#haryana lynching rule
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worldinyourpalm · 2 years ago
हरियाणा के गोवध कानून के तहत मुस्लिमों में 94% रिहाई दर | The Muslim-only cow slaughter law in Haryana has a 94% conviction rate;
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Source: th-i.thgim.com
गोकशी के आरोपों को लेकर स्थानीय निवासियों के खिलाफ लिंचिंग और हिंसा के कई मामले
झूठे मामलों में पुलिस की मिलीभगत के आरोपों के बीच नूंह जिला अदालत के बरी होने के आदेशों में से एक का कहना है कि सिर्फ इसलिए कि आरोपी एक मुसलमान है, यह नहीं माना जा सकता है कि वह गायों को वध के लिए ले जा रहा था।
2022 की दूसरी छमाही में गौहत्या के खिलाफ हरियाणा के कानून के तहत नूंह जिला और सत्र अदालत द्वारा तय किए गए 69 मामलों में से केवल चार मामलों में दोषसिद्धि हुई है, 94% की दर से दोषमुक्ति हुई है।
मुख्य रूप से मेव मुसलमानों की आबादी वाले नूंह जिले में पिछले एक दशक के दौरान गोकशी के आरोपों को लेकर स्थानीय निवासियों के खिलाफ लिंचिंग और हिंसा के कई मामले देखे गए हैं।
नूंह पुलिस द्वारा उपलब्ध कराए गए आंकड़ों के अनुसार, केवल चार मामले - दो जुलाई में और एक अक्टूबर और दिसंबर में - वास्तव में उस छह महीने की अवधि के दौरान सजा में समाप्त हुए। बहुत कम सजा दर के बावजूद, पिछले सात वर्षों में अकेले नूंह जिले में हरियाणा गौवंश संरक्षण और गौसंवर्धन अधिनियम, 2015 के तहत हर दूसरे दिन लगभग एक मामला दर्ज किया गया है।
दिसंबर 2022 तक, नूंह अदालत में ऐसे 1,192 मामले लंबित
एडवोकेट ताहिर हुसैन रूपारिया, जिन्होंने ऐसे कई मामलों में अभियुक्तों का प्रतिनिधित्व किया है, जिसके परिणामस्वरूप उन्हें बरी कर दिया गया, ने आरोप लगाया कि शिकायतकर्ताओं द्वारा पैसे वसूलने या अभियुक्तों के साथ व्यक्तिगत दुश्मनी तय करने के लिए पुलिस के साथ मिलीभगत से 'झूठे मामले' दर्ज किए गए, जिससे दोष सिद्ध होने की दर कम रही।
'ज्यादातर मामलों में, शिकायतकर्ता एक 'गुप्त मुखबिर' होता है और अभियुक्तों को मौके पर गिरफ्तार नहीं किया जाता है। और अभियोजन हमेशा यह साबित करने में विफल रहता है कि पुलिस द्वारा बाद में गिरफ्तार किए गए लोग वास्तव में मौके पर मौजूद थे। कई मामलों में, शिकायतकर्ता शत्रुतापूर्ण हो जाते हैं, जिससे बरी हो जाते हैं, 'श्री रूपर्या ने कहा।
दो महीने पहले ऐसे ही एक मामले में आरोपी को सभी आरोपों से ��री करते हुए, न्यायिक मजिस्ट्रेट प्रथम श्रेणी अमित वर्मा ने अपने आदेश में कहा कि 'केवल इसलिए कि आरोपी मुस्लिम है, यह अनुमान नहीं लगाया जा सकता है कि वह गायों को वध करने के उद्देश्य से ले जा रहा था। '।
कई खामियां
न्यायाधीश ने अपने आदेश में अभियोजन पक्ष के मामले में कई खामियों की ओर इशारा किया, जैसे कि छापेमारी दल का नेतृत्व करने वाले पुलिस अधिकारी का अभियुक्तों की पहचान करने में सक्षम नहीं होना, परीक्षण पहचान परेड नहीं किया जाना, गवाहों द्वारा विरोधाभासी बयान, और अदालत के समक्ष पेश किए जाने पर मामले की संपत्ति सीलबंद स्थिति में नहीं है।
जिले के एक सरकारी वकील ने नाम न छापने की शर्त पर बोलते हुए उच्च दर के लिए घटिया जांच और पुलिस अधिकारियों के कानूनी ज्ञान की कमी को जिम्मेदार ठहराया।
'ऐसा प्रतीत होता है कि पुलिस इस पुख्ता मामले की जांच करने के प्रयासों में विफल रही है। चूंकि इनमें से अधिकांश छापे शुरुआती घंटों में आयोजित किए जाते हैं, और आरोपी ज्यादातर भागने में सफल हो जाते हैं, पुलिस बाद में गिरफ्तार किए गए अभियुक्तों की पहचान स्थापित करने के लिए जब्त किए गए हथियारों पर खून और उंगलियों के निशान जैसे फोरेंसिक साक्ष्य का उपयोग कर सकती है। परीक्षण पहचान परेड आयोजित नहीं की जाती है, 'सरकारी अभियोजक ने कहा।
उन्होंने कहा कि जांच अधिकारियों को कानून की जानकारी नहीं थी और उन्होंने चालान में गलत धाराएं लगाईं, जिससे आरोपियों को फायदा हुआ। 'मामलों में शायद ही कोई स्वतंत्र गवाह हो क्योंकि ज्यादातर छापे रात में मारे जाते हैं और स्थानीय लोग भी अपने समुदाय के खिलाफ नहीं जाना चाहते हैं। नूंह में क्लोज-सर्किट टेलीविजन कवरेज लगभग शून्य है। सरकारी वकील ने कहा, जांच अधिकारी, जिनमें से प्रत्येक 40-50 मामलों से निपट रहे हैं, भी अत्यधिक काम कर रहे हैं।........
0 notes
loyallogic · 5 years ago
Need of the hour : reforms in mob lynching laws
This article is written by Sparsh Agrawal, student, Symbiosis Law School, Hyderabad. In this article, the legal provisions of mob lynching are stated and also requisite reforms are recommended in order to solve the aforesaid problem.
As per the report of IndiaSpend there, the cases on mob lynching are increasing each year. The Cambridge dictionary has defined the term ‘vigilance’ as law enforcement which is undertaken without any legal authority by a self-appointed group of people. And the incidents of lynching involve people who wish to enforce legal authority without any lawful justification.
The incident of lynching is where a group of people kill a particular person alleging him for an offence which is usually based on some religious prejudice or humour. This happens when the belief of one community about an issue is not in accordance with the view of the other community, due to such conflict the unlawful act of mob-lynching takes place. In India, most of the cow-related mob attacks are reported highest in states such as Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Delhi, Gujrat, Karnataka, Rajasthan, and Madhya Pradesh.
In India, there is no codified law against mob lynching, however, Sub Section(a) of Section 223 of the Criminal Procedure Code, 1973  contains the relevant provision for persons being charged for an offence jointly when they are alleged of the same offence committed in the course of the same transaction which is applicable to two or more people. The victims of such lynching are treated miserably. They are often brutally beaten, chained, and hanged which causes them grievous hurt or even death.
Impact of mob lynching in the country
Pertinently, there has been an increase in the number of cases related to lynching. The BJP government came into power in the year 2014 and since then there has been an increase in the frequency of such attacks. This act of people taking the law into their hands because of the shallow knowledge of the Justice System poses a serious threat to the Rule of Law and principles of Natural Justice. Such acts have also posed serious threats to minority groups in the country and appropriate steps must be taken in order to check and deter such crimes. 
Furthermore, there have been instances where violence has been caused by vigilantes who have some political connection with the right-wing parties and such people believe themselves to be politically correct while committing such offences. Such instances of mob violence across the country have often resulted in promoting majoritarianism by propagating the beliefs of the majority by suppressing the basic rights of the minorities. 
In a country like India, people taking law into their own hands is unacceptable since citizens of the country have been granted various fundamental rights and such lynching cases are abusing their right to life, right to a fair trial, etc. India is a secular state and it’s important to ensure that interests of the minority are being protected and they are not suppressed by the majority.
Supreme Court on mob lynching
In the Judgement of Tehseen S. Ponawalla v. Union of India & others, Hon’ble Chief Justice of India, Dipak Mishra along with the three-judge bench condemned the recent incidents regarding mob lynching and mob attacks taking place against Dalits and the people belonging to a minority community. On 17th July 2018, he asked the parliament to formulate and pass legislation which makes mob lynching a separate offence and also defines punishment which can act as a deterrent to lynching cases.
Further, the bench contended that no individual in his individual capacity or a part of a particular group can take the law of land into his/their hands and give punishment which they are not bound to give. Moreover, the Chief Justice of India himself mentioned the need to issue directions to take punitive, remedial, and preventive measures. 
These steps are being taken in accordance with the Writ Petition which was filed under Article 32  of the Indian Constitution by the social activist. He demanded immediate and necessary action against the mob lynching done by the cow protection groups who are indulging in excessive violence. The petition even claimed for removal of violent content from the social media uploaded by the said groups.
Mob violence and mob vigilantism must be prevented by the governments by taking strict action and people ought to report such incidents of taking law into their own hands.
In the aforesaid case itself,  the Central government has itself approached the Supreme Court of India, in order to implement the guidelines for the offence of mob violence. Therefore, in accordance with the interim order, the full bench of the Supreme Court has directed some measures in order to cope with this particular issue. The measures are as follows;-
The state government must appoint a senior police officer in the respective areas who are not below the rank of Superintendent of police. The Nodal officer must be appointed in each and every district. Moreover, this officer will also be assisted by a police officer of the rank of Deputy Superintendent of Police in order to prevent mob violence in the respective district. The Supreme court even suggested that a Special Task Force must be in a function to prepare the reports of those who are suspected in such crimes or who are involved in spreading the false stories or hate speech or any other provocative statements.
The police officer who has been appointed in the district will have a duty to disperse the mob which has a tendency to commit the offence of mob lynching by applying the powers given to him under Section 129 of the Criminal Procedure Code.
Further, the State governments and Central Governments shall also have a duty to take relevant steps such as broadcasting on the media platforms, radio televisions and official websites that any kind of mob-lynching or mob-violence is a punishable offence under Indian Penal Code and the people committing it will be suffering rigorous punishment such as life imprisonment.
Moreover, police should also register the First Information Report in accordance with Section 153 A of the Indian Penal Code or any other relevant provisions of Indian Law which have broadcasted such irresponsible and explosive messages and violence in various social media platforms, which could have a possible element to inspire lynching or mob violence.
After the decision has been in favour of the victims by any court, the state government must prepare a compensation plan for the victims of mob lynching or mob violence in accordance with the Section 357A of the Code of Criminal Procedure Code, and also such compensation should be provided to the victim or to his family members within 1 month of the decision.
The cases related to mob lynching must undergo trial in fast track courts of respective Districts. This will ensure speedier justice to the victims as such courts would conduct trials on a daily basis and will complete the required procedures of the case within 6 months from the date of primary cognizance. This shall also ensure compliance with the pending cases. It will be a duty of the State government as well as the Nodal officer to decide whether the prosecution is effectively playing its role in the proceedings of the case or not.
In order to set relevant examples in the cases of mob lynching and mob violence, the court must convict the guilty with maximum punishment for the commission of the crime in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Indian Penal Code which will act as a deterrent who are committing such offence.
Moreover, if there is a scenario where the police or district administration has failed to comply with the guidelines or instructions stated above in preventing the crime of violence and lynching or in making any investigation, it must be considered as an act of disobedience on part of the police officer, and action for negligence must be taken against him.
Punishments for lynching
There is no codified law or legal provision in our country dealing specifically with lynching or mob attacks. However, the punishment for mob lynching is provided under the ambit of the following laws currently under Indian Penal Code:
Section 302 of the Indian Penal Code– This particular section in IPC deals with punishments related to the murder. It stated that whoever commits murder is punished wither with imprisonment for life or with punishment for death. In many cases, the convict may be even liable to be penalized.
Section 304 of Indian Penal Code– Section 304 of IPC talks about punishment for culpable homicide not amounting to murder. The punishment can be as follows:
-Life Imprisonment
-The person can be punished for 10 years of imprisonment and a requisite fine can also be imposed on him for the crime committed or may cause the injury that can likely cause the death of a person.
Section 325 of the Indian Penal Code– This particular section defines punishment for causing grievous hurt to a person voluntarily. Under the provision of this section, if a person, except in case of provocation (as provided for by section 335), voluntarily causing grievous hurt, is likely to be punished with imprisonment of either for a term of up to seven years and also payment of fine.
Section 34 of the Indian Penal Code– This section states the punishment regarding the acts done by several persons in furtherance of common intention. It states that when a criminal act is done by several persons in regard to a  common intention, each of such persons is liable for that act in the same manner as if it were done by him alone.
Section 120 B of the Indian Penal Code– This section defines the punishment regarding parties who are participating in a criminal conspiracy together. It states that:
-Conspiracy when done for an offence which is punishable with life imprisonment or death or with punishment for imprisonment for 2 years or more, the offender is to be punished in the same manner as in case of abetment while committing the offence.
-In the case of conspiracy for an offence that is not punishable with death, life imprisonment or imprisonment for 2 years or above, the offender is liable to be punished with imprisonment for up to six months or maybe with fine or both.
Manav suraksha kanoon
In 2017, A bill was drafted by National Campaign Against Mob Lynching. The name of the bill is Manav Suraksha Kanoon (MASUKA) to begin a legal conversion against a group of people involved lynching. Prakash Ambedkar, who is a grandson of B.R. Ambedkar, and an activist Tehseen Poonawlla have drafted a law in order to accommodate new law with respect to Mob violence by amending Article 21 of the Indian Constitution. According to this bill, the concerned SHO (State House Officer) of the area shall be suspended until a time-bound judicial probe absolves him of all his charges. Moreover, this particular bill will also work in providing relief to the affected people and will also help in the rehabilitation of the families of the victim.
                      Important judgements
In the case of Nandini Sundar and others v, State of Chattisgarh had claimed a number of human rights violations for the people belonging to District of Dantewada District and also its neighbouring areas in the State of Chattisgarh because of the ongoing armed Maoist insurgency. In order to curb this, the authorities belonging to the government of Chhattisgarh hired a local tribal youth group as SPO’s and armed them in order to fight with the Maoists. The authorities claimed that the government is right in arming the tribal people in accordance with the Indian Constitution in order to fight the ‘extremist Maoists. The Supreme Court observed in this case that it is the duty of the State to Strive, incessantly and consistently, in order to promote fraternity among all the citizens such that dignity of every citizen can be protected, promoted, and nourished. Therefore, it is the duty of the state to prevent crime in the state in order to maintain absolute harmony among the people.
In the case of Mohd. Haroon and others v. Union of India and another a writ petition was filed in the Supreme court in relation to the riots happening around District Muzaffarnagar, Uttar Pradesh. There was a communal tension in the city which resulted in forcing people to abandon their homes out of anxiety and fear. The petitioners, in this case, claimed that the local administration instead of enforcing the law allowed the congregation to take place negligently and also failed to monitor its proceedings. Further, it was also held that the victims of mob lynching cannot be discriminated against on the basis of the community or any religion. The relief to the communities must be given in terms of rehabilitation and compensation. The Supreme Court also observed and stated that it is the duty of the State Administration in the association of relevant intelligence agencies belonging to both Center and State to prevent the communal violence happening in every part of the State. If at all any officer responsible for maintaining law and order in the state is found negligent, he shall be punished in accordance with the law.
Moreover, in the case of Archbishop Raphael Cheenath S.V.D v. the State of Orissa and another, a Writ Petition was filed before the court in order to highlight the failure on part of the State Orissa in deploying police force to maintain the law and order situation in Kandhamal District of Orissa and in protecting its people when the assassination of Swami Laxmananda Saraswati took place by the Maoists. In this case, the court observed that the government of the State must inquire into and find relevant causes or such communal riots and also strengthen the police infrastructure so that communal unrest can be curbed. The court emphasized the peace-building measures in the State.
International perspective
The origin of the Lynching’s started from the Southern part of the United States where there was a racial conflict between the slaves and whites in the 19th Century. It happened when the slaves were freed and whites blamed them for the financial crisis in the country. Almost 3446 of the 4743 lynchings have occurred in America. The whites believed that giving too much freedom to the blacks is not fair, thus the instances of mob violence took place in America.
Pertinently, the United Kingdom which ruled countries like India and America faced the crime of vigilant mob lynching when Stephen Lawerence was lynched by a mob, back in the year 1993 when racial disturbances were prevalent in the country. Furthermore, in the absence of stringent laws for mob lynching, the police officials were unable to catch the offenders. This was considered as a failure of justice and law of the land along with the failure of relevant administrative authorities. Yet again there was another incident when 4 white men set fire to a person named Michael due to racial conflicts. However, it is worth mentioning that the United Kingdom since 1998 has no official reported crime of mob lynching. 
The failure of various law enforcement agencies, as well as the police, have contributed towards vigilantes to punish who are accused of crimes like theft, robbery, kidnapping, housebreakings, etc. Such instances have been seen in some of the African countries where crime is prevalent at a high rate due to poverty, lack of education, and job opportunities.
Another country which is affected by mob violence is Brundai. According to the reports released by Human Rights Watch and Association for Protection of Human Rights and Detained Persons (APRODHI) have released a report pertaining to issues of mob justice in the country. The report stated that Mob justice in the country has at times found direct involvement of the public authorities and people involved in the administration in public killings or beating up of suspected criminals. The report made a contention that due to lack of faith in the police force and Judicial system of the country, inadequate resources, incompetence, and corruption practices by the authorities have led many Brudians to believe that the Judicial system of the country is not appropriate to secure their rights.
Case studies on mob lynching
In India, Lynching incidents have given rise to Implementation and Exertion of Anti-Lynching Laws in India. It is very unfortunate that Mob savagery laws do not completely cover the ambit of mob lunching and there is no strict obligation that is emerged on the mob. Thus, in cases of mob lynching justice has not been served to the victims. The following are the Case studies related to mob lunching:-
Dadri Lynching case was held in Bisra Village, Uttar Pradesh in 2015. The person was lynched due to regional and communal differences. The person’s name was Mohammad Akhlaq. He was accused of slaughtering a cow for storing its meat for consumption. When this came into the knowledge of the Hindu community of the village, they lynched both the father and son. The fact of the matter is that this case is considered as one of the first cases which were religious-based and in the name of the cow the person was lynched.
Another instance happened in the Alwar District of Rajasthan in 2017. The issue pertinent in this case was that some people belonging to the Muslim community were accused of cattle smuggling and slaughtering of calves. The police department of Alwar filed a case against Khan for smuggling but he was permitted by the government to do so.
In 2017, a lynching case happened in Delhi. It was based on the caste system prevailing that people belonging to lower case or backward classes of people need to suffer. In this case, a rickshaw driver stopped some of the college students as they were urinating on the public wall due to intoxication. The students who were intoxicated became furious and lynched the rickshaw driver.
Palghar mob Lynching case: It is pertinent to note that, on 16th April, 2020 a driver and two Sadhus were lynched by an angry mob. All the victims belonged to a village called Gadchinchale located in the Palghar district of Maharashtra. This unfortunate incident was fuelled by a rumour which was circulated on WhatsApp, wherein it was stated that there have been thieves operating in the village amidst the coronavirus lockdown. 
Later, upon the investigation, it was known that the vigilant mob lynching happens because the group had mistaken the three thieves and eventually they killed them. Furthermore, the police officers who tried to save these sadhus by such a vigilant mob also faced major injuries. Furthermore, after the incident, there was a rumour on WhatsApp in order to stoke religious tension. However, as per the complete list of arrested people, none of the members of vigilant attackers was Muslims. Pertinently, the state government of Maharashtra even clarified that both the victims and the attackers belonged to the same religion. 
There are several reforms that need to be taken into consideration with respect to mob lynching cases in India and worldwide. The administration in India needs to take steps to ensure speedier justice. 
For example- Firstly, Registering FIR without any delay, quashing the cases which may add further victimization upon the weak and poor, quashing the bail applications as it may pose a serious threat to the victims and their family because of the attached hate crime. 
Moreover, a mechanism should be set up to determine the quantum of compensation to be paid to the victims or their family for the loss suffered by them and also for better access to justice, schemes such as free legal aid should be made part of the system.  
Further, to ensure that justice has been delivered to the victims of mob violence, the government should take appropriate steps to pass law demanded by Civil Society, Manav Suraksha Kanoon (MaSuka) which provides that stringent laws should be made for mob violence, and also laws related to mob lynching must be non-bailable, cognizable and non-compoundable and also invite life imprisonment along with a time-bound trial of the culprit. Moreover, compensation to the families of victims and the police action must be considered to ensure the protection of the witnesses. Just like SC/ST (Prevention from atrocities) Act, 1989, and the Protection of Women and Domestic Violence Act, 2005 are meant for protection of the group and securing ends of Justice, similarly, MaSuka must do the same for the victims of mob lynchings.
The parliament can also play an important role in enhancing the laws related to mob lynching. The parliament should act in accordance to the guidelines specified by the Supreme Courts, and accordingly draft and pass a new law to deal cases related to mob violence which would aim to provide maximum punishment to the lynchers along with the officials who are directly or indirectly part of the mob lynching instances. Further, the new law must define the term ‘mob lynching’ which is not defined is any of the current statutes.
Mob lynching may happen because of various reasons. Witch-hunting was one of the reasons for mob violence, where 2000 mentally challenged women were lynched for rumours that put an allegation upon them of stealing and murdering children. In India cases like communal conflagrations as in 1984 Sikh riots, Anti-Muslim riots in Gujrat in India or Lynching case of Ghulam Muhammad by Hindu Yuva Mahaini just because of his relationship with a Hindu girl in the neighbourhood which has impacted this country in a miserable manner. In order to overcome such instances, awareness must be created among people who take responsibility to enforce the laws themselves and violate other people’s rights because of the shallow understanding of Justice.
In today’s scenario, the instances of Lynching’s and vigilante attacks have become an instrument of choice for violence against minorities, especially persons belonging to minority communities like Muslims. Both Vigilante attacks and lynching are different from ‘communal riots’. These are episodes of acts of mob violence mostly by people who assume the authority of the state due to shallow understanding of Justice. It has been said that lynchings have taken place regularly, which has amounted to the “national epidemic”.
As a result of such a case, the people of India are learning to endure justice with an intense sense of foreboding which has amounted to-a lurking, unnamed, unspoken fear. Due to its extreme nature, it has led to fear in the minds of people of being attacked by mobs and also being vulnerable in the situation.
India has unfortunately witnessed the numerous mob lynching and mob violence cases reported from various parts of the country. Most of the cases were in consequence of the reaction to the beef-ban orders of the government in the country. It can be interpreted that all lynching activities based on identity discriminate against the whole community which violates Article 14 and Article 15 of the Indian Constitution. The present situation of mob attacks in the country is miserable and there is a need for separate legislation to be enacted in order to protect the victims of mob violence and also to implement strict procedures to curb the attacks and punish the wrongdoers involved in the mob violence.
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whittlebaggett8 · 6 years ago
Political Opportunism in India: Exploiting Islamophobia
The implications of the BJP’s burgeoning anti-Muslim rhetoric are grave.
By Nazneen Mohsina for The Diplomat
May possibly 10, 2019
Numerous take into consideration the ongoing standard elections in India as a referendum on India’s secular, pluralist potential. Primary Minister Narendra Modi’s proper-wing nationalist Bharatiya Janata Celebration (BJP) is searching to safe an additional term in business office, and its tactic to mobilize voters has mostly been primarily based on Hindutva posturing and concern-mongering among the the Hindu majority of alleged hazards posed by the country’s minority communities, particularly Muslims.
Following the release of the party’s 2019 manifesto which bundled programs to introduce a “National Sign-up for Citizens” (NRC), its Twitter account quoted BJP President Amit Shah indicating “We will guarantee implementation of NRC in the total country. We will get rid of every one infiltrator from the state, other than Buddha, Hindus and Sikhs.” The BJP, in essence, evoked an Indian civilization that excludes its two minority teams, Muslims and Christians. While it considers Christianity as the faith of proselytisers, Islam is branded as the faith of invaders, beef eaters, regressive burka-clad females, and terrorists.
According to a report by NDTV, the use of hateful and divisive language by leading politicians in India increased by nearly 500 per cent since the BJP-led authorities arrived to electric power. As Muslims are the country’s biggest minority group, forming 15 p.c of the population, they come upon the most cases of violence and intolerance. Members and candidates of the ruling party usually use Islamophobic rhetoric to establish conservative qualifications and impress voters. They conflate Islam with terrorism and depict Muslims as inherently dangerous men and women. In one particular occasion in 2016, BJP Minister of State for Talent Progress and Entrepreneurship, Anantkumar Hegde mentioned “as long as there is Islam in the entire world, there will be terrorism. Right up until we uproot Islam, we just can’t take away terrorism.”
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All violence and terror functions are assigned to Islam. Occasions of Islamist terrorism are exploited to insert gas to politics of identification and nationwide-protection. Most lately, as Sri Lanka struggled to appear to conditions with the carnage triggered by the Easter Sunday assaults, Hindu nationalists used it as fodder for their anti-Muslim discourse. Many BJP candidates and activists tweeted a firmly proven catchphrase – “not all Muslims are terrorists but all terrorists are Muslims.” Addressing an election rally in Chittorgarh in Rajasthan several hours immediately after the blasts, Indian
Modi swiftly cited the attacks as a purpose to vote for his celebration. He claimed that India’s condition was similar to Sri Lanka prior to 2014 right before BJP came to ability as the opposing political events had dealt with terrorism with a gentle hand. He accused them of not holding terrorists accountable in purchase to pander to Muslims for votes – therefore inextricably connecting Muslims with terrorism. In the same way, in another instance, during an election rally in Panipat, Haryana, Amit Shah, questioned “When Modi killed Pakistani terrorists, why were their (the opposition’s) faces pale? Were the terrorists relevant to them?”
“They were apprehensive about their vote financial institution,” he answered himself – however all over again correlating Muslim-majority Pakistan and terrorism, with Indian Muslims. Exploiting the recent clash with Pakistan in Pulwama and Balakot, the BJP has produced Pakistan and Islamist terrorism the core of its campaign rhetoric. It has strategically otherized its political opposition by labeling them as pro-Muslim and anti-Hindu, basically creating a binary and pitting Muslims against Hindus.
Even though the BJP is normally quick to condemn and politicize Islamist violence, it is silent on violent acts orchestrated by non-Muslims. For instance, the Naxals, who are arguably the biggest menace to India’s inside security, are not part of its political discourse as they do not in shape into the polarizing narrative of the elections. Also, perpetrators of despise crimes against Muslims are generally guarded with impunity, and in some scenarios even tacitly or instantly applauded. Lynching and terrorizing Muslims in the title of beef feeding on, really like jihad (a phrase applied by Hindu nationalists for Muslim adult men who feign enjoy to “lure” Hindu women of all ages and convert them as a element of their conspiracy to change India into a majority-Muslim nation) and ghar wapsi (Indian Muslims should return to their unique Hindu fold) are frequently overlooked.
Also, appallingly, the BJP has nominated a radical Hindu nationalist, Pragya Thakur, for parliament. Thakur, who is out on bail supposedly thanks to “health problems,” is the most important suspect in the 2008 bomb blast in Malegaon, Maharashtra that killed 6 and wounded over hundred folks. She is charged with terrorism, murder, criminal conspiracy, and advertising enmity involving communities.
Religio-nationalist otherization is helpful as faith is a that means-giving structure and a sturdy galvanizing pressure. Also, the utilization of communal politics diverts attention from the a lot of failures of the BJP authorities. The bash swept to electricity in 2014 with promises of economic advancement, occupation creation, eradicating corruption, and thus making a “new India.” Having said that, these claims did not materialize. Agrarian distress stemming from money owed and rising fees has greater because 2017 whereby farmers have frequently marched in various elements of India to exhibit discontent. In January, thousands and thousands of workers rallied against the BJP’s financial policies. Among other matters, they demanded the government halt all pro-company, anti-employee amendments, and address inflation and government’s push for bigger privatisation. There has also been a increase in unemployment. In accordance to a report by the National Sample Survey Office, leaked in February, unemployment price in India rose to 6.1 percent in 2018 — the best in 45 many years. The BJP’s demonetization method, supposedly intended to control the use of black money and fake forex employed by “terrorists” and herald a much more transparent, cashless economic system, also unsuccessful miserably.
The implications of the BJP’s burgeoning anti-Muslim rhetoric are grave. If unchecked, it will gas religious discrimination and alienation of Muslim communities. Moreover, it will simply call India’s vivid, pluralistic traditions into concern and breed distrust and mutual suspicion. That, in transform, will be problematic for India’s nationwide safety as it will deliver insecurities among the minorities even though concurrently strengthening and vindicating widespread recruitment narratives of Islamist terrorist teams who skillfully exploit sectarian and communal fault traces.
Nazneen Mohsina is a Exploration Analyst with the Institute of South Asian Scientific tests at Nationwide College of Singapore.
The post Political Opportunism in India: Exploiting Islamophobia appeared first on Defence Online.
from WordPress https://defenceonline.com/2019/05/10/political-opportunism-in-india-exploiting-islamophobia/
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postolo · 6 years ago
2018 SCC Vol. 9 November 7, 2018 Part 3
Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 — S. 34(5) and Ss. 34(6), 34(3) and 29-A: Requirement of issuance of prior notice to the other party and filing of an affidavit endorsing compliance with the said requirement under S. 34(5), is directory and not mandatory. Considerations of convenience and justice are uppermost, and if general inconvenience or injustice results, without promoting the real aim and object of the enactment, the provision must be declared to be directory. Subsection (5) is not a condition precedent, but a procedural provision which seeks to reduce the delay in deciding applications under S. 34. Further, to construe such a provision as being mandatory would defeat the advancement of justice as it would provide the consequence of dismissing an application filed without adhering to the requirements of S. 34(5), thereby scuttling the process of justice by burying the element of fairness. However, it shall be the endeavour of every court in which a S. 34 application is filed, to stick to the time-limit of one year from the date of service of notice to the opposite party by the applicant, or by the court, as the case may be. Further, in case the court issues notice after the period mentioned in S. 34(3) has elapsed, every court shall endeavour to dispose of the S. 34 application within a period of one year from the date of filing of the said application similar to what has been provided in S. 14 of Commercial Courts Act, 2015. Also, in cases covered by S. 10 r/w S. 14 of the Commercial Courts Act, 2015, the Commercial Appellate Division shall endeavour to dispose of appeals filed before it within six months, as stipulated and appeals which are not so covered will also be disposed of as expeditiously as possible, preferably within one year from the date on which the appeal is filed. [State of Bihar v. Bihar Rajya Bhumi Vikas Bank Samiti, (2018) 9 SCC 472]
 Civil Procedure Code, 1908 — Or. 39 Rr. 1 & 2 — Interim stay — Grant or refusal: While passing an order on interim stay application, justifiable reason(s) to support grant or rejection of prayer as to stay must be stated in the order keeping in view the facts and law applicable to the controversy involved. [Birwati Chaudhary v. State of Haryana, (2018) 9 SCC 458]
Civil Procedure Code, 1908 — Or. 41 R. 27, Or. 41 R. 23-A & Or. 41 R. 25 and Ss. 96 & 100 — Procedure to be followed by appellate courts after receiving additional evidence: Once additional evidence is permitted at appellate stage, other side must be given opportunity to lead rebuttal evidence to counter additional evidence. Appellate courts have two options (i) to take recourse remanding entire matter under Or. 41 R. 23-A for retrial, or (ii) to make limited remand under Or. 41 R. 25 by retaining main appeal with itself so that parties can lead evidence on particular issues in light of additional evidence and then to decide main appeal on merits. [Corpn. of Madras v. M. Parthasarathy, (2018) 9 SCC 445]
Civil Procedure Code, 1908 — Ss. 96(3), 100, 114 & Or. 23 R. 3-A: Challenge to compromise decree is not permissible except on ground of fraud. Such challenge can be by way of fresh suit, or review petition. [Ved Pal v. Prem Devi, (2018) 9 SCC 496]
Constitution of India — Arts. 21, 25, 19 and 29 and Preamble — Cow vigilantism and incidents of lynching solely based on perception: There is necessity of strengthening police administration. Pluralism and tolerance is essential values constituting building blocks of free and democratic society. It is the duty of State to promote fraternity amongst all citizens so that dignity of every citizen is protected, nourished and promoted, and to prevent crime and untoward incidents. Lynching affront to rule of law and exalted values of Constitution itself while vigilantism for whatever purpose or borne out of whatever cause undermines legal institutions of State. Such extrajudicial attempts under guise of law required to be nipped in bud lest it leads to anarchy and lawlessness corroding nation. It is the primary responsibility of State to foster secular, pluralistic and multicultural social order so as to allow free play to ideas and beliefs and coexistence of mutually contradictory perspectives. Directions covering areas of preventive, remedial and punitive measures, issued. [Tehseen S. Poonawalla v. Union of India, (2018) 9 SCC 501]
Contempt of Court — Civil Contempt — Purging of contempt/Opportunity to comply: Once the order dt. 8-3-2001 passed by Single Judge directing appellant FCI to frame scheme or to find ways to absorb respondent workmen within one year had attained finality it was required to be complied with in pith and substance. [Food Corpn. of India v. W.B. FCI Workmen’s Union, (2018) 9 SCC 469]
Criminal Procedure Code, 1973 — S. 378(3) — Application for grant of leave to appeal under — Parameters which High Court should keep in mind while deciding — Principles reiterated: In this case Trial court acquitted respondent-accused of charge of offences punishable under Ss. 363, 366, 376 and 120-B IPC. Application was filed by State for leave to appeal against such acquittal before High Court and High Court rejected it without assigning any reasons. Such casual approach of High Court, disapproved by the Supreme Court and matter was remanded back to it for decision afresh on merits, keeping in view law laid down by Supreme Court in Sujay Mangesh Poyarekar, (2008) 9 SCC 475. [State of U.P. v. Anil Kumar, (2018) 9 SCC 492]
Criminal Procedure Code, 1973 — S. 482: Quashment of subsequent criminal proceedings based on new set of facts merely because earlier criminal proceedings related to present matter were quashed, not proper. [Om Prakash Singh v. State of Bihar, (2018) 9 SCC 440]
Criminal Trial — Practice and Procedure — Abatement — Abatement of appeal: As there was report by High Court along with copy of death certificate regarding death of sole respondent in appeal, appeal stood abated against deceased and was dismissed as having abated. [State of Karnataka v. Srinivasa, (2018) 9 SCC 463]
Environment Law — Vehicular Pollution: NGT passed an order of plying of only CNG buses/coaches and other vehicles at Delhi Airport. Due to incompatibility of other vehicles to CNG mode, direction issued by NGT restricted to only buses and coaches. [Narangs International Hotels (P) Ltd. v. Society for Protection of CHETNA, (2018) 9 SCC 499]
Income Tax Act, 1961 — S. 10(20) (as amended by the Finance Act, 2002) — Noida Authority: After omission of S. 10(20-A) the only provision under which a body or authority can claim exemption was S. 10(20) and further, local authority having been exhaustively defined in the Explanation to S. 10(20), an entity has to fall under S. 10(20) to claim exemption. Further, the Explanation now containing the exhaustive definition of local authority, the definition of local authority as contained in S. 3(31) of the General Clauses Act, 1897 no more applicable. Also, the Explanatory Note to Finance Act, 2002 clearly indicate that by the Finance Act, 2002 the exemption under S. 10(20) had been restricted to Panchayats and Municipalities as referred to in Arts. 243-P(d) and 243-P(e) of the Constitution, and further by deletion of clause (20-A), the income of the Housing Boards of the States and of Development Authorities became taxable. Noti. dt. 24-12-2001 was issued by the Governor in exercise of the power under the proviso to clause (1) of Art. 243-Q of the Constitution of India specifying the appellant Authority to be an “industrial township” with effect from the date of the notification in the Official Gazette. The proviso did not contemplate constitution of an industrial establishment as a Municipality, rather clarified that an exception where Municipality under clause (1) of Art. 243-Q may not be constituted in an urban area. Further, the object of issuance of notification was to relieve the mandatory requirement of constitution of a Municipality in a State in the circumstances as mentioned in the proviso but exemption from constituting Municipality does not lead to mean that the industrial establishment which is providing municipal services to an industrial township is same as Municipality as defined in Art. 243-P(e).  Thus, held, industrial township as specified under Noti. dt. 24-12-2001 was not akin to Municipality as contemplated under Art. 243-Q. Hence, held, appellant Authority is not covered by the definition of “local authority” as contained in the Explanation to S. 10(20). [NOIDA v. CIT, (2018) 9 SCC 351]
Income Tax Act, 1961 — S. 194-A(3)(iii)(f) — Benefit of exemption given under Noti. No. S.O. 3489 dt. 22-10-1970 — Tax deduction at source on payment of interest by bank to Noida Authority: There is a well-marked distinction between a body which is created by the statute, on the one hand, and a body which after having come into existence is governed in accordance with the provisions of the statute, on the other. For instance, a company incorporated under the Companies Act is not a statutory body because it is not created by the statute but it is a body created in accordance with the provisions of the statute. When the words “by and under an Act” are preceded by the words “established”, the reference is to a corporation established, that it is brought into existence, by an Act or under an Act i.e. the term refers to a statutory corporation as contrasted from a non-statutory corporation incorporated or registered under the Companies Act. The preamble of that Act reads “an Act to provide for the constitution of an Authority for the development of certain areas in the State into industrial and urban township and for matters connected therewith”. Thus, the Act itself provided for constitution of an authority. Further, “the Authority” had been constituted by a Noti. dt. 17-4-1976 issued under S. 3 of the 1976 Act. Further, following the ruling in Satish Prabhakar Padhye, (2010) 4 SCC 378, wherein the State Financial Corporation was stated to be a corporation established under a Central Act, held, the Authority was covered by the Noti. dt. 22-10-1970. [CIT v. Canara Bank, (2018) 9 SCC 322]
Income Tax Act, 1961 — S. 194-I r/w S. 10(20) (as amended by the Finance Act, 2002) — Circular dt. 30-1-1995 — Deduction of income tax at source on payment of lease rent to Noida/Greater Noida Authority: The definition of rent as contained in the Explanation to S. 194-I is a very wide definition and payment to be made as annual rent is rent within the meaning of S. 194-I. Further, Circular dt. 30-1-1995 granting exemption from deduction of income tax at source, was issued on the strength of Ss. 10(20-A) and 10(20) as it existed at the relevant time and the very basis of the circular has been knocked out by the amendments made by the Finance Act, 2002. Thus, the circular could not be relied on by Noida/Greater Noida Authorities to contend that there was no requirement of deduction of tax at source. Therefore, tax is required to be deducted at source on payment of lease rent to Greater Noida Authority, as per S. 194-I. [NOIDA v. CIT, (2018) 9 SCC 342]
Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 — Ss. 166 & 173 and Sch. II — Compensation: Award of lump sum compensation without following multiplier method is not permissible. Compensation has to be just compensation. Mode of award in cases of permanent disability has to be based on functional disability or actual loss of income/income-earning capacity. Due to changed scenario in view of cost of living and current rate of inflation, Second Schedule provided under Motor Vehicles Act became redundant. [Anant v. Pratap, (2018) 9 SCC 450]
Penal Code, 1860 — S. 302 — Accused allegedly strangulated his wife to death: A-1(respondent-accused) was allegedly having illicit relationship with A-2 (since dead) and on account of which, there was altercation between A-1 and his wife, and he allegedly strangulated her to death. However, conviction of A-1 under S. 302, was held to be rightly reversed by High Court. [State of Karnataka v. Srinivasa, (2018) 9 SCC 460]
Penal Code, 1860 — Ss. 302, 147 and 148 r/w S. 149 — Murder trial — Appeal against acquittal: Re-appreciation of evidence was done by High Court as Trial court did not properly appreciate evidence and approach of trial court was found perverse. Testimony of eyewitnesses was also found credible. FIR was lodged promptly. Evidence of eyewitnesses was corroborated by medical evidence. Prosecution case was further corroborated by recovery of weapons from accused. Bloodstains found on weapons recovered from accused, were of blood group of deceased, which was yet another piece of evidence corroborating evidence of eyewitnesses and strengthening prosecution case. Hence, reversal of acquittal by High Court, confirmed. [Motiram Padu Joshi v. State of Maharashtra, (2018) 9 SCC 429]
Public Accountability, Vigilance and Prevention of Corruption — Vigilance Authorities: Validity of appointments to post of Central Vigilance Commissioner (CVC) and Vigilance Commissioner (VC), affirmed. Ground of violation of principle of impeccable integrity and institutional integrity, rejected as aspersions were based on false, vague, non-specific, unsubstantiated and/or baseless allegations/representations/complaints. [Common Cause v. Union of India, (2018) 9 SCC 382]
The post 2018 SCC Vol. 9 November 7, 2018 Part 3 appeared first on SCC Blog.
2018 SCC Vol. 9 November 7, 2018 Part 3 published first on https://sanantoniolegal.tumblr.com/
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maneeshkr-blog · 7 years ago
Mn Sunita N Kumar : महिला सशक्तिकरण के लिए ब्राह्मणवाद का खात्मा होना जर...
#ReaL{ism}[f]actual: it's Sons+Crit[i] {sons [re]Created} but+not/versus #Myth[yatva] Sans+Krit[i] LewD:LaSciVious:ठरकी:LeCher [महा]{भारत,क्षेत्र,रामायण,[प्र]देश,राष्ट्र}{-ीय,-िक} {ली,क़ी}चड़+{se,re,de}Duc{eD,inG}{बह,फुस}{का,ला}{या,ना} https://youtu.be/2LPkbiFMS-A?t=7s tRaDe{st}cAST[L]e Sons+Crit[i]: support{er, system}s + sons [re]created... son+{jai, g, jiv[ani], ki, hAr(ni), cut, gh{i,athan,arsh}, i, sad, dig+Dh, dhi, s(k)Ar(ni), DAs, son+i, t[An,Ap,oOr], lipt, {c,b}RaMan, s{k,sm}aran, gati, shOdhan, nATA, chAr} iNDo [iN, re]Form[ation][al] geNeRe kNowLeDGe in Hin{Di+eN}GLiSh SonsCrit is not 2 millennia old: https://youtu.be/sKMf8W7P6zQ ईसा पूर्व की भाषा नहीं है संस्कृत – राजेंद्र प्रसाद सिंह erRyan{sonC, b[h]}raM[un]it जन्म कुण्डली मार: https://youtu.be/L2MJZyr0y3c फ़र्ज़{i}फ़ौज़ मौज:मज़ाक़ Q&As: https://www.quora.com/How-do-Indian-teens-feel-about-different-religions/answer/Vva-1 सबसे ब[-ु]{ड़े,रे}+{g,j}ut[h]{i,e} https://youtu.be/AUCLlgDo_ug s[h]a[i]TAn zulm{i,-ANA?}jurm: https://youtu.be/B70uBXXe5Xg आतंक {वाद,i} {err,ar}{y,e}a{n,a}+ब्राहमण+[k][s]hatri[ya] https://youtu.be/cULu9JIRVD0 Son+[Culp{nA, rit[i], able}, s+Cri{te,Me}s, s{w,m,h}a[r][p,m]n] {race, tRaDe, cAST[L]e}[i]st https://youtu.be/jb33-pd4SnM {me, iN}DiA http://www.opindia.com/2015/11/from-dadri-to-haryana-to-manipur-how-stories-about-crimes-against-dalits-and-minorities-have-panned-out Q&A: https://www.quora.com/Do-Slogans-like-Sonscrit-Sanskrit-Sentence-Satyamev-Jayate-act-as-catalyst-in-helping-getting-true-in-justice/answer/Maneesh-Kumar-57 unSon[s]Cr{An,i}{Ti,Me} https://youtu.be/Zexx4bC5bXg suNiTA NK, BaMCEF: https://youtu.be/BNlAexhHfKI 75ᵗʰ anniv, sMiTA PanSARe दिग्भ्रमित समाज:क्षेत्र:राष्ट्र: https://youtu.be/HcSTNH_1BKI mahABorat [dubious, ambiguous, [b,f]risky, d{aNGe}r+ous] chants-mumbling-lingua-slogans!? विकास 'GANDO' थयो छे:: https://youtu.be/lFMlOZWt14U विनाश अच्छे{proPa}{G,jh}{a,u}nD{e,A,oO}!? diVide&Rule: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h_RwE5F75ZU wAman MeShrAm ................ सन्घी, मोदी, वर्ण:धर्म{राज,कूट,फूट,नीति}पार्टी, भाजपा, {भग,बल,भड़}वा[न], son{s[Q]Ar, sTripTeaSe, CuLP+RiT, sCri[p]t}[i], sont:गुरु, योगी, व दायाँपंथी [वि][भ]-ु{क्त,गत,जत}-ाँ उनकी हिन्दू बहनों को भी {गाली, धमकी} देने व {बदनाम, गन्दा?, बलात्कार?, नङ्गा?, नीचा} करने में कोई कसर नही छोड़ते: https://www.facebook.com/Jaunpurexpress/videos/433949200335843 पँखुड़ी पाठक, SP आप ये नहीं कह सकते कि हिंदू आतंकवाद नहीं है. पहले हिंदू कट्टरपंथी बातचीत करते थे, अब वे हिंसा करते हैं: http://www.bbc.com/hindi/social-41842950 कमल हसन छि: छिः [raC{i,e}st] [a]bRah[a]M[{a,i,e}N]ic{al}feUD+aR[y,e]an{ist}[k]shatriya+tRaDe{st}cAST[L]e sar[O]KAR: https://www.facebook.com/AliSohrab/videos/970741639740492 [violence, [re,op,de,sup]pression, corruption, [trans,re,ag,di]gression, terror-ism] in the name of [re[li]gion, nature, [oc,diffi]cult[ure,ism], states] which is [non-truthful, unlawful] भारत माता की जय: https://youtu.be/031Gp5PtuVg NDTV MeToO: https://www.jansatta.com/trending-news/n-light-of-metoo-campaign-dancers-make-a-video-about-surviving-seksual-abuse-for-years/483205/ TerRoR{ism}cRime has {tRaDiTional, eXTReme, orThoDox, eXCepTional} re[Li]Gions, in{Fact, Deed} aL[most a]L re[Li,Di](e)GiOns. इ/उ+न्होंने धर्म नहीं/कब त्यागा:तजा!? धर्म ने भी इन्हें न/कभी त्यागा:तजा!? Q&As: https://www.quora.com/How-non-correct-is-the-claim-Terrorism-has-no-religion [ब्रह्म/भ्राम-ान/इन, आर्य-न, are-a-n, [k]shatriya, वैश्य, वर्ण]बाद[आ]दाब[ईर्ष्या, उग्र, घृणा, भय, d-ange-r, आतंक, निरस्कार, डर, बहिष्कार, ख़ौफ़]वाद{-ा, -े,-ी}दाव https://img.ifcdn.com/images/4c3c9055eaea49a17eb2b2714564a8751eb9d4c0c6f9f0d70e75245fd44c25b0_1.jpg ................ seCTion deLimiter[s] https://youtu.be/j3vbxX-i15A tHe BiG FiGHT: Are iNDians raCist?https://youtu.be/OCcgx16e8DQ …Yes... https://youtu.be/ilo_YRqXH1k Q&As: https://www.quora.com/Are-Indians-racist-against-black-people iNDians 're racist: kill-murder fellow nationals according to [beliefs, caste-drama-dharma, faith, iDeology, [hyPO]{Cris[i]es, Theses}]; who eat cooked cow-meat, kill those converted to Christianity, kill those dalits-darks-blacks-dasa, bharat's racist ri[Gh/O]t[ual]ists 're [racist, rapist, criminal, extremist, separatist, terrorist]s against other fellow iNDians. https://clarkuthingsthatmatter.files.wordpress.com/2016/04/caste-based-reservation-system-in-india.jpg raCe{[i]st}cAST[L]e Hy[PO]sTe{m,ria} https://youtu.be/ol5zghjbLDA WAman MeShRAm https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/94/53/34/9453345fae30aa1e50b8cadb2c5c63e1.jpg Q&As: https://www.quora.com/How-bad-is-was-the-Indian-racial-racist-blame-claim-Slogan-bad-eye-wo-man-your-face-may-be-come-dark-black-en-ed-against-other-Indians कानून{प्र}देश पालक muSlims: https://openkhabar.com/muslim-mob-lynching Q&As: https://www.quora.com/How-do-many-Brahmanic-Abrahamic-Allies-followers-groups-classes-institutions-and-industries-owe-Reparations-and-Restitutions-towards-against-the-enslaved-Humans-and-descendants-Dasa-and-Dalits-and-their-After-Life-Slavery-in-India Q&As: https://www.quora.com/What-are-the-chances-that-word-bha-rat-is-a-shortened-form-of-gar-bha-rat भारत के [jusTice deLayed=deNied corRupt{eD,iNG}proCrastiNate] न्यायालय: https://youtu.be/vaXLsx1D3NI वामन मेश्राम ................ यह [कैसी] आज़ादी https://youtu.be/hGvMwgNkueQ [{g,j}uT[H]i:bHoOKhi] https://youtu.be/s_RuY9yPXQU {sonGs} faMineD{+QuASi+}DyinG hunGRy{reG,naT}ionals: https://www.facebook.com/rachna.agrawal.16/posts/1718231398228811 work: https://youtu.be/G7nUQYESZOk RoHit veMuLA: https://youtu.be/8G-IuAQxFHc मेघराज सिंह Q&As: https://www.quora.com/Did-the-pseudoAryana-Sons-crit-ona-Varna-bring-the-British-English-for-own-ing-industrial-indian-advances-advantages-representations re{PreSenT, Serv}ation: https://youtu.be/UiYEtEXYqIQ Ad[h]iWASi: https://youtu.be/FThC9_HiN_I pro[Blem,cLaim,mise]{s}SoLuTion https://youtu.be/CCtZ0TfNKsY [राष्ट्र,क्षेत्रीय]वाद[-ा,-े,-ी]दाव: https://youtu.be/qAPt5ND69LY?t=40m45s हिंदूV/sअंय ब्राह्मणों+{ar,err}{y,e}a{n,a} ने फँसाया, मुस्लिमों को: https://youtu.be/p4KrA6yzJ1I सिक्खों:et+al को: https://youtu.be/rk-aG0o4bIc बौद्ध धर्म को भारत में:से कैसे उजाड़:उखाड़:ख़त्म कर गुज़[-ा]रे गए: https://youtu.be/S7gwkMtM8cM वामन मेश्राम Q&As: https://www.quora.com/Is-Hinduism-truth-based-business-trade-based-or-justice-based ग़ुलाम{उ}दास [महा]भारत+{राम,हरी}याण[वि] कर्क:भाड़: https://youtu.be/Xii6iFU94Zc ओशो बौद्धों:दलितों:शूद्रों:et+al के विरुद्ध ब्राह्मणी[k]shatri{य:}वैश् घृणा+ज़ुल्म:जुर्म{-ी}आतंक+ख़ौफ़ अभिYAn: https://youtu.be/8U1SMEKqIus वामन मेश्राम कैसे [b]HAwi है, [प्र]{जाति,दुर्ग}वाद[i]: [प्र]शिक्ष{-ा,ण} पर: https://youtu.be/ySIoO5oKbWA [cAST[L]e{[i]st}raCe] eDuCaTion:tRaiNinG on BaHujans JN ManDaL, 1st law minister, Pakistan: https://www.dawn.com/news/1217465 bureauCracy[+ReLiGions+PoLi[Ti]ic{e,s,ies}] overPowering minorities instead of eMPowering {Brah,sonCra}M[anism,ins]+[erR,aR][y,e][n,a]{ist}+tRaDe{st}cAST[L]e ocCupied iNDian deMocracy with iNC+JawaharlalNehru became 1st govern{ment,dhun,nance}+PM without any election, after: British+Christians left/were sent+back]; Mughals+Muslims were oBLiterated+sideLined with muslim[league, nation]; [OBCs+Shudra, SCs+Dalits, STs+Ad[h]iwasi, minorities, et al] were poLi[Ti]c[e]aL{Ly}re[Li]Gio[se,naL] oBLiterated[with]in[s/c+ide]{Lined,[re]Stricted} with d{aNGe}r+ous Bengal+famine? Puna+pact, {pseudo,[w+]Ron{G,A,i}DhOn,uNeFFective,QuASi}rePresentation:{leaD,deaL}erS[hip]:reServation, [de]PreDation etc: https://youtu.be/H3xSe-TzEWc an aMazing Fake News Show on Zee News: https://youtu.be/fHStIl06CiI by:through SuDhir ChauDhary ................ {diS[Aster, ease], ePiDemic, famine}s were [re]{sTART, cReaT}eD since 9-11[-2016] [un, dis]LiKe 9-11 USA... https://www.facebook.com/BuzzFeedIndia/videos/1684759014917912 iT-ThOSe {eCLiPs, eNGuLF, seiz}eD the [proGress of, [after]li{ve, fe style}s of] https://www.facebook.com/TheWireHindi/videos/536010333417837 {pOVerty-sTRicken+daRiDra, SC{s}daLiT, weak{s}kamZor, OBC{s}baHujan, ST{s}aD[h]iwAsi}et+al: http://boltahindustan.com/congress-mp-targets-pm-modi-over-noteban-celebration/ Q&As: https://www.quora.com/What-are-the-worst-U-turns-made-by-BJP-after-forming-the-government BjP {pun, STANCe} oN [NOTeBaNDi, eNForCeD punishMent?, [de, re]MoneTiZation} https://www.facebook.com/1383922705169789/videos/1937398176488903 iNDo reLiGioSe+ri[Gh,O][T][uaL][isT][ic] poLi[Ti]C{inG, s, ieS} religiose-political strategics[pseudo]science: enSuring benefits of own[selves,serfs-slaves], [exe,perSe]Cuting {surgical-strikes on, poLaRizing, diViding, deVising} other[familie,team,organisation,opPosition,partie]s, time & again; pu[sh,ll][ed,an] them in hell. Did u bear [with] it? Or eLSe, how you[r's] reMained/[over,be]Came unTouched by this {most}? [de,re]MoneTization aNThem: ये लाइन मे खड़ा है तू: https://youtu.be/c_fp1u74ctw जो आजकल: https://youtu.be/5em0wMt67xg कूटनीति-राजनीती शास्त्र-कला{कारी}कलह: अपनों के लाभ{मंदे,तेज़,slow,fluent}फ़ायदे {साध,सुलभ,सरल,सहज,निश्चित,निश्चिन्त}कर, अन्यों-विपक्षियों [पर,का] कर[गुज़र]ते चले[गुप्त]भागे शल्य-शैल्य-शोषण-प्रहार-हानि, {ध्रुवी, टूट[-ी]फूट}करण, बार-म-वॉर; उनके-ऊपर [भाड़,वर्चस्व:,प्रभुत्वं] बना/ उनको [भाड़,वर्चस्व:,प्रभुत्वं] में धकेल, जी[त]ते जिए। क्या आप [इसे, इसके-साथ] {सह[म]ते, गुज़[-ा]रते} रहे? या फिर, आप/तुम्हारे इस{ सब}से कैसे अछूते रहे? Ash[O]ARAm BA{p,b}u: https://youtu.be/d2l0sdFBugM Narendra Mod{i, e+l}OpeRanDe किफ़ायती पन्थी? वादा-खिलाफ़ती-दावे Oath breaker-brokers OR eX[P,T]ensi[ve,ble]Peri[m]ent[al] iDeoLoGical hap[py,pen]hazard[ous][harm,hurt]ful dePredator wings-organisations-parTease-टाल-म-तोल-[ट]टोलियां-टीलें-सटोरिये-pervert-ठिठोलियां सीधे-साधे-भ[ट,ड़]काऊँ-भूले[-ं]भोले-भालें-तीरें {कठो,[कोठ,ठाक,डाक]:-उ,ठोक,ठुके}र-िये[दुर्ग:caST[L-e]proPa[g,p,b-h]anda(go)Spellभेड़िये-साँड़(ef)Forts]mob[उग्र]भीड़[में][भेड़ियें,भेड़ें,साँड़,मेढ़ें,कुत्तें]->भाड़-hell:भिड़े-भड़-बुझे-ख़रबूजें, उठाईगिरे, सेब-Base, आम, डुचे-ठुके, [र,श]-ाम, ड[न्-ग]रे, दबे-ढके, ग़ाज़रें-मूलियाँ, डँ[-ा]टे, सँते-सटे, मुड़े-बुढ़े, मरे-खबे, [[इति]आदि,अद्,बद,सीधे,सधे,सादे,टेढ़े,मेढे]-भुत[क़ाले, go[र,ल][क्षे,-े,खे]], तजे-भजे-भजिये-तजृबें-तजुर्बें-तरबूज़ें, etc. [p,m]arT[y,iaL][s]Bj के अच्छे{proPa}GanD{e,A} https://youtu.be/faBjO-yWb8M बे+इज़्ज़त {Ri-gh/ot-ist, [sa]WARNa, [P]ARTiFiCiaL} LoC{aL}LoG note[n]ki baAz rahe {g,j}aye guza[a]re gaye hain. tHe {de,re}MoneTization ciRcus: https://youtu.be/YqwVOWYJSxw {B/P+L}uNDer – AiB ................ Word 'Hindu' means {slave, robber, thief, waylayer, black} https://youtu.be/kjkHI6PtrEY?t=4m30s Hundreds of sources[re]liable eXP{Lain,oS}ing with truth, facts & eVidence: https://www.google.co.in/search?q=hindu+means+thief Hypo{The[a]T[r]i, CriTi}Cal nu{kS[he, An], sKhe} of|for|by [huMan, mamMaL, aniMaL] {reG, raT, naT}ioNaLs:[ Hind{i, u{sTAn}, {MahA}[RAshtr, BhArat]a[pra]Desh-MaRAThA} ~50%;bRahm[a,i,e]n ~3.5%;aRe-a-n{ism,ists}AryA[n], [k]shatri[ya-ism/t]RAjPut:which[raj ke put? YA raja ke put?]ThAKur ~5%+3.5%;{tum'Am} jAn[wa]R ~70%; R'AmaYana, {re}La[ksh,x]man, D'AsaRatha ~40%; [na'R, kin+na'R, nArad, nAra'yana, nA'Ri, laksh/lax+mi] ~40%; pandav-punde [tha]kuru[va] [maha]bh[a,A]ra't[a,i,ya] viC[h]ar-Dha[r, m]a R'ad[h][ik]a ~60%;bRahm{Adi-k}sanaQ muni'sa ~40-50%;[MuSLim, MosLem, Mom[i,e]n]s, iS[L,R]AMic] ~15% RamzAN-RAMADAn;(unt)[hei, die]n-do (shunt) arChaic[anArChy]anCient hinDon{e} ~50%;QALe ~60-70% {Dh[a,u]n ~50-90%} GoRe ~30-40%;in{Dia, Dies, Dus+Do[es]}{trial, WAD{i,a,e}DAW, valLey} [fe]males ~70%;{Q'Am, r'Am, jAn[wa]r, {un}j'Am} tum'Am ~85-90%;{se,hu,wu}men{nu,mu} {fo(u)r, go, out}{cast[L][e], ra{c,p}e, sPell}s ~70%;MamMal[ian]s प्राणी{स}स्तन{धारी, पायी, -ीय}जन्तु ~100% ] ?? Hindu+twa[m] हिन्दू+{ त्व[-ं]=तू:तुम:you; अह[म,म्]=मैं:i; [ए]तेषां=वो:them } conFirm@ http://www.spokensanskrit.de 'aham' tva [iMPoSé, SPReaD, eNForce] {inG} iNDo{H}inDu iDenTiTy {not ouTDo[inG]} on oTher[ {nat,reG}ionaL]s [ब्राह्मण,वर्ण]{:}धर्म का अ{-ँधा}नुकरण: https://youtu.be/qL1E5YtCerQ?t=2m40s WeD[ic] DhaRM: https://youtu.be/1ttpb5IC15s V/s BudDhism https://youtu.be/jdOS7CREfD0 JeMini KAdu: https://youtu.be/OYmaj8LTFuQ BaMCEF नालंदा बौद्ध विश्वविद्यापीठ (iNDiA) https://www.facebook.com/829138893826348/videos/1553500264723537 व तक्षशिला युनिवर्सिटी (ChiNA) की वास्तविकता Q&As: https://www.quora.com/Is-Hindu-an-English-word-or-Hindi-word/answer/Nimish-Mishra-5 Q&As: https://www.quora.com/Who-obliterated-Buddhism-from-india-3000-BCE-1000-ADE/answer/Nimish-Mishra-5 {wa}sudh[:,a,ir]budh; waSund[h]ara; shuddh[:,i,a]buddh; old monk{ey}; boDo[:,a]soDo; body:sody https://i.pinimg.com/originals/23/03/ab/2303ab913236241c7d889e4d1edbfc48.jpg [maha]Bhara+t+iya ग़रीबी पर वीर+रस कविता: https://youtu.be/hksqLJ7Wy1A हरि ओम पवार [aRTiCLe] भारतीय [प्र,अंतर]जाति व्यवस्था 'ऐंटी नेशनल' है: http://www.bbc.com/hindi/india/2016/06/160617_amartya_sen_ambedkar_cast_system_pk नोबल पुरस्कार विजेता अमर्त्य सेन ................ दोनों[म,व,मा]रनेवाले [ज़्यादा,अधिक]तर [अधिकांक्षी,बहूजन,बाहूसँख्यक]85-90%[शूद्र:OBCs, दलित:Dalits, आदिवासी:Ad[h]iwasis, {धार्मिक:अल्पसंख्यक:साँस्कृतिक:नृजातीय}minorities] होते रहे गुज़[-ा]रे-गए। Brahm[a,e,i]n[ism,s] https://youtu.be/q2s3AcQZJd0 eXPosed Arya{ns} https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aryanism were aLiens-forEigners: https://www.facebook.com/MoolnivasiMedia/videos/249675415436976 to huge iNDi[an,es] subContinent Brahm[a,e,i]n Girl rePly: https://youtu.be/EQKgVytO-90 [brahmenब्राम्हणb[al]ramhu[ma]n, [k]shatriya, tradest] बस घट[-ी,ना] को {स्क्रिप्टित, son-culp-rit, स्वीकृत}अर्थवा[स्कृप्ट-लिखते, [मा,ता][नसिक,न्त्रिक]क्रियान्वित{करते}[अ]हिंसा, तमाश[बीन]बनते[नरसिँहित,गौरीमा]] गुज़[-ा]रे[ते]गए। सम्विधान, क़ानून एवं व्यवस्था: https://youtu.be/0fRtlUSg8VI प्रो. रतन लाल राष्ट्र[प्र]देश को वर्ण[su,क़ु,सम्][वर्चस्व,प्रभुत्व]ता के प्रोपेगैंडा[अ,दुर्]बोध[आतुर]एजेंडे से बचा[ना।, या?] [bLoG] ब्राह्मणी+[k]shatriya: https://brahminsexposed.wordpress.com {crime, horror, terror}ism जितनी गहराई में जाँचो{गे}पुरखो, {धर्म के आधार पर बनाईं गयीं, धार्मी[आ]धारित} [शोच,संशोध]नीय प्र[शो,को]ष[ण,क़] व्यवस्थाएं समझ[पा,ते,जा]ओगे। राष्ट्र[प्र]देश को [सम्]प्रबुद्ध [पौरुष, स्त्रीत्व, आत्मियत] प्रदान [करें।, कराया?] ................ भीमसाहब व बहुजनों का इतिहास: https://youtu.be/KyVWbMC1C1s?t=1m4s दिल रो उठे Q&As: https://www.quora.com/What-re-the-origins-of-Dalits-and-Dasa iSiS ViCTiMs: https://youtu.be/yNdqZi0z8vQ RT Q&A: https://www.quora.com/What-is-everyday-life-like-in-an-ISIS-controlled-area/answer/Maneesh-Kumar-57 Pre+iSLAmic MidDLe EaST: https://youtu.be/kBpQiJt3MUQ hiStoryFew people can name poets and events from Byzantine? होश में {आ,गा,जा}ओ+{जा,मा}नों: [a]bRah[a]M[{a,i,e}N]ic{al}feUD+[a,eR]R[y,e]an{ist}[k][s]hatri[ya]+tRaDe{st}cAST[L]e बहुजनों के [{sho, [satya, wi]nA, choO}shaq, {दु,कु}श्मन, sh{aTrue, udra}]#1 https://youtu.be/HvhHnm1wLfc MuS{lims, alMAn} नहीं: https://www.facebook.com/harish.shaikh.750/posts/1912088845723601 इन्दु चौधरी, नहीं हिन्दु: https://www.facebook.com/induchoudharybhu/videos/1920599651290330 Q&As: https://www.quora.com/What-is-dalit-crisis/answer/Laal-Musaddi https://youtu.be/BOpbeJR9w3A?t=11m8s Poe{M, Try} Rajeev Riaz & Surajpal Chauhan: https://youtu.be/ofaYLGcap8c?t=17m13s बहुजन समाज के शायर व कवि http://www.thequint.com/hot-wire/2015/10/22/more-than-47000-crimes-against-dalits-in-2014-crime-records छद्म[वि,वै]ज्ञानी [निंदापूर्ण, तुच्छ:क्षुद्र:, दास:, दल-इत--ि] बनानेवाले ब्राह्मणी:क्षेत्रीय:वर्ण{वादी}जाति:सामन्ती {समाजी, sons+Cri{ti,me}}q अनुकूलन: का उन्मूलन तुरन्त{ज़रूर,i}जल्द जाती हमारी मूल पहचान नहीं: https://youtu.be/LI90h_Gr0Ww वामन मेश्राम rozGAr canDiDaTure: https://www.facebook.com/jyotisinhajsr/posts/636773173163840 ................ सन्घ-ुटन:RsS [{raCe, tRaDe, cAST[L]e}st] के मनगढ़ंत इतिहास और बढ़ते सांप्रदायिक खतरे: https://youtu.be/x-HVaUje3Kg इरफ़ान हबीब, इतिहासकार Genesis of RSS & poLiTical aGenDa: https://youtu.be/vgXZlFLpWSc Q&As: https://www.quora.com/How-is-RSS-related-to-Hindu-terrorism SaHARanpur D{anGe}r: https://youtu.be/n70JQeGY07k?t=2m34s pRiMe-TiMe Q&As: https://www.quora.com/Is-BJP-an-anti-Dalits-party गड़करी + bRahmin juntA https://youtu.be/nn98r6yyRp0 {p,m}Art[y,iers] https://youtu.be/-HVFLNm-P_U Q&As: https://www.quora.com/What-exactly-is-Jumla-and-is-it-a-Hindi-word/answer/Nimish-Mishra-5 आरक्षण के ख़िलाफ़: भाजपा नेता सुब्रमण्यं स्वामी: https://youtu.be/YtWXEpm1674 {Poem} On Saharanpur, UP: https://youtu.be/p2L7zhF-fd8 b[i]ased+shrewd+Ri+gh/o+ts RajPuts V/s gullible+poor Dalits Q&As: https://www.quora.com/Is-BJP-anti-intellectual-and-anti-artist [aRTiCLe] http://www.huffingtonpost.in/2017/04/14/30-ambedkar-quotes-that-may-surprise-the-bjp_a_22039425 KaiRANA, aFTer proPaGanDa & ruMors: https://youtu.be/6qOoeq6dYtA कैराना प्र[चा,सा]र{-ों}अफ़वाह के बाद नुक्सान{गर्द{i}गर्त} moDe[L]{oPeR,proPA[G,jh]}anD{e,A,oO}] of {p,m}ART[Y,iAL]Bj: https://youtu.be/k6mQ010ueVg rac[i,e]{st}cAST[L]e https://youtu.be/hOKAd2Gj9k4 7 Historic facts aBout RSS: https://youtu.be/MntX_MvTLj8 ................ GoRakSha[Qs] eXPoSeD: https://youtu.be/E_u-1_-zuwU RamaKAnt भ्रष्टाचार मुक्त [प्र]देश: https://youtu.be/vZEHkogVG7w ओशो re[Li]Gion: reLiGion on|over reGion : क्या गाय के नाम पर हिंसा फैलाने वाले गौ:आतंकी है? https://youtu.be/XfuX64TUzQU SBS Q&As: https://www.quora.com/Why-is-Buffalo-not-worshipped-like-cow-in-Hinduism {ब्राह्मण, [K]ShaTriy, वैश्य}-ों [में, की] गौमांस खाना: https://youtu.be/6MWF8SPGhZw {वैद, धार्म, वार्ण, सनातन}-िक परम्परा रही There have been too many:much propaganda for [iDeoLogical, feuDal, {p}aRTificial, reliGiose-reLigious, eThnic, reGional] battle:war:priest[Craft]s, inStead of proViding good:better living conditions for its:their {reG,raT,naT}ion[al]s. गौ-हत्या सत्य:: https://youtu.be/UnmbKh3o_IY Osho लाखों के लिए [गौ,गउ]रक्षक: [दे,रे]ख़क[go,गाय][भ,ल]क्ष्यक़ and [कौ,cow]तस्कर[-ी] में शामिल: https://youtu.be/Y3YHjqooPz4 dosSier? ................ हिंदू धर्म में {विवेक, कारण, स्वतंत्र} सोच के विकास के लिए कोई गुंजाइश नहीं ~ डॉ. भीम राव अम्बेडकर: http://www.hindisahityadarpan.in/2016/10/best-b-r-ambedkar-hindi-quotes-slagans.html [admi, ado]ration of Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar!! https://www.facebook.com/MoolnivasiMedia/videos/249560185448499 जो भी व्यवस्थाएं जन्‍म से एक:कुछ गुट:समूहों{प्र}जातियों:जुठ को [अन-ेक क्षेत्रों में] {��्रेष्‍ठ, अच्छा, बड़ा} व {दूसरे, अन्य} को {नीच, गन्दा, छोटा} बनाए रख{-े, ने में का[रगर, रागारी सम्भावित+साबित हो}, वह वर्ण:धर्म नहीं अपितु ग़ुलाम{उ}दास बनाए रखने के [जाल{-िशें}साज़, अच्छे{proPa}G[A,u]nDe, WArNA{sa}DhArMi, षड़यन्त्र+खड्यंत्र, cRiMe{hor,s,ter}Ror{iSm, [iMaGi,cOmBi,maCh{i,O}]N[e,ation]s}, ज़ुल्म{i,-ANA?}जुर्म], पात्र:मात्र। GujaRAt moDe[L] {oPeR, proPa{G,jH}}{a,u}nD{e,A,oO}: https://www.facebook.com/Fekunama/videos/1984420568251694 यदि गुजरात मॉडल सफल है तो:–किसान परेशान क्यों?बच्चे कुपोषित क्यों?दलित पीड़ित क्यों?महिलायें असुरक्षित क्यों?पाटीदार आंदोलन क्यों?युवा बेरोजगार क्यों?ज़्यादा*2 दरिद्रता:दल*² क्यों? [इति?] http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-EMgqmZ8RYFw/T_vaQ__Q8UI/AAAAAAAAAGg/XU0QJDK-mk8/s1600/Picture+324.jpgवर्ण:धर्म ~85%{reG,raT,naT}ion[al]s को ग़ुलाम:दल[*²]i+t+i:दरिद्र:[उ]दास बनाने के षड़यत्र ~ वामन मेश्राम What do [h]iN{Do,Sa}[n] {reG,raT,naT}ioNaLs need [from [s][h]ouTDo[inG] [pra]{Sh,Q}{As,Op,Osh}aQs]? https://www.facebook.com/BJP.Unveiled/videos/1402333959884807 भगवानों:god[s] को धूर्तों:गुण्डों ने {ब,म}न[व]-ाया [[hoR,teR]Ror{s,ists}cRiminal] व [vicTim] {लो,रो}गों से मन[व]-ाया: https://brambedkar1891.wordpress.com/tag/periyar-in-hindi/ ~ पेरियार ई.वी. रामास्वामी जो व्यवस्था [जन्‍म से] एक को श्रेष्‍ठ व दूसरे को नीच बनाए रखे, वह धर्म नहीं, गुलाम बनाए रखने का षड़यंत्र: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DC53QdCXoAA8MTE.jpg ~डॉ. भीम राव अम्बेडकर ................ धर्मों*reLiGions ने बर्बाद+तबाह किया [intra, inter]रा{ष्ट्री,ज्}{यता,यों}+{reG,raT,naT}ioN[aL]s को, बार+म+वॉर[n+iNG]: https://youtu.be/AKaga0OV_8Q [एकमात्र {जीवित, जीवी युक्त} eaRTh {में, को भी, पर, से}] https://youtu.be/SAKrwB6NbGE : wATCh with LoGical eViDence... Q&As: Which religion is truth based or a true religion?https://in.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20160814232734AAMA5zt HoLi[a] https://youtu.be/r66IRTMknUM?t=57s {भग,बल,भढ़?}{वान,वती} माँगे https://youtu.be/vCgrgUQfEDU बलि[दान]व? https://youtu.be/OkDSR4w2vt4 ban+eXTerMinate ri{TuaL,OT}s https://www.facebook.com/nastiknation/posts/1905166443133348 {T,Q,P}aharRush {j,G}am{i'a,[Bl]e} https://youtu.be/5BxViewqwSU cRime{s,iSm}[ter,hon,hor]Ror [H]{iN,oUT}{Do,Sa}[n][e] https://youtu.be/OH-cLVWBkqc [s]HeLLs राष्ट्र{iya}क्षेत्र व्य{था,ङ्ग} https://www.facebook.com/NewsNumberFlash/videos/955055811264843 अच्छे दिन iNDo females: https://youtu.be/bTS0rR5975A बलात्कार{i}son{s[K]AR, ATon} http://www.januday.co.in/NewsDetail.aspx?Article=10314 https://www.facebook.com/newspaperjanuday GhaDi GhaDi LaFDA KAiKO: https://youtu.be/A-UClJPhX8o SamBhAji BhaGat @ULGuLaAn2015 ब्राह्मणवाद ही आतंकवाद जन{नी,क} है: https://youtu.be/CThgfGPmKqw वामन मेश्राम [FOrWArD, ShaRe] in [m]any {gRouP, timeLine}[s] as reCeiveD. क्या हम [छद्म, समपूर्ण]स्वतन्त्र [अगस्त १९४७ से हुए, हैं आजकल]? https://youtu.be/fhD2FTlKrHI Sanjay RajourA बाबा [न] बने: https://youtu.be/VMuz8UEgifw MoD{e,i}[L] [oPeR, proPa{G,jH,P,Bh,S,Th,Q}{a,u}n]D{e,oO} ब्राह्मण{i}भ्रष्टाचार: https://youtu.be/joNhCCQ6Ylc beH{adD, oODA} गुट{i}झुठ sonS{[Q]AR, Cri[P]T}[i, uRe, s] बलात्कारी+cRiminal+{te,Ho}rRor[ist] ब्राह्मण+aR{y,e}a{n,a} https://youtu.be/oNnlPxi7E1I देवताओं: https://youtu.be/mfHVGoxOE0g की {सूची, [Qu]karm{pra[ti]}QriyA[yen]: https://youtu.be/LcAtofWeP1A आखिर कब तक...? https://youtu.be/aSppUKos6Vg [कविता] oUSTiNG reLiGiOse {[in,dis]CrimiNation, [horR,hoN,terR]oriSm} https://www.facebook.com/groups/409129822578901/permalink/1035149723310238 {reG,raT,naT}ioNaL[s'] aNG{st}aGain [H]iN{Do,Sa}[n][e]+[Bo,sho]dh+euRo oUTDo+ [w]+ Ron{G,a,i}DhOn +[s,b,m,t]onTri unTheis{m,ts} https://youtu.be/_yMihYXcCUs धर्म:विनाश V/s विकास:विज्ञान: https://www.facebook.com/rpvishal/posts/1732774853402156 https://youtu.be/rv4_EEYG7rM Q&As: How was God Created:Born (itself or Himself)? https://www.quora.com/How-was-God-Created-itself-or-Himself [प्र]{श,च,क}{A,O}शकों} ने [कुछ:कुछ के] reLiGions*धर्मों को [toOLs की तरह] use करके [intra, inter]{रा,ला}{ष्ट्री,ज्}{यता,यों}+{re[Li]G,raT,naT}ioN[aL]s को [uP]{L,R}oOT[vAY]A, time & aGain {meDiA, GK} sTufFeD [with]in[side]... cowPiss{dRink}gauMutra: https://www.facebook.com/IndianAtheists/posts/10155088944283372 reCommended by many sonts [un, dis]like RamDev: https://youtu.be/7EXrvER4xPE https://www.facebook.com/839993326152960/videos/964265907059034 KaiSA Ye Dharam Hai: https://youtu.be/PZ4SEfiu2kI SheeTaL SAThe, sinGer धर्म सिर्फ़ कुछ+कुछ प्रकार के नशे+नक़्शे{छद्म}दुर्ग:+drugs, जो {reG,raT,naT}ioN[al]s को नशे:मद में {रख,लक्ष}[वा]कर [नुक़्सान], कुछ विशेष dyNa{M,St}{ic,o} % {reG,raT,naT}ioN[al]s को लाभ पहुँचाने की मशीनरी। जब तक हम नशे में रहेंगे, ये [नेता,प्रतिनिधि]{वर्ग{-ीय}वर्ण}धर्म [हठ] नैति{कता}धार्मि के नाम पर [{reG,raT,naT}ioN[al]s, हमें, क्षेत्र{प्र,-ियों}देश] [को, में] [लूट{ते}ठग, लूट{मार,खसोट,बाँटचूँट,पाट}[uP]RoOT कर गुज़रते] [चालू] रहेंगे।[cRime{iSm}[hoR,teR]or +aBhorRence, chAL{[AK,AR][i][oO]}bAz, ज़ुल्म{-ाना?,i}जुर्म, {g,j}{u,oO}t[h]{i,e,A}, jAL{ish,i}sAz, नुक्सान{गर्द{i}गर्त}moDe[L]{oPeR,proPA[G,jh]}anD{e,A,oO}] इण्डिया:भारत आज भी जापान:अमेरिका जैसे देशों से 150:250 साल क्यों पीछे: https://www.facebook.com/dilpawan.tirkey/videos/1533077253445596 wed{on}shAstr ने बर्बाद किया [प्र, अन्दर]{राज्यों, देशों, क्षेत्रों} को ................ भारत में लोकतंत्र के नाम पर नौटंकी: https://youtu.be/4LHpOeX3jvI WAman MeShRAm [a]bRah[a]m[in]ic{al}feuD + [erR,aR][y,e][n,a]{ist}[k][s]hatri[ya] + tRaDe{st}cAST[L]e ने कैसे बनाया राष्ट्र+क्षेत्र{प्र}देश[-ियों] https://youtu.be/GXBReBAH7TQ को ग़ुलाम{उ}दास? PoLi[Ti]c[e]aL [hi]Story: https://youtu.be/fnWQONkPsXc V. L. MaTanG, BMP: https://youtu.be/pdRRYCE4tNk : https://youtu.be/bbJGbKj1L0o महेश राठी समाजवाद: https://youtu.be/KWvFh30m_3Y ~SC आपको अपना उद्धार स्वयं करना होगा: https://youtu.be/2rEd44TfSwY मा. वामन मेश्राम. koi bha[G,D]wa-n-bhag[a,u]ts Aye to Apke sonhAr+murDe ho sakte hain [zulm, {sha,sho,choO}Shak, jurm](i) poshaq? https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=414847158909004 {जाति,वर्ण}{वादी,गर्द} [अ][न्,नु]याय[-ी] व्यवस्था को ख़त्म करना हमारा उद्देश्य: https://youtu.be/RWxvvaKussY aSMiTA: https://youtu.be/dF1YDdQbZpw tHeaTre: https://youtu.be/nqsoLLhHtOI gRoup: https://youtu.be/hRrVtyadGjk {soNGs} https://youtu.be/ovW7S8yALKc [please] Do not use word-phrase {some[one,thing]} upRising[s]. It is [very, too] ofFensive. It had been used world over by [dominant, feudal] [propeller, con-vict-or]s to define-declare protests as upRisings, and then crush those, "by hook or by crook" modi operandi. You can use word like Rising Lagging/Scheduled Classes/Castes/Tribes/Dalits/Shudra. ओबीसी जोड़ों अभियान: https://youtu.be/w_ql5afL7lg बामसेफ MuSLiM{s}friEnD: https://youtu.be/GjRQFyPMxcQ https://www.facebook.com/1488418371216468/videos/1557226331002338 AmbedKarism: https://youtu.be/Vu1Klyrk05s?t=3m13s Dr. Ram Puniyani, Social aCTivist & auThor सस्ता खाना नहीं, हमें हमारी मेहनत के व-ेतन चाहिए: https://youtu.be/E93AKH2j9Ds We Need Our Stuff, Not Cheap Food Dr. Ambedkar{& his, ism}phi[Lo-So]phy: https://youtu.be/mjld-Ks_Gqw [MP] Sharad Yadav 85-90% बाहु{सांख्यकी,ज[-ा]नि}[क़] [सन्घठन, चेतना, सुविज्ञ[आन], प्रज्ञा] ज़िन्दाबाद:सम्भावित:साबित !? ................ VoLuMinous {RaCe, [a]Chie{Ph,Ve}, BrahM{a,i,e}n, cAST[L]e, [k][s]haTr{i,a}[y,n]a, [uP]{R,L}oOT, {A,eR}r{{e,y}a[n,a], or}, tRaD{e,iTioNaL}, FeuD[aL]}iSm {pejoRative, proPaGandized} deServe{ing, less}reServe {प्रणाली{कु}प्रथा, [doMi, sLoGa, CarToO{t,त}क़रतू]N+eeR+inG, बवाल, [परि,प्र,प्राक्]कल्पना+पल्पना, con[sPiracy, seQuenc]es, ogyGian प्रज्ञा} pSeudoScience connected with the {static-dynamic human} groupings, do play sever[al,e] roles in the development, evolution & progression of the [human, native, {int[er,ra],multi}national, re{li}gional, naive, gullible, domicilean, earth-worldean]s oGygian{pre?}hiStoric [iMaGi, comBi, maChi]Nations Wed[a]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/41/e0/c9/41e0c9ecf9c372f44ee00ddb3ed33fd6.jpg [un,dis,non]L[awfu, oya]ll+y+ourshttps://3.bp.blogspot.com/-E5BSbhBO19s/V2dpF-YfM6I/AAAAAAAATNo/GVTI9mrENVIa9H1vGeQJaqlh_RUYCp70wCLcB/s1600/shivling.jpg Dew[a] [re]Sources: [https://www.youtube.com, Google [iMage] Search, https://www.quora.com, iNTernet] She+v:{and}+LinG[um,a] {phall[us,i]}https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/4d/d9/20/4dd920da0987c383497d3d3b10a9df55.jpg rePreSents? man's [pu{rush}l]Ling {phallas} inserted (sa[t,[i]d]) woman['s bhag-yoni-garbh {vulva-vagina-womb}] dePreDates? She व {aND} LinG शी+व+लिंग का/की सच/सच्चाई-सिंचाई: https://youtu.be/nUyvdGtDG1s OshorePreSents? she-wa anCient pu[ru][sh,lL]ing: https://youtu.be/I2d-x5tzVzE unt-Shunt?https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/30/0b/82/300b82d0f578fa8ba7c1546d52b6ad54.jpg Lead to consented copulation[s]? Or [enforced, acquiescent, unconsented] hap[py,pen]hazard[ous] [gang, group] sex[s]rape?https://images.fineartamerica.com/images-medium-large-5/tantra-tantric-artwork-shiva-ling-parvati-hindu-mysterious-painting-traditional-art-a-k-mundhra.jpghttps://youtu.be/gjIAukewyhY{cRiMe[s], LinGs {sT[r]i[ll] : pu/ru[sh,ll]} fanSa, raPe, terRor[s,iSm]} kar guZa{r,are} gaYeMuslims' too hate She-wa-ling[a] hypo[thes,cris(i)]es: https://youtu.be/-IpkjEU9dcc [w]+ Ron{G,a,i}DhOn baNANA rePuBLic! CunGARoO CoUrTs! देवदासी मन्दिर प्रणाली[कु]प्रथा https://youtu.be/jIvlCkrPNqYhttps://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pseudoscience DewaDasi ManDir[ty]system: https://youtu.be/dnKtvFFZ67k pro[ject,pel,paga[te,ndize]]s sLaVery-pRosTitution [bLoG] https://brahminterrorism.wordpress.com/ [Brahmanic, Are-a-n] [crime, terror-horror, b/p-lunder]ism बावल+ज़ुल्म+आतंक[वाद]ख़ौफ़+जुर्म {hu,se,wo?}men{dir}ty {wish,deSir}e{s, d} {horR, hon, terR}or{ism, ists} {iMaGi, QomBi, MaChi}nat{ion,ed,ive}s शि+व+[विष,poison,ज़हर]पान+dRinKing: http://www.animated-gifs.eu/category_religion/phone-240x320-religion-asian/0060.gif shivered? unConSCious? https://www.boldsky.com/img/2017/02/23-1487854408-ma.jpg dead? hySter{ical}hiStor hesTems she asked: https://youtu.be/9lk9xRIUAMQ?t=55s why people pour {cow, buffalo, et al} milk on शि+व Ling? s[h]ah[&,i]mAt{a}mAd? LeaNinG शी+व+GoL+MoON: http://webneel.com/daily/sites/default/files/images/daily/09-2013/4-beautiful-mf-husain-painting-dancing-woman.jpg {रा,ला}{ज,ज़}नीति PoLi{Ti}c{e,s,ies} https://youtu.be/yACq_kXX4YI?t=15m22s T. MehNA s[ar-as-w]ati: https://www.hindujagruti.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/saraswati.gif रेप्ड[st[r]illing]युवती-पीड़िता ने दोष[-ी]ज़ुल्म: https://youtu.be/Rta-R269uiM युवक का गुप्तांग[पुल्ल,पु{ru}श]-िंग काट दिया #9 Weirdest [Wo]men Weddings [With]in[side] The World: https://youtu.be/IdAtaKLqUiw = दुनिया की ९ अनोख़े+अजीब+O+ग़रीब[अ,ग़]जब सादी[यां]शादि-विवाह+ब्याह sePaRated:https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/a7/8a/4c/a78a4ceb05fb31ee58ce5671e20d6bbd.jpg men+dir+ty cult[ure]: https://youtu.be/665dr7RB6jM रेप के con[Vict]or-दोषी के साथ com[vict]im+पीड़िता+महिलाओं ने lathi charge: https://youtu.be/HcF14SCYSEk करा[या] .... [super,under,a-bad-nti]natur[e,al] [अ,ग]जब strange[a]Mazing fa[bricat,sci[st]nat]ed|poem Ramayan[a]Sing: RamayanPlur-al: Ramayana [blur-ring] Vanara: [VAna+{RA]+vanA}: Ravana: aVarna [anaGrams] = jungle[es,[after]life] OR forest dwelling Homo+Sapiens|Erectus|Neanderthal? OR GoriLLA|Chimpanzee|Ape kin[ne]d/wil[le]d mammals? Apes? VanA = forest{s}jungle https://qph.ec.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-299c2e93cc551b8fa951a1a54992a8ad Living? Flying? yes-Wings? Dasa-ratha Rama-yana[ http://www.thefreedictionary.com/priestcraft ˈpriːstˌkrɑːft n1. (Ecclesiastical Terms) the art and skills involved in the work of a priest2. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) derogatory the influence of priests upon politics or the use by them of secular power ] OR Afterlife [life-after-death] [fly, cutT, carRy]ing mountain overnight, over Himalayas|India Or Afterlife [fly {with}, grasp, lift, lay]ing stones?[ http://www.thefreedictionary.com/warcraft ˈwɔːˌkrɑːft n1. skill in warfare2. the skill of directing a war ]https://qph.ec.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-a1d9bbc515c988761fa1cd7e60db6c56 Fled...? Flowed? Died? g:ram:mar:ye.g. https://www.facebook.com/MoolnivasiMedia/videos/273238059747378 H[un]uman[a]: [un]Humanshttp://malayalam.oneindia.com/img/2016/02/16-1455616553-16-1455609783-cartoon.jpg [g,b,h,m,p,t,s][o]und[a/e] d:rama-mara|amar?http://media2.intoday.in/indiatoday/images/stories//2015September/mos4_091715100559.jpg [battle-priest-war]Craft sTrateGics[eCo]LoGistics: (A,(alp)vi[sh]) [RA]{m[a](yAn), vAna[r]}[a]Sit [yo,jo][va,ba]ni? http://images.catchnews.com/uploads/images/2015/09/17/hanuman-and-sita.jpg Mar-gina-liz-ed? http://indiafacts.org/behind-mask-three-hundred-ramayanas Q&As: https://www.quora.com/Is-it-true-that-there-are-around-300-versions-of-Ramayana RamaYana: D-AnGe-R-ous-ly {reGresSive, reVers[es,al], {iM,dis}ProVable, woRS{ening,ns}} {tool, reHearSal, [sub]sysTem, (in)[fact, deed], [proof, truth]}s Q&As: https://www.quora.com/Was-not-Ramayan-the-story-of-the-descent-of-Man-from-Ape-Monkey-kind-Mammals-Species-Mythologically-dimensioned [re]Ci{S,T,D}e{iNG}[co{n,m}]tRoLL {g,j}uT[H][e] doneGurs+{p,m}aRT{y,iaL}aniMaLs+[{s,p,m,t}{o,u,i}ns]C{ee,[uLP]ri}t{T[er]s,iYAn} thro' raCe{[i]st}cAST[L]e p{OET,ROSA}ic moDe[L] {oPeR, proPa{G,j[H]}}{a,u,oO}nD{e,A,oO} mar+yADa: die+meMories pu{{R,L}u,Sh[u]}:+uTT{um,un,err} [A,mar,shah,{ha}RAm]zAD[a,i] BanDar SeNA: https://youtu.be/sgFN_y66CU4 TerRoRists .... subSeCTion[s] raCe{ist}cAST[L]e dharm{On}baliDAn[aw] kA {same} – Ja[a]GO!? https://youtu.be/Wb7U5q-t1Mw RANA goOn{da}rAj: https://youtu.be/mmoA2aqdeUM?t=3m28s गुण्ड{-ा}राज Racist pseudoScience: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aryanism crank-Scientific racism Race{ism}Cast[L]e aMong[st] iNDian mamMaLian {aLien-aRyan-aRe-a-n, Buffalo-Brahm[i,a]n, Cow-Gau, Dalits-Dasa} nationals: https://youtu.be/E_u-1_-zuwU [[प्र]जाति, वर्ण, नस्��-नक्सल-नक्षर-नक्षा-नशा-नुक्स[-ान], अखंड-पाखंड-ढोंगी]वाद। {weSTern, Christian} pSeudo-Science: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arianism [hu,wo]men:https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/b4/ca/16/b4ca1607e6f4a1e9f887f66fa7188265.jpg in re[Li/Di]{e}Gi+on .... http://www.thefreedictionary.com/propagandapropaganda  prŏp′ə-găn′dən.1. The systematic propagation of a doctrine or cause or of information reflecting the views and interests of those advocating such a doctrine or cause.2. Material disseminated by the advocates or opponents of a doctrine or cause: wartime propaganda.[from Latin prōpāgandā, ablative feminine gerundive of prōpāgāre, to propagate; see propagate.] OriginConGreGaTio de ProPaGanDA FiDe                         =ConGreGaTion for ProPaGaTion of the FaiThPropaganda ~= Propagation ~= [DiS]SemiNationpro+Pa+GanD+ize ~= pro+Pa+Gate {p}re[pRoDuCe, diReCT, bel, cReaTe, arRanGe, tenSe]s d{anGe}r+ous miX{TuRe}fu conTaiNinG {p}ARTi{fici}al [lie{s}truth, +{viTy}-] https://youtu.be/QTXDgCzwQOs?t=45s d'eVoLution of iNDo+EuRo enGLiSh+uRDu+hinDi [deRiv,reL]atives: paGaN{enGLiSh} पागल{hinDu}pAGaL enGLiSh: aGendaकार्याबली, शानदारg{r,l}andग्रंथि, लिंगeN+GenDerजाति, gaudy, genital[ia,s], god, en+D+AnGe+r, hanD+Le, गङ्गाgang{e,ster}sगिरोह{-ी}गुट, garLanDफूल:हार/माला, paGe-ant, aGape, gateद्वार, (de)fun{d[ament-al-ism]s, ct[ion{ary,s}]}, leGend+ary, {pUn,uR,eXi}GenT{Le-men}, {p,m}anDo{r,l}a, eXPunGe, geNe{Sis,RaTe}, enG{iNe,LiSh}, aNG{eL,Le} paGa{l,n}pun{k,t}[h]{a,i} {a}{c,t}[h]ie[ph,ve]is[m,ts]पद: [f,m,p,bro][a,o,u][r]the[r,l][i] oVer UniTeD-ProWinCes: https://youtu.be/IIQ7wJMRRJ4?t=5m18s U.P. hiNDi: गेंदाgendaगैंडा, gunda[i]गुण्ड{ई,-ा}, GondWanaगोंडवाना, gaud(y)तड़क[-ीला]भड़क[ली वस्तु], gaindगेंदball, dung{ar}डन्ग-र, gand[a][गंद:, गले में पहनने का गण्डा]gandakगंडक-नदी GAndगांडArse, gAndhiगाँधी, गधा{s[a]u}Ga[n]dha[ri]गांधारी[सु,सौ]गंध, ग्रन्थgranth[i]ग्रंथि, [pra,sad]gati[प्र,सद]गति, gangaगङ्ग-ा{पानीwatersजल}dirtyगन्द-ा;काण्ड:kAndAकंडा, khand[har]खण्ड(हर), हाण्ड:[b]hAndaभाण्डा, पाखण्ड-ीpAkhand-i,jhandAझण्ड-ा, jhundझुण्ड, bhand[a]phodभाण्ड-ाफोड़, dandAदण्ड-ा, mangat-मंगत, pungatपंगत, aPanga[अ]पङ्ग{:,-ा,-ु}, bh{a,u}gat[an,i]{भ,भु}गत{-ान,-ि} Y2K https://youtu.be/ZVH_azWAzZI {proPaganda, faKeism, fenku, lehar, ruMouRism, myth[yatva]} https://youtu.be/B4sXOUtlw8w कैसे फ़ैलाया व लोक़-लोगों को उस[से,में] उलझाया गया है – Ravish Kumar .. [HinDi, enGlish, etc] {lanGuages, linGu[a/e? iStics], tonGues} were mishMashed[ab,mis]used for compl[e,imen,emen]ting {hurtFul, uNjusTiFiaBLe, d{anGe}R+ous, unLawFul, siniSter, [r,l]oYaL, iNjuRing} [comBi,iMaGi,maChi]Nations of {lie{s}truth, sCheme{s}sHame, doMi[NeeRinG,Nation,Nion]s, नक़्शे+नुक्सान+नशे, moDe[L]s, sTrateGi[e,c]s, [प्र,सं][चार,सार,गति], [oPeR,proPaG][a,u][nD,L][e,aA,oO]+aGenDa, pRo[F,Gr]esSions, etc} .. https://youtu.be/47y8gs33P80 Kanhaiya Kumar on [9/11, Christianity, Brahm[a,i]nism, iSlam] https://youtu.be/PlovMRZ9UR0 Why reServe women{OBC, SC, ST}s? https://youtu.be/eGTRdy7j3cg {Nazi, aRya[n], [sWa, nA]sT-i-k, d-anGe-r-ous, holoCaust, aDolF HiTLer] https://youtu.be/NR6_alxS3SM Ravish Kumar re[Li]Gion: reLiGion on|over reGion sons+Crit[i]: support[ers,systems] + sons [en]crypted [Ramayan[a], Mahabharat[a], Wed:Dewa, etc/et-al] (creat|chang|transform[ed] cRYPTic+aMBiGuous sCripts + war:priest[crafts]|[after]life|mythical-critters in India-n-world) through sonsCrit(i) & [divid|en-slav|[re]creat|rul]ed crit-ters|ani/mam-mals|[after]life by divisive & devising plans, agenda, conspiracies, corruption & propaganda. https://www.google.co.in/search?q=sonscrit son+[s(k)ar, gh[i,athan], dig-dh, das, ta[n,p], jai, ki, jeev, nata, son-i, char] phi[Lo,Do]so{Phi-cal, Phe-r-s}: phySi{Que, C[s,al]}, phi[L]{ander[er], ip[s, ine-s], iStine, anThrop[y,ist]}, PaleStin[e,ian-s]reLiGio{us, se, sity}https://waadeekrax.files.wordpress.com/2013/05/sampati-falls-3-1.jpg sum{(m)er, bhog, pat[n]i}https://waadeekrax.files.wordpress.com/2013/05/the-walk-to-the-sun-2-1.jpg sin{g, gle, gh[ania], ha, k, d([h][u][n], bAd)}: syn{chronous, ergy, thes[i,e]s}sim{ple, ilar[ity]; at}shun{i, kar, g, ya, kh; t}monk[ey] ra{vana}ra aVarna{wa}sudh[:,a,ir]budh : shuddh[:,i,a]buddh : boDo[:,a]soDo : body:sodyshum{bhu, i, she[e]r}cust[umer, om]s, cast[e,le], foreCastcomMon {[hu,wo]men, sense} Qom[hu,se,wo]MensPell, goSpel, sMell, sMall(pre)tens[e,ion], [con]Tent[ion], comMence, mention, [con]Quest[ion] pensionsenS[e-s, uous, ual, ation], son-s, [kam]sin-s, sa[i]nt[ist,est], sen{tence,sex}, sCene, sonSoni, sKin, sCent, sCien{ce,ti[fic,st]}, {acquie, adole}sCen[ce,t], [pro,ef]fiCien[cy,t]http://www.thefreedictionary.com/words-that-end-in-scence con{Science, [hu,wo]Men, Sensus, Sumer, Tract}comMun{e, ism, ity, icat[e,ion]}cen{sor, sus, sure}... pseudo-aryana-asio-indo-euro{d-an(gel[o]sax)ge-r}m-an-y .... http://www.storypick.com/greek-and-indian-myths She व {aND} pAndav-punde[aRya,aRe-a]n-[k]shatriya[tha]kuruv dic{h}ed different [culture,ethnic,comMunity]'s drau-padi{daughter}dru-pad ather{p/f}ancha[l,m]ihttps://i.ytimg.com/vi/pXKlmyRq1ic/maxresdefault.jpghttps://www.hindujagruti.org/evoimg/news1/out/images/1305195794_BIGHUSAIN1603.jpghttp://media.webdunia.com/_media/hi/img/article/2016-12/23/full/1482483358-3188.jpg Modern Moma's Boys: https://youtu.be/2AXCaVtXOHM 5+1D-in-lawhttp://ste.india.com/sites/default/files/2016/04/15/479423-up-poster.jpg potty? sex? pornoGraphy? torTure? of|for whom?http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-TKM8LxfBy9Q/VQ0SolnXEGI/AAAAAAAAJiQ/8kPR3Qoyi2A/s1600/draupadi-cheerharan.jpg [d,s+L]augh+ter?http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-Dw4mCv7nBcE/UH_kE4ZJtzI/AAAAAAAAA3w/FIaM7BdWI08/s1600/draupadi.jpghttps://thegreatindianperformance.files.wordpress.com/2010/07/women_violence-final.jpg कभी-अभी भूल कर/कैसे भी [pejorative, निन्दापूर्ण, खंड[पा]खण्ड[-ित], तुच्छ-क्षुद्र, ग़ुलाम{उ}दास]बनानेवाला पौराणिकी+अयथार्थ+अनर्थ राम:[यण,मह:]भारत-राज्य:रण: नहीं/मत ले आना/चलना: https://youtu.be/I2XMtjUT0dw Osho | auDio: राम:र[-ाव]ण:[अ]राज[-ा,क[टा,ता,था]]Rajya-Rama[Yana]anArChy[Maha]Bharat ~= [pejorative, propaganda] wor[l]ds [ins,assa]ult on 85%-90% [dark-black, gullible-naive, dalit, shudra, poor-phoohad, religious-regional-ethnic-cultural minoritie, ad[h]iwasi]'s {[hu,se,wo]men} https://youtu.be/TcwYiy67FLA {Weaken,eNervat,oBScur,conCeal inStead of eMPower,aWaken,free}ing{hu, se, wo?}men{dir}ty {wish, deSir}e{s, d} {hor, hon, ter}ror{ism, ists} {iMaGi, QomBi, MaChi}nat{ion,ed,ive}s She व {aND} tAndav https://www.google.co.in/search?q=तांडव+meaning संज्ञा [OrGy, saTurnaLia, necKing-party] {ताण्डव, नंगा नाच} https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/86/f3/15/86f315d9aa8852d65bfe82b196254018.jpghttps://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/6d/7e/b2/6d7eb24708142bf59b792b2ef8ba139e.jpghttps://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/33/f0/73/33f07353108b4ded45b00fb0c9aa206f.jpg OR[सं-पु.] 1. शिव का उग्र नृत्य 2. पुरुषों की एक नृत्य-शैली 4. उग्र क्रियाकलापhttps://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/52/90/55/529055f6866e91d1ef7937ced819ee7c.jpghttps://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/2d/6b/ee/2d6bee3037d41f8d91fae65b4c7fabc2.jpghttps://youtu.be/SViibGHAMgY Premieră! शि+व+MUsic+orGY https://youtu.be/nRSYeFkw54M Law sTuDent in Kerala Chops off Genitals of a god{demi, man} https://youtu.be/FR0TeFMAAuA Her [alleged] rapistShe{+v:}chopped[pu{ru/sh}l]L-ing[a]: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/H6PtzqzL47U/maxresdefault.jpg http://www.hindi2dictionary.com/अस्मत-meaning-hindi.html [सं-स्त्री.]अस्मत 1. निष्पाप और निष्कलुष बने रहने की स्थिति और प्रवृत्ति 2. स्त्री की इज़्ज़त 3. पतिव्रत; सतीत्वइस्मत स्त्री की इज़्ज़त-आबरू; सतीत्व; पातिव्रत्यकिस्मत भाग्य; तकदीर; नसीब; प्रारब्धख़िदमत 1. टहल; सेवा; चाकरी; सुश्रुषा 2. कार्य 3. पद 4. ख़ातिरदारीअस्मिता 1. अपने होने का भाव; अहंभाव 2. हस्ती; हैसियत; अपनी सत्ता की पहचान 3. अहंता; अहंकार; अस्तित्व; विद्यमानता; मौजूदगी 4. (योगशास्त्र) पाँच प्रकार के क्लेशों में से एक{म,ह,ख}ननiSm ruminate; aBUse+sLauGhTer; Miningeham Brahmāsmiti अहं ब्रह्मास्मिति is radical-racist-ego[t]istic-sons-crit slogan i am the [in+fiNite ReaLiTy, brahMan, God] OraHum [urgent-necessary [pro,con][puls,ject,duct,gress,claim,blam]ions?] brahm [us-me] [i]ti[finished] [unity]reason for ~2%Brahmin+3%[k]shatriya male-chauvinism-ehamiyat [rul,dominat,[a]head,lea[D]eal,ru[n,i]n,regulat]ing on|over ~95-50% [a]hum[urgently]needy nationals. [हस्तक्षेप, दख़लअंदाज़i]: किसी होते या चलते हुए काम में कुछ फेर बदल करने के लिए हाथ डालने या कुछ कहने की क्रिया inter[ference,vention]obtrusion, ocCult, ocCupation, enCroachment, trespass[व्यवधान, ख़लल, अड़ंगा, विघ्न, बाधा]: किसी कार्य को करते समय बीच में होने वाली कोई आकस्मिक घटना; inter[ference,vention,ruption]hindranceनज़रअंदाज़i iGNor[e, ance] hypo[thes, cris(i)]esV/s[pragmatism; practicality; realism] "an approach that assesses the truth of meaning of theories or beliefs in terms of the success of their practical application" [व्यवहार, उपयोगिता]वाद A brief (hi)Story of re[Li,Di]{e}Gi+on:https://alejandrokaiser.files.wordpress.com/2016/07/img_30028606224590.jpeg ................ {pSeudo, aNTi, uN}sCientific re[Li]Gion[s] V/s [f]aCT{ual,ive} ReaL{ity,ism} : {bRah, hin+do}Min{ant, ion, eeRing} [con-vi, a]ct[or]s Versus {dePressed, crushed, reGressed, suffering} [com]vict[ims] [ dominant, {con-vi, a}ct[or]s, [sh[O,A],choo]shaks, जोश-ए-[जुनूँ,जनेऊ,मौल]{-ी}दोष, ofFender, feudal, segregated, organised, ma+jo+ri+ti+es? ] ~12-20% [जाट लुटेरो {बल,पहल}वान: https://www.facebook.com/1406663276068678/videos/1424791980922474 , sons+crit+ons: https://www.google.co.in/#q=sons-crit-ons | pseudo+Arya+ns: https://www.google.co.in/#q=pseudo-Aryan | BrAhMins, [K]ShaTriya, {paTEL, gujJar, marAThA, redDy}s, et al | Hindu+tvam: https://www.google.co.in/#q=hindu-tvam | Arya(ns)&Arya[n]ism: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aryanism raci{al}radic {pseudo,proto,crank}S{cie,o,a[i]}nt+ists ] [complicate, irResponsible, aNTi-aGainst, trap, criminalize, de-predate, victimize, dispute-feud, hostility, enmity] [शोषक-चूषक, मनौती, पनौती] due to [webs, matrices] of[motive, doubt, suspicion, deSire-asPiration]s [मंशा, [आ]शंका, संशय, आकांक्षा-आस:-काश:]एं  OR[problem-solver, sophisticator, compl[i,e]mentary, rePresentative, leader]s [कोशिश:, कोशिक्षा, ख़ज़ांची[कोष]पोषक] [ dePressed, crushed, sufferers, comVictims, दबे+वञ्चित+कुचले{शोष,जोश,दोष}-ित, separated, disorganised, mi-no-ri-ti-es? ] ~80-90% [ Shudra-OBCs: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shudra, poor, women|weak, darks|blacks, Dalits-SCs: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dalit, Ad[h]iwasi-STs: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adivasi, tRans+Gender{s}seX, [physic, ment]aLLy cHa[lle]nGed, Dasa https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dasa |slaves https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slavery_in_India, B,G,L, religious|eth{n}iQ(u)al+Tural minorities [Muslim, Hindu, Sikh, Christian, Buddh[ist,a], Jain, Jew, Zoroastrian, et al]s, castrated:eunuchs, et al ] [iNTellectual, uNTheist, [a]GNostic]s uN+nAsTy+Q ~= uNKNowLeDGeaBLe [my]th{[e]oLoG,yatv}ists sWa+s+t[h]+i+Q ? [वै,वि]ज्ञानि[क]प्रबुद्धं {पौरुष, स्त्रीत्व, आत्मियत} [धा,आ]र्मि[क]प्रभुत्वं #eXPoSé (im)[P]arty{c,fici}al in{ter,tra}dePenDance|state|rePuBLic #उघारब [d-ange-r-ous, [he-in, die-n]do-us, communal, so-ci[et,de]al, biGot[ry], re[li]gio-se/us] [tension, po[l-i]se/ce/cy, po[li]t[r][ic,e,y]s, unKnowledgeabilities Too] [na,ra,fic,fixa]tion-al-i-zation-al [na,la]yak-[Lo,Qa]yukt[a,iyan] iNDo mor{e, aL} poLi[Ti]C{aL, eaL, ieS'}+ri{Gh/Ot, TuaL[isTic]}+tRaDe{st}cAST[L]e reLiGiOn[s] .... Hindu Converts: https://youtu.be/NjCScyPdJ24 The Tyranny of [Script,Text][s,ure]: https://youtu.be/6BaGHKe5oi0 Is Religion Man-Made? How Did Religion Start? The Evolution of Belief: https://youtu.be/ql2yz7XDs2A Daniel Dennett, 2006 All Religions are Lies + Masters of Deception: https://youtu.be/PflixBTzi8o .... ri-gh/o-t hinDuism+paRT[y]{Bj+RsS+iNC+RAj} https://youtu.be/oxkMmI21mWg?t=23m2s 56" cHeSt Q&As: https://www.quora.com/Why-do-Jains-believe-that-Lord-Krishna-is-in-hell/answer/Maneesh-Kumar-57 मैं धर्म:ग्रँथों की धज्जियाँ उड़ाता हूँ! क्यों? https://youtu.be/ioKScrmQvAo OSho सिर्फ़ मुर्ख़ ही पाए जाते हैं [manDir-ties, mosQue-toes] में: https://youtu.be/lM79vDMzFMo inSulting Re[Li/Di](e)gio[n,se,sity]: https://youtu.be/1uTypnaP5X4 It could/can not be sa[i]d more than that "Lord Ram was born at the precise spot where Babri Masjid was located has no truth|fact|evidence" Dr Ram Puniyani: https://youtu.be/HkVAkAyfMXw?t=7m53s Ram{a}Raj? https://youtu.be/56wbqiYjRyM?t=1m9s रङ्क{फ़}टीचर? The Ayodhya – The Case Against the Temple: https://youtu.be/gJrrJqKm4-o    [must watch] 1991 BAbri MosQue [to] demo[li][sh,te,tion] for — RAm [manDir-tymple] ke NAm: https://youtu.be/OO-VaJBHiik Shameful [right-center-left]wings [bha[T,D]Kau, pejoRative, wiL[Le]D gumRAh[i], [ins, assa]ulting, vile, vilifying, de-preDating] legacy of [maha]bhara-t ! [S-laughterer, killer, rapist, looter, [a]chieph[er], murderer]s – Overlords of Caste-Races [caste,rac][ism,ists]  ~1000 years of aParTheid. is|are Buddh[a] [not] [m]any Avatar[a] of Vishnu? https://youtu.be/YiQmj278Yqw दिमाग से धार्मिक[ई] कचरा निकालो! https://youtu.be/l6HbVZJdVvE Osho Best arguments against religion|faith: https://youtu.be/w35krx_WQZs Richard Dawkins eRaze+delete [enSlaving, pejorative, feudal, pseudoScientific] brahminic[Aryan–aRe-a-n][K]ShaTriya Social-Cult[ural] [re]Conditioning pseudo-aryana-asio-indo-euro{d-an(gel[o]sax)ge-r}m-an-y All Religions Are False! https://youtu.be/Tt4eb6IHTug Why ReLiGion Should Be rePLaCeD: https://youtu.be/pUxhU3eeSKw?t=1m44s Sam Harris on The End of Faith {2005} Danger to Society .... What Have i Got aGainst Religion? https://youtu.be/oSZYN8UV6yg God[s,dess+es] Bless {a[nti], un}Theism! https://youtu.be/y4mWiqkGy-Y Theology as branch of phi-lo-so-phy, re[li]gion OR [re]creative/ecritirve art?.Heaven is right there waiting for you, and all you've got to do is die. That's some price to pay, isn't it for admission to a place which is full of [after]life clergymen and born again [christian, brahmin, {a,er}R{y,i,e}a{n,a}, [k][s]hatriya, tradest, et al]s' afterlife, which i reckon makes it literally a fate worse than death [with]in[side] the earth world. But surely people need re[li]gion to answer certain questions [un]like "how better:worse can we stifle the human[holi]spirit? How much can we squeeze from the poor and gullible? How many palaces can we live without blushing? But there are very many questions it doesn't have answers, so it try to ad{a,o}pt from modern+science or it cover the phenomena-process-program-etc and {it's [wo]men} makes them up. {a-nti,un}Theism says you just made them up, religion:theism says this what we call theology. What's the difference b/w doctor of [medicine, theology]? One preScribes drugs, other might as well be on drugs. A theologian is somebody who's an expert in the unKnowable-unKnowledgeability. .... What Should rePLaCe re[Li,Di](e)Gi[Ons, o{us,se}Ness]: https://youtu.be/m5tGpMcFF7U Daniel C. Dennett [re]Search: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=replace+religion https://www.google.co.in/search?q=replace+religion re[Li,Di](e)Gi+On V/s: https://youtu.be/A-D8Mf9DdQI ReaL[ity, iSm] What Comes After re[Li,Di]Gi+On: https://youtu.be/CL--1Z_g4DE [wo]men:https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/b4/ca/16/b4ca1607e6f4a1e9f887f66fa7188265.jpg re[Li,Di](e)Gi+On [w+] Ron{G,D,i,j,A,n}DhOn Rama[Yana]DasaRatha[maha]Bhara+t+i+yan Race{st}Cast[L]e system:http://image.indiaopines.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/caste-system-india.jpg [a,un]Theism WiLL OverTaKe ReLiGion by 2041: https://youtu.be/R-ON0Wt25TA sTuDy eQuaL[iTy, iSm]+juSTiCe & oPPorTuniTies 4 aL[Most a]L, apPeaSeMent+faVOr[Ti]iSm 2/& eXPLoiTaTion+eNSLaVeMent of[f]/on nOne? God's God: https://youtu.be/ODetOE6cbbc {[D]aNG{St, e[R]}+ridDen, fake, raCe{st}cAST[L]e, faSCi[st]Nated, pRoPaGanDised, fARCE, aR[y,e]an{ist}[k][S]h[a,e]Tiya, tRaD[est, iTioNaL], reLiGio{us, se}+reGional, [a]bRah[a]M[a,i,e][n]iC{al}feuDaL} {[re]Creation, [f/t]act[ion,ivitie], [p,m]art[iaL, ie]s, [pRiest, wiTCh, [b]Hand[i], wAr]cRAFT[inG]}s [af,in,de,ef]FeCT us, {in[Fact, deeD], sin{Ce}nTuRies, time & aGain} ................ SuPreme Court of iNDia's reTired Hon'ble JuStice MArkanDey KATju's DaRing iNTerView: https://www.facebook.com/SasuSwamy/videos/1175934229179365 [PLs] {Do, MuST}{n't misS, waTCh} pSeuDo{reG,raT,naT}ion[al][ist]s: https://youtu.be/2h0q_bkwra8 A. RANA ~10% का शासन: https://youtu.be/XyFTVJMRpPU ~90%+ पर चलेगा नहीं iNKi SoORaT kO PehChAnO BhAi: https://youtu.be/s0QETSCliRk SamBhAji BhaGat जिस रूट पर बुलेट ट्रेन चलाएगी मोदी+pART[iaL,y]Bj सरOकार: http://www.nationaldastak.com/country-news/route-on-bullet-train-it-has-40-percent-seats-empty उस रूट की 40% सीटें खाली raC[i,e]{st}cAST[L]e {रूढ़ कूढ़, बूढ़} वाढ{a,i,e}दाव गुट:जुठ {वा,दौ,धा}{र्ण,र्म,र्ग}iQ मग़ज़+MinDSets+क्षेत्र{प्र}देश: http://naisadak.org/सारे-कूढ़मगज-संघी-नहीं-हो sLaVe girl – CRAZY SHiT tHe QURAN says #1: https://youtu.be/TIur6akd0YQ {TruTh, ReaL[ism,ity], FaCT, eViDence}s [are, should+must be] [b{e,a,u,i}tTer, iMPRoV[iS]eD] माखन लाल jourNalism विश्वविद्यालय में खुलेगी गौशाला: https://youtu.be/Rm8NzYHPyBQ लोकतंत्र का मज़ाक़ Can iNDia become a superpower? https://youtu.be/zXZ4pRhY-kU eQuaLizing Dr BR AmbedKar &|Vs reLiGiose Barrister MK Gandhi: https://youtu.be/XoQ_D5G6sXg Osho How to identify Fake News in India?? https://youtu.be/Ezcng6hyWp4 Dhruv Rathee AiB: {proPa}GAn{C,D}{hi,A,e}[un] [iN]ConGress:UPA Vs aScetic[s]{P,M}aRT[y]Bj:NDA : https://youtu.be/qStXxdRJtms good:bad cops:poLi[Ti]c[s,ing] छि: छिः [P]aRT(y{ rAj}, i[FiCi]aL)Bj+iNC, ND{A,MoDi} UP{A,ADityaNAth}, RsS, VHP, HMS, [B]Dal+Bal, [H, Br, Ks, S.R]Sena, etc, [M]aRT[s,rAj,iaL]s भारत के पौड़ानिक:नौयुगी दासतानें{अ}फँसानें: https://www.facebook.com/MoolnivasiMedia/videos/249559375448580 sLavery[en]Trapments श्रमिक कोष: http://thewirehindi.com/23977/laptops-washing-machines-purchased-from-the-fund-of-rs-29000-crore-for-the-construction-workers-the-supreme-court-is-shocked/ {फ़िज़ूल, यूँ ही, al, err} ख़र्च BjP{व,ians}iNC आय स्रोत: http://thewirehindi.com/17951/bjp-congress-anonymous-sources-of-money/ अज्ञात !! #+#+#+#
0 notes
wionews · 8 years ago
Uproar in Rajya Sabha over SP member's remark over Hindu gods
Rajya Sabha was adjourned for the second time today after treasury benches objected to controversial remarks by Samajwadi Party's Naresh Agrawal over Hndu gods, PTI reported.
"Agrawal is liable to prosecution if he has made it outside the House. He should apologise and withdraw the comment," Finance Minister Arun Jaitley said.
Later, he withdrew his comments but refused to apologise.
Earlier, Rajya Sabha witnessed acrimonious scenes over the issue of lynchings in the name of cow protection.
The Opposition came down heavily on the treasury benches for not doing enough to stop lynchings.
Congress party leader and Leader of Opposition Ghulam Nabi Azad said that this is a fight to save humanity while raising the issue of lynchings in various states. 
Congress' Ghulam Nabi Azad raises issue of mob lynchings in different states #RajyaSabha #Monsoonsession http://pic.twitter.com/Pn4c0CSiuj
— ANI (@ANI_news) July 19, 2017
Samajwadi Party leaders stormed the well of the House questioning the government over the steps it had taken to stop the lynchings, PTI reported.
This led to the House getting adjourned for 10 minutes.
Hansraj Gangaram Ahir, the junior home minister, while responding to Congress' Digvijay Singh on whether the government is bringing a special law to deal with such cases, said that the there is no need to bring any changes to the existing laws.
He added that the centre had already issued advisories to states to register FIRs in such cases and book the culprits under existing laws.
The junior home minister further added that the Prime Minister had also spoken out against the issue of lynchings in the name of cow protection.
PM stated cow vigilantes shouldn't take law in their hands, MHA issued advisory. Dragging BJP into this not right: MoS Home H. Ahir in RS http://pic.twitter.com/sHwy3cWmJe
— ANI (@ANI_news) July 19, 2017
He rejected Samajwadi Party's Naresh Agrawal's charge that BJP men are behind the lynchings, PTI said.
"It is not correct that BJP people are involved in this," he said.
The minister said that the NCRB started recording data on lynchings since 2014. He cited the NCRB data to show that there were more incidents of lynchings in the years 2014, 2015 and 2016 in non-BJP ruled states.
The minister said that all states have acted against those behind such incidents and have sent information to Centre except West Bengal.
"In Haryana, four people have been arrested, while three have been held in West Bengal, 30 persons in Jharkhand and four have been held in Maharashtra," he said, adding all states have acted and no culprits are roaming free, PTI reported.
"If anyone is not arrested, we will ask the states to take action...The Centre is not running away from fulfilling its duty and have asked states to send complete reports," Ahir said.    SP's Naresh Agrawal had asked the government if it was aware of the number of incidents of lynchings by cow vigilantes.
The junior home minister responded saying that police and public order are state subjects and the state governments are competent to deal with such issues under the provisions of law. He also added that the NCRB does not maintain data on lynchings in the name of cow vigilantism.
Dissatisfied with the Centre's response the SP members resorted to sloganeering in the well of the House which led to the adjournment. 
0 notes
maneeshkr-blog · 7 years ago
मुस्लिम नहीं ब्राह्मणवाद है बहुजनों का असली दुश्मन-इन्दु चौधरी/ SPEECH'S...
#ReaL{ism}[f]actual: it's Sons+Crit[i] {sons [re]Created} but+not/versus #Myth[yatva] Sans+Krit[i] LewD:LaSciVious:ठरकी:LeCher [महा]{भारत,क्षेत्र,रामायण,[प्र]देश,राष्ट्र}{-ीय,-िक} {ली,क़ी}चड़+{se,re,de}Duc{eD,inG}{बह,फुस}{का,ला}{या,ना} https://youtu.be/2LPkbiFMS-A?t=7s tRaDe{st}cAST[L]e Sons+Crit[i]: support{er, system}s + sons [re]created... son+{jai, g, jiv[ani], ki, hAr(ni), cut, gh{i,athan,arsh}, i, sad, dig+Dh, dhi, s(k)Ar(ni), DAs, son+i, t[An,Ap,oOr], lipt, {c,b}RaMan, s{k,sm}aran, gati, shOdhan, nATA, chAr} iNDo [iN, re]Form[ation][al] geNeRe kNowLeDGe in Hin{Di+eN}GLiSh SonsCrit is not 2 millennia old: https://youtu.be/sKMf8W7P6zQ ईसा पूर्व की भाषा नहीं है संस्कृत – राजेंद्र प्रसाद सिंह erRyan{sonC, b[h]}raM[un]it जन्म कुण्डली मार: https://youtu.be/L2MJZyr0y3c फ़र्ज़{i}फ़ौज़ मौज:मज़ाक़ Q&As: https://www.quora.com/How-do-Indian-teens-feel-about-different-religions/answer/Vva-1 सबसे ब[-ु]{ड़े,रे}+{g,j}ut[h]{i,e} https://youtu.be/AUCLlgDo_ug s[h]a[i]TAn zulm{i,-ANA?}jurm: https://youtu.be/B70uBXXe5Xg आतंक {वाद,i} {err,ar}{y,e}a{n,a}+ब्राहमण+[k][s]hatri[ya] https://youtu.be/cULu9JIRVD0 Son+[Culp{nA, rit[i], able}, s+Cri{te,Me}s, s{w,m,h}a[r][p,m]n] {race, tRaDe, cAST[L]e}[i]st https://youtu.be/jb33-pd4SnM {me, iN}DiA http://www.opindia.com/2015/11/from-dadri-to-haryana-to-manipur-how-stories-about-crimes-against-dalits-and-minorities-have-panned-out Q&A: https://www.quora.com/Do-Slogans-like-Sonscrit-Sanskrit-Sentence-Satyamev-Jayate-act-as-catalyst-in-helping-getting-true-in-justice/answer/Maneesh-Kumar-57 Q&As: https://www.quora.com/What-exactly-is-Jumla-and-is-it-a-Hindi-word/answer/Nimish-Mishra-5 mahABorat [dubious, ambiguous, [b,f]risky, d{aNGe}r+ous] chants-mumbling-lingua-slogans!? विकास 'GANDO' थयो छे:: https://youtu.be/lFMlOZWt14U विनाश अच्छे{proPa}{G,jh}{a,u}nD{e,A,oO}!? diVide&Rule: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h_RwE5F75ZU wAman MeShrAm ................ सन्घी, मोदी, वर्ण:धर्म{राज,कूट,फूट,नीति}पार्टी, भाजपा, {भग,बल,भड़}वा[न], son{s[Q]Ar, sTripTeaSe, CuLP+RiT, sCri[p]t}[i], sont:गुरु, योगी, व दायाँपंथी [वि][भ]-ु{क्त,गत,जत}-ाँ उनकी हिन्दू बहनों को भी {गाली, धमकी} देने व {बदनाम, गन्दा?, बलात्कार?, नङ्गा?, नीचा} करने में कोई कसर नह�� छोड़ते: https://www.facebook.com/Jaunpurexpress/videos/433949200335843 पँखुड़ी पाठक, SP आप ये नहीं कह सकते कि हिंदू आतंकवाद नहीं है. पहले हिंदू कट्टरपंथी बातचीत करते थे, अब वे हिंसा करते हैं: http://www.bbc.com/hindi/social-41842950 कमल हसन छि: छिः [raC{i,e}st] [a]bRah[a]M[{a,i,e}N]ic{al}feUD+aR[y,e]an{ist}[k]shatriya+tRaDe{st}cAST[L]e sar[O]KAR: https://www.facebook.com/AliSohrab/videos/970741639740492 [violence, [re,op,de,sup]pression, corruption, [trans,re,ag,di]gression, terror-ism] in the name of [re[li]gion, nature, [oc,diffi]cult[ure,ism], states] which is [non-truthful, unlawful] भारत माता की जय: https://youtu.be/031Gp5PtuVg NDTV MeToO: https://www.jansatta.com/trending-news/n-light-of-metoo-campaign-dancers-make-a-video-about-surviving-seksual-abuse-for-years/483205/ TerRoR{ism}cRime has {tRaDiTional, eXTReme, orThoDox, eXCepTional} re[Li]Gions, in{Fact, Deed} aL[most a]L re[Li,Di](e)GiOns. इ/उ+न्होंने धर्म नहीं/कब त्यागा:तजा!? धर्म ने भी इन्हें न/कभी त्यागा:तजा!? Q&As: https://www.quora.com/How-non-correct-is-the-claim-Terrorism-has-no-religion [ब्रह्म/भ्राम-ान/इन, आर्य-न, are-a-n, [k]shatriya, वैश्य, वर्ण]बाद[आ]दाब[ईर्ष्या, उग्र, घृणा, भय, d-ange-r, आतंक, निरस्कार, डर, बहिष्कार, ख़ौफ़]वाद{-ा, -े,-ी}दाव https://img.ifcdn.com/images/4c3c9055eaea49a17eb2b2714564a8751eb9d4c0c6f9f0d70e75245fd44c25b0_1.jpg ................ seCTion deLimiter[s] https://youtu.be/j3vbxX-i15A tHe BiG FiGHT: Are iNDians raCist?https://youtu.be/OCcgx16e8DQ …Yes... https://youtu.be/ilo_YRqXH1k Q&As: https://www.quora.com/Are-Indians-racist-against-black-people iNDians 're racist: kill-murder fellow nationals according to [beliefs, caste-drama-dharma, faith, iDeology, [hyPO]{Cris[i]es, Theses}]; who eat cooked cow-meat, kill those converted to Christianity, kill those dalits-darks-blacks-dasa, bharat's racist ri[Gh/O]t[ual]ists 're [racist, rapist, criminal, extremist, separatist, terrorist]s against other fellow iNDians. https://clarkuthingsthatmatter.files.wordpress.com/2016/04/caste-based-reservation-system-in-india.jpg raCe{[i]st}cAST[L]e Hy[PO]sTe{m,ria} https://youtu.be/ol5zghjbLDA WAman MeShRAm https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/94/53/34/9453345fae30aa1e50b8cadb2c5c63e1.jpg Q&As: https://www.quora.com/How-bad-is-was-the-Indian-racial-racist-blame-claim-Slogan-bad-eye-wo-man-your-face-may-be-come-dark-black-en-ed-against-other-Indians कानून{प्र}देश पालक muSlims: https://openkhabar.com/muslim-mob-lynching Q&As: https://www.quora.com/How-do-many-Brahmanic-Abrahamic-Allies-followers-groups-classes-institutions-and-industries-owe-Reparations-and-Restitutions-towards-against-the-enslaved-Humans-and-descendants-Dasa-and-Dalits-and-their-After-Life-Slavery-in-India Q&As: https://www.quora.com/What-are-the-chances-that-word-bha-rat-is-a-shortened-form-of-gar-bha-rat भारत के [jusTice deLayed=deNied corRupt{eD,iNG}proCrastiNate] न्यायालय: https://youtu.be/vaXLsx1D3NI वामन मेश्राम ................ यह [कैसी] आज़ादी https://youtu.be/hGvMwgNkueQ [{g,j}uT[H]i:bHoOKhi] https://youtu.be/s_RuY9yPXQU {sonGs} faMineD{+QuASi+}DyinG hunGRy{reG,naT}ionals: https://www.facebook.com/rachna.agrawal.16/posts/1718231398228811 work: https://youtu.be/G7nUQYESZOk RoHit veMuLA: https://youtu.be/8G-IuAQxFHc मेघराज सिंह Q&As: https://www.quora.com/Did-the-pseudoAryana-Sons-crit-ona-Varna-bring-the-British-English-for-own-ing-industrial-indian-advances-advantages-representations re{PreSenT, Serv}ation: https://youtu.be/UiYEtEXYqIQ Ad[h]iWASi: https://youtu.be/FThC9_HiN_I pro[Blem,cLaim,mise]{s}SoLuTion https://youtu.be/CCtZ0TfNKsY [राष्ट्र,क्षेत्रीय]वाद[-ा,-े,-ी]दाव: https://youtu.be/qAPt5ND69LY?t=40m45s हिंदूV/sअंय ब्राह्मणों+{ar,err}{y,e}a{n,a} ने फँसाया, मुस्लिमों को: https://youtu.be/p4KrA6yzJ1I सिक्खों:et+al को: https://youtu.be/rk-aG0o4bIc बौद्ध धर्म को भारत में:से कैसे उजाड़:उखाड़:ख़त्म कर गुज़[-ा]रे गए: https://youtu.be/S7gwkMtM8cM वामन मेश्राम Q&As: https://www.quora.com/Is-Hinduism-truth-based-business-trade-based-or-justice-based ग़ुलाम{उ}दास [महा]भारत+{राम,हरी}याण[वि] कर्क:भाड़: https://youtu.be/Xii6iFU94Zc ओशो बौद्धों:दलितों:शूद्रों:et+al के विरुद्ध ब्राह्मणी[k]shatri{य:}वैश् घृणा+ज़ुल्म:जुर्म{-ी}आतंक+ख़ौफ़ अभिYAn: https://youtu.be/8U1SMEKqIus वामन मेश्राम कैसे [b]HAwi है, [प्र]{जाति,दुर्ग}वाद[i]: [प्र]शिक्ष{-ा,ण} पर: https://youtu.be/ySIoO5oKbWA [cAST[L]e{[i]st}raCe] eDuCaTion:tRaiNinG on BaHujans JN ManDaL, 1st law minister, Pakistan: https://www.dawn.com/news/1217465 bureauCracy[+ReLiGions+PoLi[Ti]ic{e,s,ies}] overPowering minorities instead of eMPowering {Brah,sonCra}M[anism,ins]+[erR,aR][y,e][n,a]{ist}+tRaDe{st}cAST[L]e ocCupied iNDian deMocracy with iNC+JawaharlalNehru became 1st govern{ment,dhun,nance}+PM without any election, after: British+Christians left/were sent+back]; Mughals+Muslims were oBLiterated+sideLined with muslim[league, nation]; [OBCs+Shudra, SCs+Dalits, STs+Ad[h]iwasi, minorities, et al] were poLi[Ti]c[e]aL{Ly}re[Li]Gio[se,naL] oBLiterated[with]in[s/c+ide]{Lined,[re]Stricted} with d{aNGe}r+ous Bengal+famine? Puna+pact, {pseudo,[w+]Ron{G,A,i}DhOn,uNeFFective,QuASi}rePresentation:{leaD,deaL}erS[hip]:reServation, [de]PreDation etc: https://youtu.be/H3xSe-TzEWc an aMazing Fake News Show on Zee News: https://youtu.be/fHStIl06CiI by:through SuDhir ChauDhary ................ {diS[Aster, ease], ePiDemic, famine}s were [re]{sTART, cReaT}eD since 9-11[-2016] [un, dis]LiKe 9-11 USA... https://www.facebook.com/BuzzFeedIndia/videos/1684759014917912 iT-ThOSe {eCLiPs, eNGuLF, seiz}eD the [proGress of, [after]li{ve, fe style}s of] https://www.facebook.com/TheWireHindi/videos/536010333417837 {pOVerty-sTRicken+daRiDra, SC{s}daLiT, weak{s}kamZor, OBC{s}baHujan, ST{s}aD[h]iwAsi}et+al: http://boltahindustan.com/congress-mp-targets-pm-modi-over-noteban-celebration/ Q&As: https://www.quora.com/What-are-the-worst-U-turns-made-by-BJP-after-forming-the-government BjP {pun, STANCe} oN [NOTeBaNDi, eNForCeD punishMent?, [de, re]MoneTiZation} https://www.facebook.com/1383922705169789/videos/1937398176488903 iNDo reLiGioSe+ri[Gh,O][T][uaL][isT][ic] poLi[Ti]C{inG, s, ieS} religiose-political strategics[pseudo]science: enSuring benefits of own[selves,serfs-slaves], [exe,perSe]Cuting {surgical-strikes on, poLaRizing, diViding, deVising} other[familie,team,organisation,opPosition,partie]s, time & again; pu[sh,ll][ed,an] them in hell. Did u bear [with] it? Or eLSe, how you[r's] reMained/[over,be]Came unTouched by this {most}? [de,re]MoneTization aNThem: ये लाइन मे खड़ा है तू: https://youtu.be/c_fp1u74ctw जो आजकल: https://youtu.be/5em0wMt67xg कूटनीति-राजनीती शास्त्र-कला{कारी}कलह: अपनों के लाभ{मंदे,तेज़,slow,fluent}फ़ायदे {साध,सुलभ,सरल,सहज,निश्चित,निश्चिन्त}कर, अन्यों-विपक्षियों [पर,का] कर[गुज़र]ते चले[गुप्त]भागे शल्य-शैल्य-शोषण-प्रहार-हानि, {ध्रुवी, टूट[-ी]फूट}करण, बार-म-वॉर; उनके-ऊपर [भाड़,वर्चस्व:,प्रभुत्वं] बना/ उनको [भाड़,वर्चस्व:,प्रभुत्वं] में धकेल, जी[त]ते जिए। क्या आप [इसे, इसके-साथ] {सह[म]ते, गुज़[-ा]रते} रहे? या फिर, आप/तुम्हारे इस{ सब}से कैसे अछूते रहे? Ash[O]ARAm BA{p,b}u: https://youtu.be/d2l0sdFBugM Narendra Mod{i, e+l}OpeRanDe किफ़ायती पन्थी? वादा-खिलाफ़ती-दावे Oath breaker-brokers OR eX[P,T]ensi[ve,ble]Peri[m]ent[al] iDeoLoGical hap[py,pen]hazard[ous][harm,hurt]ful dePredator wings-organisations-parTease-टाल-म-तोल-[ट]टोलियां-टीलें-सटोरिये-pervert-ठिठोलियां सीधे-साधे-भ[ट,ड़]काऊँ-भूले[-ं]भोले-भालें-तीरें {कठो,[कोठ,ठाक,डाक]:-उ,ठोक,ठुके}र-िये[दुर्ग:caST[L-e]proPa[g,p,b-h]anda(go)Spellभेड़िये-साँड़(ef)Forts]mob[उग्र]भीड़[में][भेड़ियें,भेड़ें,साँड़,मेढ़ें,कुत्तें]->भाड़-hell:भिड़े-भड़-बुझे-ख़रबूजें, उठाईगिरे, सेब-Base, आम, डुचे-ठुके, [र,श]-ाम, ड[न्-ग]रे, दबे-ढके, ग़ाज़रें-मूलियाँ, डँ[-ा]टे, सँते-सटे, मुड़े-बुढ़े, मरे-खबे, [[इति]आदि,अद्,बद,सीधे,सधे,सादे,टेढ़े,मेढे]-भुत[क़ाले, go[र,ल][क्षे,-े,खे]], तजे-भजे-भजिये-तजृबें-तजुर्बें-तरबूज़ें, etc. [p,m]arT[y,iaL][s]Bj के अच्छे{proPa}GanD{e,A} https://youtu.be/faBjO-yWb8M बे+इज़्ज़त {Ri-gh/ot-ist, [sa]WARNa, [P]ARTiFiCiaL} LoC{aL}LoG note[n]ki baAz rahe {g,j}aye guza[a]re gaye hain. tHe {de,re}MoneTization ciRcus: https://youtu.be/YqwVOWYJSxw {B/P+L}uNDer – AiB ................ Word 'Hindu' means {slave, robber, thief, waylayer, black} https://youtu.be/kjkHI6PtrEY?t=4m30s Hundreds of sources[re]liable eXP{Lain,oS}ing with truth, facts & eVidence: https://www.google.co.in/search?q=hindu+means+thief Hypo{The[a]T[r]i, CriTi}Cal nu{kS[he, An], sKhe} of|for|by [huMan, mamMaL, aniMaL] {reG, raT, naT}ioNaLs:[ Hind{i, u{sTAn}, {MahA}[RAshtr, BhArat]a[pra]Desh-MaRAThA} ~50%;bRahm[a,i,e]n ~3.5%;aRe-a-n{ism,ists}AryA[n], [k]shatri[ya-ism/t]RAjPut:which[raj ke put? YA raja ke put?]ThAKur ~5%+3.5%;{tum'Am} jAn[wa]R ~70%; R'AmaYana, {re}La[ksh,x]man, D'AsaRatha ~40%; [na'R, kin+na'R, nArad, nAra'yana, nA'Ri, laksh/lax+mi] ~40%; pandav-punde [tha]kuru[va] [maha]bh[a,A]ra't[a,i,ya] viC[h]ar-Dha[r, m]a R'ad[h][ik]a ~60%;bRahm{Adi-k}sanaQ muni'sa ~40-50%;[MuSLim, MosLem, Mom[i,e]n]s, iS[L,R]AMic] ~15% RamzAN-RAMADAn;(unt)[hei, die]n-do (shunt) arChaic[anArChy]anCient hinDon{e} ~50%;QALe ~60-70% {Dh[a,u]n ~50-90%} GoRe ~30-40%;in{Dia, Dies, Dus+Do[es]}{trial, WAD{i,a,e}DAW, valLey} [fe]males ~70%;{Q'Am, r'Am, jAn[wa]r, {un}j'Am} tum'Am ~85-90%;{se,hu,wu}men{nu,mu} {fo(u)r, go, out}{cast[L][e], ra{c,p}e, sPell}s ~70%;MamMal[ian]s प्राणी{स}स्तन{धारी, पायी, -ीय}जन्तु ~100% ] ?? Hindu+twa[m] हिन्दू+{ त्व[-ं]=तू:तुम:you; अह[म,म्]=मैं:i; [ए]तेषां=वो:them } conFirm@ http://www.spokensanskrit.de 'aham' tva [iMPoSé, SPReaD, eNForce] {inG} iNDo{H}inDu iDenTiTy {not ouTDo[inG]} on oTher[ {nat,reG}ionaL]s [ब्राह्मण,वर्ण]{:}धर्म का अ{-ँधा}नुकरण: https://youtu.be/qL1E5YtCerQ?t=2m40s WeD[ic] DhaRM: https://youtu.be/1ttpb5IC15s V/s BudDhism https://youtu.be/jdOS7CREfD0 JeMini KAdu: https://youtu.be/OYmaj8LTFuQ BaMCEF नालंदा बौद्ध विश्वविद्यापीठ (iNDiA) https://www.facebook.com/829138893826348/videos/1553500264723537 व तक्षशिला युनिवर्सिटी (ChiNA) की वास्तविकता Q&As: https://www.quora.com/Is-Hindu-an-English-word-or-Hindi-word/answer/Nimish-Mishra-5 Q&As: https://www.quora.com/Who-obliterated-Buddhism-from-india-3000-BCE-1000-ADE/answer/Nimish-Mishra-5 {wa}sudh[:,a,ir]budh; waSund[h]ara; shuddh[:,i,a]buddh; old monk{ey}; boDo[:,a]soDo; body:sody https://i.pinimg.com/originals/23/03/ab/2303ab913236241c7d889e4d1edbfc48.jpg [maha]Bhara+t+iya ग़रीबी पर वीर+रस कविता: https://youtu.be/hksqLJ7Wy1A हरि ओम पवार [aRTiCLe] भारतीय [प्र,अंतर]जाति व्यवस्था 'ऐंटी नेशनल' है: http://www.bbc.com/hindi/india/2016/06/160617_amartya_sen_ambedkar_cast_system_pk नोबल पुरस्कार विजेता अमर्त्य सेन ................ दोनों[म,व,मा]रनेवाले [ज़्यादा,अधिक]तर [अधिकांक्षी,बहूजन,बाहूसँख्यक]85-90%[शूद्र:OBCs, दलित:Dalits, आदिवासी:Ad[h]iwasis, {धार्मिक:अल्पसंख्यक:साँस्कृतिक:नृजातीय}minorities] होते रहे गुज़[-ा]रे-गए। Brahm[a,e,i]n[ism,s] https://youtu.be/q2s3AcQZJd0 eXPosed Arya{ns} https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aryanism were aLiens-forEigners: https://www.facebook.com/MoolnivasiMedia/videos/249675415436976 to huge iNDi[an,es] subContinent Brahm[a,e,i]n Girl rePly: https://youtu.be/EQKgVytO-90 [brahmenब्राम्हणb[al]ramhu[ma]n, [k]shatriya, tradest] बस घट[-ी,ना] को {स्क्रिप्टित, son-culp-rit, स्वीकृत}अर्थवा[स्कृप्ट-लिखते, [मा,ता][नसिक,न्त्रिक]क्रियान्वित{करते}[अ]हिंसा, तमाश[बीन]बनते[नरसिँहित,गौरीमा]] गुज़[-ा]रे[ते]गए। सम्विधान, क़ानून एवं व्यवस्था: https://youtu.be/0fRtlUSg8VI प्रो. रतन लाल राष्ट्र[प्र]देश को वर्ण[su,क़ु,सम्][वर्चस्व,प्रभुत्व]ता के प्रोपेगैंडा[अ,दुर्]बोध[आतुर]एजेंडे से बचा[ना।, या?] [bLoG] ब्राह्मणी+[k]shatriya: https://brahminsexposed.wordpress.com {crime, horror, terror}ism जितनी गहराई में जाँचो{गे}पुरखो, {धर्म के आधार पर बनाईं गयीं, धार्मी[आ]धारित} [शोच,संशोध]नीय प्र[शो,को]ष[ण,क़] व्यवस्थाएं समझ[पा,ते,जा]ओगे। राष्ट्र[प्र]देश को [सम्]प्रबुद्ध [पौरुष, स्त्रीत्व, आत्मियत] प्रदान [करें।, कराया?] ................ भीमसाहब व बाहूजनों का इतिहास: https://youtu.be/KyVWbMC1C1s?t=1m4s दिल रो उठे Q&As: https://www.quora.com/What-re-the-origins-of-Dalits-and-Dasa Q&A: https://www.quora.com/What-is-everyday-life-like-in-an-ISIS-controlled-area/answer/Maneesh-Kumar-57 iSiS ViCTiMs: https://youtu.be/yNdqZi0z8vQ RT Pre+iSLamic MidDLe EaST: https://youtu.be/kBpQiJt3MUQ hiStoryFew people can name poets and events from Byzantine? होश में {आ,गा,जा}ओ+{जा,मा}���ों, [a]bRah[a]M[{a,i,e}N]ic{al}feUD+[a,eR]R[y,e]an{ist}[k][s]hatri[ya]+tRaDe{st}cAST[L]e हमारे [{sho, [satya, wi]nA, choO}shaq, {दु,कु}श्मन, sh{aTrue, udra}]#1 https://youtu.be/HvhHnm1wLfc MuS{lims, alMAn} नहीं: https://www.facebook.com/harish.shaikh.750/posts/1912088845723601 इन्दु चौधरी, नहीं हिन्दु: https://www.facebook.com/induchoudharybhu/videos/1920599651290330 Q&As: https://www.quora.com/What-is-dalit-crisis/answer/Laal-Musaddi https://youtu.be/BOpbeJR9w3A?t=11m8s Poe{M, Try} Rajeev Riaz & Surajpal Chauhan: https://youtu.be/ofaYLGcap8c?t=17m13s बहुजन समाज के शायर व कवि http://www.thequint.com/hot-wire/2015/10/22/more-than-47000-crimes-against-dalits-in-2014-crime-records जाती हमारी मूल पहचान नहीं: https://youtu.be/LI90h_Gr0Ww वामन मेश्राम छद्म[वि,वै]ज्ञानी [निंदापूर्ण, तुच्छ:क्षुद्र:, दास:, दल-इत--ि] बनानेवाले ब्राह्मणी:क्षेत्रीय:वर्णवादी:सामन्ती {समाजी, sons+Cri{ti,me}}q अनुकूलन: का उन्मूलन तुरन्त{ज़रूर,i}जल्द ................ सन्घ-ुटन:RsS [{raCe, tRaDe, cAST[L]e}st] के मनगढ़ंत इतिहास और बढ़ते सांप्रदायिक खतरे: https://youtu.be/x-HVaUje3Kg इरफ़ान हबीब, इतिहासकार Genesis of RSS & poLiTical aGenDa: https://youtu.be/vgXZlFLpWSc SaHARanpur D{anGe}r: https://youtu.be/n70JQeGY07k?t=2m34s pRiMe-TiMe गड़करी + bRahmin juntA https://youtu.be/nn98r6yyRp0 {p,m}Art[y,iers] https://youtu.be/-HVFLNm-P_U Q&As: https://www.quora.com/Is-BJP-an-anti-Dalits-party नुक्सान{गर्द{i}गर्त} moDe[L]{oPeR,proPA[G,jh]}anD{e,A,oO}] of {p,m}ART[Y,iAL]Bj: https://youtu.be/k6mQ010ueVg rac[i,e]{st}cAST[L]e https://youtu.be/hOKAd2Gj9k4 आरक्षण के ख़िलाफ़: भाजपा नेता सुब्रमण्यं स्वामी: https://youtu.be/YtWXEpm1674 {Poem} On Saharanpur, UP: https://youtu.be/p2L7zhF-fd8 b[i]ased+shrewd+Ri+gh/o+ts RajPuts V/s gullible+poor Dalits 7 Historic facts aBout RSS: https://youtu.be/MntX_MvTLj8 iNDian Hindu orGaniZation [aRTiCLe] http://www.huffingtonpost.in/2017/04/14/30-ambedkar-quotes-that-may-surprise-the-bjp_a_22039425 Q&As: https://www.quora.com/How-is-RSS-related-to-Hindu-terrorism Q&As: https://www.quora.com/Is-BJP-anti-intellectual-and-anti-artist KaiRANA, aFTer proPaGanDa & ruMors: https://youtu.be/6qOoeq6dYtA कैराना प्र[चा,सा]र{-ों}अफ़वाह के बाद ................ GoRakSha[Qs] eXPoSeD: https://youtu.be/E_u-1_-zuwU RamaKAnt भ्रष्टाचार मुक्त [प्र]देश: https://youtu.be/vZEHkogVG7w ओशो re[Li]Gion: reLiGion on|over reGion : क्या गाय के नाम पर हिंसा फैलाने वाले गौ:आतंकी है? https://youtu.be/XfuX64TUzQU SBS Q&As: https://www.quora.com/Why-is-Buffalo-not-worshipped-like-cow-in-Hinduism {ब्राह्मण, [K]ShaTriy, वैश्य}-ों [में, की] गौमांस खाना: https://youtu.be/6MWF8SPGhZw {वैद, धार्म, वार्ण, सनातन}-िक परम्परा रही There have been too many:much propaganda for [iDeoLogical, feuDal, {p}aRTificial, reliGiose-reLigious, eThnic, reGional] battle:war:priest[Craft]s, inStead of proViding good:better living conditions for its:their {reG,raT,naT}ion[al]s. गौ-हत्या सत्य:: https://youtu.be/UnmbKh3o_IY Osho लाखों के लिए [गौ,गउ]रक्षक: [दे,रे]ख़क[go,गाय][भ,ल]क्ष्यक़ and [कौ,cow]तस्कर[-ी] में शामिल: https://youtu.be/Y3YHjqooPz4 dosSier? ................ हिंदू धर्म में {विवेक, कारण, स्वतंत्र} सोच के विकास के लिए कोई गुंजाइश नहीं ~ डॉ. भीम राव अम्बेडकर: http://www.hindisahityadarpan.in/2016/10/best-b-r-ambedkar-hindi-quotes-slagans.html [admi, ado]ration of Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar!! https://www.facebook.com/MoolnivasiMedia/videos/249560185448499 जो भी व्यवस्थाएं जन्‍म से एक:कुछ गुट:समूहों{प्र}जातियों:जुठ को [अन-ेक क्षेत्रों में] {श्रेष्‍ठ, अच्छा, बड़ा} व {दूसरे, अन्य} को {नीच, गन्दा, छोटा} बनाए रख{-े, ने में का[रगर, रागारी सम्भावित+साबित हो}, वह वर्ण:धर्म नहीं अपितु ग़ुलाम{उ}दास बनाए रखने के [जाल{-िशें}साज़, अच्छे{proPa}G[A,u]nDe, WArNA{sa}DhArMi, षड़यन्त्र+खड्यंत्र, cRiMe{hor,s,ter}Ror{iSm, [iMaGi,cOmBi,maCh{i,O}]N[e,ation]s}, ज़ुल्म{i,-ANA?}जुर्म], पात्र:मात्र। GujaRAt moDe[L] {oPeR, proPa{G,jH}}{a,u}nD{e,A,oO}: https://www.facebook.com/Fekunama/videos/1984420568251694 यदि गुजरात मॉडल सफल है तो:–किसान परेशान क्यों?बच्चे कुपोषित क्यों?दलित पीड़ित क्यों?महिलायें असुरक्षित क्यों?पाटीदार आंदोलन क्यों?युवा बेरोजगार क्यों?ज़्यादा*2 दरिद्रता:दल*² क्यों? [इति?] http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-EMgqmZ8RYFw/T_vaQ__Q8UI/AAAAAAAAAGg/XU0QJDK-mk8/s1600/Picture+324.jpgवर्ण:धर्म ~85%{reG,raT,naT}ion[al]s को ग़ुलाम:दल[*²]i+t+i:दरिद्र:[उ]दास बनाने के षड़यत्र ~ वामन मेश्राम What do [h]iN{Do,Sa}[n] {reG,raT,naT}ioNaLs need [from [s][h]ouTDo[inG] [pra]{Sh,Q}{As,Op,Osh}aQs]? https://www.facebook.com/BJP.Unveiled/videos/1402333959884807 भगवानों:god[s] को धूर्तों:गुण्डों ने {ब,म}न[व]-ाया [[hoR,teR]Ror{s,ists}cRiminal] व [vicTim] {लो,रो}गों से मन[व]-ाया: https://brambedkar1891.wordpress.com/tag/periyar-in-hindi/ ~ पेरियार ई.वी. रामास्वामी जो व्यवस्था [जन्‍म से] एक को श्रेष्‍ठ व दूसरे को नीच बनाए रखे, वह धर्म नहीं, गुलाम बनाए रखने का षड़यंत्र: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DC53QdCXoAA8MTE.jpg ~डॉ. भीम राव अम्बेडकर ................ धर्मों*reLiGions ने बर्बाद+तबाह किया [intra, inter]रा{ष्ट्री,ज्}{यता,यों}+{reG,raT,naT}ioN[aL]s को, बार+म+वॉर[n+iNG]: https://youtu.be/AKaga0OV_8Q [एकमात्र {जीवित, जीवी युक्त} eaRTh {में, को भी, पर, से}] https://youtu.be/SAKrwB6NbGE : wATCh with LoGical eViDence... Q&As: Which religion is truth based or a true religion?https://in.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20160814232734AAMA5zt HoLi[a] https://youtu.be/r66IRTMknUM?t=57s {भग,बल,भढ़?}{वान,वती} माँगे https://youtu.be/vCgrgUQfEDU बलि[दान]व? https://youtu.be/OkDSR4w2vt4 ban+eXTerMinate ri{TuaL,OT}s https://www.facebook.com/nastiknation/posts/1905166443133348 {T,Q,P}aharRush {j,G}am{i'a,[Bl]e} https://youtu.be/5BxViewqwSU cRime{s,iSm}[ter,hon,hor]Ror [H]{iN,oUT}{Do,Sa}[n][e] https://youtu.be/OH-cLVWBkqc [s]HeLLs राष्ट्र{iya}क्षेत्र व्य{था,ङ्ग} https://www.facebook.com/NewsNumberFlash/videos/955055811264843 अच्छे दिन iNDo females: https://youtu.be/bTS0rR5975A बलात्कार{i}son{s[K]AR, ATon} http://www.januday.co.in/NewsDetail.aspx?Article=10314 https://www.facebook.com/newspaperjanuday GhaDi GhaDi LaFDA KAiKO: https://youtu.be/A-UClJPhX8o SamBhAji BhaGat @ULGuLaAn2015 ब्राह्मणवाद ही आतंकवाद जन{नी,क} है: https://youtu.be/CThgfGPmKqw वामन मेश्राम [FOrWArD, ShaRe] in [m]any {gRouP, timeLine}[s] as reCeiveD. क्या हम [छद्म, समपूर्ण]स्वतन्त्र [अगस्त १९४७ से हुए, हैं आजकल]? https://youtu.be/fhD2FTlKrHI Sanjay RajourA बाबा [न] बने: https://youtu.be/VMuz8UEgifw MoD{e,i}[L] [oPeR, proPa{G,jH,P,Bh,S,Th,Q}{a,u}n]D{e,oO} ब्राह्मण{i}भ्रष्टाचार: https://youtu.be/joNhCCQ6Ylc beH{adD, oODA} गुट{i}झुठ sonS{[Q]AR, Cri[P]T}[i, uRe, s] बलात्कारी+cRiminal+{te,Ho}rRor[ist] ब्राह्मण+aR{y,e}a{n,a} https://youtu.be/oNnlPxi7E1I देवताओं: https://youtu.be/mfHVGoxOE0g की {सूची, [Qu]karm{pra[ti]}QriyA[yen]: https://youtu.be/LcAtofWeP1A आखिर कब तक...? https://youtu.be/aSppUKos6Vg [कविता] oUSTiNG reLiGiOse {[in,dis]CrimiNation, [horR,hoN,terR]oriSm} https://www.facebook.com/groups/409129822578901/permalink/1035149723310238 {reG,raT,naT}ioNaL[s'] aNG{st}aGain [H]iN{Do,Sa}[n][e]+[Bo,sho]dh+euRo oUTDo+ [w]+ Ron{G,a,i}DhOn +[s,b,m,t]onTri unTheis{m,ts} https://youtu.be/_yMihYXcCUs धर्म:विनाश V/s विकास:विज्ञान: https://www.facebook.com/rpvishal/posts/1732774853402156 https://youtu.be/rv4_EEYG7rM Q&As: How was God Created:Born (itself or Himself)? https://www.quora.com/How-was-God-Created-itself-or-Himself [प्र]{श,च,क}{A,O}शकों} ने [कुछ:कुछ के] reLiGions*धर्मों को [toOLs की तरह] use करके [intra, inter]{रा,ला}{ष्ट्री,ज्}{यता,यों}+{re[Li]G,raT,naT}ioN[aL]s को [uP]{L,R}oOT[vAY]A, time & aGain {meDiA, GK} sTufFeD [with]in[side]... cowPiss{dRink}gauMutra: https://www.facebook.com/IndianAtheists/posts/10155088944283372 reCommended by many sonts [un, dis]like RamDev: https://youtu.be/7EXrvER4xPE https://www.facebook.com/839993326152960/videos/964265907059034 KaiSA Ye Dharam Hai: https://youtu.be/PZ4SEfiu2kI SheeTaL SAThe, sinGer धर्म सिर्फ़ कुछ+कुछ प्रकार के नशे+नक़्शे{छद्म}दुर्ग:+drugs, जो {reG,raT,naT}ioN[al]s को नशे:मद में {रख,लक्ष}[वा]कर [नुक़्सान], कुछ विशेष dyNa{M,St}{ic,o} % {reG,raT,naT}ioN[al]s को लाभ पहुँचाने की मशीनरी। जब तक हम नशे में रहेंगे, ये [नेता,प्रतिनिधि]{वर्ग{-ीय}वर्ण}धर्म [हठ] नैति{कता}धार्मि के नाम पर [{reG,raT,naT}ioN[al]s, हमें, क्षेत्र{प्र,-ियों}देश] [को, में] [लूट{ते}ठग, लूट{मार,खसोट,बाँटचूँट,पाट}[uP]RoOT कर गुज़रते] [चालू] रहेंगे।[cRime{iSm}[hoR,teR]or +aBhorRence, chAL{[AK,AR][i][oO]}bAz, ज़ुल्म{-ाना?,i}जुर्म, {g,j}{u,oO}t[h]{i,e,A}, jAL{ish,i}sAz, नुक्सान{गर्द{i}गर्त}moDe[L]{oPeR,proPA[G,jh]}anD{e,A,oO}] इण्डिया:भारत आज भी जापान:अमेरिका जैसे देशों से 150:250 साल क्यों पीछे: https://www.facebook.com/dilpawan.tirkey/videos/1533077253445596 wed{on}shAstr ने बर्बाद किया [प्र, अन्दर]{राज्यों, देशों, क्षेत्रों} को ................ भारत में लोकतंत्र के नाम पर नौटंकी: https://youtu.be/4LHpOeX3jvI WAman MeShRAm [a]bRah[a]m[in]ic{al}feuD + [erR,aR][y,e][n,a]{ist}[k][s]hatri[ya] + tRaDe{st}cAST[L]e ने कैसे बनाया राष्ट्र+क्षेत्र{प्र}देश[-ियों] https://youtu.be/GXBReBAH7TQ को ग़ुलाम{उ}दास? PoLi[Ti]c[e]aL [hi]Story: https://youtu.be/fnWQONkPsXc V. L. MaTanG, BMP: https://youtu.be/pdRRYCE4tNk : https://youtu.be/bbJGbKj1L0o महेश राठी समाजवाद: https://youtu.be/KWvFh30m_3Y ~SC आपको अपना उद्धार स्वयं करना होगा: https://youtu.be/2rEd44TfSwY मा. वामन मेश्राम. koi bha[G,D]wa-n-bhag[a,u]ts Aye to Apke sonhAr+murDe ho sakte hain [zulm, {sha,sho,choO}Shak, jurm](i) poshaq? https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=414847158909004 {जाति,वर्ण}{वादी,गर्द} [अ][न्,नु]याय[-ी] व्यवस्था को ख़त्म करना हमारा उद्देश्य: https://youtu.be/RWxvvaKussY aSMiTA: https://youtu.be/dF1YDdQbZpw tHeaTre: https://youtu.be/nqsoLLhHtOI gRoup: https://youtu.be/hRrVtyadGjk {soNGs} https://youtu.be/ovW7S8yALKc [please] Do not use word-phrase {some[one,thing]} upRising[s]. It is [very, too] ofFensive. It had been used world over by [dominant, feudal] [propeller, con-vict-or]s to define-declare protests as upRisings, and then crush those, "by hook or by crook" modi operandi. You can use word like Rising Lagging/Scheduled Classes/Castes/Tribes/Dalits/Shudra. ओबीसी जोड़ों अभियान: https://youtu.be/w_ql5afL7lg बामसेफ MuSLiM{s}friEnD: https://youtu.be/GjRQFyPMxcQ https://www.facebook.com/1488418371216468/videos/1557226331002338 AmbedKarism: https://youtu.be/Vu1Klyrk05s?t=3m13s Dr. Ram Puniyani, Social aCTivist & auThor सस्ता खाना नहीं, हमें हमारी मेहनत के व-ेतन चाहिए: https://youtu.be/E93AKH2j9Ds We Need Our Stuff, Not Cheap Food Dr. Ambedkar{& his, ism}phi[Lo-So]phy: https://youtu.be/mjld-Ks_Gqw [MP] Sharad Yadav 85-90% बाहु{सांख्यकी,ज[-ा]नि}[क़] [सन्घठन, चेतना, सुविज्ञ[आन], प्रज्ञा] ज़िन्दाबाद:सम्भावित:साबित !? ................ VoLuMinous {RaCe, [a]Chie{Ph,Ve}, BrahM{a,i,e}n, cAST[L]e, [k][s]haTr{i,a}[y,n]a, [uP]{R,L}oOT, {A,eR}r{{e,y}a[n,a], or}, tRaD{e,iTioNaL}, FeuD[aL]}iSm {pejoRative, proPaGandized} deServe{ing, less}reServe {प्रणाली{कु}प्रथा, [doMi, sLoGa, CarToO{t,त}क़रतू]N+eeR+inG, बवाल, [परि,प्र,प्राक्]कल्पना+पल्पना, con[sPiracy, seQuenc]es, ogyGian प्रज्ञा} pSeudoScience connected with the {static-dynamic human} groupings, do play sever[al,e] roles in the development, evolution & progression of the [human, native, {int[er,ra],multi}national, re{li}gional, naive, gullible, domicilean, earth-worldean]s oGygian{pre?}hiStoric [iMaGi, comBi, maChi]Nations Wed[a]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/41/e0/c9/41e0c9ecf9c372f44ee00ddb3ed33fd6.jpg [un,dis,non]L[awfu, oya]ll+y+ourshttps://3.bp.blogspot.com/-E5BSbhBO19s/V2dpF-YfM6I/AAAAAAAATNo/GVTI9mrENVIa9H1vGeQJaqlh_RUYCp70wCLcB/s1600/shivling.jpg Dew[a] [re]Sources: [https://www.youtube.com, Google [iMage] Search, https://www.quora.com, iNTernet] She+v:{and}+LinG[um,a] {phall[us,i]}https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/4d/d9/20/4dd920da0987c383497d3d3b10a9df55.jpg rePreSents? man's [pu{rush}l]Ling {phallas} inserted (sa[t,[i]d]) woman['s bhag-yoni-garbh {vulva-vagina-womb}] dePreDates? She व {aND} LinG शी+व+लिंग का/की सच/सच्चाई-सिंचाई: https://youtu.be/nUyvdGtDG1s OshorePreSents? she-wa anCient pu[ru][sh,lL]ing: https://youtu.be/I2d-x5tzVzE unt-Shunt?https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/30/0b/82/300b82d0f578fa8ba7c1546d52b6ad54.jpg Lead to consented copulation[s]? Or [enforced, acquiescent, unconsented] hap[py,pen]hazard[ous] [gang, group] sex[s]rape?https://images.fineartamerica.com/images-medium-large-5/tantra-tantric-artwork-shiva-ling-parvati-hindu-mysterious-painting-traditional-art-a-k-mundhra.jpghttps://youtu.be/gjIAukewyhY{cRiMe[s], LinGs {sT[r]i[ll] : pu/ru[sh,ll]} fanSa, raPe, terRor[s,iSm]} kar guZa{r,are} gaYeMuslims' too hate She-wa-ling[a] hypo[thes,cris(i)]es: https://youtu.be/-IpkjEU9dcc [w]+ Ron{G,a,i}DhOn baNANA rePuBLic! CunGARoO CoUrTs! देवदासी मन्दिर प्रणाली[कु]प्रथा https://youtu.be/jIvlCkrPNqYhttps://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pseudoscience DewaDasi ManDir[ty]system: https://youtu.be/dnKtvFFZ67k pro[ject,pel,paga[te,ndize]]s sLaVery-pRosTitution [bLoG] https://brahminterrorism.wordpress.com/ [Brahmanic, Are-a-n] [crime, terror-horror, b/p-lunder]ism बावल+ज़ुल्म+आतंक[वाद]ख़ौफ़+जुर्म {hu,se,wo?}men{dir}ty {wish,deSir}e{s, d} {horR, hon, terR}or{ism, ists} {iMaGi, QomBi, MaChi}nat{ion,ed,ive}s शि+व+[विष,poison,ज़हर]पान+dRinKing: http://www.animated-gifs.eu/category_religion/phone-240x320-religion-asian/0060.gif shivered? unConSCious? https://www.boldsky.com/img/2017/02/23-1487854408-ma.jpg dead? hySter{ical}hiStor hesTems she asked: https://youtu.be/9lk9xRIUAMQ?t=55s why people pour {cow, buffalo, et al} milk on शि+व Ling? s[h]ah[&,i]mAt{a}mAd? LeaNinG शी+व+GoL+MoON: http://webneel.com/daily/sites/default/files/images/daily/09-2013/4-beautiful-mf-husain-painting-dancing-woman.jpg {रा,ला}{ज,ज़}नीति PoLi{Ti}c{e,s,ies} https://youtu.be/yACq_kXX4YI?t=15m22s T. MehNA s[ar-as-w]ati: https://www.hindujagruti.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/saraswati.gif रेप्ड[st[r]illing]युवती-पीड़िता ने दोष[-ी]ज़ुल्म: https://youtu.be/Rta-R269uiM युवक का गुप्तांग[पुल्ल,पु{ru}श]-िंग काट दिया #9 Weirdest [Wo]men Weddings [With]in[side] The World: https://youtu.be/IdAtaKLqUiw = दुनिया की ९ अनोख़े+अजीब+O+ग़रीब[अ,ग़]जब सादी[यां]शादि-विवाह+ब्याह sePaRated:https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/a7/8a/4c/a78a4ceb05fb31ee58ce5671e20d6bbd.jpg men+dir+ty cult[ure]: https://youtu.be/665dr7RB6jM रेप के con[Vict]or-दोषी के साथ com[vict]im+पीड़िता+महिलाओं ने lathi charge: https://youtu.be/HcF14SCYSEk करा[या] .... [super,under,a-bad-nti]natur[e,al] [अ,ग]जब strange[a]Mazing fa[bricat,sci[st]nat]ed|poem Ramayan[a]Sing: RamayanPlur-al: Ramayana [blur-ring] Vanara: [VAna+{RA]+vanA}: Ravana: aVarna [anaGrams] = jungle[es,[after]life] OR forest dwelling Homo+Sapiens|Erectus|Neanderthal? OR GoriLLA|Chimpanzee|Ape kin[ne]d/wil[le]d mammals? Apes? VanA = forest{s}jungle https://qph.ec.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-299c2e93cc551b8fa951a1a54992a8ad Living? Flying? yes-Wings? Dasa-ratha Rama-yana[ http://www.thefreedictionary.com/priestcraft ˈpriːstˌkrɑːft n1. (Ecclesiastical Terms) the art and skills involved in the work of a priest2. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) derogatory the influence of priests upon politics or the use by them of secular power ] OR Afterlife [life-after-death] [fly, cutT, carRy]ing mountain overnight, over Himalayas|India Or Afterlife [fly {with}, grasp, lift, lay]ing stones?[ http://www.thefreedictionary.com/warcraft ˈwɔːˌkrɑːft n1. skill in warfare2. the skill of directing a war ]https://qph.ec.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-a1d9bbc515c988761fa1cd7e60db6c56 Fled...? Flowed? Died? g:ram:mar:ye.g. https://www.facebook.com/MoolnivasiMedia/videos/273238059747378 H[un]uman[a]: [un]Humanshttp://malayalam.oneindia.com/img/2016/02/16-1455616553-16-1455609783-cartoon.jpg [g,b,h,m,p,t,s][o]und[a/e] d:rama-mara|amar?http://media2.intoday.in/indiatoday/images/stories//2015September/mos4_091715100559.jpg [battle-priest-war]Craft sTrateGics[eCo]LoGistics: (A,(alp)vi[sh]) [RA]{m[a](yAn), vAna[r]}[a]Sit [yo,jo][va,ba]ni? http://images.catchnews.com/uploads/images/2015/09/17/hanuman-and-sita.jpg Mar-gina-liz-ed? http://indiafacts.org/behind-mask-three-hundred-ramayanas Q&As: https://www.quora.com/Is-it-true-that-there-are-around-300-versions-of-Ramayana RamaYana: D-AnGe-R-ous-ly {reGresSive, reVers[es,al], {iM,dis}ProVable, woRS{ening,ns}} {tool, reHearSal, [sub]sysTem, (in)[fact, deed], [proof, truth]}s Q&As: https://www.quora.com/Was-not-Ramayan-the-story-of-the-descent-of-Man-from-Ape-Monkey-kind-Mammals-Species-Mythologically-dimensioned [re]Ci{S,T,D}e{iNG}[co{n,m}]tRoLL {g,j}uT[H][e] doneGurs+{p,m}aRT{y,iaL}aniMaLs+[{s,p,m,t}{o,u,i}ns]C{ee,[uLP]ri}t{T[er]s,iYAn} thro' raCe{[i]st}cAST[L]e p{OET,ROSA}ic moDe[L] {oPeR, proPa{G,j[H]}}{a,u,oO}nD{e,A,oO} mar+yADa: die+meMories pu{{R,L}u,Sh[u]}:+uTT{um,un,err} [A,mar,shah,{ha}RAm]zAD[a,i] BanDar SeNA: https://youtu.be/sgFN_y66CU4 TerRoRists .... subSeCTion[s] raCe{ist}cAST[L]e dharm{On}baliDAn[aw] kA {same} – Ja[a]GO!? https://youtu.be/Wb7U5q-t1Mw RANA goOn{da}rAj: https://youtu.be/mmoA2aqdeUM?t=3m28s गुण्ड{-ा}राज Racist pseudoScience: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aryanism crank-Scientific racism Race{ism}Cast[L]e aMong[st] iNDian mamMaLian {aLien-aRyan-aRe-a-n, Buffalo-Brahm[i,a]n, Cow-Gau, Dalits-Dasa} nationals: https://youtu.be/E_u-1_-zuwU [[प्र]जाति, वर्ण, नस्ल-नक्सल-नक्षर-नक्षा-नशा-नुक्स[-ान], अखंड-पाखंड-ढोंगी]वाद। {weSTern, Christian} pSeudo-Science: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arianism [hu,wo]men:https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/b4/ca/16/b4ca1607e6f4a1e9f887f66fa7188265.jpg in re[Li/Di]{e}Gi+on .... http://www.thefreedictionary.com/propagandapropaganda  prŏp′ə-găn′dən.1. The systematic propagation of a doctrine or cause or of information reflecting the views and interests of those advocating such a doctrine or cause.2. Material disseminated by the advocates or opponents of a doctrine or cause: wartime propaganda.[from Latin prōpāgandā, ablative feminine gerundive of prōpāgāre, to propagate; see propagate.] OriginConGreGaTio de ProPaGanDA FiDe                         =ConGreGaTion for ProPaGaTion of the FaiThPropaganda ~= Propagation ~= [DiS]SemiNationpro+Pa+GanD+ize ~= pro+Pa+Gate {p}re[pRoDuCe, diReCT, bel, cReaTe, arRanGe, tenSe]s d{anGe}r+ous miX{TuRe}fu conTaiNinG {p}ARTi{fici}al [lie{s}truth, +{viTy}-] https://youtu.be/QTXDgCzwQOs?t=45s d'eVoLution of iNDo+EuRo enGLiSh+uRDu+hinDi [deRiv,reL]atives: paGaN{enGLiSh} पागल{hinDu}pAGaL enGLiSh: aGendaकार्याबली, शानदारg{r,l}andग्रंथि, लिंगeN+GenDerजाति, gaudy, genital[ia,s], god, en+D+AnGe+r, hanD+Le, गङ्गाgang{e,ster}sगिरोह{-ी}गुट, garLanDफूल:हार/माला, paGe-ant, aGape, gateद्वार, (de)fun{d[ament-al-ism]s, ct[ion{ary,s}]}, leGend+ary, {pUn,uR,eXi}GenT{Le-men}, {p,m}anDo{r,l}a, eXPunGe, geNe{Sis,RaTe}, enG{iNe,LiSh}, aNG{eL,Le} paGa{l,n}pun{k,t}[h]{a,i} {a}{c,t}[h]ie[ph,ve]is[m,ts]पद: [f,m,p,bro][a,o,u][r]the[r,l][i] oVer UniTeD-ProWinCes: https://youtu.be/IIQ7wJMRRJ4?t=5m18s U.P. hiNDi: गेंदाgendaगैंडा, gunda[i]गुण्ड{ई,-ा}, GondWanaगोंडवाना, gaud(y)तड़क[-ीला]भड़क[ली वस्तु], gaindगेंदball, dung{ar}डन्ग-र, gand[a][गंद:, गले में पहनने का गण्डा]gandakगंडक-नदी GAndगांडArse, gAndhiगाँधी, गधा{s[a]u}Ga[n]dha[ri]गांधारी[सु,सौ]गंध, ग्रन्थgranth[i]ग्रंथि, [pra,sad]gati[प्र,सद]गति, gangaगङ्ग-ा{पानीwatersजल}dirtyगन्द-ा;काण्ड:kAndAकंडा, khand[har]खण्ड(हर), हाण्ड:[b]hAndaभाण्डा, पाखण्ड-ीpAkhand-i,jhandAझण्ड-ा, jhundझुण्ड, bhand[a]phodभाण्ड-ाफोड़, dandAदण्ड-ा, mangat-मंगत, pungatपंगत, aPanga[अ]पङ्ग{:,-ा,-ु}, bh{a,u}gat[an,i]{भ,भु}गत{-ान,-ि} Y2K https://youtu.be/ZVH_azWAzZI {proPaganda, faKeism, fenku, lehar, ruMouRism, myth[yatva]} https://youtu.be/B4sXOUtlw8w कैसे फ़ैलाया व लोक़-लोगों को उस[से,में] उलझाया गया है – Ravish Kumar .. [HinDi, enGlish, etc] {lanGuages, linGu[a/e? iStics], tonGues} were mishMashed[ab,mis]used for compl[e,imen,emen]ting {hurtFul, uNjusTiFiaBLe, d{anGe}R+ous, unLawFul, siniSter, [r,l]oYaL, iNjuRing} [comBi,iMaGi,maChi]Nations of {lie{s}truth, sCheme{s}sHame, doMi[NeeRinG,Nation,Nion]s, नक़्शे+नुक्सान+नशे, moDe[L]s, sTrateGi[e,c]s, [प्र,सं][चार,सार,गति], [oPeR,proPaG][a,u][nD,L][e,aA,oO]+aGenDa, pRo[F,Gr]esSions, etc} .. https://youtu.be/47y8gs33P80 Kanhaiya Kumar on [9/11, Christianity, Brahm[a,i]nism, iSlam] https://youtu.be/PlovMRZ9UR0 Why reServe women{OBC, SC, ST}s? https://youtu.be/eGTRdy7j3cg {Nazi, aRya[n], [sWa, nA]sT-i-k, d-anGe-r-ous, holoCaust, aDolF HiTLer] https://youtu.be/NR6_alxS3SM Ravish Kumar re[Li]Gion: reLiGion on|over reGion sons+Crit[i]: support[ers,systems] + sons [en]crypted [Ramayan[a], Mahabharat[a], Wed:Dewa, etc/et-al] (creat|chang|transform[ed] cRYPTic+aMBiGuous sCripts + war:priest[crafts]|[after]life|mythical-critters in India-n-world) through sonsCrit(i) & [divid|en-slav|[re]creat|rul]ed crit-ters|ani/mam-mals|[after]life by divisive & devising plans, agenda, conspiracies, corruption & propaganda. https://www.google.co.in/search?q=sonscrit son+[s(k)ar, gh[i,athan], dig-dh, das, ta[n,p], jai, ki, jeev, nata, son-i, char] phi[Lo,Do]so{Phi-cal, Phe-r-s}: phySi{Que, C[s,al]}, phi[L]{ander[er], ip[s, ine-s], iStine, anThrop[y,ist]}, PaleStin[e,ian-s]reLiGio{us, se, sity}https://waadeekrax.files.wordpress.com/2013/05/sampati-falls-3-1.jpg sum{(m)er, bhog, pat[n]i}https://waadeekrax.files.wordpress.com/2013/05/the-walk-to-the-sun-2-1.jpg sin{g, gle, gh[ania], ha, k, d([h][u][n], bAd)}: syn{chronous, ergy, thes[i,e]s}sim{ple, ilar[ity]; at}shun{i, kar, g, ya, kh; t}monk[ey] ra{vana}ra aVarna{wa}sudh[:,a,ir]budh : shuddh[:,i,a]buddh : boDo[:,a]soDo : body:sodyshum{bhu, i, she[e]r}cust[umer, om]s, cast[e,le], foreCastcomMon {[hu,wo]men, sense} Qom[hu,se,wo]MensPell, goSpel, sMell, sMall(pre)tens[e,ion], [con]Tent[ion], comMence, mention, [con]Quest[ion] pensionsenS[e-s, uous, ual, ation], son-s, [kam]sin-s, sa[i]nt[ist,est], sen{tence,sex}, sCene, sonSoni, sKin, sCent, sCien{ce,ti[fic,st]}, {acquie, adole}sCen[ce,t], [pro,ef]fiCien[cy,t]http://www.thefreedictionary.com/words-that-end-in-scence con{Science, [hu,wo]Men, Sensus, Sumer, Tract}comMun{e, ism, ity, icat[e,ion]}cen{sor, sus, sure}... pseudo-aryana-asio-indo-euro{d-an(gel[o]sax)ge-r}m-an-y .... http://www.storypick.com/greek-and-indian-myths She व {aND} pAndav-punde[aRya,aRe-a]n-[k]shatriya[tha]kuruv dic{h}ed different [culture,ethnic,comMunity]'s drau-padi{daughter}dru-pad ather{p/f}ancha[l,m]ihttps://i.ytimg.com/vi/pXKlmyRq1ic/maxresdefault.jpghttps://www.hindujagruti.org/evoimg/news1/out/images/1305195794_BIGHUSAIN1603.jpghttp://media.webdunia.com/_media/hi/img/article/2016-12/23/full/1482483358-3188.jpg Modern Moma's Boys: https://youtu.be/2AXCaVtXOHM 5+1D-in-lawhttp://ste.india.com/sites/default/files/2016/04/15/479423-up-poster.jpg potty? sex? pornoGraphy? torTure? of|for whom?http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-TKM8LxfBy9Q/VQ0SolnXEGI/AAAAAAAAJiQ/8kPR3Qoyi2A/s1600/draupadi-cheerharan.jpg [d,s+L]augh+ter?http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-Dw4mCv7nBcE/UH_kE4ZJtzI/AAAAAAAAA3w/FIaM7BdWI08/s1600/draupadi.jpghttps://thegreatindianperformance.files.wordpress.com/2010/07/women_violence-final.jpg कभी-अभी भूल कर/कैसे भी [pejorative, निन्दापूर्ण, खंड[पा]खण्ड[-ित], तुच्छ-क्षुद्र, ग़ुलाम{उ}दास]बनानेवाला पौराणिकी+अयथार्थ+अनर्थ राम:[यण,मह:]भारत-राज्य:रण: नहीं/मत ले आना/चलना: https://youtu.be/I2XMtjUT0dw Osho | auDio: राम:र[-ाव]ण:[अ]राज[-ा,क[टा,ता,था]]Rajya-Rama[Yana]anArChy[Maha]Bharat ~= [pejorative, propaganda] wor[l]ds [ins,assa]ult on 85%-90% [dark-black, gullible-naive, dalit, shudra, poor-phoohad, religious-regional-ethnic-cultural minoritie, ad[h]iwasi]'s {[hu,se,wo]men} https://youtu.be/TcwYiy67FLA {Weaken,eNervat,oBScur,conCeal inStead of eMPower,aWaken,free}ing{hu, se, wo?}men{dir}ty {wish, deSir}e{s, d} {hor, hon, ter}ror{ism, ists} {iMaGi, QomBi, MaChi}nat{ion,ed,ive}s She व {aND} tAndav https://www.google.co.in/search?q=तांडव+meaning संज्ञा [OrGy, saTurnaLia, necKing-party] {ताण्डव, नंगा नाच} https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/86/f3/15/86f315d9aa8852d65bfe82b196254018.jpghttps://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/6d/7e/b2/6d7eb24708142bf59b792b2ef8ba139e.jpghttps://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/33/f0/73/33f07353108b4ded45b00fb0c9aa206f.jpg OR[सं-पु.] 1. शिव का उग्र नृत्य 2. पुरुषों की एक नृत्य-शैली 4. उग्र क्रियाकलापhttps://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/52/90/55/529055f6866e91d1ef7937ced819ee7c.jpghttps://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/2d/6b/ee/2d6bee3037d41f8d91fae65b4c7fabc2.jpghttps://youtu.be/SViibGHAMgY Premieră! शि+व+MUsic+orGY https://youtu.be/nRSYeFkw54M Law sTuDent in Kerala Chops off Genitals of a god{demi, man} https://youtu.be/FR0TeFMAAuA Her [alleged] rapistShe{+v:}chopped[pu{ru/sh}l]L-ing[a]: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/H6PtzqzL47U/maxresdefault.jpg http://www.hindi2dictionary.com/अस्मत-meaning-hindi.html [सं-स्त्री.]अस्मत 1. निष्पाप और निष्कलुष बने रहने की स्थिति और प्रवृत्ति 2. स्त्री की इज़्ज़त 3. पतिव्रत; सतीत्वइस्मत स्त्री की इज़्ज़त-आबरू; सतीत्व; पातिव्रत्यकिस्मत भाग्य; तकदीर; नसीब; प्रारब्धख़िदमत 1. टहल; सेवा; चाकरी; सुश्रुषा 2. कार्य 3. पद 4. ख़ातिरदारीअस्मिता 1. अपने होने का भाव; अहंभाव 2. हस्ती; हैसियत; अपनी सत्ता की पहचान 3. अहंता; अहंकार; अस्तित्व; विद्यमानता; मौजूदगी 4. (योगशास्त्र) पाँच प्रकार के क्लेशों में से एक{म,ह,ख}ननiSm ruminate; aBUse+sLauGhTer; Miningeham Brahmāsmiti अहं ब्रह्मास्मिति is radical-racist-ego[t]istic-sons-crit slogan i am the [in+fiNite ReaLiTy, brahMan, God] OraHum [urgent-necessary [pro,con][puls,ject,duct,gress,claim,blam]ions?] brahm [us-me] [i]ti[finished] [unity]reason for ~2%Brahmin+3%[k]shatriya male-chauvinism-ehamiyat [rul,dominat,[a]head,lea[D]eal,ru[n,i]n,regulat]ing on|over ~95-50% [a]hum[urgently]needy nationals. [हस्तक्षेप, दख़लअंदाज़i]: किसी होते या चलते हुए काम में कुछ फेर बदल करने के लिए हाथ डालने या कु�� कहने की क्रिया inter[ference,vention]obtrusion, ocCult, ocCupation, enCroachment, trespass[व्यवधान, ख़लल, अड़ंगा, विघ्न, बाधा]: किसी कार्य को करते समय बीच में होने वाली कोई आकस्मिक घटना; inter[ference,vention,ruption]hindranceनज़रअंदाज़i iGNor[e, ance] hypo[thes, cris(i)]esV/s[pragmatism; practicality; realism] "an approach that assesses the truth of meaning of theories or beliefs in terms of the success of their practical application" [व्यवहार, उपयोगिता]वाद A brief (hi)Story of re[Li,Di]{e}Gi+on:https://alejandrokaiser.files.wordpress.com/2016/07/img_30028606224590.jpeg ................ {pSeudo, aNTi, uN}sCientific re[Li]Gion[s] V/s [f]aCT{ual,ive} ReaL{ity,ism} : {bRah, hin+do}Min{ant, ion, eeRing} [con-vi, a]ct[or]s Versus {dePressed, crushed, reGressed, suffering} [com]vict[ims] [ dominant, {con-vi, a}ct[or]s, [sh[O,A],choo]shaks, जोश-ए-[जुनूँ,जनेऊ,मौल]{-ी}दोष, ofFender, feudal, segregated, organised, ma+jo+ri+ti+es? ] ~12-20% [जाट लुटेरो {बल,पहल}वान: https://www.facebook.com/1406663276068678/videos/1424791980922474 , sons+crit+ons: https://www.google.co.in/#q=sons-crit-ons | pseudo+Arya+ns: https://www.google.co.in/#q=pseudo-Aryan | BrAhMins, [K]ShaTriya, {paTEL, gujJar, marAThA, redDy}s, et al | Hindu+tvam: https://www.google.co.in/#q=hindu-tvam | Arya(ns)&Arya[n]ism: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aryanism raci{al}radic {pseudo,proto,crank}S{cie,o,a[i]}nt+ists ] [complicate, irResponsible, aNTi-aGainst, trap, criminalize, de-predate, victimize, dispute-feud, hostility, enmity] [शोषक-चूषक, मनौती, पनौती] due to [webs, matrices] of[motive, doubt, suspicion, deSire-asPiration]s [मंशा, [आ]शंका, संशय, आकांक्षा-आस:-काश:]एं  OR[problem-solver, sophisticator, compl[i,e]mentary, rePresentative, leader]s [कोशिश:, कोशिक्षा, ख़ज़ांची[कोष]पोषक] [ dePressed, crushed, sufferers, comVictims, दबे+वञ्चित+कुचले{शोष,जोश,दोष}-ित, separated, disorganised, mi-no-ri-ti-es? ] ~80-90% [ Shudra-OBCs: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shudra, poor, women|weak, darks|blacks, Dalits-SCs: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dalit, Ad[h]iwasi-STs: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adivasi, tRans+Gender{s}seX, [physic, ment]aLLy cHa[lle]nGed, Dasa https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dasa |slaves https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slavery_in_India, B,G,L, religious|eth{n}iQ(u)al+Tural minorities [Muslim, Hindu, Sikh, Christian, Buddh[ist,a], Jain, Jew, Zoroastrian, et al]s, castrated:eunuchs, et al ] [iNTellectual, uNTheist, [a]GNostic]s uN+nAsTy+Q ~= uNKNowLeDGeaBLe [my]th{[e]oLoG,yatv}ists sWa+s+t[h]+i+Q ? [वै,वि]ज्ञानि[क]प्रबुद्धं {पौरुष, स्त्रीत्व, आत्मियत} [धा,आ]र्मि[क]प्रभुत्वं #eXPoSé (im)[P]arty{c,fici}al in{ter,tra}dePenDance|state|rePuBLic #उघारब [d-ange-r-ous, [he-in, die-n]do-us, communal, so-ci[et,de]al, biGot[ry], re[li]gio-se/us] [tension, po[l-i]se/ce/cy, po[li]t[r][ic,e,y]s, unKnowledgeabilities Too] [na,ra,fic,fixa]tion-al-i-zation-al [na,la]yak-[Lo,Qa]yukt[a,iyan] iNDo mor{e, aL} poLi[Ti]C{aL, eaL, ieS'}+ri{Gh/Ot, TuaL[isTic]}+tRaDe{st}cAST[L]e reLiGiOn[s] .... Hindu Converts: https://youtu.be/NjCScyPdJ24 The Tyranny of [Script,Text][s,ure]: https://youtu.be/6BaGHKe5oi0 Is Religion Man-Made? How Did Religion Start? The Evolution of Belief: https://youtu.be/ql2yz7XDs2A Daniel Dennett, 2006 All Religions are Lies + Masters of Deception: https://youtu.be/PflixBTzi8o .... ri-gh/o-t hinDuism+paRT[y]{Bj+RsS+iNC+RAj} https://youtu.be/oxkMmI21mWg?t=23m2s 56" cHeSt Q&As: https://www.quora.com/Why-do-Jains-believe-that-Lord-Krishna-is-in-hell/answer/Maneesh-Kumar-57 मैं धर्म:ग्रँथों की धज्जियाँ उड़ाता हूँ! क्यों? https://youtu.be/ioKScrmQvAo OSho सिर्फ़ मुर्ख़ ही पाए जाते हैं [manDir-ties, mosQue-toes] में: https://youtu.be/lM79vDMzFMo inSulting Re[Li/Di](e)gio[n,se,sity]: https://youtu.be/1uTypnaP5X4 It could/can not be sa[i]d more than that "Lord Ram was born at the precise spot where Babri Masjid was located has no truth|fact|evidence" Dr Ram Puniyani: https://youtu.be/HkVAkAyfMXw?t=7m53s Ram{a}Raj? https://youtu.be/56wbqiYjRyM?t=1m9s रङ्क{फ़}टीचर? The Ayodhya – The Case Against the Temple: https://youtu.be/gJrrJqKm4-o    [must watch] 1991 BAbri MosQue [to] demo[li][sh,te,tion] for — RAm [manDir-tymple] ke NAm: https://youtu.be/OO-VaJBHiik Shameful [right-center-left]wings [bha[T,D]Kau, pejoRative, wiL[Le]D gumRAh[i], [ins, assa]ulting, vile, vilifying, de-preDating] legacy of [maha]bhara-t ! [S-laughterer, killer, rapist, looter, [a]chieph[er], murderer]s – Overlords of Caste-Races [caste,rac][ism,ists]  ~1000 years of aParTheid. is|are Buddh[a] [not] [m]any Avatar[a] of Vishnu? https://youtu.be/YiQmj278Yqw दिमाग से धार्मिक[ई] कचरा निकालो! https://youtu.be/l6HbVZJdVvE Osho Best arguments against religion|faith: https://youtu.be/w35krx_WQZs Richard Dawkins eRaze+delete [enSlaving, pejorative, feudal, pseudoScientific] brahminic[Aryan–aRe-a-n][K]ShaTriya Social-Cult[ural] [re]Conditioning pseudo-aryana-asio-indo-euro{d-an(gel[o]sax)ge-r}m-an-y All Religions Are False! https://youtu.be/Tt4eb6IHTug Why ReLiGion Should Be rePLaCeD: https://youtu.be/pUxhU3eeSKw?t=1m44s Sam Harris on The End of Faith {2005} Danger to Society .... What Have i Got aGainst Religion? https://youtu.be/oSZYN8UV6yg God[s,dess+es] Bless {a[nti], un}Theism! https://youtu.be/y4mWiqkGy-Y Theology as branch of phi-lo-so-phy, re[li]gion OR [re]creative/ecritirve art?.Heaven is right there waiting for you, and all you've got to do is die. That's some price to pay, isn't it for admission to a place which is full of [after]life clergymen and born again [christian, brahmin, {a,er}R{y,i,e}a{n,a}, [k][s]hatriya, tradest, et al]s' afterlife, which i reckon makes it literally a fate worse than death [with]in[side] the earth world. But surely people need re[li]gion to answer certain questions [un]like "how better:worse can we stifle the human[holi]spirit? How much can we squeeze from the poor and gullible? How many palaces can we live without blushing? But there are very many questions it doesn't have answers, so it try to ad{a,o}pt from modern+science or it cover the phenomena-process-program-etc and {it's [wo]men} makes them up. {a-nti,un}Theism says you just made them up, religion:theism says this what we call theology. What's the difference b/w doctor of [medicine, theology]? One preScribes drugs, other might as well be on drugs. A theologian is somebody who's an expert in the unKnowable-unKnowledgeability. .... What Should rePLaCe re[Li,Di](e)Gi[Ons, o{us,se}Ness]: https://youtu.be/m5tGpMcFF7U Daniel C. Dennett [re]Search: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=replace+religion https://www.google.co.in/search?q=replace+religion re[Li,Di](e)Gi+On V/s: https://youtu.be/A-D8Mf9DdQI ReaL[ity, iSm] What Comes After re[Li,Di]Gi+On: https://youtu.be/CL--1Z_g4DE [wo]men:https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/b4/ca/16/b4ca1607e6f4a1e9f887f66fa7188265.jpg re[Li,Di](e)Gi+On [w+] Ron{G,D,i,j,A,n}DhOn Rama[Yana]DasaRatha[maha]Bhara+t+i+yan Race{st}Cast[L]e system:http://image.indiaopines.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/caste-system-india.jpg [a,un]Theism WiLL OverTaKe ReLiGion by 2041: https://youtu.be/R-ON0Wt25TA sTuDy eQuaL[iTy, iSm]+juSTiCe & oPPorTuniTies 4 aL[Most a]L, apPeaSeMent+faVOr[Ti]iSm 2/& eXPLoiTaTion+eNSLaVeMent of[f]/on nOne? God's God: https://youtu.be/ODetOE6cbbc {[D]aNG{St, e[R]}+ridDen, fake, raCe{st}cAST[L]e, faSCi[st]Nated, pRoPaGanDised, fARCE, aR[y,e]an{ist}[k][S]h[a,e]Tiya, tRaD[est, iTioNaL], reLiGio{us, se}+reGional, [a]bRah[a]M[a,i,e][n]iC{al}feuDaL} {[re]Creation, [f/t]act[ion,ivitie], [p,m]art[iaL, ie]s, [pRiest, wiTCh, [b]Hand[i], wAr]cRAFT[inG]}s [af,in,de,ef]FeCT us, {in[Fact, deeD], sin{Ce}nTuRies, time & aGain} ................ SuPreme Court of iNDia's reTired Hon'ble JuStice MArkanDey KATju's DaRing iNTerView: https://www.facebook.com/SasuSwamy/videos/1175934229179365 [PLs] {Do, MuST}{n't misS, waTCh} pSeuDo{reG,raT,naT}ion[al][ist]s: https://youtu.be/2h0q_bkwra8 A. RANA ~10% का शासन: https://youtu.be/XyFTVJMRpPU ~90%+ पर चलेगा नहीं iNKi SoORaT kO PehChAnO BhAi: https://youtu.be/s0QETSCliRk SamBhAji BhaGat जिस रूट पर बुलेट ट्रेन चलाएगी मोदी+pART[iaL,y]Bj सरOकार: http://www.nationaldastak.com/country-news/route-on-bullet-train-it-has-40-percent-seats-empty उस रूट की 40% सीटें खाली raC[i,e]{st}cAST[L]e {रूढ़ कूढ़, बूढ़} वाढ{a,i,e}दाव गुट:जुठ {वा,दौ,धा}{र्ण,र्म,र्ग}iQ मग़ज़+MinDSets+क्षेत्र{प्र}देश: http://naisadak.org/सारे-कूढ़मगज-संघी-नहीं-हो sLaVe girl – CRAZY SHiT tHe QURAN says #1: https://youtu.be/TIur6akd0YQ {TruTh, ReaL[ism,ity], FaCT, eViDence}s [are, should+must be] [b{e,a,u,i}tTer, iMPRoV[iS]eD] माखन लाल jourNalism विश्वविद्यालय में खुलेगी गौशाला: https://youtu.be/Rm8NzYHPyBQ लोकतंत्र का मज़ाक़ Can iNDia become a superpower? https://youtu.be/zXZ4pRhY-kU eQuaLizing Dr BR AmbedKar &|Vs reLiGiose Barrister MK Gandhi: https://youtu.be/XoQ_D5G6sXg Osho How to identify Fake News in India?? https://youtu.be/Ezcng6hyWp4 Dhruv Rathee AiB: {proPa}GAn{C,D}{hi,A,e}[un] [iN]ConGress:UPA Vs aScetic[s]{P,M}aRT[y]Bj:NDA : https://youtu.be/qStXxdRJtms good:bad cops:poLi[Ti]c[s,ing] छि: छिः [P]aRT(y{ rAj}, i[FiCi]aL)Bj+iNC, ND{A,MoDi} UP{A,ADityaNAth}, RsS, VHP, HMS, [B]Dal+Bal, [H, Br, Ks, S.R]Sena, etc, [M]aRT[s,rAj,iaL]s भारत के पौड़ानिक:नौयुगी दासतानें{अ}फँसानें: https://www.facebook.com/MoolnivasiMedia/videos/249559375448580 sLavery[en]Trapments श्रमिक कोष: http://thewirehindi.com/23977/laptops-washing-machines-purchased-from-the-fund-of-rs-29000-crore-for-the-construction-workers-the-supreme-court-is-shocked/ {फ़िज़ूल, यूँ ही, al, err} ख़र्च BjP{व,ians}iNC आय स्रोत: http://thewirehindi.com/17951/bjp-congress-anonymous-sources-of-money/ अज्ञात !! #+#+#+#
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ferretbuzz · 8 years ago
BJP, Congress wrangle over mobs lynching people over beef
BJP, Congress wrangle over mobs lynching people over beef
A string of such incidents have been reported from several states including BJP-rule Jharkhand, Haryana and UP, shocking the nation and prompting protests. (File/Photo)
BJP asks all its Jammu-Kashmir legislators to be present during special GST session
Congress lashes out at Narendra Modi and Amit Shah over lynching incidents
Marked increase in criminal activities under BJP rule: Congress
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GKToday is about the information you have about the current affairs. Today GK is one of the main elements of any performance test or interview. Be it a pre-schooler or a professional, general knowledge is an inevitable part of syllabus. It is primarily because one has to be aware of the surrounding and keep abreast with happenings around the world. general knowledge in hindi is important for it equips us with all the basic and necessary information. It comprises of simple information related to food, body, culture, climate and even complex information related to political holdings, country statistics, environmental concerns, global issues etc. As is important to know complete information about your field of expertise so is relevant to be aware of today’s GK. Benefits of learning from our GK Today section Latest current Affairs.
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Latest GKToday Current affairs
Date Current Affair More Information # # # GK for Today are described below : GST bill applied all over India from midnight today 12 am, Government praise about Bill and tells GST as economy changes in India. US defense asked India to play a larger role in providing increased and coordinated defence-related support to war-torn Afghanistan. One woman dies in the encounter between security forces and militants in Anantnag, Kasmir. Digital and satellite technology will be used by Uttar Pradesh Government to keep an eye on overloaded vehicles in Uttar Pradesh In open gunfire, by a former employee in New York busiest hospital the Bronx takes one doctor's life and six injured. Big announcements for US colleges, Now professors and students carry guns legally at the campus. A magnitude 6.0 earthquake struck just off the coast of central Ecuador on Friday. Senior IPS officer R K Pachnanda took charge as the chief of the Indo-China border guarding force ITBP on Friday. US President Donald Trump gives threat to North Korea, Now patience is over on its behavior. Mini autonomous police cars paired with companion drones and facial recognition technology joins Dubai police force in its new recruitment. GKtoday for Yesterday Mahesh Bhagwat, Rachakonda Police Commissioner, Telangana is named in honor among one of the eight winners this year for his role in elevating human trafficking as a government priority and his innovative approach to investigating cases. In Washington, Lawyers and rights activists took up positions at major US airports as a weakened version of US President Donald Trump's travel ban took effect late Thursday.  Germany's parliament voted by a wide margin on Friday to legalize same-sex marriage in Berlin. Now traders Madhya Pradesh and Ghaziabad in UP, on Friday observed a shutdown and protest against some provisions of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) rollout from 1st of July. The Amarnath yatra has been suspended today from the twin routes of Pahalgam and Baltal after heavy rainfall in this area. The Foreign Ministery of India said they are deeply concerned about recent China's behavior in Sikkim sector. GST also effect on two-wheelers market in India once Goods and Services Tax (GST) is implemented from 1 July 2017, but only marginally China reacts outraged and in anger on Over $1 Billion costs Arms selling to Taiwan under the administration of Donald Trump by the US. US-backed forces cut off the last escape route for the Islamic State group from Raqa, that is calling big success against ISIS.  India's busiest and Mumbai's famous Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus (CST) gets a new name today, It will be known as  Mumbai Chhatrapati Shivaji 'Maharaj' Terminus. In new rules and regulations, from 1st July after GST applies, Adhaar card must be linked to taxpayer Pan Card. India becomes the first country to contribute $ 1,00,000 to UN tax fund, which aims to supports support the work of the Committee of Experts on International Cooperation. Election Commission announced Vice-presidential election dates, Last date for filing nomination is July 18 and result on 5 August. US President Trump released announcement to meet South Korean President to talk on three critical issues, North Korea, China and the deployment of US missile defense system in South Korea. PM Modi started the two-day visit of Gujrat state, this is PM's 5th visit in the state before Gujrat assembly election in the end of this year. The Australian police charged Pope Francis' chief financial adviser and a top Vatican cardinal George Pell with multiple counts of historical sexual assault. The government has given 'in principle' approval for privatization of Air India, which is reeling under Rs 52,000 crore debt. Today GSAT-17 is the 21st satellite going to launched from ISRO by Arianespace, and it's designed in-orbit operational life is about 15 years. From reports, 4 more arrested from Haryana, in the killing of Muslim teen inside the train in Faridabad. The campaign #NotInMyName successfully gathered thousands of youth and peoples across cities to protest against lynching. Previous Day GKtoday is as follows :  One of the men convicted of carrying out the 1993 Mumbai serial blasts, Mustafa Dossa died today. Dossa died, likely of a cardiac arrest, at 2.30 pm today at Mumbai's JJ Hospital. West Bengal CM Mamta Banerjee slams on Central Government on push GST bill on 1st of July. On Nathu La pass closure, China says India to blame for border row. On Hizbul Mujahiddin chief Syed Salahuddin, China defends Pakistan after targeting by In dia and US announcements.  The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is all set to launch the GSAT-17 communication satellite from French Guiana tomorrow Situations going harder in Mumbai, after continuing rainfall in the city, water logging is a big headache for BMC. Over the last three months, an astonishing number of 22 farmers committed suicide in Telangana. In Jharkhand, Usman Ansari was attacked after some villagers found the dead cow outside his house in Beria Hatiatand village in Deori area of Giridih district. Meira Kumar filed her nomination today for The Presidency Election today, came along with Sonia Gandhi and former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. Prime Minister Narendra Modi returns back India after his three-nation tour to Portugal, US and Netherlands today. PM Narendra Modi and US President Donald Trump announced to finish radical Islamic terror all over the world together, after meeting at White House. US Defence administration declares Pakistan sheltered 'Hizbul Mujaheddin chief Syed Salahuddin' as an International /Global terrorist. China confirms it has closed Nathu La pass and stopped entry for Kailash Mansarovar pilgrims after a standoff between Indian and Chinese soldiers.  PM Modi invited Donald Trump's daughter 'Ivanka Trump' to lead US Delegation to global internship summit in India. Uttar Pradesh CM Yogi Adityanath advised their MLA's to adopt schools which are in miserable conditions to reorganize education system in the state.  J.K. Rowling's character 'Harry Potter' completes his 20 years on 26 June 2017. White House feared 'Syria's Assad preparing another chemical attack and warns Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to pay a heavy price for it. PM Narendra Modi at his final stage of 3 nations tour, leaves for Netherlands after a successful trip to the US. MP police take back off on sedition charges in Champions Trophy case against 15 youths.  After meeting with PM Narendra Modi is praised by Google CEO Sunder Pichai for GST roll out on Ist of july all over India. Today, both PM Modi and President Mukherjee greeted Muslims on Eid-ul-Fitr. Trump Organisation coming in India to double real estate empire with new deal includes two new projects in Gurgaon. A $2 billion deal to supply unarmed drones to India could be announced later this evening, in PM Modi and US President Donald Trump's meeting. 10 Civilians injured after Eid Prayer, Protest and clash occur in Kashmir between security forces and civilians & stone pelters. More than 140 peoples killed before Eid in petrol tanker blast in Bahawalpur, Pakistan. Maharashtra CM Fadnavis announced to give relief to state farmers in debt of Rs. 3600 crores. 2 terrorists killed in the encounter, holed up in DPS Srinagar, which is involved in the attack on CRPF patrolling team. Indi beats West Indies by 105 runs in 2nd one day International on West Indies tour series Jagannath Yatra begins on Sunday, one of the major festival of Hindu community. Rescue operation successful of 55 students trapped at Devkund waterfalls near Bhira village some 50 kilometers from Mumbai. The government headed to clear a proposal to set up world class Airport in Greater Noida, Yamuna Expressway Industrial Development Authority notified 3,000 hectares land. The monsoon session of Parliament will commence on July 17 to 11 August, starting with the voting day of the Presidential election. Sajad Bhat, the SP of North Srinagar, was transferred after Thursday night's horrific lynching of Deputy SP Ayub Pandit. landslide in China, Moutain fell onto the village of Xinmo, more than 100 people may be buried. PM Narendra today flys off for three-nation tour and going to become the first leader to meet Donald Trump for White House Dinner. Separatist leader Yaseen Malik arrested in Srinagar, he has spearheaded the separatist resistance in the Kashmir Valley for over a year. More than 62 people killed and 100 injured in three bomb blasts in Pakistan before Eid. United Nations awarded WestBengal CM Mamta Banerjee for her project on girl child empowerment- Kanyashree. ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi announced, he is likely to be succeeded by one of his top lieutenant Saddam Era Officer. Madhya Pradesh minister Narrottam Mishra is disqualified by poll panel for his corrupt practices and paid news during 2008. gk in hindi is very important Prime Minister Narendra Modi and several top leaders from NDA accompanied NDA's Presidency Candidate Ram Nath Kovid when he filed three sets of nomination paper today. Arab countries give Doha 10 days to comply 13 demands list handed over to Katar by Kuwait to end the crisis. From reports, India has successfully launched Cartosat-2 series and 30 co-passenger satellites. This operation is done by ISRO from with its rocket Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV). According to US Official, North Korea did another test of a rocket engine, after the US pressed China to exert more pressure on North Korea. Deputy Superintendent of Police Ayyub Pandit was beaten by the mob outside Jama Masjid, Srinagar to death. US government approved 22 Guardian drones to India, ahead of PM Narendra Modi's visit to the United States. Keep visiting gktoday current affairs section for all the latest information. Indian Arny started 'Operation - All Out' in Kashmir to finish every single militant in Jammu & Kashmir, master plan revealed. From reports, Kulbhushan Yadav filed the mercy petition before Pakistan army chief to spare his life on compassionate grounds. In Madhya Pradesh,  four more farmers committed suicide in last 24 hours, Government still silence. NIA tracking 80 Bangladeshi women, suspected in Fake currency racket in Agra and Firozabad with a team of West Bengal police. North Korea again hits the tension bar calling US President Donald Trump A" psychopath". According to the reports, India likely to surpass China's population by 2024 with 1.34 billion people. Three LeT militants were killed today in an encounter with security forces in Kashmir's Pulwama district. Bihar CM Nitish Kumar announced to support BJP Presidential Candidate "Ram Nath Kovind". The big unemployment crisis is seen in Haryana, for 92 Peon posts applications called for university 20 to 22 thousand applicants applied included "MBA's, BEd'd, JBT's line up. In preparations for 2020 Assembly election in Delhi, Manoj Tiwari going on Delhi CM ambitions. The government had allowed banks to exchange junk old currency note from RBI, till 20 July 2017.  To get cash benefits, Government announced TB patient must have enrolled with Adhaar card. To get gktoday pdf free download click here In the role of defense manufacturing under the "Make in India" imitative Defence Minister Jaitley addressed the forum on and the potential for India-Russia partnerships within this framework. Tata group Chairman  N Chandrasekaran indicated that TATA's may buy debt-ridden Air India in partnership with Singapore airlines. Due to heavy rainfall in Bangladesh, more than 170 people killed and 4500 displaced. Also, the possibility of further rains and landslides reporting. PM Narendra Modi shared the stage with UP Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on International Yoga day celebrating in Lucknow. Over 50,000 peoples gathered in Lucknow to attend Yoga day with Prime Minister Modi, also thousands of people expected to gather in Connaught place Delhi. In a joint operation of Army and security forces, two Hizbul Mujahideen terrorists have been killed in an encounter in North Kashmir. The US military official confirmed that it killed Turki al-Binali, a top Islamic State cleric, on31 May in operation against ISIS. In Maharastra, Thane crime branch sealed 11 petrol pumps using electronic chips to siphon off petrol. Activists say Punjab state government, in order to allow highway hotels, restaurants and marriage palaces to serve liquor, has decided may amount to contempt of courts. In Delhi, CM Arvind Kejriwal and cabinet approves 6350 CCTV's for buses, ensure a sense of security in the minds of women commuters. Retired Justice Karnan arrested by police from gktoday Coimbatore after evading arrest since 9th of may. In meeting with US President Donald Trump next week, Narendra Modi indicates to discuss H-1B visa issue for a review. Congress-led opposition heading meeting to field its own candidate against NDA's President pick Ram Nath Kovind. On Wednesday, World Yoga Day is going to celebrate all over the world.One thousand Chinese yoga practitioners will celebrate the International Yoga Day in Beijing at the Great Wall of China. Horrible incident in Gurgaon, the woman kidnapped and gang-raped in moving the car and thrown out in Greater Noida. Now Delhi University sports quota trails going to be changed.  40% of the weight age will be given to certificate and 60% to the performance of the candidate. Only four days left before the release of Delhi University first Cut-Off list for admission. More than students, parents feeling anxiety now. Delhi is facing worst in Chikungunya and Dengue cases, recently 59 cases of malaria, 105 cases of Chikungunya and 50 cases of dengue from January 1 to June 17. Nitish Kumar announced  "Bihar won't participate in International Yoga Day, as it is going to be a publicity stunt. In AIIMS case, Health Ministry's clean chit puts the probe into Rs 7000 crore scam in jeopardy. Finance Minister Arun Jaitley announced GST launch on 30 June with special midnight session in Parliament. Tea re working on gktoday in hindi also Now F-16 fighter planes are going to develop in India. Lockheed Martin signed an agreement with Ind.ia's Tata Advanced Systems to start this project in India. Pakistan lifts the cup after beating I.ndia by 180 runs in Champions Trophy Finals. Tarik Fateh and Cricketer Gautam Gambhir slams upon Hurriyat leader Mirwaiz Umar Farooq and his supporters which are celebrating the defeat of Indian Cricket team against Pakistan. Today BJP parliamentary board going to finalize Presidential Nominee after taking call on NDA's presidential candidate. A Syrian army jet is shot down by US warplane on Sunday in the southern Raqqa countryside, Syria. British police released new photos and presumed, at least 58 killed in Grenfell Tower fire in London. Aspirants were also asked questions related to the National Skills Qualification Framework (NSQF), 'Vidyanjali Yojana' and 'Smart India Hackathon' in UPSC preliminary exams 2017. Union cabinet likely to discuss on revised allowances this week in 7th pay commission. New ransomware attack threat, may be Wannacry ransomware hits Indi.a and Central govt. portals. US President Donald Trump confirmed that he was being investigated for firing former FBI director James Comey. Darjeeling fire reaches Delhi, Hundreds of Gorkhas gathered at Jantar Mantar with national flags and banners and protest against West Bengal Chief Minister 'Mamta Banerjee'. Kochi Metro started from today, PM Narendra Modi inaugurated new metro line and takes a ride with 'Metro Man' Shreedharan. Famous Oscar winner director for Rocky Movie 'Jhon Avildson' dies at 81 years. Mayawati brother 'Anand Kumar' is also in Income tax department radar, may have acquired Benami assets of worth 3,000 crores. In Presidential Elections 'Metro Man - E Shreedharan' is also in top choice in news channels polls. 6 policeman killed in militants attacks in Anantnag, Kashmir. Laskar-e-taiba takes responsibility after these attacks. Collides off with US Navy Destroyer and Japanese merchant ship. Seven crew member are missing. Supreme Court decided to re- open four more courting, after ending of summer break on the campus. Army deployed outside Gorkha Jan Mukti Morcha in Darjling after the clash with government security personnel. On Black money, Switzerland agrees to share information about the automatic exchange of accounts with the Indian government in 2019. PM Narendra Modi added single day visit to Portugal and Netherlands in his US Tour. Indian Cricket team's captain Virat Kohli creates a record to get fastest 8000 Runs in one-day international Cricket. He crossed 8000 Runs mark in daytodaygk just his 175th innings. Prafullachandra Natwarlal Bhagwati, former Chief Justice of India, passed away at the age of 95 years. He was the first who introduced the concepts of Public Interest Litigation (PIL). The Assembly of United Nations permitted to create the new United Nation's Office to help members to implement UN's strategy of Counter Global terrorism To study black holes, pulsars, and gamma-ray bursts China launched its first X-ray space telescope.  TADA Court finds Abu Salem and five others guilty in 1993 Mumbai serial bomb blasts, Abdul Qayyum is acquitted by the court. Bihar Deputy CM Tejasvi Yadav blamed media and journalist going biased against Lalu Prasad Yadav in Source of income case. Russian Defence Ministry said they are checking information about ISIS chief Baghdadi may have killed in their Air strikes near Rakka in Syria. CBI team visit Delhi Deputy CM Manish Sisodia's home to investigate a case about Arvind Kejriwal's Talk to AK media campaign, Statement recorded. Another Lashkar Top commander Junaid Mattoo killed in the joint operation of Army and security forces in Anantnag, Kashmir. Telangana ACb recovers assets of Rs 10 crore in land scam case from suspended Registrar of Telangana revenue department 'T.V. Ramesh Chander Reddy'. Post the Language dictate of West Bengal Chief Minister 'Mamta Banerjee', the protests in Darjeeling have intensified. The Supreme Court has lifted a Madras HC order, allowing CBSE to declare results of NEET for gktoday current affairs quiz 2017. Pakistan violates ceasefire in along the LOC at Krishna Ghati sector of Jammu &* Kashmir once again. Prime Minister announced the visit to the US on June 25-26 to meet American President Donal Trump. French President Emmanuel Macron's party set for the huge Parliamentary majority and wins 445 out of 557 seats. The government has proposed to the Supreme Court an NEET-like examination to recruit judges to the lower judiciary. One of the Renowned Telugu poet and writer Sir 'Cingireddi Narayana Reddy' has passed away. He was bornJuly 29, 1931. In 1992, Reddy was awarded the country’s third-highest civilian honour, Padma Bhushan. general knowledge questions and answers pdf can also be downloaded. The Ministry of Law and Justice has launched the ‘Tele-Law’ initiative in collaboration with the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology. Spain’s Rafael Nadal has defeated Swiss third-seeded Stan Wawrinka 6-2, 6-3, 6-1 to win his record 10th French Open title. The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT)-Bombay, IIT-Delhi and Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bengaluru, have featured in the top 200 global universities. Any job seeker must be up-to-date with the gktoday current affairs quiz and issues of national concern. This is because top recruiters are looking for people who are smart, well learned, educated, passionate, confident and most importantly aware. They want a complete package and if you have good general knowledge in today's world then you are certain to score better. You can increase your basic general knowledge by keep visiting this page. GKtoday quiz is fodder for your brain as constant thirst for knowledge keeps your brain active and one thing which changes every day is news or happenings in country or world. It also improves your communication skills as you have more vocabulary and information. You can only speak or write at length if you know about the subject. It also helps you connect with people anywhere you go, as you know something about everything. It also helps in improving your creative side, analytical skills and problem-solving abilities as you read about new inventions, discoveries, new measures and also policies to tackle a particular issue. The bottom line is that one standard knowledge that will help you ace all qualifying tests, interviews and exams is general knowledge. So start early, start now, as new information is added and updated worldwide every minute. We are preparing current affairs in hindi question answer also. We at naukribatao can help your with gk questions which you can solve and prepare for your interview or examination. General knowledge questions are also available in pdf format which can be downloaded daily. To keep yourself updated with current affairs keep visiting our website and gain knowledge as much as possible. Click to Post
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GKToday - Daily General Knowledge | Current Affairs | GK Quiz ®
GKToday is about the information you have about the current affairs. Today GK is one of the main elements of any performance test or interview. Be it a pre-schooler or a professional, general knowledge is an inevitable part of syllabus. It is primarily because one has to be aware of the surrounding and keep abreast with happenings around the world. general knowledge in hindi is important for it equips us with all the basic and necessary information. It comprises of simple information related to food, body, culture, climate and even complex information related to political holdings, country statistics, environmental concerns, global issues etc. As is important to know complete information about your field of expertise so is relevant to be aware of today’s GK. Benefits of learning from our GK Today section Latest current Affairs.
Benefits of learning from our GKToday section
One of the parameter that every organization tests its employee on. Helps you to speak and write. Helps is understanding the government policies and current affairs in hindi is also beneficial.. You are more aware of your surroundings Its a conversation starter.
Latest GKToday Current affairs
GK for Today are described below : GST bill applied all over India from midnight today 12 am, Government praise about Bill and tells GST as economy changes in India. US defense asked India to play a larger role in providing increased and coordinated defence-related support to war-torn Afghanistan. One woman dies in the encounter between security forces and militants in Anantnag, Kasmir. Digital and satellite technology will be used by Uttar Pradesh Government to keep an eye on overloaded vehicles in Uttar Pradesh In open gunfire, by a former employee in New York busiest hospital the Bronx takes one doctor's life and six injured. Big announcements for US colleges, Now professors and students carry guns legally at the campus. A magnitude 6.0 earthquake struck just off the coast of central Ecuador on Friday. Senior IPS officer R K Pachnanda took charge as the chief of the Indo-China border guarding force ITBP on Friday. US President Donald Trump gives threat to North Korea, Now patience is over on its behavior. Mini autonomous police cars paired with companion drones and facial recognition technology joins Dubai police force in its new recruitment. GKtoday for Yesterday Mahesh Bhagwat, Rachakonda Police Commissioner, Telangana is named in honor among one of the eight winners this year for his role in elevating human trafficking as a government priority and his innovative approach to investigating cases. In Washington, Lawyers and rights activists took up positions at major US airports as a weakened version of US President Donald Trump's travel ban took effect late Thursday.  Germany's parliament voted by a wide margin on Friday to legalize same-sex marriage in Berlin. Now traders Madhya Pradesh and Ghaziabad in UP, on Friday observed a shutdown and protest against some provisions of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) rollout from 1st of July. The Amarnath yatra has been suspended today from the twin routes of Pahalgam and Baltal after heavy rainfall in this area. The Foreign Ministery of India said they are deeply concerned about recent China's behavior in Sikkim sector. GST also effect on two-wheelers market in India once Goods and Services Tax (GST) is implemented from 1 July 2017, but only marginally China reacts outraged and in anger on Over $1 Billion costs Arms selling to Taiwan under the administration of Donald Trump by the US. US-backed forces cut off the last escape route for the Islamic State group from Raqa, that is calling big success against ISIS.  India's busiest and Mumbai's famous Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus (CST) gets a new name today, It will be known as  Mumbai Chhatrapati Shivaji 'Maharaj' Terminus. In new rules and regulations, from 1st July after GST applies, Adhaar card must be linked to taxpayer Pan Card. India becomes the first country to contribute $ 1,00,000 to UN tax fund, which aims to supports support the work of the Committee of Experts on International Cooperation. Election Commission announced Vice-presidential election dates, Last date for filing nomination is July 18 and result on 5 August. US President Trump released announcement to meet South Korean President to talk on three critical issues, North Korea, China and the deployment of US missile defense system in South Korea. PM Modi started the two-day visit of Gujrat state, this is PM's 5th visit in the state before Gujrat assembly election in the end of this year. The Australian police charged Pope Francis' chief financial adviser and a top Vatican cardinal George Pell with multiple counts of historical sexual assault. The government has given 'in principle' approval for privatization of Air India, which is reeling under Rs 52,000 crore debt. Today GSAT-17 is the 21st satellite going to launched from ISRO by Arianespace, and it's designed in-orbit operational life is about 15 years. From reports, 4 more arrested from Haryana, in the killing of Muslim teen inside the train in Faridabad. The campaign #NotInMyName successfully gathered thousands of youth and peoples across cities to protest against lynching. Previous Day GKtoday is as follows :  One of the men convicted of carrying out the 1993 Mumbai serial blasts, Mustafa Dossa died today. Dossa died, likely of a cardiac arrest, at 2.30 pm today at Mumbai's JJ Hospital. West Bengal CM Mamta Banerjee slams on Central Government on push GST bill on 1st of July. On Nathu La pass closure, China says India to blame for border row. On Hizbul Mujahiddin chief Syed Salahuddin, China defends Pakistan after targeting by In dia and US announcements.  The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is all set to launch the GSAT-17 communication satellite from French Guiana tomorrow Situations going harder in Mumbai, after continuing rainfall in the city, water logging is a big headache for BMC. Over the last three months, an astonishing number of 22 farmers committed suicide in Telangana. In Jharkhand, Usman Ansari was attacked after some villagers found the dead cow outside his house in Beria Hatiatand village in Deori area of Giridih district. Meira Kumar filed her nomination today for The Presidency Election today, came along with Sonia Gandhi and former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. Prime Minister Narendra Modi returns back India after his three-nation tour to Portugal, US and Netherlands today. PM Narendra Modi and US President Donald Trump announced to finish radical Islamic terror all over the world together, after meeting at White House. US Defence administration declares Pakistan sheltered 'Hizbul Mujaheddin chief Syed Salahuddin' as an International /Global terrorist. China confirms it has closed Nathu La pass and stopped entry for Kailash Mansarovar pilgrims after a standoff between Indian and Chinese soldiers.  PM Modi invited Donald Trump's daughter 'Ivanka Trump' to lead US Delegation to global internship summit in India. Uttar Pradesh CM Yogi Adityanath advised their MLA's to adopt schools which are in miserable conditions to reorganize education system in the state.  J.K. Rowling's character 'Harry Potter' completes his 20 years on 26 June 2017. White House feared 'Syria's Assad preparing another chemical attack and warns Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to pay a heavy price for it. PM Narendra Modi at his final stage of 3 nations tour, leaves for Netherlands after a successful trip to the US. MP police take back off on sedition charges in Champions Trophy case against 15 youths.  After meeting with PM Narendra Modi is praised by Google CEO Sunder Pichai for GST roll out on Ist of july all over India. Today, both PM Modi and President Mukherjee greeted Muslims on Eid-ul-Fitr. Trump Organisation coming in India to double real estate empire with new deal includes two new projects in Gurgaon. A $2 billion deal to supply unarmed drones to India could be announced later this evening, in PM Modi and US President Donald Trump's meeting. 10 Civilians injured after Eid Prayer, Protest and clash occur in Kashmir between security forces and civilians & stone pelters. More than 140 peoples killed before Eid in petrol tanker blast in Bahawalpur, Pakistan. Maharashtra CM Fadnavis announced to give relief to state farmers in debt of Rs. 3600 crores. 2 terrorists killed in the encounter, holed up in DPS Srinagar, which is involved in the attack on CRPF patrolling team. Indi beats West Indies by 105 runs in 2nd one day International on West Indies tour series Jagannath Yatra begins on Sunday, one of the major festival of Hindu community. Rescue operation successful of 55 students trapped at Devkund waterfalls near Bhira village some 50 kilometers from Mumbai. The government headed to clear a proposal to set up world class Airport in Greater Noida, Yamuna Expressway Industrial Development Authority notified 3,000 hectares land. The monsoon session of Parliament will commence on July 17 to 11 August, starting with the voting day of the Presidential election. Sajad Bhat, the SP of North Srinagar, was transferred after Thursday night's horrific lynching of Deputy SP Ayub Pandit. landslide in China, Moutain fell onto the village of Xinmo, more than 100 people may be buried. PM Narendra today flys off for three-nation tour and going to become the first leader to meet Donald Trump for White House Dinner. Separatist leader Yaseen Malik arrested in Srinagar, he has spearheaded the separatist resistance in the Kashmir Valley for over a year. More than 62 people killed and 100 injured in three bomb blasts in Pakistan before Eid. United Nations awarded WestBengal CM Mamta Banerjee for her project on girl child empowerment- Kanyashree. ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi announced, he is likely to be succeeded by one of his top lieutenant Saddam Era Officer. Madhya Pradesh minister Narrottam Mishra is disqualified by poll panel for his corrupt practices and paid news during 2008. gk in hindi is very important Prime Minister Narendra Modi and several top leaders from NDA accompanied NDA's Presidency Candidate Ram Nath Kovid when he filed three sets of nomination paper today. Arab countries give Doha 10 days to comply 13 demands list handed over to Katar by Kuwait to end the crisis. From reports, India has successfully launched Cartosat-2 series and 30 co-passenger satellites. This operation is done by ISRO from with its rocket Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV). According to US Official, North Korea did another test of a rocket engine, after the US pressed China to exert more pressure on North Korea. Deputy Superintendent of Police Ayyub Pandit was beaten by the mob outside Jama Masjid, Srinagar to death. US government approved 22 Guardian drones to India, ahead of PM Narendra Modi's visit to the United States. Keep visiting gktoday current affairs section for all the latest information. Indian Arny started 'Operation - All Out' in Kashmir to finish every single militant in Jammu & Kashmir, master plan revealed. From reports, Kulbhushan Yadav filed the mercy petition before Pakistan army chief to spare his life on compassionate grounds. In Madhya Pradesh,  four more farmers committed suicide in last 24 hours, Government still silence. NIA tracking 80 Bangladeshi women, suspected in Fake currency racket in Agra and Firozabad with a team of West Bengal police. North Korea again hits the tension bar calling US President Donald Trump A" psychopath". According to the reports, India likely to surpass China's population by 2024 with 1.34 billion people. Three LeT militants were killed today in an encounter with security forces in Kashmir's Pulwama district. Bihar CM Nitish Kumar announced to support BJP Presidential Candidate "Ram Nath Kovind". The big unemployment crisis is seen in Haryana, for 92 Peon posts applications called for university 20 to 22 thousand applicants applied included "MBA's, BEd'd, JBT's line up. In preparations for 2020 Assembly election in Delhi, Manoj Tiwari going on Delhi CM ambitions. The government had allowed banks to exchange junk old currency note from RBI, till 20 July 2017.  To get cash benefits, Government announced TB patient must have enrolled with Adhaar card. To get gktoday pdf free download click here In the role of defense manufacturing under the "Make in India" imitative Defence Minister Jaitley addressed the forum on and the potential for India-Russia partnerships within this framework. Tata group Chairman  N Chandrasekaran indicated that TATA's may buy debt-ridden Air India in partnership with Singapore airlines. Due to heavy rainfall in Bangladesh, more than 170 people killed and 4500 displaced. Also, the possibility of further rains and landslides reporting. PM Narendra Modi shared the stage with UP Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on International Yoga day celebrating in Lucknow. Over 50,000 peoples gathered in Lucknow to attend Yoga day with Prime Minister Modi, also thousands of people expected to gather in Connaught place Delhi. In a joint operation of Army and security forces, two Hizbul Mujahideen terrorists have been killed in an encounter in North Kashmir. The US military official confirmed that it killed Turki al-Binali, a top Islamic State cleric, on31 May in operation against ISIS. In Maharastra, Thane crime branch sealed 11 petrol pumps using electronic chips to siphon off petrol. Activists say Punjab state government, in order to allow highway hotels, restaurants and marriage palaces to serve liquor, has decided may amount to contempt of courts. In Delhi, CM Arvind Kejriwal and cabinet approves 6350 CCTV's for buses, ensure a sense of security in the minds of women commuters. Retired Justice Karnan arrested by police from gktoday Coimbatore after evading arrest since 9th of may. In meeting with US President Donald Trump next week, Narendra Modi indicates to discuss H-1B visa issue for a review. Congress-led opposition heading meeting to field its own candidate against NDA's President pick Ram Nath Kovind. On Wednesday, World Yoga Day is going to celebrate all over the world.One thousand Chinese yoga practitioners will celebrate the International Yoga Day in Beijing at the Great Wall of China. Horrible incident in Gurgaon, the woman kidnapped and gang-raped in moving the car and thrown out in Greater Noida. Now Delhi University sports quota trails going to be changed.  40% of the weight age will be given to certificate and 60% to the performance of the candidate. Only four days left before the release of Delhi University first Cut-Off list for admission. More than students, parents feeling anxiety now. Delhi is facing worst in Chikungunya and Dengue cases, recently 59 cases of malaria, 105 cases of Chikungunya and 50 cases of dengue from January 1 to June 17. Nitish Kumar announced  "Bihar won't participate in International Yoga Day, as it is going to be a publicity stunt. In AIIMS case, Health Ministry's clean chit puts the probe into Rs 7000 crore scam in jeopardy. Finance Minister Arun Jaitley announced GST launch on 30 June with special midnight session in Parliament. Tea re working on gktoday in hindi also Now F-16 fighter planes are going to develop in India. Lockheed Martin signed an agreement with Ind.ia's Tata Advanced Systems to start this project in India. Pakistan lifts the cup after beating I.ndia by 180 runs in Champions Trophy Finals. Tarik Fateh and Cricketer Gautam Gambhir slams upon Hurriyat leader Mirwaiz Umar Farooq and his supporters which are celebrating the defeat of Indian Cricket team against Pakistan. Today BJP parliamentary board going to finalize Presidential Nominee after taking call on NDA's presidential candidate. A Syrian army jet is shot down by US warplane on Sunday in the southern Raqqa countryside, Syria. British police released new photos and presumed, at least 58 killed in Grenfell Tower fire in London. Aspirants were also asked questions related to the National Skills Qualification Framework (NSQF), 'Vidyanjali Yojana' and 'Smart India Hackathon' in UPSC preliminary exams 2017. Union cabinet likely to discuss on revised allowances this week in 7th pay commission. New ransomware attack threat, may be Wannacry ransomware hits Indi.a and Central govt. portals. US President Donald Trump confirmed that he was being investigated for firing former FBI director James Comey. Darjeeling fire reaches Delhi, Hundreds of Gorkhas gathered at Jantar Mantar with national flags and banners and protest against West Bengal Chief Minister 'Mamta Banerjee'. Kochi Metro started from today, PM Narendra Modi inaugurated new metro line and takes a ride with 'Metro Man' Shreedharan. Famous Oscar winner director for Rocky Movie 'Jhon Avildson' dies at 81 years. Mayawati brother 'Anand Kumar' is also in Income tax department radar, may have acquired Benami assets of worth 3,000 crores. In Presidential Elections 'Metro Man - E Shreedharan' is also in top choice in news channels polls. 6 policeman killed in militants attacks in Anantnag, Kashmir. Laskar-e-taiba takes responsibility after these attacks. Collides off with US Navy Destroyer and Japanese merchant ship. Seven crew member are missing. Supreme Court decided to re- open four more courting, after ending of summer break on the campus. Army deployed outside Gorkha Jan Mukti Morcha in Darjling after the clash with government security personnel. On Black money, Switzerland agrees to share information about the automatic exchange of accounts with the Indian government in 2019. PM Narendra Modi added single day visit to Portugal and Netherlands in his US Tour. Indian Cricket team's captain Virat Kohli creates a record to get fastest 8000 Runs in one-day international Cricket. He crossed 8000 Runs mark in daytodaygk just his 175th innings. Prafullachandra Natwarlal Bhagwati, former Chief Justice of India, passed away at the age of 95 years. He was the first who introduced the concepts of Public Interest Litigation (PIL). The Assembly of United Nations permitted to create the new United Nation's Office to help members to implement UN's strategy of Counter Global terrorism To study black holes, pulsars, and gamma-ray bursts China launched its first X-ray space telescope.  TADA Court finds Abu Salem and five others guilty in 1993 Mumbai serial bomb blasts, Abdul Qayyum is acquitted by the court. Bihar Deputy CM Tejasvi Yadav blamed media and journalist going biased against Lalu Prasad Yadav in Source of income case. Russian Defence Ministry said they are checking information about ISIS chief Baghdadi may have killed in their Air strikes near Rakka in Syria. CBI team visit Delhi Deputy CM Manish Sisodia's home to investigate a case about Arvind Kejriwal's Talk to AK media campaign, Statement recorded. Another Lashkar Top commander Junaid Mattoo killed in the joint operation of Army and security forces in Anantnag, Kashmir. Telangana ACb recovers assets of Rs 10 crore in land scam case from suspended Registrar of Telangana revenue department 'T.V. Ramesh Chander Reddy'. Post the Language dictate of West Bengal Chief Minister 'Mamta Banerjee', the protests in Darjeeling have intensified. The Supreme Court has lifted a Madras HC order, allowing CBSE to declare results of NEET for gktoday current affairs quiz 2017. Pakistan violates ceasefire in along the LOC at Krishna Ghati sector of Jammu &* Kashmir once again. Prime Minister announced the visit to the US on June 25-26 to meet American President Donal Trump. French President Emmanuel Macron's party set for the huge Parliamentary majority and wins 445 out of 557 seats. The government has proposed to the Supreme Court an NEET-like examination to recruit judges to the lower judiciary. One of the Renowned Telugu poet and writer Sir 'Cingireddi Narayana Reddy' has passed away. He was bornJuly 29, 1931. In 1992, Reddy was awarded the country’s third-highest civilian honour, Padma Bhushan. general knowledge questions and answers pdf can also be downloaded. The Ministry of Law and Justice has launched the ‘Tele-Law’ initiative in collaboration with the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology. Spain’s Rafael Nadal has defeated Swiss third-seeded Stan Wawrinka 6-2, 6-3, 6-1 to win his record 10th French Open title. The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT)-Bombay, IIT-Delhi and Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bengaluru, have featured in the top 200 global universities. Any job seeker must be up-to-date with the gktoday current affairs quiz and issues of national concern. This is because top recruiters are looking for people who are smart, well learned, educated, passionate, confident and most importantly aware. They want a complete package and if you have good general knowledge in today's world then you are certain to score better. You can increase your basic general knowledge by keep visiting this page. GKtoday quiz is fodder for your brain as constant thirst for knowledge keeps your brain active and one thing which changes every day is news or happenings in country or world. It also improves your communication skills as you have more vocabulary and information. You can only speak or write at length if you know about the subject. It also helps you connect with people anywhere you go, as you know something about everything. It also helps in improving your creative side, analytical skills and problem-solving abilities as you read about new inventions, discoveries, new measures and also policies to tackle a particular issue. The bottom line is that one standard knowledge that will help you ace all qualifying tests, interviews and exams is general knowledge. So start early, start now, as new information is added and updated worldwide every minute. We are preparing current affairs in hindi question answer also. We at naukribatao can help your with gk questions which you can solve and prepare for your interview or examination. General knowledge questions are also available in pdf format which can be downloaded daily. To keep yourself updated with current affairs keep visiting our website and gain knowledge as much as possible. Click to Post
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wionews · 8 years ago
When gau rakshaks attack: The indefensible violence of 'cow protectors'
First a word on what a “gau rakshak” is, because while it’s a growing phenomenon inside Northern Indian states, like Uttar Pradesh and Haryana, non-Indians will be shocked by it. They may be doubly surprised it is perpetrated by Hindus, often stereotypically associated with gentle things—vegetarianism, Gandhi pacifism, yoga. 
Termed “cow protectors” or “cow vigilantes”, gau rakshaks often beat up or murder someone who seems to be either eating beef or working in the cattle trading business. They thrash and lynch. The victims are never upper-caste Hindus, who if they eat beef do so in expensive restaurants. They are Dalits (the lowest caste) or Muslims, and they are poor. 
After the inevitable “wait, what the hell?”, other questions arise. Some of them: Are these just numerous but individual fanatics going rogue? How much public and government support do they have? Is this a problem with “lone wolfs” or society broadly? Is this a form of terrorism? 
Each gau rakshak case can be unique, both in the attack and in the cause. Here is a likely incomplete list of attacks since 2014, and a brief description of what took place that is broadly characteristic of what happens.
  The official response
The Muslim-baiting Bharatiya Janata Party, which has lately toned down its incendiary statements now that it is the main political party in the country and no longer limited to its Hindutva base, has condemned gau rakshaks in statements, and police do pursue the attackers, but their heart doesn’t seem into it.
One proof is how often government officials and police lay at least partial blame on the victims. Did they have papers to be transporting cattle? Were they in fact eating beef? These questions, notice, are irrelevant or at most very secondary; murder is illegal no matter how they are answered. There is no possible mitigating circumstance that makes assault and murder more OK. Not only are these questions asked by police and politicians, the victims sometimes have charges pressed against them. This is a travesty. 
There is no possible mitigating circumstance that makes assault and murder more OK.
There are two parties, one who got beat up and one who did the beating—Is deciding whose side to take really difficult, or even a question? In India, yes. There is pressure to assign at least split blame. In a culture of strident Hindu nationalism, officials do not like the optics of prosecuting Hindus for defending cows, even if “defending cows” here really means murdering fellow Indians. So, for example, police will claim the victim had only eight permissions of the ten permissions required. 
  Case study
The reaction in the high-profile Alwar case is demonstrative. A group of men lynched a Muslim man and attacked four others, and ran away only when police came. As per the Hindustan Times report:
“Rajasthan home minister Gulab Chand Kataria justified the attack by ‘gau rakshaks’ saying that both parties were to be blamed for Pehlu Khan’s death. He said illegal transport of cows was banned in the state.
“However, the victims claimed that they had valid documents and were legally transporting cattle purchased from a market in Jaipur.”
The Indian Express reports that Khan was a dairy farmer who decided to buy a milch cow instead of a milch buffalo, and that’s why his killers saw him and some relatives transporting a cow in his pick-up truck. The attackers stopped the truck and for about 20-30 minutes beat them with sticks and belts nearly unconscious until the police came. For good measure, these “cow defenders” robbed them of 85,000 Rupees, or about $1,700 in Canadian dollars. Pious people indeed.
Now, police can’t ignore if people were indeed guilty of breaking the state’s laws concerning cattle trading and beef eating. Some states have such laws. But their disproportionate concern for this minor aspect of the law, rather than the assault and murder, betrays their bias. This is about Hindu politics.
That officials are mostly pretending to be only upholding the law is obvious when one remembers the victims are mostly innocent. They often do have permits to trade cattle, or it turns out they weren’t even eating beef, they were eating buffalo. Oops! That more effort is made to make the innocent victim seem guilty rather than simply condemn those whose undeniable guilt in the way worse crime says everything.
  Hindutva--resurgent Hindu nationalism
Whether BJP members carefully direct and enflame gau rakshaks or strategically use an incident they didn’t at all cause, the fear gau rakshaks create helps spread Hindutva--the establishment of Hindu hegemony over the state. The Indian government can’t legally make a task force dedicated to beating the hell out of Muslims or Dalits, but they don’t have to because the gau rakshaks do it anyway. The Sangh Parivar, the loose umbrella group of right-wing Hindu nationalists, including fringe elements, isn't exactly furious about the beatings.   
The government can’t explicitly support the gau rakshaks. Indian society is too decorous and attached to the idea of the rule of law for them to embrace breaking it. The violence they condone has to be permitted only tacitly, unspokenly. The government has a choice: Appear pro-law or pro-Hindu customs. They have chosen both.
While there’s been a spike in attacks under the BJP government, the previous Congress government also exploited cow politics. Say what you will about the BJP, cows and the gau rakshak phenomenon is larger than them. 
But Indians must watch the growing violence and feel frightened for two reasons: A) Abstractly, religious dictates are superseding the rule of law in a country which until recently was proud of its constitution and secular character B) In a practical and immediate sense, minorities are getting beaten the hell out of.
One must ask: If their real interest is protecting cows, is this best served by beating up Muslims and Dalits? Does this protect cows at all? The answer is a resounding “no”. 
In a bit of hypocrisy familiar to Indians but perhaps stunning to an outsider, India is actually the world’s largest exporter of beef. Countless cattle die because they eat plastic off the street. In cities, the stomachs of dead cows are found with mounds of street garbage. Where are the gau rakshaks cleaning plastic off the street? Where is their public service announcement not to litter, or to have dust bins installed in public, so people can deposit their plastic there instead of, essentially, inside a cow’s stomach? 
Whether the love is of a pastoral type, religious or something else, the Indian attachment to cows is of course deeply entrenched, understandable and commendable. Obviously caring for the animal isn’t inherently bad, but something vicious and dark is taking place under the guise of cow protection. 
Even if supposing that the Hindu dictates of cow worship should be enforced in an officially secular country, it is irrational and grotesquely disgusting to take this up via the assault and murder of marginalised people.
As a test, when reading an article on the topic try replacing the word “gau rakshak” with “terrorist” and see if there is any loss of meaning.
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