#harumi: i have to delete every trace of myself off the internet—
Lmao imagine something like this in book 3:
Harumi: but now that I'm alone, there's barely anything to do so I try to pass my time with writing
Lloyd: oh that's cool! What do you write?
Harumi: just some green ninja x reader one shots! They're surprisingly popular on the internet!
Lloyd: HUH?!
Lloyd beta reads the heck out of them and constantly makes "suggestions" to a) make sure they're accurate b), make himself cooler c), limit the amount of bashing of the other ninja, and d) he does like them khgfdfgd, and as Harumi values his opinion so highly she takes him up on everything. Otherwise he doesn't actually care that she's writing them since she's actually putting him in a good light, and the ~romances~ are hardly anything more than hand-holding or a kiss on the cheek. But holy smokes he cannot let the other ninja find out–
. . .
Lloyd: I like this plot point with the Green Ninja saving the reader from being crushed by a tank and all, but does the Fuchsia Ninja really need to die at the end...?
Harumi: It adds some ~spice~ to the otherwise basic plot. It helps sets me apart from those other X-Reader writers :3
Lloyd: But sometimes...a basic plot...is good!
Harumi: ...I'm keeping it e-e
. . .
Harumi: Any suggestions for this piece? I feel like some of the detail is a little lacking...
Lloyd: You should totally have the Green Ninja using more weapons in the fight scene, he really likes cannons and rocket launchers. And maybe have him say more nice, general things about the reader, I get the impression he's the type not afraid to tell people what he really thinks of them, but he could still be a little shy. ...And I think you should an explosion behind them as they sail away on the dragon mech instead of a sunset, sunsets are so over done
Harumi: Oooh, you're a visionary *edits*
. . .
Samantha: Oh heck yeah, SilentSister14 just put out a new GN x Reader fic!!! Everyone shut up I'm so reading it right now—!
Antonia: I cannot believe you just announced that.
Samantha: Hey, you would too if you read them! The author's super talented and detailed! It's like she knows the Green Ninja personally or something!!
Antonia: ...no way, send me the link!!
Harumi: *sweating, staring straight ahead trying to pretend she's an unrelated party*
. . .
Lloyd: ...also, why do you keep describing the Green Ninja with gold eyes?!
Harumi: Because that's what color they are, duh
Lloyd: *goes through five stages of grief and seven stages of panic*
. . .
Harumi: ...why are you looking at me like that?
Lloyd: I-I, uh, think you put in a typo in this one...
Harumi: Oh jeez, what?! Where?!
Lloyd: ...the line where the Green Ninja says "And I love you too, Harumi"
Lloyd: ...how many of these are actually about you—?
Harumi: IDONTHAVEACRUSHONTHEGREENNINJA—I mean, I was just really in the mindset while writing!!!! it's a good thing to do, Lloyd!!!!! You're not a writer; you wouldn't understand!!! What better way to understand your character than putting yourself in their shoes, obviously!!! IT MEANS NOTHING
Lloyd: ......I mean, I wouldn't blame you if you did—he is a pretty heroic guy, and is probably super cool, and smooth, and strong, and awesome, and probably has an excellent taste in a dagger and knife collection—
Harumi: Oh my god, SHUTUP...!
Lloyd: *is going to have an ego the size of texas about this lmao*
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