#hans lemmen
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Hans Lemmen (Dutch)
The Wanderer (after C.D. Friedrich)
Tempera and charcoal on paper (105 x 78 cm)
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Hans Lemmen - Zonder titel (vogel)
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(left) Hans Lemmen - Sin título, 2020. Técnica mixta sobre fotografía.
(right) mimii sea/skyscape (photography)
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Snälla tvillingar idag så idag fick jag fälgarna klar på vagnen! Isak är o fixar det sista på den ikväll, så ska jag bara bättra med lite svart färg på några ställen imorn sen är vagnen klar! 🥹
Då kan jag äntligen slå om till projekt kök och projekt sätta igång Rolle inför vagn lite mer seriöst. Målet med Rollis är träning i Villvattnet 25-26 Maj, med övernattning för honom så får Sigge och Bäbis stå kvar hemma under den helgen. Innan dess ska vi ha kommit igång med lite ridhusträning och vagnkörning igen. Måste laga hästtransporten så han inte får övre lemmen i huvudet igen (💀) ((beställde nya dämpare till det idag)) och börja lastträna honom igen så han förstår att han törs gå på utan att få luckan i huvudet 😑
och hade varit SMUTT om sambojäveln köpte biljäveln han lovatjävel i flera ***** år, så jag kunde lasta rolles vagn på flak och få med mig hästen i transporten så jag har med allt i samma veva 🙃
Annars vinschar jag upp vagnen på taket på 945 och stoppar in en fet snus å give no fucks å rullar dit 🤷♀️
Asså emuer är ett så jävla styggt djur 😂😂😂
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Plus que quelques jours pour voir la très belle exposition Roger Ballen et Hans Lemmen au Musée de la chasse et de la nature. Détails.
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“Unleashed”: a collaboration of artists Roger Ballen and Hans Lemmen.
Born in 1950 in New York, Roger Ballen has lived and worked in Johannesburg for many years. There is no question that Roger Ballen is one of the most significant, idiosyncratic and influential photographic artists on the contemporary scene. Ballen’s pictures, shifting between documentation and fiction, both unsettle and captivate the viewer.
« Unleashed » : Unsettling, even brutal, this is Roger Ballen as never seen before, revisiting the depths of the human psyche in a project together with Hans Lemmen; a project remarkable in every respect. Living thousands of miles apart, the two artists have worked on each other’s works over a period of months. Photos and drawings have been exchanged and re-exchanged, dissected, made into collages, in part re-photographed and drawn over; an intense dialogue involving camera, scissors, charcoal and pen. The result is spectacular, transcending the boundaries across these several genres.
https://loeildelaphotographie.com/.../unleashed-a.../Hans Lemmen
Venlo, the Netherlands, 1959
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Inspiration collage #1
Hans Lemmen - Blake Neubert - Fallbeil aka Wosto
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“Troupe” (2018, i.s.m. de gemeente Sint-Katelijne-Waver)
“Vanavond is het eindelijk zover in het dorp: er wordt een grote bruiloft gevierd!
Iedereen is uitgenodigd en alles staat in rep en roer: het koor oefent nog één keer zijn gezangen, de schilder legt de laatste hand aan zijn cadeau, de wijn wordt geperst, de tafel gedekt, de klokken geluid en het café krijgt nog een laatste opblinkbeurt. Alles staat klaar voor het feest der feesten waarin deze inwoners de liefde, het leven en de bloeiende toekomst van het bruidspaar willen vieren.
Tot een oorlog binnen walst...”
In 2018 vieren en herdenken de inwoners van Sint-Katelijne Waver de honderdste verjaardag van het einde van de Eerste Wereldoorlog. Deze oorlog liet wereldwijd sporen na en ook deze gemeente bleef niet gespaard. Toen de frontlijn voorbijgeraasd was, waren de dorpskernen van Sint-Katelijne-Waver en Onze-Lieve-Vrouw-Waver verwoest en geplunderd. Inwoners trokken op de vlucht en het dorp bestond uit uitgebrande en gesloopte woningen, kerken, scholen en gebouwen. Het vee liep los over de omgewoelde velden. Talloze soldatengraven tekenden het landschap. Er heerste ongerustheid en verdriet over soldaten en niet-teruggekeerde vluchtelingen.
“Troupe” is het resultaat van meer dan 500 inwoners van Sint-Katelijne-Waver die hun overgave, energie en tomeloze inzet hebben gebundeld voor een totaalspektakel. Honderd jaar na het einde van WO I, brengen ze een ode aan de herkansing van de mensheid na een catastrofe. Samen tonen ze wat er mogelijk is wanneer een gemeenschap gelooft in verzoening, jongeren, hoop, vrede, samenwerking en toekomst.
“Troupe” kende veel repetities, vergaderingen, omzwervingen en gedaantes voor het zijn uiteindelijke vorm vond. Samen zijn we vertrokken vanuit de talenten van honderden individuele deelnemers: van decorbouwers tot spelers, van tekstschrijvers tot muzikanten, van vendeliers tot ruiters. Gaandeweg ontstonden er ook kruisbestuivingen: dansers tonen hun kunnen op de muziek van de harmonie, de vendeliers leiden met hun vlaggen het spreekkoor in, muzikanten leerden zingen, acteurs hielpen decors te bouwen, enzovoort. Het maken van “Troupe” is een wilde rit geweest, een tornado, een wave – maar bovenal: een feestelijke smeltkroes.
Productie: Gemeente Sint-Katelijne-Waver & Abattoir Fermé Regie: Maja Westerveld. Met medewerking van: Anita Van Bael, Ann Jéhansart, Ann Vandervorst, Caroleine Maks, Christel Pelgrims, Demi Jacobs, Erik Beullens, Elke Maes, Ferry Bottenheft, Geert Eskens, Hilde Cammaer, Jo Vermuyten, Katrien Van Bael, Leonie Lenz, Lieve Janssens, Marthe Vandervorst, Miek De Souter, Nicolas Lenz, Sofie Stroobants, Sylke Pex, Tom Hofman, Tom Hofmans, Veerle van Winkel, Marleen Van Cappellen, Ria Cauwenberg, Olga De Landtsheer, François Jacobs, Dries Van Echelpoel, Jozef Van Loo, Nick van Sprengel, Peter Wery, Tom Van den Wyngaert, Stefan Serneels, Tom De Haes, Jan De Vries, Natasja Mariën, Gitte Mattheus, Christel Peeters, Lieven Pollet, Geert Vanhauwaert, Joke Verreth, Stefanie Verbist, Carina Vertongen, Karlien Belmans, Sofie De Greef, Hendrik De Wilde, Else Jansen, Gert Goossens, Karen Lamoen, Katrien Willems, Lies Baarendse, Lynn Raymenants, Jakob De Wilde, François Crauwels, Maaike Pauwels, Sofie Van den Acker, Wilfried Van den Acker, Pieter Pauwels, Eddy Luytens, Paul Bernaerts, Martine De Winter, Sam Liekens, Bert Vanhauwaert, Veerle Vermeulen, Bernd Bastens, Eva Bastens, Els Devos, Haike Hoozee, Elyana Joris, Eva Van Herbruggen, Ille Le Page, Andy Livens, Marijke Vanroy, Liesbeth Saels, Marc Truyers, Marina Op de Beeck, Helena Neirinck, Daniël Le Page, Hilde De Smet, Maria Van den Eynde, Katleen De Prins, Kristel Donkers, Anja Verhoeven, Leen Eeckhout, Shana Denorme, Erika Franckx, An Macouter, Hanne Kinne, Myriam Franckx, Andy Livens, Kyara Denorme, Ferun Kinne, Rein Voorspoels, Mattia Pujvani, Shana Denorme, Kobe Asselberghs, Ignace Terwage, Yannick De Louker, Geert Schelstraete, Hans De Weerdt, Sofie Lemmens, Robbe Van den Brande, Vincent Verhelst, Emma Van den Brande, Peter Devries, Marc Dockx, Niko Geens, Kristof Ceulemans, Ronny De Munter, Wim D'Hollander, Koen D'Haene, Sven Vervloet, Gie Lamber, Aad Versteden, Jesse Spiessens, Robbe Pluys, Quinten Prinsen, Glenn Dirickx, Ann-Sophie van Capellen, Jan De Kunst, Kristel Ceulemans, Lise Fol, Zoë Verschooten, Patrik Spits, Thibeau Spits, Catherine Spits, Lauranne Spits, Anke van Hoof, Gwen Symons, Lieze Masy, Laure Verstreken, Inge Teughels, Ingrid Vermeiren, Jutta Schroven, Kato Schroven, Julie Frans, Maud Geysels, Laura Van Dyck, Kheara Hendrickx, Jana Van Oosterwyck, Morgan Andries, Paulien Verhaegen, Anouk Briers, Lore Hellemans, Lotte Vervloesem, Fien Craenen, Bo van den Broeck, Marit Kets, Fleur De Vooght, Lynn De Doncker, Janne Vos, Louise Bertens, Laura Van Itterbeeck, Karolien Wauters, Nette Van Oosterwyck, Sytske Vermeulen, Renee Van Itterbeeck, Axelle Deprey, Maud Champagne, Jade Kerstens, Gabriella Van der Veken, Britt Agneesens, Laura Ritondo, Pheadra Van Kogelenberg, Lauke Robberechts, Aurelie Gevers, Evelien Snoeckx, Esther Snoeckx, Elke Snoeckx, Ellen De Reymaeker, Margot De Schoenmaeker, Marit Ramon, Mare Hens, Jozefien Hens, Tine Vermeylen, Amelie Van Camp, Laurien Lemmen, Julie De Wit, Axelle Van der Steen, Jade Quintin, Janne Schelfhout, Juliette Kennis, Femke Cauwenberghs, Jip Van den Zegel, Lene Ceulemans, Annelore Laevers, Louve Van Hoof, Frauke Van Lent, Eline Lemmen, Willemien De Wael, Kaat Schelfhout, Camille De Wit, Floor Bosmans, Ysmin Vanormelingen, Iris Vanormelingen, Julie Wauters, Amelie Vandenbergh, Kiara Bruneel, Amber Stoel, Indra Symons, Ilyas Afras, Maissan Boujida, Jolien Casteels, Selina Cesar Paixao, Beau den Toom, Luciana De Roovere, Naomi De Timmerman, Alizé Dewachter, Caro Frans, Alyssa Goedert, Lore Hellemans, Julie Hinninck, Nélia Lassouli, Lucas Leysen, Kaat-Fee Mathys, Marie Mertens, Jan Panasik, Alexie Pianet, Gitta Pouliart, Fleur Sterckx, Cedric Taveirne, Karlien Torfs, Axelle van der Steen, Marie Vangenechten, Sena Akarca, Femke Cauwenbergh, Olivia Ceunen, Faye Chan, Robine Dehaes, Fien Ingels, Kyante Jacops, Jade Kerstens, Anna Korsch, Janne Laurent, Boukje Lens, Jitse Liekens, Brent Op de Beeck, Frie Pinto Castanheira Lopes, Gitte Rodyns, Janne Schelfhout, Quinten Seymons, Elke Snoeckx, Marie-Anne Tansens, Thijs Van Overloop, Toon Vermeulen, Jarno Verschooten, Femke Versweyveld, Louve van Hoof, Dalia Dirlik, Evelyne Lemmens, Sofie Smekens, Jolien Buelens, Hannah Geerts, Siebe Stevens, Sara Blommaert, Jasmine Johri, Jo Op de Beeck, Jaroslava Sernavska, Lieselotte Beke, Mira Cools, Vic Van Ouytsel, Myrthe Engelen, Caprice Verhaegen, Jarne Droog, Bo Demeulenaere, Alexis Vissenberg, Ward Schoeters, Maurits van Buren, Loes Vercammen, Kara De Bakker, Magnus Tanssens, Nimke Borremans, Nysa Houman, Audrey Biesemans, Loran De Graef, Senne De Graef, Inaya Et-Taïbi, Ella Op De Beeck, Kobe Selders, Eline Viaene, Jakob Andries, Katinka Comyn, Warre De Bakker, Jenna De Ceuster, Janne Elsen, Billy Bob Hellemans, Inaya Rappoort, Kenji Vandekerckhove, Fleur Vertommen, Mats Verschueren, Heidi Van Dievel, Katja Rogiers, Natascha Knegtel, Kristien Pijl, An Mondelaers, Marc Marnef, Katrien Goetelen, Ingebord De Cooman, Kristien Pijl, Anne Belmans, leden Gezinsbond Katelijne-Pasbrug, Gwenny Blondé, Inge De Beuckelaere, Marleen Vekemans, Tina Vanderauwera, Isabelle Fossé, leden Gezinsbond Onze-Lieve-Vrouw-Waver, kindjes Buitenschoolse Kinderopvang, Jacques Wilms, Maria Buelens, Maria Cuykens, Denise De Cat, Hortanse De Wachter, Rita Dewals, Hilda Janssens, Jeanne Peeters, Lucien Pessendorffer, Gertha Portael, Swa De Kunst, Wim Van Engeland, Maria Scholdis, Godelieve Sterckx, Rita Van De Weyer, Maria Van Den Eynde, Maria Van Engeland, José Verrept, leden Okra Centrum, Leen Dries, leden Gezinsbond Sint-Katelijne-Waver, Chris Van Camp, Ghisleine Pelgrims, Bertha Daems, Maria Pluym, José Herckens, Elza Utterhoeven, Anna Herndrickx, Flora Gillis, Jeanne Van Dyck, J. Buelens, Jean Himpe, Simone Marcus, Joanna Verschueren, bewoners WZC Sint-Elisabeth, Paula Hofmans, leden Okra Goede Herder, Yente Belis, René De Munter, Theo De Vos, Ludo Govaerts, Karin Vervliet, Dag Kinne, 't Grom, Gidsen Sint-Katrien, Scouts Jan Breydel, School De Leerexpert, Transport Van Dievel, Wim Verhuur, Ivarem, Katelijne Motors, Fam. Van Den Zegel, Jan Broes, Alfons Hendrickx, College Hagelstein, Basisschool Hagelstein, Ben Andries, Dominique Baeten, Jos en Nicole Uytterhoeven, Luc en Astrid Uytterhoeven, Kerkfabriek Onze-Lieve-Vrouw-Waver, Ben Goossens, Ghislain Vansumere, personeelsleden gemeentebestuur Sint-Katelijne-Waver, politiezone Bodukap, KVLV Hagelstein, Landelijke Gilde Driekoningen, KLJ Hagelstein, BBC SKW, Rode Kruis, Cubic, Delimex, Kees Verwaard, Marc De Pauw, Georges Verschoren, Jan De Smet, Stef Lernous, Sven van Kuijk, Nick Kaldunski, Danny Blommaers, Hanna Scholiers, Seppe Janssens.
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Hans Lemmen (Dutch 1959)
First Rifle (2021)
Charcoal and chalk on paper (160 x 120 cm)
#hans lemmen#moving gallery utrecht#art on paper#dutch art#2020#works on paper#de getekende mens#archeology#rifle
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Igår var första dagen jag kunde lämna Rolex i transporten o gå bak utan att han följer efter, så jag har hoppat på lemmen, bonkat i väggar o grejer för att simulera transporkörning😂
Snart kan vi nog testköra våran första sväng 🥹
Rolle fick även följa med på släp runt byn igår bakom sigge o vagn, och nu börjar jag känna att jag kan höja svårighetsgraden så vi va förbi varenda stall i byn för att miljöträna inför den dagen man ska börja ta honom till andra hästanläggningar 😂 skötte sig som en prins!!
Stannade o snackade med massa trevligt folk på ridskolan då de va träningar där osv också. Målet att börja träna för tränare i vinter börjar närma sig. Måste bara ta tag i dendär jäkla tömkörningen mer 🙄
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Willem Forchondt and Willem van Herp - Noli me tangere -
Noli me tangere is the Latin version of a phrase spoken, according to John 20:17, by Jesus to Mary Magdalene when she recognized him after his resurrection.
A loose translation into English would be "don't cling to me" or "don't touch me." The original Koine Greek phrase, Μή μου ἅπτου (mē mou haptou), is better represented in translation as "cease holding on to me" or "stop clinging to me", i.e. an ongoing action, not one done in a single moment.
The biblical scene of Mary Magdalene's recognizing Jesus Christ after his resurrection became the subject of a long, widespread and continuous iconographic tradition in Christian art from Late Antiquity to the present. Pablo Picasso, for example, used the painting Noli me tangere by Antonio da Correggio, stored in the Museo del Prado, as an iconographic source for his famous painting La Vie (Cleveland Museum of Art) from the so-called Blue Period.
Willem van Herp (I) or Willem van Herp the Elder (variations on first name: 'Guilliam', 'Gilliam' and 'Guillaume') (Antwerp, c. 1614–1677) was a Flemish Baroque painter specializing in religious paintings and small cabinet paintings of "low-life" genre scenes. He operated a large workshop and through his good connections with Antwerp art dealers helped spread the Flemish Baroque style internationally.
Willem Forchondt, or Guillam Forchondt the Elder[1] (1608–1678) was a Flemish painter, cabinet maker and art dealer. His international art dealership played an important role in the spread of Flemish Baroque art in Europe and South-America. He changed the relationship between art dealer and artist by becoming himself involved in the organisation of the art production process.
He was born in Antwerp as the son of the ebony worker and art dealer Melchior Forchondt the Elder, originally from Breslau, and the brother of Melchior the Younger. Melchior the Elder made his name dealing in ebony cabinets that were decorated with oil paintings, that he commissioned from members of the Antwerp Guild of St. Luke.
Young Guillam grew up in this artistic milieu and became a member of the guild in 1632 as "winemaster", which meant his father was still a member at the time. Like his father he was also skilled as a maker of cabinets. When his father died in 1633 Guillam took over the business. He married Maria Lemmens on 3 August 1636. The couple had 8 children.
With the help of this network of family connections in Europe Forchondt was able to turn his father's business into an international art and luxury goods enterprise. The many clients of the Forchondt firm included prominent personalities of the time such as the Emperor of Austria and the Princes of Liechtenstein. Around 1700 Hans-Adam I, Prince of Liechtenstein acquired from the Forchondt firm two masterpieces of Rubens: the Massacre of the Innocents and Samson and Delilah.
As a painter Forchondt worked in the Flemish Baroque style of Rubens, Jan Brueghel the Younger, Joos de Momper and David Teniers the Younger clearly adapting his output to the demand in the market. Many of his works can be regarded as pastiches or reduced copies of works by Rubens. He is known to have collaborated on compositions with other painters such as Willem van Herp who painted the staffage. Forchondt enjoyed a high reputation for his design drawings for cabinets.
In the 1670s Flanders suffered a severe economic downturn due mostly to an invasion by the French. Guillam Forchondt and his brother Melchior the Younger weathered the crisis by becoming art entrepreneurs. They hired lesser painters and supplied them with the necessary materials to create group projects such as large commissioned copies of famous works, or large decorative objects as their father had dealt in. At one point, the Brothers Forchondt had 60 painters in their service for export to France, Austria, Spain and Portugal. Among the painters in their employ were Franciscus Hamers who became a member of the guild in 1674, and Peter van de Velde. Other painters such as Willem van Herp, Michiel II Coignet, Abraham Willemsens, Pieter van Lint, Simon de Vos and Gerard de la Vallée regularly worked for the Forchondts on various commissions.
There was at that time a great demand abroad and in particular in Spain for paintings in the style of the great Flemish masters such as Rubens and Anthony van Dyck. Art dealers such as the Forchondts who had a local representation in various foreign countries facilitated the trade in these paintings. The religious works were often painted on copper, a painting medium that was much appreciated in Spain, both because of its durability and its glossy finish. The group works created under the direction of the Forchondt firm played an important role in the spread of paintings on copper in Mexico where they were exported through Spain's trade with Latin America.
Though he probably did his colleagues in the Guild a service by creating production work and new export channels for sales, he was never referred to by name by the Dutch artist biographer Arnold Houbraken, who called him and his family the keelbeulen (cut throats) of Antwerp. Other artists and craftsmen likely regarded art entrepreneurs like Forchondt as persons who interfered in the artistic process without actually carrying out any manual work. The small ebony masters in Antwerp became so frustrated with Forchondt that they commenced litigation requiring that like them he pass a master test in order to retain his Guild membership. They likely did this to confirm the importance of this test to their status as craftsmen at a time when the more entrepreneurial organization of their craft (by dealers like Forchondt) threatened their position. As the son of a master, Forchondt had not undertaken any formal apprenticeship and likely had avoided the master test.
Guillam Forchondt died in Antwerp.
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Roger Ballen & Hans Lemmen / Unleashed / Exposition du 7 mars au 4 juin 2017, Musée de la Chasse et de la Nature, Paris.
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“Unleashed”: a collaboration of artists Roger Ballen and Hans Lemmen.
Born in 1950 in New York, Roger Ballen has lived and worked in Johannesburg for many years. There is no question that Roger Ballen is one of the most significant, idiosyncratic and influential photographic artists on the contemporary scene. Ballen’s pictures, shifting between documentation and fiction, both unsettle and captivate the viewer.
« Unleashed » : Unsettling, even brutal, this is Roger Ballen as never seen before, revisiting the depths of the human psyche in a project together with Hans Lemmen; a project remarkable in every respect. Living thousands of miles apart, the two artists have worked on each other’s works over a period of months. Photos and drawings have been exchanged and re-exchanged, dissected, made into collages, in part re-photographed and drawn over; an intense dialogue involving camera, scissors, charcoal and pen. The result is spectacular, transcending the boundaries across these several genres.
Hans LemmenVenlo, the Netherlands, 1959
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EBOOK EPUB KINDLE PDF Art Nouveau Tiles [F.R.E.E] [D.O.W.N.L.O.A.D] [R.E.A.D]
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Author : Hans Van Lemmen
Pages : 224
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Release Date :1999-10-8
ISBN :0847822273
Publisher :Rizzoli International Publications
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