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scottsidea · 5 years ago
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#nationalapplepieday #happynationalapplepieday 🍏🥧🍎 Why is it in spring, not fall? Thanks @bravetart for the recipe. I’ve made 100s of apple pies over the past few years and it was fun to try a new recipe. #applepie #apple #quarantinelife #quarantinebaking (at Lower Haight, San Francisco) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAJbcI7AZiQ/?igshid=1kiu6w2n8roha
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gotojobin · 6 years ago
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#TheSagaOfTanyaTheEvil #YōjoSenki #幼女戦記 #TheMilitaryChroniclesOfaLittleGirl #KingDevinJoseph #キングデビンジョセフ #おたく #Otaku #オタク #GotoJobin #後藤Jobin #デヴィンジョセフ王 #Weeb #WeebDar #王デヴィンジョセフ #HappyNationalApplePieDay #NationalApplePieDay #HappyNationalApplePieDay2019 #NationalApplePieDay2019 1. ノイマン CV:林大地 Reiner Neumann The Imperial Air Demon. She is assigned to a 203 battalion led by Tanya. Captain of the fourth. With a cheerful personality as it looks, the tension in the troop is solved and the morale of each member is increased. It often beats the light mouth in the battlefield, but the combat ability is high, and boasts a steady number of shot down. 2. Imperial Army Air Mage. It is assigned to the twenty-three battalion led by Tanya. Fourth squad leader. It looks bright and cheerful as it looks, and it relieves tension in the unit and enhances each employee's morale. They often hit the battlefield at a low level, but their fighting ability is high, and they have solid shooting numbers. https://www.instagram.com/p/BxbLLarFKjV/?igshid=1etdnzuod99j2
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laughfactoryhw · 12 years ago
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Happy National Apple Pie Day! Here is Jack NIcholson getting pie'd by Meryl Streep in the movie Heartburn, what celebrity would you like see get pie'd in the face?
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gotojobin · 6 years ago
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#TheSagaOfTanyaTheEvil #YōjoSenki #幼女戦記 #TheMilitaryChroniclesOfaLittleGirl #KingDevinJoseph #キングデビンジョセフ #おたく #Otaku #オタク #GotoJobin #後藤Jobin #デヴィンジョセフ王 #Weeb #WeebDar #王デヴィンジョセフ #HappyNationalApplePieDay #NationalApplePieDay #HappyNationalApplePieDay2019 #NationalApplePieDay2019 1. ケーニッヒ CV:笠間淳 Willibald König The Imperial Air Demon. She is assigned to a 203 battalion led by Tanya. Captain of the third. Calmly in the battlefield also, correct the discipline of the troops, supporting each member in the shade. The inside is a hot character of the subordinate desire, and the officer who attaches importance to the cooperation as seen in a large number of joint shot down though it appears to be cold at first glance. 2. Imperial Army Air Mage. It is assigned to the twenty-three battalion led by Tanya. Third squad leader. Calm deposition on the battlefield, correct the discipline of the unit, and support each member behind the scenes. At first glance it looks cold, but the inside is a hot character of subordinate feelings, and an officer who emphasizes collaboration as seen in the large number of joint shootings. https://www.instagram.com/p/BxbKJyLlaJL/?igshid=a7kycd4qa9jt
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gotojobin · 6 years ago
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#Zootopia #ZootopiaComic #Zootopiamovie #NickWilde #JudyWilde #JudyHopps #NickHopps #BestMovieEverZootopia #NickWildeAndJudyWilde #Zootopia2 #MemeZootopia #ZootopiaMeMe #FoxieWilde #HappyNationalApplePieDay #NationalApplePieDay #HappyNationalApplePieDay2019 #NationalApplePieDay2019 Nick: All right Mom got to go to work now love you had a wonderful day spending time with you got to do this again love you forever you gorgeous strong woman. Foxie: At last, Foxie could finally put these uncertainties at rest — Having met one another again for the finally connected in 9 decades, she never stopped believing in him, confident that he would turn over a new leaf and change his life for the better. Even if it took him 31 years. Nick: Mom are you doing your inner monologuing again? Foxie: Maybe? Look at my big baby became of great man on his own now on the way to become a great father. I can't express enough how proud I am of you if your father were here he would tell you the same I love you so much I love Judy and my grandkids I cannot wait to hear pitter patter of little feet walking around. Nick: Please don't cry mom you're going to make me cry. Judy can you please come here for a minute before we leave? Judy: Yes what is it? Nick: Can I tell my mother it you told your parents? Foxie: Tell me what? Judy: Go ahead and tell her you better hope Foxie can handle the news. Nick: Okay with mom Judy been having a little bit of difficulty with the pregnancy? Calm down it is nothing severe Judy body has been rejecting the kids like a virus for some reason? Judy: I had to take some Super medication to keep them inside of me until my due date but we do not know if the medication will be strong enough to stop what is happening to my body. Nick: So Mom I want you to keep your phone close to you at all times just in case we need you to get ready so you can come and meet your grandkids a little bit early. Foxie: Okay that was a lot to unload and I know what I just said to not get all crazy. Okay I understand but I will not take my phone in the bathroom with me do not want to electrocute myself. Nick: Okay mom got to go now happy National apple pie day. Me and Judy love you very much. https://www.instagram.com/p/BxbFqTslvKh/?igshid=xfhidqy49x4n
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gotojobin · 6 years ago
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#Zootopia #ZootopiaComic #Zootopiamovie #NickWilde #JudyWilde #JudyHopps #NickHopps #BestMovieEverZootopia #NickWildeAndJudyWilde #Zootopia2 #MemeZootopia #ZootopiaMeMe #FoxieWilde #HappyNationalApplePieDay #NationalApplePieDay #HappyNationalApplePieDay2019 #NationalApplePieDay2019 Nick: Shooting you can take a nap if you want I will wake you up when it's time for us to go to work for a night shift? Judy: Eating them two apple pies I am completely full and I know what you been doing the whole entire time you are trying to put the good boy facade on for your mother but I know who you truly are? I know you were tossing and turning last night you usually go to sleep after taking advantage of me after adding some baby batter to the oven. I even bumped into you I could feel you trying to control yourself I even pressed my breast against your chest and you almost passed out but you hurry up and ran into the bathroom to take an ice-cold bath. Nick: My big boobs just wait until tomorrow when we get off work morning you will be mine. You better be ready for your punishment for playing around with me I'm going to pump you up with so much baby batter the bed going to look like a whipped cream bag popped all over it I'm going to cover you from the tip of your ears to tip of your toes. Judy: Big talk from a man with a limp noodle between his legs my mistake a 15 inches limp noodle between your legs? I just hope you can back up what you are promised me I hate to be disappointed? Nick: You listen here you little monster I'm going to? Foxie: Nicholas Judy I made some green tea for all of us and some cucumber sandwiches and some tea cakes! Nick: I'm going to be the best husband to you and the best dad to our kids and I will make sure I do my husbandly duty and fatherly duties. Oh thank you Mom for going out your way in doing that for us we will enjoy them? Foxie: What's wrong with her? Nick: Judy is all right she taking a little bunny sleep. Judy: I'm not asleep I'm taking a little nap before we have to go to work around 8:00 p.m we got to work a 8 hour shift. Foxie come here your grandkids are starting to move three of them but I think one is kicking? Foxie: I am happy. https://www.instagram.com/p/Bxa7ZKWlaKj/?igshid=fjvjsr8wz0fl
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gotojobin · 6 years ago
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#Zootopia #ZootopiaComic #Zootopiamovie #NickWilde #JudyWilde #JudyHopps #NickHopps #BestMovieEverZootopia #NickWildeAndJudyWilde #Zootopia2 #MemeZootopia #ZootopiaMeMe #FoxieWilde #HappyNationalApplePieDay #NationalApplePieDay #HappyNationalApplePieDay2019 #NationalApplePieDay2019 Foxie: It is done the pie is ready enjoy and happy National Apple pie day and if you both want more a making another one Just put it in the oven. Nick: Thank you Mom for everything you done I can't wait to put your delicious apple pie in my stomach you are the most beautiful incredible wonderful mom in the world. Judy: Yes thank you Foxie I can't wait to enjoy your pie and your grandkids can't wait either. Foxie you remind me of my mom on a rainy day would make a nice big pie for everybody and we, we just sit around talking about things we have done today. Foxie: You do not have to thank me Judy I'm just returning the hospitality you been showing me and my son. Your family open up y'alls heart to us and we will do the same to all of you open up our hearts to y'all now Enjoy the pie before it get cold. Nick/Judy: Oh my goodness it is delicious.(^_^) Judy: The pie crust is like eating a cookie. Nick: The pie have lots of flavor in the Apple still have a nice crunch to them. Judy: I'm tasting marinated apple and peach juice and some brown sugar and some cinnamon with some orange juice and some kiwi juice and a hint of lime and lemon juice? Foxie: That is right a marinated the Apple before putting them in a pie last night but I used the rest of the juice and pie filling to add even more baked flavor to the apple pie. Nick: The two most important ladies in my world getting together make me so happy I can shed a tear thank you Mama for opening up your home to us we had a wonderful night here and morning and afternoon. Foxie: I don't know what you are talking about Nicholas this is your home too and You to Judy. But I will be right back sound like the other pie is done I will be back in a minute? Nick: Are you enjoying yourself big boobs? Judy: Yes I am enjoying myself? I got to take a shower by myself I didn't have to worry about you trying to make a move at night or in the morning. https://www.instagram.com/p/BxasIgDFVTQ/?igshid=1ft3fmocs1tzv
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gotojobin · 6 years ago
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#HappyNationalApplePieDay #NationalApplePieDay #HappyNationalApplePieDay2019 #NationalApplePieDay2019 #FridayThe13 #金曜日13 #JasonVoorhees #ジェイソンボーヒーズ #FridayThe132019 #OriginalKingDevin 13日の金曜日は、12のスラッシャー映画、テレビ番組、小説、漫画本、ビデオゲーム、および抱き合わせ商品で構成されるアメリカのホラーフランチャイズです。このフランチャイズは、主にキャンプ・クリスタル・レイクで少年として溺死したキャンプ・スタッフの過失によって、架空の人物、ジェイソン・ボーヒーズに焦点を当てています。数十年後、湖は「呪われている」と噂されており、一連の大量殺人事件の舞台となっています。Jason は、殺人の動機としての映画のすべてに注目されています。(1978 年) ハロウィンの成功を収めるために作成されたオリジナル映画「1」は、ビクター・ミラーによって執筆し、ショーン・ S ・カニンガムによって制作、監督されました。映画は、世界中のボックスオフィスで $5億2900万以上を稼いできました。それはハロウィン (2018) のリリースまで世界で最も興行収益ホラーフランチャイズであり、そのフランチャイズをトップの座に置いていました。 ジェイソン・ボーヒーズ (/ˈ vɔː rhi ː z/) は、13日の金曜日のメイン characterfrom です。彼は第13回 (1980) に、彼がアリ・リーマンによって描かれた、キャンプ・キラー・ボーヒーズさんの若い息子として登場した。ビクター・ミラーによって作成された、ロン・クルツ、ショーン・ S ・カニンガム、トム・サヴィーニによる寄稿で、Jason は当初は主要な拮抗薬としてシリーズを運ぶことを意図していませんでした。キャラクターはその後、小説、ビデオゲーム、漫画、別の象徴的なホラー映画のキャラクター、フレディ・クルーガーとのクロスオーバーフィルムを含む様々な他のメディアで表現されています. ジェイソン・ボーヒーズ (/ˈ vɔː rhi ː z/) は、13日の金曜日のメイン characterfrom です。彼は第13回 (1980) に、彼がアリ・リーマンによって描かれた、キャンプ・キラー・ボーヒーズさんの若い息子として登場した。ビクター・ミラーによって作成された、ロン・クルツ、ショーン・ S ・カニンガム、トム・サヴィーニによる寄稿で、Jason は当初は主要な拮抗薬としてシリーズを運ぶことを意図していませんでした。キャラクターはその後、小説、ビデオゲーム、漫画、別の象徴的なホラー映画のキャラクター、フレディ・クルーガーとのクロスオーバーフィルムを含む様々な他のメディアで表現されています。 キャラクターの外見は多くの変換を経て、様々な特殊メイクアップエフェクトのアーティストが、メイクアップアーティストのスタン・ウィンストンを含むキャラクターのデザインに刻印しています。トム・サヴィーニの初期のデザインは、後の多くの化身の基礎となっています。商標ホッケーのゴールキーパーマスクは、13日の金曜日まで登場しませんでした。 13日の金曜日から VI: Jason は生きており、映画製作者はジェイソン・超人的な強さ、再生力、不死身近くを与えています。商標ホッケーのゴールキーパーマスクは、13日の金曜日まで登場しませんでした。13日の金曜日から VI: Jason は生きており、映画製作者はジェイソン・超人的な強さ、再生力、不死身近くを与えています。子供のときに溺れたことで、犠牲者の不道徳な行動や自分の怒りに駆られて殺害に対する動機が挙げられている、と彼は共感的な人格として見られてきた。[3] ジェイソン・ボーヒーズは、様々なユーモア雑誌で紹介されており、長編映画、テレビシリーズの風刺、ホラー・パンク・バンドのインスピレーションだった。●13日 (金) からのキャラクターの様々なバージョンをベースに、いくつかのトイラインが発売されました。ジェイソン・ボーヒーズのホッケーマスクは、大衆文化の中で広く認知されているイメージです。 https://www.instagram.com/p/Bxaffq8FCZ-/?igshid=12ur5pv6oly4l
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gotojobin · 6 years ago
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#EternalCardGameQuest #EternalCardGame #Eternal #DireWolfDigital #KingDevinJoseph #TheKingOfEternalCardGame #ExpertGamer #GotoJobin #後藤Jobin #キングデビンジョセフ #デヴィンジョセフ王 #Xbox #xboxones #XboxShare #王デヴィンジョセフ #HappyNationalApplePieDay #NationalApplePieDay #HappyNationalApplePieDay2019 #NationalApplePieDay2019 https://www.instagram.com/p/BxaPsgcFQ45/?igshid=599q8js9eccz
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gotojobin · 6 years ago
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#HearthstoneQuest #Hearthstone #KingDevinJoseph #TheKingOfHearthstone #BlizzardentErtainment #warcraft #ExpertGamer #GotoJobin #後藤Jobin #キングデビンジョセフ #デヴィンジョセフ王 #王デヴィンジョセフ #HappyNationalApplePieDay #NationalApplePieDay #HappyNationalApplePieDay2019 #NationalApplePieDay2019 https://www.instagram.com/p/BxaPTJhlaFY/?igshid=mq9th4mipcxn
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