#happy tracel
morganupstead · 2 years
it's the videos that im just not strong enough for.
one luce bts video and my too good of a heart just loves these people too much.
I can love the people and still hate the writing. I can love the people and still hate the writing. (I'm saying it as many times as it actually takes for me to believe it)
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bionicle-ramblings · 1 year
Something I thought of in the shower, because what they say about shower thoughts is true:
(⬇️Post under cut because I did not realize how long I made this thing⬇️)
I kinda headcanon that Vakama met Takua and Jaller at different point and the relationship between the three was not an instant one
To better explain, I picture Vakama's and Takua's introduction going a little like this:
Before becoming a mask-maker and being a tool-maker under the tutelage of Nuhrii, Vakama is out looking for materials and stands near a vent, finding a pretty decent looking piece of solid protodermis
A good find, but a better one falls out of the vents screaming, landing on Vakama and knocking the wind out of them both
After a moment, the better find, a blue masked Ta-Matoran, immediately gets up, apologizing as he helps Vakama stand up, though Vakama is more than a little annoyed because the Matoran is screwing around in thebopen rather than working amd the Vahki could get him. The matoran replies by asking, "Why do you think I was in the vents?"
Vakama, not exactly up for shenanigans, begins walking away, but the Matoran follows, asking Vakama what he was looking for. Vakama says he already found it, but the Matoran still sticks around, asking Vakama what he needs the protodermis for, if he needs more of it, if he needs someone to find it for him, and then asking if he's got Vakama's name right because he's heard around Ta-Metru that Nuhrri's got a new apprentice that's pretty good at what he does, good enough to surpass Nuhrii himself, even
Vakama, fed up with the chatter as he returns to his forge, thanks and promptly asks the Matoran, who is named Takua(Vakama realizes it's actually him because he's the troublemaker), to kindly let him work, offering to talk more when Takua is done working at his forge
Takua, quite sheepishly, admits he actually just got let go from being an apprentice and is looking for someone else to kind of take him in. Vakama is flabbergasted and asks what Takua did to even let that happen, because he either needs to be able to make tools or masks to work and not get harassed by Vahki
Takua admits he isn't much of a tool or mask-maker. He's happier as a map-maker, traceling the land and charting it for everyone's benefit, except a Ta-Metru Matoran can't exactly accept an apprenticeship for that in other Metrus, by order of Turaga Dume, so he's stuck between a rock and a hard place. Next best option would be the archives or really something that gets him moving
Vakama stares at him for a moment and Takua breaks by saying he just wants to see more of Metru Nui, saying there HAS TO be more than just the six Metrus and the sea beyond them and he cannot accept that where they are is all there is
Vakama admits that if there is something more, he'd be impressed to see it, but wouldn't fully understand how Takua feels because he's happy in Ta-Metru; it's his home and he's happy where he is, both in location and in life
Takua says that Vakama would get along with his(Takua's) friend Jaller. He's actually taking up work at the colosseum and it's working pretty well for him; he repairs mechanisms there. He also admittedly works harder than he should, and it shows because some days Jaller doesn't even have the strength to talk on the way home and only gets good rest on the few days off the workers have
Vakama is impressed with Jaller's job and admits that he himself just hopes to become a mask-maker. Nothing wrong with making tools, but he didn't become Nuhrii's apprentice for nothing
Takua assures him he will and asks him for a favor: To not really tell Jaller he found Takua in the vents. True, Takua is a little reckless for exploring and looking around, but there are things to find that can help people, most specifically Jaller, who's pushing himself really hard and needs to slow down
Vakama asks why Takua doesn't just stay in his job and help that way, and Takua reveals he couldn't stand listening to Matoran whispering about him behind his back, saying that he shouldn't be in Ta-Metru and he probably stole his mask off of a Ga-Matoran and either let said Ga-Matoran a maskless or there's a red masked Ga-Matoran that probably needs their mask back, and other things he'd rather not repeat because no one deserves to hear them, not even the Vahki
The two reach an understanding and Vakama lets Takua help him out at the forge before the two return to their living quarters
The two get better at visiting and talking with each other, Vakama inquiring about why Takua has a blue mask, but Takua admits it's always been that way and simply accepts it as is. He's a Ta-Matoran, just one that's incredibly easy to remember
Regardless, the two become pretty good friends
The introduction between Jaller and Vakamanis is a little different, though:
For one, Vakama is very close to becoming a fully-fledged Mask-maker, and Jaller has just recently been bumped up from repair-Matoran in the colosseum to being the one who works the colosseum ground for games and tournaments
And Jaller isn't exactly happy to see the new Mask-maker because of some bitter remarks Nuhrii shared with him, mainly that Vakama is stubborn, argumentative, and is a little too confident in his ability
There's similar word being spread by a couple other mask-makers, and Jaller's now skeptical of this "new friend" that Takua met and would like Jaller to also meet because the more the merrier. Jaller finds ways to get out of doing it, mostly by overworking and ignoring Vakama as much as possible, until Takua sees the effects it has on him calls him out on it IN FRONT OF EVERYONE, and causes a scene until Jaller agrees, though he does swear that if things go south, Takua will regret it
Jaller stops by Vakama's forge, for a part he needs for a repair, and the two have a very cold reception toward each other, Jaller being very gruff and trying to get in and out as quick and Vakama trying to get the part right so neither of them get in trouble
Jaller, only knowing what he knows because of jealous Ta-Matoran, asks if Vakama's excited for his new job, seeing as how he's apparently better than everyone else. Vakama, not interested in fighting because he hears enough flak already, just says that he's more excited to just do something useful. It's not as fun as a colosseum grounds runner, but Vakama enjoys what he does
Jaller's glad to hear it, and glad that Vakama can do what makes him happy, even if he's a little over his head about it
That gets Vakama's attention as he finishes up the part, sets down his tools, and asks Jaller to repeat himself
Jaller elaborates what he said, saying Vakama is someone who a lot of people have trouble trusting as a Mask-maker because he thinks he's better than everyone else. Vakama, very annoyed and fed up with the fact that Matoran are petty enough to actually talk smack when they think he's not listening, states that he doesn't think he's better than anyone, but if did he wouldn't be stupid or arrogant enough to rub it in their masks
Before Jaller can retort, Vakama hands him the part and asks him to leave, as he's got what he needs, and goes back to his forge to work on a mask for his "final test," and Jaller leaves, though he does mutter an insult.at Vakama under his breath. Once he's gone, Vakama insults him back, to even it out
When they run into each other again, this time in the Ta-Metru streets, Takua is standing more or less between them and trying to get the two to get along, even though the two are glaring at each other and assure him that things between them are fine
And it's quickly clear things are not fine when they just start subtly insulting and arguing with each other, much to the shock of Takua and the other Ta-Matoran present. Then, when the tension gets too high and one of them looks away, the other shoves him back and starts walking away. The one shoves back anyway, and the two start physically fighting, though it's not exactly one of epic proportions, but it's a pissed off Mask-maker fighting an also pissed off Colosseum grounds runner and no one is brave (or stupid) enough to get in their way and stop them except Takua, who holds them both back and shouts at them to stop amd take it somewhere eles
Jaller simply tells his friend to stay out of his fight, Vakama asking if Takua runs off a lot and gets in trouble with Vahki just to get away from Jaller. It's a harsh thing to say, and Jaller gets him back for it by lunging at Vakama, knocking him down and striking at him as he shouts that Vakama wouldn't even know or care to know regardless because having friends could ruin his being a great Mask-maker
Vakama admits he couldn't care less about being so much as a "decent" Mask-maker as he's able to get a few hits on Jaller, then shouts that he'd rather suck at his job and have people at least care about him enough to actually talk to him than excel and only have people talk when his back his turned
It's a moment that stuns Jaller, almost as much as the Vahki as they find the two fighting and immediately stun them both, rendering the two unconscious before taking them to the colosseum to speak before Turaga Dume, who speaks to them both when they're awake and moving and coherent again
As you can imagine, Dune IS NOT PLEASED to hear that two of the most promising Matoran actually got into a fist fight over something as trivial as unsaid words and an unnecessary grudge and is very tempted to strip both of them of their appointed jobs. The only thing stopping him from going through with it is knowing that the two worked their masks off to get where they are and both have a very bright, very storng fire inside them and would actually hate to see that fire die. So, to compromise, the two are suspended for two weeks. They are not to work or really go outside of Ta-Metru at all, and they will be arrested again by the Vahki and will actually lose their jobs
Terrified and worried sick, the two agree and are dismissed, the two saying nothing as they walk to their living quarters, though Vakama notices a crack on Jaller's mask and offers to fix it for him. Jaller reminds him they're not allowed tonwork at the moment, but Vakama admits he has some tools at his home and he wouldn't be working, just doing patch work for someone he nearly made lose his job
Jaller, tired of fighting and a little out of it from the Vahki, points out that that line of thinking soumds like Takua's, but agrees and the two head to Vakama's place. Once there, Vakama gets to work fixing Jaller's Komau mask, using a technique that actually leaves the mask looking like it'd never been damaged at all and doesn't feel "off" when Jaller puts it back on(I imagine having to take off ,repair, and put a mask back on feels like having a cast put on and taken off)
While Vakama puts the tools away, Jaller thanks him, something Vakama takes before he admits he shouldn't have gotten so mad and laahed out the way he did. Jaller admits he did egg Vakama on, though, so he can't exactly blame him
The two sit in silence for a while before Jaller admits that he really should have listened more to Takua rather than what everyone else was saying. Vakama agrees; it would have saved them both some trouble. Speaking of, when Jaller is about to leave, Vakama stops him as they hear Vahki in the streets and realize that they're now on the "curfew" patrol to make sure the Matoran are actually resting rather than doing something different
The two have a very awkward slumder party, Jaller realizing his being suspended will just motivate Takua to get out of work more than ever, admitting he already has trouble trying to keep the fool in one place and now it just got impossible because he has to do it for two weeks. Vakama asks if telling Takua to just press in through a job is really that hard and Jaller admits that it's tedious and thankless, but for the longest time he and Takua had each other and Jaller knows there's something different about Takua in general, like he really isn't meant to be in Ta-Metru or Metru Nui, but there's very few place to go because other islands have dangerous creatures on them, Rahi, and there's always the chance he wouldn't be able to leave Metru Nui because of the Vahki. As much as he wants his friend to be happy and not in trouble, he also wants to make sure his friend is safe with a captial S because goodness knows with the way things are currently, he isn't
Vakama is pretty quiet as he hears this, more speechless at how Jaller is set on making sure Takua is safe because he already gets flak for running off and his the fact that that his stupid mask is blue, but there's nowhere else for him to go because the Vahki can always drag him back and Jaller fears that.one day the Vahki will find Takua before Jaller can and then he'll never see Takua again
Vakama says nothing as Jaller accidentally vents and Jaller, realizing how long he's been talking, tells Vakama to go ahead and say the thing everyone else says, that he's wasting his time trying to keep an eye on his friend and would be better just letting things take their course, maybe hope the Vahki "fix" whatever's wrong with Takua so he stops being useless. Jaller admits that Takua can be a little hard to keep still, but he's not in need to be fixed at all. There's HUGE benefit to someone like Takua, it's just that Metru Nui, Turaga Dume, and the Vahki won't just give him a chance
Vakama finally speaks up and agrees, much to Jaller's surprise because he's used to the same old script. Vakama admits that he hasn't known Takua that much, having only heard that he gets in trouble and goes places he shouldn't, but there's nothing he'd really do to "fix" Takua. He'd actually get him a job as someone who could make maps so he both gets the move around as much as he wants and stays out of trouble with the Vahki
Jaller asks if Takua talked about that idea and Vakama admits he did, and also admits that Takua is good at talking FOR AGES, and that's something Vakama was not prepared for when he met him. Jaller laughs and says it takes getting used to
Vakama also relays to Jaller that Takua thinks he's pushing himself too hard. He won't say anything, but it's something he thought he should know, in case Takua didn't tell him
Jaller asks what else Takua hasn't told him, because he'll tell it to anyone he finds, and even asks how Vakama met Takua because no way did Takua come to Vakama's forge for tools or a new mask
Vakama pleads the fifth, because he'll parrot a message, but he's not ratting someone out, not even if friends get involved
Jaller accepts that and the two settle in for bed, though Jaller thanks Vakama when he thinks he's alseep. Vakama is awake enough to hear it and tells Jaller that it's no problem
They're both awoken in the morning when they hear knocking at the door and it's revealed to be Takua, who's too happy to see his friends are okay and also jealous because they got to spend the night talkingnand hanging out. Jaller jokes around that it's a shame Takua wasn't with them and they were planning on losing Takua somewhere only they knew where. Takua points out he'd find his way back and the two would have to be on the look out for him
He also came to keep an eye on them because of what's happened. Vakama admits it'll be a boring job, then because they're suspended. Takua is thrilled to hear it because now the two have a VACATION! Jaller points out they're being punished for fighting in the street, but Takua says they'll be on secret vacation and can meet up in each other's living quarters, maybe even explore around. Vakama explains they can't leave Ta-Metru, but Takua admits he knows a few good places to hide and lets slip that he and Vakama met because Takua was in the vents, Jaller shouting, "AGAIN!?" and causing Takua to back away before he bolts, running as Jaller and Vakama chase him, though Jaller swears to drag Takua to work woth him once his suspension is over. Takua shouts back, "You two have to catch me first!" and the three end up finding somewhere to talk and avoid the Vahki until they have to head home, the three becoming better and better friends even after the suspension is lifted
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wafflesetc · 1 year
Tracel looks so gorgeous and happy I could cry💕
She looked positively radiant on the carpet!
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kamalaa-blog · 2 years
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On 15th February 2023 I went to Singapore with my mom just to watch Phoebe Bridgers. It was one of the most emotional yet magnificent show I’ve ever attended. I’ve been waiting for her to come to Jakarta or Singapore since 2017. When I found out that Phoebe is going to Singapore for her tour, my heart stopped for a while. I immediately asked my parents if I could go to Singapore alone and watch Phoebe Bridgers since none of my friends buy the ticket. My parents allowed me immediately but forbid me to tracel alone because I’ve never been alone on a trip, so my mom came with me. I was so happy that I got the ticket.
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So on 15th February 2023, mom and I took a 1 hour 15 minutes flight from Jakarta to Singapore with Jetstar Asia. The flight went smoothly. After we arrived in Singapore just with our cabin luggage, we went to 313 Somerset and ate Nasi Campur. It was so delicious till we ate 2 portion of it. After that, we went for shopping with our cabin luggage. It was only 4kgs so it didn’t really matter for us to carry it anywhere before we checked in to our hotel. 3 hours has passed, we finally checked in to our hotel in Hotel Grand Central, put our things in out hotel room, then left immediately to City Hall by MRT.
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We finally arrived at Esplanade Theater at 7.30 PM. It was not as crowded as I thought. We immediately went into the room then at 8.05 PM the show started. I cried a lot at that concert. I’ve never been this emotional when I attended a concert. I feel like her songs (lyrics and melody) have some kind of magic. Whenever you listen to her song, you’ll feel emotionally attached to it (idk how to explain it tbh lol). I cried during Moon Song and my mom hugged me. I cried even worse when she hugged me. Phoebe brought around 10 songs and the crowd was the best. Everyone was touched by her performance. It was incredible. I would love to experience this kind of concert again. I love you Phoebe Bridgers🫶
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karihighman · 2 years
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Tracy Spiridakos the woman you are 🌟😄🙌
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imjustwritingg · 2 years
Tracel is about to leave the country I suppose from her latest post this means we won't see her at the upfronts 😭 but I'm happy shes enjoying the hiatus and is taking Nala too ❤️
She is in Los Angeles and the Upfronts were earlier today.
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japrstead · 4 years
Happy birthday to one of my favorite people in the world!!! 🎂🎊🎈🎁 Tracel, may your day be incredible, full of love, laughter, smiles and all the best things you deserve!!! You’re such an amazing person and I'm happy that you illuminate our days!!! #HappyBirthdayTracel I LOVE YOU SO SO MUCH ❤️❤️
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Possibly something in the realm of a ,, “witchsona”? Not really into stuff like this since I feel like self inserting to any degree into my own universe can become Dangerous given my already unhealthy tendency to get lost in fantasy lmao, but,,, alas, a simple magic boy. I think I would mostly prefer to specialize in illusion magics (types of magic explained in this post here (link)), and being a demon (info on demons here) would likely be the most suitable species  (given my desire for absolute immortality lmao, I’d aim for being one of the ancient all powerful ones..),, I would of course want to be heavily associated with cats and eggs... spend most of my time alone... in a fantasy setting I’d probably act similarly to how my character acts in any rpg game which is basically, I’m Only Here To Explore/Learn Stuff And Collect Novelty Items But Am Neutral To Everything Else And Don’t Want To Be Involved, so I assume I’d be the type to just roam the lands forever seeking out cool mysteries and secrets and amassing a large collection of random knick knacks while being a mostly disinterested true neutral with no attachments and avoiding all conflict that doesn’t involve me lol.. just let him.. sit in a cave and eat boiled eggs in peace... anyway,, here is a possible ideal form of me,, if I was in a fantasy environment I suppose? 
#ive seen multiple people draw these recently lol idk if it's a thing still but whatever lol#ah... i become a mage boy....  F I N A L L Y E#aNYWAY .....god.... imagine... being... immortal....#i would be so happy i could just do whatever  i wanted lol#like legit... threats of nuclear war? oh well i'll fukin live... threat of voilence against me? cool I cant die (id like to be vaguely invin#cible too like i can still be hurt but most minor wounds ar enothing to me like i could get stabbed and be like 'oh ok lol')? is the person#walking next to me on the dark street dangerous? who fuckin cares lol what are they  going to do?? what if I get into a car wreck? oh well#ill definitely live so! what if I get sick? whoop I';ll still live so!#like the only thing I would even have to worry about is being captured by people I guess and even then .. Ill still outlive them#PLUS I could probably escape seeing as if I can get shot a few times without t even effecting me I could just make a run for it#and when they try to restrain/harm/attack me I wouldn't even be harmed and I'd just leave ? so idk#literally everytjhing in life I'm afraid of basically boils down to 'i want to live as long as possible and have to avoid harm at all costs#no matter what the sacrrifice' which like !! if I was immortal!!! it would be so freeing!! and I still wouldnt do shit lmao!! i'd still chil#and just play video games and make art and go on quests of knowledge and item gathering tracels or something i guess if i was supernatural#but like!! whoo it'd be enough to just not be living in fear 24-7#a good solution for anxiety other than therapy or medication is just become a fuckin immortal partially invincible demon lol#get this info the the american psychological association they need to hear it#'additionally patients with resistance to treatment or other poor prognostic indicators may be turned into demons if needed'
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scentaurfragrance · 5 years
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I wanted to put together my own Fragrance Awards ! As this year comes to a close , I wanted to share with you my “Frammy - fragrance Grammy awards !!! Feel free to share and use this idea ! Most Complimented: Pure Tonka by Mugler Best Blind Buy of the year :Amber del sur by carner Barcelona Favorite Sleeper: leather oud by floris Favorite Incense Scent: palo Santo by carner Barcelona Favorite Oud Scent: Sex Magic by House of Matriarch Favorite Vetiver Scent: Timbuktu by l artisan Favorite Sandalwood Scent: MoonMilk by Storra Skuggan Favorite Citrus Scent: Terre de Hermes eau tres friache Favorite Longest lasting scent : 24 gold oud edition by scentstory Favorite Spring Fragrance : kalidoscope by Daniel Josier Favorite Summer Fragrance - Dolce Gabbana light blue swimming in lipari Favorite Fall Fragrance : supreme leather by polo Favorite Winter fragrance : Jubilation 25 by Amouge Best indie Fragrance : Traceler in the Moon by Alkemia Most Surprising Fragrance : Chocolste stout by sucreabielle Most calming Fragrance : silver Sandalwood by Possets Best Office Fragrance : Signiture by Zaharoff Best Classy Fragrance : Dior Homme eau Best Happy Fragrance : l eau Froide by serge lutens Favorite Tom Ford: ombre leather 2016 and Italian cypress Favorite Mancera: Sand oud - so far Favorite Creed: 2015 batches of Aventus Favorite Montale: Starry Nights Favorite Serge Lutens: Santal Majuscule #fragrance #perfume #scent #fragrancelover #fragranceaddict #fragranceawards #favorites #awards #topperfume #bestcologne https://www.instagram.com/p/B6ZpnfUB-Ak/?igshid=19cyne364s7a6
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okdiversbali-blog · 7 years
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Dreaming blue .. Volare, oh oh Singing, oh oh oh oh In the blue painted blue Happy to be up there ... .. .. .. •• •• •• #scuba #blue #bali #indonesia #travel #padangbai #agung #diving #bigblue #adventure #travelblogger #tracel #travelphotography #underwaterphotography #macrophotography #macrame #padi #ssi #nauticam #olympus #cantare #pikachu #nudibrach #ocean #blue #yellow #quick (at Bali, Indonesia)
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morganupstead · 2 years
For the last 6 months, my favorite show has almost exclusively made me sad. And all It took was some blurry photos of Jesse and Tracel just standing next to each other to literally start crying.
I just want to relish in how this feels for as long as I can because I know it is temporary. But today feels right, and it feels good, and I'm grateful for those seemingly bad quality photos because it shows that they are happy working together again and that means more than a lot of other things right now.
#upstead forever
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misslapis · 6 years
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From Lihue to LA with some essentials and bubby in tow! ❤️🐶Leaving the islands for 800 days is the smartest, hardest, most life changing, Emotional and dramatic~transformational choice I’ve made in quite some time. Not everything I took with me survived the vibrational breakup 💔(for the better), and in bravely letting Spirit have everything, my storyline around family, abundance, happiness-being-a-decision, forgiveness, adaptation, self care, nonjudgement as well as newfound dedication to my life purpose have done a revolutionary resurrection. 🧬⚡️It is not for the faint of heart to move from sand to city, from beachy bliss to concrete constructs, from inward to external lifestyle, from incubation to emergence of my souls truth and from knowing and comfort zone to total mysterious unfamiliar terrain( physically and mentally.) Yet,✨with spirits guidance, several 🦅 eagles insistence, certain divine holy beings surfacing on my path here, and undying faith, I feel a deep REMEMBERANCE of the Why and continue to count my blessings, radiate love and truth to any daily interactions, and continuously strive to cultivate the strength, Will and determination to Create my soul assignment into reality for the good of all. Every aspect of our original vision to move here is being fulfilled and carried by a Higher Hand~Lapis performsin her first LA musical this week which couldn’t thrill me more💃🏼; she has also far surpassed our “expectations” for her radiant immersion into this powerful new community, and now has been accepted to Yale University’s Theatre summer 🎭Leadership program..the universe is giving me feedback and I surrender my tropical Longing with each breakthrough and step forward. 🌴 🌃 🎭 💃🏼 💕 🐶 #grateful #countyourblessings#love #aloha #tracel #kauai Lihue #airport #luggage #beherenow #la #immersion#emergence #lettjnggo #bub #pazi #lotus #yogionthego #surrender xrds #theatre #Yale #lets do this #voyage #they known #mystic https://www.instagram.com/p/BuJtazyn3qF/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=11z9pedolye5d
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caffeshop · 6 years
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colkoz64 · 7 years
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A morning drive on the Colonial Parkway, Golden Eagles, Herons, Deer, and Turtles, and a Turtle Rescuer😊 and mural work with new artists of ALL ages, many painting for the first time. Now off to some supper in Colonial Williamsburg. Been a lovely day that was kind enough to be sunny at beginning and end and take care of its rain diring the hours I was indoors! Lovely lovely Thursday. #colleenkoziara#art#artistsoninstagram#memorycare#elders#obod#tracel#happiness#adventure#colonialwilliamsburg#jamestown#murals#muralist#
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karihighman · 2 years
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More smiling hiatus Tracy for your Tumblr dashboards just because 😎
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