#happy birthday to the both of you!!
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theroyalsandi · 11 months ago
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Belgian Royal Family and Grand Ducal Family of Luxembourg - The King of the Belgians (right) and The Grand Duke of Luxembourg celebrate their birthdays together: the King turning 64 on April 16 and the Grand Duke turns 69 on April 17. (Photo by Bas Bogaerts) | April 15, 2024
"🎂 Happy Birthday!
🎉 We are happy to share, with @MonarchieBe, two special photos of HRH the Grand Duke (69 years old) in the company of H.M. the King of the Belgians (64 years old) on the occasion of their birthday." - Cour Grand-Ducale
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thatskindarough · 9 months ago
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“‘I just…I thought you might like to come back, one day,’ Crowley said very quietly. Aziraphale’s foot pressed against his again, and Crowley drew in a sudden breath, as if he hadn’t been breathing properly since Aziraphale had stopped touching him.”
This piece was a commission from the lovely @fellshish for their lovely friend, @alphacentaurinebula ‘s fic What Are You Doing Here? This fic is cute, funny, heartwarming, and incredibly spicy, and I’m very much looking forward to finishing it! Thank you Fells for being wonderful to work with, and happy (belated) birthday to you Alphacentauri, I’m very happy I could do this for you!
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kimtaegis · 6 months ago
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Destination: your heart Estimated Time of Arrival: whenever you need him ➤ for @jung-koook ♡
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ruporas · 2 years ago
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the blank ticket in your hand is just waiting to be filled in.
happy birthday vash! (ID in alt text)
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yooboobies · 10 months ago
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angel sunshine for an angel sunshine | for @huhfeatjhope
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dreagine · 11 months ago
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Happy birthday 2 you🥰
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imfinereallyy · 1 year ago
Dinner Date
For STWG daily drabble and, more importantly, for Goldie @steventhusiast. Happy Birthday, you deserve the world. I know you’re asleep right now, but it’s technically still your bday here. 
“Dingus, this is a really fancy restaurant.” Robin leans back in her chair, but her hand plays with the fork on her napkin. 
Steve sips his wine; some of it tips over the edge onto the tablecloth. “What? Can’t a guy take his best friend out to a fancy dinner?” He tilts his head and takes in his best friend. What was once an awkward teen now had a beautiful, but still awkward, woman in her place. 
“Steve, I love our friend dates, but usually they take place in a greasy diner or dollar pizza.” Robin picks the fork up and starts twirling it into her napkin. Steve watches her get mesmerized by the wrinkles that wrapped around the silverware, even though they both know the napkin should be in her lap by now. 
Steve smiles softly, moves his napkin from his lap to the table, and begins to mimic Robin. “Okay, maybe I wanted it to be a special occasion.”
Robin giggles at Steve's poor fork-twirling form and leans over the table to fix it for him. “All occasions are special when we are together, so that doesn’t really mean much.” Robin’s nose scrunches in concentration as she gently guides Steve’s hand. She has done this plenty of times before, guiding Steve where he needed to be. Like taking him to the bookstore near her college so he wouldn’t have to go into sex with Eddie blind, or when she taught him how to whisk eggs properly. Both are equally important skills he now uses in his everyday life. “But you seemed nervous. You keep sipping your wine, and I know for a fact that you hate dry wine.”
Steve puts down the glass that was halfway to his mouth, “It’s not my fault Moscato tastes like candy!”
Robin snorts, “Seriously, Dingus. It’s just me. What’s up?”
Steve puts down the fork and his glass and looks Robin in the eye. “I wanted to ask you to be my best man.”
Steve expects a lot of reactions out of her: excitement, an eye roll, hell, even straight-up rejection. Maybe a little speech about how weddings for them aren’t even legal. Instead, a look of betrayal crosses her face. “You asked Eddie to marry you, and you didn’t even tell me you were proposing?”
Immediately, Steve clenches his stomach in outrageous laughter, nearly having to bend over the table. Steve tries to take Robin seriously; he really does. But she is supposed to be the smart one out of the two of them. 
Rage takes over Robin completely as she reaches over the table to start slapping Steve’s arm. “Don’t laugh, you asshat! I am actually mad at you!”
“Ow—” Steve laughs. “Ow, Robin!” Another giggle escapes him as he gets her to sit back in her chair. “I’m laughing because, of course, I didn’t propose to Eddie without talking to you first.”
Robin settles a bit at this, “I’m confused.”
Steve reaches for her hand across the table; Robin doesn’t hesitate to wrap her fingers around his. “I’m asking you to be my Best Man first, doofus. Before I even pick out the damn ring. Which I definitely need you to steal one of Eddie’s rings for me so I can get the size; man watches those things like a hawk.” 
Robin squeezes his hand, “Wait, why would you ask me that first? Isn’t that kind of backwards.”
“I do everything kind of backwards, babe. Kinda the Steve Harrington special.” Steve rubs a thumb against the back of soulmate's hand. “Of course, I ask you about being my best man first. There would be no wedding without you, so if you say no, there would be no proposing.”
Steve could see tears beginning to fill Robin’s eyes, “What are you saying?”
“Whoever gets stuck with me gets stuck with you. We’re a package deal, babe.” 
Robin throws herself across the table, knocking the wine everywhere. Steve laughs and clenches her tightly. “Of course, I’ll be your best man! Someone’s gotta make sure you don’t hurt yourself going down the aisle.” She sobs.
Steve’s throat gets thick, “Pretty sure that’s the father's job, Robs. And you’d have to fight Jim for that role.”
“Fine.” Robin sniffs, leaning back to look him in the eye. “But I get stand by your side as you make a complete fool of yourself with your vows.” 
Robin leans forward, placing her forehead against Steve’s. “You and me against the world, babe.”
Steve hugs her tight, “You and me against the world.”
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violetscanfly · 6 months ago
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Today is a very special day isn't it
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avastyetwats · 11 months ago
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Captain Charles Vane saving Captain James Flint.
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futurequibblerjournalist · 9 months ago
Finally able to post these two ahhhh,, I drew this for a birthday zine in a lovely server I’m in and now that it’s been posted you guys get to see these two lovelies < 3 (bearded James version under the cut lol)
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notadreamurr · 3 months ago
Everybody go wish @justwantswafflefries a happy birthday RIGHT NOW because she is so awesome sauce!!!!!!!!!!!!
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The amazing digital slasher by justwantswafflefries.......obviously
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little-pup-pip · 4 months ago
Happy birthday Robin!!
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@tinyowlet I hope you have a wonderful birthday!!
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that-foul-legacy-lover · 7 months ago
Because of Childe’s birthday recently I had a thought, would Legacy have had the same birthday as Childe? Would Legacy know what a birthday is? What about decorating, would Legacy help with decorating? I’m just imagining balloons and glitter everywhere at this point, and probably other shiny things
this year's birthday art was the best thing ever, i am humbly asking for Hoyoverse to give us Foul Legacy birthday art
~ * ~ Foul Legacy's Birthday HCs
Foul Legacy x Reader Genre: Fluff Pronouns: Gender Neutral Warnings: None
~ * ~
-Foul Legacy doesn’t actually know when his birthday is!! He was more focused on survival than celebration before Childe- Ajax, then- tumbled into the Abyss -It’s only after he ascends to the surface of Teyvat clinging to a mortal’s mind does he learn what birthdays are -He doesn’t really understand at first. Isn’t everyone born? Legacy doesn’t see the point in celebrating something that’s natural and normal -Or, rather, he doesn’t see the need to celebrate HIS birthday. It’s only when Ajax’s first birthday with him rolls around that it sinks in. Ajax is alive and here, Legacy is HAPPY that Ajax was born -There’s a burst of excited, overwhelmed chirps and chitters in the back of Ajax’s head, and he has to hold back laughter as Legacy essentially scrambles around his brain happily -Even so, he still never celebrated his own birthday. He was content just watching his host receive his yearly congratulations; as Childe, Tartaglia, and Ajax -It’s you who decides to finally give him his own little celebration, just a day after Ajax’s. The Harbinger is delighted at the idea, an enormous grin spreading across his face when you ask him to help -Legacy can vaguely sense his thoughts and eagerness, but they’re frustratingly locked away as Childe sometimes does. He can almost SEE his smug grin in his head, letting out an irritated huff -You and Childe spend the whole day preparing- well, YOU do, he helps as much as he can before he’s dragged off to work by his sheepish subordinates even on the weekend, laughing and waving all the while -There are streamers and sparkling ornaments and tiny stars everywhere- no balloons. They terrify the both of you when they pop, and Foul Legacy has claws made to pierce the toughest hides. As something extra special you gather some shiny stones from your rock shelf and place them here and there, chunks of glittering colorful inedible candy -You’re just done setting up when the door opens again, the sun nearly below the horizon in an array of bright reds, oranges, and purples. There’s a crackling static sound as Childe allows Foul Legacy to take control, a pair of crimson horns peeking inside with a curious trill -He lets out a yelp of surprise at the new decorations; you spread your hands with a smile and a singsong “Surprise!” like a mischievous magician, and Legacy’s single crystalline eye goes wide with awe -In less than two seconds you’re suddenly scooped off the floor, his head bumping against yours as he nuzzles and purrs, overjoyed and wings aflutter. Tonight is for him? Just for him? And Ajax doesn’t mind at all? You laugh, smooching his masked cheek with a nod, and Legacy is beside himself with delight -He LOVES sweet treats, especially when you let him taste test something new you tried making, so of course you had to whip up a cake for him to munch on. Although at the moment he seems more engrossed in nibbling and licking your cheek. Eventually you'll get him to take a bite of the pastry, and are met with satisfied coos and a rumble so strong it makes you physically vibrate -All he really needs and wants to have an amazing day is to be near you, so he nudges you over to the couch and promptly snuggles against you, his head pressed into your lap and watching you adoringly. There’s a streamer or two tangled in his horns and claws, the very tip of his tongue sticking out from his fanged maw
-You show Legacy your rock collection. He’s seen it before, but he loves seeing it again and again and hearing you talk about each stone. The purple amethyst from Inazuma is his now, as a little gift, and displayed proudly in his blanket nest room, right next to the tiny glass narwhal you got Ajax. Legacy is extremely careful, they’d both be safest in there -Speaking of blankets, you spent all week making a new, thick quilt for him to bundle himself into, all embroidered with little constellations and whales. His eye glows happily when you present it to him, immediately attempting to crawl underneath it with a muffled chitter of delight -He gently bumps your cheek when you put on some music to play, shaking out his lilac fluff and holding out a hand for you to take, to dance with him. There’s some distant memory of how Ajax would dance at home, and neither of you are well coordinated enough to not end up in a pile on the floor, overcome with beautiful and grumbling laughter
-Playfully you stick a few star-shaped stickers on Legacy’s face, and ponder- if he wore a party hat, would he wear one between his horns or two on top of his horns? You’ll have to ask him next year, when you can find or make decent little hats for the both of you, just like you’ll ask if he wants to help with the decorating, too. This year was a surprise, but you can bet on the Adepti that you’ll be doing it every year afterwards -He shifts in your lap, a yawn pulled from his mouth and showing all his sharp teeth like a cat as he rumbles and croons tiredly, smushing his face against your legs. You put in the effort to celebrate, to make him feel as special as you think he is, and that makes today the perfect birthday
-It’s actually better that you didn’t celebrate it on the same day as Ajax’s birthday- you’re very particular in how you planned everything, not wanting either of your two beloveds to get overshadowed by the other -Foul Legacy still doesn’t know what day he was actually born, and never will. But for all he cares, his real birthday is the day you decided to celebrate him in his entirety
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sugaaz · 1 year ago
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wei wuxian ☆ happy birthday roh @stormbreaker ♡
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apprentice-s · 2 years ago
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and somewhere else lance is screaming, begging this stubborn, horrible fighter pilot to stay.
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sioneve · 7 months ago
Happy Birthday, No. 1 Idol in the Universe Yazawa Nico!
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this gay card gave me inspiration and extended my life span
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