#happy birthday atsumu miya
cantobear · 3 months
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areioshq · 1 year
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🍙: It's my birthday. 🦊: And mine!
🍙: Listen 'Tsumu, this ain't about you.
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i-love-dreaming · 1 year
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Happy birthday Miya twins ♥️🎉🎂🎁🎈
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jinkicake · 2 years
~♡ Date Nights ♡~
(( Day #5 )) Matsukawa, Atsumu, Tsukishima, Ushijima x Reader
A/N: the entire reason i was able to write so much when i first started this account was because everyone requested haikyuu all the time T T like... i have to write about them again for you all one more time! 
also, im obsessed w sakuatsu (again) and their fics inspired me to finish this
WC - 2,161
Matsukawa Issei
“Hey, baby,” The sound of Matsukawa’s low voice, lazily drawing out each word, nearly makes you swoon. It’s as if the second he opens his door and you step into his apartment, you’re engulfed in a warm hug. Literally and metaphorically. 
Your boyfriend doesn’t give you the chance to remove your shoes or place down your things before he wraps his arms around your shoulders. His brute strength comes into play as he pulls you into his chest and squeezes you in his hold. 
“‘Missed you today,” His voice croons into your ears, sending a shiver up your spine. You nearly start to squirm, he has a hold on you that you truly cannot explain. 
“I missed you too,” You pat his forearm and then wrap your arms around his wide waist. When Matsukawa stands on top of you like this, it becomes undeniably clear just how much taller he is than you. Your height difference will be the death of you one day, you’re sure of it. “even though we saw each other like yesterday."
“Too long ago,” Once more, your boyfriend squeezes you and then lets you go. You can feel his intense stare as you walk through his apartment, it bores two holes in your back as you kick off your shoes and place your bags on his counter. 
The sight of takeout has Matsukawa feeling more affection than usual. 
“(Y/N),” After his brief whine, you feel his arms snake around your waist again. He’s practically leaning on you without placing too much of his weight, it’s as if you’re being encased in a thick blanket. “you brought food?”
His question is followed by a few pecks, his lips instantly finding your neck. Matsukawa lifts himself up slightly to remove your hair out of his way, pushing it all to one side before he burrows his face into the crook of your neck. Gently, he places kiss after kiss under your ear and then down the side of your jaw. 
“I fucking love you,” 
“Are you talking about me or the food?” You tease, and it makes the man scoff. Matsukawa squeezes your hips in retaliation before brushing his lips over your ear. 
“I would never do the shit I do with you with food,” He rolls his eyes, even without seeing him, you just know it. In his arms, you turn around on the balls of your feet to face him. There is some slight resistance from your boyfriend but, as soon as he notices that you’re still in his hold, he lets you continue. 
You stare up at him with an expected look and he matches it evenly with a soft smile. Matsukawa leans forward to place a soft kiss to your lips, his nose gently brushing against your own. The proximity of your bodies makes your head spin. Even a date in the most casual setting has your heart beating a hundred miles per second. You blame him, you blame Matsukawa with no hesitation. 
“I love you.” This time, he pulls away to look into your eyes as he confesses. It’s enough to make you gasp as your heart flutters in your chest. You’ll never get tired of hearing him say that. 
Miya Atsumu
“Atsumu,” You cautiously call out to your boyfriend who is, at the moment, scrolling through his phone. He hums warmly, glancing at you to offer a quick smile before focusing on the lollipop in his mouth. “if this is a date, why is Bokuto here?”
It’s hard to ignore the giant outside hitter planted in the middle of your couch, right between you and your boyfriend. He makes Hinata, who is sitting in front of the tv, nonexistent with his sheer size. 
“He brings us lollipops, (Y/N), you can’t kick the guy out,” Atsumu waves the cherry treat in front of you, reaching over with his exceptionally long arms. You grab it without a second thought and stubbornly stick it in your mouth. 
Your platinum boyfriend gaps dramatically but, is soon shut up with another lollipop in his face. Bokuto hands him another sweet without hesitation as he stares intensely at the TV. The controller you normally use for your switch is in Hinata’s hands as he and Bokuto both fail at playing Mario Party.
As you look around it almost feels like something, someone, is missing.
“Where is-” The doorbell to your shared apartment rings and being the closest one to the door, you get up to open it. Atsumu is right behind you, no doubt going to check the door before you open it. He handles it like a case, holding his hand up to keep you back as he sneakily looks through the peephole. 
His nerdy dramatics make you roll your eyes, affectionately of course. 
“Move, ‘Tsumu," You push him out of your way to open the door and practically beam at the other player in your doorway. “Sakusa! I’m so glad you’re here!” The outside hitter offers you a similar greeting back with a genuine smile underneath his mask, it’s seen in the way his eyes crinkle slightly. 
“Why?” Atsumu turns up his nose and then coughs loudly as you hit him in the gut. You swat him in the side with the back of your hand and Atsumu, growing up with a brother, stumbles back against the wall to put on a show of dramatics.
“Sorry,” You still apologize, patting his head while Sakusa laughs and moves to sit by Bokuto. Now with two giant volleyball players on your couch, there is  certainly not enough room for you and your boyfriend in the living room. “where are we going to sit?”
“You can sit with me!” And as Atsumu pats his thighs, you lower yourself to the floor and into his lap with a sigh. There is little hesitation on your part to sit with him and Atsumu happily greets you as he wraps his arms tightly around your shoulder and places a wet kiss against your cheek. 
“You’re so gross,” You wipe off the cherry taste of his lips before placing your own gentle peck against the corner of his mouth. Hidden behind the couch now, you’re not afraid to privately shower him in love.
“You love it,” He winks before throwing one of his arms into the air “I call next round! (Y/N) is going to be on my team, the dream team, right, babe?” 
With such a sweet look on his face, how can you say no?
Tsukishima Kei
You always feel blessed at the sight of your boyfriend. As difficult as he may be, as indifferent as he tries to appear to you, you know better. He stands out compared to everyone else in your life. 
Even now as you leave your work, you’re surprised to see him waiting for you. He towers among the rest of the crowd heading for the station, his presence is powerful to you but almost nonexistent to others. Had you not known any better, you would have thought he hated to wait there.
You can see the blush on his cheeks as you approach him, the red dusting over his ear, and it all makes sense as to why when you notice the bouquet in his hands. A petite size, bright and in full bloom filled with your favorite color. You nearly awe as you continue to stare at it.
“Kei?” Finally, you call out to him and he tears his eyes away from the other side of the street. “What are you doing here?”
“I felt like being nice,” He murmurs and gently hands you the flowers, he brushes his fingers against your own as he passes them to you and the electricity almost makes you jump. “we have a date tonight. Don’t we?”
Your jaw nearly drops.
“I-I mean we do but, I thought we were just going to eat in and laugh at your old teammate’s fails?” You walk in step with Tsukishima as you begin the path back to your apartment, mentally making a subtle note of the way he slows his strides for you. “Kodzuken posted another compilation of fails that include Hinata, Kageyama, and Bokuto. I saw the notification during lunch,” Each of your fingers lower as you count the players facing the wrath of the youtuber and you can only applaud the creator for the free entertainment. 
“That’s fine with me,” Tsukishima lowers his face further into his scarf, trying to cover his nose from the brisk cold. 
“Do you want to do something else?” You ask and step closer to him to avoid anyone else walking beside you. Tsukishima eyes your position before wrapping his gloved hand around your bicep and pulling you into his side. 
“You know I like to stay home,” He murmurs but, you find it hard to be convinced.
“Are you sure? We can do something else if you want?”
“Why would I want to do anything else besides watching Hinata fall on his face and Kageyama get a volleyball served into his gut?” His brisk attitude makes you laugh and affectionally pinch his waist. 
“You suck but, I’m also the same.” It’s true that you and Tsukishima would have never gotten along as well as you have if you weren’t both (#)haters. Only someone as spiteful as you are can match up to him. “I like doing anything as long as it’s with you,”
“Cornball.” Tsukishima scrunches his face at your cheesy words and you roll your eyes in response. He can try to deny it all he wants but he is just as much of a cornball as you. You’re holding proof of it in your hand. “But, I like you, whatever.”
He always lets you win. 
“I know."
Ushijima Wakatoshi
Never again will you let Ushijima pick an outdoor date spot.
“Is this not fun?” Your boyfriend’s concern weighs heavy on you like a boulder resting on your shoulders, you’d hate to upset him. 
“No, no, it is fun!” You pant and brace yourself against a wooden railing. “This is so fun, so much fun!” Nature is not your forte and to the best of your ability, you try to hide it.
“Is this sarcasm?” Ushijima stares at you expectedly as if he is trying to decode the active front you’ve put up. 
“I told you I would tell you if I was being sarcastic.” You lie straight through your teeth and cover it with a bright smile. “I love hiking.”
“We don’t have to go to the summit, we can just have our picnic down at the base.” As Ushijima looks around the area, you nervously glance at the topic of the mountain. There are cable cars the higher the two of you go but, you still have a ways to go before you can get on one. 
“I’m fine, totally fine!”
“Oh, well, I am not fine.” His blunt personality is something you’re still getting used to and right now, you can’t tell what he is trying to do. “I am tired and do not want to hike.”
“Really?” You eye him in an attempt to read him completely, but it doesn’t work. “I feel like you’re lying.”
“That makes two of us then.” Ushijima’s hard eyes make you gasp and you quickly try to cover it as you turn away from him. “I know now that you hate hiking and that is okay.”
“Is it? I really wanted to do something that you like.” You frown, a pout deep on your face. Gently, your boyfriend places his hand on your shoulder and cups it entirely with his large palm.
“I do not like hiking.” His blank expression is a complete 180 from your own shocked one right now. You continue to stare at him with a raised brow and Ushijima takes the initiative to continue before you make up your own reasonings for him. “I do like being active but,” He pauses and tries to find the right words. 
Ushijima can’t because, as much as he tries, he does like being active outdoors. He can’t keep up his lies in front of you. 
“I am not disappointed that you do not share my interest. I like that we are different, (Y/N).”
“I know but, I just feel bad.” You glance back at the summit and try to shake the picture of it out of your head. “Maybe we can eat first and then try again?”
“Sure.” He smiles and it’s a supportive gesture that makes your heart clench painfully tight. As Ushijima guides you to a park table, he leads you with his hand on your lower back. His other hand holds your lunchboxes all neatly wrapped up and placed in your bag. “I like to be around you, that is all I wanted from today. Do you understand?”
You hesitantly nod and Ushijima covers any lingering insecurities with a kiss on the top of your head. 
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etoiiie · 3 months
I can’t believe you’re already 28yr; you’ve grown so much :D
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zentriii · 5 months
Kiyoomi scrunches her nose. She’ll never get Motoya’s obsession with plants. It was fine when it was just succulents, those are easy enough to take care of, but flowers fucking reek.
It’s not a bad smell per say, but it’s stupidly strong in this shop, even with her mask up. They’re pretty at least, she’ll give them that.
She’s debating between the pretty blue flowers and the silly, warm yellow ones. Motoya should have never trusted her judgment, how’s she supposed to resist the urge to tease her for always being in a yellow coloured team? At least Kiyoomi can say she’s escaped it in the Black Jackals cause gold isn’t yellow.
“Is there anythin’ I can help you with?” A pretty blonde girl in a red apron asks. Kiyoomi nearly jumps out of her skin, where’d she come from?
“Um, can I get these?” Kiyoomi points at the two, ready to bolt out of here because Employee Girl is way too gorgeous for her to not make a fool out of herself. Her palms are sweaty and she’s so grateful her mask is covering half her face.
The girl leans in way too close to Kiyoomi’s space and reads the labels, “Cornflower and fressia? I can put them together for you but d’you wanna check out the white freesia’s instead? They’d be real pretty together.”
“Yeah, sure.” Kiyoomi could be asked for her credit card information right now and she’d hand it over no questions asked. What did she ask her for again?
“Great, they’re over this way.” Employee Girl walks away and what else is Kiyoomi supposed to do but follow?
The flowers they stop at all look the same to Kiyoomi but she holds her breath as the girl talks about a few different ones, pointing them out and saying stuff about how pretty things look prettier together. Her name tag reads “Miya O.” A pretty name for a pretty girl. She wonders what the O stands for.
“That sound good?”
Kiyoomi nods, Miya’s voice sounds great in fact.
“Well you’re in luck! We finished our orders for today so I can put it together for ya right now but please submit a request a few days in advance next time. We’re pretty busy during the afternoon so ya picked a decent time to come in.”
Miya picks a few different flowers and the blue ones from before – the cornflowers – and heads to the back. Kiyoomi wants to protest but she’s just a customer and Miya’s an employee doing her job.
Miya peeps her head out after closing the door. She bites her lip before calling out, “Can I ask ya for a favour?”
“Uh, sure.”
“If ya see a girl with my face try an’ clock in, tell her she’s s’pposed to be in bed right now. My sister’s a bit of a workaholic, I stole her name tag this mornin’ for her own good.”
She assumes Miya means that she’s a twin but that’s not fair to her at all. She’s just a girl. Kiyoomi only hopes she won’t have to see the two of them together. One pretty girl’s bad enough for her heart as is.
The time passes by in a blur. At one point she’s keeping a vague eye out for Miya’s clone to walk in while looking at the different flowers; the next she’s being given her bouquet, paying for it, and waving bye to the prettiest girl in the world.
Oh well, it’s not like she’s the main character in a yuri manga.
Kiyoomi drops off the flowers at Motoya’s. She’s supposedly too busy taking care of her sick girlfriends to make the trip herself. Kiyoomi wonders if that excuse is just bullshit since it’s been months and she’s still not met Osamu and Rin yet. Unfortunately, Motoya’s apartment’s stuffy and reeks of sickness so maybe there’s some truth to Motoya’s words.
“You got the flowers?” Motoya closes her room door behind her, thankfully right before a loud sneeze is released by one of her definitely real girlfriends. Well there goes that bet Kiyoomi had going with Yachi.
“Yeah, I still don’t get why you can’t have a normal hobby. These things die in like, a week.”
Motoya fusses over the flowers for a bit, making them nice and pretty in a clean vase that held her last bouquet. “One, Samu gets all blushy when I give her flowers and two, I just like them. It’s low stakes responsibility that forces me to have my shit together.”
Kiyoomi snorts. Motoya’s always had her shit together, even if it looks like a mess on the outside. Her cousin is one of the most ruthlessly competent people she knows.
“Hey Kiyo, where’d you get these by the way?” Motoya asks cutting the store tag off a stem.
“Doesn’t it say there?” Kiyoomi asks. “Miya’s Boutique I think.”
“Well whichever employee rang you up left you a little something.” Motoya tosses the label to her with a smug little smirk.
Kiyoomi wants to shove her hand into her face to wipe it off, but Motoya would lick her first and she doesn’t want to think about where her tongue’s been, sick partners or not.
She takes a look at the what Motoya meant and pretends like the name and numbers aren’t sending a rush of blood straight to her face. She carefully tucks it into a pocket while maintaining eye contact with her menace of a cousin. Motoya can smell the smallest twinge of embarrassment in a crowd and she is not to be trusted to mind her own business.
She laughs at nothing, like the airhead Kiyoomi’s always known her to be, but there’s something unsettling in the knowing glint in her eyes. Kiyoomi firmly ignores it: if it isn’t acknowledged, it isn’t real.
“Oh this is killing me, Kiyo you’ve gotta come over next week. Please I think I’ll die.” Motoya abandons her flowers in favour of hanging off of her arm and giving her stupid puppy eyes. “You can bring whoever left you their number. Actually, please bring them, you’ve gotta.”
Fuck, how’s Kiyoomi supposed to say no to her puppy eyes.
“Fine, but fat chance I bring her over.”
Motoya sniffs hautily, like Kiyoomi’s doing her a great disservice. “You’ll regret it.”
“Doubt it,” Kiyoomi sighs, hoping future-her doesn’t give in to Motoya’s ridiculous demands.
She leaves with a halfhearted wave, feeling preemptive disappointment in herself because she knows Motoya’s not going to let her go so easily. Whatever. She’s got better things to spend her energy on.
How many i's in a “hi” is too desperate to send?
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kimbapisnotsushi · 1 year
happy birthday aran!!! have some inarizaki hcs let's go
back when they first played shiratorizawa aran didn't know what to do bc tendou kept yelling weird shit at him and aran was, quite honestly, frightened for his life
tendou: "watch this i'm going to intimidate their ace so hard he won't be able to play properly and we'll win!" semi: "okay, what are you going to - " tendou, putting his hands around his mouth for the whole stadium to hear: "HEY NUMBER EIGHT, GET READY FOR ME TO PISS IN YOUR PANTS" semi: "dude what the fuck"
the twins are SO ready to fight and they probably would have if kita hadn't stepped in
kita didn't even have to do much he just stared down tendou with all the energy of "your most respected/favorite teacher is disappointed in you and you're going to cry bc of it" and tendou backed off
(for all of five minutes. then he started dumping on akagi but akagi gives what he gets so what the hell, kita let it slide)
this might be considered bad sportmanship tbh but it's funny as fuck so whatever
okay sorry back to the normal schedule
i think bc aran's the ace and court captain people try to follow his lead at school or ask him to make the final decision on things and such and he HATES it. it's soooooo much pressure and he really doesn't want to disappoint anyone!!
like no he does NOT want to be the tiebreaker for what their class should do during the school festival he just wants to walk around and eat a crepe. no he does NOT want to choose what paint color looks best for remodeling the garden fence why the fuck are you even asking him he's part of the volleyball club!!!! he always texts kita for help when this happens LMAO
and even if he DOES mess up the other students are always like, "ah, of course ojiro-san would do that!! he totally did that on purpose!! of course it's because [insert farfetched excuse here]!! why didn't we think of that either!!!"
if anyone's ever seen or read handa-kun (light-hearted prequel/spin-off to barakamon <33) it's basically that LMAO
kita's surprisingly good at telling scary stories
not just that but he tells normal stories in such a way that most people think he's telling a scary story first and then he says some totally mundane shit like "and that's why we no longer store our towels under the bed" and people are like. damn guess i'm not doing that either!!!
every day suna texts his sister one funny zero-context quote from practice. his sister has collected all of these and set up a twitter account for them.
gin thinks atsumu is going to get his ass kicked for not knowing when to shut the fuck up. atsumu thinks he's going to get his ass kicked because osamu paid someone to do it
osamu insists he wouldn't tho bc then he'd just do it himself for free
akagi, aran, and kita tease oomimi for being younger than them and make a running joke of ruffling his hair like a little kid which oomimi actually finds really comforting bc people usually shy away from being tactile with him. like guys come on oomimi is a sweetheart i love him so much
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lowkeyremi · 1 year
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sleepinghellokitty · 1 year
HBD Miya twins
Atsumu: The moon controls the tides and the human psyche. Wolves know that, that why they howl at night. It's a tribute. Osamu: Mom! He's doing it again! Atsumu: *starts howling while lunging at osamu* Osamu: MOM!
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remuswriting · 1 year
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osamuniichann · 2 years
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a belated miya twins bday post;;
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flyingwargle · 3 months
the sun often cannot be rivaled in brightness, but finds a contender in the form of hinata shoyo on the beach.
a beach volleyball court has been set up, boundaries marked in white. hinata’s eyes glisten, unable to suppress his delight, turning when meian stands beside him and asks, “does it match what you had in brazil?” meian asks, standing beside him.
“yes, it does!” he kicks off his flip-flops, lets his feet sink into the sand as he steps onto the court. “wow, i haven’t played beach since coming back to japan! this is going to be awesome!”
“you’ve got three others to play with you while we get the barbecue ready.” a safe distance away, barnes carries a barbecue grill over his shoulder, inunaki following with a propane tank, adriah with an equipment box. “after that, we’ll switch around until you’ve had your fill.”
“sweet! thanks, captain!”
bokuto slaps his shoulder. “hey, hey, hey, let’s be on the same team, hinata!”
atsumu smirks, hat pulled low over his hair. “guess we’ll be the first ta destroy ‘em, right, omi?”
“i should’ve put more sunscreen on,” sakusa mumbles.
“don’t worry, i have lots!” hinata fishes around in his bag for a tube. “it’s okay if you can't read the portuguese, just know that it’s spf 50!”
shoes left to the side, hats and sunglasses in place, atsumu and sakusa move under the net to stand opposite to bokuto and hinata. bokuto has the ball, a few steps away from the end line. “ready?” he shouts. he tosses the ball, makes his approach. he jumps, arm pulled back, and–
-misses. atsumu chokes back a laugh, sakusa smirking in amusement. “don’t mind, bokuto-san!” hinata calls out. “you have to be careful because of the sand! you can’t do the same things as you could on solid ground.”
“you could’ve told me that earlier, hinata!”
sakusa scoffs. “i’ll show you how it’s done.” he catches the ball over the net, moves back for his approach. atsumu calls out “nice serve!” as sakusa tosses it, lower than usual, and jumps, sending the ball over. bokuto receives it.
“nice, bokuto-san!” hinata raises his hands, watches his fellow spiker approach. atsumu is at the net, sakusa on defense. he jumps, setting the ball high, slightly away from the net. bokuto slams it down, sand flying on the landing. sakusa turns away to avoid the spray. “nice kill!”
“dial it back, bokkun,” atsumu complains. “ya don’t hafta be that serious!”
“what’s volleyball if it isn’t serious?” he retorts, catching the ball back. “i got the serve this time!”
it goes over and sakusa receives. atsumu tosses it, but the wind alters its course and sakusa barely manages to send it over. hinata receives, bokuto bumping it upward. kicking both feet into the sand, hinata jumps, aims for an undefended corner of the court. atsumu dives, ending up with sand in his mouth.
“watch yourself,” sakusa cautions, giving him a hand. atsumu spits, uses the edge of his tank top to wipe his mouth. there’s a gleam in his eye, calculating. hinata grins, knowing that the real game is about to begin.
despite his two years of playing beach, his teammates draw on their expertise to keep up. he and bokuto take the first set, so they swap and he pairs with sakusa next. atsumu serves, hinata receiving, leaving sakusa for the toss, going for an overhand. he scowls. “oh.”
hinata lands, the ball drifting out of bounds. atsumu guffaws. “nice, omi!”
“the next spike is going to your face, miya.”
“bold words fer a team that can’t even get a toss up.”
atsumu serves again, and sakusa receives it. hinata tosses, sakusa jumping. although his maximum reach is lower on the sand, it’s still impressive, and like he threatened, sends it toward atsumu. the ball ricochets off his arms. “ya didn’t hit my face!”
“i’m just getting warmed up.”
the set ends without any spikes to the face, and hinata pairs with atsumu. he’s caught on fast, each toss accounting for hinata’s speed and height, as well as the wind. they win easily, the spikers on the other side unable to keep up.
“nice, shoyo!” atsumu high-fives him. “we needa do this more often, it’s pretty fun.”
“right? i miss it.” hinata faces the ocean, where people are scattered across the shallow waves. the water disappears into the sky, cloudless and endless, the faintest breeze carrying the sharp scent of salt. “maybe one day, i’ll go back and play beach professionally, but for now, i’m happy to be home.”
“ain’t that the beauty of the future? ya never know where ya’ll end up or what ya’ll do. ya can say what ya want, and it’ll take ya ta places that ya never knew ya’d go.” atsumu grins at him, eyes bright behind his sunglasses. “ya go where the sun takes ya, shoyo.”
“thanks, atsumu-san. i didn’t know you could be so philosophical.”
“what’s that supposed ta-“
“hey, boys!” meian shouts. “the food is ready!”
no barbecue is complete without unhealthy amounts of meat, garlic bread, and beer, although hinata opts for soda – he played beach while drunk once, and was almost arrested for public indecency. he doesn’t want a repeat.
“we also got you a present, hinata.” meian reaches into the equipment box to hand him a small package, wrapped in orange paper that’s signed with all his teammates’ names. “we owe you for our last victory against the hornets, so think of it as a bonus for your performance.”
“thank you! i was just doing my job.” his eyes glitter mischievously, but he accepts it anyway. “can i open it?”
“better now than later.”
he carefully tears the wrapping paper apart and opens the box, lifting the item inside up. “wow! this looks cool! what is it?”
“a portable sundial,” sakusa says. “we thought it’d fit because of your name.”
“ya can use it ta find the sun wherever ya are,” atsumu adds.
"it's following you wherever you go!" bokuto chirps. "so even if you get lost, you can use that to help you find your way back!"
hinata blinks, then glances down again. the sundial is slender and fits in his palm, carved with intricate symbols and characters. he raises it to the sky, blinks at the sun from behind his sunglasses. “thank you, guys. i’ll treasure it.” his grin rivals the sun that he follows, illustrious and constant. no matter where he ends up or how far he strays, the sun will always guide him back, bringing him to brighter places, to a future where his light will guide others and lead them to their own paths, just like him.
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redrocketpanda · 1 year
*kicks down the door* here's the terushima/atsumu smut content that no one asked for and yet everyone seems deeply intrigued by
Terushima lowers himself down until his mouth hovers inches from Atsumu's. "And you loved every second of it, didn't you?" The denial dies on Atsumu's lips. Because whilst he did hate it, whilst it drove him insane and made him want to waltz right up to Terushima and punch him in that damn smarmy face of his, there’s a part of him that did maybe… sorta… kinda… like it too. He tells himself that it’s because he likes attention and yeah, okay, he might even go so far as to admit that he kinda gets off on it. He likes being appreciated and desired, and all of the enjoyable things that come with it. But it has absolutely nothing to do with it being attention from Terushima; cocky, arrogant, blonde-haired, brown-eyed Terushima. Atsumu considers that part to be irrelevant.
Gird your loins for 17k of banter, absurdity and smut of the comedic variety as dumb blonde Atsumu meets his match in dumb blonde Terushima at a college house party, and gets himself absolutely clowned in the process. Spoiler: he loves it
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fawn-eyed-girl · 7 months
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Onigiri for Nothing, Kisses for Free
An OsaKita birthday story for @shade-without-color!
Hi everyone! And a very happy birthday to my friend Shade! I know how much you like OsaKita, so I hope you enjoy this little story!
Osamu has a boyfriend, and Atsumu’s annoyed, but not for the reasons you might think.
Or: Atsumu can’t believe his brother gives someone other than him free food.
A little preview below the cut!
It’s another Saturday night at Onigiri Miya, and the MSBY Black Jackals are occupying several tables in the corner of the tiny shop. Their bodies are bulging with muscles and with food, and their voices are loud and boisterous. 
They’re celebrating another victory, but Miya Atsumu, starting setter for the team and twin brother of the founder of Onigiri Miya, can’t concentrate on the celebration.
He’s too busy watching the counter at the back of the shop, where Osamu is standing, making a custom plate of onigiri for one Kita Shinsuke, former Inarizaki captain. And when Osamu places the plate in front of Kita, and Kita takes out his wallet to pay, Osamu waves his hand away, as if the food is going to be free. Kita blushes, and Osamu smiles at him before handing him several napkins.
Again. Mr. Perfect Kita is receiving free food again.
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yongjae37 · 2 years
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SakuAtsu for @redluxite’s birthday 
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sapphicscorekeeper · 1 year
I think Atsumu would try to shove his brother’s head in the cake and fail miserably. Like, somehow ends up getting his own head in the cake.
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