#happy birthday Ma-chi!
dessertpanda · 6 months
Pt 3 goku x reader
The day had finally came, Bulmas birthday party was in full swing. "You don't thinks they're actually coming do you?" She looked nervously to her husband, praying that the familar faces wouldn't apear and spoil her mood. "Well Woman you did invite them and they did RSVP so." Vegeta answered with a snarky voice, He had told her it was a bad idea but she had refused to listen. "BULMA" Chi-Chi called, walking up the stairs with a guy attached to her arm. "This is Zack, He's my boyfriend" she smiled happily before leaning up and kissing his cheek. He was tall, not nearly as tall as Goku but still tall. She looked back to her friend and smiled, "I can sense their energy" Vegeta stated looking to the sky. Both Bulma and Chi-Chi stilled, "G-Goku? and Y/N?" Chi-Chi's fist balled as anger and jealousy started to over take her.
With Y/N and Goku
"MOM HOW MUCH FARTHER??" Goten complained. "Yeah Mum this is such a long flight" Trunks whiney voice followed. Y/N chuckled, the boys had started to call her mom the other week as a joke but the name just stuck.  "Aren't you both sayians? this should be a breeze." She looked to Goku for a little back up but he shared a tired looking form. "You guys stayed up late training again huh?" She asked, glancing at the three. "Whhhaaattt? No Y/N. I'm a responsible adult I would never let them" Goku made an attempt to defend himself. "But dad you're the one who asked us to help you with mmffmdf" Goten was quickly cut off by Trunks hand covering his face. " Dude shut up" Trunks whisper in his ear glancing between Y/N and Goku. She only rolled her eyes and continued forward. "We are almost there, maybe like 5 more minutes," she gave a forced smile. As they got closer her nervous where really kicking in. What if acting this way caused a fight?? She had no doubt that her and Goku could win but she hated the thought of having to hurt some of the people who where once Gokus closest friends, some even family. "Hey, It's okay. We are going to be okay" Goku gently took her hand, giving her a comforting smile. "Whatever you think is about to happen, we will face it together... All of us" He took a glance at the boys who offered their own smiles in an attempt to comfort her.  She took a breath before returning the smile, "Right we are a happy family" Her voice held no sarcasm only joy in remembering that fact. "Thats my girl," Goku smiled maintain her hand in his. "FINALLY" Trunks yelled finally seeing the venue come into view as  they approached.
"GOTEN, TRUNKS, DAD!!" Gohan called, quickly flying up to meet them. He gave Trunks and Goten loving nuggies before being brought into a group hug with Goku. Y/N only smiled softly at their actions, admiring their affection for each other. Spotting her father from the corner of her eye. She watched with wide eyes as he beckoned her over with his hand. Looking around ensuring that the wrench Bulma was not near, she cautiously made her way down to him. "Old Man" she greeted him with a straight face. At the moment she felt like crying as his cold stone face relayed no emotion. He starred at her for a moment before pulling her into a deep hug. "Hi little" He greeted her, digging his head into her hair. Oh how long it had been since he called her that, keeping up an act like this was tough on her. For a long time she thought he had actually started hating her but his affection, his hug, his uneven breath that she could feel on the top of her head, put all those worries to rest. "Hi Daddy" she whispered before hugging him back with just as much force. "I'm so so sorry" He whispered into her head, he pulled away and looked down at her to find tears in her eyes but a soft smile. Y/N sniffled slightly, but jumped at the sudden power spike from the boys who where now behind here. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO MA?" Trunks was suddenly up in Vegetas face forcing him to take a step back. "Yeah Vegeta, you better have a good reason for making Y/N cry" Goku said, throwing an arm around her shoulder bringing her to his chest. "Relax Kakurot, remember how I told you we have much to discuss?" Goku's eyes remained sharp, "What about it?" He was now defensive, unwilling to deal with someone who had hurt Y/N so bad. "This," Vegeta gestured to the area around him, "Is all an act" To say the Sons, and Trunks where surprised was an understatement. "W-what, as in hating Y/N?" Gohan asked wanting conformation. "Yes, unfortunately.." "VEGETA GET IN HERE" Bulmas voice pierced the air. "Birth Giver" Trunks whispered with slight venom in his words. "I'M COMING WOMAN," He hollowed back. "That is the reason" Vegeta said before quickly walking back through the doors waving his hand for them to follow.
"Y/N what was that about?" Goku asked moving his arm so he could hold her hand. "Goku, I'm sorry I'm…" She looked at him with a face of guilt. "I'm under a oath that I can't speak of what I am or who I am," Her tears fell freely, "I'm so sorry Goku, I never wanted to lie to you but" Her face was cupped by a large hand. "Hey Hey Love, If there's something you can't tell me thats okay," He gently wiped her tears "I'll do anything, fight anyone to make sure our found family stays just like it is" He whispered his words making sure they sounded as sincere as he meant them to. "Thank you Goku" Y/N smiled her hand coming up to hold his, "I love you Y/N and I mean that in more ways than you think" He gave her a soft kiss on her forehead, made sure her tears where gone, then led her inside.
"Y/N how lovely, " Bulma was the first face they saw once they had entered. "GUYS THE HOME WRECKERS HERE!" she called out causing everyone's head to shoot up. "Please, feel free to socialize" She finished with a wicked smile. "Uh thanks Bulma" Y/N only returned the smile before walking away with Goku, arms interlocked. "Guess much hasn't changed" Trunks huffed holding Y/N as to not get separated. "Yeah, unfortunately you guys always end up in the conversation" Gohan said, glancing around at the glares that where being shot at the small happy family. "Y/N!" A female voice cheerfully called out. Looking around Y/N found Gohan's wife Videl walking towards the group with a big smile. "How are you?" She smiled taking Gohans arm and holding it. "I've been okay, but you know I'm a home wrecker so watch out" Y/N made fake claws and smiled with a grin, this caused Videl to giggle. "Oh, yes How could I have forgotten," She sighed shaking her head. "I really am sorry, you did nothing wrong" Videl tried to comfort the girl. "Oh it's okay, all I need are these three right here" she said glancing as her boys smiled. "We're doing quite alright" She shook her head as Goku leaned down to her whisper something to her. "If you're uncomfortable we can always leave" He gently kissed the spot behind her ear, Y/N reaction made Goku chuckle as she flushed red slightly. "Mama, I'm gonna go wonder with Trunks," Goten quickly took Trunks hand and drug him away from the four adults. "He calls you mama huh?" Gohan asked smiling at  Y/N, "I'm sorry, I had no intention of taking that role from your mother but I'd hate to ask him to stop because it gives him comfort" She lowered her head in shame. 'I should've stopped that damn habit'
"No no please, I'm happy he's found that comfort again, In all honest I don't think what moms been doing would be good for him" He sighed shaking his head slightly. "Oh Zack you're so funny" Chi-Chi loud laugh was heard approaching. "Oh your mom met somone?" Y/N asked happy  that the female seemed to have moved on. "Uh not exactly. see she keeps coming up with different men, at least once a month" Gohan sighed while looking down at Videl, "And the worst part is, she's not trying to move on she just wants to make you jealous dad" Looking up at his father who's attentions was focused on the approaching figures. " Well unfortunately, I'm quite happy" Goku's big smile was back and  he turned his head to acknowledge his son.  "GOHAN THERE YOU ARE" Chi-Chi yelled before dragging Zack right behind her. "Hon this is my son Gohan, he didn't leave me" She smiled completely oblivious to the others standing. "Gohan this is Zack my boyfriend" She was completely engrossed in getting the two antiquated and left out Videl, Goku, and Y/N who only took glances at each other before shrugging their shoulders. They watched silently as Gohan awkwardly tried to maintain conversation with the new stranger. "Oh yes very uh very interesting" Zack continued on and on about whatever he was talking about, while Gohan turned slightly eyes begging for assistance. However Zack seemed to have found another conversation starter. "Hellllo Doll," Zack quickly maneuvered around Gohan and approached Videl. Gohan slightly stunned watched as this whore man walked right past him and straight to HIS wife. "Hello baby, you are quite the looker" His voice was low and gravely, 'Gross' Y/N thought carefully watching the situation.  Gohan was about to intervine when his mother grabbed him and started to drag him away. "Oh Gohan I must show you" She continued talking and talking, "Wait mom, Videl" Gohan tried to get his words in but by the time he had processed the situation he was gone out the room and left Videl with Zack.
Yeah no thank you, please take a big fucking step back" Videl quickly put space between her and the creep, making sure her discomfort was known. Her hands instantly went to shield her stomach which caught Y/N and Gokus attention. "Come- on love, just a little talking" He smiled but his eyes held no good intentions. "Ah lets stop right there lover boy" Y/N quickly stepped in when his eyes began undressing Videl. "Oh you're" He looked at Y/N for a moment, "hey wait a second... You're the homewrecker" He looked her up and down as well "I see why he left her, so wanna wreck the home again" He attention was now completely on Y/N. "Actually, I'd like to wreak your face for those disgusting comments but my sons are here so I'd rather not" Her smile was sickeningly sweet but her eyes told a whole other ordeal. He was slightly taken aback by her look, it was murderous. "So why don't you run along and find YOUR girlfriend and leave us alone hmm?" She titled her head slightly and closed her eyes adding to this innocent act. "Uh yeah, bitch" He muttered under his breath before speed walking way. "Videl you okay love?" Y/N quickly went to condole the girl "Do you think he was any strong?" Goku asked, curious as to if he had found a new opponent. "Goku," Y/N sighed shaking her head slightly. "I swear he never changes" she whispered to Videl who giggled at the comment. "You sure you okay? I can still kick his ass" Y/N double check with Videl before bidding a goodbye and returning to Gokus side. "I don't like that guy" Goku said as he remained staring at the direction Zack had ran. Y/N would never admit it but at that comment her heart hurt slightly, 'Was he Jealous?' She worried that Chi-Chi's might be working. Her thoughts where interrupted when Goku cupped her face and bought it so he could see her eyes. "I don't like the comments he made about you," His thumb running above her cheek bone "Made me wanna hit him" He closed his eyes before presenting a bright smile. "Maybe because I love you so much" He giggle, Y/N felt her heart sore, Chi-Chi's plan was working, Goku was jealous but it was all working in Y/N favor. However she would still feel guilty at time, 'Maybe I really am a home weaker' 
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marcogagnoni · 4 months
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Happy Birthday to me! 🎉
Oggi niente fotocamere, solo io a festeggiare un traguardo importante: 30 anni. Non è solo un numero, ma un capitolo pieno di ricordi, esperienze e momenti che mi hanno reso chi sono oggi. Non potevo non condividere questo momento speciale con voi, perché siete una parte fondamentale del mio viaggio.
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pleaseminddgap · 2 years
Blonde: un film non all'altezza del romanzo, o della vita
Ho scelto di vedere questo film una volta passato il clamore, il facile entusiasmo o le stroncature senza appello di chi non ci vedeva la trasposizione fedele della vita di Norma Jean Baker in arte Marilyn Monroe.
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Da quando ero una bambina sono appassionata delle vicende di questa donna, e in secondo luogo di questa attrice. I traumi infantili, la mancanza di un padre, l'essere oggettivizzata dagli sguardi maschili, il rapporto con la maternità mancata (o vissuta): sono tutte esperienze che un'altra donna può comprendere. Prima dell'uscita del film, con congruo anticipo, mi sono preparata, affrontando le settecentoepassa pagine del corposo e bel romanzo di Joyce Carol Oates dal quale il film è stato tratto: un romanzo, non una fedele biografia. Contenente molte parti di fantasia, molte illazioni credibili ma totalmente inventate, per ammissione della stessa autrice. Il libro l'ho amato, al punto da averne registrato anche la lettura di un brano, che poi ho condiviso su YouTube. Sebbene sia in larga parte frutto di fantasia, è vivo, palpitante, capace di far percepire sensazioni simili a quelle che deve aver realmente provato Marilyn. A sentirsi violata, recapitata qua e là come un pacco, da una famiglia all'altra, da un letto all'altro.
Ne esce fuori il ritratto non di una vittima in senso assoluto bensì di una donna segnata fin dalla prima infanzia nel profondo, che rimane intrappolata dal suo aspetto e dal suo talento naturale per la recitazione. Una ragazza tanto sensuale da diventare la proiezione del desiderio altrui, una dea sessuale universalmente riconosciuta. Una donna affamata di sapere, consapevole dei propri limiti, in cerca di un'identità che venga accettata (e che le riporti indietro una figura paterna). Gli uomini che la circondano? In larga parte sono laidi, sfruttatori e, solo in due-tre casi, uomini che provano ad amarla davvero. Oltre a loro, solo il fidato amico e truccatore Whitey.
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La sessualità come tema cardine, ciò che avrebbe dovuto esserci e ciò che manca
L'accento sulla sessualità, centrale nel romanzo, resta tale anche nel film: il sesso anale sul tappeto del produttore, rievocato anche in alcuni flashback, il sesso a tre con i "gemelli" (che, a differenza di Norma Jeane, soffrono l'ingombrante presenza dei loro padri), la fellatio fatta a Kennedy. Poi c'è la Marilyn tormentata dal passato, l'orfana di padre (e anche di madre, in una certa misura), l'isterica, la madre frustrata nel suo desiderio di maternità, la donna che fa i conti con la perdita di una vita e di un sogno, la donna violata, l'insicura, che però appena si accendono i riflettori pare splendere di luce propria.
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Mancano totalmente all'appello alcune sequenze, peraltro fedelmente biografiche, che nel libro sono essenziali per lo svolgimento dei fatti: la vita all'orfanotrofio di Los Angeles, la sessione fotografica con Tom Kelley (Otto Ose nel libro, ndr), che a distanza di anni la porterà a comparire sul primo numero di Playboy e a dare scandalo; il matrimonio a soli 16 anni con Jim Dougherty (Bucky Glazer nel libro, ndr), durante il quale verrà scoperta come fotomodella; il tour in Corea durante il quale cantò per i soldati americani al fronte: una delle occasioni nelle quali, per ammissione della stessa attrice, lei era stata più felice. Manca anche Happy Birthday Mr President, la canzone di compleanno cantata davvero da Monroe a Kennedy il 19 maggio 1962 al Madison Square Garden di New York, una delle sequenze più vivide del libro (alla quale ho riservato la lettura su YouTube).
Che né il libro né il film siano strettamente biografici lo si capisce subito, se si conosce bene la biografia di Marilyn. In entrambi non vengono mostrati esplicitamente gli abusi (nel libro sono vissuti in modo vivido come qualcosa al confine tra sogno e ricordo rimosso, senza essere mai descritti), l'amore breve ed extra coniugale con Yves Montand, l'amicizia con Truman Capote (che l'avrebbe voluta nella trasposizione cinematografico del suo Colazione da Tiffany, ndr), la relazione lesbica con l'insegnante di recitazione Natasha Lytess' e tanto altro.
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Punti di forza e punti deboli
Quindi ecco quali sono, secondo me, i punti di forza e i punti deboli di questo film.
I punti di forza: il lavoro intenso e coraggioso sul personaggio di Ana De Armas, sulla carta molto diversa da Marilyn, sia fisicamente che come retaggio culturale (De Armas è cubana, sebbene il suo lavoro sull'accento sia stato molto accurato). Tuttavia, De Armas fa di tutto per essere Marilyn, oltre a sottoporsi a lunghissime sessioni di trucco, proprio come la stessa Marilyn: una fase essenziale per smettere di essere Norma e diventare la "maschera" Marilyn; la scrupolosa ricerca iconografica, sebbene questa risulti talvolta erronea e decontestualizzata; i numerosi tentativi di nobilitare l'opera con trovate registiche alternative, con una pretesa di originalità; la fotografia, che è stata curatissima in ogni dettaglio.
I punti deboli: voler mostrare tutto, spiegare tutto, rendere in modo patinato anche l'intimità della donna Norma Jean (un esempio su tutti: il feto del suo "Baby" mai nato, che poteva tranquillamente essere evocato senza essere mostrato esplicitamente); la superficialità: il film sembra una carrellata di celebri foto di Marilyn, ricreate pedissequamente ma totalmente decontestualizzate e incoerenti nel loro flusso; la scelta di fare la copia/caricatura di Marilyn rendendo De Armas, in certi fotogrammi, quasi irriconoscibile dall'originale; il doppiaggio italiano, esasperato, che riproduce più il doppiaggio dei film di Marilyn (e quella voce da bionda svampita che l'ha resa riconoscibile) che la reale voce dell'attrice.
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Certe trovate che strizzano l'occhio alla morbosità dello spettatore, come la scena della masturbazione nella sala cinematografica all'anteprima di Niagara, sono superflue e quasi grottesche, oltre a non essere presenti nel romanzo. Al contrario, la scena della fellatio praticata a John Kennedy nel libro è presente e rende bene l'idea dell'umiliazione di Marilyn. In un'intervista a Variety Ana De Armas ha commentato così le scene esplicite alle quali ha preso parte: "Ho fatto cose in questo film che non avrei mai fatto per nessun altro, mai. L’ho fatto per lei (Marilyn, ndr) e l’ho fatto per Andrew. So cosa diventerà virale ed è disgustoso. È sconvolgente solo a pensarci. Non posso controllarlo. Non si può davvero controllare cosa fanno le persone e come estraggono le cose dal contesto. Non credo che la cosa mi abbia fatto avere ripensamenti, mi ha solo dato amarezza pensare al futuro di quelle clip". Mi sento di giustificare, almeno in parte, il regista Andrew Dominik: un materiale succoso come il romanzo di Oates sotto mano, così visivo e avvincente, era molto facile farsi prendere la mano. L'autrice del romanzo, comunque, è intervenuta in difesa della trasposizione Netflix con un tweet: "Penso che sia stata/sia una brillante opera d'arte cinematografica ovviamente non per tutti. Sorprendente che in un'era post #MeToo la cruda esposizione della predazione sessuale a Hollywood sia stata interpretata come 'sfruttamento. Sicuramente Andrew Dominik intendeva raccontare sinceramente la storia di Norma Jeane".
Le altre Marilyn
C'è una bella differenza tra Blonde e un film come My Week With Marilyn (2011), che alla sua protagonista è valso un Oscar: a differenza di De Armas, Michelle Williams non pretende di essere il calco identico di MM, sebbene le somigli fisicamente più dell'attrice cubana. Tuttavia le restituisce una verità inconfutabile, senza risultare mai sopra le righe. Certo, bisogna tenere conto di un'altra differenza importante: il film del 2011 è basato sul memoir strettamente biografico di uno scrittore (Colin Clark, ndr) che ha conosciuto davvero Norma Jeane e ci ha passato del tempo assieme, raccogliendone confidenze e pensieri. Erano i tempi in cui lei si trovava a Londra per girare Il principe e la ballerina con Laurence Olivier nella doppia veste di protagonista e regista (1957) e lui era un giovane neolaureato al suo primo impiego come assistente personale del regista inglese. Tornando a Blonde, del romanzo di Oates esiste un'altra trasposizione filmica: la miniserie prodotta da CBS con Poppy Montgomery come protagonista. Mi riprometto di vederla al più presto per poter fare un confronto.
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djs-party-edm-italia · 5 months
30/4 Solardo fanno ballare Circus beatclub - Brescia, Happy 25th birthday Circus!
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Al Circus beatclub - Brescia si continua a celebrare con il ritmo giusto 25 anni di party e di successo, con dj internazionali dettano. Dopo il primo evento del 24 aprile con Andrea Oliva in console come guest il 30 aprile arrivano i Solardo. L'evento è ancora Panorama, l'appuntamento house che vede in console come dj resident uno dei talenti italiani emergenti in quest'ambito, ovvero Albert Marzinotto. 
I Solardo sono i britannici Mark Richards & James Eliot. Originari di Manchester, stanno portando avanti il ricco patrimonio di musica house della città. L'ascesa fulminea del prolifico duo è testimoniata dal duro lavoro in studio e dall'energia contagiosa nei club. Una serie di uscite su etichette come Viva ed elrow li ha aiutati a raggiungere il loro primo numero 1 su Beatport con il loro disco d'esordio su Hot Creations, "Tribesmen". Da allora, i due si sono catapultati nell'occhio del pubblico, remixando brani per artisti del calibro di Duke Dumont & Gorgon City, MK e Nicole Moudaber & Carl Cox. Dopo aver pubblicato EP su Toolroom Records, Repopulate Mars di Lee Foss e Relief Records di Green Velvet, hanno lanciato la loro impronta, Sola, che finora ha ospitato produzioni di artisti del calibro di CamelPhat, Secondcity, Mason Maynard e Will Easton.
Circus beatclub - Brescia che si balla dall 30/4 a fine stagione (4/5)
mar. 30/4 Panorama by Solardo
gio. 2/5 Rehab - Closing Night
ven. 3/5 Off Beat - Closing Night
sab. 4/5 Crush - Closing Night
Circus beatclub - Brescia
www.circusbeatclub.com [email protected] 
info +39 333 210 5400 (WhatsApp)
Via Dalmazia 127, 25125 Brescia
ingresso a pagamento con consumazione
Come ogni anno, ed è un vero record nel panorama italiano, anche per la stagione '23 - '24, Circus beatclub si rifà il look: alle pareti un color ghiaccio scuro perfetto per il futuro (e pure per il presente), impianto luci tutto nuovo, schermi e mirrorball che si muovono durante la serata, nuovi divani, nuova console a cui si accede in modo diverso... chi balla al Circus balla sempre nello stesso club, certo, ma proprio da questa stagione il club sarà sempre diverso grazie ad allestimenti, scenografie ed interventi particolare. 
Lo slogan mette energia: : "future is now", il futuro è adesso. Il ritmo del video disponibile sui social è forte ed elettronico, ma la voce che lo accompagna è calda, latina, come a mettere insieme la forza i suoni del futuro con la voglia di far tardi con il sorriso, con gli amici di sempre.... 
Il giovedì è Rehab, con sonorità hip hop anche internazionali ed il ritmo di Jay K. La domenica Panorama porta in console per ogni serata un top dj italiano attivo in mezzo mondo che sarà resident di un appuntamento già molto atteso, dedicato ad un pubblico che si accontenta solo del meglio. Ecco poi il venerdì e il sabato, da sempre il cuore del divertimento pop al Circus beatclub, che è gestito anche in questa stagione '23 ' - '24 dal gruppo guidato da Antonio Gregori, lo stesso che ha portato al successo anche MOLO a Brescia, grande disco estiva ed il River a Soncino (Cremona), aperto tutto l'anno. Il venerdì al Circus è OffBeat, una notte dedicata a sonorità sempre diverse e scatenate, mentre il sabato è Crush, dedicato agli artisti della Circus Family: Toma e Brio alla voce, Dr.Space in console e tanti, tanti altri. 
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tarditardi · 5 months
30/4 Solardo fanno ballare Circus beatclub - Brescia, Happy 25th birthday Circus!
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Al Circus beatclub - Brescia si continua a celebrare con il ritmo giusto 25 anni di party e di successo, con dj internazionali dettano. Dopo il primo evento del 24 aprile con Andrea Oliva in console come guest il 30 aprile arrivano i Solardo. L'evento è ancora Panorama, l'appuntamento house che vede in console come dj resident uno dei talenti italiani emergenti in quest'ambito, ovvero Albert Marzinotto. 
I Solardo sono i britannici Mark Richards & James Eliot. Originari di Manchester, stanno portando avanti il ricco patrimonio di musica house della città. L'ascesa fulminea del prolifico duo è testimoniata dal duro lavoro in studio e dall'energia contagiosa nei club. Una serie di uscite su etichette come Viva ed elrow li ha aiutati a raggiungere il loro primo numero 1 su Beatport con il loro disco d'esordio su Hot Creations, "Tribesmen". Da allora, i due si sono catapultati nell'occhio del pubblico, remixando brani per artisti del calibro di Duke Dumont & Gorgon City, MK e Nicole Moudaber & Carl Cox. Dopo aver pubblicato EP su Toolroom Records, Repopulate Mars di Lee Foss e Relief Records di Green Velvet, hanno lanciato la loro impronta, Sola, che finora ha ospitato produzioni di artisti del calibro di CamelPhat, Secondcity, Mason Maynard e Will Easton.
Circus beatclub - Brescia che si balla dall 30/4 a fine stagione (4/5)
mar. 30/4 Panorama by Solardo
gio. 2/5 Rehab - Closing Night
ven. 3/5 Off Beat - Closing Night
sab. 4/5 Crush - Closing Night
Circus beatclub - Brescia
www.circusbeatclub.com [email protected] 
info +39 333 210 5400 (WhatsApp)
Via Dalmazia 127, 25125 Brescia
ingresso a pagamento con consumazione
Come ogni anno, ed è un vero record nel panorama italiano, anche per la stagione '23 - '24, Circus beatclub si rifà il look: alle pareti un color ghiaccio scuro perfetto per il futuro (e pure per il presente), impianto luci tutto nuovo, schermi e mirrorball che si muovono durante la serata, nuovi divani, nuova console a cui si accede in modo diverso... chi balla al Circus balla sempre nello stesso club, certo, ma proprio da questa stagione il club sarà sempre diverso grazie ad allestimenti, scenografie ed interventi particolare. 
Lo slogan mette energia: : "future is now", il futuro è adesso. Il ritmo del video disponibile sui social è forte ed elettronico, ma la voce che lo accompagna è calda, latina, come a mettere insieme la forza i suoni del futuro con la voglia di far tardi con il sorriso, con gli amici di sempre.... 
Il giovedì è Rehab, con sonorità hip hop anche internazionali ed il ritmo di Jay K. La domenica Panorama porta in console per ogni serata un top dj italiano attivo in mezzo mondo che sarà resident di un appuntamento già molto atteso, dedicato ad un pubblico che si accontenta solo del meglio. Ecco poi il venerdì e il sabato, da sempre il cuore del divertimento pop al Circus beatclub, che è gestito anche in questa stagione '23 ' - '24 dal gruppo guidato da Antonio Gregori, lo stesso che ha portato al successo anche MOLO a Brescia, grande disco estiva ed il River a Soncino (Cremona), aperto tutto l'anno. Il venerdì al Circus è OffBeat, una notte dedicata a sonorità sempre diverse e scatenate, mentre il sabato è Crush, dedicato agli artisti della Circus Family: Toma e Brio alla voce, Dr.Space in console e tanti, tanti altri. 
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nami331 · 7 years
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@lustfullyleocrawford I'M SO SORRY I'M A TERRIBLE FRIEND. DOING YOUR BIRTHDAY ART TOOK WAY LONGER THAN I THOUGHT IT WOULD AND KSBSKZBSKXBD you know the story, I already told you gah. Anyway. Happy Belated Birthday darling, I'm so sorry I suck lol
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bored-storyteller · 3 years
Non saprai mai chi sono muahaha.
Comunque, buon compleanno bimba!
Siccome ti conosco abbastanza bene, come regalo ti faccio una richiesta. Una richiesta che ti farà gioire e soffrire. Altro che Uta, questo sì è un personaggione per te. Dimmi, che ne dici di rispolverare il tuo caro e vecchio e Izaya, e scrivere qualcosa per lui (e per te)?
Lo so lo so, hai paura di scrivere per lui perché è complicato e tutto quello che dici tu. Ma ehi, è sempre stato il tuo top da quando ti conosco, vuoi dirmi che non sai scrivere qualcosa di minimamente credibile per lui?
Avanti, su di morale, lo so che quando sei triste lo guardi sempre.
No no non saprò mai chi sei, oh tu che ti ostini a mettermi Izaya in mezzo ai piedi. Ma sai, grazie per la richiesta/regalo
Translation of the request: You will never know who I am muahaha. Anyway, happy birthday baby! Since I know you quite well, I am making you a request as a gift.  A request that will make you rejoice and suffer.  Other than Uta, this is a character for you.  Tell me, how about dusting off your dear old Izaya, and writing something for him (and you)? I know I know, you're afraid to write for him because it's complicated and everything you say.  But hey, he's always been your top since I've known you, do you want to tell me that you can't write something that is minimally credible for him? Come on, cheer up, I know that when you're sad you always look at it.
I admit that I have a lot of difficulty writing for Durarara (that's why it's not on the list despite it's my favorite anime, and Izaya is my favorite character. But writing for him is difficult, especially in relation to someone. Oh he's so weird that I love him to madness. Surely this is fraught with flaws, it could safely be disassembled, I know. On the other hand I don't really know who can really understand this character by writing something that is universally acceptable (though probably more than me, I'm sure).
There are references to the plot of Durarara, although I can not say that they are just faithful to the facts, please, enjoy this as a small pastime.
74- Durarara!!, Izaya Orihara x Reader
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"A step forward"
"Neh, tell me, if I asked you would you die for me?"
Your eyes popped out from behind the book you held in your hand: "No, I would say no."
A theatrical sigh came from the lips of the boy sitting in front of you.
"You just pretend to love me."
"That's just because I don't jump under the bridge with you?"
By then your eyes had already returned to your reading and your half-empty cup, but anyway, you were still listening to him.
"Hey, do you really think I could ever throw myself under a bridge?"
You wanted to tell him that he had done it before, and many times too. Whenever he poked someone against him, whenever he condemned himself in the name of his alleged love for humans, he pushed himself off a parapet too high not to be hurt. Yet he persevered.
Izaya Orihara was also this, masochism dressed as sadism, hatred that was called love.
Your name uttered from his lips was tantalizing and frightening at the same time, like anyone else's name decorated by his voice.
You knew that he had more blood in his hands than you could have imagined, that it was the blood of bodies or souls, yet until that moment you had never turned your head in front of the informant, you had not yet had a reason.
No, Izaya Orihara hadn't hurt you yet, strange to say, but it was.
Maybe it was because you were warned and took his every word with a grain of salt, never trusting too much and thinking a thousand times before saying something to him, but at the same time you never disrespected him or ran away from him.
In short, you have done nothing but be the normal person. This should have bored him, and instead he was there, stealing the chair in front of you, and you had smiled gently at him and nodded to his silent request to enjoy your company.
You never pushed him away, and maybe that's why he got so close to you, or maybe you were too naïve and it was all part of a bigger plan to tear you apart, but even so in the end you would have expected it, not you could have been disappointed.
"I think someone might throw you under a bridge someday."
He had looked at you with those eyes of him so normal and at the same time so strange, then he smiled at you: "Would you throw me?"
For a moment you hesitated, and then you answered as human life proceeded, outside the coffee shop window where you were sitting: "Don't be silly, Izaya."
- - -
There was a time when you were invited to a hot pot party.
Since those who invited you were acquaintances in common with Izaya, in a sense you expected him to be there too, but when the evening went on without him, you didn't think too much about it.
In fact, he had been mentioned several times by someone, and you had also thought of him several times.
Given the people present, you simply accepted the idea that it would be a mess if he showed up, and so you put him aside without getting too much trouble. It was fine, you had fun, you met new strange and somewhat intriguing people.
You did not expect, once everything was finished, to find in the cell phone you had inadvertently left silent a missed call from the broker and a new message: a simple invitation to dinner with him, about four hours earlier.
Izaya was an adult and independent man, he certainly didn't need your care, you told yourself, yet that attempted contact abandoned in the maze of your answering machine had made your heart sink a little.
You told him right away that you were sorry and that you didn't notice the message, that you were out, that it won't happen again.
His response had been somewhat distressing: "Sorry, I didn't calculate this possibility."
You didn't know if what made your stomach turn was his calculating the possibilities on you or his inexplicable use of the word "sorry".
And even though the shaking of your cell phone immediately afterwards revealed one of his usual digs, your mood had remained tied to that strange message from him.
- - -
The stabbing of Izaya Orihara had been a surprise for some, an indifferent news story for others, and for still others it was a pleasure.
You probably fell into the first category.
The information broker had now completely resigned himself to abandonment on that hospital bed in solitude and waiting for someone to take advantage of that unfortunate situation of him.
He had to admit he didn't expect your head to peek into the room as your voice whispered a shy "May I come in?"
He sat up so quickly that your name he spoke had died away into a groan of pain.
“So, is it all true? Did they really ...? " For some reason the voice had gone dry in your throat as you watched him. Izaya Orihara was in a hospital bed in an empty room.
“Did they really stick a knife in my belly? Yes, they did. " He smiled at you. He always smiles.
You wanted to tell him that you never thought you would see such a day, but you knew that something similar would happen sooner or later.
And even though he smiled and laughed at his crazy plans, he was still a human being, a lonely human being. And he deserved to be left alone, you were aware of it, yet still in Izaya there were so many positive sides that people did not see, because all the negativities of him were so powerful that they completely obscured them.
“If they wanted to kill you, they would have killed you, right? They didn't… they wanted to kill you, didn't they? " You asked for it with more anguish than you wanted, and you cursed yourself for it, because you knew that every finger reaching out to Izaya meant giving him your arm. Still, it was his life that he was talking about.
His laughter filled the void of the room almost sadly: "They would certainly have killed me if they had wanted to." He confirmed without stopping to smile "but someone will come and finish me, for sure."
Your hands had instinctively tightened their grip on the strap of your shoulder bag and a shiver had inexplicably run down your dorsal back.
"I stay with you." You said right away.
He had also laughed at your absurd proposal, making your face feel warm.
"These things are not suitable for you." He had told you, and he really meant it.
You were nothing more than a human being who behaved like a perfectly normal human being. You had normal friendships and normal enmities, normal joys and normal sufferings. You were just an ordinary person, as Izaya had never been.
Yet, even if neither of you had reason to stay in touch with the other, you had the ability to silently appear in the broker's life without him looking for you, simply by standing in front of him without really having a reason.
Maybe it was the mutual acquaintances, maybe it was that you frequented the same cafes, or maybe it was something else. The fact is that anyway, Izaya had no reason neither to be interested in you, nor to stay away from you, and when he found you in his moments of solitude you never pushed him away.
He had never been able to have your total trust, and every time he offered you something that would lead to something bigger you would decline with a smile, always stepping back and saying that you didn't want to know anything about what he was about. planning. Yet, it happened to him once, in a moment of weakness - oh, how weak, to open up a little more with you, when you asked him if he was okay after one of his runs with Shizuo. Yes, he was fine, but Shizuo was truly an abominable monster.
You told him that no, Heiwajima was nothing more than a human being, and that Izaya should try to change his perspective a little, otherwise he would get hurt.
It was an absurd proposal on your part, but somehow, Izaya appreciated your naivety in seeing the human where there wasn't.
But again, no, those weren't right for you. What could you ever have done for him by staying in the hospital? You didn't really care, it was probably just your sense of duty that got you there.
Yet, as you walked out the door, as a reassurance aimed more at him than at you, a phrase fell from his lips, quickly so that you could hear it before closing the door: "I'll be fine."
- - -
When he invited you to his personal hot pot party, you turned it down.
"Not from me, and from Shinra yes?"
Izaya had written to you, and you were a little surprised that he had accused you of that fact, but you had simply taken note that he also included that childish side of him among his defects - was it a defect?
You told him you didn't trust him enough to want to hang out with the people he would invite, and without too many words he agreed with you.
"They are not suitable people for you."
He had added. And even there, he really thought so. Perhaps you would normally be comfortable with some of them, like Mikage, but again you would be cordially spun off its intricate texture without saying anything. You couldn't help him.
For your part, you had tilted your head slightly to the side at that statement and your fingers had uncertainly touched the letters of the keyboard.
You didn't want to ask too many questions, you didn't want to get too involved, but at the same time you wanted for some reason to keep the door open for him.
"Don't get in too much trouble please."
When you sent that sentence you didn't really think about how much heart you put into writing it.
You could not know - and no one would ever know - that Izaya's lips had contracted in a slight smile against his will.
"I can take care of myself."
"No, I wouldn't say."
- - -
You were terribly right.
He couldn't take care of himself, he didn't know how to stay out of trouble and above all he didn't want to stay out of trouble.
That night Ikebukuro was a stage and battlefield, things bigger than you and anyone happening.
But since you, miserable human being, do not have a thousand eyes and a thousand ears, you concentrated only on one of the many terrible spectacles, and you looked at it with your fingers before your eyes.
Today ends. He dies tonight.
You had been telling yourself this all along and all the time you had frantically thought of a reason why he wouldn't die.
He deserved it, you thought, so many would be raised without him. But you were a human being, and you were a bit selfish too.
Unlike Izaya Orihara, you preferred to keep yourself out of trouble, so it was almost inexplicable to him that your back was in front of him, Vorona's rifle pointed at you.
Broken and tired, with a knife stuck in his stomach, Izaya still had the strength to see through the veil that covered his eyes your fingers trembling as you stood protective and fearful in front of him.
He who knew, you would have told him that he deserved it, that he was looking for it. It was so, so why were you there with him?
"You said you weren't going to die for me." The voice of Ikebukuro's information broker had never been so broken and tired as it was now, but his arms, moved by who knows what force, were clinging to your hips, in a vain attempt to try to take you away from the danger.
Your eyes met his one last time: "I said I wouldn't die for you if you asked me."
Then the world turned black for him, and blinding for you.
- - -
That night you took a step back again, even though you didn't want to.
When they took him away, inexplicably, you would have given the world to be with him. Yet, as you were entitled to, you looked at his suffering face asleep and said goodbye to him, moving a little to the side and leaving his tragic, twisted life.
Ikebukuro has changed since then, yet it is still the same.
There are new faces, others are always the same. Some have left, but they may return, and some probably never will.
Ikebukuro is always the same district that it observes and does not speak, but even if time passes, the traces of Izaya Orihara remain present, even if he is no longer there.
There are those who say that he is dead, but someone has assured you that this is not the case.
This is enough for you; you don't think you can ask for anything else. After all, you are just a normal human being who lives as humans do - sure, maybe you are a bit special if you still have the privilege of receiving messages from a Dullahan, but that doesn't mean you couldn't follow him.
You miss him. Even if you have continued your life as always, chasing dreams and hopes without giving in too much in his absence, you have the feeling that if he reappears in front of you you could cry with joy.
Maybe, after all, even if he was Izaya Orihara, you were selfish enough to love him at least a little.
Perhaps, even if what he called love for humanity was just an extremely sick feeling coming from a broken and rusty heart, you wished he had grown fond of you at least a little.
But who knows if you've ever had another choice? You could never have supported him in his descent into hell, nor could you fight him to stop him. It was like that, the life of Izaya Orihara, you can't stay with him forever.
However, you wonder a little, if every now and then while he thinks about all those strange people in the streets of Ikebukuro, his mind falls for a while on you, the very normal little human being.
Even if so, even if this was the fate you knew you deserved, the only one that saved you, you still hope to be able to see him even just one last time.
So you tremble when an unknown number appears in your messaging column, followed only by a text that means everything:
"Was there ever something human in me?"
It's a question he would only ask you, and only he could ask.
You hold your breath as your fingers hesitate on the keyboard. You can't waste your opportunity.
And you don't know how even his fingers, in the solitude of the empty suite, hesitated as they wrote, and how now his eyes can't leave the screen, wondering if his little, perfectly normal human will ever answer him.
The cold light that comes on brings up your name, which he has never forgotten to keep:
"I don't know, I have to see you to say it for sure."
Even if you're not there with him, he's sure you know he's laughing.
"Then come and see me."
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cheri-translates · 4 years
desserts - translated comics (a - j)
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complete your dining experience on a lovely note with these assorted treats.
artist names beginning with k - l / m - v / w - z
💝 = all / special l  🎐 = gavin l 🌟 = kiro
🦋 = lucien l 🦈 = shaw l 🌹 = victor
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76 pai ma zi da / -76牌马自达RX7-
🦋 winter
🦈 doodles of shaw
🦈 thunderbolt
a pei ge / 啊呸咯
💝 me, my girlfriend, and...
💝 no bro left behind
💝 miss nox
🎐 pirate gavin
🦈 when she’s mad at you
🦈🌹 two types
a yue dian dong che / 阿玥电动车
🎐 my boyfriend thought i committed a crime
🌹 gift
🌹 scold me
🌹 reason for liking him
阿芷naive (a zhi naive)
🎐 kiss
🎐 surrounded
🎐 his wish
🎐 shy gavin
🎐 cute wolfvin cub
🎐 pose
🎐 lying down
🎐 a kiss of love and youth
🎐 chained
🎐 endless longing
💝 mc’s evol is actually...?
💝 how they love (discipline) their sons
💝 how they love their daughters
💝 the men doing chores
🦋 my deskmate lucien
🦋 lucien’s thoughts
🦋 jealous of himself
🎐 sub-masterlist
bai ri qiu / 白日秋
🎐 pet him!
🎐 different gavins
bei zha guo de lin zi /被炸锅的林子
🎐 wolf gavin
🎐 wolf gavin part two
💝 fatherhood series
gavin l kiro l lucien l victor
💝 five person date
💝 four men trapped in a house
🎐 private photoshoot date (suggestive)
🌟 unwrap the gift date (suggestive)
bo bo nai / 波波奈
🌟 sub-masterlist
bo si teng hu / 博斯藤壶
🎐 the youth
🦋 friends
🦋 a secret relationship
🦋 together
🦋 the livestream
bu hu / 吥唬
💝 swimming
💝 fairytales
🎐 under arrest
🎐 gavin compilation
🎐 during a storm
🌟 bolster
🦋 ares and lucien
🦋 lucien and hair
🦈 after a battle
🦈 punishment date - zoo
🦈 happy birthday
🌹 captain victor
chi bu chi ya she / 吃不吃鸭舌
💝 when they turn into children
🎐 eli
🎐 highschool au where mc is the troublemaker
🎐 winter world
🎐 their children
🎐 pearly
🎐 yo-yo
🎐 too much
🎐 galaxy
🎐 puppet
chun ri mao mao xia / 春日猫猫侠
🌹 panda
🌹 snack store
🌹 little vic is here
di kong / 滴空dikong
🎐 private photoshoot date (slightly nsfw)
🎐 lipstick
🎐 naked in front of your boyfriend challenge
🎐 interacting with a deity
part one l part two l part three
🎐 gavin and cat
🎐 different reactions
🎐 happy mid-autumn
🎐 christmas
🎐 his journey...
💝 if their hearts were a room
🌟 massage chair
🌟🦋 no effect
🦋 my lucien
🦋 dress
🦋 family
🦋 my butterfly
🦋 morning
🦋 lucien’s skincare routine
🦋 measurement
🦋 iridescent
🦈 envious of shaw
🦈 shaw’s ‘date’
🦈 archaeology studies
🦈 the only graduate
🌹 sweet dreams
🌹 sneaky shots
🌹 goodnight
🌹 thaw date
🌹 replacement
fan jun marcia / 饭君Marcia
💝 pinch
fan tuan xiao pao pao / -饭团小泡泡-
🎐 accompany you asmr
gua gua gu_a / 瓜瓜Gu_A
🎐 the boy who fights in school
🌟 the long-haired prince
🦋 lucien’s birthday
🌹 tennis
guang che bu xiang qiang qu / 光澈不想强娶
🌟 photo
🌟 the couple
🌟 kiro’s fears
🌟 before the performance
🌟 apple box and cello
🌟 cuties
hai lao niu bang juan / 海老牛蒡卷
💝 living together
💝 teacher mc
💝 when they hit their heads
🎐 valentine’s rose
🌟 witch mc x kiro
🦈 taste
🌹 tying a tie
🌹 friends
🌹 omelette
🌹 when mc turns into a cat
🌹 valentine’s day
🌹 witch mc x victor
hei xiu hei ei / 嘿咻嘿ei
🎐 the brilliant years
🎐 bubble tea
hua qi shan / 花契扇
🎐 flying squirrel gavin
🌹 time
jian zhu / -箭竹-
💝 the guys as maids
💝 claw machine
💝 blind boxes
🎐 gavin’s use in every season
🎐 i’ve decided on you
🎐🦈 airport date
jiang ke li / 姜可离-
🎐 birthday
🎐 photo
jie mu ye / 结木耶
🌟 honest
🌟 one year
🦈 one-day date
🦈 reuniting
🦈 inexperienced
🦈 rivets
🦈 prank
🦈 pirate
🦈 the scent of honey peaches
🎐🌹 mlqc x tears of themis
jing ji / 京极
🦈 the second prince
🦈 big sis
🦈 bottle cap
🦈 supper
🦈 winter
🎐🦈 drunk
🎐🦈 group photo
🎐🦈 little guardian
🎐🦈 sleeping
🎐🦈 pose
jiu luo illu / 汣络illu
💝 if he was your classmate
💝 eating ice-cream
💝 post lockdown plans
🎐 school legend
🎐 among the falling petals
🎐 summer selections
🎐 happy birthday
🌟 secrets of a onesie
🌟 replenishing sugar
🌟 flowers
🌟 when little kiro can’t eat snacks
🦋 together with lucien
🦋 traces
🦈 smear
🦈 dessert
🦈 happy birthday
🌹 victor and his puddings
jiu zhi qiu / 九只球
🦈 charger
🌹 done
🌹 hang up
ju zhi shi / 橘芝士
🎐 wind chime
🌹 how to obtain a victor
🌹 a mature ceo
🌹 parenthood
🌹 victor the cat
🌹 ulcer
🌹 confessing your love in university
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🍒 return to the menu 🍒
433 notes · View notes
June 23th 2022
Tuổi 17 em có gì
Em có niềm vui, có nỗi buồn, có cười, có khóc, có ghét, có yêu.
Cảm ơn bố mẹ đã sinh ra con, cho con thấy rằng cuộc đời này đẹp lắm.
Cảm ơn hai em vì đã là em của chị, chị yêu các em nhất trên đời.
Cảm ơn ông bà nội không chỉ nuôi con mà còn phải chăm các cháu đến năm nay là năm thứ 18.
Cảm ơn ông bà ngoại vì luôn đồng hành, chỉ bảo cháu mọi lúc, và rõ ràng là ông bà yêu thương cháu và thiên vị cháu, dấm dúi cho cháu nhiều hơn hẳn các anh chị em =)))
Cảm ơn dì Phương, bác Lân, cô Chi, cô Mai, ông bà Sơn Sự, các ông bà trẻ, cô chú đã hết mình giúp đỡ chị em cháu trong suốt thời gian qua. Và người chị em ruột thừa Phương Anh, mày như một người chị lớn của tao vậy ❤️
Cảm ơn các bạn của tớ, Hậu, An, Hưng, và hội chị em Hoa, Thảo, Ánh, Trang, Thuý, Nguyệt, các anh em mà tui yêu quý Định, Giang, Luận, Hùng, Tuấn, Dũng, Thành, Hoàng, Lê Kiên, Tiến Anh.... tuy không nói chuyện nhiều nhưng mà thật lòng tao sẽ không bao giờ quên được mọi người ❤️
Cảm ơn các thầy cô đã dạy em suốt những năm qua, thầy Hiền, cô Thu, cô Huyền em rất nhớ mọi người. Cô Liên - bông hoa sen tuyệt vời, cô Ngoan thích đọc thơ tình, thầy Hùng hèn, thầy Trang,... cảm ơn tất cả mọi người đã giúp đỡ em ❤️
Cảm ơn những người mà mình đã gặp, vạn sự tuỳ duyên, mỗi người đều đã để lại trong em ít nhiều tình cảm hay suy nghĩ. Cảm ơn những người tuy không quen thân nhưng đã nhiệt tình giúp đỡ mình hết khả năng của mình, đặc biệt là cô Duyên mẹ chị Ngọc.
Năm rưỡi rồi con không gặp mẹ, con nhớ mẹ nhiều lắm. Hình như cũng đã lâu lắm rồi con không gọi "mẹ ơi". Cô Hạnh thì hiện tại vẫn tốt thôi, nhưng mà chưa đủ để con tin tưởng. Nhiều khi con vẫn không tin được con sẽ không bao giờ có mẹ ở bên trong những lúc khó khăn hay trong dịp đặc biệt nữa. Tấm ảnh tại ngôi trường mà hai mẹ con cùng học tại lớp A4 cũng sẽ không bao giờ có, dự định sẽ đưa mẹ đi Pháp cũng sẽ không bao giờ thành hiện thực. Con nghĩ chắc chả có gì có thể khiến con gục ngã được nữa đâu vì mất mẹ là sự đau đớn nhất mà con phải trải qua ở tuổi 16 rồi. Mẹ ở đó phù hộ chị em con sức khoẻ nhé, giờ chỉ mong các em năng động vui vẻ, con đỗ đại học thôi.
Tự chúc bản thân mình một tuổi mới đầy niềm vui và trải nghiệm đáng nhớ ❤️ HAPPY 18TH BIRTHDAY TO ME!
*Added by Nhi on 11/11
Đúng là tay cầm trường nào đỗ vào trường đó (trước mình thay BA thành HNUE nhưng mà thôi, mang tiếng đỗ kinh tế thì phải khoe ra tí =))) mình muốn ghép logo NEU vào thay cho DAV quá mà bị vướng cái tay nên trông ão ma vch), tự thấy tự hào về bản thân mình một chút mặc dù nguy cơ học lại hoá đại cương là rất cao 🥹
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Hi! i love all of your jobs and i was wondering if you could write something with this prompts? like any of this
- An insecure Zhan Zhao
-A drunk Zhan zhao mistaking Bai jintang for Yutong
- And Bai yutong "forgetting" Zhan Zhao's birthday and instead of spending the day with him he goes out with Feng jie (in my mind he just mistook the days and though his birthday was the next day)
(Although i already asked someone the third one i don't have high hopes of them responding me so :') )
Well, if that other person won't answer that third prompt, then I will anon. Don't you fucking worry.
Zhan Yao was never really a big fan of his birthday.  To him, it was just a day that he had been born on, nothing special, nothing really worth celebrating.  When he was growing up, he had gotten the occasional “happy birthday” from his parents, and maybe a present if his father was feeling generous, but his birthday had never really been a birthday until he met Bai Yutong.  Bai Yutong made his birthdays fun and made him…not hate his birthdays.  Which was something he never thought he would ever say. ~*~*~*~*~*~ It was a regular end of a workday at the S.C.I. office and Zhan Yao was packing up his things to head home for the evening when he saw Bai Yutong heading out, making him raise an eyebrow.         “Yutong?” he called out, making Bai Yutong pause before he walked over to his door and poked his head in.         “Yeah Cat?” he asked.  Zhan Yao tilted his head at him.         “Where are you going?” he inquired.  Bai Yutong smiled.         “Out for drinks with Feng Jie.  Why, you wanna come with?” he asked.  Zhan Yao’s eyes widened and he quickly shook his head.         “No, no…I’m…okay” he replied.  Bai Yutong frowned.         “You sure?  I don’t think he would mind if you tagged along” he assured.  Zhan Yao smiled at him, but it was thin and pained.         “No.  Go have fun.  I’ll see you tomorrow” he bid.  Bai Yutong smiled and nodded before he stepped away from his office and headed out of the headquarters, the other S.C.I. members watching him leave in shock before they looked towards Zhan Yao’s office.         “Did Bai Sir just…” Wang Shao started when Zhan Yao sighed and stepped out of his office, shutting the door behind him.         “Did Bai Sir just forget that today was my birthday?  Yes” he answered.  Bai Chi shook his head.         “But Dr. Zhan, why didn’t you say something?!” he exclaimed as Ma Han nodded.         “It’s you.  Bai Sir never forgets anything when it comes to you” she added.  Zhan Yao shook his head.         “Maybe he did this time…it’s fine.  It’s not like people haven’t forgotten my birthday before” he murmured before he looked at the S.C.I. members and smiled, even though there were tears in his eyes.         “Don’t stay here too late, hmm?” he instructed before he headed out of the office, leaving the S.C.I. members to finish up their work.  As soon as he was gone, everyone looked at each other in shock.         “What the hell?!  I can’t believe Bai Sir completely forgot about Dr. Zhan’s birthday!” Bai Chi exclaimed.           “I know, that’s so unlike him” Jiang Ling agreed.           “Maybe he’s pretending to forget Zhan Yao’s birthday to surprise him later?” Zhao Fu offered.  Ma Han shook her head.         “No…he genuinely looked like he had no idea what day it was” she replied.  Bai Chi frowned.         “Why didn’t Dr. Zhan say something though?” he asked.  Ma Han huffed and looked over at him.         “You know how Dr. Zhan is…non-confrontational” she reminded.  The other S.C.I. members hummed in agreement as Jiang Ling frowned.         “Do you think Bai Sir’s going to remember Dr. Zhan’s birthday or…not?” she asked.  Wang Shao huffed.         “I hope so…or I’d never talk to him again” he grumbled.  Zhao Fu rolled his eyes.         “You’re so dramatic” he murmured.  Wang Shao huffed.         “What, it’s the truth!” he exclaimed.  The others rolled their eyes before they went back to work, their hearts still hurting for Zhan Yao that Bai Yutong forgot his birthday.
~*~*~*~*~*~ Meanwhile, Bai Yutong and Feng Jie were sitting outside of a street vendor’s stall, enjoying their beers and their snacks when Feng Jie looked at him.         “What made you decide to want to hang out today?” he asked.  Bai Yutong shrugged.         “It’s been a long week and I wanted to catch up with my friend while drinking.  Is that such a bad thing?” he replied.  Feng Jie laughed and shook his head.         “No, no, I just thought you’d’ve had other plans this evening” he replied.  Bai Yutong shook his head.         “Nope, no other plans” he replied as he lifted his glass to him.         “Now cheers!” he declared.  Feng Jie looked at him before he huffed and lifted his glass, clinking it against Bai Yutong’s before they both downed the contents. ~*~*~*~*~*~ Later on that evening, Zhan Yao was sitting at his desk, working on some final touches for his lesson plan when there was a loud knock at his door, making him look up in surprise.         “What the hell?” he murmured as he pushed himself to his feet and walked over to the door, unlocking it and pushing it open to find Bai Yutong and Feng Jie standing outside his door, Bai Yutong drunkenly hanging off of Feng Jie, Feng Jie’s arm wrapped around his waist so that he wouldn’t collapse to the ground in a drunken stupor.         “Dr. Zhan.  I apologize for bothering you so late” Feng Jie apologized.  Zhan Yao shook his head.         “No, no…it’s um…it’s fine.  Please, come in” he insisted, motioning for Feng Jie to come inside.  Feng Jie nodded and headed inside, guiding a drunk Bai Yutong over to Zhan Yao’s couch, placing him down while Zhan Yao closed the door behind him before walking over to the couch, grabbing the nearby trashcan that was by his desk.  He then placed the trashcan by Bai Yutong’s head, just in case he vomited, and let out a heavy sigh, shaking his head before he looked over at Feng Jie and smiled apologetically.         “I’m sorry about this.  Thank you for bringing here” he thanked.  Feng Jie nodded.         “I thought about taking him home, but I had a feeling it would be better for me to bring him here.  I hope that’s not a problem” he stated.  Zhan Yao shook his head.         “No, no, it’s fine” he assured.  Feng Jie smiled before he reached out and gave Zhan Yao’s arm a squeeze, making Zhan Yao look at him in confusion as Feng Jie’s smile softened and turned almost sad.         “I know Bai Yutong didn’t say it, but happy birthday, Zhan Yao” he wished.  Zhan Yao’s eyes widened before he dipped his head, his eyes glistening slightly.         “Thank you” he whispered.  Feng Jie smiled and nodded, giving his arm another squeeze before he turned and headed over to the door, opening it before stepping out, closing the door behind him.  Zhan Yao stared at the door for a moment before he looked down at Bai Yutong’s now sleeping form and sighed.         “Stupid Mouse” he grumbled before he headed to the hall closet and opened it, pulling out a spare throw blanket that he kept in case he had guests.  He then walked back over to Bai Yutong and draped the blanket over him, making sure to tuck him in before he walked over to the front door and locked it, letting out a heavy sigh before he looked back at Bai Yutong on the couch and shook his head.         “You idiot…why did you drink so much” he grumbled before he turned and headed to his bedroom, pausing to turn off the living room lights.         “Good night, Yutong” he murmured into the darkness before he continued to his bedroom. ~*~*~*~*~*~ The next morning, when Bai Yutong awoke from his drunken slumber, he let out a groan and clutched at his head.         “Fuck me…why did I drink so much” he grumbled, just as the lights suddenly turned on, causing him to let out another groan and quickly cover his eyes with his arms.         “Oh, you’re awake” a voice mused, causing him to pull his arms away to see Zhan Yao looking at him almost disappointedly.         “Cat.  What are you doing in my apartment?” he asked.  Zhan Yao scoffed.         “Wrong.  You’re in my apartment” he declared.  Bai Yutong frowned.         “How did I get to your apartment?” he asked as Zhan Yao headed over to his coffee maker and began brewing enough coffee for two cups.         “Feng Jie brought you here.  He thought about taking you home but thought it would be better if he brought you here” Zhan Yao answered.  Bai Yutong hummed as he slowly sat up, letting out a yawn as he stretched before he pushed himself off the couch and walked over to Zhan Yao, who silently held out a cup of coffee to him.  Bai Yutong smiled and took a sip of the coffee before he looked at him.         “Happy Birthday, Cat” he wished, a small smile on his face.  Zhan Yao froze before he turned away from him, making him frown.         “Cat?  What’s wrong?” he asked.  Zhan Yao was quiet before he took a shuddering breath and looked at him.         “Bai Yutong…my birthday was yesterday” he whispered.  Bai Yutong frowned.         “What?  No, it wasn’t.  I know when your birthday is, it’s today” he declared.  Zhan Yao shook his head.         “It was yesterday.  My birthday was yesterday” he whispered.  Bai Yutong frowned before he looked at the calendar that was hanging up on the wall and studied the dates before his eyes widened and he put his coffee mug down with a bang, causing Zhan Yao to flinch before Bai Yutong grabbed his face in his hands, making his eyes widen in shock.         “ARE YOU TELLING ME I FUCKING FORGOT YOUR BIRTHDAY?!  AND WENT OUT FOR DRINKS WITH FENG JIE INSTEAD?!” he shouted.  Zhan Yao blinked before he nodded slowly, causing Bai Yutong to hang his head and let out a loud groan.         “Cat, why didn’t you say something?!” he exclaimed.  Zhan Yao shook his head.         “My birthday’s not that important—” he started when Bai Yutong raised his head, his eyes wide, and gave his face a gentle shake.         “Don’t say that.  Don’t you dare say that” he growled, Zhan Yao blinking in surprise.         “Your birthday is important.  It’s important because it’s the day you, my Cat, were born.  So yes, it is important.  If it’s not important to you, then it is important to me.  Okay?” he continued.  Zhan Yao blinked in surprise again before tears began to well up in them and Bai Yutong sighed as he carefully pulled Zhan Yao’s head forward so it was resting in the crook of his shoulder as he wrapped his arms around him.         “I’m sorry, kitten.  I’m an idiot” he murmured.  Zhan Yao sniffled as he wrapped his arms around him and buried his face deeper into his shoulder.         “Yes, you are” he grumbled.  Bai Yutong chuckled and pressed a kiss to the side of his head before he hummed.         “What were your plans for today?” he asked.  Zhan Yao blinked before he pulled away, wiping his eyes.         “Uh, getting ready for work…I have to teach class today—” he started when Bai Yutong pulled away from him and walked over to his computer, turning it on and typing in the password before he quickly pulled up Zhan Yao’s school email account and typed an email.  He then pressed the “send” button before he smiled and turned back to Zhan Yao, who looked at him with wide eyes.         “Bai Yutong, what did you do?!” he exclaimed.  Bai Yutong grinned.         “Cancelled your class” he declared.  Zhan Yao’s eyes widened.         “WHAT?!” he exclaimed as Bai Yutong walked over to him and gently cupped his face in his hand, stroking his cheek with his thumb.         “I fucked up your birthday and now I’m going to make up for it.  We’re going to spend the whole day doing whatever you want to do” he declared.  Zhan Yao blushed before he frowned and gently tapped Bai Yutong’s forehead.         “And what about you?  You’re hungover” he reminded.  Bai Yutong smiled.         “I have a high alcohol tolerance.  I don’t get hungover that easily” he replied.  Zhan Yao frowned.         “Bai Yutong—” he started when Bai Yutong held up a hand.         “I won’t drive.  Okay?  I won’t drive.  We’ll take a taxi, go wherever you want to go, have dinner…the whole fucking nine yards” he declared as he looked Zhan Yao in the eyes.         “I fucked up, Zhan Yao.  Let me make it up to you” he pleaded.  Zhan Yao looked at him before he sighed.         “Alright, fine” he murmured.  Bai Yutong smiled and pressed a kiss to his forehead before he stepped back.         “I’m going to take a shower.  My clothes are still in your closet, right?” he asked.  Zhan Yao blinked before he nodded.         “Mm” he replied.  Bai Yutong grinned.         “Great” he declared as he turned and headed to Zhan Yao’s bathroom, Zhan Yao watching him walk away before he chuffed and picked up his coffee cup, about to take a sip of his coffee when Bai Yutong came running back over to him and grasped his face in his hands again, making him look at him in shock.         “Bai Yutong, what—” he started when Bai Yutong crashed his lips onto his, causing him to let out a muffled noise of surprise before Bai Yutong pulled away, grinning wolfishly.         “Happy Birthday, Cat” he declared.  Zhan Yao blinked, stunned, as Bai Yutong turned and headed back to the bathroom, leaving Zhan Yao standing there in shock before he blushed furiously and took a sip of his coffee.         ‘Stupid Mouse’ he thought to himself, the blush never leaving his cheeks.  As he stood there, drinking his coffee, Zhan Yao thought about Bai Yutong’s offer to make up for yesterday and about what he said about his birthday, and he found that…he couldn’t stay mad at him.  Huh.  Guess birthdays weren’t so bad after all.  Not if he had someone like Bai Yutong to celebrate it with.
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nanachingu · 3 years
Drama Review: In Family We Trust (2018) (Thai Drama)
My first Thai drama review is coming from In Family We Trust (2018). First, let me tell you how I found this drama and decided to binge-watching it. I often see this title when I scroll Netflix but never trying to watch it till someone attach me. My whole reason to start this drama is Thanapob Lee or we can called him Tor. He’s one of the main actor in this drama and I love him in his next drama Hua Jai Sila (2019). I think his acting in that drama is really good, he’s perfect potraying his character so I want to find out his another project. To be honest, before this drama I already see him in several movie like Ghost Lab and May Who? and shockingly he’s cameo in the end of The Stranded (Netflix series) but I don’t have any idea that it’s him all this time. Really Hua Jai Sila make me open my eyes and make me found this worth-watching drama.
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So here I am ready to review this family drama with a touch of mystery and plot twist story that you can find it in Netflix. When I see the title, I already familiar with that name like I think I see this a lot when I scroll Netflix and just need like 3 days to finish this!!! This is one of my favorite genre, I’m weak with family drama and really love with plot twist story. Because this is a family drama, of course there are so many character in this drama. They’re of course a big family, Jiraanan family. Grandpa or called A-goong and Grandma we called A-ma have 5 children (but we only see 4 children in this drama) and of course their children have their family too.
So in the beginning of the story, we’ll be seen that each of Jiranaan family are get along with each other well and prepared to celebrate their A-goong birthday. A-goong and A-ma eldest son is Prasoet, followed by another son called Mate, and they have a daughter called Phatson, and the youngest son is Konkan. I think they have another child that already passed away because we can see one grandson that live together with A-goong and A-ma. Of course their sons and daughter have child too, so the family become much bigger. Let’s see the family tree first so we didn’t confused.
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From the left, the son is Prasoet (Songsit Rungnopakunsi) and right beside him are his wifes. The one in the right is Cris (Sopitnapa Chumpanee) and their son is Pete (JAYLERR). This is the family that he brought into Jiraanan family.
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Little does his family know, he had another son with another women who claimed to be his girlfriend in college. His another wife is Nipha (Apasiri Nitiphon) and his son Chi (Ice Paris). From the picture below, we can see Prasoet really love his second family eventhough they’re not officially Jiraanan’s family. This drama will revolve around Prasoet so finally in the end all know that Prasoet has another family beside his family with Cris and Pete.
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Next, is Mate( Saksit Tangthong) and his daughter Meimei (Sawanya Paisarnpayak). Mate always pick up Meimei at school. This is quite a little family, but Mate really love his daughter and vice versa. The only daughter left in Jiraanan family is Phatson (Kathaleeya McIntosh). Phatson married with a police and automatically her last name changed into Suriyapairoj. They have 4 sons, the eldest is Yi (Thanapob Lee), 2nd is Ern (Captain Chonlathorn), 3rd is Tao (Third Lapat) , and youngest is Toei (Jackie Jackrin) who in the same age with Meimei. To be honest I love this family the most. So lucky that Phatson has 4 son that love and protect her. Next, they didn’t introduce the parents but A-goong and A-ma has grandson that live together with them called Kuaitiao (Porsche). Last, youngest son is Konkan (Lift Supoj). If we can choose which one is the most chill family, we could say that Konkan family is very chill~ They have 2 son, Vegas (JamyJames) and Macao (Ryu Vachirawich). (The parents like casino very much🤣).
So enough with the introduction, and I will tell a little bit of the story before doing an overall review.
This suspense drama revolves around the Jiraanans, a wealthy Thai-Chinese family that operates its own hotels in Bangkok and Pattaya. The drama follows the members of the family, which seem to enjoy a strong and unbreakable bond. But things are not what they seem. One day, the eldest member from the second generation mysteriously turns up dead in the family estate. His nephew Yi, the oldest son of the victim’s sister and the prime suspect in the case, desperately tries to find out the truth. Source: MyDramaList
Before an incident happen in Jiraanan’s family, all of them just celebrate A-goong birthday together. It is so warm to see a big family gather together, it must be a happy day for A-goong and A-ma that they live till now to see their son and daughter with their little family and have a handsome and beautiful grandchilds. We also can see that the grandchilds really love their A-goong and A-ma. It’s like their family are in happiest moment. Even they took a family picture together.
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But who knows, that it’ll be A-goong last birthday. A few days after they gather together, A-goong passed away. This is the real beginning of the story about dark secret that Jiraanan’s family have but no one knows anything about it even the family itself. After A-goong death, it just going worse because of the tradition and old generation believe about differences between son and daughter in the family and honestly A-goong make it worse with his last will that shocking all the family because only his daughter that didn’t accept anything related to their business eventhough she work hard build their family business from scratch. All she got only his father savings; money. Instead, the eldest grandson from eldest son got 1/4 share of the family business. All of it, ended up we’ll see Prasoet the eldest son lying still on the floor.
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Yes, the eldest son of Jiraanan family was shot dead. He was found first by his sister Phatson who came over to his house talking about their father’s will and end up screaming when saw his brother was dead. Another family at that time in their house hear someone screaming and rush to get out to see Phatson panicked and said that Prasoet was shot in his home so they ran and as we can see in the picture A-ma, Kuaitiao, and Meimei saw that Prasoet lying still on the floor in his bedroom. After that this murder case became the talk of the town, get into the news, so police tried to find the motive why the murderer killed him. Honestly, this event create a most damage for Phatson family. As people know, Prasoet rarely confront someone and had enemy but the last thing he argue with someone, it’s Phatson. But I said in this drama, it’s not over till it’s over. We can’t be sure that the killer is his sister itself because as we go through this we could see that Prasoet had a few secret that we didn’t knew before and it could be a motive to someone done a murder. We just need to see it clearly and evaluate it carefully. I’m not gonna give a spoiler in this review, but I think you guys will guess it right like I am.
My first thought about this drama is I like how the story always give us a new plot twist in almost every near-end episode and make us wanna watch the next episode as soon as possible. This is one way to make us never bored by the story and they can wrap it successfully. Although honestly I can guess the biggest plot twist of this story but still it’s interesting because this drama get some details that we can’t get pass and that’s also give us some plot twist. You can’t guess it throughly, like you can guess this overall plot but still you’ll miss the little part of plot twist that make this story much better. Because it’s a story related to family, it’s really deep even when we already know the real murderer and all we need to see is just see the person in trial, in another drama we usually feel relieved and happy finally the killer is captured. But I think this drama makes me feel more sad and broken?? When we all see the truth, I think the circumstances are not getting better. The story really revolves only between Jiraanan family and the story behind it give us more pain than the murder itself. It’s not easy left by people who we loved especially it is a family, but it is more painful when we know that the one who doing it also our family. But I can say that all of this happens because of karma from their all bad action that happened in the past. When we know literally all the truth we finally realized why all of this happen to them, because every each of them are deserved it. But it’s all in the past, so eventually we must move on. In the end, life goes on. They’re still our family. We just need to let go of the past, and open a new chapter because only family is the place that we can lean on again. I can really feel it how every character in this drama just doing everything that they could to save their family. They’re not bad people, they’re just doing everything to protect their family. Lesson learned from this drama;
Family is the most important thing in our life because in the end it’s only family that we can go back into, and only family that will stay on our side and tried the best to support, protect, and defend if we get into problems. They’ll do anything. But without us knowing, the closest person that standing with us that can hurt us the most, is family too. But in the end, because the name of ‘family’ that will lead us back together and family is the only place that we can still lean on. Mistake happens all the time.
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For each family, if I have to choose whose family I love and attached the most, I would say that I really like Phatson family. I can feel their warm family and all of their sons are really get along well. They always root for each other, trying to protect the only woman in the house, their mother Phatson, and the eldest son Yi will do anything to protect and support his family.
One of my favorite scene is when Tao the 3rd son is a celebrity and when he feel he can’t hold back anymore he burst out to his brothers because only them that can give him comfort and feel protected. It’s also my best scene when they give us this brother scene gather together in one room and talking about anything and end up sleeping together on the floor. I can see from that scene, how they think that family is everything and they’ll never let them down because they have each other.
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For the character, I have a few character that I like and attached my attention:
My favorite character; I got 2 character that I love, but first the character that I love the most is (of course) Yi. Despite in this drama his character more leaning to the bold action, like doing anything in a rush, bluntly, and doing a few illegal action but I think he did his best for his family. I don’t understand why he must critized by society in the drama because of his action? I think what he did was right because he already doing everything right and ask everyone that connected but no one helping him instead they just block him away. We can see that he never intented to hurt anyone else too so I’m pro to Yi side. I love his scene with his youngest brother, Toei. If I’m Toei, I’ll cherish Yi all of my life till I die. Because when everything is too hard for him, only Yi that confidently always stand on his side. (okay enough it’s a little spoiler). From this drama, I think I know why Thanapob Lee finally got casted in Hua Jai Sila. I noticed him because his acting in that drama was really really good, I can feel all his emotions there. It turned out here we could see him potray Yi perfectly, and it’ll really help him to get his next drama. He’s not only smart and catch the little detail in his family, but his action is always on point eventhough not all of that is always a right thing. But sometimes to get what you want, you need to do a little more dramatic so the thing you want will show up.
My favorite character; The next character that I like is Pete. Unexpectedly, for sure. To be honest I don’t think that his personality is thaaat nice. It’s about his first impression. When I his first scene with his mother, my first impression of him is he’s a boy who like to spent their parents money for fun and study abroad so he can get away from his parents to have fun🤣🤣 in my opinion; he loves money. TURNS OUT I’m 100% wrong. Pete is the most responsible person in this drama. His responsibility and his fair judgement is the best. He didn’t judge people by his relationship, if he know that this person is wrong then it’s wrong. I love how his attitude to his father’s another family. I just thought he’ll upset and didn’t accept them, turns out he accept them, and he cares them just like his father would do if he’s alive. You deserve happiness, Pete!
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Ice Pariss as Chi. He doesn’t have much screentime but still his character ini this drama really shocked me. Kinda same with Pete. Look the picture above. Both of them looks like they have a personality that have anger issue but actually not. I watched his drama and movie like Bad Genius The Series and Ghost Lab, and I didn’t like his character but I admit that his face suited the most for that kind of personality. Being a jerk, brave action without thinking, not a literally bad person but not really a good personality too. So I thought he’ll become a jerk too since his dad didn’t bring their family to Jiraanan family and only went to their house 1 time/week. So what did he expect? But he has good attitude even to his step brother, he’s really polite and when he know that his family didn’t get single penny from his father’s will he accept it. He didn’t get mad eventhough in the end of his dad ‘s life, his mother was the legal wife. HE ACCEPT IT WHOLEHEARTEDLY. Okay, respect Chi!
From Pete and Chi, I learned that Prasoet maybe not the best brother, best son, best husband, and best father. But he did really well raising both of his sons to the point that his sons really have a good attitude and personality. I adore their personality so much!
(This is one of the difference between this drama and another drama. It is usually the first son didn’t accept that father has another family and another son demand his part from father’s will and clashed BAM!)
My appreciate for Jackie Jackrin for his acting as Toei. I just know him from this drama ( I think) and he’s potraying Toei really good. I can’t tell too much since it’ll become a spoiler but he can pour his soul and heart so well in this drama. I can see how much he adore his brother Yi so much and wanna say that you did it, you made it to survive with your consistency. You didn’t loose yourself just to make you free when your mother told you to do something. I think Yi had a big part that made Toei become a better person and learn from his mistakes.
The most disappointing character of this drama is *give an applause to* Vegas!!! This is the opposite of Pete. I put a lot of hope for him in this drama that he’ll become one of the rightest people but turns out a big nope. At the very beginning he shows us that he’s honest, fair, doesn’t like act wrong and even brave to tell his father lies. He’s the right person. But as the drama continues, we reach a point that Vegas just an ordinary boy who still has heart. His love is bigger than his principle. The only thing that I hope will be released in this drama, turns out it’ll hidden forever till end because of him. It’s the only proof that clearly helping this case but he choose to hide it forever. Another lesson learned I took from Vegas;
Sometimes we just know that human is not perfect. A person who always doing the right thing, eventually will become a bad person if someone we really love and cherish got a problem. They can ruin their life principle as long they can save their loved one. And often happens that the loved ones is Family.
In this family drama we learned that culture and tradition are taking a big part in our family. When a son and a daughter have a big gap in it, when a daughter didn’t considered as part of family just because she married a man and took his last name. Like having a daughter didn’t as good as if having a son. But actually if I think about it, the one who give birth to is a woman????? Why then a son is more valuable descent. They also differentiate their grandson status into a primary grandchild (son and daughter of the son’s family) and secondary grandchild (son and daughter from daughter’s family). But still we couldn’t get rid of the culture and tradition entirely. We just need to adapt well to the good culture and sort the not-so-good culture better.
Overall, I’m really happy that I found this Thai drama. I watch several dramas from Thailand but never found this kind of genre. A family drama that really warms heart but with a touch of mystery and dark secrets in it. But not like another drama that compete for power and will doing everything evil things between family and make things chaos and ruin their relationship as a family because their greedy and selfish will. In this drama we’ll have a dark secret but it’s not always about money, and I still feel their deep kinship, how this problems solved legally but a touch of their kinship because of their dark past. They need to let it go and open the new chapter because life still goes on for the living one.
Since I really love this drama, I’ll give 4.5/5 stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️✨. Thank you Tor for making me found this drama!
“Family is not always about getting along well everytime, but for sure Family is the place that we can always go back in the end no matter what happen.”
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missfangirll · 4 years
Tie your heart to mine
Fandom: SCI Mystery Relationship: Zhan Yao / Bai Yutong Tags: Case fic, Angst with a happy ending Chapters: 3 Summary: Zhan Yao has disappeared.
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By night, love, tie your heart to mine, and the two together in their sleep will defeat the darkness.
--Pablo Neruda, Love Sonnet 79
Chapter 1: Descensus Averno
The world went to hell on a Thursday.
Bai Yutong couldn’t even remember the reason for the fight he had with Zhan Yao that Sunday. It was probably something stupid, like whose turn it was to do the dishes, and yet it was all he was able to think about later.
They had still been arguing the whole drive to the airport, Zhan Yao hadn’t even looked back or said goodbye when he had gotten out of the car, hauling his suitcase through the lobby, his whole body tense, shoulders square, his steps determined. Bai Yutong had watched him until he vanished in the crowd and wished he wasn’t so stubborn. They both were. He loved his cat with all his heart, but living together didn’t always bring out the best in either of them.
Because of the nature of their parting he hadn’t been surprised when Zhan Yao hadn’t called from the hotel that evening, or any other evening that followed. Sad, yes, angry and hurt, but not surprised. He had spent the whole Monday hiding in his office, going over some cold cases a good enough reason not to examine his feelings to closely.
The following days hadn’t been any better and by Wednesday evening he had been determined to pick up Zhan Yao from the airport and apologise immediately, maybe cook his favourite food or take him to see a movie, anything to make things right again.
And then, nothing was right anymore.
On Thursday morning, the hotel Zhan Yao had stayed in called to let him know there had been a mix-up in the reservation and his credit card would be charged twice, but it had been handled and he would get a refund. He hadn’t really been listening to the explanations and apologies, until the caller mentioned she hadn’t been able to reach Zhan Yao this morning and therefore had called him, which made him pause. Slightly alarmed, he tried to make sense of that information. “You mean you called his room and he didn't answer?” “No,” she said in an apologising tone. “He has checked out yesterday evening and I couldn’t reach his mobile phone. Sorry for the inconvenience.”
Bai Yutong felt his stomach drop. “He was supposed to fly back today. Do you have any idea where he might have gone?”
“Sorry,” the clerk said. “He didn’t say, only left last night.”
“Let me call you back”, he said hastily and hung up. While he dialled Zhan Yao’s number from memory, his mind went through a million possible explanations. Maybe he was still mad and therefore hadn’t called? Maybe he had taken an earlier flight? But why wasn’t he home already, a voice in his mind whispered.
The call went straight to voicemail and Bai Yutong stared disbelievingly at his phone, his heart beating painfully slow in his chest.
After this he didn’t waste any more time. He informed the team that their resident professor had gone AWOL and set everyone to work: He called the hotel again to make sure Zhan Yao’s room would be sealed and treated as a crime scene, then had Zhao Fu find the next possible flight and Jiang Ling trace Zhan Yao’s phone – the former with success, the latter not so much, since it apparently had been turned off all week.
Pinching his nose, Bai Yutong muttered a curse, took a deep breath and addressed his team: “Alright, Wang Shao and Zhao Fu are with me. Jiang Ling, you work best behind your own desk, so you stay, Ma Han and the little one”, he nodded to Bai Chi, “will assist you. Call me immediately if you find anything useful.” The chorus of “Yes, Sir!” did nothing to ease his anxiety, but he smiled at them anyway and nodded. “Let’s go. Let’s find him.”
The flight didn’t take long, and when Wang Shao hailed a taxi, Bai Yutong’s mind was already busy making lists and sorting through facts. They arrived at the hotel shortly after noon and immediately went to work, first explaining his case to the – very helpful – manager, who promptly offered a suite to use as a headquarter as long as they would need it.
Searching Zhan Yao’s room wasn’t really enlightening. He hadn’t left anything when he checked out – Bai Yutong noticed he hadn’t even taken the small shampoo samples and his heart clenched in fond exasperation. His cat was honest to a fault, really. Sitting on the bed in the quiet, empty room, he ran a hand through his hair.
Where are you, Cat?
 He felt cold.
 It was a cold that didn’t feel normal, not like being outside on a chilly day or after taking a cold shower. It was odd, somehow, vibrating, like a living being, moving inside him.
 He felt it in his soul, his heart, his bones.
 How curious, he thought.
Sighing, Bai Yutong took out his phone and scrolled through his contacts until he found what he was looking for. Bai Qintang answered after the first ring. “Any news?” He sighed. “No, it’s… He’s…” He trailed off and sighed again, pinching his nose. “This is a nightmare, jie.”
“You’re going to find him, Yutong. I have no doubts about your abilities.”
“Jie, it’s my fault. We haven't spoken in a week. If I hadn't--”
“Oh, shut it!” Bai Qintang blurted. “It’s not your fault and you know it. Stop pitying yourself and start being useful. He’s counting on you, so you need to get your shit together.” Bai Yutong winced at the tone, but knew she was right. He swallowed hard. “Thanks, sis, I’ll try.” He could hear her smile through the phone. “That’s my baby brother!” He rolled his eyes and hung up. Feeling slightly more optimistic, he stood up to gather his team, leading them to the reception desk.
The clerk, the one who had called Bai Yutong and was now very keen to help, remembered Zhan Yao leaving shortly after 8 p.m. the day before. He had given her a rather good tip and asked about a store where he could buy some provisions, which she had told him.
Bai Yutong decided to pay that store a visit. After flashing his badge into the manager’s face – and hoping she wouldn’t look closely enough to see he was from another city – she produced a security tape from the night before, leaving him and Zhao Fu in the cramped store room to watch it. Hunched over the tiny screen, he saw Zhan Yao walk into the store, dressed as impeccably as always, carrying the small black suitcase that had been his birthday gift last year. He vanished from the screen for a few minutes, only to reappear at one of the self-checkout registers, piling his items haphazardly on the surface. Bai Yutong couldn’t make out all of the things he bought, but he recognised a few water bottles, cans of soft drink, lots of chocolate bars and something that looked like a CD case. He frowned. What on earth had his cat been up to?
After Zhan Yao had left the frame with his suitcase and a shopping bag, Bai Yutong ended the recording and stood up. That had been only moderately helpful. Nodding to the manager, he and Zhao Fu left the store and returned to the hotel room to meet with Wang Shao.
Two hours and a lot of empty take-out boxes later, he sat at the low coffee table in his room, socked feet on the table, a coffee mug beside him. The chairs next to him were occupied by his remaining team members, whose faces showed the same feelings that Bai Yutong was sure were on his own as well: frustration, anxiety, exhaustion.
Checking the nearest airport had proved utterly unhelpful. Zhan Yao hadn’t booked or taken a flight there and he didn’t show up on any of the video tapes. It was still possible he had taken a flight from another airport a city over, but Bai Yutong didn’t find that plausible. Zhan Yao was a rational and patient person, he would simply wait for a flight if it was delayed. So, he hadn’t taken a plane. What he had done, however, they could only speculate.
The only thing they were sure about was the shopping he had done before vanishing. And it didn’t make sense either. Why would his cat buy so much food? Shaking his head, he took a sip of coffee. Food. Music. He wouldn't have use for a CD, Bai Yutong pondered, because for all his old-fashioned antics, he didn't actually own a portable CD player. So, he had bought food he couldn't eat, and music he couldn't listen to, unless…
“I got it!”
Wang Shao almost dropped his coffee mug and Zhao Fu startled out of his seat at this outburst, both looking expectantly at him. “Got what?”, Zhao Fu asked.
“What the cat did. Ah, I could kick myself for not getting it sooner! It's so obvious!” The other men looked at each other and then back to their boss. “And…?”, Wang Shao prompted. “The food! The CD! It is so obvious now! He wouldn’t buy so much food for a flight when he couldn’t keep it anyway.” He looked at them, feeling almost giddy with hope.
“He rented a car.”
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spiltscribbles · 4 years
Notes: This was written for the most wonderful, gorgeous and sweetheart babe in the history of ever!!! @omgcmere for her birthday! ILYSM sweetheart! Huge thanks to my babes @pastelle-pvnk and @bibliothesophfor reading over this for me!<3<3
~A reblog is worth a thousand stars~
I am free and that is why I am lost
-Franz Kafka
Henry wakes up the day before classes of his junior year exhausted, hung over, and to a positively shit-eating grin that Pez is boasting while he gleefully pushes open the blinds like the sadistic fuck that he is.
“You’ve become a real tosser ever since making out with my sister last Christmas,” Henry informs him bluntly, stretching out slowly while looking around for his shirt until coming to the realization that the bloke from last night must’ve taken it while on the walk of shame.
Henry really tries his damndest not to think of his ass taking that walk.
“Ah Beatrice, my sun and stars.” Pez magnanimously throws Henry an old henley from his still unpacked suitcase. Tosser status withstanding, He’s still Henry’s best friend, has been ever since freshman year when they found solace in each other being the only two Brits in this entire university— well the only ones that matter, anyhow.
“Oy, did you wake me up at this godforsaken hour just to wax poetic about my sister of all people?” Henry grouses, padding over to their joint bathroom to brush his teeth, wincing only slightly at the already raucous chatter going on in the downstairs of their frat house.
“Believe it or not Haz, dealing with your temperamental arse actually wasn’t on my list to do today,” Pez crows, standing there all put together and fresh and well-rested. Like a fucking monster. “But we’ve got that meeting with the Dean of Student Affairs about the room situation for rush week, and we’re still in that debate with Chi Phi’s president over it.”
Henry glares  at the reminder, a spark of fury running down his spine, and perhaps an extra thudding to his heart, but Henry’ll studiously ignore that.
“God damn Alex Claremont-Diaz.”
“Only took you around three minutes to mention him today,” Pez perks with a knowing leer. “I reckon that’s a new record..”
“Get the fuck out, Pez.”
Henry was seven years old when he realized that his family were the sort of folks that end up on magazine covers and the headlines of salacious talk shows— that his dad was a renowned movie star and his ma’s the cousin of the queen of England. Henry was fifteen years old when he first started to hate as much.  When a nurse assigned to his father's hospital room leaked his death before the doctor even had time to tell them, his damn wife and kids.
Henry was sixteen and lost at sea when Philip and the bloody queen herself sat down with him to tell him that his public presence required a certain sort of image, a  discrete sort of image. An image that didn’t condone printed scarves and lingering hands with the son of a Lord who was two years ahead of him in Eton. Henry was eighteen years old when he ran off to America and learned how to keep everything hush, hush,  becoming untethered to all the bull shit surrounding him.  When he was accepted to Yale, and joined a fraternity and tried his damndest to emulate some douchebag wanker in the likeness of Philip.
And you know what, it was all going as planned until Henry met the infuriatingly arrogant, and downright mesmerizing boy in the rival fraternity. The one with an upturned nose and such big brown eyes and a delicious sort of half grin when Henry challenges him on something, or keeps him on his toes. Though if Henry’s being frank, he likes it most when Alex is keeping him on his knees, when Henry’s mouth is full and Alex’s lips are preening and he’s spouting out a sort of cursed poetry with every flick of Henry’s tongue and bobbing of his head.
Though that’s irrelevant now in the light of day when they’re on opposing sides and Alex is smirking at him from across the way with such irresistible swagger, sporting Henry’s red t-shirt that brings out the specs of golden in his almost molten eyes.
Henry hates him.
“Good morning, sweetheart,” he calls out, just because he knows it makes Henry flush.
“The room’s ours, you prick,” Henry retorts, beyond mulish.
“It’s so cute when you get all flustered, Fox.”
“I’m not joking around, Alexander! That room’s been Alpha Delta Phi’s every opening week since the bloody eighties.”
“Don’t you think it’s time for a change in venue then?” Alex asks with an owlish blink, sliding lower in his seat so that his legs spread even further.
Oh fuck him. Fuck Alex Claremont-Diaz’s stupid cocky attitude and his stupid fucking face and so what if Henry just wants to just fuck him stupid. He can’t win just because Henry’s a weak, weak man.
“The room’s ours, Alex,” he warns lowly.
“You wanna prove it, pretty boy?”
Henry’s eyes flicker to the clock over the office door. It doesn’t technically open for another quarter of an hour, and they’ve worked with less time in even more compromising positions, so Henry doesn’t think twice when he tugs a very caught off-guard Alex into the bathroom down the hall, praying to God that there are no cameras around here.
“Woah there cowboy, didn’t get enough last night?” Alex grins, hands already down to unbutton Henry’s jeans.
“You’re fucking infuriating,” is all Henry says in answer, swatting Alex’s hands away before going down on his knees and tugging down the abhorrently orange basketball shorts Alex has on. God, if Henry actually cared he’d pull Alex aside and give him a lesson on what’s actually excusable to wear in public.
“Now why don’t you try to stay quiet for once,” Henry tells him in a hush, biting lightly on the skin of Alex’s inner thigh before kissing the spot in penance.
“Psha, you — erm, you like it when I’m loud.”
Henry doesn’t argue, isn’t in the mood to lie. Instead he takes him in slowly, tongue lapping around Alex’s tip and pushing down with precision.
“Ah, yeah H,” Alex blurts, about two octaves higher than his normal speaking voice, as his head hits the stall, a shaking hand curled in Henry’s hair while the other one is clenched tight around his shoulder.
Henry lets one of his hands wrap around the base of Alex’s cock as the other inches to Alex’s admittedly fantastic ass, wants this done quick and sloppy and to teach Alex a lesson that he can’t just win every argument by sitting around looking like some sort of brought to life Grecian statue.
“Henry— H,” Alex comes too close to whining, tugs harder on his hair and cants his hips forward. He at least has the decency to look sheepish. “You really need to calm down or I’m,” Alex falters right then, eyes going blown when Henry’s first finger dips into his asshole, hooking in deep before Henry takes a mouth full of him again. He repeats the action another two and a half times before Alex has to frantically tap on his head in warning, and Henry gets to stand up — more than a bit smug — smirking down at a boneless Alex who’s using the stall as his only support.
“I reckon while you clean up here, I’ll go speak with the dean on the behalf of Alpha Delta Phi,” Henry tells him, swiping his mouth with the back of his hand to get rid of the pre-cum still found there.
Alex’s brows hike up as he slowly realizes what Henry has done, breathless while he spews out a fuming, “Bastard.”
“Least you got a consolation prize love,” Henry goads, kissing him full on the mouth before adjusting himself and walking back out to the office.
Alpha Delta Phi gets the room just like they have for the past half century, and Alex fucks Henry senseless for the next week. Balance is restored.
Henry thinks it’s important to note that this thing he has with Alex — well, it’s not even a thing, really. They’re fuck buddies, but no. That would imply that there is some sort of camaraderie found between them, when simply there just is not. It’s a thing of convenience, truly.
The fact of the matter is that they find one another ridiculously hot, but also can’t stand a prolonged conversation without feeling the burning need to wring the others neck by the end of it. They realized as much halfway through freshman year when they had the same English lit class and Henry had to be physically restrained by Pez when Alex was arguing against Henry’s point about Hemingway being oversaturated and a blowhard.
“He’s a classic,” Alex had charged, the snow of early February in New England cascading in his dark curls and catching in his long lashes.
“He’s only adored because he’s got a dick! Why don’t you read Austen or at least a man who has something to say!” Henry had fumed.
“Let me guess, you like Metamorphosis?”
“What do you have against Kafka?” Henry gaped, only just beginning to notice the others eyeing the pair of them. And yeah, it might’ve been bewildering how they’re arguing about literaries from centuries passed in the middle of a bonfire party, but people need to learn how to mind their own fucking business.
“Well dude, if we’re speaking about blowhards, he’s definitely the king of them,” Alex had snorted loftily, taking a swig of his spiked hot chocolate.
“Don’t call me dude,” Henry had sniffed, which made Alex squint at him, more than a bit amused.
“Okay, tell me, does Prince Douche do anything for ya, pretty boy?”
That was the first night Henry grabbed Alex by the collar and showed him what it meant to be an actual blow hard. And well….they never stopped. They didn’t stop the sniping at each other or the razor-tipped barbs being volleyed around, and especially not the fucking. Never the fucking.
But yeah, it’s not really anything, especially not the best thing. It could never be that. And not even just because his shitty family basically told him straight up that Henry could never actually come out in the public eye, Henry’s accepted that, has learned how to slink around those rules to live in some sort of happy purgatory. But the thing is, Henry’s just not a good boyfriend. He’s always too in his own head and he’s not really that attentive, and besides all that, Henry didn’t come to university to meet some bloke and live some gay romance story from the 1900s.
Henry’s here at university to get a degree, to become someone. He’s here because his father always told him to reach for the heavens, to do something beyond himself. Henry wants to be the next great literary, wants to write something that matters, that makes a difference. Something that’ll make Beatrice laugh with no more worry eclipsing the sound, and maybe even something that’ll bring the stars back in his mother’s eyes. Henry wants to say something that’s worth being said.
Henry doesn’t want to have anything getting in the way of that, preventing him from becoming someone important. But regardless, it’s not as if Alex has ever seen Henry as more than a good lay, has made it abundantly obvious throughout the year and a half  of their sleeping around. Most notably, that three month interlude when Alex began dating that boy from the student government, Liam whoever, at the end of last term. Though to be frank, Alex was always far out of Liam’s league, and the week that followed their breakup included some of the most dynamic and mind-blowing sex Henry’s ever experienced.
But that’s irrelevant.
Alex and Henry are only a last resort to one another, and it doesn’t have to mean anything more, it doesn’t have to be complicated, Henry hates it when things get complicated.
Henry’s in the midst of editing his term paper on the impact that Woolf created in the discussion of gender in Orlando when he gets a text from Pez telling him to “stop being a robot.”  
Glaring, Henry ignores the text from Beatrice about David, and the email regarding alpha Delta Phi’s first charity function for this term, and the half dozen snapchat notifications from Alex alone. He instead moves to reply to Pez with a middle finger emoji before he’s accosted by a pair of hands wrapping around his eyes.
“Guess who?” an ever-amused and incredibly buoyant  voice asks.
“A prick?” Henry replies in a deadpan, making it so Alex cuffs him on the back of the head.
“Say dick you douche, you’re in America now,” he commands, taking a seat besides him in the almost empty top floor of the silent library.
“Fuck off,” Henry hisses, rubbing the tender spot. “And since when are you in the library this late?”
“You mean at three in the morning?” Alex says pointedly. “Never, because I’m normal and not a school-obsessed freakazoid like you.”
Henry sticks out his tongue in retaliation because he’s too groggy to come up with anything clever.
“And yet?”
“I’m a good person and dropped off a spare key to a brother who’s wigging out about a midterm,” Alex says, studying Henry with a peculiar amount of intensity. “Saw your pale ass haunting this place like a ghost and thought I’d bug you a little.”
“What is it?” Henry asks moodily, surprised at the lapse of silence that follows before Alex shrugs in answer.
“You’ve got some nasty circles under your eyes, white boy,” he says, not quite as crude as usual but Henry still glares in exasperation.
“So what? You got up in the middle of the night just to help a friend and criticize my looks?” Henry says with a huff, rubbing his strained eyes, only just starting to feel the exhaustion weighing heavy on his shoulders.
“I was at Nora’s place, so I was already up,” Alex says, unwittingly making it so Henry stiffens.
It’s not unusual for them to discuss each other's conquests, but it’s different when it comes to Nora. Henry knows that she and Alex had dated for a stint freshman year before the two of them  crossed paths. She’s a gorgeous and fierce computer sciences major with a minor in mathematics. There’s no way in hell that Alex isn’t still carrying a torch for her, which is fine and all, it’s not like Henry and Alex are anything beyond occasional hookups, but yeah— it still makes it so something uncomfortable is squirming right beneath the surface of his skin. And God does Henry hate it.
“How is she?” Henry asks evenly, ignores the way Alex is searing a hole into the side of his head while Henry adjusts the syntax of one of his topic sentences.
“Fine,” he says in the same detached sort of inflection. “You’re working on that paper for your gender lit class?”
“It’s due tomorrow morning,” Henry answers.
“Haven’t you been done with it for, like, a week?” Alex asks.
“Haven’t you heard that revising is the only way to get a decent paper?” Henry sniffs.
“Dude, I think you’ve edited enough,” Alex snorts. Everything always coming so fucking easy to him, it’s maddening. He’s gorgeous and charming and brilliant and he doesn’t even have to try. But worst yet, it’s not even a big deal to him. Even if he weren’t all those things he never had a family name to live up to, was never expected to be something he was not. Henry’s so fumingly envious but also so goddamn lost on him and  how it is he’s come to be.
“Alexander, is there a purpose for this ridiculous conversation?” Henry lets out a long-suffering sigh. “I really need to get back at this.”
“And what? Not sleep till tomorrow?” Alex snipes.
“If you don’t say anything worth my while in the next five seconds, I'm putting my earbuds back in and ignoring you,” Henry tells him point blank. “Five, four, three—“
Alex’s face goes a furious scarlet, jaw set, before he gets close enough that his breath skirts against Henry’s lips, and his hand finds its way to the front of his trousers.
“I’d really like it if you’d let me jerk you off right now.”
It's Henry’s turn to burn red.
“Do I need to repeat myself?”
“We’re in public.”
“We’re in a dark library in the middle of the night and your weird ass always picks the corner surrounded by the shelves.”
“It’s always quietest,” Henry argues weakly.
“Bet we can change that,” Alex counters smugly.
Henry has already admitted that he’s a weak man, so he’s not surprised when Alex’s challenge actually works and he’s led to the most concealed corner with heated kisses and impatient grappling tugging him closer.
“You’re unruly,” Henry whines when Alex bites down at the hinge where the column of his neck meets his shoulder.
“And you’re really sexy when you’re all focused and nibbling down on that pen,” Alex leers, pulling himself and Henry out of their pants. “Really gets a guy imagining things.”
Henry swallows down, hard.
“What sorts of things?” He asks lightly.  
“You know H,” Alex croons,  gets a hand locked around each of them, knocking the breath out of Henry and making it so he’s gripping at the shelves, bracketing Alex on either side. “You get this little dent between your brows,” he leans forwards and nibbles against Henry’s neck once more. “’S the same one you get right before you cum.”
“Oh yeah?” Henry asks, pleads as he jerks into Alex’s hand, watching the moonlight dancing in his hair and tracing his strong features with a romantic sort of gentleness. Holy fuck, is he beautiful.
Okay, so Henry might’ve said that last part out loud, but he doesn’t even care because Alex’s grin goes lopsided, and he kisses the corner of Henry’s mouth and everything goes a blinding white when Alex strokes him over the edge.
“You are really something, Henry Fox,” Alex says in a voice that’s caught between befuddlement and a sort of wondrous intrigue. Henry can’t really reply though, feels heavy and sated and like he really wants to curl up with Alex. But that’s a ridiculous notion and Henry needs to get those thoughts out his mind or else this’ll all be ruined.
“You’re like an orgasm fairy,” Henry tells him in a yawn.
“I want that for my epithet,” Alex winks, gently pushing Henry’s overstimulated cock back into his briefs and zipping him back up. “I’m calling one of the vans if you want to join, our houses are the same way,”
Henry blinks, confused. “I can’t,” He tells him with a hint of irritation. “I’ve got to finish that paper.”
Alex frowns fully now, pinning him with a one-eyed squint.
“You look like you’re about to drop dead.”
“This’s how I always look after sex,” Henry contends, unconvincing to his own ears.
“You’re gonna run yourself into your own grave if you don’t give yourself a break,” Alex tells him, near fuming.
“Then that’ll be my own doing,” Henry says, steadfast.
“That’s fucking psychotic,” Alex hisses and Henry hates how he can’t understand why this, being here, being worth something greater than just a jumble of letters and familial connection, is so important to Henry.
“’S not your life to live,”  he shrugs, turning away from Alex.
“You don’t have to be the best to be worth anything, Henry,” he calls after him, cutting and cruel and careless.
Henry feels like he’s been caught out, like he can’t breathe. And how dare Alex, how dare he pretend that their situations are at all similar. Like there aren’t chasms separating them.
“Fuck you, Alexander.”
“I mean that’s all you ever want, isn’t it?”
There’s a sound like Alex kicking a chair but Henry doesn’t know for sure, refuses to turn around and check.
It’s been two weeks since the library incident.
Neither of them has texted first, not even glancing in the other’s direction in the one class they share. And it’s good, it’s fine, it’s whatever. Henry’s never wanted anything more than a consistent fuck, and Alex has got dozens of options of incredibly pretty and incredibly smart and incredibly affable people just like him. He doesn’t need Henry and Henry doesn’t need him.
It’s fine.
“It doesn’t look fine, mate,” Pez tells Henry that Friday night with knit brows and a worried expression splayed out all over his face. Henry doesn’t answer in so many words, just tosses him the bird instead. “Right, good talk.”
“It’s nothing, Pez,” Henry insists, taking a drag of his joint and pretending that it helps.
“Then come to the party with us tonight, yeah? It’s Spencer’s birthday and I know he’d be a total mess if you actually tagged along to get drunk with us commoners.”
Henry glares with feeling but accepts the offer merely to prove his point that whatever happened between him and Alex means nothing.
Admittedly, that notion might’ve been thrown out the godforsaken window when the party goes into full swing and Henry finally catches sight of Alex near the beer pong table, laughing with Liam of all fucking people.
They look happy, happier than Henry’s ever seen him.
Henry feels cold all over.
He doesn’t know why he’s acting like this, doesn’t understand the reason why his stomach’s twisting into knots and his veins are spiking with a truly awful emotion and why his ribcage has cracked open, screaming at Alex, telling him to notice, to look at Henry, to see that he’s here, dammit. To see that Henry’s here and whole and has so much to give him even if it looks like the contrary.
Henry doesn’t understand any of it, so he ignores the feelings and races up stairs to his room, crossly slamming his door shut and cursing at his own stupidity.
Like he does whenever he’s overwhelmed, Henry grabs for one of the novels lining his shelf and gets lost in the fictitious lives penned in black and white, lives far away from his reach, lives that Henry could get lost in studying and forget his own for only a little while. It’s what he did when Bea and Philip were doing grown up things and he was stuck at home all alone. What he did for days on end in the hospital room, reading to his father while he faded away bit by bit. It’s what he did to forget the fact that his own brother wants him to hide himself in all his varieties of light.
It’s the one constant in Henry’s life and he does it now, gets lost in the words and tries to forget the throbbing to his own heart.
It’s the first time it doesn’t work.
Henry doesn’t know how much time passes when his door creaks open and he looks up to a face he put to memory long ago, even if he pretended otherwise.
“Cinderella,” he grins, slow and warm like molasses. “‘How cruel, your veins are made of ice water, and mine are boiling.’”
Henry’s heart feels like it’s just lodged into his throat, his eyes never leaving Alex’s own.
“Excuse me?”
“Wuthering Heights,” he says nonchalantly with a one-armed shrug while stepping closer into the room and pushing the door shut. “It’s your favorite book to read when you’re overwhelmed.”
Henry’s lips pinch, sitting up completely now, regarding Alex fully. “Is that right?”
“Mhmm. You like Sense and Sensibility when you’ve done well on a paper. And you have a secret copy of Little Women stuffed under your bed for whenever Bea messages you and you begin to miss her.”
“Don’t tell me you’re a stalker, Alexander,” Henry says, pretending that the butterflies swarming in his belly are just from nerves of speaking to him after so long and not from the pleasure of him knowing Henry without his evening realizing it.
“You’re not that difficult to figure out, Fox. I’ve told you: you’re just a bimbo with great legs and an accent that makes people think you know two shits about anything.” Alex flops stomach first on Henry’s bed, his head resting up against Henry’s thigh. It’s against Henry’s will when his hand moves forwards to card through Alex’s mussed curls.
“Charming, you’re truly so charming, Alexander. Do you know that?” Henry says blithely.
“The newspapers call me charismatic,” he smirks airily, making it so Henry can’t help but snort.
“Says the guy who ghosted me,” Alex counters.
“The phone works both ways, love,” he says condescendingly, hating how something golden and splendid is coiling somewhere deep inside of him, merely to due with Alex’s presence.
“Pfft.” Alex gets up now so that they’re face to face, brown eyes boring into blue. “Do you know what you told me after the first night we slept together?”
Henry doesn’t have the slightest clue, so he just shrugs helplessly. “You’ve got a good mouth?”
“Shut the fuck up, you ass. I’m being serious.”
“So am I?”
“You called me a fucking distraction,” Alex hurls, like it’s been something that’s been clawing against him for a while now, itching to be spoken, clacking against his teeth and finally pouring out with vengeance. “You said you had to do well in your studies and you didn’t need a distraction.”
Henry furrows his brows, confused to the point he’s trying to make.
“And you agreed, if memory serves me well,” He says defensively.
“Yeah, because I wasn’t about to be rejected by some rich, pretty boy.”
“I hope you thought a bit more of me than that,” Henry teases, inches closer to him so that the tips of their fingers touch on the bedding.
“You also have a truly remarkable shoulder-to-waist ratio.” Alex shrugs, and Henry knows he’s trying to be a shit, but he still preens. Likes the reminder that Alex is just as much into him as he is Alex.
“I don’t see what’s wrong here.”
Alex shoves at Henry’s forearm, hard.
“The problem, you prick, is that for some fucked-up reason I was actually into you, like a lot.”
Henry’s head swings up from where it was lazily gazing at Alex’s lips, waiting for a chance to kiss them.
“Like truly into me? Like you want to go steady and out on dates and spend the night in my bed?”
“I mean, whatever the non-old man sounding equivalent of that is,” Alex tacitly agrees, head cocked like he’s trying to parse out Henry’s own feelings.
And for his part, Henry can’t believe what he’s hearing, what Alex’s saying, what he’s confirming. This must be a dream, a figment of Henry’s imagination. Stuff like this doesn’t happen to him, they happen to the protagonists of his favorite stories, not real life.
“Wh—What? Why?”
“Dude, that’s what I’ve been asking myself for the past year and a half,” Alex gripes, rocking back; Jesus fuck, he’s nervous. He’s just admitted all his feelings like that and he’s waiting for Henry to either confirm or shoot him down. Henry’s the one with the upper hand here, and it’s awful.
Holy fuck.
“You—you said you liked me,” Henry says tentatively. “But now, do you—erm, ahem,” Henry coughs awkwardly, and Alex is gracious enough to answer the unspoken query.
“I didn’t break up with Liam last semester because he didn’t root for the Cowboys, dumbass.”
“Oh,” Henry blinks, befuddled, which makes Alex roll his head back so fiercely that Henry’s afraid he might strain something.
“I broke up with him because I’ve got this massive, irrecoverable, disgusting thing for this blonde prick. A douche who puts too much on his shoulders and tries to prove something to someone who isn’t even here, and who is so goddamn dense that I have to spell my feelings out to him like he’s actually a frat bro instead of just pretending to be.”
Henry feels himself going scarlet, feels it how his heart blossoms with wanting, unrestrained and painful in its ferocity.
“But Nora?”
Alex’s face goes blank, and then a sickly green color. “Dude, why are you bringing my sister’s girlfriend into this?”
“Wait—You’re not? I thought you still had a, erm—a thing for her?”
“She’s not the one I just gave a Twilight-level cringe speech to, is she?” Alex harrumphs, crossing his arms and scowling at a point over Henry’s shoulder.
“So, you really like me?” Henry asks hopefully.
“I swear to God, Fox: if you don’t tell me how you feel in the next five seconds I’m going to—“
Alex stops speaking right then, is interrupted by Henry’s slamming lips and desperate palming and long limbs tangling into one another.
“You’re a monster,” Alex pants once Henry’s lips finally unlatch from his and Henry’s almost tearing off his shirt.
“I can’t believe you actually want this,” Henry says in contrary. “I’m a mess, you do realize as much, don’t you?”
Alex looks endeared when he smiles, shrugging helplessly. “I like messes.”
Henry can’t help the laugh he lets out, relishes when Alex finally gets a good hold of him and lays him back so that they’re pressed skin to skin and he’s spouting out nonsense about Henry’s eyes and mouth and dick, each point punctuated  with a kiss across Henry’s protruding collarbone, helps him shed off the last of his clothing.
“You’re so fucking gorgeous,”Alex marvels, making Henry’s cheeks redden and causing him to hide it by kissing along Alex’s jaw.
“I’ve liked you for so long,” Henry can admit in the blanket of night, is soft when he slants their lips back up against each other, back arching when he feels Alex pressing inside of him, stretching him out. He’s always so gentle with Henry, even before this was supposed to mean anything. But, holy fuck, who’s he kidding––this has always meant something, even when Henry pretended otherwise.
“You’re the most stubborn fuck I’ve ever met,” Alex tells him, making it sound like an exaltation. “You always had your mind set, know exactly where you’re gonna go.”
Henry groans when Alex puts in the second slicked up finger, followed quickly by the third.
“Ah-Alex, ‘Lex, please.”
“You’re so smart and beautiful, and you have such a good heart.” Alex just keeps on talking, only stopping occasionally to pepper a kiss on a spot around Henry’s face.
Henry feels his eyes prickle with wetness, knows that it’s a combination of feeling so much and feeling so exposed, so open in Alex’s eyes.
“You’re amazing, sweetheart,” Alex whispers, kisses the tears away before he lines up and thrusts into him, something this side of painful with the first couple canting of the hips, until he hits that miraculous point that makes Henry’s insides go feral and something ferocious unfurl within him.
“Alexander, please. Please, love, please,” Henry pleads, hands scratching against Alex’s back and head tossed with yearning.
“You’re so good, so perfect, Henry,” Alex says like an oath, pushing deeper and harder into him, biting down on Henry and making him shout as he cants his hips up to meet each of Alex’s own.
Alex is spouting out a new round of praises towards Henry’s brilliance and butt and beauty and Henry can hardly handle it, feels the white streaks landing on his belly right before Alex begins speeding up in a graceless round of thrusts, finishing  with a blown out expression, slowly pulling out and tossing the condom to the trash bin beside the bed.
He collapses half on top of Henry but he doesn’t mind, moves slightly so that the blanket is covering the both of them and kisses Alex’s shoulder tenderly.
“I think I might love you,” he whispers, snuggling closer to Alex.
“Good,” he yawns, slings an arm around Henry’s torso and curves against him. “Makes us even.”
Next week Henry calls Philip and tells him to kiss his ass, and that he doesn’t have to prove shit to anyone.
“You’re sexy when you’re mad,” Alex tells Henry when he hangs up.
“You always think I’m sexy,” Henry sniffs loftily.
“Guilty as charged.” Alex shrugs, pulls up to kiss him senseless once more, making everything go delirious.
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sounds-right · 5 months
Happy 25th Birthday Circus beatclub - Brescia: il 24/4 ecco Andrea Oliva
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Sono prima di tutto due party con dj internazionali dettano il ritmo del 25esimo compleanno di Circus beatclub - Brescia. L'evento è comunque in entrambi i casi Panorama, l'appuntamento house che vede in console come dj resident uno dei talenti italiani emergenti in quest'ambito, ovvero Albert Marzinotto.
Mercoledì 24 aprile in console come special guest c'è il top dj svizzero Andrea Oliva, che tra gli altri è uno degli artisti di riferimento di ANTS, party del sabato notte al mitico Ushuaia Ibiza. Decisamente esperto, propone musica da una vita. Dopo aver imparato da solo a fare il DJ all'età di 13 anni, Andrea ha iniziato a lavorare in un negozio di dischi dove ha costruito la sua vasta collezione di promo e white label europee e non solo, e si è presto assicurato prenotazioni in alcuni dei migliori club svizzeri, fino a ottenere residenze al Terminus e al Pravda. Con la crescita del suo status in patria, Andrea si allea con il proprietario del Nordstern di Basilea, Agi Isaku, e il duo si ritrova presto a organizzare feste "Banditz" da tutto esaurito in tutta la Svizzera. La sua fama lo porta in tutto il continente e fino a Ibiza, dove nel 2004 viene invitato per la prima volta come DJ allo Space. Da allora la sua carriera è in costante crescita.
Ed eccoci al party del 30 aprile al Circus beatclub - Brescia, ancora una volta Panorama. Questa volta al mixer come special guest insieme al dj resident Albert Marzinotto ci sono i Solardo. 
Circus beatclub - Brescia che si balla dall 19/4 a fine stagione (4/5)
ven. 19/4 Off Beat feat. Vida Loca
sab. 20/4 Candy Crush
mer. 24/4 Panorama by Andrea Oliva
gio. 25/4 Rehab with Dj Mercy
ven. 26/4 Off Beat
sab 27/4 Crush Humble Night
mar. 30/4 Panorama by Solardo
gio. 2/5 Rehab - Closing Night
ven. 3/5 Off Beat - Closing Night
sab. 4/5 Crush - Closing Night
Circus beatclub - Brescia
www.circusbeatclub.com [email protected] 
info +39 333 210 5400 (WhatsApp)
Via Dalmazia 127, 25125 Brescia
ingresso a pagamento con consumazione
Come ogni anno, ed è un vero record nel panorama italiano, anche per la stagione '23 - '24, Circus beatclub si rifà il look: alle pareti un color ghiaccio scuro perfetto per il futuro (e pure per il presente), impianto luci tutto nuovo, schermi e mirrorball che si muovono durante la serata, nuovi divani, nuova console a cui si accede in modo diverso... chi balla al Circus balla sempre nello stesso club, certo, ma proprio da questa stagione il club sarà sempre diverso grazie ad allestimenti, scenografie ed interventi particolare. 
Lo slogan mette energia: : "future is now", il futuro è adesso. Il ritmo del video disponibile sui social è forte ed elettronico, ma la voce che lo accompagna è calda, latina, come a mettere insieme la forza i suoni del futuro con la voglia di far tardi con il sorriso, con gli amici di sempre.... 
Il giovedì è Rehab, con sonorità hip hop anche internazionali ed il ritmo di Jay K. La domenica Panorama porta in console per ogni serata un top dj italiano attivo in mezzo mondo che sarà resident di un appuntamento già molto atteso, dedicato ad un pubblico che si accontenta solo del meglio. Ecco poi il venerdì e il sabato, da sempre il cuore del divertimento pop al Circus beatclub, che è gestito anche in questa stagione '23 ' - '24 dal gruppo guidato da Antonio Gregori, lo stesso che ha portato al successo anche MOLO a Brescia, grande disco estiva ed il River a Soncino (Cremona), aperto tutto l'anno. Il venerdì al Circus è OffBeat, una notte dedicata a sonorità sempre diverse e scatenate, mentre il sabato è Crush, dedicato agli artisti della Circus Family: Toma e Brio alla voce, Dr.Space in console e tanti, tanti altri. 
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tarditardi · 5 months
Happy 25th Birthday Circus beatclub - Brescia: il 24/4 ecco Andrea Oliva
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Sono prima di tutto due party con dj internazionali dettano il ritmo del 25esimo compleanno di Circus beatclub - Brescia. L'evento è comunque in entrambi i casi Panorama, l'appuntamento house che vede in console come dj resident uno dei talenti italiani emergenti in quest'ambito, ovvero Albert Marzinotto.
Mercoledì 24 aprile in console come special guest c'è il top dj svizzero Andrea Oliva, che tra gli altri è uno degli artisti di riferimento di ANTS, party del sabato notte al mitico Ushuaia Ibiza. Decisamente esperto, propone musica da una vita. Dopo aver imparato da solo a fare il DJ all'età di 13 anni, Andrea ha iniziato a lavorare in un negozio di dischi dove ha costruito la sua vasta collezione di promo e white label europee e non solo, e si è presto assicurato prenotazioni in alcuni dei migliori club svizzeri, fino a ottenere residenze al Terminus e al Pravda. Con la crescita del suo status in patria, Andrea si allea con il proprietario del Nordstern di Basilea, Agi Isaku, e il duo si ritrova presto a organizzare feste "Banditz" da tutto esaurito in tutta la Svizzera. La sua fama lo porta in tutto il continente e fino a Ibiza, dove nel 2004 viene invitato per la prima volta come DJ allo Space. Da allora la sua carriera è in costante crescita.
Ed eccoci al party del 30 aprile al Circus beatclub - Brescia, ancora una volta Panorama. Questa volta al mixer come special guest insieme al dj resident Albert Marzinotto ci sono i Solardo. 
Circus beatclub - Brescia che si balla dall 19/4 a fine stagione (4/5)
ven. 19/4 Off Beat feat. Vida Loca
sab. 20/4 Candy Crush
mer. 24/4 Panorama by Andrea Oliva
gio. 25/4 Rehab with Dj Mercy
ven. 26/4 Off Beat
sab 27/4 Crush Humble Night
mar. 30/4 Panorama by Solardo
gio. 2/5 Rehab - Closing Night
ven. 3/5 Off Beat - Closing Night
sab. 4/5 Crush - Closing Night
Circus beatclub - Brescia
www.circusbeatclub.com [email protected] 
info +39 333 210 5400 (WhatsApp)
Via Dalmazia 127, 25125 Brescia
ingresso a pagamento con consumazione
Come ogni anno, ed è un vero record nel panorama italiano, anche per la stagione '23 - '24, Circus beatclub si rifà il look: alle pareti un color ghiaccio scuro perfetto per il futuro (e pure per il presente), impianto luci tutto nuovo, schermi e mirrorball che si muovono durante la serata, nuovi divani, nuova console a cui si accede in modo diverso... chi balla al Circus balla sempre nello stesso club, certo, ma proprio da questa stagione il club sarà sempre diverso grazie ad allestimenti, scenografie ed interventi particolare. 
Lo slogan mette energia: : "future is now", il futuro è adesso. Il ritmo del video disponibile sui social è forte ed elettronico, ma la voce che lo accompagna è calda, latina, come a mettere insieme la forza i suoni del futuro con la voglia di far tardi con il sorriso, con gli amici di sempre.... 
Il giovedì è Rehab, con sonorità hip hop anche internazionali ed il ritmo di Jay K. La domenica Panorama porta in console per ogni serata un top dj italiano attivo in mezzo mondo che sarà resident di un appuntamento già molto atteso, dedicato ad un pubblico che si accontenta solo del meglio. Ecco poi il venerdì e il sabato, da sempre il cuore del divertimento pop al Circus beatclub, che è gestito anche in questa stagione '23 ' - '24 dal gruppo guidato da Antonio Gregori, lo stesso che ha portato al successo anche MOLO a Brescia, grande disco estiva ed il River a Soncino (Cremona), aperto tutto l'anno. Il venerdì al Circus è OffBeat, una notte dedicata a sonorità sempre diverse e scatenate, mentre il sabato è Crush, dedicato agli artisti della Circus Family: Toma e Brio alla voce, Dr.Space in console e tanti, tanti altri. 
0 notes
elenascrive · 4 years
Un altro compleanno è ormai passato e questo targato 2020 si preannunciava alquanto strano e confuso, per via ovviamente del delicato momento storico che tutti quanti stiamo vivendo ormai da due mesi a questa parte. Le aspettative per questo erano piuttosto basse così come anche le speranze, le stesse che più si avvicinava il momento e più sembravano sparire, creando un’attesa quasi del tutto assente e perciò insopportabile. Per certi versi è stato peggio del 2018, quando allora mi è toccato festeggiare senza una casa e con un mucchio di domande in cerca di precise risposte. La malinconia stavolta è stata più forte da sopportare, nonostante fossi convinta che come allora non l’avrei più subita... ed invece per l’ennesima volta non ho fatto i conti con l’imprevedibilità della vita, la stessa che quando pensi di averla in pugno Ti scappa in un secondo, poiché essa non si può ingabbiare, va lasciata libera... ed ecco che quest’anno ha deciso di sorprendermi regalandomi un compleanno insolito dal sapore nuovo, provando così emozioni sconosciute giacchè mai provate prima d’ora, che hanno finito con il travolgermi come un fiume in piena, imprimendosi sul Mio cuore per non morire.
Questo 13 aprile 2020 partiva sotto buoni auspici, a cominciare dal fatto che dopo tanto tempo tornava ad essere il Lunedì dell’Angelo o di Pasquetta. Mi mancava celebralo dunque come doppia festa e l’idea mi allettava parecchio. E poi mi piaceva anche l’idea che dopo gli ultimi 3 trascorsi a lavorare, stavolta potevo darmi all’ozio totale, svegliandomi quando lo volevo Io per iniziare. Programmino stravolto in favore del Piano B. A lavoro ci sono andata lo stesso prolungando così la Mia striscia “positiva” per il 4° anno consecutivo, con sveglia alle 4.20, inizio previsto per le 6 e una giornata che si preannunciava intensa quanto interminabile. Con il senno di poi posso senz’altro esclamare: menomale! Il Mio lavoro è stato perciò la Mia Salvezza e non solo per questa ragione ma anche e soprattutto perché quelle stesse mura sono divenute essenziali, giacché in un attimo si erano trasformate nello scenario ideale per festeggiare un’occasione così importante. Ebbene sì, la Mia festa di compleanno seppur surreale alla fine sono comunque riuscita ad averla, questo grazie all’affetto incredibile di colleghi/amici e del capo che in un battibaleno mi hanno spiazzata riempiendo il Mio cuore d’infinita e tagliente commozione, in particolar modo quando ho sentito intonare “Happy Birthday” insieme al Mio nome, accompagnato da scroscianti applausi e da bellissimi sorrisi tutti unicamente per Me! Chi se lo poteva aspettare? Neanche immaginandolo ci sarei riuscita! È stata una sorpresa nella sorpresa che mi ha lasciata a bocca aperta, seppur coperta dalla mascherina, ormai immancabile come occhiali o altri oggetti di uso comune. Fortuna che almeno gli occhi erano liberi di manifestarsi come meglio credevano: completamene lucidi e vogliosi di piangere per l’incredibile gioia che stavano provando. Nemmeno loro riuscivano a credere a ciò che stavano assistendo! Ripensandoci però è un bene che avessi la mascherina, se non altro perché mi ha aiutata a non parlare tanto, visto che quel poco che ero riuscita a proferire era a dir poco incomprensibile, perlomeno potevo dare la colpa ad essa. La Mia timidezza eccessiva non mi ha permesso di manifestare sino in fondo ciò che stavo provando in quel momento solo e soltanto Mio, tentando a tutti i costi di farmi da parte; si sa stare al centro dell’attenzione non è il Mio forte, e spero che le persone presenti abbiano capito ciò. Inoltre spero che siano riusciti ugualmente a percepire la grandiosa felicità che stavo provando per il Loro toccante Gesto, che ha trasformato questo Compleanno in qualcosa di assolutamente Magico e di veramente Unico! Come ad ogni buona festa che si rispetta ovviamente non sono poi mancati i dolci, a casa c’era ad attendermi anche la torta, e persino qualche regalo strappato all’ultimo momento in qualche supermercato, l’unico luogo dove ancora puoi comprare qualcosa, e perfino qualche intenso sguardo e...degli abbracci appena sfiorati donati con la giusta precauzione. Dio solo sa quanto ne desiderassi uno e questi qui devo ammettere che mi hanno fatto palpitare non poco! Per non parlare poi degli auguri ricevuti, che mi hanno commossa certamente di più! Alcuni di questi sono stati a dir poco entusiasmanti. Mi avete colpito tutti, poiché avete cercato con ogni mezzo di farmi arrivare il Vostro calore che mi ha permesso di sentirmi al settimo cielo e ben voluta in questo Giorno a Me Speciale, e ciò di sicuro vale mille volte di più della classica festa con brindisi, invitati, regali e divertimento. Ecco perché considero questo un Compleanno da ricordare, poiché nonostante sia stato diverso, il più strano e assurdo della Mia Vita giacché costretta da restrizioni, distanze, guanti e mascherina, è stato comunque Formidabile, da incorniciare, semplicemente perché ho ricevuto ciò di cui ho sempre bisogno: l’amore addosso. Nonostante la distanza imposta, vi ho sentiti tutti vicini e felici di festeggiarmi, perché non esiste coronavirus contro L’Amore vero! Grazie di cuore a Tutti per avermi fatta sentire come una Regina, l’unica a meritare la corona.
Vi voglio bene,
dal profondo del cuore
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