i could be stucked forever doing something i dont love, spending more and more of my time instead of actually investing it. I made a mistake and it felt really awful, how many more years was i going to be okay throwing away (4)
(5) and now im stucked on a different place, now i want to find something im willing to spend my life on but i cant think of anything. I havent fully forgive myself for acting the way i did, it really really hurt those 5 years of waste, and i dont want to keep loosing time that wont come back. I try to make peace in the sense that okay, theyre gone but im still young, theres so much more i can do; but is not easy. Ive been feelling so lost and hopeless. i want to have a reason, a purpose (5)
(6) i dont want to stay till but rn i cant find a reason to even get out of bed, why would i get up, get dressed, eat. If i dont have something i want to do or get, either acomplish; and the things i have at the moment i dont want them because even thinking about them makes sad each and every day. It sounds really bad since im on an advantageous position, i have health and i am abled but my mind doesnt let me go. I dont know what to do now, i know its a matter of picking again and (6)
(7) and start working but when i try to ask myself, i found a blank space. Its the worst ive been in years because even if i think of starting a new major, i got such a negative conception of college as an institution and experience, all the sadness ive been feeling, imprinted a lot of negative feelings to it; that now even going back just triggers my anxiety and depression. I really dont know what should i do, or if anything would even worth it. i think im not completely helpless since (7)
(8) im still willing to try, but my depression and self judgement peeps and i cant seem to get out of it. Now i dont even know what i like or enjoy, what im actually willing to do, or what is the right thing to do or even if i should finish this major in the mean time. There was a point where i wanted to stop trying. and even now, even if im willing to try i dont know towards what i should run. I wnat to think im doing better that the past days, at least i stopped crying all and judging and (8)
(9) blaming myself, but my appetite is still gone, and the things i used to enjoy just feel like a burden to me atm, listening to music, reading; i dont feel interest on doing it anymore, i stil get distracted and cant seem to concentrate. i dont know what to do, how does one fall back again on the track of life?. I dont wat to get stucked but im stucked right now. I want to try and think but my mind is messed up and blank, if the things, the small ones i ised to enjoy i cant seem to be able (9
(10) to even do them anymore, how am i supposed to find a purpose, a gold. something i like and am willing to invest my time on. I feel confused and sad. and i really dont know where to start. it was so sad when i found myself surrounded by people who seem to know what they wanted, or why they were doing that major, how it made them feel acomplished, i realized something was really wrong because wasnt even one bit excited. and it made me think, and blame myself to no end (10)
(11) im afraid of choosing again,messing up,being that wrong. But for more that i want to move on my mind wont let me,and i dont know anymore.[ ] Im really sorry for doing this, and by no means i want to give my problems to someone else, i dont intent to load anything on anyone i just needed to talk to somebody,we dont know eachother but i dont feel like you are a complete stranger to me since ive been following your blog and i read about what you share,talk and write,for quite sometime now(11)
(12) im truly truly sorry,
okay firstly, never say sorry for feelings and for wanting to express them. you’re always allowed to feel.
i don’t know why you picked me to share this with but i’m honoured.
i’m not the best at advice, i think i’ve made too many mistakes in life to really know anything about what’s going on. but i do know one thing, the major you choose, any choice you make, that doesn’t have to be the be all and end all of things. there’s always another road, a way to make a u-turn, and a way to rectify things.
there’s nothing wrong with not knowing where to go next or what to do or even why you chose the major you did. it’s a little unfair of the world to expect young people to know what they’re doing when sometimes even people who have lived far longer lifetimes seem to just be faking it, isn’t it?
when i graduated college, it was with a science degree, because back then, i liked science and i was good at it. unfortunately, by about a year before graduation, i already knew i never wanted to go near a science lab or a science book ever again. by then, it was too late to change. so, i made a different choice when looking for a job, and in a roundabout way, i’m now in mass communications; a writing job. exactly what college-me didn’t know i wanted.
it’s okay to be stuck and not know what to do, no one ever knows, that’s the beauty of life, we’re all making it up as we go along.
take a first step, just…maybe see what’s out there, what you can do, what you want to do. look for what they’re looking for, if maybe it’s general enough that you fulfil the criteria. i don’t know what major you have right now, but i think many jobs don’t necessarily need a very specific degree, they just need a certain level of education. then you gotta take the leap, and try.
easier said than done, i know. but i believe you can.
no one ever makes perfect choices, that’s why there’s chances in every stage of life to make a u-turn. if you’re wrong, it’s okay, what matters is you try to fix it. and i think you have a heart to do that, even if it’s a little bit harder right now.
and that’s my attempt at advice ahhh. i hope it helped a bit but please disregard everyTHING if it didn’t. i hope it gets easier as time goes by, and i hope you find a road and opportunities that will help. (msg me offanon if you want tho)
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stories4english · 7 years
okay i might get jumbled up but the episode starts out at a Knight familia reunion jo is invited along and she is so happes because "wow im family?? WOW!!!!"
but turns out kendall only invited her along because the knight family always has 2-person team competitions but kendall has aged out the competition. jo hasn't tho. and there's so many people around with different last names other than knight that no one's gonna know if she enteres(also she looks just like them so no one will suspect a thing) kendall really wants to win a trophy but he and katie(rememebr this is two-people teams) always lose to their cousins ____ and _____(forgot their names)
jo gets mad at kendall for tricking her but agrees to join the competition with katie despite katie not wanting to compete either and kendall decides that everyone must start a-training for the race!!! then we switch over to logan and camille playing go-fish or something
logan tells camille about how kendall's at a family reunion and camille's like "oh yeah mine's coming up soon" and logan is like "ok" and camille's like "when was the last time you had yours?" and logan is like "lol never" and camille is like "???? but what about your FAMILY" and logan is liek "eh"
so camille asks "wait so your mom never had a reunion" and he's like "nah she isn't close with her family" and then logan is like "oh oh I just got a new board game we could play instead" so he gets up and leaves and camille realizes that she's never heard anything about logan's DAD. carlos walks in and camille asks about logan's dad but carlos has no clue where he is and camille's like "WHAT!? but you've known logan for years!!!"
and I forgot the next conversation but basically camille and carlos don sherlock and watson hats and decde to figure out the mystery of logan's dad and leaves the apartment right when logan comes back with the board game and logan is like "??? camille where r u"
camille and carlos past by james and lucy who are sitting in the palm woods lobby. james is like "wanna kiss?" and lucy is like "james. i'm an upstanding tax-paying young adult. I do not 'kiss' or 'make-out' in public areas." then james is like "ok. wanna go back to my place and kiss?" then lucy is like "OH MY GOD NO" and james is like "wow dont have to yell i was just playing." then lucy is like "no, not that. my mom's here!" and yeah her mom is there and is like "aww lucille ily i missed u so much i decided to visit." and lucy is embarressed and james is like "lol"
and after a somewhat pleasant conversation where mrs. stone is introduced to james, james suddenly screams in terror and lucy is like "dude screaming randomly is not a good first impression" but james is like "no, not that THAT!" and he points and turns out his mom is there as well
mrs. diamond sees james and runs over and talks about how she misses him and - OH WAIT MRS. DIAMOND KNOWS MRS. STONE OOPS. turns out mrs. diamond tried to cut down some nature preserve in order to build one of her new deluxe stores and mrs. stone was one of the main people who made sure that didn't happen
mrs. diamond and mrs. stone are like "YOU TWO ARE NOT ALLOWED TO DATE EACH OTHER" and drag them away back at the family reunion jo and katie just finished some strenuous exercise to prepare for the competition and they are like "omg we are tired kendall can we stop" and Kendall's like "but we have to beat ____ and _____!! this is our last chance!" and they whine because they haven't had freaking lunch yet and after awhile kendall is liek "fine, let's break for lunch but right when they start getting food ____ and ____ come over and torment them by pointing out how many gold medals they've won at the Knight family reunions while the only actual people with a "Knight" surname haven't won any. Maybe...maybe they aren't true "Knight"'s after all... This gets Kendall MAD and Jo and Katie are like "FINE we'll skip lunch to practice some more uggghhh" (oh yeah see in the episode Knight's are descended from the first Knight but Kendall, Katie, and Mrs. Knight are the only ones with this last name. everyone else has different ones) then we go back to logan in apartment 2J trying to look for camille. he's flipping over couch cushions and everything
mrs. diamond barges in, dragging james inside as well. mrs. diamond is liek "you can not go near that tree-hugging hippie, understand?" and james is like "i've never seen lucy hug a tree." but mrs. diamond is like "DO NOT GO NEAR HER!" and walks down a hallway james runs over to logan and is like "dude u gotta help me. lucy's mom is here too and apparently they know each other and hate each other and won't let lucy and i date" and logan's like "just wait until both parents leave. I have bigger issues. ive lost camille." and james is like "but logan i havent been kissed in 4 days. FOUR DAYS. im dying. please help me." and logan is like "what am i supposed to do?" and james tells him to use that smart brain of his to figure out a way to let lucy and james see each other so they can kiss
and logan is like "ok fine. it's not like i was gonna find camille anyways - she's a world class champ at hide and seek." and they leave the apartment together camille and carlos pop out from behind the couch carlos brings out a scrapbook saying that it holds a lot of pictures from when they were young they look at the pictures and see tons of pics of the boys and also pics of adults as well and camille is like "...wait how do we know which adult is logan's dad?" and carlos is like "I have no idea." wait carlos is like "I have no idea. OK well I have to go to work now" and camille is like "WAIT you can't go to work! who's gonna be my watson!?" and carlos is like "Umm hey! gustavo has records of us at his office maybe he has something with info about logan's dad" and camille is like "ooh great idea let's go"
and gustavo is like "Carlos, I didn't tell you you could bring your girlfriend. and wasn't she dating james?" and kelly's like "i thought she was dating logan." and gustavo's like "oh who knows you guys break up with your girlfriends like all the time i don't care just make sure she doesn't destroy anything out here." and gustavo, kelly, and carlos go inside the recording booth camille puts back on her sherlock hat(which they took off before entering rocque records btw) and sneaks into the office then we go back to lucy and mrs. stone. Lucy is all like "mom. we are all strong, independent women - except for james - let's just talk this out." and mrs. stone is like "NO! That MONSTER tried to cut down the nature preserve for a MAKEUP SHOP! you will NOT associate with anyone as evil as that!" we flip over to the outside of the apartment. logan has a gift basket entitled "from mrs. diamond to mrs. stone" and he says that all girls liked gift baskets so this might help smooth things over. he leaves the gift basket on the floor and knocks on the door and he and james run around the corner mrs. stone finds the gift basket and james and logan are excite
but then mrs. stone gets mad because the gift basket contained muffins and she freaking hates muffins and lucy is like "come on mom i doubt mrs. diamond knew that you are exaggerating" but her mom is like "NO! She must've known I hated them so she gave them under the guise of a 'let's be friends' gift."
logan and james get all sad cuz their plan failed and wonder what to do next when mrs. diamond walks by. she asks the boys why she heard screaming and they tell her what happened and she's like "Oh darn, I wanted to be the one to give her the muffin basket" and she holds up a muffin basket of her own. she then praises james for seekign revenge for his mommy and leaves ok back at the knight reunion and it's competition time. it's a team obstacle race with all the lame obstacle race obstacles you can think of. all the competiters look happy and smiley except for jo and katie who are really dirty because they spent all day practicing they run the race and they win kendall is very excite katie and jo go up to collect the trophy and they decide to deliver a speech congradulating kendall for helping them achieve the award they invite kendall on the stage. he gets tons o' applause and he is very happ. then Jo grabs and kisses Kendall on the lips. remember they all think jo is a family member. everyone is SHOCKED and DISGUSTED at the KISSING COUSINS kendall gets le boo'd off stage jo and katie laugh camille leaves gustavo's office in ruins. there's even smoke coming out of it. carlos comes out of the recording both and she tells him that she found nothing so they leave. Kelly and Gustavo watches them leave and Kelly is like "wait where did Camille get that hat?" Gustavo then screams because HIS OFFICE IS RUINED at the palm woods Lucy is standing in Jo's balcony that overlooks the pool and James is standing below it. Lucy's like "oh my god James why did your mom have to try and tear down a forest where I live!? We wouldn't be in this mess otherwise!" And James is like "what the heck it isn't my fault your mom is a tree-hugging hippie" And Lucy is like "do you even know what a tree-hugger is or are you just repeating what your mom says??" And Logan is like "huh. this reminds me of a very twisted version of romeo and juliet." Lucy and James argue until their moms walk in. They yell at their children to stay away from one another when the bar on Jo's balcony FREAKING BREAKS and Lucy FALLS DOWN AND HITS JAMES AND THEY BOTH FALL DOWN and their moms are like OH NO R BABIES and they get all sad and they realize that they might not agree on a lot of things but they do agree on one thing: their kids r the #1 most importante thing in their lives and if they want to date each other than so be it so the moms bond and walk away logan is like "wow, romeo and juliet, you guys did great. how did you fake a fall like that?" and lucy and james are like "we didn't....call 911....." camille and logan walk into the lobby and are mad because they couldn't figure out any info on logan's dad they see lucy and james being carried out by the ER on stretchers and get even madder because they apparently just missed something really cool logan walks into the lobby and is like "Oh hey I found you camille - why are you two wearing sherlock and watson hats?" they tell him what they were doing and logan's like "well you could've just asked me" turns out logan does have a dad but he just travels a lot and carlos is like "ooh yeah I forgot about that somehow." and camille is like "really? that's super anti-climatic I can't believe I wasted all day on this." logan is like "lol you should just ask next time. I'm going to the hospital to see james and lucy; wanna come?" camille and carlos are like "nah we'll go there next time" and logan leaves kendall, katie, jo(and mrs. knight who was there but doesn't really do much of anything) walk in and kendall talks about how he learned his lesson and that he shouldn't trick jo or force anyone into doing things they don't want to blah blah blah camille and carlos ask them how the reunion was like and katie's like "It was great. Kendall kissed his cousin!" and then they walk off, much to camille and carlos's confusion and kendall's embarrassment camille then wonders about why she never heard of kendall's dad carlos is like "idk i forget" camille and carlos then don their sherlock and watson hats once more and decide to go investigating!
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Dear Dad
Before I get into what I want to, thank you for reading this. I know I haven’t always been true to what I said, but bear with me while I bear with myself. I am learning and I am trying harder now than ever and want to make things comfortable for both of us and in return our family.
First and foremost, I have not realized how often you tried to help me. The more I think and write this out, the more I reflect. Today I called a new friend for maybe 20 mins and through that, I learned so much about me and you and our relationship together.
No one can explain things to me quite the way you do. I model how I want to be talked to off of how we talk when we are alone, just you and me. I noticed in strong friendships that I have now and had in the future, that there were so many similarities to how they displayed things to me in ways that you would try to as well. 
With that being said, I am very sorry and regretful for the hurt I’ve caused to you and others, but myself as well. The first step to me getting better is eliminating those regrets to the best of my abilities. I want to forgive, but not forget. I am in a very strong mindset right now but have a long way to go and saved this on a private blog of mine so if we ever clash too much, I can revisit this, and remember. I am in no way perfect. I have a come a long way but have an even longer one to go. I am working on taking criticism more seriously, but have thought how it can be displayed to me best in this current moment to help me.
You do and have done that so well through all of my 19 years and I realize that now than ever. I’m sorry for not listening before, but I’m figuring it out. 
I have been making a list every day on the fridge for what i want to do. My three biggest goals. If they are not accomplished, they are put on the list for tomorrow. So on, so forth. Writing things down is helping me stick true to my word for myself AND others. Right now, my main priority is me, but there are people I have hurt so much in the process of hurting myself. You may think you know what I was doing, but dad, you have no idea because I didn’t either. I lied out of my teeth to justify because I was full of anger and angst and hatred of myself. 
Not seeing you was difficult no matter what I said. I thought about it and cried near every time, which has turned to more times than not, and is turning to every time now. I am trying to nip this in the ass and kick myself forward constantly one step at a time to NEVER lose track of myself as bad as i have in the past year and a half. I lost sight of myself so i didnt even see what others did but i took it to heart and it hurt. the more i hurt, the worse it got, the more i ignored everything and everybody
I am trying to become part of this family little by little. I know seeing them would make me so anxious and cry. After I saw you guys in Bethlehem, I went to the bathroom and sobbed violently and disgustingly which is kinda funny but it really did hurt dad. i dont show it, but it does. i just want you to know that somewhere in me i know this is not okay.
I hurt mark more than anyone with his young mind and big heart. I have made it point and first point to slowly make my way into his life. i know i hurt everyone so everyone is wary of me and i am coming off so strong but its because im trying to be strong for myself. i dont always answer mark when i want to but its because im in the middle of doing something else that is productive and benefitial to me. even if its not much, i try to tell him good morning and good night every day now. i set my screen on my phone to my favorite picture of him and i so when i wake up from my alarm early morning, that is the first thing i see, and i remember. it is becoming easier to remember and now its almost effortless. 
i am trying to make this better. i thought about who i wanted to reach out to, made a list, and am crossing off the names little by little. you have been on that list for a long time and today while in the midst of being extremely angry about something, i reached out to people. one of those people was meghan. i have talked to her on and off for about a week, maybe, if i havent lost track of time. and i calmed down immediately and put my phone aside, the initial source of what made me so angry that i went from 0-100 super fast and scared myself. the more happy songs i listened to and the more i reached out, the better everything got so fast. it felt like i was a balloon slowly diffusing. I never want to forget that. 
I am learning to reach out to others so they can reach out to me. My big thing right now is treating others how i would like to be treated, but at the same time I say that i am still at fault and i am not perfect. i have made giant mistakes time after time and this one made those so much worse. help me understand you so i can understand myself, vice versa.
I don’t know when I’d have the time right now. my calendar is somewhat busy until the end of this weekend and into the beginning of next week, but i would love to have a one on one conversation with you, over the phone, in person, over email, whatever. Tell me the best time and where to reach you and we will take it from there. I will make the effort and slowly build your trust as I build myself. 
I did really bad things dad. I went overboard and was so sick of going forward and back so often that i forgot to keep moving. i stood still in every and any aspect i could in life because i was exhausted. i didnt want to do anything other than be alone. although this did more hurt than help, i am finding ways to forgive but not forget. the way i see it right now is that as long as i am moving in some way, i am in some way successful. 
one of the last things i remember you saying to me that hurt but helped was “Look outside at the sun caitlin, you probably dont even see it, but the day is beautiful and everything that comes with it” something along those lines. you were right, i didn’t see it. but i cried because i wanted to dad i wanted to so much and didnt know how. I will carry this thought with me through recovery of myself and you and our relationship. no one is a perfect person, i get it now. im trying to understand in the best way i can so i can help you help me and i can help me help you.
although i actually dont want you to believe this dad, i love you. take your time with getting back to me. i did it for far too long, so i understand either way. either way, i will be moving forward and resuming health of my body and mind. 
Caitlin Summer
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