#happy headcanon auish thing
You know who I’m gonna ask already grandpa
Sebastian Debeste!
Sexuality Headcanon: he doesn't know what a sexuality is lol. I could see him being acearo or nondescript queer? Tbh I don't really think about it and I think he doesn't either. He's married to his job
Gender Headcanon: nonbinary or cismale. I like the idea of transfem Seb, but it's too AUish to me tbh. Sorry bestie
A ship I have with said character: himself <3 he needs more self love
A BROTP I have with said character: Kay, Miles, Ray, Justine. The obvious ones. I also like the idea of him having a cute work friendship and rivalry with Attorney George.
A NOTP I have with said character: his dad?? I'm sure that's a thing somewhere. Stop being weird, shippers.
A random headcanon: when he was a little kid, his ahoge was permanently in the ! position because he was so young and still learning so he was surprised by everything. Also it's cuter that way.
General Opinion over said character: the SKRUNKLY!!!! He needs a happy ending frfr he's a sweetie pie. U need to leave him alone, Cronch
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hook-on-fandoms · 8 years
Karaoke Night
As promised. My happy headcanon auish apology to @raynbow-shimmer . Hope it brings a smile to your (and anyone else that reads it) face(s). 
A few days after Kara and them went back to their Earth Joe snuck into Cisco’s lab while everyone else was out doing other stuff:
Joe: Hey Cisco, mind if I make a suggestion for the next Star Labs movie night?
Cisco: Go ahead. What do you have in mind?
Joe: Karaoke. Just do karaoke the whole night. It’s been years since I’ve heard that boy sing and it would probably be good for the spirits of the team as a whole to just kick back and do something fun.
Cisco: Hell yea, but you have to convince everyone and help me collect songs.
Joe: Deal, no need to convince anyone if they don’t know til it happens. Plus telling people before hand is practically inviting someone to try and destroy the city that day in our lives.
Cisco: Very true.
So over the next few days Cisco worked on making his own karaoke machine (it’s funner than going out and buying/renting one) while Joe made the play list.
Day of Cisco vibed out a half hour before movie night began claiming he was inviting Cynthia which he did:
Cynthia: Seriously Cisco it’s my job to capture and potentially kill people that do this. You need to stop just vibing onto my earth like this.
Cisco: We’re doing karaoke tonight. You can’t tell me you aren’t interested.
Cynthia: I’ll be there in 15. I just need to stop by my apartment and pick up my play list. You better believe I’m gonna rock you guys with some E19 songs.
but then he hoped onto E39 right into the middle of the DEO where everyone including James and Maggie were and completely ignored all the agents on the skeleton crew that pulled guns on him.
Cisco: Hey guys, Karaoke night on my Earth and you all are coming. No excuses. I vibed before I came and saw you weren’t in the middle of anything time sensitive so what do you say?
Maggie (whispering in the background): His Earth?!?!
Alex (whispering back): Yea, I’ll explain that in a bit. Short version. Multiverse theory is correct.
J’ohn: You know this is a secret government facility. Just vibing in like that, which you still have to explain what that is by the way, is a good way to get yourself shot. And speaking of this being a secret government facility, this is our job which we have responsibilities to uphold.
Cisco: Yea, and building and strengthening ties to other organizations that can help in your goals is one of those responsibilities. Come on, it’ll be fun. Lots of singing, relaxing with others that know what it’s like, and junk food like M&Ms and Oreos and stuff.
J’ohn: Fine. 
And of course, the Legends were due for some down time and ended up checking in with their friends in 2017 with Stein even bringing Clarissa and Lily.
So by the time it all started the cortex was full with 3 teams of superheroes and a proper stage was made.
Half way through.
Maggie: Wait, you guys don’t have any alcohol here that can get you two or Kara drunk.
Barry: No...our metabolisms work too fast for that to happen. It is impossible for us to get drunk. Isn’t it?
Maggie: Oh hell no. Yo Cisco, we need to make a pit stop back on our Earth. No way we can continue without those three at least having the choice of getting absolutely plastered.
Wally: I’m not 21 yet.
Maggie: Okay those two plastered.
30 minutes later a drunk Barry and Kara were on stage singing their Superfriends song.
60 minutes later.
Alex: Thanks guys, I think we all needed this. Though I thought you said something about Oreos. I haven’t seen a single one yet?
J’ohn (from across the room): He said M&Ms not Oreos. Oreos were never mentioned. Oreos don’t exist. Stop asking about Oreos Agent Danvers that’s an order.
Alex: Okay...
Jax: We can supply some Oreos if you want. Just tell us your favorite kind. What do you say, Gray?
Stein: More practice never hurts (fuses into one).
Alex: I’m not even going to ask. Double stuffed?
Jax and Stein transmutate a stack of blank copy paper into double stuffed Oreos and J’ohn appears behind them and eats one before Alex can even blink.
J’ohn: They taste just like packaged ones. If you two ever tire of being Legends there is room for you in the DEO.
After everyone practically sang with everyone it was determined that E38 people would be spending the night and Cisco and Cynthia would bring them back to their Earth in the morning...later in the morning. Okay afternoon but it’s Saturday so who cares. Winn was the only one prepared to spend the night.
Winn: Not even 5 minutes before Kara was whammied I expressed interest in meeting this guy so we could talk tech and whatever else that led to. And you left me on E38. Of course, I brought a change of clothes. I planned on being mysteriously absent when you all went back tonight and hoped no one realized until afterward so I could get a good look at all of this tech. And judging by the work he did on the karaoke machine alone I regret nothing.
Cisco: I don’t mind vibing him back Sunday if you guys don’t need him before then.
Winn: PLEASE. We’ve met AT LEAST what 6 or 7 people he’s worked on their superhero suit and or tech with talk of there being even MORE. Nothing but good things could come from letting us bounce ideas off each other.
J’ohn: I can think of not good things that could come from it. But sure. Just don’t blow anything up.
Cisco and Winn (after quickly glancing at each other): We make no promises.
James: Before we head back tomorrow you are going to have to tell me more about your work as an investigative journalist.
Iris: Sure, I can bring you to the office, BUT you have to show me some of your work.
James: Deal, you think I could convince Cisco to give me one of those communicator things. It’s not often I can talk to another reporter about being inside the biggest story you never want to tell. I know I have Kara and Clark for that but it’s still nice to be able to talk to someone who is in it but not in the same it.
Iris: I know right and leave it to me. I’ll try and get you two so your friend Winn has one he can take apart and see how it ticks as much as he wants.
James: Smart plan.
Wally: So how did you guys do that? None of the physics covered in my classes even begin to go into the possibility of that.
Jax: Yea, the theory is a bit much. Practical application is just better. What are you majoring in?
Wally: Engineering. I always wanted to go faster, which works out all things considering, and that seemed the natural next step after drag racing.
Jax: Sweet, I use to be a mechanic before all of this. Now I keep the time ship in one piece along with all of the other stuff. Want to see it?
Wally: Hell yes, lead the way.
Joe: Ever feel like your the dad of a bunch of kids in charge of saving the world?
Rip and J’ohn: Every freaking day.
Rip: Best days are the ones when you go back and forth from the world is doomed to the world couldn’t be in better hands.
Joe: Yea. Still scary though. Balancing your want for the world to be safe and your children to be.
J’ohn: Yea, but I wouldn’t trade this for the world any of the worlds.
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jessejackreyes · 7 years
AUish Headcanon for Jack Morrison
So I have this old AU Headcanon for Jack Morrison that I have never done much with, that I was inspired to talk about because I read a fic that had something similar.
Most of the canon information we get about Jack is that he was charismatic, inspiring, a real captain America type person. People loved him and respected him and he brought out the best in everyone.
A certain portion of the fandom’s response is to twist that into selfishness and turn those positive traits into negative ones. I.e he is secretly an asshole or something like that. I understand the desire to try to deconstruct this, but I personally took it in a slightly different direction and a step or two further. This is going to be a long one.
People in universe don’t really talk about Jack Morrison like he is a person, they talk about him more like he is a symbol. It is something that people will often do, but I like to think that a part of the reason that they do that is because he is seriously like that when people meet him.
So I have to explain why Jack would act this way and the answe became, because he is incapable of handling emotions and people normally. Most specifically he lacks any real empathy. He understands that other people have wants and desires, that they have agency and are individuals in the same way that he is, but this understanding is intellectual and learned.
Jack had to learn, largely on his own, to understand why other people act like they do and what was expected of him in social situations. As a result his youth was very rough and intensely frustrating for him and those around him. He was brilliant and tenacious though and, over time, he slowly learned how to get people to act the way he wanted them to. He learned how to talk to people, to convince them of things and how to smile to put people at ease and get them to open up and relax.
Going into high school practically nobody would have connected him to the cold and occasionally cruel kid he used to be. He laughed, smiled, flirted, joked around. He had started working out and eventually tried out for sports. He didn’t rest until he was the star quarterback, the most respected member of the most popular sports team in school. He was a social butterfly of the highest order, he even, of course, was prom king.
He didn’t just excel when it came to being social or playing football, no. His grades were impeccable, his test scores practically perfect. He took the highest level courses available to him: calculus, sciences. You name it he took it. He graduated valedictorian.
Over the course of his early life he went from the local trouble child to the kid everyone wished they had. He was the wonder boy. Everyone loved him, he always had time for everyone, managed to keep up with his school work and studies. People called him a superman, amazed that he could manage everything he did with a smile on his face.
The truth of the matter was that he did nothing but all of this, all the time. He had no hobbies, nothing he did for fun or relaxation. All of his energy went into being absolutely perfect in this rather specific way. The few people who understood, to some degree, what he was doing would never understand his motivations. That motivation had a lot to do with his evolving sense of self. As a relatively natural consequence of the way he thought about people, it was easy to elevate himself over them. They were easy to predict and manipulate and that affected his growing philosophy and relationship to people as a whole.
His personal philosophy has a wide range of influences. It was as he reached his high school graduation that he had begun to get a rather consistent and coherent sense of what that was. To somewhat oversimplify, he has a strong belief in his own superiority over others. He feels a need to show people that he is better than them, but also, to make them love him for it.
The sort of interesting consequence of this is that he holds himself up to a near impossible standard, while at the same time having a hard time blaming people for things that they do wrong. He easily dismisses others’ actions because they don’t know any better, or are incapable of doing better on their own. It’s a weird I can’t be mad at them because they couldn’t do better even if they wanted to thing.
He joins the military at the cusp of the crisis because he knows that he will be able to do something about it better than anyone else and he couldn’t leave his own safety in the hands of others. Even here he manages to say and do the exact right thing. His superiors love him, most of his colleagues do too.
Through his excellence he is offered a chance to join the SEP and he jumps at the opportunity. It was another way to make him better than he already was.
This is where most of my stories with this Headcanon begin, because this is where it all changes. This is where he meets Gabriel Reyes and he is forced to reevaluate his relationship to other people.
A small group of highly qualified soldiers are brought together to undergo experimental procedures to make them better. Jack charms his fellow recruits and the people in charge easily enough, but one person seems to resist his every attempt at manipulation. His bright smiles don’t seem to work, his smooth words fall on deaf ears and even his small town charm and naïveté don’t seem to produce the results he wants. No matter how hard he seems to try he and Gabriel do not get along.
They end up being roommates, much to Gabriel’s annoyance and Jack’s approval. It would give him plenty of time to work on whatever was going on that made Gabriel dislike him. Jack had met other people who were more difficult to work with than most. The most common of these tended to react somewhat contrarily, meaning they needed to be handled differently.
He tried flipping around his tactics, manipulating Gabriel into thinking he wanted one thing while he was after another. No matter what he did it was like the other man anticipated things. He would never react the way Jack expected or wanted and everything he did seemed to make the man dislike him more and more.
That distance only vanished when Jack gave up and eventually stopped trying. He stopped putting on his fake smile and laughing about things. Jack had not intended to do that, but the pain, fever and just plain torture of their treatments often left him out of sorts and eventually they talked.
When they were delirious from pain Jack didn’t have the presence of mind to pretend to be something else. He spoke clinically and precisely, often talking about emotions and reasons for actions in a way that always made people nervous or upset. Jack figured it would end up making things worse, but instead Gabriel started talking to him.
It only seemed to annoy Gabriel when Jack pretended too hard. When he was somewhat relaxed and natural for him, Gabe would smile. He wasn’t sure if Gabe understood just how deep his emotional disconnect ran, but it didn’t seem to drive him away.
Gabriel was the first person in his entire life that he could relax around. When Jack said or did atypical things he never commented unless they caused an actual problem and he was understanding even when they did. It helped as well that Gabriel was brilliant and strong and fast, he was everything Jack thought himself and possibly more.
There is no single moment that he can point to where he fell in love with Gabriel Reyes. It just seemed as natural to him as breathing. Before meeting Gabe he had never considered the possibility of finding someone worthy of his respect, let alone admiration. For everyone else his actions were dictated by their external reactions, but with Gabe he paused to consider how things would make him feel and what the man would want. Considerations that he had never given anyone but himself.
He would worry about impressing the man, constantly striving, not to be the best anymore, but to make Gabriel smile, to meet his approval. Gabriel would wrestle him to the ground, he would knock his ass out in boxing. Gabriel could bench press more, Jack outran him on the track. Before long Jack began actively wanting to spend time with him and lamenting when he could not.
Gabriel made the first move, because of course he did. Jack had no idea how to handle the way he felt. One night, after another intense sparring session, Gabriel grabbed him before he made it to his bed and kissed him. It was a quick chaste kiss, testing the waters. Jack reacted poorly, pulling away, confused by the sudden touching.
The look on Gabriel’s face when he did so was the most distressing thing Jack had ever experienced. He could recognize the pain that the other man felt and before he could do anything, Gabe bolted out the door. Jack had only a few moments to consider his response before he was chasing the other man. He had recoiled because the thought of such physical intimacy, sharing bodily fluids even, had always disgusted him.
He had never meant to hurt Gabriel though and he needed to apologize. Luckily Jack was faster and he managed to tackle him to the floor before he got too far. He didn’t know what to say to fix this, so he did the only thing he could think of. He kissed Gabriel back. Gabriel returned and deepened the kiss and Jack realized that with Gabriel things were different, as long as it was Gabe then he could do this and make him happy.
They spend even more time together talking, often alone so Jack could drop his act. Jack begins learning about Gabriel and how he wants to save the world. He wants to protect people and fight for peace. He learned about altruism from Gabriel like the concept was new, like he had never heard anyone else spout it out like nonsense.
It wasn’t nonsense when Gabriel talked about helping others, about sacrifice and the greater good. Even though Jack did not understand that he was in love with Gabriel at the time he truly admired the slightly older man. He began to question his own beliefs, because if Gabriel Reyes cared for and respected other people, as flawed as they were, who was Jack to dismiss them out of hand?
He never did tell Gabriel about what he thought of other people or why he joined. He did not want the man to think less of him. Instead he internalized Gabriel’s desire to protect and built himself anew around that. He and Gabe were better than everyone else and as such it was their duty to protect and guide them. He would be the hero that Gabriel wanted him to be because he wanted Gabriel to be happy.
This is why he acts the way he does, why people talk about him like he’s something that isn’t human. It’s because he acts like it. He is practically perfect through practice and will. He embodies the values that Gabe distilled into him and like everything in his life, he takes it to its ideological extreme. They treat him like he was a ray of sunshine that could inspire the greatest loyalty in anyone and he was, because he consciously worked every second of every day to be that.
Phew that was long and rather specific. I have more about this AU and where it splits off and about Gabriel and stuff if anyone is interested.
It’s interesting but super hard to write well/super easy to screw up.
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ao3feed-atomwave · 7 years
Apparently, I don't like you
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2vy7PSL
by AtomwaveHeadcanons (ColdAtomHeadcanons)
“How can anyone not be afraid of love?” Mick grumbles, right after Ray told him about Amaya and Nate, about how disapproving he is, because they are both going to get hurt in the long run, but still happy that his teammates found something as important as what they are in each other.
“What?” Ray asks, half hoping he just heard wrong.
“Loves makes you stupid in the head.” Mick adds, the throat of the bottle inches away from his lips and snarl on his face.
Words: 4172, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of Atomwave Headcanons
Fandoms: DC's Legends of Tomorrow (TV)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Ray Palmer, Mick Rory, Amaya Jiwe
Relationships: Ray Palmer/Mick Rory, atomwave - Relationship
Additional Tags: Post S2, AUish, Kinda, atomwave, I like it when things just write themselves
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2vy7PSL
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