#happy sibling au
poorly-drawn-mdzs · 2 months
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Dog Meshi.
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theraedar · 1 year
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The Schoenheit Family 🍎👑
This is the vilorel siblings au I’ve been wanting to do for like a year now and I had so much fun drawing it!! I hope you can show them some love💜
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intotheelliwoods · 5 months
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This is Part 2! Part 1 can be found here...
Sprout... hey Sprout... we love you Sprout... we wish only the best for you, you are doing amazing Sprout. I promise you will feel better after your much needed breakdown here <3 we are all cheering you on
Apologies for the cliffhanger, we will check in with Poptart sometime soon~
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triona-tribblescore · 6 months
Another year has gone by...
Happy new years ppl :D
This was inspired by the song (I literally dropped everything and ran to do this very shittily in like- an hour when I listened to it today) but also closely inspired by @tapakah0's Idea 10 animation vid, its very pretty with its vibes uvu <3
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crepes-suzette-373 · 2 months
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Kind of related to this other picture. The original idea was just about Yonji specifically, but I didn't want Ichiji and Niji to be left out.
The prompt/headcanon was someone saying "What if 124ji only have the power mods, but don't have any emotion change, like Reiju".
Because of their shades it's just funny imagining Ichiji and Niji acting like mafia bodyguard/secret service, like in that meme photo of the bodyguard cats.
...Maybe if he had grown up with all the ~royal stuff~ Sanji might not have the beard, but it just feels wrong seeing him without it XD
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wiidoodles · 8 months
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pov: ur big sister gets back from Europe (she smuggled the good snacks)
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doctorsiren · 4 months
How do defenseworth and Maya interact? Is it similar to phoenix and maya interact in the trilogy?
I can only imagine Maya and Miles geeking out about steel samurai, especially during the wills power case. Miles is like omg im defending the steel samurai!! ᕕ (ᐛ) ᕗ
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They interact similarly to Phoenix and Maya, except for the fact that they geek out about Steel Samurai together
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darlingsart · 4 months
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Quick drawing for my Modern AU! Every time Pat and Achilles bring home a new baby, their eldest son loses it just a little bit lmao
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the-bitter-ocean · 2 months
Is Bonnie's go-to comfort method "FEED THE KIDS" in ageswap?
Pretty much!! Cooking is a love language and Bonnie uses it to both comfort the people they care about as well as calm themselves down when they’re in high stress situations. I feel like Bonnie had a habit of cooking/ stress baking whenever they were upset and needed an outlet to release their feelings in a way that wouldn’t harm anyone.
I like to think that in the context of ageswap au specifically, Bonnie would have a candy that they can offer to all the kids during the loops (similar mechanic to offering the bright flower in game). I also think that they’d make sure all the kids were fed (especially loop. ) They make the effort to give loop a good meal every loop when they visit at the favor tree / give them a extra blanket + pillow from the clock tower as a compromise since Loop refuses to go back to the clock tower with Bonnie and the others until act 5/ act 6/ postgame etc.
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thatthirstyweirdo · 1 year
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GAAAAAWD I LOVE HER!! I think she is a very sweet and nice and pretty little thing <33
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zinxii · 3 months
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"Happy birthday Greed! We made pancakes for you! I mean... We tried.."
"Oh! You guys shouldn't have...!"
"Well... We did want to cook something for you because you're the one that always does the cooking. Just— don't look at the kitchen."
This stupid lil guy just turned 25 today ugh hes growing up so fast!!!!
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hierba-picante · 9 days
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It is red!! Someone pointed it out! @quirkyfries ! :D Yknow who else is red?
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Our little yn!!! While it is muted to a maroon [mainly because, as I've said before, I hate working with red] yn's color is red! I wonder who else is getting specific colored lighting :]
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And the lighting! While I'm not familiar with it being referred to as clock terms, I'm still glad it was pointed out!! Sun's light comes from more obscure places, so far, very dramatic! And ominous He's more so stepping into it or dancing along it! Never really letting it fully touch him. Only ever putting his foot forward towards the red light, while angling away from the rest :]
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I'll share Moon and Eclipse also!
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Different lighting choices also, I wonder what kind of assumptions will be made :] Moon and Sun are more in the dark so far, Eclipse has the most lighting! Eclipse's is more warm and centered, it's welcoming! He's performing inside the light! Moon's lighting is above, but he's relaxed in the small light he has. The small unobtainable cold light he has :]
That's all I'll share for now :D If i get any exciting questions though, I might just answer :]
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kraviolis · 1 year
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no, camila found her daughter a long time ago.
(and so what if she was different after being found? really, mrs. noceda, you shouldn't expect her to be the same girl she was before. what five year old wouldn't be changed from such a traumatic experience?)
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moog-enthusiast · 8 months
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flower & basil baking with granny
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herbatahleb · 2 years
Three chaotic siblings AU
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Clockwork decides that his half-ghost children need a normal childhood, so he rejuvenates their bodies and transports them to another city (can do this by dp x dc crossover) becoming their full-fledged father
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Danny and Vlad are the same age but Vlad is still a little taller. Dani is now a toddler for whom they will set fire to the city  
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mini part two  part three
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crepes-suzette-373 · 1 month
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[Good AU]
Training baby Nyasha to pull carriage.
I'm rather tempted to try to SBS Oda-sensei asking if Nyasha is a naturally giant kitty or if (s)he got embiggened because of science, but if Nyasha's size somehow has plot relevance (like maybe Germa has connections to Elbaf) I fear that the chances of sensei answering me will be even lower (aside from it possibly just getting buried under all the other letters)😭😭
Also not really related, but I wonder what the giant rats/mice are called, LOL. Because there's two of them, and the label "nezumisha" just means "rat/mouse carriage". Nyasha kind of got adopted as the cat's name, but what about the 🐁🐀?
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