#happy day to all and jashers
breadhalfburnt · 6 months
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it’s an angel to me,,
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runcnnr · 2 months
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happy forest seeing day for all my jashers out there
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consoledacup · 1 year
if you could predict your own perfect ending/happy endings for each of the characters, not just romantically, but individually as well, where do you hope they all end up by the end of the show? i'd love to know your thoughts...
Let's see...
I want to see Preach continue to teach and really inspire kids. If he can manage the classroom and earn their respect and then foster in them a desire to learn??? Hopefully he gets paid more and has tenure as all educators should. I'd love to see a fostered mentorship with Jordan and the continued closeness he shares with Coop. And I hope he and Amina make each other so, so happy.
I want to continue to see the closeness between Denise, Laura, and Grace. I want Denise to find herself a man who is thoroughly blown away by her and worships her if she still wants that in her life. I want Grace to be super settled and happy with Carter, and I hope that carries on in Oakland if that's where they want to be. Hopefully she'll be a badass city planner.
And I want to see Laura thrive in whatever she's passionate about. The teaching thing was a 180 for me, but if that's what she wants to do, she should. Not sure if she'll have a new partner, but she'll definitely be surrounded by her family and loved ones.
I want to see JJ helping people. He loves people and has a big heart that should be in use. Maybe he'd take part in social work or as a candy striper or something. He doesn't need the money, so he can really follow whatever passion he wants. And I want to see him with a boyfriend, but that's a pipe dream for now.
I want to see catience together and stronger than ever as a team. I fear for Patience's life if she continues singing, and she was so wishy washy about her fame and passion this season. So no clue what I want to see her doing. And I absolutely want to see Coop killing it as an incredible lawyer. I've been very on board with this new focus for her, and I'm excited for her.
I want to see jasher together with their kid. I want to see Jaymee continue to bring the best out of Asher, and I want to see Asher continue to be a stable force amidst the uncertainties Jaymee faces day to day. I want to see them as a strong family unit, whatever that looks like. And I want to see Asher continue to put his coaching talents to great use. Love this career path for him.
I want to see Spelivia together and married and thrive as the true power couple they are. I want to see Spencer as the star he is in the NFL and Olivia out in the stands cheering him on. I want to see Olivia with a handful of Pulitzers and continue to make serious change in the sports world and/or the rest of the world. I want to see them with a kid because they have so much love to give as potential parents. I want to see them surrounded by their family and friends.
I want to see Jordayla married and hopefully with a little girl. That would be full circle for Layla's time capsule. I want to see Jordan as QB in the NFL, and if he happens to find another passion later on, I want to see that too. It'd be very cool if he and Spencer were on the same team still, but I can't bank on that. I want to see Layla as a producing mogul where she eclipses her dad in talent and success. And I want to see Jordan and Layla keep the people in their lives that they cherish close to them.
I want happy endings for everyone! I want to see ambition and success and joy and continued friendship and so much love.
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mathias-wanabe · 6 months
Fellows folk and fae, welcome to my page
I guess since I post things on here I should have an intro? Though it’s probably not needed I’m jumping on the bandwagon anyways.
I don’t exactly have a dependable name on here yet so I guess you can call me Mathias (totaly didn’t steal the name from the announcer :>
stuff I like :>
Other then loving chonny jash my interest, in no particular order are,
Outer wilds
The stanly parable
Tally hall/miracle musical
Hollow knight
Good omens
The world of Mr plant
Happy game
Creature in the corner
Smiling friends
Perhaps more if I remember the things I like.
I mostly draw chonny jash related art, occasionally will say random things, but usually I just stay as one of Thoes background you forget about the moment I’m out of view.
My recroom user is @character_003 or Apollo/the mind(display name) my portfolio there is where all my art is that I don’t rlly find interesting enough to post here or on discord
My discord is “_name_here” (ikr amazing name) I am the sleep deprived recroom artist on the cjfs and somewhere buried deep down in the art advice posts is where I put my jasher god au rants and art
(I haven’t updated in a while but am thinking of starting it back up again)
I got the average DNI, basically just don’t hate on others (saying mean things is kinda rude to do) AND If i do something that I don’t realize is bad, please let me know! I’m relatively new to this app and I’m not a very social person so I can be kinda dumb sometimes when it comes to online etiquette :) but I’ll be glad to fix my errors if I can!
Not sure what else to put here so here’s some fun facts?
I have the diverging of nuros, specifically adhd, and if I get the SLIGHTEST chance I will info dump so much that you’ll forget why you were talking to me in the first place.
I also like to write a bit, I have my own chonny jash-verse god AU in mind but I’ve only really posted it to the Cjfs. (It’s also very loosely made)
Lmk if yall wana see it here!
My favorite album of CJ is GW/TNLH despite never reading any of the books. I plan to one day…hopefully... (And if there are any of you ao3 writers thinking of making a Fanfic for that album this is your sign to do so I am VERY content deprived)
Well. It’s obvious that I write alota stuff :/
Anyways that’ll be it for now! I’ll update as I live on but until my next appearance on this app I will say my goodbyes.
And I shall see you when I do
: >
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brainrawt · 1 year
Do you have any late thoughts on the proposal
Thank you for asking (ages ago - I am SO SORRY)!
I haven’t thought about All American too much during this hiatus but here’s some thought dumps. 
Jordan’s relationship with Layla has been a vehicle for displaying Jordan’s character development. He summed up his entire year with the word “maturity” and pretty much his primary plot in S5 was Layla. He is more mature now and we see it in his relationship with Layla. As a fan of Jordan and Jordayla, I’m happy to see how his character journey continues through the marriage chapter of life, and how it’s good and right. When he got married the first time, he didn’t ask his parents, he didn’t put in the work into the marriage afterwards, he didn’t tell his friends about it, he just did not go about it in a way that set them up to be successful at all. This time will be different. I did want to have heard his reflections but we’ll see them for sure.
In the last episode, Layla was the mouthpiece for the cons for marriage. I just can’t wait to hear them describe their decision and relationship. 
I just LOVE the later parts of a ship where we look over their past moments (Did anybody else just watch the Rina flashback montage in hsmtmts S4?!). When they call back to prom etc, when I hear their vows, I fear I won’t survive.
In S3, it comes up repeatedly that Jimone thought that marriage would turn their love “real”, whereas Jordayla’s love is very much already REAL. I did want to make a post about this but just don't have it in me to rewatch S3 lol.
To revisit their best friends era, just rewatch S4. To revisit their dating era, just rewatch S5. It doesn’t matter if it's too soon for them to get married, just watch S6 when you’re ready hahaha. I’m happy that a married era is being filmed and released of our favourite couple, who wouldn't be?
A cute thing – When he’s advising Asher about Jaymee, he talks about her being “not afraid to live.” Similar to 5x20, when talking about Jasher, we can hear into his thoughts about his own relationship. One of the main reasons for proposing is that after his traumatic experience, he’s eager to live, and he can only see himself doing it with one person. We see this theme repeatedly: “He wants to start a life with her” / “I don’t want to spend a day of my life without you knowing.” Also, whilst he’s giving relationship advice, Layla is heart eyeing him hard and it takes me back to the first time she caught feelings for him when he was giving relationship advice about Clay during the prom dance and she’s taken aback by that sincere passionate side of him. It’s still something that makes her swoon!
I’ve enjoyed their love story happening away from everyone, a little nervous for them to be in the middle of the spotlight. Oh, and I hope the marriage process is not to Billy-centric, hearing his name in the proposal almost sent me over the edge. Realistically, I know he’ll come up but I just won’t love it. 
I think the writers always (as much as a fan can ask for) get them right and will continue to. 
I’ve missed talking about Jordayla. Thanks for your ask anon!
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Promo time!!
Last Promo Time ever :')) DD': 😭😭😭😭🥺💔💔❤️❤️
Last I recall the patient doesn't want care 😭
Y'ALLLL all of them there 😭😭🥺
Ohh nooo :'((
Honestly I don't even really care about him (I mean I do) but I care about e
Her and about me tall 😭😭😭 xd
I swear if he has to choose between them :'))
AAAAUGHHHH 😭😭😭😭💔💔🥺❤️
Aww holding Steve :'))
Is that Claire's hand 😭😭🥺❤️
Hugging Lea :'DD
Not a hug on the first one but eh
It's gonna be so hard to fit them all into one episode, doing each character and relationship justice xdd
Probably won't be much Parknik since they got some stuff this episode lol
Anyway AAAAHHHHHHHH 😭😭😭😭😭💔💔❤️🥺
Y'all I'm boutta make my gay thoughts as dramatic as this promo xdd
The ones I'm having after this unrelated, but also as recovery xdd
Gosh guys I'm not ready to let this show go 😭😭😭😭💔 I know it hurts me and I've been a little hesitant this season because of You Know What and also just not wanting it to end so kind of not wanting to watch but I seriously do love it so much xdd :'((( 😭😭😭🥺
I'm gonna miss them xdd :'(( :')
At least in my head they can all be happy, no matter what happens xdd
Anyway :'))
I love you all so much <33
But right I'll be back later lol :'D
Well, that's the last of my last thoughts, time for the. . .
I loved this episode so much y'all. Seeing Claire again 😭😭 AAHHHH!! The Parknik wedding :'DDD AAHHHHH!!! Hannah getting help :')) 🥰🥰🥺!! And everything else :')). It was such a great episode, a really good second to last episode <33. Setting up the ending and having enough drama but still managing to bring closure to everyone's storylines <33. I'm glad everyone's okay (ignoring the last two minutes) this time, but I can't really say that till after next time xd. If I get to lol. But yeah, amazing episode :'DD 🥰🥰🥰.
Anyway, I'm off to have my gay thoughts :'D. I'll see y'all soon <33.
Okay I'm back :)! I said a lot during the liveblog so I won't say as much here but! Time for the individual sections :)).
Dom and Charlie! I loved seeing Charlie and Claire interact :D. She's so sweet and good with people, and Charlie's just so open and sweet :'))). Aaahh, I love them so much :D. Also Dom AAATE UP that song at the end!!! LEFT NO CRUMBS!!! An icon, we love <333.
Jordan! Girl's shifty looks at Jared o.o. Also finding out that she's been texting Danny every day since Asher died 😭😭😭💔💔❤️🥺. I'm not okay y'all <333. Anyway she also absolutely SLAYYYED that ending song, my gosh :O. An icon <3333. I hope everything works out with/for her :')) 🥰🥰🥰. I love her so much <33.
Jerome and Asher! YES I'm including Asher because he deserves it 😭😭💔❤️. Glad we got to see Jerome this episode, even if just for a bit :'D. And glad he seemed to be doing okay <33. Gosh they (Jasher) really can't have a happy wedding lol, not even their own xdd 😭. Ignore me talking like he's still alive, he is to me <3. Anyway seeing a marriage got me a little sad about what was supposed to happen 😭😭 (and the fact that not seeing a Jasher wedding was one of the things I thought of about losing TGD then. this 😐), but I'll live xdd. I can pretend after the show ends 😌😌 x'd. I love them so much <3333 ❤️❤️🥰🥰🥰.
Shaun and Lea! I'm so glad they ended up supporting Glassman :'D. Though maybe the decision shouldn't quite have been "let's full on allow the drugs", but I'm glad that didn't end up happening xdd xD. Anyway AAHHHH SEEING THEM WITH CLAIRE WAS SOOO CUTE AND LOVELY :'DDDD. I love them so much guys 😭😭😭😭❤️🥺🥺🥺🥰. Also seeing Claire with Steve was all I needed in my life :')). Anyway, I loved the moments they talked about Shaun's growth 😭😭🥺❤️. He really has grown and changed so much, while still being the same great person deep down :')). I'm so proud of him <3. And of Lea too :'DD, and their little family together <3. Glassman better be okay xd. I didn't originally mean it but he's part of their family and he better be fine 😭😭🥺❤️. Anyway, I love them so much <33.
Glassman! Y'alllll his storyline had me stressinggg 😭😭😭😭💔🥺. I'm SO glad it all ended up okay :')), and that Hannah agreed to get the help she needs <333. And AUOAGH that Shaun helped 😭😭😭🥺. That moment with Glassman too was just amazing <33. ALTHOUGH GLASSMANNNN YOU BETTER BE FINE!!! YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME MAN 😭😭😭💔💔. Now I guess we know why he didn't care about his job in the ethical concerns department xdd. Like losing it lol. Anyway, I love him so much <333. If this has to be goodbye, I hope it's a good one, because he deserves it <333.
Lim! I felt so bad for her this episodeeee :'(((. Girl's really feeling that nostalgia D': :'). I was so happy to see her and Claire together again though :'DD 🥰🥰🥰. I do think it would be wild and hilarious if they ended up together xD, but I don't think it'll happen lol. Anyway, I hope she stays, but more than anything - I hope she finds happiness <333. And I hope she snot afraid to hold onto it :')). I love her so much <333 ❤️❤️😭❤️.
Claire and Jared! Y'ALLLL THEY'RE WILD WITH THIS ONE O.O. I'm happy both of them are happy, but it does kind of feel like they're just shoving them together for a picture perfect ending xD. But hey, if it's what the characters want, I'll be happy for them <3. Goodness knows they both deserve it :')). I really loved hearing about both their journeys though :'DD!! So great to remember :')) 🥰❤️. AND CLAIRE GIRLLLL YOU BETTER BE OKAY O.O 😤😤😤😭😭😭💔. My darling does not deserve to go out like Melendez (sorry my guy you know I love you xd) 😭😭🥺💔 xd. Even if it would be matching/fitting lol. I just hope she's okay <3333. I love them so much :')) ❤️.
Alex and Morgan! AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I'm so happy for them :'DDD. And yes I used his first name lol - it's his wedding day he deserves it xd. WHOOOOOO THEY'RE MARRIED 🥳🥳🥳🥳🎊🎊🎉🎉🎂🎂🎂🥰🥰❤️❤️🥳❤️🥳🥰🎊🎉🎊🎊🥳🥰🥰❤️❤️🎂🥳🥳🎂🎂!!!! I'm so proud of them for getting this far and I just hope it all goes well :'))). I'm glad they got to have the wedding they wanted :'DD x'D 🥰🥰. Even at 2 am lol :')) (that's the reason for the x'D). I'm gonna miss these idiots so much <333. Once again, we saw their stories, and I just loved them :')). I love them so much <333.
Overall, I really loved this episode. It was so good!! And it went over everyone's storylines, especially the OGs, but it still felt natural. Like, I could tell they were doing it (some times more than others, some times more in character/fitting with the plot/moment than others), but each of them felt unique, not just the same rehashing tactic each time :'D. I noticed that while writing this review and really enjoyed it <33. I think everyone's getting really good endings (even if I'm still salty about Asher and forever will be - angry and sad, straight up, actually xdd). Also, the cases were really cool this episode :'D. Well, really, one was Claire, but you know lol. Anyway, it was a really great episode 🥰🥰❤️. I'm gonna miss this darn show so much :')). I'm not ready for them to leave me xdd 😭🥺🥺💔❤️. Still, a great episode that everyone absolutely slayed in, characters and actors, no matter what they were doing :) <3. Also the unconditional love theme was just amazing 😭😭❤️. So beautiful :') <333.
So yeah! I really enjoyed this episode, I thought it was amazing. The tension was real at parts, but it was still so so good. I'm so excited for the next, the last, episode! This has been my review of. . .
The Good Doctor, Season 7, Episode 9: Unconditional
It was so great! I'm not at all ready for this series to end, and I'm terrified for the next episode, but I'm so excited for it as well. Still sad though. I'll be back next week with my review of. . .
The Good Doctor, Season 7, Episode 10: Goodbye
See you next week!
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Understanding The Bible
Hello friends,
Understanding the Bible is difficult. One thing that makes it tough is, we look at the Bible stories through our modern lens, what we need to remember is that the Bible was written to us but not for us.
What do I mean by that?? Well, what I mean is that we were not the sole intended audience that the Bible writers had in mind when they put pen to paper. We must understand the world that the Bible writers understood for the Bible to make sense to us. We must always remember if the story or information is in the Bible it is in there for a reason, the person who wrote wasn’t just filling space...there was a reason for the information to be placed in just that particular spot.
Because we look at the Bible through our narrowly focused lens of modernity we interpret the Bible based on our narrow understanding of what is in our modern times, we do not realize that there is a whole world that we have very little to no understanding of, we must take into consideration the culture and of course the word etymology1 of the ancient world...and we must keep in mind that just as words change and evolve in spelling and in meaning in our modern times they also did so in the ancient past.
We also must come to realize and accept that there are works that are not in the canonized version of the Bible but they are still very relevant and we must realize that Bible writers like Peter and Jude (and others) read those works and incorporated some of the ideas from them as well as, in some cases, quoted directly from those works.
Works like The Book of Enoch, The Book of Jasher, Jubiliees, 1 & 2 Esdras and Maccabees, Book of Tobias, Book of Judith, Book of Wisdom, Book of Sirach just to name a few.  The men who wrote the Bible were not a bunch of illeterate people, they read books and they were informed for their time period. Which is why reading materials that come from that era (Dead Sea Scrolls for example) is very important for our understanding of ancient Bible times.
By reading and understanding what is written in those works we can come to understand the culture and etymology of their languages – Aramaic, Semitic, ancient Hebrew, and ancient Greek – to name a few). So many of the misunderstandings we as modern people have of concepts in the Bible are due to our not knowing or understanding of the ancient culture that much of the Bible comes from.
Always remember the Bible was written for us NOT to us....those who lived in the time the Bible was written knew the culture in which they lived and concepts that was common place to them is often not completely understood by those of us of modern day.
For example: The concept of engagement today is not really that similar to what it was back in that time period, just two or three thousand years ago. Back then, the bride and groom would become engaged over a glass of wine after the groom paid the bride price to her family...(What modern day groom pays a bride price to the bride’s family today? It doesn’t happen a lot if at all). Then the groom would go away and he would build a home for his bride often as a room addition to his father’s house....this would usually take around 1 year...and when he would be done, his father would inspect the room addition. Only when the father was happy with it would the groom be able to go get his bride.
The bride never knew exactly the day or time that her groom would come for her so she would get prepared and always be ready.
Often at midnight the groom and the wedding party would come to the bride’s home, she would know he is on the way because he would give a shout to alert her....the groom would collect his bride and take her to the home he built, the couple and the wedding party would enter a week long wedding feast to celebrate the marriage of the couple.
Going back to the concept of betrothal...in our modern day betrothal(engagement) is not taken as seriously as it was in Bible times.
Take Mary and Joseph for example...the young couple was betrothed and then Mary turned up pregnant with the baby Jesus...before Joseph understood the miraculous nature of her pregnancy Joseph thought her to be guilty of adultery and instead of shaming her in public he was going to “divorce her quietly” Matthew 1:18-19. In the passage, he was referred to as her husband even while only betrothed. In those days, a betrothal was a very serious contract.
We, in our day and age do not take betrothal that seriously. If a couple in our modern day decided to break the engagement, they simply walk away from each other with no other legal action to be done unless their is shared material goods/land. There is much more to be understood with regard to betrothal from that time period and I do hope that you get curious and look deeper into all concepts brought up in this and subsequent blogs
So you see, understanding a cultural aspect of the ancient Hebrews and their neighbors is very important to understanding the Bible. Without the cultural understanding many things in the Bible is confusing, doesn’t make sense and is seems contradictory...but it is not if you dig deeply and learn the “back story” of how issues were understood in the days of the Bible both before and after Christ walking on this earth.
 Read That Book Ministry©2021
 1                  Etymology according to Merriam-Webster Dictionary is the history of a word or phrase shown by tracing its development and relationships Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/etymology.
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starmanw55 · 4 years
French Toast & Omelet That’s whats for Breakfast
Good morning to all my tumblr friends, relatives & also America. Today is Friday, August 28, 2020. Happy Birthday to the following people who are celebrating their birthdays today.
Today's Birthday shout out for 8/28/2020 goes to: N/A
And to anybody else that's celebrating a birthday or an anniversary today. Hope you all have a very good day on your very special day today.  Today I had 2 french toasts, 1 plain omelet and a fresh cup of DD & coffee. And a freshly brewed cup of DD decaf coffee to jump start my day with. Last night I decided to start going to bed around 10pm at night. Which will give me time to read my new book called the Book Of Jasher. I've already read out loud Jasher 1-2. Tonight I'll be Jasher 3-4 and maybe 5 as well. Because the book of Jasher has 91 chapters. The Lord willing I will do my best to read all of Jasher. After that book I'll return to the King Is Coming by Harold L. Willmington. And I'm just relaxing & watch GMA and will watch the rest of my usual favorite Mon - Fri tv programs & also play my usual favorite Computer & internet games as well. And I'll watch a few movies. My summer movies are Independence Day 1-2, The Story Of Jacob & Joseph, Joseph, Heaven's War, Daniel, The Incredible Mr. Limpet Howard The Duck. And Convoy. These 9 movies I'll watch the rest of this month. And now it's time for my daily morning quiet time with the Lord & also Bible Study. And I'll indeed be sharing the morning edition of our daily bread & also the clear gospel in 4 minutes by Pastor Ralph 'Yankee' Arnold shortly after this post. The title of today's message is "God Our Rescuer" and it was written by Patricia Raybon. Scripture reading is taken from Ezekiel 34:5-12. And as always; I'll indeed be listening to all of Ezekiel 34. And I'll indeed be posting everything you need to know about today's message & also scripture reading.
And may the blessings of God Almighty and His Son our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. And He is coming back again to set up his kingdom here on earth to rule for 1,000 yrs and then forever & ever. And may the Lord also bless & keep you safe 2 where you are travel 2 on this cool & pleasant Friday, morning.
0 notes
AAHHH hey bestie :')) is that a suit I see :')?
Oof lol
We ain't getting married now it's ina few days right xD
Ahh no, dress (not a suit)
So getting ready?
AWWW AND SHE KNOWS :')))) 😭😭🥺❤️❤️🥰
I love them so much guys 😭😭😭❤️🥰🥰🥰🥰
Aww oope :'( :')?
:'o she didn't take it did she :')?
Awww :')?
Good honey, that's so good <33
Or were there for or whatever
AWWWW yeahh :'))
Yeah Glassman you got this :'D x'D
AWW y'alllll :'))
I hope we see a flash forward next episode where she's doing well <33
Although y'all I'm scared because there's 7 minutes left and there's been no cliffhanger yet xd
Just thought of a heartbreaking idea that it could be for a dramatic finale that it better not be lol
Awwww those are such sweet vows :')))
Lol my brother heard my squeaking o.o (little high pitched scream since I'm trying to be quiet xD) XDD
They're so cute y'all stop 😭
Friendly reminder she loves musical theatre 😌😌
Everyone showing up here at 2 am xD but also, doing it for them :'DD
LOL yeah girl xD
Because wait yeah they had to tell them all so they could get there 💀 xD
AWWW honeyyy :')))
Hi Jerome 🥰🥰!!
Sorry (not) saw him anyway :'))
AAAAHHHHHH 🥺🥺🥰😭😭😭❤️🥰
Aww LOL xD :'))
That is kinda y'all's thing though :'))
AWWW and Shaun and Lea have the rings :')) they're probably the best ones for it <3333
Just gonna watch for a second now
Those g's were because I wasn't looking lol just glanced at the A lol
Anyway backlog there: "now smooch" AWW xDD 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥺🥺❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😭🥰🥰
AYYY they're eating it up :')))
AWWWW stoppp they look so happy :'DD
AWWW y'alll I love them so much 🥰🥺🥺🥺🥰🥰❤️
Ayyy they're slaying :'D
Being a little bittersweet about Jasher right now but loving the wedding <333 :'( :'))
OOP o.o y'all gonna kiss at their wedding 👀 :O?
AYYYY OOPP O.O Okay y'all go off :D
O O P Jordan has feelings about that o.o 😳👀
Girl I know you him and Perez are always weird almost off and on situationships but let the man chill xD
Put em in a quadruple lol I wanna see it
Aww y'all :'))
Still Tequila Stat :'DD
Aww yeah <33
PHEWW they're taking her :'DD
That's so good :'))) <333
w h a t
Oh no- he doesn't want that does he :((
No y'all :'((
Y'ALL 😭😭
This is why I don't trust this show o.o 😭😭😭😭😭💔💔
Y'all what the frick xdd
I better not have to see it, but also I deserve what closure xdd especially if we see a flash forward to after his death yk xd?
And I'm more talking about his funeral than death but
Y'alllll :'((( xdd
Oop hey guys o.o xdd
Oop sldjhds is that Jordan xD
Probably not lol probably like their ride- ? Oh yup lol
Was confused by the name for a second xD
OOHP Okay girl o.o go off xD
Ay? AY okay 👀👀?
Awww y'all :')) :'D
I'm happy for you guys :'))
Ahh nah
Ohhh nah oh no oh heck nah
Maybe not first BUT MY POINT IS MELENDEZ xdd 😭😭😭💔😳
Nahh nah nah
Y'all what's with you and late night spontaneous weddings xDD (as I was gonna say earlier), interrupted by a tragic event 😐😑
Imagine bro thinks he drugged her xD
OOP okay o.o
Kinda looked like he was just gonna leave for a second xD I know he wouldn't but yk lol
This guy Amir is probably way confused
Also an ambulance would be able to speed but would also have to get here so eh I get it xD
Ending just like season 6 😭 xd except at least we've got one more episode left
Of course that's the end xd
At least they're setting me free from more torture lol
Y'all I can't 😐
Why couldn't their headline making finale be because everyone is good and happy and everything after some drama ends up fine 😭😭😭😭💔💔💔😤❤️🥺
It better be xdd
Y'all I love this show so much 😭😭😭😭💔💔🥺❤️🥰
But they're so cruel to me xD
Nah I still love it <333
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