wait i have a question.
do ppl prefer reading super duper long fics or do ppl like it to be separated into parts??? pls let me know
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amehp5 · 1 month
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Harry Potter one shots - Harry Potter Imagines (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1470308671-harry-potter-one-shots-harry-potter-imagines?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=amehp5 Fluff, agnst and maybe a little smut.. we will see - smut chapters will be labeled. But yeah basically just one shots, preferences and imagines on a lot of the Hp characters, boys and girls but mostly fem reader.
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Hermione is working a summer job in the muggle world in a library and runs into Draco. Tension ensues. 😌
Hermione greeted her boss as she walked in for her shift at the local library with a soft smile gracing her face. It was the summer after Voldemort was defeated by Harry and so many lives had been lost. After her, Ron, and Harry helped try to clear up some of the mess, she decided to take a mental health break and come back to her hometown and work at her local library. Harry and Ron decided to stay with the Ministry in London and help track down other death eaters. Part of her wished she would have stayed with them because they were her family, but she missed her parents and while she works out how to get their memories of her back, working in the library in the town where she grew up made her feel close to them.
She had set her bag down in the back and grabbed the first cart of books that needed to be put back and started moving down the rows, returning each book to the correct shelf. The silence was nice. Most of the time, the silence was too much for her, but it was different when she was in a library. She felt at home and safe amongst all the books; like at any moment, she could pick up any book and escape this world for a little while.
She focused in on the title of the book in front of her (Romeo And Juliet) and shook her head just slightly. She had been avoiding Ron’s calls recently. After their kiss, they had both decided that they would give each other some space to truly follow what they felt they needed to do next. She had decided that she was going to go back to Hogwarts in the fall for her seventh year, but both Ron and Harry decided to forego going back to school. She was supportive of them and they were supportive of her but with how busy they knew they’d be over the summer and then another year apart while she finished her schooling, her and Ron felt it best not to get into a relationship as of yet. She didn’t regret anything but he had been calling her more often and she felt as though they were in a relationship, which she couldn’t handle right now. Not with where her mind and mental health was.
She sighed as she put the book back on its shelf before moving forward. She continued along with the books in this row before turning the corner to go on into the next row when the sight of a blonde haired boy stopped her in her tracks. Draco Malfoy. After the war and her time at Malfoy Manor, she no longer felt disgusted at the sight of him, but that didn’t mean she’d ever want to talk to him. His head was lowered slightly as his eyes followed the words on the page. She could see the dark circles under his eyes. They stuck out even more against his pale skin. She wasn’t surprised as the war had taken a toll on all of them. She had seen his hesitation at Hogwarts when Voldemort had called for him. She saw how the only reason he seemed to go to him was because his mother called for him. He seemed just as scared as any other wizard that was there.
She turned to try and walk away before he noticed her when she heard him speak up, “Oh, I’m sorry. I can move if you need to move past.” His voice sounded soft and polite, something he’d never sounded before. She knew the minute he saw her face, he’d change his tone, but she turned to face him anyways, not backing down from a challenge before. She saw his face drop, just for a moment, before it was like a switch in his brain went on and his face became blank.
“Huh.” Is all she said as she walked past him. She wasn’t in the mood to deal with him. Part of the reason she came back was because she needed time away from everything that reminded her of the war and settling back into the muggle world seemed like a good way to do that. She turned down the next aisle, continuing to put the books back from the cart, hoping that he would just leave and she wouldn’t have to deal with him.
“Granger.” She heard behind her, but she continued on as if she hadn’t heard anything. A tap on the shoulder told her that he wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon so she flipped around to see what he wanted.
“Can I help you with something?” She said, trying to fein being polite. Her fists were balled up by her sides and she had to consciously release the hold as her nails were digging into her palms. She stretched her hands out subtly by her sides as she looked anywhere but his face.
“Uh, no, but-” He started but she interrupted him.
“Oh, then I must be continuing my work.” She turned to move on, but he spoke up once more.
“Please.” She held her breath for a moment before turning around. She didn’t say anything but gave him a curt nod to show he could continue. “I, uh, wanted to say I was sorry. For everything. The insults. The narcissism. The...I don’t know how to put it all into words, but just all of it. There’s no excuse for it.” He paused. He seemed to be looking for more words to say but Hermione, at this point, needed to find out if he had sought her out.
“Were you following me? I mean, how did you find me?” She felt a tightness in her chest and she didn’t know how she felt about his apology.
“No! I mean, no.” He stepped towards her, but she stepped back pushing the cart forward slightly. Noticing this, Draco stepped back to give her space. “I doubt you’ll believe this but this is a complete coincidence. I’ve been taking some time away from the wizarding world and decided to just drive through the muggle world. After everything, I just felt so lost. Everything I believed, everything I was taught to believe, seemed so wrong. I felt like my entire life was a lie. And I didn’t feel as though I could properly learn to move past my prejudices unless I truly went to learn about those that I had been taught to hate. Seems stupid when I say it out loud.” Draco was no longer looking at Hermione, but rather at his feet. She could tell he definitely had changed because he usually has his chest puffed out, his chin turned up, as though he was better than everyone and everything but the person standing in front of her seemed so unsure of himself.
“It’s not stupid.” She said softly, “but I don’t know what you want from me. Why are you telling me all of this?”
“Because even if I don’t deserve forgiveness, you deserve an apology. As for the rest of the explanation, I guess I just don’t want you to feel as though I’m trying to come after you or something.” He had lifted his head and Hermione studied his face for a moment. He looked tired, but she could see he was telling the truth. There was uncertainty in his eyes and a pleading look as well. She didn’t know if she could forgive him so quickly but she could understand him. Especially since she was working in this library to escape the same way he was. Maybe for different reasons, but the idea was the same. The magical world was too overwhelming, for the both of them. “I, I don’t want to keep you any longer, but thank you for listening, Hermione. I hope you have a good rest of your day. And I’m sorry if any of this...my being here or my apology, brings up any bad feelings or memories for you.” And with that, he turned to walk out.
“You said my name.” Hermione was staring at the back of his head, the shock of hearing her first name come out of his mouth. She’d never heard it before. And he stopped as well. “You’ve never said my name before, but you just said it. As though it was the normal thing to do.”
He turned around, his eyes wide. “I’m so sorry. I- I shouldn’t have. I don’t have the right. I-” She held up a hand, his mouth falling shut quickly.
“It’s okay. Really.” And It was. Hermione didn’t feel anger or anything, except a little bit of hope, from hearing her name come out instead of her last name or anything else. “I have to get back to work, but if you would like to get a drink and talk about anything, Draco, I get off at five.” And she smiled. A genuine smile graced her features.
Draco looked up at her when he heard his name. And seeing her smile, made him just lightly smile. Her smile was gorgeous and he felt hope from seeing it. Maybe, just maybe, he found what he was looking for in this little muggle town. In a library.
“See you then, Hermione.” And at her name and the smile on his face. Hermione thought that maybe she found what she was looking for, here in her hometown. In a library.
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crazyglitterpirate · 3 years
Oliver Wood Fanfic ?
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Inserted in a fanfic where there is an Oliver and Cedric love triangle?
Smut and drama ?
you should give this a read 
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Five Seconds (Draco L. Malfoy) One Shot
In five seconds, a plethora of experiences and memories can be created. In just five seconds, decisions can be made, choices can be changed, and feelings can create. Your eyes burned through tired, sagging skin. Up early in the mornings to attend a list of classes only to go to bed late at night; your routine for seven years. 
Routines become engraved in us, more than just a comforting process to get through the days but a part of our bodies. Like clockwork, you gather your books from the rotting, wooden desk of your last class for the day, a hoard of bodies trying to push their way out the door.
Your stomach growled for dinner and your mind craved rest. The halls were packed with equally tired students lingering for their friends, or simply hanging out and catching up. 
You enjoyed your silence, a personal prance to the Great Hall, watching the world around you unfold as if your body was separate from it all. Feeling foreign and alienated at the end of the day wasn't as bad as one may think. Sometimes you needed that concealed comfort. Sometimes you needed to unwind by watching everyone else live their life while you breezed past them. 
And like clockwork, as you walked down the long corridor lit by old candles stuck to rusted holders, your eyes locked with the coldest thing in the warm atmosphere. Gray eyes burned through numerous bodies, purposefully spotting yours out of the crowd, as if you were the only one in the room. As if your body was on a timer, your breath would involuntarily hitch and your heart would pound wildly against your chest. 
His gray eyes would smolder, a light smirk tracing his cracked, blood-stained lips. His symmetrical face, a God standing out against mortals, entranced you. Draco Malfoy was your physical form of amortentia. 
His dark green tie contrasted his translucent skin, his black cloak adding to the scheme of colors. He didn't even need to try to stand out, he just did. As he approached closer to you, your body pulsed in a pattern, a vibration numbing your skin.
It was as if the concept of time simply no longer existed an everything slowed. The flicker of the candles remained still, the laughter of your fellow classmates began to tone out, and your body moved without your mind telling it to. 
Your shoulders brushed up against his, sending minuscule electric shocks to your brain, reminding you that you are just a simple human compared to this supernatural being. If you listened close enough, you could almost hear him chuckle, a sweet tone to bless your ears. 
Within those five seconds, of every day of every week, you're reminded of your sappy crush on the notorious Draco Malfoy.
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anjwrites · 2 years
A Random OneShot #1 [Reader Oneshot] | Note: I prefer writing reader x character and probably most of this are reader x character |
(Y/n) x Blaise Zabini
(Y/n) (L/n) pov:
I am walking with the Golden Trio whom are my friends (they had their potions classes, so we decided to hang out for a little while since it was the last class for the day) after my DADA lessons when I met a Slytherin's gaze. He looked the same year as me. When he saw me he smiled and looked away.
"Excuse me guys, mind if I know who that is?" I asked as I pointed at him.
"That is Blaise Zabini, a Slytherin. Some girls say hes just a player and breaks many girls hearts that has been with him. Rumor has it he has a crush on a girl in Hufflepuff." Hermione explained.
After what Hermione said, you excused yourself and went to the Hufflepuff Common Room. You are a Hufflepuff, your blood type is half-blood and everyone loves you. Everyone including the cold Slytherins who keep their reputation high.
You had a crush on the one and only Blaise ever since you saw him in the Great Hall with his other friends.
"Hey (y/n), how are things?" I heard Cedric say. He is my fellow Hufflepuff, and he is a year older than me.
"Same old life, boring. Nothing new." I whined.
He just chuckled and walked off.
My owl entered the dormitory, a letter on her beak. I named her after a Greek Mythology Godess Athena, since well.... she has an owl, and she is literally the Godess of wisdom and owls are like wisdom.
I took the letter from her beak and thanked her and pet her. She cooed and flew off.
I opened the note and this is what it read:
Dear (y/n),
Meet me in the Astronomy Tower at exactly 8:30 in the evening, I would like to tell you something, this is urgent..
- love lots
B.z.? Who could that be? Could it be Blaise? And urgent? What does he mean?
I stood up and ran to the dormitory bathroom just so I could shower real quick.
I got out of the Hufflepuff Common Room and on my way to the astronomy tower.
I got up and saw Blaise in the balcony. It was dark the only source of light is the stars twinkling in the sky.
Blaise Zabini pov:
I turned around to see (y/n), she looked damn gorgeous.
"Hey (y/n), I am so sorry if I said in the letter it was urgent. Truth is, it isnt that urgent. You can leave you know. Anyways, if you want to stay might as well you may." I informed.
"No, no.... its fine. Now tell me, what was that about?" She asked.
I smiled a bit, "You know how there was this rumor going around the whole school that I like a certain someone? Well, that certain someone is you (y/n). I love you ever since the day I laid my eyes on you."
"Blaise, I-I love y-you too. Like ever since I saw you." (Y/n) replied, and leaned for a kiss. I kissed her back and she broke the kiss.
"That felt amazing." I smiled.
After a couple dates I finally asked her out and we became official
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flourishandblctts · 3 years
Flowers on your hair || 𝓡on 𝓦easley
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-You and Ron never get along well -Your from Ravenclaw while he’s at Gryffindor but at Great Hall he’d be pissing you off already making you roll your eyes at him -Your friends with Hermione and Harry but not him -It was Summer time and Hermione told him to invite you over and Harry told Ron too tell you to come over as well -And when he did -His mom loves you -Like he would be standing there confuse -He would think how could his own mom loves this girl??? -The four of you were at the garden  -You took a book with you -It was a book from the shelves that interest you and Molly insisted you to take it -It was Bill’s old books  -The silence was deafening, Harry and Hermione trying to strike a conversation you being lost in the book and Ron was busy munching down his sandwich -Hermione nudge Harry on his side as if these two were having a conversation using their eyes -”Harry and I will be helping Molly, you two stay here.” Hermione was fast enough to pull Harry by his wrist and bolted back inside -You knew Hermione was going to leave you with this Weasley with you alone some day. -”Do you ever stop reading?” Ron asked looking at you -You looked back at him and down his sandwich “do you ever stop eating?”  -He did an overdramatic offended face at you which cause you to smile at him  -You were back to reading but ever 5 seconds you hear Ron releasing sighs he scoot closer to you trying to read but he sat up to pluck at flowers next to him -”Bored Weasley?” You asked not averting your eyes away from the book in your hands -”Maybe if you would talk to me I wouldn’t be.” He said you looked at what he was doing taking flowers and removing the leaves -”Why don’t we talk without getting on each other throats.” Ron ask making you smile -”I don’t hate you Ron, but you started this.”  -”You just don’t have any idea what you look like when your mad, just when I look at you from across the room you already look mad.” He smiled to himself  -”I like making you mad because I know I have your attention.” He said causing you to look at him while putting the book down. -”Ron-” you were cut off when you both heard Hermione’s voice calling you two to come inside. -He indicated his hands to you to help you stand up and you gladly took them -You both walk back inside -It was Harry who first noticed you hair -”You have flowers on your hair.” Harry pointed his hair while he was smiling at you, raising a brow at him you looked over a mirror and saw the flowers Ron was plucking earlier  -You didn’t notice or felt them while you were reading and he was putting them on your hair. -You smiled at the sight of it since it was pretty -Sitting next to Ron you smiled at him “Thanks for the flowers I guess.” You looked away from him  -”You look pretty with them.” -For once you and Ron didn’t bicker at one another. The gif is not mine, credits to the owner. 
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fanfictionguide · 7 years
Happy New Year
Author: @petalstofish
Fandom: Harry Potter
Everyone was going home tonight. James was likely saying goodbye to his mates for the holidays. They were all going home apparently, even Sirius Black was going home with James and he never left Hogwarts. Lily had chosen to stay at Hogwarts for the Holidays. Home wasn’t a place she had wanted to be and Hogwarts at least had her friends (and James).
Characters/Ships: Jily
Topic Warnings: none
Suggested Rating: T
Word Count: 3798
Happy New Year, friends!
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The Best Potioneer (pt. 2) — Harry Potter x reader
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***not my gif***
(pt. 1 can be found here)
Summary: You despise Harry. Your Slytherin friends seem to have strong opinions of him already, but during your sixth year, you also seem to have found a reason to absolutely hate the boy. But when you’re forced to work on an assignment together and stay up all night, is it possible for those feelings to change?
Word Count: ~3.4 K
A/N: Part 2 is finally here! I’m so sorry for the delay, school is really being a pain right now. Thank you for all the love you guys gave pt. 1, and I hope you like pt. 2, which will be the last part (unless I get inspired to write another one or something)! This one is very different from anything I’ve written before, and you’ll see what I mean when you read lol. Very dialogue-heavy. Enjoy!!
Another reminder: Thank you to everyone who sent in requests! I really, really appreciate it! But, since school has started, requests will most likely be delayed, as I will only be able to work on them when I have the time to. They are still open, though, so feel free, but please be aware that they will probably take a while. Thanks!
“This,” you observed, utterly unimpressed, “is just a wall. Do you need your glasses checked, Potter?” 
You had shown up to the seventh floor with your bag and all your books, as promised. Harry had already been there waiting for you, leaning on a wall. He saw you approaching and had led you down the hallway, without exchanging any words. He stopped in the middle to face a bare wall, which earned him a scoff from you.
“Just wait,” he told you as he closed his eyes and visualized exactly what he wanted in the room.
“What are you doing?” you question as you walk from your spot behind him to stand beside him, “If we get caught--”
“We won’t,” he told you impatiently, “Now, please let me focus.”
You shut yourself up despite all the questions that were fighting to make their way out of your mouth. You tapped your foot impatiently, not exactly sure what was supposed to be happening. 
Before you knew it, the wall that you could’ve sworn that had been there previously, had turned into a door. The door didn’t exactly look inviting, holding a similar appeal that an old Victorian library would hold. 
“Come on,” Harry turned to you and gestured to you to go in, “You first.”
You would’ve scoffed at this, except you were incredibly stunned. How hadn’t you known about this room before? You took a tentative step forward and reached for the handle, turning back to Harry to check for confirmation. He nodded once.
You opened the door. It creaked slightly as you took a step inside. A small gasp escaped your lips.
“The room of requirement!” Realization set in for you as you looked around, “I’ve heard about this.”
The room was grand. That was the only way to describe it. It was dimly lit, stacked with books on old bookshelves that looked like they would collapse at any second. At the bottom of the bookshelves were cupboards, that seemed to contain even the rarest of ingredients. In the middle of it all, there was a large wooden table with two chairs on one side. Right beside it, was a rug that looked old and inviting, like something that belonged to an elderly grandma. This was exactly what you needed.
“Yeah,” Harry said as he followed in behind you and shut the door, “I came across it last year when we had our DA meetings.”
“DA?” you turned to face him, turning your back to the large wooden table. 
“Oh, uh, Dumbledore’s Army.” 
“Right,” you nodded as you turned around again, looking at the bookshelves and cabinets filled with Potions ingredients lining the walls, “No Slytherins were allowed, I presume?” You mocked.
“Well,” Harry tried to diffuse the tension, “I don’t know about all Slytherins… but you definitely wouldn’t be allowed.” He teased lightly.
“Oh, sod off,” you told him as you rolled your eyes. You struggled to fight the smile that was threatening to break upon your lips. Your friends hadn’t mentioned Harry would be able to make you smile so easily. Or that he would let you, a Slytherin into a room that was a designated meeting spot for Harry and his friends last year. Now that you’ve come to think of it, they didn’t mention a lot of things about Harry. 
When it really came down to it, you realized in that moment that you had never really had a casual conversation with Harry. Your conversations were always filled with a competitive need to embarrass the other; there was no room for casual teasing. However, now, standing in this room with Harry behind you, you couldn’t say that you minded his presence, exactly. Like you had expected to. 
You couldn’t help but ask yourself, is he really that bad? 
[1:34 AM]
“Slughorn,” you decided as you sighed, “sucks.”
You and Harry were both seated at the table, sitting with your bodies slightly positioned towards each other. You were both hunched over various copies of Potions textbooks, searching desperately for any information about Memory Potions.
“Like Snape was any better,” Harry muttered distractedly, barely glancing up, as he flipped through a copy of The Art of Potion-Making, 6th edition.
“He was!” you defended him, straightening your posture and looking up at Harry’s face. Your eyes instantly landed on the tongue that he was sticking out slightly, concentrating on writing something down that he had found in the book. The way he was squinting his eyes, despite him wearing glasses. Ugh. No. Stop it!, you told yourself. You snapped your eyes back down to your textbook, “Er--, yes, Snape! He might have been a git, but at least he was a practical git. He would never give us an assignment like this.”
“He hated me,” Harry told you as he looked up from his book. He shuddered involuntarily being reminded of all the Potions classes he had to suffer while Snape was Potions Master.
“Well,” you looked up again, smirking slightly, “some would argue he sort of had the right idea with that.” 
Harry sent you a look at which you chuckled slightly. The chuckle was soft, light-hearted. He had never heard you laugh like that. Oddly for Harry, he didn’t seem to mind the insult like he normally always does. On the contrary, he rather liked the sound. He didn’t know what this foreign feeling inside his chest was-- this feeling that seemed to only grow when he caught a glimpse of your hair falling onto your face as you scanned multiple textbooks at once, but he did know that he wanted to hear the sound of your laugh again.
[2:06 AM]
You yawned as you pushed yourself onto your elbows. You and Harry were now situated on the rug, with you laying on your stomach, continuing your research and Harry sitting up-right trying to keep his eyes open as he, too, tried to write down all the ingredients he had managed to find in one of the textbooks. 
Books were sprawled all around you. You reached to grab a copy of Advanced Potions, when you realized the closest one was actually Harry’s. 
“Merlin, what’d you do to this thing?” you questioned as you turned the tattered book over to examine it, “Throw it down the Grand Staircase?” 
“[Y/N], give it--” Harry had looked unusually alarmed when he caught sight of you inspecting the Potions book that was the secret to his success this year. He reached his hand out to take it from your hands but he was too late, as you had already opened the cover to find “Property of the Half-Blood Prince” scrawled neatly inside. 
You looked up at Harry and then back down again. The look on Harry’s face was priceless. 
You couldn’t help but start to laugh. Your quiet laughter soon grew loud and obnoxious as you sat up. The room echoed with your laugh, and it would seem, so did Harry’s heart. 
“The Half-Blood Prince?” you choked out, in between laughs, “Out of all the nicknames you’ve been given, you choose that one to write in your books?” Your stomach was aching slightly and your cheekbones hurt but your laughter didn’t falter. You clutched your stomach, as you continued to holler.
Harry’s face was flushed red. He wasn’t sure if he was supposed to be relieved or embarrassed. Or both. 
“No--” Harry stuttered as he tried to talk over your giggles that wouldn’t seem to stop, “No, I didn’t write that!”
“Oh yeah?” you teased, “Did one of the girls in your fanclub write it, then?” 
“I mean,” Harry scratched the back of his neck. He was sure now that he should be embarrassed, “I would assume so.”
This only made you laugh more.
Not that Harry minded, though.
[2:59 AM]
Harry wanted to talk to you. 
He was sitting a few feet away from you. You two were still situated on the rug, both sitting up-right now. Both of you were starting to get tired, as you stifled yawns while consistently pouring over material that never seemed to end. You and Harry had both taken your ties off and thrown them on the floor. Your robes were tossed on the floor, in a manner that would convey a very different message as to what you two were doing than what you two were actually doing, had someone walked into the room. 
Harry had tried to call you over for help multiple times now. Only so he could talk to you, so be it if it was only about the quantity of stewed mandrakes that would be required for the recipe. 
But each time, you had given him a response and moved back to your spot, returning to your quiet study of textbooks. 
Harry audibly sighed, hoping to get your attention, even if it was only an annoyed glance in his direction. 
“What is it now, Scarhead?” you asked through a yawn. You were tired, so incredibly tired. But it seemed that whenever Harry looked at you, you seemed to wake up a little. 
“I didn’t say anything,” he tried to play it cool. That’s what he was supposed to do, right? 
“Oh,” you yawned again, to which Harry yawned back, “my bad, Oh Chosen One, I sincerely apologize.” 
“Are you really going to use up all the names in one night?” He tried not to smile.
You did nothing to conceal your smile, making Harry’s smile appear on his face as well. You scooched over until you were sitting right beside him. 
“Not if I can help it,” you turned to face him, abandoning your textbooks, “Tell me Half-Blood Prince, are there any other names you go by?”
“Well, there is one,” Harry pretended to be in deep thought. 
“Really?” you asked, with exaggerated excitement in your eyes. You tried to tell yourself that this was purely because of your entertainment. It was to tease him. To belittle him. He was your rival, after all. Your mind forcibly pushed out the ridiculous notion that you were only teasing him with these names now because you found it endearing how he blushed slightly, or how, in some rare occasions, he would retort back. That was definitely not it. 
“Yeah.” his breath hitched in his throat as he saw the look in your eyes. Has she always looked like that?
“Alright,” you rolled your eyes playfully, “what is it? The Four-Eyed Seeker? The Serpent Slayer?” You teased. 
“Actually,” he smirked a little, “some people like to call me ‘that one guy who was able to brew a draught of living death perfectly and beat [Y/N]’.” 
Your teasing composure dropped and you shot Harry an angry look. Without thinking twice, you raised your hand to flick Harry on the forehead.
“Ow!” he cried out, clutching his head more in surprise than in pain. You had made sure not to hurt him. 
“You can add that to your scar collection, Potter.” 
 At this, Harry also raised his hand to flick you softly on the forehead. It felt more like a tap on the head than a flick, but you flinched regardless. 
“Now, we can have matching ones…?” he joked weakly. 
It was as if time had stopped for a while, with both of you staring at each other. You, in shock, and Harry in something that could only be described as embarrassed nervousness. All you could think was, What an absolute dork! Is he really the guy that Voldemort is hell-bent on defeating? 
Meanwhile, Harry wanted to climb into a hole and die, because he could not believe he had just said that. 
You wanted to be mad at him. You wanted to be furious. But your anger died down instantly after one glance at his nervous and crooked smile. Frankly, his weak attempt at getting you back was too dorky to be mad at. But you would never admit that. 
You huffed in exaggerated annoyance and picked your textbook back up again. Only, you stayed sitting beside him on the rug. You both returned to reading as your arms kept brushing against one another’s comfortably, making you both tingly, causing you two to look at each other from time to time. Harry would shoot you a smile, and you would try your very hardest to scowl at him. 
Harry could see through it, though. 
Comfortable silence ensued, filled with the faint sound of turning pages and two hearts beating, simultaneously. 
[3:25 AM]
Your eyes drooped closed as you managed to snap them back open yet again. It had been a long night, for sure, and you and Harry were nowhere near being done. 
“Did we really have to do this tonight?” Harry muttered, a little irritated. He had Quidditch tomorrow. He needed his sleep. He rested his head in his hands, as he leaned over the table with his elbows on it. You were sitting beside him in a similar position as you massaged the temples of your head that were starting ache.
“Yes,” you muttered back, “how many times do I have to tell you? We would’ve lost if we hadn’t.”
“Of course,” he groaned with fatigue. 
“You know,” you turn to look at him, “this is a group project. Stop acting like I’m doing this for myself.”
“I never said that,” he replied, “Just-- It’s just that we’re nowhere close to being done.” He rubbed his eyes tiredly. He needed to be well-rested to properly argue with you.
“We just need to find the antidote to the crushed sea worms,” you tried to recall, “It’ll balance the potion out. And then, we can start brewing.”
“I’m taking a break, [Y/N], wake me up in five minutes?” Harry asked you as he slurred some of his words, being overcome with sleep. Without waiting for a response, he rested his head on the table and closed his eyes.
“Fine. Only five minutes!” 
[3:33 AM]
It had been a little more than five minutes. You knew this.
Yet, you didn’t have the heart to wake him up. He looked so peaceful, with his mouth slightly open and his glasses pressed up against the side of his face and the table.
You hesitantly extended your hand to gently take his glasses off. He stirred a little in his sleep and scratched his face softly, but much to your relief, didn’t wake up. You set his glasses down carefully on the table and tried to return back to your work when you heard a sound.
Snoring. Harry had already started to snore. 
They weren’t loud snores. They were soft, gentle. You couldn’t help but smile a little as you looked at the boy snoozing beside you. 
Perhaps you were too tired to think deeper, or maybe you just knew the answer already, but you didn’t even bother to ask yourself why you were acting this way. Why weren’t you annoyed by the snores? Why hadn’t you woken him up? For Merlin’s sake, what was with all that smiling? 
And most importantly, why were you enjoying working on this blasted project with your arch-nemesis Harry Potter?
The first rays of sunshine poured through the small windows that were lined against the walls, illuminating everything that had previously been dim and hard to see. 
Under normal circumstances, this morning would’ve seemed peaceful. Almost ethereal, even. 
But as your eyes fluttered open and took in the scene that seemed to appear in front of them, the only thing that you felt was panic. 
Your head was resting on the table, with your nose only millimetres away from Harry’s. If you had moved only a fraction of a millimetre, your nose would’ve brushed against his. 
Before you had the chance to properly be flustered by this, reality set in. 
“Harry!” You practically screamed, “Wake up, Harry!” You sat up in your seat with a jolt and tried to shake Harry awake. 
Harry stirred slightly, and furrowed his brows, but didn’t wake up.
“I swear, Potter, if you don’t wake up, right now!” You shouted again. 
This seemed to work, for as soon as Harry’s eyes opened, his face also contorted into a panicked expression that was similar to yours. You two had overslept, and missed breakfast. Not only would this raise suspicion among your peers, but if you didn’t hurry, you would miss your first-period Potions class, consequently losing the competition. 
“Did you brew the potion?” Harry questioned hastily, as he attempted to smooth his messy morning hair and rush to pack up the scattered books and papers, “Why didn’t you wake me up!”
“Luckily for you, I did!” You replied just as hastily, looking around frantically for your bag and books, “Come on, hurry up!”
“What does it look like I’m doing?” Harry snapped, as he looked for his robes and ties. He quickly picked up a tie off of the floor as you did the same.
Taking one last look around to make sure you hadn’t missed anything, and picking up the vial of the memory potion that you had prepared before falling asleep last night, you two were off, running as fast as your legs allowed to claim your victory. 
“Congratulations!” Slughorn exclaimed as he beamed at you, the class surrounding you and Harry as you two stood at the front of the class and the noise of applause filled your ears, “I expected nothing less from my two star students!” 
Your heart seemed to swell at your success, and you couldn’t stop yourself from beaming. You and Harry stood side by side, basking in glory, so be it if it was with incredibly deep eye bags, incredibly unruly hair, and a bad migraine from the lack of sleep. You exchanged a few small smiles with Harry that seemed to only make this moment better. 
After the prolonged appreciation of your success, you separated from Harry, and walked over to stand beside Millicent, as Harry walked to the other side of the group to stand with Ron and Hermione. As Slughorn started to demonstrate for your next assignment, Millicent smirked at you.
“Nice tie, [Y/L/N],” she sneered as she leaned over, “Looks like Potions wasn’t the only thing you two were doing all night.” 
Horrified, as you glanced down to your tie, the world seemed to stop. 
It was a Gryffindor tie. You had taken his, and him yours. Your face burned red as you quickly rushed to take the tie off. But many people had already noticed, as they all glanced about, smirking and muttering things about your and Potter’s eventful night.
On the other side of the group, Ron and Hermione looked positively flabbergasted at the sight of Harry’s green and silver tie.
“Mate… your--your tie,” Ron whispered to Harry quietly. 
“Wha--?” To say that Harry was petrified, and frozen in his spot when he caught a glimpse of your tie around his neck would be an understatement. His eyes shot towards you, but you did everything you had to do to avoid his eyes. 
“Well… um, how was it?” Ron questioned uncertainly, only adding to the awkwardness of this situation. 
“Ronald!” Hermione exclaimed, hitting Ron on the arm scoldingly. 
“What? I’m only asking!”
You turned around to see Harry, looking dashing in his suit, with an awkward smile on his stupidly handsome face.
“Hey,” you said back with a smile, and turned back to the scene in front of you.
Slughorn’s Christmas party. 
Of course, you had come. You couldn’t stand to disappoint Slughorn, especially when he had finally started to acknowledge you more in class.
Now, you were standing here in your extremely uncomfortable dress and heels, watching people dancing, and socializing, in which you were taking no part. The only thing that was on your mind was how much you wished that you hadn’t come tonight. 
“You…, uh--came alone?” Harry questioned as he took a step forward to stand beside you and watch both of your dates dancing with other partners. 
“No,” you rolled your eyes playfully, “I’m not that much of a loser.”
Harry grinned at this, feeling as if this playful remark had broken through the tension that ensued between you two ever since the tie incident. 
“Of course,” Harry nodded, smiling stupidly.
“I bet you came alone, though,” you teased, nudging his shoulder a little.
“Funnily enough, no,” Harry replied smugly. You tried to ignore how your heart dropped a little at this. 
“Oh?” you raised an eyebrow, “who’s the unlucky lady?”
“Luna. Although, she seems a bit preoccupied with Neville at the moment.”
You turned to look where he was looking to see Luna conversing excitedly with Neville. 
“Hm,” you hummed, “Zabini seems a little busy himself.” You shifted your gaze to Zabini, who was dancing with some Ravenclaw girl that you had never seen. 
Both of you were quiet for a moment, enjoying the company of the other and watching the terrible attempts at dancing on the dance floor. 
Out of nowhere, Harry broke the silence, “Want to get out of here?” 
Surprised, you turned to him, “What?”
“You don’t seem to be enjoying this any more than I am, “ Harry stated, rubbing his sweaty palms on his trousers, “let’s leave.”
“And go where?” This prospect didn’t sound half bad to you.
“Up to you.” 
“Um,” you crossed your arms, and thought for a moment, “Have you ever stargazed?” 
Harry looked dumbfounded. “No…?” 
“Great, let’s go.” And with that, you took his arm and led the way.
The Astronomy Tower was particularly chilly tonight, but you two seemed to have forgotten all about the temperature as soon as you caught sight of the beautiful view of the night sky, teeming with stars. 
“Y’know, I almost asked you to the party tonight,” Harry blurted out without thinking about it too much. Clearly, he had gotten far too comfortable, lying on his back beside you, looking up at the stars. He tried to keep his calm as he waited for a response from you.
“What stopped you?” you turned your head to face him, genuinely curious. Your heartbeat had started to beat faster, and your stomach felt weird and queasy.
“I--,” Harry wasn’t expecting a serious response, so he gulped a little before turning his face to face you, “Well, I didn’t want to make it weird, I guess. I wasn’t sure… of what you would’ve said.”
“So…” you smirked, “in other words, you were too much of a coward.” 
“What? Absolutely not! I just--. Well--”
“Well,” you smiled a little, “I would’ve said yes if you had, hypothetically, of course, gathered up your courage and asked me. I don’t seem to mind your company nearly as much as one would think.” 
“Yeah?” his heart seemed to skip a beat as he looked into your eyes, which sparkled from the reflections of the stars above. He was, quite literally, star-struck.
“Yeah,” you smiled, finally giving up on trying to hide your feelings, and allowing yourself to come to terms with them instead, “I wouldn’t even dream of giving up the opportunity to go out with the mighty Half-Blood Prince.” 
Harry groaned, as you erupted into a fit of giggles.
“I would much rather prefer if you called me by my other nickname,” Harry said slowly, his lips curling upwards.
“Which is?”
“The best potioneer,” he grinned. The roles had been reversed, and now it was time for you to roll your eyes and for Harry to chuckle.  
The rest of the night was filled with playful banter, with laughs and jokes, and with insults that weren’t very insulting, all the while gazing up at the stars. Though, Harry wasn’t too focused on the beautiful celestial bodies that seemed to occupy the night sky above, as the only beautiful thing he was interested in gazing at, at the moment, was you.
@bisexualprinxexx​ @parkeroffline​
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hailpotato · 10 years
Draco Malfoy #8
Can I have like a really fluffy draco imagine? Like where y/n is sleeping and she feels someone kissing her neck and she opens her eyes to see draco doing it. Then she wants to get out of bed to get ready for school but draco won't let her and he pins her down and started kissing her jaw and neck until she stops wanting to get ready.
Oooh please can i have a heated/smutty draco x reader? Please? *pouty face and puppy dog eyes*
A.N. Sorry this one is so short >.<, couldn't really think what to write. Next one will be a lot longer. 
You were drifting in an out of a deep sleep, you really hadn't had a "dream" yet per say, but your imagination was wandering. You could feel your boyfriend behind you, spooning you, snoring softly against your neck. You continued drifting in and out of consciousness for a while. What seemed like only minutes, but was probably hours later you felt a soft pair of lips against your neck, kissing your soft spot.
"Draco..." You mumbled, knowing that he was probably acting like this because it was almost time for you to get ready for work. This was always his way of trying to persuade her to stay in bed and possibly even fool around with him.
"Stay." He mumbled and pulled her even closer, sucking on her neck, slipping his hand up to grope her breast. "You know you want to..." He growled.
"Love." He rolled on top of you, wiggling between your legs and starting to hump you.
"Draco..." You whined, although you had started to move you hips against his. After only a minute your clothes had been discarded and Draco was continuing to suck on your neck.
"Do you wanna?"  
"I have to go to work..." Draco rolled his eyes and kept going, trying to convince you stay. "I guess I could always call in sick." You smiled and finally started kissing him back, wrapping your legs around his waist.
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Champagne Problems
Neville’s POV
You booked the night train for a reason
So you could sit there in this hurt
Neville was hunched over on the curb; his tie loosened and just hanging around his neck as he unbuttoned the top two buttons of his shirt. He moved his hand to hover over his chest as he could swear he could feel his heart breaking. The pain seemed so physical and real, he thought maybe he was having a heart attack. He barely had enough time to process what had just happened when the Knight Bus pulled up in front of him. He didn’t even really hear the words the conductor said as he stepped on board. He moved towards the back and laid down on one of the beds as the Knight Bus took off. His mind was still in shock so he barely registered himself responding to the conductor’s question of where he was going. 
Luna’s POV
You had a speech, you're speechless
Love slipped beyond your reaches
And I couldn't give a reason
Luna had arrived back at her flat and just stood and stared at the empty front room. She had bought this back when she first left Hogwarts but she ended up spending so much time at Neville’s that she never really made it a home. It was just a place she stayed sometimes. She moved forward finally toward the room in the back as she thought back to earlier in the evening.
Luna looked around the room. She sighed. Neville had gotten their friends together for Christmas and the party seemed to be in full swing now. She had noticed a couple of whispers and points towards her but she didn’t try to figure out what for. She was used to it. Not much had changed since they had left Hogwarts. She had kept the soft, dreamy smile on her face for the first hour of the party as she greeted her friends; Ginny, Harry, Ron, Hermione, as well as others in their class that she wasn’t as close to. Now that it had been a few hours, she was feeling distant. A tap on her shoulder brought her out of her daze as she turned around.
            “What’re you doing out here, Luna?” Harry didn’t seem concerned, just curious. It caused a small to lift on to her face as she saw him.
            “Just listening to the stars. They sure are talkative tonight.” She looked back up towards the clear, but bright night sky as the moon was full and the stars seemed extra sparkly tonight before turning to look back at Harry. “But let’s go inside and see what our friends have to say.”
            Harry nodded and followed her in as she found her way towards Neville and Ginny. Neville’s smile stretched even farther along his face as he saw her before tapping his glass to get everyone’s attention. He put his hand against her back as everyone turned to look at them.
            “Welcome, everyone. Merry Christmas! It’s lovely that you all made time to come join Luna and I for an evening together. I know we’re all very busy but it means a lot to us. I hope you’ve enjoyed the party so far but I have something I would like to say, or rather do, with all of you here.” Luna didn’t remember Neville telling her about anything extra for the party as he turned towards her. “Luna, you have brought me so much joy these past couple of years and I don’t think I would’ve been able to get through the aftermath of the war without you.” Oh no. Please don’t, is all Luna could think in her head as he continued talking. “With all of our friends here to witness,” he slowly got down on one knee, “I’d like to ask for your hand in marriage and start a new chapter with you.”
            It seemed he had more to say and she glanced around at all the smiling faces, understanding now what the pointing and stares were about. So she stopped him. “Neville,” she started, trying to indicate that he should get up. His face dropped as his eyes narrowed in confusion but he did stand back up, “you’re mistaken. You don’t want this. You don’t want me.”
            Her voice had become a whisper and Neville’s matched her. “Is that what you think? Of course it is. You don’t have to worry about that.” Luna was looking at the ground. “Is this…not what you want?”
            “I’m sorry, but no.” 
Neville’s POV
You told your family for a reason
You couldn't keep it in
Neville’s eyes had fallen shut as he thought back to a month ago when he’d visited his parents in St. Mungo’s. He had been so excited to tell them all about how he truly felt like he had found the one. How he let them know it was Luna, the dreamy girl he had brought in for them to meet the Christmas before. How he was going to propose and how excited he was to share his life with someone the way they had shared theirs together. How he hoped that they were proud of who he was bringing in to be a part of the family as he thought they would be. He had talked to them for over two hours about how he had planned to do it and when he had started to leave, his mother had grabbed his hand, like she usually did, and gave him a chocolate wrapper, but he felt like she had been responding to something he had said and he had thought it was a sign.
Luna’s POV
No crowd of friends applauded
Your hometown skeptics called it 
Luna had began to change out of her beautiful dress as she thought back to how everyone went from being so happy to empty silence and how she never wanted it to be like that.
She had tried to show how bad she felt on her face, but she didn’t think it was working. She looked around the room once more, seeing everyone looking so uncomfortable, and no longer felt as if she should be at the party. She turned and gave Neville one last kiss on the cheek, whispering “I’m really sorry”, and then turning to walk out the door. As she left she heard one of the girls whisper not-so-quietly “That’s what happens when you get involved with Loony.”
I never was ready, so I watch you go
Sometimes you just don't know the answer
'Til someone's on their knees and asks you
Luna let tears fall as she curled up in her bed that night. She loved Neville with all her heart but she didn’t want to marry him. And she couldn’t figure out why. All she knew was she couldn’t say yes. Something had told her to say no and so she did. Neville didn’t deserve someone who couldn’t love him and be at the same place as he was. If he hadn’t tried to propose, she would’ve most likely still been in the relationship, oblivious to the fact that it wasn’t what she wanted, no matter how loved she was by Neville. No matter how much she cared for him.
Neville’s POV
Your mom's ring in your pocket
Her picture in your wallet
Neville sighed as he was once again at the same place he was a year ago. He had gotten to know Hannah very well near the end of his relationship with Luna and after everything that happened last Christmas, Hannah really supported him and soon their friendship grew into a romance. He was very skeptical at first, but he knew this was different. Hannah was always present. When he went this time to see his parents and tell them about it, he left with his mom’s ring. He doesn’t know how he got it, to be honest, but he hesitantly told them all about Hannah, how she made him smile everyday, how she always was up for an adventure with him, how she never seemed distant. How he loved her but hadn’t said it yet. And after his time with them, he received another gum wrapper as usual from his mom, quickly shoving it in his pocket, telling his mom he loved her before leaving. It wasn’t until he got home that when he went back to the gum wrapper, he realized something was wrapped inside. And there was his mom’s ring.
    He took that as a sign and that night told Hannah he loved her. A few months later, he was ready to propose even though they hadn’t been together a full year. This time, though, he was taking Hannah to a dinner, just the two of them. Precautions, one could say, in case she also ends up saying no. He looked around as Hannah walked through the door. Her smile lit up the entire restaurant and he stood up to pull out her chair. Here we go he thought to himself.
Luna’s POV
You won't remember all my
Champagne problems
Christmas came and went the next year and Luna hadn’t seen her friends since the party. She had been painting a lot. Helping her dad find more information for creatures he wanted to share about in The Quibbler each edition. She had spent much time alone which she was okay with. She was learning about herself. It was approaching the new year and Luna was trying to decide what she would do for her next big adventure when she came across the most recent edition of The Daily Prophet. Usually she paid no mind to the paper, but a headline caught her eye.
She saw a picture of them and could tell how happy they were. It brought a smile to her face as she realized he had found someone who could love him the way she couldn’t. I should reach out to Ginny and Harry she thought to herself as she felt she could move forward knowing everything worked out the way it should. It’s a good thing she listened to the stars that night.
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crazyglitterpirate · 3 years
Regrets - Fred Weasley
It's my sixth year at Hogwarts. After what happened last year I really didn't expect things to get better but still Umbridge really? what a pain in the arse. but one thing that came out of it was the DA. what a suggestion from ginny may I add. everyone was a little shocked I joined since my parents openly spoke out again Dumbledore but they weren't here last year, they didn't see what we all saw. It meant I lost a lot of friends as I started hanging around with other DA members, even if no one else knows that what we were. Luna and Ginny were there when I had a screaming match with them when they said I was ditching them. I felt alone and rejected. but Ginny had told the others so I was always welcomed to sit at the Gryffindors table. I became close friends with the twins, they would distract me with all their products and I was really amazed at them. those two are a lot smarter than they let on. DA was good cause I would usually group with them.
One night at a DA meeting.
"ahh" I huff and sit on the floor " there no use I'm never going to get the charm right"
We were all practising a different charm and I for the life of me could get it, plus I was having a bad week, with me already on three detentions this week already.
"come on soph," George said as he sits down next to me while Fred is towing over me.
"yeah you'll get it you just can't give up," Fred said. He gives me a look of concern as we stare at each other without breaking our eye contact.
"what's wrong?"  He asked me, I could hear the concern in his voice. At this point, George had left and given us some space. "has someone said something again."
"no" I look away, well look at anything other than him, I didn't want him to know how nervous he made me. "just having a bad week"
"Well then let's make it better," he says and grabs my hand to pull me up with ease. I swear my heart started beating faster.
So I have a little crush on a certain redhead twin, I mean he's kind and funny, way smarter than you think and is extremely loyal to his family how could I not. but then there's me, sad weak little Sophie who can't even do this stupid charm, why would he ever see me as anything else. god, I'm so sick of people looking at me like I'm going to break.
"Okay, whatever Weasley" and with that, we continued with the meeting.
One week later.
As I was walking to the court lard I was my friends, well old friends. they were all laughing and being happy and it annoyed me, I didn't do anything wrong in the first place.
"Hey soph you okay" a small voice came from behind me but instantly recognised it."
"Yeah, I'm fine Fred, just looking for a spot to sit and read." I smile back but he gives me that look, you know the 'are you sure' look.
"I am fine" I huff "now can we sit"
"it okay if your not, you were friends for a long time"
"Fred I--"
"No, you can't keep pretending it not getting to you, it clearly is"
"and if you want I would be happy you try new products on them" "and George too, of course, we will be like your bodyguards around them" he ended with a smile.
Now I know he wasn't trying to be sweet and i know he didn't mean to make me feel small and weak but he did and without giving him a minute to say anything else I stood up and started shouting at him.
I go to storm off but before I'm out of earshot I hear him say 'guess I won't bother you again I didn't mean it it was just a build-up which unfortunately Fred got the full bast of.
Regret i felt regret
Thursday that week, Fred hadn't made eye contact with me at all and would only say hi if I was in a group of our mutual friends. I was walking back from the library since I now had way more free time. I didn't hang out with the twins anymore I wouldn't even group up with them at DA meetings either, so I found myself reading and studying. walking through the halls I hear running and laughter a certain laugh I would be able to recognize a mile away and with that, all my emotions came at once and I found myself siding down the side of the wall crying not too loud but loud enough to get someone attention.
"soph?" George, it was George.
"Hey, hey come here it alright" he grabs me and just holds me "Shhh" he turned to look at me wiping away any tears that have fallen "what happens, are you okay, did you have detention"
I shake my head "no" I take some breaths " I just feel so alone, I feel like I've lost everyone my old friends and Now you and Fred."
"first of all you haven't lost me," he says and nudges me.
"and second aren't you the one who told him to stay away " he raises an eyebrow at me
"I know, I felt really bad after I did it, George, he just wouldn't shut up and be making me feel worse. God, why can't he just understand sometimes I don't want to talk about it."
"it's not that I don't want to talk to you two about it I just do better handling that stuff on my own, it's what I know, every time I try and say sorry he walks away or just flat out ignores me. Do you know how much that hurts it's like I'm not even there? I care about you guys so much and now I feel like I've fucked it up cause I lost it once. "
"like I understand if he doesn't want to be my friend anymore I really do, but ..... I just - I wish he would just acknowledge my apology. "
George just sits there comforting me ensuring me that he would come around. What we didn't know was Fred was around the corner and heard everything.
We had just finished a prank and were running George being ahead of me while laughing we could hear someone crying, we both stopped and continued walking to where it was coming from. before I turned the corner I hear George say her name and my heart sunk.
I heard the whole conversation and a mass of regret and guilt came over me. I had never thought about it from her point of view well, to be honest, I never let her explain I guess I let my ego get in the way. I mean now I'm hearing it I should have respected her boundaries and her personal space and I shouldn't have ignored her I just felt so hurt that she didn't want me to comfort her, all I wanted to do was make her happy and avoid her crying but instead I've caused it. I am going to make this right, I need to!
I hear them get up and start walking George was offering to walk her to her house but she said it was okay and with that George was next to me in less than a minute. He waited till she was out of earshot before finally saying something.
"You're an idiot, an absolute git Fred"
"I know," I said
"well how are you going to fix it"
"I don't know"
I had planned a lot of things to apologize to sophie, but I chicken out every time. I almost did one day but then I fucked it up again by shouting things at her. hurtful mean things, I made her cry AGAIN this time it was her avoiding me, guess now I know how she felt, karma right? God, I tried talking to her but before I knew it I was flying out of the school with George without making things right.  she saw me and turned away.
Regret was all that I could think.
Sophies POV
I was sitting at lunch with luna, we tend to sit with the Gryffindors. George always engaged in conversation with me which was comforting but Fred still didn't speak to me, But I swear I saw him attempt to say something to me but stop himself every time.
It was the day of the big match Slytherin vs Gryffindors, I of course wore red and gold. and I decide to go with luna to wish everyone good luck. George instantly pulled me in for the biggest bone crusting hug ever.
"Okay I can't breathe" I get out "what trying to kill me or something" I laughed
I didn't even notice Fred had come next to us
"so what do you think? reckon I'd make a good gryffindork"
"I think you suit it, what do you think George?" Fred, he had actually said something to me, well George but at me.
i just looked over and smiled at him.
"Yeah Fred defo a Gryffindor at heart"
"right C'mon," Angelia said
"well that's my queue to go, good luck boys" I waved them off and linked my arms with luna
"let go get some seats this will be good"
I had deiced I would talk to him after an official apology for shouting at him. but then the fight happened not that I'm complaining I hate Malfoy too. The 3 of them were sent to Umbridge so ginny let me in the common room. George came in first and marched right to his dorm then harry who just sat on the couch and then Fred he looked around for a while then i rose to speak to him to see if he was okay.
"Hey Fred," I said while putting my hand on his arm, but he quickly moved
"what are you even doing here? You are not a Gryffindor you're not really in the DA properly just aspie for Umbridge!"
"Fred I-"
"What noting to shout at me for, why don't you go back to your friends and death eater family huh! I- "
"FRED enough it's not sophies fault."
I felt tears roll down my cheeks as I looked around embarrassed and hurt. and I ran out of that common room as fast as could"
I could pick up ginny shouting at him and someone calling my name but I kept running. I didn't go back to the DA after that and I sat back at my house table alone. ginny, luna and George checked up on me but I just waved them off saying I had too much work to do. i avoided fred. sometimes he'd call my name but I would only walk away faster.  until I was in class I heard a sound bang followed by shouting like everyone else I left to see and I was the twins on the brooms. Fred made eye contact with me almost pleading to follow but I didn't I turned and went to the library.
I didn't know they were leaving. or I would have listened i thought we had more time.
once again I was met with an old friend
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James and lil flirt during potions class!
“Today we will be…” Professor Slughorn’s voice faded into the background as Lily heard a “psst” come from behind her. She rolled her eyes knowing exactly who it was. She decided to ignore it and try to focus back in on Slughorn’s instructions, but of course she couldn’t as the attempts to get her attention continued. She turned quickly in her seat and glared at the boy sitting behind her. James Potter and Sirius Black always knew how to get on her nerves. Although she had grown quite close to them ever since she stopped being friends with Severus, they still knew exactly how to get on her nerves.
“Will you two stop it! I’m trying to focus and you are not making it any easier.” She playfully glared at them before turning back towards the front. The muffled laughter that traveled to her ears put a smile on her face. It had been a rough few months for her due to the loss of a close friend but still having to see him around and she had found a lot of support from these boys. She knew that most of their support was probably because they weren’t exactly the biggest fans of said ex-friend but James, at least, had shown some personal growth over the summer and she started feeling as if he may not be as bad as she originally thought he was.
“C’mon Evans!” a not-so-whispered shout came from behind her. “This class is boring!”
“You know if you just give him a pat on the head, he’ll leave you alone, Lily” She glanced behind her just in time to see James smacking Sirius upside the head whilst Sirius kept from doubling over in laughter.
“You’d know all about that, wouldn’t you, Padfoot?” A smirk fell across James face as Sirius bumped James shoulder with his own. She narrowed her eyes as she saw them share some weird silent connection, but wasn’t sure why. She turned to the front just in time to see Professor Slughorn list the ingredients they needed for today’s potion. She got up and walked over to the cabinet to grab what she would need when she was stopped.
“Why don’t you be my partner today, Evans? You know I could use the help to boost my grade in here.” He softly moved her hair off her shoulder as he moved his eyes to look straight into hers.
Not one to turn away, she stared straight back at him as she responded. “What about Sirius, Potter? I thought you two were partners in crime for everything.”
“We are, but Remus is actually in class today and he’s already left me to go bother him instead.” He lifts his thumb up and jerks it over his shoulder to where Sirius and Remus seem to be locked in conversation. “So what do you say? Partners?”
Lily looked around the class once more, her eyes landing on the raven-haired boy watching her and James talk and something inside of her raged. She lifted her head slightly as she brought her attention back to the boy in front of her. “Partners it is. Don’t mess this up for me.”
James laughed as he followed her back to their workspace. “Your hair isn’t the only thing fiery about you. The more I get to know you, the better it gets.”
She glances over at him at the comment. His eyes focused on getting all the ingredients set up. “What do you mean?”
“Please. You don’t think I wouldn’t catch on?” He looks over at her with a laugh at the confusion. “I’m not as oblivious as you seem to think I am. I know part of you is only actually partnering with me to piss him off.” She knew he didn’t need to say his name to know they both knew who was being mentioned. “Don’t worry. I’m not offended. I’ll play along, but you’re going to owe me.”
“Oh really?”
“Really.” His smirk has turned into a goofy grin at this point and she can’t help but smile herself.
“And what am I going to owe you?” She starts cutting up and crushing the ingredients necessary to start pouring them into the cauldron as she waits for what he expects in return.
“How about a date?” She scoffs as this isn’t the first time he’s tried to get her to go on a date with him. “I’m serious.” She stops to look at him for a moment as he continues speaking. “If you say no, then I’ll figure something else out like maybe helping me with homework or something, but why not go on one date with me? I can show you that I’m not as immature as you think I am anymore.”
The goofy grin he had never left his face as he spoke and she truly took a moment to study him. One date can’t be that bad. And she can always say no. She shakes her head softly, letting out a quiet laugh before nodding her head. “Okay. One date.”
He stops with the potion to turn to her properly. “Wait, really? I seriously did not think that was going to work.” She laughed a bit louder at his response. “Don’t worry. You won’t regret this.”
“Oh, you’ll definitely regret it, Lily, but at least it’ll finally get him to shut up about you.” Sirius pops up out of nowhere to throw his arm around James shoulder as she hears Remus tell Sirius to come back and finish brewing the potion with him. She rolls her eyes once more as she turns back to working on the potion with James as they both can’t stop smiling and bumping into each other playfully for the rest of the class.
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crazyglitterpirate · 3 years
No tears left to cry - Oliver Wood
I have known Oliver wood my whole life, our parents went to Hogwarts together. He was like family. Although over the years I started to see him differently.  Our parents, on the other hand, thought would get married one day.  
' Red is no longer my favourite colour '
'My favourite songs are no longer played'
'My favouite shirt no longer fits'
'my favourite jeans are no longer my style'
'So please tell me why I'm still crying over the same person who hurt me through all my favourite;
'and styles'
It was the year after we left Hogwarts. I remember it so well. 3 things happened that year,
one- Voldemort was back.
Two- Cedric was murdered and
three- Oliver broke my heart.
He had made the quidditch team, and I had started my training to be a healer, I still lived with my parents I didn't want to have to pay for a thing that was unnecessary at the time. and oli had gotten his own flat, he was a big-time quidditch player he had the money. and at first, everything was great. movie nights, lunch dates, I went to all his games. I met the team, Benji was one of the chasers, I liked him. Mary on the other hand I didn't like her, she was the seeker. and she was a good one at that. but she was also very flirty, well around Oliver anyway, always find an excuse to sit next to him, touching his arms, laughing at all his joke (even the really bad ones) at first I thought that maybe he didn't notice. but it got worse and worse, until one night I had enough.
We were at the team party, they had a big match coming up that weekend. Oliver spent the majority of the night with her. Someone who didn't know me asked if they were dating and she moved closer to him and linked his arms, and HE didn't even deny it. I excused myself and grabbed my coat and left.
I had gotten to my home, my parents were gone for the week so I was alone, he didn't even try and stop me or ask what was wrong. probably didn't notice too occupied I suppose. I went to my room threw on a pair of joggers and a top, I went to my mirror to take my make up off and my eye fell o to the picture on it, of us. last year he had finally won the house cup, and colin had gotten a photo of when he had picked me up and sprung me around. we looked so happy, so in love.
what happened?
I could feel my eyes starting to sting as I hold tears back. I start to take my make-up off trying to stay calm. but all I can think of is how he hasn't even noticed I'm gone yet.
That did it. The tears I'd been holding back were falling free like a dam that had just been blown up or a waterfall. I let out a loud sob, holding onto my chair for balance. soon the hurt turned to anger, and I grabbed the closest thing to me a throw it at the door.
"whoa watch it love you - wait are you crying?"
Oliver. He was at my bedroom door.
I just turn around and began to take the rest of my make-up, I paused for a second looking at the mess I had become.
"Love?    What's wrong? I tried to find you and  Benji said had left."
I ignore him, seriously he didn't even notice. wow.
"sophie. C'mon. talk to me" I felt his hand on my shoulder.
"NO." I turned quickly and slapped his hand off "I'VE HAD ENOUGH, JUST GO BACK TO YOUR PARTY WITH HER"
"W-what are you talking about? With WHO?" at this point he had stepped forward, so close I could feel his breath.
" come on Olie! you are not that oblivious."  He raised his eyes and motioned his hands indicating to continue.
"and do you know what's worse? YOU.   you let her do it, and you were enjoying it"
"I- you're kidding me right. Sophie, it was a fucking question nothing is happening between us, Fuck sake trust me"
"ONE I never said you did anything I do trust you."
"Okay what's the problem then"
"GOD your not even listening. how do you think I feel watching that knowing I'm never going to be as fit as her, or as pretty, I'm never going to have that connection with you that she has which would be fine if she was respectful of our relationship but she not!"
"I can't believe this you're telling me I can't even be friends with another woman! You're crazy, you realise that right. what you think I don't get jealous of when you speak to other guys, cause I do but I trust you, I trust this" he waves his hand between us
"I didn't say that, stop putting words in my mouth, I just want you to tell her to stop flirting, why is that so hard?"
"it's just her personality sophie, and I'm not going to tell her to stop doing something when we haven't even done anything wrong. I won't"
"even if it makes me feel like this, makes me feel uncomfortable and hurts me? what you just don't care?"
"Now who is putting words in people mouths," he says while picking up his coat I didn't even realise he dropped it
"where are you going? we need to talk about this"
"Back to the party," he said coldly
that hurt it really did before I knew it I felt hot tears down my cheek
I try to form words but my voice kept breaking
"back to 'her' you mean"
he didn't say anything he just walked out slamming the door and with that, I fell to the ground and cried until there were no more tears left to cry.
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crazyglitterpirate · 3 years
Cute one shot of Harry
The day before the second task, I had always had a crush on harry but never seemed to catch his eye, like he was always nice and would have a light conversion but never really friends id say.  but everything change during the tri wizard competition, everyone knew he liked cho but since the yule ball, she started dating Cedric.
while in the library I heard the trio talk about the task, I included mermaids and the black lake. feeling this sudden confidence I decided to offer to help after all 4 pairs of eyes are better than 3.
"Hey guys, do you guys need any help ?" I asked sincerely.  Ron and Harry looked sceptical but Hermione spoke up
"oh hi, Y/N" she looked at the boy, Hermione and I usually study together "we were just looking for anything on the black lake or merpeople . . . do you know anything?"
"no not off the top of my head but I can help yous look," I said with a small smile
we all started looking I was having light-hearted conversions with the guys and Ron and Hermione kept bickering with each other.
" so how you feeling about the next task" "I mean of course you're going to do great," I asked him
"erm you really think so " he looked shocked
"well of course you're harry potter if you cant then what 14-year-old can" I had noticed how humble he was the boy who lived for Godric's sake
"Honestly I just wing it, most of the time I don't know what I'm doing, I guess I just get lucky," he said, he looked like he couldn't even believe he had been through as much as he had.
"I think there are books in the fifth row so we should start looking, if want to start at one end and ill start at the other, we can divide and conquer."
we continued talking, and I had to say I really don't understand why people think he looks for this stuff, who in their right mind would go through what he has on purpose.
"Why haven't I seen you more? I mean we are in the same year arent we ?" harry asked
"I don't know, maybe you can study with us some time? " I didn't get a chance to hear his reply. as moody came and sent everyone on their way.
The next day.
After Harry had gotten an extra point for rescuing more people from the lake, there was a major party in the common room, thanks to the twins of course.
As I came down from my dorm, the party was wild, I could barely hear anything over the music and could even pass anyone.
"Oh hey Y/N" I turned to see Hermione.
"hey, how long has it been like this" " how are you feeling" "how is ron feeling . . . oh and harry too?"
She just giggled
"Sorry too many questions," I said and giggled
after talking and dancing with Hermione and a few people jumping in on the conversation, I went to get a drink.
" hmm what to get, " I said
"Talking to yourself,"  someone said to my right, I thought I was alone. I looked to reply to them, suddenly I got red and I saw harry standing next to me.
"sorry harry I think out loud sometimes, . . .  oh well done, I knew you could do it, of course, like I said last night you're harry potter"  "oh what was it like, where you scared oh not that you're not brave . . . i -"
"you ramble a lot you know that," he said sweetly
"oh sorry" I looked down suddenly feeling embarrassed and wanting to go curl up in a corner somewhere.
" I'm just going to . . erm find someone, yeah all see you," I said and I grabbed a drink and started to turn.
"oh no I didn't mean it in a bad way sorry, . . . I can be awkward sometimes," he said while grabbing my arm gently.
" ME TOO," I said a bit too energetically.
she was starting to look nervous and scratching the back of his neck, "hey I actually think it cute, the rambling thing"
Did he just say cute?
I gave him a questioning look.
"so I was thinking if you would want to hang out? like we could study or not erm yeah?" he said then instantly looking down. he really was awkward.
'okay play it cool Y/N' i thought to myself.
"yeah sure just let me know"
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fanfictionguide · 7 years
A Very Weasley Christmas
Author: flyingisabetterwordforfalling
Fandom: Harry Potter
"Oy, stop it, Harry!"
Harry blinked at him, not as innocent as he seemingly wanted to appear, because well Ron was his best friend. He knew that expression all too well.
"What is it with you and flirting with my family?"
Characters/Ships: Harry/The Weasley Clan (not for real though, just implied ;)
Topic Warnings: Flirting. Lots of it.
Suggested Rating: T
Word Count: 1480
Happy Christmas!
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