#happy for brando and fabio
empressofkalumina · 4 years
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itsflygtig · 4 years
Did Brando de Sanctis have one of the most realistic developments on the tv shows history? The answer is: YES.
From: laughing and making fun of the gay person of the school because he actually enjoyes it... To (1*): actually realizes he was, in fact, gay but can’t accept it cause of his father and friends, his father would see him as some disgusting thing and his friends would stop talking with him and he will be alone (he thinks)... and even so, he wants to experiment kissing the gay guy of the school (in private, of course... no one can know). Annotation on 1*: I actually believe that Brando realized about his homosexuality in the summer between season 1 and season 2. How, we don’t know. I don’t think that Brando felt attracted to Fabio at all when he started kissing him and experimenting, he just did it cause he was the only gay guy he knew and he needed that kind of human contact. With time, he did feel attracted to Fabio and “felt in love”.
From: 1*... To (2*): Tries to hide the truth at all costs, but he knows he is hurting Fabio and feels guilty about it. He doesn’t wan’t to be that kind of person but he doesn’t know how to scape from it, and that creates big levels of anxiety on him.
From: 2*... To (3*): he sees how Fabio doesn’t want to know nothing more about him, he knows he is losing Fabio but he can’t fight his fears, so he end up  falling in a big depression. He doesn’t want to get up from bed, he doesn’t want to go out the house, he doesn’t want to go to school, he doesn’t want to do absolutely nothing. He even doesn’t want to eat, he doesn’t want to take care of himself. Annotation on 3*: I think that it wasn’t only for Fabio, but for what his father did with that girl. Anyways, I think that this thing was like the closure for all the bad feelings he was having, and the prelude to the depression.
From: 3*... To (4*): getting pissed of beeing depressed and trying to act on it, moved by the idea of losing Fabio definitely if he stays at home more time. He does some moves to try to abandon the depression (like going out, going to school...), but he ends up falling on it again. Anyways, this time is different. He wants to get better, but HE KNOWS (and this is important) he needs TIME to heal. He even says NO to Fabio when Fabio wants to enter to Brando’s room, because HE KNOWS that HEALING is a work he need to do by his own. (AND MORE IMPORTANT: FABIO UNDERSTANDS IT AND DOESN’T PRESSURE BRANDO AT ALL). Annotation on 4*: It is huge how they represented that if you feel sad and apathetic, sometimes it is better not to see people and be on your own to get better. You don’t need to force yourself, not always.
From: 4*... To (5*) and the end: he accepted time ago that he was gay, he confronts his father about it and he finally feels better and stronger. He receives Fabio. And the happiness starts coming slowly, but fiercely.
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babynetflixamore · 4 years
What do you think about the end ??
Ok soo, I thought it was great! I was kind of glad they left the girls single. I felt bad for Chiara’s ending but it made sense, if they left it without any consequences for the girls than it would have been too unrealistic. I was happy for Ludo going to Paris and fulfilling her dreams, she had a lot of personal growth which was nice to see. Fabio lowkey deserved better than Brando but we’ll let it slide. I was happy for Damiano moving on from his relationship with Chiara because he deserved better (don’t come for me). Hats off to Cami for ratting out Virginia and saving her brother from a life of misery lmao. Lastly let’s appreciate Niccolo’s character development because oof, I had faith he’d turn out good and he definitely pulled through. All in all Ioved this season and thought it was the perfect way to end the show... still sad it’s all over though
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