#harvey monster
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Caroll Spinney and Harvey Monster
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Harvey Monster
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kaopiak · 5 months
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Roman's resurrection
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puppyeared · 6 months
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i like him
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xtraordinarygrls · 1 year
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midostree-art · 1 year
I need to incorporate yandere mod elements to my vampire AU. I've been watching videos to get inspiration and they do not disappoint. This are screenshots from joliefish videos.
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These fits perfectly in the narrative of 'Looks like there's a serial killer on the loose". This narrative starts in Zuzu city, because it would be very suspicious if all these disappearances and deaths happen very close to or inside Pelican Town. Obviously, the townspeople act worried about the news, although there is some truth in that concern, since it is not normal for people from outside to investigate the town in that way because vampires are cautious and careful and tourists only know the town thanks to Zuzu city, which offers tours to that small town with beautiful beaches and mountains.
The horror and romance elements of the mods are perfect for this plot. I like to imagine the number of 'endings' the farmer can achieve.
Since I don't have a more structured plot planned, I'm only integrating things that seem interesting to this AU 😳.
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Vincent Price and Harvey Korman guest star -
Danny Kaye Show - Bikini Beach Frankenstein (1965)
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What are your thoughts that The Book of Bill has references to Amphibia, The Owl House, Star Vs The Forces Of Evil, Wander Over Yonder but not Big City Greens despite that show being a Gravity Falls alumni show?
Personally it adds to my belief that Big City Greens is more of a Harvey Beaks/C.H. Greenblatt alumni driven series than a Alex Hirsch alumni series specially with the Big City Greens crew members taking the torch of the Gravity Falls crew for future Disney series.
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Another proof for me is this cool merchandise crossover collaboration with Alex Hirsch, Dana Terrace and Matt Braly with Gravity Falls, Amphibia and The Owl House considered as "the big three"
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BTW you should donate to this merchandise campaing since they are some cool figures.
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admrlthundrbolt · 13 days
Therapy (Harvey x Chubby Reader)
With the over abundance of monsters cropping up in the mine. Marlon decides that it's time to bring in a capable monster hunter. What will Harvey do when the new strong woman in town needs a helping hand?
Hey guys, I'm back at it again. Stardew Valley has to be one of my favorite games of all time. I don't even want to think about how many hours I've put into it.
Anywho, I've recently realized how much I love Harvey. It's always refreshing to find a male character that's allowed to be vulnerable. Though Stardew Valley is great at making well rounded characters. So I decided he needed a strong reserved woman to c one into the picture.
I hope you enjoy.
Rubbing a hand across his face, Marlon let out a heavy sigh. Gus glanced his way and couldn't help but feel sympathetic. The old adventurer really had put in the years taking out monsters. His face always had a shadow of weariness to it. Lately though, it seemed as if the man could barely keep his eyes open.
Bringing him over another mug of beer, he shook his head as the guild keeper reaches for his wallet. “No, this one's on the house.” The man's mouth creased into a frown. “If you really want to repay me, then why not tell me why you look exhausted.”
Laying his arms on the bar counter, he sagged a bit. “That obvious huh?” He wasn't surprised at the knowing look on the bar keeper's face. “The monsters have been more than a handful lately. In fact I've had to call in a reinforcement.” His hands tightened into fist at the admission. It was bad enough to know he was aging out of being an adventurer. Another thing all together to call in for some young blood.
Gus dropped his gaze to the glass he was cleaning. He understood why the man would be annoyed by bringing in help. He was thankful for Emily's help, don't get him wrong. But he could remember the days when he would run laps around any of his customers. There wasn't time to dwell on that though. It was time to comfort his good friend. And maybe get a bit of gossip on the new monster hunter heading to town.
It wasn't long before word had gotten around the valley. Everyone was anticipating their arrival. Would they stay in town or the guild? What was their likes and dislikes? Were they hot? Not knowing that you were already in the valley. Spending nights in the mines and days resting. It wasn't as if you had time for socializing. You were here for a job, simple as that.
That was the plan at least, until Gil got involved. He made it his mission on this particular Friday to badger you out of the guild. “You're young, you should enjoy these years. Why if I had a nickel for every Friday I wish I had gone out, I'd be rich.” He scowled at you from the rocking chair. You knew the truth, that twinkle in his eye. The way his mouth couldn't quite stay down in the corners. He was goading you and having a great time while he was at it.
This continues for the next hour. How his voice can carry through the entire guild was an annoying mystery. Stomping over to the accursed rocking chair that he haunts, you all but snarl. “Will you give me a moment of peace if I go to the Saloon for an hour?” Your expression was more tired than angry. And he used it to his advantage.
“Make it two and I'll leave you alone. For now that is.” That was the best offer you were going to get. Huffing you begrudgingly made your way out. Only for his voice to ring out. “You're not going like that are you?”
Without a glance back you sprinted for the door. Trying to block out his high pitched cackles all the way.
You were going to kill Gil when you got back. These people meant well, at leasted they seemed to. But if you had one more damn drink bought for you, you were going to drown.
Your original plan to grab a beer and sulk in a shadowy corner was already taken. A guy in a patched blue jacket was less than pleased to see you invading his space. After a short introduction and a quicker screw off. You were thrown to the proverbial sharks. Without so much as a floaty in sight. Stuck in a bar stool and surrounded by curious locals was the last place you wanted to be.
The all to helpful waitress, you think her name was Emily. Smiled brightly as she refilled your mug. Your eyes narrowed at the drink, but you gripped the handle all the same. Promising yourself that you would sip this one.
“So you planning to stay around in the Valley? After you finish lending a hand to Marlon that is." She waited eagerly for your answer. With how the bar quieted down, it seemed that she wasn't the only one wanting to know your answer. It wasn't everyday that someone new came to Stardew. Especially someone that was so interesting. A true blue adventurer had come to help with the Monster issue. Who wouldn't be a bit curious about someone like that. Who was so soft, a plush body that covered some serious strength. It was something that was worth a fantasy or two.
You brought the glass to your lips to cover a wince. This seemed to be a question that followed adventurers around. Were you staying, if the answer was no there were always more. Where are you going? What are you doing there? Will you come back? It wasn't that you wanted to push everyone away. It was just for the best that people were kept at a distance. You didn't want to drag anyone into a life like this.
So you gave the same generic answer that got you a bit of peace. “I'm not sure yet. This is a great town though.” You relaxed as understanding smiles passed over the small crowd. Only to blink as the faces started to blur together. Looking up to the clock, you stared at the numbers as they merged. Glancing down at your empty mug, you couldn't help but glare. So much for sipping.
Harvey watched as you slid from your stool. He had seen the look on your face. He has seen it on Shane's many times before. It was always a sad time when the gruff man turned to the bottle rather than a friend.
He hadn't meant to stare at you throughout the night. But you were just so enchantingly different. Your soft and muscled form showing signs of your adventuring past. Scars here and there decorated your gorgeous body. And while you weren't the most talkative person. That didn't mean that the entire saloon wasn't hanging off of your every word. Including the doctor himself.
“Don't stop the good times on my account. But I've got a job to get back too. Need to be well rested and all.” Even as a few disappointed groans sounded out, no one could argue with you. It was important for you to help with the increased monster population. Making your way to the entrance, you focused on not stumbling. Which admittedly gave a odd step to your walk. Something that worried the doctor.
Looking down at his drink he couldn't help fretting over you. It was part of his job to keep the people in town healthy. Especially people who made a living doing such dangerous work. Honestly attractive people that he would love to get to know better.
Glancing down at his watch he was surprised to see that you had left only a short while ago. Well it wouldn't hurt to get some fresh air outside. And if he happened to come across you on say a walk towards the mountains. That wouldn't be so odd now would it. Summoning up his resolve, he left the Saloon. As he turned to head up past the General Store, he came to an abrupt stop. There you were, slupped under the bulletin board. You were holding your head and groaning. Rushing over, he kneeled down in front of you.
“(Y/N), are you ok?” He wanted to check you over. But scaring you was the last thing he needed. A frightened and drunk patient was a lot harder to deal with.
Head jerking up towards the voice, you moaned at how fast the world was spinning. It still didn't stop your hand from drifting to your belt. Until you realize that you had left your weapons at the guild. Which was a good thing. Sharp things and alcohol didn't mesh well together. Squeezing your hands around nothing, you sighed. Squinting up at the man in front if you, you tried to remember his name. He was the town's doctor, wasn't he? Yeah, did this mean you had injured yourself. Closing your eyes you did a quick inventory of your body. This was an important part of any adventurer’s training. Not feeling anything out of the ordinary, beyond the effects of the alcohol.
You looked back at the mustached man. He was pretty handsome. Seemed to take pride in his appearance, if not a bit dorky. But who were you to judge, you had enjoyed many sessions of Solarion Chronicles back in the day. Nodding your head, you winced immediately.
He steadied you and frowned. In the state you were in it would take a lot of effort to get you back to the guild. Chewing his lip he decided to take another chance. “It may not be the most comfortable option. But you're welcome to take one of the clinic beds for the night. No pressure of course.” He waited for your answer with baited breath.
Knowing that nodding would be a bad idea, you said. “I've had worse offers.” Placing a hand on the wall behind you, you braced yourself. Only to have shock corse through you. The doctor had placed his shoulder under your arm. Hoisting you up slowly and gently. Shooting an embarrassed smile in his direction, you made your way next door.
Your head was pounding before your eyes fluttered open. A queasy feeling lodged in the pit of your stomach. Even the blankets felt too heavy and scratchy upon you skin. It was a suffocating feeling, overwhelming and sickening. It took several moments before you could gather yourself enough to open your eyes.
Taking in the unfamiliar surroundings, you were on high alert. The room smelled sterile and held two beds. Blinding light blared from the ceiling. You blinked several times, trying to adjust to the brightness. Sitting up slowly, you could feel your stomach roll and churn. Bracing yourself, you held back from anything exiting your gut.
Flopping down on your back, you threw your arm over your eyes. Taking a moment to gather yourself. Only to jolt up as a door squeaked open.
“Oh good. I was hoping I wasn't going to wake you.” The man was just as put together as what little you recalled. Though the night before was a bit hazy, you weren't one to get black out. Under any circumstances, keeping your wits was top priority.
Wiping a hand down your face you tried to hold back a grimace. “Yeah. It would have been no problem if you had though. I've definitely inconvenienced you enough.” Slipping off the bed, you pulled yourself together the best you could. Not expecting the man to rush over to you. A worried expression flitting onto his face.
“Are you sure your well enough to go? You were quite out of it last night.” His worrying was equal part endearing and annoying. But that didn't stop him from hovering close to you. He would hate himself if you got hurt in his clinic.
“Nothing some water and aspirin won't fix.” Digging in you pockets you pulled out a beat up wallet. “What do I own you Doc?” You were surprised when he put his hand over your own. You forced yourself to ignore how much you enjoyed his warmth.
Shaking his head, he push your hand down gently. “I wouldn't dream of taking any kind of payment. Consider it neighbors helping each other out. And please just Harvey is fine.” He gave you such a sincere look that it made your heart leap into your throat.
Putting away your wallet, you decided that arguing with a hangover wasn't worth it. Though that didn’t mean that the attractive doctor was going get a favor from you. You weren't the type of person to leave debts unpaid.
Harvey wasn't sure how to feel as of late. He was hoping his kind gesture would make a good first impression. But it seemed to have the opposite effect. He had heard of your recent trips to town. While he hadn't seen even a glimpse of you. Not even at the Saloon. He could understand why you might avoid that location though. He didn't want to admit it, but your avoidance had been a blow to his self-esteem. Still he didn't give up hope that you might meet again. Even if was just for a more professional reason.
His downtrodden thoughts seeped away as the clinic door opened. It was time to get back to business. Waiting for a few moments, he started to wonder what could be keeping Maru. Looking through the window of the partition door, he froze. There you were, you were more dazzling than he remembered. It seemed that you had decided to dress more casually today. He couldn't help the way his eyes trailed down your form. Admiring the years of effort you put into your body.
You talked quietly with his nurse and patted a bag resting against your side. He would be more interested in the contents. If only he could rip his gaze from your face. Your soft smile warmed his insides. He could admire your enchanting features for hours. But as you nodded and squeezed the other woman's shoulder. He couldn't help feeling jealous. There wasn't much time to dwell on the rock in the pit of his stomach. Not with you walking his way. Darting towards his office, he tried to calm his racing heart.
Poking your head through the door, you looked around the room. Your eyes pinned him to his chairs as a grin settled on your face. “Hey Doc. You got a minute?”
Glancing at his schedule, he was glad for the moment to gather his thoughts. You were here, in his office, asking for him! Shuffling a few more papers, even though he knew he had no afternoon appointments. He nodded and turned towards you. “I have some spare time. What can I do for you.” His pulse may not be slowing. But he had at least managed to not make a fool of himself.
Stepping into the room, you leaned your hip against his desk. “Look, I know you said that I didn't owe you anything. That didn't sit right with me though. I like to know every debt I have is taken care of. So I asked around.” Pulling a bottle from your bag, you gingerly set it in front of him. “When I heard that you enjoy wine, I knew just the thing.”
He picked up the bottle and couldn't help the smile that took over his features. The label was hand drawn and had well thought out penmanship. It was a bit stain, that only added to the charm to him. He set it down gently and faced you. “This is to much, I can't accept.”
Your face dropped. Scrambling to point out the flaws on the bottle, you said. “No look, the label isn't even on straight. And uh, you can see where I spilled coffee on it too. Plus Gil had to help me brew it. So I didn't even do all of the work. It was the least he could do after all.” Your face flushes a bit as you focused back on the doctor. “Although I guess not everything about that night was bad.”
He took in your ernest expression and the blush crawling across your plump cheeks. While on the one hand it didn't feel right taking such a splendid gift from you. On the other he didn't want to offend you by not taking it. It wasn't that he was ungrateful. But you had asked about his interests and made him something special. Something that you could enjoy yourself, not give to someone you barely knew. This thought sparked a sudden idea. One that he couldn't stop himself from blurting out. “I would enjoy it more in your company.” He watched as the flush traveled down your neck. A look of confusion settled on your face.
“Are you asking me out?” You tried to hide your incredulous tone. It's not that he hadn't been on your mind. That this wasn't the first bottle you made. Deeming the first one as not good enough. As you take in his own appearance. Between his put together yet dorky clothes. The way he puts effort into grooming himself. Pair with his kind and caring ways. You believed you could look past your don't get to close policy.
It was his turn to become flustered. But as he tried to stutter out a friendly response, he had to be honest with himself. You were someone he wanted to spend more time with. And there was a part of him that hoped it could be romantic. Though he would settle for platonic if you prefered it. Gathering his nerve he nodded. “I am…. If your OK with that.”
Stepping forward, you placed a hand on his chest and grinned. “I think I'll take you up on that. I have the rest of the day off. If you're free that is.” You were happy that your feelings weren't one side. Why not make the most of your time here.
Your hand resting against him caused a warmth to travel over him, settling in the tips of his ears. “Yyyeah, of course. I don't have anymore patients this afternoon. I'm sure Maru wouldn't mind ending the work day a bit early.” Poking his head through the partition he was surprised to see her packing things away.
Turning towards him she smiled. “All packed up boss, I'll see you tomorrow.” She started for the door, pausing as he called out.
“How did you know?” He fumbled with his words.
Her smile widened. “Well, after she asked about you. Let's just say I had a feeling. Enjoy your date.” She closed the door and he heard the click of the lock.
His thoughts whirled as he realized that she must have heard. Still there were very few things that could take away from the excited thrum coursing through him. Making his way back to the office, he couldn't help the extra pep in his step. Seeing your face perk up as he returned cemented his descion to go with his instincts. Leading you up to his home, he knew this would be a risk worth taking.
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epiphanypaige · 3 months
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"And why is it you refuse to make use of our town's already available doctor?"
"He asks questions."
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Caroll Spinney, Sesame Street Behind the Scenes
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disneytva · 2 months
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Natasha Kline on how her work on Big City Greens trained her to showrun Primos.
The Houghton brothers have been amazing mentors for me. Even as I pitched my own show and started developing it and started producing it, they’ve always been there if I need a listening ear or anything. While I was working on their show it was very interesting. Because they have a very specific brand of humor. So it was interesting for me to be able to hone my own humor based off of what they thought was funny. And we worked very closely together because as a director, it’s literally just like sometimes the three of us in the room throwing ideas around and rewriting things and reshaping scenes. So I definitely got a sense of what their flavor is. --- Kline
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Primos is one of the many upcoming Disney TVA shows created by Big City Greens alumnis, other shows in development include Monica Ray, Hannah Ayoubi, Raj Brueggemann, Amy Hudkins and Ian Mutchler.
Houghton Brothers mentor C.H. Greenblatt is developing his own Disney TVA show too.
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kaopiak · 5 months
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harvey and lambs
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cdpdoodler · 4 months
good night to everyone except those who rescued Selina instead of Harvey in Telltale Batman
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starryfruitelope · 15 days
𝔐𝔞𝔯𝔦𝔤𝔬𝔩𝔡 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔓𝔢𝔡𝔡𝔩𝔢𝔯𝔰
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been wanting to finish off a promotional artwork about a NU fairytale AU based on the upcoming snow white retelling episode of spongebob a few months ago. (it's called snow yellow and the seven jellies)
concept sketches will be shown once it's done, but do be warned that they won't be desirable as you think.
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eggedbywolvly · 6 months
Hey what’s up guys, here’s ur once in a blue moon post, don’t really know if this reaches anyone but I like to share :)
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I draw a lot but I don’t post a lot, sorry about that lol
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