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dragonflylady77 · 1 year ago
The way @harrgrove hid this in the tags...
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insp. #HarringroveWeek Day 6
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toxicrevolver · 2 years ago
Hey! If you get this, answer with your top 5 music artists and send it to the last 7 people in your notifications 💜
Oof that’s a tough one bcs I jump between artists a lot and a ton of my faves just dropped albums but I got this. I can do this. These are basically my faves at the moment. It seriously changes all the time. The only constant is My Chem.
1) My Chemical Romance
2) Seventeen
3) Ateez
4) Tomorrow x Together (TXT)
5) Xikers
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sunwarmed-ash · 6 months ago
WIP Thursday
@harrgrove helped me tear through some fucking AWFUL writers block this morning so im gonna post the next part that I have written for neverender as a treat 😘
you can read chapters 1-3 here!
Ch 4 preview
Billy stays at Steve’s as long as it takes for the bruises to heal. And then, without a word to anyone, he takes off. 
He doesn’t go far. He can’t yet. Mostly because he’s broke, but also because someone has to clean the blood off the floor before it sets for good if they want to have a prayer at selling the house. Now that Neil’s out of the picture, locked up without anyone to call and post bail, there’s nothing tying any of them to Hawkins.
It takes over three hours but finally, the wood is starting to resemble the chestnut color it began at. He’s exhausted, his hands burn and his knees ache, but it’s done. All final traces of Neil Hargrove have been scrubbed clean from the place. 
Billy could really go for a shower and an ounce of weed right now. Wash away and burn out all memories of the last two weeks. Even the good ones. Because Billy knows from personal experience, even the good ones don’t stay that way for long.  
Steve and Max will be pissed when they wake up and notice he bailed. Even more so when he finally does for good, but they will get over it. Move on. They already have once, and that was when there was still something left of Billy to miss. 
He digs into his jeans for his wallet. After all the fucking cleaning supplies, gas, and a 6 pack to make the day a little less miserable, Billy’s left with barely enough money for either lunch, or a carton of cigerettes. 
With a heavy sigh, he chooses the cigarettes and gets in his car headed north. 
-The Diner-
“Hey you! Got a table that just opened up, come on in.” 
Within seconds of his arrival, Debbie’s waving him inside with a friendly smile. Her motherly affection feels like an assault after spending so long face down over his fathers blood. He needs to do this now, before he loses his nerve. 
“Hey Debbie, I’m uh not actually here to eat.”
“Well, I know you can’t just be here to see little ol’ me,” she smiles, putting both painted hands on her chest for emphasis.
Any other day, he might play along. He doesn't have the energy today.
“I uh, I’m looking for work, actually.”
“And you wanna work here,” she asks, suspicions raised. 
The best part about Debbie's transplant status is she didn’t the full exent of Billy’s tragic backstory. Which is also why she’s realistically the only person in Hawkins who would hire him. He desperately needs the money. He’s gotta get the hell out of here. Fast. 
“I’ll take whatever you got.” 
Just then, their cook shouts as he burns himself on something for seemingly the last time. 
Debbie, Billy, and the 3 other customers watch as the line cook tosses off his apron, grabs his stuff and storms out in a huff. 
While every eye in the restaurant blew wide, Billy’s included, Debbie barely reacts. She just keeps chewing her gum, watching as the man leaves before returning her eyes to Billy.
“Know how to cook?”
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all-or-nothing-baby · 2 years ago
i was tagged by @racheld93—thanks mate, this was fun!
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1. create your look
2. discover your role
...then post your results!
tagging, play or nay, the same folks i just tagged in another game bc i have no spoons left lol: @shealynn88 @sharkfish @novemberhush @greyhavenisback @poebin @jmeelee @raisesomehale @rajalagang @ohhalefire @halinski @kikiroo @lovebillyhargrove @harrgrove @slytherkins @witchsickness @ltleflrt @wellwaterhysteria @deklo @ash-mcj @chasingcastiel @gabedemon absolutely anybody else who wants to do the thing!
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manwrre · 1 year ago
thank you for tagging me @lovebillyhargrove!! i had so much freaking fun with this little game, even though i’m ass at collage making.
the collage includes: fave movie, fave chara, fave animal, fave season, fave food, fave place and hobby.
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my answers: coraline, billy, cats, rainy season, pasta, the sea, any shade of green + listening to music.
no pressure to post or anything but i’m tagging @salthat @belle-noche @harrgrove @billyhargrovestits @dragonflylady77 @mamakitty187 @steveshairynipples and anyone else that’s interested in playing!
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prettyboy-like-you · 2 years ago
my creative gene is still away at war... but i pinkie swear promise i'm trying my very best to carry on with the next part of my harringrove series 🍒 cherry bomb 🍒 it's just going incredibly s l o w l y
thanks sm for my tag @harrgrove! <3
Steve takes a breath, licks at tacky lips and runs a hand through his bangs again. Feels a little floaty. Wonders if he should have smoked that second stogie afterall. Wishes he'd pre-rolled another.
"Sooooo. Wanna get high?"
Billy lowers his head, looking over the top of his aviators. "How 'bout higher than the heavens, Harrington?"
tagging, play or nay: @stevewhoreington @witchsickness @passivenovember @aeon-of-neon @chrisbitchtree @grey-sides and anybody else who wants to do the thing, consider yourself tagged!
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ghostlynimbus · 2 years ago
Your History On My Skin
Rating: M
Ship: Billy Harrgrove/Steve Harrington
Steve Harrington may not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but it doesn’t take a genius to figure out what his soulmate is going through. An AU where soulmates share pain/injuries.
I have gone back and edited chapters 1 & 2. The only significant change is that Jonathan & Nancy are no longer soulmates in this fic. This is being posted as part of my most recent WIP poll, so here are the first 100 words of Ch 3.
CH 3
Steve probably should have seen the break up with Nancy coming.
He should have noticed how unhappy she was with him, he should have paid more attention to her and he should have tried harder to understand her feelings.
He maybe probably shouldn’t have gotten back together with her in the first place.
But he loves her, even after everything that happened last fall, and foolishly or not he believed her when she said she loved him too.
He also, selfishly maybe, doesn’t want to be alone.
Tommy and Carol still won't speak to him except to make jabs. And Steve doesn’t really have anyone else. 
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giurochedadomani · 2 years ago
tagged by @robthegoodfellow and @harrgrove ​ and @strangerqueerthings ​
RULES: In a new post, show the last line you wrote and tag as many people as there are words.
[hopping to discord to see if anyone else wants to share their mungrove week prompts]
“...You told me to go to the middle of fucking nowhere because you want to break up with me?” 
And he still doesn’t get it. 
“I told you to go to the middle of fucking nowhere because I want to kill you”. 
Bash his skull in, probably. Then bury him, if he’s got the time, although he’s been fantasizing about setting their apartment on fire for months now. Maybe he could play the widower boyfriend, if he opted for that. Cry and wail about how life is so unjust that Eddie had to forget that he had the oven on, pretend to miss him—  
“If you don’t want to watch my play, you can simply say it”.
And also because I already posted it in the mungrove discord, @strangerqueerthings ​: 
“You think I’m not going to do it!? Try me! I’ll tell Hopper that it was in self defense and go out of this with a medal of honor around my dick!”
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bigdumbbambieyes · 2 years ago
tagged by @weird-an @discodeviant & @adelacreations 🤍 thank u lovelies!!
Rules: In a new post, show the last line you wrote and tag as many people as there are words.
Ensuring the walkman is settled on the bed next to Billy’s hand, she digs into her backpack again, pulling out her homework this time. It’s easier to get it done here than at home, and sometimes she likes to ask Billy if he knows the answer to some of her math equations - it makes her giggle, in a slightly twisted way. She thinks maybe he would appreciate the joke.
no pressure tags: @chrisbitchtree @hephaestn @grey-sides @thissortofsorcery @robthegoodfellow @passivenovember @harrgrove @neonponders
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every-dayiwakeup · 2 years ago
Rules: In a new post, show the last line you wrote and tag as many people as there are words
I was tagged by: @adelacreations @harringrovest @robthegoodfellow @harrgrove ❤️❤️❤️
"You uh sure you don't want me on the couch?" Christ, talk about awkward.
"Nah, it's cool. Plus, the a/c points right at the couch, and your hair's wet, so... uh..."
"And they say chivalry is dead," Billy deadpans, secretly pleased that King Steve's temporarily turned Court Jester.
"We'll just share the bed," Harrington forces out like it pains him to say so.
Finally, the ball's in my court.
No pressure tags:@mashadpotato @ickypuppi3 @ariesbilly @imsodishy @gracethieved @thissortofsorcery
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thissortofsorcery · 2 years ago
tagged by @bigdumbbambieyes! Thank you 💕💕
Rules: In a new post, show the last line you wrote and tag as many people as there are words.
Billy laughs at her, and unwraps the cling wrap from Susan's sandwich. Out of the corner of his eye, he thinks he sees Harrington looking at him, but when he looks up, Harrington's staring out the window with a frown.
Noooot sure if this scene's gonna stay after all's said and done tho 🤔 It's from the new chapter of Baby I'm Trippin' (which i'm trying to work on but it's been hard lol)
tagging @dragonflylady77 @imsodishy @harrgrove @lovebillyhargrove @shieldofiron @robthegoodfellow i'm not tagging 40 people don't tell me what to do lol
also everyone who sees this is tagged if they want to be! tag me so i can see it and yell at you for being amazing.
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thewaywardkees · 2 years ago
Tag Game — Stranger Things Edition!
Tagged by: @destroya2005
Note: this was based purely on my opinion.
Ride or Die ship (OTP): Harringrove (Steve Harrington + Billy Hargrove). There is something about their dynamics that draws me in. Plus fanfic writers and video editors make the pairing believable enough! (:
Most annoying ship: personally, I don't really enjoy Steddie but it is mostly because of the toxic part of their fandom. I have seen a lot of people in that fandom bullying other m|m couples… makes me wonder why people love wasting their time making others feel miserable. Just chill and reblog some stuff! | Huge shout out to Steddie fans who don't witch hunt others! And to the ones who make amazing fanart!
Second favorite ship: Lumax (canon), Jopper (canon) and Argilly (non canon). Lumax and Jopper are definitely the best couples on the show! And Argilly??? How did people come up with that ship!? It is amazing!
Favorite platonic relationship: Stobin. I must admit I was a huge fan of the couple in S3 until Robin came out to Steve. The duo is one of a kind!
Underrated ship: Munver... tiger-freak... whatever you guys wanna call it. I mean... that ship has a lot of potential! Chrissy-Heather-Robin. Love them too! The fanart people are creating for the trio is chef kiss.
Overrated ship: — .
One thing I would change in canon: the whole introducing new characters in the show only to kill them in the last episode of the season... It is a never ending cycle. Like… don't be shy, kill some of the originals. The Duffers REALLY need to learn from George RR Martin… like, have you guys read/watch Game of Thrones (A song of Ice and Fire)?. The man doesn't give a crap about what fans think! He/She/They are your favorite chars? BAM! DEAD! 💀
Something canon did right: the 80's setting (music, clothes, cars, etc. Etc.).
A thing I am proud of creating for the fandom: I haven't posted my share yet, I am planning to… maybe someday… someday, yeah….
A character who is perfect to me: Hopper. He reminds me of my dad, they have the same personality.
Character I relate to the most and why: Steve Harrington, we are pretty similar in lots of aspects. We learn through experience (rights and wrongs) and both have deconstructed ourselves and created critical thinking of our own. — also, we both have great hair ;D
Character(s) I hate the most: Neil Hargrove, Henry Creel and Dr. Brenner… The three of them are monsters. (🚩🚩🚩)
Something I've learned from the fandom: I haven't interacted with the fandom as much so nothing yet. However, I admire how passionate people can be over their favorite characters.
Three tags I seek out on AO3: AU - Canon Divergence and/or Modern Setting, Happy Endings, Enemies to Lovers (👀).
Songs I associate with my OTP and/or Favorite Character: Harringrove — More than Words (Extreme), Words (F.R. David), Him and I (Halsey, G-Eazy), Bloom (The Paper Kites), There is a light that never goes out (The Smiths), Shameless (Camila Cabello). || Steve Harrington — Good old fashioned lover boy (Queen), The Archer (Taylor Swift), You are on your own kid (Taylor Swift).
No pressure tags: @theladycarpathia , @bigdumbbambieyes , @hephaestn , @harrgrove , @lemonhitsu , @ihni , @thediktatortot . And everyone who wants to participate, really! 🩷
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toxicrevolver · 10 months ago
Post the song that got you into your favorite group/artist + the first song you think a new listener should hear from them
Tagged by @smushedmuffin thanks for the tag!!!
You’re getting two bcs my all time favourite music group is My Chemical Romance but also you get a kpop answer bcs I can.
Song(s) that got me into My Chemical Romance: Teenagers and Welcome to the Black Parade
First song I think a new listener should hear: it’s actually a b-side from The Black Parade album. It’s called Heaven Help Us and it’s one of my faves from them. Also Desolation Row would be a good first song it’s from Watchmen (idk what that is.)
Song that got me into NCT: again it was two songs. Oddly enough both by NCT Dream. It was their version of Candy and Glitch Mode
First song I think a new listener should hear: if you’re wanting to get into NCT as a whole I’d suggest Alley Oop or The Bat from their latest entire group album Golden Age. If you’re wanting to start with a single subunit imma suggest Rodeo or Nectar both by WayV bcs that’s my fav sub unit.
Tagging (no pressure): @haahka @loveable-sea-lemon @onlyoneofsideblogtrashheep @harrgrove @babetanatat @skinzchoerim @serendipminie also tagging @we-survive-endlessly just so they can see how bad my NCT brain rot is. Thanks bestie you feed my brain rot so well.
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all-or-nothing-baby · 11 months ago
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i was tagged by the lovely @novemberhush (thanks, nove!) to do THIS funny little space quiz thingy, and it was loads of fun! and even pretty accurate—apart from the allergies to tears and emotions bc i am only ever one moving piece of music/situation/thought away from bursting into tears lol
i'm tagging, play or nay: @shealynn88 @sharkfish @greyhavenisback @rauko-is-a-free-elf @slytherkins @raisesomehale @ohhalefire @halinski @kikiroo @princecharmingwinks @harrgrove @stevewhoreington @deklo @catboynecromancy @mercurialkitty @jmeelee @outtoshatter @renmackree and absolutely anybody else who wants to do the thing! you can just say i tagged you xp
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kiraixi · 2 years ago
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rules: go to Pinterest and type in “[your name] core aesthetic”
Why is it so ominous 😭
Tagged by @ariesbilly
tagging: @pumpkinsailor @destroya2005 @harrgrove @harringrovest @gosmwd11
No pressure! ^w^
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camaro-and-smokes · 2 years ago
Thanks for the tag @decadentworld and sorry that I'm bit slow to do these 😭
Rules: In a new post, show the last line you wrote and tag as many people as there are words.
"So, should we go and get married then?"
Jeez I don't know who to tag to this... No pressure if you don't feel like playing 💜 @atomrose @discodeviant @mourntheantagonist @shieldofiron @harrgrove @shipwreckdwrites @chrisbitchtree @every-dayiwakeup
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