#harem! crusher
gia-batmm-crickle22 · 2 years
Yayy! :D All Blueberries! Characters are present time
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jaimebluesq · 2 years
8 shows to know you
Tagged by @dual-domination - thank you so much!
All right, I'm going to go chronologically rather than by current importance, and yeah, I'm going to show my age a little bit. So without further ado...
1 - The Monkees
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When I was a kid, I first watched the Monkees on reruns (this was the 80s), and I fell for their shenanigans and music - to this day I still hum Cheer Up Sleepy Jean some mornings. I was a Mickey Dolenz fan, but I loved all of them equally. When I got *older*, I did discover fandom and fanfic... that was a fun personal update lol.
2 - The A-Team
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OMFG where do I start... Did I mention I love shenanigans? Because these boys may be former military but the show is FULL of shenanigans. I laughed my ass off, honestly. When I grew up, my opinions on certain things developed, and it's hard to watch the show the same way... but it will always have a special place in my heart.
3 - Various Saturday Morning Cartoons & Shows
All right, I can't list them all because this list is only for 8 shows, but Saturday Morning Cartoons (and Saved by the Bell) were the best things ever growing up! And I think they really helped develop my sense of humour ;)
4 - Star Trek: The Next Generation
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And here we are, my first foray into true addiction and obsession. Didn't have the internet yet, which was probably a really good thing because I'd have spent all my time reading fanfic. As it is, this was when I made my first foray into it with a self-insert fic about the ship meeting a new alien species led by a young girl with blue hair and sparkling pink uniform who would draw the eyes of young Wesley Crusher... omfg I was young, okay!!! That fanfic never saw the light of day, thank goodness. But this show IS the reason I got to meet a Klingon and a Vulcan when Paramount took over Canada's Wonderland and did a Star Trek exhibit :D
5 - SeaQuest
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This show was so significant in my life that I should REALLY list it twice. I watched it when it first aired, at least the first two seasons - either the 3rd never aired where I live or I missed out on it for some other reason - and loved it so so so so much. I think one of the things I initially loved about it was that it wasn't just a military vessel - it was both science and military, and the conflict between the two was often a significant plot point - well, all that and the talking dolphin. But the characters were magnificent, the episodes were engaging even when they got silly... and then years later, I got onto the internet, fell in love with TV show #6 which prominently features one of the actors, and my love for seaQuest got renewed to the point that I even wrote for fanzines back in the day, and created a little internet fan thing called "Tim O'Neill's Cunning Linguists" - yes, I do love a good pun ;)
6 - Xena: Warrior Princess
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I can't describe HOW MUCH this show was important in my life. Honestly. It's the reason behind my foray into fandom. My love of Ted Raimi renewed my love of SeaQuest, and Joxer was a character that my 'loser' self related to more than anyone else, and the fact that he was accepted as part of the group meant so fucking much to me! I made awesome online friends through this fandom - JoeyRZ and CrystalBlue in particular - and to this day, I can remember Shamenka's "The Fool and the God" almost word for word because I re-read it so damned much. I'm team "The last season didn't happen except for Virgil because he's adorable". So yeah, there's no true knowing me unless you know about my love for this show.
7 - The Rise of Phoenixes
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It's funny that there's such a huge time period between #6 and #7, but even though there were many shows I loved and enjoyed, none of them had a real profound effect on me... until this one. I honestly don't remember how it happened, but a few years ago someone introduced me to harem games on mobile, and the players of the game began talking about CDramas they enjoyed. At the time I was skeptical, had never really watched much from other countries before, but I spotted The Rise of Phoenixes on Netflix and I happened to have an account, so one day I thought, what the hell? I binged the whole fucking thing! And I didn't find the subtitles off-putting - in fact, I think I've come to prefer watching everything in subtitles since I'm hard of hearing, and when a show's in another language, it gives me the excuse to do so >.< But yeah, this show was my introduction to CDramas, Ni Ni was gorgeous as hell and I adored her, and it's the reason I am where I am in fandom today. Which brings me to...
8 - The Untamed / CQL
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It was really hard trying to find an image that accurately reflects my feelings about this show, but I think this does it enough. Wei Wuxian's story was wonderful and engaging and addicted me instantly, and his love for Lan Wangji was evident despite them having to keep the BL quiet for the sake of the Chinese censors. But Nie Huaisang's story, that's what made me go "There's more story to be told here... I wonder what people are writing about it in the fandom. There *MUST* be a fandom for this show, right?"
*Ahem* Hundreds of fics read later, my AO3 now lists me as author to 90 fics in this fandom, I've taken part in many events (and still am!), I've pioneered ships and supported others, and I've been having the time of my life, all because of these boys. I continue to watch other CDramas - from Word of Honor to Blood of Youth - but none have engaged me as much as The Untamed, the show that I binged and then, after the reveal of the final episodes, rewatched the entire thing immediately after. If you're following me on Tumblr these days, you know how I feel about this fandom :D
If you've read this far and want to join in, consider yourself tagged :-p
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gale-gentlepenguin · 3 years
Gale Poorly Explains Sole Crusher
Zoe: Hi I am new to Paris. Do you want to be friends?
Marinette: Nice Hot Rich Blonde. I apparently have a type. Want to be friends
Zoe: Sure
Audrey: Ah yes the other girl I shot from my birth canal. Yea whatever.
Zoe: I have a feeling this is not going to be a very welcoming home.
Chloé: Okay half sister. Just act exactly like me and everything will be cash money. Also Here is Sabrina in a closet.
Sabrina: If you think thats bad its okay I am into it
Zoe: Wtf
(Getting out of a car)
Chloé: ...And thats every reason why I should never have been redeemed. I am basically hitler as a rich 14 year old.
Zoe: Wow... I sure hope the fans hear all of this and are happy I am replacing you.
Chloé: What?
Zoe: Nothing.
Alya: Wow... The girl is Chloé's half sister and she is just like her.
Marinette: Hold on a second, we cant just judge her so quickly. I have to see what she is like.
Marinette: Hey Zoe
Zoe: Leave loser (Zoe internally weeping)
Marinette: :c
Chloé: I am proud of you
Sabrina: Step on me
Marinette: I dont buy that she is a second chloé.
Tikki: Go for it Marinette. Start your harem
Marinette: Zoe, I know you are top tier waifu. What up with you.
Zoe: Its complicated.
Marinette: Come aboard the ship.
Zoe: You mean the Liberty.
Marinette: Yea... that ship.
Andre: Even though you are canonical proof that my wife f***ed another man, I will share my tragic backstory with you..
Zoe: Wow... thats a mood not Fam.
(also subtle appearance of Adrien's and Kagami's moms)
Shadowmoth: Lets make a very confusing akuma
Sole Crusher: I am going to step on everyone!
Sabrina: (In a closet) I feel like something is happening that I would very much enjoy
Marinette: Zoe, I know you are in there. Snap out of it.
Chat noir: Dont worry Marinette I will
Chat noir:... Well okay then.
Ladybug: Okay I know where the akuma is
Chat noir: Neat!
(and so they beat Sole Crusher
(Zoe headed to the liberty)
Zoe: Emotional explanation of everything that totally justifies my actions.
Everyone: We instantly believe you and you are now part of our group.
Zoe: Wait, shouldnt this happen over the course of several episodes until I full prove myself in your eyes.
Marinette: Our standards for friendship are very low here.
(Montage of Zoe becoming a life long friend because development over the course of episodes is boring)
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miraculouscontent · 3 years
Didn’t Need Burrow (May 23rd-25th)
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: Astruc admitted Sabine was based on an ex and Marinette is what he imagined their daughter to be like. He later admits Audrey was based on an ex and Chloe is what he imagined their daughter would be like. Despite moving on, he still bitter and created two teen girls as "payback" against his exes.
The whole “virtual daughter” thing still squicks me out.
Also, I don’t actually take “Didn’t Need Burrows” referring specifically to the staff/fandom since that’s outside of the show, but I also definitely think about them all the time and like sticking them in here.
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: Building off of the "Adrien knows about Marinette's crush on him and tells Plagg about it" Burrow, Plagg will point out to Adrien that this is a bad idea and what he is doing is wrong and that Adrien is leading Marinette on so as to stroke his own ego. He will not be listened to, and the show portray him as in the wrong, despite him being right, because anybody who stands up for Marinette's agency deserves to be shut down. In the meantime, Adrien will be allowed to continue
Bonus if Plagg will be considered “wrong” because Adrien not leading Marinette on would lead to him being sAd because Marinette isn’t fawning over him anymore (as if he doesn’t have a million fans).
Anonymous asked:
Don't Need a Burrow: Zoe will be presented not only as "Chloe if she was good person", but also as "Marinette if she wasn't constantly making mistakes"
Anonymous asked:
Don't Need a Burrow: Zoe will be basically  Marinette if "Marinette's Mistake of the Week" formula never existed.
Sounds about right.
Amazing what can happen when the show doesn’t have a gun to your head telling you to make mistakes in every episode.
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: The show delves into a shitty harem as the writers forget that Adrien is not the main character. Who knows, maybe Zoe will join the harem.
The only reason I feel like Zoe wouldn’t be a part of Adrien’s harem is so she can ship the love square.
Anonymous asked:
Don't Need a Burrow: There will be Animaestro-type episode where Marinette "makes alliance" with (read: is manipulated by) Chloe or Lila against Zoe. In the end she is only one punished, while her "partner in crime"  (or rather person who manipulated her) walks away completely scot-free.
To the surprise of no one. Can’t have the antagonists be punished, because that would make sense.
Anonymous asked:
Don't Need a Burrow: (narrative-wise) Agreste's family drama and Bourgeois's sisters drama will overshadow whatever Marinette character arc will be in season 4.
I’m taking this a step further and saying that Marinette in generall will keep having her plots/”arcs” overshadowed by everyone else.
Anonymous asked:
Don't Need a Burrow: Marinette will be akumatized. She will be easily defeated due to "bond" between Chat Noir and Temporary Ladybug Zoe. This will be presented like Ladybug's constant refuse to "bond" with Chat Noir was reason why their fights with Akumatized Villains are so hard. (bonus: This episode will be followed by a group of fans that would state that Zoe should replace Marinette as Ladybug Miraculous Holder and not Chloe as Bee Miraculous Holder.)
Uggggh, I’m always waiting for the “love square magical bond” garbage.
Also, the bonus reminds me of the fact that I don’t understand people who hate on both Marinette and Luka but continue to ship the love square. Like, wouldn’t they want to ship Adrien with someone “””worthy””” of him??
Anonymous asked:
Don't Need a Burrow: If Marinette akumatization has Miracle Queen-type set-up, Chat Noir will quickly defeat her and whatever all other Miraculous Holders alone (or optionally supported by Temporary Ladybug Zoe). This will be presented by narrattive as proof of why Chat Noir is Brawn in Ladybug-Chat Noir duo. (Bonus: After that episode Adrien stans will make mass of "I hope this will shut up everyone who think that Chat Noir is useless/weaker than Ladybug/etc." type posts)
At this point, I’ve just grown numb to Chat suddenly being able to do things that don’t make sense for him.
Anonymous asked:
Don't Need a Burrow: Temporary Ladybug Zoe
Okay but is she keeping the black highlights or do they turn red. These are important questions.
Anonymous asked:
Don't Need a Burrow: Kagami will be changed (ret-conned) into  Adrienette (or other Love Square's part) shipper after "Lies"
Something similar is already on the card so that’s fun. :’3
Anonymous asked:
Don't Need a Burrow: Zoe, not Marinette, will be wearing that dress from the Season 4 Concept Art.
*eye twitch*
Anonymous asked:
Don't Need a Burrow: Rena Rogue will be appearing even when she isn't needed to defeat Akuma of the Week. This will be probably used to justify Chat Noir's increasing resent up towards Ladybug and (probably) consequent reversal of Love Square.
anything: *happens*
Chat Noir: bad Ladybug
Anonymous asked:
Don't Need a Burrow: Ending: Marinette will willingly sacrifice herself to wake up from coma/ressurect Emilie. Both Adrien and Gabriel will be happy that Emilie is back. Adrien will have his happy relationship/ending with Zoe whom personality is (or was ret-conned into) "Marinette in anything but name". (Bonus points: if everyone behave like Marinette never existed after Emilie revival)
I’m sad.
Anonymous asked:
Don't Need a Burrow: If Akuma of the Week isn't Reflekta/Mr Pigeon/Gigantitan/etc,.Pig Miraculous"s "Gift" power will basically fail and only make current Akumatized Villain angrier and more determined to achieve his goal, basically restarting whole fight against Akuma.
Anonymous asked:
Don't Need a Burrow: Lila will never react to Zoe becoming more popular than her
I imagine Zoe isn’t the same age as Chloe since they’re not twins, so Zoe at least won’t be in Bustier’s class.
Now, if they make her a Lila slave, then we’ll see.
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow to know that Marinette is going to hate Zoe for being related to Chloe and this will be limited to her or she'll be the only one scolded for it (likely by Adrien), because you can't hate someone for who they're related to (which actually is a good lesson but ml will probably f it up somehow).
I feel like the writers just look at a character and go, “okay, how can we engineer them in a way for Marinette to mess up around them?
Anonymous asked:
Didn't need Burrow - Chat will find out Rena Rouge knows her identity and becomes angry bc "You and me against the world, m'lady." This will cause one episode of Adrienette becoming closer and Ladynoir drifting apart before Chat magically forgives her like it was no big deal after she makes a huge gesture to get him back.
You’d think they’d have worn out the reset button by now...
Anonymous asked:
Didn't need burrow: one of two things will happen, either Adrien will try to help Luka get back together with Marinette (basically the same plot as Mr. pigeon 72) or the relationship will not be brought up ever again and Mari and Luka don't really directly interact with each other anymore
“Bonus” if Adrien is “taught a lesson” that he shouldn’t meddle, and it’s only because he chose to meddle in Lukanette. “Double bonus” if his attempts actually get Lukanette back together but this is presented as a bad thing (for some reason)..
Anonymous asked:
Don't Need a Burrow: Zoe will be(e)come pernament Bee Miraculous Holder.
This won’t be added because I think we already got official confirmation on this?
Oh, or do you mean “permanent” as in her keeping the miraculous eventually?
edit: yes, that’s what they meant (also, A+ pun)
Anonymous asked:
Don't Need a Burrow: Every Miraculous Holder introduced in Season 4 will be will lose right to their Miraculous, except Zoe/Vesperia.
lol me just imagining them struggling over either making models or trying to not use those miraculouses anymore.
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: Luka will be forced to say Adrien and Marinette are perfect for each other in "Optigami".
Wow, show, why don’t you just prove more that you’re purposefully pointing out that you’re giving Marinette a grand total of One “Obvious” Option.
Anonymous asked:
Unsure if this one has been sent yet but | Didn't Need Burrow: Alya is going to continue Marinette to pursue Adrien even after Marinette broke down and said she doesn't have time for love right now.
We have some similar ones I think.
“Marinette’s feelings towards moving on are invalidated/ignored by one of her “friends” to push for the Love Square“
Anonymous asked:
Don't Need a Burrow: Sandboy 2.0: Ladybug's nightmare will be about Chat Noir abandoning/hating her
I was dumb enough to raise an eyebrow at this like, “Would they really reuse akum--oh wait.”
Anonymous asked:
I'm gonna try and go for a good Didn't Need Burrow: WHen Sole Crusher gets Marinette we'll either get a lovely King Kong moment between them, or Chat Noir will come in and save her (and it'll possibly be a moment of reverse love square).
If they have Marinette doing the cliche “crushing because they got saved” I’m gonna throw hands.
Anonymous asked:
Don't need to burrow:
Marinette will never have a heart to heart with Luka revealing she's Ladybug or even explain the reason for their breakup.
Just gonna slap a big asterisk on this because it’s like:
*despite Luka being an obvious choice and they could’ve worked out the issue but the show is afraid of the side ship they’ve created working out better than the love square itself
Anonymous asked:
Don't need to Burrow: For Optigami, the episode will barely or never acknowledge Luka's and Marinette's relationship/breakup. It will be ignored and we won't have any cute Lukanette moments. As long as Adrien is in the picture, Luka will be always sidelined.
Honestly that last one is basically one of the commandments of this show.
Anonymous asked:
Don't Need a Burrow: Lila will now only appear in cameos (probably without even any voice lines).
show writers, shoving Lila under a rug: Leela Ransai?? Never heard of him.
Anonymous asked:
Don't Need a Burrow: Since Lukanette is over, Luka can be ret-conned from show. Everyone will behave like he never existed at all (and Lukanette never hapenned).
We at least know that Luka now appears in a later episode, but this could easily be worded as “Luka can be retconned away from being Marinette’s love interest and everyone will act like he and Marinette aren’t that close or never made soft eyes at each other.”
Except I wouldn’t count on Lukanette being retconned because that would stop the show from being allowed to make Marinette feel bad and guilty and possibly cause another akuma over it, plus possibly Luka “rejecting” his feelings for her and thus making her feel worse that he sees her in a lesser light.
Anonymous asked:
Don't Need a Burrow: There will be an episode that will break "Mr Pigeon" episode record of  "Don't Need a Burrow" and close calls.
Not gonna lie, I would be legitimately impressed if that happened. I’m just wondering what predictions would be mashed together to make it as such.
Anonymous asked:
Didn’t Need Burrow to know that Zoey (I heard somewhere that that’s how her name is going to be in America, it might be wrong), is going to get involved in the love square somehow.
Or she will replace Kagami’s role as Marinette’s friendly rival, and when her heart gets broken Marinette will be the one to blame, for no reason, like always. Or she will have an interest in Marinette, since it seems they are going to be close friends, only for Marinette to put her in the friend zone, and she gets akumatized. People will blame Marinette for giving false hopes to the girl, even though, she never acted different than how a friend would act.
All girls exist to comment/have an opinion on the love square, obviously, and they’re antagonists/villains if they have a negative opinion on it.
Anonymous asked:
Don't Need a Burrow: Writers will use Alya bashing concept of Alya proposing Lila as potential new Miraculous Holder. Marinette will obviously refuse, but due to fact that Lila is suddenly ret-conned into being good person this is Marinette's Mistake of the Week. She will repair it by making Lila pernament Miraulous Holder
Waiting for the one episode long Lila redemption...
Anonymous asked:
Don't Need a Burrow: Sabrina will be redeemed. She will change from Chloe's servant... to Zoe's servant.
and it’s fine of course because Zoe and Sabrina are best friends and Sabrina is doing this all happily and willingly.
Anonymous asked:
Don't Need a Burrow: Alya will be changed into basically Marinette's Guardianship mentor
Somehow, this is one of the ones I hate the most because it seems accurate so far.
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crushermultiverse · 2 years
HI CRUSHERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NICE TO MEET YOU ALL!!!!!!!
Gia: AYE, IT'S YOU! :D
Vanto: Hi
Inazuma: Hello
Cobra: Hi there!
Azul: Greetings
Harem: Hello there
Afton: Sup
Dynamite: HI!!!!
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NAME: Aaron Galaxicos.
AGE: 55 ( SF 64 ), 59 ( Farewell beloved Falco), 63 ( SF Adventure ), 64 ( SF Assault ). The age of the bastard depends on the verse.
HEIGHT: 6'5.
SPECIES: Common Chimpanzee.
GENDER: Male (cis).
BIRTHDAY: January 8.
SUN SIGN: Sagittarius ( i think xD ).
RESIDENCE: Galaxicos Mansion in Venom (SF 64 / DLW), Crashed ship on planet Kew or Sargasso (ALW).
MARITAL STATUS: Widowed man. Promiscuous or having / seeking polyamorous relationships (or having a harem for him).
DRINK: Whiskey or wine.
FOOD: Fruit salad, meat ,healthy food.
SNACKS: Oatmeal raisin cookie.
SONGS: 1) The Villain by Aviators, 2) Sex metal barbie by In this moment 3) My way by Frank Sinatra 4) That's life by Frank Sinatra, 5) Its a sin by Pet shop boys 6) Epiphany by Len Cariou ( Sweened Todd original musical ).
PET: The soldiers of the Metro crusher.
COLOR (S): Lime Green or green in general.
FLOWER: Dhalia.
SEXUALITY: (Closed )Bisexual
BODY TYPE: skinny with curves.
EYE COLOR: Lime green.
HAIR COLOR: Dark blue.
Tagged by: I stole it from @vvolvcn x3
Tagging: If you have eyes and you read this, do it.
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cantolopejeevas · 6 years
Ten Songs I’m Currently Obsessed With
@thenerdwhodrinkstea, thank you for tagging me in this! I don’t wanna clog up dashes, so I figured I’d make my own post~ Also I’m putting it under a readmore because I kinda talk about these songs a little, pfffft, I love to ramble sometimes.
How Bad Can I Be/Biggering- The Lorax Soundtrack
This is technically two different songs, but they convey the same idea, so you know, haha. The movie they’re from is garbage, but I’ve still got a soft spot for it, and I’ve lowkey been wanting to rewatch it because of the nostalgia, haha. Anyway, for Biggering I linked to this neat storyboard that someone just did in their freetime, haha. Funny enough, I think Biggering works better with its visuals, while How Bad Can I Be’s visuals from the movie kinda... Make it too on the nose with its message, haha.
Jump Up, Superstar! Remix- Super Mario Odyssey (The Living Tombstone)
Ahhh, this is just a feel good song for me, haha, I absolutely love it~ It makes me wanna play the game but I don’t have a Swiiiiitch!! Also the animation in the video is just super cute too~
Basics in Behavior [Blue]- The Living Tombstone
This is technically a Baldi’s Basics fansong, but you knooooow. It’s really catchy and it’s been stuck in my head on and off for a few days now! There’s also a “Red” version, but this is the one I personally like more~
I Can’t Fix You- The Living Tombstone and Crusher-P
This is a FNAF Sister Location fansong, but you knooooooow!!! I think it’s really fun to listen to, and the video is cool, if a bit bright and flashy, so be careful watching it if you’re sensitive to that kinda thing! Also, there’s this part at the end that’s really violent with really creepy ambiance that gives me anxiety, so I’d personally stop the video at 4:15.
Bad Apple!!!- Touhou Project (cover by JubyPhonic)
This song sounds like a bop, but it’s lowkey kinda sad, haha. But it’s one that I’ve been listening to for a while, my love for it just sprang back up recently~
Madness of Duke Venomania- Mothy (Kamui Gakupo V4)
Okay, so unfortunately there aren’t any english version of this song that I personally like, or even an english subbed form of this particular version, so hhhh, unfortunate, but I think the song is a bop anyway, haha. Also, it’s got some mature themes, so you know. Anyway, here’s the gist of the song:
So Duke Venomania is this guy who essentially has some sort of Lust Beacon type power to where girls kinda flock to him and he can seduce them easily and all that, and using this power he kinda builds up this harem. The reason for this power is because he made a deal with some Lust Demon (or something) because when he was young he was ostracized by society, and even by a childhood friend who he had at the time. So he gets all these girls to love on him because of that hatred he got when he was younger.
Anyway, so this dude builds up his harem, which includes his childhood friend, and then one day this girl approaches the castle. He does his schtick all like “hey lil mama, lemme whisper in yo ear”, but then he gets stabbed. Turns out the girl was a dude who came here to kill him because one of the ladies in the Duke’s harem was his girlfriend, or something. So while the Duke bleeds out, his powers disappear and all the girls yeet themselves out of there, including his childhood friend. And the very last line of the song is the Duke saying how he didn’t get the chance to tell her that he loved her (I think).
Never Lost Word- Jin (cover by JubyPhonic)
This is a song about not quite fitting in and feeling like an outcast, and growing to find that you don’t need to try and fit in with the people around you, you just have to find people that accept you for who you are. I think it’s a sweet little song, and it’s actually part of a whole project called KagePro, there’s this whole story to it (and even a 12 episode anime), so I think it’s worth checking out!
Rolling Girl- wowaka (cover by JubyPhonic)
This is a song that I really relate to. I interpret it as being about a girl who has anxiety because of the unfortunate circumstances she’s in, but she keeps pretending that everything is okay even though she has all these thoughts that are eating away at her. And there’s this boy who knows something is wrong and keeps trying to help her along the way, no matter how much she tries to push back against it.
Rotten Girl, Grotesque Romance- Machigerita-P (over by Rockleetist)
So this is a dark song about a yandere girl, haha, but it’s a trope I find really interesting when I’m in a Mood, plus I just think the song is really good! It’s got dark themes like murder and all that, though, so it’s obviously not gonna be everyone’s cup of tea, haha.
Delinquent Theme- Simon Amiot
I don’t really keep up with Yandere Sim anymore, but I was still kinda interested when this little number came out, and I absolutely love it! Lowkey, it makes me think of my boy Mortar, haha, since he’s such a huge delinquent. But it’s also just cool, I think!
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let-me-vibe · 4 years
-A letter comes through the post it reads-
‘hEyyyyooo deplorable listeners!!! It’s me your underground candle babe for all things villain! Now thanks to the help of my brilliant new assistant plug I can bring you all the hottest news and a whole slew of free villain channels for your entertainment!
And If you’ve received this letter you have been vetted and proven to not be a nark! Congrats! Word of caution l o v e s, if it’s found out anyone’s been leaking these channels to the hero’s you will be found and executed!
From your loving villain news anchor killer candle💜🖤💜🖤💜
-attached is a signed picture of a purplish person made of pure flame with a bright toothy grin and red swirl eyes, no desernable gender of any kind-
[On the tv you will find a whole slew of new options, including (but not limited too) villain friendly children’s channels, music channels, villainous sports, villainous cooking channels, black market telemarketer channels,a whole slew of religious channels all based around worshiping Tomura including one calling themselves ‘the kings harem’, and a channel called crushers containing programs dedicated to hunting cheaters for sport]
Hey Kurogiri, you have a twin?*
| Yes, we've been over this.
Oh yeah.
0 notes
Crusher Harem! :3
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bern33chaser · 6 years
Mary Sue Test: Does Your Character Pass It?
Let’s say you’re writing a story that involves a character who’s smart, funny, gorgeous, and beloved by almost everyone.
They sound great, right?
Well, they might be. Or you might be inadvertently creating a “Mary Sue”.
So what’s a Mary Sue … and why should you avoid using one in your story?
Mary Sue Defined
A Mary Sue is a character who is way too good to be true. She’s often exceptionally talented for her age; love interests throw themselves at her feet; and she can pretty much get away with murder.
Mary Sue characters don’t have to be female, either. Male Mary Sues exist too (sometimes they’re called “Marty Sue” or “Gary Sue”, but most people just use “Mary Sue” to describe this type of character – whatever the gender).
The term “Mary Sue” comes from a 1973 piece of Star Trek fanfiction by Paula Smith that parodied this particular trend with a character called, you guessed it, Mary Sue.
There’s no one universally agreed-upon definition of a Mary Sue, but here are a couple that give you a good idea of what to look for:
[A Mary Sue] is what happens when a hero is too heroic—to pure, too powerful, too overwhelmingly good.
A Mary Sue is an over-idealized and seemingly-flawless fictional character, one often recognized as either a self-insertion character for the author, or a vessel for wish fulfillment.
These characters are often physically beautiful, exceptionally skilled, and universally admired—but only within the confines of the story.
(From The Problem with Perfect Characters: Mary Sues, Gary Stus, and Other Abominations, Jacob Mohr)
The most basic definition of “Mary Sue” is an original female character in fanfiction — which is largely about established characters and worlds — who is often close to perfect. Like, too perfect. Very good at her job, very desirable romantically or sexually, and sometimes very emotionally moving when she dies, tragically, and the other characters mourn her. The story usually centers around her, often warping established characterization in the process.
(From Mary Sue: From self-inserts to imagines, how young women write themselves into the narrative, Elizabeth Minkel)
Mary Sue characters can appear in almost any type of writing, including published novels and popular TV shows. (The often-criticised Wesley Crusher from Star Trek: The Next Generation is a frequently cited example, as is Bella Swan from the Twilight series.)
They’re particularly common, though, in fanfiction.
Here’s a quick litmus test to check whether your character is a Mary Sue:
If the answer to all these questions is “yes”, you very likely have a Mary Sue on your hands:
Is the character an idealised version of you? (Be honest!)
Are they popular with pretty much everyone?
Are they a bit “too good to be true”?
Do they have a surprising range of skills / expertise?
Have they advanced a long way in their career despite being very young?
If the answer to all these questions is “no”, you very likely have a Mary Sue on your hands:
Does the character have any real flaws? (“Clumsy” or “poor at math” are not flaws.)
Do they ever fail at anything, in a significant way, in your story?
Do they change in some way (for better or for worse) during the course of the story?
Common Confusions About Mary Sue Characters
Sometimes, people will call a character a “Mary Sue” based on a particular trait or aspect of the character.
These (common) things alone do not make a character a Mary Sue:
The character is a powerful female. You can (and should!) write strong female characters.  They only tip over into Mary Sue territory when they’re exceptionally skilled in multiple areas in an improbable or unexplained way. (E.g. if your character has been studying karate since she was five, it makes sense that she’s good at fighting – but if you never mention any type of training and have her effortlessly defeat three armed assassins, it’s going to seem ridiculous.)
The character has wacky coloured hair or eyes. While this can be a trait of a certain type of Mary Sue character, it’s also something you might well be using for other reasons – perhaps just because you like that hair / eye colour (which isn’t such a terrible reason to include it!), or perhaps because it has a particular plot relevance.
The character has multiple love interests. In certain stories, it’s normal and even expected for your main character to have more than one love interest. (Think of all the mainstream romance novels and films that involve – usually – a woman choosing between two men.) In some sub-genres, like reverse harem romances, the whole point of a story is about a character having several love interests at once. Even if the story isn’t a romance at all, it’s still perfectly plausible that a character might have more than one love interest.
They’re based on the author. While “Mary Sue” is sometimes seen as synonymous with “author insert”, it’s not necessarily the case that characters based on the author are Mary Sues. Some writers would argue that all their characters are based on them to some degree: after all, who else’s thoughts and feelings do we have direct access to? Just because a character shares some characteristics with the author doesn’t make them a Mary Sue.
They’re an original female character in a fanfiction story. Admittedly, this type of character has a fairly high chance of being a Mary Sue (compared with, say, original characters in original works). One of the main issues with this type of character is that they tend to steal the spotlight from the real main characters – the established ones who fans want to read about. But original female characters are not invariably Mary Sues.
The Big Problem with Mary Sue Characters
Mary Sue characters can be a lot of fun to write … after all, there wouldn’t be so many of them otherwise. If you’re purely writing for your own enjoyment, and you don’t plan to share your work with others, then indulge in as many Mary Sues as you like. There’s nothing wrong with a bit of wish fulfilment!
The problem comes when you want other people to read – and enjoy – your work. The sad truth about Mary Sues is that, for most readers, they’re boring and annoying.
You might think that readers would enjoy a story where someone smart, talented, good looking and universally loved saves the day again and again … after all, isn’t that a kind of wish fulfilment for the reader, too?
Some readers might indeed enjoy that. But what most readers actually want is a story where characters struggle, get things wrong, fail (at least temporarily), and change and grow. That makes for a satisfying, exciting story.
Mary Sue characters tend to “break” stories, too, either by the actual rules of the world being different around them (e.g. magic works differently for them) or by effortlessly winning everything — without it ever feeling deserved or earned.
Obviously, you can write what you want … but if you want your work to be read, avoid using Mary Sue characters.
Instead, make your characters real, complex people. Give them flaws (real ones that they need to overcome) and let them fail, before they succeed. Your story will be all the more satisfying for it.
Mary Sue Quiz
The questions below will test your understanding of the character.
1. A Mary Sue character often is:
2. Does a Mary Sue character have any real flaws?
3. Mary Sue characters usually are:
4. Does a Mary Sue character changes often or strongly?
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Original post: Mary Sue Test: Does Your Character Pass It? from Daily Writing Tips https://www.dailywritingtips.com/mary-sue-test/
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gia-batmm-crickle22 · 2 years
Harem likey Crusher's shades lmao
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gia-batmm-crickle22 · 2 years
Crusher Harem >>>
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gia-batmm-crickle22 · 3 years
I attempted to draw Harem! Crusher ;^; Awful turnout
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gia-batmm-crickle22 · 3 years
I dare those who hate my Harem! Crusher AU to unsub/unfollow me. I don't care if I lose people, I want them to be honest, because I'm very much proud of my Harem! Crusher AU, and I'm not going to change him because he is who he is, overkill and all.
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gia-batmm-crickle22 · 3 years
Hey 'babe'! Lol Cryo and Shaw by @bgeevee2005
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crushermultiverse · 2 years
Harem Crusher, how big can you take? Like how big of a 'd'? I'm sure Darington let you fuck other guys at some point, right?
Harem: As big as Zeg.
Harem: And no, I wouldn't fuck around with other guys, I'm still loyal
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