#harlotsweek fic appreciation
selkiewife · 4 years
Harlots Fic Appreciation || Bingo Square: Share a fic that made you see the characters in a different way.
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you belong among the wild flowers, you belong in a boat out at sea  
by @lezziemanville​
Lydia Quigley knows that Kate will leave as they all have before. She should be accustom to it by now.
This fic tore out my heart. I will be haunted by this backstory of Lydia for a very long time. The thought of Lydia Quigley as a little girl thinking that her abusers were kind makes me want sob and punch a wall. And the idea that she truly believed that she was being kind to Mags and Nance because she treated them (from her viewpoint) so much better than she was treated is so disquieting and HEARTBREAKING. I just want to take the little child she was and wrap her up and protect her- the way I always want to do with Mags and Nance. Seriously, the cycle of abuse in this fic is so painful but perfectly portrayed. An extremely insightful and beautifully written character study. 
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julie-slamdrews · 4 years
Harlots Fic Appreciation Week: Share a fic that inspired you
I saved this square until last because I didn’t want to choose just one fic and then I decided I wouldn’t. Every fic I read, in this fandom and across fandom generally, inspires me. It inspires me even if it’s about characters that aren’t my favourites or contains a kink that I don’t share or isn’t written in a style that I personally enjoy. It inspires me because putting your writing out into the world is terrifying, you worry that it isn’t good enough, that nobody will want to read it. But every person who pushes through that fear helps to keep the fandom going (along with the people who read them, and the people who create moodboards and gifsets and other art that I don’t even know the names for, and the people who share headcanons and meta and keep the discourse going long after the thing we’re all in love with has left the screen).
So with that in mind, here’s a selection of fic that I love which I haven’t had a chance to share yet during @harlots-week. There’s still a lot that I’ve missed out, and I did consider just leaving a link to the Harlots archive, but that felt ever so slightly like cheating even though it would be very much in the spirit of this post. 
Charlotte/Caroline Howard
what a lady shouldn't by Heather
if i'd told you (you would have stayed) by thewritermakingdreamsreality
Charlotte gen/multiple ships
Before the Mourning by @selkiewife
Masks by pierrette
All I Have by @catherinecat143
Promised Me Heaven by aldiara
freedom among the ashes by sapphicish
Settling on the Farm & Fun in the Barn by @neuroharlot
Swagger by @hailbabel
Whisper by hailbabel
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neuroharlot · 4 years
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Harlots Appreciation Week: make an edit based on a fic you enjoyed So I already did this prompt but I enjoyed putting it together so much I did another one for @julie-slamdrews‘ awesome AU university fic, as you used to be.
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selkiewife · 4 years
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Harlots Fic Appreciation Week || Bingo Square Prompt: Make an edit based on a fic you enjoyed
Settling on the Farm & Fun in the Barn by @neuroharlot
Several Years after Season 3, Isabella and Nancy settle down on a farm with Sophia and their adopted son, Oliver.
This fic! *fans self* It is extremely hot but I am also absolutely in love with the idyllic setting and beautiful future for these two that neuroharlot has brought vividly to life!
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harlots-source · 4 years
Charlotte: Are you ready to appreciate Harlots Fic?
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Isabella: I am now. 
Harlots Fic Appreciation Week Starts tomorrow! Follow the prompts on the Fic Appreciation Bingo and remember to use the tag #harlotsweek fic appreciation when sharing or tag this blog @harlots-week​. And please let me know if I haven’t reblogged your post in 24 hours. Let the fic appreciation begin!
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harlots-source · 4 years
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Harlots Fic Appreciation Week is an event that will take place from November 30- December 6. Instead of writing and creating fanfic, the event is centered around reading, commenting, and sharing Harlots fan fic. It is designed to encourage and promote Harlots fanfic writers.
How it works: The focus will be to read Harlots fics on AO3 and leave comments (only kind comments please, remember this is Harlots Fic APPRECIATION week.) and to share and promote fics on tumblr. 
November 30- December 6 - During this week, post as many of the prompts as you can on the Harlots Fic Appreciation Bingo Board (below). Five in a row will earn you a prize of a Harlots moodboard of whatever character or ship you would like! In order to fulfill the “Commenting” portion of the bingo card, take a picture of your comment and message it to me. Only encouraging and KIND comments count toward getting Bingo. 
Tag your posts #harlotsweek fic appreciation
Note* If you would like to share more than one fic or even a list of fics for each prompt, PLEASE do so!
Remember share, promote, read, comment, and give kudos to as many fics as you can during this week! And have FUN!
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harlots-source · 4 years
Announcing Harlots Fic Appreciation Week!
November 30- December 6
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Harlots Fic Appreciation Week is an event that will take place from November 30- December 6. Instead of writing and creating fanfic, the event is centered around reading, commenting, and sharing Harlots fan fic. It is designed to encourage and promote Harlots fanfic writers.
How it works: The focus will be to read Harlots fics on AO3 and leave comments (only kind comments please, remember this is Harlots Fic APPRECIATION week.) and to share and promote fics on tumblr. Rules and a Fic Reading Bingo Board will be posted soon! 
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selkiewife · 4 years
Harlots Fic Appreciation || Bingo Square: Share a fic about your favorite rare pair
(Charlotte Wells x Lady Caroline)
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( screen shot from @sweetladylucrezia‘s gifset ) 
what a lady shouldn’t  by Heather
This is the first Charlotte x Lady Caroline fic I read and it is an absolute joy from start to finish! They are both written so brilliantly in character. And even though this is told from Caroline’s POV, you can tell exactly what Charlotte is thinking about certain things like her first experience with the Reptons and working at Quigley’s. Seeing them finding joy in each other after suffering Howard is incredibly gratifying and endearing. There is something so empowering about them tupping each other over his dead body so to speak lol. But there is also a truly sweet and genuine connection between them irregardless of their past experience with Howard that I really found intriguing and lovely.
good riddance by siddals 
A brief and sweet exploration of Charlotte and Lady Caroline with a hint of melancholy. I love the empathy that they shared for each other. The highlight is that Lady Caroline still wonders if Charlotte killed her husband- but decides she doesn’t give a fuck lol. Beautifully written.
There is no one higher by @convenientalias
This fic takes place takes place while Sir George Howard is still alive and it makes my heart sing! The power play, the sexual tension, the glorious smut! This was brilliant. The characterizations and dialogue is dead on and like Lady Caroline, I was left totally satisfied and yet craving more of this ship! 
Only Dreams in Total Darkness by cardassianscones
This is magical. It is lovely to see Lady Caroline reach out to Charlotte after Howard’s death to pay her to show her “what all the fuss is about.” Charlotte disguises Caroline as a maid and takes her out on the town. The whole thing was just so delightful, entertaining and in character with some beautifully poignant moments. 
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julie-slamdrews · 4 years
Harlots Fic Appreciation: Share a fic that broke your heart
Figured I’d just spam out a few of these while I’m thinking about fic and which of the bingo categories it might go in (otherwise I’ll forget and have the same choosing drama tomorrow). Also going all over the board apparently. Am I trying to make a row? Am I trying to overachieve and find something for every square? Who can say...
There’s a lot to break your heart in this fandom, but this fic gets special mention for doing it in the smallest number of words. It’s so true to the characters and their situation and I’m not OK:
Whatever You Want by CatherineKat
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harlots-source · 4 years
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Harlots Fic Appreciation Week - Master Fic Rec List
(Click on the link above to see a compilation of all the Harlots fic recs that were shared during Harlots Fic Appreciation Week 2020- for some reason the original post is not showing up in the tags)
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harlots-source · 4 years
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Harlots Fic Appreciation Week starts in 5 days!
There are currently 223 Harlots fic on Archive of Our Own! Lets share/promote/comment on as many as we can!
To help you here are some AO3 search lists:
Harlots fic sorted from most recently posted
Fitzwells Fics
Crosswell Fics
Fitzbirch Fics
Birchwells Fics
Nancy Birch/Lucy Wells Fics
Daniel Marney/Charlotte Wells (Marnwells) Fics
I shared what (I think) are the most popular ships but if I forgot one let me know. I’ll try to make a character and rare pair list as well!
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selkiewife · 4 years
Harlots Fic Appreciation || Bingo Square: Share a fic you’d want to have with you on a deserted Island.
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Dance with Me by @hailbabel
Isabella has been trying to get Nancy to let down her guard. Ballroom dancing was not her most inspired idea, but it would do.
This fic touched something deep inside of me and that’s why I think it would be the one I would take with me to a deserted island. Because I could read it at the end of a hard day (trying to get off the island, trying to hunt for food, trying to build a fire, trying to not die etc.) and just be comforted by how beautiful it is and how it depicts such a genuine connection between two people- which is something I think I would definitely be craving on a deserted island. I love how it is so lovely and soft- but there is a painful undercurrent to it as well- when Nancy talks about how everyone wants something from her and the part where Isabella grieves Charlotte. Yet, at the end it is truly hopeful and inspiring how after everything they have been through, they find the courage to be soft and exposed with each other. This is a true gem and I will always treasure it.
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julie-slamdrews · 4 years
Harlots Fic Appreciation Week: Make an edit, artwork or gifset based on a fic you enjoyed
This is something I never thought I would do before @harlots-week​, as I deal strictly in words not pictures, but I...don’t hate the result? Although this took forever so I will probably never do it again. 
So here is a...moodboard (is that what we call these?) based on the lovely Dance With Me by the amazing @hailbabel​ - I know I already gave your work some love today but technically it’s already tomorrow here so you get some extra!
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selkiewife · 4 years
Harlots Fic Appreciation || Share a fic of your favorite Pairing
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I have been in love with Birchwells from the very beginning of Harlots and though I am equally obsessed with Fitzbirch now, Birchwells will always hold a very special place in my heart as I deeply relate to it. My most favorite thing to headcanon and wonder about them is how they grew up together and found their way out of Quigley’s together. These three fics are an absolute GIFT because they explore that backstory with such beautiful insights and poignancy.
From the beginning by @julie-slamdrews
This fic is just extraordinary. So harsh and heartbreaking but with moments of such purity of character that it’s hilarious. I love that it is written from both Mags and Nance’s POV. And I absolutely adore the dichotomy of how tough these little girls pretend to be versus how soft they are for each other. It is a beautiful character study of both of them as well as a moving backstory about their burgeoning romantic relationship. The experiences these little girls go through smashes my heart into bits, but then the portrayal of their humor and hope puts it back together again.
All I Have by @catherinecat143
This fic is such a harrowing and evocative exploration of Nancy as a child. I love how it begins with Nancy in the workhouse and the hope she had for a better life that was promptly smashed as soon as she got to Quigleys. My HEART. It is told from Nancy’s POV so far, but the insights into Maggie’s character are equally heartbreaking. The portrayal of Little Maggie Mudpie- particularly during the bath scene- absolutely shattered my heart. So heartbreaking and beautifully written.
Two Little Girls by Melissima
This is such a sweet, adorable and heartbreaking fic about how Nance and Mags first met. I love the way they both cling to laughter and jokes as a way of surviving such a horrifying experience- something their adult counterparts do often. The way they look after each other absolutely breaks my heart.
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neuroharlot · 4 years
Harlots Appreciation Week: Share a fic that inspired you
This fic was another that I read before deciding to write for the fandom myself. The use of song is so perfect for Nancy. It definitely helps that Isabella and Nancy are also my favourite pairing. I love the way these two are portrayed in this fic. Amazingly done!
Bawdy Ballads and Mournful Tunes @selkiewife
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selkiewife · 4 years
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Harlots Fic Appreciation Week || Bingo Square Prompt: Make an edit based on a fic you enjoyed.
Shackle by orphan_account
Harriet and Nell decide what to do about a ring.
Wow. This fic is so incredibly powerful. And I’m so sad that whoever wrote it orphaned their account because I want to give them so much love and appreciation. I want to read 50 more fics about Harriet and Nell!
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