#has a really cute ace/demi coded relationship
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jjs-brainrot · 2 years ago
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How it be when you’re normally a nightowl but you have to actually be up in the morning
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satanicspinosaurus · 1 year ago
BUCKLE UP: I HAVE THOUGHTS. 1. No knock to Neil, but the phrase "How could I say no" and the mocap with it always worried me. I think it's a limit of the medium, but I actually prefer digital art to the game because here I believe Astarion. He's showing very easily understandable posture and touching Aldriin. I don't have to worry, I know this is something he wants. 10/10 1b. Aldriin is a cute. I feel like note enough people like their Tav be a lil' nervous about kissing the sexy vampire. I love him. (Like it's been a decade since I courted, but I remember being twitter pated. You can be very confident and it's still a lot!) 2. AGAIN- Astarion's little face. Like he's so happy. I feel like the free cam ass grab has changed my opinion about the character. I think without it being there, it is easier to read Astarion as ace. I feel like with the ass grab, he reads more allo (TO ME) who is specifically dealing with a lot of SA trauma. Either way, he's so happy to reject "the relationship escalator" and try intimacy the way he wants. I think your facial expressions here is perfect. 2b. Aldriin reads as this beautiful Demi here so well. And I love that. (I think like yes, lots of a-spec people have to often grab onto SA survivors in media because they are kind of ace-coded and its the closest we have and yeah we can get SAed and its not a 1 to 1. But shifting Astarion over means a demi partner can also be understood as well. And yes, that's so amazing to see the slight differences.) I know he's got a backstory with women, and I think it's great he reads as having his own issues different from Astarion here. Like it's cute to see him excited-concerned-ahhhhhh. THE PUPIL. 3. GALE. 3b. OK great panel because I feel like #2 was about THEIR reactions- hence the close up. Now we frame out, and it's about their SOCIAL preferences. Astarion is giddy and proud and wow. Like he wants people to see him with someone. (Someone who won't be a 1 time thing. Someone who is amazing. Someone who is so full of life.) Meanwhile poor Aldriin. He's BEING LIFTED UP? He's holding onto Astarion for dear life as well. It's really interesting to see him go self-concious. I get strong "I was told never to take up space" vibes here. 4. I really like the playful vibes we get here. I read it as being a little over Aldriin's personal comfort lines, which great! No one should be the perfect character/ partner all the time! He's not clinging onto Astarion for dear life anymore, so he's at least 1 notch less worried. 5. I....I wonder what Aldriin's dump stats are. Also, I guess it make sense, Astarion is cat coded and he's bringing he's little dumb dumb food. Honestly, it's cute. (And hey, explains why he brings brains late!)
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Still can’t believe Larian hid Astarion’s booty grab from us, had to draw him having some fun at Aldiirn’s expense ahaha
But hey, he’s looking out for Aldiirn too and making sure that ass stays thicc
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acefrogmonarch · 5 years ago
HC pt. 3
Story Time! with the bat fam
The bat language!
It's just glares and different forms of glares. Semi-glare. Glare. Glare-glare. That's about five sentences.
Ravin has cracked the code and communicated with them. They understand why Raven could but not how Mari understands them.
They are very confused because this little flower shouldn't, like why??? She wears her heart on her sleeve and you can tell when she's angry or sad. Dick and bruce do it but Mari catches them.
Unknown to them, when Mari wants to be, she can 'cut' off her emotions.
Mari found Damian to be semi-attractive. Damian was like eh, she's another girl.
But he was about 5'11 at this point, and for years to come, he would grow. Mari, herself, is barely reaching 5ft. She considers herself lucky that she even reaches 5'5.
She was 20 when she did.
She is very angry at taller beings than her. Dick is 5'11 while Jason is 6'3, Bruce is taller than both of them.
Mari hates them all. Jason still calls her a bean, even when she has him in a choke-hold during a sparring match. Mari will not hesitate to throw hands. Instead of mellowing out, she did the opposite.
Jason Todd has had sex with Talia before and he hangs it over Damian's head for years.
As a challenge, he brought it up in front of Marinette. Any other time Damian would have left but since Mari was here, he couldn't. Damian stayed but Mari was like
“Why???" Tugging, cause they were holding hands. "Mari, lovebug, Malak, Habi Alghali. Let's go." Mari is a dissatisfied bean. Reluctantly follows Dami away.
The Outlaws consisted of Kori, Roy, and Jason!
When they hang out they always have ‘baked’ goods. They were eating edibles in the city but they somehow made their way to the manor for munchies. Alfred asked if they had any left.
Assuming to part with them, they lied and said no. (they always do)
Alfred still searched the trio moved the treat around. Some sour straps, molly ranchers, and a joint.
Alfred took some straps and popped them in.
"Wait, Alfred, that's-" "I know." They will never forget. Bruce semi-believes them.
Mari never took a stance on cannabis. "Too young." was the excuse often used when talking about it. She was 16.
She knew what they did. It wasn't until, Gotham, that she got real experience with edibles.
Roy accidentally gave her 300mg of cannabis.
"I got brownies!" Roy came in the room, granted it was one of Jason's many hideouts and they had agreed to hang out before Mari was dragged away.
"Jason, Let's get blazed!" Roy kicked the door in and Mari took a stance, Jason got out his babies and pointed them at the door. "Uhh." Roy slowly backed out, Jason put away his guns and Mari bounced in excitement.
"Brownies!" Plucking one from the bag, Mari smelled it first. "Mari, no." Mari turned, then plopped it in her mouth, stuffed her hand in the bag and took a bunch more.
Eating 3 more and stuffing some for Tikki. Jason sighed deeply. "Dammit." It sweet chaos for Mari after that.
First, an anxiety attack then bliss. She was never afraid of heights from being Ladybug, and that just added more fun for Mari.
Damian doesn't find out until he calls Mari.
Because Mari was supposed to come back and hang out, they promised. No, Damian was not upset by the fact that Jason is not better company than him.
Not at all. Damian is superior in every way! His ringing phone brought him back to reality.
"Mari, get away from there!" That's Jason. Marinette was giggling and Damian could here the wind.
"No way, Jose," Roy shouted in the background. "Who's jOsE?!?!" Marinette laughed loudly and Damian was starting to question his existence.
"Mari, Baby girl, Demon tamer. Get off the ledge." There was an eerie silence. "Oh, that reminds me. Hi, Damian."
That's it. "Ya Qamar Barid, I'm coming to get you." Marinette started to sob at that. "I MISSED OUR MEET UP, DIDN'T I???" Damian was already driving off, he traced the call.
"No, not at all Habibti. I was just thinking about where we should eat out." Marinette stopped crying.
"Really?" Damian confirms. "Mhm." "Je vais à la pizzeria que je veux, amant.* ”  The call ends and Damian is NOT panicking.
(I go to the pizzeria i want, lover.)*
Marinette hanged up and jumped down to the apartment below. "MARI!!" Jason was going to lose so many years of this. This small bean should be very afraid.
Jason jumped after her with Roy following on the other side. "Oh, shit. Mari!" Roy regrets everything leading up to this point. At first, it was funny, seeing anyone try for the first time is.
Jason caught up to Mari, who has made it down 4 apartments. They were on the 5th floor.
Almost went splat on the pavement a couple of times.
Damian pulls up in one of the many cars, he's hot-wired before. Mari doesn't notice she's trying to climb down from the first floor to the ground. She jumps to a flag and misses.
Damian catches her before she hits the ground. "Damnit Habibti."
Marinette giggles. "I would have been fine, you know that." Damian carried her back to the car, Mari's complaining the entire time.
Once she's seated in the cold car, she promptly falls asleep.
Lila causes problems for Mari, on purpose but for the wrong reasons.
To spend time with her. Lila is never going to admit that she likes or even remotely revolves her world around Mari. Max points it out to Mari and has tried to get Lila to confess.
Likes to make Marinette mad. When her cheeks go red Lila accidentally lets out a, “She’s cute.” Mari turned to her. “What?” Lila panics and shouts. “I said you’re shit!” Mari is a very confused bean.
The only reason why this is brought up is that they make Lila have Sociopathic tendencies. Like Oni-chan didn’t make sense. Why let go of Adrien? Willing? Better question, why only focus on Mari? Unless you know. . . . . . Just saying.
A lot of mini ships. Like Alix x Chloe.
Alix and Chloe are secretly dating. Sabrina covers for both of them when it’s date night. Alix’s parents know that she’s gay but not Chloe’s. She doesn’t know why she’s scared.
But she doesn’t like that way her dad dismisses gay pride parades. Marinette helps her come to terms and even helps go through her emotions and to come out.
Still doesn’t come out until very much later. Uses Adrien as an excuse. Adrien knows what she means.
Chloe's mother is alright, you know ,gay pride. She joins the parades and makes small nods in her designs.
Eventually Max x Kim!
Alix and Kim are best friends and they help each other out because they always get the wrong advice.
Max and Kim ‘got together’ because Kim didn’t want to date Odine. Max doesn’t think they are dating.
So Kim makes an effort for their relationship and friendship. Alix dared Kim to date Chloe on valentine’s day, Max was there. He didn’t even hear Chloe’s answer but that didn’t matter because, at that moment.
Max heard and Kim understood why he felt like ‘that’ around Max. Max said congratulations and that just broke Kim's heart. Max is not very good at emotions.
"Mom already has enough on her plate." "I don’t need to trouble her." Max to Kim at some point.
Very later. Marc x Nathanial! Fw/B at 17
Nath only shines when art is involved. Has done sculpting and embroidery lessons from Mari, because he doesn’t want to be limited to one form of expression. Digital music is not his thing. Instruments on the other hand. Band nerd.
Sneaks into Higher writing courses. The teachers let him. He’s so talented in creating a universe from nothing. Marc had let the director of the ‘LB and CN Movie.’
Look at some of his stuff but once some criticism on Twitter started to get deleted for some reason, Marc asked around. Bad plot and all, he dismisses the story “Astruc” approved and did another one. Just because he made one good thing doesn’t mean he made the rest just as great.
Yes I am dissing Thomas
I am changing this.
No relationship. Luka helps Kagami realize that not everything in sexuality is as black as white because im a sucker for Les Kagami and Bi Luka. They can find happiness with people.
Emotions? What’s that. Barely there. No chill. Whatsoever. Sarcasm? Come again. She can make sarcastic jokes but won’t know it if it hits her in the face.
Knows exactly what you're talking about but at the same time doesn’t. Can’t relate. It’s very frustrating because she won’t disobey without feeling guilty. Mari, Adrien, and Luka help tear down her walls and ‘need to approve’ attitude. A lot of walls around her heart.
Adrien doesn't like or feel any attraction besides strong feelings.
Demi? Or Ace. Maybe Ace.
He is very disappointed when he doesn't feel explosions or fireworks when he kisses Lila (It was for a shoot, maybe audition.)
Parents fighting? Middle of most argument. Afraid of failing his father because his mother was like that?
The acting was put on hold but she would sneak out for auditions. Natalie helped her sneak out. He can’t trust Gabrial but trust his mother's judgment and maybe Natalie.
He doesn’t know what to do because Mari is, best friend and Lila don’t like Best Friend. But Mari said it was okay when it wasn’t! Proud owner of at least one brain cell.
Eventually Rose x Juleka!
Very concerned with Juleka’s being. She wants Juleka as more than a friend but if Juleka isn’t comfortable with it.
Then she can wait until she’s ready. Her father supports but her mother doesn’t. She makes fun of her depression.
World of patience. Rose and she aren’t dating but they are saving for each other. Juleka was delirious when this happened. She’ll never admit her feelings. Worried about how people would act.
And of course Alya x Nino once Alya gets her head on straight.
These are mini-stories. I'm going to reference these and mention them when I can in the story.
Bruce has movie nights.
No one knows where it is or what movie he watches. Alfred has an idea, and the boys keep trying to find where he goes. It's been so long since he's had something nice in his life.
He... adores his... children. To some extent. Okay, a lot.
But that didn't mean he could show how much he... loved them.
Regardless, they bring trouble where ever they go. Finally getting the conviction to watch a movie, he kept the tradition every chance he got.
Marinette accidentally found him at one of the run-down movie theaters around Gotham. A new movie she was excited for was already released in America but after Sams Club™
She never allowed them anywhere near her in a public place. It was chaos last time. She memorized the way to this theatre and avoided all the cameras. She checked, multiple times. On patrol.
Both, Mari and Damian, are 16.
Bruce is 38, Jason is 24, Dick is 26, Tim is finally 21. Dami is a winter baby. December. Mari is a Fall baby. October 8th.
When Adrien and Mari hang out together, Mari loses one brain cell While Adrien gains one.
They can never get anything accomplished if it doesn't involve the miraculous in some way. Mari was talking about a recent design, Adrien was in the middle of drink soup on this cold day.
Marinette stopped talking as Adrien struggled to get a single noddle in his mouth. Mari opened her mouth to try and say something, but Adrien managed to get the noodle in and grinned. As if, he just got the best Christmas gift, ever.
Mari lost if after that. "A-Adrien!" Clutching her stomach, Mari continued to laugh, Adrien joined in laughing at the slurping noise he made Nino walked in a moment ago to them laughing. It was lunchtime and they went ahead of the Alya and Nino.
Fu is a touchy subject with Marinette.
After the left with his past lover, he shortly passed away. Marianna wrote a letter back to Marinette and that just broke the Dam she built around her emotions.
Chat Noir revealed to be Adrien to destroy the Akuma after her.
Mari, as the newly appointed Guardian, didn't take away his miraculous. No one else was able and she didn't want anyone else to break down from the weight of responsibility.
Chat Noir took his duty with more dignity and less comical after the reveal.
I just saw the Chat Blanc trailer and.. I had this idea before but omg this is weird.
Like most of this is going to be in Book 2. Book 1 is set in Paris, following Marinette. Book two is in Gotham, following Damian 
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postmastered · 6 years ago
Sanders Shovels - Shovel Knight AU
i havent worked on this in months hA but i finally jotted down some things and bada bing bada boom were done babeyyy lets get into it
Logan Wenn - Plague Knight
very very book smart, but like, what's social interaction again????
likes blowing stuff up
disaster shorty
spooky raven aesthetic
can only tolerate virgil
Safety? Who's she? Never heard of her.
small gay
color codes potions, alphabetized his supply stock
really good at bartending as a result (not something he does often, mind you)
wears a plague doctor mask and a hood to hide his identity
has a prosthetic arm
Virgil Ware - Mona
will never EVER let go of his cloak
logan tried helping him sew patches on it, but he sucks at sewing, so virgil took care of it himself, appreciating the sentiment
gothic castle-y aesthetic
helps logan make potions and organizes beakers by size
takes care of the "little guys" (minions)
average height
still a lot taller than logan tho
lives in town, her room underground leads to an even deeper level, the Explodatorium, where he works with Lo to make potions
provides adult supervision
"logan, you need adult supervision"
"Virgil, i am an adult."
"mm yeah sure now eat your apple slices"
logan hurled a potion at him because of this incident and stormed off
eventually came back and apologized, pretending like he didnt cry
logan dont like bein treated like a child
virgil can bake, he makes a bunch of the recipes he uses himself
average gay
Patton Wye - Polar Knight
6'10-ish idk
has a snow shovel he loves dearly
"her name is shelly!!!!!!"
likes snowball fights
And also snow
and ice
makes popsicles and ice cream
has a cow named terracotta
big boy. wide. good for hugs. bear man.
almost every aspect of him makes roman want to cry
"roman!!!!!!! hi!!!!!!!!! its me!!!!!!! patton!!!!!!!!"
"*sobbing uncontrollably* h-hi pat...."
"roman???!?!?!? r u ok??!?!?!?!? what happen??!?!?!?!!?!?"
massive bean
can and will pick up all his friends
hagrid but colder
Roman Howe - King Knight
Roman, but more extra
his castle is made of solid gold
has a sparkly scepter
wears a crown for every occaision
if patton sits on the couch by himself he will crawl over and cling to patton and then Patton is just there like "huh. guess i cant move sorry virgil go stop logan from blowing up the fridge yourself pal"
very clingy
pat pat is very warm despite being in the cold constantly and roman is a cold boy despite being in the heat all the time
saunters and/or sashays
We dont walk in this household
wears heels
slightly below average height
Declan Watt - Tinker Knight
shortiest shorty to ever shorty
made a giant robot to make him taller
stays up way too late
fixes Remy's propellers and Emile's submarine constantly because they kEEP BREAKING
his boyfs are there to help tho dw
stress city usa
smells like oil. stinky boy.
demi child
Remy Hew - Propeller Knight
Flappy boy
fucking adores swords
"Oh, gurl, the hilt, goddamn that's gorgeous wait lemme see the blade- BABE IS THIS FUCKING CLAY-TEMPERED?????"
if an enemy has a sword he will geek about it for hours dont test him
he'll still fight them, but compliment it while fighting
if the sword they have is sub par he will get them a new one
his boyfs think its cute
his propellers break too often for it to not seem suspicious
"dee? babe? one of my propellers broke again..."
he does not break them to get declan to pay attention to him i promise
emile is happy to give him as much attention as he so desires if declan is busy
turns into a pile of flying mush when emile gushes about him
disaster bi
Emile Picani - Treasure Knight
"Ooh! Shinyyyy...."
almost cried when he saw roman's castle for the first time
knows too much about gems for it to be normal
does his best to protect his boyfs and stop his submarine from breaking down too much cause fixing it puts dee out of commission for a year or two
Keeps the Iron Whale in tip top shape
ocean boy. splish splash.
very good swimmer
loves seafood
remy can cook fish and nothing else
good for emile, but sucks for dee, the boye lives off vegetables and nothing else
Nathan Lukas - Mole Knight
Lil gossip goblin
lonely :(
goofs about rocks with emile tho
sometimes they hang out together
ace/aro bean
values his platonic relationships like he values his life
Toby Ross- Specter Knight
legitimately raises the dead
Nate is his best chum
Grows roses
and other plants
made his clothes himself
dont trust that many peeps tbh
himself and virgil both have a Gothic Aesthetic they bond over
Lone wolf
Virgil held his scythe once and told toby he felt like his soul almost got stolen
toby laughed and said "good thing i dont have one!"
lives for spookin people
plays the organ
K thats all hmu if ur interested in any way lol
also i have to credit @spectralheartt for the name and also for humoring me like four months ago about this idea :)
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la-knight · 7 years ago
A Natural History of Dragons by Marie Brennan (Jewish Victorian-era-ish woman is writing her memoirs about how she traveled the world studying dragons; this is book one)
Forest of a Thousand Lanterns by Julie Dao (think Maleficent-style villain origin story, but for the Wicked Queen from Snow White, and set in a fantasy-coded Vietnam; #ownvoices)
The Iron Thorn by Caitlin Kittredge (1950s, HP Lovecraftian monsters roam beyond the walls of the MC's home city, and she has to go beyond the walls to find her brother. Also has run-ins with various folkloric monsters and faeries; steampunk with magic and alternate dimensions full of monsters)
Entwined by Heather Dixon (Victorian-style retelling of the 12 Dancing Princesses, but with a big focus on repairing the fractured relationship between the princesses and their father. Has three adorable romances involving the 3 eldest princesses!)
The Valiant by Lesley Livingston (Celtic princess captured by slavers ends up becoming a gladiatrix in ancient Rome; falls in love with a young centurion, also makes friends - and enemies - at the gladiatrix school she attends. Gets to meet Cleopatra! Twice)
Shadowshaper by Daniel Jose Older (great book, my favorite; Afro-Caribbean girl uncovers hereditary magic in her family, unlocks the magic in her street art. Has a great main love story and an ADORABLE lesbian couple on the side, THEY'RE SO CUTE)
Spindle's End by Robin McKinley (a cool retelling of Sleeping Beauty that focuses on the three faeries and the princess, who gets some magic of her own; a very unique story and a real classic)
A Study in Charlotte by Brittany Cavallaro (the descendents of Watson and Sherlock Holmes, Jamie and Charlotte, finally meet at boarding school and end up framed for murder. It's a really good book. TW! Charlotte is a rape survivor; her rapist is the first murder victim in the book. Big point in its favor: there's a romance between the Holmes and Watson characters, but for the first time the Irene Adler character is shown to be friends with a Holmes and not an enemy or some kind)
Ivory and Bone by Julie Eshbaugh (I recommend the audio book for this one; it's written in second person because the narrator, the MC - his name is Kol - is telling the story of how he met his love interest, Maya, TO Maya to keep her from succumbing to a concussion. It's a genderbent retelling of Pride & Prejudice set in prehistoric times, but the Lady Catherine character is a gay dude who ends up being pretty cool and not a complete demon)
Daughter of the Burning City by Amanda Foody (murder mystery set in a magical traveling circus the size of a city; MC is born without eyes. Her love interest is one the ace-spectrum. Demi, I think was what people said)
Once Upon a Dream by Liz Braswell (a Disney-approved alternate ending to the animated film Sleeping Beauty, where when Phillip kisses Aurora, he falls into the cursed sleep too, instead of Aurora waking up, and then the story goes from there. TW, Aurora suffers from depression)
Three Dark Crowns by Kendare Blake (three sisters, triplets, with three different kinds of magic are pitted against each other to fight for the crown. Very politically intrigue-y, most of the action is in the second half the story, with plotting taking up most of the first half. Very interesting read, though!)
The City's Son by Tom Pollock (a girl named Beth has a run-in with this boy named Filius, who is literally the son of the streets of London - his blood is grease, his skin is the color of cement, he has a mystical connection to the city, blah blah - and ends up joining the war to fight Reach, the God of Demolition. TW, a secondary character who gets her own book after this one is sexually assaulted by a teacher, although it doesn't go into much detail)
That's all I can think of that have romantic threads in them.
@bloody-shadow666 - I have some vague recollection that YOU wanted book recommendations, too, right?
For both of you, if you want any books that don't really have romance but are still amaze-bunnies, just let me know. I know SO MANY.
I need new books to read!! I’m currently reading the Chaos Walking series but after that I need help!! So if anyone has any recs lmk because I will take any:)
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