#harry poter cosplay
c0tards--s0luti0n · 1 year
okay i am back from the football game . recap . i got a pretzel and dippin dots and the pretzel had an ungodly amount of salt on it and i have this habit of chewing the inside of my mouth and i cant eat anything salty or sour without dying so i was not having a fun time but the pretzel was good . i got sammy to look at homestuck characters and rate them and she said i look like harry poter on crack which i dont know how to feel about that (she rated me 7 though because she knows thays Me :3) . infodumped about homestuck to her for a While and we were both fucking dying the whole time . very fun im def going to the next one . i slayed in the dave cosplay tbh
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ravenclaw-has-claws · 6 years
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Regulus: *realizes his mistake, as Andromeda is no longer part of the Black Family, having chosen the Mudblood over them*
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