#happy late birthday albie :3
thetimecrystal · 5 months
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gingersaremytype · 6 years
The Happiest of Birthdays - Newt x Reader
Prompt List
TMR Newt x Reader
The Glade celebrates the reader’s birthday and Newt makes sure everything is perfect for their special day.
Word Count - 2.1k
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Since your very first day in the Glade, Newt had always been there for you. He helped you through your first few weeks and protected you from the other boys. The two of you had become practically inseparable within the first month of knowing each other and it wasn’t long before you developed feelings for each other. One night, after a few moonshines by the fire, Newt confessed his feelings and asked you to be his girlfriend. 
Alby wasn’t impressed with this and tried to separate you but, once he saw how happy the two of you were, he dropped the subject. The whole Glade understood that you were off limits and the poor boys that didn’t, quickly learnt, with help from Newt. Anytime a new Greenie would flirt with you or someone would say something out of line, Newt would make sure they could see that you weren’t up for grabs. Usually by the two of you arriving at breakfast the next morning with hickies littered all over your necks. It was an effective way to get them to back off, that and Newt’s death glares. 
In the Glade, each boy (and you) celebrated the day that they came up in the box as their birthday. It had been 723 days since you arrived; a week away from your second birthday.
You were slightly late to breakfast, having slept in despite Newt’s efforts to get you up, so the boys were already there when you sat down.
“Morning, love.” Newt smiled at you, kissing your head as you slipped into the seat next to him.
“Morning,” You replied, leaning your head on his shoulder.
“You seem tired, Y/n? Late night?” Thomas chimed, smirking at you and Newt.
Newts cheeks flushed red as you rolled your eyes at the comment.
You and the boys continued to chat whilst you ate your breakfast, gossiping about the new boy that had just arrived.
“I don’t know. He just seems off.” You said, biting into an apple.
Minho chuckled, “Yeah I agree, the shank gives off dodgy vibes.”
As if on cue, the boy you were talking about, Damien, walked passed your table. He looked at you and the boys. His gaze lingered on you until he saw Newt’s raised eyebrow and looked at your intertwined hands. He quickly put his head down and walked away.
You shook your head and laughed at Newt.
“What? I’m not having that weirdo eyeing you up,” Newt replied.
“Aw bless lil Newtie getting all jealous,” Thomas said poking him in the arm.
You laughed before grabbing your plate to clear it away, the boys doing the same.
Outside breakfast, you gave Newt a quick kiss before heading over to the medjack hut for work. 
“See you later, love,” he said, walking the other way.
It was a quiet day so you gave the usual boys what they wanted then decided to rearrange the medicines in the cupboard. The day dragged on and you busied yourself with tasks to make the time go by. Soon enough the sun began to go down and you finished off what you were doing.
You opened the door to see Newt waiting patiently outside, leaning on a tree. 
“Dinner?” He asked, holding out his hand which you gladly took.
After dinner, Newt disappeared with one of the builders and didn’t say where he was going. You’d asked but he’d simply shaken his head and smiled before walking away.
You were lying in bed reading when he reappeared, his head poking around your bedroom door.
“Sorry, I lost track of time,” He said, quickly changing and climbing in next to you.
You nestled your head into his chest as he wrapped his arms around you. You fell asleep bundled together, your breathing becoming a synchronised rhythm.
The next few days passed by relatively slowly as you went about your usual business. As your birthday got closer you could tell Newt was becoming just as excited as you were. You knew he was wishing it to come just as fast as you as each day he would wake you and countdown the days.
“3 days,” He whispered as you rolled over to face him one morning.
“I’m starting to think you’re even more excited than I am.” You chuckled, lightly kissing him on the nose.
He gently stroked your face “I just want it to be perfect for you. It’s your day.”
You smiled and leaned in, kissing him softly.
“Thank you.”
“One day,” Newt chimed, poking your arm to wake you up.
You rolled over and pulled the duvet over your head. Newt chuckled before getting up and changing. You pushed the duvet down and looked at him.
“Where are you going?” You asked, pouting at him as he grabbed his bag.
“I need to finish off a couple of things,” He said, walking over to your side of the bed.
“Can’t you do them later?” You replied, pulling him down towards you.
He laughed and kissed your head, “I’ll see you later, Y/n.”
You frowned up at your boyfriend.
“Hmm.” You said.
“Love you,” He muttered with a wink.
“Love you too,” You replied, putting your head back on your pillow.
He smiled at you before heading out the door.
The day ticked by at snail pace. Your mind was elsewhere so you struggled to focus on your work. Somehow, you got through the day and walked over to dinner with Newt.
“Good day?” You asked him as you walked across the Glade.
“Yeah, you?”
“Long,” You replied, linking your hand with his.
At dinner, the boys were all talking about your birthday.
“Gally’s been gathering loads of wood today, the bonfire’s going to be huge!” Chuck exclaimed excitedly.
“It’s gonna be a fun one, I can tell,” Thomas added.
Finishing your food, you said goodnight to the boys and headed back to the Homestead with Newt. You walked into your room and flopped onto the bed, letting out a large sigh.
“Why the sigh?” Newt asked, coming to lie next to you.
“No reason, just tired,” You replied.
“Okay,” He said placing a kiss on your head, “excited for tomorrow?” He asked, moving a stray piece of hair from your face.
“Of course.”
You got up and changed for bed, jumping in as soon as you could as it was cold in your room.
Seeing the goosebumps up your arms, Newt snuggled up to you and held you tight. Like usual, you relaxed and quickly fell asleep with his arms wrapped around you.
You woke up the next day to an empty bed. Newt was no longer lying next to you. Confused, you jumped out of bed and got dressed, eager to start the day. The Glade was strangely quiet as you walked to breakfast. No one was around, you hadn’t seen a single Glader in the Homestead or outside.You walked into to breakfast when suddenly…
The Gladers burst out at you and shouted, causing you to nearly jump out of your skin. You smiled at all the faces staring at you. Newt walked over to you and kissed you on the forehead.
“Happy birthday, Y/n.”
You smiled back at him and walked over to your table where Frypan’s pancakes (your favourite) were waiting for you. You beamed at Frypan who simply nodded and smiled.You ate your breakfast, savouring each mouthful of the yummy pancakes. There was an excited buzz in the air throughout the meal as you chatted with the boys.
“So two years? You’re practically a grandma, Y/n.” Minho said, stealing a piece of pancake.
“Oi, they’re mine,” You replied, fighting him off with your fork as he reached over again. “And hey, you’ve been here longer, grandad.” You shot back with a smug smile.
Minho shrugged in response and retracted his fork. A little later, you’d finished your pancakes, having to keep Thomas off as well, and headed into the medjack hut. The boys popped in, each wishing you a happy birthday as you helped them out.
Just before dinner, there was a soft knock on your door.“Come in.” You replied, looking up at the visitor.
Chuck wandered into the room, smiling brightly.
“Hiya, Chuck. What’s up?” You asked, returning the smile.
“I brought you your present,” He said walking over to you and handing you a small paper bag.
You took the bag from him as he stood there beaming. Opening the bag, you saw a flower chain in it. Chuck had gathered the daisies and other flowers around the Glade and made them into a crown for you.
You lifted it out of the bag and admired his handiwork.
“Thank you so much, Chuck. I love it.” You said smiling at the young boy in front of you.
“Will you wear it for the bonfire tonight?” He asked eagerly.
“Of course I will!” You assured him.
Content, he smiled and walked out of the room.
You looked down at the fragile chain in your hands and smiled at the effort Chuck must’ve put in to make it, gathering the flowers and linking them together for you. It made a warmth swell inside of you.
Around lunchtime, you wandered over to see Frypan in the kitchens.
“Alright Y/n?” He asked, looking up as you walked in.
“Yep, I was just wondering if you needed a hand with anything.” You replied, wanting to busy yourself.
“Nope, all good here. Besides, go enjoy your day. No one’s expecting you to actually do any work.” He responded cheerfully.
You laughed before saying you’d see him later and walking out the door.
Soon enough, the sun set and the bonfire was lit. Chuck was right, Gally had built it higher than ever before with all the wood. You stood in front of it, admiring the flickering flames.
You were brought back from your thoughts by two arms wrapping around you from behind. “Hello, birthday girl” Newt whispered in your ear.
You smiled and leaned into him.
He spun you round to face him and you watched the reflection of the flames dance in his eyes.
“I want to give you your present.” He said, presenting you with a small box.
You raised your eyebrow, excited to open it.
You lifted the lid to reveal a long string, plaited together in a chain. Pulling it out of the box, you realised it was a necklace. On the end of the necklace hung a wooden “N”. You looked up at Newt and blushed.
“Newt, I…” You were speechless as you thought of how hard Newt must’ve worked to intricately carve the initial for you and to plait the string and fashion the knotted clasp.
“Do you like it?” He asked, rubbing his hands together nervously.
You laughed, “Of course I do! I love it! Thank you so much, it must’ve taken you ages.” You added, admiring the intricacy of the charm.
Newt just shrugged and smiled, taking the necklace out of your hands so that he could put it on. You twirled around so that he could tie it as he lifted it over your head and gently moved your hair out of the way. "It's so I'm always with you."
Clasping it at the back, he wrapped his arms around you again and softly kissed your neck.
You turned around to face him so that you could kiss him properly. He cupped your face with his hands as you twiddled your fingers in his hair. “Happy birthday, Y/n.” He whispered against your lips.
When you pulled away, you saw that lots of the Gladers were now gathering around the fire. You and Newt sat down on a log as the celebrations began.
The boys liked any excuse for a party so each boy, as they finished their drink, would raise it to you in honour. Soon enough, it became a competition for who could “honour Y/n with the most drinks” and the boys were becoming more and more drunk from Gally’s lethal concoction.
You joined in with the festivities but were wary of not drinking too much. After all, you wanted to still remember your birthday by tomorrow.
After a few hours, many boys went to bed, leaving only a few of you left at the fire. The fire had become smaller and the temperature had dropped slightly so you sat cuddled up to Newt as you chatted with the boys.
Gally raised his glass towards you in a toast, “To Y/n. Happy birthday, shebean.”
You smiled and raised your own glass as the surrounding boys raised theirs and toasted alongside Gally.
You fiddled with the necklace that hung around your neck and smiled. Although you couldn’t remember the others, you knew this was the best birthday you’d ever had.
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