#haven't come up with a personal name for five deer yet but what with naming other characters they'll interact with my abilities Do run out
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"Are you finished with my portrait yet? Show me!" "Cipacton, I can't draw you if you keep moving!"
#em draws stuff#em is posting about temeraire#temeraire#temeraire worldbuilding collection#⚬⚬⚬⚬⚬𐂂#did you like those guys from the last picture? here they are again :)#at this point I feel like I should have be oc tagging five deer and cipachcoatzin just for organizational purposes#but if I don't then I can pretend I can stop drawing them...#<- He Has Ideas For At Least One More Picture and Other People And Dragons They Know#if you want to see what five deer is drawing then turn your eyeballs to my previous drawing of them!#after finishing that one I wanted to figure out what cipachcoatzin looked like outside of the super stylized depiction - here he is!#also lacking any other ideas I've decided that's his name now. my classical nahuatl is So So So Beginner but I'm Trying#(cipactli [caiman] + glottal stop + coatl [snake] + tzin [honorific suffix]...#...or cipactli [caiman] + ton [diminutive suffix you might use for a kid])#haven't come up with a personal name for five deer yet but what with naming other characters they'll interact with my abilities Do run out#so that can be a work in progress#pretty pleased with how this turned out especially cipachcoatzin's little obsidian mirror-ornaments#the background and color scheme is Heavily based on luis covarrubias' 'view of the valley of mexico'#but maybe I can manage some more urban settings for them or the other characters in future pictures
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You Don’t Even Go Here

Day Two for Rowaelin Month
A college AU
Aelin grins mischievously as she walks up the stairs of the men's dorm at Terresan University. The teal-blue waffle iron clutched under her arm.
Aedion didn't really need it. It had been on the fifty-percent-off rack at the supermarket, and he'd simply thrown it in the cart for good measure. Yet, when Aelin saw the box for it laying the hall, she'd seen opportunity.
It had hit her harder than she'd thought. Aedion leaving. They'd been raised like siblings but grew up something closer to best friends. It wasn't fair that he was nearly three years older and ready to leave when she wasn't prepared for him to go.
Aelin had cried the whole car ride home. Then when they finally got back to the house, she'd called him right away. He could hear how teary she was and happily obliged her call. Narrating his actions as he went about setting up his dorm room. He teased her about missing him, but she could tell that he missed her too.
So, armed with an excuse to visit him, Aelin made the hour-long drive to visit her cousin.
Aelin was halfway up the stairs but not paying too much attention to her surroundings. She was too busy repeating Aedion's room number over in her head because no matter how many times she checked her phone, it just wouldn't stick in her head. Maybe if she'd focused a little more on the things happening around her, she wouldn't have crashed into a half-naked man.
A solid and calloused hand darts out and grips her shoulder before she can go tumbling down the stairs. Its twin desperately clutching the towel wrapped around his waist.
Aelin looks up apologetically, and her jaw nearly falls to the floor. His white hair was still damp from the shower and swooped over the top of his head, and his biceps were too large for Aelin to wrap both hands around. An intricate tattoo coils elegantly from a cheekbone and down the length of his body.
He was a man indeed. Nothing like Chaol or Dorian or any of her junior friends. This was a new breed of man. The apex kind. Aelin is pretty sure she looks like a deer in the headlights, and she's too busy ogling him to understand the words he'd been repeating to her.
"Are you okay?" His eyebrows are furrowed as if he's afraid he'd literally struck her stupid. Aelin felt that wasn't far from the truth.
"Yes, sorry," she apologizes as she steps back, suddenly very aware of how in his personal space she was. "I wasn't paying attention. You just caught me by surprise."
Aelin was definitely panicking. Where was her swagger when she needed it most? Why would it choose now to abandon her?
By some miracle, he doesn't seem off-put by her awkwardness. In fact, a smile curls the edges of his lips, revealing a set of dimples that made her heart stumble.
Gods he had dimples.
"No, I ran into you. It's my fault. My name is Rowan.”
He holds out a hand, and Aelin shakes it clumsily. "I'm Aelin."
"Aelin." She loves the way her name rolls off his tongue. "I haven't seen you around before. Are you a freshman?"
Oh no. Aelin's eyes widen, but she recovers swiftly and smooths her features out. Rowan thinks she's a student. Not some crazy high schooler too emotionally dependent on her cousin.
"I'm actually a junior," Aelin laughs at his perplexed expression. "I don't go here, though. I'm just stopping by to drop off some things my cousin forgot."
White lies. What was a white lie worth? Aelin likely wouldn't ever see him again, and is it so wrong for a girl to enjoy some harmless attention? If Aelin spent more time thinking about it, she probably wouldn't like the answers she'd come up with, but that was neither here nor there.
"Is that a waffle maker?" Rowan's green eyes glint with amusement.
"My cousin loves to eat. What year are you?" Aelin crosses her fingers that he's the same age as Aedion and not a senior or something. Her cousin would murder her if he found out she flirted with a man five years older.
"Don't we all? I'm a sophomore, a bit younger than you, I suppose." Rowan drags a hand through his hair. "Listen, I know you came to see your cousin, but maybe I could get your number, and we could get a cup of coffee before you head out?"
Was this really happening? Aelin inwardly squealed with excitement. Lysandra would die when she recounted this story later. "Sure."
Just as she pulled her phone from her pocket, an all too familiar voice materialized behind her. "Aelin?"
Aedion smiles as he lays eyes on his beloved cousin. He takes a couple steps down the stairs, and that grin quickly fades as he sees the naked man.
Oops, she'd forgotten that detail.
"Rowan?" Aedion's eyes harden as they lock on Rowan. "Why the hell are you ogling my cousin with no clothes on?"
"You know him?" Aelin swears under her breath. She cannot believe her luck.
Aedion laughs coldly as he sizes up Rowan, "He's my roommate, but he's about to be a corpse. Why are you perving on my seventeen-year-old cousin?"
Rowan's looks between the bewildered. "You said you were a junior?"
Aedion laughs harshly as Aelin blushes. "I am...just in highschool. Not college. I told you I didn't go here."
"I didn't realize I was rooming with a pedophile," Aedion grabs Aelin and pulls her to his chest. "Was he bothering you?"
"Pedophile?" Rowan's dimples have disappeared, and he looks at Aedion disturbed. "I'm only nineteen!"
Aelin shoves away from Aedion's boorish grip. "The only one bothering me is you."
Rowan's cheeks are flushed red as the full impact of the situation they were found in dawns on him. Damn it if Aelin didn't find his blush endearing. He is a solid chunk of muscle. How is everything he does so cute?
"Look, I just got out of the shower, and I bumped into Aelin. It was an accident. She was just on her way to give you your waffle maker-"
"You brought my waffle maker?" Aedion cuts Rowan off, eyeing the box under her arm.
That's when Aelin sees it. The twinkle of mischief in his eye and the forced concern. Aedion was playing her. He obviously knew Rowan wasn't a creep and saw the perfect opportunity to cause chaos. Aelin scowls at him, and that spark grows brighter. It's moments like this she wonders why she ever missed her cousin in the first place.
Aedion tugs the box out of her grasp and smiles. "Wow. This is perfect timing. Vaughn and Fen were just talking about making breakfast for dinner." He looks at Aelin and forces a frown. "If I'd known you were coming, I would have invited you, but it would kind of be rude to bring a guest now."
"What?" Aelin sputters. She drove all this way, and he was really going to ditch her? It was embarrassing, but tears prickled at the edges of her eyes. He was an ass, but she obviously came because she missed him, and he didn't even care? She really thought they were closer than that.
"Yeah. Sorry, Lin." Aedion points at Rowan, who was just standing to the side, thoroughly uncomfortable. Yet, despite the awkwardness, he hadn't left. "Hey, you owe me one for creeping on my little cousin. Earn my trust back and see that she has something for dinner and gets to her car safely? She has my phone number, one bad text, and your ass is grass."
Aedion tosses her a wink, and it's all Aelin can do to keep from outright gaping. Rowan looks stunned, his eyes darting between the two Ashryvver's. They settle on Aelin for a moment too long. Some of the tension eases from his shoulders, and he smiles. "I think I can manage that."
"Good." Aedion turns back up the stairs pats the box. "Thanks for bringing it to me, Lin. I'll call you tomorrow, don't send me to voicemail."
Just like that, her cousin, a walking, talking agent-of-chaos, disappears back to wherever he came from.
"So," Rowan starts, "If you want, I know a perfect Italian place we could swing by, my treat seeing as I plowed into you."
Aelin frowns and fiddles with the end of her necklace. "You aren't upset that I lied?"
"You didn't lie." Rowan chuckles, a deep sound that sends a shiver of delight down Aelin's spine. "You don't go here."
Aelin tilts her head as if she's deeply considering the offer. "I suppose it couldn't hurt. What's good there?"
"They have an awesome kabob." Rowan tugs his towel tighter. "It's my favorite."
It's Aelin's turn to laugh. "Isn't that just meat on a stick?"
"Let's go, and I can show you how profoundly wrong you are," he moves to take a step down, but Aelin stops him with a hand to the shoulder. "What is it?"
Aelin points to his towel, "I don't think they will serve guests without pants."
The flush that Aelin loves his back full force as he scrambles the other direction up the stairs. "Shit. Give me five minutes. I'll be right back. Aedion better have not locked out or I swear-"
Rowan's embarrassed tirade quiets as he charges up to his dorm to change. Aelin smiling as he goes. She can't believe she's going out to dinner with a guy like that.
Opening her phone, she sends a quick heart emoji to her cousin. He instantly replies back with one of his own. Aedion may have moved to college, but he still had her back at the end of the day. Even if it wasn't in the most ideal way.
Rowan comes back down the stairs moments later, and she's not disappointed by what she sees. He took the time to put on a flannel shirt and comb some gel through his hair. While the view without clothes had been pleasant, Aelin could definitely appreciate this look too.
"I'm ready if you are," Rowan extends an arm to help her down the stairs.
It's such a fussy, old-man move, and she loves it.
"Let's go."
#rowaelinmonth#rowaelin month#throne of glass#rowaelin#fanfic#rowan whitethorn#aelin galathynius#tog#fluff#college au#day two
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Valentine's Day
I'm not in my best mood today so I was watching Modern Family when Manny said this happened to him and I just needed to write about Jily
Hope you like it
Valentine's Day - 1978
James had written what was probably the best poem of his life.
He even asked his mother to send him a book about the meaning of flowers, just to describe Lily.
It was almost five sleepless nights trying to come up with amazing rhymes and good enough metaphors, and trying to put his feelings on paper.
They were friends now, and James had high hopes that she would recognize his handwriting - as brave as he was, James didn't sign the card but drew a lily, which he thought would be enough for Lily to realize it was him, because he always drew lilies on her scrolls during Transfiguration classes and prefects meetings, just a small one at the top of the page - and maybe he would ask her out and who knows, if she accepted... things could go well after that.
The problem is, he clearly miscalculated.
He didn't think there would be more boys inviting her, let alone that she'd be waiting for someone else's card. Because when the card flew across the breakfast table and landed in front of her, instead of looking at him, Lily looked at Dylan, a Ravenclaw boy who had already sent her a box of chocolates earlier, and now, smiled and waved as if he were the owner of that card.
James didn't know if she noticed when the boys looked at James as if they expected him to do something, or when Sirius asked for the second time who she thought the card was, because oops, no signed name huh Evans, but there must be some clue as to who owns it.
But nothing, she didn't seem to notice, in fact she and the girls were cheering and whispering about Dylan and ignoring the food on the plate, Lily with the biggest smile ever, still looking over her shoulder every now and then, cheeks flushed and the bright green eyes.
James must have misunderstood her signs, and it was a good thing she thought it was from another boy, because it would be too humiliating if she dumped him after all the work he had gone into writing those ten lines - and the drawing too, because that was the most realistic flower he had ever made.
"It's okay," he whispered to Remus, when he seemed willing to say something. ''Do not say anything.''
"Not say what?" Lily asked, carefully tucking his card into her purse, along with the stupid chocolate box.
"About I haven't received anything yet," James shrugged, smiling awkwardly, hoping she hadn't heard his heart break inside his chest. "I think I lost my charm."
"Awn, Potter, of course not," As Dylan walked past their table, Lily waved at him like she was the happiest person in the world.
James wanted to die.
"I'm sure you'll get a card too." She smiled at him, which wasn't very comforting, as there was a glint in her eyes that James knew wasn't because of him. "Come on, I need your help curling my hair…" Lily and the girls left the table, bouncing around like happy deer in the field, all three of them grinning from ear to ear.
It was okay, James told himself, they were better just friends.
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Rory Gilmore time!
1. "Nothing excites me before 11:00."
2. "I really do hate everyone today, including myself."
3. "I just got hit by a deer!"
4. "I think I may have loved you, but I need to just let it go."
8. "Like, ‘Stop eating the paste’ special?"
5. "I love you, you idiot."
6. "The dress is fine. The person in it, however…"
7. "One of those moments when everything is so perfect and so wonderful that… you almost feel sad because nothing could ever be this good again."
8. "I should hate you, not miss you. Make me hate you."
9. "Says the woman/man with a Hello Kitty waffle iron."
10. "Name, I promise, the only way you could be more important to me is if you had a Kit-Kat bar growing out of your head."
11. "No, he/she’s not, we broke up. No, oh no, I’m sorry, he/she broke up, I thought we were just taking some time, but apparently, I’m a moron!"
12. "I can take running into him every day in the halls, and in the paper and the coffee cart… Oh my god! I'm gonna have to quit drinking coffee! And I love coffee!"
13. "I think I may have loved you, but I just need to let it go. So, that's it, I guess. Um, I hope you're good. I want you to be good, and, um, okay, so, goodbye."
14. "Did you do something slutty?"
15. "I'll eat to that."
16. "Oh my god, he kissed me."
17. "Are you ever gonna ask me out? You flirt with me. You act like you like me."
18. "That okay, there's nothing to see. Name1's in a Speedo, Name2's in a skirt, Name3's in assless chaps." "Oh my God, stop! I'm never gonna be able to close my eyes again."
19. "Hey, I have an idea! Why don't you just pretend we did and go around acting really immature. Oh wait..."
20. "We need perspective." "We need therapy."
21. "What do you mean what am I doing? I'm ranting! You should recognize it, I learned it from you."
22. "You'll find someone else." "What if there is no one else?" "Then you'll get some cats."
23. "So you mean someone broke into our house, went past our TV, our stereo and our jewelry, then headed straight for the booster club cashbox, took $18 and left the rest?"
24. "They haven't had any cocktails yet." "Really?" "Oh yeah, when they start having cocktails we're gonna have to hide you."
25. "Hey, I haven't been dressed by a bird since I was two."
26. "Oh my God, just eat the burger already!"
27. "You need to start napping in the afternoons."
28. "Would you really feel guilty?"
29. "Which means you lied about why you came over."
30. "You're squirming. I've never seen you squirm. It's entertaining."
31. "But then you guys talked and eventually, time went by, and now you love him."
32. "Please, don't walk away like that!"
33. "Name, how much do you like this girl/boy?" "Do what you gotta do, Name."
34. "Hey, I got your note." "Yeah, well, putting it in the mallomars was a pretty safe bet."
35.*Rory, holding burger with two hands, puts her pinky up.* "Being a lady is hard."
36. "There's more of them!" "Name, the flowers on the wallpaper are not growing or reproducing."
37. "Okay, our house is burning down, and you can save the cake or me. What do you choose?"
38. "I need you to be serious here." "You're wearing a newspaper on your head and you want me to be serious?"
39. "I have multiple personalities, it might be one of me."
40. "My sister recognized you from the pictures in my box." "In what box?" "The box of stuff I have of us. Pictures and letters and everything I got from you." "You have a Name box?"
41. "Don't take this the wrong way, but get out."
42. "Just making an observation." "Great. We'll build a dome over you and jam a telescope in your head."
43. "You can't just say a normal sentence right? Just 'Hey, lets talk' is too dull for you?"
44. "So, what time does the judgmental express arrive?" "Grandma gets here at noon."
45. "You whine, you complain, you act like a child." "I do not." "I had to pay you five bucks once so you wouldn't go in sweats."
46. "Ladies and gentlemen, the drama king and queen of *Place*."
47. "What, are you afraid?" "Of going into a strange city with two guys I don't know? Yeah!"
48. "I want a pet." "You have me!"
49. "What the hell is wrong with you?"
50. "Do you have any idea how many people you've hurt? What is wrong with you? Forget it, I wouldn't expect you to understand."
51. "How many languages can you say "none of your business" in?"
52. "You did not." "I did too!" "You did not, because you are not stupid! Slimey and weasily yes, but stupid no."
53. "Nothing happened! We fell asleep!"
54. "I got kissed! And I shoplifted!"
55. "The cops shut down an eight year old's birthday party?" "And arrested the clown."
56. "Name! Who's your friend?" "I don't know, but this is Name."
57. "And just what is wrong with you? You already have everything! What the hell is wrong with you that you have this constant need to be the biggest jerk in the entire world?"
58. "Would you like me to drive so you can continue your diatribe?"
59. "It's not that bad." "Do you want a mirror?" "I'm taking it off."
60. "You're feeling pretty good about yourself right now, aren't you?"
61. "You're happy." "Yeah." "Did you do something slutty?"
62. "A little nervous breakdown can really work wonders for a girl/boy."
63. "Did you hear what she called us? 'Adorable.' She called us an adorable couple."
64. "God! You are like a pop-up book from hell!"
65. "Why doesn't he like me?" *Crying on the floor.*
66. "Can't you shut up for five seconds? Thank you."
67. "I cannot do this alone."
68. "I'm madly in love with you." "Well, good luck with that."
69. "Why did you come here?" "Because you didn't say goodbye."
70. *Hangover.* "Ugh, I need a taco."
Use them, reblog them, quote them, make request, whatever you like!❤️
#rory gilmore#gilmore girls#writing prompt#prompt list#prompt#dialogue prompts#fanfic writing#writing#fanfic#fanfiction
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