#harley peru
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dabid-motozalea · 2 years ago
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Punta de Bombon. Desierto de sal de Arequipa. PerĂș. El motero Manuel Lorenzo Ramon estĂĄ intentando batir el record historico:
La primera vez que se llega con un vehĂ­culo propio hasta mĂĄs allĂĄ de los tres cĂ­rculos polares ĂĄrticos y el antĂĄrtico.
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pyroreadscomics · 1 year ago
Three Interesting & Oddball Catwoman Comics
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So, I'm working on a full Post-Crisis Catwoman reading list (pray for me) but I've realized there are certain comics that, while they wouldn't make any but the most bloated (and / or obsessively complete) reading guides, I find fascinating in some way.
So, here's three issues that are completely optional Catwoman reading: (Below the cut to save your dashboards.)
GREEN ARROW (1988) #86
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This comic on its own would be notable because Catwoman made shockingly few out of Gotham guest appearances during the New Earth era. Sure she’d pop up in Batfamily books every other month on average, but times when Selina broke out of the Bat-sphere are truly few and far between. In fact, in terms of guest appearances in other peoples solo titles there’s really only that one digital first Wonder Woman comic where Selina makes a very chibi appearance (it’s great) and
 actually that’s the list. Even expanding out to the series of teams that don’t have Batman or Catwoman as members and aren’t Batman adjacent all you have is three pretty good issues of JSA: Classified and a debate about where or not the Birds of Prey being minimum half Gothamite at all times makes them bat-adjacent. 
This is genuinely the only guest appearance outside of Gotham she makes that doesn’t come with a bunch of asterisks. As for the plot of the book, Oliver Queen, currently not in Star City, ends up tangling with some thieves who’ve smuggled Incan artifacts out of Peru. While looking to defeat them he ends up teaming up with early Balent Catwoman. 
The interesting thing, for me at least, is that Catwoman’s above board here. She’s not just stealing the artifacts to sell herself, she's been contracted by the government of Peru to return their stolen artifacts. This is, quite possibly, the origin of the “Catwoman who steals artifacts to return them to their country of origin” trope that pops up in fan content from time to time.
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To be clear, the comic firmly establishes that Selina’s not doing this out of the kindness of her heart but more that a paycheck’s a paycheck and it’s less hassle than fencing the stuff herself. 
Still, it’s interesting to me that this trope both seems to originate in the comics, but also not be there a lot. I haven’t read the bronze age stuff. I haven’t read (all) the New 52 and Rebirth stuff.  But I have read almost 600 issues of New Earth Selina Kyle appearances and I'm fairly certain that this is the only appearance of “Catwoman, Government Repo Agent” or “Catwoman, reverse British Museum” in the entirety of the New Earth timeline.
And ain’t that interesting?
BATMAN BLACK AND WHITE (2013) #6/4 "She Lies at Midnite"
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Well first things first. Yes this issue was published after the New 52 reboot. However it’s very clearly set in the New Earth continuity. For those unaware, Selina’s personal history, interpersonal relationships, character depth and character development all got nuked by the reboot and this story has tied to several elements that a Non-Canon to the New 52. As such I, like the wiki, am counting this as “basically New Earth”
Secondly, while the other two stories are interesting to me for various meta reasons, this one is simply a compelling story (which also, makes me conscious of not wishing to dissect it like a frog to an audience that might enjoy a blind read.). Though being a Batman centric story, it explores the messier aspects of Bruce and Selina’s relationship in a way that adds a bit of nuance to their relationship while keeping  everyone in character (well
 there's some lines of dialogue I don't quite vibe with, but everyone's actions, motivations and dynamics are in character and those are the important bits)
Also because it's one story in an anthology it's really short, only 7 pages.
So tell y'all what, I'll talk about the last story first, and then I'll do the full spoiler breakdown of why I find this story fascinating.
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This is, I believe, the only issue* of Catwoman where Selina never makes an appearance
Even when Eiko or Holly took over the role she at least made appearances in every issue even if they were minor. Here though? She's only referenced, though she's referenced alot.
(Note: yes Selina doesn't appear in either the first annual or Catwoman 1,000,000. But counterpoint, those are basically Sci-fi and Fantasy AUs and that’s a level of pedantry even I don't care for)
The plot itself goes like this: Doctor Harleen Quinzel goes to a TV company and pitches a show based on the adventures of Catwoman, as seen through Harley’s eyes. It’s a version of events where Harley Quinn is Catwoman’s best friend, and they commit crimes, team up with Poison Ivy, and fight Batman and Commissioner Gordon. The TV executives (who somehow seem oblivious to the fact that A) Catwoman’s a real person and b) the person they’re talking to is a supervillain) start reworking the pitch of the show to be more corporate and kid friendly, much to the anger of Harley who murders the executives with Joker Gas, ending the issue.
Now, talking about a story within a story is always going to get a bit meta, but I’m going to start small and then work my way up to the scene that inspired this whole post.
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 Harley’s TV pitch is where we get specifics on Selina’s parents background. Sure in they’re last appearance Brian was a racist white guy and Maria was clearly a Latina immigrant, but this is I believe the first (and potentially only) time Maria is labeled Cuban and Brian is labeled as Irish. Which also means, unless I'm forgetting another instance of this information being brought up, we’re just taking Harley’s word on this.
Secondly, Harley casting herself as Selina’s best friend is, amazingly, not necessarily incorrect.
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For context, this is a year and a half into Harley Quinn’s run as a canon character. Despite that she has interacted with Selina once before. It’s a bit of an involved story but the short version is, Selina get sent to prison. The person in the next cell ends up being Harley Quinn, who Selina ends up telling all about her childhood, then the pair escape, though Harley stabs Selina with a knife to pull it off and then, once they’re free, drugs and hypnotizes Selina into helping with a plan to kill Batman.
Now you’d reasonably think that that’s disqualifying behavior for best friend status but
 counterpoint, who else is it? Her sister Maggie? They haven’t talked in a decade (both in universe and out). Holly? Same as Maggie. Arizona? She’s an amnesiac child and even if she remembers Catwoman, the writers have forgotten her. Zee and/or Clutterbuck? They were at best work colleges and ones who haven’t appeared in years at that (also if you remembered they existed at all i am genuinely impressed). One of the other rouges? She’s not great terms with any of them, even the ones who haven’t tried to kill her (which is most of them).
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(also "Which orphanage were you in?" damn Selina) Harley meanwhile is actually the first person in canon that Selina told her backstory to. Harley knew before Bruce about how Selina’s parents died. Also, despite Harley’s mind control gambit, Harley is insistent she cares about Selina, and Selina clearly doesn’t hold that big a grudge as, the same month this issue came out, she was in Harley’s solo for a party.
90s Catwoman, with a few brief exceptions, was so against maintaining a consistent supporting cast for Selina that Harley is the clear winner for the best friend award, at least in this moment of time.
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Third, minor point but I Harley’s little fanfic contains not merely the specific Catwoman/Harley/Ivy team up in comics, but also, the first time Ivy and Catwoman have teamed up outside of the Long Halloween (where all the rogues end up working together in the end). Indeed the last time Catwoman and Ivy were in the same comic it was Cataclysm and Selina ended up force feeding Ivy a seed that grew roots out of
 everywhere. Needless to say, they weren’t friends at the time. Though, in Harley’s world, they were.
(In fact, for those unfamiliar, during the original Gotham City Sirens run, Selina and Ivy were somewhat antagonistic towards each other, but tried to get along for the sake of their mutual friend Harley Quinn.)
Lastly, and most metatextually interesting, is Harley’s exact words when her story got sanded down for boarder market appeal.
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“This isn’t my Story! Catwoman is a grownup! Her Friends are grownups! That big,dumb lump of a Ratman that she flirts with is a grownup! She Steals stuff, she fights with people, she outsmarts the cops! You don’t need to make all those stupid changes— she’s fine just the way she is!”
This story has a cover date of February 2001. Within a year, Brubaker’s run of Catwoman resets the numbering and radically overhauls the character. Catwoman’s characterization pivots out of “selfish loner thief who’s a bit of a bastard with a heart of gold buried so deep it takes mass tragedy to get it to show just a little” to “a vigilante with a found family who’s deeply concerned about the welfare of her one specific run down corner of Gotham.” She becomes a hero.
Now, I personally really like Brubaker’s run, he’s easily one of the three best writers the character’s ever had, but there’s no denying that it’s a change.
And so, reading that line of Harley’s struck me as
 shockingly prophetic. Sure Selina didn’t get aged down into a teenager who solved crimes for the government, but she was toned down into a more explicit robin hood and made less adversarial with Batman. Now I doubt the line was written with knowledge of where Brubaker’s reboot would take the character, or even that Brubaker had even agreed to helm Catwoman when the script was turned in but
 I can’t help but wonder why this issue was written. Because stories about stories are always meta in some way.
BATMAN BLACK AND WHITE (2013) #6/4 "She Lies at Midnite" (For Real this Time)
Right spoilers ago: This story starts with Selina paralyzed.
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Bruce takes a bit longer then me getting there but that is how we start. With a explainer that Catwoman got involved in a gang war that was targeting sex workers and got her spine broken for the trouble. And now the doctor is saying that she'll never walk again.
This deeply affects Bruce who has a flashback to Barbara’s paralyzation.
Bruce tracks the two gangs down to a standoff and... to quote Bruce:
I'll spare you the details. Skylight. Gunfire. Screams. The usual.
It's not until he's done breaking "every leg in the house" that he runs into a surprise appearance: Slam Bradley, who's taking care of the mooks outside. (for the Catwoman readers: firstly, thanks for reading this far, secondly, Slam’s
 honestly an important character overall but the short version is his a bar brawling P.I. who was one of the few love interests Selina’s ever had that’s long term relevant)
Bruce is unsurprised to see him, given his connection to Selina, and tries to commiserate with him in his own Batman-y way, but that's all thrown for a loop when Slam reveals that he's here because Selina asked him to handle these gangs earlier that night  (You know, when she should have been conscious in the hospital)
 honestly I can’t put this next bit better than the comic itself.
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Jesus fuck Selina that's cold
Anyway, Bruce immediately tracks Selina down (It's not hard, she's robbing the leaders of the gangs houses while Batman was putting the membership in a hospital) bringing Slam along just cause I guess.
Bruce is beyond pissed off and wants answers and after this... wonderful panel, Selina explains
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When Bruce asks why Selina didn't just ask for help, Selina laughs and says "Slammy here, him I could just ask! You'd put it on your tp-do list, somewhere way down, past Joker's latest attempt to poison the water supply or Eddie's latest Head-Scratcher"
That wasn't fast enough for Selina, and given she wasn't up to the job she certainly didn't want it handed off to one of the Robins. Therefore, if it was a job that needed Batman, but it wasn't important enough, Selina had to make it important to Bruce.
Hence... faking being paralyzed and also deliberately invoking one Bruce's old traumas against him. Which I get but also damn Selina.
Bruce is actually so pissed off it looks like he's about to fight Selina, but Selina surrenders instead and the story ends with Selina in the batmobile, in cuffs, (though Bruce agrees to stop for ice cream on the way to the station, indicating he's... maybe cooling off a bit).
While it's not actually the worst thing Selina's ever done to Bruce technically, this incident didn't even draw any blood. It's.... It reads like a profound betrayal of trust. Selina took an insecurity of Bruce's she could only know about after being inducted into the Bat family and used it against him without remorse. (Which... post: Tower of Babel Bruce does not get to criticize this move but it's still cold).
And then, there's the fact that Selina did this because she, reasonably, couldn't actually trust Bruce to help her out without that manipulation. It's not even Selina acting selfishly for once, it's Selina trying to protect innocents.
And the weird thing is, outside of a few dialogue choices, everyone's perfectly in character here. This is a stunt canon Selina would easily pull if the circumstances lined up the same.
I will say, I totally get where Selina's coming from, even sympathize with it a little. Batman is someone who's constantly pulled in a thousand different directions and can't actually be relied on to help in a weird way. There's a reason the worst sections of Gotham keep getting dedicated superheroes (Onyx for the Hill, Catwoman for the East End) and that's because Batman doesn't have the time to help these areas as thoroughly as they need.
And of course, being a part of these communities in a way Batman just can't be, they end up seeing the problems much more up close and personal.
Like, take the original storyline where Selina commits to being a vigilante rather than a supervillain. In that storyline there's a serial killer going after sex workers and while Selina has reason to be invested (She used to be sex worker, she finds out because a friend who is a sex worker shows up at her safe house looking to hide,) the thing that tips her over the edge into action is those things PLUS the inaction of those who should be dealing with the situation. The police straight up do not care (there's a scene where they find a body and they instead of trying to record evidence go through her wallet for cash and crack jokes) and Batman, while he's... not malicious like that, it is called out by Selina that while they may be victims, to Batman they are still criminals in his eye and thus not high on his priority list, even if they are being murdered.
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That's all canon.
So... what's Selina to do? There are two gangs tearing up the streets and killing sex workers (which, conversely to Bruce, is something that always sits at the top of her priority list). If she can't just rob them out of existence, doesn't have the skills to fight them on head and win, and Batman ain't doing shit... what opinion does she have but to manipulate Batman into action. (and, to be clear, if Selina had already decided the correct solution to this problem was manipulating Batman, and also had enough time to set up the whole deception, then Batman had time to respond to the situation on his own and didn't.)
To Selina, this whole operation, while a punch below the belt on Bruce and potentially permanently damaging their relationship, would save lives. Her motivations were pure.
It's just...
It's still betraying Bruce's trust, using knowledge of his private pains against him. Skipping right over the asking for help step because she didn't trust him to help. And yet, the only way any of this works is if Bruce trusted Selina enough to let her in, and Selina trusted Bruce to avenge her. (Also side note: very much the only reason Slam's here is as a counterpoint to Bruce as someone Selina trusted to help without manipulation. Which depending on when this is supposed to be timeline wise (are they dating, is this before or after Selina lost his granddaughter) potentially speaks volumes about Selina's trust in Slam.)
It's such an emotionally messy story for only 7 pages and it’s the sort of shit I live for.
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callmeblake · 6 years ago
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From Twitter on April 23rd, 2019: @FrankIeroMty 
Photo Credit: alexbyn
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x-h3kk3ning-x · 4 years ago
Here's to the media that got me through 2020:
Gotham (the TV show)
Harley Quinn
Emilia Fart
Star Vs. The Forces of Evil
Please Like Me
Coco Peru
Zoey Proasheck
Garrett Watts
Wooden Overcoats
Kim's Convenience
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citrusreadstoa · 2 years ago
Reading The Hidden Oracle: Chapter 19 (SPOILERS)
"They have gone missing?" What'd I tell you? They're in Peru.
"vegan cupcakes" Iris?
"a subterranean amphitheater . . . Tiers of stone seats ringed a sandy pit about the right size for a gladiator fight. Hanging from the ceiling were dozens of thick iron chains." Antaeus. So this is what happened to the arena. I guess the monsters took all the dangling skulls as souvenirs on their way out.
"I fear one more team is still missing... your children, Kayla and Austin." NO not them! Peru has taken them! Darn good motivator, though. 2/3 Apollo kids down. Will is next.
"I have upped the stakes . . . Somehow he had targeted my children." The Beast doesn't control the Labyrinth, does he? We've taken care of the Minotaur, Minos, Daedalus, the Minotaur again, Pasiphaë... There's no one left who could possibly lay claim to the maze (other than Harley, apparently), right? I guess there are Theseus and that princess that Daedalus was tutoring, but the Beast sounds like neither of them. Wow, the Labyrinth really got around, though.
"Paolo had managed to get one of his legs sawed off." Paolo, buddy, at this point I think you can just ask to sit it out and Chiron would let you skip the race. Anyway, 3/4. Next time, it'll be the other leg and maybe his head.
"Billie Ng had come down with a case of Irish step dancing." How did that happen in a maze? What trap set that off? Oh. Oh, you know, it was probably one of the Apollo campers taking out the competition.
"'It's my fault,' [Harley] muttered. 'I got them lost. I... I'm sorry.'" Wow. He was rooting for someone to die, but as soon as a couple people get lost, he's suddenly softhearted? Jkjk it's nice to see that he does care. "I realized the little boy was terrified of what I might do." Oh, that makes more sense! Jkjkjkjjjj
"I believe automatons prefer a frequency of E at 329.6 hertz." Aw, he's helping him!
"lovely glowing apple turnovers for breakfast." Don't those apples turn you immortal? Are these gonna be magical apple turnovers? "[Meg] sat next to me on my blanket and began eating a golden apple" Never mind, I guess they're just regular apples that happen to be shiny gold. I guess we're going more Atalanta or Eris than Hesperides.
"If you're a demigod on the streets, you hear about the Beast." That makes it sound like there's a concerning amount of demigods still on the streets despite their parents supposedly claiming them. "He takes people like me . . . To train . . . to use like... servants, soldiers, I don't know." Third demigod camp except it's just a gladiator ring. Or an army. Oh wait, we already have one of those. *side eyes Camp Jupiter*
"He killed my dad." Oh dang. "Being a good demigod, training hard... that's the only way to keep the Beast away." Lol she makes it sound like a scary bedtime story parents tell their kids to make them behave. If you don't go to bed before ten, the Beast'll getcha! He'll bite your toes off! Sounds like Meg's stepdad has some history with the mythical world. I would say he's a clear-sighted mortal or was told about it by Meg's dad like Paul Blofis and Sally, but her stepdad taught her to fight, gladiator-style. Roman demigod, maybe? Or legacy. Or for all we know, he's just an avid historian like how Annabeth's dad knew how to fly a combat helicopter.
"a child of Hermes had recently betrayed the gods by working for Kronos. They might do so again." Hey! Discrimination! Demigodly profiling!
"Painted on the helicopter's side was a bright green logo with the letter D.E." Rachel loves her dramatic helicopter entrances, doesn't she?
Long chapter, this one.
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gungieblog · 2 years ago
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Police Motorcycle Graveyard (Harley-Davidson)
These Harleys were previously owned by the National Police of Puente Piedra, which is located in Lima, Peru.  Due to problems with the budget in operation and/or maintenance, they were taken out of circulation.  Some of these Harleys were sold in bulk by Harley lovers due to the inability to obtain parts because there were no dealers or parts places in the area.  So in order to make a good bike, they needed more than one bike to create it.  The price for them in the auction was $1,300 but those who bought them in bulk and recreated a good one could sell it for $12,000.
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ughgclden · 3 years ago
Hola Darling~ CONGRATULATIONS ON GETTING INTO UNI *APPLAUDS VERY LOUDLY (hopefully you can hear me from there)* *mentally hands you a special bouquet of flowers* remember when i said that in some alternate universe we're probably definitely starting a revolution by being very gay and doing very crime?? well, i was reading about 2 particular women who were absolutely dating (bc im a nerd and i had nothing better to do) and as it turns out, these women were the crossdressing, swashbuckling vigilantes of the toughest village of peru during the 17th century. they were Ana Lezama de Uniza, a street urchin from the wrong side of the tracks, and Eustaquia de Souza, a lonely rich girl (hands down the best meet-cute anyone can ever think of). otherwise known as "The Valiant Ladies of Potosí". just saying, this is the greatest historical queer rom-com yet to happen. while reading, i thought of you slashing your way through a bar in 1600s Potosi as you ripped off your disguise to reveal that some douchebag was about to get his ass kicked by this sword-wielding badass lady descended from heaven. couldn't stop thinking of us wreaking havoc in every corner of time and space, fighting for justice (ala harley quinn and poison ivy) fun fact: during out of their battles, Ana was knocked unconscious while fighting 4 guys at once so Eustaquia unleashed the beast TO PROTECT HER GIRLFRIEND. when Ana regained consciousness, she cut off the hand of the guy that clocked her. istg my heart melted when i read this. this THIS is the vibe we're going for (THEY ALSO HAD REALLY COOL SWORDS OK?) just wanted to share this with you. and you know what if we were them in a former life? haha jk unless... hope i made you smile and laugh stay badass, babe :) ~ honey <3 p.s, do you want to exchange asks again? 👉👈
honey my love!!!!
this time it's me apologising for the timing of my response, i cant say sorry enough for how long it's taken <3 but if anything, it makes it seem more like these are actual love letters being sent back and forth, which makes it slightly better
and THANK YOU!! i can most certainly hear you and it's very appreciated, as are the flowers đŸ„ș
this. this is the greatest piece of information anyone has ever offered me holy shit i need to learn everything about them right now what the fuck- now THIS is how i'm trying to be!!! two meet cute bitches with swords causing chaos and winning?? what could be better. most certainly was us in a past life, i won't take any criticism about it in the slightest. i will fight so many men with a sword for you <3 ik ive definitely mentioned this before but i am STILL trying to convince my parents to let me buy that pink gothic longsword - im hoping im slowly wearing them down as the days go by
you always make me smile and laugh darling <3 i hope i can bring even the slightest spark of joy into your life as a thank you! sending all my love sweetheart, stay safe and happy!!
and of course i do m'love,, i need to know more abt you!!!!
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aion-rsa · 4 years ago
Ewan McGregor Takes the Long Way Up for Apple TV+
Wherever Star Wars actor Ewan McGregor goes, a certain bearded Jedi follows. In 2019, when McGregor and his travel writer friend Charley Boorman arrived in a small South American town (McGregor thinks it was in Peru) amid a long motorcycle journey, so too did a legion of fans excited to meet Obi-Wan Kenobi. 
“We were in a small town and there are these long winding steps all the way up to this  famous lighthouse,” McGregor says. “We were going up and someone asked for an autograph. I was happy to do that. Then the same thing happened on another flight of stairs up. Then a bunch of people were arriving going, ‘Oh, we didn’t know where you’d be.’ Turns out (our location) was on a Star Wars social media platform or site. They were always very friendly though. It was never a chore.”
For now, Star Wars is in the rearview. With production on Disney+’s untitled Obi-Wan Kenobi series starring McGregor on hold for script rewrites, McGregor is ushering in another project he’s passionate about: Long Way Up for Apple TV+. Long Way Up is the third installment in an accidental trilogy that McGregor and Boorman have been living out for the past decade and a half. 
Read more
Ewan McGregor Updates on the Star Wars Obi-Wan Kenobi Series, Possibility of a Standalone Season
By Joseph Baxter
Beginning with 2004’s Long Way Round for Sky One, McGregor and Boorman have parlayed their love of motorcycle road trips into compelling travel documentaries. Long Way Round documented the pair’s attempt to travel from London to New York City on motorbikes via Europe and Asia (and an eventual plane trip to Alaska). In 2007’s Long Way Down, McGregor and Boorman traveled from McGregor’s native Scotland down to Cape Town in South Africa.
Now Long Way Up finds the pair navigating from the southern tip of Argentina in South America all the way up to Los Angeles. The eight-episode series marks the duo’s first trip entirely in the New World, their first venture on a streaming platform, and their first journey together in quite a long time to boot. The documentary serves as a vehicle for two gearhead friends to reconnect following Boorman’s devastating motorcycle accident in 2016. 
“When Charley had his accident and I found out that he’d been very badly hurt, it was like a jolt to put effort into this friendship, to not to let it drift like this,” McGregor says. “Because there’s something very special that Charley and I share. We’re best friends but we’ve also been through these really extraordinary experiences together. Since then, it’s just been like nothing changed. It’s like being back to where we started off from.”
“We were sort of starting to get itchy feet to do another trip,” Boorman adds. I think once you’ve done a couple, it’s kind of in your blood.”
Another significant area in which Long Way Up differs from its two predecessors is that McGregor and Boorman have attempted to make the trip and production as environmentally-friendly as possible. The pair enlisted Harley Davidson to create prototypes of two electric bikes (since dubbed LiveWires) that would have a better chance of surviving the harsh South American climates and mileage-intensive demands of the journey. 
“The idea came when we were in my garden,” Boormany says. “We were having a barbecue and Ewan was staying with me at the time. Russ (Malkin) and Dave (Alexanian), who are our business partners and the two producers, came along. We were talking about (the project) and then Russ floated the idea of, ‘What about maybe doing it electric?’ Ewan and I looked at each other. Ewan has a big thing for that. And it kind of went from there.”
Though technologically-sophisticated, the prototypes often act like
well, prototypes making Long Way Up’s early episode particularly harrowing for anyone who knows the mortal terror of their phone not charging properly. 
“It was tough at the beginning,” McGregor says. “It was freezing cold. Our range was being hindered by that because the batteries don’t charge well at night if they’re in sub-zero temperatures, which they were. So, we had a lot to learn. I think after episode three, by that point in the trip, we sort of got a handle on it and it becomes a bit more manageable thereafter.” 
McGregor and Boorman have the entire formula for the “Long Way” trilogy down pat at this point. Just like previous installments, Long Way Up provides the pair with an opportunity to explore new territories, meet new people, and even bring an important issue or two like conservation to the fold. 
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“But mainly, we’re just two idiots on motorbikes,” McGregor says. 
Long Way Up premieres its first three episodes on Sept. 18 on Apple TV+
The post Ewan McGregor Takes the Long Way Up for Apple TV+ appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3khYrLu
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callmeblake · 6 years ago
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From Twitter on April 23rd, 2019 @FrankIeromty:  Emi shares this photo via inbox See how nice Frank is! < 3
 📾 EmiM. HerreraBeltran
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citrusreadstoa · 2 years ago
Reading The Hidden Oracle: Chapter 16 (SPOILERS)
For the record, I still think they're crazy for trying to do a death race in the Labyrinth. They're all crazy. Harley is evil, the Labyrinth is his accomplice, and Chiron and the campers are all enablers.
"Harley loved the attention . . . his table was piled high with offerings (read: bribes) . . . Harley would have made an excellent god . . . He took the gifts, mumbled a few pleasantries, but told his worshippers nothing helpful." Hmmm... This sounds like a good idea. If I ever write a demigods-turned-gods AU, I might add him in.
"The test group this morning ended up in Peru" Omg I forgot about that. Not only is the maze deadly, but it drops you off at random parts of the earth. Ok. Ok ok ok. This isn't going to go well but none of them care because awwww it makes Harley happy. Not that I wouldn't do exactly the same.
"No way to get them off. I hate restraints." I have a feeling this is going to come back again when we learn about her tragic backstory.
"they are from this hidden Oracle." Ayyy he said the title. Anyway, this is a pretty malicious Oracle if it's eating little kids. I think I prefer Delphi. A very carnivorous grove of trees.
"the race doesn't even go through the woods" Yeah, well this is the Labyrinth. It always changes and always changes in exactly the way that makes it as dangerous as possible. YA GONNA END UP IN THE WOODS.
"I felt the way I used to in Leto's womb just before my sister and I were born." YOU REMEMBER THAT BUT YOU CAN'T REMEMBER THE NAME OF THE TREES THAT ARE EATING PEOPLE? I'm sorry. I should be blaming his faulty memory, not him.
"He and Nico loped off." What's up with retraumatizing Nico? He gets sent back to Tartarus, sent back into the Labyrinth, etc. And always with Will, too. Is Will Solace just a really potent bad luck charm?
Also, LOPE (v.): run or move with a long bounding stride
"Surprisingly, though, [Malcolm had] paired himself with Sherman Yang. That didn't seem like a natural partnership" What do you mean? They're the sons of the two war gods. Of course they'd be perfect partners! And a deadly team, too!
"'Do not end up in Peru,' everyone chanted." As if that's gonna do shit to keep them from ending up in Peru. Five bucks one team ends up in a country even further away.
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knit-wear-it · 4 years ago
If J and Harley ever have downtime (rare, I know) what do they do? Do they just decide to stay in bed? Did they do any exploring is South America or do they just look for more trouble? Sorry if you’ve already answered this before.
So this is one of those things *I* wonder about and don’t have a great answer for. As far as I’m concerned, they don’t have hobbies aside from sex and causing trouble 😂
It’s like a constant loop of plotting, prepping, causing a ruckus, then laying low and sleeping (and screwing) a lot to recharge their batteries.
I can’t imagine them doing any tourism of any kind.
Here’s some head canon: When Harley was with Pam in Peru it was Pam’s “time off” from trekking through the jungle looking for whatever. So they spent a week at an obscenely luxurious hotel (probably the Belmond Palacio Nazarenas; I cant help it, I love a Belmond) drinking cocktails and generally being luxurious which Harley begrudgingly enjoyed 🙈
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Get to know me
SI know that there was a lot of version of this and I have lost the mention for a previous version who was not that long ago but interesting, so I’m sorry! T_T I didn’t ignore everyone I’m just a butterfly and I have lost all the tag T^T But the last who had tagged me was @kaosstar , thanks you very much! \o/
1. Dogs or Cats?
Guinea pigs. Or cats, I love kitties too.
2. YouTube celebrities or normal celebrities?
3. If you could live anywhere where would that be?
Where I live now, near nature but in a slightly bigger and nicer house, with a library and a pool. And I would never have leave my house

Or by a lake. That would be nice too.
4. Disney or DreamWorks?
Dreamworks. Their works had more impacted me. And also, if I should choose an animation movie studio, I would have pick Ghibli. :)
5. Favourite childhood TV show?
Les mystĂ©rieuses citĂ©es d’Or! Oh and the Justice league thing,with a lot of DC  series!
6. The movie you’re looking forward to most in 2020?
Wonder Woman 1984  and Dune. 7. Favorite book you read in 2019?
It was a terrible French translate but Annihilation. :p But I haven’t read a lot in 2019.
8. Marvel or DC?
Dc... without thinking. :)
9. If you choose Marvel favorite member of the X-Men? If you choose DC favourite Justice League member?
Storm for X-men, and aaaah I love them all for DC... Wonderwoman? Hawgirl? and in the DC universe, it would be Poison Ivy or Harley Quinn.
10. Night or Day?  
11. Favourite Pokemon?  
12. Top 5 bands/artists:
The Beatles, Orphaned Land, Myrath, Juice=Juice, Postmodern Jukebox.
13. Top 10 books.
Dune and The Children of Dune Frank Herbert, Ancestor of Avalon, Stormqueen, Hawkmistress and Secret of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley and Diana L. Paxson, Orcs by Stan Nicholls, Les chroniques des CrĂ©pusculaires and BohĂšme by Mathieu Gaborit (If you speak a little bit French please read it it’s an absolute gem), Duide by Olivier Peru, and the three Herald of Valdemar (I’m cheeting) like Arrows of the Queen  of Mercedes Lackey!
I know George RR martin and J R R Tolkien are great and I deeply love them too.
14. Top 4 movies
Astérix et Obélix mission Cléopùtre
Le Moulin Rouge
Wonder Woman
Kaze no Tani no Nausicaa (it’s an animated movie but grumpf)
15. America or Europe?
Well... Europe.
16. Tumblr or Twitter?
17. Pro-choice or Pro-life?  
...Pro-choice. Just, pro-choice!
18. Favorite YouTuber?
Ginger Force! A French woman youtuber, who had made a very interesting video about the adaptation from things like book to movie etc, and a feminist and more emission too.
19. Favorite author ?
Marion Zimmer Bradley and Mathieu Gaborit.
20. Tea or Coffee?  
Neither of them. Hot chocolate. I didn’t digest both so...
21. OTP ?  
Mmmh... Chani and Paul Atreides.
22. Do you play an instrument/sing ?  
I sing like a pot, but I sing when I draw  or clean my home.
I’m tagged @roguescarlett  @chokit-pyrus @vagabond1925 @biwabiwa @rainofaugustsith @chubbyooo @anchanted-one @made-of-starr-dust @starknstarwars @greencrusader13 @melissagt @sheyshen @verbose-vespertine
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impossiblefunhd-blog · 5 years ago
TOP[Pelis] Train to Busan 2: Peninsula — 2020 Pelicula completa [EN ESPANOL LATINO]
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Train to Busan 2: Peninsula — Pelicula Completa en Español VER~ONLINE. Train to Busan 2: Peninsula (2020) Peliculas Completa En Español Latino ≫Train to Busan 2: Peninsulaâ‰Ș Pelicula completa - en Español [MEGA-1080P] Train to Busan 2: Peninsula PELICULA’COMPLETA EN ESPAÑOL LATINO TOP[Pelis] Train to Busan 2: Peninsula — Pelicula completa [EN ESPANOL LATINO] 2020 PelĂ­cula【Train to Busan 2: Peninsula】completa del"2020"en español latino y subtitulada Ver — Pelis24!! Train to Busan 2: Peninsula PELICULA COMPLETA EN ESPANOL LATINO {[Ver]}!!” HD Train to Busan 2: Peninsula (2020) Pelicula Completa Latino Espanol | Descargar Train to Busan 2: Peninsula Pelicula Online UTorrent [DVDRip] | Ver Train to Busan 2: Peninsula (2020) Pelicula Completa En Espanol Latino ▷VER~{HD} » Train to Busan 2: Peninsula PelĂ­cula Completa Online Gratis Español y Latino
CalificaciĂłn : NR GĂ©nero : AcciĂłn y aventura, Drama, Horror, Misterio y suspenso Dirigido por : Yeon Sang-ho En cines el 7 de agosto de 2020 limitado DuraciĂłn : 116 minutos. Estudio : Well Go USA Entertainment
Cuatro años despuĂ©s de la destrucciĂłn total de Corea del Sur en TRAIN TO BUSAN, el thriller de zombis que cautivĂł al pĂșblico en todo el mundo, el aclamado director Yeon Sang-ho nos trae PENINSULA, el prĂłximo capĂ­tulo mordaz en su mundo post-apocalĂ­ptico. Jung-seok, un soldado que previamente escapĂł del pĂĄramo enfermo, revive el horror cuando se lo asigna a una operaciĂłn encubierta con dos objetivos simples: recuperar y sobrevivir. Cuando su equipo tropieza inesperadamente con los sobrevivientes, sus vidas dependerĂĄn de si lo mejor o lo peor de la naturaleza humana prevalece en las circunstancias mĂĄs difĂ­ciles.
Pada trailer kedua pelĂ­cula penĂ­nsula kali ini memiliki durasi yang lebih panjang yakni 2 menit 6 detik.
Tren Sekuel a Busan ini disutradari sekaligus ditulis Yeon Sang-ho.
Pembuatan film sudah dimulai sejak Juni 2019 dan direncanakan tayang pada Juli 2020.
Gong Yoo yang bermain sebagai pemeran utama pada pelĂ­cula Train to Busan (2016), kini digantikan oleh Gang Dong-won.
Berdasarkan trailer yang diunggah di kanal Youtube Movie Trailers Fuente, pelĂ­cula PenĂ­nsula dibintangi oleh Gang Dong-won yang berperan sebagai Jung Seok.
Bersama pemain lainnya yakni Lee Jung-Hyun dan kwon Hae-yo.
Artikel ini telah tayang di Tribunnews.com dengan judul Sinopsis Film Train to Busan 2: Peninsula, Aksi Menegangkan Melawan Zombie, https://www.tribunnews.com/seleb/2020/06/18/sinopsis-film-train-to- busan-2-peninsula-aksi-menegangkan-melawan-zombie. Penulis: Yurika Nendri Novianingsih Editor: Daryono
Artikel ini telah tayang di Tribunnews.com dengan judul Sinopsis Film Train to Busan 2: Peninsula, Aksi Menegangkan Melawan Zombie, https://www.tribunnews.com/seleb/2020/06/18/sinopsis-film-train-to- busan-2-peninsula-aksi-menegangkan-melawan-zombie. Penulis: Yurika Nendri Novianingsih Editor: Daryono
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hellobalakutak · 5 years ago
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TĂ­tulo original : Nadie sabe que estoy aquĂ­ Año : 2020 DuraciĂłn :91 min. PaĂ­s: Chile Chile DirecciĂłn:Gaspar Antillo Guion: Enrique Videla, Gaspar Antillo, Josefina FernĂĄndez MĂșsica:Carlos Cabezas FotografĂ­a: Sergio Armstrong Reparto: Jorge Garcia, Luis Gnecco, Millaray Lobos GarcĂ­a, Nelson Brodt, Juan FalcĂłn, Julio Fuentes, Alejandro Goic, MarĂ­a Paz Grandjean, Solange Lackington, GastĂłn Pauls, Eduardo Paxeco, Roberto Vander Productora; Distribuida por Netflix. Fabula GĂ©nero :Drama ========================================
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Sinopsis Memo (Jorge García) fue una estrella de pop adolescente en los años 90. Mås de 15 años de reclusión en una isla del sur de Chile lo han transformado en un curioso ejemplar humano y en un momento determinado su vida se verå sacudida por la llegada de inesperados visitantes. Tags
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callmeblake · 6 years ago
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From Twitter: @ssuicideme​ on April 23rd, 2019
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jokerme-blog2 · 5 years ago
~regarder— Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn) [2020] film complet Online
Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn) 2020 Pelicula Completa En Español, Mexicano, Castellano, En Latino, Argentina, Bolivia, Chilena, En Colombia, costarricenses completes, Paraguay, Cubana, En Peru, Venezuela Uruguay, Panama, Honduras, Nicaragua,Puerto Rico, Equatorial Guinea, El Salvador, Ecuador ,Dominican, Republic, 2020 Doblaje Espana
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Sinopsis Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn): Massimo es miembro de la mafia siciliana y Laura es una directora de ventas. Ella no espera que un viaje a Sicilia salve su relaciĂłn, pero Massimo la secuestrarĂĄ durante 365 dĂ­as para que se enamore de Ă©l. Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn) - PelĂ­cula , Ver Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn) Online en Español Latino , Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn) pelicula completa en español en 2019 , Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn) Online , Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn) CineCalidad , Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn) Latino , Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn) Twitter , Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn) SensaCine Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn) EliteStream , Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn) KinePolis , Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn) Allocine Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn) PelĂ­cula eCartelera , Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn) Wikipedia , Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn) Estreno , Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn) fecha de estreno, trĂĄiler, historia, Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn) Filmaffinity, Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn) pelicula, PelĂ­culas Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn) | PelĂ­culas completas Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn) » Pelis-Gratis , Ver PelĂ­culas Online Gratis , Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn) , horarios y entradas, Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn) Pelicula Completa Sub Español , >>Watch Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn) Movie WEB-DL This is a file losslessly ripped from a streaming service, such as Netflix, Amazon Video, Hulu, Crunchyroll, Discovery GO, BBC iPlayer, etc. This is also a movie or TV show downloaded via an online distribution website, such as iTunes. The quality is quite good since they are not re-encoded. The video (H.264 or H.265) and audio (AC3/La suite nupcial C) streams are usually extracted from the iTunes or Amazon Video and then remuxed into a MKV container without sacrificing quality. >>Download Movie Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn) One of the movie streaming industry’s largest impacts has been on the DVD industry, which effectively met its demise with the mass popularization of online content. The rise of media streaming has caused the downfall of many DVD rental companies such as Blockbuster. In July 2015 an article from the New York Times published an article about Netflix’s DVD services. It stated that Netflix is continuing their DVD services with 5.3 million subscribers, which is a significant drop from the previous year. On the other hand, their streaming services have 65 million members. In a March 2016 study assessing the “Impact of Movie Streaming over traditional DVD Movie Rental” it was found that respondents do not purchase DVD movies nearly as much anymore, if ever, as streaming has taken over the market. Watch Movie Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn) , viewers did not find movie quality to be significantly different between DVD and online streaming. Issues that respondents believed needed improvement with movie streaming included functions of fast forwarding or rewinding, as well as search functions. The article highlights that the quality of movie streaming as an industry will only increase in time, as advertising revenue continues to soar on a
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