#colin firth x male reader
Harry Hart x Kingsman!male reader
The sword and the knight
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No Warning
Just fluff or something
I got back into kingsman and saw a lack of male readers, so I am fixing that. I could do a lot better than this one, it's pretty boring and long, I am still trying to get back into the game and that will take a long while. But for the mean time, enjoy 🫰
Didn't have time to proofread, sorry.
Eggsy entered the tailorshop with his casual wear, jacket, shirt, cap and all. He looked out of place as he looked around until he saw Harry looking at him with a man beside him, his head was on Harry's lap with eyes closed, while Harry stroke his hair. Eggsy found it amusing and was about to talk until Harry put a finger to his lips, signalling him to shut it.
"Keep your voice down, he gets very grumpy if he gets woken up."
Harry said in a hushed tone as he beckoned Eggsy closer.
"Who is he exactly?"
"You'll know when you get into kingsman, now, are you ready?"
"way to leave a bloke in a cliffhanger, yes, I'm ready."
" Alright, head to the third fitting room, I will follow you shortly."
Eggsy did as he was told, still looking at Harry and the mystery person. After waiting a few minutes in the fitting room, Harry got inside and stood beside Eggsy.
"Apologies, he reacted not how I anticipated he would. Now, what do you see?"
Harry asked Eggsy as they were both looking in the three mirrors infront of them.
"Because I see, a man who is loyal, who can do as he is asked, and wants to do something good with his life."
Eggsy looked intently at the mirror.
"You ready?"
"What have I got to lose?"
Harry placed his palm on the mirror, a few moments later the floor began to descend into a subway. They got into the pod and travelled to the kingsman HQ.
As they arrived Harry told him everything he needed to know and brought him to the dorm with the other candidates. A few moments later Harry was joined by a bald man and the man earlier.
"Alright you lot, listen here and listen close, what I am about to say is vital. Your recuitment into kingsman is to take up to 3 months, more or less depeninding on how well all of you do."
The man from earlier spoke, and looked at Eggsy.
"I am Excalibur, and the bald scotsman beside me is Merlin, and this tall as shit fellow here is Galahad."
Excalibur said as he pointed to them respectively.
"I do not appreciate being called that, Excalibur."
"I just described you, what you want from me?"
Merlin just sighed as Excalibur crossed his arms in sort of a pissed off kid kind of way.
"Your test is already underway, the moment you stepped into this place the test has started. Now get some rest, and goodluck."
The three of them left after saying their farewells.
"When are you going to make them swim?"
Excalibur asked Merlin as he stood beside him.
"In a bit."
Merlin pressed the button, making the doorm fill up with water, Eggsy was the first to wake up. Noticing the water, the others were not far behind.
"Loo snorkels, loo snorkels."
Charlie said as he pointed towards the toilets.
"Showers heads."
Roxy followed behind, Eggsy was confused looking around as he looked at the door. After the room was full of water, he swam towards the door and tried to open it, unfortunately it was locked. He looked towards the mirror and began to swim towards it, as he got to the mirror he repeatedly punched it until it broke.
"That was fast."
Excalibur said as he looked towards the candidates on the floor.
"Good job, Charlie for quick thinking, as well as Roxy. However, all of you failed, you forgot the most important thing, teamwork, look inside."
Merlin said as the candidates now looked inside the dorm again, finding the lifeless body of a girl named Amelia.
"Still commendable, get some rest, we will continue tomorrow."
Excalibur said as he smirked at them, Eggsy looked quite pissed off.
"Are you trying to kill us?"
He asked angrily as he looked at Excalibur.
"Our job is to narrow down the candidates to one, Arthur never said how."
"For an old man you sure are fuckwd in the head."
"I am not old, I am just 3 years younger than Harry, I am Y/n, by the way."
Y/n reached out his hand for Eggsy.
"Proper sadist you are."
Eggsy shook his hand as he followed where the others went.
"If you see Harry, tell him I am looking for him, he knows where."
Y/n said before Eggsy was out of sight.
As Eggsy was walking to his dorm, he stumbled upon a tired Harry sat against the wall as he turned the corner. He looked to be asleep but with a cut on his head and he is sweating profusely.
Eggsy ran towards him.
"You good, mate?"
Eggsy shook his shoulder as Harry slowly opened his eyes.
"Just got into an accident, no need to fret."
Harry said with a tired face as he closed his eyes again.
"You sure? Well, Y/n is looking for you."
"thank you, Eggsy."
Harry nodded at Eggsy as he began to stand up, although struggling, he managed to be on his feet. He began to walk but he was stumbling and seemed to be in pain.
"You sure, you good? You don't seem proper, Harry."
Eggsy walked beside Harry as he put one of Harry's arms around his shoulder.
"I am feeling quite tired, my apologies, but I may need some assistance if you don't mind that is?"
Harry looked at Eggsy.
"You are tall, never realized just how tall until now."
Eggsy joke, trying to lighten the mood as he went with Harry.
"I am indeed tall, tallest in this place not to boast."
Harry chuckled.
"where are we going?"
"Just to Y/n' office."
"Right, I forgot, just on the second floor and last door on the right."
Eggsy hummed in acknowledgement.
"If you don't mind me asking, why are you lot named after the knights of the round table? Guess it fits the name, dunnit?"
"We are named based on our capabilities."
"And why is Y/n named excalibur?"
"Because he is the best of us, he is quite literally, Arthur's weapon. When Arthur deems it necessary, Excaliber will be there to slay the foe. He is a cold blooded killer, he does not show remorse, he has his own justice. He is the one Arthur sends when his Knights are in trouble, Excalibur has never failed a mission yet, and Arthur trusts him with his life."
They reached the door to Y/n's office after Harry explained.
"Well, here we are, would love to know more about the others. But Your duty calls, and sleep is pulling me down, Night."
Eggsy gave a two fingered salute to Harry before making his leave, leaving Harry infront of the door. He knocked six times in a pattern, alerting Y/n of who is at the door.
"Come in."
The voice from inside said, just as Harry opened the door to the office, he collapsed. Y/n immediately ran to Harry and shook his shoulder while gently tapping his cheek.
"Harry? You good, Love? Come on."
Y/n aid as he was getting emotional, his voice wavering a bit. Harry woke up after a few moments, later.
"I'm alright, nothing to worry about."
Harry said as he forced himself to stand, Y/n noticed and helped him, holding his hips so he doesn't fall.
"Why don't you lay down, hm?"
Y/n offered as he looked at Harry with distress.
"If it calms you down."
Harry laid down on the couch in the office.
"What did you call me for, my dear?"
"I just missed you."
Y/n said shyly as he looked everywhere but at Harry.
"Needy little thing, aren't you?"
Harry chuckled as he motion for Y/n to join him in the couch.
"Was the mission hard?"
Y/n asked as he snuggled into Harry, his small frame fitting perfectly with his head on Harry's chest with Harry's hand playing with his hair.
"Then why are you injured?"
"I fell down a flight of stairs."
"Don't lie."
"I jumped off a plane."
"Come on, Harry, why so secretive?"
"Whatever do you mean, my love? I am telling you nothing but what happened as best as I remember it."
"You're so annoying sometimes, I wonder why I even married you in the first place."
"Because you fell for me 27 years ago, why? Do you regret it?"
Harry said as their bodies relaxed, the playful banter becoming softer and quieter.
"Very much, I would rather have been with someone else if I knew you would be this annoying, posh twat."
"That is not a gentleman thing to say to someone."
"Look at my eyes and tell me whether I care or not."
Y/n raised his head hid chin now resting on Harry's chest.
"I love you."
Harry said as the hand on Y/n's hair now rested on his cheek as he caressed it carefully and lovingly.
"You cheeky, bugger, I love you too."
They leaned in for a kiss, not rough nor was it delicate, just the perfect kiss to fit the moment and to slightly calm the fire of their love just for a moment of respite between them. They fell asleep in each other's arms, not wanting to let go, Y/n face buried in Harry's neck and his face in Y/n' hair. Just the way they like it, close and feeling the love they hold for one another.
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stedefxckingbonnet · 10 months
So this is gonna be entirely too much info but like. I've fallen into reading your reader x Izzy fics and I LOVE them! I've been going through a hard time with it getting to Christmas and having no family, and the Izzy fics just make me feel lighter. So mostly just thank you thank you thank you!
Now the cheeky bit - is there any way we could get a Male reader x Izzy with a pride and prejudice element. My friend said something about Con O'Neil as Mr Darcy and I damn near swooned. Either like a Colin Firth wet white shirt scene or like anything like the Matthew Macfayden Darcy (The hands! The sopping wet pathetic man!)
If not, that's more than okay! I still love your work so much! And again, thank you so much for it!
Hi, anon! First of all, I completely understand how rough the holidays can be, especially without family around. My heart is truly with you during these times and I hope you can still find joy, peace, and love this winter. If you ever need anything, I am always in your corner. I know I'm just a random writer on Tumblr but I truly do care for you, each and every one of you, for that matter! I'm happy I could even bring you a sliver of joy with my work. Thank you endlessly for reading, and I am sending an abundance of my love your way <3 feel free to message me if you'd like, I'd love to be your friend! My messages are always open, everyone! But if not, that's okay too. I'm just happy to share this with you!
Anyhow, I absolutely lit up at this request—I love Pride & Prejudice! OFMD and P&P intertwining is honestly heavenly, I got so excited to write this that I put a pin on another x reader I was writing (never fear! You will all get this one by the end of the week if finals don't absolutely drain me!). This one is reminiscent of Pride & Prejudice and the vibes it emits, but more so, my own spin on it, as well as twists and turns. Like, Izzy honestly exhibits more of a Lizzie in this one but it's also very clear his actions parallel Darcy. I really, truly hope you enjoy this nonetheless!
Lastly, speaking of the holidays, I'm thinking of writing some holiday headcanons for Izzy or a few x readers regarding the holidays with Izzy! So stay tuned for that! Thank you everyone for your everlasting kind words, understanding, patience, and encouragement with my slight delay with writing in the past week.
My Gem | Izzy x Male Reader
Warnings: slight angst, some strong language, slight enemies to lovers, not so in depth research of 1700's aristocracy (even though I'm a damn dramaturg, but we'll look past that for now), made up my first non-canon canon character because just referring to her as "she" felt inhumane, brief mentions of fake suicide note, kissing
Word count: 2324
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Thoughts of the first mate of The Revenge were absolutely consuming you. Devouring you alive, plaguing you—you truly couldn't get him out of your head no matter how hard you tried. Oh, yes, you tried. But there was no use. Daydreams would always swirl in your mind and they would only increase tenfold throughout the course of your days.
You were grateful that you at least didn't have to carry the burden of breathing the same air as Israel Hands anymore. You would even collapse being within ten feet of him, let alone seeing him every single day. Your chest ached even at the mere thought of the man.
To say you were confused by his last actions toward you was an understatement. Confused, embarrassed, miserable, even flattered...You couldn't get Izzy Hands out of your head. You couldn't get his hands out of your head...
"So you really are doing this, then."
"Yes," you nodded. "I am. I don't belong here—"
"You are a damn great pirate," Izzy almost seethed. "I'll be damned if I believe you really want to go back to that...lavish lifestyle."
You looked slightly frantically behind you in hopes that no one heard Izzy's dig at what was about to be your life again. You hesitantly looked back at Izzy, almost biting your lip in disbelief. "I just need to do this."
"Really? That's all you have to say?"
"What—what else am I supposed to say?"
Silence loomed between the two of you. He nervously fidgeted with the coat that Stede had lent him to disguise himself as an aristocrat. He couldn't wait to toss it back into Bonnet's arms, but he needed this in order to see you off safely, without any suspicions of what you had been up to in your absence from the life you were born into. He knew full well that you were making a mistake, but that you couldn't be convinced of this. His chest ached upon realizing that you wouldn't change your mind, that he wouldn't be able to change your mind.
"Goodbye, Israel."
Instead of responding, Izzy carefully intertwined his fingers with yours as you were about to step up into the carriage. You froze, yet began to melt into his touch, his warmth. You finally met his eyes just as he let go of you, and before you knew it, you were riding off into the distance, Izzy becoming a small speck fading from your sight. Before he began to fade out of view, you caught a glimpse of him flexing his hand by his side as he watched you depart.
You scoffed as the yellow carnation was pinned to your coat.
"Is something wrong, sir?" one of your dressers inquired, concern washing over his expression.
You almost laughed at such a question, thinking back to all of the late nights you spent studying flowers and their meanings, dying to tell him how this marriage was going to be doomed if you had to wear a yellow carnation. At the last minute, you decided against it, holding your tongue. "Everything is perfect. Thank you."
He nodded, exiting the room as soon as he finished dressing you. You turned toward the mirror, a frown falling onto your lips upon seeing your reflection. You had never dreaded a coming day like you dreaded tomorrow. Before you could internally lament further, a rhythmic knock was heard from your door. Genevieve—future wife. How delightful. It's not like you dreaded it every time she walked into a room, let alone walked over to your side, and it's not like you could tell she dreaded you all the same.
"Yes. Come in," you sighed, plopping down onto your bed. Only, it wouldn't be your bed anymore—you would share it with her, come tomorrow. Your solitude would be interrupted and put on pause forever.
Genevieve quickly rushed in, making sure to shut and lock the door behind her. She fixed her hair a bit as she did so.
"What is it that you want?" you demanded softly, your brows furrowing.
"Hello to you too," she rolled her eyes. "I'm not looking forward to tomorrow—"
"That makes two of us, Genevieve! Finally, something we can agree upon," you laughed, falling backwards onto the bed.
"Will you let me finish?" she crossed her arms without realizing it. Once she had in fact realized, an expression of guilt overcame her as she untwisted herself. A guilt you had never once seen her bear. You sent an apologetic look her way. "I'm not looking forward to tomorrow, nor the rest of our lives together, but I just wanted to say that you are lovely. I don't hate you. I just hate this."
"I don't hate you either," you sat up carefully, your head sort of spinning as you did so. "Far from it. This is just an...unfortunate situation we've found ourselves in."
"Yes," she agreed, carefully placing herself beside you on the edge of the bed. "You know, I would love you, if you were...there's no way to dance around this. I would love you if you were not a man."
"Oh!" you realized, looking over at her, relief crashing over you. "And I would probably love you if you were not a woman, quite honestly."
Genevieve gasped in delight, wrapping her arms around you as she laughed happily. You couldn't help but smile upon her embrace.
"Who is the lucky woman?" you playfully smiled, nudging her shoulder. You watched intently as you watched the pigment of her face turn rosy.
"Well...we've known each other since we were babies," she sighed happily. "But our families have been dear friends since before we were even conceived. It would never work out."
"Take "never" out of your vocabulary this instant!" you exclaimed, shooting up off the bed and onto your two feet.
"What are you planning?" Genevieve tilted her head.
You rushed over to your desk, filing through all that had piled atop it until you found a quill, some ink, and some parchment.
"We can't say you've run away—no, that would give hope that you're still alive and then you would be seeing wanted posters with your face plastered across trees anywhere you go," you sighed. "No. We'll fake your death instead. And you'll run away tonight."
Genevieve bit her lip concernedly. "Are you sure this will work?"
"I'm certain," you assured her. "Are you able to communicate this plan to your love before midnight?"
"Yes, she is coming to the rehearsal dinner tonight and I'm sure we'll sneak off to the gardens," she nodded.
"Wait—is that why you and Alice go there every time—"
Genevieve's hands flew up to her face, covering it as she giggled.
"My goodness!" you couldn't help but share the laughter. "Wow. I am not surprised, honestly."
"What about you?"
"Have I ever snuck off to a garden to—"
"No!" Genevieve rolled her eyes playfully. "Do you love another?"
"I..." you sighed. "Well, it's complicated."
"I've got time."
"I'm kind of upset with him at the moment. And I'm not sure how he feels about me. And I didn't realize I love him until after I left—"
"One thing at a time!" Genevieve tilted her head back to laugh. She place a hand on your shoulder. "Why does he have you upset?
"He held my hand before I left." you admitted, staring out the window as you spoke. Most days, you would have the curtains closed in order to mask the view of the ocean, as it would only bring you feelings of sorrow and regret.
"And you really question how he feels for you?!"
"Well, he's not like us," you frowned. "Believe me, I'm glad he's not. Though I just don't think he understands what a touch of the hand means to someone like me."
"You may come from different worlds with different values and rules, but holding hands is still an expression of affection wherever you come from," Genevieve pointed out.
"He did wear a fancy ensemble just to see me off safely..."
Once again, Genevieve's laughter filled the room. "You are blind!"
"It's just hard to tell with him!" you protested, laughing along with her. "He's hard to read. He's...very easily irritated."
"Is he like that when he's with you?"
"Less so, but yes," you shrugged. "He is a complicated man."
"But his feelings for you are apparent."
"My god, I need to go!"
"Yes, you do!" she encouraged you, patting you on the back.
"I can't right away. I have to get in contact with someone first, and if both you and I are found missing or dead by morning, it's going to be terribly suspicious—"
"You will find a way. I know it," she assured you. "Let's go and oversee the menu for tonight. I'm starved."
You laughed as she jokingly linked arms with you, leading you out into what you were about to leave behind once again.
All had gone according to plan—you saw Genevieve and Alice off safely, and falsely mourned your fiancée the next day, and for only a few days after before Stede caught wind of your message. As soon as he had, you scurried to the beach, only bothering to bring a few possessions with you. You hadn't even bothered to leave a note—nothing attached you to the aristocratic life anymore. For good this time.
"Captain!" you exclaimed, almost out of breath. "Thank you. I'm so, so sorry."
"No need to apologize to me," Stede assured you warmly. "Believe me, I get it."
"I wish you warned me—"
"Oh, you wouldn't have listened," he teased. "I do regret having done the same thing you had, but if I hadn't, I never would have gotten closure with Mary and bade farewell to that side of me fully. You had to do the same."
"And you and Blackbeard—he forgave you?"
"We're working on it," Stede laughed. "He has, mostly."
"Do you think Izzy will ever forgive me? How is he?"
"Go see for yourself," Stede suggested kindly. "He's on watch tonight. I'll be in my quarters should you need anything at all."
Before you could thank him again, he vanished into the darkness. You smiled, though you could have swore your heart stopped upon the sight of Izzy Hands. You almost choked on the breath you had taken before gaining the courage to waltz over to him. Before you knew it, you were beside him once again. Izzy jumped upon sensing your presence.
"Jesus fuck," Izzy mumbled.
"Hello to you too."
"What the fuck are you doing here?"
"Oh, Izzy, I'm happy to see you too!"
"I'm serious—what the fuck? You just up and leave and then you're back. Is this some sort of pattern? How long will your stay be this time, perhaps only a day, maybe two—"
Without much thought, you found your fingers laced between his once again. Izzy's train of thought stopped in its tracks and all he could focus on now was the feeling of warmth that had been yanked away from him ever since you left, and that now, it had been restored. A warmth he thought he would never get to experience again, nor experience at all. Whenever he spent countless days and hours reminiscing upon it, he scolded himself, convincing himself that he should be grateful he got to feel that at least once in his life. It was one more time than he ever expected he would feel it. It should have been enough, but it wasn't even close. His heart began beating out of his chest—what was this feeling he couldn't quite place? He knew it all too well and he was tired of pushing it down to drown. Eventually, you softly removed your hand, and you noticed Izzy's hand flex by his side once again.
"Did it mean something to you? When you held my hand before I left."
"I was giving you a boost onto your ride," he shrugged it off, turning away in hopes that the darkness would hide his smile.
"Right," you laughed. "Izzy, seriously. I have been going crazy. Every single day, wondering if you ever understood what such a gesture meant to me or if it meant absolutely nothing to you."
"Of course it meant something to me, dammit," Izzy sighed. "You are such a fool if you thought for a second that it didn't."
You laughed breathlessly, relief overcoming you instantly as you pressed your forehead against his. The way the moonlight shone upon his face made him even more breathtaking, even more earth-shatteringly beautiful. You couldn't believe what your eyes were allowing you to see, and you couldn't believe how warm you'd felt. You almost swore you'd never shiver once again. Your lips softly grazed his forehead before you pressed another kiss upon his cheek, before resting your forehead against his once again, your eyes fluttering shut, butterflies flying around in your stomach as you reached for his hands once again.
"Mark my words. I will never, ever leave again—"
"Shh," Izzy gently whispered against your lips. "We can talk about it later."
"Later," you nodded gently as finally, your lips collided. Your heart did pirouettes as your lips danced against one another's. In the darkness of your vision, you caught a glimpse of your future aboard The Revenge, with Izzy. You had never seen so clearly, until now, that you had finally found the place you were meant to be after denying it for so long. You had found your family and your lover, and they were all gathered in the same place. This was a luxury that would always beat the fancy balls you attended, the gold-laced coats you wore upon your back, the gems you were gifted often. Izzy was your gem, and he made your life shine brighter than it ever had.
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oswinunknown · 3 years
rough month, felt like drawing a lil bit of some self indulgent fluff with colin firth's mr darcy because hes my comfort blorbo rn
maybe ill give him the dream magic story idea, idk.
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yes the bg is a stock photo png, i just wanted to practice some lighting
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sauvignon-abuser · 6 years
Strangers in the night (Harry Hart x male reader)
Summary: Your uncle is hosting a gala and it is boring as fuck.
Pairing: Harry Hart x Male reader
A/N: Reader isn’t necessarily male, everyone wears socks and ties.
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Your uncle was holding a big gala and had invited you. You didn’t ask what the reason was as there was no way you could decline his offer., if he wanted his favorite nephew to be there, then you had to be there on. While adjusting your socks you considered the option of getting wasted at the bar but your uncle wouldn’t allow it therefor the best you could hope for was being able to sneak out for a smoke. After some searching you finally found a room which wasn’t locked upstairs, which looked to be his office. Inside the wealthy decorated room you swayed to the music that was being played downstairs while loosening your tie. ‘’Love was just a glance away, a warm embracing dance away-’’ you sang softly while moving to the window. ‘’And ever since that night, we’ve been together-’’ you opened the window and took the cigarette case out of your breast pocket. ‘Lovers at first sight’’ the flame was the only light source in the room as you flipped the zippo open and hummed. Your eyes were closed as you let out the first puff of smoke, lips closed around the cigarette and a deep breath. Repeating the motion while you enjoyed the cold embrace of the night sky.
Suddenly the sound of the doorknob slowly turning made you almost bolt out of the window, but you chose to hide behind the desk instead. Your knees softly hit the ground as you hid under the desk and listened to the footsteps that made their way into the office. ‘’Someone is in here’’ a heavy unrecognizable voice began to speak as you held your knees to your chest and hoped for a miracle ‘’well go and find him!’’ you recognized the other voice to be that of you uncle. A million questions ran through your head and you started to wonder what you could have done to make your uncle this angry. ‘’This can’t be about me, it was only a smoke’’ your knees started to relax as you got yourself in a positions from which you could easier run. While listening to the conversation in the room you guessed there must be at least three other men with him. While scanning the dark room you noticed the pair of eyes hidden behind one of the massive cupboards on the opposite of you ‘’you must be the culprit’’ you thought as you stared at the hidden person. Your eyes met, and you could see some more details as the light revealed his face and tall figure. You recognized the person immediately, the man had bumped into you downstairs and apologized in the smoothest voice you had ever heard. The sound of guns being cocked startled you for a second before you made eye contact again. The men came closer and you ran out of time to think your next action through. For the past years you had been aware of your uncle’s ‘’odd jobs’’ but never thought it really through. With the many karma points you had with your uncle you thought your idea to solve the situation was an excellent one. One last look at the stranger and your nearing uncle, you took a deep breath and bumped your head against the desk. Within a second several guns were pointed at you and a man was commanding you to get up ‘’I’m sorry I’m sorry! It was only a cigarette, I was going to come back!’’ crawling from under the desk you saw your uncle’s eyes before hearing him shout to the men, ordering them to lower their guns. ‘’What do you think your doing?!’’ he hissed, pulling you on your feet from under the desk. He swore under his breath while patting the dust from your clothes. ‘’What are you doing in my office?’’ ‘’smoking, but please don’t tell my parents’’ he made a disgruntled noise before letting go of you and walking towards the door ‘’tie that tie and get downstairs’’ his voice firm as he slammed the door behind him, leaving you alone in the office.
‘’You owe me a cigarette and twenty quid for not telling’’ the man revealed himself from his hiding spot and let out a sigh ‘’I am terribly sorry, but I am afraid I only have a fifty on me’’ ‘’that will heal my soul too ’’ you extended your hand to him as he reached inside his breast pocket and retrieved a fifty pound note ‘’I feel robbed’’ he smiled as he handed you the note ‘’may I rob you of your name too?’’ ‘’only if I may rob you of a cigarette too’’. 
You leaned against the window frame and studied the man in the blue velvet jacket. He must be somewhere between forties and fifties but overall you thought he was looking rather good with his broad shoulders. With that thought you quickly looked back outside ‘’can I ask something?’’ the man suddenly asked, cocking your head slightly you agreed. ‘’What will you do with the fifty?’’ this was not the question you expected so you went for the first thing that came to mind ‘’I think I will climb out of this window, go to a pub, and perhaps play some pool. Would you like to join?’’ his eyes studied your face before motioning outside ‘’please show me the way’’. While descending, in a not very tantalizing way, you heard him hum softly the ending to song ‘’it turned out so right, for strangers in the night’’.
Frank Sinatra – strangers in the night
@totalwhovian @emojit 
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darling-i-read-it · 5 years
City Corner Part 3
Mob/Mafia AU Series
City Corner Masterlist
Leonardo DiCaprio x reader, Jake Gyllenhaal x reader
Margot Robbie, Jodie Comer, Tim Roth, Colin Firth, Timothee Chalamet, Dacre Montgomrey, Natalia Dyer, Saoirse Ronan, Lana Del Rey, Hugh Grant are also included
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: Gambling, mentions of addiction, alcohol, insinuations to smut
Author’s Note: Again, I’ve casted these people as characters and used their names! I have this whole series planned out like a real writer so I’m excited to get to it now lol
Summary: Jodie goes for a truth, Saoirse warns the reader, Natalia slips up and Jake meets Lana
Genre: mafia, which is now a genre
(not my gif)
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You woke up to Jake beside you. It took you a moment to remember where you were and what had happened the night before. Mentally you retraced your steps and recalled staying at Jakes for the night where you had slept with him, despite feeling hurt over Leonardo being with Jodie the night before.
You wondered a bit about what had happened when you left last night. Everywhere you went you caused a bit of chaos, between telling the Firths of the proposed wedding and going to the casino itself. Even leaving Hugh in your wake last night had been a bit douchey. And there you were, getting out of Jakes bed before he was awake.
You tiptoed around the room, taking it in better than you had last night. You recalled a bit of what happened but it was still lost in the haze of rash decisions. You got dressed and closed the door softly behind you, walking down the winding steps to the bar. It wasn’t open and seeing it so still gave you an eerie feeling.
You always had someone here with you when you came even if it was just a stranger and Jake. You hugged your jacket closer to you as you walked through the front doors. You envied yourself last night, feeling so alive doing so many things. Seeing Leo.
You were thinking about his ashy blonde hair when you walked up the stairs of your apartment. You imagined him doing the same thing, walking up those stairs to his room somewhere in the apartment where he lived with his sister. You tried to ignore the image of him living in the now dead casino next door, that big place being way to high maintenance for him.
You unlocked your door and walked in, dropping your bag on the floor and taking off your jacket. You were so ready to collapse into bed that you didn’t even see Saoirse sitting in your desk chair you used for the table.
“What the hell did you do?” she asked, accent heavy as she stood up. You had been thinking about calling her again to see if she had returned from where she went but seeing her here made you unsettled. You were only together when she wanted you to be and she had never used that tone with you.
“What do you mean what did I do?” you asked, finishing taking off your jacket. You put your gun on the table and then a few other things, keys, phone. She stood up, walking across the room to you.
“You went to the fucking casino?! Then to the pizzeria?! And then fucking disappered!” You gave her a look.
“You’re one to talk about disappearing.” She pursed her lips and gave you a hard stone look. You wondered if this was the face that some people's last memories were. This hard Saoirse, the one that scared you, that reminded you of how dangerous she was.
“You have to stay in the middle of all of this. But you can’t get involved with either family. You can talk to them, you can be civil with both sides. I know you just want Leo back but you can’t go and do that kind of shit.” You knew she meant well but her calling at Leo as your purpose stung. It was true, so it stung. You backed down.
“You’re right. I just wanted to see him. I feel important when I work for both sides.”
“I know you do but it will get you killed.” Her voice had calmed down. She saw that you were understanding.
“I slept with Jake,” you told her, eager to change the subject. Her playful smile returned and she rolled her eyes.
“So did I, you’re not special.”
Jodie held her jacket close to her chest. Her father had blown up last night at the Firths sending you to spy out the wedding plans and she knew he was probably planning an attack that would cause fatal to someone Jodie cared about.
So she got up early that morning, not caring that Leonardo hadn’t stayed in the casino again, instead intent on finding the pizzeria. She had never been inside, only hearing whispers about the legendary business.
The bell rang above her head as she walked inside. There was only one other person inside, behind the counter. She had never seen him before but by the apron she figured he was a Firth. He was talking to someone in the back lightly and another voice floated into the area.
“Dacre I think dad and Nat are going out tonight. That is all I came to tell you, I know nothing more, please don’t push me,” a male voice said. Dacre, the one she could see, answered back.
“Whatever Tim. Ten bucks Nat slips up agian.” A door shut in the back and she figured it was just her and this Dacre boy. She had heard of him she now realized. She knew of all the Firths but had never actually been able to see them. It was odd.
She approached the counter.
“I’m Jodie Roth,” she said outright. He turned his head, eyebrows raised. He was handsome, utterly handsome. She had never swooned before but seeing him staring at her now she thought that she might. It gave her momentary pause.
“What the hell are you doing here?” he asked. She noticed his hand was under the counter, presumably feeling around for the gun they had taped to the bottom. She put both her hands on the counter to show him that he was unarmed. She had even worn a very flowy dress to show she meant no harm.
“I think our dads are going to kill each other and I was hoping that you would help me make sure that didn’t happen.”
Dacre raised his eyebrows. He had trained for the fight against her dad his whole life, there was no way he would give it up now. However her proposition intrigued him. Who came straight into the enemy den and asked for a truce?
“What makes you think I can do that?” He was talking back to her. He put both his hands on the counter and she took a breath of relief. He was listening to her.
“I don’t know. I thought I would give it a shot before someone I love gets killed.” He leaned against the counter. She was rustically pretty and he could appreciate it. He liked her dress. He had never seen any girl in the business wear something like that.
“Like Leonardo?” She pursed her lips.
“I don’t want to marry him. I just know he can’t marry Margot because she's more valuable single. I just don’t want anyone to die.” He nodded, understanding where she was coming from.
“We can talk Jodie Roth. You want a pizza?”
Jake woke up to you not beside him. It was already midafternoon. He had slept through his alarm. He got up, rubbing his head. He thought about you the moment he got up, wondering when you had left. He got out of bed, shrugging on some casual clothes and then walked down the winding stairs to your building a few buildings down.
He wanted to see how you were doing, why you had so abruptly come to him last night. You weren’t bad in bed either. He walked in the building and realized he had no idea which room you were in. He looked at the rundown lobby where an old man behind a desk sat.
Jake walked up to him.
“Can you tell me where Y/N Y/L/N lives?” he asked. The man gave him a questioning look.
“I can’t give out that information sir.” Jake nodded. He figured he couldn’t.
“Thanks anyway.”
He turned and came face to face with a pale beauty. Her black hair was carefully pinned back to show her whole gorgeous face.
“You’re looking for Y/N?” Her voice was careful and artistic. Jake wondered where he had seen her before.
“Uh yeah.” She smiled, her lipstick perfect on her lips.
“I’m Lana. Jake yes? You own Jake’s?” Lana DiCaprio, the hitwoman. The dangerous beauty. He couldn’t find it in himself to be afraid of her.
“Yeah I’m Jake.” She grabbed his hand and dragged her to the chairs in the lobby.
“You know, I’ve always wanted to own my own business. I thought that maybe it would be fun, not having to work for other people all the time,” she said whimsically. He didn’t think about why she was telling him that, he just wanted her to keep talking.
“Well if I die you can have mine,” he joked. She sat back in the chair. She was wearing jeans and a blouse which he thought was odd, considering her status.
“Thanks Jake. Hey do you think I can get a drink? I’m parched.”
“Its 10 in the morning,” he stated dumbly. She smiled and leaned forward.
“Well I work at night and don’t have any interest in being drunk on the job Jake.”
Later that night Colin walked beside his daughter. He was wearing his best suit, in preparation for how the night was going to go. He knew that Dacre and Jodie were still at the pizzeria and he knew that Lana was still with Jake at the bar. Everything was working in his favor despite the fact he had planned zero of what was happening.
He would have brought Timothee if he didn’t think he looked to threatening. Natalia in her slim ballerina ways, never seemed to look like someone who would murder others. They walked in the casinos front doors at around 10 at night.
They were immediately spotted but that was the plan. Two bodyguards came to get them, leading them up the long set of stairs to where Tim’s office was. Colin had briefed his daughter, telling her that he planned no deaths tonight. He would try for a truce and see where it went from there.
They walked in the room side by side and weren’t even frisked. They both had weapons on them but so did Tim, along with many bodyguards.
“I see you’ve come to chat Firth,” Tim said, staring at his enemy in his chair behind the desk. Margot sat in the desk itself, looking Natalia up and down.
“I’ve come to explain about sending a friend in to talk last night. I just wanted to make sure we had good information, it was nothing lethal. She wasn’t even armed.” He honestly didn’t know if you were armed.
“But you are yes?” Margot stated. Natalia watched the blonde carefully, trying to figure out what she was thinking. Margot however was ready to defend whatever these intruders thought about.
“For protective measures,” Colin stated. Margot turned to her father her nodded at her. The body guards behind Colin and Natalia moved in a step.
“What’s to stop us from taking you out right now Colin?” Tim asked, feeling the gun in his lap. Margot had her hand behind her, grabbing the gun in her waist band.
“Common courtesy.” Colin was completely calm but his daughter was watching Margot's hands and was getting worried.
“What do you want?” The blonde girl asked.
“Peace. We’ve come for a truce.” Tim shifted under the table and Margot moved her arm forward, pointing her gun at Natalia. Colin raised a hand and Natalia raised her gun.
“There is no need for violence girls,” Tim said smoothly but Natalia was high on adrenaline.
“I’ll put my gun down if she does,” the dark haired girl stated. Margot smiled.
“You first.”
“Natalia-“ Colin started but was cut off by a sudden change of movement. Margot had changed her hand position on the gun but the shift cut in Natalia's instincts.
A gun rang through the room.
Chapter 4
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Request Rules
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hey guys! just juicing up my profile so I’m making this and a masterlist! If you see this in any of the tags I have down, please feel free to request!
What Can You Request?
Inspired by; songs
Ships ( you need to let me know what fandom(s)
What Will I Write?
Smut (Everything but pure Incest.) 
Fluff ( Everything but extremely pregnant/ or specifically children.)
Angst ( Everything but abortion ) 
Mental Health Trope ( Not for Actors.)
Specific Reader Characteristics ( thicc! skinny!) 
What I Won't Write 
Nothing about children. It makes me feel extremely uncomfortable. Unless it's a domestic blurb or imagines where I mention you having children with said person, I will not write specifically about giving birth/ being extremely pregnant nor about just hanging out with your children. 
Incest this does not include ddlg, daddy kink, nor step daddy tropes. only actual incest is forbidden. anything else is fine. 
I do not write for stranger things anymore, due to experience on here with hate and toxicity.
Will only write for Elton under platonic, male x male or specific standards, such as before he came out, and or before his career/meeting John Reid.
Self-harm  (not including anorexia or binge eating.) 
Who I Write For
anyone who is highlighted is who I mostly enjoy writing for.
Taron Egerton (incl. All of his Characters.)
Richard Madden (incl. All of his Characters .)
Charlie Rowe (As Himself and Ray Williams.)
Jamie Bell ( As Himself and Bernie Taupin.)
Colin Firth ( As Himself and Harry Hart)
The Beatles
John Lennon
Paul Mcartney
Ringo Star
George Harrison
Himesh Patel ( As Himself and Jack Malik)
Crüe & The Dirt
Nikki Sixx ( booth! Or not.)
Vince Neil ( webber! Or not.)
Mick Mars ( iwan! Or not.)
Tommy Lee ( MGK! or not.)
Queen & Borhap
Freddie Mercury (borhap! Or not.)
Brian May (borhap! Or not.)
Roger Taylor (borhap! Or not.)
John Deacon ( borhap! Or not.)
Rami Malek ( incld. All Characters.)
Joe Mazzello ( incl. All Characters.)
Gwilym Lee
Ben Hardy
Lucy Boynton
David Bowie ( plus king Jareth.)
Elton John ( rockt! or not)
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