baubeautyandthegeek · 11 months
The Decorating Committee - Joanna Beauchamp/Hecate Hardbroom, Pippa Pentangle/Wendy Beauchamp
Title:  The Decorating Committee
Summary:   Decorating for Halloween isn’t easy for Pippa and Wendy, Joanna and Hecate help.
Which square it fills: Decorating
Fandom:  The Worst Witch/Witches Of East End
Warnings: N/A
Rating (using Ao3's ratings system): General
Pairing:  Pippa Pentangle/Wendy Beauchamp, Joanna Beauchamp/Hecate Hardbroom
A/N: Tagging @thebo3bingo , Bingo Completed.
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“Pippa and Wendy, you’ll be decorating…” Pippa Pentangle is quick to leap up, extending a hand to her fiancée, scurrying away with Wendy Beauchamp even as Hecate Hardboom and Joanna Beauchamp share a worried look. “We’ll help…” Joanna’s the one to speak, standing and holding a hand out to Hecate before the two leave. They find Pippa and Wendy already hard at work, moving to help and tone down the decorations as they go. Pippa and Wendy are giggling as they work and Hecate shoots Joanna a small smile when they are done. Pippa’s almost dancing as she leads Wendy away and Joanna laughs softly, looking over at Hecate. “Well, that went well…” She risks a small glance around before kissing Hecate and leading her away to their shared rooms to rest.
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room-on-broom · 5 years
What ever you do, don't think about hecate tenderly cradling ada's face and giving her a tender loving smooch.
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twtd11 · 4 years
TWW remix exchange
This is a post to see if people would be interested in doing a The Worst Witch fic remix exchange.
If you do t know what a remix is, it’s when someone takes an already written fic and rewrites it some way (a different POV, a missing scene, a different style, go crazy). Everyone who signs up to write a fic gets one in return.
You’d have to be willing to let people remix your fic to participate, but you’d be able to specify a couple of fics you wouldn’t want rewritten. You’d also be able to specify your pairing and whether or not you’d be comfortable with someone writing smut about your fic. You’d have to have written a specific number of fics before the exchange starts where everyone has something to pick from.
If this sounds like a cool idea and you’d like to participate, let me know. If I get enough interest I’ll set something up/post a timeline/etc.
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twwpodfic · 4 years
heard pain tell love, she said 'where would i be without you?' By @troiings
When the ice melts, when the magic comes pouring back into the walls, breathing tremulous life into the castle, reversing the effects of the magical death of the grounds and its occupants, it meets the emptiness inside of her and she collapses.
(Magic is an organic thing; it lives and breathes and grows at its own rate. It cannot be forced along, can only be nurtured or confined and repressed, and although it grows, although it regenerates, it cannot be manifested suddenly out of the aether. It’s fundamental magical theory, really.
And it's for that reason Hecate lies, slack-jawed and frightfully pale, in the infirmary for five days before regaining even a whisper of consciousness.)
Or, the magic at Cackle's takes some time to recover, and Hecate has some personal demons to battle in the meantime. Follows Hecate across the ~6 months after the events of The Big Freeze as she navigates her recovery of both her magic and her way of life - with a great deal of help from her support structure.
Chapter 1: losing blood; i'm gonna leave my bones
Content warning (for the entirety of the fic): ableism (ableist thoughts from the disabled party, and references to a history of ableism in the workplace). non-sexual intimacy including nudity (bathing, hair-washing). self-sabotage but it gets fixed bc Hecate has a support structure, however limited. non-explicit sexual content.
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shouldwefeelguilty · 7 years
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Fanart for all the HicSqueak lovers :)
Yes I know they are the same weight but the drawing has its own mind I’m sorry
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emiline-northeto · 5 years
Hackle Downton Abbey au
I think this ask might be in relation to the “send me an au and a pairing and I’ll write you 5+ headcanons” thing. Here is something that is half headcanons and half rough snippets of fic. (I got a little carried away on this one)
Ada Cackle becomes housekeeper the year Cora and Robert decide it’s time for Mary to have a governess. Mary, who is a child of decided and stubborn opinions, runs through three governesses in a year. Miss Hardbroom is the first governess who lasts six months. And then another six months, and then another.
(“I’m not sure about the suitability of a governess named Hecate,” the Dowager comments archly, when she learns what Cora and Robert have done. “Just what is she going to be teaching them, exactly?” But when she sees how well Miss Hardbroom manages the children, she changes her tune.)
Ada invites Miss Hardbroom to take tea sometime with them if she wishes, and Miss Hardbroom’s face registers shock and suspicion. “I know it’s not traditional,” Ada smiles, “but I think we can stretch the rules a little for the sake of collegiality and friendliness”. (Mr. Carson, when he hears of this exchange later - O’Brien of course - is suitably shocked. “It’s not the way of things,” he grumbles.
“I think the poor woman’s a bit lonely,” Ada replies. “She’s neither fish nor fowl, you know.”)
There comes a day when Mary and Edith have been fighting for weeks, and Hecate is exhausted.
“Miss Hardbroom!” Ada cries, seeing her making her way a little unsteadily down the hallway. “Are you well?”
“I’m fine, Mrs. Cackle,” Miss Hardbroom replies, undercutting this statement by swaying alarmingly. 
Ada comes and takes Miss Hardbroom firmly by the arm. “Come to my sitting room,” she says. “I’ve a tin of biscuits and I’ll make you a cuppa.”
“There is no need,” Miss Hardbroom protests faintly.
“Nonesense, there is every need”, Ada replies. 
After that, Miss Hardbroom makes her way down to Ada’s sitting room from time to time, and they have tea and chat about various things. Miss Hardbroom, once she lets down her guard, turns out to have rather wicked sense of humor about things.
“No sense of her place,” O’Brien grumbles to Thomas one day. He offers her a light. “Miss Hardbroom’s not one of us, is she?” she continues, lighting her cigarette and taking a drag.
“Well, she isn’t one of the family,” Thomas exhales a ring of smoke.
“I wonder that Mr. Carson hasn’t put a stop to these little tête-à-têtes of theirs.”
“Do you think,” Thomas says slowly, “that Mrs. Cackle’s sweet on her?”
“Don’t be daft. Sweet on Miss Hardbroom?” she snorts. “Sure, and I’m a giraffe.”
They’re sitting one wintery evening in Mrs Cackle’s sitting room, on the settee, a small fire in the grate. Hecate has said something that has made Ada laugh, and quite suddenly, Hecate feels this lurch in her stomach and has A Realization.
“What’s wrong?” Ada asks.
“I…I’m not feeling well, all of sudden,” Hecate stammers. “I think I had better go to bed,” and all but flees the room.
Hecate avoids Ada as much as she can for three miserable weeks, in which she agonizes over her feelings. At the end of three weeks Ada can bear it no more and goes to knock quietly on Hecate’s door. “I beg you Miss Hardbroom, if there is something I have done to hurt you or offend you, I beg you tell me what it is.”
“It isn’t you,” Hecate whispers.
“Can I help with it?” Ada asks, and alarmingly, Hecate groans.
“No,” Hecate says firmly. “Thank you, but no.”
It is while Miss Hardboom is avoiding her that Ada realizes what she ought to have earlier, that she herself has fallen in love with Miss Hardbroom. It is an uncomfortable realization when she realizes that Miss Hardbroom has for reasons unknown, decided to pull back from the relationship.
Eventually Miss Hardbroom decides she would rather have Mrs Cackle’s friendship than nothing, and that avoiding the housekeeper is worth than the peculiar agony of being so close and yet not quite as close as she would wish.
It’s Christmas Eve that year, and the children are finally abed and asleep, and Miss Hardbroom knocks gently on Ada’s sitting room door. Ada invites  her in, and they sit and talk as they usually do, and Ada is so close and so dear and Hecate is tired and a little punchy from the excitement and in a moment of she’s not sure what, leans over and kisses Ada’s cheek.
“Merry Christmas,” Hecate says, for everything else has fled her brain.
“Merry Christmas,” Ada echos, and Hecate leans forward again, and so does Ada, and their lips meet.  The clock strikes midnight.
“It seems we were a little early,” Ada says. “Shall we try again?”
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fourforyouodo · 7 years
I've just remembered that I used to have a big ol' gay crush on Hecate Hardboom whoops
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twtd11 · 5 years
Hicsqueak Christmas Coffee Challege
So, once upon a time, I started writing a fic. It started with the first line, “Pippa wiped down the front of the espresso machine with a damp rag.” I showed the first two paragraphs with @nike-sga while I lamented not knowing what happened next. She came up with her own idea of how the story should end. I told her to write it, because her ideas are better than mine, so she did. There are now two fics that start with, “Pippa wiped down the front of the espresso machine with a damp rag.” We’ll be posting them later tonight, but we thought we’d open it up to anyone else who wanted to play!!!!
So, if you want to write your own coffee shop AU where the first line is, “Pippa wiped down the front of the espresso machine with a damp rag,” you should go for it. And tag it #HicsqueakChristmasCoffeeChallenge where other people can find it!
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twwpodfic · 4 years
Chapter 3: tear my hands down; pull back the blinds
When the ice melts, when the magic comes pouring back into the walls, breathing tremulous life into the castle, reversing the effects of the magical death of the grounds and its occupants, it meets the emptiness inside of her and she collapses.
(Magic is an organic thing; it lives and breathes and grows at its own rate. It cannot be forced along, can only be nurtured or confined and repressed, and although it grows, although it regenerates, it cannot be manifested suddenly out of the aether. It’s fundamental magical theory, really.
And it's for that reason Hecate lies, slack-jawed and frightfully pale, in the infirmary for five days before regaining even a whisper of consciousness.)
Or, the magic at Cackle's takes some time to recover, and Hecate has some personal demons to battle in the meantime. Follows Hecate across the ~6 months after the events of The Big Freeze as she navigates her recovery of both her magic and her way of life - with a great deal of help from her support structure.
Content warning (for the entirety of the fic): ableism (ableist thoughts from the disabled party, and references to a history of ableism in the workplace). non-sexual intimacy including nudity (bathing, hair-washing). self-sabotage but it gets fixed bc Hecate has a support structure, however limited. non-explicit sexual content.
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twtd11 · 5 years
10. Which fic has been the easiest to write? and 37. Talk about your current wips.
Sorry it’s taken me so long to answer. Life, you know?
10. Oh, I don’t remember anything as being particularly easy to write (or particularly hard, other than the multi-chapter ones taking more time/effort/planning). I’d say it’s probably one of the smut pieces, very possibly one of my Supergirl smut pieces.
37. Current wips. Uhhhh. I have so many, most of which I’m not actually working on. A lot of my current energy is going into turning the Hollywood AU into a novel, but there is the Opera Singer AU, which I’m not sure why I called it that when no one in it is actually an opera singer. Anyway, the idea is that Pippa is a voice teacher and Hecate is a famous pianist and they went to conservatory together. Hecate used to accompany Pippa and then things happened and they had a falling out. Pippa is teaching Mildred at the same conservatory and Hecate comes back as a guest lecturer for a term. More things happen. They reconcile and live happily ever after. The hard part is I haven’t felt much like writing lately. I’ll go through spurts where I want to write for a few hours and then I’m done for two weeks. I need to be more disciplined about it, I guess.
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twwpodfic · 4 years
Chapter 2: one bright moment is all i ask
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twtd11 · 6 years
37 + 41 -Hicsqueak
Coming out fic & First kiss
It’s the 1990s. Even after they stop talking (thanks to Hecate gay panic), Hecate and Pippa still attend the same witching college. It’s an all women’s school. 
Everyone knows who Pippa is because she’s outgoing and makes friends with everyone. She’s easily elected to student government. Everyone knows who Hecate is because she’s so imposing and standoffish and ridiculous attractive even though no one ever approaches her about it. 
Everyone assumes Hecate is gay but she never confirms it because that would mean actually talking to people. She doesn’t like the idea of people speculating about her life.
No one suspects that Pippa is gay. Even she isn’t sure yet and she’s too scared to go to any of the GSA meetings. She’s friends with everyone though (except Hecate). 
People notice that Pippa and Hecate ignore each other all the time and sometimes even seem hostile to each other. It’s a source of gossip on campus. 
Pippa gets drunk at a party and makes out with a girl who looks suspiciously like Hecate. Once she sobers up, she has a good, old fashioned gay panic. 
She blows off the questions of her friends saying she was just drunk. They let it go fairly quickly. 
Without making a big deal of it, Hecate has quietly been going to the GSA meetings. People have noticed but no one says anything and she still keeps to herself. All of the girls still really want to ask her out. One of them finally gets up the nerve but quickly gets shot down. 
Still, Hecate has really come into herself and her confidence. 
Pippa is still panicking. 
Pippa finally musters up her courage and goes to a GSA meeting. She sneaks in after the meeting has started and tries to hide in the back. Except Hecate always sits in the back. 
They can’t help but see each other. Their eyes meet and they both kinda stare. 
Pippa runs away. Hecate watches her for a second then runs after her. Hecate catches up with her but doesn’t know what to say. They just stare at each other before Pippa flees again. 
A few days pass before Pippa finds Hecate in the library. She sits down at Hecate’s table. 
Pippa: “Is that why you stopped talking to me? Did you think…”  
Hecate: “I… I wasn’t sure.” Hecate looks down at her book then away.
Pippa reaches out for Hecate’s hand and Hecate takes her hand. 
Pippa: “I’m scared,” Pippa whispers. She squeezes Hecate’s hand and Hecate’s squeezes back.
The sit in silence holding hands for a long time.
Pippa: “I’ve missed you.”
Hecate: Quietly, “I’ve missed you too.”
They start hanging out again. 
Eventually hanging out start to look like dating to everyone but Pippa and Hecate. 
Finally, Hecate is walking Pippa back to her room one night and Pippa takes a risk and kisses Hecate. It’s Hecate’s first kiss.
They start actually dating. And keep dating the entire time they’re in school. Eventually, they graduate and move in together and live happily ever after. Eventually, after it’s legalized, they get married.
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twtd11 · 6 years
29 + 90 -Hicsqueak
Wedding fic & Unexpected virgin
This might be part of the plot to a fic I’m actually writing. At least, it’s something that I’ve started. Who knows if it’ll see the light of day. 
Hecate and Pippa’s parents set up an arranged marriage when Hecate and Pippa are super young. Both of them forget all about it and kinda assume it’ll never take place. 
Circumstances change and Hecate is forced to enforce the arrangement. Pippa is Not Happy about this because she was living a perfectly nice life and hasn’t seen Hecate in a lifetime, thank you very much. 
Hecate and Pippa get married! It’s a ridiculously lavish wedding. Hecate and Pippa are both unhappy with the whole affair but neither one shows it. Hecate because she thinks that if she’s insisting on the marriage she should at least look like she’s okay with it. Pippa because she refuses to give anyone (there have been some pretty vicious rumors about the whole thing) the satisfaction of seeing her react. 
Hecate and Pippa spend at least the first week of their married life completely ignoring each other. Still, they’re living together, so they can’t avoid each other completely. And because they don’t want to put the servants out and make them do twice the work, they eat their meals together. 
Ever so slowly, they start to talk over their meals. Pippa starts to look forward to Hecate’s snarky remarks about whatever is going on in the paper and Hecate starts to enjoy Pippa’s views on everything going on in the world. 
After the “honeymoon” period is over, they start having to socialize with people as a couple. At first, it’s pretty awkward but they fall into a rhythm and actually kinda start enjoying themselves. Well, Pippa enjoys herself socializing and Hecate enjoys Pippa’s company. 
They spend more and more time together when they’re at home. 
Hecate eventually tells Pippa why she forced Pippa to marry her (and I’m not giving it away because I might write this one) and tells Pippa that she’ll agree to an annulment if Pippa wants one. 
Pippa seriously considers it but decides to stay married to Hecate. 
Suddenly there are lots of flirtatious looks and blushing over breakfast and other cute things. 
One night Pippa sneaks into Hecate’s room as Hecate is getting ready for bed. Hecate is surprised but totally down for Pippa seducing her. 
They fall into bed but Pippa gets suddenly shy. 
Turns out that even though she’s always considered herself bisexual, she’s never actually had sex with a woman before!
Hecate is all understanding and they end up having great sex. By the next morning, they’re having fantastic sex. They refuse to get out of bed for days. 
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twtd11 · 6 years
57 and dealers choice
Forgotten first meeting & Bar/restaurant AU
Would you believe I’m already writing something like this? Have a snippet instead of bullet points:
Hecate flipped open the watch that hung around her neck and looked at the time. They were scheduled to close in just a few minutes and she had already shooed off her last few patrons. She was merely waiting for 2 am to hit precisely before she locked the door. At 1:57, the door opened again and in stepped the pinkest person Hecate had ever seen. Hecate only just managed to not roll her eyes. Of course. She should have known her feeling earlier would lead to something eventually.
“If I promise to never come in here this late again, will you make me a drink?” the woman asked almost desperately.
“Last call was 10 minutes ago,” Hecate answered her, but she was already washing her hands and getting out a jigger. “But as there’s no one else around to complain, I suppose I can make an exception.” They weren’t, after all, actually closed and upon closer examination, it looked like the woman needed… something. Hecate was already thinking of alternatives to whatever sickly sweet drink the woman was going to order.
The woman sighed in relief as she fully stepped into the restaurant. “Thank you.” She stepped quickly up to the bar and perched on one of the leather-clad barstools. “Would it be too much trouble for you to make me a pink lady? If it is, you can just make me a gin and tonic or something off of your cocktail menu.”
“We don’t have a cocktail menu,” Hecate sniffed as she turned and retrieved an egg from the small refrigerator behind her. A pink lady was a perfectly acceptable drink and exactly what she would have made the woman had she not ordered it. Perhaps the woman knew something about cocktails despite the pink.
“You don’t?” the woman looked at her as if that fact required deep concentration.
“No.” Hecate measured out the gin, Applejack, lemon juice, and grenadine, carefully pouring each into her shaker. A crack of egg and a tap on the end of one tin to make sure of the seal, and she started shaking the cocktail. The clatter of the ice was its own form of music and Hecate reveled in it. A minute later and Hecate poured the drink into a chilled glass. A lemon peel garnish topped it off, and she placed the drink on a cocktail napkin in front of the woman. “Your pink lady.”
“Thank you,” the woman practically melted into the bar as she took her first sip. “That’s delicious.” She sat back up straight after a moment. Hecate studied her face. She looked exhausted but happy, proud even, though what of Hecate wouldn’t guess. “You really don’t have a cocktail menu?”
Hecate pursed her lips. “We have one in the restaurant,” Hecate relented as she pulled a menu out from behind the bar and handed it to the woman. “We do not, however, have one in the bar.”
The woman took the menu, eyes scanning over it in seconds. “Classic,” she said and Hecate didn’t know whether to be insulted or not.
“That is what we’re known for,” Hecate said. “Your drink wasn’t invented yesterday.”
“True.” The woman smiled at Hecate and took another sip, her smile growing just a bit as the liquid slid down her throat. “And it really is lovely.”
Hecate nodded her thanks. A few taps on her computer later, and she was placing the woman’s check in front of her. She said, “take your time,” though she was ready to go home. She returned to cleaning up the bar as the woman sipped at her drink.
“Don’t worry, I won’t keep you,” the woman said. She pulled a credit card from her purse and slid it over to Hecate. “I’ve just moved into the neighborhood, as it were, and it wouldn’t do to piss off the neighbors already. I’m Pippa, by the way.” Hecate handed the credit card slip back to Pippa, which Pippa signed with a flourish.
“Hecate,” she found herself offering her hand to Pippa, pleasantly surprised at the firm grip she got in return.
“I’ll remember that,” Pippa replied. She pushed her empty glass away and stood. “Thank you for the drink. I know you must want to get out of here.”
“We were still open,” Hecate said diffidently. Despite the late hour, it had been worth it to find someone who actually knew their drinks. That the woman was possibly the most beautiful person Hecate had ever encountered in real life only added to her willingness to stick around. She could handle getting home just a bit later.
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twtd11 · 6 years
14 & 58 please ❤
Bodyguard AU & Accidental eavesdropping
Pippa is an actress who’s recently started receiving death threats. Hecate’s company is hired to protect her. Hecate doesn’t do much actual bodyguarding because she’s busy running the company but she still interacts with Pippa a fair amount to coordinate everything. 
Pippa is not happy about needing protection. She complains a lot. 
Hecate sighs a lot and tries to make things more tolerable for Pippa. 
They go back and forth a lot. Pippa gets more and more fractious but her fights with Hecate are full of sexual tension. 
Eventually, the sexual tension boils over and Hecate and Pippa end up nearly having sex in Hecate’s office. 
They start sneaking around because it’s highly unprofessional. 
One day, Hecate overhears Pippa saying something about how she’s so ready to get rid of Hecate. She means the bodyguards but it sounds like she’s talking about Hecate personally. 
Hecate gets very cool with Pippa after that. Pippa is confused and wants to know what happened but Hecate refuses to tell her.
Pippa is making a public appearance somewhere and Hecate is down a person so Hecate has to step in and guard Pippa. 
Someone attempts to kill Pippa and Hecate puts her body between the assassin and Pippa. Pippa gets minorly hurt but Hecate gets knocked out. 
Hecate wakes up in a hospital bed and Pippa is sitting by her bedside. 
Hecate tells Pippa what she heard. Pippa clears everything up. She kisses Hecate and climbs into her hospital bed with her and they snuggle. 
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twtd11 · 6 years
25 & 40 Hicsqueak
Fairy tale au & Almost kiss
Hecate is locked away in a tower Rapunzel-style but she’s perfectly content with that because she doesn’t have to deal with any stupid people that way. She doesn’t realize that just Mistress Broomhead’s indoctrination. 
Pippa is a knight errant who’s going around the countryside rescuing people and fighting the good fight and being chivalrous. She looks damned good in her armor. 
A villager tells Pippa about the woman trapped in the tower out in the woods nearby and Pippa is determined to rescue her. 
Hecate occasionally looks out the window and wonders what’s out there but Broomhead’s voice sounds in her head telling her there’s nothing out there for her. 
Pippa shows up and stares up at the tower. She sees some movement and calls out. Hecate appears in the window and glares down disdainfully. Pippa tells Hecate that she’s there to rescue her. Hecate says she doesn’t need to be rescued. 
Pippa says ok but maybe think about it and she’ll be back in a few days to double check.
Hecate can’t help but think about Pippa’s offer. She obsesses over it and eventually decides to go with Pippa. If she doesn’t like it out in the world, she can always go back to her tower. 
Pippa comes back and asks Hecate if she’s changed her mind. Hecate says she has. Hecate does the letting down thing and she just slides down on it proving that she could have rescued herself at any time. Pippa is a bit agog. Still, Pippa gamely takes Hecate to the nearest village to show her what life is really like. 
Hecate hates it. She’s ready to go back to her tower on her own when Broomhead shows up and gets all threatening and Hecate hates that even more than she hates the village so she refuses to go back. 
Pippa tries to do the protecting Hecate thing, but Hecate uses her magic and sends Broomhead away. 
 Pippa continues to be baffled by her inability to actually rescue Hecate. But she also thinks it’s kinda hot. 
Someone in the village says they heard a rumor that there’s a lost princess and Hecate and Pippa think it might be Hecate. 
So they go on a trip to the castle.
There are many shenanigans while they make their way to the castle and Broomhead chases them. Pippa gets to do some saving this time. 
They’re camping out the night before they get to the castle and it’s all romantic and starlit and they’re lying next to each other and they’re about to kiss when Broomhead appears and manages to capture Hecate!
Pippa comes up with a clever plan to rescue Hecate and she manages to pull it off! She and Hecate steal a horse and ride full bore toward the Castle. Broomhead chases them but once they get close, the castle guard rides out to greet them and they chase after Broomhead because she’s been wanted by the king and queen for ages. Hecate and Pippa turn and fight with them and they capture Broomhead. 
Hecate and Pippa meet the king and queen because of their bravery. They mention something about the lost princess, but it turns out Hecate isn’t the lost princess after all! Hecate and Pippa do, however, get some commendations from the royal couple and they get granted some land and titles. The royal couple offers them positions at court but they’re both reluctant to take them. Still, they each think the other wants to stay, so they take up the positions. 
They’re both kinda miserable. They only see each other occasionally. Pippa is the first to give up. She decides to be a knight errant again. She’s about to leave when Hecate shows up and demands to know what she’s doing. Pippa tells Hecate that she might be in love with Hecate but she can’t stay in the castle anymore because she isn’t happy and obviously Hecate doesn’t return her feelings so she should just go. 
Hecate tells Pippa that she’s an idiot and that of course Hecate loves her back and she’s just as miserable at the castle. They finally get their kiss. 
They decide to go off together and rescue people Xena and Gabrielle style. At some point, they find the actual lost princess and return her home. 
Everyone lives happily ever after!
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