#harper mclean x reader
kolsmikaelson · 5 months
attention all hbh lovers i’m opening requests for spencer ‘spider’ white, ant vaughn, harper mclean and rowan, so if you’ve got any ideas send them my way! i’ve seen all of season 2 so don’t worry about spoilers!!
edit : i only do x readers not character x character, sorry about that!
edit 2 : i currently have around 25-30 requests, which i’ll be going through and making sure none of them go over my boundaries/what i write & will hopefully get those fics out asap! however i am closing requests now (apr. 20) as to not get too overwhelmed, but as soon as i have a smaller amount of requests they’ll be back open’
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magewritesstories · 4 months
okay but personally as a bisexual woman of colour, the line "sasha trampled my heart so bad and now i think i like white boys" is the funniest line in all of heartbreak high, i love this show oml
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starlightdelrey · 5 months
heartbreak high navigation
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PSA no minors allowed please!!!! there will be sensitive content and nsfw content explored in these fics!! i do not want to have to block anybody!
i write from a fem/nb pov only (sorry) and will not write for some characters (like chook), and i'm willing to write smut and sensitive topics - to a degree xx
to request, either comment, dm or leave an ask (also comment, dm or leave an ask to be added to the tag list) !!
romantic partners i'll write for include: spider, ant, malakai, missy, amarie, harper, (to be updated)
character x character
axe throwing - ant and harper (in which two of the hartley kids finally get a moment of peace together (or ant thinks he's gonna lose his arm))
more to come !
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general-fanfiction · 2 months
Eshay Baby. (Anthony Vaughn x Chook's Sister Reader)
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Word Count: 5.8K
Y/N Cooper and Anthony Vaughn had a complicated relationship, which becomes even more complex following the reveal of the incest map.
WARNING: This work is not intended for those under the age of eighteen as it does have mature content. This story deals with alcohol, sexual content, drugs, explicit language, violence, death and triggering topics such as sexual assault and abuse.
A/N: I really hope you enjoy this fic as much as I do, I am a sucker for an ex's to lovers trope! This will be an ongoing series with each chapter correlating to a different episode! Love you! x
Fuck you Monday.
I am not a bad person. At least, I don’t believe I am. Research suggests that people become products of their environments, in fact, there’s an entire theory surrounding the self-fulfilling prophecy which suggests that if environmental factors such as the people and community surrounding you believe you will turn out a certain way, you will. It’s something to do with the phrase ‘if that’s what people think I am, then that’s what I will be.’ For as long as I’ve been alive, I have done my best to combat this. Not wanting to prove the countless social workers, mental health professionals, teachers and police correct. I am a good person.
My brother on the other hand, that’s slightly more complicated. He’s four years older than me, he understands and remembers more of our childhood than I do. It’s not something that we often talk about, him opting to avoid the subject entirely not wanting to reminisce on the past. His words not mine. I don’t blame him for this, nothing I can remember is positive. Being passed from one distant relative to the next, each being significantly worse than the last. Until one day we ended up at the home. I can only imagine what other horrors he may remember.
Hence why I stated it’s complicated, everything he does, he does for us. That’s the way it’s always been. Not once has he failed to protect me, agreeing to be my legal guardian the moment he turned eighteen in order to remove me from the clutches of any government mandated home. I’ll forever be grateful to him for that, and so I could never argue that he isn’t a selfless man. Not when it comes to family.
Others may disagree with me, believing he is cruel, callous and cold. Inherently evil is a term that has been used to describe him many times before. I’ll be the first to admit that there are times when I don’t agree with his actions. However, I don’t believe this defines him as a person. People are so complex and have many different layers that somebody cannot be defined by one small thing. So would I say he’s a good person? No, but I also wouldn’t say he’s a bad person. He’s just different.
“Your brother said to tell you he’s setting off in ten minutes so to make sure you’re ready.”
The soft voice at my doorway startles me, too focused on applying my lipgloss to notice the boy standing in the doorway. As I glance up at him through my mirror, I’m hit by the unmistakable stench of marijuana that seems to flood the room. My nose scrunches, slightly disgusted by the thought of my brother and his friends getting high in the living room at eight am on a monday morning. Continuing to apply multiple layers of the shimmery pink gloss, I notice the figure is still standing in my doorway, his back turned to me, stance appearing almost awkward as he scratches the back of his head nervously.
“Cash you can come in.”
He turns to face me, hesitantly stepping through the threshold into my bedroom with a small smile on his face. Closing the old wooden door behind him, only to almost be knocked out by the numerous bags I have hung up on the back of my door.
“That’s a lot of bags.” He comments, resulting in a small laugh from me due to him stating the obvious.
Beginning to gather my textbooks, notebooks and any other supplies I may need for school, I notice Cash standing silently simply observing my bedroom. It’s a stark contrast to the rest of the house. Walls painted a burnt amber with photos and posters plastered up anywhere I could reach. Crocheted blankets are thrown over every piece of furniture in the room and my window stays wide open, allowing the bright morning light to flood the room, the gentle breeze blowing just enough to allow a melodic hum to reverberate through my wind chime.
“Your bedroom is nice. It’s homely.” Cash tells me, waiting patiently as I continue to throw things into my bag.
“Not a chance in hell was I letting Chook decorate my bedroom with graffiti.” I laugh, throwing my chunky black cardigan over my shoulders before the eshay opens the door for me, being the gentleman that he is and allowing me to exit first. “There’s another spray paint to cover a skatepark in here as it is.”
My finger traces one of the many swirls of blue spray paint that lines the hallway as I speak, eliciting a chuckle from the boy that follows behind me. Entering the lounge, I find Jayden and Tilla sprawled out on the sofa, eyes glazed over and it’s clear that they’re both stoned out of their minds. Chook sits on the armchair that he’s claimed as his own, nobody else dares to sit there, knowing it’s his seat. He’s playing with the car keys in his hands, eyes fixed on the unconscious man laid out at his feet. Occasionally nudging him with his foot in an attempt to humor himself.
“Who’s that?” I question, capturing my brother’s attention for the first time since we set foot in the lounge.
“Fuck knows brah, couldn’t handle his drinks though clearly.”
With one last surprisingly gentle kick to the stomach, Chook rises from the chair. Ruffling my hair as he strolls past me and towards the front door, much to my annoyance. I sigh quietly, swiftly smoothing my hair down, to which Cash does his best to muffle his laugh as we follow my brother out the door. Stepping over yet another unconscious man as we leave the house.
Hartley High is only a twenty minute drive, most of which I spend in silence, trying my best to enjoy the drum and bass that erupts out of the speakers as we fly down the streets of Sydney. Chook was never one for following the speed limit, no matter how many times I lectured him on the importance of driving safely.
We pull into the car park outside of school with an ear piercing screech, slamming to a halt directly outside the gates, the unnecessary amount of noise causes many students to look in our direction. Many whispering to their friends as they gawk at us, I do my best to keep my head down as I clamber out of the vehicle. Embarrassed by the commotion Chook has caused.
“Don’t get expelled!” Chook yells out of the car window as Cash and I trudge reluctantly towards the quad. Not wanting to dignify him with a response, I simply throw my middle finger up behind me, hearing his raucous laughter followed by the screech of his tires on the asphalt once again.
“You reckon this year will be any better?” Cash inquires, knuckles white due to how tight he is clenching the strap of his fanny pack that is thrown over his shoulder. He’s nervous. Contrary to what people believe, Cash is a sweet boy. He’s so loving, caring, considerate and kind, he has a lot to offer the world we live in. Nobody seems to see this though. Believing Cash is a good for nothing eshay that will make nothing of himself upon leaving school, most likely following in the footsteps of his mother and ending up in prison. Even he himself believes this.
“I don’t know mate, maybe for you, I mean you technically don’t even need to be here. I don’t have a choice unfortunately.”
“Yeah but that just means you’re stuck with me for another year kiddo.”
“I am literally a year younger than you.” I sulk, giving him a gentle shove in order to express my annoyance. “Besides, you wouldn’t have screwed me if you saw me as a kid.”
Cash stops in his tracks completely, I smirk, pleased that I’ve rendered him completely speechless and offer him a quick wink from over my shoulder as he jogs to catch up to me. We agreed to never speak of it. A one night hook up when we were both heavily under the influence of certain illegal substances. My heart was in pieces following the breakdown of mine and a particular church going brunette’s secret relationship. If you could even call it a relationship, we never exactly labeled anything, nor made anything public. However, it felt as though my heart had shattered, I’d never experienced anything like that before. Not even the pain of my childhood compared to this.
One thing led to another and Cash and I were stumbling into bed together. Both of us knew it was wrong, Chook would kill Cash if he ever found out. Fortunately it only happened once and while I wouldn’t say that I regret it, it did definitely put a strain on our friendship for a while. Mostly due to him being terrified of me telling my brother.
Remembering the memory, I can’t help but smile to myself. Even if it was just for that one night, Cash made me feel whole again. Like I was worthy of finding love. The dopamine from the positive recollection seems to crash like a wave over my body, uplifting my mood drastically despite heading into what is ultimately prison for the next seven hours. That is until I catch a glimpse of the one person I was hoping to avoid completely for the next year.
Anthony Vaughn.
“Oi there’s a fully gacked sex map in the old stairwell.” Shouts from the redheaded girl catch my attention and I’m grateful to be provided a distraction. “It’s called the incest map!”
Students from all directions flock together in a sprint towards the old stairwell. The scene could be described as something out of a nature documentary when a pack of wild animals chase after their prey together. It’s wild and chaotic, completely undignified. So, with a quick glance at one another, Cash and I also follow the crowd, taking off in a run to identify what a ‘sex map’ truly is, and why it is so interesting that the entirety of our school is racing at full speed just to catch a glimpse.
I thank my lucky stars that I’m not claustrophobic when I eventually manage to squeeze my way through the horde of students. Names are scrawled in huge letters across the wall, each with different lines and symbols linking one to another. There’s a key chart to the left hand side and it’s safe to say nobody’s sexual endeavours were safe due to how graphic the key chart was.
The usual suspects are on the map, those who aren’t quiet about their partaking in hookup culture, such as Darren and Dusty. Those in relationships are also unsurprising, for example Missy and Sasha are of course linked, having only just recently broken up. Other names however do manage to shock me, for one I was not expecting to see Quinni’s name on the map, nor was I expecting Cash. Following the three lines connected to his name, it’s only then that I realize in bright red letters accompanied by a pair of devil horns, is my name.
Y/N - hooked up - Cash. Y/N - blowie - Spider. Y/N - fucked - Ant. Y/N - destined - Ant.
With each passing second it feels like my heart has stopped, secrets revealed to the world that were supposed to never see the light of day. How did anybody know about this? Sure, Spider may have blabbed about me giving him a blowjob, most likely bragging to his two best mates about it as though I’m his latest conquest. However, what happened between Cash and I, as well as Ant and I was meant to be kept quiet.
With trembling hands, I begin to anxiously scan the room, looking for any sign that somebody other than myself may have noticed my name. Catching the eye of the brunette, who stands timidly between Dusty and Spider, I discern that he is just as concerned as I am. Fearful of the consequences of this coming out.
“Yo Ant, you fucked the eshay’s sister? Nice one bro.” Dusty shouts, clapping his friend on the back which only leads to the red blush on his face to creep to an even deeper crimson.
“You got further with her than I ever did.” Spider comments, a mischievous smirk spread across his lips. “Why didn’t you tell us?”
Ant simply lowers his head, eyes focusing on his shoes which appear to be a lot more interesting than the map in front of him. I can’t lie and say it doesn’t hurt that he won’t speak about us, but at the same time, I understand. With mates like his, I would want to keep things hidden from them too, especially if this is how they react. Not to mention his overly religious family upbringing and the overwhelming amount of shame he is afraid of bringing on his family.
“Hey, you okay?” Cash whispers, hand faintly grazing mine in a subtle attempt to offer his support.
“I was just about to ask you the same thing.” Offering the mullet wearing boy a forced smile, trying to cover up the embarrassment of suddenly being the center of attention.
Continuing to stare at the map in disbelief, only the shouts of rowdy teenagers can be heard as they find more and more connections on the map that they hadn’t seen upon their first inspection. A few even run out in tears, the map ruining many people’s relationships, outing people and just causing pure humiliation for everybody that has their name scribbled across the wall.
“Hey, do you reckon if we ask real nice, Y/N will let us double dick her?” Spider asks Ant obnoxiously loud, nudging him as they both look over in my direction. Humorless expression evident on my face. “What, we’ve both already been there.”
Spider’s comment is directed to me, with him and Dusty both finding the utmost amusement in the entire situation. Ant, on the other hand, looks as though he wants the floor to swallow him whole, unable to make eye contact with me.
“Are you sure you’d be able to get it up? You and I both know how difficult it was for you last time and that was just for a blowie.” Without giving Spider a chance to respond, I’m pushing through the sea of teenagers, who are now staring eagle eyed between the blonde boy and myself. Invested in the very minor argument between us, a chorus of laughter can be heard at Spider’s expense. Even Dusty seems to take amusement in the mortification of his friend. As I brush past the trio, it’s hard to ignore the self-consciousness on their leader’s face. I can’t help but feel a small sense of pride, knowing that my comment really got under his skin. Eyes trailing over each of the guys, I notice that Ant is already looking at me, a regretful look on his face.
Unlike his two mates, Ant has always been the more caring of the three. Whilst still partaking, somewhat reluctantly, in the shenanigans that the other boys rope him into, he has always had more of a guilty consciousness. Often disclosing the amount of regret and guilt he felt due to some of their actions. Though, he made me swear that information to secrecy, not wanting the boys to view him as weaker. It’s one thing we regularly argued about, with him being unable to fathom the idea that having morals and a consciousness doesn’t make you any less of a man.
The deafening shrill of the school bell sounds whilst I stomp across the quad, alerting me of the fact that I should be headed towards the gym for the mandatory back to school assembly. Yet, I can’t bring myself to face it. Wanting to avoid Spider for a little while longer while I can in the hopes of steering clear of another confrontation. Half an hour into the new school year and I’m already wagging, what a great start.
Without turning to look back, I can hear the shuffle of feet as everybody begins to pile out of the old stairwell. Heading into the main school building, still, I tread on. Doing my best to sneak behind the science block and finding solace in the old dunnies that were closed off to students back in the nineties. Technically, nobody is supposed to be back here, I’m risking detention just by being here, though Cash and I continue to use it as a safe space to hide from the world whenever we need peace.
Rummaging through my bag, I’m quick to find the box of Marlboro Gold’s that I always keep stashed at the bottom, just on the odd occasion that I do feel the urge to smoke. It used to be a rare occurrence, these days, unfortunately it seems to be more of a recurring problem. I’ve hidden the habit from just about everyone in my life, not that Chook would care, he’s done far worse that I ever have. I just don't want people to perceive me as any less that they do now, I know smoking is a dirty horrible habit and yet I can’t seem to quit. So, as I spark my lighter, inhaling the toxic fumes, I begin to take comfort in the calm that fills my body from the lungs outward.
“Shit, sorry, I didn’t think anyone was gonna be in here.”
My eyes sweep up from the ground, and if the baggy jeans and tie dyed jumper weren’t enough of a give away as to who stood before me the cross chain hanging from his neck certainly did. It’s the first time he’s actually spoken to me directly since the night everything came crumbling down eight weeks ago. When my eyes lock with his, I can’t help but take in his beauty as if it’s the first time I’ve ever seen him and before I can react the cigarette is falling out of my fingers.
“I didn’t know you smoked.”
He points to the ciggie that is now beginning to burn out on the concrete floor. With an awkward laugh, I quickly pick it up, stubbing it out on the wall, humiliated that he caught me.
“I don’t really,” Playing with the ends of my hair as I desperately try to think of an excuse that doesn’t truly reveal the extent of my habit.
“Just needed to destress after this morning.”
“Yeah, crazy morning, right?” Ant asks, leaning against the doorframe as he attempts to make small talk with me. “Actually, do you have another one of those?”
With raised eyebrows I nod swiftly, pulling the pack out of my bag and offering them to him along with my lighter. He lights his and I do the same, after all I didn’t exactly get to finish the first one on account of dropping it on the ground.
“You wagging assembly too?”
My voice is quiet, unsure on whether he actually wants me to make conversation with him or he’d prefer to sit in silence. Despite my best attempts to not make it obvious, I watch as he takes a drag from the ciggie, allowing the smoke to delicately fall from his lips. It’s awkward not knowing where I stand with him, sure, what happened was a while ago now and I’d assumed we’d both moved on but that doesn’t make the entire situation any less awkward.
“Couldn’t face it, Spider and Dusty wouldn’t stop hounding me for all the details and I just needed some space.” Ant admits, picking at the skin around his fingers between drags.
“Oh right, I can leave if you want some space, I don’t mind.”
Grabbing my bag and hauling myself off the window ledge, I throw the end of my ciggie to the ground, ready to leave. That is until his hand grabs mine gently, his touch soft as I’m forced to stop and look at him.
“No, stay. You should stay.”
Ant offers me a small smile before letting go of my hand, the touch so fleeting and yet it still manages to make my heart flutter even just the tiniest bit. Sitting beside him on the cold, mucky floor, not minding the dirt if it means that Ant and I are one step closer to mending our friendship. Truthfully, I miss him. I miss him as a friend more so than anything. Our bond was one that you don’t find much in life, one that others struggle to comprehend.
“I owe you an apology.” His words catch me off guard, unaware that he felt the need to apologize to me, let alone, doing so on the first day back at school. Granted it hasn’t been any ordinary first day back. “I was a complete dickhead to you and you didn’t deserve it-”
“Ant you don’t need to explain yourself.”
“Nah, I do. I think I knew I couldn’t be the guy you deserved, and I got scared. It’s no excuse, I know that. Just believe me, I didn’t mean any of the stuff I said to you that night, I was so pissed, honestly, I hardly remember any of it. All I know is I woke up with the worst hangover of my life and you weren’t there.” He stops for a moment, collecting his thoughts with furrowed eyebrows, trying his best to put what he wants to say into words. “You weren’t there and then I saw the messages. Y/N, I’m so sorry. I didn’t ever want to hurt you.”
He’s staring at me intently, eyes trying to find any glimmer of emotion on my face in an attempt to determine what I’m thinking. Opening my mouth to respond, I find myself rendered completely speechless. As I focus on Ant, I can see the worry in his eyes. Uneasy as to what I may have to say.
“Shit, sorry, I’m no good with words, I-”
“Stop talking Ant.” I mumble, putting an end to his rant before he can even properly begin. “Cheers for the apology, it means a lot.”
“Do you hate me?” The question is blurted out before he can stop himself. Shocking even himself judging by the way his widened followed by his head falling to his hands.
“I could never hate you. You should know that.” I tell him, his whole body instantly less tense as the relief floods through him. “I’ve actually really missed my friend. We should’ve never complicated things.”
I almost miss it, but there’s a flash of pain in the browns of his eyes as I say those last words, though he nods in agreement. The silence that follows is no longer awkward, instead it’s tranquil. Plainly embracing the warmth of the early morning sun in one another’s presence feels relaxing compared to the events that unfolded prior. Blissfully enjoying the reblossoming of our once torn apart friendship.
“If it isn’t Anthony Vaughn and Y/N Y/LN. You’ve not even been back a day and you’re already wagging.” Ms Woods’ tone is extremely unimpressed as she addresses us, evidently not happy that we’re getting into trouble this quickly. Ant and I can’t help but hold in matching mischievous grins. “My office now!”
—---------------------------------------------------------------------------- “So what were you and Ant doing in the dunnies together?” Cash mumbles the minute my brother is out of earshot and inside Harry’s diner, no doubt trying to chat up all the girls who are trying to eat their chippies in peace.
Slapping him straight in the chest, my eyes flicker towards the door of the diner, wary that Chook will pop out at any second and overhear our conversation. He feigns annoyance, dramatically throwing his hand up to his chest, acting as if I’ve just shot him.
“Oh my god, nothing!”
“I saw your names on the map Y/N, can you blame me for thinking you were trying to cop a root?”
“Shut the fuck up! Nothing happened okay?” I whisper as aggressively as I can, playing with the hem of my pinstripe mini dress in the hopes that I can distract myself from this conversation.
“I dunno, Amerie seemed to think you two were destined.”
“Who’s destined?”
Chook’s voice alarms me, head snapping up to spot the slightly older, male version of myself walking only mere feet away from Cash and I. His casual demeanor suggests he hasn’t overheard the rest of our conversation for which I’m thankful. Locking eyes with Cash, I shake my head in the subtlest way possible so he knows not to say a word. If Chook found out about the map, not only would I be dead, but Cash as well, so it’s in the best interest of both of us not to open our mouths about yesterday’s events.
“Spider and his imaginary girlfriend. That boy is gonna be in a serious relationship with his hand for the foreseeable future.” The lie slips off my tongue so easily that it’s rather concerning. Chook doesn’t question me, though why would he? I learned from the best.
“Sure. You prepared for the cemetery tonight kid?” Chook asks Cash, not even bothering to look up at him as he stashes the boot of the car with countless amounts of junk food he had just collected from Harry’s. “Thank god you stayed at school for another year, since this little bitch didn’t wanna take over as our connect.”
“My bad that I didn’t wanna be running around, pushing drugs for you for the rest of my school life.” I argue, Chook pulling faces as I speak in response. Deciding that this is an argument not worth having today, after all, it’s one we’ve had many times before.
“Yeah, all good brah.” Cash chimes in, answering Chook’s question to put an end to our petty argument before we can take it even further. Before we can get physically violent, even if it is only in a playful manner.
“You two best get going hey, maximize profit and all that.”
Cash doesn’t need any further instruction, hopping on his motorbike after passing me his fanny pack to store in the bag on the back. Something he always does in order to ensure that all his supply is kept perfectly safe while he drives. I’d consider it smart if I didn’t know it was drugs he was keeping safe. Chook jumps in his car, nodding in our direction as he flies out of the car park with Jayden and Tilla shouting out of the window at us. I can’t help but smile at their antics.
Cash offers me a hand on to the back of his bike, hiking my tiny dress up even further so that I can throw my leg over the vehicle. Wrapping my arms around his waist tightly, he watches in his mirror for me to nod before taking off. A habit he picked up when he first began to drive me around on what I like to call his ‘death trap’.
Dance music is belting from the many speakers when we arrive at the cemetery, a fire pit glowing in the middle of the makeshift dance floor as people crowd around it. The sun is already setting as we arrive, illuminating the party in a way that looks angelic. Upon reaching one of the many piles of drinks, it’s hard to notice Amerie dancing crazily, along with Darren, Quinni and Malachai. I point it out to Cash, the pair of us surprised that she has any friends left considering her actions.
Parting ways with the eshay I find taking a swig from one of the numerous vodka bottles before grabbing a bottle of bus, watching as Cash immediately begins to get to work, Sasha instantly running over to him the moment she spots him alone. Rolling my eyes, I plant myself further away from the party, sat with my back against one of the decrepit headstones.
I’ve always been more of an introvert. Opting to be a wallflower and observe rather than be the center of attention, unlike my fellow classmates who all seem to thrive when the spotlight is on them. I hate Amerie for forcing me into that spotlight.
Between sips of the slightly warm lager, I begin to roll myself a joint, figuring I may as well attempt to have a good time at the party. Even if it isn’t my ideal Tuesday night. I couldn’t let Cash come on his own though, not when he’s working for my brother.
“You are a bad girl Y/N Y/L/N.” Ant’s voice shouts from a short distance away, strolling towards me with a cheeky grin slapped across his face. “What is this? The second time I’ve caught you smoking now?”
“Right well I was just about to offer to share this with you but I guess not now.” I joke, lighting it up as Ant flops down beside me. “And technically, I haven’t even smoked this yet so you’ve only caught me once.”
“It totally counts!” Ant argues, waiting patiently as I take a couple of puffs before handing him the joint. “How’d your brother take it when he found out about the map?”
“You’re safe if that’s what you’re asking. I haven’t told him and he’s not the type of bloke that answers the phone when Woodsy rings.” He hands the joint back to me, fingers brushing mine tenderly. “Your mum?
“Not great. Amerie really fucked things up for me, I have to go to church three more times a week now, all because of one wristy and well you know.”
“Did you tell her the truth about us?” I inquire, wondering if he did come clean completely about our situationship of sorts.
“Nah, I told her it was just the once.” He admits, glancing at me sheepishly, almost embarrassed to recount the memory. “Figured that was better than telling her the truth. I may have also turned her that you were my girlfriend at the time, you know, to kind of make it better. Not that she approves of premarital sex or anything and I know we didn’t label what we were but it sounded better in the moment. I hope that’s okay.”
“Lying to your mother Anthony, that’s not very christian of you!” I gasp, to which he snatches the joint back out of my hand in retaliation, laughing along with me.
“Fuck yourself.” Ant chuckles, blowing the smoke directly in my face without any warning, causing me to descend into a fit of coughs.
“What’s the deal with you and Cash anyway? You two a thing now?” Ant’s not looking up at me when he speaks, all his attention fixated on the crowd of teenagers partying in the distance. Anxiously pulling blades of grass from the ground beneath me, I continue to gaze at him, a sigh falling from my lips as I had hoped he hadn’t noticed the line between Cash and my name. It was inevitable that it was going to come up, I had just hoped it would be something that people skirted around, not asking any direct questions.
“Nah.” The word is faint, shaking my head, my eyes fall on the boy in question, completely unaware that we are speaking about him as he stands in conversation with Darren. “We’re just mates.”
The boy nods besides me though I can tell he doesn’t truly believe me, still unable to look in my direction. Nudging him slightly, I give a small smile when he does hesitantly face me. “We hooked up once a few weeks ago, I was pretty much black out and he was just there. It was a fucking stupid decision.”
“Just mates though?” Ant asks, more of a rhetorical question, as if to reassure himself, much to my confusion as I can’t see why it would matter to him whether we were just mates or not. “Okay but who was better?”
Bloodshot eyes and a lazy smile indicate to me that the joint has hit him quicker than either of us expected. Warm blush present on his cheeks, his head tipped back against the headstone , gazing up at the stars that begin to light up the late summer skies.
“You’re so stoned.” I comment, completely dodging the question in the hopes that he’s too high to remember what he had even asked.
“Just like old times, yeah.”
Ant’s fingers brush over my hand just barely, the touch so slight that I wouldn’t have felt it had I not been looking in that direction. Thumb softly tracing circles across the back of my palm, skin feeling as though its been set alight with every small movement. Turning my head, I find Ant already staring at me, mouth curved upwards into a slight smile.
“I wish I never cooked it with you.”
Despite knowing that he is as high as a kite, his words still manage to catch me off guard. Forcing me to pull away, leaning back to take him in properly. From his somber expression to the deep intensity with which he looks at me, awaiting a reaction.
“Cops!” Before I can respond, shouts from the party grab my attention. Head spinning round to see the chaos unfolding, teenagers running in every direction, some scream, whilst others laugh. “Cops! The cops are coming!”
“Oh shit.”
Discarding the bottle I had been nursing, I hop to my feet within seconds, Ant, who now looks surprisingly sober, does the same. Without hesitation, he is grabbing my hand before we take off in a sprint, running in the opposite direction of the flashing lights and sirens that are rolling up to the gatho. As the crowds disperse, I find myself scanning through the seas of people, looking for a certain eshay that would get into a lot of trouble, should he be caught. “Where’s Cash?” Voice breathy, I force Ant and I to a halt, searching my entire field of vision for any sign of him, head spinning so fast that I’m shocked I didn’t give myself vertigo. “Ant, I can’t see him. Where’s Cash?”
“Y/N we need to go.”
With his free hand, Ant easily slides it around my waist, using all his strength to pry my feet from the pavement. Regardless of my unwillingness, I allow the boy to lead us away from the party. Not wanting to run the risk of getting caught, so instead I recite prayers in my head that Cash also hasn’t been caught.
Upon reaching the locked gate, Ant wastes no time in easily pushing me up so that I can scramble over the metal. He does so with ease, a proud display of his strength and it makes me blush. Reminiscing on the ways he used that strength before.
Running hand in hand down the noiseless streets of Sydney, I find myself giggling at tonight’s events. The prospect of an exciting, if slightly chaotic year eleven rises upon the horizon and I can’t help but display my enthusiasm at seeing where the next few months take me. (Hopefully, with Ant by my side, but nobody needs to know that.)
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penguinsravioli · 5 months
Crush Confessions
❝⁺ ₊ ✦⋆ 。 ˚chapter 3❝⁺ ₊ ✦⋆ 。 ˚ Anthony Vaughn x Reader
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I turn my music up a bit louder when I enter school to avoid all the nonsense around me. It's such a great distracter, and I only have to speak when i’m spoken too. While I'm zoned out and mulling in my thoughts, I slip on something on the ground and bust my ass. “FUCK!” 
I groan while people giggle. “I’m so fucking sorry— some asshole just threw my shit on the ground” Amerie, begins to help me up, then immediately rushes to pick all of her things from the ground. “Nah it's- you're good don't worry. It’s not your fault.” I rub the cheek I fell on while helping her pick up some of the items on the ground. Dusty comes by next to us and crouches, helping her out with the mess.
“Cool shirt” He comments toward Amerie when we all begin to stand up. “Thanks!” She smiles. 
“Name one DZ Death Rays song,”
Spider says from behind me. I roll my eyes “Shut up, Spider” Amerie and Dusty say in sync. I chuckle dusting off my hands and watching him walk off offended. I pick my backpack from the ground, searching through it to make sure my water bottle didn't accidentally snap open from my fall. “How’d you pull off after the cemetery?” I overhear Amerie say to Dusty as I check my belongings. I bat my eyes toward him, he avoids eye contact with Amerie and accidentally looks towards me. I caught him taking Harper back to his place. So I reckon things were a bit nuts after Cemetery huh?
 “Oh yeah, Hangover anxiety and stuff. But all good, yeah…you?” I look away, zipping my backpack up,—taking my phone out from my backpack to make sure my hair is still intact. “Yeah had a really great night” 
“I’m uh, I'm gonna dip, sorry I tripped on your shit Ams” She turns toward me. “Oh, no bigs” I smile at her and walk off, allowing the two to finish their conversation.  I sit at one of the open outdoor tables, turning up my music as loud as possible, I have a freebie, so I want to try and finish a bunch of missing work because I’ve literally been such a Gronk recently. I pull out my notebook and mechanical pencil, deciding to work on maths first to get it over with. “I just realized, how much I hate maths again” I groan at my stupidity and lack of knowledge around the subject. “What’s all this?” I look up and see Darren staring at me, accompanied by Quinni. “Oh, I have a free period so i'm trying to get all my missing maths work done so I don't have to look at it again” They both begin to sit down with me at the table. “Good on you,” Darren says, looking at the papers on the table, grabbing a few to inspect. “Thanks Darren.” They shrug. “Are you going to Dusty's party Friday?” Quinni begins while I write down some formulas. “Uhh, what party?”
“He’s having a gatho to promote his band or something” Darren explains, pulling out their phone to show me the recent posts. “I didn't even see that, I haven't been on socials inna minute” They nod. “Hope we get to see you there. You always look so hot at parties.” “Says you!” I giggle. “We haven’t had a chat inna bit, how have you two been? I see you’re hanging with Amerie”
“Recovering from unfortunate events” Darren sighs. “Amerie is really sweet though when you get to know her!” Quinni pipes in. I nod, I don't think she means to have odd intentions sometimes. I just think she has a really big ego. 
“I mean yeah, but I got in some trouble off of that map.” I scratch my neck at the awkward talks I've had ever since news got out to my parents that I not only hooked up with a boy they’ve never met, but a girl I’ve brought over numerous amount of times during childhood. “Hey, maybe we can talk about it some more about it over the weekend, we all haven't hung out since like middle” Quinni comments. “I know that’s totally my fault. I think the only person I’ve really stayed in touch with is Ca$h..” Darren's eyes widen a little bit. “Ca$h? I had no idea you two were even friends”  I chuckle. “We just don’t hang out a lot during school. He’s always out doing something” I threw my hands in the air dismissively. “We have so much to catch up on obviously” I breathlessly laugh. Darren and Quinni smile knowingly, beginning to rise from their seats.
“Well, talk later (nickname)” 
“Later!” I lightly wave at the two before placing my headphones back over my ears. I don't hang out with people, inside or out. Not because I don’t want to, but because I feel like a liability. I have so many friends that I know care about me but for some reason, I just feel like because of how distant I can be as a person they would soon get sick of my behavior and just dip. 
So I kind of just dip first
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“In this demonstration, we learn how to respect people’s boundaries” I watch in disbelief at the video being displayed. It's incredible how outdated a sexual education video can be. “This is implausible” I mumble, rubbing my eyes and blinking heavily.
“Okay, miss, I have no idea what that was trying to teach us” Darren throws his hand upwards when the video ends. Quinni turns with her question “Why was the girl forcing everyone to eat her noodles?”.
“It's because it's misogynistic propaganda! Women aren't such dick-obsessed idiots” Sasha chips in. I lay my head on the table playing with my earplug wires looking toward the next speaker. “Uuuh, all the ones I’ve met are” Spider claims. “Your Sims girlfriend doesn't count Spider.” Harper pokes. “Was it supposed to be a joke?” I look up at Malakai. “Uh, no, it’s about the dangers of sharing intimate—”  “Noodles” Dusty interupptes Jojo. I giggle a little bit. “Forget about the noodles.” She sighs. “I'm trying but it's hard to unsee” Ant snickers. “It's basically telling us to be ashamed of our bodies” Darren voices his opinion. The constant debate between what the video was supposed to be about and why it's wrong to share nudes gets wicked tiring real quickly. “Look I get that this video isn’t going to stop you. But! There are ways to be smarter about it. Like, what if you don’t put your face in it”  “Truth” I spill replying to JoJo in my half-listening half-not-state. “But I have a very recognizable dick miss” Ant jokes, my face heats up a bit. “I'm gonna ignore that” Yeah, me to Jojo. “Like take the photo, fine. But keep yourself incognito.” She lists a few ways to have fun with it but without getting yourself into trouble. And then Woodsy interrupts it with a scowl. “Um! Moving on to the next lesson”
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When the class finally ends I’m already done I feel like I’ve lost a few brain cells and my hands are practically going numb from laying on them. As I stretch while I’m walking, I bump into someone behind me. “Oh shit my fault” I look at the victim of my actions and it happens to be Ant. Of course. “No need to be sorry gorgeous” he wraps his arms around my waist pulling me in closer. “Don’t you have better things to do rather than constrict me from my travels?” 
“No, I think this is the best thing on my list so far.” I scoff lightly, softly unraveling his hands from my waist. “How have things been at home since the map?” I ask as we walk toward the front entrance. “They suck, my moms, making me go to church like 3 times more. All because I got a wristy”
“Real, my parents are appalled a girl went down on me” I chuckle. He snorts a bit, looking at his shoes as he walks. “But I think I'm cooked for life to be honest. They definitely won't forgive me because they feel that I've lied to them. They’ve also been keeping me inside like a prisoner” I whine. His smile fades a little bit. “Oh, so does that mean you won't be coming to Dusty's party?” I scoff, “Of course I’m going” His smile returns almost instantly. “Really? Cause I snagged you a wrist band” He holds up the red band, slapping it onto my wrist. I smile holding my arm up to look at it. “How much?” He waves his hands back n’ forth. “No need babes.” He sucks in a breath to puff out his chest, “It’s on me” I laugh at his shenanigans. We ended up walking to his house just talking about random subjects the whole way there. “I don’t really wanna go in, wanna just chill out here?” He asks, looking at me a bit shyly.
“Sure” I reluctantly go to sit on the concrete ledge in front of his home. He sits next to me, playing with his gummy tray. I sigh looking at the water that's gracefully placed in front of his home. “You have the prettiest view ever,” I say as the breeze blows against my face. I can feel his eyes staring at me, in fatal attempt, I try to keep my eyes set on the scenery in front of me. I navigate my eyes as the waves move, then travel them towards Anthony. I glance at his face before shooting my head down toward our legs, which were nearby. “It’s about to be dark. I think I should start heading home now.” Ant pouts a bit, but agrees. I get up from my spot and dust off my jeans, hauling my backpack onto my shoulders. I examine Anthony one more time before waving and walking uphill. I cannot believe I feel this disappointed I couldn’t have spent more time with him.
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It's finally Friday night, time to get all pretty. I put on makeup that compliments my features and skin tone but still looks flashy enough for a party. I gaze at the outfit picked out for the night, it's a blood-red shirt with lace lining at the top rim of the shirt and bottom. Tightened so it hugs my bust and waist perfectly. It was cut down the middle to reveal my stomach, I paired it with a low-waisted long black skirt. I threw on some small hoop earrings, a necklace, and some open-toed sandals because they were gonna be covered up by my skirt anyway.
I grab my bag and phone, ready to head out. I walk toward my window, jumping out soundly and quietly. I keep aware of my surroundings and quietly rush towards Ca$h, who thankfully, didn't mind me catching a ride with him.
 “Thank you Dougieeee” he scoffs with a soft grin. “Shut up cunt” he ushers, driving away from my house.
We’re reluctantly let inside upon arrival. “Dusty's house is gorgeous,” I comment, Ca$h nods. He was getting ready to sell, we were in a far-back sort of area, So we could be seen but still a bit hidden you know(we’re in the kitchen). Solid dealer stuff. I’ve been here for around 10 minutes now and even before then it was already pretty packed. I decide to have a look around the place. Traveling through the stairwells, the crowded hallways, and then I finally see Ant, he’s in his pretty basic attire. I wouldn’t have expected less from him anyway. He has a lime in his grip that he squeezes for the sour taste, he trades for the alcohol with Spider. I walk over with a smirk lining my features. “What are you two doing?” “Well, what does it look like?” Spider asks, removing the bottle from his lips. 
“The start of a poorly written porno” Spider shoves my shoulder while I giggle. Ant puts down the bottle. He scans me from top to bottom. “You look good” Anthony takes my hand to pull me toward him, and I push myself back a bit. “Thanks, you…well you tried” He rolls his eyes, a grin lacing his lips. Spider has since left the two of us to replace the lime since he dropped the other on the ground. Anthony sits up straight, leaning himself on the wall beside him slightly. “I like your makeup, and your skirt, you just look nice” I giggle at his now contentious rambling. Spider comes back but with a guitar strapped around him. 
“Woah, didn't know you played” He nods enthusiastically. “Yep, and I'm GREAT at it” He walks past me to the stage where Dusty and the rest of his band start setting up. “We should go check it out yeah?” I veer my view to Ant, who was already staring at me. “Yeah, Yeah—Totally” He clears his throat and lets me string him to a viewable area to see the stage. “Oi, (nickname) you made it” Malakai comes into my line of vision. “Yeah! You look sick” I nudge him a bit. His smile gets ever so more bright. “Says you! Literally ate up your outfit” I laugh at his comment. “Thank you! I was trying to impress Anthony but I guess it worked with you to” Anthony’s eyes open a little wide.
“What?” I act clueless. “You were trying to impress me?” His eyes, now gaping into my soul stare back at me. “No…Yeah….No” I shyly look down at the floor before returning my vision toward the band on stage. Malakai smiles at me and Ant’s little interaction, now starting to focus on the band as well. 
“I'M A FAAAAAARRRRK” Spider yells into the microphone. Causing the crowd to yell back with laughs and eye-rolls. Dusty retrieves the mic “Thank you for coming out tonight. We are here in support of the Global Women’s Project” Cheers come from around. “Way to go, yeah! This shit is awesome..uh thanks Dad” Anthony and Malakai are giggling their asses off beside me, I pave my attention back toward the stage. “Yeah were Renaissance Titties and um, I just want to give a shout out to someone special in the audience. Um…There she is” 
Everyone turns, and he's pointing at Harper, Harper McLean.  “Hey…Harper...This song is for Harper McLean” There is so much happening at once. “It’s called ��My Life is Nothing Without the Warm Embrace of your Sweet Left Cheek’”.
That's such a terrible song name.
Harper walks out, and then Amerie follows. “Oh shit” Anthony mutters underneath his breath.
“I hope they don’t fight over Dusty, he is so not worth it” 
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jessiexcorner · 1 year
Heartbreak Highs
Description: Amerie, Harper, and (Y/n). The three were the best of friends until the incest map. A heartbreak high x reader. 
"I met Ameire when I was five."
A little brown girl with blue overalls and a pink shirt walks over to two girls one blond hair and the other (h/c). The blond draws a crocodile while the (h/c) hands her green crayons as she makes her own painting. “What’s that?” The new girl asks,
“It's a crocodile.” The blond responds.
“It's shit.” The brown girl states. The blond drops her pencil to flip off the new girl, making her smile, while the (h/c) hair girl giggles.
"For a long time, it had just been me and Harper, but with Ameire we were unstoppable."
The three girls run as a teacher chases them through the hall, “Stop it!” The girls giggle and run faster.
"They were my ride or dies. Nobody could come between us. Well, that was until the incest map. Ameire and Harper were super into romance, not that I wasn’t, it's just they tended to watch people.”
(Y/n) takes out her books from her locker clutching onto them as her friends, Amire and Harper giggle holding their books while staring at a couple making out against the lockers. The (h/c) color girl tries to pull them away from the scene but they don't budge.
"In so a creepy way.”
The girls now older, still watch as a couple fights making fun and guessing what the couple could probably be saying. “Oh, I swear to god Jessica you know I'm good for it eh?” Harper makes her voice deeper playing the man.
“If you touch her again I’ll fuckin smash ya, ya cheatin’ dog.” Ameire uses a high pitch.
“No babe, I'm fuckin’—“
“Kiss me!” Both girls make kissing noises. (Y/n) watches the teens quietly shaking her head.
“I don’t exactly know when it started to happen, but somehow I ended up drifting apart from the two,”
Amerie and Harper giggle as they write on the Incest map while (y/n) stands in the corner watching quietly. “You’re obsessed,” Harper comments as Amerie draws a line with a gold marker across her name and dusty.
“Destined,” Amerie says with a smile, (Y/n) looks down playing with the small rock on the floor, kicking it around, bored.
“Harper tried to include me in their activities, Amerie on the other hand seems to forget me more often. Maybe it's because Harper knew me for longer. Eventually, Harper left me behind too. I used to miss them from time to time and the fun we used to have, but now when I look back at those times, I remember they mostly kept me around because their parents trusted me, and if they were around ‘(Y/n) the good kid who gets grades and doesn’t do drugs’, they thought maybe their kids wouldn’t either, which gave harper and Amerie more freedom to actually, go out and do drugs. I completely stopped talking to them after the fight.”
“Ugh, I can't wait for the festival,” Amerie states sitting down on (Y/n)’s floor while eating a bunch of junk candy. Home worksheets thrown on the floor, harper lays on (y/n)’s bed taking some junk food from Amerie.
“I know right, I even got Cash to come and sell us some drugs, we are going to get so wasted.” Harper boasts. (Y/n) sits on her desk trying to finish her homework, ignoring the girls.
“Ah, no way? I can't wait, I got the tickets too! Look,” Amerie says taking out the tickets from her backpack and holding them out for Harper to see. Harper takes the tickets to inspect them noticing something.
“Am, there are only two tickets,” Harper states sitting up now.
“What?” Amerie looks up.
“You only got two tickets, what about (Y/n)?” Harper asks confused.
“Oh, well, she didn't give me the money for it so,” Amerie says glancing at the (h/c) hair-colored girl who sighs.
“I'm not coming.”
“What? Why not?” Harper questions.
“Because I don't want to keep being your guy’s babysitter when you get high or drunk.”
“..well you can just, drink with us,” Amerie states as if it's the easiest solution in the world.
“No, I can't Amerie, because if you knew anything you would know I don't want to.” (Y/n) snaps a little putting her finished homework away.
“..why are you so pissed off? It's just—“ Amerie gets cut off.
“Why am I so pissed off? Amerie. It's like the only time you guys ever hang out with me is because you want something from me or when I have use to you!”
“That's not true.” Harper defends herself and Amerie.
“Yes, it is! You only hang out with me because your parents think that you wouldn't possibly be going out to get drunk with me, and you guys are literally here because you wanted to copy my homework answers. You never hang out with me anymore just doing things like normal, it's always watching the latest hook-up or gossip or getting high and drunk. You never even invite me out anymore.” (Y/n) says angrily shaking a little trying to keep calm. The other two girls are silent and look at each other before collecting their things ready to leave.
“We’ll talk when you've calmed down,” Amerie says picking up her back.
“Oh fuck you, Amerie, just leave, I don't wanna talk to you again.” (Y/n) snaps. The brown girl walks out leaving Harper.
“..I,” Harper starts but then pauses not knowing what to say, muttering an apology while she walks off following Amerie, leaving (Y/n) by herself.
“After that, Harper would occasionally text me, and ask to try to hang out and watch movies like old times, but it wasn't the same. There was always this weird tension. I made new friends though, better friends. Quinni and Darren. Those two are actual ride or dies. They made me feel like I didn't have to pretend or have to get high for them to like me, they treated me right. I had almost forgotten about Harper and Amerie for a while, well that was until that night..”
At school grounds early in the morning, (Y/n) walks up to Quinni and Darren who are talking before someone bumps in between the two, squealing, ‘Dusty spoke to me!’ And giggling. “‘Dusty spoke to me’ what a pick me bitch. Also rude.” Darren mocks the brown girl who bumped them. (Y/n) chuckles lightly, agreeing.
“Maybe she didn't see us,” Quinni says kindly giving Amerie the benefit of the doubt.
“Oh please, Check the material. We are beautiful, exquisite jellyfish.” Darren says linking arms with both girls, brushing Quinni’s hair lightly, “of course they saw us.” They all walk heading to the school building. (Y/n) looks at her phone, sending a quick message to a contact labeled ‘H.’, ‘you coming soon?’ There’s a pause before the person responds with ‘yea see you there.’ The trio walks towards the steps seeing a new face. “Fresh blood,” Darren whispers to the two girls, (Y/n) looks up from her phone noticing a boy in a yellow t-shirt and multi-colored striped pants, asking for directions. As they walk past him to the stairs, the boy makes eye contact with (Y/n) giving a small awkward smile. (Y/n) smiles back and walks with her friends up the stairs, “What was that?” Darren questions,
“Were you trying to flirt with him? Oh, baby (Y/n), growing up so fast.” They say teasing.
“Shut up.” (Y/n) ignores the taller stylish kid. The three are about to head to class when someone shouts gaining everyone’s attention.
“Oi! There’s a fully-gacked sex map in the old stairwell. It's called the incest map!” The person shouts walking away, everyone intrigued follows, heading to the stairwell. (Y/n) looks over noticing Amerie stood still with a look of panic. Both girls rush to the stairwell, (Y/n) catching up with her friends. She looks over the map noticing it has grown much bigger than the last time she saw it, then again she stopped coming her long before the fight. She notices new names, including those of her friends Quinni and Darren, she looks over and notices her own name, not connected to anyone just having the words ‘Fish.’ In bold written in familiar handwriting. She tries to swallow the lump in her throat. She notices Missy walking away from her girlfriend upset about what she saw on the map.
“Darren jerked you off? Nice bro, you into dudes now?” A kid, Spider, teases their friend Anthony, also named Ant.
“Little cheeky huh?” Dusty comments, making a crude hand gesture.
“Who says I'm a dude?” Darren retaliates.
“Oh! Look (Y/n)’s a fish!” A couple of boys laugh. “Awe, I can change that for you if you want (Y/n)” Spider says making kissy faces at the girl who clenches her jaw. Looking over at Amerie who looks panicked and avoiding the girl’s gaze. Quinni searches the wall for her name before finding it, labelled ‘lazy kebab’
“That’s not true, what’s a lazy kebab? Spider what's a lazy kebab?” Quinni calls the guy who is said to spread the rumor.
The kids are called for a school meeting and they all sit in the hall. “It's mostly kids from our level, it must be someone we know,” Quinni comments her observation to the other two, who sit down.
“It's probably Spider or one of those idiots. Most of its bullshit anyway,” Darren says sitting in the middle comforting the girls. (Y/n) sits quietly beside Darren, glaring at Amerie, and forcing the kid in the seat next to her to move, leaving an empty seat beside her.
“So crazy right?” Amerie comments. (Y/n), although sitting a couple of seats away, hears this and scoffs. A girl walks into the hall wearing a grey shirt and red pants and having a shaved head.
“Holy shit is that Harps? Oh my god her hair,” Sasha comments sitting next to Amerie, she throws a paper ball at Harper only to miss. Most kids turn to look at the girl. Harper walks towards (Y/n) and sits next to her in the empty seat quietly. 
Amerie notices and stands calling out, “Harper,” only to be ignored and told to sit down by the principal.
“Fish, really couldn’t think up anything more clever than that?” (Y/n) comments blankly not looking at the girl next to her, Harper turns to glance at (Y/n) and mutters an apology.
“I didn't write it.”
“I know but, you didn’t stop her either.” (Y/n) sighs as she looks over at Harper before turning away and focusing on the principal. Both sit quietly next to each other.
There is complete silence. “I am a woke woman.” The principal starts. “I enjoy sex as much as the next person.” She states, making a couple of kids laugh and snicker. “But reputation is everything and this map has jeopardised your reputations and the reputation of our school on the first day back. We are currently in the process of contacting all the parents of everyone on this map and have strongly suggested that there are to be no more parties, shindigs, or gathos.” The students erupt in protest, while Amerie continues to look at Harper and (Y/n), who are sitting quietly. “Hey, hey, unsupervised parties equals alcohol. Alcohol equals poor choices. The risk-taking behaviors outlined on this map are unacceptable. Hartley High prides itself on being a safe environment.” Darren laughs at this. “But clearly this is a wake-up call that we are not doing enough. Oh, and we will find out who did this.” Amerie gulps. “Get to class, go, go, go.” Students stand and head to their classes, (Y/n) and Harper stand and walk together while Darren and Quinni follow.
“Harper, (Y/n) oi!” Amerie calls out only to be ignored and stopped by the principal. “Miss Wadia. Come with me.”
Ameire sits in principal Stacy’s office. “Well, I’ve had quite the education this morning, Amerie. “Wristy? Oh, right.” She reads off her phone. “Doughy? Fish?” Her dog, Joan of Bark, whimpers sitting in his bed. “I think I can work out ‘tongue punch in the fart box.’” She sighs and puts her phone down, while Amerie sits smiling. “I know it was you, Amerie. One of our maintenance staff saw you in the stairwell multiple times. Who else was in on it? Your usual accomplice, Harper? Did you also force (Y/n) into it with you two?”
“Nobody else was in on it,” Amerie says confidently no longer smiling.
"Do you know who I just got off the phone with? The Guardian, Amerie. The Guardian."
"Were all of these acts consensual?"
"I guess." Amerie shrugs confused.
"Are your mates using protection?" The principal questions.
"I don't know."
"Well, how can you know that Alyssa scissored Nina, but not know if they're using contraception?" She asks suspiciously.
"I don't think you have to use contraception when you scissor someone, Miss." Amerie sarcastically retorts.
"I'd say that's a very dangerous assumption actually, Amerie. What do we have to do to get through to you? We've done the classes. We've watched the videos. We've had the police consultants in. And yet, here we are with this map." Miss Stacy scolds, "One foot out of line, one late slip, one phone infraction, and I will expel you. Understood?"
"Can I go to class now?"
"Yes, you may."
"Wait! You call this the Incest Map. I'm assuming that's just a play on words and not the actual..."
"Play on words, Miss." She quickly assures the principal.  
"Okay, good. Now, get out of my office before I do expel you, by the count of three. One, two, three!" She sighs.
Pt.2;  https://www.tumblr.com/jessiexcorner/716409910079913984/heartbreak-highs-pt-2?source=share
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cosmicflw3rr · 3 months
im feigning guys send me request on heartbreak high PLEASE. IF YOU HAVENT WATCHED YOU SHOULD BUT YE!!!
I’ll write for
anthony vaughn
malakai mitchell
and maybe dusty
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inkyquince · 1 year
Masterlist- Patreon Posts and Commissions
(Now Free!)
Degrees of Lewdity
Teacher Fuck Fest (DoL teachers)
Daddy Dearest (Bailey)
Innocent Crush (Eden)
Bitching an Alpha (Eden)
You are what you smoke… Fag (Whitney)
Wren’s Unionising Perks (Wren)
Bitter Almonds (Veteran Guard)
Kicking Up A Fuss- (Remy x F!PC x Wren)
The Backrooms- (Landry x F!PC)
Remy's Journal (Remy x Cowboy!PC)
Snake Eyes- (Naga!Remy x PC x Wren)
Commission Letters
Kylar Stalker Letter- (Kylar being a nasty)
Kylar Creepy Omegaverse Letter- (Thirsting after Beta Reader)
Harper creeping on Hermaphrodite Reader
Wren and The Boss' Spouse
Fire Emblem
Hole in The Wall (Chrom)
He Doesn’t Count, He’s a Bodyguard (Chrom and Lon'qu- Fire Emblem)
Potion Permit
Sleeping with the Enemy (Matheo- Potion Permit)
Nu Carnival
Unwilling Sacrifice (Quincy- Nu Carnival)
Inky's OC's
The Freak (Inky OC- Soren Desiree)
His Favourite Pet (Zacarie De Fay- VtM OC)
Uptown Girl (Lachlan- VtM OC)
Unholy Confession (Father Blythe- VtM OC)
Romancing a Tremere (Lucrece- VtM OC)
You and Me and The Nos (Lachlan Reddick and Islan McLean- VtM OCs)
Marking the Master (Seir- Inky OC)
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itsss4t4n · 10 months
Who I write for /Rules
I'm new-ish to writing (i used to write fanfiction when i was like 13. i'm 18 now soo..) but I really wanna do it again.
So this is a list of characters/fandoms I write for as well as some rules for asks. Some things may be missing from this list so if you dont see something on this list, feel free to ask. :))
I will add a prompt list to this blog soon but again feel free to request other scenarious. Do add as much detail as you want to a request and please ALWAYS have at least some sort of prompt, as i'm really not good with coming up with storys on my own yet.
I WILL NOT DO SMUT SO DONT REQUEST IT! I might however do spicy stuff (Nothing more than making out tho).
My writing will be for all ages but please still be careful if the fic-warnings include sensitive topics and i might repost some 18+ things so be careful when navigating my blog.
Please be nice and have manners when requesting.
If you have any questions at all if i write for something, or if a topic you want me to write about is okay or not, please reach out through my asks or my inbox.
Also please include what gender/pronouns you want the reader to have (i write for all genders):)))
I write both romantic and platonic for all my characters. Although Teen!readers will always be platonic if the character is an adult.
I also write poly relationships. AUs are also totally on the table (big Fan of celebrity AUs).
Some things I will not write include: Pregnancy, toxic/yandere, student x teacher.
(Also english isnt my first language, and even know in my opinion i speak it really well, if they are any mistakes, thats why.)
Sally face
-Sal Fisher
-Travis Phelps (male or gn readers)
-Larry Johnson
-Ashley Campbell
Harry Potter
-Fred Weasley
-george Weasley
-lee jordan
-Charly weasley
-Bill weasley
-cedric diggory
-Fleur delacour
-olliver wood
-sirius black
-remus lupin
-James potter
-sirius black
-remus lupin
-regulus black
-Evan rosier
-Barty crouch jr
-pandora lestrange
-lilly evans
-marlene mckinnon
Hogwarts Legacy
-Sebastian Sallow
-Ominus Gaunt
-Gareth Weasley
-Poppy Sweetings
-Imelda Reyes
Die drei fragezeichen / the three investigators
-Bob Andrews
-Peter Shaw
-Justus Jonas
-Skinny Norris
-Jasper Hale
-Emmet Cullen
-carlisle cullen
-esme cullen
-rosalie hale
-alice cullen
-sam uley
-Paul lahote
-charlie swan
-Leah clearwater
-Percy jackson
-Anabeth chase
-luke castellan
-clarrisse larue
-selena beauregard
-charles beckendorf
-ethan nakamura
-nico di anglo (no romantic fem readers)
-rachel elizabeth dare
-will solace (no romantic fem reader)
-travis stoll
-connor stoll
-hazel levesque (no romantic)
-jason grace
-leo valdez
-piper mclean
Magnus chase
-Magnus chase
-samirah al abbas ( no romantic)
-alex fierro
-malory keen
-tj (thomas jefferson jr)
Kane chronicles (havent read it in a while so might be ooc)
-Carter kane
-sadie kane
-walt stone
MCU (Avengers)
-bucky Barnes
-steve rogers
-tony stark
-sam wilson
-natasha romanoff
-yelena belova
-Peter Parker (tom holland and andrew garfield)
-Wanda maximof
-Piedro maximof
-Clint barton
-scott lang
-stephen strange
-kate bishop
MCU ( Guardians of the galaxy)
-peter quill
-steven grant
-mark spector
-layla el-faouly
Daredevil (Season 1)
-matt murdock
-Foggy nelson
-Karen page
-James wesley
X-men universe
-Eddie Brock
-Harley Quinn
-Jason Todd
-Dick Grayson (any version, young justice, robin, nightwing,etc.)
-wally west
-roy harper (young justice)
Disney Descendants
-Carlos devil
-Benjamin beast
-Chad charming
-Audrey rose
-Harry hook
Rise of red
-james hook
Tiny Pretty things (Netflix)
-Bette Whitlaw
-oren lennox
-shane madej (no romantic fem readers)
-June park
Jennifers Body
-Jennifer Check
-Colin gray
Ever after high
-all characters
Redacted Audios (no x reader, just ships)
-literally all characters
52 notes · View notes
jjtheresidentbaby · 2 years
♡ Headcanon Masterlist ♡
I think my masterlists have been getting crowded so I decided to put all my headcanons here
Stranger Things:
Stranger things characters as Encanto powers 
Steve x little!sister reader headcanons 
Max x Mike friendship headcanons 
Eddie x short little!reader headcanons 
Cg!argyle x little!eddie headcanons 
stranger things classification headcanons 
Rating stranger things relationships 
Steve x Eddie Caregiver Rules headcanons 
Little Mike headcanons 
Caregiver Johnathan headcanons 
Little Steve Harrington headcanons 
Little Eddie Munson headcanons 
Autistic Wheeler Sibling headcanons
Caregiver Nancy Wheeler headcanons 
Little Nancy Wheeler headcanons
Little Lucas Sinclair Headcanons
Caregiver Stancy adopting Little Johnny headcanons
Criminal Minds:
criminal minds classification headcanons 
Little Jj headcanons 
More Little Jj headcanons 
Even More Little Jj headcanons 
Caregiver Penelope headcanons 
Caregiver Alex headcanons 
More Caregiver Alex headcanons 
Little Reid headcanons 
More Little Reid headcanons
Little Jj x Caregiver Emily headcanons
Caregiver Hotchniss x Little Jj headcanons
Little Jj Security Item headcanons
Little Jj workplace headcanons
Little Jj staying home headcanons
Little Jj x Caregiver Em nickname headcanons
Caregiver Jj x Will headcanons
Caregiver Reid headcanons
Flip Emily Prentiss headcanons
Caregiver Luke Alvez headcanons
Little Jj x Caregiver Hotchniss living together headcanons
Little Jj age range with Caregiver Hotchniss headcanons
Caregiver Jj x Will headcanons .2
s.w.a.t classification headcanons 
Caregiver Hondo headcanons 
Caregiver Deacon Kay headcanons 
Comfort Deacon Kay Caregiver headcanons 
Bedtime Routine s.w.a.t Caregiver headcanons 
Jessica Cortez Caregiver headcanons
Caregiver Steve Rogers headcanons
Caregiver (general) Peter Parker headcanons
Caregiver Bruce Banner headcanons
Caregiver Tony Stark headcanons
Little Kate Bishop headcanons
Caregiver Castiel headcanons
Caregiver Dean & Part Monster Little headcanons
Caregiver Dean & Little Sam headcanons
Caregiver Sam Winchester headcanons
Caregiver Gabriel headcanons
Teen Wolf:
Hale Pack Classification headcanons
McCall Pack Classification headcanons
Puppy Pack Classification headcanons
Caregiver Melissa McCall headcanons
Caregiver Peter Hale headcanons
Little Vanessa x Caregiver Mike headcanons - attached to day 3 moodboard of fictionalagerechallange
Flip Lexi Howard headcanons
Caregiver Elliot headcanons
School Bus Graveyard:
Little Aiden Clark headcanons
Heartbreak High:
Flip Quinni Gallagher-Jones headcanons
Flip Amerie Wadia headcanons - attached to day 5 moodboard of fictionalagerechallange
Little Spencer ‘Spider’ White headcanons - attached to day 6 moodboard of fictionalagerechallange
Little Ant Vaughn headcanons
Little Harper McLean headcanons
Little Missy Beckett headcanons
Flip Ca$h Piggott headcanons
Little Quinni Gallagher-Jones headcanons
Little Malakai Mitchell headcanons
More Little Quinni Gallagher-Jones headcanons
Little Spencer ‘Spider’ White headcanons [little gear specific]
Ant & Spider Regression Friendship headcanons
Caregiver Malakai Mitchell headcanons
Caregiver Spencer ‘Spider’ White headcanons
Outer Banks:
Little John B headcanons
Little Jj Maybank headcanons [water specific]
The Umbrella Academy:
Little Five Hargreeves headcanons
Little Luther Hargreeves headcanons
41 notes · View notes
kolophon · 3 years
ʀᴇǫᴜᴇsᴛɪɴɢ ɢᴜɪᴅᴇʟɪɴᴇs
my requests are: open/closed
i will write:
headcanons, blurbs, drabbles, sometimes imagines.
i will not write:
incest, smut, and pedophilia. other things may come up as i begin taking requests.
when requesting, please:
tell me if you want x reader or oc.
tell me if you want the reader to be gn, fem or male
clearly state the character, as i write for different fandoms and some characters do have the same first name and i don't want to be confused by which character you want me to write for.
characters i take requests for:
from mcu:
peter parker
tony stark
bucky barnes
natasha romanoff
sam wilson
from dc animated movies/shows:
i will list the specific movies/shows for anyone who doesn't know which movies i'm referencing.
dick grayson (young justice, dc animated movies)
roy harper (young justice)
wally west (young justice)
bruce wayne (dc animated movies)
terry mcginnis (batman beyond)
john constantine (dc animated movies)
the movies i'm referencing are at this link
harry potter movies:
harry potter
hermione granger
ron weasley
draco malfoy
oliver wood
sirius black
percy jackson/heroes of olympus:
percy jackson
annabeth chase
jason grace
piper mclean
leo valdez
hazel levesque
frank zhang
reyna ramirez-arellano
even though i do not attend high school anymore, when summer would technically end for a student i will be starting on getting my ged or equivalent. i also watch a child during weekdays and after school during the school year. please be patient with me as i try to get to your request in a reasonable amount of time.
20 notes · View notes
theycallmemoosey · 6 years
Whatever You Say, Rapp
Mitch Rapp x Reader
WARNINGS: angst, torture, mention of suicide (do not read if easily triggered - I do too, dw), mention of murder, mention of blood
A/N: First AA fic! I think I went a bit overboard with this and kinda crammed every scenario into this. Also, I am posting this in the middle of nowhere (like - near Scotland middle of nowhere) with the shittest wifi and the worst signal so I’m afraid no gif for this fic. I really hope you enjoy as I did really try with this one. Moose :)
“Y/N, just got a call from Hurley, he has a lead on a potential case and he wants me to check it out” 
“You want me to work my magic?” You asked, taking a bite out of a slice of leftover pizza.
“Well, I can see your clearly busy” he gestured towards the pizza, amusement on his face. 
You groaned, storming past a grinning Mitch and plopping down in front of your laptop, “What’s the name?” 
“James Walton. Owner and manager of Walton’s Insurance a few years back but just stopped turning up one day. Single, looks around 35 to 40, no children as far as we know and-“ 
“Got him. I’ll just work out his social media passwords, find out his phone number and track his most recent activity. Piece of cake” 
Mitch smiled at you proudly, stroking your hair, “You never fail to impress me” 
“Most recent activity is just down the road. Go on, kick ass” you smiled up at him, kissing him before he grabbed his phone, gun and jacket, “Wait! Mitch!” 
“What? What’s wrong?” 
“Earpiece” you reminded him, holding up the discrete earpiece first given to the two of you when you worked your first mission together. 
“Oh yeah, that’s kinda important” he smiled, kissing you before rushing down the apartment block stairs. 
You sighed heavily, slamming the door and grabbing the pizza box before heading back to the desk. 
“You there yet?” You asked, knowing the microphone attached to the laptop was already connected to Mitch’s earpiece. 
“No” Mitch chuckled, his voice low as he kept his profile in plain sight.
“You there yet?” 
“Don’t start this, babe. I can’t listen to you ask me that for the next 10 minutes” 
“Whatever you say, Rapp” 
You kept silent for a bit, listening to him breathe heavily, the sound of the crowd in the background. 
“You there yet?” 
“Oh my-I will destroy this” 
“By all means, but if you get in the shit, you’re on your own” you said, a mouthful of pizza.
“I love you” He chuckled, “I’m here. The cafe right?”
“Yeah. You see him?”
“No…are you sure he’s here?” 
“Most recent activity on his phone was…right there. Look harder” 
“Y/N, I’m looking!” He exclaimed in a hushed tone, aware that he was bringing attention to himself, “Can you check again?” 
“Mitch, I’m looking at the live feed right now, I can’t give you any more information than-OH MY GOD!” You screamed, the sound of crashing alerting Mitch, making him stand up and flip the chair.
“Babe?! Are you there? Shit shit shit” 
Mitch sprinted back to the apartment block, gripping the gun in his jacket pocket. He burst the door open and took a sharp inhale of breath. The room had been trashed. The desk had been flipped, your computer monitors smashed, your laptop twisted, papers littering the floor. 
“Y/N? Are you in here?!” He called out, rushing to check every room, “Baby?!” 
He stopped in his tracks when he saw the note pinned to the door with one of his daggers. 
“No. No, no, no” he cried, tearing the note from the door.
One step ahead of you, Rapp. I’ll give her back for a price. Catch me if you can.
“Fucking BASTARD!” Mitch roared, screwing the paper up and throwing it in any direction, punching the drywall next to him, “He’s going to fucking pay. He’ll FUCKING PAY” 
He grabbed his phone up off of the floor from when it fell out his pocket, scrolling furiously to find Stan’s number.
“Stan? He took her. The bastard took her” 
“Get here in 10” 
“I give you one mission Rapp, and here we are with an even bigger problem” 
If looks could kill, Stan would be dead on the floor right now. 
“You sent me on that mission. YOU sent me. Because YOU sent me, SHE is gone. That Walton guy took her!” 
“He’s more dangerous than we first thought. I spoke to Irene Kennedy-“ 
“The one that set me up in this whole fucking deal? That woman?” 
“Yeah. She was able to find me another agent to help you find Y/N” 
“I don’t want help” 
“You’re gonna need it, Rapp. If this guy is as dangerous as he turns out to be, you’re going to need all the help you can get. Look, this girl has been personally recommended by the CIA, she’s clearly good” 
Mitch sighed, running his hands through his hair in frustration, “Fine. Fine. Do we have any idea where this Walton guy is?” 
“Kennedy is investigating right now. Apparently, a missing CIA ground agent is quite a big deal. Just lay low here for now while we wait for any news from HQ” Stan ordered, sitting on his desk and flicking through his phone.
“Look, this guy is a mass murderer. Fraudster. Just an evil guy. He might have his hands on my girlfriend right now. You really expect me to sit here willingly while she’s in danger?”
“Not my fault you’re in love with her” Stan shrugged, not looking up from his phone.
“This is all your fault!” Mitch screamed, his hands balled up into fists to resist the urge to punch anyone or anything nearby, “You sent me that mission! You asked me to go after this guy! Oh, and must I forget, YOU are the one that put me and Y/N in a team. You are the reason they went after her” 
“Whatever you say, Rapp”
Mitch growled slightly, making Stan look up, observing Mitch’s fuming body language, “She’s an agent too, she had just the same amount of risk being captured as any one of us. Just because she’s your girlfriend doesn’t make her job any more dangerous than it already was”
Mitch breathed heavily and angrily, realising that Stan was right, “If anything happens to her, Stan…I-I just can’t lose her too. It was hard enough losing-losing-“
Stan and Mitch both turned their heads towards the doorway, their eyes landing on a woman.
“Who the fuck are you?” Mitch spat, offended that she dared speak Katrina’s name.
“Your partner” she shrugged, pushing herself off the doorframe and heading past Mitch to shake Stan’s hand, “Sorry I’m late” 
“Well, you’re here now” he said, “Mitch, this is Rebecca Tulsa” 
“Like the town?” Mitch snarled, glaring at her.
“Good to meet you too”
“Alright. We have some intel. They tracked the van that they saw on CCTV leave your apartment garage, and it is currently on the way to…the airport” 
“The what-“
“You heard, Rapp. You guys better get your asses in gear to find out wherever the hell they’re taking her. Now, this guy is crazy rich so I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re taking a private jet” 
“How are we gonna get onto the runway to track a private fucking jet?” 
“Work it out. Now go!” 
 The drive to the airport was silent, Mitch glaring at everything. 
“What’s with the anger, tough guy?”
“Shut the fuck up” 
“Or what?” 
“Or I’ll stop this car and throw you out” 
“You won’t do that” 
“Want to see me try?” He asked, his voice laced with venom, “The only reason you’re here right now is because of the fact that my superior demanded that I had to have back up. If it were up to me, you wouldn’t be here right now” 
“Well, fortunately, it isn’t up to you. So you’re stuck with me” 
Mitch grumbled, his hands gripping the steering wheel.
“How did you even know about Katrina?” 
“I know everything about you” 
“You don’t know shit about me”
“Full name is Mitch Rapp, parents whereabouts unknown, only family left is your brother Steven Rapp, and the two of you were raised in McLean, Virginia. You attended Syracuse University where you majored in International Business with a minor in French. You attended college on a lacrosse scholarship, turning down a scholarship from the University of North Carolina because your high school sweetheart, Katrina Harper, was attending Syracuse with the hope of getting into broadcasting. The two of you went on a vacation to Ibiza where you proposed to her. She accepted but moments later the terrorist group-“ 
“That’s enough” Mitch warned, not wanting to replay the memories in his head.
“A year later, you graduated from Syracuse and a week later began training for the CIA, after being headhunted by Irene Kennedy. You spent years being trained by former CIA operative Stan Hurley. Since, you’ve been working multiple cases given to you by Hurley, one of which you were partnered with your now girlfriend, Y/N Y/LN. You’re fluent in Arabic, Persian, Urdu, Pashto, German and Italian. You’re ambidextrous but naturally use your left hand. You also prefer dogs over cats” 
Mitch was speechless, glancing towards his new partner, “You sure do know a lot about me” 
“I was given your file from HQ” 
“My file says I prefer dogs over cats?” 
“I did a little research on the side. Your alias’ Facebook profile, Mitch Kruse, likes a lot of posts including dogs. I know you and Y/N were also planning on adopting a dog” 
“You hacked into my facebook account?!” 
“What? Like it’s hard? Doesn’t your girlfriend do that for a living? I would have thought you had a lot more security on your accounts”
“One more word and I will put a bullet through your brain” 
“Whatever you say” Rebecca laughed, smirking at the idea that she had the upper hand.
You squinted your eyes, the bright light blinding you. As you adjusted to the environment, you tried to shout out, only to find that you had been tied and gagged to an aeroplane seat, your ears popping when you saw that outside the window, you were taking off.
“Boss, she’s awake” 
You were soon met face to face with the same guy Mitch had been trying to track down just hours ago. 
“You’re probably wondering what’s going on right now” 
You glared at him, not able to stop the single tear falling down your cheek.
“We know who you are. We know who you work for. And you will give us all the information about the CIA you can. Everyone you know who works there and what jobs you’re assigned. And we will not stop until you give us the information we need” 
You stared at him, flicking your eyes downwards to indicate towards the gag.
“Oh no, we’re not taking that out yet. Not until we’re at our final destination. You weren’t even supposed to wake up until we were there!” 
You looked at him with a confused expression, your heart racing in fear although you dared not show it.
“Bruce, please sort this girl out” 
“Yes, boss” 
The big, bulky guy stormed up to you, and after a single swipe from the back of his hand, you were out again.
“I’m a business partner of Mr Walton, I need to know where he flew to this morning” Mitch demanded, glaring at the receptionist.
“I’m sorry, sir, but that information is classified” 
“I need to know, it’s urgent” 
“Again, sir, I can’t share that information with you” she persisted, smiling forcefully. 
Rebecca sighed, “Look, lady. We’re with the CIA. He is a wanted man and we have to know where he is going right now. If you don’t share this information with us right this second, we will take you into custody. Now, are you going to tell us where he is headed or are you going to leave this airport in cuffs?” 
The receptionist looked at Rebecca with fear in her eyes, immediately typing on her computer with a sense of urgency. Mitch looked at Rebecca surprised, making her smirk and shrug.
“Canada?! Why the hell are they taking her to-“ 
“Calm down!” Rebecca hissed before turning to the receptionist, “I’m sorry about him. Listen, we need two tickets on the next flight to Vancouver” 
“There’s one leaving in 15 minutes. I’ll speak to security and let them know who you are and see if I can get you to the plane immediately. Do you have your CIA ID?” 
“Yes” Mitch huffed, surveying the airport.
“Great, just flash that at anyone who questions you and they’ll let you straight past” 
“Thanks for your help” Rebecca smiled weakly, grabbing her bag and running towards the gate. 
“So you just…go around screaming who you work for to any random person” 
“If it’s necessary, yes. If you want to catch this guy and get your girl back, then I suggest we get a move on” 
“You know best” he mumbled, starting to run towards the gate.
“Who do you work for?”
“You told me you know. If you actually knew, you wouldn’t be asking me” 
James smacked your face, making you groan and twitch your jaw, the sting making your eyes water.
“I want names” 
“You may want them, but you’re certainly not getting them from me”
He laughed manically, sighing while rubbing his knuckles, “You’ve got quite a smart mouth on you, haven’t you, you slag” 
He punched you square in the jaw, making you hiss in pain and spit blood on the floor.
“Not gonna lie, you can take a punch”
“That’s what you get when you grow up with an abusive father” 
“Aw, what a sob story” he patronisingly cooed, punching the other side of your face, missing your eye by an inch, “Now are we going to get any names?” 
“You already know one” you breathed heavily, “If you knew who I was, then you know who I live with. I wasn’t quite out when I saw you pin that note up. I know you have your eye on Mitch. And I swear to god-“ 
“What do you swear?” He asked, smiling psychopathically, “What do you swear to god?” 
“You touch him, you have no chance of finding out any information from me. Touch one hair on his head, I will stay silent. Doesn’t matter how much you torture me, I won’t say a word if you hurt him” 
“You really love this man, don’t you?” 
“You will never know” 
James hummed, twisting the chair opposite you backwards, sitting on it back to front while staring directly at your face.
“Do you know who I am?”
“James Walton” you breathed, your head beginning to feel light headed.
“Everyone knows that, you silly little girl. I mean do you KNOW who I-“
“Grew up and was educated in England, family lived in Surrey and was hideously wealthy. You lived off Daddy’s money and used it to expand and branch out his business to America. You are the manager of multiple Walton’s Insurances across nearly 30 states, earning a net profit of about $20 million a year. That was, until, you had a loss of $4 million one year and you just stopped turning up to work one day"
“Enough” he snarled, jumping off the chair to pace around the dimly lit room, the only light from a flickering, industrial lightbulb.
“You’re a wanted man, both from the CIA and the FBI for both fraud and obsessive assassinations. Since then, you have participated in the murders of nearly 30 individual people, pretty much all of them being innocent people who were struggling to pay you back. You got a thirst for death and began torturing and killing people willy nilly! Not only that but you hide your true self behind the alias of James Walton, don’t you, Joseph Washington?!”
“I SAID ENOUGH!” He roared, launching himself towards you and punching you in the face until you were knocked down to the floor, “You have no right” 
“You killed the real James Walton, didn’t you?” You laughed breathily, your face in more pain that you thought you would ever endure, “You were raised in shitty government funded apartments in Chicago by two abusive parents, and you were born into no money. You spent years finding the perfect doppelganger that you could perfect becoming. You have lived most of your adult life as a fraudster. And you won’t ever stop, will you Joe?” 
He was so furious you could see his face turn red, his hand darting to grab the dagger from the table. He mercilessly stabbed your abdomen, making you scream out in pain, blood bleeding everywhere. You knew that he purposefully stabbed you in a place where no serious damage would be done, but you couldn’t feel like this was it. You just wished for Mitch to burst in the door and save you. 
“I’m being nice, Y/N…don’t piss me off”
He harshly got off of you, breathing heavily to calm himself down before heading out the room, leaving you tied to a chair, lying on the floor with a dagger in your abdomen in complete darkness. 
“Hurry up, Rapp”
“Mitch, stop running” 
“We need to find her. The more time we spend here, the more they could be hurting her” 
“We don’t even know where he is! There’s no point just running around the city aimlessly. We don’t even know they’re still in Vancouver. We need to just lay low somewhere this evening, check all the local CCTV and work out logistically where he may be”
“I can’t waste a second here! They might be killing her” 
“They’re not gonna kill her” Rebecca sighed, exhausted and frustrated that Mitch would not slow down.
“How do you know what the hell they’re going to do to her?” Mitch snarled at her, finally stopping.
“They’re after information. You saw the note they left at your apartment, they’re after you. Knowing Y/N, she’s not going to release any information about anything or anyone” 
“Don’t pretend like you know anything about her. You don’t know her” 
“Yeah. Yeah, ok. I don’t. But if she’s anything like you, she’s tough” 
“God” he groaned, rubbing his eyes in exhaustion, “Yeah, she’s tough”
“You two are going to have the most amazing kids” Rebecca smiled, touching Mitch’s arm reassuringly.
“If we ever have any” he sighed, “You’re right. Let’s…let’s set up in the hotel across the street. We just need to find out where the fuck he went”
“I know you’re scared” 
“No, no you have no idea” he threw over his shoulder, storming out of the airport to signal a taxi.
“Actually, I kind of do” Rebecca mumbled as they got into the taxi.
“No, you don’t know what it’s like to be terrified. I’ve already lost one love of my life, I can’t lose another. She brought me joy in my life since-since I lost Katrina“ 
“Then it’s essential we get her back” she smiled. 
The ride to the hotel was silent, Mitch’s breathing heavy.
“My husband David, he…we both worked for the CIA for years. Met the same way you and Y/N did. We both went on a mission in Marrakesh and he was taken by the terrorist group we were meant to take down. He…he was killed” 
“I’m sorry to hear that” 
“I haven’t been the same since. We were planning on having kids and…buying a house and getting a dog” 
“You can still have that” 
“No” she laughed sadly, “No, I can’t. I promised him I would never love another person the same way I loved him” 
Mitch smiled sadly, “Maybe it’s time you moved on. He would want you to find someone that made you as happy as you deserve”
“Thank’s Mitch” she laughed quietly, “Maybe you’re not as cold-hearted as I thought you were” 
“I’m made of stone” he matched her laugh, “No emotions at all. Not sure how Y/N puts up with me to be honest” 
“Good morning, Y/N” 
“It’s the morning?” You sighed, squinting out of one eye as the other was swollen from last night’s torturing.
“It’s been 5 days…I don’t think your Mitch is coming to save you” 
“I don’t need saving” you scoffed, twisting your hands behind your back to find some sort of comfort in the restraints.
“Oh, then please do tell, how are you going to get out of this situation?” 
“Just sleep with your eyes open” you smirked, or at least tried to.
“Do you want to know HOW I know that your Mitch isn’t going to come and rescue you?” 
You sighed and hesitantly made eye contact with him, “How?”
“Let me show you” he smiled, grabbing the closest table, and opening his laptop.
“What is that?” You asked, your eyes trying to focus on the screen on the laptop.
“That ls a live feed from a nearby hotel. Room 1804. Recognise anyone?”
You watched carefully, your heart dropping when you saw Mitch walk in the room with another woman. She was beautiful, with long brown hair and a beautifully shaped body. She was almost perfect.
“What do you want to do for dinner tonight?” 
“Um…well, just order some room service. I’m just gonna take a shower and then I’ll be right out” Mitch shrugged, throwing his duffel bag on the only double bed in the room.
“Don’t be too long” she smiled teasingly.
“What is this?” You asked quietly, not willing to believe what you were seeing.
“I think you know perfectly well what that is…do you know her?” 
“Oh, that’s funny…because I do”
“Her name is Lauren Bradbury. She works for me. Dear old Mitch needed some backup, so we sent Miss Rebecca Tulsa” 
“Like the town?”
“Except the REAL Rebecca Tulsa? She’s right here” he exclaimed, opening the nearby metal cupboard, a female body dropping out. 
“HOLY SHIT” you screamed, trying desperately to move away from the dead body that was laying on the floor.
“Oh look look!” The sick psychopath pointed towards the laptop, “It’s the best part!”
You shut your eyes, not wanting to see anything else that was going to break your heart. He must have noticed, as he moved around to the back of the chair to pry your eyes open, forcing you to watch. 
Mitch walked out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist, his hair still wet from the shower.
“Rebecca? Did you order food?” He asked, grabbing some clothes from his bag. 
Rebecca came out from behind a wall in the room, only in her black, lacy underwear, “You can call me Bex, you know” 
Mitch stood staring at her, his breathing hitched, “O-okay, Bex”
She laughed, “Sorry, I was just getting changed into something a little more comfortable. I ordered food” 
“G-good” he stuttered, his eyes fixated on her face, trying not to look anywhere else. She smiled and stepped a few steps forward. 
“I was thinking about what you said earlier and you were completely right. I DO deserve someone who will make me happy” she whispered, placing her hand on his chest and running it up to his neck.
“Wha-“ Mitch was interrupted by her lips on his, forcefully pulling him closer towards her and dropping his towel so he was completely nude.
“MITCH!” You cried, Joesph pausing the video on the image of Mitch’s hands on Rebecca’s waist, their lips on each other. 
He tutted, “Maybe your boyfriend isn’t who he said he was” 
“He would never-“ 
“But he just did!” He rubbed it in your face, smiling at the tears falling down your face, “You don’t deserve him, Y/N. Look what he does to you. You get kidnapped and he sleeps with someone else?”
“I can’t believe he would do this” 
“You may not have believed it, but you best believe its true” 
You closed your eyes, letting more tears fall. You heard him chuckle under his breath, followed by the loud slam of the warehouse door.
“Woah, what the fuck?!” Mitch shouted, pushing Rebecca by her waist so hard she fell to the floor, desperately trying to cover himself up with the towel that was pooling at his feet, “Was this your plan all along?!”
She laughed, “Oh, Mitchy. You really let your guard down” 
“Why are you laughing?” 
“No reason” she smiled, standing up and starting to get dressed back into some clothes, “Just how easy you are” 
“Easy? What do you mean, easy?”
“Oh that guy you’re looking for? James Walton? He’s in apartment 40 in Well’s House, two streets across from here” 
“How do you know that?” 
“I got intel” she shrugged, opening the door. It was slammed shut, making her squeal before she was flipped around, her back slammed against the wall with Mitch’s hand against her throat.
Rebecca laughed wheezily, struggling under his grip, “Whatever you say, Rapp”
His grip tightened and he was hissing through his clenched teeth, “Is she alive?”
“I don’t have to answer you” she struggled out, Mitch punching her in the gut.
“Hurt? Probably. Alive? Get there soon enough she may still be”
Rebecca was thrown to the floor harshly, Mitch storming over his bag to quickly get dressed before grabbing his phone, gun and jacket and heading out the door.
“You can talk to me, Y/N” Joseph smiled creepily, wiping the dirt and blood from your cheek, “What’s the point of keeping everything a secret now? I know you’ve lost the will to live” 
“You don’t know shit. And you never will” you spat, looking at the floor, your heart still aching from what you witnessed not so long ago. 
“Y/N, you’re going to die one way or another. I did some research on you, you know. I know you were hospitalised for multiple suicide attempts. Mitch gave you a reason to live, didn’t he? What you just saw broke you inside…I know that you’re planning another attempt right now, aren’t you? Well, again, two ways you are going to die. You can talk and I will let you look at the world once more, or you can stay silent and I will just have to kill you myself” 
“Just another one to add to the list, right?” 
“If you want to look at it that way, sure” he shrugged, leaning on the table.
You sighed, knowing that you were going against your better judgement, “Fine. I’ll talk” 
“I’m glad you’ve come to your senses” 
“I…my full name is Y/N Y/L/N, I am the intelligence partner of Mitch Rapp, we were trained by ex CIA operative Stan Hurley and our CIA intelligence superior is Irene Kennedy” 
“Well well well, that’s a good start” 
“I’ve got to be honest, that’s as much as I can give you. The group I trained with all probably have different names and lives. Those names are the extent of my knowledge”
“Oh” he frowned, revealing a gun from the back of his jeans, “Then I guess you’re no use to me” 
“Wait, we had a deal” you squirmed in the chair, your wrists raw from the rapes tying you to the back of the chair, “Please, I’ve told you all I know”
“It wasn’t enough. And you should know by now, Y/N…don’t trust what anybody says. It was nice to meet you” 
You began to sob as the gun was raised to your head, Joseph smiling. You closed your eyes when you heard two gunshots echo in the room, a sharp shooting pain in your shoulder. You opened your eyes when you realised that you were still breathing the same as you were, admittedly a little bit faster from the adrenaline. 
“M-Mitch?” You whispered, his devastated face breaking your heart. 
“What have they done to you?” He stepped over the body he just shot, his hand outreached to touch your face as if he couldn’t believe it was really you. 
“Don’t touch me” your voice was hoarse and dry, flinching away from his touch. 
“If you’d like to untie me, Mitch, instead of letting me just bleed out here in this chair”
He stumbled a little bit, before rushing to cut the ropes, concentrating on not hurting you even the smallest bit. You stood up, hissing as your arm flew to your shoulder, trying to relieve some of the pain from the bullet wound. You turned to face Mitch, who stepped forward to embrace you, but you slapped him in the face.
“What was-“ 
“I saw you” you spat, your anger overcoming your fear of relief, “I saw you with that girl. Rebecca was it?” 
“Wait, what? How did you-“ he started, confusion all over his face as he tried to piece together what was going on.
“She was working with James Walton, who FYI, was really called Joseph  Washington and killed the real Rebecca Tulsa and replaced her with his own hired gun called Lauren Bradbury! YOU SLEPT WITH SOMEONE WHO WAS WORKING WITH THE GUY WHO WAS TORTURING YOUR GIRLFRIEND!” 
“I didn’t sleep with her! She came onto me!” 
“Oh yeah, yeah I’m sure she did. I WATCHED YOU!” 
“Yeah! That Lauren installed a camera in your room and I was shown a live feed of you SLEEPING WITH HER!” 
“I DID NOT SLEEP WITH HER!” He roared, making you flinch in fear but you kept your guard up, “DID HE SHOW YOU THE WHOLE VIDEO?” 
“Enough to show me what my boyfriend was doing to the whore of a CIA agent” 
“What did he show you the video on?” He asked calmly, aware that you were still trying to recover from what you had just gone through. You pointed towards the laptop as much as you can, putting pressure back on your shoulder. Mitch stormed towards the laptop, fiddling around with the video before getting to just before the kiss. 
“I don’t want to watch this again” you said quietly, trying to keep the tears from falling. 
“Keep watching” 
You came and stood next to Mitch, hesitantly watch the scene again. 
“Woah, what the fuck?!” Mitch shouted, pushing Rebecca by her waist so hard she fell to the floor, desperately trying to cover himself up with the towel that was pooling at his feet, “Was this your plan all along?!”
She laughed, “Oh, Mitchy. You really let your guard down” 
“Why are you laughing?” 
“No reason” she smiled, standing up and starting to get dressed back into some clothes.
“Oh my god…”
“I would NEVER do that to you” he pleaded, stroking your hair back as you continued to cry, “You are the light of my life, Y/N. I wouldn’t hurt you if it cost me the entire world” 
“I thought you-“ 
“You thought wrong. Baby, I love you. I love you more than I have ever loved anyone in my real life. I want to marry you and have kids with you and…you mean too much to me. You know, before I met you I had no reason to live. I tried to kill myself too many times to count. Then I met you and suddenly there was a reason to live again” 
“Really?” You asked, your hand taking his. 
“Yes” he laughed, crying himself, “I want you in my life forever and ever” 
You carefully tilted your head up to him, kissing him gently, feeling his hand on your lower back stroking you gently. 
“So this mission was a success then” you laughed against his lips, feeling him smile. He pulled you in tightly, snuggling his head into yours, placing small kisses on your neck. 
“Ow ow ow, Mitch, stop” you pushed him away, “Shoulder”
“Oh, oh shit, of course” he pulled away, leading you out towards the door. However, after taking one step your knees buckled and you began to fall, Mitch catching you just before you hit the ground. 
“Woah, are you ok?” 
“Yeah” you sighed, “Probably just dehydrated” 
“When was the last time you drank? Hell, ate?” 
“Umm…probably that slice of pizza I was eating when you left for this goddamn mission”
“Holy shit” Mitch breathed out, swiftly picking you up and carrying you out into the fresh air, knocking you out instantly. 
“Morning, sweetheart” Mitch kissed your forehead, stroking the hair out of your face.
“How long was I out?” 
“A couple days. I gave you a bath, washed your hair…not gonna lie, that was kinda tricky” he laughed, making you smile.
“Thank you” 
“Oh, and I patched up your shoulder. Managed to get the bullet out and cleaned your shoulder up. Feel any better?” 
“How many drugs am I on right now?” 
“Quite a few” 
“There’s your answer” you smirked, trying to sit up.
“I spoke with Stan, let him know that the guy is dead. Irene too. They send their love”
“No, they didn’t” 
“Yeah, you’re right they didn’t” he laughed, moving to lay next to you on the bed to put a film on.
“I love you” you whispered, kissing the hand that was interlocked with yours. 
“I love you too” he kissed your head, the sound of his phone ringing next to you. 
“Don’t answer it, don’t answer it” 
“Yeah?” Mitch said, putting the phone to his ear as he spoke to Stan.
“Damn you, Rapp” you groaned, shuffling around to try and get comfortable, even with the comfort of the muscly man next to you, who was actually surprisingly soft, as he spoke to whoever it was on the phone.
“Thanks” he shut the phone off and threw it on the end of the bed, “That was Hurley” 
“He has a lead on a potential case and he wants me to check it out”
“Want me to work my magic?” 
“No. You’re not going anywhere. And neither am I. Not until you’re 110% better” he demanded, tickling your side gently.
“Whatever you say, Rapp” you shrugged, scrolling through the movie selection on the TV at the end of the bed.
Mitch looked down at you proudly, “When are you going to become Y/N Rapp?”
“When you ask me”
“I’m asking right now” he smiled, making your eyes go wide and drop the remote on the duvet.
“I haven’t got a ring or anything on me but that doesn’t make me want to do this any less. I never thought I could love again but ever since you came into my life, everything has just made sense. I love you and I want to show you how much I love you until the day I die”
“That could be any day from now until whenever. You know what our job is like” you tried to argue, but you were shoved gently, Mitch being careful of your shoulder. 
“All the more reason to become a Rapp before it’s too late” 
“Yeah” you smiled, leaning up to kiss him gently, wincing slightly at the pain it caused your shoulder. 
“You’re going to be my wife” he whispered, shocked and astounded by the idea that you could ever love him that much, “I love you” 
You smiled back up at him, interlocking your hand with his once again, “Whatever you say, Rapp”
@fox-in-a-mousetrap-8 @screamxqueenx94
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penguinsravioli · 3 months
Crush Confessions
❝⁺ ₊ ✦⋆ 。 ˚chapter 4❝⁺ ₊ ✦⋆ 。 ˚ Anthony Vaughn x Reader
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The party was a bit of a crash, but I guess that’s fine. Unfortunately for me I couldn’t find my ride. Ca$h was gone. 
And mysteriously, so was Dusty’s dads car. I sigh, him and this eshay bullshit. He’s told me that he feels like he’s “entitled” to continue to hangout with them. Even if Chook is an asshole, he’s basically one root income. Undoubtedly so though, a reckless and illegal root. I’m sat on the stairs of Dusty’s front porch, fiddling with my long skirt, swaying it back n’ forth. “I love this goth mother look you have going for you” I look toward Missy. I let out a chuckle, “Thanks Miss, hot, per usual.”
She twirls her hair jokingly, making the both of us giggle a bit. “How are you holding up?” Here it goes, the same question about how it’s been at home since the map. “Umm not the best, but it’s alright, I got my trap phone” I pull out the little burner device. “(name)! Look at you being rebellious!” 
“Sweetheart I’ve been pretty rebellious forever. Don’t know how you didn’t see the signs” I shower myself in self praise whilst Missy laughs with her hand over her mouth. “You got a ride home?”  “Yeah” I take back my phone, lying though my teeth so she doesn’t go out of her way for me. “Plus I need the air anyways” I stretch my back in the concrete stairwell. Missy begins to stand, “Alright then (nickname), call me if you need anything alright?” I nod. “Of course” I can tell by the look on her face that she doesn’t believe me. I know I won’t call her if I need anything. I barely call Ca$h when I need a ride to school. I always end up walking, despite the distance.
I play with my acrylics with a solemn look. Seriously though how am I gonna get home. My house is anything but close. 
“Hey Ladybug” I shout at Ant after he spooks me. “That wasn’t funny!” I whine a bit at his everlasting delight from my fear. “Calm down babes. Just me.” He puts his hands up, slowly lowering them when I roll my eyes at the nonsense. Ant has always looked at me with such a sincerity that I could never find in anyone else. It’s like if I were to disappear he’d notice. It always makes my heart drop but it’s like a familiar nice feeling that I cant describe well if you asked.
So the minute my irises centered to make eye contact with him, and I saw Ant Instantly searching. The feeling came back.
I turn away again, staring in front of me. “I haven’t heard you call me Ladybug since Kindergarten” 
“Thought it should make a comeback,” he slings an arm around my waist pulling me closer towards his body. “Plus it suits you” I chuckle. “How so?”
“Because you’re unique like a ladybug”
“You sure it’s not because you wanted us to be matching like how we used to?”  He smiles cheekily “No, but little me was a genius” I laugh at him and then check the time. It’s getting real late. I doubt my parents are home currently but I should definitely start to head back. “If you don’t mind me asking— can you walk me home” I sneakily shimmy from his grip and rise to my feet in a swift motion. Ants eyes follow me as I stand. “How could I say no?” 
“You’re getting really bold these days” I lock his hand with mine, enjoying the warmth he emits.
“I guess you give me a boost in ego” he replies quick whilst we walk. We’ve walked for 30 minutes and have finally made it to my home, and  don’t want him to go.
“Can you stay with me a little longer?” He looks towards me. 
Literally why the fuck did I just say that.
 “Yeah of course. Anything you wan’t” ever since cemetery we’ve gotten even closer despite me trying to build a barrier between us again.
Which sounds odd, but me and him distanced ourselves and our friendship entirely because of the hookup. It had been our first time actually ever doing anything like that. I think that we both felt an insane amount of guilt in shame. We had a talk in middle about how we were gonna make “our parents proud”, for him it was because he was heavily religious in his younger years.  While for me, because my parents had been so controlling and scared me into a corner.  It was until that party that me and Ant had finally really pushed past our promise of attempting to be good children.
The awkwardness afterwards had been mostly conveyed on my part, it was only me that had avoided my feelings for him after holiday. So it’s not surprising that they spilt out after the police crashed cemetery.
—He took out his wallet and pulled out some cash. In hand I had the soda I was craving, while he chose not to get a drink. “Cheers” I ushered to the cashier as we left.  I laid my head on Ants shoulder as I opened my carbonated drink. “Thank you for paying, I forgot my wallet at home” 
“No dramas. You deserve it” I gulp down my drink before answering. “Deserve it for doing what?”
“I dunno, just being yourself.”
“That’s way sweet of you Babes” I nudge him softly. He grins, “Of course, I’m ripper, remember?”—
We snuck in through my unlocked window, my room wasn’t really big but it wasn’t really small either. It was just a bit cluttered because I liked collecting posters, figures, random objects like signs, etc. “Your room has improved since the last time I saw it”
“Thanks Ant” I begin to pick up a few clothes I had threw around while getting ready for the party. “m’course”. I put the clothes in a pile and begin to fold them in a quick manner so I don’t have to deal with them much later 
“I neeeed to go thrifting again sometime, all the thrift stores around here have been so dry though” 
I spark up conversation.
 “You go thrifting? I’ve never tried it” I gasp, “seriously?! You know how many cool graphic tees I find on a regular? They would suit you so well too” I stand up putting the clothes in their respective places. I turn, coming face to face with Anthony.
In shock I scoot back, but he pulls me forward. “Why can’t just take the hint already?”
“What do you mean?”
“I know that you know that I like you (name)”He pulled me in by my waist and held me tight, giving me a sense of security. “I don’t know how come you’ve been avoiding me, but it’s been driving me crazy trying to figure you out” 
I suck in a breath. In attempt I try to find the words to reply but they’re stuck in my throat. So I’m just stuck, staring into his desperate eyes like I’m brainless. “Ant, you know I do care for you and—
I hear a car pull up into the driveway. Immediate silence was met from the both of us. I look at the window and back at Ant. “Anthony I will not repeat myself, get under my bed, when they leave the room I need you to sneak out as fast as humanly possible” I whisper yell as I start to undress and put on my night clothes. He starts to slide underneath quickly, holding his breath as I get into bed and pretend that I wasn’t at a party just an hour prior. I quickly turn my beside lamp off and get underneath my covers.
I hear the keys to the front door jiggle and I whisper to Ant “…you be as still as possible” 
“..got it”
I hear their footsteps down the hall slowly inching to my doorway. Then my door swings open. 
“(name)?” I pretend I’m knocked out. I’m a great pretender. They shut the door once they don’t get a response. And walk upstairs to their room.
 I let out a large sigh. I get off my bed quietly and crouch down to look at Ant. “I’d start to leave now” he starts to climb from underneath my bed with a nod of agreement. “Before I do though”
He pulls me in and gives me a quick peck on the lips and winks at me, jumping out my window and landing as silent as possible. Avoiding the cameras just like we did previously. 
When he’s no longer within area I close my window. 
Holding my beating heart in absolute shock. “I dunno why I’m so struck over this when he literally fucked me” I giggle to myself, sneaking to the bathroom so I can do my skincare before bed.
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penguinsravioli · 5 months
Crush Confessions
❝⁺ ₊ ✦⋆ 。 ˚chapter 2❝⁺ ₊ ✦⋆ 。 ˚ Anthony Vaughn x Reader
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I’m greeted by my English teacher Miss Obah, otherwise known as Jojo. Everyone scatters to sit down at a table where they know one another. I sit down with the new guy, Malakai Mitchell, and Amerie “Map Bitch” Wadia. Malakai is sitting between the two of us, staring at Amerie.
“What Cunt?” She snaps. “Nice to meet you too” Malaki chuckles. I giggle at his undamaged mood.
He turns to me, I lean my head to the side. “You must be Malakai, I only reckon because you're the only name that was called that I don't know of.” “
Correct, and youuuu?”
“(name)” We shake hands. Ca$h comes in and immediately is bashed by Spider. “Ayyyyy Eshay Eshay Eshaaay” I roll my eyes. Ca$h flips them off, shoving me playfully while passing by. I direct my attention toward Dusty’s group, he whispers something about a gatho . The “cemetery”, it’s a party, a clearing somewhere at the cemetery.
“Okay. Settle down. Thank you.” She sets down her dog. “Hi everyone, I'm Miss Josephine Obah, but you can call me Jojo.” I put my head on my desk and sigh, getting ready for whatever we’re gonna be doing in here. “Um, I’m an English teacher, so I know some of you..” I look up and she makes eye contact with me. “But I'm sure you're wondering why you're all here” I bet I could guess. “Well, your names were all on the map at the stairwell. The one that’s out of bounds.” BINGO! She then goes on to explain that this class is a special class that's supposed to enlighten us on sex.
A sexual literacy tutorial, as Woodsy calls it.
“S.L.T So weeee’re sluts?” Darren clears up. I snort and hide my mouth with my hands. “That’s enough Come on, everyone…” Jojo sighs. “This class is gonna go back to the basics on sex and--”
“-Because CLEARLY, you all have a lot to learn in that department.” Woodsy, interrupts Jojo. “It’ll happen twice a week, in your own time.” I groan and make a snide look towards Amerie.
“Not until we judge that you've started to respect each other and yourselves.” I think about Missy and Ant. Slamming my head on the desk lightly. “Thanks a lot, map bitch!” Ant throws a paper toward Amerie. Malakai throws his hand up. “Sorry. Um- It’s actually my first day. I don't think I'm supposed to be in here.”
“Legend! Made it to the map before you even started!” Spider comments. I roll my eyes at his voice. Leaning back in my chair. “All right, everybody up!” Woodsy commands. “Okay now, clear these tables to the side please”
I stand still, watching as everyone scrambles to push the tables out of the way for a clearing. “Thank you, Now, I want you all to start walking around the room.” I begin to walk after she beckons us a second time.
“Now, I want you to choose three other people to start shaking hands with.” I shake hands with Malakai first, then Missy, then Dusty. We all stop and Woodsy calls our Spider.
“Spencer, You have genital Crabs” I chuckle.
“Checks out” Darren snips. “Not in real life, thank you, Darren” Spider rolls his eyes. “Put your hand up, Spencer…Now! Hands up, who shook hands with Spencer?” Hands slowly begin to raise, soon enough my hand is raised.
“You all have genital warts!”  “I thought it was crabs?” Malakai says.
“Right, Crabs. Thank you um?”
“Malakai, Thank you. You all have genital crabs.” I roll my eyes and put my hand down. “Now. What does this highlight the need for?” Ca$h raises his hand.
“Stay away from Spider, he’s chat.” I laugh turning away to hide how funny I find it. “Fuck off, guys!” Spider whines. “No! Condoms” she corrects Ca$h. The bell rings and I quickly make my way to leave. I always try to leave early enough before the hallways get jammed. “Oi!” The fuck does Spider wan’t? “Man bugger off”
“You going to the cemetery?” I halt. “maybe?” “Cool, I’ll make sure to grab condoms in case you and Ant decide to go at it again ” he laughs. “Put a sock in it asshole!” I kick him in his shin and walk off.
“FUCK!” I hear in the distance while I prance along.
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Schools over. I have to return home now…should I return home now? Fuck that lets just get it over with. —
 “What’s this I hear about you being on a sex map?”
I stay quiet. The minute I walked inside the house I was berated. My parents were both sitting there like supervillains when the superhero makes their entrance “SPEAK!” My mom yells.
“I messed around a bit, normal teenager stuff….”
“Are you being smart?? You ended up on a SEX map, you know how bad that looks for you?” I hold my facial expression. “You act like I made the map, I just happen to be on it.” They both sigh. “You’re grounded… hand over ALL of your belongings. Think twice if you think you’re getting any of this back any time soon…”
So..I’m probably grounded for like, ever. Glad I have a spare that I bought. Saved up on my money from work to buy myself one. Best part, is when I'm grounded, my parents don’t like to talk to me out of pure disappointment. So it's safe to sneak out during the late , like after 10:30 hours. I’m not gonna sneak out tonight but I seriously do need to figure out what my parents plan on doing Saturday. Probably go out to have some “them” time and think about my actions.
I then begin to hit up Ca$h, through text of course, If I was caught dead calling on this phone I’d be buried.
 You going to the cemetery adlay?
Duh brah, I have to sell
You popping in?
Yeah Nah
Guess who’s groundeddddd… Again, lol
Bloody hell (name) when are you not grounded?
Liked 9:15P.M
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I ended up showing up to the party with Ca$h. He and I had been good friends since grade 6. I know about his tough shit and he knows mine. In fact, he was the first person I told that Ant took my card, besides my sister. Who literally freaked upon me dropping.
It had been here a little over 30, and people were coming in quickly. Including Amerie, Darren, and Quinni? Looks like she made new friends. Sick, Sasha is such a bitch anyway. Before me and Missy hooked up, Missy was so broken over her, she deadass was a mess. Malakai makes his way toward Amerie.
“Ooooh I see something blossoming between them Ca$hy Ca$h Caaa$h” He smiles at the nickname. “Oi shut up” we laugh a bit. “Imma go dance bruh , you do your thing though!” I join in with Malakai’s shenanigans.
“You're heaps good at dancing Mal!” “Thanks (nickname)!” It got a little chilly when the sun said goodbye. I was near the front of the clearing too, Totally was a great idea to wear such a skanky-looking outfit then.
“What was it like?” I look up at Spider. “What was what like?” “Getting rooted by Ant of course”. I groan. “Oh my fuck! Do you ever shut up? It’s seriously never that serious lad.” I whisper almost at the end. “Settle down, settle down. Wanna try something?” “With you? Deeply no” I chuckle in disbelief. He rolls his eyes. “Have you ever drank before?” I shook my head. “Nah I don't drink man, It tastes like shit. And I've heard hangovers are a bitch.” I look at the cup in his hand.
“Plus, you probably spiked it.” I drink my soda. “Oi (name)” Here comes the other bug named boy. “I've attracted so many bugs, I must smell” Ant scoffs.
“So funny, look do you at least want to try it once?”
“Absolutely no. If I go back drunk to my parent's house and end up with a hangover the next morning. They're gonna flip even worse than they did last night.” I explain, pulling down the edge of my dress. “Why do you two want me to try it so bad anyway?” Ant looks at Spider and they turn back to me and shrug. “We’ve just never seen you do it.” 
I huff. “persistent little bitches yeah?” Ant smiles, bites his lip, and looks down. I push the cup back toward them. “Nah, still straight man”. Spider scoffs with a smirk and walks back up the hill. leaving us two alone.
“Soooooooo?” I reply to Ant. “Are we cool? Are wee-”
“Ant we’ve had this discussion already. Let us not push it yeah?” He sucks in his lips. “Yeah..youre right” He begins to turn around, and we see flashlights in the distance. “Shit! Cops are here!” He grabs my hand and we begin running to the clearing. “Cops Cops!”  Everyone begins to thrash and run in opposite directions. Me and Ant are still holding hands when we run to the main entrance of the cemetery.
I struggle to lift myself up the gate and Ant helps. Sasha, then Harper comes next with Dusty right behind her. Dusty comes up from the gate, I look toward Anthony, “Are you coming?” “Just go Just go!”
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“Well, shit! My legs are fucked.”
I say when the running is over. I ended up on a random street. “Guess I'm taking the bus” I wait at the bus stop. I look down at my feet swinging them. “I should’ve snagged me a soda..”
“We can go get one at the corner mart” I look up quickly. “SHIT MAN, You fucking scared me you wanker!” Anthony giggles. “Do you want to or not!”
“Piss off man” I laugh as the bus arrives. I walk on, and turn around when I don’t hear Ant’s footsteps behind me. “Are you coming or not?” 
“You told me to piss off!” “I didn't mean literally idiot” I chuckle and grab his wrist.
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