#hashtag toxic hets hashtag love wins
livvyofthelake · 1 year
Hi I did read the first 4? I think that’s the number magisterium books as they were coming out I don’t remember a lot of them but I remember the general vibe as being Cassandra Clare and Holly Black co wrote Syfy’s the magicians fan fiction but for middle schoolers. Also I tried to figure out what happened in the last book from fan reactions and only sort of understood it, so I can ask you what are your feelings about the resolution of the romance plot? :D (also Hi I’m S I like just followed you but I love your blog from what I’ve seen)
I PROMISE IT'S BETTER THAN SYFY'S THE MAGICIANS. I PROMISE. i would highly recommend finishing reading the series, i also only read the first 4 as the came out and tbh i don't think when 5 came out i was in the right mental space to appreciate it but years later i think it can slay.... the mental and emotional buildup makes it better i think, which is good because at the end of the day the golden tower was um. not a good book. to me. it was insane of course, i still think you should read it, it's a crazy book... my problem with it is not just because of the romance subplot but iDO have a little beef with the romance subplot.... and we MUST get into it..... also. hi, i realize i did not open this with a greeting i just went straight into talking, but yeah hi hello it's lovely to have u here <3
ANYWAY. so as we all know from the Posting i have been doing, i am a big fan of call and tamara's weird little thing. but i don't entirely like the way it was resolved in book 5? like. there's nothing bad about it i guess. it's more that i feel like tamara as a charcater had to be put on the backburner for this book so that tamara as a love interest could come through. it felt like every time she was in a scene it was always about how call liked her and was worried she didn't like him back and etc etc and they can't kiss because aaron's in his head blah blah blah. it was like can we go back to talking about how cool tamara is. can we have her suggest making a bomb again. where was her slay in this book, where was her freakswag. again, it was never truly like, Bad, but it also wasn't great. and furthermore. they didn't give the same freak realness once they were actually romantic interests as they did during the buildup, which is always SO LAME. like. tamara saving call from alex at the end of the bronze key instead of aaron even though "aaron is the good one" will ALWAYS be more insane and crazy than them kissing or whatever. you know how it is.
on the other hand though, i LOVED jasper and gwenda. that was peak side character romance there.... wish gwenda had been a bigger character in the earlier books but oh well i guess i can't have everything. they kinda had a little lake and felix love victor swag..... but i can't get into that or i'll scream. also loved the way everyone got coupled off but aaron. literally his schrodinger's gay character realness..... cassie and holly were REFUSING to confirm or deny that boy's romantic inclinatons!! kind of a 2010s queerbait slay. although i would literally never accuse cassie or holly of queerbaiting, that would be like, so insane and would would so rudely diminish the actual insanely progressive work they've done for gay representation. you know. so. aaron was not queerbaiting he was like. well. veronica lodge voice it was saving the world... in a way. he's like a character that's obviously queer coded but needs to be censored for some reason. and that reason is literally just that this series is way too short to be getting into the complexities of aaron being gay and in love with call. he was relegated to subtext for time reasons, happens to the best of us <3
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