#has anyone done a vlog adaptation of scooby-doo yet
incomingalbatross · 6 months
Frankly Dipper's more lined up to be a (real) version of Stan with the Mystery Shack than Ford's scientific pursuits.
He's going to be the head of a podcast researching the paranormal and dramatically describing supposedly paranormal haunts and investigating current claims ala Haunted Cosmos while Ford wants to be a respected scientific researcher.
Yeah exactly! I mean, Dipper hated the fake aspects of the Shack but... not really the showmanship, I think? (Kid's got flair of his own and he's not ashamed of that.) He wants respect and recognition and legitimacy as much as Ford does, but those mean different things to the two of them. And his career dreams seem more geared to popular education/appeal and definitely not toward academic pursuits for their own sake.
(Though of course, fair's fair, Dipper is twelve and Ford's dreams of Public Recognition are coming from a different stage in life. The fact remains that at this age Dipper is aiming in a different direction and has different interests than Ford.)
Regardless, I support him! Dipper running around the world like a cross between Indiana Jones and the Scooby Gang, with a self-produced show, sounds delightful.
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