#happy (belated) birthday hajime
heich0e · 4 months
iwaizumi got a lower back tattoo on his 21st birthday.
if you showed one hundred people in the street a photo of 30-year-old hajime, and then surveyed them as to whether or not they think he has a lower back tattoo, it's unlikely more than one of them would say yes—and even the one who did probably just misheard the question. it's as unbelievable a thought as any, and still somehow it's true.
he was 21, legally drunk for the first time in america, and hanamaki and matsukawa had finally come to california to visit him to mark the occasion. it was kind of a stupid trip, they realized afterwards, because issei and hiro were still only 20 and couldn't even go out to the bars near UC irvine that all of iwa's college friends were inviting him out to for the first time.
but he didn't mind.
he bought them beer and sugary canned cocktails from the convenience store near campus using the birthday money his nanay sent him, silently repenting in his mind as the store clerk in the polyester vest rang the expensive purchase through. then they all got drunk in iwa's tiny student apartment while they played video games, called oikawa, and eventually wandered out into the warm california night in search of food.
the details beyond that are fuzzy, but the lines inked into the little space at the bottom of hajime's spine are not—even after nine whole years.
most people have no idea about the tattoo—and hajime has gone to great lengths to keep it that way. he wears a compression t-shirt at the gym so there's no risk of it riding up and accidentally revealing it. he orders patches to conceal it on the rare occasion he goes to onsens. he never showers with the athletes at work, always either opting to shower at home, shower after the team, or use the staff facilities when available.
but in spite of all of that, he's not embarrassed of it.
he doesn't even really regret it.
it's just not anybody else's business.
the ink on his skin is a secret kept between him, matsukawa, hanamaki, the guy who tattooed him, and oikawa who was screaming on facetime in the background while it happened.
and now you, too.
your hand snakes up the back of hajime's sweatshirt as he stands at the stove preparing breakfast, cool fingertips tracing the curls of ink even without seeing them—having long mapped them to memory. hajime suppresses a shiver, not expecting the contact, as you crowd yourself closer to his back and lean your weight against him.
"i was trying not to wake you," he says quietly, the hand not holding the chopsticks he's flipping his omelette with reaching behind him in search of you.
"you didn't," you murmur into his back, catching his seeking hand in yours and twining your fingers together. "smelled food."
hajime laughs to himself, his eyes crinkling. he squeezes your fingers tightly as his heart thuds in his chest.
underneath his sweatshirt, your nails rake lightly against his skin.
"shouldn't i be making your breakfast?"
hajime transfers his omelette to the plate waiting beside the stove, flicking off the burner and then turning to face you. he wraps his arms around you and holds you properly now, your face burrowing into the collar of his hoodie the way you always do, his nose brushing your temple.
"wanted to let you sleep a bit longer," hajime grunts out, his cheeks burning a bit hot—still shy, sometimes, even after so much time has passed. "thought you might be tired after..."
you snort, your head popping up to look at him. "after you fucked me within an inch of my life into the wee hours of the morning?"
the fire burning under hajime's skin grows even hotter. he splutters a little, and struggles to meet your gaze.
"i'm not tired," you whisper, a mischievous smile tugging at your lips. the incorrigible one he fell in love with. "we were celebrating, after all."
hajime's eyes are burning a little bit, to complement the stinging in his cheeks. you lift your hand up to his face so you can feel the heat of his skin, and he rests his own hand—larger, more calloused than your own—to rest overtop of it. he looks at you, and sees happiness reflected back at him in your gaze. so fathomless he thinks he could drown in it.
hajime turns his face into your touch, and his eyes flutter closed as he noses against your palm.
he presses a kiss there. soft. adoring.
then another, just slightly higher, to the ring he put on your finger the night before.
he peeks at you again, that same heat in his cheeks, though not nearly as unbearable.
he's got another secret he doesn't regret now, one just as permanent as the ink in his skin, but this one won't stay hidden long. eventually he'll call his parents, and his nanay will probably get teary. then he'll tell his friends, who will put his mother's tears to shame. he'll leave the tattoo artist out of it this time, though—wherever that guy is now.
"happy birthday, hajime," you whisper to him with a smile he can't help but return.
he might keep this secret between the two of you today, though. just for a little while longer.
it'll be his gift to himself.
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toorues · 4 months
❝ i had no idea the view from up here would be so breathtaking. ❞ ok imagine. timeskip iwaoi but theyre BOTH pro vball players on the same team (idc which one. you can decide<3) and they just won gold haha <- person whos always hated that hajime didnt go pro
when hajime announced that he was going overseas with tooru, tooru had thought he meant it in an oblique way, as in: i’m going overseas too, but to a different country; or, i’m going overseas with you, to study bio-engineering at the nearby university — which would have been more out of left field than what actually happened, but since that hypothetical turned out to be off base, there was no point dwelling on it.
(so maybe leaving japan felt like running away a little bit. maybe he felt a little guilty about dragging hajime through years of volleyball. not that guilty, obviously, since hajime clearly enjoyed playing, even if it wasn’t to the same degree that tooru enjoyed it. or so he thought.)
what tooru needed to process was the fact that hajime had chosen to pursue a career as a volleyball player. in a professional league. on the same team tooru had made plans to join. in argentina.
at that time, he’d felt a little like his spotlight got stolen, but hajime had never shown signs of wanting the sort of attention that tooru craved, so tooru supposed he could be generous in this case and learn to share.
“dumbass,” he could imagine hajime’s voice running commentary on his thoughts, a fond note threading through it as he says, not unkindly, “stop thinking the world revolves around you.”
when the time came to go, tooru thought they’d burst onto the scene like a display of fireworks, dazzling everyone with their skills and unbeatable teamwork. hajime, more realistically, told him that he was being stupid and they’d only just lit the match, not even the fuse.
“fireworks fizzle out and die almost immediately, anyway.” — iwaizumi hajime, oikawa tooru wrangler and best friend.
he hates to admit it, but hajime might’ve had a point. between living in a country he could barely communicate in and playing with a professional team who were leagues above him in hindsight, tooru had been woefully underprepared and immediately overwhelmed by … well, for lack of a better word — life.
still, when he boiled it down to the microcosm of the two of them, it’d taken them no time at all to settle in and figure out a routine. tooru suspects that he would’ve been worse off without hajime by his side, which was a stupid thing to doubt from the beginning since it was a foundational principle of the universe that they were better together, but he was especially thankful for his best friend in this specific phase of his life.
the thing about them is this: tooru keeps shooting for the stars, hajime keeps him grounded. they were icarus and someone icarus should’ve had around, probably, because tooru may not have wings of wax but he was prone to burnout all the same, and hajime was a rational person who had twenty years of experience dealing with tooru. the point is that however they worked, they worked.
(sometimes, he wonders if hajime would have come to argentina if not for him. and then hajime kicks his ass at practice, which leaves tooru with other things to worry about, like keeping up with his best friend who he may potentially have dragged here and was now showing him up, the ungrateful son of a lovely pair of mothers.)
but life goes on. tooru grows up. he stops begrudging hajime his moments of being right, too occupied by the list of worries that refused to stop growing. practice continued to be grueling, matches were always unpredictable and therefore stress inducing, hajime remained by his side.
(sometimes, he wonders…)
the world may not revolve around me, tooru thinks to himself, but iwa-chan, sometimes it feels like you do.
time passes. at some point and despite the lack of conscious input, tooru has a paradigm shift. he doesn’t know when he reached this particular conclusion: maybe he woke up one day with it, or maybe it struck him at training, or maybe he was scrolling through social media one day and read an inspirational quote that led him to the thought:
if hajime came here because of me, then i have to take him all the way to the top.
the worries shifts into resolve.
“as long as we’re together,” tooru remembers a younger version of himself saying, writing their names out next to each other, “we’re invincible.”
when it happens, tooru doesn’t remember the time that passed in detail, can only recall snapshots of moments, hajime by his side in every significant portrait.
“i had no idea the view from up here would be so breathtaking.” hajime admits, flushed with joy and pride and victory.
when it happens, it feels like everything else pales into insignificance. because what happens is this, in order of importance: hajime is by his side. they lift the trophy into the air, and it’s not like fireworks at all. the feeling doesn’t dissipate or fizzle out, instead solidifying into a mass of satisfaction, not unlike resolve. their eyes meet, an ace and his setter.
iwa-chan, he thinks as his mind works rapidly to process the new paradigm shift, maybe i’ve been revolving around you all along, too.
“i told you i’d bring you here,” tooru grins, filing that thought away for later. he wraps an arm around hajime, keeping him close. “and we’re not done yet. this is just lighting the match, remember?”
@piliyi, prompt.
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ariapmdeol · 11 months
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i made this for his birthday six months ago and never posted it to tumblr... better late than never, happy birthday hajime hatsutori!
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thelittlepie · 5 months
Happy Belated Birthday Tohru!
So I forgot that her birthday was in May, but hey, a late birthday wish is still a wish.
Kyo had planned and prepared all the nice things to surprise her; a dinner, an actual nice present that he specially ordered, and even a beautiful medium sized bouquet, because the big ones are way too pricey and they are kinda in a tight budget. But none goes as planned. It was raining heavily so they couldn't go out for dinner that night. His present for her was back ordered, and the bouquet was in a puddle somewhere. After apologizing for not being so good at these kinds of stuff to his beloved sweet beautiful wife, he had to go to plan B.
So here he is, unwrapping his new birthday present for her: himself. Because he can, and he will.
Anyway, no Tohru can say no to that face.
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And that folks, is how they ended up with baby Hajime.
Edited with more coverage version. 🤣
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el-costae · 4 months
took a drawing break since it's finals week but i did not hold myself from writing
if you see a recent nishiazu fanfic somewhere in ao3, there's a chance that i'm the one who wrote that. happy (belated) birthday iwaizumi hajime, he earned a vital role in my written works, thank you to my friend who told me he's also probably half-filipino, i'll do my best to write both japanese and pinoy culture 😩🔥🙏
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ciaossu-imagines · 1 year
You know, one of your Day Three suggestions is really fitting because it’s a friend’s birthday today so I want to ask in her stead, what would Munakata, Kuroh, Akutagawa and Hajime, Mitsuru do for their s/o’s birthday?
Wow! A super-duper belated happy birthday to your friend! Thank you so much for sending in this cute request and I am sorry it took so long to get back to you, but I hope both you and your friend enjoy the headcanons!
So, Munakata is definitely the type, in a romantic relationship, to really want to celebrate all the important dates with his partner. Birthdays, anniversaries (first date, first month together, yearly anniversaries, anniversaries of saying I love you)…honestly, he’s really kind of a sap when it comes to any sort of special date in the relationship and he remembers those dates off the top of his head, thanks to his terrifyingly excellent memory. He’ll never forget his partner’s birthday and he starts thinking of what to do for it weeks in advance.
Munakata will actually celebrate his partner’s birthday twice. He’ll want a more public birthday party for them, where they can be celebrated with the other Scepter 4 members (since it’s important to Munakata, who views Scepter 4 as both a ‘business’ and a ‘family’, to include them in his life, including his life with his romantic partner) and with the friends that are important to his partner. It won’t be over the top and lavish, since that’s not Munakata’s style, but it will be the bigger of the celebrations. On top of that, he definitely wants a more private celebration, where it’s just him and his romantic partner together for a whole day, one of the few days he’ll take off (as much as he can). What they might do that day really depends on what he thinks will make them happiest in the moment – if they seem bored, he’ll try to make it more exciting and adventurous of a day but if they’ve been swamped and seem stressed, he’ll try to make it a really relaxing day for them.
Munakata is such a bad gift-giver. Literally, so bad that it’s almost shocking. So, while he definitely gets his partner at least one gift, though usually more, they’re not great gifts. He tends to give either overly practical gifts or very eccentric or not well thought out gifts – things that he thinks they could have fun doing together that aren’t really his partner’s thing, stuffed animals that are ugly-cute at best, or gifts that he thought they would like and that boggle his partner’s mind as to how he got that impression. He always gives them flowers though, first thing in the morning on their birthday. Unless they’re allergic to flowers, in which case he gives them a bouquet of fake flowers…it’s the thought that counts.
Kuroh is another one who really is great at remembering special dates, like his partner’s birthday. He’s not into grand celebrations and he wouldn’t be comfortable planning anything like that for his partner, even if they would like it, but he remembers their day and he does make special plans for it. He always takes time, about a week before their birthday, for him to sit by himself and really pour over every word, on tape and in his memory, that Miwa said about birthdays, and he lets himself be moved by his master’s words in how he’ll approach his partner’s birthday that year.
Kuroh is definitely the type to really want to celebrate his partner’s birthday with just him and his partner. If his partner really wants to celebrate with friends, he’ll request that they do so maybe the day after or before their actual birthday, since he wants to be a little bit greedy and have them all to himself that day. He does plan things for them to do that day and he takes care of the birthday supper and the cake all by himself. It’s the one day of the year where he won’t gladly welcome his partner into the kitchen to play sous chef for him. It just doesn’t seem right for them to have to make their own birthday meal to Kuroh, and he’ll insist on them being nowhere near the kitchen, usually drawing them a hot bath full of whatever bath additives they enjoy most while he cooks, just so that their birthday meal, made with all his love, is a surprise for them.
Kuroh doesn’t really hold much stock in material possessions or buying a lot of gifts, though he does try to get his partner something for their birthday. It’s usually something really small though, with the main gift being the experiences they share together that day, all of his undivided attention and time, and something hand-made, like the meal they’ll share together.
Honestly, not going to lie at all. Akutagawa is the most likely, out of everyone on this list, to completely forget his partner’s birthday. But, at the same time, just saying that he actually forgets his own birthday and the birthdays of everyone else he knows, so it’s not done out of any malice or apathy towards his partner. It’s just that birthdays really are pretty meaningless to Akutagawa, who hasn’t really ever celebrated his own birthday in any special way.
It will either be Gin, Higuchi, or his own partner who will remind him of the fact that the day is his partner’s birthday. If it’s Gin or Higuchi, Akutagawa will snap at them that of course he remembers and then quickly excuse himself…and then he’ll stress himself out a little by quickly playing damage control as he goes to grab a last-minute birthday card and a cake, which is what he assumes is what you do for a birthday. He’s really bad at gift-giving too, usually just grabbing whatever the media has told him is ‘trending’ or ‘romantic’, like flowers, jewelry, stuffed animals, candles, perfume, etc. His gifts are very generic, not really tailored to his partner, but he is trying his best.
If it is his partner that has to call him out on forgetting their birthday, there might actually be a little bit of an argument because Akutagawa will honestly feel a little guilty and embarrassed to have forgotten and this boy is horrible at dealing with his feelings and lashes out to avoid having to really do so. His partner is probably already used to that bad habit of his and hopefully won’t take his words too much to heart. He will apologize, later on, for forgetting and will try to make up for it, in whatever way his partner would like for him to do so, if it’s within his power and agreeable to him.
Hajime does remember his partner’s birthday most of the time. Like 99% of the time, he remembers and the other 1% is usually just him forgetting because he’s insanely swamped with work and super stressed out. However, because Hajime is a workaholic and his job will always take first priority, it’s not always guaranteed that he’ll be able to celebrate with his partner on their actual birthday. It really does depend on whether or not he can book that day off and have it approved, with nothing coming up that will change that.
If he does have to work the day of his partner’s actual birthday, he’ll still make sure to at least text message them, though he really tries hard for an actual phone call, as he does love and miss the sound of their voice. He’ll apologize for missing their birthday, ask what they’re planning to do to celebrate and will genuinely wish them a wonderful day, and will tell them that he is looking forward to a belated celebration with them on his next day off.
If Hajime ends up getting the time off, or when he does get the time off, because he normally gets several days off in a row with the way that Nanba’s schedule works, he typically plans a trip to celebrate with his partner. He likes to travel with his partner, often either as a road trip, since he loves driving and is very proud of his car or taking them on a relaxing trip to the hot springs. He’ll really make sure to try to devote his attention to his partner and to not let them see any stress or frustration he might have brought home from work.
Mitsuru is horrible at remembering dates, but he’s also pretty aware of that fact and does the intelligent thing. He uses technology, like the calendar app on his phone and the various social media sites he has his partner added on and lets them give him the heads up that his partner’s birthday is coming up and to tell him when it’s finally arrived. He has an alarm set on the calendar app for a month before his partner’s birthday, since he gets really busy with work (despite appearances otherwise) and needs the extra time to really plan out gifts and birthday surprises for his partner.
He definitely makes them mixed tapes/digital playlists every year, no matter how long they’ve been together, of songs that he’s heard over the last year that remind him of his partner. It’s easy to tell how many years they’ve been together – someone just has to look at how many of the playlists Mitsuru has made say HAPPY BIRTHDAY Y/N! on them.
Mitsuru is the most likely, out of all the men on this list, to really go over the top with planning his partner’s birthday celebrations. To Mitsuru, there’s no such thing as being too over the top, and since he really is so happy that his partner was born and really does love them, he thinks they deserve nothing but the most extravagant, craziest, wildest, most fun day, right from the early morning to the stroke of midnight and he will keep throwing surprise after surprise after surprise at them, from the time the clock strikes midnight on the eve of their birthday, to the time it strikes the midnight of the next day.
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missingn000 · 1 year
The new chapter was amazing!✨️
I kind of expected Geto's father's final words to be something like "I love you", but it also ruined me emotionally when I read it? Like, you made me cry on my birthday (in a good way, this chapter was so great). Him thinking about his parents so much in this chapter was very bittersweet? Like, it's great that he starts to reflect on his past actions and accept the idea that his opinions might change/are changing already, but that won't bring his parents back from the dead.
I am so glad Geto is finally starting to accept help from Toji (and that he decided to give up on murder for a while), but the ending made me worried for him all over again. Like, he will feel guilty about that even though no one could expect "1000+ years old freak is going to turn my friend's son into the king of curses while wearing the body of a teenage girl I failed to save".
Toji is such an amazing father figure to everyone I hope nothing bad happens to him ✨️
Mahito and Hajime keep having the world's funniest relationship. Love that for them!✨️ They are worsties.💖
Kenjaku should just drop dead, like why is he still around? Can't he, idk, die of old age. No one wants him alive. Like, a few chapters ago he told Mahito and Pikachu that nobody would miss them, but like, who would miss him?
Sukuna is almost here!🎉🎉🎉Good for him! (Bad for literally anyone else) Poor Yuuji is about to have the worst time of his life...
Yuuta said Maki is his most precious friend!✨️ And he decided to go against Geto when he thought he was about to kill his old family!✨️ My baby is making so much progress!✨️
ahh i am so thrilled you enjoyed it!! i was really proud of this one, tbh i think it's in my top 10 faves :> so many good moments!!
ALSO IT WAS YOUR BIRTHDAY?? HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!! i'm honored you took the time out of your special day to read my story! you're so right, getou is realizing he made mistakes in his past and even if he acknowledges them & wants to improve himself, there are certain things he just can't take back, and taking the lives of his parents was one of them.
but!! there is still a parent out there who wants to take care of him <333 their relationship makes me so insane
also PLEASE i laughed at "1000+ years old freak is going to turn my friend's son into the king of curses while wearing the body of a teenage girl I failed to save". it's so true and so gutting, too.
FUCK kenjaku dude. NO ONE WOULD MISS HIS SHITTY ASS. mahito & hajime are way better than him and at the very least they'd miss each other, even if they're not ready to admit it (yet). they're so funny and i love them too!
YEAHHH SUKUNA'S ALMOST HERE!! stay tuned for the king of curses crazy entrance!! thanks for reading<333
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jeokachan · 2 years
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~I forgot to post this here but- Happy belated birthday, Hajime!!🍊🌻
I’m not satisfied w this drawing but oh well, it took 5 hours xd
Also, happy new year everyone!!!✨✨
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Happy belated birthday! Thanks for all the smiling Hajimes, they always make me smile.
Hinata-kun and his smile is the greatest birthday present anyone could ever ask for ☺️
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voltageapps · 9 months
November 28 is the birthday of Toranosuke Hajime from Office Secrets 🗼
Happy belated birthday Toranosuke!
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kokonoi · 3 years
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Tokyo Revengers - Kokonui for @seishue
For my love, my queen, my bestie on the other side of the world, happy birthday Rissa!!! 
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softest-sheep · 2 years
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✰  ☾    ✰  ☾    ✰  ☾    ✰  ☾    ✰  ☾    ✰  ☾    ✰  ☾    ✰  ☾    ✰  ☾    ✰   ☾    ✰  ☾
This was originally meant to be completed by Nagito’s Birthday, but things kept going wrong so I dropped it for a while.
✰  ☾    ✰  ☾    ✰  ☾    ✰  ☾    ✰  ☾    ✰  ☾    ✰  ☾    ✰  ☾    ✰  ☾    ✰   ☾    ✰  ☾
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finoalcielo · 3 years
~From yesterday's birthday party~ HAJIME: Tsukishiro-san EVERYONE: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! TSUKISHIRO: Everyone, thank you. HARU: Tsukishiro-san is really courteous all the time. AOI: After becoming an adult, I realize how amazing that is.
#Tsukishiro Kanade Birthday Fest 2021
ARATA: He's our role model and a reliable brother. KAKERU: And supports us too by adjusting schedules for 6 people. KOI: And he has to work around Hajime-san who is rumored to be the most busy person in the company... it must be hard! TSUKISHIRO: Fufufu, rather than finding it difficult, I find it enjoyable first.
#Tsukishiro Kanade Birthday Fest 2021
TSUKISHIRO: This year as well, I am glad for the excitement and discoveries I've made as I worked. Do you think you can excite me a bit earlier than the fans? HAJIME: One of my criteria for a job is that it excites Tsukishiro-san.
#Tsukishiro Kanade Birthday Fest 2021
HARU: Let's follow Tsukishiro-san's example, and do our work without forgetting to be courteous, okay?♪ EVERYONE: Yes! HAJIME: Once again... EVERYONE: Happy birthday! TSUKISHIRO: Thank you! Tsukishiro-san, thank you for your continuous support.
#Tsukishiro Kanade Birthday Fest 2021
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meinux · 5 years
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             "𝐖𝐡𝐲 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐠𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐜𝐫𝐚𝐳𝐲?"
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morethanaprincess-a · 5 years
The boy looked at the package, a simple gift wrapped with the store-issued paper at the cashier. It looked so plain and bland that he felt a little insecure –to gift a princess, who can have anything. With a deep breath, he worked up the courage to approach her. ❝ I got something for you. ❞ it was nothing fancy: it was a book, a copy of the Kwaidan to be more exact. It is a book collecting a series of traditional Japanese horror stories.
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Autumn, for plenty of reasons, had always been Sonia’s favorite time of year. From the inundation of haunted amusements to the Novoselic Harvest Festival, the princess experienced a certain joie de vivre beyond her usual jubilant, optimistic mood. It was why that, despite the wind and the growing overcast sky, Sonia still chose to spend her lunchtime outdoors. But with the plastic packaging of her beef donburi bowl long since discarded since the end of her meal, she used the extra time to simply sit upon an empty bench and watch the golden brown leaves fall from the tree overhead. Even someone as social, preferring the company of others to her own solitude, needed some time to reflect on her upcoming birthday. As usual, it would be spend in Novoselic and she was due to depart for home later that night. So it was of no surprise to her when Hinata approached her from the Reserve Course campus, wearing what she interpreted as an anxious expression on his face.
“Hinata!” Sonia called brightly, waving in his direction, “Come sit and enjoy the free time we have between classes! It’s a lovely day!” Lovely, of course, was relative. She was just as happy during the brightest, sunny day as she was during a loud thunderstorm. 
But there had been a definitive reason why he approached her that afternoon, beyond a simple hello and inquiry into her day. Sonia smiled, hoping to make him feel at ease as he produced the small, neatly wrapped package. “Oh, you remembered! I did not expect that, but it is a wonderful surprise,” She accepted the present with both hands before delicately unwrapping the paper.
Many people didn’t care for books as a present, especially among the Ultimates. As many of their talents required excessive study of some sort as well as practical application, any downtime was revered and used to decompress and relax. But for Sonia, she could not get enough of her favorite novels, classic and contemporary, comics, short stories...anything that transported her from her world into another. Preferably if mystery, murder, and the occult were involved. So when the paper was removed, the princess could not help but form a smile with her pink lips, tracing over the the cover’s title with her fingertip. 
“I have heard of this Kwaidan, but I have yet to study it for myself,” She murmured, gazing down at the slightly horrifying cover before back to Hinata. This edition was entirely in Japanese, and it would take effort for her to read through the many stories it contained. Written in the early-20th Century, it utilized kanji that she still had yet to master. Her conversation skills were close to impeccable, but reading dense texts was still a struggle. “Thank you, Hinata. I will very much enjoy working to read this myself. I shall learn new disturbing, frightening tales and kanji at the same time!”
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kawaiikatanabushi · 6 years
I know I'm late. I am so belatedly late, I am ashamed. I have been bombarded with struggles, migraines and other reality issues. I know it's no excuse, but I thought Saito-san would allow me a belated birthday story! Set in a modern day AU where touken ranbu swords are sons to their masters. Please enjoy this incredibly late piece! I love you, Hajime-kun! Happy (very late) birthday you tofu loving beauty!
"Happy Birthday, Cousin Hajime!" Two small voices chorused upon opening his apartment door.
Blue met green as Saito Hajime quirked a brow to Okita Souji, who was smiling all-too-innocently. The quiet swordsman sighed, and refrained from rolling his eyes.
"My birthday is February, Souji. March has just begun,"
"Daddy didn't remind us, or else we woulda made you this tofu cake a whole lot sooner," squeaked out the voice of Yamatonokami, whose younger brother Kashuu cut him a glare.
"Yami! That's a surprise!" Kashuu corrected with a hiss.
Saito smiled down goodnaturedley to the two Okita boys. Oftentimes, he was at a loss around children. They were irrational and difficult to maneuver, yet the sons of his cohorts, even the bodacious Izuminokami who was recently four and had a mouth rivaling the speed of a bullet train, always managed to put a smile on his face. Perhaps, it was the reflection of their fathers within them that endeared him to them. Yamatonokami certainly had Souji's playfulness and Kashuu was just as shrewd as his father at the tender age of five.
"Why don't you all come in?" Saito offered politely, stepping aside in the doorway, "It's rather chilly today,"
"Thank you for your hospitality," the two young boys chirped in tandum, bowing slowly before giddily hopping into the tidy apartment.
Souji cast his friend an indulgent smirk, his arms laden down with assorted boxes and bags.
"You spotted the saké, nee, Hajime-kun?" He questioned his friend, a brow arched playfully.
"I suppose you intend to stay the night?" Saito replied with an inquiry of his own, a smirk pulling at the corner of his own lips.
"Their futons are in the car," Souji responded, wriggling his eyebrows with a devious smile, "Once their asleep, the real fun begins,"
His friend brushed past him, handing Saito half the load upon entry. It was atypical, but that gave it a sense of familiarity. If anything, the familial atmosphere warmed his heart and gave him a fond feeling of belonging. It was enough of a gift to him, knowing that he was unconditionally adopted as cousin Hajime. Though a second cousin by blood to Yamatonokami only, he firmly adhered to the title. It held a powerful persuasion should the Okita brothers start a tussle. If cousin Hajime was displeased, everyone was.
His tidy apartment was soon decorated in a bombardment of homespun decorations. Crooked origami animals, paper lanterns and children's drawings were taped about sporadically, giving disorderly joys. Hajime found himself smiling continuously. He even allowed Kashuu to place a paper hat upon his head. The group of four made a humble and enjoyable party. The boys shared funny stories from school, they played charades and Souji feigned ineptitude with nearly every game. It was a refreshing sight, seeing Souji so at ease with his sons. Recently, he had been more snide and stiff at the dojo. Hajime wondered if the presence of Yukimura Chizuru had created the guarded behavior within his friend. He, himself, had been uncertain as to having a secretary to Hijikata-san. His reservations were slowly being eased, as she was such a hard worker. There again, with Souji's recent tragedy, he could hardly blame his cold demeanor. He knew his friend would be hesitant to let outsiders into his pain, he had known Souji since grade school. Still, if she could see Souji's tenderness with his sons, perhaps she would stop flinching around him. There again, she was developing a crush on their Fukucho, so that certainly would exacerbate his mood. It wasn't that Saito was match-making. It was simply more efficient if everyone remained civil.
Hajime shook himself from his thoughts and focused on the present. Though incredibly late, the Okita family was delivering an appreciated birthday party. These issues would straighten themselves out. Besides, worrying over it changed nothing. He would keep Souji's teasing to a minimum and Yukimura would adapt. If anything, she was quick to learn and that was an admirable trait.
After the games had finished, he was kindly forced to open all their gifts, prodded by tiny hands and pleading wide eyes. The presents were few in number, but he remained grateful. Even if white tabi were commonplace, Yamatonokami had been thoughtful and surprisingly practical. The scarf Kashuu had chosen was of a deep blue and though the gold pattern was a little extravagant, it was certainly from the heart. Even if it was intended to goad him, he did want his cat calendar. It was adorable, even if he did not wish to express it. The assorted teas and fruit he was able to thank Souji for more graciously. He could only imagine the expenditures on a household with one parent and two growing sons. Still, it was the friendship he appreciated most.
As dark drew near, Kashuu began to nod from his perch upon Hajime's lap. Without a word exchanged, the adults settled the boys upon the living room floor and Souji bid both goodnight with a kiss to the forehead. Before the two men could slip away with the alcohol, Yami demanded a goodnight kiss from Saito, which Kashuu begged for in turn. It caused him to blush, but he acquiesced as best he could. It was still a new experience, being regarded as family. The two wished him a cheery goodnight and were soon snoozing away.
"Thanks, Hajime," Souji sighed as he settled onto his bedroom floor, "You mean the world to them,"
"I do not understand what I did to achieve their admiration, but I regard them as important as well," he gave a light smile, allowing a cup to be poured for him, "I wish them every happiness,"
Souji swirled the saké in his cup, a small frown growing as he stared at the clear liquid.
"You don't have to do anything for them to love you, you know. You're you, and they think that's beyond cool,"
Hajime glanced up to observe his friend a moment before sighing himself. He could almost read those thoughts.
"Have you heard from her yet?" He asked softly, hoping that Souji wouldn't mind his asking.
"You mean from Akatsuya?" Souji scoffed, shaking his head dismally, "No, Hajime. Almost five years of marriage, gone just like that. No phone calls. No email. Not even a note. I was stupid to think she'd stay. She became mother to Yami and Kashuu was the best mistake we ever made. Literally. It's been eight months now. I thought she'd attempt to do something for Kashuu's birthday, but nothing,"
Hajime knew the answer to the question he had to ask. Perhaps, it was more for Souji's benefit than his own.
"Do you still love her, Souji?" He asked gently, concern etching his features.
He watched tears mist at the corner of his emerald eyes. The heartbreak was evident as shoulders sagged and alcohol was unexpectedly downed in one shot. Okita Akatsuya was the mother of Kashuu and once Souji's wife. She had left unexpectedly last Summer, never to return. Souji had given no one any particular details, but blamed the departure entirely on himself. If anything, Hajime assumed the bullying Yukimura endured was tied to her departure. Souji wasn't particularly fond of women and Yukimura's presence served as an unwitting reminder.
"Would you care to get drunk, Souji?" Hajime offered, unable to offer any verbal solace.
"Just a little," Souji smiled up bashfully, a rare sight, "I know Hijikata-san would have my head, but will you keep it a secret? I won't make a habit of this,"
"Certainly," he smiled back, his features growing wryly, "You enjoy your control far too much to be a continuing drunk,"
"Screw off," Souji huffed playfully, shoving at his knee with a foot, "You're a hypocrite, Hajime!"
He smiled passively, enjoying the victory for a fleeting moment. He had always felt more accepted and at ease with Souji. Even after his first cousin had married her high school sweetheart, he had been grateful to call Souji family. He was, admittedly, his near opposite in almost every regard. Still, he had qualities that made Hajime ever grateful. Though his temper was volatile and his habits slovenly at times, there was a loyalty and protectiveness that never dimmed within him. He wished he could learn to laugh and relax as easily as Souji did. Even after fighting cancer with his first wife and the loss of that battle, his friend still managed to report to work and raise his unruly sons. Hajime wasn't sure he could possess such a strength as to continue on in laughter. If he had lost a first wife only for his second to leave, there would be more lonely nights at the bar. There again, Souji was more drunk on the love of his sons and their well-being than anything. His family made him strong, and Hajime nearly envied him.
Conversations took a more pleasant turn once Souji had enough alcohol to tint his cheeks pink and nostalgia took hold. There was plenty to reminisce and they did so to the fullest. Just for the night, worries were cast aside. Just for the moment, they would laugh as high schoolers. It was a temporary reprieve from reality. They suspended their woes and let friendship remain. Their hangover, especially Souji's, was imminent and yet glanced over. It was true that this was in honor of his birthday, but Hajime knew Souji needed his commaradery. If he could ease the burden of raising children alone, he gladly accepted the responsibility. Souji was as a brother to him and no matter how much he antagonized others or chose to be overly playful, he would remain in that esteem. After all, even a belated birthday was best spent with family.
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