#hasan ibn sabbah
entelektia · 11 months
Hasan Sabbah Kimdir? ve Alamut Kalesi
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Hasan Sabbah'ın Kökenleri ve Eğitimi Doğum Yeri ve Ailesi Hasan Sabbah, 1046-1047 veya 1053-1054 yıllarında Kum, İran'da doğdu. On iki İmam Şiiliği'nin merkezlerinden biri olan bu şehir, Sabbah'ın ilerleyen yıllarda dini eğitim almasında etkili oldu. Babası Ali bin Muhammed, On iki İmam Şiiliği'nin önemli isimlerinden biriydi, ve bu aile bağlamı Hasan Sabbah'ın erken dönem eğitimine önemli bir katkı sağladı. Dini Eğitimi ve İslamî Ilımlılık Hasan Sabbah, babası tarafından On iki İmam Şiiliği'nin öğretileriyle büyütüldü. Ancak, hayatının erken dönemlerinde dini bir öğrenci olarak, İslam dünyasında farklı bir mezhep olan İsmaililikle tanıştı. Kum'dan Rey'e gitmesi ve orada İsmaili mezhebinin etkisi altına girmesi, Sabbah'ın dünya görüşünde önemli bir dönüm noktasıydı. Dinî Eğitim Arayışları ve İsmaililiğe Geçiş Hasan Sabbah, din âlimi olma yolundaki arayışlarında Rey'den ayrılıp Irak'a gitmiştir. Irak'ta, On iki İmam Şiiliği'nden İsmaililik mezhebine geçiş yapmıştır. Bu dönem, Sabbah'ın dünya görüşünü değiştiren önemli bir dönüm noktasıdır. İsmaililik, On iki İmam Şiiliği'nin alt bir mezhebidir ve Hasan Sabbah, bu mezhepte derinleşerek farklı bir perspektif kazanmıştır. Irak Bölgesindeki Etkinlikleri ve Abd'ûl-Melik İbn Attaş'ın Tavsiyeleri Sabbah, İsmaililikle tanıştıktan sonra Irak bölgesi başdaisi Abd'ûl-Melik İbn Attaş'ın dikkatini çekti. İbn Attaş, Sabbah'ın yeteneklerini fark ederek ona Müstansır'ın yanına gitme ve İsmaililik üzerine daha fazla eğitim alma tavsiyesinde bulundu. Bu, Sabbah'ın öğrenim yolculuğunu derinleştirdiği ve İsmaililik öğretilerini daha fazla anlamaya başladığı bir süreçti. İsfahan ve İslam Dünyası Genelinde Propaganda Faaliyetleri Sabbah, İbn Attaş'ın yönlendirmesiyle İsmaililik propagandasını yayma misyonuna devam etti. İsfahan civarında iki yıl boyunca İbn Attaş'ın vekili olarak faaliyet gösterdi. Ardından, Azerbaycan, Musul, Sincar, Rahbe, Şam, Sayda, Sur ve Akka üzerinden 1078 yılında Kahire'ye ulaştı. Bu süre zarfında İslam dünyası genelinde, özellikle Deylem bölgesinde, İsmaililik propagandasını aktif bir şekilde sürdürdü. Gilân ve Mazenderan'daki Çalışmaları Deylem bölgesi, İslam'ı zorla kabul etmeyen, dirençli ve eski geleneklere bağlı bir halkın kontrolündeydi. Sabbah, özellikle Gilân ve Mazenderan bölgelerinde çalışarak dağlardaki savaşçıları etkilemeye çalıştı. Bu bölgelerdeki faaliyetleri, İsmaililik mezhebinin etkisini artırdı ve Nizârî-İsmaili Devleti'nin temellerini atmaya yönelik önemli adımlarını attı. Alamut Kalesi'nin Kuruluşu ve Özellikleri Hasan Sabbah'ın Alamut'u Seçişi Hasan Sabbah, faaliyetlerini daha etkili bir şekilde sürdürebilmek amacıyla Alamut Kalesi'ni seçti. Bu kale, geniş bir vadiye hakim konumda, büyük bir kayalık üzerine inşa edilmişti. Alamut, stratejik konumuyla ve doğal savunma özellikleriyle dikkat çekiyordu. Alamut'un Coğrafi Konumu Alamut Kalesi, Elburz Dağları'nda, İran'ın Kazvin kentinin yaklaşık 60 km kuzeydoğusunda yer almaktadır. Yüksekliği yaklaşık iki bin metreye kadar çıkan bu kale, yalnızca sarp ve dolambaçlı bir patikadan ulaşılabilen bir konumda bulunmaktadır. Kale Mimarisinin Özellikleri Alamut Kalesi, sadece doğal zorluklarla değil, aynı zamanda mimari özellikleriyle de ünlüydü. Kale, geniş vadiye hükmeden kayalık bir zirvede inşa edilmişti. Rivayete göre, kale Deylem krallarından biri tarafından inşa edilmişti. Bu efsaneye göre, kral, eğitimli kartalını salmış, kartal bu kayalığa konmuş ve kral da böylece kalenin yapımına başlamıştı. Alamut Kalesi'ne, "kartalın öğretisi" anlamına gelen "Aluh Amut" adı verilmiştir. Savunma ve Tahkimat Hasan Sabbah, Alamut Kalesi'ni ele geçirdikten sonra, kaleyi ele geçirilemeyecek ve uzun süreli kuşatmalara dayanacak bir şekilde tahkim ettirdi. Yüksek kayalıklar, sarp yollar ve sağlam duvarlar, kaleyi dış saldırılara karşı savunmasız hale getiriyordu. Ayrıca, yiyeceklerin uzun süre bozulmaması için özel depolar inşa ettirerek, kaleyi kuşatmalara karşı daha dirençli hale getirdi. Alamut Kalesi'nin İç Yapısı Alamut, Sabbah'ın liderliği altında Nizârî-İsmaili Devleti'nin askeri ve idari merkezi oldu. Sabbah'ın iddialarına göre, Alamut'ta 34 yıl boyunca dışına çıkmadan yaşamıştır. Kale içindeki yapılar, müritlerin barınması, eğitilmesi ve yönetilmesi için tasarlanmıştır. Alamut, Nizariler'in lideri olan Sabbah'ın merkezi haline geldi ve buradan yönetilen suikastçılar, Haşhaşinler, özel görevlerini gerçekleştirmek üzere eğitildiler. Alamut Kalesi'nin Stratejik Önemi Alamut Kalesi, stratejik konumu ve savunma avantajlarıyla birlikte, Hasan Sabbah'ın liderliği altında Nizârî-İsmaili Devleti'nin merkezi haline gelmiştir. Bu kale, düşman saldırılarına karşı dirençli olmanın yanı sıra, Sabbah'ın eşsiz liderliği ve öğretileriyle de tanınmaktadır. Marco Polo'dan itibaren, Batı'da "Dağın Yaşlı Adamı" olarak anılmıştır. Suikastçılar ve Hasan Sabbah'ın Taktikleri Suikastçılar, Hasan Sabbah'ın önderliğinde özel olarak eğitilmiş bir grup casustan oluşan bir istihbarat ekibidir. Alamut Kalesi'nin merkezinde faaliyet gösteren bu suikastçılar, Hasan Sabbah'ın benzersiz taktikleri ve liderlik stratejileriyle öne çıkarlar. Hasan Sabbah'ın kurduğu tarikatın suikaste dayanan askeri taktikleri, Nizârî-İsmaili Devleti'nin güçlü bir şekilde varlığını sürdürebilmesine katkıda bulunmuştur. Suikastçılar, özel eğitimleri sayesinde düşmanlarını etkili bir şekilde ortadan kaldırma yeteneğine sahipti. Bu taktikler, genellikle gizli ve beklenmedik saldırıları içeriyordu, bu da düşmanları korkutarak ve zayıflatılarak Nizârî-İsmaili Devleti'nin çıkarlarına hizmet etmiştir. Hasan Sabbah'ın liderliğindeki suikastçılar, Alamut Kalesi'nin savunulmasında kilit bir rol oynadı. Kale, stratejik konumu ve sarp coğrafyası nedeniyle doğal bir savunma avantajına sahipti, ancak suikastçılar, içeride ve dışarıda düşmanlarına karşı etkili bir şekilde hareket ederek bu avantajı daha da güçlendirdi. Suikastçılar, Hasan Sabbah'ın emirleri doğrultusunda hareket ederken, düşmanlarını öldürerek ve sabotaj yaparak Nizârî-İsmaili Devleti'nin güvenliğini sağlamak için faaliyet gösterdiler. Bu taktikler, Hasan Sabbah'ın liderliğindeki devletin varlığını sürdürebilmesi ve düşmanlarına karşı etkili bir şekilde direnmesi için kritik bir rol oynadı. 1124 yılında ölen Hasan Sabbah, ölümünden önce halefi olması için Kiya Buzrug Ummid'i seçti. Alamut Kalesi'nin liderliği, onun ölümünden sonra da devam etti, ancak Hasan Sabbah'ın etkisi ve liderliği unutulmaz bir miras olarak kaldı. Read the full article
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tawakkull · 1 year
ISLAM 101: Spirituality in Islam: Part 72
Part 2
The manifestation of the Name the All-Outward as Divine religious commandments finds its greatest representative and implementation in the political leader of Muslims, while that of the Name the All-Inward is represented by the spiritual Pole, who is the commander of the realm of spiritual truths. The outward is the manifestation of the inward in the corporeal realm, and the inward is the inner dimension of the outward. If the “All-Hidden Treasure,” which is inward, had not manifested Itself, It could not have been known, nor would all those dazzling beauties throughout the universe have been observed, nor could the meanings in the horizon of the Name the All-Inward have been read. The Treasure of the inward has breathed itself out through the outward, which has consequently become an ornate envelope for the inward. It is a multi-dimensional, splendid envelope, which is described in Imam al-Ghazzali’s famous saying: “It is not probable that there is a universe more beautiful than the present one.”
Despite the clarity of the matter, some deviating ideologies—which have tried to distort even matters that are so clear that there can be no different understanding or interpretation—have separated the outward from the inward and made strange, unreasonable, and religiously unacceptable interpretations of the inward, thus attempting to muddy Islamic thought. Many such distorted interpretations have their sources in ancient Greek philosophy, Indian belief and thought, Hermeticism, and the doctrines of the Sabaeans. Whether knowingly or unknowingly, many of us Muslims have been influenced by such distorted thoughts and approaches and have suffered doctrinal deviations.
Some among the Muslims have labeled with literalism and belittled the manifest commandments of the Qur’an and the Sunna and the sincere, scholarly deductions concluded from these two basic sources by the profound, righteous scholars in the early centuries of Islam. Carried away by the desire to make fantastic interpretations, they have even attempted to give different, unacceptable meanings to the fundamental, explicit rules and principles of Islam. They have regarded Prayer as the way followed by the common people to reach God and claimed that it is not necessary for those who “have followed the way of inwardness and reached God.” They have also looked upon the Prescribed, Purifying Alms with the same distorted approach, considered the Pilgrimage as an attempt by the common people to be united with God, seen Fasting as meaningless suffering, viewed avoidance of the religiously forbidden things as folly, and tried to drive everyone to what is nearly a bohemian life.
Such approaches and considerations were first produced in such currents or centers as Jami’ism, Adhamism, Haydarism, Babaism, Shamsism, Qarmatism, and certain schools of Ismailism, and then transported, to some extent, into some Sufi lodges and madrasas. They have interpreted the Qur’an and Prophetic Traditions arbitrarily, considering even the explicit verses of the Qur’an and Prophetic Traditions as symbolic expressions, interpreting them like interpreting dreams. Such movements of dissent and corruption, which began with Ibn Saba’, were continued in increasing dimensions by Maymun of Ahwaz, and grew into flames with Barqai; they became so great a problem that they shook Islamic life at its foundations with Hasan Sabbah. Finally, everything ended in complete freedom from religious responsibilities.
According to such approaches, the explicit meanings of the Qur’anic verses and Prophetic Traditions are not valid and should never be followed. Continuing with this argument, what we must regard and follow are the inner, esoteric meanings, and only those who are specialists in the esoteric dimension of the Religion can know them. They also claim that believing that God has Attributes means accepting as many gods as the number of Attributes that have been ascribed to Him. All-Glorified He is, and absolutely exalted, immeasurably high above all that they say (17: 43). They also claim—God forbid such claims!—that God is powerful not because He has Power but because He gives others power—I do not even know what they mean by such assertions. They consider other of His Attributes from this viewpoint.
Like other false beliefs and thoughts which have been inherited from ancient philosophers, the so-called “Doctrine of Ten Intellects” is one of their false doctrines. According to this, God first created a First Intellect, and then, through this, a First Soul. When the Soul demanded the perfection of the Intellect, it needed an action, which, in turn, caused the generation of celestial spheres. The movement of these spheres generated coldness, heat, moisture, and dryness. These “four basic elements” caused the coming about of three earthly classes of existent things and/or beings, namely inanimate objects, vegetation, and animals. According to this view, this process continued until humankind came into existence. We seek refuge in God from such corrupt thoughts.
Referring existence to a First Intellect and substituting the Prophets for what some call the Perfect or Universal Men is something that is common to all false systems of beliefs and thoughts. We should add to these two assertions their fully esoteric interpretation of the Qur’an and the Sunna. Furthermore, some other assertions, or doctrines, or practices, such as giving letters meanings that are incompatible with the Shari’a or sound reason, pursuing wonder through abstruse or ambiguous expressions, giving a sense of mystery to whatever they do with ceremonies resembling those of some secret societies, and pretending to do all such things for the sake of the Religion and religious life have deceived the masses, who are unaware of the essential reality of the Religion and religious life.
Their incorrect interpretation of religious worship and obedience and their attitudes giving the impression that they are encouraging sin and immorality have made many people indifferent to good moral standards and religious rules, finally leading to anarchy. Since such approaches corrupt hearts and spirits gradually, those who are unaware of the spirit of the Religion have fallen into this accursed net unawares, and have not been able to recover. What follows are some indications of this dangerous process:
Recognition and choice: Recognizing and choosing the targeted person well as far as their capacity for understanding is concerned. Simple-minded ones who have no correct knowledge of the Religion and are able to be deceived are chosen. Gradual education and training: Conquering the hearts of the audience through gradual education and training. Throwing into doubt: Causing the audience to doubt the truths and cardinal beliefs of the Religion, and directing them to rituals other than the worship of God. Dependence: Making the acceptance of candidates dependent on certain conditions. Holding one’s tongue: Getting candidates to promise that they will never tell their secrets. Persuasion: Persuading candidates that whatever they hear from the leader is a Divine inspiration. Separation: Causing those who are believed to be fully aware of the “esoteric dimension” of the Religion to ignore the apparent meanings of the Qur’an and to abandon the daily religious practices. Complete freedom: Leading candidates to a belief in complete freedom from religious responsibilities. The truth is that, like creation, the Religion has both outward and inward dimensions for the Unique, All-Absolute One is both the All-Outward and the All-Inward. Nothing in and concerning existence is unknown to Him, because He is the All-Outward; He is also the All-Inward, therefore He has full knowledge of whatever concerns humans during their whole lives, decreeing good for the good, righteous ones, and punishment for the evil, sinful ones as declared in: (The will of) God came upon them from where they had not reckoned (it could come) (59: 2).
As mentioned above, the Religion of Islam has both outward and inward dimensions based on its two basic sources, the Qur’an and the Sunna, and on the principles deduced from them by eminent scholars in the early ages of Islam. The Shari’a has rules and principles for perfect spiritual education, and it disciplines people with respect to their feelings, thoughts, attitudes, and actions. In addition, it contains necessary knowledge for the entire life of humans with all its aspects. For example, it provides sufficient rules for human religious responsibilities, such as physical purification, the Prayer, fasting, the Prescribed Purifying Alms, Pilgrimage, and jihad (striving in God’s cause); in addition, daily acts or transactions, such as buying and selling, employment, commerce, business, building and running companies, and administration are covered by the Shari’a, as well as penalties, whether those established by God Himself in the Qur’an, or by the Messenger in the Sunna, or by scholars based on the unchanging principles laid down by the Qur’an and the Sunna. These constitute the outward aspect of the Shari’a. The Shari’a also has rules and principles for the mental and spiritual education and perfection of humans, expressed in certain concepts such as confirmation, belief, certainty, sincerity, knowledge of God, love of God, submission to God, placing one’s trust and reliance in God, commitment and resignation to God, recitations, repentance, penitence, and contrition for errors, reverence and fear of God, patience, contentment, nearness to God, intense love for God, ecstasy, immersion in God, modesty, exaltation and glorification of God. These constitute the inward aspect of the Shari’a. There is no and can never be conflict between the outward and inward aspects of the Shari’a. Rather, the two are dimensions of a single reality and they complement each other.
On the Sufi way, initiates ignore their existence with respect to their egos or annihilate their egos in God’s Existence. They are content with God’s decrees and faithful to their promises, paying no attention to anything other than God and inwardly burning with the yearning to observe the Divine “Face” in the other world. Nothing here is contrary to the principles that have been established by the Qur’an and the Sunna. On the contrary, these are the rules that ought to be observed so that we can lead a life at the level of the heart and spirit. They are originally based on the Qur’an and the Sunna.
In short, a religious life is incumbent upon every responsible being, and it is only possible by following the Shari’a. Metaphysical discoveries and spiritual pleasures are favors that come in return for the sincerity of initiates without their demand. Following the Shari’a and reaching a certain level of spiritual life or spiritual profundity are not mutually exclusive; rather, they complement one another as two dimensions of the same reality.
What an initiate first feels of the inward is certain manifestations of the Divine Names and Attributes. This has been called “the inward relative.” So long as an initiate advances toward the end of this spiritual journey, manifestations from the Realm of Divine Essence begin to invade their conscience. This state has been called “the most inward within the inward.” There are many who reach the horizon of the inward, but few can go deep into “the most inward of the inward” and, therefore, few have knowledge of the mysteries of Divinity.
Let us put an end to this highly subtle, ambiguous matter with the comprehensive approach of Bediüzzaman Said Nursi. According to him, the outward dimension of creation is called the mulk (the corporeal dimension of the Divine kingdom), while its inner dimension is the malakut (the absolute, incorporeal dimension of the Divine kingdom). The relationship between a human being and his or her heart is an example of these two aspects or dimensions of existence or the Divine kingdom. With respect to the corporeal dimension, a human being is an envelope and the heart is its contents. With respect to the absolute, incorporeal dimension, the heart is an envelope while the human being is the contents. This same relationship also exists between the Supreme Divine Throne and the universe. The Supreme Divine Throne is a combination of the manifestations of the Divine Names the First, the Last, the All-Outward, and the All-Inward. With respect to the Divine Name the All-Outward, the Supreme Divine Throne represents the mulk and is the envelope of creation, while with respect to the Name the All-Inward, It is the malakut or the heart or contents of creation, and the universe is the mulkor the envelope. Considering the Divine Name the First, the Supreme Divine Throne is indicated by His Supreme Throne was upon the water (11: 7), which points to the beginning of existence. In respect of the Divine Name the Last, the ceiling of Paradise is the Supreme Throne of the All-Merciful, which alludes to the finality of everything. As a result, being the combination of the manifestations or the all-encompassing mirror of the Divine Names the First, the Last, the All-Outward, and the All-Inward, the Supreme Divine Throne encompasses the whole universe.
O God, the Lord of the seven heavens and the Lord of the Supreme Throne, our Lord and the Lord of everything; the One Who sent down the Torah, the Gospel, and the Qur’an; the Splitter of the grain and fruit stone—there is no deity but You! I seek refuge in You from the evil of everything, which You hold by its forelock.
You are the First, without any preceding You; You are the Last, there is none to succeed You. You are the All-Outward, with none being above You; and You are the All-Inward, with nothing more penetrating than You. Forgive us whatever evil we have done, so that You may not call us to account for anything. Surely You are powerful over everything, and ever responsive to calls. And bestow blessings and peace upon our master Muhammad and his Family and Companions, altogether.
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itznarcotic · 2 years
Syncretism rambling under the cut
I seriously hope Type Moon doesn't use Barbara Walker's The Women's Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets as a "factual and historical" source anymore than they already have. It was bad enough with the Norse-Celtic syncretism (of which was semi-popularized with Scathach-Skadi in SMT and used as basis for the entire Celtic pantheon in FGO) but some of the shit in this book is insane from a historical standpoint that you'd have to be a mental gymnastics olympic champion to get through those hoops of supposed logic.
Also, for the record, this isn't me bashing her because it's a feminist view on history and mythology. Honestly, that's an interesting fresh breath of air! But unfortunately, the contents of said book are incredibly bad regarding how much shit is made up/unfounded with what we actually have information on.
Some examples that I wish weren't actually in this book:
The excerpt on Aesir
"Asians," the Norse gods led by Father Odin, who invaded the lands of the elder deities (Vanir). The Aesir came from Asaland, or Asaheimr, meaning both "land of gods" and "Asia." Some claimed their home city was Troy. Such myths record the recurrent western migrations of Indo-European or Aryan peoples. The Norse word for a god was Ass, "Asian." The Egyptian god Osiris was formerly Ausar, "the Asian." Etruscans also called their ancestral deities Asians. Phoenician king Cadmus was "the Oriental," from kedem, "the Orient." The Asian invaders were aggressive. The Voluspa said war occurred "for the first time in the world" when the Aesir attacked the peace-loving people of the Goddess.
The excerpt on Aryans
General name for Indo-European peoples, from Sanskrit arya, a man of clay (like Adam), or else a man of the land, a farmer or landowner. The ancestral god of "Aryans" was Aryaman, one of the twelve zodiacal sons of the Hindu Great Goddess Aditi. In Persia he became known as Ahriman, the dark earth god, opponent or subterranean alter ego of the solar deity Ormazd (Ahura Mazda). In Celtic Ireland he was Eremon, one of the sacred kings who married the Earth (Tara).
Though there was nothing "pure" about either the name or the far-flung mixture of tribes it was supposed to describe, the term "pure Aryan" was revived in Nazi Germany to support a mythological concept of Teutonic stock, the so-called Master Race. Non-Aryans were all the "inferior" strains: Semites, N██████, gypsies, Slavs, and Latinate or "swarthy" people whose blood was said to be polluting the Nordic superiority of their betters.
The excerpt on Aladdin
Marco Polo described Aladdin quite differently from his mythic portrait in the Arabian Nights. As the fairy tale said, he was master of a secret cave of treasures, but the cave was real. It was located in the fortified valley of Alamut near Kazvin, headquarters of the fanatical brotherhood of hashishim or "hashish-takers," which Christians mispronounced "assassins."
Aladdin was an Old Man of the Mountain, hereditary title of the chief of hashishim, beginning with a Shi'ite leader Hasan ibn al-Sabbah, whose name meant Son of the Goddess (see Arabia). The later name of Aladdin was taken by several chieftains. In 1297 the region of Gujarat was conquered by a warrior called the Bloody One, Ala-ud-den. By means of drugs and an elaborate "paradise" staffed by human Houris, initiates into the brotherhood were persuaded that they died and went to heaven, or Fairyland, where gardens and palaces occupied the valley of the secret cave. Special conduits flowed with the Four Rivers of Paradise: water, wine, milk, and honey. Each candidate was drugged into a stupor, then woke and "perceived himself surrounded by lovely damsels, singing, playing, and attracting his regards by the most fascinating caresses, serving him also with delicate foods and exquisite wines; until intoxicated with excess of enjoyment amidst actual rivulets of milk and wine, he believed himself assuredly in Paradise, and felt an unwillingness to relinquish its delights."
After this period of bliss, the warrior was again drugged and taken out of the secret place, to fight in the service of the Old Man of the Mountain. He fought fearlessly, in the belief that death in battle would instantly carry him back to that heaven cleverly made real for him. Promises of sexual bliss were the real key to the ferocity of Islamic armies. The Koran said each hero who died in battle would achieve an eternity of pleasure among heavenly Houris with "big, beautiful, lustrous eyes."
Aladdin's sect worshipped the moon as a symbol of the Goddess, like the Vessel of Light associated with both the virgin Mary and the Holy Grail in western Europe. Eastern poets said the Vessel of Light produced djinn, "spirits of ancestors." This Vessel was simultaneously Aladdin's lamp, source of djinni (a genie), and the moon, source of all souls according to the most ancient beliefs. The moon was the realm of the dead, and also the realm of rebirth since all souls were recycled through many revolutions of the wheels of Fate. The divine Houris also dwelt in the moon, which probably was the light of Aladdin's secret cave. See Moon.
The Arabian Nights gave the password to Aladdin's cave: Open, Sesame. This was related to Egyptian seshemu, "sexual intercourse." The hieroglyphic sign of seshemu was a penis inserted into an arched yoni-symbol. Every ancient culture used some form of sexual symbolism for the idea of man-entering-paradise.
An excerpt on Cu Chulainn
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The infamous excerpt on Skadi
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weirdesplinder · 3 years
Libri  da cui sono stati tratti famosi videogiochi
Eccomi a voi con un nuovo post, stavolta dedicato sia ai libri che ai videogiochi. Ebbene sì, sapete che alcuni dei videogiochi più famosi sono tratti da o ispirati a romanzi ben meno famosi? E anche che da alcuni bestsellers letterari sono stati tratti dei videogiochi molto meno conosciuti?
Continuate a leggere per scoprirli.
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La famosa saga videoludica RAINBOW SIX, ha avuto spunto dall’opera omonima di Tom Clancy, per poi svilupparsi però molto più ampiamente e allontanrsi dal tema originale del terrorismo, per arrivare agli alieni.
Rainbow six, di Tom Clancy
Link al libro: https://amzn.to/3pRN4Or
Link al videogioco: https://amzn.to/3zDyI8Q
Trama: John Clarke, ex agente della CIA, amico del Presidente degli Stati Uniti, è un uomo d'azione spietato, posto a capo di un'organizzazione antiterroristica supersegreta chiamata Rainbow. Un fallito dirottamento su un volo per Londra, un assalto a una banca svizzera, il rapimento di un finanziere in Germania, un raid sanguinoso in un parco di divertimenti spagnolo: che legame c'è fra queste azioni? I terroristi sono un gruppo di uomini feroci e determinati che agiscono nel nome della natura: il loro successo potrebbe significare la distruzione totale dell'umanità, l'ultima catastrofica apocalisse.      
     Anche il videogioco Metro 2033 è stato ispirato da un romanzo con lo stesso titolo di Dimitry Glukhovsky, che grazie proprio al successo del gioco, ha visto la sua opera tradotta e pubblicata poi in tutto il mondo.
Metro 2033, di Dimitry Glukhovsky
Link al libro: https://amzn.to/3voQLw1
Link al gioco: https://amzn.to/3cOu2mH
Trama: L'anno è il 2033. Il mondo è ridotto ad un cumulo di macerie. L'umanità è vicina all'estinzione. Le città mezze distrutte sono diventate inagibili a causa delle radiazioni. Al di fuori dei loro confini, si dice, solo deserti e foreste bruciate. I sopravvissuti ancora narrano la passata grandezza dell'umanità. Ma gli ultimi barlumi della civiltà fanno già parte di una memoria lontana, a cavallo tra realtà e mito. L'uomo è stato sostituito da altre forme di vita, mutate dalle radiazioni e più idonee a vivere nella nuova arida terra. Il tempo dell'uomo è finito. Poche migliaia di esseri umani sopravvivono ignorando il destino degli altri. Vivono nella metropolitana di Mosca, la più grande del mondo. È l'ultimo rifugio dell'umanità. Le stazioni sono diventate dei piccoli stati, la gente riunita sotto idee, religioni, filtri dell'acqua o semplicemente per difendersi. È un mondo senza domani, senza spazio per sogni, piani e speranze. I sentimenti hanno lasciato spazio all'istinto di sopravvivenza, ad ogni costo. VDNKh è la stazione più a nord, una volta la più bella e più grande. Oggi la più sicura. Ma oggi una nuova minaccia si affaccia all'orizzonte. Artyom, un giovane abitante di VDNKh, è il prescelto per addentrarsi nel cuore della metro, fino alla leggendaria Polis, per avvisare tutti dell'imminente pericolo e ottenere aiuto. È lui ad avere le chiavi del futuro nelle sue mani, dell'intera metro e probabilmente dell'intera umanità.              
La famosissima saga videoludica di Assassin's Creed, ormai mitica e molto eterogenea, nella sua forma originale aveva preso spunto dal romanzo Alamut, firmato dallo scrittore sloveno Vladimir Bartol nel 1938.
Alamut, di Vladimir Bartol
Link al libro: https://amzn.to/3pSgrji
Link al videogioco: https://amzn.to/3zFzSjW
Trama: «Nulla è vero, tutto è permesso» è la sconcertante legge di Hasan Ibn Sabbah, Capo Supremo della setta ismailita degli Assassini, una legge che annulla tutte le altre, nel nome della fede cieca e delle armi. Alla fine dell'Undicesimo secolo, la fortezza di Alamut è la base e il rifugio degli Assassini, impegnati nella guerra totale contro la dinastia sunnita dei Selgiuchidi, padroni dell'Iran. Qui vengono portati i giovani Halima e Tahir e qui avviene la loro formazione: la sapienza erotica per Halima, la guerra per Tahir, la filosofia e la religione per entrambi. Ma sopra ogni cosa l'obbedienza assoluta al signore della setta, l'annullamento della propria volontà individuale, il sacrificio di sé in vista del premio finale, un Paradiso di cui solo Ha-san, un dio terrestre, detiene le chiavi. Libro maestoso e inquieto, opera visionaria che cela la propria densità nelle vesti di perfetto romanzo storico, Alamut è anche un'enciclopedia della sapienza e della follia umane, un luogo di metafore e profezie, e, infine, la storia di due giovani che si confrontano con un mondo minaccioso e subdolo, che ne userà le paure e i desideri profondi.                
STALKER (o S.T.A.L.K.E.R.) è un videogioco sparatutto in prima persona  liberamente ispirato al mondo creato dai fratelli Boris e Arkady Strugatsky nel romanzo Picnic sul ciglio della strada, del 1972.
Picnic sul ciglio della strada, di Boris e Arkady Strugatsky
Link al libro: https://amzn.to/35jw8qo
Link al gioco: https://amzn.to/3wH97Kc
Trama: Marmont, una cittadina industriale come tante altre. Eppure, poco oltre la periferia, qualcosa è cambiato irreversibilmente. Al di là di hangar e capannoni, in mezzo a una natura splendida, si estende un territorio dalle caratteristiche uniche. È la Zona: uno dei sei luoghi del mondo 'visitati' dagli extraterrestri. La Zona: un luogo magico e pericoloso, che pullula di fenomeni sconvolgenti, di oggetti dalle qualità straordinarie. Come dopo un picnic sul ciglio della strada, a metà del viaggio fra una galassia e l'altra, gli extraterrestri hanno mollato i propri avanzi sul prato. Accumulatori eterni, gusci energetici, antigravitometri sono strumenti di altissimo valore scientifico ed economico, prede prelibate di studiosi e trafficanti. A Marmont nasce una nuova professione, quella di 'stalker'. Gli stalker entrano nella Zona a caccia di questi oggetti e li rivendono al miglior offerente. Tenace 'Cercatore' dell'Istituto delle civiltà extraterrestri, Red Schouart, in arte Roscio, è sedotto dalla potenza della Zona. Rapido, fortissimo, deciso, è pronto a strisciare su un suolo imprevedibile a temperature insostenibili. L'Eldorado sembra a un passo, in quel luogo assoluto, ma non sono né la ricchezza, né il potere, né la verità che premono a Roscio: è il brivido estremo della sfida, il desiderio di 'bucare' lo schermo del possibile che lo spingono a trasgredire le leggi - fisiche e morali - di una comunità pavida e corrotta.
             - Per quanto riguarda il videogioco THE WITCHER, la storia della sua genesi è un tantino più complicata.  Il gioco prese ispirazione da una serie di racconti dell’autore polacco Andrzej Sapkowski, pubblicati negli anni 80′ su una rivista fantasy, dedicati al personaggio Geralt di Rivia. Questi ebbero un tale successo che negli anni 90′ l’autore raccolse i racconti in un volume e poi scrisse anche dei romanzi su quel personaggio e da lì nacque poi anche il videogioco.
 In che ordine leggere libri e racconti in modo da potersi godere la storia nella giusta cronologia dei fatti raccontati?
1. Il guardiano degli innocenti, di Andrzej Sapkowski
Link al libro: https://amzn.to/3iKSNEd
Link al videogioco: https://amzn.to/3wFt9os
Trama: Raccolta di racconto dedicati a Geralt di Rivia, che è un witcher, un individuo più forte e resistente di qualsiasi essere umano, e si guadagna da vivere uccidendo quelle creature che sgomentano anche i più audaci: demoni, orchi, elfi malvagi… Strappato alla sua famiglia quand'era soltanto un bambino, Geralt è stato sottoposto a un durissimo addestramento, durante il quale gli sono state somministrate erbe e pozioni che lo hanno mutato profondamente. Non esiste guerriero capace di batterlo e le stesse persone che lo assoldano hanno paura di lui. Lo considerano un male necessario, un mercenario da pagare per i suoi servigi e di cui sbarazzarsi il più in fretta possibile. Anche Geralt, però, ha imparato a non fidarsi degli uomini: molti di loro nascondono decisioni spietate sotto la menzogna del bene comune o diffondono ignobili superstizioni per giustificare i loro misfatti. Spesso si rivelano peggiori dei mostri ai quali lui dà la caccia.
2. La stagione delle tempeste
Anche questa è una raccolta di racconti e narra fatti avvenuti più o meno in contemporanea ai racconti de Il guardiano degli innocenti, perciò anche se meno fondamentale (non introduce personaggi o accadimenti fondamentali nella serie) se la volete leggere va letta prima dei romanzi.
3. La spada del destino
Idem come sopra, anche questa è una raccolta di racconti, ma questa racconta fatti posteriori a quelli narrati nelle raccolte precedenti e soprattutto introduce il personaggio di Cirilla che era ancora nel grembo di sua madre ne Il guardiano degli innocenti, perciò questa raccolta è molto più fondamentale che non la Stagione delle tempeste.
4. Il sangue degli elfi
Primo dei romanzi lunghi della serie che sono in tutto cinque. E che molto in sintesi vede l’inizio dell’addestramento di Ciri come Witcher e il tentativo da parte di geralt di capire i suoi poteri e molto altro.
5. Il tempo della guerra
Romanzo lungo che prosegue le avventure di Ciri su cui incombe una profezia, mentre Yennefer e Geralt tentano di proteggerla in un mondo pieno di conflitti e sfiducia.
6.Il battesimo di fuoco
Romanzo lungo. L’ordine degli stregoni è stato scardinato e Geralt è stato gravemente ferito, ma non ha il tempo di riposare perchè deve ritrovare Ciri. Per fortuna ad aiutarlo ci penseranno alcuni personaggi veramente interessanti che con lui formeranno un’improbabile compagnia.
7. La torre della rondine
Romanzo lungo. La guerra quella vera è iniziata, e sia amici e nemici cercano Ciri, che per la prima volta nella sua vita, libera da influenze ha scelto per se stessa una strada e ha scelto di diventare una bandita senza responsabilità…ma la libertà ha un caro prezzo.
8. La signora del lago
Romanzo lungo.Ciri è prigioniera nel mondo degli elfi e sa che deve tornare nel suo mondo da Geralt, ma là l’aspetta anche l’uomo che l’ha torturata, il suo peggiore incubo e la caccia selvaggia (e qui vorrei citarvi riferimenti faeries e di Merry Gentry. a manetta ma mi trattengo).
Si conclude con questo libro la serie di Geralt con un finale forte e non del tutto chiuso…triste ma con un filo di speranza, ed è da qui che partono i videogiochi.
La storia narrata nei videogiochi  The witcher, The witcher 2 e  The witcher 3: the wild hunt infatti segue cronologicamente i romanzi.
- Parasite Eve è il primo capitolo di una serie di videogiochi incentrati sulla storia di una donna in grado di innescare una combustione spontanea in chiunque le si avvicini  ed è nato come sequel alla storia narrata nel romanzo omonimo dell’autore giapponese Hideaki Sena. Il libro è inedito in italiano, ma è disponibile in inglese nel caso potesse interessarvi.
Parasite Eve (inedito in italiano), di Hideaki Sena
Link al libro: https://amzn.to/3gA7t66
Link al videogioco: https://amzn.to/3gEH0o8
Trama: Quando il dottor Nagashima perde sua moglie in un misterioso incidente d'auto, è sopraffatto dal dolore ma anche da un inquietante senso di determinazione; diventa ossessionato dalla reincarnazione della moglie morta. Il suo rene donato viene trapiantato in una giovane ragazza con un disturbo debilitante, ma il dottore si sente anche obbligato a tenere un piccolo campione del suo fegato nel suo laboratorio. Quando queste cellule iniziano a mutare rapidamente, si risveglia una coscienza intenzionata a determinare il proprio destino, intenzionata a diventare la nuova specie dominante sulla terra.
- Forse non sapevate che dal libro I PILASTRI DELLA TERRA di Ken Follett è stato creato anche un videogioco con lo stesso titolo che racconta la storia del villaggio di Kingsbridge in modo completamente nuovo e interattivo. Indossa i panni di Jack, Aliena e Philip e cambia il destino degli eventi del libro attraverso l'esplorazione, le tue decisioni e i dialoghi. Inghilterra, dodicesimo secolo: in un'epoca di grande povertà e guerra, un piccolo villaggio inizia a costruire una cattedrale per ottenere ricchezza e sicurezza per la sua gente. In una lotta per la sopravvivenza, vite e destini si intrecciano.
I pilastri della terra, di Ken Follett
Link al libro: https://amzn.to/2TGgdzX
Link al videogioco: https://amzn.to/3xrXE0W
Trama: Un mistery e, allo stesso tempo, una sensuale storia d'amore ambientata tra i costruttori delle grandi cattedrali del medioevo. Azioni, colpi di scena e oscure passioni sullo sfondo di un'era ricca di intrighi e tradimenti, pericoli e minacce, conflitti e lotte spietate per la conquista del potere.            
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niralamba · 4 years
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~this post is a historical reference and does not call for anything~
..a few words about the lies about assassins and how the Oldman of the Mountain Ibn Sabbah came to the conclusion that it is easier to train special forces than to maintain a regular army…
my personal opinion is that the official story is a complete lie (at least in big things). in this recreational blog, I can’t keep silent about the assassins, the lies about which were from the time of Marco Polo (or the one who attributed his opinion to his name) to the modern works of the famous Isaac Asimov (whose book the “The Near East” lost its credibility for me after his words that Timur occupied Moscow, although every Russian will say that he did not occupy Moscow, but it was Tokhtamysh). let’s imagine a serious threat to the powerful - what do they usually do with the help of the media? that’s right, they devalue and ridicule. it doesn’t matter if it’s the middle ages or the present.
initially the assassins united for the liberation of their land from the yoke of the Seljuks.. I want to quote a book
“[in the 11th century] Hassan as-Sabbah created the state of the assassins with its capital in [fortress] Alamut and with territories near mountain castles in Iran and Syria, where a significant peasant population lived, who called the assassins "people of fortresses.” The Assassin state existed for one hundred and fifty years, and for centuries many rulers of the East and West feared and trembled before “a terrible force that sent out fatal blows from impregnable places, from which there was no salvation anywhere, and which struck only the higher ones, more often than all others.” … The assassins’ tactics consisted in the use of individual murders and terrorist actions, which became the main method and mode of the Order’s activities … A special category of members of the Order consisted of “self-sacrificing” fedai, executors of the orders of the chief dai. They disguised themselves as merchants, beggars, dervishes, pilgrims, squires, penetrated everywhere - into palaces and tents, into cities and caravans, waited for years for a suitable opportunity and committed political murders. Fidai left Alamut in white tunics with red belts, colors of innocence and blood. It was neither danger nor distance that stopped them. Their daggers rarely failed … After the first Crusade, in Europe learned about  the Assassins. The Crusader principalities were located near the lands of Hassan as-Sabbah. Contacts with Hassan as-Sabbah were attributed to the English king Richard the Lionheart. Later historians wondered why the French king had captured Richard, who had “ordered him” [ordered his murder] before. The rulers of Europe reproached each other for alliance with the Assassins. Mutual mistrust between them grew, along with mistrust, the power of Hassan as-Sabbah increased.
Wanting to take revenge on Hassan as-Sabbah, it was the Europeans who spread rumors that the Assassins had used hashish, a cannabis drug, before committing a political assassination. This did not correspond to reality, but in Europe, the followers of Hassan as-Sabbah were called “hashishin” - “assassins”. In fact, the name of the members of the Order may have come from the Arabic word “hasaniyun” - “hasanites”, followers of Hassan as-Sabbah.  Under Hasan as-Sabbah, all the killings were only political. Suspects of treason were also killed.
For almost forty years, Hassan as-Sabbah led the Order of the Assassins that he created. Throughout the district, there were legends about his courage, adherence to principles, and severity. He gave up personal enrichment - everyone knew that. He did not begin to create his own dynasty … The very founder of the Order of the Assassins was said that his strict life inspires trust and respect. One of the famous Seljuk emirs-generals Shir-Gir, who several times unsuccessfully besieged Alamut, upon learning of his death, exclaimed: “What a pity! He was such a person who was not like in his time ”.“
(text taken from the book by Alexander Andreev, Maxim Andreev "Eastern Orders”)
(for information. during the attack of the Mongols, the members of the Order refused to surrender the mountain castles, some of which defended for years; for example, the Mongols could not take one fortress for twenty years)
…I would like you to draw your own conclusions
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netbilge · 3 years
Adalet evrenin ruhudur sözü kime ait?
Adalet evrenin ruhudur sözü kime ait?
18 Mayıs 1048 tarihinde İran Nişabur’da dünyaya geldi. 4 Aralık 1131 tarihinde İran Nişabur’da vefat etti. İranlı şair, astronom, matematikçi ve filozof. Yaşadığı dönemin ünlü veziri Nizamül Mülk ve Hasan Sabbah ile aynı medresede zamanın ünlü alimi Muvaffakeddin Abdüllatif ibn el Lübad’dan eğitim görmüş ve hayatı boyunca her ikisi ile de ilişkisini kesmemiştir. (Kaynak:…
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nciingmaniasu · 3 years
*Download [eBooks] Alamut Books Full Page
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  Alamut Smackdown!
by Vladimir Bartol
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 Description :
     Alamut takes place in 11th Century Persia, in the fortress of Alamut, where self-proclaimed prophet Hasan ibn Sabbah is setting up his mad but brilliant plan to rule the region with a handful elite fighters who are to become his "living daggers." By creating a virtual paradise at Alamut, filled with beautiful women, lush gardens, wine and hashish, Sabbah is able to convince his young fighters that they can reach paradise if they follow his commands.With parallels to Osama bin Laden, Alamut tells the story of how Sabbah was able to instill fear into the ruling class by creating a small army of devotees who were willing to kill, and be killed, in order to achieve paradise. Believing in the supreme Ismaili motto ?Nothing is true, everything is permitted,? Sabbah wanted to ?experiment? with how far he could manipulate religious devotion for his own political gain through appealing to what he called the stupidity and gullibility of people and their passion for pleasure and selfish .
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huseyinerol3453 · 4 years
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Değerli dostlar, Özellikle TRT 1 de yayumlanan Selçuklu-Uyanış dizisinde de kendisinden çokça bahsediliyor. Peki Ömer Hayyam kimdir? Matematikçi, astronom, filozof, şair. (D. Nişabur / İran, 18 Mayıs 1048 – Ö. Nişabur, 4 Aralık 1131). Selçuklu yönetiminde yaşayan, dünyaca tanınmış matematikçi, bilgin ve şairindendir. Tam adı Giyaseddin Ebu'l Feth Bin İbrahim El Hayyam olup bir çadırcının oğludur. Çadırcı anlamına gelen soyadını babasının bu mesleğinden almıştır. Ailesi Horasan’ın Nişâbûr kentinden ya da o yöredendir. Daha Melikşāh tarafından 1074-75’de İran Takvimi’nin yeniden düzenlenmesinde Abu el-Muzaffar İsfizāri ve Maymūn b. Nacib el-Vāsiti ile işbirliğine davet edildiği zaman, matematikçi olarak ünlüydü. Daha yaşadığı dönemde İbn-i Sina'dan sonra Doğu'nun yetiştirdiği en büyük bilgin olarak kabul ediliyordu. Tıp, fizik, astronomi, cebir, geometri, yüksek matematik ve şiir alanlarında önemli çalışmaları olan Ömer Hayyam için zamanın bütün bilgilerini bildiği söylenirdi. O herkesten farklı olarak yaptığı çalışmaların çoğunu kaleme almadı, oysa adını çokça duyduğumuz teoremlerin pek çoğunun asıl kahramanı odur. Öğrenimi tamamlayan Ömer Hayyam kendisine bugünlere kadar uzanacak bir ün kazandıran Cebir Risaliyesi'ni (al-Cebir) ve Rubaiyat'ı Semerkant'ta kaleme almıştır. Dönemin üç ünlü ismi Nizamülmülk, Hasan Sabbah ve Ömer Hayyam bu kentte bir araya gelmişlerdir. Dönemin hakanı Melikşah, adı devlet düzeni anlamına gelen ve bu ada yakışır yaşayan veziri Nizamülmülk'e çok güvenirdi. Ömer Hayyam ile ilk kez Semerkant'ta tanışan Nizamülmülk onu İsfahan'a davet etti. Orada buluştuklarında ona devlet işlerinde görev önerdi. Nizamımülk büyük düşünün gerçekleşmesi için Hayyam'dan yardım istedi. Fakat Hayyam devlet işlerine karışmak istemedi ve teklifini geri çevirdi. Saray entrikalarından hayatının sonuna kadar uzak kalmayı yeğleyen bilgin, ilmini genişletmek için zamanın ilim merkezleri olan Semerkand, Buhara, İsfahan'a yolculuklar yapti. 4 Aralık 1131'de doğduğu yer olan Nişabur'da dünyaya veda etti. Kendisine gani gani rahmet diliyoruz. Mekanı Cennet olsun. Amin. https://www.instagram.com/p/CIdhixVMSU6/?igshid=1te61vlsatcpg
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tawakkull · 3 years
ISLAM 101: Spirituality in Islam: Part 73
Part 2
The manifestation of the Name the All-Outward as Divine religious commandments finds its greatest representative and implementation in the political leader of Muslims, while that of the Name the All-Inward is represented by the spiritual Pole, who is the commander of the realm of spiritual truths. The outward is the manifestation of the inward in the corporeal realm, and the inward is the inner dimension of the outward. If the “All-Hidden Treasure,” which is inward, had not manifested Itself, It could not have been known, nor would all those dazzling beauties throughout the universe have been observed, nor could the meanings in the horizon of the Name the All-Inward have been read. The Treasure of the inward has breathed itself out through the outward, which has consequently become an ornate envelope for the inward. It is a multi-dimensional, splendid envelope, which is described in Imam al-Ghazzali’s famous saying: “It is not probable that there is a universe more beautiful than the present one.”
Despite the clarity of the matter, some deviating ideologies—which have tried to distort even matters that are so clear that there can be no different understanding or interpretation—have separated the outward from the inward and made strange, unreasonable, and religiously unacceptable interpretations of the inward, thus attempting to muddy Islamic thought. Many such distorted interpretations have their sources in ancient Greek philosophy, Indian belief and thought, Hermeticism, and the doctrines of the Sabaeans. Whether knowingly or unknowingly, many of us Muslims have been influenced by such distorted thoughts and approaches and have suffered doctrinal deviations.
Some among the Muslims have labeled with literalism and belittled the manifest commandments of the Qur’an and the Sunna and the sincere, scholarly deductions concluded from these two basic sources by the profound, righteous scholars in the early centuries of Islam. Carried away by the desire to make fantastic interpretations, they have even attempted to give different, unacceptable meanings to the fundamental, explicit rules and principles of Islam. They have regarded Prayer as the way followed by the common people to reach God and claimed that it is not necessary for those who “have followed the way of inwardness and reached God.” They have also looked upon the Prescribed, Purifying Alms with the same distorted approach, considered the Pilgrimage as an attempt by the common people to be united with God, seen Fasting as meaningless suffering, viewed avoidance of the religiously forbidden things as folly, and tried to drive everyone to what is nearly a bohemian life.
Such approaches and considerations were first produced in such currents or centers as Jami’ism, Adhamism, Haydarism, Babaism, Shamsism, Qarmatism, and certain schools of Ismailism, and then transported, to some extent, into some Sufi lodges and madrasas. They have interpreted the Qur’an and Prophetic Traditions arbitrarily, considering even the explicit verses of the Qur’an and Prophetic Traditions as symbolic expressions, interpreting them like interpreting dreams. Such movements of dissent and corruption, which began with Ibn Saba’, were continued in increasing dimensions by Maymun of Ahwaz, and grew into flames with Barqai; they became so great a problem that they shook Islamic life at its foundations with Hasan Sabbah. Finally, everything ended in complete freedom from religious responsibilities.
According to such approaches, the explicit meanings of the Qur’anic verses and Prophetic Traditions are not valid and should never be followed. Continuing with this argument, what we must regard and follow are the inner, esoteric meanings, and only those who are specialists in the esoteric dimension of the Religion can know them. They also claim that believing that God has Attributes means accepting as many gods as the number of Attributes that have been ascribed to Him. All-Glorified He is, and absolutely exalted, immeasurably high above all that they say (17: 43). They also claim—God forbid such claims!—that God is powerful not because He has Power but because He gives others power—I do not even know what they mean by such assertions. They consider other of His Attributes from this viewpoint.
Like other false beliefs and thoughts which have been inherited from ancient philosophers, the so-called “Doctrine of Ten Intellects” is one of their false doctrines. According to this, God first created a First Intellect, and then, through this, a First Soul. When the Soul demanded the perfection of the Intellect, it needed an action, which, in turn, caused the generation of celestial spheres. The movement of these spheres generated coldness, heat, moisture, and dryness. These “four basic elements” caused the coming about of three earthly classes of existent things and/or beings, namely inanimate objects, vegetation, and animals. According to this view, this process continued until humankind came into existence. We seek refuge in God from such corrupt thoughts.
Referring existence to a First Intellect and substituting the Prophets for what some call the Perfect or Universal Men is something that is common to all false systems of beliefs and thoughts. We should add to these two assertions their fully esoteric interpretation of the Qur’an and the Sunna. Furthermore, some other assertions, or doctrines, or practices, such as giving letters meanings that are incompatible with the Shari’a or sound reason, pursuing wonder through abstruse or ambiguous expressions, giving a sense of mystery to whatever they do with ceremonies resembling those of some secret societies, and pretending to do all such things for the sake of the Religion and religious life have deceived the masses, who are unaware of the essential reality of the Religion and religious life.
Their incorrect interpretation of religious worship and obedience and their attitudes giving the impression that they are encouraging sin and immorality have made many people indifferent to good moral standards and religious rules, finally leading to anarchy. Since such approaches corrupt hearts and spirits gradually, those who are unaware of the spirit of the Religion have fallen into this accursed net unawares, and have not been able to recover. What follows are some indications of this dangerous process:
Recognition and choice: Recognizing and choosing the targeted person well as far as their capacity for understanding is concerned. Simple-minded ones who have no correct knowledge of the Religion and are able to be deceived are chosen. Gradual education and training: Conquering the hearts of the audience through gradual education and training. Throwing into doubt: Causing the audience to doubt the truths and cardinal beliefs of the Religion, and directing them to rituals other than the worship of God. Dependence: Making the acceptance of candidates dependent on certain conditions. Holding one’s tongue: Getting candidates to promise that they will never tell their secrets. Persuasion: Persuading candidates that whatever they hear from the leader is a Divine inspiration. Separation: Causing those who are believed to be fully aware of the “esoteric dimension” of the Religion to ignore the apparent meanings of the Qur’an and to abandon the daily religious practices. Complete freedom: Leading candidates to a belief in complete freedom from religious responsibilities. The truth is that, like creation, the Religion has both outward and inward dimensions for the Unique, All-Absolute One is both the All-Outward and the All-Inward. Nothing in and concerning existence is unknown to Him, because He is the All-Outward; He is also the All-Inward, therefore He has full knowledge of whatever concerns humans during their whole lives, decreeing good for the good, righteous ones, and punishment for the evil, sinful ones as declared in: (The will of) God came upon them from where they had not reckoned (it could come) (59: 2).
As mentioned above, the Religion of Islam has both outward and inward dimensions based on its two basic sources, the Qur’an and the Sunna, and on the principles deduced from them by eminent scholars in the early ages of Islam. The Shari’a has rules and principles for perfect spiritual education, and it disciplines people with respect to their feelings, thoughts, attitudes, and actions. In addition, it contains necessary knowledge for the entire life of humans with all its aspects. For example, it provides sufficient rules for human religious responsibilities, such as physical purification, the Prayer, fasting, the Prescribed Purifying Alms, Pilgrimage, and jihad (striving in God’s cause); in addition, daily acts or transactions, such as buying and selling, employment, commerce, business, building and running companies, and administration are covered by the Shari’a, as well as penalties, whether those established by God Himself in the Qur’an, or by the Messenger in the Sunna, or by scholars based on the unchanging principles laid down by the Qur’an and the Sunna. These constitute the outward aspect of the Shari’a. The Shari’a also has rules and principles for the mental and spiritual education and perfection of humans, expressed in certain concepts such as confirmation, belief, certainty, sincerity, knowledge of God, love of God, submission to God, placing one’s trust and reliance in God, commitment and resignation to God, recitations, repentance, penitence, and contrition for errors, reverence and fear of God, patience, contentment, nearness to God, intense love for God, ecstasy, immersion in God, modesty, exaltation and glorification of God. These constitute the inward aspect of the Shari’a. There is no and can never be conflict between the outward and inward aspects of the Shari’a. Rather, the two are dimensions of a single reality and they complement each other.
On the Sufi way, initiates ignore their existence with respect to their egos or annihilate their egos in God’s Existence. They are content with God’s decrees and faithful to their promises, paying no attention to anything other than God and inwardly burning with the yearning to observe the Divine “Face” in the other world. Nothing here is contrary to the principles that have been established by the Qur’an and the Sunna. On the contrary, these are the rules that ought to be observed so that we can lead a life at the level of the heart and spirit. They are originally based on the Qur’an and the Sunna.
In short, a religious life is incumbent upon every responsible being, and it is only possible by following the Shari’a. Metaphysical discoveries and spiritual pleasures are favors that come in return for the sincerity of initiates without their demand. Following the Shari’a and reaching a certain level of spiritual life or spiritual profundity are not mutually exclusive; rather, they complement one another as two dimensions of the same reality.
What an initiate first feels of the inward is certain manifestations of the Divine Names and Attributes. This has been called “the inward relative.” So long as an initiate advances toward the end of this spiritual journey, manifestations from the Realm of Divine Essence begin to invade their conscience. This state has been called “the most inward within the inward.” There are many who reach the horizon of the inward, but few can go deep into “the most inward of the inward” and, therefore, few have knowledge of the mysteries of Divinity.
Let us put an end to this highly subtle, ambiguous matter with the comprehensive approach of Bediüzzaman Said Nursi. According to him, the outward dimension of creation is called the mulk (the corporeal dimension of the Divine kingdom), while its inner dimension is the malakut (the absolute, incorporeal dimension of the Divine kingdom). The relationship between a human being and his or her heart is an example of these two aspects or dimensions of existence or the Divine kingdom. With respect to the corporeal dimension, a human being is an envelope and the heart is its contents. With respect to the absolute, incorporeal dimension, the heart is an envelope while the human being is the contents. This same relationship also exists between the Supreme Divine Throne and the universe. The Supreme Divine Throne is a combination of the manifestations of the Divine Names the First, the Last, the All-Outward, and the All-Inward. With respect to the Divine Name the All-Outward, the Supreme Divine Throne represents the mulk and is the envelope of creation, while with respect to the Name the All-Inward, It is the malakut or the heart or contents of creation, and the universe is the mulkor the envelope. Considering the Divine Name the First, the Supreme Divine Throne is indicated by His Supreme Throne was upon the water (11: 7), which points to the beginning of existence. In respect of the Divine Name the Last, the ceiling of Paradise is the Supreme Throne of the All-Merciful, which alludes to the finality of everything. As a result, being the combination of the manifestations or the all-encompassing mirror of the Divine Names the First, the Last, the All-Outward, and the All-Inward, the Supreme Divine Throne encompasses the whole universe.
O God, the Lord of the seven heavens and the Lord of the Supreme Throne, our Lord and the Lord of everything; the One Who sent down the Torah, the Gospel, and the Qur’an; the Splitter of the grain and fruit stone—there is no deity but You! I seek refuge in You from the evil of everything, which You hold by its forelock.
You are the First, without any preceding You; You are the Last, there is none to succeed You. You are the All-Outward, with none being above You; and You are the All-Inward, with nothing more penetrating than You. Forgive us whatever evil we have done, so that You may not call us to account for anything. Surely You are powerful over everything, and ever responsive to calls. And bestow blessings and peace upon our master Muhammad and his Family and Companions, altogether.
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zekiyuncuoglu · 6 years
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TÜRKLERİ KOLLAMAK, TÜRKLÜĞÜ KORUMAK ASİL ONURLU İŞİNİ BIRAKIP DA; GÖKTEN İNDİĞİ SAFSATASINI İYİ YUTTURANLARIN KULLUĞU İLE ASLINDA EN DERİN PAGANLIKLA İLE NAİLAH İBLİSE HİZMETTE OLMAYI İSLAM SANAN/SAYANLAR: BATINİLİK KONUSU ARAŞTIRMAYANLAR LÜTFEN 2 DAKİKA BİR ZAMANLA BİR GİRİŞ YAPINIZ. 1000 yıldır NASIL, NEYE, KİME HİZMETLE ALDATILDIĞINIZI ANLAMAK ZORUNDASINIZ! BUGÜN KIRIM'DA, UYGUR'DA, DOĞU TÜRKMENİSTAN, MOĞOLİSTAN, NEREDE OLURSA OLUN BAKIN GÖRÜN Kİ TÜRKLÜĞÜNÜ BIRAKMIŞ, ARABIN İSLAMININ SAVAŞINDA EZİLENLER VARDIR; TÜRKLÜK DEĞİL, İSLAM SAVAŞÇILARI! TÜRKLERİN İŞİ BU DEĞİL Dİ OYSA YARATILIŞTA! Batıniler de, fikirlerini ve inançlarını doğru göstermek isteyen, fakat su götürmez bir delil gösteremeyen her insan gibi, halkın büyük tanıdığı, saygı gösterdiği şöhret yapmış kişileri, kendilerinden göstermek metodunu benimsemişlerdir.Tarihte en iyi bilinen örnekleri İsmaililer dir Bektaşiler ve son zamanlarda türeyen Bahailer de aynı metodla hareket ederler. Batınilerin müşterek noktaları, emir ve nehiyleri, kendilerince yormaları, bu yorumu, peygamberlerin hayat hikayelerine kadar teşmil etmeleri, gerçeği yalnız imamın bildiğini ve ümmete, onun vekilleri tarafından bildirileceğini kabul etmeleridir. BATINİLİĞİN ÖNEMLİ TEMSİLCİLERİ Dâ'î â'zamlar tarafından yayılan bu i'tikadın en şöhretli müntesipleri arasında “Fâtımîler Hâlifeliği'nden Ebû Tamîm Ma'add el-Mûstensir bil-Lâh”, “Hükümet-i Melâhide'nin bânisi olan Hasan bin Sabbah” ve “Suriye Bâtınîleri'nin Reisi Râşid'ûd-Dîn Sinan”, “Afrika Kıt'ası Bâtınileri'ni yöneten İbn-i Meserret”, “Pamir Alevîliği'nin kurucusu Muin'ed-Dîn Nâsır-ı Hüsrev”, “Hindistan Bâtınîliği'nin yaratıcısı Ahmed bin Keyyâl”, ve “Attaş” gibi Bâtınîlik tarihinde nâm kazanmış olan “Alevî-İsmâ‘ilîler” gelmekteydi. Bâtınîler inanışlarını tarih boyunca daîler aracılığıyla yaymışlardır. 11. yüzyılda Hasan bin Sabbah'ın görüşleri etrafında oluşan akım Fâtımîler tarafından desteklenmiştir. Liderleri Hasan Sabbah Kazvin bölgesindeki Alamut Kalesi'ni kendisine merkez yapmış ve fedaileri aracılığıyla Nizamülmülk'ün de aralarında bulunduğu birçok devlet adamını suikast yaparak öldürtmüştür. (İskenderun, Hatay) https://www.instagram.com/p/BuBkkltnveApjzEVA6VfI6e6c5ByA3l9aSiiyk0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=9qly09xyrb0b
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mediaeval-muse · 8 years
Book Review... Vladimir Bartol, “Alamut”
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Rating: 4/5 stars
Summary:  Alamut takes place in 11th Century Persia, in the fortress of Alamut, where self-proclaimed prophet Hasan ibn Sabbah is setting up his mad but brilliant plan to rule the region with a handful elite fighters who are to become his "living daggers." By creating a virtual paradise at Alamut, filled with beautiful women, lush gardens, wine and hashish, Sabbah is able to convince his young fighters that they can reach paradise if they follow his commands. With parallels to Osama bin Laden, Alamut tells the story of how Sabbah was able to instill fear into the ruling class by creating a small army of devotees who were willing to kill, and be killed, in order to achieve paradise. Believing in the supreme Ismaili motto “Nothing is true, everything is permitted,” Sabbah wanted to “experiment” with how far he could manipulate religious devotion for his own political gain through appealing to what he called the stupidity and gullibility of people and their passion for pleasure and selfish desires. The novel focuses on Sabbah as he unveils his plan to his inner circle, and on two of his young followers — the beautiful slave girl Halima, who has come to Alamut to join Sabbah's paradise on earth, and young ibn Tahir, Sabbah's most gifted fighter. As both Halima and ibn Tahir become disillusioned with Sabbah's vision, their lives take unexpected turns. Alamut was originally written in 1938 as an allegory to Mussolini's fascist state. In the 1960's it became a cult favorite throughout Tito's Yugoslavia, and in the 1990s, during the Balkan's War, it was read as an allegory of the region's strife and became a bestseller in Germany, France and Spain.
Reviewer Comments: I originally picked up this book after seeing the description “set in 11th century Persia” - I’m always looking for books about the middle ages, and I was hungering for something that wasn’t set in the West. That being said, I want to caution people who read this book purely for entertainment, especially those without a basic understanding of Islam. This book isn’t about all of Islam, it’s about extremism and tyranny. I don’t think it’s meant to paint a bad picture of the religion or the history - I felt a lot of sympathy for the characters. Thus, if you’re going to read this book, read it intelligently.
Things I Liked
Women: Although the female characters’ lives revolve around the men in the story, they do so in a way that is more complex than I’ve seen in a while. All of the women belong to a harem, and all are trained to be talented lovers, but even so, each one of them has different ideas of love and what they want their lives to be like. There’s also a tension between what they’re expected to do and what they want to do, and the novel isn’t shy about articulating those tensions.
Relationships: I was pleasantly surprised at the relationships in this novel, especially towards the beginning. There was no resentment among the groups of men and women, and even when there was jealousy (like when Sara becomes jealous of Halima), it didn’t result in unrealistic retaliation. Instead, the characters were presented as complex people with complex motivations.
Prose: Biggins’ English translation (regardless of how the original Slovene appeared) seems to try to emulate the poetic nature of medieval Persian poetry. There are descriptions of things that are reminiscent of texts from the era, and I loved reading about the settings and the descriptions of characters.
Hasan/Sayyiduna: Although this character is based on a historical figure, the way he is presented in the book is absolutely ruthless and madly brilliant. He’s deceptive, manipulative, and entirely ambitious, and to top it all off, he philosophizes along the way. You’ll either love him or hate him, but you can’t deny that he’s interesting to read.
Things I Didn’t Like
Long Speeches: There are times when characters do a lot of talking and explaining, and while sometimes these speeches are interesting, they do tend to clog up/slow down the movement of the novel.
Halima’s and Miriam’s Fates: Let me just say I didn’t appreciate them.
Recommendations: I would recommend this book if you’re interested in:
medieval history, Islamic history, Persian/Iranian history
religious extremism, tyranny
assassins, secret societies
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kilic55newell-blog · 6 years
semi cbd legali in italia
Grazie al supporto operativo dell'Attivista Elia Barban è stata presentata la Decisione Collettiva di Riforma Normativa per la Regolamentazione tuttora Cannabis alla Regione Veneto, presso la 3° Commissione Regionale. Con le femminizzate era rapido capire quando iniziava il ciclo di fioritura perché era impostato dal coltivatore con il ciclo vittoria luce mentre con nel modo gna auto fiorenti bisogna capire dove guardare, quando negli internodi iniziano a spuntare i primi peli bianchi quello è il momento in cui la pianta è in piena fioritura. In Khorasan, Persia, Hasan ibn al-Sabbah, il Vecchio della Montagna, novizio seguaci per commettere assassini… leggende si creano circa il loro supposto uso di hashish. Così facendo, si è inteso dare più respiro ad un'attività produttiva potenzialmente molto redditizia: dalla canapa, infatti, sono in grado di derivare prodotti utili osservando la diversi settori. Acquistare e quindi piantare solamente sementi certificati garantisce di avere un contenuto di THC che non superi lo 0, 2%, quantità massima tollerata dalla legge italiana. Ma ci sono anche ragioni pratiche per piantare un paio vittoria semi autofiorenti che non riguardano solo l'inesperienza successo un coltivatore. In questa circolare sono esplicitate anche le norme di coltivazione nell'ambito del settore florovivaistico, ed osservando la particolare che la riproduzione di piante di canapa è consentita esclusivamente da seme certificato; e in aggiunta non è permessa la riproduzione per via agamica di informazioni destinato alla produzione per poi essere venduto; il vivaista deve conservare il cartellino della semente certificata e la relativa documentazione di acquisto per un periodo non inferiore a 12 mesi; la vendita delle piante a scopo ornamentale è consentita senza autorizzazione; le importazioni a fini commerciali di piante successo canapa da altri paesi non rientrano nell'ambito successo applicazione della legge e, in ogni caso, devono rispettare la normativa dell'Unione europea e nazionale vigente in materia. 2016, Pezzato, ha ritenuto l'inoffensività in concreto della condotta costruiti in un'ipotesi in cui essa era di tale minima entità da rendere sostanzialmente irrilevante l'aumento di disponibilità vittoria droga e non prospettabile alcun pericolo vittoria ulteriore diffusione di essa; nella fattispecie la S. C. ha escluso il reato per la coltivazione di due piante successo canapa indiana e la detenzione di 20 foglie della medesima pianta, costruiti in presenza di una produzione il quale, pur raggiungendo la soglia drogante, è considerato stata definita assolutamente minima”. Inoltre, sono strettamente definiti anche i casi in cui può risultare utilizzata la cannabis medica: per la terapia del dolore nei pazienti affetti da sclerosi multipla; contro nausee e vomito causati da chemioterapia, radioterapia ed terapie per Hiv; come stimolante dell'appetito nella cachessia, anoressia e malati vittoria Aids; per combattere l'effetto ipotensivo del glaucoma; per contrastare gli spasmi dovuti alla sindrome di Gilles de la Tourette. In una abituale varietà successo canapa industriale certificata la quantità di THC partecipante al suo interno, è talmente irrilevante da essere considerata assolutamente legale. La decreto sulla canapa in vigore dal 14 gennaio 2017 ha decretato che non è più necessaria alcuna autorizzazione per la semina di varietà di canapa certificate con contenuto di THC al massimo dello 0, 2%. In realtà, molti coltivatori trovano manualmente controllo e regolazione dei livelli di pH due volte al giorno, per cercare di mantenere nel modo che loro piante crescita stabile e massimizzata è faticoso, che richiede tempo e uno dei fastidi più grandi di cercare di ottenere le loro piante attraverso la fase vittoria crescita più rapida. E' come afferma la Coldiretti nel commentare il parere formulato dal Consiglio Superiore vittoria Sanita su richiesta del ministero della Salute sulla cannabis light che ha contribuito alla diffusione della coltivazione in Italia utilizzata anche per esperienze innovative, con produzioni che vanno dalla ricotta agli eco-mattoni isolanti, dall'olio antinfiammatorio alle bioplastiche, fino a pasta, biscotti e cosmetici. Anche lui non è cosciente di riuscire verso vedere la cannabis come una droga: «La cosa vera dicono che sia il quale la canapa, la marijuana come la volete chiamare è la pianta con la fibra più acuto, che può essere utilizzata in mille modi. Da una singola tipica confezione vittoria 10 semi regolari ci sarà un 50% di possibilità che nascano piante femmina ed un 50% piante maschio. La quota di Thc nelle piante analizzate potrà inoltre esitare dallo 0, 2% allo 0, 6% senza comportare alcun problema per l'agricoltore. http://ge.tt/5VRGNKu2/v/0 . Dubbio, un giorno, fumeranno il calumet della pace, ciononostante è singolare che in provincia di Varese i due imprenditori più avanti nel mercato della cannabis legale siano due ex amici che hanno visto finire la loro storia d'affari nel sangue.
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sessiznotafan · 6 years
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Ömer Hayyam Sözleri Gıyaseddin Eb'ul Feth Ömer İbni İbrahim'el Hayyam veya Ömer Hayyam, Fars şair, filozof, matematikçi ve astronom. Hayyam Nişabur'ludur.
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still-toking-with · 7 years
1000CE-- hemp rope first appears on Italian ships
1090-1124CE-In Khorasan, Persia. Hasan ibn al-Sabbah recruits followers to commit assassinations. legends began to develop about their supposed use of Hashish. These legends are some of the earliest written tales of the discovery of the inebriating powers of cannabis and the use of hashish by a paramilitary organization as a hypnotic
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Truva Çok Satanlar (3 Kitap)
Truva Çok Satanlar (3 Kitap) 1. KİTAP ALAMUT’UN EFENDİSİ HASAN SABBAH POL AMİR   Alamut’un Efendisi, Hasan Sabbah adlı bu eser, İsmailiye Mezhebi’nin bir kolu olan ve Hasan Sabbah tarafından kurulan Bâtıni Mezhebi’ni anlatırken, insanların din ve mezhep uğruna yaptıkları savaşları, aynı inançtan olmayanların birbirleri ile mücadelelerini akıcı bir üslupla gözler önüne sermektedir. Bu romanda o dönemin heyecanını, üzüntüsünü ve sevincini bir arada yaşayacaksınız. Tarihin karanlıklarına dalarak, o devrin insanlarının makam, para ve çıkar uğruna birbirlerini nasıl arçaladıklarını, boğazladıklarını, birbirlerine karşı nasıl kin ve nefretle saldırdıklarını görecek ve günümüz için gerekli dersleri alacaksınız.   Bu kitapta yer alan her mezhep mensubu, kendi inançları doğrultusundaki yaşamları, düşünceleri irdelenirken; kişilerin kendi inançlarını, nasıl acımasızca savundukları anlatılmaktadır. Selçuklu Tarihi’nin önemli bir dönemini anlatan bu kitap, o tarihte karanlıkta kalmış olan pek çok olayı gün ışığına çıkarmaktadır.     2. KİTAP   GİZLİ DÜNYA İMPARATORLUĞU “Dünyayı Yöneten Gizli Güçler” JİM MARRS   Dünya, olayların arkasında olmayanların hayal ettiğinden çok daha farklı kişiler tarafından yönetilmektedir. Benjamin Disraeli   New York Times’ın çok satan yazarlarından Jim Marrs, bu başarılı kitabında dünyanın en iyi korunan sırlarını inceliyor, gizli çabaları ve tüm zamanlar boyunca sürdürdükleri gücü açıklıyor. Gerçeği ısrarla araştıran Marrs, bu grupların savaşları başlatabildiklerini ve durdurabildiklerini, borsaları ve faiz oranlarını altüst edebildiklerini, sınıf ayrımlarını kasıtlı olarak sürdürebildiklerini ve hatta akşam ana haber bültenlerini sansürleyebildiklerini, üstelik bütün bunları iyi amaçlar güttükleri sanılan CFR, Üçlü Komisyon, Bilderbergerler, CIA, Vatican ve hatta Birleşmiş Milletler aracılığıyla yaptıklarını açıkça gözler önüne seriyor.   Kendi kusursuz araştırmaları ve tarihsel kanıtlarla, Marrs günümüz komplolarını insanoğlunun tarih öncesi kökenlerine bağlayan gizemleri de ortaya koyuyor. Çoğu uzun zamandır halklardan gizlenen tarihsel bilgilerin sıra dışı bir senteziyle, bu kitap hayatlarımızı yöneten insanları ve organizasyonları gün ışığına çıkarıyor.   Rahatsız edici, kışkırtıcı ve son derece şaşırtıcı bir kitap olan Gizli Dünya İmparatorluğu, kim olduğumuz, nereden geldiğimiz ve nereye gittiğimiz konusunda inanılmaz bir dünya görüşü sunuyor.     3. KİTAP   ŞEYTAN’IN ÇOCUKLARI ÇETİN ACAR   Kudüs, 9 Aralık 1917 tarihinde İngilizler tarafından işgal edilmiştir. Türklerle aynı safta düşmana karşı savaşan Almanlar, işgal haberini duyduklarında Almanya’da merasim ve ayinlerle ‘kutlama!’ yapmışlardır. Osmanlı Devleti, 1948’de kurulması planlanan İsrail Devleti için yıkılmıştır. Bölgemizde Armageddon diğer bir ifadeyle Melhame-i Kübra Savaşı başlamıştır. Türk Milleti ve Âlem-i İslam düşmanını tanımak zorundadır;   Yahudi kime denir? Yahudilik tek tanrılı bir din midir? Musevilik mi, hahamlık dini olan Yahudilik mi? Museviliği ve Hırıstiyanlığı (Tevrat, Zebur ve İncil’i) Yahudiler mi tahrif etmiştir? Yahudiler lanetlenmiş midir? Sürgün, esaret ve gettolar Yahudilere ne kazandırdı? Yahudiler ‘son peygamber’i bilip tanıdıkları halde neden Hz. Muhammed’e (s.a.v.) iman etmediler? Yahudilerin karekteristik özellikleri nelerdir? Arz-ı mev’ud sınırları neresidir? Mesih beklentisi Yahudiler için neden önemlidir? Türkiye’de -şer- derin devlet oluşumunu Yahudiler mi kurdu? Yahudi münafık Abdullah İbn-i Sebe ile Fetullah Gülen benzerlikleri nelerdir? Zeval-i İsrail ve Yahudileri bekleyen son ne zaman?
Truva Çok Satanlar (3 Kitap)
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