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kiimaisetmuumipeikot · 5 months ago
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myrskyisaa · 7 months ago
Hi I thought I could add something in from Finnish!! 🇫🇮 I wrote a lot, sorry about that :'D
Untranslatable words / words without a direct translation to English
There's so many words like these but here's some I chose to share!
"Sisu", according to wikipedia roughly means "stoic determination, tenacity of purpose, grit, bravery, resilience, and hardiness." It became popular during the Winter war in 1939-40, and has this meaning of doing things succesfully even in dire circumstances.
We also have a way to say "the day after tomorrow" which is "ylihuomenna" ("yli" meaning "over" and "huomenna" meaning "tomorrow")
"Happihyppy / happihyppely" which means going outside for some air when you've stayed inside for too long. "Happi" meaning oxygen, "hyppy" meaning a jump (I say "hyppely" which means more like a bounce or a skip)
"Pääkallokeli", literally "skull weather" but it means a type of weather that will be deadly if you go out. Specifically when it's too icey (and possibly stormy) and driving even a little bit can result in crashing. So. Don't go outside then!
Words I like
I actually like "pääkallokeli" a lot, it has a nice mouth feel and I like the way it sounds :D other words I like are "persikka" (peach), "suukko" (a peck or a kiss), "sammal" (moss), and my absolute favorite word is "rakkahin" which is a poetic form of "most beloved / dearest".
There's so many of these, sorry about that, but I use these/hear these a lot so I wanted to add some morevand more :'>
"Nostaa kissa pöydälle" translates as "putting the cat on the table" and it means to deal with a difficult/uncomfortable topic/task (the task originally being checking the sex of the cat in question)
"Etiäpäin, sanoi mummo lumessa" translates as "forward, said the grandma in the snow", meaning you have to keep going forward even when there's obstacles (and even at an old age)
"Asiasta toiseen" = "From one thing to another", is said when you change the subject, usually to a related subject. People have other word combinations they use, and sometimes when the topic change is drastic they will use widely different words. For example I say "lapiosta kukkaruukkuun" = "from the shovel to the flower pot", but I've also heard other things like "from the shovel to the saw" or "to the table" etc.
"Tulla/mennä kuokkimaan". Literally "to come/go till the land", but it means to come/go somewhere uninvited.
"Kokoa luusi" = "collect your bones", basically means stop being lazy and do something.
Also some sayings that have more traceable records of them (and which I happen to use more)
"Minä juon nyt kahvia" = "I'm drinking coffee right now", became a saying when a politician was being bombarded with questions about a possible precidency and his only response was this, with a coffee cup in hand. It has stuck around as a saying since then, and means like "don't bother me right now". I sometimes say things like "I am reading/eating now" with the same intonation to give the same message.
"Mites meni niinku noin omasta mielestä?" = "How did it go, like, in your opinion?" Is a sarcastic thing to say when something bad happens. I remember it being asked in a sports interview but apparently the origins of this are arguable.
"Se on fifty-sixty" = "it's fifty-sixty" said Matti Nykänen, a ski jumper about his odds in a interview.
"Ylös, ulos ja lenkille" = "get up, go outside and for a walk", something that a radio host used to say at the end of his morning show in the 50's. My dad still says this a lot and it has stuck in my vocabulary because of that :D
That was a lot (and a lot of fun to write), I hope it was somewhat interesting!
Qsmp ended but let's keep exchanging culture and language
I think it would be nice if we kept doing it even if we don't have the ccs anymore to be the voices of those exchanges. We could share expressions, untranslatable words or just little words we think are nice. You can also share some culture detail or facts about your country or language.
So, I will start with some of my favorites things in brazilian portuguese.
Untranslatable word
Cafuné - The act of brushing someone's hair tenderly with your fingers.
Anteontem - This one is not very exciting but I found funny that english doesn't have anything similar. It means the day before yesterday.
While we have a verb that translated to "give birth" (parir), we use "dar à luz" a lot too, the literal translation of this expression is "to give light".
"Amigo da onça" translated to "friend of the jaguar", we use to call someone that fakes to be a friend just to betrayed the person or use them.
Word I just like
Humming birds in portuguese are called beija-flor(flower kisser)
Fun Fact
Although tapioca and cassava are pretty popular in Asia, they are originally brazilian.
One of the most popular foods in a brazilian barbecue is chicken hearts, usually served in a skewer
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mrsalonen · 5 years ago
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#luontopolku #kasvitieteellinenpuutarha #Turku #happihyppely Enkä edes eksynyt :) (at Kasvitieteellinen puutarha - Turun yliopisto) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3Ot7zMh3p2/?igshid=92qdbq3xq9qj
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mrsalonen · 5 years ago
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#happihyppely #jokiranta #turku #saikunhakumatka #päähiessä (at Jokiranta Turku) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1-5VyrhQuP/?igshid=1k4bweuv5auc1
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mrsalonen · 5 years ago
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#sininen #happihyppely #puutori #Turku (at Puutori) https://www.instagram.com/p/B16j48_BQcb/?igshid=1na058bc9qnch
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mrsalonen · 5 years ago
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#happihyppely #Turku #tuomaanpuisto (at Tuomaanpuisto) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1lLwanB1e2/?igshid=ns4djf45i5ob
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mrsalonen · 5 years ago
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#happihyppely #jokiranta (at Jokiranta Turku) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1dhy2wh-0I/?igshid=96qobvq3i79u
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