wingedfabray · 5 years
Text || Anderbray
Quinn: Hello, Blaine
Quinn: Are you on campus, or at home?
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aquaevans · 5 years
[Text] I saw the news... I'm sorry, Sam.
[Text] I...I can’t believe it. I don’t want to believe it.
[Text] I just...if it is her...what was she doing out there? How did she get out there? 
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youjustgotzizes · 5 years
[Call] Cooper's Brother
Lauren: [She sees the poster for Quinn Fabray. She sees the man who did the poster and adds his number to her contacts as 'Cooper's Brother'.]
Lauren: I have information about Quinn Fabray and the rest missing guys. And I can have more.
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ellnaturae · 5 years
Strength is Compulsory
Who: Kitty Wilde ( @wildevvitch ), Tina Cohen-Chang ( @cohentoplaywithmagic ), Blaine ( @happilyeveranders ) Anderson and Elliott Gilbert. Location: Undique Stadium. Time: 24th May 2019. Summary: Kittina vs Blelliott. Triggers/Notes: violence, stabbing, homophobia, slurs.
Blaine usually doesn't come to Undique Stadium with a furrowed brow, one manufactured from anger. Its usual place are doubt, self-pity, and disappointment from how one-sided he's been in active duels, from how pointless his presence even feels. The last fight alongside Kurt only shows how different their caliber. Blaine feels alienated from his own body, his own magic, and try as he might to say things will change for the better, and he'll progress, he has an abject reminder he's stagnating. From the result of the battles, all he has received is hundreds of notes on his fellow students and how great they are with their magic and how Blaine just... isn't. But he can't allow himself to get inside his head when he's facing off with one of the most challenging people he's ever dealt with. Kitty Wilde. Blaine paces in the training room, wondering if Elliott's on his way or if Blaine should use their pendant, and he lets go of that cool piece of metal affixed around his neck when he thinks he hears someone approaching. Elliott enters the room, his expression matches his friend's frown but he hasn't seen him yet. He usually fights Kitty only verbally, partially because he told himself fighting her solved nothing, but mostly because he has to admit to himself she is a little... scary. Holy magic, potentially knowing the kneeling spell, it would be that crazy fight he told Santana to stop him from doing, but here he was, ready to fight her with all he got, influenced by the limit of his patience and anger. However, even in times like these, when an uncomfortable knot is starting to form on his stomatch wondering if this would end up anything but well, when he sees Blaine waiting there a small smile appears on his face and he feels a little better. Last time they fought it didn't go great at all, but his trust on Blaine was unwavering, and he believed firmly on them as a team. They could do this, right? "Hey, partner" he winks at Blaine as he stand next to him. Kitty was scowling when she entered the stadium and saw the brat Anderson and his Shedim. 'What an eyesore. Doesn't matter. God will give me His favor and I will WIN.' Kitty thought and raised her cross necklace to irritate Blaine and Elliott. "You two are going to witness God's love today. Repent now or I'll show you God's hatred." She threatened them. She stuck her nose up at the offending sights. Kitty was slightly nervous about Alena but she'd come when Kitty was fighting a demon. She had to. Tina was speeding her way to the stadium not wanting to leave Blainey Days, Elliott-Senpai and Wilde all in the same room together without her to defuse the tension or Kitty being Kitty. Rushing in, she grimaces as everyone was already there. Hopefully, bitter words had not been traded but as she walks in she was too late with Wilde threatening her best friends. "Don't underestimate them, Wilde," Tina calls out,"Pretty sure that these two can show you the most love than any god could." Blaine can't hide his dislike of Kitty Wilde when she strolls in. She's literally threatening us, Blaine thinks and stands closer to Elliott for support -- his or Ell's, that's debatable -- and fires back, "You'd be surprised today." Blaine gives Elliott a look, an encouraging one, when Tina enters in and doesn't know how to add to it. His relationship with Tina feels tenuous too, and Blaine's mind softly nudges him to remember what transpired with Rachel not long ago too. Does he know what Tina's thinking about too? What's going on with Tina and Kitty to make Tina stay with a legitimately vile person? Elliott looks at Kitty showing her cross and he touches his ear where he is wearing his inverted cross earring as a response. He gives a little squeeze to Blaine's shoulder and then places himself a couple of steps before him. He then takes a look at Tina wondering why she isn't on their side of this fight "Let's just start this" he says annoyed as Ziggy appears around his arm surrounded by smoke. He has never wanted to get into a fight more than he wanted today. Kitty rolled her eyes at the garish earring. "Queers just love ruining everything." She muttered. She doesn't listen to Tina because she doesn't need to. However, Kitty was eyeing the three of them to see what would happen. 'Who knows, this could be a trap. People aren't as loyal as they say they are.' Kitty was looking straight at Tina and ignored the anger brimming inside her. 'Those stupid anonymous messages from that raccoon bitch. Who's the liar here? Trashy? Or her?' Kitty tossed her pretty ponytail behind her and threw the salt across the ground to scare Elliott. She walked past them with a mean smirk. "Whatevvs, Trashy. Get on the stage and let's get this done. I have an appointment for nails later." She ordered Tina to stand in front of her. Tina was starting to become slightly anxious for this fight as her hands felt clammy taking out her phone in preparation.  Everything on the room felt on the edge, as she takes a look at Blaine who steps closer to Elliott who seems rather annoyed and boomed. Tina thinks back to the first time she physical met Kitty along with the brutal battle with Blaine. Even though it was training she didn't want that to happen again. Looking at the two boys, Tina never wants to find herself face to face like this with them. This was her doing what she thought was best.  She takes her place in front of Kitty, not because she was taking orders, it has just always been apart of their strategy to be like this. Standing with Kitty behind her and her best friends in front of her, the unease flurries more. If Kitty does hold back at least Tina would be in front to try and defuse it all.  "Wilde," she barks back at the order, facing Bee and Ell to ask them,"Same rules that we had at the SP torment sound good?" Blaine pulled a face at the slur Kitty threw at them and also at Tina's passiveness. "Not as much as hypocritical homophobes love to blame gay people for every instance." He said evenly but it was clear he was not humoring Kitty Wilde or even Tina when she looked at him as they took their places on stage. Unlike other duels, Blaine was seething when he bowed out of politeness of dueling courtesy. Blaine couldn't believe Tina taking her place like this. What exactly was happening at Zephyrus? "Ell, let me know if you need any backup." Blaine whispered. "Who attacks first?" He asked the two women in a polite if tight tone. Elliott frowns "Fuck you, fascists like you ruin people's lives" he looks at Kitty then back at Tina when she is a few steps away from him "Sure" he looks at her confused, he really didn't want to fight Tina, but he was starting to wonder if she did want to fight them. He never had doubted Tina before, but her behavior lately... He sighs and before he gets more serious and on position he turns to Blaine "let me know as well, you can count on Ziggy too" when he faces Tina again his face turns more serious. Kitty smiled at Blaine and Elliott's comments and laughed them off. clicked her tongue at Tina's suggestion and smiled behind her at the two weaklings in front of her. "Yeah, let's show them. This time we won't have St. Pierre or Boulder holding me back." Kitty boasted and pointed at the two of them with prejudice. "With God as my witness, I'll make you two see the light." Kitty couldn't see Tina's face and wondered if the three of them were plotting something against her. 'I can't trust anyone.' Kitty thought. 'I always get betrayed. The club. My parents. That bitch Alena. I need to strike first instead of being hurt first!' Kitty decided to take the initiative.
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Kitty pressed her palms together to pray. "Heavenly Father, I’m but your humble servant, lend me your power. Fill your holy vessel with your magnificence! Soul Armament!" Kitty pulled something out of thin air. It was her glaive but it still had a cracked end. When Kitty grabbed it, she didn't feel any body there behind the weapon. 'Still being such a brat!' Kitty grimaced at Alena's absence. When that fish came back, Kitty was going to give her a talking to. "Heavenly Father! I’m but your humble servant, lend me your power. Fill your holy vessel with your magnificence! Shield your Chosen One!" Instead of protecting Tina, Kitty shielded herself. Kitty: (1d7 + 1d10)*2 Shield Kitty = ((5) + (10))*2 = 30 Over her shoulder, Tina with gritted teeth,"You are not going to be like that with them. Don't you even dare." All of this was already hard enough standing on the in between, Tina swears that it was getting hotter here the more anxious she was becoming. Kitty was in no mood to hold back evident from not even to wait to hear how she wanted to battle as she attempts to summon her Soul Armament but something, something was off about it, she tries to work out what it was but she only bared witness to her Soul Arment a handful of times.  Something pauses as the Bloodline Witch protects herself first, not Tina. "What the..." Tina is thrown off muttering under her breath. This was not how they did things. What was going on in Kitty's head? Tina snaps out of it as she looks at her best friends, both sporting a more serious look. A flat line upon her face as she summons one of her queens to the right of her.🔮⚔👑 ⚔️ 🔮  taking full form, in all its data glory.
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Tina: 1d7+2+1-1:  1d7 Queen HP = (1) = 1 Blaine tries as he might to understand Tina's logic, he cannot. "Why are you over there?" He asks from behind his position, trying to get Tina's attention. "Why are you fighting us? Does Kitty have something on you? I just... I don't get you, Tina!" Blaine finally lets that last bit out. It's a bitter truth and Blaine's been skirting around it but now it's out there. Blaine sees another data creature summoned next to her and Blaine bites behind his lip and sees that he needs to take down the enemies.
Blaine: 2d6kl1 Attack Queen = (2+2) = 2 Blaine fans both hands out and casts, Esteemed one of wind, please help me clear my path! Blaine doesn't have a lot of emotional control and his mind is teeming with questions. The loss of focus makes his spell waver but it's enough to slice toward Tina's digital creature.
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Tina: 2d7kl1-1 Queen Counter Blaine = (4+3)-1 = 2
Elliott hears what Blaine asks Tina, maybe what he was also wanting to ask but hadn't been brave to all this time either "I'm interested to know to..." he says as Blaine attacks. He takes that moment to concentrate if Blaine goes for the Queen, he will go for Kitty. He shakes his arm a little as if telling Ziggy, this is your turn. The snake slowly moves to his hand and starts disappearing into smoke, when the smoke disperses a rusted chain appears around the place where the snake used to be. He lets one of the ends of the chains hang and he starts swinging it in the air. 
Elliott: 1d6 + 1d5  + 2= (6) + (4) + 2 = 12
Elliott he throws the chain against Kitty's shield.
Kitty whispered back to Tina with a bitchy glare. "I'm going to be whatever I want with anyone, you're not my boss. You're supposed to be my battle partner. So battle. Or I'll fight by myself. That's what you want, isn't it, for me to be alone!" Kitty wouldn't let that happen. She wouldn't lose. Everyone would hate her if she did. She shook her glaive to throw one more attack when the light inside fizzled out. "Cheese and rice, what in Big Daddy God's holy name?" Kitty swore. The glaive didn't feel powerful. It felt like there was no magic inside. "Alena? Hello? Is this you?" Kitty yelled at her weapon. She wasn't paying attention to the chain thrown at her. It clanged loud against her shield and Kitty looked up to see that heathen demon had a Soul Armament too. 'That can't be right. God would never give...' Kitty was frightened.
Tina watches as her Queen is obliterated by Blaine's wind fading away into binary ones and zeros. Remnants of his cause her hair to flicker behind as she stun by his words. Despite being behind Elliott, his words were loud and clear. "You, don't get me?" Tina repeats in disbelief. "You seriously don't get me?" She repeats out loud trying to understand what her distant best friend was asking of her. "It was meant to be just us but then, then Kitty came in and I don't want you fight just her. I don't want to have Kitty fighting alone," she looks back at her Socium Partner. "That's all this is Bee! You too Senpai. This is all that it is." Rather clearly, it wasn't there was something more than just fighting face value.  Not attacking, she sticks with her plan to just to keep on summoning, this time to her left  🔮 ⚡ 🐉️⚡️ 🔮 her magic circle glows as she digitally constructs her usual partner.
Tina: 1d7 Dragon HP = (4) = 4
Blaine 's face gets hot from the disarming tone Tina takes up with him. What is he missing here? That's what he is asking from Tina, to fill him in. "Why? You could have told her no! I said no! But she's threatening people, and are we kidding ourselves when I say no one seems to respond to that? That we all think if we ignore that she'll go away? Why are you fighting with her, then? If you're so against her beliefs?! Why don't you want to have her fighting alone? She's the only one who thinks I should go to conversion therapy, and that Elliott deserved to be a slave! That's not all this is! This is more than just a simple duel, this is our lives here! How are we supposed to feel when you're on her side, and then say 'this is all that it is' without understanding why we'd be upset?!" Blaine moves forward. "If you don't want to fight me, that's fine! But don't stop me from fighting Kitty."
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Elliott chain swings in his hands for a moment he stands there listening to Blaine, he has Tina right in front of him and he looks directly at her "Is that all that it is?" he asks echoing Blaine's sentiment "I feel like you are the one not getting it..." he sighs "You always say you are on our side, that you support what we believe in, and your words are beautiful and touching... I want to believe in you, because it's you, but... what are we left to feel when we see you standing in front of her?" he pauses " your words mean nothing if they are not backed up by your actions" he says bitterly and swings the chain up in the air ready to attack again.
Elliott: 1d6 + 1d5 +2  = (2) + (2) +2 = 6
Elliott sents the chain Kitty's way again.
Kitty: 1d6 + 1d10  = (2) + (3) = 5
Kitty didn't understand why Tina wouldn't just zap the two of them like she had done with Kitty in the past. What was her partner thinking. Was this a trap for Kitty? "Come on, move your digital summons! Hit them with your tech magic! You were so strong with them!" Kitty said to Tina hotly. She wasn't even listening to Blaine and Elliott talking. 'Who cares to listen to their dumb heroic speeches.' But she caught onto a part the Shedim had said and fired back, "Why are you guys acting like I'm not even here! Freaking notice me! I'm here!" She was getting angry. "Is this the secret plan with the three of you, to pretend I'm not here? Fine. I'll make sure you guys notice me. Get the hell out of my way, Trashy." She didn't want Tina to get caught under the beam even if Tina was thinking of betraying her. Kitty smashed the end of her glaive into the ground and it sparked with a little life. The glaive cracked more. Heavenly Father! I’m but your humble servant, lend me your power. Fill your holy vessel with your magnificence, let my spirit be yours, my body nothing, let it bear all wounds, all pain, all death, for my place is with you in Heaven, shed me of this mortal sin…  Kitty's body was sparkling with light.
Here is were the strain and voices tug in Tina's heart and in her mind. All the things that she had gone on ignoring blinded by her feelings, deniable feelings towards the toxic Bloodline. This is were all the lines seem to blur between feelings and the way that they rippled out, hurting, ruining and restricting lives.  She runs her palms pushing her away from her face to try speak without a crack in her voice,"Because I didn't wanna tell her no, I didn't want her fighting you one on one, either of you. Kitty is powerful and I think we know that." Tina looks between Blaine and Elliott,"Just because I'm fighting along side her does not mean that I believe the same thing as her. Please don't think that, that is nothing I ever want you to think of me. I'm not on her side when it comes to how she thinks we should live. But then...." she struggles and stammers,"One thing, one thing that no one else see's no one else see's is the reason why we have all be partnered up in the first place. After...after what happened that night with mom and dad..." Tina looks directly at them,"Kitty makes me feel safe. She strong, she can fight, she can heal she can protect. It's a feeling I'm trying to ignore and say that I don't need, I can't help it if that is the way that she makes me feel. Call me selfish for it but it's true." So lost in her own battling thoughts and emotions she vaguely hears Kitty until her voice is fuelled with anger and a bright light leaves from Kitty. That fear that trembles comes over her knowing the spell all too well. "Kitty, no!!!" Tina screams taking a step closer to Kitty's left.
Blaine replied, "Why didn't you want to? What's wrong with telling Kitty 'no'?! Who cares if she's powerful if she's evil. I don't care if she's strong, I'll fight her regardless because she's wrong!" Blaine saw Tina's face screw up and wished he could feel sad, but he couldn't. He couldn't when the sadness and pity and sympathy he was feeling for Tina dissipated when she moved away from Kitty, revealing what was behind her. Tina revealed she didn't feel secure with Blaine or Elliott. Only Kitty. Even if Kitty was the one threatening their lives. Blaine's blood ran cold at seeing the prone girl on the floor, glowing. He remembered the spell Kitty was doing. He remembered a year from ago. Kitty was facing Elliott. She was going to hurt Elliott and not even that -- Kitty's holy magic could kill Elliott. "No!" Blaine moved in front of Elliott, right in the line of Kitty's aim.
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Elliott can't even react, everything is happening so fast. Tina runs aside, Blaine gets on the way, Kitty is... shinning? He acts by instint realizing Blaine is getting on the way to protect him, but he doesn't want his friend to get hurt either so he tries to move him aside.
Elliott: 1d6 to push blaine = (4) = 4
Blaine: 1d6  = (3) = 3
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Kitty: 1d50*4  = (36)*4 = 144
Kitty didn't see anyone acknowledging her in their talk. Including her socius pactum. They were speaking around her like Kitty wasn't in the room. She couldn't respond due to the spell but she wanted to scream at them. She wanted to scream at Tina. Tina liked her because she was strong. So what about when Kitty was weak? Was she worthless? When Kitty was weak, didn't they all take advantage of it? Sister Quinn finally replied when Kitty told her about Alena's disappearance. Tina told Santana Lopez, the trickster, all about Kitty's moment of weakness in the desert. But they all pretended they didn't hurt Kitty. They pretended Kitty was the only one who hurt them. 'Nobody asks me if I feel safe. Only God protects me but sometimes I don't feel secure.' Kitty felt the power rise up in her though. She had to let it explode. And let my body burn up in your light of Justice, oh Heavenly Father!! She sent the blast in front of her. Whoever it was, they would taste Kitty's pain.
Tina was in a blind furry to by Kitty's side as she did the spell in a means to stop her with no knowledge how too. In her moment of desperation, she was not even thinking of the consequences to the people that were in front of her, Blaine and Elliott. Everything happened way too fast for her process it as Kitty unleashed her holy beam onto Elliott. Rationality hit in as her idiotic heart and foolish actions were leading to something that would be unforgettable and unforgiveable.
Blaine's readying himself, he doesn't want Elliott to feel the searing pain of holy magic, however something solid grabs him by the scruff of his neck, wraps a strong around around his shoulder and drags him to the side, near pushing him a good three feet away. Blaine lands in the ground in an uncoordinated heap as he hasn't been expecting it and the worst thing imaginable flashes in front of his eyes as the bright light overtakes everything, engulfing Elliott. Blaine shouts but he can't hear himself scream out Elliott's name. When the light is gone, Blaine scrambles up on his feet and runs to his partner's side. He skids on his knees and holds Elliott. "Elliott. Oh my--aether, no, no..." Blaine tucks his head in and can't help but tear up.
Elliott sees the strong light out of Kitty's body. Spreading. There isn't anything he can imagine, how this would feel, what would happen to him. And he is terrified but he is glad he did have time to move Blaine out of the way. This couldn't be good. His eyes are almost blinded and there isn't really time to react, the holy magic hits him. If he could think that time he felt intense physical pain when he was stabbed, it wasn't even comprable to what this was. There weren't words to describe it, it was like burning through inside out, as if his body could practically break in thousand pieces. And it drains him. There isn't strength in him, and he lets out a scream that makes his whole body tremble as he falls to the floor unconcious.
Her light was dazzling and blinding but how was it deadly and destructive. Tina watches in utter horror paralysed by Elliott's deafening scream, a scream that makes her blood turn cold. The scream echoes within her as flashes of other deadly screams play back fast: Blaine's from the number times she bares witness to him hurt, her own scream as she stands and watching as the moments unfurl. Her mother's own heart wrenching scream watching as her father falls hurt from the Pagan. Each times the moment plays the same: a scream, the one she cares about hurt and Tina Cohen-Chang only every standing there. Right now, the moment plays the same, all she does it stand there doing nothing, the only thing that tears this moment apart, Tina had made a choice. But her head becomes a furry between the logical, rationality and reason against complex emotions that dwell in her heart. How could the tech witch dare say she chose her heart when the sight of her the people she cares for most in the world, the two she would call her heart, she had broken and turn against? How could she say she thought with her heart? Elliott falls. Blaine to his side. Kitty is faint. And Tina does nothing. A choice was made with consequences that will last, unforgivable: making ties she once considered to be unbreakable cut and undone. There would be no coming back from this one.   
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Text || Anderbros
Cooper: Hey, brother.
Cooper: There is an open investigation about what happened last Saturday. We have reasons to believe people at NYADA could have been involved in withholding information.
Cooper: You aren't hiding anything from me, are you?
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littlefaerose · 5 years
[pm] I don't know if you're online, aether knows I took my time after the 26th. I know at this critical moment of reflection, you can't let yourself refract from your faith in positive change. Both feeling regret about what happened, and moving onto a better future are needed for trauma to heal, if it's a healthy dose of each. So I guess this isn't a message asking for a reply now, or later, but hopefully when you feel able. Take care. Sincerely your public servant, Blaine Devon Anderson.
[PM] It’s good to know you’re alive, Blaine. I hope you’re okay.
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trickstersantana · 5 years
[TEXT] Blaine/Santana
Blaine: I know they are, but they… It’s complicated, Santana. I can’t fight them. I can’t go against them anymore. They were right. I was uninitiated about the truths about this world.
Blaine: I don’t want to ponder about whether or not obedience is a symptom to a sickness or a posit for a cure.
Blaine: I don’t, still. But maybe instead of ignoring the warning signs, I can start heeding them.
Blaine: It was all her. I don’t know what she did, but I gave her something she needed for the ritual. You and everyone else are all back. I don’t need to question a miracle or her power.
Blaine: …Yes? Haha, this is a strange text, Santana? I’m definitely breathing with all my organs in place. You drink some more water if you can. I think you might be dehydrated and saying funny things. :)
Santana: I can’t fight them either and that doesnt’ mean I’m going to work with them or help them out to make my life worse. They are right on what? What makes you think you being wrong makes them on the right? What do you think is the fucking truth about this world now?
Santana: Don’t ask me questions you can’t answer yourself, then.
Santana: I see.
Santana: What did you give? Questioning things is always good.
Santana: I’m sure I sended you weirdest stuff. And I perfectly hydrated. I went to safety warning hell.
Santana: Blaine, I have a problem.
Santana: And tragically is not one of the cool ones that can be solved with violence
Santana: Did I ever talked to you about Elise? A common girl I knew back in Mexico.
Santana: Well.
Santana: She is going to come here.
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[text] What are you doing for New Years Eve tomorrow? Are you staying at the barricade...?
[text] Yeah I’m gonna be at the barricade. I can’t up and leave now, right? What about you Bee? How are you gonna be spending it?
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gleerpconfessions · 6 years
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Lapi (@happilyeveranders) over at @nyadaismagic is the absolute best Blaine that I ever had the pleasure of writing with! They put so much thought into their character and my heart breaks whenever blaines does. They´re also a fantastic admin and I would just like to thank them for being so wonderful! <3            
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alyricalberry · 6 years
[text] [SENT RIGHT AFTER RACHEL LEAVES THE MUSEUM] Rachel, get back to me as soon as you can. If you need any help, I'm here. I can keep you safe. I hope you're okay.
[Text] Hey, sorry it took me so long to reply. I’m fine, I’m back at school now.
[Text] You don’t need to keep me safe, I’m not any danger, but I do appreciate the sentiment, Blaine.
[Text] I met my grandparents, Blaine. My Bloodline grandparents. Talk about a crazy week.
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hautekurture · 6 years
Cinnamon, peppermint, chai ://)
Why did I know you’d be the first to ask me these questions.
Cinnamon: What’s your favorite smell?
I like the smell of a simple laundry detergent. Nothing fruity or floral. Oh god no. Clean is how you do it. However, I have been becoming accustomed to a certain dirty raspberry coffee combination. 
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Peppermint: Sweater weather or beach days?
Sweater weather. I love a good chunky sweater off the shoulder. Asymmetrical cuts and layered crops are easy ways to be above the curve in what is arguably the laziest dressing period. I hate the beach.
Chai: Favorite color combination?
An icy aqua with nudes is so underrated. People don’t know how to properly color block and it’s painful. 
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ryderreturns · 6 years
Blaine Anderson is:
One of the kindest people that I’ve met. The first time we talked, I was all against Bloodlines, and all he asked for was a chance. I’m so glad that he reached out and that I’ve gotten the chance to know him. I’m grateful to have him in my life as a friend. We’ve gotten to bond over music we both like and I’ll never get tired of hearing him talk about someone or something he loves, because that dude can seriously talk. And I can’t wait to see how he kicks ass in the future. 
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Reblog this post with your own kind words on Blaine Anderson.
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gotmattitude · 6 years
private message ✉️ blaine & matt
BLAINE: Hi Matt! Do you want to get some food with me? :)
MATT: hey dude, sorry for the late reply, hadn't been online in a while
MATT: but yeah, sure, i'd be down with that. you got anything in mind?
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ellnaturae · 5 years
[PM] Hey Elliott, any new word from Sciron Square about the missing people? I've been trying too and so far no one knows. I;m so sick to my stomach. Not again. We can't lose more people.
[PM] I have no news. I’m so worried. Nobody has any new information, the only thing I saw was the news of possibly Saltus getting destroyed. I don’t know how exactly that is going to solve anything.
[PM] I hope we find out something soon.
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Text || Anderbros
Cooper: [He hesitates for a moment before start typing, his fingers slowly moving from letter to letter as he writes worriedly. He wonders if he can ever talk to Blaine again without feeling this immense guilt pressuring his chest.]
Cooper: Baby brother, I hope you are doing well, you must be busy, definitely working hard and studying a lot, and not getting in trouble. I still keep my eye on the NYADaily updates, I like to know what's going on campus even if I'm still not there, but it would be great to know personally how my baby brother is doing from time to time, and not find out things like this.
Cooper: We received a notice about your marks this semester, they seem to have dropped. A little worrisome you can agree.
Cooper: You know me, I'm a comprehensive big brother and I understand learning something new must be hard.
Cooper: But a B- won't do it, my sweet little brother. You know how important this is.
Cooper: Don't make Nana worry.
Cooper: [unsent] Love you very much.
Cooper: I hope to hear from you soon.
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littlefaerose · 6 years
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Dear Miss Marley Rose,
Momentous of Yules and may December pass without any trouble.
I was reminded by your passions and I’d love to continue cultivate your desires on travel, photography, and loved ones. I oft loved your candle gifts for Yuletide, so I am returning the favor. The candle’s oil-based and melts into a massage oil by the heat of skin alone. Intimacy is covetous. 
Sincerely your public servant,
Blaine Devon Anderson. 
[There’s no denying that Blaine holds the title of most thoughtful gift giver. Marley can’t remember ever receiving anything less than the most individually curated and well thought out items from him. From a candle she didn’t even have to set flame to in order to use its oil to the elegant city travel guides in their sleek case, they touched on aspects of herself that she didn’t always assume others could pick up on but he never failed to. 
Intimacy is covetous.
The words float somewhere in the back of her mind for days. But it isn’t them specifically that leave her feeling uneasy - it’s the attached note as a whole. She’s used to Blaine’s generosity with descriptive imagery, painting beauty with words she still had to look up the definitions to online every now and then. The words he used are still elegant... but they’re a different kind of precise. Carefully chosen. 
She doesn’t quite understand why, but something about it feels wrong.]
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