#happy birthday jackaboi man
wendiiingo · 1 year
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doodle-leah · 6 years
I know I’m a bit late but I wanted to do a ego theme song for his birthday and this is the final product! Happy birthday to our most adorable hero, jackaboi man.
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Happy birthday Jackie!!!
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brotherlessorphan · 4 years
FUCK- HAPPY BIRTHDAY HENRIK (even though this is a day late)
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sweatersisterboy · 4 years
Happy (slightly) Belated Birthday to all our Favorite Septic Superhero,
Jackieboy Man!!!!
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Live long and prosper, my dude! Love you!!!
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fankayart · 5 years
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Man that's really hard on the knees.
(Happy birthday Jackie!!!)
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blooddollraven · 5 years
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Wow, I didn’t even get a warning that Jackie’s birthday came. So I was late getting this hero out of uniform drawing done! Anyway, here it is now. Happy belated birthday Jackieboy Man!
Reblogs and likes welcome!
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misslilidelaney · 6 years
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“Come on, Marv. He looks happy at least, doesn’t he?”
“Yeah, I guess he does… Wait… Jameson why did he stop?Jameson why is he running towards me?”
“Oh, don’t worry chap. He probably just needs M̧̩͎̟̣̥̮̈͗̑͌̕͠͡ō̧̬̼̲̟̳͔̪̾̀̉̀̌̌̉̏ř̭̻̟̩̥͆̆̅̀̉̕ȩ̵̡͓̭̺͉̩̟̙͖͂̂̽͗̅̆͡ P͉̩͖̖̽̍͗̿́̉͌̕͜ǘ̶̮̗͔̟͖̹͈͗̾̓͌̿̂̅͞͞ͅͅp̥̺̺̪͖̭̉͌̍̽͋͜p̣̰͔͓̘͎̼̓̇͆̐͞e̷̛̪͇̪̳̘͈̩͚̎̄̓͂̑͢ͅt̶̜͙̘͓̙͎̙̫͒̔̈́̌̅͢s͇͎̥̣̹̫̤̥͎͚̿̋͑͗̉̍̕” Remember to wish him happy birthday for me, Seán if when you wake up! @therealjacksepticeye
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sam-i-am-27 · 6 years
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Happy birthday Glitch Bitch. 
please don’t kill us we’re just trying to survive
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papaiplierofficial · 4 years
Mark paced back and fourth in the waiting room as his friends were currently in the ER. How did this happen you may ask? Well it’s a short and vague story really but worth your time nonetheless.
It was June 27, the day before Mark’s birthday. Everyone on Teamiplier, as well as Jack, Bob, and Wade, all went out to buy supplies for a surprise birthday party for Mark. On their way back something terrible happened to them and they were rushed to the ER. No one knows the details but suspected murder is all they could put together. Mark had been called and he rushed to the hospital and waited nervously for his friends as tears threatened to spill from his watery eyes.
A doctor came out and asked for a ‘Mark Fischbach’, the man’s attention immediately going to the doctor. “That’s me,” he spoke, walking towards the doctor. They shook their head and looked at Mark. “We’re giving you medicine to numb their pain and asking that they go in a familiar place to rest,” once he finished talking his friends were brought out in stretchers to be placed in car seats. They were awake and asking questions that nurses refused to answer or acknowledge.
Mark simply nodded before helping bring them out to his car. Ethan was the first to speak. “Mark-“ he let out a harsh cough. “Where are we going?” The boy seemed to be in the worst condition out of all of them, having probably defended the others consistently. “We’re going to my place, Eth,” Mark responded with a shaky sigh as he drove.
He managed to bring them all inside and into the guest bedrooms they had after he had given them all their medicine, carefully placing Amy on their bed with a kiss to her forehead. “I love you,” he whispered as she drifted off to sleep.
Mark debated on where he would sleep but ended up deciding to stay on the couch that night since Katherine was also in his room.
He was so confused and upset he did the only thing he thought he could do, grabbed his phone and called someone he hadn’t talked to in a while. Winston.
The phone seemed to ring for ages before he heard a “Hello? MarkA98 is this you?” The voice had asked. “Yes. It’s me Winston. I’m gonna need you to come over,” he said over the phone, wanting to explain everything in person. Winston agreed before they hung up.
Not only a couple minutes later a knock could be heard at the door. Mark swung it open to reveal a man who wore baggy and comfortable clothing as well as large earrings, fluffy pink hair, and a pink mustache. “Now now dear Mark, what seems to be the issue?” Winston asked in a slightly worried tone.
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Mark didn’t say a word, instead he closed the door and lead the man in hot pink to see for himself what he was so upset about.
As Winston realized what was going on he mumbled something quick under his breath before turning to Mark and talking to him in a whisper. “I know how to help your friends. Their bodies will take time to heal but their minds will take longer. I’ll leave you a note explaining the details but for now I’m gonna need you to go downstairs and rest knowing your friends are in good hands,” he gently patted Mark’s shoulder and he nodded as a response, smiling at Winston. “Thank you,” was all he said before going downstairs and resting for that night.
The next day Mark awoke to only quietness. He would never doubt Winston’s words though so he made his way to the kitchen to be greeted by a note just like the other male had said he would. He read the note twice, smiling at the fact Winston had said happy birthday. But dear reader, you won’t be able to see this note, for it gives too much away.
He decides to make some birthday breakfast of waffles with whipped cream and fruit. Humming as he cooked he set down eight plates of food for everyone before going to feed the dogs as well as BB, since the note mentioned the cat would be their and Winston had brought over some cat food that would last the week. Spencer was their as well along with all of his stuff too.
After feeding all the animals he heard footsteps coming from the stairs and he turned to see— oh god he really wasn’t joking. Smaller and younger versions of Tyler, Bob, and Wade made their way downstairs and over to Mark. They were in kids pajamas as well which he assumed Winston had left for them.
”What’s for breakfast?” Asked the younger Tyler, seeming to be the oldest of the three and probably the rest as well. “Waffles. They’re out on the table already,” Mark responded as he tried not to outwardly panic.
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”I’m gonna wake the others up,” he said before heading upstairs and into his bedroom. Of course, he saw two younger versions of Amy and Kat nicely tucked into bed and sleeping peacefully.
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He made his way over and kissed little Amy on the forehead, “Wakey wakey you two. I made waffles,” he spoke softly, but when the girls heard waffles they were already rushing down the stairs.
He let out a soft chuckle before heading to the room Ethan and Jack had slept in that night. When he walked in he saw a confused kid with green hair who seemed to have just woken up and was standing next to the bed, and a blue haired toddler who looked like he was on the verge of tears.
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At the sight of Mark the toddler made grabby hands at him, and as if on instinct the man rushed over and scooped the boy into his arms. “Go eat breakfast Jackaboy, I made waffles,” he told him as the boy nodded and left the room.
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He softly hummed to the small boy in his arms as he made his way downstairs to keep an eye on everyone. Ethan seemed to calm down by the time he reached the first floor and Mark was glad to see everyone was just eating their food while talking to one another.
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He set Ethan on the chair next to his and cut the boy’s waffle pieces very tiny as he fed him.
The only thoughts going through Mark’s head were about what he was gonna do, how long this would last, and how he’d tell the fans about what happened.
This was gonna be a long— few months? I think Winston said a couple months, year at most. Well a long and stressful time for Mark.
Hi’s and Hello’s to everyone! Kiyoshi here with a series I’m calling ‘Papa Iplier’!
This is basically just a series about how everyone turns into kids and stuff!
I have everything planned out for how it happened and what will happen in the future but for now, enjoy me posting these chapters with small doodles for now!
I’m only doing messy sketches to (sometimes) go along with it for now since most of my drawing is going to my comic and ideas!
That’s all for now...
Kiyoshi Out!
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softinen · 6 years
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It’s Jackaboy man! I’ve never made a drawing of Jackaboy so I guess today’s a good day to change that :’D Happy birthday to this dorky superhero!
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altr5312916195 · 5 years
I hope he’s doing well
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itsjustkp007 · 6 years
It’s February 7th. You know what that means? Yes, it’s Thursday, but think a little harder. Yes! It’s Jack’s birthday! :D Happy birthday, Jack! I hope your day is filled with fun, cake, friends, and really cute doggos. :) (Pssst it’s rumored that if you click the “Keep Reading” link, there may be 29 haikus beneath it, but don’t tell anyone I told you. It feels extremely extra, but hey, haikus are fun, so why not?)
1) Happy birthday, Jack! Hope you enjoy the haikus. They took a few days.
2) The theme was simple. The syllables: not so much. But that’s not the point.
3) You are fantastic, Filled with positivity And a lot of memes.
4) You have done a lot. You have taught us PMA. You have shown kindness.
5) You have made us LAUGH. You make us smile often. You make us giggle.
6) Now here’s the story Of when I started watching Good ol’ Jackaboy.
7) That Dragon, Cancer. Very emotional, but... I saw the real him.
8) No fabrications. There wasn’t a character; no charade, just him.
9) Loud yet overjoyed. He loved what he was doing. It showed through the screen.
10) When I watched more vids, I smiled for the first time In months...it felt great.
11) I get real sappy, But I wanna make this clear: Jack helped me save me.
12) I’m not gonna lie: There’s more to this story, but Today is his day.
13) Twenty nine years old: Soon he will be thirty. Whoa. When did this happen?
14) Since 2016, I have watched him grow and change. I am always proud.
15) Life is short and quick. So I appreciate that He is always there.
16) PMA is stuck In my brain and will always Be a part of me.
17) This community Is amazing and I will Always be thankful.
18) Jack built this great place Where we can be ourselves And it’s fantastic.
19) We also made some memes: O-Seán Man, LAUGH, sup gamers, I am a turtle.
20) Hello, my name is Connor. I am the android Sent by Cyber Life.
21) Filled with love and LAUGHs, A few egos and theories, I love y’all so much.
22) Jack has done so much: The “How Did We Get Here?” Tour, Living in LA.
23) And the interviews: Ryan Reynolds, the Late Late Show, Jason Momoa.
24) He even practiced with stunts, with podcasts, with jokes, And it all paid off. 25) That dude is a beast. Jack really went all the way. Like, what is his life? 26) He’s come a long way, But I know that he will do More amazing things.
27) Yes, he is goofy. But he is generous, kind, And funny as hell. 28) We are almost there. The haikus are ending, but This was interesting.
29) Happy birthday, Jack. Thank you for everything. Have an awesome day! :)
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blooddollraven · 6 years
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October 31: Happy Birthday, Jameson!
Your one year anniversary in the Septic family! It has been a great year! Also I see people posting since two days ago, but this is his official birthday in my opinion. 
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lum1natrix · 6 years
if jack wished jackaboy man happy birthday he knows who he is. he remembers him.
...ur absolutely right
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b-a-c-k · 6 years
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Happy birthday, Jackaboy man!
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