#harry hart fluff
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Too Sweet
Prompt: Inspired by the Hozier song Pairing: Harry Hart x (Kingsman!)Reader Fandom: Kingsman Tags/Warnings: age gap, mutual pining, angst Word count: 6495
You’d joined Kingsman only five years ago, and over time you’ve become a well-respected agent, code-named Tristan. Merlin, who is your uncle, was the one who had proposed you as a candidate and helped you prepare for the role while you were still in your early twenties. The other candidates had been good, but you were nearly flawless, only taking calculated risks and never letting your emotions rule your decision making. Control over your emotions was something you always excelled in, and it tremendously helped you make strides as an agent during the initial few months and first year. This caused you to rise in rank quite quickly, making you go on more solo missions or accompanying Galahad or Percival whenever they needed assistance. Today, you’re helping your uncle instead, hacking into some cameras and security networks so he’ll be able to tell Lancelot and Galahad where to go next and what they should be looking out for. It’s something you do from time to time, mostly upon Merlin’s request when he finds the mission too complicated to oversee on his own.
‘The main control room should be south from where they are now.’ You pull up the map on the big screen which hangs in front of you and Merlin, pointing out where Galahad and Lancelot should be going next. As he’s relaying the information to the other men, you hack into the mainframe the criminal organisation and start going through the different files. ‘Any updates about the nuclear files?’ Galahad’s voice comes through the speakers and Merlin looks at you. ‘Working on it. Just focus on getting to that room.’ The screen in front of you shows Lancelot’s feed. He’s following Galahad through the many hallways and twists and turns they take, taking down guards whenever they come across them. Their moves are deliberate, quick and efficient. You turn back to your screen and after a few minutes you’re finally able to access the file Galahad had asked for. ‘I’m sending you the file now, Galahad.’ ‘Thanks Tristan.’ He replies. They have finally reached the door to the control room. Lancelot holds his watch against it and it opens. Silently, the two men enter the room. ‘Lancelot, I need you to connect us to the controls.’ Merlin states and the other man follows the order. Your screens fill with the necessary information and you start working on fully disarming and disabling the system. ‘Galahad, please flip the green switch on your right.’ You request. Before he can really do so, a loud bang interrupts him, followed by the sound of shots. ‘Lancelot, you take those men while Galahad follows Tristan’s orders.’ Merlin’s Scottish accent seems thicker momentarily. You’ve noticed it only really happened when he was in more stressful situations; one time when you almost got kidnapped, it was so thick you could barely understand him despite having a mostly Scottish family. Calmly, you instruct Galahad what buttons to press and switches to flip. After a few minutes of him following your lead as you type away at your computer, you’re done. ‘Galahad. Lancelot. The system has fully been disabled and disarmed. Get back to the jet.’ They start running through the building and Merlin glances at you, giving you a small smile before going back to helping them follow the quickest route out of the building.
‘You did well, Tristan.’ Merlin ruffles your hair and you smile at him. ‘Thanks. You didn’t do too badly yourself, old man.’ He laughs and lightly punches your arm. ‘I’m not that old, your mother is 10 years older than I am.’ You snort and teasingly say, ‘And you Merlin, are 12 years older than I am.’ After that comment, a comfortable silence settles between you. There were a few more tasks you had to complete before tomorrow, so you decided you would spend the evening and night at the mansion. About an hour after the mission finished, Merlin leaves, leaving you alone in front of the large screen filled with documents. Quietly, you continue working for a few more hours before you call it a night. You’d finished your side of the report, only needing Galahad and Lancelot for the final few details. You’ll probably ask them about those during the debrief tomorrow afternoon.
Once you’ve locked your computer and turned off all the lights, you silently walk to the kitchen, where you start making a pot of tea. The room is dark, as you only turned on the light above the stove. A sound from behind you catches your attention. Looking back, you see that your two colleagues have just returned from their mission. ‘Evening gentlemen.’ You greet them. ‘Tristan, good evening.’ Galahad walks up and stands next to you, just as the water starts boiling. ‘Would you like a cup?’ Your hands continue moving, putting in the tea egg to let the leaves steep. He hums in response as he grabs two more cups. ‘Chamomile?’ Galahad quietly asks and you nod. A comfortable silence settles between the two of you while Lancelot leaves the room momentarily to put some of their things away. Once the tea has sufficiently gained colour and flavour, you pour some into the three cups. Grabbing your own, you sit down next to the chair you’d draped your suit jacket over. Harry sits down across from you and puts down Lancelot’s cup next to him. You both quietly drink your tea, your eyes scanning that day’s paper. When you look up, you notice his eyes are trained on you, making you a bit nervous. Before you can say anything, though, Lancelot walks back in and starts talking about their flight back to England and the newest Royal scandal of the week. The other man’s attention shifts to his colleague who is talking excitedly. Your eyes scan Galahad’s features. He is handsome, smart, quick-witted, and a gentleman. A combination which has led you to, over time, develop a bit of a crush on your colleague.
‘Tristan, what do you think?’
You turn your head to face the other man. ‘I think the situation escalated unnecessarily, had the royal family handled it properly, this would’ve never become public.’ He smiles and Galahad interjects. ‘I agree with Tristan, this situation could have easily been avoided.’ The two men continue talking and you sip your tea. ‘Gentlemen, I’m heading off to bed. I’ll see you tomorrow morning at the debrief.’ You stand up and put your cup into the dishwasher. It was already 11 o’clock. ‘Tristan,’ Galahad stands up, ‘if you’ll allow me, I’ll walk you back to your room.’ Smiling, you nod. ‘Of course Galahad; thank you.’ He leaves the room with you and as you walk, he leans sideways in your direction and whispers. ‘Thanks Tristan. I was a bit tired of Lancelot talking. He’s been going without pause from the moment we got on the jet.’ It didn’t surprise you in the least. ‘Of course Galahad. Lancelot tends to talk quite a lot; I suspect his favourite sound may be his own voice.’ He snorts. ‘I suspect you might be correct.’ The hallways are silent except for your quiet footsteps and conversation. The distance between the two of you seems to become smaller as you continue walking and talking; until you stop in front of your door. ‘Galahad, thank you for accompanying me.’ You turn to face him and smile. ‘Of course Tristan, it was my pleasure.’ His voice was quiet. The silence between you is tense and Harry seems to slowly be leaning closer as he holds your eye contact. Moments, which feel like hours pass, but he doesn’t make a move. Your noses almost touch when he seems to snap out of a sort of trance and clears his throat, pulling back quickly. ‘Ah Tristan, I should get going. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ll see you tomorrow.’ As he walks away, you stand frozen in your doorway.
The following morning you watch the sunrise outside, a hot cup of coffee in your hand. It seems no one else is up yet. You’ve left your suit jacket in your room and have your sleeves rolled up, the crisp air touching your form. Behind you, you hear your dog walking and sniffing around. ‘Ares.’ The Doberman walks to your side. ‘Want to go for a walk?’ He barks and you pet him behind his ears. ‘Let’s go.’ You smile and he runs into the field in front of you, with you following calmly. Upon your return, you’re greeted by Merlin, who looks to have woken up not too long ago. ‘Morning Tristan.’ Ares excitedly runs up to the Scot. ‘Morning to you too Ares.’ He puts down his coffee and pets the dog with both his hands. ‘You’ve got an awful lot of energy today, haven’t you?’ ‘He really does, he’s been running around for over an hour already.’ You laugh. ‘I’ll bring Albion to play with him later today.’ He takes a sip of his coffee. ‘I’ll be back momentarily, can you watch Ares for a second?’ He nods. ‘Thanks.’ you say and smile at him. You walk into the kitchen through the open doors. Putting down your cup, you start brewing another cup of coffee. The kitchen is still quiet, but you know that more of the agents that have stayed the night will probably start walking in soon, though it probably won’t be many. Lancelot and Galahad you knew for sure, others you weren’t too certain about. ‘Morning Lancelot.’ You say as you hear the man walk in. ‘Agent Tristan.’ He greets. ‘Want some coffee?’ ‘Yes please.’ The smell of another fresh coffee fills the air. You smile as you hand him a cup. ‘You feeling alright?’ ‘I will once I finish this.’He groans before the two of you clink your cups. ‘See you at the briefing in an hour.’
You spent that hour with Merlin and Ares, mostly in silence. The Doberman is as happy as can be, with the Scot and you taking turns throwing a ball into the field and having the dog return it. It was nice spending time with your uncle like this. Usually you have to be quite serious around him, as you mostly speak to him here, at Kingsman. Now, you can, even if it’s just for a moment, relax and have the relationship you used to have when you were younger and neither of you were a part of the secret service. ‘Uncle Hamish, we should probably get ready for the briefing.’ You say as Ares runs into the distance. He has his eyes closed, enjoying the warmth of the morning sun. ‘Just five more minutes; Galahad will be late anyway, he seemed a bit off yesterday evening when I saw him.’ That last comment piques your interest, but you decide not to pry. The meeting room was still empty when you walked into it with your uncle. A few minutes pass before, you are joined by Lancelot, who is, once again, talking excitedly. While you don’t necessarily have the energy for him, you stay professional and listen with intent. He is still talking your ears off when Galahad finally arrives, about five minutes late. Despite Merlin having made a comment, it is still quite unusual for him to be late.
‘Glad you could join us, Agent Galahad.’ Merlin calls out from the far end of the room as the other man enters. ‘Terribly sorry for my tardiness.’ Harry excuses himself. ‘Morning Galahad.’ Lancelot greets him, instead you just wave at the agent. Everyone sits in their usual spots, with Galahad across from you and Merlin to your left, though he almost immediately stands up, walking in front of the screen which shows the most vital information related to the mission. Most of the information isn’t new to you, as you’d helped your uncle prepare. Whenever Galahad or Lancelot give additional information, which you hadn’t been able to gain before the meeting, you write it down into the report. Your attention is fully focussed on what everyone is saying, that is until you notice that Galahad’s eyes seem to linger on you a bit longer than usual whenever you make a comment. Eventually, his eyes meet yours. He quickly looks away and focuses on Merlin, who is saying something about the risks which may occur in the future. Yesterday’s mission has likely only slowed down the organisation, meaning that you’d still have to find its core and try to eliminate it. Still, all the new information which has been gained is quite useful. Your gaze reverts back to your laptop screen as you continue typing away.
‘Agent Tristan, could you please explain to these gentlemen what you did to fully disarm and disable the system?’ Merlin’s sudden attention to you surprises you, but you stand up confidently and walk to his side. Galahad’s eyes seem to burn into the back of your head as you do so. ‘So how we did it is -’ Everything goes smoothly as you explain the process thoroughly to the other agents. Hopefully, you’ll be able to join them in the field next time, rather than having to sit and watch from the sidelines to assist them from a distance. You aren’t sure that’ll actually happen however, as it really depends on what kind of mission it’ll be and what is needed of you. After a few minutes, you’re able to sit back down. Neither Lancelot, nor Galahad had any questions, which you assume is probably a good sign. There are only a few more things you need to discuss, with most of them only requiring only a little of your input from time to time, so you silently drink some tea as Lancelot and Merlin talk. Galahad is remarkably silent, only asking a few questions or making comments when he deems it necessary. Usually, he’s more talkative and tends to lead the conversation, but today he seems to have chosen to leave that to Lancelot. As your uncle is saying something about the implications of such an organisation having access to nuclear weapons, you feel another foot hit yours. At first, you ignore it; but when it happens again, you look around. It couldn’t be Merlin or Lancelot, leaving Galahad as the only suspect. You quickly look at his face but he acts as if he’s innocent. When you feel a third tap, you let your eyes meet his. The lines around his eyes crinkle mischievously, while the rest of his face doesn’t seem to change. You tap him back, your oxfords hitting the side of his silently. This time, his eyes do not divert to Merlin or Lancelot, and it almost feels as if you’re the only person in this room with him. The feeling is short lived however, with his gaze shifting away when his name is mentioned by one of the other men. Still, his foot remains in place, connecting the two of you. Despite the intimate gesture, his feelings for you remain unclear.
The meeting comes to an end, you and Galahad act as if nothing happened when you stand up. Everyone leaves the room and as he passes you, he slips a small folded note into your hand. You do not get a chance to read it though, as Merlin immediately starts up a conversation with you as you walk the wing of the mansion where the individual kingsman offices are located. ‘Tristan, could you send me the report after lunch?’ You nod. ‘As long as we’re going on a walk with Ares and Albion after, you know he’s missed you lately, and this morning wasn’t enough to make up for that.’ He laughs. ‘Of course.’ Together, you walk into Merlin’s office, where you quickly discuss the last few details before you leave for your own. There, you work on the report for a bit longer, adding the finishing touches before sending it to Merlin. Ares lays in the corner of your office, playing with one of his toys quietly. The folded piece of paper sits next to your keyboard, still not read. Once you’ve finally finished the report, you grab and slowly unfold it. Galahad’s handwriting is neat, but not delicate.
Meet me in the library at 21:00 tonight.
Yours faithfully,
‘I suppose I’ll go read in the library tonight, Ares.’ You whisper before you put the note into your drawer and motion your dog to follow you to the kitchens to have lunch. He walks at your side when you enter, and calmly waits as you brew tea and make lunch. Once it’s ready, you decide to eat it outside, as the weather is quite nice today and Ares will be able to run around before you go for the walk with Merlin. Half an hour passes before you’re joined by your uncle, who has his dog, Albion, with him. She’s a border collie who is usually quite serious and focused, but gets very excited when she gets to play with Ares. The two of them are best friends, so you and Merlin try to have them meet up and go on a long walk at least once a week. This doesn’t always happen though, as duty calls whenever it does, resulting in having to cancel quite frequently, which happened the past few weeks. Today isn't such a day though, and once you both finish your lunch, the four of you start walking your usual round around the grounds. You and Merlin chat away about anything and everything while Ares and Albion run around together and fetch a tennis ball from time to time. It’s calm and you’re enjoying yourself. It’s always quite nice to spend your time like this. All nice things must come to an end though, and after forty-five minutes of walking, you have to return to work. ‘See you later Tristan.’ Merlin says before walking to his office, taking Albion with him. ‘Later.’ You wave before walking in the opposite direction. Galahad hadn’t been there when you returned from your walk, so you assume he’s at the shop to get a few things in order. It’s probably for the better, as you aren’t sure what you would do if you were to cross him in the hallway right now. He’s constantly giving you mixed signals. Yesterday, he seemed to lean in to kiss you before pulling away suddenly. Today, he almost continuously avoided your gaze, yet wanted to stay connected in some way that wasn’t visible to others, and he wrote you a note telling you to meet him later.
You whisper to yourself. You’re falling for him, hard. You have been for a long time. You always told yourself it was merely a crush, but you’re unable to deny it any longer. This revelation isn’t your biggest problem though. Your biggest problem is whether he would even be interested, as he’s constantly giving those mixed signals. Tonight you’d decide whether you’ll ever act upon your feelings or not. You’d never particularly cared for the kingsman code which prohibits any relationships, though it hasn’t been necessary for you to break it either, as you hadn’t been interested in any relationships in the first place. Kingsman always comes first in your life. This means that you’ve never actually taken the time to think of finding a partner or date around. What you are worried about, is that Galahad is someone that always follows the rules and doesn’t even think about bending, let alone breaking, them. This may be an explanation for him being so hot and cold with you. Still, it’s confusing and worries you. ‘Good afternoon agent Tristan, is everything alright?’ Arthur greeting you pulls you out of your thoughts and you realise you’re standing in front of the door which leads into your office, your hand on the doorknob. You have probably been standing there for a couple of minutes now. Quickly you turn the knob and start walking in. ‘Ah yes Arthur, I was just lost in thought. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have some paperwork to attend to.’ You smile at him before swiftly closing the door once Ares has entered the room as well.
The evening couldn’t come soon enough. Thinking of whatever Galahad could possibly tell you continued racing through your mind the entire afternoon, meaning that you were quite distracted for the most part. Merlin visited you shortly before dinner to discuss the report and what he altered before sending it off to Arthur. While he clearly noticed that you were distracted, he decided against saying anything about it and left. Shortly thereafter, you decided it’d be a good idea to go for another walk with Ares, as it’s a good way of distancing yourself from the setting in which you usually see Galahad. This time, though, the walk lasts for several hours, with the sun starting to set once you start heading back to HQ. When you arrive back at HQ, it’s nearly nine, so you decide to bring the Doberman to your office before heading to the library. Galahad, or Harry which you rarely ever refer to him as, is already there, waiting for you. He turns to face you and smiles when you enter before greeting you. ‘I’m glad you could make it agent Tristan.’ You nod nervously but try to sound casual. ‘Of course, any time, Galahad.’ His eyes look over your form and you do the same. The tension between the two of you is palpable but you try to ignore it as best as you can. For a moment, nothing happens. The both of you stay still, frozen in place. Suddenly Galahad moves again and walks up to you. In a moment of passion, he grabs your face and kisses you deeply. It’s so intense it feels as if he’s bruising your lips. When you don’t move, he starts pulling back. Quickly, you pull him to you once more and kiss back, one of your hands in his hair and the other pulling his tie. The two of you fight for dominance and he pushes you against one of the bookshelves, his left hand now resting on your hip. Eventually, he pulls away and rests his forehead against yours, his eyes still closed. For minutes, the two of you stand like this, silently enjoying each other's presence and closeness. ‘Tristan.’ He whispers. ‘Yes Galahad?’ The man sighs and slowly leaves your embrace. ‘Shit.’ You hear him mutter under his breath. ‘Shit shit shit.’ He backs away, as if he’s only just realised what happened. ‘Galahad, what’s going on?’ ‘I cannot do this Tristan.’ His voice sounds almost desperate. ‘Galahad, what do you mean you cannot do this?’ He doesn’t reply and walks away, leaving you alone in the library.
You didn’t see Galahad the rest of that week and you threw yourself into work, only leaving your office to go out with Ares. If you hadn’t had him, you probably wouldn’t have left your office in the first place. That Friday morning, Merlin comes in unannounced and finds you sleeping with your head on your desk. He wakes you and you slowly sit up straight. Your suit jacket is discarded somewhere in a corner and you look a bit of a mess with your hair all dishevelled. ‘Are you sure you’re feeling alright Tristan? You really shouldn’t be overworking yourself.’ Your uncle asks you, he sounds quite worried. ‘I’m fine Merlin, I promise.’ He sighs. ‘You do not look or act as if you’re fine. What’s going on?’ You just shake your head. ‘It’s nothing really, I’ve just had to catch up on some work. Please don’t fret it.’ ‘We both know that’s a lie, Tristan. You’re always ahead of everyone when it comes to paperwork.’ He stops for a moment. ‘Look, both you and Galahad have been acting off all week and we can’t have that. I don’t know if there’s anything going on between the two of you, but I want you to fix it, especially if it’s affecting you like this.’ His voice is stern. ‘You should go talk to Galahad then, I’m not the guilty one here.’ You stand up for the first time in what feels like years, your knees and back hurting with every move. ‘I don’t have the energy for all this, go talk to him if you want to know more.’ Silently, you usher him out of your office and shut the door behind him. While you love your uncle, you really couldn’t deal with this right now.
The scotch in the corner of your office had been a little too appealing. That combined with the very limited amount of food you’d had over the past few days, made it very easy for you to become drunk. You sit in your chair feeling very sorry for yourself, as you do in such situations. ‘You know Ares, I’ll go talk to that asshole. He kisses me like that and then he avoids me all week. I suppose that’s not very gentlemanly of him.’ Standing up, you feel dizzy and you have to grab a hold of your desk to keep standing. The world seems to be turning and Ares looks to have multiple heads. ‘Fuck.’ You hadn’t realised how badly the scotch had affected you. Still, that didn’t stop you, and you stumble through your office door. The hallway is empty when you enter it, as is usual at this time of night in HQ. Galahad’s office is only a few doors down and you try to walk there as normally as you can. Taking a deep breath, you knock multiple times. When there’s no immediate answer, you knock again, but more loudly. ‘Galahad, I know you’re in there.’ Your voice is loud enough for him to hear on the other side of the door, but not loud enough to wake any of the other kingsmen. Though they probably wouldn’t wake up unless you screamed loudly enough for it to reach the other side of the estate. Moments pass, but the door is eventually opened by the agent. ‘Tristan.’ He greets you solemnly. ‘I need to talk to you, you pretentious asshole.’ The words fall out of your mouth and there is no stopping them. ‘You are no gentleman. You invite someone to talk to them alone after MONTHS, LITERAL MONTHS, of looking at each other longingly and flirting, then kiss them in the way you did and JUST WALK AWAY LIKE THAT?????’ He finally looks up at you and realises the state that you’re in. ‘WHAT IN THE HELLS IS WRONG WITH YOU INCOMPETENT PRICK????’ You jab your finger into his chest. ‘Tristan, you are in no state to discuss this, please go to bed.’ He grabs your hand. ‘YES I AM, I AM A GROWN ADULT THAT CAN MAKE THEIR OWN DECISIONS. YOU ARE NOT MY MOTHER.’ ‘Yes you are, but you’re currently incapable of making any good decisions. So, please quiet down before you wake up Mr. Pickle.’ Before you’re able to respond, he grabs you and surprisingly easily throws you over his shoulder. ‘Now, I’ll be escorting you to bed, as you don’t seem to be capable of doing that yourself.’ He completely ignores your protests, which continue for about five minutes before you realise there’s nothing you can do about this situation. He only puts you down when you’re in front of your bedroom door, as he needs you to open it. ‘I’m going to put you down, but please stay quiet. I don’t want you to wake everyone up.’ You nod and mutter to yourself as he puts you down. ‘Still an asshole though.’ He laughs to himself. When you finally have both your feet on the ground again, you’re stable momentarily before you start falling over again. Galahad notices and steadies you by grabbing your shoulders. ‘Careful now, sweetness.’ His lips touch the shell of your ear and you slowly feel yourself going red. You ignore it though, steadying yourself with his help before walking to your door and unlocking it. When you try to open it you almost fall into your own room and so Harry catches you, before the world around you slowly goes dark.
The following morning you wake up in your own bed, not remembering how you got there in the first place. Ares sits next to your bed, looking up at you as you wake. ‘Morning, my boy.’ Your voice sounds more like a groan than anything else. He nudges your arm and softly barks when you eventually sit up. The light hurts your eyes as you look around, so you close your eyes and lay back down. Once you finally open them again, you notice that there’s a glass of water and a pack of paracetamol next to your bed. ‘Who put that there?’ You look at Ares and pet him before taking one of the pills followed by a gulp of water. The headache you have is slowly driving you insane, so hopefully this’ll help. Still, it remains unclear who actually put it there after probably finding you in quite the state. Usually, you could easily hold your liquor, but apparently your body had other plans yesterday. You do realise that you’re still in your clothes from the day before. So, you decide to get out of them and put on something more comfortable before calling Merlin. ‘Morning Merlin.’ Your voice is quite hoarse. ‘Ah Tristan, I was wondering when you’d call.’ He sounds quite amused for some unknown reason. ‘What do you mean?’ The Scot laughs. ‘Well, I got a notification earlier this morning that you’d be out of the office today because you’re ill. Thing is, agent Galahad is the one who notified me, which is a bit odd to be honest.’ You groan. ‘Well he’s right about me not feeling well.’ Slowly, you lay back in your bed. Merlin didn’t talk to you for much longer after that and he remained quite vague about what Galahad had told him about the night before. Despite you desperately wanting to know what had happened the night before, you decided that would be a problem for tomorrow before heading back to sleep.
That night, a knock wakes you from your slumber. You almost jump out of your bed at the sound, scaring Ares a bit. ‘One moment please.’ You shout at the person behind the door before calming your dog. ‘I should take you out for a walk in a few, shouldn’t I? I’m so sorry Ares.’ After whispering that, you stand up and walk to your door. Opening it slowly, you reveal Merlin’s form. ‘Good evening Tristan.’ He smiles. ‘Thought I’d bring you some dinner.’ The tray he’s holding has a plate with a baked potato, some carrots and broccoli, and some beef, accompanied by a large glass of water and a cup of your favourite tea. He walks in once you’ve further opened your door, putting the tray on the small table that stands in the corner of your room. ‘Do sit down.’ His voice is soft. You do so silently, Ares laying down next to you. ‘Thank you.’ Your voice is soft and you start eating your first meal of the day. Merlin sits down across from you. ‘I do hope this was a one time thing, Tristan.’ He sighs and takes off his glasses, pinching the bridge of his nose with his other hand. ‘It won’t happen again, sir.’ Your voice can barely be heard from across the table. ‘Look, you’ve been doing flawlessly so far, so getting drunk and insulting go Galahad isn’t something that’ll affect you or your career in any way. It can, however, have an effect on how well you’re able to work with him in the foreseeable future.’ Your eyes don’t meet his. ‘Now that I’ve scolded you for getting drunk and acting in the way you did, I would like to know why. Harry hasn’t wanted to tell me anything and I’m against just checking your glasses if I can ask you.’ Your plate is only half finished but you’re already full and you put down your cutlery. ‘I’m not sure you want to know.’ Leaning back, you make yourself more comfortable in your chair. ‘Galahad has really said nothing?’ He shakes his head. ‘Well then, I suppose I’ll tell you what’s going on; under the condition that this will strictly stay between the two of us. Not even Galahad can know.’ ‘Why are you being so secretive about this?’ He enquires. ‘You’ll understand once you hear the full story. Now do you promise?’ You hold out your hand with your pinky ready for him to intertwine with. And he does. ‘I promise.’ A smile creeps onto your face. This is something you’d always done with him when it comes to promises, starting when you were just a little kid. ‘So, as you may have noticed the past few weeks, there’s been some tension between me and Galahad, or Harry.’ You start. ‘But this has been an underlying issue for years now -‘
That night Merlin listened as you talked about how the situation between you and Galahad had unfolded over the past few years and more in detail about the past week or two. Understandably, it was quite a bit for him to take in, and at first he wasn’t certain how to feel or respond. If you hadn’t been who you are to him, he would’ve been fine with it. But with the familial ties you have, and the fact that he and Galahad are best friends, made him hesitate. Yet, he promises to keep quiet and have you and the other man resolve it by yourselves. He would, however, urge his friend to do so if the issue isn’t resolved within a week, meaning that you’ll have to hurry up when it comes to talking things out. He did make clear that he isn’t against you having a relationship with the older man, his tone may have even been slightly supportive, which was somewhat unexpected.
The next time you finally see Harry it’s Sunday. Exactly three days since you’d last seen him and had had the drunken encounter. There you stood, in front of his apartment, your heart pounding in your throat. He’d been at the shop the past few days while you were at the mansion. Merlin was quite convinced that Galahad was, in fact, avoiding you, so he’d suggested you go visit him that evening. Well, suggested was quite a loose term in this case. It was more that Merlin just dropped you off here and told you to ‘Go ahead and talk it out’. Obviously, this was his way of forcing you to do so, as he is quite sick of having the two of you avoiding each other.
Finally, you ring the doorbell and you stand there waiting nervously for Galahad to answer. He does after a few minutes and the confusion is quite evident on his face. When he doesn’t say anything, you start talking. ‘Sorry to bother you Galahad, but Merlin’s dropped me off so we can talk things out.’ You smile sheepishly and he sighs before letting you in. You have never been inside his home before, so you look around curiously as he leads you into his kitchen. He was wearing his usual attire, save for the glasses. Apparently, he had been cooking dinner when you rang his doorbell. As you look around the room, not moving, he clears his throat. ‘Would you like to join me for dinner Tristan?’ The question is logical, yet you aren’t certain whether he actually wants you to join or if he’s asking it out of obligation. You’re hoping it’s the former rather than the latter. ‘If you don’t mind. Otherwise we can talk and then I’ll leave, I don’t wish to intrude Galahad.’ He motions you to sit down. ‘I would love for you to join me, I’m almost finished cooking dinner anyway, so do feel free to have a seat.’ When you do so, he turns around to face the stove once again before finishing dinner. It is a simple yet delicious meal, and you appreciate the gesture of him inviting you to join him. It is mostly spent in silence, save for a few comments appreciating his skill, or talking about the goings on at the shop and HQ.
After dinner, Harry offers you a cup of tea before pouring one for himself and sitting down across from you. It is silent for a few minutes before he finally speaks again. ‘I would like to apologise.’ His voice is soft. ‘I should’ve handled this situation differently and not have run away in the way I did.’ As he says this, his eyes divert. ‘It is just that I was, and still am, quite uncertain of how to go about this. I do not wish to hurt you, but in my attempt to do so I did the opposite of what I had intended. I thought you were too pure, too kind. You’re too sweet, too sweet for a bitter man like me. Yet here I am, madly in love with you and confessing my feelings.’ When he finishes talking he looks you in the eye once more. There’s emotion in them, seemingly a mix of sadness and regret. ‘Galahad, I don’t know what to say.’ You pause. ‘I understand why you may have hesitated to approach me in the way you did, however, I am quite confused as to why you ran away so suddenly. You are the one that made the initial move and I never approached you because you were likely to have reservations about breaking kingsman code, yet you gave me hope by inviting me to the library to talk. And for a moment, when you kissed me, I thought we could be together, even if it was just for a moment.’ Slowly, you stand up from your chair. Putting down your cup of tea in the process. ‘Then you went ahead and ripped my heart out by walking away like that. As if I mean nothing to you, as if you weren’t the one that made the first move.’ You raise your voice a bit, but try to stay calm. Following your example, he stands up as well and starts walking towards you. ‘I truly am sorry but it is up to you whether or not you forgive me.’ He looks down into your eyes. ‘What will happen if I forgive you, Harry?’ The two of you are almost touching each other, only a few centimetres between your faces. ‘I shall take you on a date and be your partner. That is, if you’ll have me.’ Rather than answering him with words, you pull his tie and kiss him passionately.
#fanfic#fanfiction#ao3 writer#harry hart#harry hart imagine#harry hart reader insert#harry hart x reader#kingsman#kingsman imagine#kingsman reader insert#merlin kingsman#fluff and angst#angst#mutual pining#light angst#this got out of hand#sorry guys#too sweet#unheard hozier#no proofreading we die like men
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lay all your love on me.

eggsy unwin x fem!reader
eggsy's life was a bit... hectic. you knew this very well, and if you even stopped to think about it, it was comical.
between the two of you there was no fight over which of you worked more. because you were a normal citizen and really didn't have an ounce of envy of your boyfriend's work. eggsy—or better said, agent galahad, had a job that, to begin with, you wouldn't even know what it was if it weren't for the man's desperate circumstances of having you in his life forever.
harry even begged him to continue with the charade of being a carefree young man for a longer time. but, he couldn't. after seeing you for the first time, he was sure he wanted to trust you with all his secrets. so, after what was like two dates, eggsy had to tell you the whole truth after acidentally wearing the elegant shoes with sharp poison spikes to the thrid date who happend on a very charming restaurant.
it had been a somewhat risky decision, and obviously, he had done it without the consent of any other kingsman agent. but as he himself said: everything had worked out in the end! almost everything, actually.
there were days when eggsy would leave early and return two days later. there were days when some bruises were visible here and there. and every day, when you were alone in the bed to start your own day, you prayed to god or any other entity that was willing to listen to your despair, that eggsy would come home. and that day was no different.
after arriving home and being greeted by darkness, you turned on the lights and felt something comfortable in your body. eggsy had called quickly to say he would be home for dinner. and there you were in the kitchen trying to do the least for the person you loved most in life. the love eggsy felt was the same as yours, multiplied by two. he couldn't imagine himself in a world where the woman who was the source of his courage to stay alive didn't exist. from the moment he had seen your figure in that huge ballroom in one of his missions, he knew it that his life it would depended on you.
and that feeling grew when he brutally opened the wooden door of the house you shared. the first to receive it was JB, who soon stopped before moving a little closer. the dog stood still like a statue, with only his little tail swaying from one side to the other. eggsy was totally dirty. clothes that were once high quality and beautiful, torn and covered in mud.
eggsy sighed as he stared at JB, slowly walking towards you. it was inevitable, there was no way not to notice his presence. a huge stain of dirt, standing in front of you. eggsy laughed as your eyes widened. and he kept laughing when you hugged him. after a few seconds, the realization hit. he was filthy but still, you hugged him tightly.
"my god, you scared me." eggsy heard you whispering. the man closed his eyes and inhaled the smell of food, the smell of your perfume. JB was whimpering as he scratched eggsy's leg. for the first time, eggsy realized he had a family he would die for.
"what happened to you? you're filthy." you said with a giggle, pulling away from your boyfriend and looking at your own clothes which were also dirty after the hug.
"i love you." eggsy said holding your wrists, and then hugging you again.
"oh... i love you too." the sudden statement left you a little confused but happy. when eggsy released you again, you immediately turned off the stove so as not to burn the fish, following eggsy around the house with JB on your arms while he told you about his adventures.
hallway, living room, hallway again, bedroom. eggsy pretended not to notice your big, bright eyes as he told everything and made jokes about almost dying.
"anyways, i missed you." he said with a sincere smile and then faced JB, petting the dog's small head. "and I missed you too, little thing."
when you and eggsy had met, he was still like a dog that had been thrown into the street. afraid to trust anyone, with armor in his heart. he was totally different now.
"you should take a shower, seriously." you said laughing. eggsy was still dirty as hell. the scene was even funnier after he said that he had fallen with his car and everything into the water and crawled in the dirt.
"well... you're dirty too now..." he said with a small smile, raising his eyebrows. you gently dropped JB to the floor, grabbing your boyfriend's arm as he walked into the bedroom's bathroom.
"oh? tell me more about it, mister galahad." you said, closing the bathroom door, leaving JB in the bedroom.
ps: the story takes place in the second film, when eggsy fights with charlie but eggsy doesn't have manhole dirt for the sake of this story.
— you can make a request whatever you want!
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I Love All Of You - Harry Hart X GN Reader
Title: I Love All Of You
Harry Hart X GN Reader
Additional Character: Mr. Pickle Jr.
WC: 1,348
Warnings: Post-Kingsman: The Golden Circle, insecurities, Harry's scar, Kingsman canon violence mentioned, possibly depression hinted to, hurt/comfort?, affirmations, this man needs love, nicknames, description of his scar, scars, mention of injuries, italics, slight angst, and fluff
It was a quiet Friday night as you sat on your bed, a book in your hand. Jane Austen's "Pride And Prejudice." There was the soft sound of rain falling, pitter-pattering against the roof and trailing down the windows. It was soft and peaceful, you always loved the rain; it was one of your favorite sounds. Sometimes you liked to just stand in it, letting the cold chill of the rain fall upon you, wetting your hair and lashes. You used to do it a lot as a child, playing in the puddles and laughing in the rain until it thundered. You missed those days.
From downstairs, you heard the front door open and close. Harry was home. A smile graced your face as you continued to read, hearing his tired feet climbing the stairs and soon enough, the bedroom door opened. Mr. Pickle Jr. jumped up from your legs, tail wagging furiously as he leaped from the bed and ran to his feet. Harry smiled softly, reaching down to brush his fingers through the puppy's fur before he moved to the closet.
The night went like clockwork. You read whilst Harry got ready for the night, undressing and redressing in his pajamas before he headed to the bathroom to finish up. Every night followed the same pattern. As the bathroom door shut, you continued your reading, but as a few minutes went by, and then ten, you looked up from the pages. You looked at the bathroom door, your eyebrows furrowing in confusion and concern. Harry was taking an unusually long time in there.
Sitting up further, you placed your book on your nightstand, before slipping out of the bed, your feet landing on the soft carpet below. Walking over, you hesitantly knocked on the door, calling out, “Harry?” Silence. You frowned, before opening the door. There, Harry stood, hands pressed against the sink, hunched over, staring down at the white porcelain. There was a hardened expression on his face, a look that you had come to know well and recognize.
Without a word, you stepped closer, reaching for his hand. The contact seemed to break whatever trance he was in, his body stiffening before his gaze met yours. There was a quiet sadness in his eyes, but there was also something else - a longing, a vulnerability that he wasn't used to showing. You raised his hand up, pressing a gentle kiss to his knuckles. One after the other, your lips soft and tender. His hand, once cold and tense, relaxed in your touch, and you could feel the relief in the way his fingers lightly curled against your skin. The tips of them brushed along your soft skin as you pressed little kisses along his palm.
You wished you could take away his pain - emotional, physical, and everything in between. But you couldn’t. All you could do was be there, offer comfort, ease his burden, and love him in every way you knew how. And if it meant helping him forget, even for just a little while, you would do it a thousand times over.
Silently, you led him back to the bedroom, your hand in his as you pulled the covers back, urging him to get into bed. He did so without protest, his movements slow, almost hesitant. Slipping under the blankets, you positioned yourself above him, straddling his waist, and let your hands rest gently on his abdomen. You gazed down at him, your heart swelling with the overwhelming love and care you had for him. He looked up at you, visible eye soft but wary, and you could see the battle he was waging within himself.
A small smile tugged at your lips, and you leaned down, your lips hovering just above his. Without a word, you began to kiss him. The same little kisses that you pressed against his hand, brushed along his skin. Starting at his chin, you trailed your lips to his cheek, then to the other, before caressing down his jaw, grazing his nose, and forehead, before finally brushing the corners of his lips. Harry lay still beneath you, his breath catching for a moment before he exhaled slowly.
He reached up, his hands finding purchase on your waist, fingers lightly digging into the fabric of your sleep shorts; he shut his eye. You continued your journey, pressing kiss after kiss, decorating his skin in little invisible pink tingles of your love. Slowly, you sat back up, hands slipping down his chest before resting back upon his abdomen. You bit your lip, hesitant as you reached up and slowly took hold of his glasses. You felt Harry's hands on your waist tighten, but they relaxed again as you slid them off, folded them close, and sat them on the bedside table.
You had seen his eye before. Or at least, the space where it used to be. You were no stranger to it. Where his eye used to be was a scar, the wound has long since healed, only leaving a small opening of tissue; overall, you didn't know how to explain it, but that didn't matter. He was still as beautiful as the day you met him, all those years ago. You felt a deep warmth fill your heart as you admired him. You couldn't help it. You could look at him forever if you could.
Leaning back down, you pressed another soft kiss to his chin, your lips lingering for just a moment before you whispered, "Beautiful." You moved to his cheek, kissing it gently, then to the other, each time adding the words as you went. "Gorgeous," You murmured, your lips brushing against his skin. "Handsome," You followed the path along his jawline. "Hot," You breathed against his forehead, "Pretty," You said, your lips lingering on the corner of his mouth. Then, you pressed a soft, lingering kiss to his eyelid, your voice barely a whisper as you spoke, "Stunning." And, finally, you pressed a gentle kiss to the scar, the scar that marked his resilience, and whispered, "Breathtaking."
When you pulled back, he chased your lips, making your smile widen as you leaned back down for one more. Pulling back again, Harry gave you a small smile, his eyes glimmering. Smiling back at him, you brought your hands up, cupping his face. Your thumbs stroked over his cheeks, brushing away stray tears that had gathered there. You brought your hands forward, tilted your head, and pressed a light kiss against his lips. "I love you, Harry." You spoke, shutting your eyes, nuzzling your nose against his as you continued, "I love all of you."
One of his hands left your waist, reaching up to cup your cheek, his calloused thumb brushing along your skin. And with a swift movement, he flipped you both over, pinning you beneath him on the mattress. You let out a surprised giggle, your heart racing as his nose brushed against yours, mirroring the tender gesture you had shown him.
"I love all of you, too, darling," He whispered, his voice low and full of admiration for you, and only you. Slowly, his lips met yours - his silent thank you - and you melted into the kiss, your arms wrapping around his neck, fingers slipping into the soft strands of his hair. His kisses always left you breathless, making you crave more.
As he pulled away, his body shifted, laying upon you but careful not to put his full weight on you. His face nestled into the warmth of your neck, his arms wrapping around you. You sighed contentedly, running your fingers through his hair; your nails lightly grazing his scalp. It didn't take long until Harry's breathing softened and he fell asleep, and you were close behind him. Your eyes began to flutter, a silent yawn escaping you, the rain outside lulling you to sleep. As you drifted into dreamland, your hand still buried in his hair, you heard the faintest of paws hitting the ground before Mr. Pickle Jr. hopped back up on the bed, curling up at your side.
Main Masterlist | Kingsman Masterlist
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Eggsy's Plan
a/n: This is just a quick little one shot. Enjoy!
Harry knocks, waiting for his closest friend to answer the door. His face falls when the door opens and Eggsy appears.
"What are you doing here?", he asks, clearly annoyed.
"Trying to talk some sense into Blaire.", Eggsy whispers.
"About what?"
They get cut off by Blaire.
"Harry...", Blaire says, smiling.
She pushes Eggsy out of the way and hugs him. Harry's been gone for a couple of months on a mission. He hasn't had any contact with anyone from Kingsman except tech.
"I've... I've missed you.", she says.
He wraps his arms around her to return the hug.
"Let's go inside.", Harry says, feeling nervous.
She nods and lets go of him.
Blaire, Eggsy, and Harry all sit in the living room. Harry tells them about his mission.
"Merlin told me you'd gotten shot. I was worried sick... Always getting shot...", Blaire says.
Her words tug at Harry's heart. Eggsy keeps looking in between them as they talk, knowing that he has to get them together. He's thought up this plan and is decided to do it now.
"So um... I wanna show you something.", Eggsy says, interrupting them.
"What are you talking about?", Blaire asks.
"I added something to your bunker."
"My bunker? Why?"
"Thought it needed a nice touch. C'mon."
They both curiously follow Eggsy down underground.
"Here we are.", he smiles, letting them step in front of him.
There's a small frame on the wall that says 'gotcha'.
Before they can turn around, Eggsy's running up the stairs locking them in.
"Eggsy! What the hell are you doing?!", Harry yells.
"I'm tired of watching you two aimlessly stare at each other like love sick puppies! You're both awkward and weird and you need to work this out. I'm determined!", Eggsy replies before walking away.
Harry feels his face turn red as he walks back down the stairs.
"Well... It seems we're stuck.", she smiles, knowing well that a Kingsman could get out of here easily.
"This is childish.", Harry says.
"Harry... He's just trying to help."
"Why? So I can be humiliated..."
"Humiliated... Why would you be humiliated?"
"You've never looked at me as anything more than a friend. I've made my piece with that."
She stands up, walking over to him.
"For someone so intelligent, you can be quite daft."
She pulls him down by his suit jacket to kiss him.
"I've been in love with you since the moment I met you.", she smiles.
"I... When Valentine shot me, the last thing that flashed through my mind was... you... I knew that I loved you... I never thought I'd get the chance to tell you.", he admits.
She finds herself grinning from ear to ear as he leans down to kiss her again.
"We might be in here a while... He probably will expect us to take a long time.", she smirks.
Harry notices the bed in the corner and blushes.
"I think I have a few ideas on how to pass the time.", he smiles, taking her hand and pulling her onto the bed with him.
She pushes off his suit jacket. He lets it fall to the floor before pulling off her top. He leans down and starts to kiss and suck at her neck. She lets her head fall back, enjoying the feeling of his touch. Her hands blindly manage to un-do his tie and unbutton his white button-up shirt. She pushes his shirt down and off his arms. The shirt falls behind him. They lay back on the bed, allowing him to crawl on top of her. She moans when his right hand starts massaging at her covered breasts.
"Holy shit! I leave you guys alone for ten minutes and you're fuckin'!", Eggsy says.
Harry, flustered, covers Blaire with his discarded shirt.
"I hate you.", Blaire says.
"At least my plan worked. You should thank me."
Blaire picks up the closest thing to her and throws it at him. He quickly runs back up the stairs.
Harry laughs.
"Maybe when we're alone.", Blaire says.
He nods.
"Maybe another few minutes though.", he says, pulling her close to him.
She bites her lip as he leans in to kiss her.
#fanfic#fanfiction#oneshot#fluff#kingsman#eggsy unwin#harry hart#harry x ofc#harry hart fanfiction#harry hart x ofc#galahad#colin firth#kingsman the secret service#eggsy#friends to lovers#trick#a plan#mutual pining#insecurity#love#a hint of smut
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Harry Hart x Kingsman!male reader
The sword and the knight

No Warning
Just fluff or something
I got back into kingsman and saw a lack of male readers, so I am fixing that. I could do a lot better than this one, it's pretty boring and long, I am still trying to get back into the game and that will take a long while. But for the mean time, enjoy 🫰
Didn't have time to proofread, sorry.
Eggsy entered the tailorshop with his casual wear, jacket, shirt, cap and all. He looked out of place as he looked around until he saw Harry looking at him with a man beside him, his head was on Harry's lap with eyes closed, while Harry stroke his hair. Eggsy found it amusing and was about to talk until Harry put a finger to his lips, signalling him to shut it.
"Keep your voice down, he gets very grumpy if he gets woken up."
Harry said in a hushed tone as he beckoned Eggsy closer.
"Who is he exactly?"
"You'll know when you get into kingsman, now, are you ready?"
"way to leave a bloke in a cliffhanger, yes, I'm ready."
" Alright, head to the third fitting room, I will follow you shortly."
Eggsy did as he was told, still looking at Harry and the mystery person. After waiting a few minutes in the fitting room, Harry got inside and stood beside Eggsy.
"Apologies, he reacted not how I anticipated he would. Now, what do you see?"
Harry asked Eggsy as they were both looking in the three mirrors infront of them.
"Because I see, a man who is loyal, who can do as he is asked, and wants to do something good with his life."
Eggsy looked intently at the mirror.
"You ready?"
"What have I got to lose?"
Harry placed his palm on the mirror, a few moments later the floor began to descend into a subway. They got into the pod and travelled to the kingsman HQ.
As they arrived Harry told him everything he needed to know and brought him to the dorm with the other candidates. A few moments later Harry was joined by a bald man and the man earlier.
"Alright you lot, listen here and listen close, what I am about to say is vital. Your recuitment into kingsman is to take up to 3 months, more or less depeninding on how well all of you do."
The man from earlier spoke, and looked at Eggsy.
"I am Excalibur, and the bald scotsman beside me is Merlin, and this tall as shit fellow here is Galahad."
Excalibur said as he pointed to them respectively.
"I do not appreciate being called that, Excalibur."
"I just described you, what you want from me?"
Merlin just sighed as Excalibur crossed his arms in sort of a pissed off kid kind of way.
"Your test is already underway, the moment you stepped into this place the test has started. Now get some rest, and goodluck."
The three of them left after saying their farewells.
"When are you going to make them swim?"
Excalibur asked Merlin as he stood beside him.
"In a bit."
Merlin pressed the button, making the doorm fill up with water, Eggsy was the first to wake up. Noticing the water, the others were not far behind.
"Loo snorkels, loo snorkels."
Charlie said as he pointed towards the toilets.
"Showers heads."
Roxy followed behind, Eggsy was confused looking around as he looked at the door. After the room was full of water, he swam towards the door and tried to open it, unfortunately it was locked. He looked towards the mirror and began to swim towards it, as he got to the mirror he repeatedly punched it until it broke.
"That was fast."
Excalibur said as he looked towards the candidates on the floor.
"Good job, Charlie for quick thinking, as well as Roxy. However, all of you failed, you forgot the most important thing, teamwork, look inside."
Merlin said as the candidates now looked inside the dorm again, finding the lifeless body of a girl named Amelia.
"Still commendable, get some rest, we will continue tomorrow."
Excalibur said as he smirked at them, Eggsy looked quite pissed off.
"Are you trying to kill us?"
He asked angrily as he looked at Excalibur.
"Our job is to narrow down the candidates to one, Arthur never said how."
"For an old man you sure are fuckwd in the head."
"I am not old, I am just 3 years younger than Harry, I am Y/n, by the way."
Y/n reached out his hand for Eggsy.
"Proper sadist you are."
Eggsy shook his hand as he followed where the others went.
"If you see Harry, tell him I am looking for him, he knows where."
Y/n said before Eggsy was out of sight.
As Eggsy was walking to his dorm, he stumbled upon a tired Harry sat against the wall as he turned the corner. He looked to be asleep but with a cut on his head and he is sweating profusely.
Eggsy ran towards him.
"You good, mate?"
Eggsy shook his shoulder as Harry slowly opened his eyes.
"Just got into an accident, no need to fret."
Harry said with a tired face as he closed his eyes again.
"You sure? Well, Y/n is looking for you."
"thank you, Eggsy."
Harry nodded at Eggsy as he began to stand up, although struggling, he managed to be on his feet. He began to walk but he was stumbling and seemed to be in pain.
"You sure, you good? You don't seem proper, Harry."
Eggsy walked beside Harry as he put one of Harry's arms around his shoulder.
"I am feeling quite tired, my apologies, but I may need some assistance if you don't mind that is?"
Harry looked at Eggsy.
"You are tall, never realized just how tall until now."
Eggsy joke, trying to lighten the mood as he went with Harry.
"I am indeed tall, tallest in this place not to boast."
Harry chuckled.
"where are we going?"
"Just to Y/n' office."
"Right, I forgot, just on the second floor and last door on the right."
Eggsy hummed in acknowledgement.
"If you don't mind me asking, why are you lot named after the knights of the round table? Guess it fits the name, dunnit?"
"We are named based on our capabilities."
"And why is Y/n named excalibur?"
"Because he is the best of us, he is quite literally, Arthur's weapon. When Arthur deems it necessary, Excaliber will be there to slay the foe. He is a cold blooded killer, he does not show remorse, he has his own justice. He is the one Arthur sends when his Knights are in trouble, Excalibur has never failed a mission yet, and Arthur trusts him with his life."
They reached the door to Y/n's office after Harry explained.
"Well, here we are, would love to know more about the others. But Your duty calls, and sleep is pulling me down, Night."
Eggsy gave a two fingered salute to Harry before making his leave, leaving Harry infront of the door. He knocked six times in a pattern, alerting Y/n of who is at the door.
"Come in."
The voice from inside said, just as Harry opened the door to the office, he collapsed. Y/n immediately ran to Harry and shook his shoulder while gently tapping his cheek.
"Harry? You good, Love? Come on."
Y/n aid as he was getting emotional, his voice wavering a bit. Harry woke up after a few moments, later.
"I'm alright, nothing to worry about."
Harry said as he forced himself to stand, Y/n noticed and helped him, holding his hips so he doesn't fall.
"Why don't you lay down, hm?"
Y/n offered as he looked at Harry with distress.
"If it calms you down."
Harry laid down on the couch in the office.
"What did you call me for, my dear?"
"I just missed you."
Y/n said shyly as he looked everywhere but at Harry.
"Needy little thing, aren't you?"
Harry chuckled as he motion for Y/n to join him in the couch.
"Was the mission hard?"
Y/n asked as he snuggled into Harry, his small frame fitting perfectly with his head on Harry's chest with Harry's hand playing with his hair.
"Then why are you injured?"
"I fell down a flight of stairs."
"Don't lie."
"I jumped off a plane."
"Come on, Harry, why so secretive?"
"Whatever do you mean, my love? I am telling you nothing but what happened as best as I remember it."
"You're so annoying sometimes, I wonder why I even married you in the first place."
"Because you fell for me 27 years ago, why? Do you regret it?"
Harry said as their bodies relaxed, the playful banter becoming softer and quieter.
"Very much, I would rather have been with someone else if I knew you would be this annoying, posh twat."
"That is not a gentleman thing to say to someone."
"Look at my eyes and tell me whether I care or not."
Y/n raised his head hid chin now resting on Harry's chest.
"I love you."
Harry said as the hand on Y/n's hair now rested on his cheek as he caressed it carefully and lovingly.
"You cheeky, bugger, I love you too."
They leaned in for a kiss, not rough nor was it delicate, just the perfect kiss to fit the moment and to slightly calm the fire of their love just for a moment of respite between them. They fell asleep in each other's arms, not wanting to let go, Y/n face buried in Harry's neck and his face in Y/n' hair. Just the way they like it, close and feeling the love they hold for one another.
#kingsman#x male reader#x reader#y/n#gay#kingsman x male reader#kingsman x reader#kingsman x y/n#Harry x male reader#Harry Hart x reader#Harry hart x male reader#harry hart#harry x reader#colin firth#colin firth x reader#colin firth x male reader
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HII!! i’m in my harry hart brainrot era again and i would love some fluff with him and a fem reader (platonic or romantic) if possible! the rest is up to you!

Title: No rules
Summary: To hell with the rules.
Pairing: Harry Hart × Fem! Reader
Warnings: Smut
Author's Notes: Well, well, well, looks like we've stumbled into familiar territory, folks! 😅 Yep, I took a detour down Smut Street, the same old route every fanfic seems to trot along. But hey, why mess with a classic, right? 😉
First, Second and Third part here
As the day at Kingsman headquarters progressed, you found yourself immersed in your duties, juggling various tasks with ease. With Harry by your side, you tackled each challenge head-on, working together seamlessly to ensure that everything ran smoothly.
While Harry had a meeting with Champ, the head of Statesman, you focused on reviewing missions and assigning suitable agents to each task. Your years of experience had honed your instincts, and Harry trusted your judgment implicitly, knowing that you had a knack for choosing the right agents for the job.
In addition to overseeing mission assignments, you also took on the responsibility of monitoring the progress of recruits, guiding them with wisdom and patience as they trained to become elite agents of Kingsman. It was a demanding job, but one that you approached with dedication and enthusiasm, knowing that the future of the organization depended on the success of its recruits.
As the day wore on, Harry's tension became palpable, his shoulders tense with stress as he dealt with the complexities of his meeting with Champ. Sensing his discomfort, you reached out to him, offering comfort and support in any way you could.
Rubbing his shoulders with practiced skill, you worked to ease the tension that had built up throughout the day, your touch gentle and soothing as you whispered words of encouragement in his ear. Harry sighed softly, leaning into your touch as he allowed himself to relax in your presence.
But even as you comforted him, you couldn't help but wonder why dealing with Statesman always seemed to be such a challenge. Despite their shared goal of protecting the world from external threats, the Americans often proved to be stubborn and difficult to work with, their methods and ideologies sometimes at odds with those of Kingsman.
It was a frustration that Harry shared, his past experiences with Statesman leaving a bitter taste in his mouth. Although he was grateful for their assistance in saving his life with the Alpha-Gel, he couldn't help but resent the constant power struggles and clashes of egos that seemed to plague their interactions.
But despite the challenges, Harry remained committed to fostering a strong partnership between Kingsman and Statesman, recognizing the importance of cooperation in the fight against global threats. And with your support by his side, he knew that together, you could overcome any obstacle that stood in your way.
Harry held your hand and kissed your fingers, looking at you with a grateful smile. He pulled you onto his lap, simply to kiss you, but you seemed to have other ideas to relax him, and Harry didn't complain when you knelt between his legs, hidden under his desk.
"Are you sure about this, love?" Harry whispered, his voice filled with concern as he looked down at you.
You glanced up at him with a mischievous glint in your eye, a playful smirk playing at the corners of your lips. "Shh, Harry," you murmured softly, your voice tinged with amusement. "Just relax and let me take care of you."
Harry chuckled softly, his eyes twinkling with amusement as he settled back into his chair, allowing you to take the lead. He closed his eyes and leaned his head back, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he surrendered himself completely to the pleasure of your touch.
With practiced skill, you unbuckled his belt and lowered his pants, revealing his half-hard cock to your hungry gaze. You took it in your hand and licked it lightly, spreading his precum over the tip with delicate strokes of your tongue.
Harry groaned softly, his body trembling with desire as he struggled to keep his composure. He pressed the fingers of his free hand to his mouth, biting down on them lightly to stifle any noise that might escape his lips.
As you continued to suck him with expert precision, Harry's arousal grew with each passing moment, his mind consumed by the overwhelming sensation of pleasure. He watched you with half-closed eyes, dark with desire as he caressed your head gently, guiding you with a gentle hand as you pleasured him.
"God, Guinevere," Harry gasped breathlessly, his voice thick with desire. "You feel so good... so fucking good..."
You grinned up at him, a playful glint in your eye as you continued to work wonders with your mouth. "That's it, Harry," you murmured softly, your voice filled with encouragement. "Let go and enjoy yourself. You deserve it."
Harry let out a guttural moan of pleasure, his body trembling with ecstasy as he surrendered himself completely to the pleasure of the moment. With each flick of your tongue, each caress of your lips, he felt himself drawing closer and closer to the brink of release, his senses overwhelmed by the intensity of the pleasure coursing through him.
But as the knock echoed through the room, you froze in fear, your heart pounding in your chest as you realized the precarious situation you were in. Harry gave you a serious look, almost irritated by the interruption, before pushing you further under the table, out of sight.
"Come in," Harry called out, his voice composed and stoic, giving no indication of the illicit activities taking place beneath his desk.
Merlin entered the room, oblivious to what was happening as he greeted Harry with a warm smile. "Good afternoon, Harry," he said cheerfully, his eyes scanning the room as he looked around. "Where's Guinevere?"
Harry rested his head on his hand, his elbow still on the chair as he replied indifferently, "She went to get us some coffee."
Merlin nodded in understanding, seemingly satisfied with the explanation. "Ah, excellent," he commented, before getting down to business. "I wanted to discuss the progress of the recruits who are training for Bedivere."
Harry nodded politely as Merlin began to discuss the progress of the recruits' training for Bedivere. He listened intently, his expression thoughtful as he absorbed the information Merlin presented on the projector. With a few taps of his Kingsman tablet, Merlin highlighted the recruits who were excelling, providing detailed reports on their strengths and weaknesses.
As Merlin spoke, Harry made occasional comments, offering insights and suggestions based on his own experiences as a field agent. You watched him with admiration, marveling at how composed and professional he remained even in the midst of such a precarious situation.
But as the minutes ticked by, you couldn't resist the urge to be naughty, wanting to test how long Harry could maintain his stoic facade. Leaning over, you placed a soft kiss on the head of his cock, followed by a teasing lick that made him tense. Harry's eyes widened in surprise, but he managed to keep his composure, gripping the chair tightly as he leaned forward slightly, his expression unchanged as he continued to engage in conversation with Merlin.
You smirked inwardly, impressed by Harry's ability to remain focused despite the distraction you were providing. Encouraged by his response, you decided to push the limits even further, taking him deeper into your mouth as you continued to caress him with your tongue.
Harry's breath caught in his throat, his grip on the chair tightening as he struggled to maintain his composure. He leaned forward, his voice slightly strained as he continued to converse with Merlin, his eyes flickering with a mixture of desire and determination.
And as Merlin continued to discuss the progress of the recruits, Harry's patience wore thin. He couldn't focus with you teasing him under the table, each touch sending waves of pleasure coursing through him. But he was determined to maintain his composure, refusing to let Merlin suspect anything was amiss.
However, when Merlin turned to project something on the TV screen, Harry saw an opportunity. With a quick glance to make sure Merlin was distracted, he reached under the table and pulled you closer, making you sink even further onto his cock.
You gasped in surprise, feeling him fill your mouth even deeper as he pressed you against him. Unable to take him completely, you used your hand to caress the rest, paying attention to his balls as well. Harry's breath hitched at the sensation, his control slipping as desire threatened to consume him.
Meanwhile, Merlin continued to talk, oblivious to the illicit activities taking place beneath the table. But as the conversation dragged on, Harry grew increasingly desperate for him to leave. He needed release, and he needed it now.
Finally, as Merlin finished his presentation and prepared to leave, Harry couldn't contain his relief. "Thank you for your time, Merlin," he said hastily, his voice strained with tension. "We'll discuss this further at a later date."
Merlin nodded, seemingly satisfied with the outcome of the meeting. "Of course, Arthur," he replied warmly, turning to leave. But before he did, he turned back to Harry, a knowing twinkle in his eye.
"Goodbye, Arthur. Goodbye, Guinevere," Merlin said with a smile, his tone light and teasing. "I hope you both have a good night."
You froze in shock, realizing that Merlin knew all along what you were doing under the table. Panic surged through you as you looked to Harry for reassurance, but he just chuckled softly, amusement dancing in his eyes.
"Well, it seems Merlin is as sharp as ever," Harry commented wryly, his tone laced with amusement. "But then again, he wouldn't be one of the top spies in Kingsman if he didn't have a knack for noticing the little details."
You let out a nervous laugh, relieved that Merlin hadn't called you out on your behavior. "I can't believe he knew," you muttered incredulously, still in shock at how easily he had seen through your facade.
As you rested your forehead on Harry's thigh, feeling a mix of embarrassment and apprehension, Harry noticed your discomfort and immediately reached out to comfort you. He caressed your cheek tenderly, his touch gentle and reassuring as he tried to ease your worries.
"Hey, it's okay," Harry murmured softly, his voice filled with warmth and affection. "Merlin won't say anything. He's been my friend for many years, and he won't use this against us."
You sighed softly, still feeling uneasy about the situation. "But what if he does?" you whispered anxiously, your voice tinged with uncertainty. "What if he tells someone, or worse, reports?"
But Harry shook his head firmly, his gaze unwavering as he looked into your eyes. "I won't let that happen," he replied resolutely, his voice filled with determination. "And even if he does, so what? We're adults, we can make our own decisions."
You blinked in surprise at Harry's sudden defiance, amazed by his unwavering resolve. "But what about the rules?" you protested weakly, your heart pounding in your chest as you struggled to come to terms with his words.
Harry's expression softened, his eyes warm with affection as he reached out to cup her face. "I spent a long time following rules that served no purpose," he confessed softly, his voice tinged with regret. "So to hell with the rules, I gave everything to Kingsman, now it's time to have something of my own. And that something is you."
You felt your heart swell with emotion at his words, tears of gratitude pricking at the corners of your eyes. "Oh, Harry," you whispered softly, your voice thick with emotion. "I love you."
Harry's eyes softened, his heart overflowing with love and affection for you. "I love you too, Guinevere," he murmured huskily, his voice thick with desire as he leaned in closer to kiss you.
As you kissed Harry passionately, you felt a surge of love and desire coursing through you, the intensity of your connection stronger than ever. But as quickly as the moment had come, it passed, and you returned to your task at hand, eager to please your Arthur in any way you could
With renewed determination, you took Harry back into your mouth, your movements deliberate and precise as you worked to bring him to the brink of release. His breath hitched with each stroke, his arousal reaching dizzying heights as he surrendered himself completely to the pleasure of your touch.
As the tension in his body reached its peak, Harry's voice filled the air, thick with desire as he announced his impending release. "I'm going to cum, Guinevere," he gasped breathlessly, his voice strained with ecstasy as he prepared to surrender to the pleasure.
But you didn't pull away, determined to take him to the very edge of ecstasy. With a playful smirk, you increased the pressure of your mouth, your tongue swirling around him with expert precision as you urged him on.
And then, just as Harry reached the brink of release, he gave himself over to the pleasure, his orgasm crashing over him like a tidal wave as he poured himself into your waiting mouth. His seed spilled over your tongue, salty and bitter, but you welcomed it eagerly, savoring the taste of him as you swallowed every drop.
As Harry's release subsided, he collapsed back in his chair, his body trembling with exhaustion as he basked in the afterglow of his orgasm. You watched him with adoration, your heart overflowing with love and affection for the man who held your heart in his hands.
With a satisfied sigh, Harry reached out to caress your cheek, his touch gentle and reassuring as he whispered words of praise and adoration. "You were incredible, Guinevere," he murmured softly, his voice filled with warmth and affection. "I'm so lucky to have you."
You smiled gratefully at his words, feeling a sense of contentment wash over you as you snuggled closer to him. "I love you, Arthur," you whispered softly, your voice tinged with emotion. "More than anything."
Harry's eyes softened, his heart swelling with love and affection for you. "And I love you, Guinevere," he replied huskily, his voice thick with desire as he pulled you into his arms. "Forever and always."
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Writing coming soon!
Hi angels! Quinn here, i've been around tumblr for a while now but this is a fresh account! I wanna get back into writing so i'll leave a list for who i write for, feel free to leave me some requests!
Adam Copeland
Adam Page
Anna Jay
Brody King
Buddy Matthews
Daniel Garcia
Britt Baker
Jamie Hayter
Jay White
Jon Moxley
Juice Robinson
Julia Hart
Kenny Omega
Kris Statlander
Kip Sabian
Kyle Fletcher
Malakai Black
Matthew Jackson
Nicholas Jackson
Orange Cassidy
Ruby Soho
Swerve Strickland
The judgment day (Poly! and individually, i do not write for JD however.)
Liv Morgan
LA Knight
Seth Rollins
Cody Rhodes
Jey Uso
Gigi Dolin
Trick Williams
Carmelo Hayes
Cora Jade
Roxanne Perez
CM Punk
Drew Mcintyre
Karrion Kross
Harry Hook
Chloe Charming
Chad Charming
James Hook
Bridget/Queen of hearts
Red dead redemption
Arthur Morgan
Dutch Van Der Linde
Javier Escuella
John Marston
Rachel Roth/Raven
Dick Grayson
Jason Todd
Garfield Logan / beast boy
Donna Troy
Tim Drake
I write for MLM, WLW, Gender Neutral reader, trans reader and so on. I'll write headcanons, fics and maybe mini series in the future. i WILL NOT write smut for now, it may be hinted but my smut writing skills are... not tumblr acceptable. I won't write about anything triggering (e.g R@pe, age gap with anyone under the age of 18, incest, @buse etc.). Fluff and angst are my specialties, so request away!
#wrestling#aew#wwe#wwe fanfiction#descendants fanfiction#descendants rise of red#fanfiction#red dead redemption 2
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Warnings: stalking, violence, and fluff (and a short panic attack)
It was a cold night in London, and they were out in the dark. They weren’t ones to fear for their life, since they were a Kingsman after all. But someone lurking in the shadows should make them feel uneasy right now
The man was carful, and blended in with the crowd perfectly. He looked like an ordinary man who was just passing by. They were too focused on getting to Harry’s place anyways to be so worried about someone who could ruin this night
Their mind was on the little date night they were gonna have with Harry. They were too enthusiastic about all of that, so this is exactly how when no one was around: they got a cloth over their mouth, and passed out
They woke up to seeing darkness. Their arms and wrists were aching. Blood was dripping out of their knees, and oozing out onto the once white tiled floor of the room they were in. Of course something like this didn’t shock them, but at this current moment it did
They wondered who could’ve done this to them. Loud footsteps were heard, and was soon followed by the eerily silent door opening. A man approached where they sat uncomfortably on a metal chair
Once close enough, he grins evilly as he held a gun in his hand. He shot a bullet into their knee, which makes them let out a muffled scream. He presses the gun to their forehead; they could feel the coldness of the gun touching their currently sensitive skin
“Scream one more fucking time, and I kill you. You got it?” They wished they had their glasses right now. They felt so worthless now, and just accepted that this is how they went. “I know the people you work with. Your definitely nothing compared to the guys I’ve heard about” he goes on, which makes them think
Before he could say more, a bullet goes straight through his forehead. Now with a hole in his head, he collapsed onto the ground. They could see again, and slightly move their legs again as well. They stand up, but was limping. It was a miracle to them that they could stand up somewhat
They noticed a gun next to his lifeless head, and picked it up. With one last motion, they continuously fired at him until there was no more bullets. They heard their name being called out, but then their vision went blurry
Harry Hart ran up to them, and knelt down. He knew the others over at Kingsman were on the way soon. He creased their cheek, and then decided to pick them up before they got blood on them, since there was a pool of blood streaming out of the man
They woke up once they had stitches in them, so they had been out for a while. They did go into a coma, but luckily it wasn’t for too long. Harry had visited them everyday when they were in the coma. He’d tell them about missions, but then say how much he missed them
He would kiss their forehead before leaving each time. Sometimes he would sleep in the room, and Merlin would always need to wake him up. But today was different, since Harry got to see them wake up. Tears were leaving his eyes. He hugs them once they sit up, and they return the hug with tears of their own leaving
Once the two stopped hugging, Harry let them get up and get all cleaned up. Once they walked out in a fresh suit, they approached him. Once they stood close to him, they kissed him on the lips. He returns the kiss as tears were still leaving the two
Merlin walks in, and smiles to see the couple together again. Once the two pulled apart, the two looked at Merlin. “We’ve found who hired that guy who got a hold of you Agent Gin” Merlin starts, which makes them excited. “You know what to do” Merlin says, which makes them nod their head
Merlin walks off, which makes them look back at Harry. “Let’s give him hell” Harry says, which makes them smile. Soon the two were in an airplane to go to an unmarked place. Harry sat next to them, and tried to speak to them, but they were in their own mind
Harry quickly noticed, and was worried. “Darling…” he rose his voice more to get their attention, which makes them come back to reality. “What’s wrong?” He asked in a worried voice. “Nothing” they straight up lied, and he knew obviously that it was a lie
“Bullshit. What’s actually wrong?” Their hands felt shaky, and they started to feel worthless now. He notices their shaky hands, and figured out why they were anxious. They were so good at avoiding situations like that, but they didn’t avoid it that one time
Harry places his hand into their shaky hand. They felt like such an awful agent now. They- “you’re not a terrible agent. You’re an extraordinary agent, who sees right through people. Dare I say, you’re better than me?” Harry says as the two make eye contact
Their hands stopped shaking slowly as a smile forms on their face. “He was the one who put those thoughts in my head by the way” they said, which makes Harry tell them that he will kill the man who hired him then
“We both can” they said. He smiles, and then nods his head
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You just had your birthday!
Sol is a HUGE tortoiseshell tom with thick fur around his neck like a mane, long tufted ears, a long tail with fluff on the tip like a lion's, and brilliant amber eyes.
Sol, originally known as Harry, was born near a junkyard to Cinders and Whispers. Whispers hated his mate, who only ever asked him to hunt for her and their oopsie litter. He belittled her constantly, and resented his children. They had a massive fight one day, he never had a new mate, or kits. When he left, he walked across a very busy road....
Cinders was left full of grief. She still loved her mate, despite everything he put her and her kids through. After a major depressive spell, she gathered up her children, and took them all towards INSERT, meowing at doors, begging an Upwalker to let her and her children in.
Finally, a woman opened her door, and immediately let the tiny family inside. All together. Cinders's old name was Flame, and she is a sunshine torbie with bright golden colors and a white mark on her head. At least, before things got bad. Her coat has dulled, and living alone with her kits for a while left her murky and stained. She looked more gray than anything, hence the woman renaming her Cinders. Cinders took to the name immediately, even after her pelt began to brighten again. Her kits are given names as well; Harry, Sunny, Foggy and Ivy.
Harry became lazy, and whiny, and spoiled from their new owner. He became bossy with his siblings, and when they stopped wanting to take it, Harry cried to his mother that they were bullying him.
Eventually, Cinders catches him snapping at one of them, swiping at his sister Ivy and connecting his claws with his meek sister's muzzle. Cinders snapped at Harry, and chased him out...
Harry would soon find himself on Skyclan's borders, where he would cause problems with Leafstar and Billystorm's children, making an already bad situation much worse.
Leafstar finds out about him more through his mother, and finds just how dangerous he can be. She boots him out of Skyclan for it, permanently.
He wanders through the land, forcing others to occasionally catch food for him, coasting on the kindness of Twolegs. He wanders into White Hart Woods, or rather, what is left of it. A storm drives Harry into an old cave system, where, at its deepest point, lies an ancient chamber with the broken remains of The Moonstone. It calls to Harry, and, in what will be a horrible turn of events for the Clans, he finds himself resting on the Shattered Moonstone.
I cannot reiterate enough, readers, that you Should Not Do That.
His head is filled with knowledge, things he shouldn't know. Blackstar's Trial and his leadership ceremonies, and how to charm him. Firestar's sacred Prophecy about his Kin, and who their parents are. He knows that Russetfur will be mauled by a Windclan cat and that the Moon will cover the Sun. Harry has been overexposed to a much more raw, archaic place than any Starclan spirit can get to.
He had found The Sky Beyond The Stars.
When he wakes up, he renames himself Sol, after an old, dead god that has now been reborn. And he knows about The Moonpool, too. It's like a beacon to him. He heads down, bullying groups he comes across like Jingo and her friends, but when he reaches Thunderclan territory and tries to climb a tree, he falls... There's a horrible crunch, and Sol falls limp for just a moment...
His father Whispers has been haunting him, and he decides to finally put that spirit to use.
Sol gets up, shakes himself off, and feels just a little lighter before continuing his walk, deciding to stay off of trees. Eventually, he hears a small group of young cats nearby...
He recognizes Hollypaw, Jaypaw and Lionpaw. He is taken to camp, where he makes his infamous prediction. Squilf is nearly killed in the battle against Windclan, and, to be fair, it looks like Sol caused the whole thing. He had forgotten about the WindThunder battle, genuinely.
Firestar exiles him, his heart broken over his Terribly injured daughter, along with his friendship with Onestar having shattered. Russetfur was mauled, his grandson Jaypaw was nearly killed, and Blackstar is almost definitely going to lose a life over this.
Not to mention Lionpaw has just killed someone.
So... Yeah. Bye Sol. Go find a new home.
And Sol does. He knew that Blackstar would be vulnerable. He charms him, speaks to him in that new hypnotic way he has learned to do, like staring at a small mirage created by the sun's heat on the road.
He had been able to get Russetfur out of her comatose state, he said exactly what Blackstar had wanted to hear in a way he knew would get to him...
It is to let Sol help him. Guide him. When was the last time Starclan spoke to you? Gee, it's been a while. If they don't trust you anymore, what's the point of trusting them? Your deputy has been mauled by a Windclan cat who has seen no punishment over it... Seems despite your trials and tribulations... Starclan has abandoned you.
Perhaps it's time to put your faith in a new god.
The next stage is so fast, Lionblaze desperately works with the young new Shadowclan warriors, Owlclaw and Redwillow, to create a fake sign, and while it becomes real, Jay is off fighting with Sol. But now, Jay's got some warrior skills under his belt.
He is about to seriously wound Sol, when the slippery tom speaks once more.
"You look so much like your father. Well, your real one, anyway."
The shock of that statement is too much, and when Jayfeather tries to gauge how Sol is feeling (because, well... He could be full of crap) his mind is filled with the Sun god's horrible blinding light, physically paining him that the boy crumples like tissue.
"Interesting power you've got there. Mine came from the same place. There's another Sky out there. Beyond Starclan. There is more out there than you can imagine. Spirits, places, power... Did you know you I've died before?"
Poor Jay is left dumbstruck as Sol darts away, not to be seen again until OOTS.
From there, he meets a different fate. Hollyleaf's mind has changed about the code. It's important, sure, but also stupid in places. And it doesn’t account for this.
She kills him, the two fighting in a dusty clearing outside of Thunderclan land, his head smashed onto a stone. She gives him a burial, as a kind thing to do for a body no longer housing a soul.
The Sun God has had its vessel destroyed, and will have to seek out a new one.
Sol enters the Dark Forest. Most cats dislike him, but he doesn't involve himself with Tigerstar's plans. He keeps to himself in a corrupted version of the dump/Skyclan's camp, an amalgamation fused together horribly that he calls his Sun Kingdom. It randomly grows dark, and cold, and laughter is heard from countless cats until it suddenly becomes blindingly bright, then back to normal. The whole thing is sun bleached and the place stinks of wet cardboard box.
A king sits alone upon his cold, sun bleached throne, decreeing his royalty to a crowd that doesn't exist, and only laughs.
The Sun's Rage is brewing.
#warrior cats#warriors#warrior cats rewrite#wcr#character page#harry WC#wc sol#Sol#wc cinders#jayfeather#lionblaze#hollyleaf#the dark forest#the sky beyond the stars
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Request Steps
Who I write for:
The Outsiders:
Dallas Winston
Darry Curtis
Sodapop Curtis
Ponyboy Curtis
Johnny Cade
Steve Randle
Two-Bit Matthews
Carl Gallagher
Ian Gallagher
Lip Gallagher
The Hunger Games:
Peeta Mellark
Gale Hawthorn
Finnick Odair
Harry Potter:
Fred & George Weasley
Draco Malfoy
Theodore Nott
Tom Riddle
Billy Loomis
Stu Macher
Charlie Walker
Ethan Landry
The Summer I Turned Pretty:
Jeremiah Fisher
Conrad Fisher
Steven Conklin
Percy Jackson:
Percy Jackson
Luke Castellan
(I will do both the older movies and the newer ones)
Heartbreak High:
"Eshay" Ca$h
Skip from "Class"
Dexter Morgan from "Dexter"
Tom Holland
Timothee Chalamet
Henry Hart/Kid Danger from "Henry Danger"
Bryton Myler
Ben Azelart
Matt Sturniolo
Chris Sturniolo
Nick Sturniolo
I will do anyone, unless I don't know enough about the character. The ones above are just the ones I do best.
Fics I Will Write:
Fics I Will NOT Write:
Incest or stepcest
Anything homophobic or racist
I prefer specific requests!!! Thank you so much everyone.
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An actual coherent RP listing (EDITED 2025 - CLOSED)
Heyooo I decided to make a post for my interests and fandoms separate to my other one. this one with the goal to be a little more organized.
My name is Becca and I have been writing for the better part of my life (since I was 10 and cringe and am now in mid twenties). I have a bit of an ADHD hyperfixation problem so I love diving into my favorite characters and stories. Its one of the greatest forms of entertainment as an adultish person.
I love writing angst and fluff but I dont write smut. Im asexual so it just doesnt really appeal to me. I dont mind slight intimacy. I can do any length but I prefer to plan and talk with partners before deciding on anything!
Im hoping to find some discord communities and a variety of partners from different verses. Usually the characters I choose are quite popular so I find that they are often taken on all of the servers I have tried thus far.
Anywayyyy without futher ado heres a list of my main peoples but I can branch off especially when it comes to marvel.
Marvel: Peter Parker (any), Loki Laufeyson, Matt Murdock, Bucky Barnes, Miles Morales, Steven Grant/Marc Spector , Wanda Maximoff, Pietro Maximoff
DC: barry allen, dick grayson, billy batson,jason todd
Grishaverse: Nikolai Lantsov, Kaz Brekker
Percy Jackson: Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase, Leo Valdez, Jason Grace, Nico D'Angelo
Star Wars: Cassian Andor, Anakin Skywalker, Cal Kestis
Shadowhunters: Jace Herondale, Julian Blackthorn, Will Herondale, Simon Lewis, James Herondale, Matthew Fairchild
Harry Potter: Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger,James Potter
Julie and the Phantoms: Luke Patterson
Danny Phantom: Danny Fenton, Dani Masters
HTTYD: Hiccup Haddock III
Disney: Mal Descendants
Lockwood and Co: Anthony Lockwood
FNAF Movie: Mike Schmidt
Bridgerton: Anthony Bridgerton
Henry Danger: Henry hart (rp blog active)
MBAV: Benny Weir
Wicked: Fiyero Tigelaar, Glinda Upland
There is honestly probably moreeee and im not guaranteeing I have muse for all of these at once but I thought it would be a good share. Check my blog for current fixation list.
#roleplay#harry potter#percy jackson#percy jackson and the olympians#shadowhunters#rp#anthony lockwood#locklyle#lockwood & co#lockwood and co#marvel#peter parker#moon knight#descendants#danny phantom#how to train your dragon#julie and the phantoms#luke patterson#dc comics#henry danger#henry hart#bridgerton#anthony bridgerton#jonathan bailey#fiyero tigelaar#glinda upland#my babysitter's a vampire#benny weir
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you could be my perfect disaster; i could be your ever after
by dreakawa To say the tension is palpable would be the understatement of the century. Alex and Henry don’t speak in the car. They don’t speak in the elevator. They don’t even speak when they enter the penthouse suite they were forced to share, each brooding as they move to change out of their ruined suits. If he’s being honest, Alex had known that being paired with Henry Fox would be a bitch and a half after their humiliating first meeting. He hadn’t expected the two to be thrown into an ambush. They’d barely made it out alive. And now, Henry was brooding, and Alex was ready to smack that pretty -- er. That stupid scowl off of his face. OR: the kingsman x firstprince au that hasn't left my mind in months Words: 6241, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 15 of FirstPrince Fandoms: Red White & Royal Blue - Casey McQuiston, Red White & Royal Blue (2023), Kingsman (Movies) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: M/M Characters: Alex Claremont-Diaz, Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, Gary "Eggsy" Unwin, Harry Hart | Galahad, Champagne "Champ" (Kingsman) Relationships: Alex Claremont-Diaz/Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - Kingsman Fusion, Kingsman Family, Rivals to Lovers, Sexual Tension, Explicit Sexual Content, Shameless Smut, Porn with Feelings, Angst and Fluff and Smut, Eggsy Unwin is a Little Shit, Eggsy is a good friend, Anal Sex, Hand Jobs, First Time Blow Jobs, Anal Fingering, First Kiss, Bisexual Disaster Alex Claremont-Diaz, POV Alex Claremont-Diaz, Top Alex Claremont-Diaz, Bottom Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, Henry uses his authority, Alex Claremont-Diaz Has a Praise Kink, Patching Each Other Up, Getting to Know Each Other, Happy Ending via https://ift.tt/PcwGou6
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[prompt list]
here’s a list of prompts that i have inspiration to write for! send them my way with one of the characters/ships below and i’ll write a little blurb for it :)
bobby nash
harry hart
hawkeye pierce
ravi pannikar
din djarin → (i don’t have as much inspiration for him so blurbs may take a teeny bit longer)
and if you���re feeling adventurous here are some oc x character ships from a series i’m working on :)
ravi pannikar x erin nash
evan buckley x mariella nash
send requests here!
“i love you” / “tell me that when you’re sober”
“i told you to leave but you didn’t. i gave you a chance”
“you don’t mean that”
“he/she/they never came back even though they said they would”
“he/she/they forgot me”
Hurt Comfort
“hey, hey just look at me okay? you’re gonna be fine”
“i can’t sleep”
“shh i know”
“i didn’t know where else to go”
“i don’t care. i just want you to stay with me”
“i just…adore you”
“i can’t believe you fell asleep on me…again”
“i like you just the way you are”
“kiss me”
“just a little while longer, please?”
#prompt list#bobby nash x reader#hawkeye pierce x reader#harry hart x reader#bobby nash#harry hart#hawkeye pierce#evan buckley#ravi pannikar#ravi pannikar x reader#evan buckley x oc#ravi pannikar x oc#911 fox#mash#kingsman secret service#kingsman#din djarin x reader#din djarin
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Recently Uploaded - 2/14/25 - Valentine's Day - Fanfic Friday
Checkmate - Joker X Female Reader - Slight Angst/Fluff - 1.3k
Beauty And The Beast - Chapter 4 - Loki Odinson X Female Reader - - Slight Angst/Fluff - 1.3k
I Love All Of You - Harry Hart X GN Reader - Slight Angst/Fluff - 1.3k
The City Of Love - Helmut Zemo X Female Reader - Mini Angst/Fluff - 3.0k
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#cute#fluff#x reader#slight angst#fanfiction#x you#fanfic#x y/n#x female reader#x gn reader#dc#dc comics#marvel#mcu#kingsman#kingsman the secret service#Joker x reader#joker x female reader#heath ledger joker x reader#heath ledger joker x female reader#loki odinson x reader#loki odinson x female reader#harry hart#harry hart x reader#harry hart x gn reader#helmut zemo#helmut zemo x reader#helmut zemo x female reader#baron helmut zemo x reader#heath ledger joker
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Anyone But Nott Malfoy
Anyone, But Nott Malfoy https://ift.tt/7J8hU01 by Annahilation 14 years after the Battle of Hogwarts, Hermione Granger fills her days with writing, working at her lab, and teaching part-time at Hogwarts. After a Ministry Christmas party leads to Hermione going home with old classmate Theodore Nott, her life takes an exciting turn. She is soon asked to join Harry, Ron, Theo, and other aurors on an undercover mission. She is reunited with another old classmate, Draco Malfoy, and must put the puzzle pieces of his past together in order to work through her feelings for him. Words: 20183, Chapters: 5/?, Language: English Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/M, M/M Characters: Hermione Granger, Theodore Nott, Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Angelina Johnson, Dennis Creevey, Cormac McLaggen, George Weasley, Molly Weasley, Rubeus Hagrid, Minerva McGonagall, Neville Longbottom, Luna Lovegood, Ginny Weasley, Padma Patil, Seamus Finnigan, Dean Thomas, Rolanda Hooch, Poppy Pomfrey, Teddy Lupin, Quincy Harting, Ebias Harting, Marcus Flint, Narcissa Black Malfoy, Barbie Hooch, Savage (Harry Potter), Hazard (Harry Potter), Pansy Parkinson, Gabrielle Delacour, Henry Bones, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Madi Wrenkowski | Wren Sinclair Relationships: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger/Theodore Nott, Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley, Padma Patil/Ron Weasley, Angelina Johnson/George Weasley, Neville Longbottom/Luna Lovegood, Rubeus Hagrid/Olympe Maxime, Seamus Finnigan/Dean Thomas, Rolanda Hooch/Minerva McGonagall Additional Tags: Enemies to Lovers, Post-War, Smut, Fluff and Smut, Blood Magic, Bisexual Theodore Nott, Professor Hermione Granger, Professor Neville Longbottom, Auror Harry Potter, Auror Draco Malfoy, Auror Ron Weasley, Auror Theodore Nott, Researcher Hermione Granger, Threesome - F/F/M, Undercover Missions, Pining Hermione Granger, POV Hermione Granger, Past Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley, Past Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, Past Remus Lupin/Nymphadora Tonks, magical two person orgy, Swotty Tattoos via AO3 works tagged 'Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy' https://ift.tt/Cn48rJZ September 01, 2024 at 12:14AM
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xReaders requests closed
Hello! I am a fanfic writer and I need your help. You can send me requests telling me what to write
I write for:
Dmitry Sechenov x Reader
Daud x Reader
Corvo Attano x Reader
Harry Hart x Reader
The Narrator (The Stanley Parable) x Reader
I won't write any gore and non-con. I accept smut requests as well as any fluff that can be imagined!
Hope to see your requests in my inbox!
#x reader requests#sechenov x reader#daud x reader#corvo x reader#harry hart x reader#narrator x reader
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