#hater posting
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Everyone else talked about outdoor cats, it's time for me to talk about offleash dogs
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escapedaudios · 3 months ago
I know it's uncouth to publicly drag another voice actor, but considering that this talentless fuck is using AI voices now I can hardly consider him a fellow VA anymore so it's open season on him. Let the record show that I hate Tingly Tones and I have had nothing but disdain for him from the first time he ever interacted with me. I've never seen someone so deeply involved in making audio roleplay have such a cynical point of view on the medium, it's practically contemptuous the way he disregards even the faintest sliver of integrity.
What the AI generated FUCK am I looking at here. AI generated images, AI generated text to speech, AI mods on his own voice because he burned every bridge he ever had and can't get anyone to collab with him anymore. I suspect he even uses AI generated scripts, seeing as he's a known script thief and God knows this fucking fraud could never string a coherent paragraph together, let alone a script. This dude sincerely sees audio roleplay as a cheap way to get clout and money. He can't even come up with a pitch. He's begged me to collab before, not by actually offering a role or a project mind you, but simply by kissing my ass and hoping that would get me pull all the weight for his sake in exchange for the offer of a nondescript feature on his dogshit channel.
He's tried every cheap in the book to try and grow his channel. Following every stupid trend and popular search term, mass-generating AI images, animating his audios with AI, trying to duct-tape stolen scripts into cohesive ongoing stories, trying to ride other's coattails every time a new VA starts to gain traction, spamming everyone (including minors) trying to peddle his NSFW Patreon. Everything other than actually making a good audio, an ability that he does not have and never will have.
The fact that this hack has more subs than many far more talented VAs is actually disgraceful. The number of Patrons he has bankrolling this slop is embarrassing. Attention coming to channels like this makes the whole audio roleplay scene look like shit, the fact that this garbage even exists is insulting to the medium. If Tingly Tones has zero haters, I'm dead. May his teeth crumble and his tongue rot away.
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sliipppy · 7 months ago
i love ibspaint
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ribbonzregretz · 5 months ago
vagueposting rn i hate using empathy instead of sympathy. maybe im just a hater but like sympathy is so much better as a word and concept and way better incase you just cant feel empathy
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sludgebones · 11 months ago
"same energy" and its two images with the exact same visual gag
"they knew what they were doing" and its a very obvious prank or joke
"art imitates life" and its an illustration and the actual subject being referenced
"you can't make this up" and its a statement so outrageous that you easily could
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nightcolorz · 1 year ago
this bitch ass a03 commenter was giving me internet hate for ?? Head canoning Lestat as having bpd ?? I tagged my Drabble fic as borderline personality disorder and this mf didn’t even read it just saw that and god mad for incomprehensible reasons. I don’t have tiktok lmfao idk wtf this is even referencing, some ableist discourse that’s beyond me. Anyways I deleted ur comment a03 user bitchescanthandlemyswag bcus I don’t want ppl to have to see that shit when they click on my fic. Here is my bf Cupid @the-vagabond-angel hot boy reaction and my werewolf alpha @loelett ‘s words of protection immortalized in Lestat bottom text top text meme format. Anyways Lestat has BPD am I right like this is canon. I didn’t even reference bpd in my Drabble fic I just wrote Lestat how he acts in canon and then I was like this is bpd of him and tagged it. Hashtag mental health awareness hash tag spread love not hate anyways suck my fat dick a03 commenter bitchescanthandlemyswag I don’t even have bpd I have a disorder called I Know Better Then u xoxoxo.
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Also Lestat is my boyfriend and he told me he has bpd + @dontbesylly is a professional psychologist and diagnosed him take the L
y’all should read my Drabble fic it’s rlly good https://archiveofourown.org/works/52422124/chapters/132615793
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irithnova · 1 year ago
I'm probably gonna get hate about this from Avatar fans and I'm not trying to shit on their parade. I also don't have anything against anyone if they enjoy avatar but. I personally have an issue with the fact that the plotline around the air nomad genocide is quite literally based off of the repression and genocide/culturicide of Tibetans. Like. It's so blatantly obvious that's what it's based off of. Yet they couldn't find an actual Tibetan kid to portray Aang. This isn't something of the past either. This is happening to Tibetans in the here and now. They took care into getting actual indigenous folks to portray water tribe characters for example but not... The main character who's culture is based primarily off of Tibet?? You use the actual ongoing genocide and repression of Tibetans for a plot point and arguably make an orientalist caricature out of Tibetan spirituality (that's for a whole different post lmao) but God forbid you hire a Tibetan or at least someone front the Himalayas to play Aang.
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novalightz-exe · 2 years ago
Seeing how people view the lack of sex in Cherry Magic's J-drama while the show itself is pretty in-your-face about how supportive its writing is towards aro/ace people, makes it very easy for me to sort people into 2 categories...
Cool, epic, poggers, understanding gamers.
Fuckin LOSERS!!!
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antigoneikk · 10 months ago
collecting a list of classic authors dunking on jane austen for hater purposes:
1. Charlotte Brontë
“Why do you like Miss Austen so very much? I am puzzled on that point,” she wrote, explaining that she got the book after Lewes talked it up. “And what did I find? An accurate, daguerreotyped portrait of a commonplace face; a carefully-fenced, highly-cultivated garden, with neat borders and delicate flowers; but no glance of a bright, vivid physiognomy, no open country, no fresh air, no blue hill, no bonny beck. I should hardly like to live with her ladies and gentlemen in their elegant but confined houses.”
“[A]nything like warmth or enthusiasm, anything energetic, poignant, heartfelt, is utterly out of place in commending these works: all such demonstrations the authoress would have met with a well-bred sneer, would have calmly scorned as outré or extravagant. She does her business of delineating the surface of the lives of genteel English people curiously well ... [But] She no more, with her mind’s eye, beholds the heart of her race than each man, with bodily vision, sees the heart in his heaving breast. Jane Austen was a complete and most sensible lady, but a very incomplete and rather insensible (not senseless) woman.”
2. Ralph Waldo Emerson
“I am at a loss to understand why people hold Miss Austen’s novels at so high a rate, which seems to me vulgar in tone, sterile in artistic invention, imprisoned in the wretched conventions of English society, without genius, wit, or knowledge of the world. Never was life so pinched and so narrow ... Suicide is more respectable.”
3. D.H Lawrence
“This again, is the tragedy of social life today. In the old England, the curious blood-connection held the classes together. The squires might be arrogant, violent, bullying and unjust, yet in some ways, they were at one with the people, part of the same blood-stream. We feel it in Defoe or Fielding. And then, in the mean Jane Austen, it is gone. Already this old maid typifies 'personality' instead of character, the sharp knowing in apartness instead of togetherness, and she is, to my feeling, English in the bad, mean snobbish sense of the word, just as Fielding is English in the good generous sense.”
4. Mark Twain
“I often want to criticize Jane Austen, but her books madden me so that I can’t conceal my frenzy from the reader; and therefore I have to stop every time I begin. Every time I read Pride and Prejudice I want to dig her up and beat her over the skull with her own shin bone!”
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outdatedprometheus · 2 years ago
Hm. For a fandom full of autistic people the welcome home fandom sure does love to vilify or flat out erase the main characters obviously autistic traits for their own comfort. I DO have a full rant but I will only do that if people actually want it.
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detectiveangel · 2 years ago
generally against engaging in call-out tumblr shit but if i see someone gassing up m*sha g*ssen, all bets are off. if there is anyone that deserves the full social justice warrior cancellation beatdown, it's that cynical old bat. the fuck out of here!! maybe they did some activism once long ago, but they've long since switched to being a center-right grifter who does the queer communities they have claimed to represent way more harm than good.
for the record i would forgive them if they apologized for shit they've said and done in the last decade and decided to turn over a new leaf. not that they care what i think (they've blocked me on twitter of course). but i don't think they deserve to be punished, just held accountable. having to watch that one journalist jack off on camera in the middle of a virtual newsroom roleplay about election scenarios in which they were playing donald trump is punishment enough, the universe really took care of that one.
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tavwavs · 1 year ago
me in a rage room repeatedly smashing an old tv with a metal bat and going "I 💥 HATE 💥 TOP 💥 ELLIOTT 💥 HOLOHACKER 💥"
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championofravens · 2 years ago
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wait the finale already hit and literally no one said a single thing about it. i know, i peeped the tag to check. unreal
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novalightz-exe · 2 years ago
Yeah, why do people insist that a user not-reblogging something = they doesn't care about the something? Reblogging doesn't raise a person up higher on an invisible moral pedestal lol. Reblogging just ='s spreading information. Get over yourselves.
Your moral ocd is lying to you and tumblr is lying to you. you do NOT have to reblog any post you dont want to and you dont need to justify it and youre not prejudiced against a certain marginalized group if you dont reblog an Upsetting Post about a Current Issue said group is facing
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novalightz-exe · 2 years ago
As much as I do enjoy maintaining my sense of wonder and whimsy into adulthood, I hate that autistic people get infantilized so often cause of it along with our natural, unorthodox mannerisms.
Just cause I'm a lil silly and a lil goofy doesn't mean I'm a fucking idiot who doesn't know shit about the world. Same goes for other autistic people who are on the extreme opposite end, where they're not as talkative and don't emote as much.
We're not babies or children in adult-looking bodies, we just need some fucking help sometimes.
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