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antabramo · 1 month ago
The lament of a henpecked man. He plans to send his wife back to her mother "next payday". Opening line - "Got no sugar baby now, I got no honey baby now..." Chorus - "Who'll rock the cradle, who'll sing the song, when I'm gone?".
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ertvark · 1 year ago
Harrysmith to Clarens on my Suzuki Boulevard M109r
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ginzyblog · 3 years ago
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Harry Smith with filmmaker M Henry Jones at the Kiev Restaurant, New York City, May 13, 1986. Photo: Allen Ginsberg, courtesy Stanford University Libraries / Allen Ginsberg Estate.
Saddened to hear that M Henry passed away last week. He was an integral member of the New York City’s avant grade film family for the last 50 years. RIP
#harrysmith #flyseye3d #oldweirdamerica #anthologyofamericanfolmusic��#americanfolkmusic #musicology #experimentalfilm #film #mhenryjones (at Manhattan, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ce_R3SAOlTl/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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artbookdap · 4 years ago
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There might be a cooler book on our list, but then again, there might not. Perennial staff favorite, 'Paper Airplanes: The Collections of Harry Smith, Catalogue Raisonné, Volume I' is back in stock from @jandlbooks & @anthologyfilmarchives !!⁠⁠ ⁠⁠ Edited by John Klacsmann ( @jklax ) and Andrew Lampert ( @lamphole ) this 6x9 inch, 240-page paperback supplies richly detailed photographic documentation of 251 paper airplanes gathered by Harry Smith from the streets of New York City over an approximately 20-year period. Whimsical and weird, the paper airplanes rank among Smith's most mysterious collecting pursuits. This extensive compendium presents the fruits of his extraordinary aeronautic pursuit and highlights the tangled history and myths that accompany them. ⁠⁠ ⁠⁠ Photographs by Jason Fulford ( @mushroom_collector )⁠⁠ ⁠⁠ Read more via linkinbio.⁠⁠ ⁠⁠ #harrysmith #harrysmithpaperairplanes #paperairplane https://www.instagram.com/p/CSzQ2DIMw2B/?utm_medium=tumblr
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morimotobookstore · 5 years ago
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もうすぐカンパニー社から発売される書籍 『ハリー・スミスは語る』が楽しみすぎて、(続)棚からひとつかみ。 2000年に発売された 『Anthology Of American Folk Music : Volume Four』 LP x2 / 33rpm これは1952年にVolume1〜3まで編まれたハリー・スミスの偉大なお仕事の なんと続編!!! Volume1〜3を制作している同時期にハリー・スミスの手によって「4」��編集も進められていましたが企画がストップ。発売されるに至らなかったVolume 4。 ハリー・スミスのアンソロジー・シリーズは、アメリカの短い歴史の中では民俗音楽と大衆音楽の垣根はほぼ無いに等しいことが、とても面白い音楽文化形成になっているのを再確認出来る面白すぎる編集盤。 とくに発売当時はフォーク・リヴァイヴァルにも多大なる影響を与え、アメリカン・ポピュラー音楽発展の礎ともなったレコード。 そんな伝説的レコードの続編が出た時は「まじかよ!」って、唸ってた先輩達に釣られて僕もこれを買いました。 しかも 発売元は、ジョン・フェイヒーが主宰するレヴェナント・レーベルという出来過ぎ&必然のシチュエーションに痺れましたね。 僕は英語が出来ないために、充実したブックレットを存分に楽しむことはできないのですが、レコードに針を落としている間はここから情報と単語を拾い上げるだけでもトリップ出来た。 2020年にまたハリー・スミス関連の〝物〟を紹介出来る幸運。ちなみにこれはCD盤も素晴らしいデザインなので、どっちもおすすめ。
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dustinreidmusic · 5 years ago
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Sam Amidon ~ Fatal Flower Garden EP (A Tribute to Harry Smith) ~ 2019
Sam’s versions followed by the original from the Anthology of American Folk Music as compiled by Harry Smith.
Spike Driver Blues: Sam Amidon ~ Mississippi John Hurt
Fatal Flower Garden: Sam Amidon ~ Nelstone’s Hawaiians
Dry Bones: Sam Amidon ~ Bascom Lamar Lunsford
Train On The Island: Sam Amidon ~ J.P. Nestor
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meelvignetting-blog · 3 years ago
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- Pit stop pictures 💥 #harrysmith #roadtrip #tour #travelingband #pitstop #photooftheday #takemypicture #meelvignetting #reinohetnieinstagramniesoekkanhomnietagnie #thejourney #samusic #saband #band #music (at South Africa) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ce23qTOD3zR/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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worldfoodbooks · 7 years ago
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BACK IN THE BOOKSHOP: ON THE EVE OF THE FUTURE : SELECTED WRITINGS ON FILM BY ANNETTE MICHELSON (2017) • The celebrated critic and film scholar Annette Michelson saw the avant-garde filmmakers of the 1950s and 1960s as radically redefining and extending the Modernist tradition of painting and sculpture, and in essays that were as engaging as they were influential and as lucid as they were learned, she set out to demonstrate the importance of the underappreciated medium of film. On the Eve of the Future collects more than thirty years’ worth of those essays, focusing on her most relevant engagements with avant-garde production in experimental cinema, particularly with the movement known as American Independent Cinema. • This volume includes the first critical essay on Marcel Duchamp’s film Anemic Cinema, the first investigation into Joseph Cornell’s filmic practices, and the first major explorations of Michael Snow. It offers an important essay on Maya Deren, whose work was central to that era of renewal and reinvention, seminal critiques of Stan Brakhage, Hollis Frampton, and Harry Smith, and overviews of Independent Cinema. Gathered here for the first time, these texts demonstrate Michelson’s pervasive influence as a writer and thinker and her role in the establishment of cinema studies as an academic field. • The postwar generation of Independents worked to develop radically new terms, techniques, and strategies of production and distribution. Michelson shows that the fresh new forms they created from the legacy of Modernism became the basis of new forms of spectatorship and cinematic pleasure. • “Annette Michelson is one of the most brilliant minds that has ever turned its focus on the art of cinema. It's a blessing to have her illuminating, inspiring, and informative pieces available in this volume.” —Jonas Mekas, filmmaker and writer • Available via our website and in the bookshop. • #worldfoodbooks #annettemichelson #themitpress #octoberbooks #marcelduchamp #stanbrakhage #hollisframpton #harrysmith #jacksmith #mayaderen #josephcornell #michaelsnow #jeanlucgodard #martharosler #andywarhol (at WORLD FOOD BOOKS)
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millenniumfilmjnl · 7 years ago
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Millennium Film Journal No. 6 “Feminism • Dream • Animation” (1980). A few mint copies still available. #yvonnerainer #viviennedick #amygreenfield #jhoberman #kenjacobs . . . . . #mfjbackissue #millenniumfilmjournal #chantalackerman #patoneill #harrysmith #birgithein #wilhelmhein #davelee #jeanlucgodard #kennethanger #stanbrakhage #kandinsky #noelcarroll #experimentalfilm
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lewonald · 4 years ago
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THE HARRY SMITH B-SIDE DUST TO DIGITAL 4CD 訳あってCD生活の今、ぴったりのCD箱 コンパクトな箱の中にAnthology of American Folk Music収録曲のB面曲が詰まった、ある意味「不要不急」の曲集 猫たちとの���日を共に過ごす用にもってこいの「不要不急」の箱📦 コルク生地のブックレットの肌触りも気持ちいい🙃 #harrysmith #theanthologyofamericanfolkmusic #popfreak宇都宮 https://www.instagram.com/p/CGduvawpyxi/?igshid=f0qcotohds06
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mybillboredpnx · 5 years ago
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#harrysmith #poke https://www.instagram.com/p/B8zZ5Hzjylw/?igshid=hdvzxeh6jftp
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noromannet-blog · 5 years ago
WWE is attempting to reinstate an old athlete
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One of the tag teams that was very popular around the 2008/2009 biennium in the WWE was the one formed by Tyson Kidd and Harry Smith (David Hart Smith), better known together with Natalya as the Hart Dynasty, being all born from a Hart member of the famous Canadian homonymous family entirely rooted in wrestling, which were very often seen in the WWE in a match against Cryme Tyme or Nexus, before they were dissolved and David was released. Apparently, in recent months, the WWE leadership would have proposed the idea of ​​summarizing the athlete, to get him back to fight in the WWE ring after almost 10 years from his last stint. Despite his now historic teammate, Tyson Kidd is now retired due to a very bad injury reported a few years ago in a match with Samoa Joe, which almost caused him to be paralyzed and killed in a dark match in Raw, the management of the federation would be starting to re-establish relationships with the son of the British Bulldog, especially now that he would also like to bring his father to the Hall of Fame, almost 20 years after his death. The detail that sparked the spark between the two sides would have been the invitation David accepted, to return to WWE TV screens in this week's WWE broadcast The Bump, where David joined Natalya and her husband Tyson for remembering the good old days in the Stamford federation. According to reports from the usual Brad Shepard, in fact: " According to an internal WWE source, Harry Smith could soon return to work with the company ." Read the full article
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ginzyblog · 3 years ago
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Harry Smith, Allen Ginsberg, and Wade Walton at Wade’s Barber Shop in Clarksdale, Mississippi, April 1987. Harry records Wade, an inimitable barber and blues musician, playing percussion with his razor and strop - photo by William Cochrane while studying under Dr. Bill Ferris - (courtesy Smithsonian-Folkways)   Via Smithsonian Folkways:  These rare and personal photographs were captured by William Cochrane, a wonderful Folkways follower who so kindly shared them with us along with his experience from that day in the spring of 1987. William was an undergrad Southern studies major at @olemiss <https://www.instagram.com/olemiss/> under the direction of folklorist Dr. Bill Ferris, and had been asked by the English department chair to escort Allen Ginsberg while in town on a book tour for his poetry collection “White Shroud.” Allen was interested in visiting Wade’s Barber Shop, run by the inimitable barber and blues musician Wade Walton. Harry Smith was traveling with Allen and came along. William described to us, “The folks getting their haircut in the shop were doing it as a last detail in preparing for Easter and it was a vibrant, bustling moment. Wade was a great guy, very generous with his time. He worked Allen in for a haircut and demonstration of his boogie woogie razor strop technique which Harry recorded. His shop was open to all and I should mention that Wade had no familiarity with Allen or his work at all, although that would not have mattered. Wade was unfailingly gracious even on one of the busiest days of the season.” #smithsonianfolkways #harrysmith #wadewalton #clarksdalemississippi #blues #drbillferris #harrysmith @harry_smith_archives (at Clarksdale, Mississippi) https://www.instagram.com/p/CZNVfCCvbGd/?utm_medium=tumblr
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morimotobookstore · 5 years ago
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もうすぐカンパニー社から発売される書籍 『ハリー・スミスは語る』が楽しみすぎて、棚からひとつかみ。 紙ヒコウキから錬金術まで、ハリー・スミスの魅力は幅が広すぎるですがやはりうちならフォークロア・ミュージックについてだろう。1952年にフォークウェイズから発売された『Anthology Of American Folk Music』の1〜3集がやはり基本中の基本。これについてはハリー・スミスの類いまれなる嗅覚、キュレーション力にいつ聴いても脱帽なのだけれど、これはもうハリー・スミス云々というよりも世界中の好事家の登竜門みたいなものなので、今更、そう今更なので。 今日と明日に紹介するハリー・スミス関連の〝物〟でオススメはまずこれ。 前述した『Anthology Of American Folk Music』が半世紀を経て、2005年に再評価された際影響を公言しているミュージシャン達が集まったトリビュートBOX。『THE HARRY SMITH PROJECT』(2006年発売) ミュージシャンがミュージシャンに捧げるトリビュートではなく、ハリー・スミスが纏めた「コンピレーション作品」に対してのトリビュートというのがとても画期的。1枚のレコードや1冊の本がいかにアーティストの源になっているかという素晴らしい証明。参加者はベック、ベス・オートン、ウィルコ、ジェフ・マルダー、エルヴィス・コステロ、ニック・ケイヴ、ルー・リードにヴァン・ダイク・パークス等々アメリカン・プリミティブを愛してきた豪華メンバーが一同に集結。各地で収録されたライヴ音源のCDと+DVDという構成。 まだまだ最近の商品であるイメージだったけれど、もう15年ほど前のものなので、今の20代や30代の方々には馴染みがないかもしれないということで、取り上げてみた。 もうすぐ発売される『ハリー・スミスは語る』の前後にでも楽しんでいただければ、さらに充実のハリー・スミスの頭の中を楽しめるハズ。 誰が言ったか知らないけれど「広く浅く」なんてのはツマラナイ。 大瀧詠一も言っているじゃないですか「広く深く」ですよ。
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tamblerschoice · 6 years ago
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“Awake In The Burnout Ward” (2007) woodcut on paper, 28x36in.
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historyofanimation · 6 years ago
Harry Smith, Early Abstractions (1946-57)
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