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New Squirrelwhisker family tree!!
Ok so now what I’ve changed is that Sandstorm + Featherkit and Cricketkit are now the kits of Runningbreeze (Runningwind) and a Rouge/Bloodclan cat Tess (she’s a character in Ravenpaw’s Path), they were both young at the time, it was a very non serious relationship and ended when she got pregnant. Tess asked Runningbreeze to take them back to his clan as Tess didn’t have the means to take care of them, nor did she want kits, and Runningbreeze had a community of cats to raise them, he agreed and before they were born he asked Dapplecloud (Dappletail) to take them.
More Character backstory below
Dapplecloud had wanted kits for a very long time, she was mates with Stormtail for a time when she was a younger warrior but she couldn’t have kits, which was definitely hard on her. At some point she’d broken up with Stormtail realising their relationship was not healthy and tried to focus on spending more time on her family, she absolutely loved her niece and nephew, she and her brother were very close with Mouseburr and Runningbreeze, they were Auntie Dapplecloud and Uncle Thrushpelt and great warriors the two of them looked up to.
So when Runningbreeze came to her asking for her help, Dapplecloud agreed, no warrior would turn down kits in need, especially family. Sometime in the future a part of Dapplecloud would regret this decision.
In the first two months every thing was fine, the kits were little angels, Rodinwing’s litter was taking a liking to the three new little kits and Willowpelt was settling into the nursery. Rosetail, the caretaker of the nursery was going to have her paws full.
But as the months of winter went on, the prey became increasingly more scarce then others, so many cats died that winter. Her brother, Leopardfoot, two of Robinwing’s kits along with her mate and herself… and so many more….
Cricketkit and then Featherkit included… Cricketkit early on and Featherkit so close to being apprenticed, he was born deaf but that never stopped him, he and his family had developed their own language built on clan cats own limited sign language used in patrols and other clan activities. Featherkit was a determined and kind kit. But the harsh winter does not care about the lives of mortals.
The loss affected her deeply… But Sandkit and the rest of the clan continued on.
One of the things that brings Sandstorm and Fireheart together is Cloudkit, in my rewrite Cloudtail and Snowkit are the same character. When Fireheart brings Cloudkit and asks Bluestar to let him stay in the clan, amongst the many voices saying not to let another “weak” kittypet in, Sandstorm surprises Fireheart by advocating for Cloudkit (the little white kit reminds her of her brother) and when Cloudkit is discovered to be hard of hearing Sandstorm and Dapplecloud help Fireheart and Brindleface with different signs and signals.
Cloudtail goes on to help Brightheart when she becomes hard of hearing after the dog attack and their daughter Whitewing, while not hard of hearing is a fantastic sign language teacher and goes on to teach many young cats in Thunderclan and even some cats in other clans the more developed sign language.
Other family tree’s that relate to this one:
SandFire // Mumblefoot
#warrior cats#squirrelwhisker#eaglestorm#windflight#harepounce#rainfur#trushpelt#dappletail#tawnyspots#one-eye#halftail#wc tess#runningwind#mousefur#sandstorm#cricketkit#featherkit#mousetoe wc rewrite
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#warrior cats#wc designs#harepounce#thunderclan#starclan#warrior#queen#goosefeather's curse#pinestar's choice
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#i'll redesign some later#i rly like lion speckle stag bright and frost's designs tho!!#so imma consider leaving those the same#warrior cats#loafbud#digital art#fanart#warrior cat designs#thunderclan#brightheart#stagleap#harepounce#frostfur#fuzzypelt#lionheart#smallear#robinwing#speckletail
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harepounce! a dead thunderclan cat who starved so her kits could eat during the famine in goosefeather's curse
since she's named after a hare, we decided to give her long ears, legs, and a shorter tail. we also gave her some freckles, cause they just seemed to fit her
scar we gave her is from when she was on a patrol to chase and hurt kittypets. it's not said that she's hurt from that as far as we know, but, y'know. adds a little something if you can see that the cat they chased fought back
me and the birds by duster
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#harepounce#harepounce wc#wc#warrior cats#warrior cats designs#wc designs#thunderclan#speckletail's mom!!!....who dies of starvation...
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Does her coat pattern look like a hare? Maybe, idk
#warrior cats#warrior cats artist#warrior cats designs#warriors#warriors art#warrior cats fanart#fanart#thunderclan#harepounce
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Leaders Lives: Pinestar
Quite an odd case again, as his last life clung onto was the reason Sunstar got 0 lives, just like Nightstar of Shadowclan.
Anyways, you know that drill, order of lives gained, order lost and how they lost them! This one will be shorter than Blackstar's since Pinestar did get his all at once!
Pinestar's first life comes from Doestar, for Survival. She was a tough cat, but the Great Hunger and many battle wounds killed her early in WCR, especially since the Great Hunger is now 2 seasons.
His second life came from... Patchstar, Mapleshade's son. The kit that didn't make it was supposes to have become a kind, benevolent leader. Patchkit gives Pinestar a life for Judgement, and a vision of what happened to him and his siblings. When Pinestar asks what Clan Patchkit would have been leader of, Patchstar only responds: "Wouldn't you like to know?"
The third is Flashnose, with a life for Courage. The life frightens him with its intensity. She was always an intense cat in life, her death itself rocked him.
The fourth is Harepounce, with Loyalty as her life. Loyalty to your family and Clan, she says for your family is your Clan and your Clan IS your family.
His fifth life comes from Stagflight (a renamed Stagleap), who gives him a life for the Knowledge of War and Peace, and the understanding that both are a part of Clan culture, do not disregard them. Some things are WORTH fighting for.
Life number six is from Pearnose! Pearnose has a different story in WCR, she is still Thunderclan's medicine cat under Morningstar, but she organized a rebellion that got him (accidentally) killed, obviously not meaning for it to happen. She would get a sign later that would chose the next leader, and though that leader was her, she did not take the name Pearstar when she died. Anyways, she gives Pinestar a life for Trust, specifically Trusting Wisdom for Protection.
Life seven is for the Strength of a Nursing Queen, from the famous Patron of Youth, Daisytail. (She isn't related to Pinestar technically, but she is related to Oakstar's first mate, Shinecloud, and their kits, Frecklewish and Birchface. Irony, huh?)
Pinestar's eighth life comes from his older half-sister. The one and only Frecklewish. The life she gives him is for Making Difficult Choices. Pinestar cannot help but notice that her fur does not shine with starlight, though it does not the wounds that a Dark Forest warrior would normally have...
Pinestar's final life is from the legendary Morningstar. The life is for Compassion, something that was not valued when he had been leader. He takes it in fully, and promises to Morningstar that he will do his best.
As for order lost and how:
Harepounce - Loyalty - He lost this during the Great Hunger soon after he became leader. He lost it due to freezing, but feeling Harepounce starve to death through her own eyes rattled him completely. It was the catalyst.
Pearnose - Trusting Wisdom for Protection - He was hit by a monster while running from a Boar with Larksong and her apprentice, Flypaw. Seeing Pearnose's death through her eyes was strange, as she died from old age, but was oddly peaceful after the fear and adrenaline he had felt right before.
Flashnose - Courage - A bite wound from a fox got infected and took him down. Another horrible death, made worse now that Doestar is Flashnose's mother. Seeing her mother pass away made her weak, allowing sickness and hunger to take hold. The constant reminders of the Great Hunger drive Pinestar's anxiety through the roof.
Frecklewish - Making Difficult Choices - Greencough, the same that would kill many others causing a gap in youth that Bluekit and Snowkit would eventually need to fill in.
Morningstar - Compassion - A head wound inflicted by Hailstar during a battle for Sunningrocks. He got to see what had killed Morningstar, and vowed from that point on that he would walk Morningstar's peaceful path. When he awoke, he found that he was not the only casualty. The battle killed Eaglestorm as well.
Daisytail - Strength of a Nursing Queen - Greencough, but Pinestar refused to be treated until everyone else was first. Daisytail and Pinestar spoke briefly under a beautiful tree, and she told him that due to his actions, more of his clanmates would live. She is the Patron of Youth, specifically for protecting them.
Stagflight - Knowledge of War and Peace - Food poisoning during Bluestar's Prophecy. It is actually a few more cats who get hit with bad prey now, necessitating Brambleberry's visit.
Doestar - Survival - When Pinestar is struck by a car during Pinestar's Sorrow, he sees the old leader and picks her. They talk, with her pushing him to keep going, to stay with Thunderclan, to protect them from the dangers coming... And he snaps. It makes him completely lose faith in himself, leaving Thunderclan once and for all.
Patchstar - Judgement - When Pine is old, and weary, he get sick. He is taken to a vet, but he gets sicker. He gets lethargic, weak, and stops wanting to eat. His housefolk take him to a vet one final time as his kidneys finally give out, and, surrounded by love, seeing the spirit of Shanty, who passed away a year ago, he drifts off in their arms.
When Pinestar reaches Starclan, he is put on trial. Due to his actions, Sunstar was not able to earn any lives, and Thunderclan is at risk. However, his jury is an understanding one. They know how afraid he was, how much pressure he was under. Pinestar is given a prison sentence of 5 moons, getting out just in time to give Bluestar a life...
#warrior cats#warrior cats rewrite#wcr#warriors#pinestar#doestar#patchkit#patchstar#flashnose#harepounce#stagflight#pearnose#daisytail#frecklewish#morningstar#bluestar#leader lives
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Harepounce-Stagleap family tree
| Masterpost |
| Speckletail-Smallear family tree |
| One-Eye-Halftail family tree |
#warrior cats#warriors#my art#harepounce#stagleap#one eye#speckletail#thunderclan#cat genetics#genetically accurate warrior cats
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Squirrelwhisker’s family tree rewrite! Only going up to into the wild.
Changes to the family tree!!
- Squirrelwhisker and Eaglestorm now have two kits, Windflight and Harepounce. (cause u know hares are normally in windclan)
- Harepounce and Rainfur are mates, Windflight is a donor to Rainfur. Tawnyspots and One-eye are their first litter, Dappletail and Thrushpelt are their second.
- Dappletail has a short lived relationship with Stormtail and unfortunately Featherkit and Cricketkit die as kits.
- One-eye and Halftail are still mates, Mousefur and Runningwind their first litter, and Sandstorm the Baby of the Family tm
Other families that some of these show up in:
Daisytoe // SandFire + Princess
#warrior cats#Squirrelwhisker#eaglestorm#windflight#harepounce#rainfur#tawnyspots#trushpelt#dappletail#white-eye#one-eye wc#sparrowpelt#halftail#stormtail#featherkit#cricketkit#mousefur#runningwind#sandstorm#my art#warrior cats rewrite#wc#wc family tree
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"Harepounce is a light brown she-cat with yellow eyes."
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#flutter chirps#polls#warrior cats#gullswoop#hailstar#hal#half moon#halftail#hareflight#harelight#harepounce#harestar#harley#harrybrook
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Mousefur's fam
#warriors cats#warriors#warriors designs#art#harepounce#stagleap tc#one-eye#halftail#mousefur#runningwind
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