#hate to fuck with the sisterly bond :(
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thebramblewood · 1 year ago
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The dawn of the final day.
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Julia: [muttering shakily] Come on, Jules. Just hit the button. You have to tell someone. It’s the right thing to do.
Helena: [whoosh] [thump] Julia? Shit, how’d you even-
Julia: Helena, w-what did you just... I don’t understand what’s going on!
Helena: If you’d let me explain-
Julia: No, no, no, this can’t be happening! Vampires aren’t supposed to be real!
Helena: [narrows eyes] Who are you calling?
Julia: No one! I was just thinking about it, I swear! [flinches away] Stop! Don’t come any closer!
Helena: Julia, please, I’m not going to hurt you. I would never hurt you.
Julia: [tearfully] But you could have!
Helena: What?
Julia: It was you who hurt my friends, who hurt all those people! I hang out there with them all the time. If you’d seen me, would you have been able to resist?
Helena: Of course!
Julia: Oh, so you were in control? You knew what you were doing and you did it anyway. Who are you, Helena? What are you? Because I don’t think you’re my sister anymore. You’re a-a-a... a monster!
Helena: Please don’t say that. You have no idea how sorry I am. The way I left them... it just loops like an endless nightmare in my head. I didn’t mean to go that far. I just wanted the hunger to stop, but it never does.
Julia: They might still die. Because of you. [scoffs] Migraines. You’ve been lying all along! Helena: What could I have said? You wouldn’t have believed me.
Julia: How did this even happen? Why are you… like this?
Helena: Oh, Julia, I was so stupid! Ulrike and I had just broken up. I was in a bad place, and I trusted the wrong person. I didn’t want it! I barely remember what happened. I just woke up with this fire burning inside of me.
Julia: Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t call the cops right now.
Helena: Because you love me. Because I’m leaving.
Julia: What? Where will you go?
Helena: I don’t know. But it’s obvious I can’t stay. I’m not fit to be around people now. Maybe I never will be. I’m too dangerous — to myself, to you, to Mom and Dad, to this entire fucking town.
Julia: There must be another way. If you turn yourself in, then maybe-
Helena: What, the police will go easy on me because I’m sorry? I kill the police because they don’t? It wouldn’t end well for anyone, Julia. [sighs wearily] At least I never finished unpacking.
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originalitysquared · 2 months ago
Like it's not choice feminism to say: "I don't care whether she is married or not, she is my sister."
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takaraphoenix · 4 months ago
I think the funnest thing about Teen Wolf is just how many non-canon friendships I have living in my head rent-free.
In most fandoms, I am very happy just building upon the canon friendships, strengthening and exploring those. But something about Teen Wolf and the whole pack concept makes my fingers itch to explore dynamics that were so vastly underdeveloped in canon, you really can't talk about friendships there.
Boyd, Erica and Stiles developing a deep bond after the basement and becoming close friends has genuinely become the most important dynamic to me, full-stop. Whatever romantic ship is going on, Steroyd are there and close and important to me, this is a three-piece set, do not separate.
Stiles and Jackson bonding over the Nogitsune and kanima experience? Understanding this in a way nobody else can? These two mostly hate each other in canon, but in my head, they are best friends and would kill for each other.
The Stiles and Isaac dynamic is one the fandom is deeply obsessed and it's hard to not jump onto that too. Stiles with a soft spot for Isaac, Isaac actually opening up to Stiles? Yeah, give it to me.
And now I'm developing a strong attachment for a Marin-Stiles mentor/mentee relationship. Because fuck Deaton, the day I write trustworthy!Deaton is the day you know someone hijacked my AO3 account, I do not trust that man and still think that the show dropped the ball after the s1 and s2 set-up to not make him a villain. But due to my current developing attachment to Deucalion and the Alpha Pack, I've grown fond of the idea that while the (good) Alpha Pack is in town, Marin Morrell becomes Stiles' mentor and teaches him to hone his Spark.
I would however like to point out that this attachment of mine isn't even limited to Stiles dynamics (shocking, I know).
I am beyond convinced that Erica and Jackson would hit it off like a house on fire, they have the potential to be devastatingly hot, judgmental and wicked best friends.
I've also decided that Erica is Peter's favorite (after Stiles) and that Erica is Peter's biggest fan. I want a deeply seated fondness there.
And due to Chris/Peter, I have also grown so attached to a sisterly Malia-Allison dynamic, often also including Cora because I like the idea of Chris/Peter getting to raise the Hale siblings together.
There are just so many good characters stored in this show and they didn't get to interact enough, so many good dynamics that could have been if the writers cared.
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theshelbyclan · 2 years ago
A Sisterly Bond
Summary: Ada and Teddy don’t have much in common, but that doesn’t mean that they couldn’t make a good team
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A/N: I just felt like writing again, and for Ada and Teddy in particular. I always imagine them getting on better and better as Teddy gets older. She’s still young in this one, so it’s a rocky relationship still 😂 anyways, hope you enjoy to whoever still is reading my stuff!
Words: 2630
“Teddy, would you be so kind as to give me my coat?”
“For fuck’s sake,” Ada sighed, “why do you always have to be difficult?”
“Am not,” Teddy grumbled.” I just don’t see why I have to be your lady’s maid, just because you’re my sister.”
“Ooh, there’s a big word!” the older sister replied sarcastically.
“Tommy says all fancy rich ladies have a lady’s maid.”
“ ‘Tommy says’…” Ada rolled her eyes and Teddy stuck out her tongue at her.
In many ways, Ada and Teddy were nothing alike. There was the age gap, of course, but they also just seemed to have very little in common. Ada didn’t care much for family business, while Teddy wanted to know everything about everything. Ada tried her best to live her own life without her brothers interfering at every turn, whereas Teddy wanted to be like her brothers in every way. Ada made an effort to never care too much, unlike Teddy, who cared so much and didn’t have a problem showing it. Also, Ada wanted to go out in her fancy coat and high heels, and Teddy wanted to run free in her brother’s trousers and shirt.
Polly watched the two sisters and followed Teddy with her eyes as she stormed out the door in a huff. She then turned to Ada and said, “Would it kill you to just say a kind word to her every now and then?”
Ada had her nose back in the papers and shrugged, “I don’t know, Pol. Would it kill her to practise some good manners?”
“You know what she’s like.”
“Oh, I do,” she sighed, “I remember when she was born and you told me how nice it would be for me to have another girl in the family. Instead we got… Teddy.”
Nine-year-old Teddy Shelby was walking through the muddy streets and pretended she was a pirate. With a stick in hand, she fought off the assailants only she could see and shouted out battle cries. But in the chaos of Small Heath, no one really noticed her. And if they did, they simply thought: there goes Teddy Shelby…
Her playing was suddenly interrupted though by her youngest brother. “Aunt Polly says she wants you to go with Ada!” Finn shouted out, as he ran towards her.
“Why?” she sighed, exasperated.
“I don’t know. She needs help carrying things from the market?”
Teddy kicked a rock, “Can’t you do it?”
Finn shrugged again, “It’s a woman’s job, isn’t it.”
“Oh fuck off!” As Finn pouted a little, she added, “Please can you go? Ada doesn’t even like me…”
If there was one thing Finn couldn’t stand, it was seeing his little sister upset, so he agreed. “You know, Arthur is always with John. Ada likes me, but you’re Tommy’s favourite.”
“I know.”
“So it’s not that bad, right?” Finn tried hopefully.
“I suppose not.” But Teddy couldn’t help but feel a little sadness over it.
“Aunt Pol says I’m to get you ready for church.”
“I am ready,” Teddy motioned to her dress, which she hated so intensely.
Ada sighed, “What have you done to your knees now? They look like you’ve become the chimney sweep’s latest apprentice.”
“Why do you always have to badger me?” Teddy called out, full of frustration.
“Just… clean your knees before Polly sees,” she waved a hand and put on a hat.
Teddy started scrubbing furiously at her legs. Ada watched her and decided that maybe she should make an effort. So she asked, “What do you think of this hat? Does is suit me?”
“I don’t know,” the little girl shrugged, “it stays on so I’m guessing it fits your head?”
“Bloody hell, I don’t know why I even bother. Let’s go.”
In the late afternoon sun, Tommy was talking to a man about a horse. Next to him, a small girl was following the conversation intensely, trying to learn as much from the interaction as she could.
“I’ll give you four for her, but no more.”
“Can’t do less than six, mister Shelby,” the man slapped her brother’s hand, “She’s a good horse, that one. Strong.”
“She’s no war horse and I could have fucking five of her for that price. Four and a half.”
“I have a family to feed, sir. Five?”
Tommy shook his hand and that was that.
After he’d left, Teddy looked up and, like she’d been in the business for twenty years, said, “She’s worth at least ten, Tommy.”
“Is she?” he took a drag on his cigarette, but inside felt like he could burst with pride. Then he lifted Teddy up and planted her up onto the horse, “Go on, tell me what she’s like.”
As Teddy rode around the yard, Ada joined her brother. With her usual air of indifference, she commented, “Well, if it isn’t the big brother and his pride and joy.”
“Hello, Ada…”
“Did she persuade you into spending more money once again?”
“Look at her,” Tommy pointed, “She might be the best rider in all of Small Heath.”
Ada raised her eyebrows and mumbled, “High praise…” In truth, Ada was impressed. She’d always been the odd one out in the family when it came to horses. She never much cared for them and riding them had always been more of a chore than a pleasure.
“Why don’t you tell her how good she looks up on that horse, eh?”
“Me? Why the hell would I tell her?”
Tommy locked eyes with Ada, “Because it’s you she wants to hear it from.”
She laughed a little at that, “No, Tommy, it’s you she wants to hear it from. Everything she wants to hear from you.”
As Ada walked off again, Tommy called after her, “She is your only sister, Ada.”
“And what a joy she is,” but it didn’t come out that sarcastic this time.
After a few more minutes or riding, Teddy hopped down from the horse again. Her brother asked her some questions about the horse and she answered to the best of her abilities. But in between, Teddy carefully asked, “Was that Ada?”
“Yes, just on her way home from the Bullring.”
“Did she watch me ride?” Teddy asked in a small voice.
Tommy observed her for a second, “Now, why do you ask that?”
She shrugged her shoulders and turned away to brush off the horse, “Just curious.”
Polly was a modern woman in many ways, but not in every way. She might’ve even been insulted if you called her that. So, when it was time for the spring cleaning of the house, she asked the girls to help. Well, she didn’t really ask.
“Ada, you start on sweeping and Teddy you can follow her with the bucket.”
Both girls rolled their eyes so hard it had to hurt and Polly couldn’t help but notice how in those few seconds, they looked exactly alike.
“I’ll be in the back with the washing,” their aunt continued, leaving no room for arguments.
Cigarette in hand, Ada started sweeping the floors at her own leisurely pace.
“Hurry up, will you?” Teddy grumbled, “I have to wait on you to mop and I do have other things to do, you know.”
“Oh? And what important appointments might you have, you strange little idiot?”
“Don’t call me an idiot!” Teddy stomped down het foot, “and hurry the fuck up!”
“Swear again and I’ll give you a slap!”
“Go on then!”
Ada huffed and swung her broom, aiming for her annoying sister. Teddy ducked and laughed, “You’re too slow.”
“Teddy…” she sighed, “I don’t want to do this either and I don’t have the energy to fight you as well. Just shut up and get this done.”
“Fine. Go on then, work, unless you’re afraid you’ll break a fucking nail or something.”
That earned Teddy a firm smack around the head. Angrily, she picked up her bucket and threw its contents in Ada’s direction, instantly soaking her sister.
Aunt Polly came barging in the house after hearing Ada scream. Inside, she found a furious Teddy with one red cheek and an even more furious Ada, completely wet and dripping.
“I left you two alone for five fucking minutes,” she glared daggers, “and you can’t even behave for that long?”
Ada seemed to have found her composure again and grabbed another, dry, cigarette. “That’s what happens when you leave me with an actual fucking savage, Pol.”
“It’s not my fault! She started it!” Teddy fumed, “She called me an idiot and she does that all the time because she hates me!”
“Jesus Christ,” Polly lit a cigarette of her own, “Ada, go get changed and then you can continue the work outside. Teddy, you take over the sweeping. Probably my own fucking fault for thinking you could get along for half a day…”
With all the dignity she could muster in a soaked dress, Ada stalked off. Teddy picked up the broom and tried to avoid Polly’s eyes.
“I’ll have a word with her,” Polly said eventually, not without sympathy.
“Which is more than I’ll ever fucking have again,” Teddy spit.
“God,” Polly whispered to herself, “Why did you have to make them both so fucking stubborn?”
It was the evening after pay day, so all the pubs in Small Heath were filled to the brim. Normally, they didn’t serve women on their own, but Ada Shelby was the exception to the rule. Harry wouldn’t dare to refuse her.
“Here you go, Miss Shelby,” he said, as he handed her a drink.
She took it gratefully and went to sit down. The truth was, she was hoping to catch a glimpse of Freddie Thorne, but he hadn’t been in yet.
After fifteen minutes, she wanted another one and made her way over to the bar again. But the place was packed and it took too long for her liking. So, Ada went behind the bar and poured her own drink. Teddy watched her and smirked slightly. Deep down, she did admire her sister, simply because she wasn’t impressed by anything or anyone really.
At the same time, an older gentlemen strolled into the Garrison. He was dressed differently, looked like money, and had the confidence to match. Short as he was, he made up for it in attitude. Teddy didn’t know him and eyed him carefully.
Then he spotted Ada and made his way over. Leaning on the bar, he started talking to her, but Teddy couldn’t hear. She stood up and walked a little closer, while remaining invisible in the crowd.
“Come on, sweetheart, pretty girl like you all alone without a man?”
“Who says I am?” Ada shrugged, and Teddy could tell she was uncomfortable.
He smiled at her without humour, “How about I take you for a good time. You don’t want to be difficult, do you?”
Teddy frowned and felt the urge to spit at him. But instead she noticed how he was standing up on the little ledge of the bar, just a few inches off the ground. Cockily, he balanced on one leg, presumably to make up for the inches he lacked.
So the little girl grinned and just as he was telling Ada about all the things he had and could offer her, Teddy walked up to him and kicked him in the back of his knees. At once, he lost his balance and his legs buckled. And in one swift motion, he collapsed onto the bar and then fell flat on his arse.
The pub erupted in laughter.
Teddy joined in, but only got to celebrate her triumph for a few seconds. The man became furious and grabbed her, raising his hand to strike her. But before he could, Ada had grabbed a bottle and smashed it over his head. Afterwards, she calmly brushed the glass off her own coat and bit, “Now, piss off.”
“Yeah!” Teddy added, “Piss off!”
Ada looked down at her and grabbed her hand. She didn’t feel like waiting for what was to happen next, so she marched her little sister out of the pub.
Outside, neither said a word for a long time. Eventually, Ada was the first one to speak, “Would you mind explain what the bloody hell that was?”
Teddy shrugged, a little winded from having to run after Ada in her four inch heels, “I thought he was a bad man, so I didn’t want him to talk to you.”
Ada looked down at her strange little sister and felt a sudden surge of love for her, “He was a bad man. And I didn’t want him to talk to me.”
“Teddy… there are some good men out there…”
“Are there?”
“…but most of them are just bastards.”
Teddy pondered on that for a second, “How do you know which one is the not-bastard?”
Ada smiled, “Well, apparently, you already do. This one was not one of them.”
“So, you’re not mad at me for kicking him?” She tried carefully.
“Mad?” She laughed, “I thought it was bloody brilliant!”
Teddy smiled back up at Ada, beaming with pride.
“Thank you, Teddy, because for a moment, I did get scared.”
“I can come with you all the time, if you like!” her little sister quipped happily, “Keep watch for you?”
“That won’t be necessary, sweetheart, but I appreciate the offer.”
Casting her eyes down again, “Yeah, I know you don’t want me around…”
And quite abruptly, Ada stopped her in the streets, “Now wait a second, you strange little…” she quickly swallowed her words, “Teddy. Just because I don’t always like you, doesn’t mean I don’t love you. Do you understand?”
“No. That doesn’t make any sense.”
“Maybe not,” Ada marched on again and Teddy once again struggled to keep up, “but it will as soon as you find your own not-bastard!”
Teddy looked a little too pensive for Ada’s liking, so she said in her version of being comforting, “I’ll look out for you too and kick any man that gets to close, don’t worry.”
“What happened to you two?” Polly demanded, as her two nieces walked through the door.
“Nothing,” they both replied in unison.
Thomas looked from one to the other, “Tell me what happened.”
“We told you, Thomas, nothing happened,” Ada replied airily, while taking off her gloves.
“Teddy, you fucking tell me now.”
But even Teddy didn’t crumble under her brother’s piercing eyes this time. Instead, she looked up to Ada and said, “It’s nothing, Tommy. Just women’s business. Nothing for you to worry about.” She was now directly quoting her other female role model and Polly had no choice but to bend her head to hide her smile.
Ada smiled back at Teddy and left the room, with her little sister in tow.
“What the fuck was that?” Tommy sighed.
Polly replied, not without some smugness, “I believe that was a sisterly bond in action.”
“Should I be worried?”
“Fucking hell,” he breathed, as he lit another cigarette.
Polly turned around to continue her work, “You’re outnumbered now, Thomas!”
Tommy tried to make a dismissive hand gesture, “There’s four of us, only two of them.”
“Yes, but they’re women, sweetheart, and women count for at least two men. Besides, they’re together now.”
This was all too much for the great leader of the Peaky Blinders to understand. There were some things, ‘women’s business’ as Teddy so elegantly had put it, that he tried to steer clear of. Still, he felt a pang of sadness over his little sister growing up. Maybe he was losing her.
“You won’t,” his aunt read his mind, “but you can’t protect her forever either.”
“If I can’t, who will?”
Polly smiled gently, “We will.”
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thegreymoon · 1 year ago
The Story of Minglan
I am at the midpoint of this drama! Yay! 🤗
And Tingye is still fucking off to who knows where and not getting on with making Minglan his wife 🤬🤬 My guy, please hurry! There are at least two spineless invertebrates still milling around, trying to make a mess of her life, and if you don't come back soon, I'm sure even more pests will crawl out of the woodwork. Ew.
An understatement 🤣🤣
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Aww, baby no 😢
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This is what happens when you have immature parents who have shit for brains. Shen Hong's playing favourites and neglecting all his children except Molan left them feeling so unworthy and unloved. And Wang Ruofu, bless her, does love Rulan to the best of her ability, but she is so superficial, materialistic and simply not smart, so Rulan grew up feeling that her love was conditional.
But this sisterly bonding is nice. They could be such good friends and allies!
LMAO, I, for one, am looking forward to seeing her head explode 🤯🤯
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Girl. There is no man alive worth jumping into the abyss for.
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This is such nonsensical, shameless, manipulative bullshit.
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She just wants to get Minglan away from Granny because she thinks a sixteen-year-old will be easier to manipulate when she's alone!
I hate these people with a burning passion 🤬🤬
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I thought I couldn't hate anyone more than Princess Pingning and then these wretches came along to prove me wrong 🤬🤬
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Fuck off. Then keep fucking off. Keep fucking off until you get to a gate with a sign saying "you can’t fuck off past here" climb over the gate, dream the impossible dream, and keep fucking off forever.
LMAO, it took her a whole five minutes to drop the mask 😂
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Granny Sheng made the wrong judgment call, these are not good people and you will not be happy here.
OK, I have to give credit where credit is due.
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He seems like a good guy. A little bit spineless, but he's working hard to grow one.
I am beyond fed up with these people.
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MTE, Granny 😠
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She has been disrespected enough.
Yeah, she just ruined your marriage prospects.
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I see Molan is reaping the benefits of her splendid marriage.
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The fucking nerve of these Cao people.
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Not only is Cousin Cao a convicted criminal, she was also married already to whomever and is now infertile because the main wife poisoned her. And this is who they ruined He Hongwen's engagement to the most perfect woman for? THE NERVE!!
In any case, good for Big Madam. I am on the side of every main wife who poisons her husband's mistress whom she is forced to take into her own damn house for whatever reason.
Also, I laughed when he said she tried to kill herself but of course they "saved her" 🤣🤣 OF COURSE THEY DID!!
Fuck manipulators.
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adorawasright · 1 year ago
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tumblr just keeps gifting me these posts i'm so fed up with this hellsite. anyway, as always, spop fans keep missing the point.
i'd like to know your thoughts on this entire post but i'm more amused by the second paragraph. "ignore actual canon"? what actual canon are they talking about? the official character sheets that called adora and catra sisters? the ¾ths of the show that established an intense toxic sibling dynamic between these two? the fact that some of the cast themselves described adora's and catra's relationship as a "sisterly bond"? lmao.
LMAOOOO oh my fucking god.
OP rlly said "it's not ableism if the disabled person is shitty". What the actual fuck. That's like saying that purposefully misgendering a shitty person who happens to be trans/nb is okay. But we should all know in the year of 2024 that it's not.
The sisterly C//A paragraph is beyond me. For one, C//A stans do accept that Shadow Weaver raised Catra and Adora. Their entire conflict is rooted in the golden child x scapegoat dynamic, mostly present in sibling relationships. SW isn't just a shitty teacher or master, she's their MOTHER. Catra fights for SW's affection and the lack of it deeply affected her. Hell, stans will make "mommy issues" jokes with both Catra and Adora, and yet they will get so pissed when we say "so you admit they're sisters". And since stans don't have any valid arguments, they will just call us lesbophobes.
Hate to quote a Marvel meme but me every time I see a SPOP stan saying shit like this: "oh so we're using our made up SPOP now".
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garricks4thwingqueen · 5 months ago
Corn Maze X Dain Aetos
Synopsis: Spooktober prompts list: Prompt number 1 Corn Mazes. Your iron squad mates somehow manage to wrangle you into going to the corn maze.  Non rebel reader, first year basgiath set during Violet’s first year. Dain Aetos X Reader 
Trigger Warnings: Just a little swearing. 
Word Count: 1222
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                                                      Y/N POV 
   It was the weekend before halloween and the whole quadrant lately had been rambling on about next weekend's halloween party. Needless to say Halloween was not your holiday; sure you didn’t mind a cute fall novel or pumpkin carving and the candy and maybe even dressing up into something cute and sexy. But you hated the gore and the horror bites that came with halloween. Even though your brother had unfortunately passed two years prior in his second year at Basgiath you hated Halloween because of him. Every year he had made it his goal to go out of his way to scare and till this day two years after his death you still get the uneasiness about this time of year. This year being your first year at Basgiath didn’t make the feeling any better. 
   “Y/N?” Imogen snapped, waving a hand in front of your face pulling you out of your trance. Ironically out of everyone in your squad you had bonded the closest with Imogen but then again maybe that was all the extra training she helped you with when you felt insecure about sparring.  
  “Hugh what?” You asked. “Corn Maze this weekend in Chantra we want to go as a squad you in?” Ridoc asked with a huge ass grin on his face from across the table. “I don’t know.” You mumbled pushing around the last bit of scrambled egg on your plate with your fork. “Come on, it's the weekend before Halloween and we are all going.” Rhi chipped in.  
  “I don’t know.” You mumbled again. “Is everything ok Y/N, you seem kinda different this week.” Violet asked. Emery gave you a soft smile from further down the table as he had grown up with you and your brother. “Halloween freaks Y/N.” He said. “Emery.” You groaned. 
  “Freaks you out? What does he mean?” Dain asked softly, making you blush as you had a slight crush on your squad leader; which you knew was wrong right?  
  Emery spoke up for you; “Her brother when he was alive made it his mission each Halloween to freak out Y/N out since she hates the blood and gore aspect of Halloween. Sometimes he even got her several times. The worst time one year was in a corn maze. It was all in good brotherly and sisterly love of course but that's why she always feels on edge before Halloween.” 
   “No you know what it’s fine. I’ll go plus none of you guys will have any chainsaws right?” You joked as they all chimed in with no’s and absolutely not. Then there was Ridoc; “I don’t could be a fun twist.” He smirked. “Ridoc, come on, we want. Y/N to join us and have fun as a squad and as squad leader I ban chainsaws.” Dain said with a soft smile in your direction. “Thanks.” You said towards Dain with a soft smile. 
                                                         -That evening- 
    You had made your way into Chantra with your squad and had started the maze about a half hour ago. “It’s not that bad right?” Imogen asked. “Umm no I guess not.” You responded to her with a slight shake in your voice. Your squad had decided to split into partners of two and made it a rule that your shields had to be up so none of you could cheat with using your dragons.  
  “I kinda wish I could communicate with my dragon though.” You mumbled making a turn to your left. “Imogen?” You asked after she didn’t respond. “Imogen it isn’t funny.”  You said turning in circles in the maze every which way. You let out a heavy sigh once you realized you lost your partner. 
  Another half hour had passed without you bumping into any of your squad mates. Great you thought to yourself just fucking great. Being lost in a corn maze was one of your worst nightmares. Even worse yet what if they all found their way out and all forgot about you; leaving you in here for who knows how much longer. You let out a soft smile and a hi as a random stranger greeted you. Great, you forgot other people were in this maze too. 
  15 minutes later you decided to actually stop wandering around and look at your surroundings and sighed once you confirmed you were completely lost. You started walking towards the turn around the right and jumped nearly two feet in the air when you felt a hand being placed on your shoulder from behind you. 
  “Relax Y/N. It’s just me.” “Oh Dain, thank the gods!” You said with relief engulfing him in a major hug. “I- I’m sorry I didn’t-” You stammered pulling away once you realized you had hugged your crush and squad leader. 
  He chuckled softly and gods that sound made you want to crumble to your knees. “It’s ok..It’s fine Y/N.” “I’m sorry. It’s just that I was so excited to see someone again I thought you guys forgot about me.” You said shyly. 
  “Y/N I said it was fine and we could never forget about you. After five minutes of Imogen coming out without you; Emery and I decided to come back in looking for you.” “Thank you! Thank you!.” You said again this time wrapping your legs around his waist and excitedly hugging him again.
 You went to bury your head in his neck when you went to apologize. “Oh my god I’m sorry Dain it again..” You said starting to loosen your grip. But what you didn’t expect was Dain tightening his grip around you and titling your chin up with his hand so you were now looking directly into his brown eyes. “Y/N. I said stop apologizing. I said it was fine. “ “Fine?” You asked softly. 
  “Yeah, in fact it’s more than fine.” He said through a soft smile. “Dain.” You whispered softly. “Yeah?” “This is wrong right? I mean your my squad leader-” He cut you off by placing his lips onto yours which you instantly relaxed and melted into his touch. “Dain.” You breathed again as you both stopped but lips were still touching. “That was-” You said at a loss for words. “Pretty great wasn't it?” He smirked as he put you down and you let him ease you back on to the ground. “Yeah you. But you know what else would be pretty great right now.”
  Dain chuckled and responded with “What?” ‘Getting me out of here.” Oh right I forgot you're terrified of corn mazes.” He teased grabbing your hand and leading you through just three turns of the maze before you were greeted with the exit and your squad.  You could help but let out some continuous giggles. “What’s so funny?” He asked, still holding your hand. “That you and Emery had to come look for me when I was that close to exiting on my own.” Dain chuckled again, placing a soft kiss on your forehead and whispered “But I’m glad I did have to.” 
  The smiles and smirks on your squad mates didn’t pass either of you, but that you thought to yourself as you settled down at the table in the pub for dinner next to Dain with your squad around you; was for another day to deal with. 
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sharky-the-idiot · 10 months ago
Lilarky (Lilac x Sharky)- i love you more than words can say. you are my best friend and my fondest love, and i don't know what id do without you. you come second to nothing. i would die for you. (the shippers would die for you too). the heart of the fandom, everyone's favourite lovebirds. prime angsty au material
Popale (Poppy x Whale)- i hate the world and i hate my distorted reflection and i'd do anything to be rid of the weight of what i am not, and what i never will be. you are everything they're not and everything i adore, and we will be wed within the hour over a volcano while they scream
Toxic Flowers (Lilac x Poppy)- i hate you. now kiss me you bitch. *starts aggressively making out*
WhaleShark (Whale x Sharky)- and then they fucked even though neither of them want to fuck and actually they were in love the WHOLE time and-
Shanky (Sharky x Ink)- i've known you for years and i will know you until the end of our time. i am damaged and you are damaged but when we're together everything seems better. late night talks and friendly teasing, living for the other's affection and hyping each other up at all times
Ink-Stained Weeds (Ink x Craig)- the only correct ink ship. the only craig ship. they are silly and supportive and argue over cereal. the bickering husbands of all time
Jilac (J x Lilac)- these people are all idiots and it's up to us to stop 'em. hold my hand, we got this. (sorry everyone they are have a PLATONIC SISTERLY BOND in my heart)
Sunlilac (Ink x Lilac)- i'm here. i'm listening and i always will and i may not understand everything but i will support you for as long as it takes for you to love yourself as much as i love you. thank you for being my light
Mothbitten Suits (Moth x Lilac- look i love mothbitten lilacs but they both like suits and i thought it sounded fun)- will compliment and gush over each other until the end of time. flustered messes, brilliant smiles, lazy days and exchanging art. warmth.
Tatobee (Weltato x Red)- Mentor figures. they're older than everyone else and look out for the same weirdo teenager (affectionate) and write so beautifully that it makes people cry. talented, responsible, able to break hearts like its nothing
Carky Shutt (Captain Gutt x Sharky)- a pirate who's never found the treasure he so craves and a boy who doesn't feel special. protection and surprise encounters and a budding affection neither can deny. sneaking onto ships, trying to reform him. challenging him to a swordfight, asking him to join his crew. danger and excitement. what the other sees around the sirens. love so strong that it's gutting, that it hurts and kills and plunders and survives all the same. unpiecing your identity and having someone who'll listen and accept you. its okay to show weakness here. im not going to leave you. i promise.
Ocean Hugs (Olaf x Sharky)- i can't touch you and yet i want to, i crave your warmth and your love even if it kills me. you cover your pain with a smile but i see you and i understand. you dont have to hide around me
Sharning Spiky (Sharky x Burning Spice)- someone who's lost everything, and someone who wants to know more. a lack of judgement, a strange intrigue that neither can explain. a budding crush into something more, something fiery and destructive and passionate. can and will spoil each other to bits
Sugar Lover (Lilac x Eternal Sugar)- sapphics!! guiltily getting flustered, soft gasps you can't hide at the beauty of a god. you're nervous but not because you're scared, you want her to like you even as you know the consequences are damning. power imbalance and absolute awe. you've always enjoyed indulging, what's one more kiss?
Sharkverdrive (Sharky x 2-0-4 tack shooter)- are we all gonna ignore this? yes. yes we are
Sharky x Hollyberry- another one for the pile. doesn't have a ship name and probably doesn't need one. a gal who knows how to lighten up and party, a boy who's not used to getting out much. learning how to relax and have fun again. having someone to defend
Sharkzwalder (Sharky x Schwarzwalder)- t4t cuties who will shower each other in affection <3
Sharhim (Sharky x Yharim)- idk enough about this guy to sat anything. big menacing powerful figure & just a little guy. it would be hilarious
Jasky (Sharky x Jasper)- they keep their relationship quiet. it's all in "i love you texts", private moments and intimate looks no-one else understands. companionship, familiarity
Ink x ...any cookie- ink's into dilfs and pirates lmao. they should kiss
Ink x Twisted Alice Angel- nobody seems willing to acknowledge this one??? whenever it's brought up it's swept under the rug. sorry ink's wife, youre irrelevant in comparision to the Great CraigInk Debate of 2024
Sharkzarella (Sharky x Mozzarella)- they melt around each other. sooo many hugs. physical affection all the way. lilac is jealous :)
Ink x the Entire Bendy Cast- that is so many characters holy shit. he is just too lovable. this is what happens when you put a guy named ink into a game with ink in the title ig
Autumn Showers (Whale x Star x Lilac x Craig)- time travel buddies! they have seen horrors beyond comprehension. they have witnessed death and loss and a future they could not save. joined warmth, joined failure, joined happiness, joined hope. working together for the timeline that never was. relying on each other to fix reality. the family you never used to need
Oceans of Purple Ink (Sharky x Lilac x Ink)- why put Sharky with ONE of his love interests when you can have two?? everyone is happy! sharky is the silly one, lilac is the one who looks after them both, ink is the one who gets hugged 24/7. happy healthy loving relationship. then the angst fics drop.
Murder Smarties (Lilac x Whale)- will stab each other. scarily intelligent and scarily protective. bristling and insulting and sharp smiles full of loathing. will call each other mocking nicknames during confrontations. not at all healthy but pretty fun to think about
Poppy x Sharky- you are everything i despise about the one i love. you are not them and you never will be them and yet i see them in you. i hate you. i don't want you. you're all that's left
Jacman (J x Pacman)- toxic exes. they're on BAD terms but pacman wants to get back together. he keeps bringing her tiny orbs to eat no matter how many times she says they aren't even edible for her. the ghosts keep trying to get him to stop, he is not listening one bit
ShaShrek (Sharky x Shrek)- we had to involve shrek somehow laddies
i think that's all of them?? there's probably more though ngl. why are you so shippable
This was all so interesting and cute until fucking carky shutt showed up
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gachagon · 2 months ago
Read your Caitlyn post and yeah, it's infuriating to me how she's treated by the fandom. She did lots of fucked up things... in a show where almost everyone has. honestly on the grey scale of the show she's.. still mostly on the lighter shade of it among the leads (or really Id say she's pretty in the middle) but people treat her like she's irredemable, overexaggerate her actions (using the Grey was bad, but no she did not fucking drop a gas bomb on all of Zaun, there's literally nothing in the show to back this up and you see this repeated ALL the time) and just generally act like because she's rich her trauma is less valid and she should just get over herself like it's nothing after getting kidnapped tortured and watching her mom get killed (which they also minimize as not such a big deal).
Meanwhile the fandom tries to write away Viktor and Jayces flaws, which... are largely the things that make them interesting in the first place, tries to paint Silco as a class based revolutionary he hadn't been since basically his backstory. God even when people talk about how he flooded the lanes with Shimmer I don't see it brought up how he was making everyone dependent ON HIM, the guy who controlled production and distribution.
And I mean fucking hell to go beyond Caitlyn, Vi is probably alongside Ekko the most morally upright character on the show but I see so many people just tearing at her for... joining the Enforcers to try and prevent a war like that makes her worse than the actual villains.
The way this fandom treats the female cast really just grinds my gears because all of the talking points are repackaged misogyny that's all tied up in a neat faux progressive present box. Caitlyn and Vi are the only openly queer women in the show with any real purpose to the plot and story and they're also both the most hated because they made the egregious mistake of having characters flaws and being imperfect.
Jinx is boiled down entirely to her mental illness and people can only attribute the only other relationship she had with another female character as "motherly" instead of sisterly which is so clearly the bond those two have (this is about Isha btw) People misconstrue all of the scenes with her abusive father figure as "sexual" because they are sexualizing her in their own minds and cannot see abuse beyond that kind of dynamic, AND people excuse the abuse she went through because the man who did it is a charming villain who monologues sometimes and also he was "nice" to her in some scenes so I guess that makes him a GREAT dad despite the whole grooming and abuse thing.
Mel is a black woman with a complex family history who literally cares about her legacy as a Medarda and who had a whole arc dedicated to finding her place in Zaun and being accepted for her strengths by her mother, but everyone in this fandom seems to think she "had no arc at all" and was just pushed to the side or rushed or that her ending sucked because she didn't get a boyfriend in the end. So to fix this they just decide to ignore all of the glorious development she got as a character and person and revolve her character around not just one man, but two at the same time. And now when you search for content about her no one ever talks about her actual character and personality, they just talk about her in relation to the guys (one of which didn't even really like her like that) And she still isn't even really a person in any of the godawful ship content they make of her with those two men they've turned her into one of those incredibly boring, stilted "She's the REAL brains of the bunch" type of woman who's perfect and never does any wrong ever.
Everyone just sexualizes Sevika and Ambessa because they're hot older women and that's about it.
I mean this fandom tries so hard to paint itself as this "progressive safe space" but every post about any woman in this fandom is some incredibly misogynistic bullshit. And it's gotten to the point where now everyone is just gladly repeating old misogynistic talking points about every single woman in this show with no introspection at all. When you point out the bigotry of their statements or how they treat the female cast its always just "B-but I DON'T dislike or treat the characters that way because their women at all! It's because of blank!" I also feel like people do this because they themselves are women or are queer and therefore they believe they could NEVER say ANYTHING wrong about a woman ever! but they do all the time because this happens anytime there is a TV show that is popular that has women in it who are morally grey.
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sparepartshere · 11 months ago
Seraph of the end trauma rant pt2 :3
So, I’m back. Not at midnight for once :0
I made the pt1, and I have more ideas. SO today will be (probably) the only other part.
With Yuu, Shinoa, Mitsuba, and Narumi :3
TW: Death, murder, suicide,
Okay, starting off strong with the main character Yuu. He is probably focused on the most, both him and his trauma, so I won’t cover too much. However, I feel like the survivors guilt aspect isn’t shown as much as it could. Like how he felt so guilty about leaving Mika those years ago, even though Mika repeatedly tells him it’s fine. I just feel that could have been shown more. Also the whole thing with his dad trying to kill him and mum committing because she hated Yuu so much??? He has to be conscious about that, and clearly we need more on his reaction and mental state due to it.
Okay! Shinoa now! ;3 She’s the youngest of the most important family in the JIDA, and still ditched the army for Yuu. That has to be lots of pressure, and she still left. That takes guts, or zero impulse control, or both. She lost her sister, but we never really get to see much about that, exercise for Mahiru and Guren, but nothing much about their sisterly bond (if they had one). She had to hide all of the knowledge about the experimentation from the squad, and especially Yuu, which must have been eating her alive.
Okay, Mitsubaaaa :) She has lots to unpack, but I’ll keep it short. She is also a member of a pretty important family in the JIDA, and her sister and her don’t have a great relationship. Her sister, Aoi, works close with Kureto, so (if I were her at least) the guilt she must feel about the Seraph of the End experiment, especially since it was on her squad-mates sister, but be intense. She ALSO feels responsible for the death of her old squad, and watch them get killed. Again, survivors guilt and guilt in general. And then there’s also the fact that the JIDA tried to promote her rank, just because she of her family. I know that being judged on your family can suck, and she said it herself that it she gets a promotion, she wants it to be because of her work specifically.
Rounding off this rant we have the fabulous Narumi. Right off the bat I can say that, as someone three years older than Shinoa Squad, he already probably feels accountable and responsible for them and their safety. And then the poor guy had to watch his whole squad murdered in the space of a few hours. Idk abt y’all, but the scene in Shinjuku broke me, and then Nagoya added salt to the wound. The look on his face after Shinjuku…and then how he didn’t get any time to mourn because of Nagoya, where he lost MORE friends and squad mates, and then he didn’t get to grieve then either because he had to keep fighting, then protect Yuu, then run away.
In summary, for both pt1 and pt2: these poor guys are only teenagers and are going through some really tough shit. Get them therapy, or at least blankets, a warm drink, and cuddles. Because holy fuck they need them.
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk(s) :3
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therealprismcat · 1 year ago
This is Henry Miller from your one and only Creativiart Sys from discord, well I do wanna ask, What would Dee and Sisi's relationship be if they were somehow living in the same universe or if they met each other in some way? I just need some form of something to read.
HIII HENRY!! I tried to write an actually detailed answer to this but I accidentally clicked a notification and lost all of it. but to sum it up I feel like they would get along really well!!! yk I hc sisi to be RCG and I hate the headcanon that she’s like a mom/older sister to the other kids bc it goes COMPLETELY against my Sisi headcanons (that she was basically forced to be otto’s primary caretaker as their parents dgaf, I don’t think she would like to be the same to the rest of the kids) BUT I do think they would be sisterly in the silly average sibling antics way rather than the older sibling taking care of the younger sibling way iykwim
also they could bond over their fucked up relationships with their brothers
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winterironrox · 2 years ago
I have to admit something.
I don’t know if anyone else is like me and simultaneously loves and hates Bucklena, or as I will refer to them in this post Yucky.
I dislike this pairing for numerous reasons. Reasons such as: Bucky’s mental health, Natasha’s death, Yelena’s sexuality, and Marvel’s annoying need to have a romantic pairing in every movie.
I love this pairing for two reasons. These versions of Bucky and Yelena are vastly different then those from the comics and I’m sure that they could have a truly beautiful romance. That level of intimacy could heal them in a way that a platonic relationship couldn’t. Also, Florence Pugh and Sebastian Stan are two of my mains so of course I want to see them in love.
But I don’t think these two should develop a romantic bond because Natasha and Yelena are not interchangeable. Marvel decided to kill off Nat so they should deal with the consequences, meaning no WinterWidow on screen. Natasha Romanoff and Bucky Barnes have a beautiful and strong love in the comics, but and I’ll say it again Yelena is not Natasha, so that relationship should stay in the comics. Also in the comics Yelena is asexual which I think they should keep in the movies since that would be amazing representation.
In my opinion, Marvel should make Yelena and Bucky have a strong platonic relationship, which can be just as moving and beautiful as a romantic one and would fit the characters more. I mean it’s not hard to believe that a man who’s been abused for seven decades wouldn’t want a romantic partner and/or be sexually active.
Marvel has a terrible old fashioned obsession with giving leads love interests when it’s not necessary. The only movies without love interests are Captain Marvel, Black Widow, and Wakanda: Forever; which are the only movies with female leads. I mean an argument can be made for Maria and Carol but they weren’t in your face established couple. I had some hope that Yucky wouldn’t be in Thunderbolts when Yelena was the main character because of this honestly weird pattern. But now Thunderbolts is rumored to be Bucky’s leading role and Yucky seems more likely to happen since a leading man in Marvel must love, kiss, and save a woman. I want Marvel to showcase how amazing platonic love can be and have more movies were the main focus is brotherly and sisterly or parental love while they defeat evil. I mean if they don’t want this female lead pattern to be looked on negatively they should have Thunderbolts be the first male led movie with a platonic relationship only.
After watching Love and Thunder and Volume 3 I think that Marvel is already moving into this idea but I think they will most likely do Yucky unless they stop looking at Marvel woman as equivalents to each other.
Also I hope they aren’t going to deny Sam a love interest. That’d be real fucked.
If I wasn’t clear I don’t want every movie to only have a platonic relationship just the ones where a romantic one is forced or unnecessary like Thunderbolts.
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pruneunfair · 6 months ago
Also,that's teh manhwa I was talking about aka revenge against the real one,oh that one is bad. The sister literally didn't deserve to get hate by all the characters of the manhwa and I dropped it. You wanna know the ending,here it is. You may rage on the fl,ml and fls friends if you please. Please note,every reader wants to hug hyllian aka the sister:
Spoilers below for those who want to know:
Helga(fl) finds out from the Duke (her father) that neither she nor Helian are the Duchess's daughters. Back then the Duchess was pregnant but had a miscarriage, ended up infertile because of it, and had a total mental breakdown afterwards. As a result, the Duke had sex with a maid who worked for them and got her pregnant to preserve his bloodline. The maid gave birth to twins and the Duke used his bloodline's magic to twist the minds of the maid into forgetting she had twins, and forcing the Duchess to believe one of the daughters was hers (Helga). However, after a few years the magic wore off and the Duchess's mind started reverting to its previous state. She somewhat remembered that she was pregnant and lost a child somehow, but her mind is totally destroyed by this point and she can't function. So the Duke used magic again to make her believe Helga was swapped at birth in order to appease her insanity and faulty memories. He also does the same thing to the maid, forcing her to believe she was a kidnapper for the rest of her short life. While this is all messed up, remember that I said Helga learns all of this from the Duke? Well she never tells Helian any of it. Instead, she continues to let Helian believe that she 'wronged' Helga, all because Helga still hates her guts to the core. The Duke and Duchess are also bankrupt by this point, so Helian is now broke as well. They also lose the family home and all possessions. Following this, the crazy ML prince (now emperor) is heavily implied to have murdered the Duke and Duchess shortly afterwards. Why? Because Helga deep down still felt yearning to be loved by the Duchess as a mother. And the ML didn't want to see her burdened by those feelings. Yeah... They host a funeral for the deceased parents and Helian sees Helga there. Helian still tries to make up with her sister and once again form a genuine sisterly bond (after all she's done previously to help Helga), but Helga tells her to fuck off again. Helian is depressed and leaves the kingdom to try and make a new life for herself. She comes back a few years later after Helga has given birth and became the new empress. When she tries to enter the capital to see Helga again, guards prevent her from doing so. They declare they have orders to keep her banned from the city, but they don't know why. The real reason is that the crazy ML knows Helga hates Helian and put orders to keep Helian out forever. Because he doesn't want Helga to be bothered by Helian's presence. At this point, Helian finally realizes how much Helga hates her, and that there never was a chance for them to come together as family. She breaks down sobbing and leaves the kingdom again to live with a small group of unknown/unnamed friends. Helga lives happily ever after knowing Helian is miserable with no parents or financial support. Honestly, I'd be more accepting of the story if the author didn't frame Helga as the innocent party here, and acknowledged that this was meant to be a pro villainess ordeal. Because that's what it is from start to finish. Rooting for a bitch like Helga doesn't work when I'm supposed to pretend she isn't one. That kinda defeats the purpose...
Jesus Christ I remember you talking about this one now, someone give Helian her own regression story because someone needs to take Helga down a few pegs.
if I ever redo the tier list ill know where to put this one.
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call-sign-shark · 1 year ago
*scream and smash my head against my phone* I CANT ARTHUR IS JUST SO SWEET IM GOING TO DIE FROM A HEART ATTACK IN THE MIDST OF THE GYM. Erm. Sorry. So what was I saying? Ah yes. This was such an outstanding chapter, Daisy. The plot twist, the violent introduction to David, the whole tension… I am a slut for this story. I am currently on my gym’s treadmills and, at first, I just wanted to skim and wait til I’m home to read but… I’ve been so hooked on the first lines that I read the whole thing in one row while jogging. My apologies if this comment is messy but I’m training at the same and I’ll prolly write between my sets.
First of all this first scene with Arthur and John was so sweet I could not help but giggle. I can perfectly understand poor Y/N and how miserable she just felt, trapped between the four walls of her small house with nothing to do. Even if Thomas is nice and gives her money, it’s the worst for our poor Y/N’s sanity. Especially since she seems to be such a troubled little soul. I find it super endearing how they both visit her without Tommy’s orders because they deeply care of her. The sisterly bond they share got me feeling all fuzzy. Arthur asking for whisky while John asks for tea is so canon — I don’t know why but I loved this small detail. The moment between this sweet trio felt like a real breather both for readers and for Y/N. I’m trying not too expand to much on Arthur but gooshhh he’s so sweet with Y/N!! A real gentleman with the way he holds the door open of her and tries to cheer her up despite her being obviously anxious of meeting Tommy. 🥹 Also the hilarious scene of Arthur and Y/N talking about how she almost shot him the day the brothers tried to teach her how to use a gun 🤣🤣 Poor Aunt Polly, I can perfectly imagine how brutal the scolding was and how the four idiots’ faces must have looked so scared and sorry. I must admit that ALL the interaction between Y/N and the two other Shelby are formidable. (AND ARTHUR. I MEAN. BABY. I swear I wanted to smash David’s henchman with a baseball bat. Sorry? You don’t threaten my kitten?)
NOW. What was that steamy kiss with Tommy? I’ve been waiting for this since the beginning of this series and here we goooo! At first I was sure they were going to fight again — after all, harsh words have been exchanged in the last chapter. Yet, I could almost applaud when Y/N told him “you’re the ghost of who you used to be” BANG! Give him a taste of his own medicine, girl. But then they kiss and the magic happens: I knew they were still mad in love with each other but I didn't expect their feelings to be that strong. In truth, the way you've described their embrace has left me speechless. You have such a talent with words, I was completely taken aback and ended up all dreamy when thinking about how they kissed. What a powerful and sensual scene -- also the temperature rising between the two of them felt so natural and not forced at all. I must say that it's also something I particularly enjoy.
It won't come as a surprise but I hate David. As everyone from now lmao, but what a fucking asshole. I already hated him knowing he was abusive with our poor Y/N but now that we've been properly introduced to him I just want to --
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I swear this is me with David. The lad is just plain crazy, with his sadistic plans and his agency on poor Y/N. I think what he asked her to do is as awful as the beating. Poor woman, she's forced to take down the people she loves and she has known since childhood because of this bastard... I keep my fingers crossed and hope for Y/N to tell everything to Tommy. I am pretty sure he would understand, even more considering how he's still in love. 🥹 You got me hooked with this series babe, I need more. Really.
New Endings - Part 4
A/N: SORRY THAT THIS TOOK ME SO LONG. But I made this chapter a bit longer, so hope that compensates somewhat. On the other hand I got carried away and there was no way to make it shorter so here's a win-win for us all 😜
Warnings: Swearing, insulting, threatening, physical violence/abuse, manipulation, mentions of a gun, a little bit alluding to smut? (not the real deal though)
Word count: 6.7k
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Particles of dust scattered all over the place as (Y/N) kept herself busy cleaning the house. After spending days inside with not much to occupy herself with, she started to get bored. The family house she stayed at remained basically untouched, so one and one made two.
Her cheeks were reddened from the warmth of the fire and the physical work she was putting into tidying the place. It felt satisfying to make herself useful while also getting time to think. Tommy’s harsh words lingered in her mind. He was right, she knew he was right but at the same time it felt so wrong. He was the last one to judge her, considering his own actions. The worst thing was that she hadn’t seen him anymore after their argument. The only person who’d stop by was Polly and although she appreciated her help, it didn’t feel right. Just as her mind took her further into a spiral of thoughts, she heard the front door open. She turned to see who it was, standing eye to eye with two men in long coats, both wearing peaked caps.
“Ello, love.” Arthur’s gruffy voice spoke up, a genuine smile on his face. John grinned at her as he stood beside his older brother. A smile started to break on her face and her eyes lit up as she took in the sight of the two brothers. “That's been a while."
“Nah, I spoke to you a few weeks ago.” John joked as he took his cap off. “How have you been holdin’ up ‘n here?” (Y/N) put the rag she was using, down. "I'm doing fine." She smiled at him. "How have you two been?"
"We're well." Arthur answered as he took his cap off. "We thought you'd might like some company." He slid the coat off his shoulders and hung it up on the rack. "Oh, well... I do actually." She chuckled. "Would you like some tea?"
"Nah, love. Tom said you got him some good whiskey. I'd like some of that." Arthur smiled. The mention of Arthur's nickname for Tommy made her think. He had talked about her, or probably at least about their evening. It made her wonder what else he had told them. "Did he send you to come see me?" She asked the oldest brother, questioning the sincerity of their visit. "No, like I said we thought you'd might like some company." He started as she watched him sit down on one of the chairs. "We're not here because of him."
She nodded, shifting her attention to John who just got rid of his cap and coat and had returned to the table. "Whiskey for you as well?" He shook his head as he rolled his toothpick to the other corner of his mouth. "Some tea for me." She chuckled softly, amused that the tough stance didn't say everything about him. " Alright, I'll be right back." John sat down and grinned. "Is that funny to you?"
"A little." She jokingly confessed. "I barely made it inside and she's making fun of me already." John complained to Arthur, his grin never leaving his face. "And you wonder why?" Arthur joked while leaning back in his chair.
"I'm having tea as well, you won't be the only odd one out here." (Y/N) teased as she made her way to the small kitchen. "Yeah, go on, make that tea. It's taking you long enough. It could've been done in the time you took to mock me." John called out, continuing his banter. He could hear her laugh coming from the kitchen which made him chuckle.
Once she returned with the drinks, she sat down with the two brothers. "I must say that I'm happy that you're here." She smiled at them. "It's pretty quiet sometimes."
"Can imagine. Don't you get out of the house?" Arthur wondered as he took a sip of his whiskey. She shook her head. "No. I... I'm too afraid, honestly." She softly confessed. Both brothers looked at her, not expecting the answer from her. "Afraid?" John repeated. "He's really been that bad to you, hm?"
"I guess so, yes." She uncomfortably moved in her seat. "We can go with you." Arthur kindly offered. "No need to be scared then." (Y/N) looked up at him, touched by his offer but unsure of accepting it. "I appreciate it but I don't want to bother you."
"It's no bother. What about this afternoon?" He suggested as he watched her nervously fumbling with her fingers. "Well, okay then." It would be good to get out of the house for a while and she finally could buy some things for herself, instead of asking Polly. This could be a first step back to the independence she had missed. "I'll pick you up at 2 then, yeah?"
"Thank you." She smiled before taking a sip of her tea. John took the warm cup between his hands. "I can't come, gotta do somethin' for Tom but I'm sure you two will be okay."
"Oh please don't worry about it." She tapped her fingers on her cup before putting it down. "I was actually wondering..." She looked at the two brothers in front of her as her heart started beating faster. "So I have been thinking a lot since I'm here and I..." She didn't understand why the words were so hard to get off her lips. "I was wondering if you maybe needed a hand at the betting shop? I mean Tommy gave me some money for food and clothes but he can't give me money forever. Besides that it just feels... weird."
John and Arthur looked at each other as silence followed after her question, both seeming to think about her question. "I mean no worries if you don't need anyone else. I-I just can't sit here and wait, you know? I'd rather work for it." She started rambling as her nerves and the uneasiness of the silence got the best of her.
John picked up on her uncomfortable state and smiled kindly at her. "First of all, calm down. It's just us." He chuckled. "But that's not something we decide about, although I think we could use a hand."
"Yeah, Tom and Pol are the ones concerning this." Arthur added, taking another sip of his whiskey. "Oh.. well, I haven't seen Tommy in days so I'll ask Polly when she's here again."
"I can ask them for you." John offered before Arthur interrupted him. "Or we could go see Tommy later this afternoon." His words made her palms feel sweaty, she didn't know if it was a great plan to go see him in his house unannounced. That, and she wasn't sure if she actually wanted to go there. "I don't know if that's a good idea." She retorted, her fingers playing with the fabric of her dress. "I think he's pretty busy." Arthur snorted as he shook his head. "He always is."
"We'll ask him first if it's okay, yeah? Think that makes her feel better." John interfered, knowing that there was something he couldn't quite put his finger on. She looked up at him, a small smile tugging on her lips. "It does."
"You can just tell us, love. We don't judge." Arthur's gruffy voice spoke up as he patted her shoulder gently. She shifted her gaze to him and chuckled softly. "I should've remembered."
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After John and Arthur had left, she went back to doing her chores. While she hung her dresses to dry on the laundry rack, she thought about their visit. She enjoyed their company and it felt good to have a laugh with both of them. It reminded her of simpler times and how carefree she felt, although she probably wasn't the only one. She noticed how Arthur's face showed many signs of the stress he was enduring and despite John acting like he was alright, she could see he was suffering from it too. But what else could she expect from living a life like theirs. It was their choice and they had to deal with the consequences, however, she couldn't deny the fact that she'd rather had seen them in another state.
The honk of a horn brought her back to reality. She looked up at the clock to check the time and realized that Arthur was already back to pick her up. She quickly checked herself in the mirror, got her coat and purse and made her way outside. The chilly wind blew across her face, making her shiver before she took a deep breath of fresh air. Or, as fresh it could get in Small Heath. She took in her surroundings before she looked up at Arthur who was holding the car door open for her, like a real gentleman. She giggled as she approached him. "What do I owe this to?"
"I'm just treating the way you should be treated." He answered, a proud grin on his face. "Well, thank you sir. I appreciate it." She chuckled as she got in the car. Arthur shut the door and got in next to her, starting the car. "Tommy said he had time for you now." She turned her head to look at him, his words caught her by surprise. "Now?" She repeated, Arthur nodded in response. "Yeah, now. He was supposed to be at the betting shop but something came up or something." He shrugged while driving off. "I don't know but doesn't matter. We're meeting him at his house now."
"Right." It was the only word that she was able to say. An uneasy feeling made her stomach turn. She anxiously twisted the ring around her finger, trying to ease herself. During the ride she elaborated on some of the things she and Arthur spoke about that morning while he told a bit more about his current life. It helped her to get grip on the restless feeling and compose herself.
It wasn't until he pulled up to the driveway that led to Arrow House, her nerves came back while she was stunned by the huge mansion that was in front of her. "This is Tommy's house?" Her mouth was slightly agape as she stared at it in awe, not comprehending what she was looking at. "It is." Arthur chuckled. "Pretty big, eh?"
"Yeah... pretty big." She repeated as Arthur drove trough the gates. He parked the car in front of the enormous wooden doors. "My god." She muttered under her breath as she heard Arthur chuckle. "You should see inside, you can get lost in there." He told her before getting out. She opened the door herself and followed Arthur to the doors where he'd just knocked on. Not much later an older woman opened. "Ah, Mr. Shelby. Come in, your brother is waiting for you in his office." She kindly greeted him as she stepped aside. "Thank you, Frances." Arthur smiled at her as he walked in. "This is (Y/N), an old friend of ours." He introduced her to the maid.
"Nice to meet you." (Y/N) smiled at the older woman who kindly smiled back. "Nice to meet you too. Can I take your coat for you?" Frances questioned. "I- Yes, sure." She answered, she took her coat off and handed it to Frances. "Alright, come on. Tom is in 'ere." Arthur spoke up. She shot another smile at Frances before following the oldest brother.
She felt her heart racing as the uneasy feeling grew. She had to reassure herself it was just Tommy but that was the whole problem. It was Tommy. She didn't know what she could expect. Before she had the chance to think about it, Arthur had opened the office door already. "We're 'ere." He announced as he walked in, getting Tommy's attention. He looked up from the papers he was reading and let his eyes wander over her frame once she had entered. "Hi." Her voice was soft, her hands folded in front of her body. She took a quick glance at his office. The dark furniture stood out against the green walls while a few paintings of horses accompanied them.
"You can sit." His low voice filled the room as he gestured with his hand to the sofa in front of his desk. She looked at Arthur before she made her way to the sofa and sat down, putting her purse next to her. She leant her back against one of the soft cushions and rested her hands in her lap before looking up at him. "I didn't know you had glasses." She noticed, trying to break the tension. "Arthur, if you don't mind." He nodded his head towards the door. "Yeah, okay." A low mumble fell from his lips as he followed his younger brother's order.
His eyes focused back on the woman in front of him. She glanced right back at him, not wanting to show him how uncomfortable she felt. "I've had an injury." He explained it in his own way. "What?" She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "The glasses. I need them because of the injury." He simply stated. "Oh, I didn't know." She awkwardly mumbled.
"You came here because you needed something?" He swiftly changed the subject, not wanting to waste any time. "I was wondering if you might need a hand in the betting shop. It would be a great way to work for my money." She explained as her fingers played with the fabric of her dress. Tommy leaned back in his chair, his hands resting on his abdomen. "I mean, I can't just live of your money forever, can I?" She added, slightly nervous.
"You can but the question is if we both want that." His tone was emotionless as usual. She felt herself getting annoyed at his comment but decided to let it slide, the sooner she got out of there, the better. "Well I certainly don't want to."
"Then I'm sure you could help us out." He sighed. "You remember how to take bets?" He asked, leaning forward to get his glass of whiskey. She nodded. "I do."
"Tomorrow, 8 AM then." He took his glasses off and put them on top of his papers. Despite the weird tension between the two of them, she felt relieved. "I'll be there." She was about to get up when he spoke up again. "How are you?" His eyes curiously scanned her face. She unsurely leant back against the sofa again. "I'm doing okay. You?"
He nodded slowly as he got up, walking over to the front of his desk, making the gap between them closer. He leant against the edge of the wooden desk and crossed his arms. "Me too. I heard Arthur offered to go out with you?" She kept his gaze a little longer before breaking it, letting her eyes wander over the floor. "He did." Tommy grabbed his cigarette case and took one from it. "That's a great step forward for you." He wetted it between his lips before lighting it.
"What's that supposed to mean?" She couldn't hide the irritation in her voice. Tommy sighed before taking a drag of his cigarette. "I'm just saying that it's a good thing. Nothing more, nothing less." He put the whiskey that was in his hand on his desk while she moved to the edge of the sofa and grabbed her purse. "Whatever." A soft mumble left her lips as she got up. "Thank you for the job opportunity, I'll be there tomorrow morning." She didn't want to wait for his answer and decided to made her way to the door.
"(Y/N)." He stopped her by grabbing her upper arm. She turned her head to face him. "Yes?" Her annoyed tone indispensable as she watched the smoke ascend from his lips. "What's wrong?" His question was supposed to sound genuine, like he actually cared about what she thought but instead she was looking at a face that showed nothing and listened to a voice that matched it perfectly. "I don't know, Tommy. You tell me."
"Is it about what I said that night?" His hand still rested on her arm, the warmth of it confused her. "That and the fact you just disappeared for days." He turned to put his cigarette on the edge of the ashtray before turning back to her. "I wanted you to see what has happened to you."
She rolled her eyes as she shook her arm out of his grip. "And you thought that was the way to do it?" Her voice remained calm while she felt her body tense up. "Let's be honest, you wouldn't listen to it in any other way."
"Let's be honest and reverse it, shall we? Have you ever looked at yourself? Because you're a ghost of the person you once was as well and you're only becoming worse." She returned the questioned he asked her a few nights ago. Perhaps it was unfair, she knew exactly what he meant and his harsh words were supposed to be a wake up call but it still didn't sat right with her. Tommy stared intensely at her as she came closer. "And don't you dare to tell me that I don't understand what you've been trough. Because I was fucking there." Her calm voice seemed to break while her nails were digging into her purse.
"I said it because you deserve better." He specified while standing up straight. "Because I know how much it hurts you and because I don't want to stand at your fucking grave, regretting that I didn't say anything." She scoffed at his words, they were almost the same. He was just repeating them again. "Oh fuck off." She shook her head. "And with deserving better you mean yourself, don't you?"
He kept quiet for a moment while he looked into her eyes. "Tell me you didn't feel the same things as I did." He dared her. She felt his breath on her face, realising how close they were. "I don't know what you mean."
"You do. Now, tell me right now you didn't feel the same." She took a deep breath and looked down. "I didn't." The touch of his fingers on her chin alerted her, he tipped it up so she had no other choice than to look at him. "Look in me eyes and tell me again." He encouraged her, her eyes finding his as words got stuck in her throat. She did feel it, all of it but it must've been a moment of weakness. She couldn't have those feelings for him after years and if she did, she didn't only lie to herself but also to the man she promised to marry.
She leant into his touch, their faces only mere inches away from each other. "Say it." His voice was soft but demanding, her lips parted slightly but no words came out. Tommy closed the gap and captured her lips in a gentle kiss. She had been waiting for this since they exchanged knowing gazes the night of their dinner.
She dropped her purse before she let her hands rest against his chest, feeling the warmth of his body and a heartbeat that matched her own. Her lips discovered his. The soft feeling of them against hers, mixed with the intoxicating taste of cigarettes and whiskey, was one she had missed for so long. His hand moved from her chin to her cheek while the other found its way to her waist, pulling her closer. Her tongue carefully grazed his lips, almost begging him for more. While he granted her access, their tongues explored each other curiously. A soft moan left her mouth while her arms wrapped around his neck.
Tommy deepened the kiss, his arms sneaking around her waist, holding her tightly against his body. Her fingers ran trough the longer strands of his hair, softly tugging on it until she felt his lips leaving hers. Her eyes fluttered open to look at him, finding him looking back at her, his lips slightly apart and swollen from their intense contact. It took her a few seconds to realize that she needed more. More intimacy, more of him and only him.
She placed her hands on his cheeks, pulling him back in for another kiss. Lips crashed together, gentleness made place for neediness, both ready to devour each other right in that moment. His hand fumbled with her dress while hers slid under his suit jacket. His mouth moved from her lips to her neck, kissing her skin exactly the way he knew she loved it. Moans that came from her mouth only proving that he was doing the right thing.
As soon as she was able to get rid of his suit jacket and it hit the floor, her hands ran trough his hair, nails raking over the back of his neck as he softly sucked on her skin. She was lost in the moment until realisation struck her. "Tommy..." It sounded more like a moan than she intended to. He continued to kiss up to her jaw, his fingers struggling with the opening of her dress. "Tommy...wait." Her voice came out as a stammer, lost of any stability.
She felt his breath against her cheek as he had stopped kissing her. "What's wrong?" His low, hoarse voice gave her goosebumps. "I-I think we should stop here." Her eyes scanned his face, noticing his flushed face. "Alright." He pressed a soft kiss on her neck before his warm hands left her body. She took a deep breath and adjusted her dress while Tommy picked up his jacket and put it back on. "I'm sorry, I didn't want to give off the wrong signals." She apologized, picking her purse up from the floor.
"You didn't. I think you've told me enough with this." He responded, a knowing look in his eyes. A blush crept onto her face, turning her cheeks a rosy color. "Right." She mumbled as she took in the man in front of her once more. "You might want to get your hair a bit decent before Arthur comes in." She suggested, looking at the mess she made of his dark hair.
He ran his fingers a few times trough his hair to fix it. "I think he has seen worse things than that." Tommy deadpanned. "I don't want him to think that something happened." She confessed, her fingers nervously sliding over the straps of her purse. "Let him think." She nodded, unsure of what to do next. She glanced around the office before breaking the silence. "Well, I'll be at the betting shop at 8 then." She watched as Tommy lit a new cigarette and nodded. "Great."
As she turned to make her way to the door, Tommy spoke up again. "If everything goes well, I need you here tomorrow evening at 7." She turned back to look at him, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Dinner." He simply stated. Her lips turned into a small smile, which she tried to hide. "I'll keep my schedule empty."
She walked up to the door, giving Tommy a last, quick glance before leaving his office. Once she closed the door, she still wore the smile he managed to give her. She looked around the large hallway, trying to find a glimpse of Arthur. Besides the amount of portraits she hadn't noticed before, there was no sign of the oldest Shelby. That was, until she heard a low grumble coming from the dining room, followed by a few curse words.
"Fuckin' 'ell." (Y/N) entered the dining room, stunned by the longest table she had seen accompanied by many dark, wooden chairs. Above the head of the table she found another portrait of Tommy and a horse. "What happened?" She asked as she walked over to Arthur, who she found on his knees on the floor. "Dropped the fuckin' cup." He was holding the shards in his hands as he got up. "I don't get why they give me these smoll cups." She couldn't help but chuckle. "I hope they weren't too expensive." She joked, earning a smile from Arthur. "Ah well, Tommy can afford some new cups. Anyway," He put the shards on top of the table. "Got the job?" He questioned, hopefully looking at her. "I did." She smiled. "I can start tomorrow."
"Isn't that great news!" He exclaimed while he pulled her into a hug. "Welcome back, sister."
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The car ride from Arrow House to the market felt much more relaxed, the tension was gone and after some banter with Arthur, she felt the best she had felt in months. While Arthur reminisced about the past and how his life in Small Heath used to be, she couldn't help but think about the kiss she had shared with Tommy. It was something she didn't knew she needed so badly. She never found the exact feeling he gave her with someone else and although David came close, it wasn't the same.
"Do you remember?" Arthur turned his head to look at (Y/N), getting her attention. "I- Yes of course I do." She lied, no clue what he was talking about. "You almost killed me." He laughed as he focused his eyes back on the road. "I hope you're better with guns now because I don't want to experience such a thing ever again."
She finally grasped what he was talking about, the memories of the brothers teaching her how to use a gun was pretty much an event itself. "Yeah, I'm still sorry about that. I panicked." She chuckled. "Me too." Arthur laughed. "It was only a few centimeters between life and death."
"I remember Polly wasn't too happy when she saw all of our scared faces when we came in and you made it even worse with your awful lie." (Y/N) giggled at the thought of the disappointed look on their aunts face. "Well Finn, could've fired the gun, ya know."
"Finn was with her the whole time." She countered. Arthur gave her quick glance as he thought about it. "Ah yeah, that was it." His answer made (Y/N) laugh. "Good ol' times." He chuckled as he parked his car on the sidewalk. She looked at the street in front of her, many market stalls stood on each side of it and a crowd of people were curiously looking at them. She just had to do it, after that it would become much easier. She took a deep breath and got out of the car, Arthur did the same and waited for her in front of it.
"Have you been here before?" She asked while she walked up to him. "I'm not the type of man that likes to go shopping." He chuckled. "I see." A smile formed on her face. "What about your wife?"
"Sometimes, although she prefers the smaller one, closer to home." He answered. She wanted to ask him another question when a young man approached him from behind. "Mr. Shelby? You have a flat tyre." He pointed at one of the tyres of the car. "For fucks sake." Arthur grumbled as he walked over to the back of the car, inspecting the tyre. "Fuck."
"Everything alright?" She wondered as she came up to the side of the car. "I have to fix this, love. It might take a bit of time." He replied as he looked up at her, she could see the guilt in his eyes. "It's fine." She looked at the crowded market over her shoulder before looking back at him. "I can go by myself."
"Are you sure?" He wondered, getting a nod from her in response. "If you stay here, I think I'll be alright." She gave him a nervous smile. "I won't but also can't go anywhere." He joked, giving her shoulder a gentle squeeze. "I can help." The young man offered. "Might be even quicker then."
She looked at him and nodded before switching her attention back to Arthur. "I'll meet you back here." It sounded more like a question. "Yes ma'am." He gave her a reassuring wink. She answered his gesture with a small smile before making her way to the market. The grip on her purse tightened when she went up in the crowd of people, making sure to avoid any eye contact with anyone, only looking at the products vendors tried to sell.
While she passed the various stalls, the sun appeared from behind the clouds. Warm sunrays caressed her face, natures way to give her a needed embrace of comfort. A sigh escaped her mouth as she felt the tension on her shoulders lessen, a kind of lost confidence within her growing at the same time. It was the first time in weeks that it felt like everything would be okay.
She continued her walk past the stalls, buying flowers, food and even treated herself on a new dress. While having a brief conversation with the kind lady who stood behind the stall, she quickly glanced over to the spot where Arthur had parked his car. Although she could barely see him due to the people who blocked her view, it seemed he was still busy with the flattened tyre. After she finished her conversation she decided to go see one more stall before returning back to the car. She felt proud of herself that despite the fear of going out, she did it on her own. Just like she used to do.
While she turned around, her heart dropped and a cold feeling filled her senses. She turned back, her eyes frantically looking for Arthur as she pushed past a few people. A sickening wave of terror welled up from her stomach. She quickened her pace until someone blocked her path, a hand kept her from moving by holding her arm firmly. "There you are. I've been looking for you."
Her widened eyes looked in disbelief at the man in front of her. "David..." She tried to look past him, hoping that Arthur would've seen them and was on his way to come help her but he wasn't. "Why don't we go talk, hm?" He gently stroked his knuckles over her cheek while she tried not to flinch. "No, let me go." Her voice came out softer than she had hoped, all the confidence she had felt moments ago had left her body within seconds.
"Listen, we can play this the easy way or the hard way." His voice sounded kind but his eyes told her otherwise. She fought herself out of his grip and quickly ran past him, hoping to reach Arthur as fast as she could. She didn't came far as she had hoped when she got yanked back by her wrist, his other hand grabbed her neck harshly. They earned some questionable looks from a few people but nobody dared to speak up. She could feel his breath against her ear as he forced her to look at the car in the distance. "Hard way then." His grip tightened even more. "You see that guy who's helping that Shelby scum?" He growled in her ear, she nodded quickly in response.
"One order from me and he makes sure that changing a flattened tyre is the last thing Arthur Shelby will do. Understood?" The threatening words and immense fear brought tears to her eyes. "I said understood?" He shook her harshly. "Y-yes." She croaked out, her lip trembling. "Great, lets go somewhere quiet." He pushed her towards an alley, away from all the people who were her only chance for help. Once they were out of sight, he turned her around and pressed her back hard against the brick wall behind her, making her drop some of her groceries. A soft whimper left her lips as she felt a stinging pain in her back.
He trapped her with his body and grabbed her cheeks harshly between his fingers. "What a fucking surprise to find you here." His eyes were dark, spewing the anger that was raging inside him into her frightened ones. "You really think you'd be safe with Thomas fuckin' Shelby, didn't you? Is this why you met up with the bastard?"
She tried to shake her head but he restrained her from doing so. "Fucking speak!" He barked at her. "N-no, we just-" She panicked as she watched his face come closer. "You what?" He spat at her. "We just talked. It's true, everything I've told you, i-is true. It really is." She blurted out, afraid of what his next step could be. The morning when he forced to tell her what she had done the night she met with Tommy, playing in her head.
A humorless laugh fell off his lips. "You're going to tell me you just talked to someone we are trying to get rid of, then you run away from me and now you're living in his fucking house. Is that what it is? Because that’s exactly what it sounds like to me!" He narrowed his eyes, the grip on her face tightening. "What have you told those god damn gypsies?! Or were you working for them all along?! Like the fucking whore you are!" Her body trembled while he screamed at her, her hands pulling onto his, in hopes that he would let go of her face.
"I didn’t say anything. I just couldn't take it anymore." Her voice trembled with fear. "Couldn't take what anymore." He hissed. "The beating. It was too much." A few tears ran down her cheeks when he let go of her face and took ahold of her wrist. "But darling, you did that to yourself." He wiped away her tears with his thumb while she tried to turn her face away from him. He firmly grabbed her jaw. "See, you're doing it again. You never listen."
"Stop, David." She begged. "I don't want this anymore. Please. I don't want to marry you." A small smile appeared on his face as he shook his head. "Oh, don't say stupid things now." He lifted her hand, his fingers tapping the shiny ring on her finger. "Why are you still wearing this then?" Her eyes fell on the ring while she gulped harshly. "Because I didn't know. I-I didn't know what to do."
"Exactly. You know damn well that you want to go trough with this, you still love me. If you really wanted to end this all you would've got rid of it the moment you got in that fuckers car." He let go of her hand and took a step back while her eyes followed him. "You know I should take you home now, teach you a lesson about running away like a fucking child." He paused his sentence as he looked at her with the most vile look she had ever seen. "But since you wanted to play it the hard way, you'll get it the hard way."
He opened his coat, the holster of his gun appearing underneath it. Her heart starting beating faster and her lips began to tremble, she wanted to run but she stood frozen in the same spot. He took another gun out of his coat and held it up while he inspected it just a second too long. "David, please. I-I'll just come home, okay? I’m so sorry." He looked up at her and chuckled. "Oh, this one is not to kill you, love." He tapped on the gun holster underneath his coat. "However this one might."
He stepped closer to her, grabbing her hand while forcing her to take the gun from him. “You’ll show me how sorry you are.” The cold metal touched the skin of her trembling hands, her glossy eyes still focused on his face. “What do you mean?” Her voice was barely a whisper, scared of whatever he wanted from her. “You’re going to take those Shelby’s out. One by one.”
"No...No no, I won't. I refuse to do it." Tears streamed down her face. "I'll come home and I'll do whatever you want, I promise. I'm sorry David, I really am. I don't want to get involved in your business." She tried to hand him the gun back but he pushed her back into the wall behind her, a soft groan left her lips from the sudden impact, the other belongings in her hand dropping on the cobblestones. He shook his head. "Look at you, I can't believe you think that tinker's lifer is worth more than yours." He clenched his jaw while he wrapped his hand around her throat, making it hard for her to breath. "You have no choice. It's a fucking order. You brought this upon yourself, once again. Now deal with the fucking consequences."
She tried to tear his hand away from her throat but it only resulted of him tightening his grip and cutting of her air supply while she was scratching his arm in panic. "You don't want to be the reason each of your family members will end up with a bullet in their head, do you?" He stroked her cheek gently with his other hand until he released his other hand from her throat. She gasped desperately for air while more tears streamed down her face. "I'll give you 3 weeks." A sick, twisted smile grew on his face as he watched her regain her breath slowly.
"Look at the mess you made." He pointed at the stuff she bought, scattered all over the cobblestones. "Pick it up." He demanded as he watched her try to gather everything together, all while still trying to catch her breath. He let his hand rest on her back, making it seem as a nice gesture before giving her a firm push which caused her to fall hard. Her knees scraped over the stones, leaving a tear in her dress. A soft sob left her mouth before she looked up at him. He towered over her, looking at her like she was just a piece of garbage, unworthy to be even treated like a normal human being. "Midland next Thursday, 9AM. You can tell me about the progress then."
She watched as he walked away, leaving her alone in the quiet alley. He had humiliated her, like he had done so many times before but this time it wasn’t even the worst thing. He forced her to get involved into his problems or rather forced to solve his problems and there was no way for her to win. More tears fell down her cheeks while her trembling hands picked up her belongings. Her eyes fell on the gun David had forced upon her, she wanted to leave it there, far away from her, from everyone but the fear of him finding out was too big to ignore. She grabbed it and stuffed quickly into the side of her bra, safely under her dress so that Arthur wouldn't see it.
Arthur. Fuck. He was probably looking for her. She got up and took a deep breath. While she adjusted her dress she noticed that the tear in her dress stood out too much to hide. She had to think of something to tell him, just a quick believable lie. She made sure her coat covered her dress while she wiped away her tears. Her hands gripped tightly on her belongings before she left the alley and returned to the market.
While she walked back, she saw Arthur coming her way with a worried look on his face. "There you are. I was looking for ya." She smiled kindly at him while she tried not the break down the moment she heard his voice. He noticed her teary eyes and her ripped dress. "Are ya alright? What happened?" She looked down at her dress before looking back to him, a sigh left her lips. "I fell."
"I've walked back and forth over this damn market and hadn't seen a sign of you once. Where did you fell?" He asked, his suspicion raising. "I was trying to find a favorite spot of mine." She lied. "I came there often when I was little." Arthur looked at her. "You came here often?" He asked again. "With my grandma, yes. But I tripped and fell on those fucking cobblestones. Let me tell you, it still hurts as bad as when we're little." She joked while a soft chuckle escaped her mouth.
Arthur thought back at the painful childhood memory. It made sense, the ripped dress, the teary eyes. She must've fallen. He put his hand on her shoulder, his way of showing comfort. "Are you alright?" He sincerely wondered. "I'm alright."
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Taglist: @cyphah @kissforvoid @liter4ti @raincoffeeandfandoms @casa-boiardi
109 notes · View notes
theamberwizard · 3 years ago
do yall ever bond with your siblings and then you have that moment like
wait. hold the phone. is this bitch nice? what the fuck? is my sister a genuinely cool person?
6 notes · View notes
roguetaxidermyy · 5 years ago
ray toro gerard way sisterly bond
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