#havent introed them here YET but coffee has heard ab them lol
mercury-and-scry · 10 months
KONNER: 7, 18, 28
MICAH: 10, 15
CLAIRE: 18, 22, 39
YOU: D, G, J
for Konner:
18: What embarrasses them? Konner is someone who can tend to make a lot of presumptions, and for all her ego, she can be quite embarrassed on the occasions she's proven just dead wrong. Just pointing out to her face that she's been totally proven wrong makes her QUITE humiliated if you do it right. 28. Do they prefer a lie over an unpleasant truth? Of course!!! thats the spiral avatar for you baby!!! For Micah: 10: What lie do they most frequently remember telling? Does it haunt them? that he doesn't see """imaginary""" monsters Micah lies to his parents a lot about what his line of work is, he generally claims to be a scholar and researcher- which isn't totally untrue but its not "I'm a paid paranormal investigator". He isn't prone to shame or guilt without STRONG reason, so the lie doesn't haunt him (but the possibility of them finding out and going "hey what the fuck?" does). 15: How do they speak? Is what they say usually thought of on the spot, or do they rehearse it in their mind first? Talking to Micah, it's very clear he considers his words very carefully. It's all very deliberate, and you get the sense it's not so much what he's saying, it's what he's careful to not say. For Claire: 18: What embarrasses them? Claire has a very thick Irish accent and strong dialect, which she got mocked for a lot in school, so she's semi-self conscious about that. 22: How does jealousy manifest itself in them? She gets stabby. 39: How easy is it for them to ignore flaws in other people? It genuinely just depends on whether these flaws impede her or not. If someone is the absolute worst but in a way that doesn't impact Claire, that's just fine. But if she doesn't like someone she'll find EVERYTHIIIIING to dislike about them. For ME (there's three questions so ill do one for each of these guys) (<lazy) D: Have they always had the same physical appearance, or have you had to edit how they look? (for Konner) Beta Konner was actually wayyy more of a self insert, so she looked a lot more like me and her physical appearance was very different lol. I changed her up on her redesign when I made her a more independent character and since then I've pushed and pulled a bit with stuff like facial structure, but nothing major. G: Which trait of theirs bother you the most? (for Micah) Micah is incredibly secretive. I don't rlly believe in character traits that are "bad" in context to story, but it can be annoying to write a character who never wants to speak about himself because.....son....your lore.....I also form a lot of characters by feeling like they speak to me/tell me ab themselves, so Micah is ACTUALLY secretive to ME. Which is SO fake of him. J) Did you have to manipulate or exclude canon factors to allow them to create your character? (for Claire) Well, Claire is still kind of in beta as far as her lore is concerned but god knows I'll have to do some more research into the Slaughter, since on paper its not a top entity for me. I find it hard to figure out at what point you stab so much it counts as supernatural, lol. SMOOCHES U BACK
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