#has this been done? i feel like maybe it has
reshinless · 1 day
Hiii, it's me again, I'm here to ask abt kinich- anyways, Reader is kind of insecure and self conscious and she's dating kinich, and she sees how good mualani is to kinich and starts to ask herself if she should actually be with him (+I would appreciate it you somehow turn this into smut because I'm a dog for him🤭)
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you knew kinich was close with her too, but you couldn't help but feel like you weren't as good as she was.
you saw the way she looked at him, what were you supposed to do? you knew she'd never pursue someone in a relationship but she always asked about your relationship with kinich.. was she hoping you'd break up?
well i'll be glad to answer that no she does not! but ill explain more later.
you continued to feel like you weren't a good partner, therefore distancing yourself from the man you fell in love with.
maybe he was better off with her. or at least so you thought. you see, mualanj was giving him advice on how to treat you, she always smiled whenever her and kinich spoke about it.. because.. well.. it was funny to her how he doesn't know how to talk to you.
you have barely had your first kiss with him, and he's never had anyone else like you before.. so he had to ask a professional (mualani plus her 0 relationship experience advice)
"just remember to make them feel at home! you notice if they've been sad or anything recently?" mualani puts up her surfboard up on a tree, sitting on the soft grains of sand on the beach.
"i.. feel like they've been running away from me.. did i do anything wrong?"
mualani realized immediately why you'd distance yourself; you were jealous. kinich has a dense sense for romance, so he wouldn't notice immediately unless.. well professional couplw therapist mualani ensures it doesn't happen again!
once kinich realizes what he's done, he goes to find you as soon as possible. not even hearing out more of mualani's words. she was sure you both would figure it out anyway.
but trust me kinich is quick on his feet to tell you how you're everything to him.
when you tell him you didn't believe him.. well i guess he just had to show you.
kinich who learned a few things from the books mualani threw at him, she didn't realize one of them was basically sex in a book, as he read on, he wanted to try out a specific scene.
laid out in front of him, taking his gloves off carefully tossing them to the side. prepping your hole for him to treat you good. your wetness already all over his fingers as he added another digit progressively.
he who hums into your ear, hearing how well you whimpered, and whined out his name. he could only praise you for how good you took him.
your cunt sucked him inside so well, the sounds of pleasure echoed throughout the hallway in the gap of the unlocked door.
your walls started to tighten around his cock, but that wouldn't stop him from penetrating you. he'd make sure by tonight that no one other than you could make him cum.
kinich who likes to put you into a mating press, your legs held high above your head, he slaps the soft skin of your ass, before laying a kiss onto your wet cunt, mixed with cum of your own and his.
kinich will make sure you know that he loves you more than anyone else. and he wants you to do the same (not that you weren't already doing that.)
but when its all over, his words are sweet, learning a thing or two from whatever mualani discussed with him. clearing the air on why he had been talking to mualani more recently.
he just meant to ask her about advice on what to get you for your next anniversary 🩵
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chaos-in-deepspace · 21 hours
LADS Sylus: Just In Case | NSFW
This? This was supposed to be a fic inspired by how he has his middle and ring finger nails trimmed in his new outfit. And then somehow it turned into this? It still has the fingernail bit tho istg this is the Sylus fingering Reader in a Yurt fic.
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❧ Pairings: Sylus x Reader ❧ Warnings: Jealousy, Self Doubt, Comfort, Words of Affirmation, Teasing, Hickeys, Nipple Biting, Fingers, Clothes Grinding, Coming in Pants, Top Sylus ❧ Synopsis: You hated the fact that you were jealous over something so trivial. Ever since traveling with the tribe, and seeing how they all swooned over Sylus, it was hard not to feel a certain way. Then there were the words Tarna has said to you: "Whoever takes them, keeps them." ❧ Word Count: 4.4k
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Disclaimer: This is an original fan work for “Love and Deepspace”. Do not repost on other platforms or plagiarize. All characters shown in this fic is 18+.
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Just In Case
It was already the second night that you had been in the Grasslands. You were exhausted from all the traveling you had done that day, and when you guys set up to stay the night, you had all but collapsed onto your bed roll. Your body ached from all the horseback riding you had done, but it wasn’t like it was unsatisfying. You had seen Sylus basically winning every challenge that came his way, not to mention the sweet gesture he had made when braiding your hair.
Tarna had tried to convince you to join the rest at the bonfire they had set up, but you had politely declined. Sylus, on the other hand, was a night owl. He had been more than happy to join in and had even tried getting you to join, to no avail. So he promised to rejoin you later when he got tired and let you head inside to rest.
The braid he gave you earlier had already been taken out as you laid down, curled up on your shared bed accommodation. You could still hear Sylus’ voice, speaking with some of the locals. Even if he didn’t speak their language, Tarna had been more than happy to translate. Not to mention, he just had a way of communicating with others without the need for words.
You could hear the laughter of some of the women, and flashes of them touching him went through your mind. You tried brushing them aside as you curled up deeper into your bed roll. Sylus was naturally a little more flirtatious, or at least that was your experience with him. You could only hope that demeanor wasn’t leading anyone on.
For just a moment, you even had doubts he’d be coming back to the same tent you were in. You knew Sylus wasn’t like that, but you could still have your own doubts and fears. Thankfully, those thoughts escaped as you heard the flaps of the yurt opening as Sylus came inside, along with the rustling of fabrics. He shed a few layers so he could sleep comfortably. “I thought you said you were tired, yet here you are, awake.” Sylus’ voice broke out in the small yurt and you rolled over just in time to watch him crawl in next to you.
At first, you weren’t planning on even deeming him with a reply to his little comment; maybe trying to fake being asleep would make him not talk. You made a bit of room, allowing him to have some of the blankets. Unlike the night before, you made no move in scooting closer to him. The words Tarna had spoken earlier played in your head like a bad record: “Whoever takes them, keeps them.”
Why did that bother you so much? It was clear that he had caught the eye of every single woman in the area; the way they whispered while watching him compete was enough to let you know. They made it obvious as well, one of them even going up to touch his arm and speak to him.
He had been cordial enough, but the self-doubt in your mind rolled through it like a dark storm. You and Sylus had made leaps and bounds in your relationship, but you hadn’t crossed the threshold of romance yet. Gods, you wanted to so badly. You just were too unsure about everything, and you hated that feeling. It wasn’t even like you needed to doubt Sylus. He had made it so painfully obvious he didn’t have eyes for anyone else other than you. He was just polite when the situation wasn’t business…teasing but polite.
You decided that the silence was too deafening at the moment as you spoke, “It was hard to sleep with all the noise outside,” you said, and Sylus hummed. He had already gotten comfortable, and you could sense the weariness from him. A second night of having to reassure you would be annoying, right? You kept your mouth shut, opting just to ignore the festering feelings in your gut since clearly that was a healthy decision.
“It seems it’s more than that, kitten,” He began, “You’re restless now. Don’t tell me your mind is causing you to stress again,” you felt his hand in your hair as he pushed some of it back. You didn’t even want to look at him right now, worried that you’d say something stupid. You couldn’t stop how your body responded, though, leaning into his touch like a cat.
“It’s nothing, really.” It was a flimsy excuse, judging by how your voice wavered. You hated the jealousy you felt, how it was settling into you to the point where you wanted to be sick. You didn’t think of yourself as the jealous type by any means, but here you were, absolutely upset over hypotheticals. You wanted to convince yourself just not to feel this way, but that was easier said than done as you were mentally screaming.
Sylus frowned, the look marring his pretty face slightly. You really did prefer it when he smiled, even if it was at your own expense. The teasing smirk you often found was at least focused on you and nobody else. “This is clearly something. I don’t think you’d be worried about making it home for two nights in a row,” he propped himself up into his elbow, looking at you, “My ears are always open for you, sweetie.”
Your heart began beating a little faster at his comment as you cleared your throat, “It’s…do you recall what Tarna said the day before?” you decide to test the waters and see if he recalled the information. You highly doubted the saying she taught you guys was on his mind; it shouldn’t have even been on yours.
“She said a lot of things; you’ll need to be more straightforward. What did she say that’s upsetting you?” He was speaking gently right now, making you feel even worse about your feelings. Why was he always so damn patient with you, always willing to reassure you even over something so trivial? When you first met Sylus, you had no clue that this side of him even existed, and it did things to you both physically and emotionally.
You cleared your throat, “Whoever takes them…keeps them.” You clarified, finally meeting his gaze, “That statement.” You could see the flash of recognition in his eyes when he realized what this was about. He had already seen your jealous side earlier by the river, but now it had only gotten worse. He had been nice about it back then, but would you only annoy him by bringing it up again? It’s not like you two were dating, even if you flirted and teased one another like it was some competition.
“Are you worried about that?” He asked, his hand tucking a strand of hair behind your ear, “That someone is going to take me away?” he asked, and you sighed. He managed to figure it out quickly.
“I mean…I’ve just seen how the others have been looking at you,” like they were drawn to an oasis in a hot desert, “And you’re my ticket home after all…” You wanted to kick yourself the moment the words came out of your mouth. You just had to avoid telling him how you really felt, didn’t you?
He didn’t seem upset at the statement; if anything, he was amused. “I won’t be stolen away that easily.” He assured, “Though I must say I’m flattered that you’ve been keeping such a close eye on me today. So much so that you didn’t even realize that some of the men in the village have been giving you the same look.”
You had to take a moment to process what he said…people had been looking at you? There was no way. It made sense for Sylus, and he was charismatic, handsome, and strong. You were…well, you were a jealous hunter. You did recall how he had braided your hair and the way he had mentioned how only lovers should see their partner’s hair in its natural state…could it be he was jealous as well? No, you were probably overthinking things.
“I…” you said, but you couldn’t get the right words out. He had the tendency to make you speechless, and right now, it was no different. Everything you wanted to say had vanished right into the air as you looked up at those red eyes that were so damn soft at the moment. How could you even think he’d look at anyone else like this? Those sharp eyes of his looked lovestruck at times when it was just the two of you.
“If you’re truly worried, you can always lay a claim on me,” he suggested, and you flushed right away. Your eyes widened at every implication that could’ve meant. You buried your face in the pillow underneath you, now unable to meet his gaze for several reasons, “Kitten, look at me. What’s wrong? Don’t tell me your mind went to the gutter.” His voice was now teasing. Screw the gentle look he was giving you; now you knew for a fact his eyes were shining with amusement at your expense.
“Do you not listen to yourself?” you managed to hiss out the question. His chuckles filled your ears as you let out an embarrassed whine from the back of your throat. Why were you jealous of this man in the first place? He was horrible. A jerk face. Every mean name under the sun couldn’t begin to describe him when he was like this. Why did you like it? That was the real question.
“Well, now I’m curious about what you’re thinking. I was just going to say you could ride with me tomorrow, perhaps hold my arm during rests.” Lies, all of them, and now your mind was definitely in the trenches at him mentioning ‘riding’ of any kind. “What were you thinking?” he laughed again, and you let out an annoyed huff. He was egging you on, and it was working as per usual.
You sat up suddenly and turned to him, pushing on his chest until he was lying on his back. He let out a grunt, but he also had that shit-eating grin on his face as he looked up at you, waiting for your next move. You didn’t even know what your next move would be, honestly. Now that you were here, straddling the man’s waist, your mind was going almost completely blank, so you let your instincts take over.
You leaned down until your breath ghosted over his neck, placing a small kiss there before going in to suck on the skin. You felt him shifting underneath you as you marked him, doing your best to make it known that he was taken. Even if it was a small hickey, it might’ve been enough to get the others to back off, knowing exactly who shared a bed with him at night, who left a mark on his flawless skin.
When your lips finally parted, you could see the blooming mark on his skin. It was a light purple one right on his jugular, and while it wasn’t much, you doubted anyone would mistake it for anything else. Your fingers went over to touch the mark, admiring your handy work.
Sylus’ hand went up and pressed down on where you left the mark, and as a result pressed your own hand closer to him; his eyes curious and holding a hunger to them, “Oh, is that all? You know, people might just think I got a bruise from all the competing I did today. Sweetie, you might need to try a little harder than that.” He was still egging you on to get you to do exactly what he wanted.
Still, if he wanted to play this game, then so be it. You looked over his outfit and eyed something that, honestly, was the first thing you noticed when he had originally put it on. The little voice in the back of your head even supplied you with the fact that the outfit managed to look slutty on him, something you adored. Sadly, it was another reason why everyone else was eying him up and down all day. The man was well-built, and you knew why. You two had trained together, and after you were already tired, he continued on. You swore he had even managed to gain some new muscle recently.
You leaned down to his chest and glanced up at him quickly before deciding to just go all in. One of his nipples was exposed, and you were damn certain if you left a mark right there, nobody in their right mind would mistake it for a simple bruise. So you bit him, clamping down on his nipple, and, with your current position, you felt him rolling his hips up into you.
He let out a groan as you lapped at the bud in your mouth and pulled away, happy to see that there was a distinct mark where your teeth were. Your hand went over it gently, fingers barely touching him. You felt him roll his hips again in response and felt a warmth blooming in you when you felt something hard against your ass. You shouldn’t have been surprised that he was getting erect from this, hell if you were in his situation, you might’ve busted already.
“Think they’ll mistake this for an injury with your…competition today?” you asked with a satisfied smirk on your face. Sylus was looking at you for a moment, trying to process what you just did to him, and then you felt his hand on the back of your neck.
He grabbed you closer to him, and you let out a small gasp when his lips were on your throat. He was pushing down some of the garments you wore to give him access as he bit down on the skin there. You hissed at the sharp pain, realizing that, unlike you, he could commit.
As soon as he left that area of your neck, he went to the front of your throat, sucking a mark that bloomed under his lips. You were now the one who ground down onto his lap, feeling yourself growing wet as he pressed a small kiss there, “S-Sy, what are you…?” you managed to rasp out; you were already crumbling because of this man.
“You aren’t the only one who needs to lay claim to someone,” he said as he began marking another area of skin. It felt too good that you clamped a hand down over your mouth to muffle the noises, “I wasn’t a fan of the others looking at you as though you were available for them to take you. I do have a possessive streak, after all, kitten.”
He sucked a fourth mark; this one was right under your ear as you groaned, “Did you not want the others to hear you? I’m sure if they did, it would send a message loud and clear.” He rolled his hips back into you, making sure there was no mistake about precisely what he wanted to do right now.
“W-we’re guests, Sy,” you managed to get out, “We don’t want to make a scene.” And at the rate this was going, you were five seconds from pushing him back down and riding him until the sun came up. You could already imagine the dirty looks you’d get tomorrow morning from everyone who lost sleep due to your…activities.
“I guess you make a fair point,” he murmured as he let you go. Your entire neck was now covered in marks as you glared down at him. You could lie to him all you wanted, but inside, you felt a bit giddy. Knowing that the other women of the tribe would see you and just know it was Sylus who put the markings on you. You were almost tempted to leave even more on him, but he was already being nice and not pushing it. You doubted if you continued to tease him, he’d be okay with just going to bed after this. He’d do it, sure, but he might be a bit grumpy and…uncomfortable.
Still, you needed to hold yourself back for your own sanity. You carefully extracted yourself from him and rolled off to your side to face away from him. If he did anything else, you wouldn’t be able to hold back. You certainly had never fucked him, and from what you felt just now, he was…big. Riding a horse tomorrow would be a nightmare if he were to rail you right here and now. Still, if you were going to have sex, you’d rather it be back home where you wouldn’t need to cover up all your noises and didn’t need to worry about getting up the next day.
“Running away?” Sylus said as you heard the rustling of fabrics once more. He adjusted your head as he laid his arm out, allowing you to use it as a pillow. The rest of his body wrapped around you as he spooned you from behind, “After you started it, you’re now hiding. Adorable.” The way he all but whispered that into your ear had you shuddering.
“I just don’t think it’s the…place for that…” you said, hoping he’d read between the lines. Thankfully, it seemed he did, but you let out a gasp when you felt a gentle kiss on the back of your neck. He was driving you mad with his casual shows of affection; even cuddling you like this was making you yearn for something so much more.
“Of course, I understand,” he managed to murmur, “But will you be able to actually rest now, in this state?” his other hand trailed down to your stomach, pushing some of the fabric around as he continued trailing his hand further down until it was bunching at the long skirt you wore.
“I don’t know what you mean,” you muttered, a small shiver running down your spine as he began rolling the skirt up so he could press down on your bare thigh. His hand was so hot it felt like he was branding you with it.
He cupped the skin there, just trailing a hand over it as he spoke, “I need you to let me know if it’s alright to continue,” he said, clearly holding himself back. You could feel how your underwear clung to you, almost soaking through the fabric. Obviously, you wanted this, but would you be capable of keeping it together, and now that you are moaning so loud, the entire tribe could hear you? Fuck it, you could try.
“Just…just your hand,” you got out, and he chuckled. Sylus’ hand was now moving upwards without any hesitation, and now he had the green light to continue; he was intent on making the most of it. You felt the warmth of his palm cupping you through your underwear, and you held back a moan, instead biting down on your lip as his fingers trailed along the slick that coated them.
“You’ve managed to flatter me twice in one night,” he commented, pressing his fingers against your cunt and rubbing you through the layers, “I’m glad I have this effect on you though.” He was now finally pushing the underwear off to the side to give him access to your pussy. He trailed a finger over the slickness of your slit, barely pressing a finger into you. It hard you shuddering, almost begging him to just put them inside of you already.
Then you noticed the bluntness of his nails, which startled you as you thought for a moment. You swore up and down he had nails…didn’t he? Despite how turned on you were, the question was running through your head, “Sylus…when did you cut your nails?” you swore they weren’t short earlier.
He actually laughed at your statement, “Sweetie, you’re asking me this right as I’m about to be knuckle deep in you?” He asked, and you let out a small huff, “I have. You know I like to keep two of my nails trimmed…just in case.” You looked back at him with wide eyes. Before you could say anything, he was already reassuring you, “I did it for you, so don’t overthink it,” the moment the words came out, he sunk his fingers into your cunt.
Your mouth opened wide as a moan left you, and your cheeks felt flushed; at the angle, you had turned to, Sylus had a perfect view of it. You quickly moved your head away, nuzzling into the arm underneath you. He had the audacity to laugh again as he began fingering you, the digits easily slipping inside of you with how turned on you were. You felt how his thumb pressed against your clit, and you were now rolling into the palm of his hand, seeking more from him.
“You know, you have an effect on me as well.” As if to prove his point, he rolled his hips up into your ass. You could feel his hot cock through the layers, the hardness making you shiver. Your walls clenched around his fingers, “Hm, you seemed to like that. Perhaps when we’re back home, we’ll need to have a redo of this night.” He muttered—gods, what you wouldn’t give to be back home right about now. How many more days until the festival when you guys could go back? Could it be right now so you could be shoved into a mattress already and fucked until you couldn’t walk?
You were now caught between wanting to grind on his cock, while also rolling into his hand as the wet squelching noises began filling the yurt. You bit down on your lip and tried to focus, and Sylus clicked his tongue from behind you.
“If you’re going to bite on something, use my arm. I wouldn’t mind more marks from you, kitten.” Sylus instructed, and in your lust-filled haze, you didn’t question it. Instead, you turned your head and sank your teeth into the arm underneath you. You heard Sylus groan as his grinding began more insistent, as did his hand. He seemed to be trying to get you to cum before him, and you were so close. Your thighs were shaking already as you tried to squeeze Sylus’ hand between your legs.
You felt that familiar warmth inside of your stomach, and with his skilled fingers and the press of his thumb along your clit you found yourself unraveling. You didn’t even realize an orgasm could be this good as you bit down harder on him. For some reason, it felt so much better that he was the one to touch you. Perhaps it had been the build-up, but right now, as you came, your head was static, and thoughts refused to form as the euphoric sensation wet through your entire body.
You were rolling into his touch, trying to prolong the feeling for as long as possible as he worked you through it, feeling how you squeezed his fingers. Your pussy throbbed around him, and the only thing on his mind was how it would feel around his cock.
When you finally released his arm from your teeth and began feeling a bit more normal, he took his fingers out. Your body was still buzzing with the aftershocks as he pressed his slick-coated fingers against your mouth. You didn’t think twice as you opened up and let him put the digits inside your mouth.
You groaned at the musky taste of yourself on him as he pressed down on your tongue. You sucked his fingers clean as you felt how he was still rutting against you. His hips stuttered in his movement as he groaned, and you wondered what he might taste like. You almost wished his fingers were his cock, and he was coming down your throat at that moment. If he had just waited a few more moments, you might’ve indulged that fantasy.
His breathing was heavier as he rolled his hips against your ass a few more times before he stopped and stilled against you. He removed his fingers and went to kiss the back of your neck. His hand now wrapped around your torso in a possessive grip as he held you there, nuzzling into you.
“Did you…in your pants?” you couldn’t help but ask; in response, you got a chuckle out of the man behind you. The breath of air was chilly on your slightly damp next as you flinched away.
“Very observant, but yes,” he said, “We’ll both be needing to get cleaned up before we properly go to bed.” His words made you pout as you rolled over to face him. He looked good like this, and you could see some of his flush hadn’t gone away after his orgasm. It was a rare treat to see him like this as you mentally stored the image away.
“Okay, but now I’m actually sleepy,” you muttered, and he just gave you a knowing look. It was the look of: “Your excuses aren’t going to save you this time.”
“I’m sure you are, kitten, so I’ll just carry you down to the river myself if you’re going to be acting like this.” He mused, “I wasn’t asking; I was telling you. We need to clean up.” You hated that he was being responsible. Sure, you knew it was important, but your body felt sluggish now, and you just wanted to rest.
“What if someone sees?” you asked, and he raised an eyebrow. His arm was now snaking around to the front of your neck, grazing over the marks that painted your skin like constellations.
“Then let them, not like I care in the slightest. Besides, it’ll be obvious come tomorrow with all our new markings,” he commented, and you looked down at his arm, which had an angry, red bite mark. You flushed as you went to kiss it; he had a point. Hopefully, nobody had heard the wet noises earlier; to you, it had been deafening in the quiet of the night.
“Fine…were you serious when you offered to carry me?” you said while poking at his exposed stomach.
“You’re like a feather to me. Come on.” You felt how his arms wrapped around you as he made you two sit up. Your hands wrapped around his neck as he stood up from the bed. You locked your legs around his waist as he adjusted you in his grasp.
The only thing on your mind now was how badly you wanted to get back home, to Linkon, to the N109 Zone, so that you could properly fuck this man.
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Anyway, this was inspired by a post I saw by @aeyumicore which btw did you now if I ever say I'm tempted to write something and someone says do it, I will probably do it. In one sitting. This took three hours to outline, write, and then edit.
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ohbueckers · 1 day
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TWO CAN PLAY THAT GAME. my life can get crazy, i deal with shit on the daily. but baby, i’m thinking maybe we could agree to work it out like this.
THIS IS PART FOUR! pairing, paige bueckers x teammate!oc. notes, tried first person and IDK IF I LIKE??? & a tag for my beautiful baby ke! @thaatdigitaldiary warnings, sexual content 😣 i’m back on my edging game sorry…
october, 2022
paige shifted in the driver’s seat. the others had already climbed out of the car, heading toward their apartments after a long day with the team. now, it was late, too late really, and i could feel the exhaustion settling in. i sat there, in the passenger seat, my eyes locked straight ahead. i wasn’t even sure why i was still sitting there. my heart was telling me to stay just a little longer, while my head was screaming at me to get the hell out. i didn’t need any more paige bueckers intimacy. especially not now. and normally, i’d listen to the more demanding approach.
well, nothing about tonight was normal.
“yo, hold up,” paige’s voice cut through my thoughts as her hand gently grabbed my arm before i could unbuckle my seatbelt. “you good?”
i turned to look at her, eyebrows furrowed. “what do you mean?”
she was looking at me, looking as if she could read me. she used to have trouble with that, i could tell. but now, i wasn’t sure. we hadn’t really talked about the season yet, or any of those stupid lingering gazes both of us always caught. ever since i moved out, i’d been trying to keep my distance. paige is extremely easy to get pulled into, and i did not want to be one of those people. that was the plan. that was the plan from the very beginning.
paige turned off the engine, the silence suddenly heavier than it had been just moments ago. the hum of the car disappeared, leaving only the quiet between us. she shifted again, angling herself toward me, her blue eyes narrowing slightly. “bro, you’ve been off all day. what’s up with you?” it was like she was begging me to open up to her. why?
“i have not been off,” i shook my head like it was the most absurd thing, not wanting to give her more than that. my hand was halfway to the door handle. “thanks for the ride but i��“
“yo, sana, stop doing that.” paige interrupted, her hand wrapping around my arm just enough to keep me from leaving, but not forcefully. her tone was light, almost teasing, and i knew she wasn’t about to let this go. “talk to me.”
it wasn’t like she was demanding an answer, but something in her voice made me feel like i had to. she had a way of getting to me like that, drawing things out before you even realized you were spilling your guts.
i sighed, leaning back against the headrest, fingers idly toying with the edge of my uconn jacket sleeve. “it’s nothing.”
paige raised an eyebrow, i could see it from the corner of my eye. her face threatened a smile, too. she wasn’t letting up. “you know i’m not dumb.”
i chewed on my bottom lip, turning my head to her with a huff as i asked, “have you seen twitter at all?”
“have you seen twitter?” i repeated more sternly this time.
paige scrunched her face up, eyes wandering for a brief moment before they settled back on me. “no. why?”
i let out another sharp breath, glancing away, the words feeling heavier as i tried to get them out. “people have been talking, like, a lot. about the team… about me.” i turned back to face her. “basically saying i left a championship team for a losing one, and since you’re out, everyone’s looking at me like i’m supposed to pick up the slack. like i’m the one who has to save the season.”
her eyes softened, and she swallowed, giving me her full attention now. “sana—”
“i’m not done,” i interrupted, holding up a hand. “one of my old teammates liked something about it. a teammate, paige. i saw it this morning. and now i’m just… i don’t know. i feel like i have to prove something. i didn’t even know there was any bad blood about my decision to leave.”
for a moment, she didn’t say anything, and i appreciated the silence. i hadn’t really given myself anytime to think about it. south carolina, and more importantly, the people had no doubt been my home for two years, a sanctuary while i didn’t really have my own, and some stupid tweet had me questioning everything. how genuine everyone really was. you kinda pick up on it when nobody reaches out anymore.
paige exhaled, the sound low and thoughtful. “you know better than anyone that playing with something to prove doesn’t get you far.”
i chuckled, despite how tight my chest felt. “that’s funny coming from you,” i shot back, recalling the time i’d told her something similar that first day of practice. i’d definitely been more snarky, and i definitely had meant it, too.
she grinned, the corners of her mouth pulling up cockyly. “it’s different when i say it, though,” she replied with no hesitation.
i leaned back against the headrest, feeling my hair probably shriveling up from the friction, but i didn’t care. a breathy laugh slipped out. “sure, paige.”
she studied me for a second, then, with a little too much confidence for my liking, she shifted, spreading her legs wider in that ridiculously casual, yet infuriatingly self-assured way, taking up all the space her 6’0 self could. “you’re overthinking this.”
“no, i’m not,” i shot back, bristling a little.
“yes. you are,” paige replied in the same tone as me, almost mocking. her voice was so matter-of-fact it made me want to roll my eyes.
i opened my mouth to argue, but she cut me off. “look, i’m not saying you’re wrong to feel how you’re feeling. but letting it get to your head isn’t worth it. the stats will show. maybe you just need a…” she trailed off, eyes darting out the window as she searched for the right word. “distraction.” she tilted her head, watching me for another moment before she leaned back into the seat, letting out this exaggerated sigh like she’d just had a revelation.
i quirked a brow. “a distraction?” it was more of a deadpan than an actual question. “and what? you’re volunteering?”
she only shrugged, stretching her arms along the back of my seat, that dumb smirk returning full force. “maybe. i’m a pretty good distraction, you know.” she licked her lips.
i couldn’t help but laugh this time, the absurdity of it all making my frustration turn into something lighter. my heart practically stuttered in my chest, and i let out a shaky laugh, trying to play it off. “paige, stop playing.”
“who said i was playing?” she asked rhetorically, and the smile on her face made it hard to believe her. “we both got a lot going on. so why not… help each other out?”
oh, she was dead serious.
there were a hundred reasons why this was a bad idea, starting with the fact that we were teammates, and ending with… well, a whole list of things i didn’t even want to unpack. there were way too many what if’s, questions i didn’t even want to ask out loud.
it felt too risky. too complicated. sure, we’d had that weird chemistry from the start, but wasn’t that just the heat of competition? the back-and-forth on the court, the banter during practice, the way our games synced up so easily after we got over it. it didn’t have to mean anything.
and yet, here i was. sitting in her car, of all places, late at night, contemplating the idea of crossing that line. i wasn’t supposed to even consider it, right? i had this whole speech in my head about how i didn’t need distractions. i had enough to deal with, enough people talking behind my back, and i was already struggling to tune them out.
but somehow, paige made me forget all of that. she had a way of making this crazy ass idea actually sound logical.
“what about what dorka said?”
paige bit down on her lip. “what you mean? like, the teammate stuff?”
i nodded.
paige chuckled, not phased in the least as she shook her head. “bro, i’m not asking you to be my girlfriend, sana. i don’t want a relationship.”
the words hit harder than they should’ve, even though i knew i had no right to feel stung. it wasn’t like i wanted anything more either. i wasn’t looking for commitment. i’d just moved to this team; i barely had a grip on my own game here, let alone the dynamic between me and paige. it wasn’t supposed to matter that she didn’t want something serious.
and yet… something about hearing her say it out loud left a bitter taste in my mouth.
i’d have to be real serious about this no emotions thing. this couldn’t be more than a distraction.
paige moved again, settling back in her seat, arms crossing casually over her chest. i could make out her face from the streetlights hovering over the car, blonde hair cascaded over her shoulders, chain untucked over her black tee. “you really gon’ tell me you don’t need it? that it wouldn’t help?”
i narrowed my eyes at her, instinctively defensive. “how are you telling me what i need?”
paige raised an eyebrow, her tone softening but still filled with that teasing tone. “you tell me what you need then, sana.”
i didn’t say anything right away, my mind running a mile a minute, trying to figure out if this was a test, if she was playing with me or if this was something she actually believed would work. but maybe she wasn’t wrong for the first time in her life. maybe i did need something to take the edge off. i didn’t have to spend my time overthinking every move i make, every word spoken on and off the court, because something else would consume that time.
and maybe we both needed it.
before i could stop myself, my body moved on its own. i unclipped my seatbelt, the sound of the metal clicking softly in the quiet of the car, and i shifted, climbing over the center console until i was straddling her. paige didn’t move, didn’t flinch—she just sat there, arms still crossed over her chest, her eyes locked on mine.
when her hands finally moved to rest on my thighs, fingers brushing the insides, her touch was warm, but not overbearing. the air even felt warmer, the confined space of the car suddenly felt smaller. she looked up at me, her blonde hair falling in soft waves around her face, and that cocky grin still hadn’t budged. her control was good, mine better.
i leaned forward, just enough to get in her space, letting my lips hover dangerously close to hers without closing the gap. i could feel her breathing, see the way her chest rose and fell a little faster now, she was composed, but barely—just holding onto it by a thread. “you first.”
she licked her lips, eyes in a trance on mine as i brought them to her neck, dipping my head. i ghosted over it, initially hesitant before leaving a soft peck. then, i pressed a soft peck on her neck, then another, each kiss slower than the last, more deliberate. it’s been awhile since i’ve done something like this, and i was just testing the waters.
i wasn’t gonna actually give her what she wanted.
paige’s breath hitched as i licked up right beside her ear. “need you…” she trailed off, her voice almost a whisper as her breath started to pick up, shaky and uneven. her hands, which had been resting passively on my thighs, started to move, exploring, finally getting comfortable. her fingers traced up my sides, slow but firm, pressing into the fabric of my jacket before slipping underneath. “need your time, your attention… everything,” she rushed out, her voice more desperate now, as though the words were tumbling out faster than she could catch them.
i smiled, bringing my mouth back in front of hers, our lips hovering close enough that i could feel her exhale. tilting my head just slightly, i wrapped my arms around her neck, pulling her in closer before pressing my lips to hers in a kiss.
her hands tightened on my waist, pulling me closer as the kiss deepened. my mind blanked for a moment, getting lost in it as my hips began to move. i could feel the shift in paige herself, the way she let go, her composure slipping as she kissed me harder, like she needed more—more of me, more of this.
i could feel her waiting, the weight of her words hanging in the air. it was my turn, and she was letting me have the moment, handing over control—waiting for me to speak.
i leaned back just a little, eyes locked on paige’s as i watched hers fall elsewhere. lips parted, practically chasing mine. finally, i spoke, my voice drawn out and sultry. “i need you…” i dragged it out, fingers tracing the outline of her collarbone before i gently pushed her back, adding just enough pressure to get her off me. i grinned, watching the confusion in her eyes as she tried to figure out what the hell i was doing. “to not wanna be mine.”
before she could react, i pushed her face away gently, and she let it remain turned. her hands slipped off me, and i could feel her confusion, hear it in the way her breath hitched again, this time not from excitement but from the surprise. without looking back, i opened the door, sliding out with as i brought my leg from over her lap. i grabbed my purse from the passenger seat in the process, slinging it over my shoulder as i stood outside.
“sana—what?” paige’s voice cracked through the silence, the cockiness gone, replaced by genuine confusion. she turned in her seat, staring at me from the open door, searching for something—an answer, a reason for why i’d just left her hanging like that.
i leaned against the door, looking down at her with a smirk. “distraction, right? something to think about?”
she blinked, lips parting like she wanted to say something but couldn’t find the words. i watched her eyes dart between mine, her mind clearly racing for an answer, for some way to get control of the situation again.
“i gave that to you,” i said simply, stepping back from the car. “goodnight, paige.”
surely if paige bueckers wanted some no-strings, totally casual sex out of me, she’d have to fucking work for it.
i’m not that predictable.
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yandere-wishes · 3 days
I have a question... what do you think sentinels prime punshiments would look like? :3 what would be the worst one?
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。˚ ❀ ˚。 He's so evil and sadistic...so why do I love him so much?!?!
𝄞 Real Men by Mitski
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❀ The Icon of Iacon
❀ He loves the rogue sparks that fly inches from his face as he burns or rather "engraves" you. Sentinel uses his torch to engrave his name (Or rather a pretty cursive signature) somewhere on his darling's chassis. Similar to what he did to Megatron. He'll trail his digits over the resplendent scar later on. Making sure he feels every dip and curve of his name across her armor. Every shiver and shutter that runs ramped through his beloved darling's frame.
❀ Sentinel Prime isn't a gentle bot. He prefers to not see himself as barbaric just determined, steadfast. That's why he plucks the tires from his darling's body, not because he's cruel but because he'll do anything to keep her by his side. Although it's hard to find an excuse for how he relishes in the warm energon that coats his digits as he thrusts them into her open lacerations. Hard to find the right words when he's trailing open-mouthed kisses between gaping iron and savoring her ethereal taste as he eagerly licks her gushing wounds. Not cruel, no immoral...just in love.
❀ Her alt mode is rendered utterly useless. Pretty shiny thing that can't move. It leaves his darling ruined emotionally. She can't bear the state she's in. The grotesque useless thing she now has to transform into...
❀ So Sentinel rips out her T-cog. He does it to preserve her mental state, he swears. Does it so she won't have to turn into the form she's come to despise so wholeheartedly...And maybe if he's allowed a moment of selfishness he'll confuse in hushed tone whispers that he may have also done it to prevent her from running away.
❀ Although the procedure entirely depends on how his darling behaves. If she's sweet and docile, only ever trying to escape from his golden grasp. Then he'll take pity on her and permit her to remain unconscious through the whole thing, he's only doing this for her after all, he doesn't want her to suffer but it's necessary to keep her safe. Things are always "necessary" with him.
❀ However if his darling is feisty headstrong and constantly putting up a fight, a constant threat, metallic rose throne at his side, daring even to try and harm him. Then he'll definitely rip her T-cog straight from her chest, making sure she feels each wire snap, the grotesque unnatural expansion of her metallic chest. The rigorous pop of your diodes. The gory crunch of circuits snapping, forced to release the precious organ. He wants her withering in the pain. Looking into his optics and finally understanding that he owns her.
❀ The thing about a bot like Sentinel is that they can so easily look in a mirror and only see justice and golden paragons. Blood-soaked rhyme and reason that always ends with them draped in innocence relishing in the thing they want most. Bots like Sentinel, bots whose deific power ripples through every vein of a planet. Can never be painted as monsters, as wretched. They have too much authority and excuses to be anything but wholly perfect.
❀ You'd been so used to internal pain. The righteous crack of sparks, blunt anxiety cascading through your circuits. Maybe it's cause there isn't much that can harm a Cybertronian, not much that dents and rips celestial steel. But with him, everything is outwards. The churn of a nervous stomach is nothing compared to the rippling agony of a broken leg. Sentinel rips the pain from your metallic viscera, baths you in your own ichor, bedaubs you in pain as he calls you his "sweet little lover".
❀ "I hope Primus sends you straight to Unicron!" You can't help but scream between tears and traumatized sobs. You straighten your spine, knees folded to your chest. Your energon pools beneath you, pouring from his latest mauling. Open-ended wires spark as they make contact with your blue essence.
❀ Sentinel only chuckles, sky-hued optics playfully darting to the ground. 'Dear Primus, I don't believe in you'... but all he offers his darling is a sweet sugar-laced smile and a saccharine peck on the cheek.
❀ Sentinel will never admit it, it's hard to show such benignity when you rule an entire planet, but maybe -just maybe- at the end of the cycle his favorite misery to besiege upon you, is when he grips your chin or cheek and tugs you towards his lips. Savouring your ethereal taste. When he guides your servos to his chassis, pulling you closer till both are one. When he can just hold and kiss you. Just be with you. A romantic scene framed eternally by Cyerbtron's setting sun.
❀ If you close your optics, you can almost pretend to be in love...
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littlelamy · 3 days
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three’s a charm; rafe x reader x jj
a/n: i was inspird by @rafeyscurtainbangs post! so please enjoy🤭
warnings: suggestive
the fire crackles behind you, but it’s nothing compared to the heat between you, jj, and rafe. they’re both sitting way too close—close enough that you can feel jj’s knee pressing into yours on one side, while rafe’s hand rests dangerously on your lower back, fingers grazing the bare skin beneath your shirt.
you hadn’t expected this. maybe you’d picked up on the tension between them before, the way they always seemed to push each other’s buttons when it came to you, but tonight it feels different—heavier. and now, you’re caught in the middle of something that neither of them seems willing to back down from.
jj’s the first to make a move, his eyes locking on yours with that mischievous glint you’ve seen a thousand times before. only this time, it’s different. "you ever wonder what it’d be like, huh?" he asks, voice low as his hand slides up your thigh. "being stuck between the two of us?"
you swallow, your breath catching as you feel jj’s grip tighten slightly, his thumb brushing the inside of your leg in a way that has you holding back a gasp. you glance at rafe, but his face is unreadable, eyes dark as he watches jj’s hand on you, his own fingers tracing soft circles on your back.
rafe doesn’t respond, not at first. instead, he leans in closer, his lips brushing the shell of your ear as he whispers, "i don’t think she’s ready for that, jj."
his breath is hot against your skin, sending a shiver down your spine. your heart is pounding in your chest, the tension crackling in the air around you. before you can say anything, jj’s fingers tilt your chin up, his blue eyes staring down at you with a smirk playing on his lips.
"oh, i think she can handle it," jj murmurs, his mouth so close to yours that you can feel his breath. "but maybe you’re the one who can’t handle it, rafe."
rafe scoffs, his hand sliding up your back and resting on your shoulder, pulling you just a little closer to him. "keep dreaming, maybank," rafe mutters, but there’s a dangerous edge to his voice. it’s like a challenge, one that jj is more than willing to accept.
before you can react, jj’s lips crash against yours, catching you off guard. his kiss is rough, demanding, like he’s been holding back for too long. his hand grips your thigh, holding you in place as he kisses you deeply, his tongue sliding against yours in a way that leaves you breathless.
you don’t even have a moment to recover before rafe’s fingers slip under your chin, gently pulling you away from jj’s kiss. his touch is softer, more controlled, but his eyes burn with something darker as he leans in, his lips brushing against yours in a way that makes your heart race.
"not so fast," rafe whispers, his thumb brushing over your bottom lip before his mouth captures yours in a kiss that’s just as intense, just as overwhelming. rafe’s kiss is rougher this time, like he’s trying to prove something, and you’re caught in the middle of it, your senses overwhelmed by the push and pull between them.
jj isn’t done, though. his lips are back on your neck, trailing soft, teasing kisses along your skin that send a jolt of electricity through you. you gasp, your head tilting back as jj’s mouth continues to explore, his hand sliding higher up your thigh, dangerously close to the edge of your shorts.
you feel rafe’s hand tighten on your waist as jj’s lips brush over the sensitive spot just below your ear. "you like this, don’t you?" jj murmurs against your skin, his breath warm as his tongue flicks over your pulse point. "being the center of attention. being ours."
it’s not a question. it’s a statement. and the truth is, you do. you’ve never felt like this before, caught between the two of them, both of their hands on you, both of their mouths claiming you in their own way. it’s intoxicating, overwhelming, and you don’t want it to stop.
rafe pulls back slightly, his lips ghosting over your jawline as his eyes lock on jj. "think she’s ready for both of us?" rafe asks, his voice low, dangerous.
jj grins, his teeth grazing the skin of your neck. "guess we’re about to find out," he mutters, his hand slipping under your shirt, fingers brushing the bare skin of your stomach. his touch is light, teasing, making you squirm between them.
rafe chuckles, a dark, rumbling sound that sends another thrill through you. "better hold on tight, baby," he whispers, his hand sliding lower, gripping your waist as he pulls you closer to him. "you’re in for a ride."
and then, almost in sync, both of them lean in. jj’s lips meet yours again, softer this time, teasing, while rafe’s mouth trails down your neck, his breath hot against your skin as his teeth graze your collarbone. you’re caught between them, their bodies pressing against yours, their hands exploring, their kisses leaving you breathless and dizzy.
you don’t know where jj ends and rafe begins anymore. it’s all heat, all need, and you’re the center of it, the object of their desire. their hands slide over your skin, their lips moving against yours, and you can’t help but get lost in the sensation, in the way they both seem to want you, need you.
jj pulls away first, just enough to catch his breath, his forehead resting against yours as his thumb brushes over your cheek. "still think you can handle this?" he asks, his voice rough, breathless.
you don’t have a chance to respond before rafe’s lips are back on yours, his kiss more demanding this time, his hand slipping lower, pulling you against him. "you’re not going anywhere," rafe whispers against your lips, his fingers digging into your skin. "you’re ours."
taglist (comment below if you want to be added): @namelesslosers @princessslutt @averyoceanblvd @iknowdatsrightbih @starkeysprincess @sixrosberg @anamiad00msday @ivysprophecy @wearemadeofstardust0
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hysteria-things · 2 days
what kinks do u think chris has i feel like he’s a big hitter and choker (or maybe im just saying that because those r my kinks and i like the idea of that😭)
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chris has quite a few kinks, and here they are ;)
slapping your ass raw is one of chris’ favorites, especially when you’re being punished. rarely when you act like a brat, he doesn’t reward you by fucking you. he’ll drag you into his bedroom and make you bend over his desk, pinning your hands behind your back. yelps and cries fall past your lips, tears welling in your eyes whenever his hand makes contact with your asscheeks. hard.
“i’m sorry— ah!” you wince in pain, a harsh smack tingling the numbed flesh. he spanks you up to fifty times, but you always lose count.
seeing you so fucked out on his dick is his favorite sight to see. he forced two orgasms out of you already, but doesn’t plan on stopping anytime soon. his cum is painted on your bare stomach and your panties are soaked. he has them moved to the side while he continuously rubs his tip on your clit, teasing you in your dumb state.
what chris sees is your eyes rolled back and mouth wide open with your tongue sticking out. you try to blab out a phrase from time to time, but there’s no use. he groans, dick twitching giving him the indication to snap his hips forward once again. all you do is moan, your sweet spot getting abused making your pussy clench. “oh— oh, god! oh!” you scream out nonsense, which has him go faster.
grunting, he thinks to himself that if you’re still managing to speak, he just has to keep going.
this kink of his is one of his secrets that mostly occurs during ovulation week. “chris! yes!” you chant, holding on for dear life onto the headboard as it bangs against the wall, your ass recoiling off of his pelvis vigorously. this is your third position so far, and the bed has never been this messy. cum from your previous orgasm drips down his shaft that’s balls deep into your cunt, your boyfriend being mesmerized by the view.
you wrap around him perfectly, the squelching noise becoming louder when his balls slap against your clit harshly. burying your head into the pillows, your loud moans are muffled from the cushioning. chris pulls you by the hair to lift your head back up. “come on, let me hear it.” he says, grunting in the process. you feel the bulge start to protrude from your tummy, his tip hitting directly at your cervix.
“d-don’t stop.” you sob from the pleasure. “oh god, right there! feels so go-od, daddy.”
his breath hitches. “oh, yeah? is that what you think?” he starts, gripping your hips tighter as his dick twitches inside of you from the nickname. “you want my baby fucked in ya?”
hoarse moans leave your throat when his seed shoots a load deep within your walls as you nod your head frantically. “that’s my girl. take my cock just like that.”
when he’s done with you after a good hour, he puts your underwear back on for you and kisses your freshly bred pussy that has you flinch from the sensitivity, but it has him smirk. “making sure none falls out.”
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lost-in-fandoms · 1 day
I love your writing so much!! If you are taking prompts (no pressure!!!!): daniel doing something cute for max’s bday while they are together in Perth after Singapore ❤️
Hello, I love you!! You are SO nice and I appreciate you sending a prompt! This was probably not what you were envisioning, even if there are cute things happening, but I hope you like it anyway. I wanted more birthday stuff but it sort of ran away from me. Also, this is about 2k oh god.
Daniel figured out in the early days, even before they were actually together, that Max doesn't care much about his birthday.
He will never say no to cake (unless his trainer gives him really mean looks), he appreciates gifts, and he loves a good party, but he has no real feelings about it being his birthday.
Daniel had asked him about it once, wondering if maybe there was some sort of deep rooted trauma behind it he didn't know about, but Max had just shrugged, easy and relaxed. It is not important, Daniel, when I get old, if I am getting older every day.
He knows that this year Max has no plans for it, and knows that neither of them minds, both just wanting a quiet day with each other.
It's been...a lot, lately.
Even here, away from the crowds and the hungry world that has just recently spit him out, like a bitter and unwanted bite, it's not been easy to let everything go.
The first two days after landing they had barely left the bed, sleeping and kissing lazily, too drained to even have sex. The third day they had spent with Daniel's family. The fourth, the one when the news had become official for the world, he had gotten horrifically drunk, in a way he hadn't done in years, Max being the one providing glasses of water for once and hands on his forehead while he was crying over a toilet bowl. He doesn't have many memories of the fifth one, spent nursing the worst hungover on this side of thirty.
And then he had tried to start his new life.
He doesn't know yet how that will look like, which makes it harder, but he's taking one step at a time, like his mom has been telling him.
Yesterday's step had been joining Max for some training, because he doesn't want to actually become a couch potato, and looking into finding a new internet provider after Max's numerous complaints.
Today's first step is going to be the farmers market.
He considers waking up Max for it, but it's barely seven a.m., and he doesn't actually want to be threatened with bodily harm this early in the day, so he leaves him with a kiss (Max doesn't even stir) and a post-it note on the bedside table.
It doesn't take long for him to decide that the farmers market isn't for him, at least not yet. Maybe it's an acquired taste, but there's just too much going on, bustling people pressing around him, vendors loudly calling out prices, colorful things attracting his attention everywhere, making his head spin.
He manages to get what he wanted and then flees, back to the safety of his car and towards the quiet of the farm.
It's only when he's halfway there that he realises that a few years ago he would have loved all of it, and then has to force himself to not have an existential crisis over it, wondering if it's just a result of getting old, or if something about the last few months has irrevocably broken him.
When he pokes his head into the bedroom, he finds that Max is awake, sitting up against the headboard, phone in hand and blankets pooled around his waist, looking soft and sleep-mussed.
"Good morning," Daniel says, stepping inside and feeling the warmth of Max's smile wrap around his lungs. "Happy birthday."
Max, impossibly, seems to soften further, his ears growing pinker.
"Thank you," he says, his voice still raspy with sleep. He reaches for Daniel, but he holds up a hand, taking a step back towards the door.
"Hold on, I have something for you. Don't move."
He watches as Max makes a show of settling back against the pillows and stilling there, beaming at him when Daniel laughs, retreating in the other room.
He comes back holding a paper bag and a bottle of orange juice in one hand and a small bouquet of flowers in the other, offering both to Max with a smile, refusing to feel self conscious about it.
Max blinks up at him, fingers just a touch away from Daniel's hand, surprise and confusion mixing on his face.
"For me?" he asks, soft and amazed.
Daniel nods, not really trusting himself to speak, and Max finally closes the distance, wrapping his fingers around the bunch of stems and taking the flowers from Daniel, pulling them close to his chest and burying his face into the colorful petals.
Daniel doesn't really know what kinds of flowers they are, he just chose a few that looked pretty, but he doesn't think it matters. Not when Max looks up at him again, cheeks red and eyes bright, smiling wide wide wide, happy and lovely.
"Thank you, Daniel," he says, so earnestly it cracks something open in Daniel's chest, unwanted and unexpected, making him feel like everything is too much once again.
Luckily, Max seems to notice, because he always notices, and he settles the flower gently on the blankets, uncaring of the wet stems, before tugging Daniel down in his lap. His hands are solid weights on Daniel's hips, and for the first time since he woke up that morning, Daniel feels like he can breathe fully, settled and steady, the feeling of being adrift that he had refused to acknowledge pushed away for a little while longer.
"What's in there?" Max asks, thumbs rubbing circles on Daniel's hipbones, gesturing with his chin towards the paper bag still in Daniel's hand.
The smell of baked goods has for sure given it away already, but Daniel makes a show of it, extracting a croissant as if it was a bunny from a magic hat, wishing Max's laughter could seep right into his bloodstream, weaving itself around his cells.
Max bites into the croissant cheerfully, not minding the flaky crumbs that rain down on the sheets, thanking Daniel again and humming his approval.
Daniel's chest feels warm.
"What's that?" Max asks again while he chews, pointing at the orange juice.
"Orange juice," Daniel tells him, untwisting the cap and offering the bottle to him, missing Max's hand as soon as it's gone. "Watched Marco squeeze it fresh myself."
He does his best to keep his face straight as Max hesitates, bottle halfway up to his mouth, eyes narrowing.
"Charming guy, yes," Daniel teases, unable to keep himself from smiling any longer, amused by Max's frown, "about sixty years old."
The frown disappears as fast as it had formed, and Max smirks at him, finally taking a sip.
"Forty years too old for you," he says once he has swallowed, laughing at Daniel's outraged squeak.
Max makes it up to him by offering him the middle bite of the croissant, sweet custard oozing onto his fingers, and then again by kissing Daniel thoroughly, sweet with vanilla and sugar.
"I have something else," Daniel tells him some time later, when they're all kissed out, pushing away from Max's chest and clambering back onto his feet.
Max follows him without question, tugging on a pair of shorts abandoned on the floor, and grabbing the flowers from the bed, taking them to the kitchen counter before joining Daniel outside.
Daniel grabs his hand, because he can here, away from prying eyes, and guides him around the porch to a cardboard box peeping quietly.
Max gasps, immediately crouching in front of it and opening it, letting out a surprised laugh when he sees what's inside: four little chicks, fluffy and pale yellow, tweeting up at him.
"You said we needed them to have a real farm," he says, carding his fingers through Max's hair, "and mom said I needed a project."
Max has his fingers in the box already, trying to pet the chicks without startling them, but he leans back to beam up at him, eyes crinkling.
"I love them," he declares, steady and unashamed, before turning back to the box.
This time, he manages to scoop two chicks up in his cupped hands, taking them out and cradling them against his chest, humming happily.
"I think you're their mama now," Daniel jokes, "you'll have to come back for them."
He knows he's said the wrong thing as soon as it's out of his mouth, Max's shoulders tensing, even as his hands stay gentle around the chicks. He doesn't know how to backtrack though, doesn't really want to, so he watches as Max puts them down again and gets up, knees cracking.
He goes to make a joke about that too, something about Max getting old, but the words get stuck in his throat at the sight of Max's unhappy expression.
"Of course I'm coming back, Daniel," Max says with a frown, steely certainty behind it. "Did you think I was going to leave and..."
He doesn't finish his sentence, crossing his arms and looking away, blinking rapidly.
"I..." Daniel swallows, picking at a cuticle on his thumb. "I'm sorry."
It's again the wrong thing to say, Max turning back towards him, eyes shiny and thunderous expression.
"I love you, Daniel," he snaps, forceful and determined. "I love you, Daniel, not the you who races. I am not going to fuck off and leave just because..."
He shakes his head, reels himself in. Daniel doesn't know if he's breathing, but if he was, he stops when Max steps closer, bringing his hands up to cup his cheeks.
"I will have to leave, because I need to finish this season, and maybe the next, I don't know, but I am always coming back. Any time I can find time, I will be here. Or in LA, or wherever you will decide to be."
Max swipes his thumb along Daniel's cheekbone, leaning forward to gently thump their foreheads together.
"I wish you were racing with me," he whispers, a confession he hadn't let Daniel have yet. Daniel's heart is split open. "Always it is better, to race with you. I thought we would be racing until we both retired, but I don't care that it is different. I will miss you, when you're here and I am there, and then I will come back."
Max's fingers are damp with Daniel's tears now, and Daniel lets himself be tugged closer, wrapped in the safest arms he knows, hiding his face in Max's neck.
"I'm sorry," he croaks again when he finally finds his voice again, twisting his hands on the back of Max's sleep shirt.
He feels Max's take a deep breath, letting it out against Daniel's hair.
"I wish I could fix it," he says slowly, measuring his words, "but I don't like when you say that I will leave. I have never left. I will not start now."
And he's right, Daniel knows he's right, but it's been hard to remember what he still has lately, after everything went down.
He nods against Max's skin and then lets Max hold him, gently rocking side to side, the chicks peeping softly at their feet, until he doesn't feel like he's going to break with every stuttering breath anymore.
"I was thinking we could go down to the trail," he murmurs, lips dragging against Max's damp shirt. "Take some food, have a picnic. I bought bread rolls."
Max squeezes him tightly once more before putting some distance between them to be able to look at his face, smiling gently.
"I like that. You can make the food while I take the babies to their new coop."
Daniel freezes.
"You have bought a coop too, right Daniel?" Max asks, eyebrows raising. Daniel can feel himself blush.
"I...didn't think about it?" he tries to justify himself.
For a second Max just stares at him, and then he starts laughing, dropping his head against Daniel's chest.
"Stop laughing at me!" Daniel whines, hitting Max's shaking back, but making no move to step away.
Max hits him back, then straightens himself, laughter still etched in the lines of his face.
"Alright," he says, slightly out of breath, "we are going to buy a coop instead. Or build a coop, I don't know what is better, we'll have to call your dad. And we'll do the trail tomorrow, or the day after."
Tomorrow, or the day after.
It seems to hit Daniel all at once, that this is the start. He has tomorrow, and the day after, to do anything he wants. To go on hikes with his boyfriend, to think about new projects, to pick up old hobbies and interests, no schedules to stop him. And he will have tomorrow, and the day after, even when Max has to leave to go racing again, because Max will come back, to have more tomorrows, and the days after, with him.
He surges forward, crashing his lips against Max's, who gasps in surprise but eagerly kisses him back, until all that's left in his brain is tomorrow and Max.
Only then he lets Max go again, stepping back with a smile.
"Let's go get a house for the babies, baby."
And in the lines of Max's smile he can almost see it already: tomorrow, and the day after.
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ohisms · 1 day
✱˚。⋆ ↪ 𝐂𝐔𝐋𝐓 𝐂𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐂𝐒 . ( a collection of horror - based dialogue prompts . adjust phrasing as necessary . mature themes present . )
you'll never get what you want .
we need to stay together . no 'splitting up' bullshit .
nobody ever prepared me for this .
so you've just been lying to me this entire time ?
there's too much blood , i can't stop it .
this is over when i say it's over .
[ name ] , be careful . i've already lost enough people that i care about .
i never should have trusted you .
this is getting really out of hand , okay ?
i feel like we're not alone .
revenge is the best medicine !
put your head on straight , this isn't over yet .
maybe we should ... y'know , check it out ?
run . run and don't stop .
i thought i saw something ... i - i must be going crazy .
you couldn't pay me to go down there .
the cops are on their way .
would you rather stay here and die ?!
there's no such thing as [ ghosts / demons ] . it's made-up .
you aren't going anywhere .
i'm putting you out of your misery .
i know you think you're untouchable , but they will kill us .
you shouldn't have touched that .
we aren't going to make it out of here , are we ?
why are you following me ?
there has to be a medical kit here , somewhere .
i'll go with you . strength in numbers , right ?
don't move ... a fucking muscle .
fuck , the door is locked from the other side .
don't get ... dead , okay ?
that was the only [ bullet / round / flare ] we had .
did you really think it would be that easy ?
we've come too far , we can't turn around now .
put down the [ weapon ] . please .
come on , help me barricade the door .
[ name ] , is that ... blood ?
haven't you seen a horror movie ? the blonde always dies .
it was you ? YOU did this ?!
you are gonna fucking pay .
i'm going to give you ten seconds . nine , eight ...
i want you to admit what you did .
hey , look at me -- it's not real . it's not real .
do you think they're watching us right now ?
we're in this together . no one gets left behind .
let them go ... please , just let them go .
oh my god , what the hell was that ?!
you know i'm capable of this .
i had to ... i had no choice .
you don't have the guts .
this is fucked up , this is so fucked up .
what we're dealing with isn't even human .
you need to hide . find somewhere & don't come out .
stop ! don't touch that . we don't know what it is .
i've done bad things to good people .
if they catch us , they will kill us .
why are you covered in blood ?
i can't ... i can't feel my -
[ name ] is dead . i saw it happen .
what , you're gonna kill me ? i don't believe you .
there is an evil in you . i see it .
this shit only happens to people in horror movies .
forget about me , just save them .
what's one reason i shouldn't kill you right now ?
you aren't supposed to be here .
please don't . i'm begging you .
are you scared ?
whatever happens , don't let go of my hand .
[ name ] , this isn't you .
well , what the fuck are we supposed to do ?!
get out of my house before i call the cops .
you're going to regret that .
there's that smile ... i'm glad it's the last thing i'll see .
if we make it out of here , tonight will haunt me forever .
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cirrushuggerisme · 2 days
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twinkle twinkle little star~(BLURB)
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warning: FLUFF DUH, cuddling, friends to lovers? afab!reader x sleep deprived!yuta, nothing else really lmao a/n: omg omg omg!!! ITS BEEN LONG BRO- I WAS MAKING TWO FANFICS (gojo and yuta) AT THE SAME TIME. AND I'M NOT EVEN CLOSE TO BEING DONE WITH ONE MAYBE THE GOJO ONE BUT YUTA ONE AHHHHH SO A QUICK BLURB EEEKKKK
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anyone who knows yuta would know him very well for one thing—— he was a sleep deprived fool. he would stay up all night, stressed about who knows what.
and you were really worried about him. imagine waking up, and coming to class everyday sleep deprived. you sympathized for the man and tried to help him with his sleep deprivation.
you started with pills. which unfortunately didn't work.. next you got him a more comfortable pillow. that should work, right? it almost did, but then he was worried whether he might sleep so well that he'll come to classes late. man this guy has anxiety....
the next was a plushie.
massage chair? made him comfortable, but no.
you tried literally everything to make this man sleep, and was about to give up until, just like a light bulb, something switched in your head. you had an idea.
"y/n, are you sure this is going to work?" yuta asked. you just barged into his room and said you had a plan to make him fall asleep. "yes, yes, now lay down and close your eyes." yuta, who was already visible confused, arched a brow before complying to your words. yuta laid flat, resting both arms on his stomach and his eyes shut.
"listen, y/n, I appreciate you trying to help me, but you don't have to-" yuta gets interrupted when he feels the warmth of another body next to him. his eyes flew open and he immediately turned into a blushing mess when he saw you cuddling him with your head on his chest and one arm wrapped up behind him. "y/nwhatareyou-" yuta hitches. the warmth of both your bodies made yuta suddenly feel drowsy. suddenly, you started to sing a lullaby that yuta was awe-to familiar with. "twinkle, twinkle, twinkle star~ how I wonder what you are—"
"pfft." you stopped singing and your frowned, knitting your brows together. "is something funny, Mr.okkotsu?" you said, holding back your laugh to try and be serious. "no, no—"
yuta turned his body to face you, your faces now inches away from each other, one move could make your lips connect. "your singing is beautiful. the song is just—" yuta put a finger under his chin, looking away to think of the right word to use "funny?" you laughed, beautifully, your breathe touching his face and he smiled at this. making you laugh gave him a little pride.
"funny?" you repeated his words. "yes, funny. its just so, you know, old? so its funny." you chucked. "God, twinkle, twinkle little stars is funny now?" you asked and yuta nodded slowly. "well, it did help a bit. I feel slightly sleepy." yuta faked a yawn and you rolled your eyes. "shut up." you said before yawning. "it seems your the tired one." yuta shifted closer and pulled you in for a hug. "was your plan to cuddle me to sleep?" yuta asked, teasing a bit. "yeah.." you asked, slowly loosing consciousness. "it's was great idea cause its working." yuta said. he watched as you closed your breathe and your chest heaved up and down. yuta smiled down at you, slowly falling asleep himself. he shifted even closer, closing any gap between you two.
"twinkle, twinkle little star... how i wonder what you are.."
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divider credits to: @/enchanthings
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luvaaikoo · 2 days
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𝘩𝘪𝘨𝘩 𝘮𝘢𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘯𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦, nicholas alexander chavez
pairing - nicholas chavez & latina!reader (but anyone can read)
nicholas has a thing for his girlfriend being all done up and pampered.
"they're pretty," nicholas told the girl, staring down at his lap while lightly wetting his bottom lip with the tip of his tongue.
he involuntarily let out a shaky breath as he lifted his gaze up to stare at her through the hair that had fallen in front of his eyes. she had been out all morning treating herself to a maintenance day. just earlier that week, she'd been signed to one of the top los angeles management agencies. that deserves celebration, right?
her lashes were freshly done, the pretty fans creating a dark, cat-eye shape to her upturned eyes.
her skin seemed to glow more than usual as per the european facial she had scheduled for herself last minute, and her eyebrows were shaped and clean threaded.
but nicholas couldn't help himself but hyper-fixate on her nails.
"oh yeah?" she asked him quietly, a soft smirk growing on her face as she hovered over him.
looking down at his lap again, he let a deep sigh leave his throat.
her sets always matched her toes. something he adored a little too much. this time, she went with a classic french manicure. square shape and all. maybe it was just his eyes growing glassy but nicholas could've sworn he saw her nails sparkle as her grip tightened on his dick.
her hands were so soft compared to his hardened self. as her thumb swiped over his head with a feather-like touch, he lulled his head back slightly while nodding his head, leaning back onto his elbows.
"mhm," he groaned.
she adjusted herself, settling onto his lap with the insides of her thighs up against the sides of his hips. a clear drop of precum dripped down her fingers, complimenting the glossiness of her nail polish. "thank you for paying for them," she whispered.
nicholas lifted his head up slightly, letting his teeth gently naw on the inside of his lips.
"y'dont have to thank me baby, you know that."
his voice sounded hoarse, barely above a whisper, as he struggled to maintain a leveled tone.
"but i want to," the girl leaned down to press her lips softly against his, feeling him twitch as her hand moved up and down.
he moaned quietly into her mouth, letting his eyes flutter close while shaking his head. "you don't have to," he mumbled against her gloss covered lips, bringing a hand up to grip the fat of her ass for some type of stability.
she pulled back a little bit, looking back as he pulled on the ruffled hem of her shorts. "pretty girl," he muttered, bucking his up softly up into the palm of her hand as he felt himself getting closer.
her hand moved quicker, making him bite down on his bottom lip and let out a quiet "fuck," his leg shaking enough to make the girl on his lap bounce up and down slightly. cum flowed down her tanned hand, coating the diamond tennis bracelet she wore and matching ring.
leaning forward, she gave him a wet kiss, temporarily quieting down his loud breathing pattern. before she could pull away, his hand snaked up to the back of her head, holding her in place as he deepened the kiss, giving her a silent thank you that he would never even try to say out loud.
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adickaboutspoons · 2 days
Read this post, and now I've got a scenario without a story stuck in my head and I'm going to make it everyone else's problem Biker Ed & his buddies are refueling at a gas station when he notices a (smokeshow) posh-looking guy walking into the attached convenience store. He gives Jack a friendly shoulder-check. "Bet I can get his number." Last night Jack got digits from 2 (crazy hot, but, accent on the crazy) ladies at the bar, & he's been insufferable ever since. "What? Fancy Britches over there?!" Jack hoots, following it with a raucous guffaw. Ed swivels his head around; surely Smokeshow heard Jack, even though he & the boys are clustered around the pumps furthest from the door, but, thankfully, Smokeshow is already inside. Jack gives him the side-eye. "You're not serious, right? Since when is that guy your type?" Since Ed laid eyes on him & he instantaneously punched every single one of Ed's buttons in a way that no one ever has before. But Ed snorts & shrugs, "Yeah, nah. That's what makes it a challenge. Like. Does that look like the kind of guy who want to give a guy like me his number?" Ed desperately hopes he's the kind of guy who will give Ed his number. And his address. And his fucking hand in marriage, maybe. "Let's make it interesting," Ed says, & that got Jack's attention. "20? No. 40 bucks says I get his number." For a long moment Jack doesn't say anything. He regards Ed, & Ed's half certain he's sussed it out - that Ed isn't after a challenging mark to prove to his friends he can pull whoever he wants; he's desperate for this to work & more than a little terrified that it won't - psyching himself up by adding stakes so the fluttery fear in his tum won't talk out of taking his shot. If he doesn't get a move on, whole thing'll be moot. He feels the enormous weight of the seconds as they tick away. Jack scoffs. "Yeah. Why not? You crash & burn & I get your cash. You get his digits, & I get a good laugh when you busts his chops for thinking he ever had a chance. Sounds like a win-win to me." Ed tries not too look too eager when he scuttles across the parking lot. Smokeshow comes out the door just as he's reaching for the handle. He gives a little startled "Oh" then hurriedly steps to the side, holding the door for Ed to go through with a soft, polite smile. Oh fuck. Up close he's gorgeous, & that smile? It teases out a dimple on one side that Ed wants very much to kiss. "Uh. No. No thanks," Ed stammers. He clears his throat. "I'm Ed." Smokeshow is still smiling, but confusion crinkles his brow. "Nice to meet you, Ed. I'm Stede," he replies. "Wanna do something weird?" Ed says, half-expecting Stede to break into a dead run. Stede isn't running. Stede is leaning closer, his eyebrows hiked with interest. "I just bet my buddies $40 I could get your number. If you do me a solid, I'll split the bounty with you. Just write a number on my hand - doesn't even have to be yours." Please please please let it be his. Stede laughs &, oh god, he's even cuter when he laughs. Ed's heart stutters in his chest. "Well... Do you have a pen?" Ed does have a pen, but with the way his palms are sweating he's pretty sure the number is going to be completely illegible in, like, 3 seconds. Stede is done writing, but he's not letting go of Ed's hand. "Um..." he says shyly, "do you thinks a little kiss on the cheek might really sell the bit?" Ed is not going to have a number written on his hand anymore because his body is going to simply vaporize, but he just nods & says "Yeah. Sure. Good thinking." Stede leans in & as his lips brush against Ed's cheekbones (fuck his lips are soft. Does he just, like, endlessly apply chapstick or), he whispers, "Number's real. Give it a ring and we'll work out a time & place to split the loot." Then he's gone. By the time Ed's brain catches up to this fact, Stede's car is turning right onto the highway. Ed's brain must have hitched a ride or something, because he has no idea how he got back to his bike, or what Jack is whinging about as he grumpily stuffs $40 into his hand.
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ervotica · 2 days
bartyyyy 33. hushed conversation in-between kisses in the hallway or something as reader tries to calm him down and stop him from murdering a fellow student for looking at her/saying something to her lols. maybe she fails and he still gets a little murdery
thanks for requesting my love! ✩ 600 words
You know Barty can rarely deny you anything.
Not when you coo in that honeyed voice, slipping an arm beneath his rumpled shirt to palm at his bare skin. Murmuring reassurances against his lips, smoothing out his jagged edges with sweetened promises.
You have Barty against the wall in the corridor as you nose at his cheek. You thread your fingers through the short hairs at his nape and scratch, your grin imprinting against the side of his face when he sags against you. The anger melts from his expression like softened butter.
He tips his head back against the wall and it thumps; to entice him closer, your lips push out into a pout you know he won't be able to resist kissing.
One kiss, two, three.
You pull back until your lips are just grazing his, and wedge your shoulder under his armpit, an arm slung lazily round his back. You start to murmur against his mouth.
"Ignore him, baby. You know I only want you."
McLaggen's been harassing you for a date for weeks. It's been harmless for the most part, but you know Barty, and you know he won't think twice before kicking the fucker's teeth out.
"That's not what I'm fucked off about, treasure," he says, smoothing a hand over the crown of your skull.
He gets you by the scruff of the neck, anchoring you back for another open mouthed kiss. You push closer and hum your appreciation. Your fingers splay wide at the dip of his spine, tickling until he squirms under your touch and drops his head to the crook of your shoulder.
You feel McLaggen's furious stare but pay it no mind, too busy doting on your lovely boyfriend to care who's watching. You don't so much as glance away until he knocks his elbow with yours as he breezes past with a faux arrogance you know is all for show.
"Fuck off, McLaggen," you spit, pushing further against Barty. You feel your boyfriend lunge outwards before you're pushing him back and putting yourself in front of him as a shield.
"Treasure, I love you more than life itself, but move," Barty hisses. You sigh.
"Please don't."
He smears a kiss over the top of your head in apology before you're being moved by means of those thick fingers round your waist, lifted until you're thrust against one poor, unsuspecting Regulus Black. You let out a terse breath, steadying yourself against Regulus' shoulder with a splayed hand.
"Sorry, darling," you mumble.
"You alright?"
You nod before your eyes snap to Barty once more. He has McLaggen by the collar, thick fingers squeezing his cheeks in an effort to force eye contact as he bellows down at the boy, loud enough to hurt your ears.
"You touch my girl again and I'll break your fucking jaw, you hear me? You so much as look at her and you're dead."
His eyes are wild and you know his pulse is thrumming something rotten now he's geared up for a fight.
"Barty!" you scold.
Regulus hooks an arm around your waist to keep you from darting off through the crowd that's formed. You harrumph in protest.
"Okay, you're done," you declare, dragging Regulus by the wrist through the crowd with you as McLaggen sags and collapses rather unceremoniously at Barty's feet.
Barty's features morph from triumphant to guilty in an instant. He simpers, eyes scrunching at the corners until his crows feet crinkle. You snort and turn to face him.
"You're lucky I love you."
His eyes blow wide and he looks utterly lovesick. Beautiful, albeit mildly pathetic.
His expression flares with a possessiveness you know all too well. He drags you up his chest for a searing kiss that makes your insides flip-flop. You're breathing hard when he pulls away, slick with spit and beaming like a madman.
"Come on, killer," you snort. "Let's go to your dorm."
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kfaem · 21 hours
play video games with the LADS
i feel bad for not writing more for xavier but i honestly dont know how to write his character all too well
also i did go a bit heavier with sylus lol, sorry about that
also warning for cursing and probably ooc for xav and raf, im a sylus and zayne girly so i focused more on them lol
I feel like our doctor would lowkey love farming/life sims like Harvest Moon, Stardew Valley, etc. cause he'd like the mundane grind of it all.
you'd introduce him to Stardew and leave for like 3 hours to do some errands and whatnot and when you return his farm is like fully functional and he's already rich.
when you ask how in the ever loving shit he got so far he said he just played the game as he saw fit. which also includes him doing the tasks on the board at Pierre's.
now whenever you both have free time, you two sit down and play a game together, enjoying the calm that it gives while making Zayne feel like he isn't doing nothing.
i feel like he'd enjoy fps games?? but like, not accurate ones, yk, he wants to play a fps that has magic and shit in it.
he wouldn't play alone since he gets bored too fast, he needs you there with him.
dies "accidentally" so you have to revive him every few minutes, he'll sigh, leaning back on the sofa before looking at you, who is absolutely glaring at him for dying for the third time in a ten minute period.
whenever you visit, you two have a habit of sitting down and playing together, cuddled together with the lights dimmed and some snacks and beverages of choice (hot chocolate, tea, coffee, maybe some alcohol wanted)
he acts like he doesnt enjoy it all that much, but it really is some of his favourite times spent with you.
also, the twins have interrupted you guys a few times. they're pretty wicked at whatever games you guys end up playing too lol (pico park with sy and the twins? ultimate rage, the angriest you've ever been)
isn't it canon that he's really good at video games? i could see him joining you in games like powerwash sim, a little to the left, or crime scene cleaner.
he'd probably want to play something thats more gameplay heavy (i've never played but i could see him playing the zelda games) but he honestly just wants to be close to you so anythings fine
the slower games dont keep him as well energized so be ready to nudge him awake when you two are in the middle of a powerwash sim map.
house flipper, unpacking, dress to impress
anything that includes fashion/design he is so fucking in dude, gets actually invested in dti and hates playing in most of the lobbies since those kids dont know how to vote for REAL fashion
at some point he kinda tunes you out and gets really invested in what game hes playing. its not that he doesnt want to pay attention to you, he just really wants to do his absolute best and if he focuses too heavy on what you're talking about (ie. shit talking the children in the lobby who are not sticking to theme)
after hes done with the task he zones in on, his attention is fully back on you and you guys will collectively bash the others who arent on theme
he calls it a bonding moment between you two
when one or both of you make it on the podium, he gets excited beyond comprehension lol
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daengtokki · 2 days
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part five // serial killer!Kim Seungmin/afab reader
WC: 11k
RATING: mature/explicit/mdni—contains: angst, sex, murder, medication usage, hallucinations, sa mention
SYNOPSIS: you walk into Seungmin’s life, and disrupt everything (part 5/?)
˗ˋˏ♡ I wasn't sure how many parts I would need to get to the end, but this isn’t it, ha—we’re not done yet! Thank you for sticking with me!
Please support and reblog if you enjoy! Reblogs help your favorite writers on Tumblr! ˎˊ˗
—taglist: @kkamismom12 / @r0tt1n / @heluvschibi / @feckinbecky / @missystay / @seungluvr / @babrieeee / @curiouscocoabean / @feelikecinderella / @carpioassists / @soulsbbg
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Where do you go from here?
You can’t tell yet, because Seungmin hasn’t spoken more than ten words to you in the last three days. The feeling deep down in your gut was right, but despite your heartache, your sleepless nights, and your lonely days…this still feels normal. He heard the words, panicked(?), put a new wall up, and now you’re left with this painful, awkward silence.
But it’s not fair. He started this.
He said it first, and you don’t think he would say those words lightly—it didn’t take all these weeks to figure that out. You knew the night he came looking for you and finally managed to tell you he didn’t want you to leave. It took a lot out of him. Taking you in and caring for you has taken a lot out of him, even though it does seem to be the other way around most of the time. That came naturally, though. Being responsible for the people around you is your normal; taking the blame when things go wrong, or don’t work out…that’s all yours. Damage control is your specialty, but you haven’t done a great job of it lately.
Seungmin looks at you from his spot in the living room. He’s sitting up, but hugging his pillow and resting his head on the arm of the couch. This has been his typical afternoon for the last few days after taking his medicine, and you’re worried he’s adjusting poorly…hallucinating, and just not telling you.
“Did you eat last night?”
He closes his eyes.
“I’ll take that as a no. So, nothing since yesterday morning.”
Maybe if you go over there and beg him to say something; get down on your knees and plead, you’ll get a word. You want to tell him about your nightmare last night. If you were thrashing around and talking in your sleep, he didn’t hear you—he didn’t wake you and comfort you. You woke on your own, gasping for breath and clenching the sheets, and Seungmin’s eyes were shut tight. Trying to get any sleep after that was useless, so you gathered your pillow, a blanket, and Daengmo (he was looking at you, at least) and left him there.
Daengmo is still here on the opposite end of the couch, like a strange mirrored image of his owner.
“I can try to make you something”
“Or I can order it. I haven’t exactly mastered Korean cooking yet.” But not for lack of trying. You’ve consumed nothing but news, dramas, and cooking shows lately to help with learning the language. And to make sure you don’t hear anything else about Seungmin’s last kill. So far it’s been quiet, but it’s only been three days.
“I’ll just go grab something.” You throw your sweatshirt on and head for the door, “you can eat it if you want…” tighten your shoelaces, grab your keys. A mumble comes from him as you reach for the doorknob, and you almost ignore it. “Did you say something?”
“I said I’ll come with you”
It takes him a few more moments to sit himself up, but once he gets that far, he seems to wake up. You wait patiently by the door as he changes, and he makes a point to duck into the bathroom and fix his hair. Another thing you did in complete silence; dyed his hair, and you noticed him staring at the trashcan where the he threw the negative test. Seungmin comes back out looking almost exactly like he did the day you met him; the black and white windbreaker, the calm, somewhat confident look in his eyes. You’re not sure where that came from. He even grabs the pack of cigarettes on the coffee table on his way to you.
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“What are you in the mood for?” You tread lightly, not wanting to disrupt whatever jumped into him so suddenly. It was silly to think you got through his worst, but you hoped for just a moment that the closeness and the consistency would help…and the medicine. You still have a long way to go.
“I like your cooking”
You’re not sure where it came from, but you think you see a smile around his cigarette.
“Thank you for cooking for me. And everything else.”
Seungmin watched, or stared absently at you folding laundry this morning. It was then you wondered if it was on its way back—his itch. It has to return eventually, but you hoped you both had more time. The cocky look on his face makes you think otherwise.
“I like doing it.” For him you don’t mind it, and it’s because he doesn’t expect it of you, or demand it.
“Right here”
He opens the door, and you can feel the heat. The smell should help perk him up if his appetite has returned.
“What are we getting?”
It’s small and crowded inside, so when Seungmin finds you an empty table to sit at, you hesitate. “You don’t wanna take it home?” You’ve already gotten a few looks, and you’re not sure if it’s just directed toward you, or the two of you together. It doesn’t bother you much, but you remember how Seungmin felt on the crowded train. “It’s pretty busy in here.”
“No, I’m fine if you are”
But you do notice his eyes wandering around, taking in each person, letting them linger for far too long.
“How are you feeling, still sleepy?”
“Hm?” He doesn’t look at you.
You try to find exactly what he’s looking at, and you do. It’s obvious. Seungmin is staring at one of the girls waiting for an order. His eyes are pitch black, all pupil, when he finally shakes himself free to look at you.
“I said,” your voice shakes, so you shut up and try to calm the wild heartbeat in your throat. “How are you feeling…with the medicine?”
Still he doesn’t answer, but he’s looking right at you.
“Are you sure you don’t wanna go back home? We’d be more comfortable on the couch…we could watch a movie, maybe.”
“I’m good, the medicine is…” he drops his gaze to his hands, and you follow. Seungmin starts to fidget; pick and scratch at the table, stop himself and wring his hands together. “The medicine is fine.”
The medicine might be doing its job, but fine isn’t the word you would use, and Seungmin is not with you right now. He’s somewhere between his own head and the girl ten feet away…the one that is now staring at him. Now you’re hoping his feeling has returned, because the only alternative would be pure attraction, which she clearly shares. He wouldn’t do that to you after everything, though. Your jealousy is just winning over logic.
“Good. You seem less tired.”
Ignoring it is difficult, but you have to. What else are you supposed to do; confront him, ask if this is his next target, and just wonder why? What is it about her that appeals to him, and in what way…murder? Sex and murder? Just sex? You need to know…that will happen again. You remember him telling you that last time. But you remember everything else, too. There is no denying or hiding your jealousy.
“You’re right, maybe we should take our food home.”
/ / /
The two of you start walking, food in hand, but it takes about ten seconds to realize why he changed his mind about staying—he’s following her. Why is he doing this while you’re with him?
“Seungmin, where are we going?”
“I need you to do me a favor.” His tone is flat, uninterested. He’s not asking you a favor, he’s giving you an order…calmly. “Take the food and go home, and then leave for a while.”
“What? Leave and go where?”
“Anywhere…coffee shop, the university library to study…shopping.”
He’s getting rid of you to seduce her. Kill her, yeah, but first he’ll have sex with her in the bed you’ve been sharing. You have to do what he says, though, because you knew what Seungmin was when you decided to return to him, and you knew he’d return to this, eventually. Getting upset about it now might make him upset, and his medicine, combined with the itch, and then you on top of it all being jealous and difficult...it won’t help. You decide you should be grateful for the last few weeks you’ve had him all to yourself.
“Okay, I’ll go”
“Let me know when you leave the apartment”
“I will, I’ll text you”
“If for some reason it falls through, I’ll pick you up wherever you are”
You doubt it’ll fall through, not with the way she was looking at him. He’ll have another kill under his belt by the time the sun goes down.
Seungmin continues straight, and you take a left on the next block, but you watch him for as long as you can before he disappears. The university library is a good idea, but you’d only sit there and wonder what Seungmin was up to the whole time. You’d go through his possible actions, step by step, thinking of the two of them initiating. Touching, kissing, undressing. Her hands on Seungmin’s hips, pulling at his sweatpants to get to what you now believe is yours. Will it just be a blowjob, like the last time? Will he lay her on the bed and eat her out? That feels too intimate for him, but that’s because he’s so intimate with you when he does it. There is no reason for him to be careful and gentle and attentive to anyone else, especially if they die at the end.
Maybe shopping will keep your mind more occupied.
You unlock the door and look around the deserted apartment. The two of you have barely left before today and since the trip to Uljin, so it makes everything feel even more strange. The bedroom is cold, and you’re glad. Hopefully it stays that way for his guest, and it moves things along quickly.
You look around for yourself in the room…your clothes—you left the shirt you wore last night on the floor, but it’s technically his and isn’t out of place. Your bedside table is mostly bare, save for the end of your phone charger and a single necklace you haven’t worn in weeks. You open the drawer and drop it inside. There isn’t much of you in here, and it took until now for you to notice.
Next, you check his drawer. Everything is neat and exactly where it should be.
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Seungmin feels out of practice. He’s gone this long without plenty of times, but he at least had most of the voices pushing him forward during his lull. Everything was silent this time; the spaces in his head were filled with your voice, and filled with thoughts about you if he let it wander long enough. They were filled with sex—good sex, the kind of sex he doesn’t get from his victims, and the butterflies you give him when you look at him as he wakes up every morning. But he can’t think about that right now. He needs to focus. He can’t think about the way you make love to him when he needs it. The way you actually love him.
“Are you following me?” The girl turns and asks, but there’s obvious flirtation in her voice. One hand, the one not holding her bag of food, lands on her hip.
His focus came a few steps late. “Following you? No. What makes you think that?” Seungmin licks his lips and puts on his best charming smirk. “Just headed in the same direction.”
“Where’s the food you got? And the girl…that definitely wasn’t your sister.”
“It doesn’t matter. Are you in a hurry?”
“Well, I do have a bagful of food, but if you let me drop it off to my coworkers…I can slow down for you.”
“I’d like that”
/ / /
He was a little worried you would put up a fight about returning home without him just to leave again, but the apartment is empty when he brings his guest inside.
“This is your apartment? You’re here all alone?” She takes off her coat, and Seungmin grabs it, taking a moment to get closer. He catches her eye, and then the scent of something sickeningly sweet…too much perfume. “No girlfriend?”
“Just us”
“Good, let’s get you out of jacket so I can get a good look at you”
Seungmin obliges and pulls at the zipper, and he’s thankful when he finally feels the blood moving to his dick. As soon as it’s over his head, her hands are on him, sliding across his stomach as his tshirt is pulled up, and he has to shut his eyes as she pulls him closer.
“Where should we take this?”
The touch is overwhelming. It’s like static as her hands slide up his bare chest. It’s off of him, and they close around his neck as she leans in—tall enough to get to him without Seungmin accommodating, and she puts her mouth on his. More static, and the taste of something sour.
“No,” he pushes her back, “don’t kiss me.”
“Everything else is fine”
“Are you sure?”
He wipes his lips, “yes,” and runs a hand down his dick, because he can feel himself losing momentum. “Take your clothes off.”
“You’re not gonna take em off for me?” She takes a step closer and touches his chest, his stomach, and her hand slides under his waistband. “You wanted this. Don’t you wanna touch me? Oh…”
“Yeah,” Seungmin grabs her arm, but she keeps her hand closed around him.
No, he doesn’t get nervous. Whatever he’s feeling is something else. Something he hasn’t dealt with before, at least not to this extent. He’s distracted, just like the day he met you and tried to make up for it with a quick kill—when you sent him that text thanking him for his kindness. “Take your clothes off.” He closes his eyes, moans it as her hand moves up and down his length, over and over, and he feels his dick growing again.
“I will,” she pulls Seungmin closer. “I want this. You gonna give it to me?”
Eyes still closed, he lets himself enjoy the slow, firm movements of her hand. “Yeah, I’m gonna…”
“Where’s the bedroom?”
“The bedroom?”
“Take me to your bed and fuck me. Isn’t that why I’m here?”
His legs shake as she frees him, and then she’s gone…looking for the bedroom herself, maybe. The first door she tries isn’t it—she flicks the bathroom light off and on a few times before slamming the door shut. Seungmin follows as she heads for the right one.
“Wow, this is cozy”
It is, Seungmin thinks, because you made it that way. The lamp on his side of the bed is clicked on, and the one on his dresser is as well. The lights around the bookcase are casting a warm glow on everything; the books and records, the music box, the flowers. The pillows are fluffed up and arranged in a way Seungmin never did it—a little chaotic, but still neat. And the bedspread is pulled down and out of the way. It wasn’t like that before the two of you left this morning.
“Make yourself comfortable,” he says, and he’s relieved when she finally starts stripping off her clothes. But then she heads toward the far side of the bed. “Over here.”
“Other side? Picky…” her pants drop to the floor and she sits, not so patiently waiting for him to come closer.
Time to stop fucking around and get things moving. He doesn’t want to leave you waiting somewhere longer than he has to—Seungmin didn’t want to do it at all, but there was no other choice. “I am picky. Take those off.” He heads to his drawer, and from the corner of his eye he sees her move up the bed and toss her panties to the floor. Right next to your tshirt. He bends to pick it and sets in neatly on the table as he slides it open.
“Where…what the hell?” He mumbles.
“What’s wrong? Please don’t tell me you’re out of condoms.”
There’s one left, and he quickly closes the drawer after grabbing it and the lube. “No, I’m not.”
“Good, get over here and let me look at you.” By you, she means his dick, still trapped in his sweatpants.
He slides them down his hips, just enough to pull himself out and stroke to get back to one hundred percent. No matter where he lets his mind wander, he can’t keep himself hard, and it’s beginning to piss him off. If he can’t use his anger right here, right now, then what’s the point? Maybe he can’t do this right anymore, either. Instead of letting his mind wander, he tries to shut it down to nothing; darkness, black…no, the white noise of an old television set. The fuzzy hum fills his ears as he goes for her, crawls on the bed, and pulls her thighs apart.
“That’s much better,” she says in her best seductive voice.
Shut up, he screams in his head. The relief of pushing his dick in makes him lose control immediately. He slides in without a single tease, and without much effort. Her cries of surprise and pleasure wipe out the static and he hears nothing but her. He hates it. He slams in harder, getting himself close as quickly as he can manage, but he can’t seem to get anything in return.
His hand works his way up, resting on her stomach as he fucks her, then to her chest where he can feel the shake of her screams and moans. Finally, it lands on her neck and it wraps around it with no protest from her. He squeezes, but not enough to scare her, because he hasn’t decided yet how long he wants to work to reach his orgasm…but there’s nothing. He forces a moan when their eyes connect, but it’s all he can force himself to do.
Tighter. Still, she reaches out only to touch him; his stomach, his hips as they roll back and forth. His arms. One hand grips his wrist, and the other holds onto the forearm flexing as his fingers squeeze even more.
“Okay…let go,” she croaks and smacks his arm.
Seungmin doesn’t let go, but his mind goes to tv static again.
“Let go!” She pushes her nails in, and it stings, but still he continues…and then something hits hard against his hip, and it burns and almost knocks him backward. Her kick somehow lands perfectly.
Fuck, his mind turns back on. He sees her scrambling to her feet and off the bed as he drops to all fours. “Fuck…”
Just as he turns and gets to his feet, she reaches for the doorknob and the door swings open. Again, he forgot to lock it. If he didn’t lock the front door…he’s close behind, but not close enough. Her hand is on the knob, it turns freely—and then you’re there.
You stand blank-faced at the threshold, and the girl stops in her tracks when she realizes she’s trapped. But Seungmin feels his heart drop at the thought of you being in the line of fire.
“What the fuck, both of you?”
She takes a few steps back. Seungmin can’t figure out why, because you’re smaller, and probably not much of a challenge to get through. It’s then that he sees the glint of his missing knife, gripped tightly in your first.
“Okay,” Seungmin says softly. Now what? This is not where he expected the day to go, and his mind is racing as he tries to picture where it’s going to end. The girl is frozen, terrified at which way to turn; Seungmin’s hands, or your knife; his knife, his hilt digging into your soft, innocent fingers. He steps to the right and finds your eyes, but you don’t look at him. And he can’t tell you to drop it, because if you do, she’ll run, and she might make it out if this building with a story.
“Please,” the girl begs.
Seungmin wonders if she’s thinking of taking her chances and pushing through.
“No.” Your voice is so soft, but he hears it.
“Nae salang…” do you even know what that means? Seungmin isn’t sure, but he saw your notebook full of Hangul practice; his name written over and over, pages full of 김승민, 안녕하세요, 사랑해요, your name, his name and your name together like a lovesick teenager. He didn’t know how to feel when he saw it because it seemed so private, but you weren’t hiding it from him. Thinking back to it now gives him that familiar feeling in his stomach.
You look at him for just a moment before your eyes move back to the girl, and you take a step over the threshold. She moves back, too, and Seungmin takes a cautious step to the side.
“Please don’t.” Now Seungmin begs—he begs you not to do what he sees happening in your eyes. “Close the door, and give me the knife.”
You shake your head, and Seungmin sees the tears brimming in your eyes.
“Please don’t unlock that part of you…it’s too much. It only feels good for a moment.”
“Yes, love?” He watches your knuckles stretch and your forearm flex. His heart pounds, but his stomach swirls and his cock fills with blood again no matter how hard he tries to calm himself. The sight of you standing there wielding his knife—it’s the same feeling he gets when it’s in his hands.
“It's too late for that”
His body shakes. His mind goes back and forth between the static and his clear view of you, the tears running freely down your cheeks. Have you really been here before? Is that why you came back to him?
Seungmin sees you move, and he hears the familiar sound of knife against flesh. The blade disappears into the girls chest, right between her ribs, and she falls to her knees as she gasps for air. You finally let go and take a step back to watch the aftermath of what you’ve done.
The gasps slow down and quiet as she lets herself collapse to the floor. Blood trickles onto the hardwood, but not much…you left the blade in place, and that’s slowing things down. Seungmin watches you watching the body, and he’s getting dizzy from his pulsing erection.
He almost falls to his knees when you look at him, but he forces himself to move—one step, another step around the almost lifeless body. He slams the door shut and grabs your throat, guides your blank stare upward. Your eyes soften when they meet his.
“What have you done?” He whispers and kisses the corner of your lips. “Hm?”
“I’m sorry”
“No.” He kisses you fully, and brings you close enough to feel every aching inch. The grip on your neck tightens, he can’t help it. “Have you been here the whole time?”
“You heard everything?”
“Yes, but I couldn’t take hearing you in the bedroom…so I went out in the hallway…”
Seungmin is patient as you begin to sob quietly, and he frees you to hide against his chest. He has to be grateful that you didn’t leave, and that you were exactly where he needed you right outside the front door. “Why did you have my knife?” With his knife in hand, no less. Otherwise, you wouldn’t have been much of a challenge. Right? Maybe he’s underestimating you. “Were you planning something else?”
You take a deep, shakey breath and he pulls you away from him. “I’m not sure."
“You wanted to kill her…even if she hadn’t almost escaped, you still would have done it.”
“I would have tried ”
“You succeeded,” he looks at the now lifeless body at their feet, and his hand finds your neck again. “And you have a lot of explaining to do,” Seungmin kisses again, working his tongue to the back of your throat as his free hand starts undressing you, “but not right now.”
You both nearly trip on your way to the bedroom, first coming through the door, and then again on the discarded jeans of your victim. The yelp down Seungmin’s throat doesn’t deter him from his kissing, but you pull away and look at what you stepped on.
“We’ll take care of it afterward…I will.” Seungmin is not worried about the disposal right now, even as blood slowly drips onto the living room floor, and text after text pops up on the dead girls phone. “I need you, now.”
You’re flat on your back, eyes on the ceiling, and Seungmin’s hands work quickly. His mouth works slowly, and his tongue moves just how he knows you like it. He takes his time with you, slowing down even more when your hands reach for him, and your fingers comb through his hair and pull. Seungmin takes your hand and gives you what you were stupidly afraid the dead girl would get—his hunger, and his overwhelming need for you. Seungmin doesn’t let go until you come, and you wait for more, because he always wants more, but this time he works his way up until he can kiss you on the lips.
“So,” he mumbles against your cheek, leaving little kisses as he goes. It’s not something you’re used to getting from him. “Are you okay?”
“I’m okay, Minnie”
“You can tell me”
“Tell you…”
“Anything you think I should know.” One more kiss and he’s up, heading for the door. “You can’t just be okay after this.”
Maybe he’s right. No, he is right, but you still don’t know how to start, or where to start. What you do know is that this is now partially your responsibility—the clean up, and getting rid of the evidence. Seungmin said he would do it, but he probably wouldn’t have made this much of a mess if you had listened to him. You snatch up her clothes, the panties and the jeans, and her phone slips from the back pocket and onto the floor. The phone…how does Seungmin get rid of the phones, and does he not worry about them getting tracked? He hasn’t been caught, so he must be doing something about it.
There’s a long string of notifications on the screen, mostly text messages, and all from the same person.
He’s busy laying out a piece of thick plastic drop cloth, but he smiles sweetly when he looks up at you. “Yeah?”
“What do you do about the phones?”
He reaches for it, and as soon as his eyes scan over the messages, his face changes for just a moment. He scrolls through, and to his surprise, there’s no passcode. A few moments later… “I need another favor, a very big favor.”
“Pack a bag, bring whatever you might need…but not much. Start one for me, too.”
At first, you just nod. His voice is so calm, and nothing about his body language suggests you should be questioning his request. “Yeah, okay…”
Seungmin didn’t say to hurry, but you do anyway. And take what you might need? It depends on where you’re headed…his medicine, clothes, obviously. Oh, the clothes. You take the girls clothes to Seungmin, because the gears are starting to turn in your brain, finally. After that massive surge of adrenaline, and then coming down from your orgasm, your mind is in a strange, untrustworthy place…but you’re getting there. Every piece of damning evidence needs to be collected and destroyed, now, and there may not be that much time. What was it he read on the phone notifications?
You start packing faster, and start another bag for him. Eventually, you stop and scan the room, knowing you’re forgetting something.
“Oh, we need you…” you head for the bookshelf and scoop up the music box, opening it and swiping a few loose petals before you wrap it and shove it in your own bag. His drawer—it can’t stay, but is he bringing it along? You don’t bother him with the question, you just find a small box to throw everything in and add it to the growing pile.
Does Seungmin have anything else in the room? As far as you know, the drawer is where everything goes, but the minute you stop and think, you start to hear your heart pounding in your chest and throat and ears. It’s so loud. But you feel calm, despite it, because Seungmin is calm. You grab more clothes from the closet, and scan every corner while you’re in there. If Seungmin wasn’t so organized, you wouldn’t even bother, but the neat stack of shoe boxes catches your attention. There really isn’t time for this, but a quick peak won’t hurt.
The one on the very top has something scribbled out, but underneath in black marker there’s more writing: 00-03. Inside are photographs, not organized in anyway aside from the years written on the box. The first one you pick out and look at is baby Seungmin in the arms of his mother, and on the back is Hangul you can’t read except for his name. You wonder if his father took the photo. The next one is him again, a little older, sitting in a man’s lap—his father, you can only assume. You leave them out and open the next box: 06-08. This one is much lighter. Inside is, again, Seungmin and mom. You add that to the others. The next one is a family portrait; Seungmin, his mother, and his stepfather. Nobody looks very happy. You decide to try one more, and you finally find one of just him…a close-up of his young face, seven years old according to the year written on the back. Same chubby cheeks, same big brown eyes, same sideways smirk. You keep that one, too, and put everything else back in its place.
The shuffle and drag of something against the living room floor makes you move faster. Seungmin is probably working as quickly as he can, so you need to be ready when he is. The last stop is the bathroom, and you watch him work for a moment as you walk by; he’s zipping up a suitcase identical to the one from before, and he glances at you before you look away.
“Are we ready?” He looks at the bag you packed for him, and only adds a few more things.
“I think so. Where are we going?”
“We’ll figure that out after we get rid of the body”
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Seungmin is quiet and focused as he drives, and right now, you’re not headed in the direction you expected; east, toward Uljin. You’ve been driving north for half an hour, and you still haven’t spoken up and asked him exactly what happened, or if he figured out a destination.
He looks at you, though, because eventually, he feels you watching.
“Hey,” you say as softly as possible. You’re turned toward him, knees hugged to your chest, “Minnie?”
“You should put your seatbelt on…you’re making me nervous.” His hand reaches out, and his fingers slide from your ankle all the way to your toes.
“That’s what making you nervous?”
There’s nothing nervous about him, actually. Seungmin bit down on his lip once since you’ve been watching, sighed twice, and mumbled to himself twice, at least that you caught. Very normal for him. If he is, he’s keeping it together for your sake, and you hate that.
“Yeah, a little.” He smiles at you and licks his lips. “We’re almost there.”
“And then you’ll tell me what’s going on?”
“Yes. And you’ll tell me…whatever I need to know, I hope.”
The seatbelt clicks, “I will, I promise.”
“Did you bring my music box?” It just hit him. He grabbed a few things, and he even checked his drawer. You assumed he saw the empty spot on the bookshelf, but he may have forgotten. Just as you suspected, he looks calm, but he isn’t. His mind is moving much faster than he’s letting on.
“Yeah, it’s in my bag”
“Thank you”
“We’re not going back, are we?”
Seungmin doesn’t answer right away, because he comes to an intersection and turns, and then turns again into an almost empty parking lot. “I’m not sure.”
“The Jasmine…we’re staying here tonight?” It's nothing special, and it's not very big, but the vacancy sign is lit up in the office window. Seungmin got here without directions, so he must be familiar with it.
He looks at the building, sees the sign already glowing in the early twilight, and then his face falls. “I forgot your flowers.”
“My flowers? The forget-me-nots? That’s alright.”
“No, I got you something else, and I was waiting until I felt better to give it to you”
“What was it, what kind of flowers?”
“Moonflowers. I’ll find you more somewhere. Let’s get inside.”
/ / /
Thirty-five miles away from home isn’t very far, but the small town you ended up in feels safe enough for the night. The man that checked you in hardly looked up from his book as Seungmin counted out enough money for two nights, just in case.
He withdrew a significant amount of cash before leaving Seoul, and brought even more that he had hidden even further back in his closet. Seeing such a large amount in one place was surreal, and sitting in the passenger seat putting the two separate amounts together for him was even more bizarre. You did your best counting it, writing it down, adding it up…
“Twenty-six million won…how much is that in American money?”
“I’m not sure,” he laughs and watches as you carefully sort the last few paper-clipped bundles. “Around twenty thousand maybe.” Seungmin smiles and laughs so easily, and it doesn’t seem the time for it.
“Definitely more than I’ve ever had at one time...maybe ever“
“Well now you have it, it’s all yours”
The room is small, about the size of Seungmin’s bedroom, but it’s clean and warm, and you don’t really care where you are as long as it’s with him.
“You packed a lot”
“Did I? It didn’t seem like much at the time…sorry”
“It’s alright. Maybe we just have a lot of important things.”
You unzip the biggest bag first and dig around, “that must be it,” pull out Daengmo, and toss him to Seungmin. He was almost left behind, but luckily he caught your eye as you were headed out the door.
“I thought we forgot you”
The way he holds him and looks at him reminds you of the little boy in the photograph—happy for the moment, comforted by his friend, and maybe a few good memories…but he can never quite hide the sadness in his eyes.
His mouth squishes to the side, and he looks even more like his seven year old self. Even the haircut matches. “Yeah?” The words get stuck in your throat when he looks from Daengmo to you. “I know, we have a lot to talk about—“
“No. I mean, yeah I know. I just wanted to tell you again, that I love you.”
“Still?” He smirks. “You sure?”
“I’m sure.” If he says it back, you’ll feel better, lighter. You just want to hear it again.
Seungmin doesn’t speak right away. He falls back on the bed, and you can hear him sigh. “I don’t want you to get hurt if something happens. It’s not fair. None of this is your fault.”
What is he talking about? You were the one holding the knife when it pierced the girls heart, not him, and that’s exactly how you wanted things to play out. He picked her, yeah, and he fully intended to do what you did, but something happened, and you got your chance.
He sits up again. “I’ve never had to protect anyone but myself.”
“I know I’m safe with you, Minnie”
You watch as he hears the words, takes them in, understands them. Maybe it’s like saying I love you to him again…maybe better.
He joins you on the floor and crawls closer, “I hope so.”
“I am”
He sets his lips against your shoulder, “I love you, too.” It’s just a mumble—barely enough to make out, but you hear it.
Seungmin waits a few moments, feels your lips on the top of his head. He knows it’s time to explain the situation to you, and then you have to explain yourself to him.
“You should eat before we talk”
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The forgotten galbijjim is replaced, and Seungmin smiles sweetly as he watches you take your first spoonful of rice. “This looks better than the place we bought from earlier." It gives you butterflies, his still hesitant smile. "Are we sharing? Did you just get one bowl?"
"I'm not hungry"
You stare at him and wait for more of an explanation, but he just sits silently. Not having an appetite makes sense, and you can't really blame him. You shouldn't have much of one either, but you do, and you plan on feeding it.
"You haven't eaten in a while, Minnie. I'd feel better if you had some."
He just shakes his head and changes the subject. “The phone. The notifications. They read like a friend checking in on her, and then worrying when there was no reply, which is bad enough, because I usually manage to get rid of the phone before we get anywhere near the apartment. Not every time, though, and if I do and they notice it’s missing, they freak out and leave to look for it.”
He pauses and seems to gather more of his thoughts, and maybe give you a chance to say something.
“So you forgot to take her phone?”
Seungmin nods and takes a drink of his coffee. “I fucked up the whole thing before I even got started. My head was not in the right place to do this, but I thought it was what I needed. I was stupid and selfish."
The two of you stare at each other, and it feels like he’s trying to tell you more without opening his mouth—something he doesn’t want to say out loud, but his acknowledgment that it was a mistake from the start is a relief. He seems to be out of that fog that had him gripped so tight for days.
“She was sharing her location the whole time…to the same friend who was texting her. So the phone is gone and burned up with everything else, but the damage was done as soon as I let her in.”
“Seungmin, this is bad”
He sets his mug down, “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry…I may have ruined everything. The girl will be reported missing, and the friend will have some information about the guy who took her back to his apartment. I’m sure they’ll find some evidence I left behind, and if we’re lucky—”
“If we’re lucky, we’ll have a little more time together before my face is all over the news.”
“And if that doesn’t happen? If they don’t find evidence, or a body…or find you, if they even manage to come to that conclusion? The location she was sharing won’t be the apartment, it will be the building…and it’s a big building.”
“I like how practical you are, even now…yes, there are sixty-two occupied apartments in the building.”
“How the hell do you know that?”
Seungmin laughs and picks up his coffee again. “I own the building. I guess I never mentioned that.”
You’re surprised he still has any sense of humor, considering how worried he revealed himself to be. “No, you didn’t. That explains a few things, and might complicate them, too.”
“I know. They’ll look for me because I have everyone’s information, and I won’t be there, which might be suspicious.”
“Maybe, maybe not. Going out of town isn’t evidence for murder. I tried to clear out anything that would be suspicious—the drawer, the ten boxes of hair dye. You may have had other things I wasn’t aware of, though.”
“No, the drawer was the worst of it…that was everything”
The memory of finding your ear cuff in his drawer pops into your head. You probably threw it in the box with everything else without realizing. “You don’t keep trophies?”
“No, I don’t. If anything gets left behind,” he thinks back to the silver hoop earring dropped on the floor, “it’s because I messed up. I have no desire to remember them after they served their purpose—what?”
You’re grinning at him, and you don’t even realize it. Seungmin charms you, if you can call it charm, with little effort, and without even realizing it. “I like your brain. And learning more about you every day.
“You like my damaged brain?”
“I love your damaged brain”
“That’s a first”
“I'm sure another one of your victims was hoping for a second date before the first one ended abruptly"
"Like you?"
"Yeah, exactly like me"
Seungmin has to think. How many people does he have to think backward through; two dozen? More?"
“I have taken people out on real dates before…before taking them back. Sometimes it seemed like they were genuinely interested in me, but I never got the impression that those feelings stuck around.”
“Why not?”
“Mm, there was a girl I brought back to the apartment a few years ago. She was nice, even though I assumed the whole time we were both working toward one thing. But she seemed kind, and when we got to the apartment, she told me how badly she wanted to meet someone and develop something real, and that she was tired of being alone. Tired of dating apps and first dates, that's exactly what she said, and I don't know why I still remember that."
“So what happened?”
He returns to his silence, but you know there’s more to his story. The memory is returning to him slowly. “We got to the bedroom, and everything seemed to be going well, but then she saw Daengmo,” he turns and looks at him sitting on the bed, “and she laughed…asked me why I had that on my bed.” He sighs deeply, “she made me feel stupid.”
You remember the first time Seungmin took you to his room, and how out of place his little dog looked. The mood of almost everything in his apartment is grown-up and dark, except for a few things—Daengmo being one of them. But asking him about it was the furthest thing from your mind, especially the second time you ended up in his room.
“We didn’t get any further than that”
“You let her go?”
Seungmin shakes his head, “I’ve never let anyone go,” then smiles at you. “Did I seem weird? My apartment, and me…you left in such a hurry the first time. You must have thought something was off. Or thought I was off.”
Sort of, you think to yourself.
“Oh, you did call me weird. I remember now.”
Should you tell him what went through your mind on your first visit? “No, not you…your patience with me is what was weird.” Something tells you he can handle it, at least if it’s coming from you. “The expensive apartment was a little odd, only because I could tell you were young. But yeah, I did always assume something was off about you—the way you looked at me and touched me when we sat on the couch, I wondered if I was over-looking something. I wanted you—I wanted your attention, and your touch. That’s why I ran.”
“Because I was giving you attention?”
You nod.
“You seem to think so little of yourself…why?”
It’s hard to put into words, and it’s so much to dive into. Seungmin is going to want to know more—he’ll have questions, certainly more tonight than he had this morning. But you believe he’ll understand what you have to say more than anyone else you’ve ever spoken to, and that’s a comfort you’ve never imagined. “I was tolerated by everyone my entire life.”
“Tolerated?” He rolls the word around in his mouth and his head. His English is almost perfect, but some words are just not in his vocabulary.
“I was cared for, but nobody really cared about me.” You speak as simply as possible, but you’re sure he’ll understand. “I was fed, sent to school, had somewhere to sleep, but there was nothing else. No bedtime stories, and no help with my homework. No advice or comfort when I came home with a black eye from a playground fight.”
“Nobody loved you?"
“They may have, sometimes. It could be that I’m just forgetting…but when I think I remember something, it was because my sister was there with me.”
“She took it all?”
Spilling everything to him is easy. Every time you think you should stop for fear of scaring him off, you catch him looking at you with a warmth he probably doesn’t realize he has in him. “It wasn’t her fault. It was given to her. If they gave it to me, I would have taken it all, too.” And you remember exactly who he is, and how far away you are from scaring him.
“I’m worried I won’t always have enough in me”
“Love. I’ll give you all I have, I promise.”
/ / /
Seungmin watches as you slowly dig through your bag. He’s grateful for how much you actually managed to pack so quickly and so well, because he already misses being home. You pull out one of his old t-shirts and hold it to your chest, and then find another small bag holding the contents of your important nighttime ritual.
“Shower? That will help you feel better.” He feels your kiss hit the top of his head, and a wave of pleasure travels all the way through him.
“Much better if you join me”
“I’ll grab my stuff…I’ll be in”
Now it’s his turn to dig around his bag, except he has no idea what you packed and where you put it. He pulls out his pill bottles and sets them somewhere he won’t forget them. Whether he’s adjusting to them or not is still a mystery, but if today is any indication…probably not. He’s been in a fog most of his time awake since restarting them. He's been seeing things far more frequently, and his dreams are still as intense as they've ever been.
The bathroom door is cracked and Seungmin can see the steam already starting to swirl out. You aren’t in the shower yet, though. You’re partially undressed, crouched down, back against the wall across from the sink.
“What’s wrong?” Seungmin’s drops to your level and his hands cup your face, but he doesn’t move you. He watches your eyes squeeze shut and then relax, over and over until he says your name. And they finally open. “What happened?”
“Just dizzy. I’m okay now, I think.”
“Do you feel sick?”
“I get vertigo when I’m anxious, and sick in the stomach from both. It’ll go away.”
He turns the hot water down, and you’re already attempting to stand before he can get to you again. “Please let me help you—hold onto me.”
“You gonna hold me in the shower, too?” You smile and squeeze your arms around him, but the dizzy feeling has mostly passed.
“Yes, if you need me to. I’m sorry you don’t feel well. I’m going to fix this, and I’ll get us back home."
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somewhere in the middle of the forest, pine trees on every side, and up…he can hardly see the sky through the mist and crowded treetops. he doesn’t know where he is, this scene is new. if it wasn’t so unsettling, it’d be beautiful. but seungmin doesn’t get scared so easily…no, He’s not around this time to scare him. but someone is getting closer. footsteps crunch across the thick, cold forest floor. someTHING, maybe. the steps are off and far too light to be a person.
a black cloud bounces in the corner of his eye. and then again on the opposite side
crunch crunch
but it’s so loud. snowflakes start dancing in front of him. no, not snowflakes…what is this? the dead remnants of a distant fire.
scratch scratch
fingers…claws, digging into the bark
His eyes open, slowly and calmly. No pounding heart; no tears; no sweat rolling from his neck and forehead. It’s quiet for a moment and the only thing he hears is the tick of the old alarm clock. Seungmin wonders how you fell asleep with that sound in your ears.
scratch scratch
The door moves ever so slightly. The loose doorknob shakes. Two scratches, and then three. Over and over. He thinks he hears a whimper. Maybe he’s still asleep. Seungmin reaches back and squeezes your hip. He’s relieved to feel you shift and turn and wrap around him.
“I thought you were asleep,” you whisper and settle against his curled up body. “Bad dream?”
“Did you hear that?”
You stay quiet for a few seconds and listen. “No, what—“
scratch scratch
“I don’t hear anything”
Seungmin sits up, and your hands fall away from him. “You don’t hear it?” But he’s going for the door before you can answer him. “That scratching?”
Again, you listen and hold your breath, but nothing happens—no sounds, no scratching anywhere in the room. Seungmin is hearing something that isn’t there. You watch as he listens carefully, inches from the door, hand flat against it. The muscles in his neck and back tense as he goes for the lock, and then the knob, and he turns it so slowly.
There's nothing, but your heart still pounds like crazy because Seungmin is so sure something will be on the other side. He stops and releases it, turns to look at you, and he seems confused; tired, sad, and very confused.
“I think it’s gone, whatever it was”
Before you can respond, his hand grabs the knob and swings the door open. And nothing is there. Seungmin is standing alone in the empty doorway, and he steps out into the dark until you can’t see him.
“Minnie?” You really don’t want to get up and go after him, but you will. “Seungmin, please come back to bed.” Just as you throw the blankets off, you hear the creak of his footsteps in the hallway, and it’s hard to tell if they’re getting closer, or further away. He doesn’t reappear, though.
“Seungmin?” It’s so dark. It’s impossibly dark, even though it’s nearly dawn, and you don’t even feel his presence out here. Where could he have gone? He wouldn’t leave you by yourself with the door wide open and unlocked. “Please, Min—” the floor creaks again, as if someone is putting their weight down gently. Now you feel him there, and the outline of him slowly comes into view. “Hey, you’re scaring me…say something.”
He reaches out and grabs you, or someone does. It looks like his hand, but everything feels wrong. It squeezes your wrist and pulls you, and you’re face to face with something else—something that isn’t quite Seungmin. This isn’t who you just woke up next to. Two angry eyes stare you down, and lips pull back from its teeth before you manage to pull your arm free, but you lose your balance and fall backwards.
“I’m here, open your eyes...look at me…that’s better”
Everything is a blur, but you keep your eyes open and blink until he’s finally there. It’s really him…
“Hey, good morning”
It’s his brown eyes, big and full of worry, his pretty smile, and his messy morning hair. That horrible face won’t go away, though. It’s burned into your mind.
Seungmin nods and comes down to kiss your forehead. “Yeah, we made it through the night. Bad dream?”
“Yeah. Strange one. Did you wake me up last night?”
He tucks you back under the blankets and curls up next to you, “no, I slept through the night for a change. I had a dream, but it wasn’t my usual one.”
“So you didn’t hear anything last night?" It's the second thing you remember after that face; Seungmin, if he were truly a monster. "Scratching?” You’re floating, suddenly…the room warms, or you do. Yeah, it’s you. A cold sweat starts as you force yourself up, and now your stomach spins. “I have to—”
“What? You have to what?” His hand touches your cheek. “You’re cold.”
Both feet touch the ground, but your legs won’t hold you up. He makes it to you quickly, and his arms wrap around you as you sit there doubled over in pain. All Seungmin can do is wait and listen to you quietly cry—there aren’t many people in the hotel, but it’s not empty. You can’t risk the attention.
"What can I do?"
"It's okay...it'll pass"
"I can get you to a hospital. Last night, and now your stomach."
“We can’t go to hospital, we don’t even know if they’re looking for you”
Seungmin knows you’re right, but he’s avoided checking any sort of news because he doesn’t want his world to truly come crashing down on him yet. “Can you look at me? At least let me get you back into bed.”
You sit up slowly, and he’s right there steadying you, hands on your shoulders. He doesn’t want to tell you how worried he really is. Seungmin thinks he’s done a great job so far of keeping himself and you calm, but he knows this isn’t going to go away so easily. “Where does it hurt?"
Everywhere, you think. You take his hand and spread it out right above your belly button. And then you slide it down below it. He pushes a little and the whimper catches in your throat.
“Let me know if it gets worse, or better.” His hand moves to your forehead, cold and covered in sweat. “I think it’s time we checked the news.”
/ / /
There’s not much you can do aside from observe until the pain eases up, and it doesn’t feel like it’s going anywhere. It gives you time to dwell on the dream, and the dream within the dream. Were you inside of his? “Where are you checking?”
Seungmin finds and turns on his phone for the first time since you left yesterday. “A few local news sites, social media. Looking on Twitter would be easier if I had gotten a name.”
“Is there anyone in your building you trust enough to talk to and ask if anything strange happened?”
Something hits him—some clarity, the sudden realization that his mind has been moving so fast it’s made him overlook the most obvious solution. “The security cameras.”
“You have cameras up?”
“I’m required to have them at every entrance and exit, but I turn them off as needed. That’s the only thing I didn’t fuck up yesterday.” He’s back on his phone, typing, and then watching silently. “Did you bring your laptop?”
Now you can clearly see what he sees—the screen is split into four separate camera feeds, and the quality surprisingly good. Seungmin turned the cameras off when he escorted the girl into the building, but he forgot to turn them off again after that. At 50x speed, he watches the main entrance, the side and back exit, and the elevator starting around the time the two of you snuck out the back.
Twenty hours of footage...tenants coming and going, and you assume Seungmin recognizes the faces that are supposed to be in and out. His eyes don’t leave the screen, and you keep quiet and let him watch. Three hours of footage later, he pauses it to rest his eyes.
“Nothing strange yet?”
“No, not that I can tell”
“You should eat something”
He shakes his head. “Maybe last nights food got you sick.”
“I didn’t eat very much”
Seungmin starts the footage again. Another three hours of almost nothing. “This doesn’t make sense. Did her friend not report her missing?”
“Maybe the police didn't believe her. At least not six hours after.”
Another three hours. Nothing. “How is the pain?”
You flip onto your back and let his hand wander over your chest and stomach. “A little better.”
Three more hours. Seungmin picks up the speed between midnight and sunrise, and then slows it down again—9 am, 10, 11…nothing out of the ordinary. He switches to the live feed, and still nothing.
“So the apartment is safe for now”
“For now. We’re not going back yet, unless you start feeling worse.”
“Are we staying here?”
scratch scratch
Despite the pain, you push yourself up and look at the door. Did you actually hear that? Seungmin doesn’t move, so he obviously didn’t. You definitely heard it, and it sounds just like it did in your dream.
“We can stay another night, or we can find a new place on the way to Uljin”
The live feed still has his attention when you turn and set your feet on the carpet, and this time, your legs hold you up. Pain shoots from your belly button to your chest, and then back down, but you try to breathe through it.
“Where are you going? Get back in bed”
“You didn’t hear that?” You reach the door and open it, and the hallway is empty…just like your dream. “Let’s stay somewhere else.”
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Now you head east, and you drive much longer this time. Seungmin’s gaze falls on you every few minutes for the entire first hour, but he stays silent until you get to the new destination. Wherever you are, surrounded by mountains…it’s nice.
“Where are we now?”
Seungmin looks at you, and waits patiently as you attempt to read the Hangul on the motel sign.
“Oh, double k…g. Dalkkum?”
“Very good...Dalkkum.” He says it properly, and it sounds pretty coming from his mouth.
“Dal means moon, right?”
“I’m not surprised you remember that, yes. Dalkkum means moon dream.”
“That’s nice. We should stay here for a while, I like it.”
He turns the engine off and sighs, but it’s a good sigh; one of relief, and a little bit of satisfaction. The lack of activity at the apartment may have put his mind at ease, but you both know it's still too early to truly relax. “Yeah, we can stay more than one night if you want”
The pain in your stomach is mostly gone, so maybe you can convince Seungmin to go on a walk around town. It’s cold, but the fresh air might be good for both of you. “Can we get kimbap?”
“Yeah, whatever you want”
“Cheesy kimbap?”
“Yes, I will eat if we get cheese kimbap”
/ / /
The sun is warm, and Seungmin doesn’t mind the walk, but he eventually drags you and the food to a nearby bench. He checks the bag, and you can tell he’s taking in the smell. “Are you comfortable here, or should we head back to the motel?”
“We should eat it now, while it’s fresh”
“And can we talk?”
He clears his throat, fidgets a little. Seungmin actually seems a little nervous now, but he unbags all of the food and separates it before continuing. “Yes…about what happened, and what you said.”
“Oh, right”
Seungmin jumps in before you can change the subject. “You said I already have. What exactly did you mean…that you were ready to do it, or that you’ve done it before?”
This is what you’ve been ruminating on for weeks—from the moment you came back in his bed, and tried to escape. When he let you go, and when you couldn’t stop thinking about him even though he should have been far behind you, and quickly getting further and further away. Seungmin kept catching you in your own thoughts, and in your dreams. You went looking for him, and it worked—he still wanted you just the same as you wanted him. He’s been wondering why, you assume...wondering why you want to be close to him, but he’s stopped pushing the question. That’s good, because you still don’t have an answer.
“It’s hard to talk about. I’ve never spoken about it to anyone, ever, and I never expected to. I had planned on taking this to my grave.”
“I understand. You’ve kind of answered my question, so if it's too difficult, you don’t have to."
“No, I do. This is something I need to say, and it’s something I need to give to you."
“It must be too heavy to carry around all by yourself”
You nod as Seungmin lifts a bite of food up to your mouth, and you can’t help but smile when he does. It seems like his way of putting you at ease. “Yeah, but also…” you let him feed you, and then he takes his own bite. It’s a relief to see him eating, finally, after three days. “It’s something you deserve to know.”
“Who did you kill?”
The question, asked so bluntly, throws you back in time. You stand in your living room, bare feet on the dirty floor, tv on and blaring in the corner. He’s sitting in front of you where he always does every single night, and you know in a few hours, he’ll do the same sick shit he does every Thursday night while your mother is at work.
“My dad”
“Your dad? You killed your father?” He sets his chopsticks down and stares at the food, and you wonder if this was too personal. Seungmin doesn’t know his victims, and you already know he was very close to his mother. His stepfather, no…but killing a parent is personal. Maybe you’re actually worse than he is. “When?” He’s looking at you again, but he’s looking at you the way he always looks at you when he’s not in a fog, or having a bad day—like he wants to kiss you.
“I was fourteen, so…almost twenty years ago”
“Fourteen? You were so young”
“I had to”
“I don’t doubt that…and we don’t have to get into it, unless talking about it will help”
“It is heavy to carry around, and sometimes the guilt catches up to me. But he was a very bad person.”
Seungmin finds your hand and squeezes it between his. “We are strangely similar, despite being a world away from each other our entire lives.”
“You don’t think I’m terrible for killing my father?”
“Are you forgetting who you’re talking to?
“No…but, it seems different. It's worse than killing a stranger.”
His stare goes straight through you, and you're so exposed again. Whatever is going on behind his eyes is locked up, though. You need to know what he's thinking about. “Let’s go back to the room and finish this. You’re getting cold.”
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Magic — word count: 1316
NSFW, smut
Remus loves Sirius's magic. It's unique and powerful and so uniquely his, that Remus finds himself longing for the peculiar smell of it.
Remus loves Sirius's magic, how powerful it is and how good Sirius is at controlling it.
Remus loves Sirius's magic and, when they kiss for the first time, he finds himself loving how unpredictable it can be.
Remus can feel it grow and grow and grow as their lips taste one another, it grows and vibrates along with the fastening beats of Sirius's heart. So Remus is not surprised when it erupts outside of him and he's engulfed by its warmth.
What does surprise him is when James opens the door to their dorm and they both fall harshly to the ground. That's when Remus realises they had been levitating and it was all Sirius's doing.
“What just happened?” Sirius mumbles, cause of course he wouldn't be aware of just how powerful his magic can be.
“I think you levitated us, Pads.”
“How?” he looks actually confused.
“Accidental magic,” James explains, quite amused. “Moony got you so emotional you did accidental magic.”
Sirius looks at him for confirmation and Remus finds himself smiling softly.
“It hadn't happened since I was a kid,” Sirius murmurs, still quite shocked.
“Well, then, Moony must've awakened your inner child or something.”
Just in that moment, Peter comes in.
“You and Macdonald own me ten galleons”, James announces, looking victorious.
“What? They snogged!?”
“Oi, have you been betting on us?”
The second time it happens, it's during one of their fights. Sirius gets so angry one of the windows explodes.
The moment it happens, they forget what they were even fighting about. Sirius apologies profusely. There's crying and Remus is right there with him.
“We need to break it off,” Sirius says. “If I can't control my magic when I'm with you— I don't want to hurt you, Moony.”
“You wouldn't, you would never hurt me— not like that,” he adds, seeing the look on Sirius's face, surely remembering the prank.
“If you had been just a bit closer to that window—”
“But I wasn't,” Remus protests.
“What if you are, next time?”
So they work on it. Sirius gets tutoring with their teachers, to control the link between his magic and his emotions. He makes progress and, with time, he feels safe enough to get once again closer to Remus, to let himself feel and not be afraid of what might happen.
It no longer happens, not when they kiss, not when they fight.
It doesn't happen anymore, until one day it does.
It's when they've kicked James and Peter out of their dorm and Remus is taking Sirius apart. It's their first time, the first time they have sex.
They've waited long enough, they've waited until they both felt ready, ready to let the other see them at their most vulnerable. Not that they haven't seen that of the other already. Sirius has been there during full moons, Remus has been there to wake Sirius from his nightmares, he's seen him in his most fragile state after his last encounter with Walburga. But this is different, this is a kind of vulnerability that is not something that is inflicted on them, it's instead something they both want, something they choose to share with the other.
They're young and inexperienced and they're scared. They're so, so eager to make the other feel good, to make them feel safe and loved. And it's clear it's a mutual feeling.
They're kissing like they always do, in Sirius's bed, but this time is different, this time they decide to take it further than they've done before.
Sirius is the one that comes up with the idea. Remus shows him the bottle of muggle lube and the condoms that James has gotten him as a joke for his birthday. He had said he had gotten Lily to take them, and Sirius is now wondering if maybe it wasn't really a joke, if maybe James was encouraging him to take the next step with Sirius or maybe he just wanted to be sure his friends had everything they'd need when the inevitable does happen.
“Yeah?” Remus asks and Sirius can see his eyes getting somehow hungry. “You sure?”
Sirius nods and Remus kisses him.
They take it slow, undressing slowly, kissing every inch of each other bodies.
Sirius starts losing control of his magic the very moment Remus lightly teases him with a finger, spreading the lube where it's needed.
There's suddenly a few books and small objects flying around the dorm.
Remus notices it and he smiles amusedly, Sirius wonders if he's proud of the effect he has on him.
“You sure you can handle it?” Remus teases with a soft smile and a peck on his lips.
“Yes, yes, I'm focusing,” Sirius mumbles. “I can control it.”
Remus looks at him attentively, he purses his lips then he shakes his head. “You don't have to,” he murmurs. “You can let go.”
And that's a concession Sirius doesn't know if he's allowed to follow. What happens when it goes further? What happens when Remus is inside of him? What happens when he comes? He surely can't risk his magic exploding and ruin their first time? It's bad enough with the items flying around.
“But— I don't know what I'll do. What if it'll hurt you?”
Remus leans down to kiss him, still gently teasing him. Sirius arches his back cause he definitely needs more, but he can't risk what'll happen when he'll let go.
“You won't hurt me,” Remus says and he sounds sure of it.
“But I can't control—”
“You won't hurt me,” Remus repeats, punctuating it with a kiss. “Is this making you happy?” He asks and gently slides one finger inside of him.
The moan that comes out of Sirius’ mouth is almost embarrassing, but that's not the only thing that happens. Flowers, of different colours and sizes, rain down on them, out of thin air.
Remus looks up and around and a small chuckle escapes him. He smiles fondly at Sirius. “See? I'm not hurt.”
Sirius smiles, cause he's never loved anyone more than he loves the silly boy that is taking him apart and is loving all of him, his wobbly magic and all.
“What if you were allergic to flowers?”
“Good thing I'm not,” Remus shurgs. “Just make sure to never do this with someone that is.”
Sirius rolls his eyes. “As if you don't know you're the only one that has this effect on me,” he says and pulls Remus down cause he needs to kiss him one more time.
Remus can feel Sirius's magic vibrate as he loses control of it. He can feel the way it wavers as he moves inside of him. If his magic was as powerful as Sirius's is, he would probably lose control of it as well, with the way having Sirius wrapped around him and his magic engulfing him is making him feel. Instead, he focuses on his movements, on making sure Sirius is enjoying this as much as he is, and it's not difficult to tell. It's in the way Sirius moans and urges him to keep going, it's in the way his magic is getting more and more excited, making the randomest things happen as Sirius lets go.
There's birds singing outside the window, there's red roses framing Sirius's head (and probably on Remus’ hair). The bed is no longer attached to the floor, but it's levitating dangerously close to the ceiling.
“Remus—” Sirius moans and Remus kisses it. “Am close—”
Remus kisses him once more, his slow thrusts keeping their pace as he wraps his hand around Sirius and mumbles sweet encouragements.
“It's okay, baby— You can let go—”
Sirius does let go and what happens sends Remus over the edge right after him.
71 notes · View notes
withahappyrefrain · 2 days
For Bob or Natasha! Dealers choice! 🎲
“I had a dream about you last night. Woke up hard/wet. Wanna hear about it?”
Why not both?? 👀👀👀
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Your bed was an entanglement of limbs. Natasha's breasts against yours, Bob's cock in-between your legs. Her lips on yours, his on your neck.
They felt so good, their hands exploring your body. The pleasure was building, increasing and increasing until-
The sound of your alarm was downright cruel. You sat up in your bed, feeling sweat on your skin.
Laying back down, you tried to gather your bearings. But that was really fucking difficult considering you just had a wet dream about your two coworkers.
Bob and Natasha were your coworkers. You shouldn't be having dreams about them, especially ones where they're fucking you at the same time.
After transferring to Miramar, you received a warm welcome from everyone in the dagger squad, particularly the pilot and WSO duo.
They had to just be friendly; Bob because he was raised to be a gentleman, Natasha because having another woman was such a rarity.
That had to be it.
That's why they always checked in on you. That's why their touch seemed to always linger. That's why they would look at you and then whisper to each other.
Any thoughts that maybe, just maybe, it was something beyond friendliness, you tried to push away. And you thought you had been pretty successful.
Until this morning.
At work, you simply waved to Bob and Natasha and quickly sat down, not stopping for your usual chit chat. You could feel their stares burning into your back. But there was no way you could face them without getting flustered. At least not for a few days.
Then things could go back to normal.
You didn't outright ignore the two, but your conversations with them were much shorter and with very little eye contact.
Thanks to being a mechanic, you were able to whisk yourself away from their eager eyes.
The dream still plagued your thoughts. It felt so real. You shouldn't be thinking about it, hell, you shouldn't be hoping for a sequel as you lied awake in bed at night.
"Hey angel," Natasha's voice was smooth, almost seductive. She had found you outside the Hard Deck. You left to get air (and maybe to avoid being sandwiched in between her and Bob in a booth).
But your attempt was in vain. Bob appeared, standing behind you. With Natasha inches away, you were trapped.
"Did we do something wrong angel?" Bob asked, his deep voice sending a shiver down your spine.
"Wha- no! What makes you think that?" Way to play it cool.
Nat's fingers skimmed the side of your shirt. You took a step back, only to bump into Bob. His large hands grabbed your hips, not only steadying you, but also forcing you to remain in your spot.
"It's just....feels like you've been avoiding us. And we really miss our favorite mechanic, don't we Bob?" There was a sweetness to her voice, one that was laced with mischievous.
Bob squeezed the plush flesh of your hips, "We do. Every time we've tried to talk to ya in the last few days has been cut short."
"We just wanted to make sure we hadn't done anything to hurt you," her fingers skimmed the side of your neck, stopping just before reaching your clothed breasts.
It took everything in you not to whine.
"You....you two have done nothing wrong. It's me, don't worry about it."
Bob chuckled, the sound vibrating against you, "We always worry about ya darlin'."
His words made you stop in your tracks, made you reevaluate every interaction you've had with the two.
"R-really?" You still asked, still needing that verbal confirmation to prove you weren't overthinking or misinterpreting.
Natasha smiled as she extended a hand to cup the side of your face, "'Course we do angel."
Bob gently squeezed your hips, as if to encourage you. After all, there was nothing 'friendly' about this.
You took a deep breath, "I uh .....I had a dream about you two the other night."
"What kinda dream?" Bob asked, his voice a near growl. Nat stepped forward, her body brushing against yours now.
"I...I woke up wet."
You don't know whose lips you felt first. Nat's lips were soft. As were Bob's, but his lips were thinner. Nat used more teeth, whereas Bob left open mouth kisses, his tongue tasting your skin.
Despite it being new territory, you were able to quickly distinguish between the pilot and the WSO.
"She's so soft Bob," Nat murmured, "Feel her tits, they're perfect."
His large hands moved up your body, cupping your breasts. Bob's fingers were swift and nimble, able to find your nipples despite the layers of clothing.
Just like up in the sky, they were a well oiled machine, able to alternate who would kiss you and where. Nat's hand wandered down, slipping past the waistband of your jeans.
You couldn't help but moan. Your body felt like it was on fire from being touched all over. Her fingers skimmed over your clothed core. Your hips greedily jerked upwards, trying to get more.
"Is she wet Phe?" Bob asked, in-between pressing a mixture of kisses and love bites to your neck.
Nat chuckled, obviously aware of how damp the center of your panties were, "She sure is. Tell us angel, what we were doing in that dream of yours?"
She withdrew her hand, allowing Bob to have a turn. You felt her fingers knead your breasts, as Bob was able to unbutton your jeans with just one hand.
"I....we were on my bed," you stammered, finding it difficult to focus with the way Bob was lazily drawing circles on your covered clit, "And I was...in between you two. K-kinda like this."
"You wanna make that happen? We can go somewhere private," Bob murmured.
"Can even go to your place if you'd like. Recreate that dream." Both their lips were covering your neck.
You nodded, unable to speak. All you wanted to do was focus on how good they felt.
"Well then, let's get going."
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