#have you seen his body slightly shaping under the dirty oil smelling shirt
evilvvithin · 1 year
karl heisenberg is the first character i know that genuinely looks hotter/better in his base-game design rather than with all kinds of nude/shirtless, shaved and other custom mods
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elliestormfound · 4 years
A warm reunion after a cold winter
Read on ao3
The first hug after the winter lasted longer then expected. Geralt was overwhelmed by how good it felt to hold Jaskier in his arms. It was as if there had been a Jaskier-shaped hole in the winter months he had spent in Kaer Morhen without him.
All the little smells and sounds - the hint of lavender oil he used for his hair, the smell of sun-dried clothes, the familiar rhythm of his breath and heartbeat, now slightly faster than usual - combined with the feeling of his strong arms tightly wrapped around Geralt and the brown curls that tickled his cheek where the symphony that made up Jaskier.
Geralt had arrived late and after a fast dinner, he followed Jaskier to his room. It had just been about an hour since he arrived, but Jaskier had barely shut up about how boring the last month had been and how much he was looking forward to traveling with Geralt again and the adventures that were sure to happen.
Geralt could still not believe that it had been only ten month since Jaskier had approached him in a dirty tavern at the end of the world. Geralt had tried to discourage the bard to follow him, but - even though he had never admitted it aloud - had gotten used to and also a bit fond of his traveling companion. When they split up for the winter, he may have let slip his plans when and where he planned to go in spring.
Of course there was only one bed in the tiny room Jaskier had rented as both their coin purses were too light for more. “Go on,” Jaskier said, pointing at the bed, “make yourself comfortable.” He was still rummaging through his bags.
With an indistinct “hmmm”, Geralt did just that. Stripped to only his smallclothes he lay on his side, watching the bard. The azure blue doublet was already open. The witcher was not sure if he was supposed to look away as the bard undressed further.
In the months they had traveled together all modesty had been quickly forgotten, because sharing a campside and small inn-rooms did not allow much privacy. But they had not seen each other for three months and now watching him felt like something forbidden.
Without the cleverly tailored small-waisted doublet Jaskier’s broad shoulders that filled out the soft grey shirt were on display and as he turned around to Geralt, he could see the brown hair that dusted the bard’s chest, peaking out of the unlaced shirt.
Geralt turned on his back and his eyes to the ceiling. He heard Jaskier undress further and felt the mattress dip down as he climbed into bed next to him. The bard lay on his side, facing Geralt.
“Did you miss me?” Jaskier asked with a mocking tone, but there was something else in his voice. “Hmmm, why would I miss you, bard?” he answered, his usual roughness, but mixed with a matching mocking tone.
Then he felt Jaskier’s hands, pushing him. “I had forgotten how big you are, can you slide over, my butt is falling off the bed.” “I am already laying on the edge,” Geralt growled. He was not sure what drove him to do it. He could have just rolled on his side, his back to Jaskier, so they would both have enough space. But he stayed on his back, pulled his hand out from under his head and carefully extended it to Jaskier’s side. It was not exactly an offer for Jaskier to lay his head on it and move closer to Geralt till he was pressed against him, but Jaskier did just that and Geralt did not complain.
They lay like this for a while, Geralt on his back, Jaskier on his side, head on the other man’s shoulder, legs lined up with Geralt’s, when Jaskier slowly placed his arm over Geralt’s torso. This whole thing was new. They had slept next to each other in beds before, but always careful not to touch the other more than strictly necessary. But now it somehome felt right. As if this was how they were meant to lay.
Geralt could hear a content exhale and felt Jaskier’s body relax even more against his. “I am not ashamed to tell you that I missed you, witcher,” Jaskier whispered. As in reflex Geralt curled his arm around the other, slightly pulling Jaskier closer to him. “I definitely did not miss you,” he replied. Jaskier huffed, his breath tickling the sensitive skin on Geralt’s neck, right below his ear, which made Geralt hum.
In this moment he could not quite remember why it had been so important before the winter to keep his distance from the bard, not to encourage him.
When he felt Jaskier pressing his nose to the crook of his neck, deeply inhaling, Geralt felt a wave of heat wash over his body and he was not sure if his heartbeat stopped or speed up or somehow both at once. The slightest touch of lips on his neck, not a kiss, just a brush made him sigh, just a small sound.
It was easy and hard to shift his body just a bit towards Jaskier, so he could look into the blue eyes.
“You are tickling me,” he said in a hoarse voice. Jaskier was looking at him, lips slightly apart, eyes wandering from Geralt’s amber eyes to his mouth. “Was it a good tickle?”, Jaskier whispered. “Hmmm,” Geralt hummed. With his left hand he brushed a strand of brown locks out of Jaskier’s eyes, behind his ear.
Time seemed to stand still and nothing else seemed to exist. Just Jaskier in his arm, pressed to his side, lips only a breath away from his.
“Will you kiss me?” Geralt asked softly. “Do you want that, my witcher?” Jaskier whispered. “Yes.”
Jaskier leaned closer and Geralt’s eyes did not leave his face as the bard placed a soft kiss at the corner of his mouth. Jaskier’s lips were soft and warm.The bard looked up, searching Geralt’s face for a reaction. “More,” Geralt said.
This time Jaskier’s lips meet his fully. It was a slow kiss, mapping out a new territory. When Geralt felt Jaskier’s warm tongue on his lips, he opened them with a sigh. They broke apart and the bard said, “I think you missed me, up in your cold mountain. And I think you were wondering about how my lips would feel on yours.” A small smile was Geralt’s only reply.
“Did I meet your expectations?” Jaskier asked. “Better,” Geralt said. “You expected better?” “No, this is better, you are better than my expectations.” “So you did think about kissing me,” Jaskier said with a blissful smile.
“They were cold and long months,” Geralt said. “So you and the other witchers did not…?” “That is not what we do at Kaer Morhen.” “What a shame,” Jaskier said, “you should bring me next winter, we can introduce the fine art of kissing to Kaer Morhen.”
With a hoarse voice Geralt said, “you will introduce kissing to no one there.” And with a smooth motion he lifted himself up on one elbow, pushing Jaskier to his back with his other hand, his face hovering over the other’s. Geralt licked his lips as he saw the wicked smile on Jaskier’s face the moment before he felt the bard’s hands weaving through his hair, pressing his head down for another kiss.
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kbetacygni · 8 years
dog inspires rabbit
Fright Night (2011) - oneshot - [Jerry Dandridge/OC] 
cross-posted on ao3
The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want / He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters / Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.
[tw implied past self harm, implied suicide (if you squint)] 
if you want to, comment on what u think or use the fic link above to review there. 
Gangsters don't cry,
He's outside only after the shadows grow long across the street. Strands of his hair falling over dark eyebrows, his eyes strange and expressive and black as he glances over at me from across the street. He tosses the last of the construction debris into a dumpster and wipes the plaster from his hands.
He doesn't respond, but his lips curve into a charming, voracious smile.
therefore – therefore I'm
I think, he's different.
There's something slow, methodical and careful in the way he speaks – the way he moves, the way his eyes look into mine. Maybe he can see me, see the hollow pain and the terrible hurt that swells and aches inside me when I'm alone and the air is empty and cold.
And yet his gaze reminds me of the look Shelia gets when she's chasing rabbits around the yard.
Mr. Misty-eyed; therefore I'm –
He lingers (politely?) just outside the threshold of the kitchen backdoor as I go to retrieve a sweatshirt I'd borrowed from him. When I return, he's staring pensively at Shelia. She's risen to her paws, her lip curling to show her canines as she growls at him.
I apologize for the behavior. Lately she's been acting strange around me as well, skittish from something she can smell in the air.
He smiles and says that it's okay. Watches, almost fond, almost jealous as I scratch under her chin and let her lick my hand.
can you save,
She dies a week later.
Shelia sleeps more each day – what I thought was the autumn tiredness, slow blinking and muffled huffs of breath when I rub her belly. But one morning I wake up and go downstairs, and she's lying on her side behind the couch, her limbs stiff. She's not breathing, her eyes closed as though in sleep. The vet says she's eaten something that must have made her sick. Asks if I accidentally fed her chocolate, onions.
When I get back to the neighborhood, he's already waiting outside my house. I don't ask where he's heard the news, how he knows – I drop my purse, the mortuary forms in my hand and wrap my arms around his neck, sobbing. He consoles me, holds me close to his chest as I break down in the middle of the street.
I'm afraid.
can you save my,
Neighbor's kid comes outside in the bright sunlight, practicing tricks with her longboard.
I think about how Shelia would've loved to go outside and play with her – but now she's gone and the house is empty and silent. And it doesn't help that he's gone as well, apparently going out of town all this week. It's a shame, really, the weather's finally nice now, bright sun from dawn to dusk.
I miss him, and I miss Shelia so hard that it hurts.
can you save my heavy dirty soul?
Clouds roll over past the mountains, shielding much of the warmer weather and bringing fog and rain.
He comes around in the evening when he's free, helping me garden in the backyard after I'd commented on how the rose trellis had flourished under his care.
It's nice like this.
Through our banter I can tell that he's treating me differently – almost as if he's holding me at arms length. I've seen the way he's talked to other women; the slow, flirtatious smile, the predatory gaze. But here, his eyes are bright and his laughter loud, warming me from the inside out.
Like this, I can barely feel the pain when the gardening shear slips in my grasp, cutting a line down my palm. But he whispers my name, a strange look coming over his features and I look down to see the red blossoming across my skin.
Hand grabs my wrist, pulls me forward. There's something intent in his eyes, and I try to pull away, only for him to suddenly slide my sleeve up my arm, baring the rest of my forearm to his eyes.
Pale, thin cuts crisscrossing over the skin, some slightly raised and bumpy, others just whitish lines. The blood is running further now, dripping down my wrist, hot flashes of pain emanating from the cut. He inhales sharply.
Please, I beg him. He lets go of my hand and I turn tail and run back into my house.
He asks to come inside. All but pleads. He wants to help me. Wants to fix me up and hold me close and never let me go, not like the other ones have. He promises – everything.
But, already too terrified, ashamed, frightened of what he's seen, what he's seen of me, I shake my head. I close the door on him and fall to the ground, sobbing.
The next day, he brings me a bouquet of bloody red roses and an invitation to come into his house.
can you save,
Woman screams, waking me up. It takes me a moment for me to realize it's not me – that tonight it wasn't a nightmare.
Another shout, then her voice jerks off. Coming from the direction of his house.
In a flash I'm getting up, pure dark panic racing down my body, making my skin tingle. I leave the house and walk over to his clad only in my sleepwear and a robe. Knock on the door.
He greets me. Eyes lingering on my breasts through the near-translucent night shirt. I hug my arms closer around me, shivering, and asks if something happened.
He says the scream came from the TV – a horror movie he'd been watching. Asks if I'm okay.
I'm not, I want to say, miserably. Everything's wrong, and I don't know who you are – what I'm doing with you.
Instead I tell him that I'm fine, and he accompanies me back to my front door.
can you save my,
The streets I'm walking on – they're silent, houses empty and left hollow. I don't recall ever seeing anyone having moved away, and the thought strikes me with a sudden worry. Have I been slipping further, unseeing and unknowing as the neighbors packed up and switched out?
When he catches me looking through the window of an empty house, I joke that pretty soon it'll just be him and me.
He grins and says that that would be nice.
Again, that latent, icy fear fills my mind.
can you save my heavy dirty soul?
Fingers cold already, frozen-clenched-painful around the handle of the shovel. The oblong white shape cast by the flashlight thrown on the cemetery ground.
Her body has barely decomposed by the time I open the casket, and something breaks in my heart at the feeling of violating her resting place. Her fur is matted and coarse where it once had been soft and warm, her face deformed from rigor mortis.
The collar around her neck – brand new, placed there by me on the day I buried her – gleams faintly in that new-leather way. The buckle slips from my cold-numbed fingers, catching painfully on my nails.
I pull the strap aside, grab the torch and shine it on her neck.
Two puncture marks, in the shape of teeth.
I hug her corpse against my body, too tired to care about how revolting the action is. And I cry and I cry and I cry.
for me, for me,
He sees the dirt under my fingernails. Looks up at my face. I blink, not knowing what to say. Terror and panic and love and sadness sweeps through me in that one moment. My bottom lip trembles.
He drops my hand and backs me up against the door, and then his mouth is on mine, kissing me so fiercely that it hurts.
can you save my heavy dirty soul?
The days wear into nights wear into days. I can hardly feel the time passing; everything feels sluggish and slow as molasses, the last days of summer.
Night falls before I hear a knock on the door, and I see his figure through the window as I cross the hallway and open the door.
No garlic, no stakes, no crosses.
There's something terrible and dark and wanting in his eyes, enough to make my heart pound faster and my breathing speed up. Neither of us speaks for a moment, and then and there we understand each other. Possibly more than we ever have.
He tells me he's been waiting for me for a long time. That he's been waiting years (decades? Centuries?) for someone like me to cross his path.
And I know what's going to happen. I know what will happen.
Surprisingly, my voice doesn't shake over the words. "Come inside, won't you?"
for me, for me,
his hands are gentle as ever, one spanning across the milky flesh of my stomach as he holds my body to his.
"Sweet thing."
My eyes close hard enough that I can see the swirling, symmetrical waves - galaxies spanning in the darkness behind my eyelids.
"Do you think you can save my soul, darling?"
Sinking into the sunlight.
The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.
He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death; I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.
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