#harlequin rasboras
red-eft · 4 months
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rescaped and water changed the 20gal long community tank... i hadn't been able to take care of it since spring break back in march, so a refresh was kinda overdue :>
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astillnight · 2 months
they're soooo gorgeous in the sunlight 😍😍
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thesitharts · 1 month
My rasboras dazed and confused by the stick in their tank
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waterskies · 3 months
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Well, I think I'm done this little series of pictures. Not because I want to finish it, though. I just can't make more because the main marker for the background died!! I wanted to do one of a platy and another one of a dwarf gourami, but I can't now 😢
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mod2amaryllis · 8 months
hey, i wanted a little advice. i've had a betta fish for a couple months, but hes suddenly passed away. according to my water test kit, the parameters are fine. he lived in a 20 gallon in a planted aquarium, and seemed fine until recently. he had a filter and a heater, and the plants had a light so they can photosynthesize. i wasn't there when it happened, but the only clue i have is what looked like black... lining? to his scales. the only things i can think of that were off is that the water here is hard and high ph, but it hasn't been anything catastrophic and i've never had issues with it before. i dunno i'm just wondering if theres something i missed? i really liked the little guy.
I'm so sorry to hear that </3 without pics it's hard to say, even with pics it can be hard to say! :( black scales only sounds like normal color change to me.
unfortunately this can be par for the course with bettas... you do everything right, they give no signs, and they die. there's a lot genetically wrong with them due to over breeding for color. it really sounds like you did nothing wrong. even the high ph; i have hard water, it's not unusual to come out of the tap at 8 and none of the fish have ever complained (as long as there's no big swings).
it's sad, these little animals leave such a big impression, but don't get discouraged. maybe consider trying another kind of fish when you're ready. my community tanks are so much less stressful than my bettas it's kinda ridiculous lol... or if you still wanna try for bettas, get one that's young and healthy!
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justmyshrimps · 1 year
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i have been mentally preparing and planning for getting fish sometime soon-ish and thinking about it is so exciting but also i'm so very new to like. every aspect of it. but i'm excited
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rabidseraphim · 7 months
look at my little fishies!!!
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sharpestasp · 1 year
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chrimmearts · 1 year
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🔸Harlequin Rasbora🔸
Such a pretty color palette to work with for this design. Wanted to work with a lot of diamond shapes from sketch to finish for this one
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finandleaf · 1 year
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Things have been terrible and I had to give up my big tank and give away the beautiful longfin catfish I had for six years. She's gone to a wonderful new home though.
I've downsized to one little tank and got a few new rasboras. They're tiny and perfect and I love them.
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therealhobermallow · 2 years
If anyone is actually following along, I’ll post updates about my dwarf frogs, Amano shrimp and little fish soon.
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thesitharts · 1 month
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Aquarium patch notes
Replanted trimmings
Floaters multiplied
Swapped out huge filter sponge for a smaller one
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Six (6) harlequin rasboras
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waterskies · 14 days
40 gallon long update~
Everything is going well in this tank apart from the odd bit of algae here and there.
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The new pearl gourami is getting on nicely. Though it is a bit picky and will only eat flakes. He is quite shy and is still nervous when I come up to the tank. Hopefully, he will get used to me soon!
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The bamboo shrimp is growing, too! I feed it some crushed up flakes and the powder from my rapashy.
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The old dominant harlequin rasbora, who got his nose torn off in a fight, is doing well. He's eating fine, and there appears to be no infection going on. So I think he's okay.
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Chiggy, my peppered corydoras that was born deformed, is doing good, too. She doesn't come out much, preferring to chill amongst the Val with the other corys.
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Big Mama is still big. I'm still hoping she'll give me some eggs soon, but it's been a while since I've seen any breeding action from them.
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The otocinclus and siamese algae eater are doing well, too! Doing their jobs and keeping the tank tidy~
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the list!!!
every creature that's endangered or critically endangered or extinct in the wild that you can keep and breed in your own (freshwater) aquarium to stop it from dying out completely.
ive been working on this for a while and its still very not done bc oh my god theres so many-
some of these are super duper rare and expensive but others are widely beloved fish, some of them are rlly surprising to see here
pls lmk if theres anything i should add that i havent yet :3 theres a lot of undescribed species that you dont find in databases and stuff so i need all the obsessed nerds i can find to finish this!!!
not bolded = endangered
bolded = critically endangered
red = extinct in the wild (THESE LITERALLY ONLY EXIST WHERE WE KEEP THEM 0.0)
okay here it is :3
Allodontichthys polylepis - Finescale splitfin
Allotoca catarinae - Catarina allotoca
Allotoca dugesii - Bumblebee goodeid, Opal allotoca
Allotoca goslinei - Banded allotoca
Allotoca maculata - Blackspot goodeid, Blackspot allotoca
Allotoca meeki - Zirahuen allotoca
Allotoca zacapuensis - Zacapu allotoca
Amatitlania kanna - Panama convict cichlid
Amatitlania myrnae - Topaz cichlid
Ambystoma mexicanum - Axolotl
Ameca splendens - Butterfly goodeid
Amphilophus chancho
Amphilophus flaveolus
Amphilophus lyonsi
Amphilophus zaliosus - Arrow cichlid
Apistogramma lineata  
Apistogramma psammophila - two banded dwarf cichlid 
Aponogeton capuronii 
Aponogeton longiplumulosus
Astatotilapia desfontainii
Ataeniobius toweri - Striped goodeid
Aulonocara baenschi - Nkhomo-benga peacock, yellow benga, sunshine peacock
Aulonocara kandeense - Blue orchid peacock
Aulonocara maylandi - Sulfurhead peacock
Bedotia geayi - Madagascar rainbowfish, red-tailed silverside, zona
Bedotia madagascariensis - Madagascar rainbow, Madagascan rainbowfish
Benitochromis conjunctus
Benitochromis finleyi
Benitochromis nigrodorsalis
Benitochromis riomuniensis
Betta albimarginata - Whiteseam fighter
Betta antoni
Betta sp. “api api” - Api api betta
Betta burdigala
Betta channoides - Snakehead betta
Betta chloropharynx - Green throat mouthbrooder
Betta compuncta
Betta cracens
Betta foerschi
Betta hendra
Betta hipposideros
Betta sp. “jade” - Jade betta
Betta livida
Betta mahachaiensis - Mahachai betta
Betta mandor
Betta miniopinna
Betta omega
Betta pardalotos
Betta patoti - Tiger betta
Betta persephone
Betta pi
Betta rubra - Toba betta
Betta rutilans - Fire betta
Betta schalleri 
Betta simplex - Krabi mouthbrooding betta
Betta smaragdina “guitar”
Betta spilotogena
Betta stiktos 
Betta tussyae - Chukai betta
Betta waseri
Brevibora dorsiocellata - Emerald eye rasbora, eyespot rasbora
Cambarellus patzcuarensis - Mexican dwarf crayfish
Caridina dennerli - Cardinal Sulawesi shrimp
Caridina glaubrechti - Red orchid Sulawesi shrimp, red orchid shrimp
Caridina holthuisi - Six banded Sulawesi shrimp
Caridina loehae - Mini blue bee shrimp, orange delight shrimp
Caridina masapi - Towuti tiger shrimp
Caridina profundicola - Sunstripe shrimp
Caridina spinata - Yellow goldflake shrimp, yellow nose shrimp, yellow cheek shrimp
Caridina spongicola
Caridina striata - Red line shrimp
Caridina tenuirostris 
Caridina tigri - Tigris sulawesi shrimp
Caridina woltereckae - Sulawesi harlequin shrimp
Chapalichthys pardalis - Polkadot splitfin
Characodon audax - Bold characodon
Characodon lateralis - Rainbow goodeid, Rainbow characodon
Chilatherina bleheri - Blehers rainbowfish
Chilatherina sentaniensis - Sentani rainbowfish
Chindongo saulosi
Coelotilapia joka
Coptodon bythobates
Coptodon deckerti
Coptodon gutturosus
Coptodon kottae
Coptodon snyderae
Cyprinodon alvarezi - Potosi pupfish
Crenichthys baileyi - White River springfish
Cribroheros bussingi
Cribroheros rhytisma
Danio/Celestichthys erythromicron - Emerald dwarf rasbora
Devario auropurpureus/Inlecypris auropurpurea - Lake Inle danio
Devario pathirana - Barred danio
Dicrossus gladicauda
Epalzeorhynchos bicolor - Redtail shark/red tailed shark
Etroplus canarensis - Canara pearlspot
Gambusia hurtadoi - Crescent gambusia
Girardinichthys multiradiatus - Dark-edged splitfin
Girardinichthys viviparus - Chapultepec splitfin
Glossolepis dorityi - Doritys rainbowfish, Grime rainbowfish
Glossolepis incisus - Red rainbowfish
Glossolepis maculosus - Spotted rainbowfish
Glossolepis wanamensis - Lake Wanam rainbowfish, emerald rainbowfish, green dragon rainbowfish
Gymnogeophagus caaguazuensis
Halocaridina rubra - ‘Opae‘ula
Haplochromis brownae
Haplochromis ishmaeli
Haplochromis latifasciatus - Zebra obliquidens
Haplochromis perrieri
Hemichromis cerasogaster
Herichthys bartoni - Bartons cichlid
Herichthys labridens - Curve-bar cichlid
Herichthys minckleyi - Minckleys cichlid
Herichthys steindachneri - Steindachners cichlid
Hubbsina turneri - Highland splitfin
Hypancistrus zebra - Zebra pleco
Hyphessobrycon flammeus - Flame tetra 
Kiunga ballochi - Glass blue eye
Konia eisentrauti - Konye
Lamprologus kungweensis - Ocellated shell dweller
Limbochromis robertsi 
Limia islai - Tiger limia
Limia nigrofasciata - Humpbacked limia, Black-barred limia
Limia sulphurophila - Sulphur limia
Lipochromis/Cleptochromis/Haplochromis parvidens
Luciocephalus aura - Peppermint pikehead
Malpulutta kretseri - Ornate paradisefish
Mchenga conophoros
Melanochromis chipokae
Melanochromis lepidiadaptes
Melanotaenia ajamaruensis - Ajamaru rainbowfish, Ajamaru lakes rainbowfish
Melanotaenia boesemani - Boesemani rainbowfish
Melanotaenia bowmani - Bowmans rainbowfish
Melanotaenia fasinensis
Melanotaenia gracilis - Slender rainbowfish
Melanotaenia klasioensis - Klasio Creek rainbowfish, Klasio rainbowfish
Melanotaenia lacustris - Turquoise rainbowfish, Lake Kutubu rainbowfish
Melanotaenia mairasi - Lake Furnusu rainbowfish
Melanotaenia parva - Lake Kurumoi rainbowfish, sunset dwarf rainbowfish
Melanotaenia sp. “Running River” - Running River rainbowfish
Melanotaenia sembrae
Melanotaenia sexlineata - Fly River rainbowfish
Melanotaenia susii - Susi Creek rainbowfish
Melanotaenia utcheensis - Utchee rainbowfish, Utchee Creek rainbowfish
Melanotaenia sp. “Williams Creek” - Malanda gold rainbowfish, Williams Creek rainbowfish
Mesoheros gephyrus
Metriaclima koningsi
Metriaclima usisyae
Microrasbora rubescens - Red dwarf rasbora
Myaka myaka - Myaka
Nandopsis ramsdeni
Nannostomus mortenthaleri - Coral red pencilfish
Nanochromis transvestitus
Neoophorus regalis
Neotoca bilineata - Twoline skiffia
Nyassachromis boadzulu
Oreochromis alcalicus - Soda cichlid, common natron tilapia
Osphronemus laticlavius - Giant red tail gourami
Parananochromis ornatus
Paretroplus dambabe
Paretroplus maculatus - Damba mipentina
Paretroplus menarambo - Pinstripe damba
Paretroplus nourissati
Parosphromenus alfredi 
Parosphromenus anjunganensis
Parosphromenus filamentosus
Parosphromenus gunawani
Parosphromenus harveyi
Parosphromenus linkei
Parosphromenus opallios
Parosphromenus ornaticauda
Parosphromenus pahuensis
Parosphromenus paludicola
Parosphromenus phoenicurus
Parosphromenus quindecim
Parosphromenus rubrimontis
Parosphromenus tweediei
Phallichthys quadripunctatus - Four spotted toothcarp, four spotted merry widow
Placidochromis phenochilus
Poropanchax/Congopanchax myersi - Hummingbird lampeye
Pseudomugil connieae - Popondetta blue eye
Pseudomugil furcatus - Forktail blue eye
Pseudomugil ivantsoffi - Ivantsoffs blue eye
Pseudomugil luminatus - Red neon blue eye
Pseudomugil mellis - Honey blue eye
Pseudotropheus cyaneorhabdos - Maingano cichlid
Ptychochromis insolitus - Mangarahara cichlid
Ptychochromis oligacanthus
Pungu maclareni - Pungu
Priapella olmecae - Olmec priapella
Quintana atrizona - Barred topminnow
Rocio spinosissima
Sahyadria/Dawkinsonia denisonii - Denison barb, red line torpedo barb, roseline shark
Sarotherodon caroli - Fissi
Sarotherodon knauerae
Sarotherodon linnellii - Blackfin tilapia
Sarotherodon lamprechti
Sarotherodon logbergeri - Keppe, keppi
Sarotherodon steinbachi - Kululu
Scleropages formosus - Asian arowana
Sewellia marmorata
Skiffia francesae - Golden skiffia
Skiffia lermae - Olive skiffia
Skiffia multipunctata - Spotted skiffia
Skiffia sp. “Sayula” - Sayula skiffia
Sphaerichthys vaillanti - Samurai gourami, vaillants chocolate gourami
Stomatepia mariae - Nsess
Stomatepia mongo - Mongo
Stomatepia pindu - Pindu
Tanichthys albiventris 
Tanichthys albonubes - White cloud mountain minnow, white cloud minnow
Tanichthys micagemmae - Vietnamese cardinal minnow, Vietnamese white cloud
Teleogramma brichardi
Tilapia guinasana - Otjikoto tilapia 
Trigonostigma somphongsi
Vieja hartwegi - Tailbar cichlid 
Xenoophorus captivus - Relict splitfin
Xenotoca doadrioi - San Marcos redtail splitfin, San Marcos redtail goodeid
Xenotoca eiseni - Redtail splitfin, Redtail goodeid
Xenotoca lyonsi - Tamazula redtail splitfin
Xenotoca melanosoma - Black splitfin
Xenotoca cf. melanosoma 
Xiphophorus andersi - Spiketail platyfish
Xiphophorus couchianus - Monterrey platyfish
Xiphophorus meyeri - Marbled swordtail
Zoogoneticus tequila - Tequila splitfin
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goodafterwoon · 3 months
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Grey Heron (Ardea cinerea)
Inspired by a bird watching spot around Pasir Ris that I frequently walk by.
Other species depicted: Common Swift, Needlefish, Red-eared slider, Harlequin Rasbora, Saddle Barb, Sunda Leaf Fish
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