#hao x anna
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dryades-angeli · 2 years ago
HaoAnna is not my cup of tea
HaoAnna or Hao x Anna is a very popular ship with Hao. It comes right after Hao x Yoh and Hao x Lyserg. HaoAnna is often shipped as a triangle ship with Yoh. More than the ship itselves. Hao is also shipped with Opacho, Horohoro, Jeanne, Tamao, Marion, Hana and many more. I'm hearing about some shippings for the first time. The most popular shipping with Anna is Yoh x Anna.
The decisive factor for this couple is probably the scene in which Anna hits Hao. Anna: Look, if you keep talking nonsense... *tries to slap Hao* Hao: *stops her hand and scowls* Hao: *put his other hand next to Anna's face against the stone* Now I like you even more. You're the perfect wife for the Shaman King. Hao: *tries to get nearer to her* Anna: *sweats* Anna: *pulls herself together* Anna: Not so fast. I still have my left! *slaps Hao is his face* The scenes in which Anna wants to make Yoh strong so that she "doesn't get stolen by someone" and in which Hao happily tells Opacho that Anna hits like his mother, further encourage this shipping. Also, it was Anna who destroyed Haos Shikigami's and thus piqued his interest. Anna is so tough that she takes on Hao with his own shinigami and even kicks him when he tries to grab her again. Yoh's friends also see a resemblance between Anna and Hao's mother, Asanoha.
So this shipping is based on two arguments: 1. Anna is not afraid of Hao, which impresses him quite a bit. It is shown again and again how people are afraid of Hao because he is so powerful. The only people who aren't afraid of him are Anna and Yo. 2. Anna and Asanoha don't look alike. In addition, both are prone to hitting with the flat of their hands. Asanoha is important to Hao. Her death was the trigger of his misanthropy. So HaoAnna has valid points why it could work as Shipping. I'll explain now why I don't like it. While Anna and Asanoha may be similar, there is a definite difference between them: While Anna and Asanoha may be similar, there is a definite difference between them. Although Asanoha is also tough and tends to raise her hand against her loved ones, she is a very loving and wise person. Anna, on the other hand, is aggressive and cold. That doesn't mean she doesn't care about the people around her. It just means she shows her feelings differently. And that's the catch for me. Hao and Anna are both very cold personalities. Both are not good at showing their feelings to the other. That's why Anna works so well with Yoh. Yoh understands her feelings and can handle her coldness. He is the gentle one. loving part of the relationship and the one who approaches Anna. The same with Ren and Jeanne. While Ren tends to be cold and doesn't show his feelings that much, Jeanne tends to be gentle and the driving force behind their relationship. I think that a rather cool person needs an emotional person in order not to let the relationship grow cold. Does Hao have really feelings for Anna: Anna has often shown that she is a serious opponent. Hao was definitely impressed by her strength and fearlessness. But how seriously does he really mean his offer? I can well imagine that Hao just wanted to tease her. That would suit him well. Because I don't think he had any serious intentions of robbing Yoh of his fiancée. Most importantly, he seems to respect his twin. In my opinion, Hao needs a woman who is not afraid of him and who can gain respect from him. But he also needs a woman who is gentle and loving to him. That's why HaoAnna is not my favorite ship. ATTENTION: Ship what you want as long as you respect each other's shipping. Anyone who likes HaoAnna should enjoy it. I was just giving my opinion why I don't like this shipping.
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maeda-ai · 2 years ago
Las cosas que me haces hacer... _C7_
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Anime: Shaman King
Rating: M
Pareja: Hao x Anna x Yoh
Sinopsis: Las necesidades carnales pueden traer consecuencias graves... sobre todo si es con el chico equivocado.
Advertencia: Lemon (NFSW)
Por: Maeda Ai
.:: Capítulo 7 ::.
En algún lugar del inmenso mundo, recostado sobre el frío césped, Hao Asakura mantenía sus provocativos ojos fijos sobre el cielo aun entintado en azul.
Su sonrisa tranquila y traviesa adornándole el rostro, esa expresión que hizo y hacía estremecer a más de una chica... y era precisamente una mujer la que ocupaba sus pensamientos.
  * Itako no Anna. *
 Tan peligrosamente bella, irresistiblemente hermosa, así era Anna Kyouyama.
Más hermosa que los ángeles, fría y cruel como el peor de los demonios... como él.
 De belleza simple y sencilla, era una mujer al natural. Ningún color artificial cubría la pálida piel de su rostro; brillantes gemas negras tenía por ojos, fríos y calculadores, sí, pero capaces de arder bajo las llamas de la pasión, su pasión, su fuego.
Dorados eran sus cabellos, cabellos que se mecían sensualmente con el viento...
  * Dorados como el sol. *
 Finas y sutiles curvas daban forma a su frágil silueta femenina; blanca era su piel, tan blanca como la nieve, pero no fría, no... era cálida, lo más suave y sublime que sus manos hayan tocado, lo más cálido, lo más delicado.
Sus dos pequeños senos eran coronados por un par de aureolas de un tentador color rosa; blandos, de tamaño adecuado como para ser cubiertos por cada uno de sus puños, simplemente perfectos.
 Un sutil aroma superficial cubría su cuerpo, más por debajo de éste se escondía la fragancia exquisita de su desnudez, incitadora, deliciosa... el shaman de fuego podría perderse por completo, dejarse envolver por su aroma y permanecer así por la eternidad.
 Y finalmente, la virtud más extraña que poseía esa mujer, poseía, porque Hao Asakura se encargó de robársela... Anna era pura como pocas, como ninguna que hubiese yacido entre sus brazos.
  * La única realmente digna de estar a mi lado... la única. *
 Un profundo suspiro inundó el ambiente, las palabras de Hao no eran más que producto del recuerdo de la noche en que hizo suya a la única mujer que realmente merecía serlo, y la única que en verdad lo era en toda la extensión de la palabra.
¡Suya!, porque no había sido tocada por ningún otro; suya, porque ella misma se le había entregado completamente; suya, porque la deseaba, estaba loco por ella y no permitiría que Yoh o cualquier otro hombre se atreviese a tocarla; suya, porque gracias a esa mujer, por primera vez experimentaba la sensación de los celos; suya porque haberle hecho el amor le daba ese derecho... suya, solo suya.
  Entonces, de forma inesperada, el shaman de fuego se percató de la excitación en su cuerpo, excitación que surgió tan solo por pensar en esa mujer... un ángel caído del cielo, o tal vez, el demonio más hermoso.
  * Anna... no lo entiendo, ninguna mujer me había hecho disfrutar tanto del sexo, como tú lo hiciste. *
 Tenía enfermizos deseos de sentir la suavidad de su piel, besar sus lindos labios hasta saciarse con su dulce sabor; verse a sí mismo envuelto entre los brazos de la rubia; escuchar sus gemidos de placer, sus gritos que le pedían más y más; ser retenido por sus piernas al rededor de su cintura, hundir su  pene en aquel cuerpo femenino, tan frágil, tan fuerte... que irónico.
  * Esa mujer... la deseo !. *
  Hao se saboreó los labios.
El calor invadía su cuerpo y no podía sacarse a la rubia itako de la cabeza, no podía, no quería.
 Cerró los ojos, aun pensando en ella, recordaba la noche en que prometió darle placer, esa noche Anna no fue la única en deleitarse con sensaciones nuevas para su cuerpo, el shaman de fuego disfrutó como nunca, como si fuese la última noche de su vida.
Cada caricia, cada beso, cada suspiro... recordarlos lo hacían vibrar y no era para menos, sentir la calidez de su cuerpo...
  * ¡ Ahh, qué sensación tan maravillosa !. *
 El éxtasis fue tan intenso, que creyó haberse elevado hasta el cielo tan solo para caer de golpe y descubrirse aun en la tierra.
Solo quería divertirse, satisfacer sus deseos y necesidades carnales, que, como todo hombre, él también poseía; disfrutar de su cuerpo, placer físico era lo que buscaba, nada más...
  * ¡ Nada más !... *
 Pero el destino es tan impredecible.
Como hombre, él pretendía utilizarla, jugar con su cuerpo, saciarse y desecharla como a todas las demás mujeres que poseyó... ¡ qué estúpido !. Todas las mujeres con las que estuvo terminaron enamoradas de él, decían no poder vivir sin Hao, pero ella no.
  * Y ahora estoy aquí, tratando de sacarte de mi cabeza, ¡ maldita mujer !. *
 ¿Quién iba a pensar que el amo del fuego estaría obsesionado con el recuerdo de una noche, obsesionado con ese frágil cuerpo femenino, con su exquisito aroma, y no poder deshacerse del recuerdo de una simple mujer?.
Pero la itako no era cualquier chica, ninguna podría compararse con esa rubia, jamás. Y es que ella es diferente, es especial... es Anna.
  * Es una diosa vestida de mujer. *
 No podía más, ya no tenía caso negarlo... la necesitaba, a Anna, necesitaba besarla hasta cansar sus labios; tocarla hasta que sus manos no le respondieran más; penetrarla con demencia hasta hacerla llorar y gritar de infinito placer... necesitaba tenerla, sentirla, hacerla suya, pero más importante que eso. . .
  * Refugiarme en su pecho mientras me abraza, escuchando el latir de su corazón; que sus suaves y dulces caricias tranquilicen a mi alma llena de maldad. *
 Una cálida sensación quemaba su pecho desde el interior, obligando a su corazón a latir desesperado, agitado. Una palabra se formó en su mente, pero aceptarla equivaldría a rendirse, a resignarse y ponerse a los pies de esa perversa mujer.
 La necesitaba, lo había comprendido; que la deseaba, ya no podía ocultarlo; que le obsesionaba su recuerdo y que estaba loco por ella, no tenía caso negarlo...
  * Pero que la amo... ¡ es una estupidez !. *
 Y sin embargo, Hao no pudo ganar la batalla interna que tenía consigo mismo.
Sin detenerse a meditarlo un poco más, invocó al espíritu de fuego y de un solo salto se posó sobre su mano. Si seguía analizando las emociones nuevas que lo invadían, podría arrepentirse y tratar inútilmente de olvidarla.
 Quería verla, necesitaba estar con ella, retenerla entre sus brazos y enredarse en su cuerpo de nuevo.
 El hombre que pretendía que su relación con la sacerdotisa fuese solo de una noche, ahora iba en su busca... porque no podía estar sin ella, sin su mujer...
  * Sin mi Anna. *
 El shaman permanecía de pie entre las sombras, contemplando la escena.
Frunció el ceño; ella yacía, desnuda, sobre el cuerpo de aquel estúpido shaman que sonreía lleno de felicidad y, por supuesto, de satisfacción, después de hacer el amor con la mujer más hermosa y perfecta de la tierra, nada menos que la tremendamente bella, Anna Kyouyama.
 Y sintió rabia, celos y aquella maldad que hacía arder a su alma.
  * ¿Cómo pudiste hacerme esto, Anna?. *
 Hao susurró entre dientes, poco antes de perder la cordura.
Estaba loco de celos y más que dispuesto a matar al maldito de Yoh Asakura, que se había atrevido a disfrutar de la mujer que le pertenecía a él y a nadie más. . .
 La mujer de Hao Asakura.
   Sin finalizar.
Desde hacía mucho tiempo tenía la ambición de escribir acerca de como Hao se obsesiona con la rubia itako, y sinceramente el resultado no está tan mal ^^ '.
Para mi, ningún chico de ‘mankin’ puede resistirse a Anna Kyouyama, ni siquiera el propio Hao, después de todo, en el manga él mismo dijo que Anna sería su esposa y que sus intenciones... eran muy serias ^¬^.
Este fanfiction fue escrito por MAEDA Ai  y es material de "Paradise".
Totalizado el 27 de Noviembre de 2006.
La dama del Hentai: Maeda Ai.
|| Capítulo 8 ||
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nndgk · 1 year ago
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Legendary Left! 🤯💥
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coucouninfairy · 1 year ago
Aquí tengo algunos dibujos que hice antiguos, como quiero tenerlo todo aquí pues voy a subir todo lo que tengo en twitter 😏💕 luego ya iré subiendo cosas nuevas!!! 🥰
Esto es más meme que otra cosa de Shaman king
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También tengo secuencias:
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loveinamystery · 1 year ago
Three is a crowd
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I've been inactive due to sickness. I haven't felt like drawing much, or anything I do draw I just give up.
I finished this cute doodle of the twins and Anna 🥰 Hao trying to third wheel and failing is my passion.
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lugiafly · 2 years ago
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Holy trinity of SK. My designs for them in FF AU. Samurai Yoh, Beastmaster Anna and Summoner/Black Mage Hao. Of course Anna and Hao are Cetras (where Anna is only in some part and Hao lived when Cetras ruled the planet).
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apathetic-pixel-42 · 10 months ago
Hiiii its me again I was wondering if you can make Hao x fem reader where she's In the great spirit with hao?(hope you have a good day/night drink water)
Hi again!! Thank you for your request, sorry for the inactivity! School's been keeping me busy, but I hope you enjoy!! <3333333
Hao Asakura Inside The Great Spirit With Reader ⭐
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If he hadn’t planned this before hand, he’d be internally panicking. He’d interrogate you, asking how you managed to make it to his area of the Great Spirit.
He’d watch you defy his powers, a look of shock and embarrassment on his face. After the initial confrontation, he’d calm down and ease into your presence.
He’d lower his voice, asking you if you’d like to return to the living world with Yoh and the others. You can imagine his surprise when you ask to stay with him.
He’d be a little distant at first, moping around as he watched Yoh and the others live their lives. Eventually, he’d settle into his new routine of hanging out with you.
He’d watch you mess around with your newfound mind powers, occasionally letting out a small chuckle at your shenanigans.
If he had planned on bringing you into the Great Spirit, he’d be a lot more comfortable. After all, he had already planned for you to be his partner from the beginning.
However, if he hadn’t planned this, then he’d be forced to confront his feelings. After all, he can’t read your mind anymore, so he can’t tell what you’re thinking.
Once he got over himself and confessed (if he hadn’t already), he’d start being more affectionate. Given his newfound spiritual status, he can literally do whatever he wants.
He’d occasionally pop in on the mortal realm, watching Yoh and Anna live their lives together. Sometimes he’d bring you with him, sitting beside you with Matamune on his lap.
He’d constantly think about the deal he made with Yoh: convincing Hao not to destroy the world. He knew it was practically impossible to accomplish, but he watched his brother do as much as he could to make the world a better place.
He’d listen as you cheered Yoh on, entertaining your hope despite his beliefs. He’d rarely talk about his opinion on humanity, knowing that you preferred to not hear his pessimistic ideologies.
His mom would occasionally come visit, much to his dismay. Though, inside, he felt his heart melt as he watched you get along with his mom. It makes him happy inside.
He’d also entertain you whenever you got bored. The Great Spirit isn’t exactly the most fun place in the world, so he’d spend a lot of time with you in order to keep you sane. He’d also let you explore, but he always makes sure to keep an eye on you.
He’d occasionally have to deal with members of the patch popping in and interrupting his time with you. It irritates him, but you help calm him down pretty quickly.
Overall, he’d keep you company whether he wanted to or not.
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junhui-recs · 1 month ago
── june's jun faves .ᐟ ⋆₊.*:・
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these are my favorite jun fics that i enjoy or were written for me by my mutuals! links are purely for my own personal ease of access but please check out these wonderful authors (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶)
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by — mars @onlymingyus ♡
• jun in bed drabble ›››› sfw .ᐟ 0.3k words boyfriend!jun x gn reader — fluff, mildly suggestive
• another jun in bed drabble ›››› sfw .ᐟ 0.2k words boyfriend!jun x gn reader — fluff
• thank him later (#1) ›››› nsfw (18+) .ᐟ 0.7k words jun x gn reader x minghao — smut, makeup artist!reader, voyeurism
• thank you (#2) ›››› nsfw (18+) .ᐟ 3.7k words jun x gn reader x minghao — smut, voyeurism/exhibitionism
• rooted (2022 mars'oween) ›››› nsfw (18+) .ᐟ 2k words wood nymph king!jun x f reader — smut, supernatural, nymph queen!reader it's been 2 years and i'm still begging for a sequel but i refuse to give up hope
• do re mi ›››› nsfw (18+) .ᐟ 4k words husband!jun x wife!f reader — smut, fluff, 70s au, record store owner!reader, breeding kink
• follow me ›››› nsfw (18+) .ᐟ 3.2k words poly relationship jun x f reader x joshua — smut, fluff, mlm, soft dom!joshua, virgin!jun
• shut up ›››› nsfw (18+) .ᐟ 35.9k words — read warnings carefully!! mob boss!jun x f reader (feat. minghao) — smut, fluff, angst, dark themes, violence, drugs, hard dom!jun, dom!minghao, sub!reader
• **eyes roll (shut up patreon bonus) ›››› nsfw (18+) .ᐟ 2.1k words mob boss!jun x f reader x minghao — smut, threesome, mlm, aftercare, double penetration, dom!jun, switch!hao, sub!reader (this link is to the google doc so it only works for me sorry, subscribe to mars' patreon to read this exclusive post!)
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by — anna @wonustars ♡
• how deep is your love? ›››› nsfw (18+) .ᐟ 1.5k words bf!jun x f reader — smut, fluff, birthday sex, new year's
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by — nova @duhnova ♡
• dive in ›››› nsfw (18+) .ᐟ 1.4k words lifeguard!jun x f reader — smut, semi-public sex, jealous jun
• wedding present ›››› nsfw (18+) .ᐟ 3.2k words husband!jun x wife!f reader — smut, fluff, newlyweds, breeding kink
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by — bibi @jeonghunny ♡
• matching rings ›››› sfw .ᐟ 0.8k words boyfriend!jun x reader — fluff, humor, proposal
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by — lily @husbandhoshi ♡
• [9:17pm] ›››› sfw .ᐟ 1.1k words med student!jun x sick reader — fluff, humor, college au, roommates au
• med student/doctor!jun headcanons ›››› sfw .ᐟ 0.1k words med student!jun x gn reader — fluff
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himebushou · 1 year ago
I finished watching Shaman King 2021 yesterday! Some scattered thoughts on Episodes 38-52!
So much happened in this episode but absolutely everything has been wiped from my brain because WHAT is Marco's battle outfit —
Episode 38
Episode 39
I really need Team The Ren to win this fight!
Yoh finally gets to share his big news, lol
Man, the X-Laws' reveal was a big deal but again, it went at a 100 miles an hour so there wasn't much space/time to absorb everything... and I can't believe how huge that table has gotten, lol
Marco is. A dope.
Episode 40
For me, a Team Horohoro fan, this episode was... truly a lot. I want to know his full story (and despite what Yoh and Ren say, I know that they do, too). He was seriously amazing and guh, just such a fantastic character. I loves the kanji and etymology lesson from Hao, too.
I'm still kinda shocked that Yoh is back in the Shaman Fight as I thought that his being out of the game was a massive divergence that was going to set the series apart, but the way things have worked out is pretty cool!
And the Five Elemental warriors are gonna come from Gandhara, huh? Nice!
The new ending is GORGEOUS. Whoa whoa.
(Also, finally getting some closure for why Yoh has felt so off — poor chilled boy is so stressed.)
Episode 41
I think Marco is dead dead (unless he'll be revived?) and phew, the stuff with the X-Laws' satellite was cool! ALTHOUGH. I'm wondering what the heck they saw that made Hao so damn angry.
Sati doesn't waste any time taking prisoners fjdk
Honestly, some moments have been jawdropping fjhfh
And Oh!Oni was back! And beloved Matamune!
I love this Yoh and Amidamaru focus, eee
Episode 42
I am just becoming increasingly incoherent EVERYTHING IS SO EXCITING but phew, so many people kicked the bucket in this ep?
I am emo about Yohsen oh maaan
Episode 43
And now one of Manta's relatives is getting in on the action and trying to nab the Great Spirit PHEWWW
Jun having trained with Sati? Whoa! And having the mana to resurrect THREE people? When Faust could only do one? I have some questions, but I'm happy my girl is involved!
But since Anna has also mastered the Ultra Senji Ryakketsu, surely she should also be able to resurrect people?
This is so wild but it's exciting so I'll roll with it!
Episode 44
ANNA VS HAO and there are still so many secrets there? THE TENSION.
And then the coffee!! I'm so glad that Yohsen is somehow still around fjfjf
Though damn, Hao, you cheapskate: pay your damn bill!
Tao Ran and Tao Yúan on screen together, yahoo! (Flipping heck, I loved those moments when Ren was so embarrassed about his family cheering him on, lolol)
BUT BLOODY HELL THIS BATTLE. TBH I really want Team The Ren to win because I do feel that they've got Yoh outclassed... the Ren/Horo lightning/ice combo is just too good. Though wow, Horohoro is MAD.
Episode 45
I'm so close to the end and I'm so sad!
Phew, so we find out which elements the boyos are going to have! I was fully expecting Yoh to have fire, so I was super surprised that it'll be Lyserg instead. Joco with the 'Wind of Change' makes sense, as does Ren with lightning (though I'm surprised that this was an element over metal, tbh, especially since Ren made some comments about Yoh's mastery of metal where Spirit of Sword was concerned) and Horohoro with water. Yoh as the sturdy earth guy is good.
(I'm slightly angsty for Ryu... there wasn't much of an explanation from Sati and Gandhara about precisely why the Elemental Warriors had to be kiddos, apart from the established conversation about adults knowing their ceilings. I assume that there's a bit more detail in the manga.)
This fight against the rest of the world, though? Huh, dramatic! I'm a bit sketchy about the whole laser thing becaaause I thought that was spiritual energy that was fired at the island, but it couldn't have been if the whole world is aware of it? So I have questions!
Everyone chillding in the hot spring is so cute, good gracious.
Episode 46
Wow, show's over. Hao is the Shaman King.
Episode 47
HOW is this going to wrap up in a satisfying way when we still have another 8 Patch Officiants to get through djdjd the Lyserg OST hits so haaaard...
Episode 48
Waaaa the adults are having a barbecue and the kids are fighting for their lives and we are losing healers left and right and Opacho can read minds and there are still SO MANY REVELATIONS crikeyyyy
Episode 49
The tone changes are so odd to keep up with; one second, Redseb and Seyrarm are dying and the next, Kalim is bringing everyone dinner and the guys are taking a break to recover mana when it's been explicitly stated they have 15 hours to save the world! This is so whack to me.
WAIT I nearly missed that there was a ton of stuff after the credits and djhff Horohoro doesn't like his full name?
Episode 50
Oh man, the way Tamiko died was actually harrowing and then she's revealed to be Kororo and Ren's just like. Horohoro is now in dope mode we must ignore him fhfjjlfj
Ren has been taking on most of these fights and his battle against Nichrom was swift, but cool; I loved Joco vs Thalim though — and Thalim himself was adorable!
Episode 51
I'm weeping Shaman King is so special the whole thing is just WE WILL DEFEAT THE BADDIE WITH THE POWER OF LOVE.
urgh urgh this OST!!
Episode 52
I definitely cried during the last episode because parts of the ending were so beautiful; everyone coming together to show Hao that he could be saved — that salvation is in accepting your humanity and believing in the humanity of others. And I found Hao's mother's words so freaking soothing... I'm glad that Hao missing his mother was foreshadowed earlier, but we could have had more of that, I think.
And sure, they haven't fixed the world by 2007, but that is OKAY — most of them are around 22 and at that age, I was a wreck! So they have time and their lives to look forward to and... and I guess I disagree with the folks who say that the end of Shaman King is bad because they feel 'everything was pointless'; there's a lot to do and, even with guardian ghosts, shamans can't do everything alone.
I think this is an anime I could definitely rewatch, at some point. Wow. I love these characters and, as much as I griped about this, that and the other, I loved this story.
And I think it's so interesting that Yoh just. Didn't end up as the Shaman King djbdfh that;s definitely not what I was expecting!
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dopepoisonivyoncrack · 1 year ago
1000 years ago onmyoji Asakura Hao, periodically accurate x reader story. I don't even fully realize what I'm wishing for, but I know that I like him enough to do the research (eventually), and that it must be nothing easy to live that time with him.
Consider someone loving him enough to save him like Yoh did for Anna. Ofc it worked only because it went both ways but... consider.
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hannibalcatharsis-zero · 2 years ago
Meme - tag nine people
tagged by @letters-to-rosie!
Three ships: Although I have distanced myself from them for little over a year now, Eruri (Erwin x Levi) from Shingeki no Kyojin will always have a special place in my heart. Dresden, always :') but honestly any verse they're in they are good and warm my heart and that will not change despite me not reading lately
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I've quite removed myself from Kuroshitsuji too, but Undertaker x Claudia has a hold on my heart until Yana finally confirms or denies it in the next 10 years or so
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More recently I've quite enjoyed Timebomb (Ekko / Jinx) from Arcane. They're sweet, and everything with Jinx is aesthetically pleasing
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First ship: Probably Hao x Anna from Shaman King
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Last song: Mark Chapman by Måneskin . I have difficulty relistening to the full album because I always stop and loop this one.
Last film: Everything Everywhere All at Once. Really cool!
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Currently reading: Fanfics: "talk revolution to me" by @letters-to-rosie and "Forward but Never Forget / XOXO" by @lullabyes22-blog . Also following the dvd commentary of "root, anchor, and one day bear fruit" by @milf-talia-al-ghul
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As for books, I have 2 Ian Kershaw WWII books waiting for me for years, "The Seven" by André Vianco and " What Are You Looking At?: 150 Years of Modern Art in the Blink of an Eye" by Will Gompertz
Currently watching: Finished Breaking Bad and started Better Call Saul
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Currently consuming: Finished what is called Ball of Berlin in portuguese. It's a stuffed cake covered in sugar. I had the extra sugar one aka covered in chocolate and filled with chocolate
Currently craving: a Chinese bread I tried at a Nothern Chinese restaurant recently. Holy shit it was so good and a whole meal in itself and delicious
tagging if you want to @lullabyes22-blog @sonderous-opia @thedarkivist @alishatheninth @the-clueless-kitten @isindismay @lostcauses-noregrets @melodyoftheriver @momtaku
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maeda-ai · 2 years ago
Las cosas que me haces hacer... _C1_
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Anime: Shaman King
Rating: M
Pareja: Hao x Anna x Yoh
Sinopsis: Las necesidades carnales pueden traer consecuencias graves... sobre todo si es con el chico equivocado.
Advertencia: Lemon (NFSW)
Por: Maeda Ai & Lua Xan
.:: Capítulo 1 ::.
Se hallaba sentada junto a la ventana de su habitación, con la mirada fija en el oscuro manto de la noche, fija... pero no atenta.
El deseo de estar entre sus fuertes brazos, que sus labios no pudiesen escapar de los suyos y respirar su mismo aliento, ese deseo la estaba matando... ¡cómo anhelaba ser suya!, ¡cómo quería hacer el amor con él!.
No había minuto que no pensara en él, en su prometido... Yoh Asakura.
Ambos ya con veinte años, y su relación seguía estancada; lo que había cambiado, lo que se había dicho, se resumía a una simple palabra...
* Nada. *
Tan simple y frío como las palabras de la rubia.
El joven de cabellos marrones seguía temiéndole, y ella... ella aun mantenía distancia con su actitud seria, fría, seca.
Más la itako lo amaba profundamente, un amor que fue creciendo conforme pasaban los años, un amor que la desesperaba y la entristecía porque, porque...
* Porque me estoy cansando de esperar al lento de Yoh. *
Fue una queja, un suspiro que se perdió en el silencio de la noche.
Yoh ya estaba tranquilamente dormido, sin ninguna preocupación. ¿Cómo podía ser tan ciego?, ¿es que acaso ella no le parecía atractiva?, ¿no la deseaba con desesperación?. En tanto Anna... moría por dormir a su lado.
Esto ya se estaba convirtiendo en una obsesión, en una locura. Pero la sacerdotisa ya era toda una mujer, una mujer enamorada, con deseos y necesidades, una mujer que estaba dispuesta a cometer más de una locura con tal de estar con el shaman.
Incluso llegó a pensarlo, lo intentó varias veces...
* Ir a su habitación y ofrecerme a él. *
Pero el orgullo y la dignidad pudieron más que su deseo.
Parecía tan fácil, deslizarse entre las sábanas y despertarlo con besos y caricias que desbordaran pasión, sorprenderlo con su piel desnuda sobre su cálido cuerpo, incitarlo a probarla, a tocarla e iniciar una noche llena de locura y amor, de excitación y placer. Parecía tan fácil...
* Pero no lo es. *
No, no lo era. Quizá era la incertidumbre de no saber cuáles eran los sentimientos de Yoh hacia ella; temor al rechazo, a alejarlo de ella.
Enfadada consigo misma, la itako arqueó una ceja.
““Paciencia, Anna... paciencia””.
Se decía así misma; estaban comprometidos, algún día simplemente se casarían y entonces podría disfrutar de una relación más íntima con ese shaman de dulce sonrisa. Solo había que esperar, pero...
* Eso es precisamente de lo que ya me cansé... de esperar. *
Con voz frustrada, la sacerdotisa se rindió finalmente a la idea de que sus pensamientos no eran más que un ciclo interminable de deseos que hasta ahora, por falta de iniciativa propia, no había podido cumplir.
Era muy sencillo quejarse de la situación y echarle toda la culpa al joven de morena piel, pero era injusto hacerlo, sobre todo si ella misma no pretendía mover un solo dedo para hacer que las cosas avanzaran.
Claro que, Anna siempre ha sido injusta.
* Supongo que... ésta noche tampoco pasará nada. *
Convencida de sus propias palabras casi como un profeta, Kyouyama suspiró cansada, abandonando su lugar junto a la ventana y caminando hasta su futon, dejándose caer sobre este.
No quería dormir, porque seguramente tendría uno de esos sueños que solo aumentaban su frustración, sueños donde Yoh le hacía el amor, a veces tierno, a veces desesperado... pero enredando sus cuerpos a fin de cuentas.
Sus ojos se cerraban paulatinamente, mientras relajaba su cuerpo aun cubierto por sus ropas.
Y poco antes de que sus párpados protegieran por completo a sus gemas negras, notó como una figura humana comenzaba a sobresalir de entre las sombras, y la sintió...
Una presencia fuera de la norma, era más pesada, más inestable. Dudó un segundo en adivinar de quien era, pero al ver el rostro varonil adornado con el brillo de la luna que se asomaba por la ventana, fue suficiente para convencerla... Hao Asakura estaba en su habitación.
La sorpresa le arrebató bruscamente el sueño, haciendo que se incorporara hasta sentarse sobre el futon y mirar incrédula al shaman de fuego frente a sus ojos.
Parecía absurdo, pero Anna sintió como si la desnudara con su desquiciada mirada.
Él sonreía cínicamente y con aires de superioridad, sus ojos reflejaban un loco deseo, como invitándola a pecar con él... y aunque la itako permaneció fría y serena, un escalofrío la recorrió entera, haciéndola imaginar cosas que prefería ignorar.
* Creí que estabas en el infierno. *
* Que tal Annita !!, ¿cómo has estado?. *
Ignorándola por completo, el shaman mostró una amigable, aunque sospechosa, sonrisa. Acercándose a la sacerdotisa mientras ésta se preguntaba por qué no podía apartar la mirada de aquel joven tan irresistiblemente apuesto.
Sin finalizar.
Estoy muy emocionada con este fic; la idea nació de la infinita inspiración de mi amiga Lua, espero que la historia sea de su agrado, les prometemos mucho, mucho lemon, amor, mmmm infidelidad, un poco de violencia y haber que más se nos ocurre.
Bueno, no es común que yo escriba fics a dueto (el tiempo, ya saben), pero es que Lua Xan tiene muchísima imaginación y las ideas que me propuso me dejaron sencillamente maravillada 0¬0, así que no les sorprenda si este no es el único fic que escribo junto con ella ^^.
Este fanfiction fue escrito por MAEDA Ai  y es material de "Paradise".
Totalizado el 27 de Noviembre de 2006.
La dama del Hentai: Maeda Ai.
|| Capítulo 2 ||
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jumpscaregoose · 1 year ago
Hao x Anna, Hao x Ren, Hao x Jeanne, Hao x Lyserg, Hao x Tamao
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not really a hao ship guy so it's nos across the board
the mdzs crossover pronouns fic on ao3 has a couple of these so that's neat
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coucouninfairy · 1 year ago
Más y más memes de Shaman king:
1. Dos tipos de visión de Anna
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2. Bebé piedra (yoh’s eyes vs anna’s eyes)
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3. Lmao no
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4. The office’s reference (Hao x Anna)
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mijiplays · 2 years ago
Funkuro 30 days Day 28- "If Funbari Chronicle had more time, would you want more of Koeru's story or more AU content?" 
If Funbari Chronicles did then yes, I would've loved to see more of Koeru's story evolution and see how it will end (Same goes for Milishara)
And as for more content that I would've loved to see getting expanded further is the school AU. I still have so much questions regarding this AU like... 
 Where is Anna. Does she even attend to this school? 
 Who is in who's classes? Are Yoh and his main friends are in the same class together?
Are Nichrome and Rutherford teachers or students? Are all the patch members teachers?
 Does Jeanne live alone or does she like. Have actual parents in this AU. 
 Who is the one student Jeanne has trouble dealing with. (Is it Ren. IS IT. Because I feel like it is... And if it's Ren... I would have love to see them interacting and maybe the start of them somehow getting a long with each other and their development...) 
 Other then the school AU, other things I would have loved to see happening if we had more time:
Other X-Laws members getting added and them being playable 
Other Hao faction members getting added and them being playable 
Ice Men team getting added and them being playable 
 More Jeanne units. I would love to see a Jeanne unit that can revive other units and also a unit of her 5 star illustration of her reviving Ren. 
 Also new ult animations for Jeanne, I would have loved to see the statue of apega and torture chairs animated 
 More Lyserg and Marco units. Idk I feel like they were kinda underrated in this game, they deserved to have more units rather then just 6 units in total 
 I would have loved to see more of Ren getting included in more holiday events like a summer beach event for example or Christmas (though idk if he even really celebrates it lol) Also white day in the School AU too
Also more Anna units. I want to see more YohAn elements included as well
I wished they extended the cancellation date further… Maybe to July 31st because I wanted to max out all of my Ren and Jeanne skills/ult but I doubt I will make it in time tbh 
 They could’ve added the latest (and final) Jeanne unit to the G3 pool (I’m still confused as to why they didn’t)
And that’s about it of all of my wishes if Funkuro had more time and stayed alive a bit longer... We could’ve had it all......
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nyonyowaves · 2 years ago
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fourth chapter, steps:
Nombre + FC + Grupo
Fecha de cumpleaños
Código personal
Link del perfil o página
Mencione tres reglas de la comunidad y condiciones que esta tiene. < obligatorio responder >
Faceclaims + Teams
Mary, Lee Da Hee
Caroline, Yuqi GIDLE
Jordan, Yeonjun TXT
Lucas, Yuta NCT 127
Hyunwoo, Shownu MONSTA X
Anna, Yoona SNSD
Bonnie, Jihan WEEKLY
Ai, Winter Aespa
Adrik, Mingi ATEEZ
Alex, Jake Enhypen
Sam, Cameron Boyer Weathers
Mao, XiaoJun WayV
Koichi, Hyunjin SKZ
Orión, Karina AESPA
Yui, Ju Jing Yi ACTRIZ
Zen, Leafnine MODELO
Universe, Changmin TBZ
Hao, Minghao SVT
Hanami, Lee Taemin SHINee
Kaori, Hyewon IZONE
Andrew, Lee Felix SKZ
Melody, Joy Red Velvet
Mark, Mingyu SVT
Elijah, Jacskon Wang
Hiro, Jeongin SKZ
Miel, Miyeon GIDLE
Ji Woon, Hongjoong ATEEZ
Maddy, Jang Yeeun SOLISTA
Suzy, Bae Suzy ACTRIZ
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