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havensportingclub 7 years ago
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Our guides are getting ready to hit the water. #openingday #duckhunting #hunting #huntinggear #huntingguide #havensportingclub
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havensportingclub 7 years ago
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Why do they call it a blind? #openingday #readytohunt #havensportingclub
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havensportingclub 7 years ago
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The HSC Steel Blind Navy is about to set sail! #openingday #waterfowlhunting #duckhunting #havensportingclub
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havensportingclub 7 years ago
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Mmm...that looks like yummy duck food. I wonder where the ducks are going to be roosting this year? #havensportingclub #waterfowlhunting #duckhunting
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havensportingclub 8 years ago
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"I go to nature to be soothed and healed, and to have my senses put in order." #havensportingclub #coloradooutdoors #whatgetsyououtdoors #sunrise #motivation
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havensportingclub 8 years ago
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A fine morning at #havensportingclub #dovehunting #haven #milton #miltonreservoir #huntcolorado #coloradooutdoors #whatgetsyououtdoors
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havensportingclub 8 years ago
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The women of Haven Sporting Club #womenatwork #havensportingclub #haven #milton #miltonreservoir #huntcolorado #coloradooutdoors #waterfowlhunting #duckhunting #goosehunting #whatgetsyououtdoors #womenhunters #girlsthathunt
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havensportingclub 8 years ago
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Thanks for coming out to the Dove invitational! #havensportingclub #haven #milton #miktonreservoir #huntcolorado #coloradooutdoors #ducksunlimited #waterfowlhunting #duckhunting #goosehunting #whatgetsyououtdoors
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havensportingclub 8 years ago
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Fall is coming at Milton Reservoir! #havensportingclub #haven #milton #miktonreservoir #huntcolorado #coloradooutdoors #ducksunlimited #waterfowlhunting #duckhunting #goosehunting #whatgetsyououtdoors
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havensportingclub 8 years ago
100,000 Ducks on Milton Reservoir. Members only! Join before we fill up! Get ready for an epic season! #havensportingclub #haven #milton #miktonreservoir #huntcolorado #coloradooutdoors #ducksunlimited #waterfowlhunting #duckhunting #goosehunting #whatgetsyououtdoors
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havensportingclub 8 years ago
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Our welders at work building the ultimate floating hunting blinds for our Haven members! Complete build pictures coming soon! #havensportingclub #huntcolorado #coloradooutdoors #hunting #duckhunting #goosehunting #blinds #floatingblinds #migration #waterfowlhunting #hunting #makeapile #wildlife #openseason #frontrange #thegreatoutdoors #geese #duck #gundog #throwback #waterfowl #winter #sickforit #waterhole #menatwork
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havensportingclub 8 years ago
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Custom built Bullet proof steel floating duck blinds starting to take shape. #havensportingclub #huntcolorado #coloradooutdoors #hunting #duckhunting #goosehunting #blinds #floatingblinds #canadagoose #migration #icehunt #waterfowlhunting #hunting #makeapile #wildlife #openseason #frontrange #thegreatoutdoors #geese #duck #gundog #throwback #waterfowl #winter #sickforit #waterhole
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