#happy birthday aph japan
keiksy-cake · 1 year
Hetalia Poll Results Pt 1: Character Whose House You'd Like To Visit
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Finished this one super quickly! Thanks again to the donator who requested! 🥰
As promised, here are the other results for now that I may or may not get to:
Character Who You'd Want To Be Your Boss: Germany (Hima's recc: Germany)
Character Who Would Make The Best Friend: Japan (Hima's recc: Italy)
Character Who You'd Like To Eat With: Italy (Hima's recc: France)
(These next few ones are just by Hima I think)
Whose House You Should Visit: Singapore
Who Would Be A Great Host: India
...Be A Popular Youtuber: America
...Be A Popular Comedian: Spain
...Be The Heaviest Drinker: Russia
...Have Light Feet: Wy
It's also my birthday today so I would appreciate any thanks in the form of happy bday messages ❤️
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[Please note, I’m actually an amateur in Japanese and have to use various resources and translation machines to help me. If you notice a possible mistake or want clarification, please bring it up to me *politely* and not aggressively or hostile.]
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meitoscringe · 2 years
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starmirai · 2 years
🎂お誕生日おめでとう 🇯🇵🎉
🎂Feliz cumpleaños 🇪🇦🎉
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catthatfollows · 2 years
С днём рождения, Хеталия:__)
Да, оно было 24 января, и я как обычно проебала все сроки, но всё же..
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Камера естественно меня ненавидит:__)
Блять, мне ещё ебаный Китай к Китайскому Новому году рисовать༼⁠;⁠´⁠༎ຶ⁠ ⁠۝ ⁠༎ຶ⁠༽ Пожелайте мне удачи (⁠´⁠°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥⁠ω⁠°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥⁠`⁠)
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bokunobirthdays · 2 years
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I missed some birthdays from the last two days. Happy birthday to Japan (2/11) and Spain (2/12) from the Hetalia series and Tsuyu Asui (2/12) from My Hero Academia!
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icarus-imagines · 5 years
Japan X Country!Reader
Word Count: 2,018
Category: Hetalia
For Japan on February 11, 2018. National Foundation Day. Happy Birthday, Kiku Honda! ^_^
-Mod Icarus ଘ(੭ºัᴗºั)━☆゚
~Otanjoubi Omedetou Gozaimasu~
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You knew something would go wrong the first time you heard America introduce the idea of giving Japan a surprise birthday party. Well, not wrong exactly. You just knew Japan would be incredibly embarrassed and flustered over the whole ordeal. He would hide it behind a fake, yet very convincing, small smile. But assume things for it wasn't that he didn't appreciate his fellow countries throwing him a surprise birthday party, it just simply wasn't his kind of scene. Though it would be painstakingly obvious to anyone and everyone who actually paid close attention to the small nation, that he wasn't quite enjoying himself. At all really. No one noticed him and his unusual behavior at a party celebrating him.
But you did.
You're protective (E/c) orbs would watch the littlest movements his lean body would make as you sipped on blueberry punch, they should have gotten something traditional instead. Tiny hints from widened eyes full of embaressment to the flushed skin of his cheeks. You noticed he would occasionally flinch, barely even noticeable to anybody else when somebody got to close for comfort or actually touched him. His eyes would wander to the door, as if he wanted to run out, away from all of the commotion.
You and Japan had been very close friends since, quite frankly, for as long as you can remember. It was inevitable for the fact you were a new country and Japan had found you. Meaning somebody would have to be your caretaker as you grew up. Naturally, the others wanted the little island country, smaller than even Japan, named (C/n). But they miserably failed as you chose Japan to be your founder. At first, he was nervous to take on such a big task and responsibility. Raising and influencing a country, something could go wrong and you could grow up making the wrong choices.
Despite the others worry over what was best for you, you grew up better than some of them. Japan had been patient teaching you everything he knew and learned from his own caretaker China. At times it was hard to learn things while other things you picked up quite easy and adapted it to your own countries liking.
Your country had grown up quite beautifully and unique the whole 98 years of your life. You're most admirable feature being your people's exotic food, undeniably coming from Japan since he was such a good cook.
You owed Japan your life. So in repaying your life long debt to him, even though you could never actually do so, you taking action had instead decided to do small and simple tasks that made him happy, without him even knowing you were doing so.
And he didn't seem happy right now.
You set your cup down with a little sigh watching as America was practically shouting rather than talking about a story he remembered. You snuck up behind the group whispering a small 'Thank you' as Japan was on the outside of the circle nervously stepping from one foot to the other. Without disturbing everybody held you tugged on Japan's sleeve, you thought about taking a hold of his hand instead, but you knew from his teaching it would be considered impolite and rude in public.
Japan turned around a bit uneasy somebody touched his clothes, but his frown disappeared quickly when he saw you.
For a second you stopped and looked at his attire. Confused why he wasn't wearing his normal yukata, but knew that he needed to wear more formal wear during times like this. He wore his military uniform, the normal beautiful shining white lined with gold and black trim that complimented his pitch black hair and brown eyes. Yet this time he wore a dark red cape that almost touched the flour. It must have been a present from one of the countries, most likely China. He did have a thing for red, seeing as it was one of his national colors. Even so, it would fit Japan too.
You offered him a small smile and tugged him forward, your eyes wandering to the door and back to him. It took him a second, but he understood as he took your hand in his. A blush started to form on your cheeks, but You're turned your head and led him quietly. You closed the door behind you, just as you heard England shout at America to get down from one of the tables while France said he was just trying to have fun.
You let out an internal breath of relief as you turned back towards Japan who seemed to be doing the same thing. You brushed back a stray of (H/c) hair, tucking it neatly behind your ear. You looked up at Japan realizing he was still holding your hand. You tried to take your hand back, trying to be polite about his personal space and touching rule, but he held on. You decided to keep holding his hand, he was probably still stressed about the whole party.
"Gomenasai," you bowed slow and low showing respect, though it was a bit awkward as you were still holding hands. "I should have greeted you properly earlier, but I didn't want to attract any atten-" you were stopped mid-speech and bow by Japans other hand on your shoulder.
"Ie, (F/n)-san," he said a small smile on his lips. "I understand, you are not to brame."
You stood up straight, a blush quickly invading your rosy cheeks. He just called you by your first name. He's never done that before. The closest you had ever got to get him to call you by something more intimate and casual was your last human name, that still had an honorific attached. Where you making progress in your relationship?
You returned his expression, elated at what he had called you. "You rooked nervously," you silently cursed yourself in your mind. You always messed up your 'l's just like Japan did whenever you got flustered. "You looked nervous," you repeated without the speech impediment, "so I wanted to help you get out of there."
Japan nodded. "It's not rike I don't rike what they've done for me. It's just a bit too much." you hummed in reply understanding what he meant. Japan wasn't one for loud crowds. Another reason you liked him so much, he was quiet and respectful.
"I thought so," you murmured, your thoughts instantly taking over. For some reason, you wanted to hug him. You had only hugged him about five times, and that was when you were 10 and younger since you were too young to do anything on your own.
His hand wasn't helping the whole matter. It was safely locked around your own. It was only a bit bigger than yours, but it was still bigger overall. Smooth and soft. But you could feel his palm was a bit rough, he was a country after all. A tough burden to carry. You squeezed his hand as your (E/c) orbs framed by charcoal lashes trailed up to meet his own soothing dark brown ones.
"May I hug you?" you insinuated, just loud enough for both of you to hear.
Nothing happened, so your eyes started to lower in sadness until you heard Japan breathe out a humorous chuckle. You almost thought you were being made fun of until a hand slipped under your armpit and just above around your waist, resting softly on your back. You were pulled gently to his chest as your eyes widened in surprise. He was being a bit confident it seemed something that he never demonstrated.
"It makes me happy. To know you noticed such a smarr thing about me," he said in a hushed tone. Your heart swelled immensely at his words.
"A-arigato...Kiku," you said back.
Kiku's hand squeezed yours tighter and you both widened your fingers, interlocking them together like a puzzle. Kiku's hand on your back slithered up to the nape of your neck. You gasped at his daring hand, but you shouldn't have opened your mouth for he kissed you. It was only a hint of passion, but overall it was that of longing. You had both waited to do this for so long. You were too young a country to do such things, but now you were free range. He had to make a move before any other country had snatched you away from his grasp.
You both broke away, your lips brushing each other. Your (Plump/Thin/etc) lips moved across his as you spoke.
"Otanjoubi omedetou gozaimasu, Kiku."
~The End~
Otanjoubi omedetou gozaimasu, Kiku: Happy Birthday, Kiku
Gomenesai: I'm very sorry
Ie: No
Arigato: Thank you
Fun Facts:
-For the translation of 'Happy Birthday' in Japanese, if the person is someone very close to you, you can omit the first "o" and the last "gozaimasu". (These expressions make the phrase sound polite). So if you want to say "Happy birthday" to your friend, you can just say, 'Tanjoubi omedetou'. Which is much shorter. But since Japan is traditional you told him Happy Birthday in a polite way instead of the casual way. Extra: 'Omedetou, literally translates to 'Congratulations'-
-Asian couples don't usually express affection toward each other in public. Public displays of affection between members of the opposite sex’such as kissing, hugging and holding hands---are considered rude. Even families rarely touch, hug or display physical affection in public. For example, most school children have said they have never seen their parents kiss. Which is why you had second thoughts about taking hold of Japan's hand even though you wanted to-
-When talking about China's national color being red, I'm talking about their flag. For example, China's would be red and gold. The cape given to Japan by China would fit him since his flag colors are white and red-
-Bows are carefully calibrated to show different levels of respect. A short, clipped bow of about 20 degrees is used for service people or acquaintances. This bow should last no more than a second. A slower, deeper bow is used for one's boss or department head. The deepest bows are reserved for the company president or member of the board of directors. If people of unequal status bow the lower-ranking person should bow more deeply than the higher-ranking person. Which is why you're bowed slow and deep. You still thought of Japan as being your so-called 'boss'-
-Japanese birthdays are not as big a celebration as they are in the West. In fact, there was no custom of celebrating birthdays in Japan until around 1950! Before this, there was only one day on which to celebrate birthdays (everyone's birthday) and that day was New Year's Day. This was because ancient people thought everyone got older on New Year's Day, not the day they were born. Since then, however, Japan has been influenced by Western culture, so they started celebrating people's birthdays on the date of their actual birth. I think because of this reason, birthdays are usually only celebrated with people very close, meaning only their family, spouse, children, etc. They don't enjoy being sung 'Happy Birthday' to since they are the center of attention and they think it's embarrassing. Even so, you can still sing it to them. I've found they usually only like to celebrate their birthday with one person, and that person is their spouse/significant other-
-It has traditionally been considered taboo to touch the nape of a girl's neck. After World War II, kissing wasn't allowed in Japanese films. The first celluloid kiss took place in 1946 and the actors that did it were so nervous about it they put a piece of gauze between their lips. You were taken by surprised by Japan's 'daring'. It seems when he wants something he gets it no matter if it breaks tradition. And consequently, that's you~ -
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val-taire · 4 years
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Lame nerds lame nerds,,,
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disacurveball · 3 years
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Happy Valentine’s Day 😏
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sassypantsjaxon · 4 years
Since I saw a lot of posts about Germany’s birthday yesterday, I just want to remind you all
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bluuskkye77 · 4 years
Happy birthday Kikass here's ur gift
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**receipt not included
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shadowaswin · 5 years
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Happy Birthday, Thailand
(Well, it’s both Thailand’s national day and beloved King Bhumibol’s Birthday)
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ybpetersimp · 4 years
Happy birthday Japan 🥳🎂🎉
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Happy Birthday - Japan
Hetaween 19/20
Day 5 Prompt: Anything/Free Day
A/N: Happy birthday to my friend @sarcastic-ace-artist! I hope you enjoy this!
Ace was growling softly to herself, annoyed that such a special day had been so lame. It should be illegal to give out tests on someone's birthday. She sighed, shrugging her shoulders. Halloween was soon, so hello candy. Besides, something amazing was happening right now.
"Cake?" America shoved a slice in her face. "It's so fucking delicious, man! You need to stuff this in your mouth!"
Ace squinted at the fluorescent orange pastry and nervously backed away. "I think I'm good, thanks." He slinked away with a frown. She scanned the room, eyes settling on a table overflowing with presents. "I love these guys."
Italy was sitting in Germany's lap explaining some pasta recipe to the bored man, waving his hands around. "And then you bring the water to a boil, right?"
"Uh huh," Germany grunted.
Just a normal day, aside from the party hats they wore (some did begrudgingly while others did not) and the decorations lining the room. Ace's mouth twitched at the corners.
"Excuse me, Ace?" a soft voice questioned.
"Yeah?" She absolutely beamed at the man looking back at her. "Hi!"
"Happy birthday." Japan handed her a small present and smiled politely. "I know this might not make up for everything, but-"
"Thank you so much!" Ace hugged him, then remembered his whole personal space thing. "Sorry."
He raised an eyebrow before pulling her right back into the hug. "Don't be. Exceptions can be made, after all."
"Thanks," she mumbled into his shoulder. Best birthday ever.
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basedkiku · 6 years
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On this day, Mary debuted in this comic 2 years ago, which marks her technical birthday. The ask box will be open for the first time ever! so you can send a nice, wholesome message that might appear in a future comic, as well as some asks that might be drawn up! Fic below, because I really don’t have a lot of time to draw a wonderful birthday comic for her :(
🎵 Happy birthday to you~! Happy birthday to you~! Happy birthday dear Mary~! Happy birthday to you! 🎵
The little house filled with wondrous joy as Mary’s parents clapped to their beloved daughter’s big day; her birthday! In front of Mary was a little ice cream cake that her mother bought from the grocery story with “Happy Birthday Mary” written in gel frosting. 
“My beloved Mary,” her mother began, “You can blow out the candles now. Make a wish dear, but don’t tell us, or else your wish won’t come true.” 
Mary took a big, deep breath of air and blew out the candles on her tiny little cake. Her father took a perfect picture of Mary blowing out the candles on his phone, something he would be so proud to display on Facebook. 
“Did you make a wish, Mary?” her father asked,
“Yep!” Mary squeaked, “Mama said my wish won’t come true if I tell it.”
“She’s right, you know. Now then! Mary gets the first slice since it is her special day after all!”
As the family was enjoying their slices of ice cream cake and Mary opening up her presents, there was something unusual going on upstairs. In the child’s room emerged a man from the magic almanac, sneaking around to make sure he isn’t being heard. He took off his shoes so the wooden floor wouldn’t creak under his weight, attempting to be as stealthy as possible. 
“Rats!” he said under his breath, “Mary never told us it was her birthday?! What a silly girl she is! Might as well tell everyone else back in the manor.”
He began to stealthily sneak back into Mary’s room and into the Almanac, frantically running down the stairway into Friendship Manor. He grabbed onto the protective railing of the mezzanine that he first sees upon entering Friendship Manor and took the biggest breath he could hold in his lungs.
Germany knew that it was Mary’s birthday anyways as he deeply cares about her as a father figure, but forgot to make cake for her since the announcement was so sudden. 
“Scheiße! The cake!” He sprinted back to the door that leads to his lovely little cottage in the woods, since this was in fact the first time Mary gets to spend a birthday with her magical friends. 
“America!” England scolded as he hastily went up the spiral staircase to the mezzanine, ready to slap America if possible. “Couldn’t you announce this sooner?!” 
“Dude, I didn’t even know it was Mary’s birthday today!” He answered, “Like I was just sneaking around upstairs Mary’s house because I didn’t even see her today and was just making sure she was okay!”
“You know America, Mary did tell us her birthday was on this day. You just forgot because you spoil her rotten anyways. We’ve been setting up the meeting room for her and all of the nations that she never met are also invited.”
“Wow thanks dude! You’re a lifesaver!”
“Whatever. Just do your part. Just don’t spoil her so rotten like you already do. I’ll get her when she’s done celebrating with her mum and father.” 
Meanwhile, as Mary went in her room carrying all of the presents her mother and father got for her, England came out of the magic almanac to greet Mary. “Happy birthday, Mary!” he said as he gave her a warm hug, “I see you were having fun with your mum and father, hm? What kind of presents did you get?”
“I got lots of toys!” Mary squeaked, showing England some of the toys she got for her birthday, some of them also being books that would make a really good bedtime story. 
“Wow! Your parents really must be glad to be with you on your birthday, huh? Maybe one of these nights, i’ll read to you one of these stories when you’re going to bed, okay?” He then noticed that Mary still had frosting on her face from the ice cream cake she had with her parents. “Oh goodness me, Mary! You’ve got frosting on your face!” He knelt down to Mary’s height and grabbed a handkerchief out of one of his pockets. It was soft to the touch, and just gentle enough to get the frosting off Mary’s face. “There you go. You don’t want to look all messy, no? Come along now, we’re gonna go on an outing.” 
“An outing! Where are we going?”
“Well, maybe I can get you some toys for your birthday.”
Little did Mary know that this was actually something bigger, something she wouldn’t expect at all from her friends!
Inside Friendship Manor, it was seemingly emptier than usual. England was holding her hand as the two went down the staircase from the mezzanine. “Ah, Mary, I forgot to get something.” England said, “We just had a very important meeting today and I forgot to get some important papers.” 
“What kind of papers, Mr. England?”
“It’s very secret, Mary. Shhh~”
Mary really didn’t mind, thinking that England forgot to get some papers in the meeting room where the nations usually have their meetings. Once they got to the meeting room, the room was pitch black, but Mary had no clue how it got so pitch black in the first place. England turned on the lights when suddenly...
Mary’s eyes lit up at the sight of all of the nations in the room, surprising her on her birthday in a room that was considered forbidden for her to go in during the all-important world meetings. The entire room was decorated with streamers, balloons, and even a giant banner that read “HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARY” spread across at one of the walls. There were even nations present that she never really fully met like Switzerland, and even nations that she never met before! Mary was nearly about to cry! 
“You did this...all for me?” Mary said, looking up at England with tears in her eyes. She suddenly ran over and hugged the Englishman tightly, crying on his side.
“Mary, why are you crying?” He said, kneeling down to her height and gently petting her soft, light brown hair. “Shhh...”
“I think she’s overwhelmed by happiness!” Italy chirped, approaching the crying child to calm her. “It’s okay, Maria! I know how it feels to be so happy that you just gotta cry! We made this as special and memorable as possible, especially since you’re the Bearer of the Almanac!”
England nodded as Mary looked up, tears in her eyes. He pulled out the handkerchief that he used to wipe the frosting off Mary’s lips and used a clean portion of it to wipe off her tears. “I can’t imagine how Horatio would have reacted if we were to celebrate his birthday here. I guess he wouldn’t have liked it well, but I promise you Mary, that there is no need for tears today. After all, we’re all so happy for you not only because it’s your birthday and you’re the Bearer of the Almanac, but you’re also such a wonderful friend!”  
America jumped in front of Mary and held her high into the air. “Now it’s time to party!” He declared, putting the child on his back. Mary smiled, now with all of her tears gone, she is now in the mood to celebrate happiness with her friends. 
For a time, Mary ran around to see the other nations socializing with each other and even played with some of them, such as playing tag with Sealand and some other micronations, or just climbing up on Russia and even playing with his somewhat sentient scarf. There was something Mary noticed though that someone and something was missing...
“Mr. France?” Mary tugged on his cloak, “Where’s Mr. Germany?”
“He’s bringing you something very special my dear~!” He said, “It’s so special that we all have to wait!”
“What is it?”
“I can’t really tell you, or else it would spoil the surprise!” 
That was when all of a sudden, the doors to the room swung open to see someone carrying a rather large cake that was neatly decorated and topped with candles. Mary couldn’t tell who it was carrying the cake from a distance until she ran up to the figure. 
“Mr. Germany!” Mary exclaimed, “You made a cake for me!”
“Ja, I did!” he said as he put the cake down and picked up Mary, smiling at her, “I wanted to give you the best cake you’ll ever have just for you. If I had to rush making the cake, it would have been a mess and we don’t want to have a sad birthday, no?” Mary giggled and hugged her father figure tightly. “This is the best birthday I could ever ask for!” She squeaked, probably not letting go any time soon. 
Eventually, all of the nations gathered around the cake to marvel at this masterful piece of art that many did not expect from possibly the manliest nation to ever exist. The cake was rather beautiful up close, covered in a sugary white fondant and decorated with frosting that had Mary’s favorite colors on it. There were also fondant stars around the sides of the two cake tiers, with yellow stars on the bottom tier and magenta stars on the top. Rainbow sprinkles also dotted the cake as well to pop out more. 
Mary sat down in front of the cake, wondering how she was going to blow all of these candles, yet admire how lovely the cake was that Germany made all from his hard work and love to make this day memorable for everyone. The German took out his phone and began to record Mary.
“Look, Mary! You’re on camera!” The child looked up to see Germany holding his phone at Mary and the cake he made, so he can capture this vital memory that cannot be lost. Soon enough, the nations began to sing in a harmonious chorus.
🎵  Happy Birthday to you~ Happy Birthday to you~ Happy Birthday dear Mary~! Happy Birthday to you~! 🎵
Mary took a deep breath and attempted to blow out all of the candles. She did have a little help from America, since some of the candles were in places she couldn’t reach with her tiny little lungs, as well as the problem of some of the candles appearing to be blown out when they were still lit. She looked up at America and giggled, seeing her brotherly figure helping her out. “Happy birthday, my lil’ dude.” America said, kneeling by the chair to hug her. 
Germany took out a large knife, the kind that was made to cut even the biggest of cakes open. “Mary, would you like to help me cut the cake?” He asked, “Hold the handle with me, okay? Then we’ll cut it!” Mary grabbed the handle of the knife with both of her hands, thinking she is helping Germany cut the cake open when he is doing most of the work. The inside of the cake was everything Mary could have ever wished for; a chocolate cake with a heavy cream inside, similar to a black forest cake. 
Of course, Mary got the first slice that she “helped” cut open, as everyone else were getting their pieces of cake. Even with everyone having their share of cake, there was still plenty left over, even though Mary couldn’t eat all of it. She ate her slice very quickly, as the sweetness and the love poured in this cake really reminded her of spending a day at Germany’s house, since he would bake for her quite often. It was a sweet rush of nostalgia and happiness, which almost brought the child to tears.
America approached Mary with a rather huge present, though Mary wasn’t surprised that he can hold it well due to his absurd strength. “Alright dude!” he said, “I got you this cool present I bought for you last minute! I didn’t know it was your birthday, so I’m real sorry about that.”
“You’re so silly, Mr. America!” Mary said, hugging his leg. “You’re the best big brother I could ever ask for!” 
America looked like his face was turning red, but he was smiling like the goofy idiot he is. “Come on, Mary! Open it up! I wanna see what it is!” 
She began to unwrap the wrapping paper surrounding the present, only to see a Mercedes-Benz, the one that can only fit herself and can only drive up to five miles per hour. (Giving Mary an actual car would be a really bad idea!) 
“My own car!” Mary squeaked as she jumped around, “Mr. America got me my own car!” Mary’s commotion attracted the other nations to see Mary sitting behind the visible wheel to this kiddy Mercedes, especially Germany, who was really surprised to see Mary in a tiny car. England didn’t seem too happy at the gift America gave to her, however.
“America, she’s going to become lazy and not actually play around!” England whispered rather crossly, “Why on earth did you even buy her a car?!”
“She’s going to sit around on that thing all day, and she always wants to climb on people!” China also added in, hearing that England does have a very good point. “She’s gonna get chubby!”
“Dudes, do you even realize how big Friendship Manor is?” America protested, “This is literally the perfect gift for her! She can drive around like a normal person all around Friendship Manor to get to places faster! Heck, she can pretend to be Germany if she wanted to!”
“Well, I guess, if you’re saying Germany is a petrolhead after all. I just don’t want her to be lazy like you.” England smirked, knowing that will give America a reaction.
More presents piled up for Mary, with other such trinkets like some stuffed animals, some colorful birthday cards (some even had money in it!), clothes with unicorns on it, one of those easy bake ovens (You probably know who gave that to her), and even a little slide that looks like an elephant! To a normal person, it would seem that she was being spoiled silly, but this was seen more as utmost gratitude for not being someone like Horatio, who would have deliberately closed the Almanac on his birthday if he were still to keep it. After all, Mary was Bearer of the Almanac!
The festivities continued on, even when Mary opened up all of her presents. She drove around in her cool new car, honking at all of the nations who stood in her way. She did however, find that her cool new car would be very useful when going around Friendship Manor, since she can drive there instead of continuously getting lost and exhausted in the halls of the six continents. 
As the party dwindled down, Mary knew that she would have to get home soon. She grew exhausted from having too much fun with her friends and needed time to see her mother and father. She picked up as many balloons that fell on the ground, trying to help her friends clean up. Japan noticed her carrying all of these balloons that were still inflated and all sorts of streamers and confetti, which then he saw her fall over. Thankfully, the balloons cushioned Mary’s fall, but that didn’t stop Japan from making sure she’s okay. 
“Ah! Mary-chan, are you okay?” He said, checking to make sure she isn’t bruised. 
“I wanna help clean up too!” Mary squeaked as she got up from the ground, trying to collect all of the balloons that she let go of. 
“Ah, but it’s best to relax for now. We’ll clean up for you, and after all, it is your birthday.” 
Mary dropped all of the balloons that she collected and smiled at her friend, before she darted off back to her bedroom. “Thanks Mr. Japan!” 
It was late at night, and Mary knew that her bedtime was near. Her mother and father tucked her in bed and wished her a good night and another happy birthday before the clock struck twelve, which upon the twelfth strike would have ended her birthday. 
She still had one of the books that she showed to England earlier, just under the covers and not in the bookshelf along with her other books. It was a picture book with cute little woodland animals inside, telling an even cuter bedtime story. As the only light source was a soft light illuminating from the rabbit sitting on her bookshelf, she still couldn’t decipher what the book read. 
The magic almanac suddenly glistened, and Mary saw someone emerge from the book. He tried to stay as quiet as possible and to not let any more light reach her parent’s room. This gave Mary a good opportunity to ask him a question before she went to sleep.
“Mr. England, will you read me this bedtime story?” she whispered, trying to not awaken her parents. “I wanna see the cute little animals and its too dark for me to read.”
“Ah, that’s why I came to see you, Mary.” England whispered, “I was thinking of that bedtime story today, and it would be lovely to read it to you. Here, let me get your bunny so we can have a light.” He went over to the bookshelf and grabbed the rabbit that illuminated soft colors as a repellent for scary monsters that might be lurking under her bed. “Here’s your bunny friend, Mary. Now, this seems like a nice story, hm?”
Mary clutched onto the rabbit and got cozy under the warm covers as well as giving England light to read the book. The rabbit was set to illuminate one color, which was a nice, soft white.
He took a deep breath, making sure nobody else was around in case Mary’s parents walked in the child’s room and thought the Englishman was a burglar. 
“Once upon a time...” He began to read the story to Mary, a tale of friendship and love with a community of forest animals. It was obviously sugary-sweet, since the plot was rather simple and easily understandable for children like Mary. She fell asleep at the end of the story, dreaming of all sorts of woodland animals living together and spending time with her.
“Goodnight, Mary. May your birthday dreams be sweet.” One kiss on the forehead the Englishman gave to Mary, he returned back to the magic book, going off to bed as well. 
The End
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hetalia-tlw · 6 years
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Herro there, I usuarry don't bring things into pubric view but today is my birthday. Do promise me that you won't do or say anything embarrassing okay
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