jerkstrology-blog · 7 years
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Okay, you hate Geminis? You and everyone else good on ya mate. Have you ever thought for a second, "but why do I hate Geminis?" Did a mean, lil gemmy hurt your poor wee feelings? :’( Prob (get over it). Is it because you saw a funny meme one time that was ripping on them? Maybe, but us Geminis know what’s really going on. We understand that your hate toward us is mostly just a manifestation of your insecurities. Geminis are a pretty well-balanced sign and we get it that you're just mad that we have the good traits that you're lacking. We get it and we forgive you. I mean it's quite hard to not be jealous of a Gemini, I mean here's a list of some of our positive traits: charming, witty, clever, devoted, outgoing, versatile, communicative, creative, cheerful etc etc It's easy to see why you'd be jealous of a Gemini. Even their bad traits aren't that bad. Impractical? That can be fun. Bad with money? That can be managed. Flirtatious? So what? Dramatic? Makes for good stories. Geminis are great and thanks to all your hate, one of the most well-known signs. There are bad Geminis out there (Donald Trump) but the greatest people to have ever lived are/were Geminis (Prince). The reason Gemini gets so much hate is half due to shitty memes and then the other half is due to jealousies.  GEMINI IS A GREAT SIGN, YOU ARE WRONG TO HATE THEM INSTEAD TRY TO ADMIRE AND LEARN FROM THEM HA HA HA THANKS X0X0X0X0X0X0X0
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