#harry is one lf the few people who have seen it
Kim is the kind of person who has one really bad tattoo. He probably got it while working in juvie but he absolutely refuses to tell anyone about it.
I can't decide what the tattoo would be of but here are my thoughts:
SPEED FREAK across his knuckles (that's why he's always wearing gloves)
A poorly-done portrait of some old celebrity (the tattoo is so bad that he doesn't even remember who it is supposed to be)
FUCK THE POLICE written across his back (he got it to prove he wasn't a cop)
Pinball machine tramp stamp
A massive back piece of a motor carriage
Feel free to add more
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talkingharrystyles · 3 years
Anon here and here’s insight into the “party”.
Like many of you have said, Olivia wasn’t papped that much prior to Feb 1 as she was living in the SL home. Not the LF house. Using spec homes as a prop to drive narratives isn’t an outrageous concept. Bloggers have done this. Most often than not, it’s used for the selling/renting of that property when regular marketing won’t do. PRs will house both participants so that they’re SEEN by neighbors to validate claims that they’re together. It’s all about the ILLUSION, not reality. But they’re just roommates. Literally. If living together makes you a couple then I guess that every dormitory is having a big orgy. We only got a few pics of Harry during that time- not everyday photoshoots. Feb 1: Harry L posted an ambiguous “happy birthday sue” pic at a table with Molly and people SPECULATED that a dinner for and with Harry was being given. Then Olivia crawled out of obscurity, posted an AD for a sunflower getup (who exploits your bf birthday for a business venture) which gave the designer attention who generated hype by saying “birthday suit” and then Olivia hit the home run with the “happy happy” pic and Holivians lost their damn mind over nothing. In all of this where was the EVIDENCE of Harry actually being there? We’ve seen Harry’s birthday parties/ celebrations with friends throughout the years and there is always ONE picture of him there. He did one with Kendall- but with Olivia? Not even his back, head, hands, coat, nothing is seen. Harry L could had posted a VIDEO of them singing happy birthday to him, excluding Olivia or have her voice in the background or her vice versa, but didn’t. And Jeffery, where were thou best pal who has always been at H’s bday parties? Tommy? Mitch, Nick Grimshaw, Harris Reed… all i heard was crickets. It’s because Harry wasn’t there. For that blind that claimed so- people love to lie just to gain attention. No pic=it didn’t happen. Even with one, it better characteristically align with logical and reality. His team could had, at least, had him pictured with Molly and Harry l at the same location and then had Olivia picture herself there, so people could believe they were theoretically at the same event- but nope. Nothing. The guy didn’t even traditionally thank fans as he’s normally does which is very telling. That whole dinner was stealthy PR planting that they knew Holivians would illogically jump on based on no actual connections. Evenmore, Charlie’s bday is Jan 31 as known. What makes it so sure that Olivia’s pics weren’t from the dinner for CHARLIE? We’ve seen how far Olivia will connect herself to Harry, without saying his name- why then not move over to show the message on the wall? You didn’t need to see “Harry” but “rry” would had proven that it was dinner for and with Harry. I mean damn, they weren’t enough smart enough to bs it with having them separately take pics of eating from an identical birthday cake. At most Olivia saved pics from Charlie’s party and/or met up with Harry l and Molly that day to take pics and harvest info of Harry’s upcoming projects to later use to stay connected to him. Like “oh what’s the theme of duvet?” “It’s about … which features this location and that.” *bex calls jeff* “Olivia wants Harry to meet her at the museum today”. As for the house, pic… she put director tape on the floor. That outfit was sent to be worn and pictured on an important day to bring attention to the designer who’d furthered hype. We know Harry wouldn’t allow for Olivia to take and post pictures of herself inside his home knowing that it encourage fans and stalkers to flock there and surround the place; which we now see it inevitably did with Pabolo/Diana. Then expectedly after quiet weeks, came the “my sister friend saw them” stories and them “causally being papped” by “random fans”. Not to mention Olivia “London, London. Go to London!” insistences, half ass effort at mothering by using Daisy AROUND his house (if you live together, why don’t you stroll the neighborhood together??) etc. Hope that provides some detail.
I love you!!!! This divided people so I will ask you; was it or wasn’t it his house in the Instagram post
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reidandweep · 5 years
For Arguments Sake
Asa Butterfield x Reader (female)
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A/N- Sorry it took so long but a lot of things are happening at the moment so requests will take a while. I hope you enjoy @saritaobrien
Word Count- 3045 words
Warnings- fluff and a bit of angst.
Summary- “Something like the reader and asa are in the same group of friends but they use to fight because lf the sexual frustration and at a party they got locked into a room by their friends so they can sort things out with a making out session or something like that lol.”
“Goblet of Fire is way better than Half Blood Prince.”
“No, it’s not. Don’t even try to argue that it is, because it isn’t”
Y/N couldn’t help but roll her eyes at Asa’s reply. They had been arguing over which Harry Potter film and book were the best. They had just drifted from arguing whether the book of Prisoner of Azkaban was better than the movie.
Their friends tried to drown out their increasing voices, but it had become too difficult. Because of their constant bickering, many people who met the group found it surprising that Asa and Y/N were friends; even more that they held the longest friendship out of anyone in the group. The pair having met when Asa starred in Nanny McPhee and the Big Bang; with Y/N’s mother working as a make-up artist on the show. She had become good friends with all the children on the cast, but she could not help but be drawn to Asa.
Bickering was never a part of their friendship until both turned 18. Overnight their playful and teasing relationship turned into constant competition. Arguing over silly things like which movie was better, or whose turn it was to pick where to eat.
They had been rooming together since the start of filming for season one. Y/N had initially agreed to flat sit for Asa as he filmed in Wales, but she soon needed a new place of her own, and Asa conveniently had a spare bedroom. It may have helped their living situation, but it did not help the increasing sexual tension between the pair; causing them to argue even more.
But to his castmates, Asa constantly gushed about the girl, the smile on his face growing ever bigger when he mentioned her in conversation. When Asa announced that Y/N was coming to meet his friends and cast of his newest project, Sex Education, they couldn’t wait to meet the boy’s best friend after hearing all his sweet words. However, they could not hide their surprise when mere minutes after saying hello, Y/N and Asa broke into an argument over whether Spy Kids 1 or 2 was better.
It continued and continued. Y/N had become a member of the friendship group that Asa had formed with the cast. Even hanging out separately with them when Asa was busy. They could all see that the reason why the pair bickered so much was more than just to have the winning opinion. It was clear to everyone except Y/N and Asa that the feelings they had for one another had grown into something more than friendship over the years.
“You can’t seriously believe that Half Blood Prince is better than Goblet of Fire?”
The cast was over Emma’s to celebrate the wrapping of season 2. They had the official party the week before, but the closer group of friends wanted to celebrate with a chill night in, and of course, Y/N was invited. She had been there less than five minutes before she found Asa and Harry Potter was mentioned. The night had been going for over an hour, and the pair were still bickering.
Asa took a sip of his drink as Y/N through her hands up in exasperation.
“Yes. Yes, I can.”
The young woman groaned throwing her head back; missing the fond look that quickly took over Asa’s face. Every year they had the same argument, with it usually happening at Christmas when the TV showed the movies back to back. But the pair had decided to marathon the movies the night before; causing the occurring argument to rise again.
Aimee came to sit next to Y/N, forcing the woman to scoot closer to Asa on the sofa. Y/N instinctively leaned into Asa’s side, as his arm fell across the back of the coach; his hand unconsciously stroking the young woman’s shoulder as they continued to bicker.
“How long has this argument been going for now? An hour?”
With her head still hanging back, Y/N rolled it to face Aimee.
“For you an hour, for us since yesterday afternoon.”
Sat opposite Otis was Ncuti and Connor, who couldn’t help but chuckle at the girl’s response.
As the night continued, Asa and Y/N were unaware of the mischievous looks shared between their friends. Whilst the pair had been convinced that the chill night that the cast was having was to celebrate the wrap of season 2, it was actually for their benefit alone.
Their friends were ready for the arguing to end and for them to admit their feelings for the other.
Ncuti, Connor, Aimee, and Emma had all moved to the kitchen whilst the pair continued to bicker.
“So, what are we going to do because I am done with the constant arguing. Have neither of them learnt anything from the show?”
The group nodded their heads in agreement with Emma’s words.
“Well if the show has taught us anything, it is that confined spaces cause people to release their secrets.”
Ncuti, Connor, and Emma all stared at Aimee.
“Babe, you are a genius!”
Aimee giggled as Connor placed a kiss on her head.
Ncuti clapped his hands to gain the trios attention.
“Okay! Here is the plan…”
Whilst their friends go the plan underway, Y/N and Asa were still situated very closely on the sofa.
Y/N could not help but let the yawn escape her mouth.
Otis chuckled, his hand squeezing her shoulder.
“If you’re tired, I can grab us a taxi and we can go and carry on watching Stranger Things.”
Y/N giggled.
“That would be nice. I’m just going to go grab my coat and then we can call the taxi.”
As Y/N stood from the sofa, Asa let his hand drop to his lap; lifting his drink to gulp what he had left. Picking up his phone, he busied himself with answering any unanswered texts. But only a few seconds later, the space next to him dipped once more.
Looking up from his phone Otis saw Connor sit down in Y/N’s seat. Ncuti moving to grab the footstool to sit in front of the two men.
“You alright lads?”
The pair quickly shared a look at Asa’s words.
“Yeah, were alright mate. Finally stopped arguing with Y/N?”
The trio chuckled at Connor’s words.
“Actually, she’s pretty tired, so I am going to take her home. She’s just gone to get her coat.”
Connor tried to hide the smile on his face. It seemed that they didn’t even have to try hard for their plan to work.
As Asa waited for Y/N to return, the boys kept up conversation. Soon enough the girls, minus Y/N, came and joined in. Before Asa knew, Y/N had been gone for over 20 minutes.
Detaching from the conversation, Asa looked around the room to see if he could see her anywhere. Y/N was nowhere in sight.
“Guys, has anyone seen Y/N, she said she was going to get her coat. We were going to leave about 20 minutes ago.”
Everyone looked between them, waiting to see who would step up to knock the plan into its next level.
Emma cleared her throat.
“Her coat is in the airing cupboard next to the stairs; she might be around there somewhere.”
Asa thanked his friends, pushing himself from his seat, unknowingly leaving his phone behind.
The young man was unaware of Kedar standing near the staircase, waiting for the boy to approach the airing cupboard.
Asa swerved between the bodies of people and towards the cupboard by the stairs. His gaze still flittering across the room in case Y/N was anywhere else.
Asa quickly approached the cupboard, opening the door to see that Y/N was not there, however, hanging on the rail was her coat. Stepping in to the cupboard, Asa pulled Y/N’s coat from the hanger. Before he could turn around, the door slammed shut behind him. Confused, Asa grabbed onto the door handle and wiggled it up and down. The door was locked.
“What the actual fuck?”
He quickly reached into his pocket for his phone, only to come out empty handed.
All of the sudden the door burst open. Before Asa could even react, he was forced to the ground; groaning in pain.
“Jesus Christ.”
It took Asa a few seconds to realise that the force that pushed him to the ground was Y/N. The girl herself groaning in pain from being pushed into the cupboard.
“Are you okay?”
Y/N raised her head at the sound of Asa’s voice. Quickly realising how close their faces were, she lifted herself up from the floor. Holding her hand out to help Asa up, she pulled him to stand once his hand sat in her own.
“I’m fine. There’s no use in us trying to get out. I heard them lock the door.”
“Aimee and Emma. That’s why I was so long. I came to grab my jacket and they dragged me away to the garden. We were talking and next thing I know they were rushing me back inside and shoved me in here.”
Asa couldn’t help but be confused. Why would their friends lock them inside the cupboard for?
Sliding back down to the floor, Asa watched as Y/N made herself comfortable. Grabbing her coat, which she had dropped on the floor when she was dragged to the garden, Y/N spread the fabric across her legs as a makeshift blanket.
Asa could tell Y/N was tired. They had both planned to be home by now, hilling on the sofa watching Forrest Gump, not stuck in a cupboard with all their friends outside.
Y/N tried desperately to get comfortable but couldn’t. Huffing in annoyance, she pouted, her bottom lip sticking out ever so slightly. Asa couldn’t help but let his eyes drift to her mouth, licking his own lips absentmindedly. Allowing himself to drift to the ground, Asa scooted across the carpet until he was sat next to Y/N. Shoulder to shoulder; with their backs against the wall.
Unconsciously, Y/N moved her head to rest on her best friend’s shoulder. Her lips still set in a prominent pout.
Quickly untensing from the sudden change in position, Asa chuckled at the girl to his side.
“Why are you laughing for? This situation is not funny.”
Another chuckle left Asa’s mouth.
“No, but you are pouting like a child. You’re sulking like you did when you were teenagers and you weren’t allowed on set for a few days of filming.”
Y/N let out an annoyed huff. Snuggling herself closer to Asa, she brought her coat to lie across both of their legs. The boy was a walking furnace and she was going to take advantage of the fact for however long they were going to be stuck in there.
“The only reason they wouldn’t let me on set is because you couldn’t stay focused and they blamed me. I wasn’t even talking to you that day. So how could I have distracted you.”
Asa remember that day so clearly. He had just begun filming Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children in early February 2015. Y/N’s mum had been hired as Head of Wardrobe and Costume for the film; allowing the best friends to spend as much time as possible both on and off set. They were filming what should have been an easy scene, but Asa kept messing up his lines and looking in the complete opposite direction than he was supposed to. Instead of looking at his castmate Ella, his eyes were sinking into the view of Finlay Macmillan flirting with Y/N. Of course, everyone except Y/N realised he was staring at her, and next thing you know, Y/N was asked to go help her mother in wardrobe whilst they filmed.
“But you were talking to Finlay that day.”
Y/N lifted her head, looking at Asa in confusion.
“Yeah, and?”
Asa hands started to become clammy. Was he really going to admit this to himself? To her?
“And he was flirting with you.”
Realisation swept over Y/N’s face.
“No he wasn’t Asa.”
The boy became frustrated at her words.
“He blatantly was.”
Y/N couldn’t help but roll her eyes.
“No, he wasn’t”
Their faces inched closer as their voices grew louder; arguing against the other’s accusations.
Outside the door, Emma, Aimee, Connor, and Ncuti stood, not believing that their friends were still arguing.
Asa shook his head in exasperation. Looking at his friend in disbelief.
“Then please enlighten me in what way Finlay wasn’t flirting with you?”
“Because he was helping me sort out your birthday surprise! You were turning 18 Asa! I wanted to make it the best 18th birthday party you could possibly have. I needed help with decorations and what alcohol to bring for everyone because you know I don’t drink, and I wanted you to feel comfortable and happy.”
He couldn’t believe it. All this time Y/N had convinced Asa that his parents planned his birthday party that year. Not Y/N.
The pair were unaware at how close they were sitting There backs no longer to the wall as they had become so enthralled in their argument that they inched closer and closer towards the other.
“You planned my 18th birthday?”
Y/N couldn’t help the laugh that escaped her mouth.
“Of course, I did. How else would your parents know what alcohol you liked when you were underage. I helped you sneak out to try alcohol whilst I sat there and drank Ribena and made sure you didn’t get too drunk. I also planned your 21st birthday party as well. The only reason you didn’t have one for your 19th or 20th was-“
Asa crashed his lips onto Y/N’s. The kiss did not last long, as Y/N reared her head back in shock.
Y/N spluttered.
“What was that?”
Asa looked at the girl in front of him. The girl he’s known since he was 12 years old. They may have fought over the stupidest things, but he knew he could not fight how he felt anymore.
“I love you.”
Shock enveloped over Y/N’s face.
“I have loved you since I was 16. I have fancied you probably since the day we met. I wanted to be your friend because I thought you were cute, but then you turned out to become the coolest person I know. You distracted me when you spoke to Finlay because it made me jealous. I thought he was flirting with you and that made me jealous. It made me wish that I could man up and tell you how I feel. It took me an extra four years, but I finally have.”
Silence took over the room as Asa finished proclaiming his love for his best friend. The silence began to feel Asa with regret and dread. The young man was about to stand so that he could try and escape the uncomfortable situation. However, he ceased moving when he felt pressure on his arm. Looking down at his arm, his gaze travelled from the grip that Y/N had on him and up towards her face. Now that he finally looked at her, he could see the large smile that radiated from her; as well as the tears collecting in her eyes.
Y/N licked her lips, moving her had from his arm to place it at the nape of his neck, caressing his short hair as her other hand moved to hold his right cheek.
And in 5 simple words, Y/N evaporated the uncomfortable tension in the cupboard.
“I love you too Asa.”
It was Y/N’s turn to pull Asa in for the kiss. Both of them reciprocating the feelings and action. Asa wound his hands around Y/N’s waist as the pair raised to their knees to pull the other impossible closer.
Y/N melted into Asa’s touch; surprised at the dominance and intensity that Asa was displaying. She expected him to be shy or coy. But he had been waiting a very long time for this kiss to happen.
Before things could become even more heated, the door to the cupboard suddenly opened.
“Well at least our plan worked. They have finally stopped arguing.”
Y/N and Asa quickly broke apart and scurried to their feet, placing a slight distance between them.
Their friends all stood at the door, chuckling at Emma’s remark.
“I don’t know. If they’re going to be kissing all the time, I’d rather them argue instead.”
Asa rolled his eyes at Ncuti’s remark. Y/N couldn’t help but smile.
As their friends all stood at the doorway discussing their ‘genius’ plan, Y/N turned and grabbed her jacket pulling it on.
The group ceased their discussions as Y/N came walking towards the entry way.
“Excuse me.”
At the sound of her words the group parted like the Red Sea; watching as she walked away. They quickly all looked at Asa, who still stood alone in the room.
Asa looked just as confused.
It didn’t take long for Y/N to walk back and interlock Asa’s hand with her own. In an even bolder move, she pecked him on the lips in front of her friends.
“I thought we were going to go home and watch Stranger Things?”
Asa smiled at his girl.
“Yeah we are. Let’s go.”
Quickly waving goodbye to their friends, the duo rushed out of the party.
Leaning into her own boyfriend’s embraced, Aimee happily watched as the pair closed the door behind them.
“They will thank us at their wedding.”
And as the night went on, Asa and Y/N snuggled close together on their sofa. Kisses shared between episodes of Stranger Things.
“She definitely fancies Steve.”
Y/N scoffed at Asa’s statement.
“No, she doesn’t.”
“Yes, she does.”
“No, she doesn’t.”
As they argued once more Y/N climbed onto Asa’s lap. The young man’s arms circling her waist as she became comfortable. Their focus not even on the TV anymore.
“Yes, she does.”
Y/N giggled. Leaning to place a long slow kiss on Asa’s lips, she stopped just before their lips could touch.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
And as Asa connected their lips together, he knew that she was the person he would want to argue with for the rest of his life; if it meant that she was his.
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This isn’t a meta because I’m just rambling and this is only half thought-out but one more reason why political!Jon is compelling to me is that it gives Jon insight into Sansa’s experiences in a way he hasn’t had before. He clearly values her intelligence and strength, and I think it’s fair to guess that she’s told him some of what she went through prior to s6. In 6.10 he knows, for instance, that LF sold her to the Boltons, and it seems likely she at least provided a brief explanation of her time in KL and the Vale. But while he’s long been an active fighter (or even an active spy), he’s had little experience with the kind of passive resistance that Sansa has had to master.
Now Jon is a prisoner/captive/hostage who nobody will admit is a prisoner/captive/hostage, one who’s expected (both within the universe and by some viewers) to be grateful for being treated well, one who’s expected to be thankful when his captor comes to care for him. (Consider the “I haven’t given you permission to leave” scene.)
Hmm... what other character has been expected to be grateful to her captor because he desires her and expresses the minimum concern for her?
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That’s right, Sansa and Tyrion. Sansa is still blamed by many viewers for not submitting to and falling in love with Tyrion, and why? Because he cared about her, because he wanted her, because he supposedly had good intentions and saw himself as a heroic figure. 
Of course, that same supposedly heroic figure helps lure Jon into a trap in season 7. Jon cannot simply fight his way out. His captor is stronger, with more resources and more power than him. There are parallels to Jon’s own experience with the wildlings and Ygritte, of course, but in that instance he positioned himself as a spy from the get-go (killing Qhorin Halfhand); in this case, his captivity led to him being left literally without weapons, forced to play nice with his captor in ways that absolutely disempower him, including sexually. He is in many ways at the mercy of his captor’s attraction to and affection for him. It’s not just that Jon is gaining political acumen or cunning, it’s not just that he’s becoming a skilled liar -- it’s that he, like Sansa once had to do, is forced to rely on someone who desires him and sometimes play to their desires.
Then we get the wight hunt, which only has to happen so that Jon’s captor will agree to save the realm she purports to be the protector of. Luckily she swoops in and saves the day! And they even have a romantic moment afterward!
What other character has dealt with someone who feels entitled to her affection and attention because he supposedly “saved” her? Even though the saving (whisking her away from King’s Landing) only had to happen because of a plan he set into motion. Littlefinger masterminds a situation that lets him play hero and earn Sansa’s gratitude, if not affection, and until he assaults her, she does seem willing to trust that he might have her best interests at heart.
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Anyway, back to Jon ... after being completely stripped of agency and power (when he wakes up naked on a ship on its way to King’s Landing with his captor staring down at him), he finds that at least he knows what she wants. And that he can (at least pretend to) give it to her. He can bend without bending.
Hm, where have we seen that before?
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(gif by rottenwasp)
It is crucial to point out that in a lot of these instances, Sansa refuses to give in fully. She says and does what she must to survive, even if occasionally she sneaks in a sideways jab, but her specialty becomes bending without really bending (if you will). She does not sleep with Tyrion; she doesn’t seduce LF. (Thankfully.) But she’s learning how to read people and understand what they want, and she gives them pieces of it, even if she doesn’t submit entirely. She gives enough to keep them happy. She befriends and charms Tyrion. She doesn’t rat out LF and “allows” a few kisses (to be clear, I don’t think she really has a choice, I think he’s assaulting her, but I also think her strategy with LF is to endure, not to fight back). And in the books she’s obviously expected to learn how to enchant someone like Harry, and based on the TWOW chapter we have, it seems she succeeds.
Anyway, assuming the books chart a similar course to the show (and assuming a Jonsa reunion is imminent), Sansa’s Vale arc (which got severely truncated in the show) can in part be seen as her not only coming to understand Jon better, but actually modeling herself on him. (I know someone’s written a meta about this somewhere.) Suffice it to say, there’s a reason she thinks of him during this time. She also learns that he’s been elevated to LC -- once a bastard, now a lord; she, once a lady, now a bastard. This is all quite explicit in the books.
So MAYBE the counterpart of that is Jon coming to not only better learn the challenges Sansa faced as a young girl, but also, just as she models her “bastard brave” Alayne on him, perhaps he models being a loyal hostage/subject on her. He can’t be a king while he’s a hostage and a prisoner, and he can’t even be a crow, so instead maybe he must become a little bird.
tl;dr I’m not saying Jon’s “I cannot pledge myself to two queens” is Sansa’s “I am loyal to King Joffrey, my one true love” but I’m not not saying that.
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stlynnthoria · 6 years
Today while napping....
I had a very interesting dream where I was on some sort of stream with Chris Demarais, Michael Jones, Jeremy Dooley, and I think some other Roosterteeth people were there in the background? Anyway, I don't really remember what we were talking about on it but I guess the cameras were set up for bust shots, because I was there without pants. At one point I made a comment about someone's clothes and Michael was like "Man you have no room to talk, like what are YOU wearing on your legs? What is that??" And there was lots of laughter but it was towards the end of the stream and so I was like "It's nothing, I dunno what you're talking about! You're gonna make the audience think there's somehjng weird about me but this is completely normal!" And he was like "Yeah no, if you don't wanna explain thats fine but whatever is up woth you that's not normal" then looked at the camer and said "Just so you know, she's not normal, I dunno why we have her here" and then Chris was like "Hey now, it may be a luck thing or something" and Michael was like "Who's getting lucky with her?? Is it you?" And Chris and I were both backtracking with that and there was more laughter. After the stream ended, Jeremy asked if it was my fav pair of underwear and I was telling him how it was and I'd had them for years (???? What even dream-me?), and he askes if I was going commando and I was like what? So he explained that he has a lot of underwear that has holes where his balls are and be understands how uncomfortable chaffing can be because of that, so is it ever uncomfortable? And like no that's why I've had this pair for years they're super comfy.
And then Jeremy asked me to do him a favor, and it was to go to North Korea with him to visit his parents. I said yes and he was like "I didn't think you would say yes!" Ans Chris was nearby and was like "That is insane!" And I said "What's so crazy about it, I have the extra money for it and I've always wanted to go to an Asian country. I mean, I was aiming more for Japan, but this works" Then we set off for the airport without me even packing anything. We took like this subway to it, and met Gavin Free and Meg Turney there for it (they were going to North Korea for something else). While on the subway, we stood by this Korean chick and some white dude. They seemed to know eachother, and the white dude was talking about how the Korean chick was a legit prostitute and how she should be used to him coming on to her, and she was trying to say she wasn't. Eventually the guy stopped talking to her and started some convo with Meg and was getting uncomfortably close to her, until Gavin casually slid between their bodies ans stares the dude down. After we got off the Subway, I turned to Meg and was like "That's the best real life anime block save I've seen! He's good boyfriend material!" And she was like "Yeah I love when he does that it makes me feel so special. I just wish there was a way I could shout a phrase and he could do it faster" and I was like "Yeah but then you run the risk of turning him from thoughtful boyfriend to possessive boyfriend" and she was like "Yeah that's true" (glad that shit made sense to you dream-Meg because wha???). Then I grabbed her hand and declared that we HAD to talk anime.
The Airport we went to was like freakishly huge with a really, really long sidewalk up to it. So Meg started singing anime theme song mashups on the way up (she was really good) and I joined her, and we chatted about the shows and how Gavin never really listened to her about the shows on the way up. Jermey and Gavin were chatting about the new rules of flying in the background and how Trump was now making security keep a list of people who have tickets, and then another 'Trump-approved' list of people whi could fly without tickets. And how there's been a lot lf problems with it because anyone whi isn't white passing or part of the military are being put in waiting rooms before flieghts because of it, and some people have missed flieghts as a result. I'm thinking I'll be fine because I have two brother's in the miltary (nive use of foreshadowing, dream-brain). Finally we reach the airport, but Gavin and Meg split off because they parked their car here before work I guess and they needed to go put a sticker on it? So me and Jeremy start walking towards the security for this place, but we have to go all the way across the building for it. At one point we start to walk by a guy in a YouTube shirt and Jeremy goes "Watch this" and shouts "Hi I'm Jeremy Dooley!" And the guy just stares at him blankly. And I guess I have a YouTube channel, because I give him my username for it and he just nods at me. But then he does a doubke take and just stares at me and goes, "You were on Miles Luna's livestream!" And internally I was like "knew it" because appearantly we all knew it would be known as that even tho Miles wasn't on the livestream at all?? And I was like "yeah I am" as a passed him. But the dude followed us and was like "Are you dating him?" And I was like "No" and somehow I knew he would ask me out. Then the dude took of his shirt and said "Wanna date me?" And I was like "No thanks" and he was all "But why?" But then we were at the security gate so he left. There was a little old lady in front of us, and after giving her name to the agent he asked her what she did, who she was going to see, and a few other questions I couldn't hear and then told her she had to step aside and go to another desk. As this is happening, another security gaurd clears Jeremy. I get the security gaurd that just sent the old lady to the waitint room and now I'm not so sure I'll be fine because that old lady looked white af. So he takes my name and asks me how my day is and I say great and then he asks me if I like Harry Potter and I'm like "I love it! Its my favorite series" and he smiles at me and says that's nice and for a second I think he'll let me pass.....and then he sends me off to the side, to the same desk as rhe little old lady and I'm like shit. So I tell Jeremy I'll catch up to him. At this point I think its a good thing we showed uo three hours early. So I go to the desk and the guy there calls me something completely different, so I correct him, and then he's like "Okay i think I may see you here but we have to check a few things" and sends me to the side room, which is up some escalators that go down instead of up. The little old lady is at the escalators and she's bitching about how she's too old for this but goes up there anyway. Once we're in the room we're told to take off our shoes and put on provided slippers for some reason. The room is PACKED for some reason. I'm confused because it seems to be a very mixed group, until I hear someone talking about hiw J.K. Rowling is doing an event in North Korea a few hours after the flight lands and everyone flying out of the U.S. for past events similar to it have had the same issues and some even missed their flights. And I realize they're not just targetting POC but Harry Potter fans too for some reason, and I got caught up in it because I got my ticket last minute.
So I sit there for a bit, fuming because its bullshit. Then I decide to act like my name is called, and I go down the escalator and manage to get past the ticket gate cuz the room is behind the security check but there's no gaurds outside it. I go to one of those moving floor things, thinking it will take me to my gate, but there's like three of them and they're all color coded. Turns out there actually for baggage and halfway though it I realize this and try to get off, but then a different gaurd spots me doing this. I tell the gaurd this is my first time at this airport and he explains to me what luggage each belt is supposed to be for. So I leave my bag and jacket on the belts, and he leads me to a different belt. He explains to me that this is for travellers and it will incase me in a protective 'film' for travelling but there's no one else there, just these weird circular things going on these belts and encasing them in what looks like plastic, and I turned to him and go "what the hell??" And he just looks at me and is like "What do you think that is?" And I say "I think its a vacuum plastic machine and you're trying to kill me!" And he's all "I know you didn't pass the security check" and starts on the rant about people like me who break the rules result in people being fired, and he knows Trumps regulations are bullshit but its still not fair for me to do this, so I deserve to die. At this point a different gaurd appears with a piece of paper. The gaurd I'm talking to looks at it, pales, and stammers out an apology to me and says I can go, but I have to go to a specific restaurant in the food court first to talk to some doctor. And I'm like fine, I still have 2 hours till my flight anyway.
But as I'm heading out I hear the security gaurd ask the second gaurd how long I have left, and the second gaurd say "We really don't know" and now I'm creeped out but I hope it has something to do with my anaemia and its nothing series. So I show up at the food court and spot the doctor, and as I approach him he seems very upset so I'm like "what's wrong?" And he says "I lost my 50th gold coin! That was the last coin I needed for the collection and I lost it!" And somehow I know the airport is doing a thing where if you collect like 100 gold coins scattered around the airpirt you get a prize. And I'm thinking this doctor is too old for this, and go to sit down. But as I do I spit a gold coin with the number 50 on it. So I pick it up and say to the doctor "Here, I think this is yours" and he takes it from me and suddenly theres fireworks and confetti everywhere as he celebrates. Then the dream ends.
Still don't know what I was dying from. Also didn't even get to see dream-Korea.
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thebluelemontree · 7 years
Ever since the 1st book Sansa was faced with the true/fake knight dichotomy: the KG beat her and her Knight of Flowers wasn't that honorable either (his mare trick). For some people that is one of the reasons why Harry is a good partner for her - he's honest and dislikes false courtesy (much like Sandor). But I fail to see how being honest about your dishonor makes you the TRUE KNIGHT. To me he's just as fake as all the others unlike Sandor who didn't give any vows to break. What's your opinion?
I guess we’re talking about a “good partner” in theory because I really don’t think the signs look all that great for Harry living much longer.  If he shows up at the tourney joust on a red stallion, stick a fork in him.  He’s done.  Besides that, should we honestly expect a marriage option arranged by Littlefinger to turn out good for Sansa?  When has any of his arrangements for her worked out in her favor?
Just so we’re being fair and this isn’t just about rooting for my OTP above other options, Sandor is also bluntly honest about some of the horrible things he has done too.  Not taking vows is him making a protest statement against the institution, but he can sometimes use it to deflect attention from his own bad acts onto the hypocrisy of knights instead.  It’s Sandor’s moments of choosing to be protective and helpful that make us see his potential for true knighthood.  Not his cynical stance on the subject.  He’s full of shit too sometimes.  But as I’ve said before, we have very good reason to believe that Sandor is continuing his trajectory toward true knighthood at his death scene and on the QI serving under a former knight.   
Not being a liar is good, but it’s a pretty low bar to pass.  No one deserves a medal for this.  Harry needs to show us way more than that if I were to believe he could actually be a “good partner.”  I wouldn’t say he dislikes false courtesy.  He’s thoroughly of the Vale and the conservative culture is all about appearances, pedigree, adherence to tradition and chivalric culture, which includes courtesy.  He’s just plain rude is all.  It’s not on principle against courtesy.  He dislikes low born bastards who have the audacity to consider themselves worthy to seek the next Lord of the Eyrie for a marriage prospect.  And he resents that circumstances have forced him to interact with Littlefinger’s bastard in particular.  Obviously he doesn’t mind consorting with low born girls and may fancy himself in love with them at times, but there’s no indication he plans on marrying one of them.  He’s a Hardyng, a minor landed knight house, that through dumb luck finds himself Robert’s heir.  He wants a good marriage to a highborn and trueborn to shore up his pedigree.  That’s why his shield is quartered with the Waynwood and Arryn sigils too.  To emphasize his more prestigious relations.  If he knew she was Sansa Stark he’d be treating her very differently, which was Sansa’s realization about her Loras fantasy.  No Tyrell would ever love a bastard girl, no matter what.  It always comes down to her claim, not her.  
I don’t hate Harry and I don’t think he is the worst person ever, just as Loras isn’t a terrible person for cheating at a tournament.  We’ve seen what truly terrible looks like.  You can’t really get on Loras for cheating at a stupid joust and think that highly about Harry “earning” his knighthood in a tournament rigged for him to win.  TWOW tourney is probably just as rigged.  If Harry doesn’t realize the win was handed to him and that he’s being wooed for influence by Yohn and LF because he’s the next high lord, then he’s monumentally stupid.  Accepting the knighthood when you know you didn’t actually do anything to earn it is just as false and shitty as what Loras did.   
Hey, at least you can say Loras knew how to be faithful to his partner even after Renly died.  I don’t think Harry would be abusive to Sansa, but he’s going to litter the Vale and probably the North too with his bastards and used and discarded women.  It wasn’t “different with Saffron.”  After Harry dumps Cissy for gaining pregnancy weight, Lady Anya arranged for her to be married off to one of her household guards.  How did Cissy feel about that?  Probably not good, but the dishonorable behavior got tidied up for Harry, didn’t it?  Saffron is going to be left pregnant and dishonored too, after all of the words of love he probably gave her.  If you look at the entire Alayne sample chapter there’s a running theme of used, dishonored, and discarded women beginning, middle and end.
Mya Stone arrives in Robert’s bedchamber with hay in her hair and a “scowl” on her face.  Sansa knows Mychel Redfort is around.  Poor Mya loved Mychel, thought he loved her, and had dreams of marrying him.  She’s broken hearted and still longing to be with him, but the tumble in the hay makes her feel worse, not closer to him.  She’s left with nothing but shattered dreams, a soiled reputation, and reminded that tumbles in the hay are all a bastard girl is good for.  
Alayne sharply corrects Robert when he insists he can keep Alayne as his mistress if he can’t marry her.  He’s still a little boy and only partially understands what he’s saying, but she’s giving him good parenting here.  Just because he’s Lord of the Eyrie doesn’t mean he can treat women any type of way, even low born bastards.  He’s not entitled to Alayne just because he wants her or has feelings for her.     
Myranda Royce is slut shamed by her own father because her late husband died of an apparent heart attack while having sex with her, some of which she has internalized.  I don’t think it was the dowry that Lady Waynwood found that unsuitable, because even cadet Royces are an ancient house that also have Stark blood.  There’s more than dowry to think about.  Lady Anya isn’t going to make the mistake of betrothing Harry to a girl he would find unpleasant (dowry or not) and sour a relationship with her future high lord.  IMO, Harry might have rejected the match between them as well because she’s a heavier girl when you consider his intense fatphobia.  Myranda is also not a traditional Vale lady either.  She’s very forward, highly intelligent, sexy, funny, and self-confident as well as competent at running a household.  She would be a joy of a wife for many a man and she’s rejected for the most shallow and judgemental reasons.  It’s hurtful because she knows her own worth.
Then we end on learning about Harry’s character, Cissy’s fate, and what will probably happen to Saffron too.  God forbid Sansa have his child and put on a few pounds.  That doesn’t scream “good partner” to me.  So even if he keeps his mistresses and bastards out of sight, he can still be shallow AF about a woman’s looks, which inevitably change over time.  He already doesn’t think she’s that attractive anyway.  Also if he finds out she’s really Sansa Stark and he suddenly starts treating her much better, that doesn’t say anything good either.  This match is theoretically all good for Harry, but I fail to see how it works out that great for Sansa.                     
The chapter can’t be structured this way for nothing.  George is giving us much to contemplate on about the treatment of women in relationships.  How the stakes are so much higher for them in giving their hearts, bodies, hopes, and dreams to a guy that would be careless with them.  Most of it happens before she even talks to Harry and gets to know him better.  And Sansa is being faced with putting her trust and hope to go home on him and having to give up her body, her dreams, and allow him power over her in return for that gamble.  If that doesn’t happen, she’s stuck in a loveless, faithless marriage in Eyrie, which she hates.  As of right now, it’s the only option that she knows of.  It also shows Sansa isn’t just thinking of what marrying Harry means for her, but she can also place herself in the shoes of other women and the bastard children.  Society will not be kind to them, while men have their fun and make promises they can’t/won’t keep.  
While George might be playing with some aspects of the Loras/Sandor dichotomy in Harry, Harry himself is a poor imitation of either.  Loras could be faithful and his deep, abiding love for Renly is one for the ages.  Sandor cares nothing for her claim and it was never her appearance that drew her to him.  In fact, her highborn status is a frustrating problem that kept him from being closer to her.  Harry is somewhat more like Robert Baratheon without the martial talent, easily attracted to the next shiny new thing.  So there might be some playing with the Robert/Lyanna dynamic thrown in as well, because there’s no reason to suggest that however charmed he might be by Alayne now that the feeling will last.     
The being said, it would be interesting to see if Harry ends up doing something true knight-ish before he goes down.  (I’m 90% sure he is going down.)  If it is the case that Harry has a bit of hero in him, it’s still a tragedy of wasted youth and potential, arrogant and douchey though it may be.  I wouldn’t be shocked if Sansa mourned Harry a bit, because that’s just who she is.  Maybe that kind of ending to his story will allow us to think of Harry a little more fondly rather than see the reality of what marriage to Sansa would be like a few years in.  We didn’t think that highly of Waymar Royce at first, but when it mattered most, the guy went down with real courage.  I’m sad about Loras’s potential fate in Dance, cheating at a tourney be damned.  All these guys have their arrogance and failings, but they could also rise to the occasion too.                                           
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him-e · 7 years
I actually think Sansa is the "girl in grey on a dying horse" and Alys Karstark is a red herring, do you think that's plausible? The tourney will be a disaster and that's why Shadrich is there. He will take her away, and I think it will be to Jon-The Wall.
I have seen your sister in my fires, fleeing from this marriage they have made for her. Coming here, to you. A girl in grey on a dying horse, I have seen it plain as day.
It’s a fascinating theory, one that made me see the appeal of Sansa running to the Wall even before season 5. 
What’s interesting is that Melisandre appears certain that the girl is a) Jon’s sister and b) “fleeing from a marriage they’ve made for her”. What makes she think so? Is it something in the girl’s clothing or demeanor? Or is it just that she overheard the news of Ramsay’s marriage to “Arya” and she put two and two together (as she often does, admittedly)? Is there something else that connects the girl in the vision with a forced marriage? (note: “Jon’s sister” would indeed wear a (white and) grey maiden’s cloak for her wedding)
When Alys Karstark shows up two leagues south of Mole’s Town, asking for Jon, she seems to fit the vision to a T. Almost TOO much. Her house colors are black and white, which mixed become grey. She is fleeing from a marriage that others tried to force her into. And her horse is dying. 
But what horse wouldn’t be, after days of desperate travel? And why would R’hllor send Melisandre a vision of Alys Karstark? Is it because Alys and her marriage to Sigorn magnar of Thenn become more important in future books, or…?
But what really doesn’t add up is:
“Did your fires show you where to find this girl?““I saw water. Deep and blue and still, with a thin coat of ice just forming on it. It seemed to go on and on forever.”“Long Lake. What else did you see around this girl?”“Hills. Fields. Trees. A deer, once. Stones. She is staying well away from villages. When she can she rides along the bed of little streams, to throw hunters off her trail.”He frowned. “That will make it difficult. She was coming north, you said. Was the lake to her east or to her west?”Melisandre closed her eyes, remembering. “West.”
So, assuming the water Melisandre saw is indeed Long Lake (as per Mance’s assumption), the girl is traveling along the eastern side of it. So far so good. At this point they still believe it’s “Arya”, so the fact that she’s on the wrong side of the lake is supposed to be our first major hint that it’s NOT Arya and she’s NOT coming from Winterfell. BUT. Take a look at the map:
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… why would Alys Karstark from Karhold take an “L” shaped route to Castle Black that is basically twice the linear distance between the two places? (it would make sense if the large body of water in Meli’s vision is misidentified by Mance as Long Lake but is actually the Last River; still a much longer route than necessary, but one you could maybe explain with the necessity to travel safe or cover your tracks).
But if it IS indeed Long Lake, then the girl in Meli’s vision is probably NOT Alys Karstark at all, but someone coming from the south. Let’s look at the map again. A few places this girl could be reasonably coming from are:
the Dreadfort;
Ramsgate, Widow’s Watch;
probably not Winterfell (as she’d be riding with the lake to her east, not west, unless she’s so determined to stay clear of the Kingsroad that she crosses the White Knife. Same goes for Deepwood Motte, the Wolfswood, Torrhen’s Square and any places west of Long Lake/the Kingsroad.)
White Harbor. 
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White Harbor is the most interesting option to me. Someone who goes from WH to CB would be tracing back the White Knife until the eastern shore of Long Lake, and then ride to CB almost in a straight line (note: Catelyn took the White Knife route to go to White Harbor and then to King’s Landing in AGOT). But most importantly, White Harbor, as the North’s primary trade port, is the easiest access point to the North for a person who comes from south of the Neck. Like… the Vale, for example.
Is it possible that the girl is Sansa, running away from the Vale, from Littlefinger’s plans, from Harry Hardyng, from ser Shadrich, maybe wearing the white and grey cloak of her (failed? broken? consummated?) marriage to Harry?
Yes. It’s possible. Plausible, though? I have to consider this from all angles and not just the one that suits my headcanon, so let me play the devil’s advocate:
What if it’s Jeyne Poole? She and Theon were captured by Mors Umber and taken to Stannis’ camp, in a village located in the Wolfswood, three days away from Winterfell. Stannis decides to keep Theon and send Jeyne/Arya to Jon, accompanied by Justin Massey, Tycho Nestoris and a few other men. Maybe the group is attacked somewhere along the way and Jeyne is left alone, with no choice but keep riding North. She’d probably be wearing grey and, as she’s still impersonating “Arya”, Mel’s vision would be virtually correct. Though since her journey is supposed to begin near Winterfell, the issue of why would she be on the eastern side of Long Lake still stands. But overall, Jeyne Poole is a likely candidate.
What if it’s (the real) Arya? You know she’s going to leave the Faceless Men soon. White Harbor might be the place she lands after traveling by ship from Braavos to Westeros. Another equally possible scenario is that she is coming North from the Riverlands, in which case the large body of water could be still Long Lake, but also the Gods Eye (if winter has come, it’s entirely possible that its surface would be covered in ice, and if Arya lands in Maidenpool, for example, it would make sense for her to be near the Gods Eye’s eastern shore if she’s going North via the Kingsroad. Heck, the water might be even the Green Fork).
What if it’s just Alys Karstark, the Long Lake inconsistency was completely unintentional on the author’s part, and Meli’s prophecy is already resolved? The simplest explanation is often the right one, after all.
Also important to note: the girl Melisandre saw was “as grey as ash”, no trace of Sansa’s very conspicuous auburn hair. That could be explained with Sansa wearing a hood or not having gotten rid of her Alayne dye yet or being dirty or maybe escaping from a fire (covered in ashes?), but still, it’s something that works against the Sansa option, in my opinion.
(speaking of fires and ashes and very grey girls, I’ve seen people bring up Shireen, but Shireen is currently at the Wall, so for her to ride back to the Wall, she has to go south first (summoned by her father, maybe?). Which, you know… given what happened in the show, isn’t terribly unlikely. And might be connected to whatever creepypasta is going on with Patchface and Shireen’s dormant greyscale (”the girl is not clean”). Perhaps the “grey girl” is even Melisandre herself, escaping from the complete annihilation of Team Stannis like she did in the show, which would be… ironic)
But back to our Sansa theory, it’s all based on a series of assumptions (that Littlefinger’s plans go downhill, that either ser Shadrich kidnaps her or she’s forced to flee, that at some point she starts riding alone, that she’ll think the safest place she can go is the Wall), that, while tempting especially in light of Show!Sansa’s storyline, are still wild speculation with no textual evidence. In fact, it’s just as likely that Sansa marries Harry as per LF’s plan and travels North with them and an entire Vale army in tow. Or that she doesn’t go North at all. It’s also possible that Littlefinger’s plans come to fruition… in part: perhaps she goes to White Harbor with Team Littlefinger, and then something happens there, which makes her flee to the Wall.
At this point is really hard to say so TL;DR it’s an interesting theory on multiple levels but also a long shot considering the information we have now, and we have other possible candidates, so I recommend caution and avoiding to pin all your hopes on Sansa being the grey girl.
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sheikah · 7 years
What are your views regarding Melisandre, Val, Varys, Illyrio, and Littlefinger? And why?
Wow this is a lot in one ask anon haha. I will condense it to a few comments per person. 
Melisandre–Honestly one of the most interesting characters to me. I believe she does what she thinks is right. It doesn’t excuse the awful things she’s done, particularly Shireen. But Melisandre actually has power. 
There is a lot of religious discussion in GoT/ASOIAF, but we don’t get a lot of solid confirmation of the existence or power of the respective deities. We hear a lot about the Olds Gods and the Seven, but when it comes to the Lord of Light, we’ve actually seen Melisandre’s and Thoros’s power in action on more than one occasion. 
So I try to put myself in her shoes. In real life there are radical religious fundamentalists who commit horrific atrocities in the name of their god(s). Yet there is not verifiable proof of a higher power in our world. So imagine living in this universe and being a priestess like Melisandre who has actually seen people resurrected from the dead by your god, who has actually given birth to a monster, who can somehow fabricate eternal youth. All of this leads her to believe that she is on the correct path, that she is doing what she is supposed to be doing and is being rewarded and validated by her god. 
So in light of all of that I find it really hard to think negatively of Melisandre. I also think that season 6 showed us her humanity and confirmed that even if she does a lot of what she does out of blind faith with seemingly no remorse, she still harbors emotions and weakness. It made it easier to sympathize with her. 
Val–I was so intrigued by Val in the books and thought for sure she was going to be Jon’s next big love story. She is one of the characters that remains a bit of an enigma to me. 
I had an anon awhile back present a theory that Val was Dany and Jon’s child who somehow traveled through time in the Land of Always Winter haha. I don’t really subscribe to the theory but the anon brought up that part of why people believe it is that Val’s got the mannerisms of someone of higher birth and standing than one of the Free Folk. And that’s true. So, why? I don’t really have a good answer for it. 
Anyway, I think she’s interesting, another badass woman to cross Jon Snow’s path, and I really resented how at The Wall Stannis and Selyse presumptuously kept trying to marry her off to various men as political collateral. 
It’s interesting that you bring her up after Melisandre, because one of the moments I had distaste for Val was when she told Jon Shireen should be killed. Something those two women have in common I guess. 
The “lonely and lovely and lethal” line is one of my favorites and one of the few effective uses of alliteration in my opinion haha. I am bummed she didn’t end up in the show but I understand why she was cut. When we met Karsi in 5.08 I half expected her to be a Val stand-in. I was sorely disappointed. 
Varys–I looooove Varys! And if you had told me in 2010 when I started reading ASOIAF that I would love Varys, I would have laughed at you. At first I thought Varys was as slimy as LF and I did not like him. His descriptions in the books especially repulsed me, the powdered skin and simpering. Ew. 
Show!Varys is pleasantly much funnier than I ever expected and his friendship with Tyrion is one of my favorite aspects of the series currently. 
Just as a character, I hope I’m not wrong, but as of right now I trust him and believe his intentions are good. What’s so fascinating about Varys is that looking at him he seems very unassuming and he doesn’t present as a major player of the Game. But he’s (obviously) one of the most important players there is. 
One of my favorite moments is the one when he says that LF is the second most dangerous man in the realm (implying he himself is the first.) I love that, and I 100% agree. At Con of Thrones there was a panel on Varys vs Littlefinger and it completely filled up, had people sitting in the aisles and standing outside the door trying to listen. Because people are fascinated by this character!
Anyway, I think that Varys is smart, wily, hilarious, and a survivor. I think he will live until the end and that whatever ending we get is one that he wanted, planned, and played some part in bringing about. And for better or for worse, one of the reasons I am sure of that is that Varys seems to be the only person in the series who isn’t tempted by anything that could throw him off course. 
He is supposedly asexual and aromantic, saying that desire is dangerous. I haven’t seen anything to indicate that he cares much about money. And since he’s a realist I think he knows that he would never be accepted as king of the 7k, so I don’t believe he desires power. 
He genuinely wants to make the realm better, which is so? Crazy to me? He almost seems too good to be true. But then we can remind ourselves that he will let seemingly anyone die on the path to bettering the realm, and that’s where he becomes a problematic fave. 
Illyrio–The least interesting to me of all the characters on this list. Illyrio is transparent while the others seem (to me, anyway) to have layers of complexity. the scene where Arya overhears him plotting with Varys hints at Illyrio being a player on par with Varys and LF, but he just isn’t. 
Illyrio doesn’t support the Targaryens out of loyality or principle, he does it out of greed. And while his behind-the-scenes work with Varys has been extremely influential and important to the plot (marrying Dany to Drogo, housing Tyrion in Pentos after is escape from KL, etc) I am not nearly as interested in his actions as I am in those of LF or Varys. 
Because while Varys’s motives are still interesting to me and his actions are harder to predict, and while LF is a villain we all love/hate, Illyrio is just a typical greedy man. If I’m remembering right, he even tells Tyrion his ambition is to be Master of Coin to a Targaryen monarch. So bearing this in mind, Illyrio’s greed doesn’t even really make sense?
Because as Master of Coin, LF had (from what we could tell) a good life and a cozy living with immediate influence on the king in small council. But he wanted more. He wanted more because Master of Coin does not guarantee extravagant living. So to me it would make more sense for Illyrio to stay in Pentos in his mansion, where he clearly has a vast amount of resources and connections. Sure, accept the job of Master of Coin if it’s offered to you. But I don’t see why he’s going to so much trouble to establish a Targ monarch just to have that position as a reward. I just don’t understand it. 
Littlefinger–I hate him. He’s creepy and treacherous. But he’s losing control of his schemes now. I think (hope?) that Sansa sees straight through him by now and so all his scheming has been in vain. 
Look, I am impressed with what he has accomplished. I love the revelation of him being behind not only Joffrey’s death, but Jon Arryn’s as well. He truly has shaped the trajectory of almost every single character with his actions. 
So I don’t underestimate his cunning or his capabilities. But he made all of these things happen and still doesn’t really have anything to show for it. The only person truly under his sway is Robin/Robert Arryn. And is that really such a big deal? The knights of the Vale are excellent fighters and being the de facto Lord of the Vale is great. But that’s not what LF was after from the beginning, and I honestly don’t think he is going up from here. 
So what has it all been for? So many people died because of him who simply didn’t have to, and all of it so that he can take the Iron Throne. And let’s face it–he won’t. 
Unlike Varys, LF’s motives are pretty clear and pretty predictable. He wants power and he wants a woman. One of the things I find interesting about LF, though, is that he is a reversal of the “nice guy” trope. Ordinarily in fiction and especially in romance, the LF’s of the world are the underdog we all root for. The weak guy who can’t fight the Brandon Stark but whose mind reigns supreme always has the audience on his side and the girl on his arm. But LF doesn’t. Because he is the weakling with the powerful brain who isn’t the nice guy. 
In the panel I mentioned above the crowd booed about LF and cheered about Varys. The people running the panel hated LF too and pointed out how problematic he is, and one person compared him to Severus Snape. As much as I like Snape, as I’ve grown older I’ve come to realize how genuinely awful it is that this man bullied a child for years after holding onto love for his dead mother, love that was never reciprocated anyway. So it was super romantic in the moment when Snape died, that fateful tear rolling down his cheek and into Harry’s vial. But now I’m kind of freaked out about it. And LF is like Snape’s creep level times a thousand. 
So not only are his motives predictable, they are also not respectable. And if LF’s attachment to Catelyn wasn’t bad enough, his attachment to Sansa is absolutely disgusting. Because in a way I think he sees Sansa is this daughter that could have been with Catelyn. But at the same time he has a sexual attraction to her. All the while, he’s been ruining her life to serve his own ends, especially in the show. 
He needs to go. He needs to die. I can’t wait. 
Anyway, I hope these answers are interesting to you anon because this took me a seriously long time to write haha. Thanks for the ask :)
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