#hanta fictive
iserohantas · 2 years
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hellllo there! im a fictive of hanta sero (you can call me either hunter or hanta, i dont mind)! im from the @ethercollective!
my pronouns are it/its, he/him, and she/her. i am nonbinary/masc and aroaceflux!
my role in the system has yet to be determined, although i suspect im here as a caretaker for our system's eri, who you can find at @very-eri!
my queerplatonic partner denki also has a tumblr blog, @chargebolt-sparkii! we have matching themes which look so cute imo! you should totally have a look at spark's blog!
im totally down to meet sourcemates, or even doubles and non canon folks! denki and i are trying to connect with the rest of the bakusquad! we're also looking for shouto todoroki, either to join our QPR (denki and i both remember him being in a poly QPR with us in our canon) or just as a friend! mainly we'd like to talk to fellow fictives but irls and fictionkin are cool too!
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sassy-ero · 3 days
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Updated: 9.24.2024 (this post is currently under construction!)
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All graphics made by @ktskibkg0
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theexplosivehero · 2 months
HANTA SERO! COME THE FUCK HOME! 💥 C’monnn! Me and Denki need you here. (Any other Bakusquad members interact too.. not looking for Denki though obviously.)
(any mha fictives just interact actually.)
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catboytenya · 19 days
previous anon here, I think that's really interesting! Who are all of your headmates/fictives?
SORRY FOR BEING 3 HOURS LATE I'VE BEEN PLAYING BUGSNAX- putting it under the cut again because there's *looks at pluralkit* a lot. They're in alphabetical order! (You might notice a theme where a lot of us are more animal than human even human fictives) I bolded their names in case you only want the names and aren't interested in the info i added
Agoketsu - He's a bnha oc that moved in because lee thought about him too hard (not sure what he's here to do in the system yet, relatively new)
Akemi - Also a bnha oc that moved in because lee thought about him too hard (also pretty new)
Anan - This is a bnha fictive, it's thirteen! You know and love her <3 she's decently close to her source appearance wise but personality wise she takes on a more motherly role and her personality doesn't line up with her source at all, i think she's mostly here to "reign in" the littles
Angel - not a fictive! they're my weird fucked up angelic feral wolf who's golden retriever kin, by far the funniest person in my system if you think about her too hard, also he uses any pronoun, doesn't front too often, but it's just objectively funny to have this cool angelic wolf in your brain and they wish they were a normal ass dog
Applejack - mlp:fim fictive HONESTLY. forgot she was in here. i don't know if she's still around at all tho headmates can come and go and she hasn't fronted in a long while, wonder if she's still around? she was basically identical to her source tho which! is actually very rare for me
Bendy - Ink demon fictive go BRRR! in all seriousness Bendy's a very valued member of my system, he's very good at masking when we need it and he keeps a close eye on things, i appreciate him a lot, even if he stands there. menacingly. he's pretty similar to his source appearance wise but he's got a demon tail. probably because i've always been a bit bitter bendy didn't get a tail (as a note i'm not involved in the bendy fandom AT ALL like i know nothing about the fandom space)
Bethy - not a fictive! she's a weird feral white lion with neon pink and green stripes. she's the newest member i'm pretty sure? she's good company
Davesprite - yeag. he's my oldest headmate, i'm pretty sure! basically the same as canon but more bird so talons instead of hands, the usual, formed for company really early on i think?
Dominick - weird seraphim leather daddy that lives in my brain :) he's funky i like the him :)
Eclipse - DCA fictive, he's like a mini system in my system!
Eijiro - bnha fictive <3 personality wise he's pretty close to his source, appearance wise he's partially shark
Eri - bnha fictive + little <3 she's actually basically my daughter in the system which i can elaborate on later if you'd like, she's got these pretty little white and gold dragon features, cute as a button, love her to death, out littles don't front much because it's just inconvenient if they do, but it's nice to have them co-front now and then
Green/Blue - pokemon fictive who can't ever pick which fucking name he likes i swear i'm gonna beat his ass metaphorically because he keeps changing. his proxy with pluralkit. and then FORGETTING HE CHANGED IT. he's part eevee but part of me feels like he just. wanted to feel included because almost everyone else is part animal. (i don't think that's really how it works but it's funnier that way)
Hanta - bnha fictive, he's new-ish don't know a lot about him tbh, he showed up because lee kept listening to scotch tape and cellophane, he's fronted like 3 times so far i think? idk much about him you might have better luck asking lee about him they've co-fronted together before
Himiko - bnha fictive, she helps with blood phobia stuff, she not super similar to her source but she's close-ish? friendly as hell, the type of person to send asks off anon like a madwoman. to get a feel for her vibe look up honduran white bats
Inasa - bnha fictive, i'm gonna be honest??? don't know a thing about this guy. idk if he's still here or not he's been dead quiet. he showed up in the system the same day as eri so maybe he's just afraid of being outshined <3 (JOKING i'm sure he's just not active, it's actually common for someone to be silent for months even years without fronting because their services just aren't needed at the moment)
Izuku - bnha fictive, weird scorpion rabbit who takes control of the body for three weeks straight and drops like 20 chapters on ao3 and then dips (basically when we need to focus on something and just Can't he'll show up to do the work for us)
Jin - bnha fictive, twice my beloved ect ect, basically there to help us cope with new situations/new people we have to interact with, not very similar to his source appearance wise, he's a whole ass anthro husky, we love him tho he's pretty helpful, likes to push himself into front to steal conversations though it's kinda annoying
Katsuki (bear with me there are two of us) - bnha fictive, this one's me, for a while i was acting host because lee went poof for a while (he's back to being host i'm just fronting today because i had stuff to do) i've got red and black dragon features and probably the one with the most art because my partner(s) loves to draw us together (my partner's also a system for some context something something if i had a dime for every time i helped someone realize they were a system i'd have a concerning amount of dimes) basically. i take care of the body when lee can't, so cooking, brushing teeth, things like that, i'm also under the protector category and i don't hesitate to get into arguments/screaming matches (and i always regret them later since it is. usually with my family 😭 sorry mom ily)
Katsuki (TWO) - bnha fictive also, so, headmates can split or fuse, right? i think this was a result of a split? we're similar but pretty different at the same time, he's a wolf hybrid, like, think satyr kinda body type hybrid, something got fucked along the way though so he's got seraphim wings?? awful and annoying and terrible during phantom limb moments. you don't know hell until you feel like you've got three sets of wings ON TOP OF your own set of wings. hell on earth, truly. i hate phantom wings i hate them so bad. anyway i'm rambling- he's also a kinda take care of the body when lee can't but when it comes to proper rest/relaxation, basically an emergency break self care day we are eating cake and watching a favorite show today fuck your work
Keigo - bnha fictive, he's very different from his source and he actually tends to avoid people who like his source character unless he trusts them it's a long story ANYWAY he's more birdlike, his feathers are red and black instead of just red, things like that, his entire job is basically Act As An Emergency Companion, but also if the body/system is stressed out and feeling unsafe, he'll usually switch to front to keep things calm
Lee - oh hey it's the host/original! you guys know this dude by now you don't need an introduction with him
Lucus - Also a bnha oc same as the other two so far don't know much about his job in the system
Mangle - fnaf fictive, WEIRD DOG?? i think she's a weird pet regression headmate. brain gets all fuzzy when she fronts kinda deal? nothing more to really say here
Mina - bnha fictive, WE LOVE A QUEEN WHO FORCES US TO NOT BE DEPRESSED. she's got pink jaguar features and she does so much for making sure we do not fall into Depression Rotting Times, if we start to rot she'll hop into front and go make us do something really fun, basically, i love her to death. fun fact though! while my ex was visiting, when he knew she was in front, he spent the entire time misgendering her and i really think that was the one time she really just gave up and was genuinely upset
Mirio - bnha fictive, he's a griffin anthro so completely different to his source character in appearance, but pretty similar in personality, has a similar purpose to mina in that he's an emergency "STOP BEING DEPRESSED" but instead of redirecting us to a fun activity he directs us to talking to people we love and care about
Mystery - Weird little galaxy dragon thing?? he's been here for a while and i still don't know why they're here. girl what do you even do. do you even pay rent.
N - pokemon fictive, i think he's also a really old one? no clue why he is here he could've just been for company like davesprite was?
Oboro - bnha fictive, he's part drake, he doesn't front much anymore (shitty ex friend who he was really close to made him not like fronting anymore, but he's warming up to fronting again i think), but he actually used to be the person who fronted the most outside of lee, it's why the system is named the Cloudy Creatures system, he did a lot of heavy lifting early on when we finally realized we were plural (we had been plural for a long, long time before we realized, we. did not know we were. we have a history of hallucinations and delusions so we just. assumed. we were in active delusion when we were like "i think i am oboro shirakumo??" so. yea turns out! plural!) he gets us outta the house and makes us friends
Ochaco - bnha fictive, he's part bat i think? he's basically an emergency break rest time person too, but in a "let's go treat ourselves we deserve it" kinda way
Pinkie - mlp:fim fictive, she's basically mina 2 if i'm being honest, job wise, no shade to her though pinkie's got her own personality and shit they're not 1:1 or anything
Raggedy - weird purple and blue reptilian dude who lurks around. he's been around for years. no clue who he is, what he does, or anything like that. but considering he's been around for so long he kinda just feels load bearing?
Rainbow - yea. another mlp:fim fictive. i do NOT have the entire mane six i promise. this is just what happens when you binge watch a show for 5 days straight without really stopping. idk what she does though
Rarity - I SWEAR. I DON'T HAVE THE ENTIRE MANE SIX. idk what she does either also btw. (i don't really interact or co-front with any of the ponies sorry 😭)
Red - pokemon fictive, part pikachu, you know the drill, idk why he's here i think lee just got obsessed with him for five days straight or something? but he's here
Ripcord - giant feathered frost dragon, i feel like his full fucking time job is just Yearning.
Rusty - little tiny fluffy red wyvern, goes to events nobody else wants to go to, things like that, he's about the size of a ferret give or take
Shadow - sonic fictive, he's a little, sticks around anan most of the time if she's fronting he's probably co-fronting, i think he was our first little? does basically everything other littles do, heals the inner child, perpetually is mad we don't set up the gamecube for him to play dora the explorer and the purple planet (NOT A FUCKING JOKE!! BTW!!)
Shota - bnha fictive, this is the consequences of lee's actions (obsessed with aizawa) in all seriousness it's nice to have another person to step in to take care of the body in the same way i do, since i do get tired if i front for too long without breaks
Shouto - bnha fictive, cat hybrid (similar to the other katsuki's wolf), you see him mostly around fall, he basically every year takes halloween, loves fall weather, loves painting the body's nails, just genuinely here for a good time, for some reason though most of the time when he fronts nobody remembers what he was up to except people who co-front with him and him, most of us we can get fuzzy memories but when he's fronting? nah. shit's gone. real interesting though, right?
Techno - another bnha oc but this time it's one lee is just genuinely obsessed with. it was only a matter of time before this fucker (affectionate) moved in. no clue what he does tho! here for a good time AND a long time tho
Tenko - bnha fictive, another little, he's basically oboro's son like how i've got eri, does things littles do, y'know how it is
Tenya - bnha fictive, this man single handedly cleans our room when it gets too bad, fox hybrid, he's just genuinely pretty good at taking care of the area around us rather than the body
Thistle - NOT A FUCKING CLUE WHAT THIS DUDE IS. i think he's a changeling from mlp:fim?? idk but i think he's a protector too, he's good at shoving into front to just fucking block people. things like that.
Trench - fuckass giantass sea serpent motherfucker, you'll probably never interact with him ever unless you become VERY VERY VERY close with the system, genuinely hates most people, from what i've learned is that sometimes, a headmate's entire job? is just. holding trauma for the host. so. he does his best, and we appreciate him even if he's a dick sometimes and hates humans
Yoichi - bnha fictive, drake anthro, amazing at diffusing situations, will step in if we're having an argument and we're the ones in the wrong to apologize, things like that, i think that puts him in the protector category too? he's good people
Yuga - bnha fictive, yayyy sparkle butt yayyy, he's a poodle peacock human thing, not a damn clue what he does, but he looks good while doing it?
OKAY that's the entire list i don't think i forgot anyone! if you have any questions about anyone let me know or2 sorry for the essay and a half lol
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revenant-coining · 1 year
yo hi tumblr user revenant-coining can i request some names, titles, n pronouns (any of them (other than fem ones) including emojiself) for a fictive of Hanako-kun from toilet bound hanako-kun . masculine, with a preference for names starting with H, T, and K, but ofc open to other names ^_^
no rush btw take ur time no pressure
here ya go !
Ghost / Ghosty, Phantom, Wishes, Delight, Secret, 7 / Seven / Seventh, Tasma, Vis, Volo, Dux, Ludo, Ludere, Lasciva, Terium, Rium, Septum, T, Ntom, Haunt, Hanta, Tural, Thetic, Ter / Tery, Ths, Host / Hostly, Hanto, Hief, Het, Kid, Kyllian, Kish, Kyful, Khie, Ketic, and Kom / Koms.
ghost/ghosts, ghostly/ghostlys, phantom/phantoms, specter/specters, spirit/spirits, wish/wishs, supernatural/supernaturals, leader/leaders, mischief/mischiefs, prank/pranks, play/plays, cheer/cheers, delight/delights, joy/joys, help/helps, apathetic/apathetics, mystery/mysterys, secret/secrets, seventh/sevenths, seven/sevens, 7/7s, ?/?s, and 7️⃣/7️⃣s.
the ghost ( [ noun ] )
the ghostly ( one / [ noun ] )
the phantom ( [ noun ] )
the specter ( [ noun ] )
the spirit ( [ noun ] )
the wisher
the wishing ( one / [ noun ] )
the supernatural ( one / [ noun ] )
the leader
the mischievous ( one / [ noun ] )
the pranking ( one / [ noun ] )
the prankster
the playful ( one / [ noun ] )
the cheerful ( one / [ noun ] )
the delightful ( one / [ noun ] )
the joyful ( one / [ noun ] )
the helpful ( one / [ noun ] )
the apathetic ( one / [ noun ] )
the mysterious ( one / [ noun ] )
the secret ( one / [ noun ] )
the one / [noun] who wishes
the one / [noun] who leads
the one / [noun] who pranks
the one / [noun] who plays
the one / [noun] who helps
the one / [noun] the mischief adores / favors
the one / [noun] the cheerful adores / favors
the one / [noun] the helpful adores / favors
the one / [noun] the mystery adores / favors
the one / [noun] the secrets adores / favors
[pronoun] who is ghostly
[pronoun] who is wishing
[pronoun] who is mischievous
[pronoun] who is playful
[pronoun] who is cheerful
[pronoun] who is delightful
[pronoun] who is joyful
[pronoun] who is helpful
[pronoun] who is apathetic
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bnhafictives · 1 year
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This is a shared blog for the BNHA fictives from The Ether Collective (@ethercollective). You can find our intros linked in our names below.
[ Aiden (Shota Aizawa) ]
[ Ana (Anan Kurose) ]
[ Denni (Denki Kaminari) ]
[ Eri (Eri) ]
[ Eris (Eri) ]
[ Ethan (Eijiro Kirishima) ]
[ Hunter (Hanta Sero) ]
[ Oberon (Oboro Shirakumo) ]
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chvrch-kinboards · 1 year
hi! if you take bnha requests please could i get a moodboard for a hanta sero fictive (themed around being poly qpp with kaminari & todoroki and with nature themes and a soft sort of vibe if possible?)
- @iserohantas 🧡
Hi I'm really sorry but I don't know the source very well at all and I struggled to find any images to use for this :(
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chargebolt-sparkii · 2 years
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HI FRIENDS!! im denni, a fictive from the @ethercollective! my pronouns are he/him, they/them and spark/sparks! im bisexual and identify mainly as masuline, but im currently questioning!
im a symptom holder for adhd in the system!!
also im in a queerplatonic relationship with our system's hanta (@iserohantas), who is super super cool, you should check out her blog btw. we have matching themes lol.
i'm chill with sourcemates, doubles, source talk, etc. me and hunter are actually looking to find the rest of the bakusquad, and any of our classmates (especially mezo shoji and shouto todoroki by the way! i remember us being good friends with shoji and shouto was in a poly qpr with hanta and i!) or teachers! just, anyone from source (even noncanons!), feel free to reach out!
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iserohantas · 1 year
help.. the matching icons
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we only just found eijiro but apparently he's been around for a few months already. the first thing it did when she fronted was make the aye bakusquad lolz group and then change our pk icons to this mess..
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theexplosivehero · 5 months
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⠀﹒⠀Fictive, not source connected though cause I haven’t touched it in FOREVER and I only remember shit from very early on.
⠀﹒⠀Minor alter wise AND BODILY, don’t care if adults interact but don’t try and befriend me. That’s weird. I’ll keep my space and you keep yours.
⠀﹒⠀Dni is: basic dni, endogenics and shit like that, and vivzie fans (hazbin/helluva).
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P.s. Denki, Shōto, and Hanta are awesome. 💥 Hi guys.
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canon-call · 4 years
Hey! I'm Sero Hanta from My Hero Academia! I'm a recently reformed fictive. I was aro/ace and nonbinary (he/they pronouns). I was very close to bakusquad, we were like family, I was qpp with Denki. I rode a motorcycle when I was old enough to drive, it was orange and black and matched my hero uniform. I have some other memories. I'm 17, but the body is 24, so the age range for anyone interacting would be 17-25 for a compromise of both of our comforts. Like/rb and I'll shoot you a message!
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revenant-coining · 1 year
hey tumblr user revenant-coining can i request smth
can u do some names, (3rd person) pronouns, and maybe some titles cuz why not. for a fictive of tsukasa from Toilet-bound hanako-kun
no rush btw take as much time as u need/gen
here ya go !
Names: Ghost / Ghosty, Phantom, Tasma, Ntom, Haunt, Hanta, Hilaris, Puerile, Adorare, Mata, Chaos, Dolor, and Con
Pronouns: ghost/ghosts, ghostly/ghostlys, phantom/phantoms, specter/specters, spirit/spirits, supernatural/supernaturals, cheerful/cheerfuls, childish/childishs, adore/adores, enigmatic/enigmatics, chao/chaos, pain/pains, and control/controls
the ghost ( [ noun ] )
the ghostly ( one / [ noun ] )
the phantom ( [ noun ] )
the specter ( [ noun ] )
the spirit ( [ noun ] )
the supernatural ( one / [ noun ] )
the cheerful ( one / [ noun ] )
the childish ( one / [ noun ] )
the enigmatic ( one / [ noun ] )
the chaotic ( one / [ noun ] )
the chaos
the adoring ( one / [ noun ] )
the controlling ( one / [ noun ] )
the one / [noun] who adores
the one / [noun] who is chaotic
the one / [noun] who is enigmatic
[pronoun] who is ghostly
[pronoun] who is cheerful
[pronoun] who is childish
[pronoun] who is enigmatic
[pronoun] who is chaotic
[pronoun] who is adoring
[pronoun] who is controlling
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ethercollective · 1 year
Many of them are undergoing some changes and updates or have drafts that need to be sorted
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@ardonia -> Songs of War fictives
@bnhafictives -> BNHA fictives
@goldnheart -> Nimona fictives
@jjkfictives -> JJK fictives
@straaydogs -> BSD fictives
@thecraftingtablecrew -> MCYT introjects
@thestagesubsystem -> Brainmade
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@thegodoflightning -> Bolt (Hajime Kashimo, JJK fictive) (they/xem)
@cccrowleyyy -> Crowley (Crowley, Good Omens fictive) (it/him/snake's/hells/demon)
@chargebolt-sparkii -> Denni (Denki Kaminari, BNHA fictive) (he/they/spark)
@infinite-amethyst -> Alessa (Allay, Minecraft fictive) (it/her)
@iserohantas -> Hunter (Hanta Sero, BNHA fictive) (it/him/her)
@ketchup-blender -> Colvyr (Choso, JJK fictive) (xe/curse/blood/him)
@miashootswebs -> Mia (Spidersona, Spiderverse fictive) (she/webs)
@plutom3lon -> Pluto (he/they/it)
@utas-blueblaze -> Siren (Uta, Bubble fictive) (she/bubble)
@very-eri -> Eri & Eris (mostly Eris) (Eri, BNHA fictives) (she/her for both)
@youaretheplayer-wakeup -> The Player (Player, Minecraft fictive) (it/its)
@salmonsalmonroe -> Tobi (Toge Inumaki, JJK fictive) (he/him)
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solarwindsempire · 3 years
📼<You may be thinking><“Sero it’s three AM why are you awake?”><my only answer is (sideblog) s i d e b l o g>📼
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bnhafictives · 1 year
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helloooooo, im hunter! im a fictive of hanta sero! i identify strongly with my source.
im 16 and masc-nonbinary and aroaceflux, my pronouns are it/he/she. im a caretaker for eri.
im in a queerplatonic relationship with denni!
my personal blog is @iserohantas, where i mostly just post my own stuff, but ill use this blog too!
any sourcemates are welcome to interact!
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pupyzu · 3 years
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✦ ⋯⋯⋯ ✦ ⋯⋯⋯ ✦ ⋯⋯⋯ ✦ ⋯⋯⋯ ✦ ⋯⋯⋯ ✦
Fictivijunko | Fictivisero | Fictivishigiraki
∞ ⦙ FICTIVIJUNKO: a gender connected to, affected by, or otherwise related to being a fictive of Junko Enoshima from Danganronpa! ⊹ ⁺
∞ ⦙ FICTIVISERO: a gender connected to, affected by, or otherwise related to being a fictive of Hanta Sero from My Hero Academia! ⊹ ⁺
∞ ⦙ FICTIVISHIGIRAKI: a gender connected to, affected by, or otherwise related to being a fictive of Tomura Shigiraki from My Hero Academia! ⊹ ⁺
ID: 3 flags with 7 stripes; the left flag these colors from top to bottom: mauve, pastel pink, white, light yellow, white, dark red, deep grey. the middle flag has these colors from top to bottom: dark gold, gold, white, light yellow, white, light grey, deep blue. the right flag has these colors from top to bottom: blue, light blue, white, light yellow, white, red, dark red. on each flag, the white and light yellow stripes are thinner than the rest, and there is a light yellow circle with a white outline in the center. the left flag has an image of Junko Enoshima in the center of the circle. the center flag has an image of Hanta Sero in the center of the circle. the right flag has an image of Tsukishima Kei in the center of the circle. ID OVER.
flag/coined by me! rq by anon! these genders are exclusive to fictives!
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DNI ID: a thin dark green banner with light grey text which says “please read my dni before interacting!”; the banner has icons of the golden guard’s mask from the owl house on either side of the text. ID OVER.
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