#hashtag campaign
gacha-incels · 21 days
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more information on the global September 1st twitter hashtag campaign
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soaring-trash · 1 year
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lachances · 11 days
Hey, I live in the area where the Apalachee high school shooting occurred, I have family that works at this school. I would really appreciate if yall would spread the godundme's of the families of the Apalachee high school shooting that occurred last Wednesday.
Richard Aspinwall, teacher
Cristina Irimie, teacher
Christian Angulo, 14 year old student
Mason Schermerhorn, 14 year old student
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maluspumilaa · 10 months
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happy pocky day have some imfearna (and also a little mister)
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"If I have to deal with one more crazy bitch watching us when we're tryin' to bone, I'm gonna be real fucking pissed !"
Bonus, Chetney :
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aloveofclaritea · 21 days
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!! Global Hashtag Campaign Regarding Deepfake Sex Crimes in South Korea !! If you are on Twitter please consider joining this global campaign on September 1, 2024. If you aren't on Twitter please help spread the word about it.
This campaign is in response to the horrifying situation coming to light in South Korea about Telegram chatrooms with 100,000's of men and boys creating and sharing explicit photos of their female family members, and creating porn deepfakes of girls and women at their schools and places of work. More information here:
I copied these details about the campaign from Twitter:
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Here are the hashtags we will use but please do NOT use until your time zone on the date. # Digital Sex _Crimes in_Schools # Expose the Deepfake_Perpetrators # South Korea expel criminals # Protect Women AndGirls # 학교_내_디지털성범죄 # 딥페이크_가해자_전원_신상공개 # 교육부는 성범죄자를 퇴학시켜라 # 딥페이크_엄벌하라
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indygotcha · 24 days
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This tweet really puts everything to perspective on our current situation
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darkangel1791 · 6 months
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Matthew Daddario as Alec Lightwood
Harry Shum Jr as Magnus Bane
Crazy Chemistry
All of their fans, 50% of which only watched Shadowhunters for them
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thebest-medicine · 1 year
Day 9: Lie
Tickletober 2023 - Critical Role - C2 Mighty Nein - lee!Caleb
[see my other tickletober 2023 fics]
A/N: Caleb’s not ticklish. Probably. Definitely. For sure.
[read on AO3]
Words: 1.2k
Winding Caleb up was quickly climbing to the top of the list of Mollymauk Tealeaf’s favorite pastimes. 
He enjoyed every eye roll, every quiet sigh, every blush, every sharp retort, every stuttered reply, though he wasn’t a fan of the times Caleb would get so embarrassed he’d just… disappear out into the night! Luckily, Nott was never far behind to reel him back later - but there were more than a few occasions where soft, kind, genuine moments lead to Caleb spinning on his heels and stomping out the door, unsure of what to do with himself or those feelings. 
Molly wondered, many of those times, what might have happened if Caleb stayed.
Later, at the inn, the Nein had just settled into their rooms when Molly found Caleb in the hall and backed him against a wall to have a talk with him more intimately than necessary. Molly charmed him with an arm stretched out over Caleb’s shoulder, boxing him in with a hand against the wall. “Look, I know you get a little embarrassed when we- like now- I just mean, don’t go running away on us tonight, I am rather fond of you sticking around this evening.” (Every evening.) His eyes flicked up and down Caleb, drinking him in. “Drinks, on me. Let's get to know each other better.”
Caleb swallowed. “Ja, okay, I- um.” 
Molly’s spine tingled with excitement, tracking the bob of Caleb’s throat.
“If I need to, I’ve heard tale that I can be rather convincing.” Molly leaned in closer, enjoying the color on Caleb’s cheeks. He reached forward with his other hand, grasping the dirty wizard’s coat between his thumb and finger, and rolled the material in his fingers softly. He made to give Caleb a little push - well, a pull, rather - in grasping him around the waist to peel him from his place frozen like a hare against the wall and lead him down into the tavern. 
When Molly’s hand made contact with Caleb’s side, however, the wizard flinched away violently.
Molly reached forward, grasping at his side for something ticklish, sensitive. Caleb startled back with such a force that he hit his head against the wall. He blinked. 
Molly reached up to soothe the back of his head. “Ticklish, are we?” He grinned, certain that he looked positively evil as he caught Caleb’s eye.
“No- no. I’m- I’m not!” Caleb stuttered, his face red and eyes wide. 
“Oh,” He chuckles, “I don’t believe you.” 
Just then, Beau came out of her room to head downstairs. “Hey, we grabbin’ some drinks or what? Let’s go!” 
Molly turned to answer her, and it was just distracting enough for Caleb to slink away, back to his own room. Molly turned, squinted disapprovingly toward the wizard’s closed door, and followed Beau downstairs.
Caleb’s heart was pounding in his chest as he sat on his bed. He focused on banishing the warm blush from his cheeks and pointedly did his best to not think about Mollymauk. Or about being backed against a wall with cunning mischief and thrilled smirks. Or about how much Molly’s hand on his side had startled him. Or about how he couldn’t actually remember the last time he’d really been tickled. He’d go down after a while, share in a round or two of drinks. He would sit far across the table from Mollymauk and… And not walk close to any walls. 
It was less than an hour later when Caleb made his way down to join the rest of their party for a celebratory drink. He tried to shuffle in unnoticed next to Nott, but Molly’s eyes tracked him from the moment he walked in the room. He made it to the table unscathed, despite feeling rather hunted, and even felt a little warmer as the group received him happily, pouring him an ale. He put a few seats between himself and Molly, and settled into the newly familiar comfort of companionship.
Mollymauk tried to catch Caleb’s eyes a few times throughout the evening. He waved at him at one point, wiggling his fingers as he briefly caught his attention. He enjoyed the light dusting of pink on Caleb, nearly hidden in the low light.
The night wound down - or for some, up - an hour or so later. Nott and Beau excitedly bought shots of hard liquor for a few of them at the table just as Caleb excused himself and made his way back upstairs. It was still early. He was the first of them to go to bed; he could probably get some reading in before Nott came to the room. He entered his room and reached back to let the door close. 
He didn’t hear it click into place, and turned to look over his shoulder.
“It was rather foolish- lying to me like that earlier.” Mollymauk scolded as he finished slinking into the room. Caleb jumped as Molly closed the door behind them. “Especially about something so easy to test.” 
Caleb spun wildly all the way around, staring at the unexpected tiefling in his room. “Mollymauk-”
“I’ll give you a chance to change your tune, fess up.” Molly offered graciously with an evil smile. “And maybe I’ll go easy on you.”
“W-What?” Caleb choked out, voice a much higher octave than normal.
“I thought I was rather kind earlier, asking you nicely to stay and talk and drink and enjoy the camaraderie with us.” Molly tsked. “And rather clear that I- that we wanted you to.” He sighed, then let out a bit of a laugh and continued in a teasing voice. “But you are a stubborn one, aren’t you Widogast?”
Caleb blinked at him, holding his breath.
“I guess you’ll need that convincing I mentioned.”
“Molly…” Caleb took a step back, and the tiefling laughed.
“I have a brilliant idea as to how, too. Like I said, I can be rather convincing.”
“I don’t know what you-” Molly wiggled his fingers. “Ah, nein, wait-”
“So, first, I’m gonna find out if you’re ticklish.” He caught Caleb’s eye, smirked. “And see if you lied to me earlier.” 
“Wait- you, you don’t need to-”
“And then, we’re going to go back downstairs, and have another drink.” Mollymauk finished. “Or I am going to tell everyone else just how ticklish you turn out to be. Sound good?”
“M-Mollymauk-” Caleb stumbled over his name just as his mind tumbled over Molly’s words. He continued backing up slowly until he hit the bed, eyes wide and trained on Molly.
It was almost a mercy when Molly finally pounced, tackling him gently to the bed. His claws poked and wiggled against the sides of his shirt. Caleb sucked in a breath.
It came out as a half-snort-half-laugh when Molly squeezed him low on his hips. “Ha- wait, wait no-”
“Looks like someone’s a liar.” Mollymauk taunted in a sing-song voice, scribbling up his sides. Caleb flailed weakly on the mattress, trying to fight off the bubbling laughter starting to leak from his throat. “A very ticklish liar.” Molly enjoyed the shades of red he was getting Caleb’s face to tonight. 
Caleb gasped, trying to cover his face, flail to freedom, and catch Molly’s hands all at the same time - unsuccessful in each endeavor.
“Let me know when you’re ready to go back downstairs, hm?” Molly reminded him before diving in to squeeze a path up his sides and along his ribcage.
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9-istol · 9 months
excuse me having a brainrot since 2am but i cant THIS CAMPAIGN WAS SO GOOD
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i think ill go crazy once i run out of fanmade content to support said brainrot
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aloseirart · 1 year
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They invented love and that's a fact.
Delilah and Sylas Briarwood: necromancer mom and vampire dad, the essence of true love. 💜🖤
Also, matching icons! ✨
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gacha-incels · 18 days
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article posted about the hashtag campaign. I’ll post an MTL here and the plain original KR text below that. if you see anything that needs correcting please let me know and I’ll fix it ASAP. I truly appreciate the help I am given with this. thank you.
➡️ As the horrific reality of “deepfake sex crimes” has come to light, calls for tougher punishments for perpetrators have been growing. Hashtag movements on social media have called for stiffer penalties, and a petition to the National Assembly to amend the law has garnered more than 50,000 signatures, the threshold for referral to a standing committee.
As of 1:00 PM on the 2nd, looking at the real-time trends of ‘X (formerly Twitter)’, there were over 600,000 posts with the hashtags ‘#교육부는성범죄자들을퇴학시켜라’, ‘#미성년자도피해자다국가가지켜라’, ‘#딥페이크엄벌하라’. The ‘hashtag attack’, where many people simultaneously created posts with the hashtags, was intensively carried out between 1:00 PM and 8:00 PM the previous day, and outrage is still being expressed this afternoon, a day later.
“The production, sharing, and viewing of deepfake sexual exploitation is a serious violation of human rights, and those involved should be considered criminals,” the post that proposed the hashtag reads, ”We strongly oppose deepfake sexual crimes and demand that laws be strengthened and those responsible be severely punished.”
After the “Nth Room” case in 2020, laws were revised to prevent digital sex crimes and protect victims, but there were limitations in terms of punishment. Article 14(2) of the Special Act on the Punishment of Sexual Offenses (Sexual Violence Punishment Act/성폭력처벌법), which was revised at the time, stipulates that anyone who produces deep-fake videos with the intent to spread or sell them is punishable by up to five years in prison or a fine of up to 50 million won, and anyone who produces or distributes them for profit is punishable by up to seven years in prison.
However, the law requires a “purpose to distribute,” so those who simply possess, watch, or purchase the videos cannot be punished. When the law was being discussed for revision, a wide range of punishments were suggested, but the government and some lawmakers from both parties showed complacency toward deepfake sex crimes, and the current law was finalized.
A petition to the National Assembly is also being signed by citizens calling for the law to be revised.
A petition calling for stronger punishment and disclosure of the identities of perpetrators of deep-fake sex crimes posted on August 30th has garnered the support of more than 80,000 citizens as of today. A petition calling for stiffer sentences for those who distribute deepfake sex crimes and stronger punishment for those who abet them has also been referred to a standing committee with the support of more than 60,000 citizens.
The public outcry also prompted the National Assembly to take action. The National Assembly's Gender Equality and Family Committee will hold an urgent session on the 4th to check the government's response to deep-fake sex crimes. Lawmakers from the ruling and opposition parties have also proposed an amendment to strengthen the punishment for deep-fake sex crimes, which they plan to expedite.
pain KR text:
SNS 덮은 ‘#딥페이크_엄벌’ 수십만 물결, 국민 청원도 일찌감치 5만명 넘겨
딥페이크 성범죄’의 참담한 실태가 수면 위로 드러나면서 가해자에 대한 강력한 처벌을 촉구하는 목소리가 확산되고 있다. SNS상에서는 엄벌을 촉구하는 해시태그 운동이 일었고, 국회에는 법 개정을 촉구하는 내용의 청원이 상임위원회 회부 요건인 5만명 이상의 동의를 얻었다. 
2일 오후 1시 기준, ‘X(옛 트위터)’의 실시간 트렌드를 보면, ‘#딥페이크_가해자_전원_신상공개’, ‘#교육부는_성범죄자들을_퇴학시켜라’, ‘#미성년자도_피해자다_국가가_지켜라’, ‘#딥페이크_엄벌하라’는 해시태그를 단 게시글이 60만여건가량 이상 올라왔다. 많은 이들이 동시다발로 해시태그를 단 글을 게시하는 일명 ‘해시태그 총공’은 전날 오후 1~8시 사이 집중적으로 진행됐는데, 하루가 지난 이날 오후까지도 분노의 글이 이어지는 중이다. 
이번 해시태그 총공을 제안한 게시물에는 “딥페이크 성착취물의 제작 및 공유, 시청은 심각한 인권 침해이며 이와 관련된 주동자와 참여자들은 범죄자로 간주돼야 한다”며 “우리는 딥페이크 성범죄를 강력히 반대하며, 관련 법규를 강화하는 것은 물론 이들에 대한 엄정한 처벌을 요구한다”는 내용이 담겼다.
2020년 ‘N번방 사건’ 이후, 디지털 성범죄를 예방하고 피해자를 보호하기 위한 법 개정이 이어졌지만 제대로 된 처벌을 하기에는 한계가 있었다. 당시 개정된 성폭력범죄의 처벌 등에 관한 특례법(성폭력처벌법) 14조2는 딥페이크 영상물을 퍼뜨리거나 판매하려는 목적으로 제작한 자는 5년 이하의 징역 또는 5천만원 이하의 벌금에 처하고, 영리를 목적으로 제작하거나 유통하는 자는 7년 이하의 징역에 처하도록 규정하고 있다. 
하지만 ‘반포 등을 할 목적’이 있어야 처벌할 수 있기 때문에 단순 소지나 시청, 구입한 이들은 처벌할 수 없다. 법 개정 논의 당시에도 폭넓은 처벌이 필요하다는 의견이 개진됐지만, 정부와 일부 여야 의원들이 딥페이크 성범죄에 대한 안일한 인식을 보이면서 현재의 법 조항으로 정리됐다. 국회 국민동의청원에도 법 개정을 촉구하는 시민들의 참여가 이어지고 있다. 
지난달 30일 게시된 딥페이크 성범죄 가해자 강력 처벌 및 신상 공개를 요구하는 청원은 이날 기준 8만명이 넘는 시민들의 동의를 얻었다. 또한, 딥페이크 성범죄물 유포자에 대한 형량을 강화하고, 이에 방조한 이들에 대한 강력 처벌을 요구하는 청원 역시 시민 6만여명의 동의를 얻어 상임위원회에 회부됐다. 
시민들의 공분에 국회도 뒤늦게 대책 마련에 나섰다. 국회 여성가족위원회는 오는 4일 정부의 딥페이크 성범죄 대응 현황을 점검하기 위한 긴급 현안질의를 진행한다. 여야 의원들도 딥페이크 성범죄 처벌을 강화하는 내용의 개정안을 발의해, 신속하게 처리하겠다는 계획이다.
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vespinchloras · 10 months
the slowburn of my love for orym….. i’ve recently been working through campaign 1 (so i have building opinions about vax) and i was a big campaign 2 girlie (i’m sure y’all KNOW how insane i am about caleb widogast) but it truly truly makes me crazy how much i was lukewarm at best to orym at first and now he’s like. he’s my specialest baby boy. he’s so normal guy and so kind and so perfect. little soldier boy who feels things so big. caleb will always be my favorite liam character but the more time we spend with orym the more i can formulate an argument in my head for why he’s the best among them. i don’t ascribe to it necessarily. but i can argue it more and more.
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jensonsbuttons · 8 months
i just think someone has to say it. jenson to merc
jenson button to merc save me..
jenson button to merc
save me jenson button to merc
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Due to a bad experience I am no longer on many social networks but I would like someone to start a Buddie campaign on Twitter or Instagram, but something healthy and positive, to show that the haters do not speak for the true Buddie shippers, those who have been around for 7 seasons now supporting Buck and Eddie.
If I knew what hashtag to use I would so do that for you.
If someone would like to help me figure one out I’d be very grateful.
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songofsaraneth · 11 months
someone help me come up with the name/social media handle for my newest DND character, a hot girl half-orc influencer
she is a Way of the Astral Self monk (streams yoga videos, makeup tutorials, and how to shift realities on fantasy tiktok/instagram), and also has a monthly subscription beauty box that has these supplements that will soooooo fix that grievous wound you just took if you wanna subscribe bestie! also she's a freegan so she has to beat up bandits and steal their food for dinner. she's adventuring for the #content.
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