#hardwell type beat
ninjamane · 4 years
Deadmau5 x Skrillex Type Beat "DON DADA" Daft Punk x Marshmello x Steve Aoki x Calvin Harris Type Beat #freetypebeats #edmtypebeats #dancetypebeat #freetypebeat
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crazycrackersworld · 3 years
I am sorry for the length of this one I just got going and I didn't feel like breaking it up into little parts so it's long if you're going to read it just a warning.
All right I said I might tackle this tonight and as I'm waiting to get tired enough to fall asleep I figure why the f*** not. Now I am doing talk to text and I might not always go back and uncensor the swear words so that fuck back there is just going to stay with a bunch of stars cuz sometimes I'm not going to feel like going back and fixing it. And to that constant reader all I can say is, deal with it
Depression what can I say about it that others haven't said? Probably nothing I don't think I have any great insights on it or deeper understanding than anybody else, I just know that I live with it every day of my fucking life, and have for a very long time.
Depression has cost me friends it has cost me jobs it has kept me on my knees for a good three and a half years of my life, three and a half years that still are some of the best years of my life, but the depression made them be much less than what they could have.
So when did it all start? I thought long and hard about this and have gone round and round in my head and I'd say the first time that I thought of taking my own life I was in the sixth f****** grade, and I wasn't particularly well liked, nor was I hated, I was one of those kids that just sort of slips between all the groups and all the clicks really no place to call their own.
And in a town as small as Mayville Wisconsin being an outsider is not easy not even close. You know sixth grade it's Middle School it's puberty it's all this weird stuff going on with your body and your mind and I think that's where the real divide starts to happen with personalities. And all suddenly people who might have been your best friend in kindergarten they don't they don't talk to you anymore because you you know can't hit a baseball or we don't have the right shoes. I really think Middle School is where that divide starts and that divide carries all the way through the rest of school. And unfortunately for some people it carries into college and into the real world.
Yeah I was in the 6th grade what's the first time I thought about ending at all. At that point in my life freight trains were still up semi regular site in mayville. And the first time I ever thought of just just ending it all, I was hanging out on the train tracks probably by myself, and probably gotten in a fight with a friend or maybe my brother or something and I probably just rode my bike and found a quiet spot on the train tracks you know and just sat there and threw rocks and sticks and just you know thought about things. And I you know heard the whistle and heard the train and I remember just sitting there my bony butt on one of the rails my feet stretched out touching the other one and of course you know the first thought that went through my head was get up get off the tracks. But that was also the first time that any of the other voices showed up because this time of voice said why why get up?
Get up so you can go home and get bullied by your adoptive brother because he's supposedly cool and you're not, or go home to take some kind of abuse from your dad whether it be emotional or mental or a physical beating. Should I get up just so I can go back to school tomorrow and have you know somebody picking on my shoes or my hair or any number of other things that I got picked on for. No granted I didn't get picked on by everybody because even though I got bullied I was also off in a bully myself, and eventually most bullies who bullied me eventually they crossed the line and I ended the bullying.
But before I had enough anger and rage built up inside me to do anything about the bullying I had to deal with it and it wasn't easy. I have spent most of my life feeling completely and utterly alone, I mean I could be in a room full of people and feel like I was alone, I can be at a school function and feel like I was alone I could be at a family holiday party and feel like I was alone. For most of my life here was the predominantly driving Factor behind almost every decision I made, fear and the feeling of utter loneliness that I had.
You see them the popular kids would talk to me one or two of them even occasionally hung out with me but it's not like I was ever a popular kid and you know one day they might talk to me in the next day they might treat me like garbage it was a toss-up you never knew which one it would be. And it was like that with most groups I mean I could fit in with just about any group or click but I was never fully at home in any of them. I had a few really close friends I did and that was nice. But I still spent a large portion of my time feeling alone.
And if you think friends were Hardwell just imagine girls. Yeah I was in a real big hit with them either I really still am not a big hit with them apparently. You know sixth grade is when a lot of kids start dating and I know it's nothing serious in sixth grade you know it's looking back on it it's kind of a joke but I suppose it's nice for a pretty girl to want to hold your hand on the playground, not that I would know what that feels like.
So yeah feelings of loneliness and isolation and fear and then you combine that with anger and rage and hate and self-loathing and suddenly all these different emotions seem to have their own voice in my head and I can clearly make them out when they're talking and it is freaking me out. I think of the movie Sybil and how many times I've watched it and is that going to happen to me is my brain going to fracture into different parts where you know whoever's in charge today you know whoever's in charge tomorrow is not going to remember what happened today. And I was terrified that that might happen to me, terrified that my dad who didn't believe in psychiatry at all would definitely not believe it if that happened to me and I probably would just end up taking more beatings.
And I guess all of that culminated that day on the train tracks now obviously since you're reading these words and I'm typing them or texting them or however I'm putting them out there obviously the first voice get off the tracks, won the argument. But from that day forward that is an argument that rages in my head almost every day and almost non-stop every day, and I am beyond terrified that the day May come where's a real Me loses that argument and I really do given forever.
I mean that's why Robin Williams and Chris Cornell and Chester Bennington's suicides all hit me so hard and other suicides as well to be honest. You know because I would think to myself yours somebody who not only has tail ends that I don't have whether it be acting or singing or songwriting or whatever but also as a family that loves them you know, but on top of all that there are literally millions of people around the planet who love you and in the end all of that all that love all that respect in the end it wasn't enough to stand up to the voices in their heads.
And I I think of them and I think if if they lost, how long will it be until I lose? How many more nights am I going to be able to as my daughter puts it tell the voices to shut the fuck up? You know, how many more battles with these voices am I am I going to win?
Now I have this depression no matter you know what's going on in my life I mean My first girlfriend high School Dawn I loved her to death still had the depression thoughts Lisa my daughter's mom had the thoughts when I was with her had them when I was with my wife, had them when I was with Sue.
So even when I'm happy or things are going right it's always there just sometimes it's just static in the background of my brain and sometimes it's the voices talking clear as day but it's always there there are days I wake up and I literally do not want to face the world I'm afraid to leave the house. And even though it's always there during good times you can bet your sweet ass it gets worse during the bad times. If I lose somebody and it you know whether somebody passes away or for whatever reason they're out of my life or if a romantic relationship falls apart, obviously at these times the static gets louder the voices get louder than depression gets stronger.
Between the two times that my wife tried divorcing me if you add both times up you come up to roughly 2 years of just My Life falling apart, and I don't know how many attempts I made I know there were a few. And even more times where I thought about or planned to do it.
Between losing my job at AT&T and when Sue and I first started just talking I'd say for that close to year and a half they were a good three solid attempts that I made and so many more times again that I thought about it or planned it.
And the last 2 years I really don't know how many times I've tried there were a few times it's crazy as it sounds I've tried twice in a night. Ultimately if it was pills I made myself their love and if it was a blade or something luckily or whatever you want to look at it I never caused enough damage to have to go to a hospital so I probably would have never actually shuffled off the mortal coil anyways. There have been a few repeats at the very first time there have been maybe half a dozen times were upset on the train tracks that are less than a mile from here and just lay down and waited for a train.
But something always pulls me back I'm not the most spiritual or religious person in the face of the Earth but I do believe that my friend Tanya is keeping an eye on me from high above and I believe that my brother-in-law Karl is doing the same especially Karl. Because I'm certain he doesn't want me to make the same mistake he did.
And over the years have gone to many different therapists I've been on different prescriptions I've tried different programs different treatments some help more than others some don't help at all nothing makes it truly go away. I think that's the problem with a lot of people is they don't realize that depression is actually a combination of short circuiting and chemical imbalances in your brain mixed with things that have happened in your life that shape the way you feel about yourself and society in general. And I don't think anybody really addresses you know that it's coming from both sides I mean pills can fix the chemical imbalance they may not change the way you feel about yourself the way you feel about others. Therapy might help you feel different about yourself or feel different about others but then again it might not I've been to therapists that have been absolutely no help to me whatsoever and I've been to some that were so amazing that I wish I could have moved in with them. But unfortunately there's no easy fix there's no permanent fix I know for a fact that this is something that I I have been dealing with since 6th grade you know a time where I should have been more worried about passing notes to the cute redhead or passing notes to that brunette I had such a crush on and I'm passing notes to my friend saying hey my parents are going to be gone let's drink some beer this weekend you know? And at a time of your life where you're supposed to be doing all of those things and starting to do many more is when I started to question what was going on in my brain.
Now just imagine that for a second you know think back to when you were in 6th grade think of the things that worried you were scared you probably tests you know where you going to pass math or you going to be able to handle the fact that they introduced letters into the math which I still don't agree with by the way but that's a completely different argument. You know where you going to get invited to someone's those birthday party or someone shows whatever party. Don't worry about what your hair looks like where you might worry you might have too many pimples where you have glasses where you have braces all of those things you know that you start worrying about or have been worrying about right around middle school and they're all valid you know for your age. But now imagine having all those worries and then on top of it you're worried about what's going on in your head. I remember that day on the train tracks and I remember the thoughts going through my head and I remember once I got up and started to ride my bike home I remember just being terrified that I had had those thoughts in the first place. And unfortunately at that time you know depression in kids wasn't really seen as an issue and I had a dad that was brought up in a completely different time and didn't really believe in therapy here any of that stuff.
So once again I found myself alone I'm trying to deal with whatever was going on like so many other times in my life I was just alone. Thankfully it was around that time that my absolutely crazy father decided to take me to see a therapist because I wouldn't clean my bedroom. I am not making that up that's exactly why he took me.
And the first therapist I saw Dr Black there's probably the best one I've ever seen she explained depression to me she explained the chemical imbalance and she did her best to help her hands were a little tied by my dad cuz he thought the only problem was I wasn't doing my homework or cleaning my room he didn't realize that there was this entire hornet's nest of crazy going on in my head. Nor would he have believed it if he told her nor would he probably have let me go on medication for it anyways.
And so I have dealt with this since the 6th grade the depression different voices in my head different boxes for different feelings and then suddenly in my 40s out of nowhere I develop a new problem anxiety and panic attacks some of which come completely out of nowhere I can be in the middle of a rock concert having the time of my life have a full on panic attack it's happened.
It's just something I live with and as weird as it sounds I hope to live with it for a long time because if I don't live with it for a long time that means I gave into it. And I don't want to give into it and I fight so many fights against it. And like I said I've had it during good times don't get me wrong it never goes away completely. But during the bedtimes it most certainly gets worse.
And I am not saying this to blame anybody or put my problems on anybody else, but depression wise the last year and a half of my life it's been the worst, as far as my depression goes. The voices have never been louder, and the scary part is they've never made as much sense as they did for some of the last year and a half. I have lost track of many times I have thought planned or tried to end it all in the last year and a half. The numbers just too high.
Thankfully I'd say the last few months as other things have been falling into place in my life to depression anxiety they're both getting a little weaker and that's good don't get me wrong. But I know they're never going to go away I'm never truly going to be free of them. Doesn't matter who's in my life who's not in my life it doesn't matter if I lose a friend if I lose a romantic partner if I lose a dog if I lose a shoe none of it matters it's always going to be there. I could make a new best friend I could win the lottery I could go on a date with Betty White and we run into Ryan Reynolds, and it's still going to be there it's all these going to be there.
And I have come to the conclusion that there is a chance I don't know what percentage it is or how high I have a chance it is but I know that there is a chance that someday these voices will win and if that day ever comes I will let you know what will happen.
See how the last year year and a half of my life has been pretty bad as far as as far as depression goes it happens when you lose somebody and it's especially worse when you lose somebody that meant that much to you, yet you aren't sure what if anything you ever meant to them. But then again those feelings of not being sure of what or if you ever meant anything to the other person you know those thoughts are drummed up by your brain as well so you know is it really the case or is it just the depression of throwing more logs on the fire it's hard to tell.
But yeah, when you lose someone that meant that much to you, and you don't just lose that person you basically lose a whole life you know maybe there's kids maybe there's pets and you lose all of it, that's when the depression is really going to sneak up. Because then you feel like you've lost your entire life you know like everything that you had yesterday is gone today and you don't know what to do about it. Then it's even worse if somebody else comes into the picture and you feel like you've just been replaced in a matter of weeks or months and that Nas on you yeah that Parks itself right in your brain and it doesn't go anywhere.
And unfortunately I have had that type of loss three times in my life the first time my wife wanted to divorce me, and I face losing my house my kids and my dog,the second time when she actually did divorce me, and I did lose my house and my kids and my dog and everything attached to her and that life.......and losing Her as well as everything attached to Her.
And I'm not saying that these were the only times in my life were the depression God really strong cuz there have been other times but like I said when you feel like you've lost everything having depression on top of that is horrible, but so far I've made it. Through all the loss and pain I'm still sitting here in my room dictating this into a phone and I'm still breathing in and out and I'm still alive.
If you have taken the time to read this whole thing thank you I don't know you might want to like it or whatever but thank you for reading if you made it this far. Maybe in a few days I will be able to do more describing as exactly what the depression feels like but I don't have it in me right now. For tonight it was just important to put down just how long I've been dealing with it if for no other reason than I can read it back to myself and realize that I have been finding a way to win the fight against my depression since the 6th FUCKING grade! I think that's a pretty good accomplishment.
So again if you took the time to read this I didn't know it's long, I thank you, if you have any sort of depression I hope it helps you you know anybody with depression I hope you share it with them and it helps them if you have kids with depression definitely share with them I mean just started when I was a kid so. Sometimes I wonder why I write the stuff that I write on here and part of the reason is because maybe somebody out there will win their battle tomorrow by reading about mine maybe someone will win their battle tonight after reading about mine.
So that's my story or part of my story or part of who I am maybe I tell you this if you have no idea who I am and you read this you're getting very close to knowing me and yeah that kind of scares me but such is life.
And now I am done with that story and like I said maybe some other posts about it will happen who knows have a good night.
****and if for some reason you did read all of this and you want to reblog it because you think it might help somebody that you know because it might help you really for any reason at all you don't need my permission go ahead and share it****
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bestdjkit · 3 years
MR.BLACK Hits Hard on New Single "Acid Rave"
Acid, Rave, Love, Generation - Repeat.
Electronic music producer MR.BLACK has touched down with "Acid Rave," a menacing house banger released on Hardwell's Revealed Recordings banner.
While simple in its structure, "Acid Rave" brings to the table a powerful electro punch. The vocal refrain of "Acid, rave, love, generation" infiltrates the psyche and calls to mind the peak-time vibes of a dusky warehouse rave. MR.BLACK keeps the listeners on their toes with hyper-speed synth ripples and a thumping beat, akin to an assault on the senses. 
The track is fit for both large festival stages and dark underground nightclubs— where the crowd stomps in unison—and it has the allure to captivate both types of crowds. "Acid Rave" is MR.BLACK's most recent single after releasing "Show Me Love" with Offer Nissim.  
You can stream "Acid Rave" below and across streaming platforms here. 
Facebook: facebook.com/mrblackmusic Twitter: twitter.com/mrblackmusic Instagram: instagram.com/mrblackmusic Spotify: spoti.fi/3fuexSk
from Best DJ Kit https://edm.com/music-releases/mrblack-acid-rave
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Yves V - V Sessions 313
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Artist: Yves V Show: Yves V – V Sessions 313 Quality: 320 Kbps 48000 Khz Genre: House Source: RSS
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Yves V – V Sessions 313 Tracklist
V Sessions with Yves V – a discovery in electronic music as told by one of the dance scene’s most exciting DJ and Producer stars – Yves V! Explore new sounds and the most upfront club beats from Belgium’s number 55 DJ in the World according to the official Top 100 DJ Poll. V Sessions presented to you each and every week by Yves V.
01. Yves V & HUGEL – Finally (Extended Mix) 02. Killfake – Rumor (Extended Mix) 03. TCTS – Day & Night (Extended Mix) 04. ID – ID (Extended Mix) 05. Laura van Dam x Pharien – Stay (Extended Mix) 06. VJS – Get Back (Extended Mix) 07. Choujaa – Can You Feel Me (Extended Mix) 08. Yves V & Bjorn Verbex – Reflect (Extended Mix) 09. Mesto X Dastic – Don’t Wait (feat. Cloudy) (Extended Mix) 10. Jai Nova – Somebody Like You (Extended Mix) 11. David Tort, Kurt Caesar, Diva Vocal – That Night (Extended Mix) 12. Mike Mago & MAU & Mohka – Am I Dreaming (feat. Megan Brands) 13. Tiscore feat. Tiffany Aris – Fire To Smoke (Yves V Remix) 14. Kryder x Natalie Shay – Rapture (Extended Mix)
CLASSIC OF THE WEEK 15. Hardwell – Encoded (Original Mix)
The podcast Yves V – V Sessions is embedded on this page from an open RSS feed. All files, descriptions, artwork and other metadata from the RSS-feed is the property of the podcast owner and not affiliated with or endorsed by EDMliveset.com.
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tanjirine · 7 years
Hobi: embarrassed, legs, and uhhh…sugar.?
            The math problem stared back up at you, a silent, yet glaring taunt at your inability to solve its mystery. This was your fifth time reworking this problem, and boy, weren’t you royally frustrated with it?       
You threw your pen down onto the library desk, the sharp sound of plastic hitting metal reverberating along the ornate shelves, drawing a few annoyed glares towards your corner. Sheepishly smiling an apology, you sighed deeply, before clutching your head in your hands. It was already 9pm, and with the library about to close, your heart sank at the thought of being unable to solve the damn calculus problem.           
Normally, you wouldn’t be caught sitting behind one of the cold metal tables of the university’s library, rough paper strewn across the whole desk, pens in disarray and your face creased by the frustration that arose with doing math problems. Math was something you absolutely hated with a passion, and you were never one for completing the work given on a normal basis.
On a normal Friday night like this? You would be at where you loved the most: behind a mixer, multiple launchpads and two turntables, huge headphones slung around your neck, soaking in the screams and cries of the crowd partying beneath you as you became one with the electrifying atmosphere with the heavy bass pulsing through your veins. Being the resident DJ for your campus on Fridays meant a small dream come true, another small victory in your book. While you never got yourself drunk and found yourself in the arms of a stranger the next morning, you did have your fair share of flirting and fun.    
And your passion may have very well landed you in some trouble this time round.
Looking around, you slowly drew out another packet of brown sugar from the pocket of your hoodie. You gently shook the packet before pinching the edges with your fingers, casually scanning the library for the roaming librarians. You feigned a look of absolute concentration at the problem before you as you slowly tore open the packet. Coaxing a few granules out of the packet, you put on an elaborate show of coughing as you jerked your head backwards, the granules landing lightly on your tongue.
Sugar. To many, sugar was just a spark of life to revive their taste buds, a little thing to switch up a boring cup of coffee. Sugar was annoying to some, hating the sticky sweetness that clung to the back of their throats, of cheap cotton candy and store-bought corn syrup sweets. Sugar, was just something ordinary people used in their ordinary everyday life, without giving it an extraordinary second thought.
Oh, but sugar, to you, was an aphrodisiac. It was what made all your migraines dissolve into nothing, melting away all the tension existing in tight little knots in your back and shoulders, relieving the stress from your entire being. Sugar was what made you function throughout the day, giving you the inspiration you needed in your course as a music major.
You didn’t know why sugar gave you that reprieve, or why you were so dependent on sugar to function. In addition, only those brown sugar granules helped with whatever pain or frustration you had, white sugar or sweets just worsened the situation.
There was, however, one theory that you had mind, which was the possibility that you had a soulfriend in this lifetime, existing somewhere in the world, eating the exact same type of sugar, for the same reasons as you did. Soulfriends were a rarity, occurring only to a handful of people in every generation. You had no way of knowing who your soulfriend was, or when you would meet them, apart from a unique habit that no one else, other than you and your soulfriend, would share.
Even if you met your soulfriend, it wasn’t that much of a big deal. It just meant that you had someone who was really destined to be by your side through the years, as a confidante and as someone you could really depend on.
To make things even better, there was the chance that your soulfriend could also become your soulmate. Not that you’d want one at all. What if, god forbid, your soulmate-to-be was someone you just couldn’t live with?
Letting the sugar dissolve slowly on your tongue, you thought about your last gig, mentally kicking yourself repeatedly. How could you have been so stupid, so careless, as to play DJ J-Hope’s remix instead of your own? And not just any other DJ, but DJ J-Hope, someone whose skill was almost on par with big shots such as Hardwell, DJ Snake and Calvin Harris?
DJ J-Hope was one of the best DJs not just on campus, but in the underground music scene as well. He was incredibly famous for producing beats for underground rappers and producing the backing track for their mixtapes for a minimal fee. On campus, he was just the bright, cheery Hoseok who everyone liked and the resident DJ for the Sunday night slots. All these, were amazing feats for someone who had only started dabbling in mixing for less than two years.
You sighed, slumping against the table as you waited for the sugar to course through your veins. In the library, you could hear the distant sound of a wild gig going on, familiar beats echoing off the walls. Your fingers itched for the controls on the mixer, ears yearning for the harsh scratch of the turntables and the cheers of the crowd, eyes wishing to be blinded by the bright spotlights lazer-trained on you.
But you had already embarrassed yourself at your last gig, playing his remix on accident. What made things worse was that he was in the crowd that night, and when his complex interwoven beats and melody came on instead of your beat drop, those bright brown eyes of his immediately darkened, irritation clearly displayed on those beautiful features of his.  
You had immediately switched the music once you found an opening to transition, resulting in a less than perfect transition. Still, his expression never wavered, his eyes trained on your flustered figure as you rushed to check that the songs you played next weren’t his.
He came to find you backstage after the night was over, his light voice a stark contrast to his eyes, an intense anger swirling withing a warm brown.
“Seriously Y/N, that was such a dirty trick. Just because you had no remix of your own, so you think you can play one of mine? What kind of DJ are you?” he fumed.
Your blood began to boil, incredibly pissed at the way he threw those baseless assumptions at you. However, with your cheeks painted a flaming red, you hastened to apologize to him, giving a few jerky bows as if you were strung like a marionette, knowing better than to anger him further.
“I’m really sorry, I meant to play my remixes but I had accidentally lined up the wrong file,” you explained, struggling to keep your tone as level as possible. “It wasn’t on purpose.”
“And it wouldn’t be that your reputation would be ruined on purpose by tomorrow morning then,” he levelly looked at you.
Narrowing your eyes, anger flared up hotly within you. How much of a jerk could he be over an accident?
“Maybe if you let me take over your next gig, next Friday, and do my calculus homework for me instead, I’ll let you off lightly,” he drawled.
Thus, here you were, reworking the same problem again, refusing to give up until you had solved this final question. You threw back the rest of the sugar packet into your mouth, not caring if the librarian caught you.
The sugar quickly dissolving on your tongue, you scanned the question once again, recharged. After a few minutes, you dropped your pen on the table with a sigh, looking at the problem you had just finished.
At least your reputation would be intact for now.
Walking into Composing 3, you found Hoseok hibernating in a corner with his head slumped on the table. You quietly made your way to him, being careful not to make any noise as you drew the piece of paper out of your bag.
As you towered over his sleeping figure, a small smile toyed at the corners of your lips. Taking the piece of paper in your hand, you hovered the corner of the paper above his exposed neck, allowing the corner to brush against his skin lightly.
And his hand shot up to catch your swaying arm, catching you totally off guard. Your fingers released the worksheet of its own accord, causing the paper to slowly flutter downwards into Hoseok’s waiting hand.
Your eyes grew wide and your mouth slightly agape at the chain of events that had just occurred. How dare he touch you and the absolute nerve of him to sit there and give you a cherubic smile when his eyes clearly reflected the depths of hell?
Tearing your hand out of his grasp, you shot him an irritated glare and reached into your pocket to draw out a packet of sugar as you left, only for the damn packet to drop on the floor.
Today’s really not my day, you thought, pinching your eyelids closed before inhaling a deep breath in a bid to calm yourself down. Slowly exhaling, you opened your eyes and bent down to reach for the packet, only to touch the cold linoleum floor.
You whirled around in anger, eyes darting around quickly as you tried to find your sugar packet. A triangle of white peeked out from the underside of a black loafer, and you quickly looked up, only to see Hoseok’s face.
But this time round, while anger radiated from your face, his was one of shock, the smile completely wiped off his face.
You were absolutely livid now, banging Hoseok’s table with your hand. The sugar needed to be in your system right now, before you completely blew up.
Gritting your teeth, you spit out, “Get your foot off my sugar packet before I tear up the work I had done for you on Friday. Now.”
Hoseok remained frozen, his eyes fixated on yours. Rolling your eyes in frustration, you banged the table before raising your voice.
But Hoseok was still unmoving, a slightly awed expression replacing the former one of shock. The boiling in your veins reached a peak, and you let out a scream of frustration, turning around and storming away from the annoyance that was Hoseok.
“You’re my soulfriend.”
Those three small, whispered words, those words that you hoped that you would never hear in your life, stopped you entirely in your tracks and leeched the heat from your veins.
You had never imagined you would even have one, since the chances of having one were so rare, so unheard of, much less even meeting them.
No, no, this is not happening, you thought.
You slowly pivoted around to face Hoseok, stumbling slightly in the process, only to see him draw out an incredibly familiar packet of brown sugar from his pocket, his face stretched into a grin.
Most people in the world would be beyond happy to find their soulfriend.
But for you, at that moment, your whole world shattered right before your eyes, like those granules of sugar, never meant to be pieced back together.
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evancarmichael · 7 years
✎ Here is some of Gary Vaynerchuk's best advice to stay productive: “It’s easy to dream about it … Much harder to execute it ….Work!” “Skills are cheap. Passion is priceless.” “Effort is grossly underrated.” ✎ Productive Music Playlist - February 2018: Be more productive at work with this playlist that science says will help you. From Camila Cabello to Avicii and Skrillex, and more. ✎ For those interested in the data behind this here is a quick infographic from FastCompany: * Classical music: stimulates creativity and brain activity * Music with a beat / techno / trance: productivity for office workers * More here: http://ift.tt/1gWZdvL ✎ Some more of the research: * Playing music at work can improve your mood: http://ift.tt/1lNK40e * "Low-information-load" music - simple tunes without a lot of complexity - have the strongest positive effect on cognitive skill: http://ift.tt/1lNK6oK * Surgeons work more accurately when music they liked was playing in the background - music they didn't' like was second best, and no music was least helpful of all: http://ift.tt/GRX3vI * Music can boost your levels of neurotransmitter dopamine, a brain chemical that can help people focus: http://ift.tt/1MoeBdj ♫ LIST OF SONGS ♫ The Chainsmokers Featuring Daya Cardi B - Bodak Yellow Miss You - Cashmere Cat, Major Lazer & Tory Lanez Something Just Like This - The Chainsmokers & Coldplay Snoop Dogg & Wiz Khalifa ft. Bruno Mars - Young Wild & Free Bruno Mars - Finesse (Remix) [Feat. Cardi B] G-Eazy & Halsey - Him & I Sua Cara feat. Anitta & Pabllo Vittar - Major Lazer R3hab & NERVO & Ummet Ozcan - Revolution The Chainsmokers - My Type ft. Emily Warren REZZ - Edge Axwell - more Than You Know Rihanna - Needed Me Skrillex & Diplo - Where Are U Now Camila Cabello - Havana Kendrick Lamar - LOVE. ft. Zacari Imagine Dragons - Believer Liam Payne, Rita Ora - For You Cheat Codes - No Promises Porter Robinson - Sad Machine Madeon - Finale Tedy - Talk To Me It Ain't Me - Kygo x Selena Gomez 21 Savage - Bank Account - Prod. Station 666 Afrojack feat. Eva Simons - Take Over Control James Hype ft. Kelli Leigh - More Than Friends Robin Schulz & David Guetta - Shed A Light CHIC feat Nile Rodgers: I'll Be There Clean Bandit ft Zara Larsson - Symphony Witt Lowry - Last Letter Stay - Zedd & Alessia Cara Dua Lipa - New Rules DNCE - Cake By The Ocean Cheat Codes - Sex Hardwell ft. Amba Shepherd - Apollo Avicii - For a Better Day Post Malone - White Iverson Charlie Puth - How Long Alan Walker - Sing Me To Sleep The Middle - Zedd, Maren Morris & Grey Zedd, Maren Morris, Grey - The Middle Post Malone - Rockstar ft. 21 Savage Robin Schulz ft. Francesco Yates - Sugar Illenium - Crawl Outta Love ft. Annika Wels MO - Kamikaze (Xdexe Remix) Marshmello x Ookay - Chasing Colors Porter Robinson & Madeon - Shelter Ed Sheeran - Perfect Daft Punk - One More Time Halsey - Bad At Love Britney Spears - Till the World Ends ♛ BUY MY BOOKS, CHANGE YOUR LIFE ♛ Some used the ideas in these books to build multi-billion-dollar businesses. I'll give you the simple-yet-powerful formula that they used (and you can) to realize your dreams. Get yours. http://ift.tt/2auuYKa http://ift.tt/2DWNJZU ✉ JOIN MY #BELIEVE NEWSLETTER ✉ This is the best way to have entrepreneur gold delivered to your inbox, and to be inspired, encouraged and supported in your business. Join #BelieveNation and feel the love. http://ift.tt/1DyhRRs
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rorymedia-blog · 7 years
Andrew Goodwin's Music Video Theory
Genre Conventions/Iconography:
Andrew Goodwin’s theory states that music videos should demonstrate typical genre characteristics which will therefore help inform the audience as to what type of genre it is.
For example, house music videos tend to have lots of dancing, women in minimal clothing, a clubbing scene and people generally just having a good time and enjoying themselves. This is apparent in ‘Creatures of the Night’ by Hardwell & Austin Mahone. 
Visuals Match the Lyrics:
His theory also states that the visuals of the music video should complement the lyrics of the song, to emphasise the reasoning behind the song or even challenge the lyrics. It should be done to ensure the audience understand the message behind the song. A good example of this would be the music video to ‘Treat you better’ by Shawn Mendes. The visuals highlight how the girls current boyfriend treats her poorly and so Shawn could treat her better.
Visuals Match the Music:
Andrew Goodwin believes that the visuals should comply with the rhythm and beat of the music. This allows smooth transitional shots where the two are synchronised. In the music video for The Chainsmokers song ‘Closer’ the visuals are edited well to the music so shot transitions are more effective since they are mostly on time to the beat. 
Star Representation:
Andrew Goodwin refers to star representation as a crucial aspect within music videos. The record label an artist/ a band is signed to tend to have certain demands. They often include the need of lots of close-ups of the artist(s) which will make the video more appealing to the audience. They bring a unique and stand out style to the music video. It may occur through the use of costume, movements and appearances. Star representation can lead to profit not only in the video but for the artists public appearance and image, which will promote sales and popularity. An artist who has a strong representation is Rihanna. 
Voyeurism within music videos includes men or women being portrayed seductively or if there is any eye contact with the camera for seductive purpose thereby breaking the 4th wall. Voyeurism is widely used to sell the artist’s music through sex appeal, an example being Nicki Minaj. The music video for her song ‘Super Bass’ encourages ‘the male gaze’ therefore making more money. Although voyeurism is predominately used to show women in minimal clothing it is in rare cases used to show men.
The last technique, stated by Andrew Goodwin, to create a successful music video is having intertextuality. This essentially means for the music video to pay homage to another media. An example of the is the reference to ‘West Side Story’, a 1957 musical, in Michael Jackson’s music video ‘beat it’.
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record-super-chart · 7 years
VA - РЕКОРД СУПЕР ЧАРТ #498 (2017)
Genre: House, Club, Dance Quality: 320 kbps Format: MP3 Date: 12.08.2017 Type: Compilation Size: 417 MB 01. Hardwell feat. Jolin Tsai - We Are One 4:23 02. Lucas & Steve vs. Mike Williams & Curbi - Let's Go 4:11 03. Axwell & Ingrosso - More Than You Know 3:21 04. Yellow Claw - Open 3:31 05. Tiesto & Sevenn - Boom 3:54 06. Kokab - Got U (Ready Or Not) (Amice Remix) 4:08 07. Abel Ramos & Albert Neve - Flat Beat 4:30 08. Armin Van Buuren vs. Sunnery James & Ryan Marciano - You Are 2:58 09. C-BooL -... Читать дальше »
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rbeatz · 8 years
2017 Ultra Music Festival Demographics
Happy Miami Music Week!
It’s that time of year where we celebrate electronic dance music in its entirety.
We’ve already gone through the numbers of Miami Music Week, which includes the Music Winter Conference and Ultra Music Festival. So you should understand the large amount of revenue coming in for the electronic dance music industry.
Something we here at rBeatz like to focus on is nationalism. We feel that where the artist comes from has an influence on the type of music they create. At these music festivals, there is a sense of pride and representation of country associated with the fan bases of the acts. Some festival goers will parade around with the flag of their country. Some of the best moments for an artist during a set is when they look out to a sea of people and notice their country flag being held high.
That being said, we’ve taken the liberty to map out each listed act set to perform, list their country of origin, state, or city, generalize their genre of music, and compare this with the amount of monthly listeners on Spotify. Consider this the mini-olympics of EDM, and if you’re attending the event, these numbers will help you understand where the music is coming from.
We used Spotify because they have by far and away the MOST paid subscribers (around 50 million users compared to Sirius XM’s 30 million). There was also a recent article in Tech Crunch discussing Spotify’s role in pressuring big labels, which would certainly shift the industry. Point is, Spotify is king right now, so we felt it was appropriate and insightful to use their numbers.
  The Numbers
Out of the 102 acts listed on the Ultra artist page, we categorized each act under their country, continent, city or state (if in the US) of origin, their genre, and their monthly Spotify listeners.
Click HERE to take a look at the entire Google Spreadsheet.
We found some pretty interesting things…lets look at genre first to understand what kind of event this is.
From the chart below, we can see that most of the festival surrounds itself by the house music genre of EDM. Almost 50% of the acts fall under some form of house music. Some of the bigger acts fall under the more modern and melodically inclined Electro House genre. To me, “House” is defined as a four on the floor beat focused on the low end rhythm, longer form arrangements, and frequencies cutting in and out. Trance has a more ambiance feel with a house backing. Electro-house focuses more on the high-end melodies.
Not to mention that a lot of these acts can be fairly versatile. I almost wanted to keep this at two categories. Acts like Adventure Club started out in the Dubstep genre, but have since then moved on to combine elements of future bass and trap to their sets. I decided to throw them in the “Melodic Bass” category to showcase a lighter melody in their heavy use of bass.
On the darker/heavier bass side, we have Trap and Dubstep. Various acts in the Dubstep genre have also switched to more hardcore trap-style sets. NGHTMRE for example can be described as an act that plays heavy Dubstep and trap style at the same time. The OWSLA label Saturday night party should be an eclectic mix of Dubstep and Trap.
Even with combining these shorter-arrangement form heavy bass styles (Dubstep, Melodic Bass, and Trap), these combined genres reach 13% of the genre pool. House takes the cake, while the bigger, more well-known acts fall under the Electro-House category.
After seeing House music dominated the genre charts, it made sense that Europe also dominated the continent charts. 66.3% of the acts are from Europe while 27.7% were from North America.
Looking at the country statistics was a bit more interesting, and here was where we compared country of origin to Spotify Listeners. The map below represents the countries represented at Ultra 2017, with the bigger circles representing the countries with a greater amount of acts. The bottom graph shows the precise percentages. The top five countries sending acts to Ultra are the United States (23.9%), England (18.8%), Netherlands (15.8%), Germany (8.9%), and France (7.9%).
The map below represents the cities or states (in the US) represented at Ultra 2017, with the bigger circles representing the countries with a greater amount of acts. The top five cities/states sending acts to Ultra are London and California tied (11.9%), Paris (6.9%), Florida (5%), and Stockholm (4%).
Spotify by the Numbers
Looking at the graph below, we were able to find some interesting stats when comparing the countries to number of Spotify listeners per month. I rounded to the nearest thousand. First, from a high-level, all the listed acts combined reached a total number of approximately 307,938,500 total monthly Spotify listeners per month. The average monthly Spotify listener per month was approximately 3,110,490; however, since this data was probably skewed towards some of the bigger acts, we went ahead and calculated the median (middle number), which might be a better indicator of the average. The median number of monthly Spotify listeners was 451,000. There were 39 out of 102 acts that had over 1 million monthly listeners per month.
Looking at the country statistics, we see that the Netherlands had the highest percentage of Total Monthly Spotify listeners, gaining 23.12% of the total monthly listeners, with acts such as Tiësto, Sam Feldt, Armin van Buuren, Hardwell, Martin Garrix, and Afrojack dominating the charts.
The next country coming in at second place is an interesting statistic, since they only take up 7.9% of the entire acts. FRANCE comes in second place with 19.56% of the total monthly listeners thanks to two of the biggest names at Ultra: David Guetta and DJ Snake.
United States comes in 3rd place with 18.77% of the total monthly listeners. Looking at the two states brining in most of the acts: California (8.63%) and the event’s home state of Florida (2.7%).
Next comes Germany with 11.54% of the total monthly listeners thanks to big acts such as Zedd and Robin Schulz.
Technically, although not listed, Jamaica would be next with the only act originating from the land of Dancehall, Major Lazer, with 29,352,000 monthly listeners. I decided to not list Major Lazer in the United States since 2/3 members originate from outside the states. This shows how the bigger more popular acts can really skew the results since there is such a discrepancy in what the music industry is able to sell vs. what more diehard niche fans pay attention to.
Next is Sweden with a bit of a higher percentage over California with 8.79% of Spotify’s monthly listeners.
Although nearly 20% of the acts are from England, the country only makes up 3.16% of Spotify’s monthly listeners. With The Prodigy, Chase & Status, and Above and Beyond as the countries top acts (each with nearly 1,500,000 monthly listeners), the total average of monthly listeners is close to half a million. We can infer from this that there are various smaller known house-DJs that are preforming.
An Ode to House Music
Due to the lesser known, rBeatz has decided to create an ode to house. While many acts at Ultra have been dictated by popular demand, there is a niche audience obsessed with house music, and this genre of music will be ever crystalized in the history books of electronic music. rBeatz DJ Feeldz has given us a taste of what to expect in the house tents at Ultra.
Crossfade (Maceo Plex Remix) – GusGus The Feels (Walker & Royce Remix) – Justin Martin Ignorance is Bliss – Eats Everything & Claude VonStroke Another Earth – Tale of Us Ritual Union (Maya Jane Coles Remix) – Little Dragon Hey Hey (Black Coffee Remix) – Dennis Ferrer Aphrika – Seth Troxler Slate – Danny Serrano EXposed (Dubfire Remix) – Plastikman Rivaldo (Nicole Maudaber Remix) – Sasha Dibiza (Joseph Capriati Remix) – Danny Tenaglia Phat Dope Shit (Saeed Younan Remix) – Loco Dice Space InvadaZ – wAFF Boxing Day – Matthias Tanzmann Tree Town – The Martinez Brothers Prophet Man – Marcel Dettmann & Ben Klock
from rBeatz.com http://ift.tt/2mNEMWt
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buytypebeat-blog · 8 years
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(FREE DL) - #Progressive #House #Beat - #Hardwell x #Avicii x #Zedd #Type Beat
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edmlivesets4u-blog · 3 years
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Listen or download Timmy Trumpet - SINPHONY Radio 014 for free now!
Timmy Trumpet - SINPHONY Radio 014
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Artist: Timmy Trumpet Show: Timmy Trumpet – SINPHONY Radio 014 Quality: 320 Kbps 48000 Khz Genre: House, Electro Source: RSS
Discover more Timmy Trumpet live sets & radioshows here | Listen or download more SINPHONY Radio episodes HERE
Timmy Trumpet – SINPHONY Radio 014 Tracklist
This week we celebrate 20 years of Shrek with my brand new collab with Smash Mouth!
[0:58] Timmy Trumpet & Nitti Gritti – Hey Motherfucker [SINPHONY] [1:47] Paul Gannon vs. David Guetta & MORTEN & Lanie Gardner – Give Me Your Love vs. Dreams (Timmy Trumpet Mashup) [3:41] Blasterjaxx ft. Daniele Sorrentino – Our World [MAXXIMIZE] [5:10] Arno Cost & Norman Doray – Show Luv [SPINNIN’] [6:53] Hardwell ft. Mitch Crown – Call Me A Spaceman (Dr Phunk Remix) [REVEALED] [8:20] R3HAB & Luis Fonsi & Sean Paul – Pues (Skytech & Fafaq Pres. All that MTRS Remix) [CYB3RPVNK] [10:30] Robbie Mendez – Out Of My Head [SPINNIN’] [12:17] Timmy Trumpet ft. Smash Mouth – Camelot [SINPHONY] [14:56] Mark Bale – Need Nobody (No VIP Mix) [PLAYBOX] [16:13] SaberZ ft. Haarley – Our Kingdom [RAVE CULTURE] [17:57] Showtek & Sevenn – Pum Pum (MR.BLACK Remix) [SKINK] [19:38] KREAM – Take Control (Sammy Porter Remix) [MUSICAL FREEDOM] [20:37] Harris & Ford & Maxim Schunk – Lost In You [KONTOR] [23:19] Sophie Francis – Feel Your Energy [SHOW ME THE HONEY] [24:35] Armin van Buuren – Battlefield [ARMIND] [28:28] Whitney Houston vs. Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike & Martin Garrix & Darren Styles & Gammer – I Will Always Love You vs. Tremor (Timmy Trumpet Mashup) [30:33] Carta – Big Beat [RAVE CULTURE] [31:32] HUGEL – Cool [MUSICAL FREEDOM] [33:06] DJ KUBA & NEITAN & Bounce Inc. vs. The Weeknd & Daft Punk – Cream vs. Starbox (Timmy Trumpet Mashup) [34:57] Curbi ft. PollyAnna – Vertigo [MONSTERCAT] [36:37] G-Pol & Lambi – Light It Up [HEXAGON] [38:23] Cat Dealers & Sunnery James & Ryan Marciano ft. Dragonette – Summer Thing [SONO] [39:43] Rave Republic & Chester Young – Leave Me [MIXMASH BOLD] [40:57] Andrew Rayel – Silver Lining (Mark Sixma Remix) [ARMADA] [42:58] Will Sparks – Cumon [ARMADA] [44:40] Laura van Dam – More Love [SMASH DEEP] [45:45] Jim Janski. – Bassline [46:18] SAY SAY ft. EEVA – Jump [ARMADA] [47:38] Quintino & Thomas Gold – Quechua [SPINNIN’] [49:20] Slice N Dice – Open Your Eyes [CLUBWRK] [50:38] Tom Staar & AVIRA & Jem Cooke – Gravity [ARMADA] [54:32] MEDUZA ft. Dermot Kennedy – Paradise (Wh0 Remix) [UNIVERSAL ISLAND] [56:26] Code Black – Pandora (PSY Edit) [WE R / IBOGA]
The podcast Timmy Trumpet – SINPHONY Radio is embedded on this page from an open RSS feed. All files, descriptions, artwork and other metadata from the RSS-feed is the property of the podcast owner and not affiliated with or endorsed by EDMliveset.com.
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evancarmichael · 7 years
✎Here is some of Sylvester Stallone's best advice to stay productive: "The day I can't walk is the day I quit movies." "I take rejection as someone blowing a bugle in my ear to wake me up and get going, rather than retreat." "I believe any success in life is made by going into an area with a blind, furious optimism." ✎ Productive Music Playlist - January 2018: Be more productive at work with this playlist that science says will help you. From Post Malone to Maroon 5 and Martin Garrix, and more. ✎ For those interested in the data behind this here is a quick infographic from FastCompany: * Classical music: stimulates creativity and brain activity * Music with a beat / techno / trance: productivity for office workers * More here: http://ift.tt/1gWZdvL ✎ Some more of the research: * Playing music at work can improve your mood: http://ift.tt/1lNK40e * "Low-information-load" music - simple tunes without a lot of complexity - have the strongest positive effect on cognitive skill: http://ift.tt/1lNK6oK * Surgeons work more accurately when music they liked was playing in the background - music they didnt' like was second best, and no music was least helpful of all: http://ift.tt/GRX3vI * Music can boost your levels of neurotransmitter dopamine, a brain chemical that can help people focus: http://ift.tt/1MoeBdj ♫ LIST OF SONGS ♫ Avicii - Levels Britney Spears - Till the World Ends Skrillex & Diplo - Where Are U Now Justice - D.A.N.C.E Post Malone - White Iverson Porter Robinson - Sad Machine Dua Lipa - New Rules Marshmello x Ookay - Chasing Colors Post Malone - Rockstar Cashmere Cat - Mirror Maru Clean Bandit ft Zara Larsson - Symphony Robin Schulz ft. Francesco Yates - Sugar Witt Lowry - Last Letter Calvin Harris ft. Rihanna - This Is What You Came For Future - Mask Off Madeon - Finale The Chainsmokers ft. SirenXX - Kanye Avicii - Lay Me Down Afrojack feat. Eva Simons - Take Over Control Avicii - Addicted To You REZZ - Edge CHIC feat Nile Rodgers: I'll Be There R3hab & NERVO & Ummet Ozcan - Revolution Alesso - Cool 21 Savage - Bank Account - Prod. Station 666 Post Malone - Congratulations Cheat Codes - No Promises Daft Punk - One More Time Selena Gomez - Same Old Love Hardwell ft. Amba Shepherd - Apollo Alan Walker - Sing Me To Sleep Kanye West - Mercy B.o.B. - Airplanes ft. Hayley Williams of Paramore Kid Cudi - Pursuit of Happiness Avicii - For a Better Day The Chainsmokers - Bloodstream Maroon 5 - Animals Snoop Dogg & Wiz Khalifa ft. Bruno Mars - Young Wild & Free Ofenbach ft. Nick Waterhouse - Katchi - starts at 00:04! Camila Cabello - Havana Axwell - more Than You Know Portugal. The Man - I Fell It Still Selena Gomez ft. Marshmello - Wolves Kygo feat. Conrad - Firestone Cheat Codes - Sex The Chainsmokers - My Type ft. Emily Warren MO - Kamikaze (Xdexe Remix) Illenium - Crawl Outta Love ft. Annika Wels Flume ft. Kai - Never Be Like You Robin Schulz & David Guetta - Shed A Light Daft Punk - One More Time Bodak Yellow Jax Jones ft. Demi Lovato & Stefflon Don - Instruction Bryson Tiller - Exchange G-Eazy & Halsey - Him & I Martin Garrix - Bouncybob (Feat. Justin Mylo & Mesto) Swedish House Mafia - Don't You Worry Child Avicii ft. Rita Ora - Lonely Together The Chainsmokers ft. Halsey - Closer James Hype ft. Kelli Leigh - More Than Friends Porter Robinson & Madeon - Shelter The Weeknd - Starboy Rihanna - Needed Me Imagine Dragons - Believer Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike ft. Wolfpack - Ocarina DNCE - Cake By The Ocean Sua Cara feat. Anitta & Pabllo Vittar - Major Lazer The Chainsmokers & Coldplay - Something Just Like This will.i.am Feat. Britney Spears - Scream & Shout Meiko - Leave The Lights On Luis Fonsi ft. Daddy Yankee - Despacito Martin Garrix - Hold On & Believe Kygo & Selena Gomez - It Ain't Me ASAP Rocky & Lana Del Rey - Ridin DJ Khaled - Wild Thoughts ft. Rihanna, Bryson Tiller David Guetta ft. Justin Bieber - 2U First Time - Kygo, Ellie Goulding Blackbear - do re mi Imagine Dragons - Whatever It Takes Wiz Khalifa - The Plan Martin Jensen - Solo Dance ♛ BUY MY BOOK, CHANGE YOUR LIFE ♛ Some used the ideas in this book to build multi-billion-dollar businesses. I'll give you the simple-yet-powerful formula that they used (and you can) to realize your dreams. Get yours. http://ift.tt/2auuYKa ✉ JOIN MY #BELIEVE NEWSLETTER ✉ This is the best way to have entrepreneur gold delivered to your inbox, and to be inspired, encouraged and supported in your business. Join #BelieveNation and feel the love. http://ift.tt/1DyhRRs
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evancarmichael · 7 years
✎ Here is some of Denzel Washington's best advice to stay productive: "Do what you have to do, to do what you want to do." "I say luck is when an opportunity comes along and you’re prepared for it." "If I am a cup maker, I’m interested in making the best cup I possibly can. My effort goes into that cup, not what people think about it" ✎ Productive Music Playlist - January 2018: Be more productive at work with this playlist that science says will help you. From Post Malone to Maroon 5 and Martin Garrix, and more. ✎ For those interested in the data behind this here is a quick infographic from FastCompany: * Classical music: stimulates creativity and brain activity * Music with a beat / techno / trance: productivity for office workers * More here: http://ift.tt/1gWZdvL ✎ Some more of the research: * Playing music at work can improve your mood: http://ift.tt/1lNK40e * "Low-information-load" music - simple tunes without a lot of complexity - have the strongest positive effect on cognitive skill: http://ift.tt/1lNK6oK * Surgeons work more accurately when music they liked was playing in the background - music they didnt' like was second best, and no music was least helpful of all: http://ift.tt/GRX3vI * Music can boost your levels of neurotransmitter dopamine, a brain chemical that can help people focus: http://ift.tt/1MoeBdj ♫ LIST OF SONGS ♫ Post Malone - White Iverson Dua Lipa - New Rules Post Malone - Rockstar Cheat Codes - Sex Selena Gomez ft. Marshmello - Wolves Portugal. The Man - I Fell It Still Kygo feat. Conrad - Firestone Robin Schulz & David Guetta - Shed A Light Ofenbach ft. Nick Waterhouse - Katchi G-Eazy & Halsey - Him & I Camila Cabello - Havana The Weeknd - Starboy Future - Mask Off Jax Jones ft. Demi Lovato & Stefflon Don - Instruction Axwell - more Than You Know Martin Garrix - Bouncybob (Feat. Justin Mylo & Mesto) Marshmello x Ookay - Chasing Colors Maroon 5 - Animals 21 Savage - Bank Account - Prod. Station 666 James Hype ft. Kelli Leigh - More Than Friends Rihanna - Needed Me Post Malone - Congratulations Bodak Yellow Daft Punk - One More Time will.i.am Feat. Britney Spears - Scream & Shout Snoop Dogg & Wiz Khalifa ft. Bruno Mars - Young Wild & Free Robin Schulz ft. Francesco Yates - Sugar Flume ft. Kai - Never Be Like you Imagine Dragons - Believer Bryson Tiller - Exchange Kygo & Selena Gomez - It Ain't Me Avicii ft. Rita Ora - Lonely Together Sua Cara feat. Anitta & Pabllo Vittar - Major Lazer R3hab & NERVO & Ummet Ozcan - Revolution Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike ft. Wolfpack - Ocarina Blackbear - do re mi Stay - Zedd, Alessia Cara Daft Punk - One More Time Cheat Codes - No Promises Illenium - Crawl Outta Love ft. Annika Wels Rag'n'Bone Man - Human P!nk - What About Us Clean Bandit ft Zara Larsson - Symphony Imagine Dragons - Whatever It Takes DNCE - Cake By The Ocean CHIC feat Nile Rodgers: I'll Be There ASAP Rocky & Lana Del Rey - Ridin Luis Fonsi ft. Daddy Yankee - Despacito Meiko - Leave The Lights On DJ Khaled - Wild Thoughts ft. Rihanna,Bryson Tiller Swedish House Mafia - Don't You Worry Child First Time - Kygo, Ellie Goulding Witt Lowry - Last Letter The Chainsmokers & Coldplay - Something Just Like This Martin Garrix - Hold On & Believe Chantaje ft. Maluma - Shakira Alan Walker - Sing Me To Sleep The Chainsmokers - My Type ft. Emily Warren Madonna - Bitch I'm Madonna ft. Nicki Minaj Ty Dolla $ign - Wavy The Chainsmokers ft. Halsey - Closer Calvin Harris ft. Rihanna - This Is What You Came For David Guetta ft. Justin Bieber - 2U Wiz Khalifa - The Plan Martin Jensen - Solo Dance Hardwell ft. Amba Shepherd - Apollo Selena Gomez - Same Old Love Alesso - Cool MO - Kamikaze (Xdexe Remix) B.o.B. - Airplanes ft. Hayley Williams of Paramore ♛ BUY MY BOOK, CHANGE YOUR LIFE ♛ Some used the ideas in this book to build multi-billion-dollar businesses. I'll give you the simple-yet-powerful formula that they used (and you can) to realize your dreams. Get yours. http://ift.tt/2auuYKa ✉ JOIN MY #BELIEVE NEWSLETTER ✉ This is the best way to have entrepreneur gold delivered to your inbox, and to be inspired, encouraged and supported in your business. Join #BelieveNation and feel the love. http://ift.tt/1DyhRRs ⚑ SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL ⚑ If you want to do great things you need to have a great environment. Create one by subbing and watching daily. http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=Modelingthemasters ¿ COMMON QUESTIONS ¿ • What is #BTA?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BsY8bmTUVP8 • How do I get one of Evan's t-shirts?: http://ift.tt/1VBOMjE
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record-super-chart · 7 years
Рекорд Супер Чарт 496 (Август 2017)
Genre: Club House, Electro House Quality: 320 kbps Format: MP3 Date: 29.07.2017 Type: Compilation Size: 500 MB 01. Yellow Claw - Open 3:31 02. Abel Ramos & Albert Neve - Flat Beat 4:30 03. Hardwell feat. Jolin Tsai - We Are One 4:23 04. Fedde Le Grand vs. Ian Carey - Keep On Rising (Extended Mix) 4:48 05. Lucas & Steve vs. Mike Williams & Curbi - Let's Go 4:11 06. Dzeko - Fluxland 2017 2:39 07. Tiesto & Sevenn - Boom 3:54 08. R3hab & Skytech - Marrakech 2:45 09. Fedde Le Grand & D.O.D. - Love's ... Читать дальше »
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buytypebeat-blog · 8 years
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#Progressive #House #Beat - #Hardwell x #Avicii x #Zedd #Type Beat
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